Ancient bridges in the world. The most unusual bridges of the world

Part 1.
The head of the Catholic Church of Pope is also the title "Pontiff Maximus", which means the "great builder of the bridges" and indicates the role of an intermediary between heaven and land, the time of its board is called "Pontifitis".
This title appeared in ancient Rome, when the Supreme Priest simultaneously served in the temple and supervised the bridges.
That is, in antiquity on the bridges looked at the sacred symbol, the road to God.
Over time, the bridges have become not only a demonstration of the magnitia of engineering thought, but also one of the most beautiful creatures of a person.
1 Devil's Bridge in the Rhodope Mountains, Kardzhalya region in the south of Bulgaria

Bridges are embodied engineering genius of man.

Ancient and mysterious bridges look so mysteriously that, it seems, they lead to another world.
3 Taiwan, Lunar Bridge in Taja Park, Taipei City

I consider paintings of the ancient bridges, the time disappears.
The gone pratvilization comes in its magnificence.
Why does everything that is connected with that that has gone pardricivilization?
Considering bridges, aqueducts, viaducts, Arches found an answer.
I saw another time.
I saw that the mountain river flows, people came full of love for nature, dignity, respect for everything essentially. The main Magi or Magheva looked at her subtle vision and saw in a future bridge in an unsecured world.
He explained to his relatives that he sees. And praying to his gods, nature, asking allowing, they made the bridge. And these bridges are great so far, so far they carry the harmony of those people-creators of the departed pratvilization.

In this post, I want to show the incomprehensible beauty of the ancient bridges.
The bridge is called Devil's Bridge or Die Rakotzbrücke. Built in 1860, along with other stone structures Kromlauer Park, which in Germany. The bridge and its reflection is the circumference of almost without fractures, regardless of the observation point.
For more than one and a half centuries, this place is striking all visitors with its accuracy, painting, and even mysticity. Next, 6 photos are Rakotzbruck
5 China, Bridge in the Huangshan Mountains, Anhui Province

6 This is the bridge Rakotzbruck

7 other angle Rakotzbruck

8 Rakotzbruck Bridge Composition is complemented by concrete
pillars like flickering the rock of the devil in America




Portugal, arched bridge to the castle on the island, Berenga, Penic

Monumental bridge

Elegant bridge, road to God

15 St. Petersburg, Tsarskoye Village, Ekaterininsky Palace. The park has a magnificent "marble bridge." Now on the restoration.


17 Roman Bridge Kangas de Oneis, Spain

Ancient Bridge, Portugal




Ponte della Maddalena, Borgo and Modzano, Italy

Bridge, Rakotzbruts, Germany

24 Hermitage Bridge, Scotland


Ancient Bridge, Armenia

27 Bridge Mizarel, Gersheh, Portugal


29 Reconstruction from above


31 One of the most beautiful

USA Rainier Mountain

China, ancient bridges of immortal


Turkey Kemer

Middle Ages, Sandro Botichelli, the bridge is already there

Francesco Gardi, three-time bridge

Modern bridge, no beauty, no harmony


41 France, Aqueduct Pont du Gora



Scotland, landscape is enlarged, Canyon walls are processed

45 Scotland, Viaduct Glenfinnan, just a miracle



The invaders of the Earth are very afraid that we do not know the truth about our
quite recent history. Very afraid - it is very gently told.
To conceal this stunning truth, they developed and imposed
humanity - outside the national and religious framework - the so-called
scientific worldview in which there is no truth, is huge
number of lies and insidious logical traps; Supported by all the power of informational accompanies.
Our recent story is an excellent illustration of at what level
there was a human civilization before infection; What global global
cataclysms and most severe ways are incredible greatness and splendor
was destroyed; And what vicious ways are kept in ignorance
Regarding this information.

Bridge Ponte Milvio

The most common bridge in the world is MCT, located in Rome called Ponte Milvio, transfered through the Tiber River, which has been about 2100 years. The first mention of Ponte Milvio Bridge (Ponte Milvio) dates back to 207 BC. e. - These are the times of the 2nd Punchy war between the Carthage and Rome. Approximately 110-109 BC By decree Marco Emilio Scairo built this stone bridge.

As a defensive structure

Ponte Milvio Bridge is known for the fact that the battle between Konstantin and Maksenciim occurred on it in 312. In ancient times, Flaminieva took place through the bridge (Via Flaminia), the road, which was sent to the Adriatic Sea and connected Rome with the city of Arimineum, modern name which Rimini.

All his history Ponte Milvio Bridge was an important defensive structure. In 538, during the battle between the Byzantine Expeditionary Corps of Veliar and Goths, the bridge was significantly destroyed.

Long story

In 1335, during an armed conflict of Orsini, the column of the bridge was again damaged. The last time Milvio Bridge was completely destroyed by the troops of Garibaldi in 1849. It was restored only in 1870.

Milvio Bridge is also known for the fact that many triumphs and conquerors passed in Rome, for example: Karl Great in 799, who went to Rome for coronation and Julius Caesar, going through Rubicon.

Until 1956, the Milvio bridge was a car movement, while he was not included in the list of protected monuments of Italy. Now Milvio Bridge can only cross on foot. Its length is 136 meters.

Bridge for lovers

Ponte Milvio today connects the historical part of Rome with the peripheral areas of the city. To date, Ponte Milvio Bridge is known for being visited by the couples in love, in order to capture their feelings, they hang locks on the lampposts of the bridge, and the keys are thrown into the river (so that no one can break their love).

A few years ago, one of the lamp pillars of the bridge fell under the weight of the castles, and in 2007 the authorities were decided to remove thousands of these marriage fortress symbols from the bridge, but the public opposed this promotion, and the threshing of the castles remained in their places, caught new ones.

When we think about buildings that have survived to this day, we usually remember the Colosseum that falls the tower in Pisa and the pyramids. But what about the facilities that are used - in their intended purpose - so far?

While most of the ancient facilities received a second life as tourist attractions, an ordinary unassuming bridge can maintain its original purpose over the centuries.

There are many bridges that were erected hundreds of years ago and are still used in everyday life in our days due to the fact that they were built on the century.

While the old bridges are most often destroyed due to natural disasters, explode during wars or burn as a result of tragic disasters, bridges from this list have survived the century, relatively without changing.


The Romans built a lot of things that endured the test of time. Thanks to their rigid and efficient construction methodology, several important structures raised to the Roman era are worth this day. If you want to carefully inspect and explore the fruits of their handmade, then go to Rome and visit the factory bridge.

The bridge was built by Luziem Fabrizim in 62 BC, probably instead of the burnt wooden bridge. It can be said, Luchi ordered him to build, as he wrote it on the bridge in four different places.

In 21 BC Two Consul, Mark Lolly and Quint Emily Lepid, corrected the bridge so that it is better preserved after the flooding that happened in 23 BC. True, which improvements were implemented, it is not specified anywhere.

Perhaps it was a superstructure of a small arch on a bridge that weakened the pressure during flooding. Probably, only this helped the bridge to continue for centuries.

9. Ponte Vecchio (Ponte Vecchio), Florence, Italy

Built in 1345, Ponte Vecchio Bridge is located in Florence (Italy). He was erected instead of a wooden bridge, which could not stand it during the flood, so still preserved in his pristine splendor.
An interesting feature of the bridge Ponte Vecchio (which translated from Italian means "Old Bridge") is a vaulted gallery with shops. Today, jewelry and various souvenirs are sold here, and in the Passage there were shops of butcher. Actually, due to merchants, fish and butchers who traded here in the XV century, there is still an unpleasant smell on the bridge.

Considering that at that time, Florence became the capital of Renaissance, the Great Duke Ferdinand I banned the sale of meat and fish on the bridge, ordering only the shops of gold and silver work masters, which created the city an attractive image, contributing to an increase in the flow of rich foreign tourists.

The bridge would hardly live up to the present, if it were not for the act of respect shown during World War II. When german soldiers They left the city, they exploded all the bridges during the retreat. Ponte Vecchio Bridge is the only bridge that they did not move, preferring access to it than himself.

8. Rialto Bridge (Ponte di Rialto), Venice, Italy

The Italian Bridge was erected in 1591 on the site of a collapsed wooden bridge. He was designed by the architect Antonio de Ponte, which in the conditions of rigid competition participated in the competition for best project Bridge along with such outstanding architects as Michelangelo, Palladio, Vigola.

Unfortunately, after the bridge was built, he did not meet an enthusiastic reaction among the locals. From the side of critics, he received both praise, and contemptuous ridicule, sharply condemned his design - "unstable and immutable". The same attention was attracted to the Eiffel Tower after it was built.

Despite criticism, the bridge remained almost untouched since its appearance. Considering that he had to have a 7-meter arch, the galleys could swim beneath it, and also to be strong enough to accommodate a number of shops in the center, it should have been structurally stable and durable. The Rialto Bridge is so durable that during the riots in 1797 he was shot from the guns.

7. Bridge Hadju (Khaju Bridge), Isfahan, Iran

Construction of this bridge built on the foundation of the old bridge in 1667, began by order of Shah Abbas II. As a bridge, he performs its main goal - allows people to go through the Zayndeh River River, but it also has a different application. The Hajji Bridge also functions as a dam (and has gateways), and its most interesting use has a social aspect.

Despite the fact that we are not accustomed to bridges that should be used as a place for public meetings, it did not stop Shah Abbas II in an attempt to build one of these. Along the bridge, you can still see impressive drawings and patterns of ceramic tiles. In the middle, a pavilion was built so that Shah Abbas II and his court could enjoy a picturesque landscape.

Nowadays, a cafe and art gallery are located in the pavilion. A stone seat was installed in the pavilion, sitting on which Shah Abbas II enjoyed the view of the river. This place is still in the same place, but already in the form of remnants of the victims.

6. Shehara Bridge (Shaharah Bridge), Amran, Yemen

Shexra Bridge (or "Bridge of Sighs", as many of it is called), built in the XVII century, is located at an altitude of 200 meters and connects two mountains - Jabel Al Emir (Jabal Al Emir (Jabal Al Faish).

Local residents whose houses were located on the slopes of both mountains, it was difficult to get to visit each other, because for this they had to come down from one mountain and climb another. The bridge was elevated in order to combine two villages on both sides of the deep gorge, thereby saving time and efforts of local residents.

It was not just a dangerous area for vehicle. Given that it was the only entrance to the city of Shekra, the bridge was to be reinforced to reflect the attacks of Turkish invaders. They say that local residents Know the way to destroy the bridge at any time, isolating residents from danger.

Today, Shekra Bridge is the main tourist attraction and continues to serve local residents as a valid bridge.

5. Bridge Jendere (CenDere Bridge), Escake, Turkey

Also known as Sevelran, the bridge was erected in the second century by the four cities of the Commagest Kingdom. The bridge was built in honor of the Roman Emperor Septimia of the North (Septimius Severus), his wives of Julia and their two sons - Karakalla and Geta. Being one of the most ancient, it is also the second most long bridgebuilt by the Romans.

On each side of the bridge, two columns are tested, personifying members of the imperial family: the North and Julia on the one hand and Karakalla and Geta - on the other. If you happen to visit the jandere bridge, then you will see that the column personifies the Heta is missing.

All because Karakalla killed Geta because of the permanent rivalry, as they say, right on the hands of the mother. Moreover, Karakalla came so far that he ordered to kill all the friends and allies of Geteta, and he ordered to destroy any mention of the heritage of Geta as a final strike of the heritage of the heritage, so that his name was erased from history - including a column, symbolizing the GETU.

4. Bridge Anji (Anji Bridge), Shijiazhuan, China

Anji Bridge, erected in 605, is the oldest bridge in China. Bridge whose name is translated from chinese Language Means the "Bridge of Safe Crimp", one can say, was built on the century.

It was designed to become one of the best in the world. At that time, he was considered technically progressive, as he had the biggest arch. Given that it is still strong enough, it is obvious that the Anji Bridge, being a very ambitious structure, was built not to the detriment of its appearance.

By the way, the bridge passed much more than just checking the time. He managed to stand after 10 floods, 8 wars and countless earthquakes, and repair work was required for it only 9 times for the entire documented service life.

3. Saint Angel Bridge (Ponte Sant'angelo), Rome, Italy

Built by order of Emperor Adrian in 136, the Bridge of the Holy Angel is one of the most famous in Rome and one of the most beautiful.

To some extent, the emperor built the bridge for the sake of his own vanity, as its main purpose is to combine the entire city with the Mausoleum Adrian, the Castel Sant'angelo castle.

One of the most beautiful improvements of the bridge occurred after a lot of centuries after the death of the emperor. In 1668, the Italian architect and sculptor Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini (Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini) decorated the bridge over the entire length of the ten statues of Angels, two of which he created personally. Each of the angels keeps the symbol of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in his hands. Even now, after a few centuries, the bridge and angels are still standing, being a famous and excellent attraction.

2. Tarr Stars (Tarr Steps), Exmur, England

Tarr Peres (known as "Mostki") is a crossing of the plates on the stone support. Given the construction of the bridge, it is difficult to say when it was built: it is assumed that in the period from 3000 BC. Until the times of the Middle Ages. The first documentary description of the bridge was made during the times of the tudors, that is, at least at the end of the XV century.

About Tarr Peres walks the legend, as if he was built by the devil himself, who had to kill everyone who would dare to cross him. Then the locals, wanting to check the theory, sent a cat on him. The cat evaporated. Then they sent vicaria through the bridge so that he met the Devil in the middle of the bridge. After they agreed, the devil said that anyone can use the bridge, but if he wants to use this place to enjoy sunbathing, the ban on the use of the bridge will be resumed. So if you want to go through the packed Tarr Peres, first make sure that there is not a sunbathing devil on your way.

Unfortunately, Tarr Peres is a small exception among bridges, stood intact over the centuries. Given that stones are not the best foundation, some of them were demolished as a result of floods. For this reason, all the stones were numbered, in such a case, they could be installed back to where they lay, in order to retain their authenticity. Despite the fact that some stones have already been installed several times, it is still technically the same bridge.

1. Bridge Arkadik (Arkadiko Bridge), Argolina, Greece

This bridge is the oldest of the preserved arched bridges, which is still used in their direct intended purpose. It is assumed that it was built during the Greek Bronze Age, in 1300-1200 g. BC.

During the Mikhana civilization, the bridge was part of the military road, which was running between the cities of Tirinf (Tiryns) and Epidaurus (Epidauros). The width of the bridge is almost 2.5 meters, which is much wider than the usual pedestrian bridges. According to historians, the bridge was designed in such a way that chariots could pass on it.

What makes it even more impressive, this is that it was completely constructed from limestone stones without the use of any binding substance. This means that the bridge Arcadic is solely due to the skill of his builders stood three thousand years since the time of the Mycena Civilization, and preserved to the present day.

On March 29, 1998, the Vasco da Gama bridge across the Teous River was opened in Portugal. This bridge, which is the name of the Portuguese navigator, has become the longest in Europe, stretching at 17.2 km. He did not lose his title to this day.

Mulviev Bridge (Ponte Milvio) - Bridge over the Tiber River connecting Rome and Rimini. The mention of the wooden bridge at this place refers to 207 BC. e., the stone was built a century later. Since its foundation, the bridge has become important in militarily. Roman legionnaires were trained there, and the commander collected troops for the defense of the city or conquering campaigns. Next to the bridge were the camps who intended to conquer Rome. In Mulviev Bridge, Guy Julius Caesar, who passed Rubikon, and Karl the Great, went to Rome to revive the empire. For a long time, the bridge was part of the transport junctions of Italy, but in 1956 he was declared an antiquity monument. Now it is open only for pedestrians.

Ponte Vecchio (IT. - "Old Bridge") - Bridge over the Arno River and one of the symbols of Florence. On both sides of the bridge, houses are crowded in which stores settled. Trades in this place for several centuries. Initially, there were benches with meat and leather goods. But because of the smell and abundance of garbage they soon replaced the shops of jewelers. Ponte Vecchio is the most ancient bridge of the city. The first bridge in this place was built in the ancient Roman era. It took the modern appearance in 1345. It is also the only bridge in Florence, which remained unharmed during World War II.

Bridge Capell Bruck in the Swiss city of Lucerne - the oldest wooden indoor bridge in Europe. It was built in 1365 as a defensive corridor connecting the fortress structures on different shores of the Ruses River. Next to the bridge is the octagonal tower Wasserurm, which served as a watchtown, dungeon and torture. Under the roof of the bridge, it was initially possible to see 111 triangular pictorial paintings reflecting the most important events in the history of Switzerland. Now pictures are smaller, and these are predominantly reconstructed images: 78 originals destroyed the 1993 fire.

Charles Bridge is a bridge over the Vltava River in Prague, opened in 1380 and five centuries called Prague. According to the legend, the first stone of the bridge was laid by Karl IV on July 9, 1357 at 5:31 am. Time and date he was advised to choose astrologers: a combination of a year-day-month-hours-minute is a Palindrome 1357-9-7531. In the Middle Ages, believed that the Bridge had the century would be at such a moment. And indeed, Charles Bridge survived during all floods and cataclysms. Another legend says that it was from this bridge that they were dropped in the bag of St. Yana Nepomotsky, who did not want to give the king's confession to the confession. At the same time, eyewitnesses argued that the glow in the form of five stars saw above the body of the body's immersion. Since then, the saint is depicted with five stars above the head. There is also a belief that, if you touch one of 30 bridge sculptures and make a desire, it will surely come true.

Blue bridge over the river washing in St. Petersburg connects Isaaciavskaya Square with Altelonko Alley and the Ascension Avenue. Due to a record width (97.3 m), this bridge is often perceived as part of the area, and in the literature it can even be found the term "bridge-square". The name "Blue" comes from the color of a wooden lifting adjustment bridge built in 1737 at this place. A little later, stone supports added to him, in 1818 they made a cast iron, and in 1842 rebuilt finally. In this form, the bridge has been preserved to this day.

All who study english And she came to the topic "London's sights", be sure to see a photo of the Tower Bridge in the textbook. This is an adjustable bridge over the Thame, built in 1894. Its two thousand-wall wings can rise almost to the vertical position - at an angle of 83º. Over the wings at an altitude of 44 m are galleries, to get into the stairs inside the towers. These galleries were created in order for pedestrians to cross the river even during the bridge divorce. However, quite soon there began to actively industrial pocket thieves. For this reason, in 1910, the galleries were closed. They once again opened in 1982, already as a museum and observation deck.

The city of Leuwarden in the Netherlands due to a lively river and road traffic was required bridge, capable of raising quickly and descending, without creating congestion. So in 2000, the original lifting bridge Sloeherhof from iron and steel appeared above the Harlinger River. He is named in honor of the Dutch poet and the novelist of the XX century, the Dutch poet and the novelist of the XX century. The square platform of the bridge with dimensions of only 15 × 15 m rises and falls 10 times a day with the help of hydraulic forces. The upper part of the platform is part of the motorway, and the bottom is painted in yellow and blue - the colors of Leuwarden.

The creators of the Gateshead Millennium Bridge in the UK since 2001 received a total of more than 30 premiums for architectural and engineering solutions, five of whom - for the design solution of night illumination. The bridge is also depicted on a 1 pound coin. The construction consists of two arches connected cable. One of them is a pedestrian walkway, under which small ships can pass. The second in the peak comes to a height of about 50 m. To skip a large vessel, the arches rotate 40º around its axis, and one (pedestrian) rises, and the other descends. This turn is called the "winking eye". It is repeated about 2000 times a year.

Magdeburg "Water Crossroads" in Germany connects the Elba-Hafel channel with the middle-member channel, passing over the river Elbe at an altitude of 90 meters. Before the opening of this water bridge in 2003, ships had to make a hook of 12 km through other gateways. The main part of the bridge is a metal ship-lined with reinforced concrete, 32 m wide and a depth of 4 m. This gone is combined with a pedestrian 10 m wide. The aqueduct is stretched by 918 m and is the longest not only in Europe, but also in the world.

Built in 2004 in France, Viaduct Miyo (Bridge over the clouds) for almost a decade was considered the most high bridge in the world. It is made in the form of a semicircle with a radius of 20 km and a length of 2560 m. The bridge consists of eight spans and seven concrete supports. Its road canvas raised 270 m above the ground, and one of the towers reaches 341 m in the peak. This is above the Eiffel Tower and only 40 m below the Empire State Building in New York. The record holder Opened in 2012, the suspension bridge Aizhai Extra Large with a height of 355 m in China.

The Bridge Trif-Bridge was built by an energy company for installation work in the vicinity of the Trofty Glacier in 2004. After five years it was reconstructed, amplifying the steel cable system, and discovered for free visits. The bridge is located on Mount Titlis at an altitude of 3041 m, in length is about 100 m, and in the width - only 1. When walking the bridge, it shares a little, which adds sharp sensations. Designers assure that it is impossible to fall with Trif-Bridge, since it is able to withstand the gusts of the wind to 200 km / h and a lot of snow to 500 tons. But, just in case, they open it only in windless weather.

Curly Bridge (Rolling Bridge) in London is pedestrian bridge 12 meters long. True, six days a week he is an octagon of wood and steel. Every Friday since 2005, under the action of the bridge built-in hydraulic pistons, the bridge unfolds. The mechanism resembles a caterpillar, which, according to the architect of Thomas Hegerwick, and inspired him to create a bridge.

This honorary title is wearing a picturesque bridge in the North-West of Moscow, opened in 2007. Unlike most bridges, it crosses the Moscow river under an acute angle, that is, it is located preferably along the river. The bridge design has no analogues: the road part is suspended on guys (steel cables) to a huge red arc. Its height is 105 m. From above on the arch, a glazed observation deck is hanging in the form of an ellipsoid. Initially, this ellipsoid was planned to open a restaurant, but they refused the idea. To stalk observation deck It was not covered with snow and ice, they were equipped with an electric heating system. You can be reached on a special lift from the gallery at the base of the bridge.

Moses Bridge, opened in 2011 in the Dutch city of Halster, is a bridge-trench, whose pedestrian flooring is below the water level. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe bridge echoes the biblical plot about the prophet Moses, in front of which the waters of the Red Sea. This bridge was built during the reconstruction of Fort Roy Owl - part of the Brabant line of the XVII century facilities, guarding Holland from the invasion of France and Spain. At that time, some cities and villages were connected and strengthened with shafts, the land for which he was flooded. In the XIX century, these structures became memorial zones - organically inscribed in the local landscape tourist routeswho preserved their original purpose. The bridge is made of specially treated and resistant wood wood. Moreover, on both sides of the RVA there are additional shafts that remove excess water. Therefore, the water level in the Republic of Rail remains unchanged, and the bridge itself does not wet during the rain.

One of the attractions of the Dutch city of Eindhoven is a round rotating bridge Hovenguring for pedestrians and cyclists. It was opened in 2012 to cope with the increased burden on the intersection, and has no analogues in the world. Bridge diameter - 72 meters. In his middle there is a 70-meter support, from which 24 steel ropes depart to the bridge. There is the engine. Since Eindhoven is positioned as a city of light, designers took care of the lighting of the bridge: LEDs are built into the bike ring, railings, ropes and central support.

Building bridges in Russia began a long time ago. The oldest of them thanks to the abundance of forests chuckled from a tree. The first bridges were simply deployed from the shore of the trees (Fig. 209). As the city's growth and growth of cities grow and enhanced the 19th century, construction art was also improved.

The extraordinary skill of Russian carpenters was the attention of foreign travelers. Jean Soviet Diffan, who visited Russia, notes: "The fence of Arkhangelsk is a castle, built from logs of pointed and cross; Building it from the logs is excellent; There are no nails, no hooks, but everything is so well decorated that there is nothing to lose, although the builders of Russians all the tools consist in some axes; But no architect will do better as they did. "

In "Russian Pravda" (1020) there is a special article "On Mobile". In the troops of Yarosdaw Wise (1019-1054) there was a special estate of military builders who were called "Gosnikov" - builders of fortresses, "Mosnikov" - builders of bridges and crossings and "vicious craftsmen", arranged different types of cars (vice) for the siege of fortresses . Under their beginning there were workers: "Carpenters, antiquity, Nimites, Delovtsy." Thus, at the beginning of the XI century, Russia had qualified masters - specialists in various fields of construction. The most common type of bridges on large rivers There were floors, the so-called "live" bridges, consisting of a number of rafts, boats or bars who supported the flooring. A similar flood bridge over the Dnieper in Kiev was built with Vladimir Monomakh in 1115. For that time, this bridge was a wonderful engineering structure.

With its skill of the "antodips", Novgorod, about the artistic taste and decrease in which the samples of the remarkable skill of their successors are testifying to the north. Famous bridge Through the Volkhov River - the place of solving the junction of Novgorod residents (Fig. 210) - had supports in the form of cutters, gorge with the top through part. It relied on her log layered (Fig. 211) of the canvas.

A span, adjacent to the urban wall, was usually lifted and called the removal bridge. The first chronicle indication about the device of lifting bridges belongs to 1229. The lifting mechanism consisted of a rocker rolling between the columns (strokes) and chains.

The ravines and small rivers overlapped somewhat double or triple nearby log-cutting walls - fences connected by transverse rows of logs (Fig. 212).

Such a design existed even at the end of the XVIII century on the Archangel Horn tract, which the reduced drawings reflect. Openers remained on the interlevial \u200b\u200bbed for the free passage of water, often at the complete height of the fence, and the bridge was obtained, the foundations of which were represented by a two- or three-row through wall. Spring water took place in equity horizontal gaps between the adjacent rows of logs. The next step was bridges with ripples from solid walls, which were filled with stone or land. One of the preserved bridges of such a Tina is given in Fig. 213, 214. It is located on r. Ken at the village of Ovchinkinets (Fedorovskoe). To reduce the span, they were produced in the form of consoles. One of the bridges with such issues (Fig. 215) in the Caucasus in the Sukhum road has been preserved.

Tatar invasion delayed the development of Russian engineering art and in particular the construction of bridges.

The exception was only Novgorod and Pskov, not affected by the invasion of the Tatar Horde. In the XV-XVI centuries, Pskov chances worked in other cities were especially famous in Russia.

During the strengthening of the Moscow Principality, during the process of unification of the Russian state, the construction of bridges is reborn.

A considerable role was played by bridges for military operations. In Dmitry Donskoy During the siege, Tver was invited a bridge over the Volga, and during the war with Tatars - through Don (1380). More than once they guided such bridges and in Novgorod. During the struggle about Moscow, a wooden floating wall on Volkhov (1477) was built here. It is known that during the hike of Ivan III, they also have a floating bridge at Novgorod. "Alive" were the first wooden bridges of Moscow: Moskvoretsky, Crimean and others (Fig. 216).


1. In the Novgorod chronicles, it is said in one place: "The Same of Autumn (1335), Ice and Snow in the Volkhov and the Visitory Great Bridge will be introduced."

2. The bridge was measured in 1946 by Arch. Wipproof n occasion, which belonged to the presented drawings. Built in 1528, ignorant Pskovician dam through Volkhov in Novgorod was just this type with ripples, abandoned stone.

3. Builders at the time were called "molds", "celaded crafts", "cities schonens" and so on.

See also: