Open the left menu of the Saumour. Somom Castle in France: Monastery, Inmpodent Fortress, Palace and Luxurious Prison

The city itself was the stronghold of Protestantism in the region, which allowed the city to flourish during the period of the Nantes of the Freedom of Freedom of Religion.

Of all the comfortable towns along the Loire, Saumour- The most elegant, with his elegant castle, refreshing sparkling wine and 250-year connections with the military. The Aristocratic French Cavalry Academy is still preserved in the city, and its heir is the Tank Corps of the Academy, so that at times in Somomur you can see the walking officers in uniform. After you look at Sumur's castle and his cellar of sparkling wines, there will be nothing to do here. But the Saumour himself is a comfortable place to ride the beautiful province in the West, or go east towards the province of Tourne.

Weather in Sumur:

History of Saumur:

Saumour reached his qualerich apogee during the reign of King Rene, and later, in the 16th century, he earned his bad fame as the Protestant fortress - frightened Louise Burbon, Abbatis of the FONTEVRAUD monastery, called the Sumur "Second Geneva" - as a potential competitor of this Oklotinism in Switzerland. The ruler of Saumur at Herrich IV and Protestant Pope Philippus Doupelesis-Morne helped release the Nantes of Edict, according to which freedom of religion was given. He founded the Protestant Academy, students and teachers who supported the miniature economy and a cultural boom in the city: Horse School at the Academy attracted Protestants, even from England and Holland.

When the Nante Edict was withdrawn in 1685, the Protestant population was forced to leave the city, and the Saumour himself survived only thanks to the river trade.

In 1767, Minister Choiseul suffered a national riding school to Somur, guaranteeing the preservation of horse traditional traditions. The school was expanded in 1824 and was renamed to the Kavaleriya Royal School (École Royale de Cavalerie); Now this is a military college with full name École d'Application De L'Armé Blindée et de Cavalerie, or academy tank case. The current luxury Sumura riding school is École d'Équitation is a civil institution located in the suburbs.

In the 19th century, thanks to the textile industry, local merchants are rich. Satyric heroine Balzac, reflecting the provincial-bourgeois society of Saumur, "Eugene Grande", left not the best mark on the reputation of the city, but the heroic defense of Loire in 1940 returned the city of Prestige in 1940.

Today, the well-being of Sumura is based on prosperous winemaking, tourism and horseback riding.

Get to Saumour:

Saumour Station:

  • Gare Sncf Avenue David D'Angers 49400 SAUMUR
  • Opening hours: Mon - Sat 4:30 - 23:00, VSK and holidays. 4:30 - 00:15
  • Ticket cash regulations: Mon - Sat 5:55 - 20:00, VSK and holidays. 8:05 - 21:45.

Timetable to Saumur:

  • Ligne 05 Nantes - Tours - Orléans TRAVAUX DU 04-01 AU 15-05 V5 DU 24-03 (PDF, 124.73 KO)
  • Ligne 19 Angers - SAUMUR - Tours Travaux DU 04-01 AU 15-05 V5 DU 24-03 (PDF, 124.73 KO)
  • Ligne 05 Nantes - Tours - Orléans DU 13-12 AU 02-07 V4 DU 24-03-16 (PDF, 172.93 KO)
  • Ligne 14 Les Sables - La Roche - Bressuire - SAUMUR DU 13-12 AU 02-07 (PDF, 153.67 KO)
  • Ligne 19 Angers - SAUMUR - Tours DU 13-12 AU 02-07 V4 DU 24-03-16 (PDF, 172.93 KO)
  • Ligne 26 Le Mans - La Flèche - SAUMUR DU 13-12 AU 02-07 (PDF, 2.19 MO)

Train Sumur - Angers:

  • Travel time: 21 - 33 minutes
  • Ticket: Standard ticket - 9.10 €.
  • Schedule:

Train Sumur - Nantes:

  • Travel time: 1:05 - 1:21
  • Ticket: Standard ticket - 22.90 €, Non-return - 15 €.
  • Schedule:

Navigate in Somomur:

Arriving at Saumur Station, you find yourself on the north shore of Loire. Turn right on Avenue David d'Angers and either sit on a bus # 30, going to the center, or cross the bridge and head to the île d'office on foot. From the island old Most Pont Cessart will lead you to the center of Saumur located on south Bank rivers. The bus station is here gare Routière., in multiple blocks from the place, on Place St-Nicolas. Tourist office Somura is located next to the bridge on Place De La Bilage.

The old quarter is located at the bottom of the city, between the castle and the Hôtel de Ville - the city mayor, which is impossible not to notice - a few steps east of the Pont Cessart.

You can rent a bike in Détours de Loire, 2 Ave David d'Angers, near the station.

Map of Sumura:

Sights of Somoura:

In addition to the magnificent castle, you can walk along the tiny quarter of the old city, described by another Balzak in his novel "Eugene Grande". Unfortunately, the historic cavalry school, now referred to as École d'Application de L'Armé Blindée et de Cavalerie, is closed for visiting. But in Somomur, you can admire the tray churches built in different epochs. Many tourists immediately go to the suburbs, where, surprisingly, are among the most interesting sights of Sumura.

Castle Sumura

Château de Saumur towers over the whole city. A collection dedicated to decorative and applied arts, painting, archeology and natural sciences was exhibited in the castle. In the Museum - Musée Des Arts Décoratifs - one of the best collections of porcelain in France, tapestries 15 - 18 centuries, and riding items are presented. Login € 6, in high season (July 1 - August 31) - € 7.

The castle was built initially in the 10th century, but the current construction was built mainly in the second half of the 14th century by Louis I, the Duke of Anjou, who tried to compete with his brothers Jean, Duke de Berry, and Karl V. The threat of looting from the English The soldiers forced the Masonicians to lay out on the full - they could not even stop for the holidays. After the death of Rene Anzhusky in 1480, the castle passed into possession of the French crown and began to gradually decline, used for different needs: as arsenal, prisons and ammunition warehouse.

The impregnable look of the castle was injured in April 2001, when a large piece of stellar-shaped fortifications added by Philippe Dupdessey-Morne, fell down to the river. The castle itself is built on a stronger foundation, but local authorities decided to spend a large program to restore the castle.

Visit Sumura Castle:

Low season: From April 1 to June 14 and from September 16 to November 2, from Tuesday to Sunday and on holidays 10 - 13/14 - 17:30.

Full price: € 6
Reduction: € 4
Family ticket (2 adults and 2 children or more): 18 €
The price of an adult group (from 12 people): € 4.5o
Group Concession (from 12 people): Minijakes 3.5 €

Full price: € 7
Reduced price: 5 €
Family ticket (2 adults and 2 children): € 20 (+ € 1 for each additional child)
Groups from 12 people: 5.50 €
Free for children under the age of 7

Nizhny city of Sumura:

The oldest and most atmospheric quarter of the Sumura is located around Place St-Pierre, ancient crossroads of roads and hearts of the city. From the 16th century, a pair of half-timbered houses has been preserved here, one facade of which is decorated with very life-like figures.

Tour Grénetière

On the Rue Fourrier and Uzhlis, coming south from Rue Dacier, then there are 16th century houses and earlier. On Rue Des Païns, Tower Tour Grénetière Preserved from the urban fortifications of the 15th century. Later it began to use it as a prison for those who tried to evade the payment of salt tax. You can climb to the top of the tower and admire the view of the Saumour from above (July and August Hedgehog, except Tuesdays, 10 - 13/14 - 17:30, 2 €).

Saint-Pierre Church

Saint-Pierre Church (Église St-Pierre)A little apart from Rue Haute St-Pierre (hedgehog 9 - 12/14 - 17) is highlighted by the facade of the counter-reformation period. It was built in the Somomer to make obstacle to the Protestant residents. Her unusual semi-romance, the semi-gothic interior is rather modest, although the seats on the choir are decorated with threads, and on the tapestry of the 16th century you can see a colorful image of St. Peter.

River shore

River shore Once it was outside the fortress walls, lively from river trading. Nowadays, there are only cars here, although you can stroll along the river under fortifications.

Morning Somoura

Somoura City Hall (Hôtel de Ville)Partially built in the 16th century, located on Quai Lucien Gautier, towers over the river. Next to her, you can try sparkling wines of Saumur in Maison Du Vin. Local staff will give you the addresses of winemakers and will advise the cellar that can be visited.

The two most interesting sights of Sumura, both churches are located on the outskirts of the Old Town.


South from the castle stands the oldest church in the town - NOTRE-DAME DE NANTILLY (hedgehog 9-18) - where you can admire the magnificent collection of tapestries 16 - 17 centuries. The church itself is beautiful in its rifle of the romance style, with a wide passage, supported by the walls of 4 meter thickness. Do not miss the statue of the Virgin Mary carved from the tree in the 12th century, which is now exhibited in the right transmit.


NOTRE-DAME DES Ardilliers, Located down the river on the eastern side of the city (hedgehog 8 - 12/14 - 18.30). The church was founded on the site of the source, now dried out where the pibeth statue was found miraculously in the 15th century. The church was devoted to Louis XIV, these typically grand baroque buildings, over which a huge dome with the rotond is rising, which was rebuilt after the bombing in June 1940. The oratorio's adjacent building earlier belonged to the theological college created to combat the dogma of the Protestant Academy. Now the clergymen in pensions live here, the school is for girls and the small commune of the nun.

Suburbs of Saumur:

Some of the top Sumura's sights are located in the suburbs, in particular, around the villages. ST-HILAIRE-ST-FLORENT, 2 km west from the center of Sumura. It is here that are the best selling of sparkling wine(Ackerman-Laurance, Bouvet-Ladubay, Langlois-Château, Gratien & Meyer and Veuve Amiot), as well Riding National School. And near Bagneux there are some of the most impressive dolmen in France. AT Musée des blindés. Collected a huge collection of tanks.

Where the Tue River is flowing into it.
In the vicinity of Sumura, 14 megalithic monuments are preserved, such as 5,000-year-old dolmen in a bunch. This is an ancient funeral monument in which important archaeological finds were made.
The name of Saumur comes from the words "Sala", which means "Wetlands", and the Latin Musurus - "City Wall". In the first half of the IX century. The first monastery of St. Florana was built here. Vikings under the command of the leader Khastaine burned it in 845, and in 958, the settlement of the Saumur and a new monastery appeared in his place. This year is usually considered the date of the founding of the city.
The settlement has grown around the castle of Count Tibo і de Blois (about 910-975) on the nicknamed Plut - the first graph of Blois.
In 1026, Saumur captured Fulk III HEPPA (970-1040), Count Anjou, the blood enemy of Blois graphs. And before the beginning of the XIII century. The city owned Anzhuitsa. Heinrich II often came to Somur - the first English king from the Anzhuy Dynasty of Plantagenets - with his wife Eleonor Akvitan. When planagenets in Somur built roads and a stone bridge over Loire. The king allowed the annual fairs in Somomur, who replenished the treasury of the city.
In the XIII century. The King Philip IV introduced a tax on salt (Gabel), which caused mass rebellion, including in the Somomer, which was chosen by the king for conducting vessels over tax defenserafts ("Salt Ships").
In the history of the knightly France, Saumour entered the place of the two largest knight's tournaments: In 1241, the French king Louis IX Saint (1214-1270) in honor of his brother made a tournament with the participation of six thousand knights and warriors who did not have a knightly rank. Another tournament is one of the latter in the history of European knighthood - held in Somomur in 1446 on the command of the king and the duke of Anjou Rena, good (1409-1480).
The Epoch of the Reformation, which began in the XVI century, caught the city rich in wine and fabrics. Protestantism quickly spread among citizens who have eased to get rid of the intervention in the life of Sumura Catholic Prelates, which influenced the municipal policy and to the economy.
With the beginning of religious wars, Saumour took the side of Huguenots, Catholic churches and monasteries in the city and the surrounding area were destroyed and looted, the prelates were expelled.
The city happily escaped the massacres of Huguenots when the Bartholomeev night occurred in Paris. Moreover, after this massacre, the Sumur sheltered the leader of Huggenov Henrich Navarre, who in 1589 entered into an agreement with King Heinrich III (1551-1589), and the Saumour was recognized as open and safe for Huguenots. The head of the city became Philippe Dupless Morne (1549-1623), nicknamed "Pope Huguenot." With it, the city was even more bloomed: a large Protestant temple was built, a castle was put in order and the Protestant Academy was founded, intellectuals from all over Europe hurt.
However, with the abolition of the Nange Edict in 1685, the persecution of Guenotov resumed, they began to leave the Saumour, and the city lost two thirds of the population.
In 1793, in the period of the Great French Revolution, the Saumour was first captured by the rebels - Wordians, then the Republicans who were executed on the guillotine of all in a row until the fall of the Robespierre power.
First world War Passed by Saumur, but during World War II, the city was subjected to cruel bombardments of German aviation in 1940 and Anglo-American in 1944

Wine and horses

Increased attention of the French kings to Sumuru is explained in the number of his geographical position. The city is located relatively close to Paris, halfway to the ports of the Atlantic coast.
If a medieval castle In Somomur became his symbol, then wine and horses - the main source of citizens.
The city is surrounded by picturesque landscapes, in the heart of the Natural Park Loira-Anjou-Turin, where the islands of the nature of the Mediterranean are preserved. And under the ground, in the thickness of limestone and the sewer, caves stretched at 1200 km. Here they are about 14 thousand, half is not investigated to this day, and in those that have already been studied, traces of the habitat of primitive man, stone tools of labor were found. Many galleries are used by Somoura wine-making enterprises to extract sparkling wines, and local farmers grow champignons in them, which are exported far beyond France.
Experts consider conditions for grapework in Somomur, almost ideal, and all thanks to the climate, which is transitional from moderate to continental, with hot and dry summer: air masses from the Atlantic get to these places, already losing a significant amount of moisture.
Grapes have begun to grow even in the Romans. The winery area located in the vicinity of the city of Saumur in the central part of the Loire Valley is known for the production of red, white and pink wine. White wines are produced mainly from the grapes of Shenen Blanc grapes, they are distinguished by increased acidity, and most of them go to the production of Sumur's foam wines produced by champagne method. Red and pink wines are manufactured most of the Cabernet Fran grapes.
Together with the winemaking, the production of lyters was developed, the fame of which was separated far beyond the limits of France.
But the symbol of Saumur is still not wine, but a medieval castle built on the high shore of the Loire in the eastern part of the old city. With the abolition of the Nantes of Cant, the departure of many Protestant residents and the general decline of Somura lost its greatness: under Louis XIV and Napoleon Bonaparte castle was a prison, and then the army warehouse, remaining private ownership. At the beginning of the XX century. The city bought the castle, restored and turned it into the museum. Sumur Castle - One of the Five Castles in the Valley of the River, one of the rest of the seven-day five castles in the river valley World Heritage UNESCO.
The oldest temple of the city is notre-ladies de Nantines, built in the first half of the XII century. It contains unique stained glass windows depicting the episodes of the sea battle of 1571 at the Radano between the Fleets of the Catholic Sacred League and the Muslim Ottoman Empire.
In 1999, at the entrance to the city, a 20-meter equestrian statue of cooked steel pipes was established, designed to indicate the fact that Somur is the center of equestrian sports in France.
The history of equestrian sports in Somomo starts with medieval knightly tournaments. In the XVI century Philippe Duplesi Morne, who founded the University of Protestant University in Somoma, discovered the riding academy at him. In 1763, King Louis XV sent a squad of the royal cavalry officers to the Saumour - the elite of the French army. In 1825, on the command of King Charles X Bourbon (1757-1836), the Royal Cavalry School was opened in Somomur - for military and civilians, which became the main keeper of the French traditions of equestrian sports.
At the beginning of World War II, the cavalry school officers and the townspeople-volunteers defended the city from the coming German army: the battle was going on a day and a half and became one of the most heroic pages in the history of Saumur.

general information

Location: West France.
Administrative location: Canton Sumur, Somom District, Maine and Loire Department, Larara Region, France.

Based: 958

Language: French.
Ethnic composition: French people.
Religion: Catholicism.
Currency unit: Euro.
Rivers: Loire, Tue.


Area: 66.35 km 2.
Population: 27,523 people. (2012)
Population density: 414.8 people / km 2.
Medium height above sea level: 57 m.

Climate and weather

The average temperature of January: + 4.5 ° C.
The average temperature of July: + 18.5 ° C.
The average annual amount of precipitation: 570 mm.
Relative humidity: 65%.


Industry: Food (Oil, Mukomolny, Fryer), Winemaking (Fleece Wines and Liquors).
Agriculture: Viticulture, growing champignons.
Field of services: tourist, transport, trading.



Regional nature Park Loire Anjou-Turen (1996), karst caves.


Dolmen Banjeu (4000-2000 years BC), Castle (X-XVI century), Town Hall (XVI century), Stone Bridge (mid XVIII century), Horse riding state school (1825).


Church de Saint-Lambera (X in.), Saint-Florender-de-Saumour Abbey (Osn. In 1026), Nothr-Dam de Nantine Temple (first half of the XII century), Saint-Pierre church (second Half XII - the beginningXIIII century.) Capella Saint-Jean (first half of the XIII century), Notre Dam de Ardilla (1534-1696).


Museums armored vehicles, horses, mushrooms, stones, enlightenment and engines.

Curious facts

■ In regional natural Park Loire Anjou-Turuine, stretching from Loire to Vienne, 30-meter shinone hills from white sandstone rises above the valley. These unique natural formations are in special temperature conditions, due to which Mediterranean vegetation (wild orchids) are preserved on them. animal world (Pernaya - Udod).
■ Dolmen in a bay is the largest of 4500 dolmens in France: length - 18 m, height - 3 m, width - more than 5 m. Dolmen from 16 vertically installed stone blocks is located on Earth owned by a private person, and itself is private property, Although access to it is open to everyone.
■ Count Tibo and De Blois - the first owner of the castle in Somomur - got the nicknames of the Plut from the contemporaries. The graph with extraordinary ease betrayed his senors. At first, he was a faithful vassal of Gugo Gigo (about 897-956) - the Duke of Frankov and Aquitaine, and then moved to the side of Lothar I (941-986) - emperor from the Caroling dynasty.
■ At the beginning of the XV century, during the age of century (1337-1453), the Saumour became the residence of the Queen of Iolanda Aragon (1379-1442), the spouses of the king and the duke of Anzhui Louis II (1377-1417). In 1428, in the struggle for the French throne, Iolanda Aragonskaya supported the National Hero of France Jeanne D ARK, paying the costs of her army.
■ In the era of the Reformation, the confrontation of citizens-Huguenov (Protestants) and Catholics from the environment of the king was so great that in 1565, when the French king Karl IX (1550-1574), accompanied by his mother Ekaterina Medici visited Anjo, the residents of Sumura refused Open urban gates for him. It was at this time that in Somur was the army of one of the leaders of Protestants - Prince de Konde (1552-1588).
■ For the construction of urban buildings in Somom, a tuff was used everywhere, produced in the Loire Valley. Possessing high decorative properties, easy to handle, this stone is a valuable finishing building material. But at the same time, he is fragile, because of what many details of the decor of Buildings of the Sumura have to periodically restore.
■ At the beginning of the XXI century. The facade of the southern wing of the castle in Somomur was restored as it was represented in the "magnificent partial school of the Duke of Berry" - illustrated manuscript XV century. In accordance with the image of the castle in the "magnificent partial school" on the slopes surrounding bastions, grapes grows. This contradicts the truth: in the Middle Ages it was forbidden to plant grapes on such a close distance from the fortress wall, since its roots destroyed its base.
■ During the Great French Revolution in 1793, the Notre Dame-de-Nantine Temple was turned first to prison, then it contained pigs, and in 1795 he opened a revolutionary mind temple.
■ Meeting of exhibits of the Museum of Armored Museum in Somomur - one of the largest in the world: 880 armored cars, 200 of them - on the go.

About Castle

Sumur Castle is one of the most beautiful and famous castles Loire. It is located in the Department of Man and Loire, on the merger of the Rivers Loire and Tue. Castle Somur has the kind of an irregular quadrangle, in the corners of which are the round towers. The Western and South Towers still retained the laying of the XIII century. The Eastern Tower is restored, the arch is decorated with coat of arms of the genus Anzhuy. Ancient and magnificent Saumour with their white towers, the walls sets the tone of the architecture of the whole city, towering over him.

This castle is so beautiful that the king poet Rene is good (Anzhui) chose him in order to describe the Love Castle in his novel "Heart, captured love. This castle was erected on an emerald rock. The castle walls were made of pure crystal, and at the end of each wall stood a tower made of ruby \u200b\u200bstones burning with bright light. The tower covered were platinum, and the house itself was covered with tiles of pure gold, on which the motto of the God of Love was derived to the enamel: "To the trembling heart." So the king Renee described the Saumour - one of the legendary castles of France.

History of the castle

In the heart of France, among the vineyards and lush green meadows lives their quiet and measured life of the ancient town of Saumour. Its name happened from the Latin "Sal Murus", which means "small fort in swamps".

Earl Anjou chopped this fortress at Tibald of the Deuts (Count de Blois). He completed even a weak tower, expanded, strengthened it. Then the Fort rebuilt Joffroi Platagenets. And in 1203 Philip Augustus included the Castle of Saumur to the composition of royal lands.

According to historians, during the regency of the Castilsk's forms at the site of Fort, a powerful fortress was erected, so that the French crown could return to Himer and Anju, lost at the conclusion of the Wandom Treaty. Military fortress Saumour was not long - only two years since the construction.

In 1360, Louis I Angesky received Somur to hold, and his efforts are old, the rude fortress acquires the traits of a country castle. The duke did not demolish the legacy of the ancestors, and decided only to make his own adjustments. He used the old plan of the building, without changing, but only complementing it. Based on round towers, he ordered the buildings of polygonal, providing them with high counterphorts that would support a pedestal belt with gear jams. The following changes occurred with a subsomul in 1454. According to the entrants and invoices that are stored in the National Archive, we can say that in the castle in 1454 - 1472 work was carried out. On their scale, gradation can be judged by the funds spent. Only two small vaulted rooms, located in the square tower, the chapel on the second floor and the alley running from the steep slope remained from the early buildings.

In 1480, after the death of King Rene, the duchy of Anjuician goes to the possession of the French crown. A royal garrison is placed in the castle.

Century later, due to the reformation, the fate of Sumura changes dramatically. Religious wars due to the Intrigue of the League and the Kospets of Spain, forced Henry III to ask for help from King Navarre. In the tour, an agreement was signed that Heinrich III is inferior to Navarrian King Castle Somur. The future of Heinrich IV gave military leadership to his friend and Ambassador Philippe Duplesi Morne.

In 1589, on April 15, Duplesi Morne introduces his garrison to the castle. A day later, Navarre King arrives in the Saumour. He, rejoicing that he received such a "tidy" Loire, gives a new governor to strengthen this place. To do this, the King Bartolomeo King engineer arrives in the fortress, he is entrusted with "nothing to be miser" to draw up a castle project and embody it into life. He builds urban fortifications, a fastep wall with teeth and sentigious towers, which still looks out the castle.

Arriving in Somur Morne with his family settled in the city house number 45 in Grand Ryu. But in 1596, he decides to settle in the castle because of the conspiracy of citizens, who threatened the ambassador to grab him and teach the massacre. To bring a castle to a suitable condition, Duplesi Morne had to spend a considerable amount, but these costs justified themselves. An experienced diplomat and a former military Morne to all of the time was also a scientist theologian. And in 1593, he created the Protestant Academy in the castle, which the whole century brought fame to the city.

Despite the fact that Morne was faithful to the crown, in 1621 he fell into disfavor. Louis XIII replaces him by the Catholic ruler and since then the Saumour ceases to play an important political and military role. For two centuries, he becomes a prison.

In the role of prison, Sumur's castle got great fame. It contained people of noble origin and title, which feared to the dungeon on secret denunciations. As a rule, these prisoners enjoyed free regime - they were allowed to have a servant or a small retinue, they could be in the city. Very often, these gentlemen were invited to the Lieutenant table of His Highness of the King, who "rules" by the settlement.

It is worth noting some faces who visited the prison castle. Admiral Kergelen for four years served here the punishment for the fact that in the open sea left his ship with people aboard. Marquis de Garden, famous for his relatives, stayed here for two weeks, before it was defined to prison Pierre-Anshiz. In 1779, at the time of the American War for independence in the castle, 800 prisoners of the British were languished. For the most part, these were sailors, which is proved abandoned on the walls of the signatures and the image of the ships.

In 1811 - 1814, restoration work was carried out in the castle. At this time, all the northeast wing was divided into cameras, as the engineer received an order not to forget that there should be a lot of insulated premises in prison. As soon as the prison began to work, the Temporary Government ordered to release all prisoners to freedom.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the city of Saumour bought the castle from the state for 2500 francs (the amount is insignificant) and decided to renovate it. This idea was embodied by the city and administration of the Academy of Fine Arts.

It was during the restoration that large fireplaces were found, the stained glass challenges, enamelled tiles, a coin on which Louis XIV is depicted.

Unfortunately, the restoration carried out very neatly and painstakingly could not recreate the magnificence and the grace that was inherent in Sumuru XIV century.

In 1912, the Municipal Museum opens on the second floor of the castle. The third floor holds an equestrian museum.

Information for tourist

April 01-June 30 and September 01 November 03: 10: 00-13: 00/14: 00-17: 30 (from Tuesday to Sunday)
July 01-August 31: 10: 00-18: 00 (from Tuesday to Sunday)

The cost of entrance tickets:
Adult - € 3
Children from 7 to 16 years - € 2.50
Children under 7 years old - free.

The city rose at the place of a small settlement, which was formed in the 4th century BC. The main attraction of Saumur is his castle, which is considered one of the architectural symbols of the Loire Valley.

Having stopped in Somura, you will get into the real French ancient town. Do not miss the opportunity. Book hotels in Somaur for this link. And excursions for the castles of Loire.

Sumur Castle

Sumur Castle was built in the middle of the tenth century. During its existence, it was used as a fortress, estate, the residence of the city rulers, prison and even as a military depot. The castle became the property of the city of Sumur in 1906 and after restoration work in it was equipped with an urban museum. Today, the Sumur castle is stored an extensive collection of medieval art, consisting of sculptures, furniture and French ceramics. There is also a horses museum, where you can see interesting exhibits associated with horse riding.

In the summer, Sumur Castle is open daily from 10.00 to 18.30, during the rest of the time it works from 10.00 to 17.30 all days except Monday. July to August entrance ticket It costs 7 euros, the remaining 6 euros.

Sights Somoura

Sumur Castle is the main decoration of the city, but besides him, there are other places worthy of attention. For example, the National School of Riding France is located in Somomur (near St-Hilaire-St-Florent). You can take a tour of the school to see how the best riders of France are trained, or see the view in which the school instructors are involved, known as the Elite Cadre Noir team, demonstrating an amazing dexterity and honed choreography.

There is a famous Tank Museum in Somur (Musée des Bindés, 1043 Route de Fontevraud), which presents a collection of tanks, guns and other types of weapons. The size of the collection is impressive: it includes more than 200 tanks and other types of combat vehicles from 17 countries. Ticket price - 8.5 euros.

If you are more interested in the architecture, you should visit the chapel of Our Lady Notre Dame des Ardilliers (Place Notre Dame), which for many centuries was the place of pilgrimage of Catholics.

You can also visit the Montsore Castle, mentioned in one of the most famous Duma novels. Montsore Castle is located about 12 kilometers from Sumura.

Vina Saumura

The journey to the Saumur will be incomplete without familiarizing with local winery, because the Loire Valley is famous not only with his castles, but also wine. The Saumour is famous for dry red wines from Cabernet Franc, which are distinguished by floral and fruit notes of violets and slightly misappropriate drains. One of the best red Sumura's wines - Domaine du Collier Saumur Rouge La Charpenterie.

Also recently, sparkling veins of Saumur are becoming increasingly popular, which are made from Chenin Blanc grapes, often with an admixture of Chardonnay. In this category, you should try Bouvet-Ladubay Saumur Bouvet Brut and Bouvet-Ladubay Saumur Saphir Brut.

White wines occupy a very small niche in the wine production of Sumura, the Chenin Blanc variety is used for their manufacture. If you prefer white wine, pay attention to Clos Rougeard Saumur Blanc Breze.

Where to eat in the dash

It is possible to taste local wines not only in wine farms, but also in Sumura restaurants. In the most popular restaurant of the city of Le Gambetta ( 12 Rue Gambetta.) There are several options for the menu, which include wine, specially selected to emphasize the taste of dishes. The average check will be 63 euros.

In l'amuse-bouche ( 512 Route de Montsoreau), Which is located on the saumur-champigny grape plantation, you can try the traditional French cuisine: fua-gras with a jam from figs, confess from duck, stew from eel, and for dessert - cream-brulet or chocolate fan with salt caramel. The average check will be 30 euros.

In the family bistro l'alchimiste ( 6 Rue de Lorraine) You will be treated with a simple home dinner - fried fish, beef in Burgundy, duck pate. The average check will be 20 euros, and the gourmets can try a special menu for 35 euros, which includes the best delicacies: oysters, fua-gra-gras, duck breast with spices, cheeses and a variety of desserts to choose from.

Where to stay in Saumur?

Although Somur is at all small cityHere there is accommodation for every taste. If you want to plunge into the luxurious atmosphere of French castles, you will probably like the rooms in the five-star Hotel Château de Verrières - the rebuilt castle of the 19th century surrounded by beautiful park. The hotel is close to the old town of Sumura. It has only 10 rooms, but in comfort, it will not give way to the most famous five-star hotels in Europe. It offers a heated pool, a fitness room, a massage therapist, a playroom for children, a closed park area and a bar with the best wines of Loire. The average price per night is 150 euros.

Have a good travel!

Sumur Castle (Château de Saumur) is near the flow of the Tue River to Loire in the Men-I-Loir Department.

Historical chronicles

The first military fort on the site of the Sumur Castle was built by Count Blois Tibo I in the X century. Later he was captured by the troops of the Count Anjuic, the new suzernet rebuilt and strengthened the fortress. In 1203, at Philip Augustus, an important fortress and the surrounding land became part of the royal domain.

In 1360, Louis I Angeysky rebuilds the fortress, while it acquires the traits of a country palace. At this time, instead of old round towers were built polygonal with counterphrints supporting them. In 1454-1472, the castle was subjected to even more significant changes, as a result of which only two small rooms remain from old buildings.

In 1480, Sumur's castle returns to the ownership of the French kings. During the religious wars, Henrich III for the sake of imprisonment with Navarroi is forced to give Him Henry Navarre, who passed in 1589 by the Department of F. Duplesi Morne. Under his leadership around the castle, the fortress walls in the form of a star and guard towers on the project of the Italian architect Bartolomeo are erected.

With Louis XIII, the owner of the castle Saumour enters disfavor and deprived of his possessions, and the castle for two centuries becomes a prison. Among his most famous prisoners Admiral Kergelen and Marquis de Garden. In the XVIII century During the war for the independence of American colonies, about 800 British became prisoners. In 1811-1814, the prison was expanded due to restructuring and separation on the camera of the right wing of the castle.

At the beginning of the XX century. Syneur's mayor's office bought a castle from the state for 2,500 francs. During the last after this restoration, the stained glass chants and fireplaces of the castle were restored. In 1912, part of the halls of the Castle Sumur were submitted to the Regional Historical Museum.

Features of the castle architecture

According to the initial plan, the Sumur castle was built around the perimeter of the rectangular yard of the wrong shape. At his corners were erected high towers. In the walls of South and western Tower The XIII century was preserved. In the central part of the fortress, you can see the foundation of the dongon of a medieval castle built in the Romanesque style.

On the northwestern side of the castle is located main staircase, a little protruding outside the main volume of the main building. During the restoration of the castle at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. According to the old drawings from the "magnificent character", the decor of the southern wing of the Sumur Castle was restored. At the same time, chimneys, silicon films and pinakli were restored.

Museums of Castle

The collection of the Museum of Decorative Art includes collections of works of masters and artists since the days of Middle Ages to the Renaissance. In several halls of the museum demonstrates French porcelain and faience XVII-XVIII centuries., Products with Limoges enamel, antique furniture, tapestries, church utensils and versions of priests.

The exposition of the second museum, also illuminated in the walls of the castle, illuminates the historical stages of the use of a horse in different countries of the world. The museum exhibits are distributed across several sections in which horse hardens are collected, the collection of works of art devoted to this animal and highlights the main directions of the use of a horse in the army, transport, agriculture and industry.

See also: