Towers and their names. History and secrets of the Kremlin towers

The Moscow Kremlin -the unique fortress in the center of Moscow and the most ancient area of \u200b\u200bthe city. The Kremlin is considered the heart of Russia - and because the Russian capital started from here, and because the center of the state was located in the walls of the fortress, and at first the royal chambers, and now the residence of the President of Russia.

And, of course, the protection of the Kremlin at all times was attached great importance.

In terms of the Fortress is an irregular triangle: such a form of the Kremlin acquired in times Ivan III Great, at which they began to build new walls of red bricks instead of old white-stone, built when Dmitry Donskoy. Simultaneously with the construction of the walls, new towers were erected, which formed the defense lines of the new Moscow fortress. The main array of walls and towers was built in 1485-1495, partly fortification structures of the Kremlin were completed until 1516, when the king was already Vasily III. Initially, the towers were erected without long-term tents - they were allowed only in the 17th century.

Just along Kremlin Wall There are 20 towers.

Beklemishevskaya (Moskvoretskaya) Tower

Architect: Marco Ruffo.

Years of construction: 1487-1488.

Height: 46.2 meters.

Completion: Flug-weather.

The name is given by the building Arsenal Built in the early 18th century.

Troitskaya Tower

Architect: Aleviz Fryazin (old).

Years of construction: 1495-1499.

Height: 80 meters.


Located on the western side of the Kremlin Wall between the middle arsenal and the commandant tower. Externally resembles the Spasskaya Tower; It is a quantity that matures a multi-tier tent completion with a rich decorative design. It has a tanning string with a traveling trinity gate. Unlike other travel towers of the Moscow Kremlin, preserved the prevailing Trinity Bridge, connecting it with Kutafia Tower.

The name is given by the village house Trinity monastery.

Kutafia Tower

Architect: Aleviz Fryazin (old).

Years of construction: 1516.

Height: 13.5 meters.

Completion: is absent.

Located on the western side of the Kremlin wall opposite the Trinity Tower - this is the only Tower of the Moscow Kremlin, which is located away from the wall and actually represents the only preserved barbican fortress. In the past, it was surrounded by water and was used for the defense of the Trinity Bridge across the River Neglinnaya, leading from Kutafia Tower to the Trinity Gate. Compared to other towers resembles an elegant festive cake. Currently in Kutafier Tower is equipped with the main checkpoint for visitors to the Moscow Kremlin.

The name happened probably from the outdated word "Kutafya", Meaning complete, clumsy, untidy dressed woman.

Commandant (criang) tower

Architect: Aleviz Fryazin (old).

Years of construction: 1493-1495.

Height: 41.2 meters.

Completion: Flug-weather.

Commandant Tower Located on the western side of the Kremlin Wall between the Troitskaya and the Armory Towers. It is an elongated ferech with an expanding base and parapet with machines on top, topped with tent completion.

The name is given by the residence of Moscow's commandant in a rash palace.

Armory (Storey) Tower

Architect: Aleviz Fryazin (old) is possible.

Years of construction: 1493-1495.

Height: 32.6 meters.

Completion: Flug-weather.

Armory Tower Located on the western side of the Kremlin Wall between the Commandant and Borovitsky Tower. It is a ferex with expanding to the bottom and parapet with machines on top, topped with a long-term tent completion.

The name is given by the building of the Armory.

Borovitskaya (Foreech) Tower

Architect: Pietro Antonio Solari.

Years of construction: 1490.

Height: 54 meters.

Completion: Luminous rubble star-weather.

Borovitskaya Tower Located on the western side of the Kremlin Wall between the weapon and the water tower. Represents 4 chopper decreases, put on each other and crowned with stone tent; On the side of the grooved shooter with a traveling Borovitsky gate. Despite the fairly poor decorative design, the Borovitsky tower stands out against the backdrop of others due to its stepped (pyramidal) form.

On the outside of the Borovitsky gate, the emblems of the Lithuanian and Moscow principalities carved out of the White Stone; When and why they appeared there - unknown.

The name is given through the ancient Bor, which covered Borovitsky hill in past.

Water-Building (Sweet) Tower

Architect: Anton Fryazin.

Years of construction: 1488.

Height: 61.2 meters.

Completion: Luminous rubble star-weather.

Located on the south-western corner of the Kremlin Wall near the Kremlin Embankment of the Moscow River between Borovitsky and the Blagoveshchensk Tower. It is an elongated cylinder with a complex tent completion. The tower parapet is crowned with a "swallow tail" teeth, they are equipped with a machine for a circular shelling. Decorative decoration of the tower: until the middle of the height, it is laid out by alternating belts of the serving and weltering masonry, over which the arcatelistic belt is underlined by a thin strip of white stone. Interestingly, a star on the top of the waterway tower is the smallest among other Kremlin towers (3 meters in diameter).

In the past in the tower there was a waterway machine developed by the project Christopher Galovee. - The first water pipeline from the tanks installed on the upper tower tiers, for water supply from the Moscow River to the Kremlin. Later it was dismantled and transported to St. Petersburg, where they began to use for fountain filling.

The name is given along the water-made car of the Galovea.

Blagoveshchenskaya Tower

Architect: ?

Years of construction: 1487-1488.

Height: 32.4 meters.

Completion: Flug-weather.

Blagoveshchenskaya Tower Located on the south side of the Kremlin Wall between the waterway and the Townitskaya tower. It is a quantity with a quadruple tent and a banding tower. In the parapet of the towers are equipped with machine. When Ivan Grozny was used as a prison, in 1731-1932 - as the bell tower of the Church of the Annunciation (demolished in Soviet years).

The name is given on the Icon of the Annunciation, which, according to giving, miraculously manifested itself on the northern wall of the tower during the reign of Ivan the Terrible.

Tainitskaya Tower

Architect: Anton Fryazin.

Years of construction: 1485.

Height: 38.4 meters.

Completion: Flug-weather.

Tainitskaya Tower Located in the central part of the south side of the Kremlin Wall between the Blagoveshchensk and the first nameless tower. It is a massive quietness with a quadruple tent and observation tower. In the parapet of the towers are equipped with machine. In the past in the tower there were traveling Townitsky gates, a spring well and a secret move to the Moscow River.

The first time to build the Tower of the Moscow Kremlin - it was from her that the construction of modern walls and towers began.

The name is given by secret output to the Moscow River.

First nameless tower

Architect: ?

Years of construction: 1480s.

Height: 34.1 meters.

Completion: Flug-weather.

First nameless tower Located on the south side of the Kremlin Wall between Tainytska and the second nameless tower. It is a quantity with a quadruple tent and a banding tower. For its history, several times collapsed and rebuilt again. In the past, inside the tower was a powder warehouse, along which the tower was called the powder tower.

Modern name Danched on a not quite understandable reason.

Second Unnamed Tower

Architect: ?

Years of construction: 1480s.

Height: 30.2 meters.

Completion: Flug-weather.

Second Unnamed Tower Located on the south side of the Kremlin Wall between the first nameless tower and the Petrovsky Tower. It is a four-headed tent with a quadruple tent and an observed tower, crowned with an eight-marched tolk. In the past, the gate existed in the tower.

The name is given for not quite understandable.

Petrovskaya (Ugrelshskaya) Tower

Architect: ?

Years of construction: 1485-1487.

Height: 27.1 meters.

Completion: Flug-weather.

Petrovskaya Tower Located on the south side of the Kremlin Wall between the second nameless and Beklemishev Tower. Represents 3 four-friendly chippels topped with an eight-marched tent. In the parapet of the towers are equipped with false machines. Over the years of existence, it was repeatedly rebuilt.

Name is given by forevoy of the Ugreshsky Monastery with the Church of Peter Metropolitan, which was located on the Kremlin near the tower in 15-17 centuries.

Interesting Facts about the Kremlin Tower

Along the walls of the Kremlin there are 20 towers;

In the past, when the Kremlin was located on the island formed by Moscow River, Neglinka and Aleviz, from travel towers on " large land"We were thrown bridges - only the Trinity Bridge came to this day;

The very first time to build - the Townitskaya Tower, built in 1485;

From 20 towers 5 are crowned with ruby \u200b\u200bstars (Spasskaya, Nikolskaya, Troitskaya, Borovitskaya and water), 1 - decorative impurge (Tsar'skaya), 1 - does not have imparting (Kutafya Tower), for 13 remaining towers flagger flags installed;

Red rubble stars on the tops of the towers are rotating from the wind, like a fluger;

Initially in 1935, gold-plated self-combine stars were installed on the tops of the towers, but they quickly swept, and already in 1937 they were replaced by glowing ruby;

Before the stars of the Tower, two-headed eagles were crowned, except for the waterway - on it state symbolism not posted;

So that the stars did not overheat from the work of the lamps, the ventilation system is equipped in them;

Troitskaya Tower - the most high tower Kremlin (80 meters);

Kutafia Tower is the lowest Tower of the Kremlin (13.5 meters);

Kutafia Tower - the only preserved preserved barbican fortress;

Fight of the Kurantov Spasskaya Tower - a symbol of the new year in Russia;

In past , However, some of the towers - including Spasskaya, Nikolskaya and Trinity - could leave red of aesthetic considerations;

The ensemble of walls and towers of the Moscow Kremlin is one of the most popular architectural attractions of Moscow.

In Moscow, on Red Square, we see the Kremlin towers, and immediately notice what they are different. But even at the same time, each of them is unique and beautiful in its own way. And, in addition, each tower has its own name, and not accidental, but arising in the process of historical development and changes in the architectural appearance of the city.

On the entire territory of the Kremlin in Moscow, a total of 20 towers are focused. Each of them has its own name and its own construction history. According to the features of the architecture of the facilities are divided into a round and square towers.

At the same time, only three towers have a round cross section - this is a waterway, Beklemishevskaya and arsenal angular. All other buildings in terms are square. Most towers are made in a single architectural styleThat allows you to create a single ensemble of building. The integrity of the ensemble gave the finish, which was made in the XVII century.

However, in this background, the Nikolsky tower was noticeably allocated, which was rebuilt in a pseudo-gas style at the beginning of the XIX century. Consider the distinctive features of each tower, as well as historical conditions for building structures.

Beklemishev tower.

The second name of the Beklemishevskaya Tower is Moskvoretskaya. It is located in the south-eastern corner of the Moscow Kremlin and has a little more than 46 meters in height. The structure was built during the reign of Tsar Ivan III Vasilyevich in 1487 - 1488.

The Tower project was designed and embodied by the Italian Marco Ruffo (Mark Fryazin). The Beklemishev Tower has a round shape. At first, the tower received his name by the name of Boyarin Beklemishev, whose courtyard was near the tower. Later, the construction was renamed by the name located near the bridge.

Borovitskaya tower.

This tower was built in 1490 by the architect of Pietro Antonio Solary during the reign of King Ivan III Vasilyevich. The Borovitsky Tower is at the mouth of the River Neglinnaya. The tower received his name from the title of the hill, on the slope of which it was built. In ancient times, a thick boron was located on the hill - a small pine grove. And probably. This was the cause of the name.

However, in 1658, the Tsarist Decree of the Tower was assigned the name of the forerunner in honor of the Nearby Church of the Nativity of John the Forerunner. The height of the Borovic Tower is 54 meters, and her spire is decorated with a ruby \u200b\u200bstar. To date, the Gate of the Borovitsky Tower is served for solemn passages of the government tuples.

Armory tower.

The next weapon tower next to her is located next to the Armory of the Chamber, from where it originated in the middle of the XIX century. When there were a travel gate at the bottom of the tower, and then it was called the stable, because nearby the Tsarsky Storeyard, and from there on horseback it was possible to drive the tower gates.

The weapon tower was built in two years, from 1493 to 1495 years. The height of the structure reaches almost 39 meters. The construction is suitable for general stylistics of the ensemble and harmoniously fits into the appearance of the Kremlin Wall.

Commandant tower.

The Commandant Tower began to be called only since the XIX century. Then in the Kremlin Palace, a commandant of Moscow was located next to the tower, and in ancient times she was called Colymaya, because a criangle courtyard was located nearby, where royal carriages, wagons and kolymagi stood.

The Commandant Tower was built in 1495 during the reign of Ivan III Vasilyevich. The height of the construction is 41 meters.

Troitskaya tower.

From afar you can see the giant wall of the highest tower of the Kremlin - Trinity. It can be, as no other Kremlin Tower amazes with its harsh power and inaccessibility. The Troitskaya Tower was built in 1495 by the architect from Italy Aloiazio and Milano (Fryazine Aleviz).

The Troitskaya Tower is the highest Kremlin Tower, because the height of the structure is 80 meters. Also, this tower also has an entrance and passage, and in its meaning it ranks second after Spasskaya.

The name of the tower has changed many times, but she began to be called Trinity since 1658 by the name of the Troitsky Foreway, which was located near her in the Kremlin. But even earlier she had other names - Epiphany and Znamenskaya.

At the moment, the Gate of the Trinity Tower is the main entrance to the territory of the Kremlin, and the elegant spire of the structure decorates a luxurious Ruby Star.

Kutafia Tower.

Before the Troitskaya Tower, right behind the bridge, proudly forth Kutafia Tower. It is significantly smaller in height and size, but at the same time very solid, squat, centered and strong. Her name is associated with the word "Kut" - an angle, but more often historians associate the name of the structure with the word "Kutafia". So in some places of Russia, they called bought from the head to the fifth or a rich woman.

Kutafia Tower is so different from all the other features of its architecture that it is impossible to confuse it from any other from the Kremlin ensemble towers. It was built in 1516 by architect Alevis Fryazin during the reign of Vasily III.

The height of the tower is small - only 13.5 meters, and today it is the only one of the preserved separately standing, and not embedded in the wall of the Kremlin towers. In the old days, such prevalted towers served to protect the bridges, for which it was possible to penetrate the fortress. Kutafia Tower is opposite the Trinity Tower, and there is an inclined bridge between them.

Corner Arsenal Tower.

In the northern corner of the Kremlin Wall in 1492, the architect of Pietro Antonio Solary was built a tower of a round section, which was named Arsenal. This building is the most powerful tower of the Kremlin, although it reaches only 60 meters in height.

The arsenal tower received its name at the beginning of the XVIII century after the Arsenal building was built on the territory of the Kremlin - "a weapon house". The second name is a dog tower - was obtained as a result of the fact that the manor of the boyars of Dogian was located near the structure. A distinctive feature of the angular arsenal tower is that the well is located inside it.

The average arsenal tower.

The second name of the middle arsenal tower is faceted. The structure received it thanks to some characteristic features the buildings. The tower was erected in 1493 - 1495 during the reign of Ivan III Vasilyevich.

The height of the structure reaches almost 39 meters. The average arsenal tower is located on the north-western wall of the Moscow Kremlin, which extends along the Alexandrovsky Garden. It is noteworthy that the faceted tower was built on the place where the corner tower was previously built during the time of Dmitry Donskoy.

Nikolskaya tower.

One of the most beautiful towers of the Moscow Kremlin is Nikolskaya with Nikolsky Gate. Once, the icon of Nicholas Wonderworker was placed on top above them, and even earlier there was a monastery of Nikola old monastery.

The Nikolskaya Tower is located on the eastern Wall of the Kremlin in Moscow. It was built in 1491 at Quear Ivan III Vasilyevich. The architect Pietro Antonio Solary developed a project of a slightly over 70 meters.

At the same time, the Nikolskaya Tower is also a passage - through the gate in it you can get to the territory of the Moscow Kremlin. The architectural appearance of the Nikolskaya Tower is somewhat different from all other buildings, because in the XIX century it was rebuilt in the pseudo-stylist. To date, the magnificent spire of the Nikolskaya Tower also crowns the Ruby Star.

Senate Tower.

Immediately for the Mausoleum V. I. Lenin, the Senate Tower is towers with the building of the former Senate located behind it. This tower was built on the eastern part of the Kremlin Wall in 1491 during the reign of Ivan III Vasilyevich.

The height of the tower reaches 34 meters, and it was built under the guidance of the architect Pietro Antonio Solari. The tower received its modern name only after three hundred years after his construction. This happened after in 1787, the Senate Palace was built on the territory of the Kremlin.

Spassky Tower.

A little further is the tower that everyone knows. This is the Spasskaya Tower with a spas gate, whose spire is crowned with a ruby \u200b\u200bstar. It is called Spasskaya since 1658, thanks to the icons of the Savior, which were used to be on both sides above the gate. At the moment, the gate decorates only one restored image of the rescue.

The second name of the Spasskaya Tower is Frolovskaya. The building received him in honor of the Frol and Lavra's church nearby. At the Spasskaya (Frolovskaya) tower, the most important hours of the country - Kremlin Quararants, for the melodious battle of which the Russians accompany the outgoing and celebrate the New Year.

The Spasskaya Tower is constructed on the eastern wall of the Kremlin and is a parade entrance to the Kremlin. The height of the tower reaches 71 meters, and therefore it is one of the highest buildings of the Kremlin ensemble. And at the same time one of the most beautiful towers throughout the Moscow Kremlin.

The design of the project and the construction of the structure was led by architect from Italy Pietro Antonio Solari. The Spasskaya Tower was built in 1491 during the reign of King Ivan III Vasilyevich. To date, the construction is one of the most recognizable symbols of Russia.

Tsarist Tower.

The smallest of the Kremlin towers is the royal, located south of the Spasskaya. This small turret was installed on the eastern Kremlin wall in the 80s of the XVII century, during the reign of Peter I, and then Ivan V.

The tsarist tower reaches almost 17 meters, which is significantly less than all tower facilities. It was built in the 1680s on the site of the wooden tower with a swabbed bell "as the wasting" and used to be called "ascembly."

The royal tower was built almost 200 years later all the other towers at the place of a small wooden tower, in which the king Ivan Grozny watched the city and admired the view. That is why the erected structures of the elegant design and got its name.

Nabataya tower.

Nabota tower received its name thanks to the bells of Spassky Nabathy located in it. This tower at one time had an important practical purpose. It performed the function of the observational tower, which was controlled by the fire safety of the city.

By section, the infrinal tower is square, and it has 38 meters in height. The construction was built in 1495 during the reign of Ivan III Vasilyevich.

First of all, the Battle Tower, owes its name to the largest bell, who had previously hung in her upper part. This bell is famous for the fact that, by order of Catherine II, a language was deprived of a sentence for the fact that the Muscovites of the Muscovites attached to this bell in 1771 the people to "Plague Bunta" were called. Now this bell is stored in the Armory Chamber.

Konstantino - Elenin Tower.

The Elenin Tower also has the second name - Timofeevskaya. It is located on the eastern wall of the Moscow Kremlin and in height reaches just over 36 meters. Konstantino - the Elenin Tower was built in 1490, during the reign of King Ivan III Vasilyevich.

The tower of the square section was erected by the Italian architect Pietro Antonio Solari. At first, the tower was named after the church of Saints Konstantin and Elena. But later, she was renamed in honor of Timofeevsky gates, which were part of the Belocameamy Kremlin in the XIV century.

Petrovskaya tower.

On the southern part of the Kremlin Wall there is Petrovskaya, or the Ugreshkaya Tower. Both of its names are explained very simply: here, in the Kremlin, the church of Metropolitan Peter was located on the former Foreway of the Ugreshsky Monastery.

The Petrovsky Tower was also built during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, and the time of its construction dates back to the 80s of the XV century. The height of the tower is 27 meters. Her roof is crowning the cathro-shaped dome.

Unnamed towers.

But the next two towers for many centuries could not come up with names, but it does not mean that they remained unmarried. Therefore, these towers are called: the first nameless and second Unnamed tower. Both of them were built in the 80s of the XV century during the reign of Ivan the Terrible.

The height of the first nameless tower is 34 meters, and the second is just over 30 meters. Both structures have a square cross section in terms of, and the construction of the collar dome is completed. Only the first tower of the dome consists of four faces, and the second - from eight.

Tainitskaya Tower.

The height of the Tainytskaya tower is just over 38 meters. Notable is the fact that this tower, built in 1485 by Architect Anton Fryazin, is the very first in the Kremlin ensemble. Previously, this tower was traveling, but today her gate is laid.

The Tuneitskaya Tower has received its name thanks to a secret move, passing through it, and leading to the bank of Moscow - rivers. And in the tower there was a well with water, which would help with the case to withstand the long siege of the enemy. Also in the Kremlin there is a Townitsky garden.

Blagoveshchenskaya Tower.

Immediately behind Tinitskaya there is an Annunciation tower. In the time of Ivan the Terrible, it was used as a prison building, where they contained rebels and criminals. The Blagoveshchenskaya Tower was built in 1487 - 1488, and its height is more than 32 meters.

The tower was obtained thanks to the icon of the Annunciation, which, according to legend, suddenly appeared on one of the walls of the tower. The Annunciation Tower is between the waterfront and the Taneytsky tower in the southern part of the Wall of the Kremlin, which passes along the coastline of Moscow - the river.

Water tower.

This tower was erected by one of the very first in the ensemble of the Moscow Kremlin. The water tower was built in 1488 by architect from Italy Antonio Gilardi (Antonio Fryazin).

The structural features of the tower are that a well is located in it, as well as a secret move, leading to the bank of Moscow - River. In the height, the water tower is 61 meters.

The title "Water" Tower received in 1633, when the lifting mechanism was built in the building, with which water was supplied to the Kremlin's gardens. The second name is the Sweet Tower - comes from the surname of Boyarina Sviblov, who answered her building.

Twenty-majestic towers surround the Moscow Kremlin, and each of them has their amazing story. Built at different times, the Kremlin Towers, nevertheless form a single harmonious ensemble, which at all times was the subject of the pride of Muscovites and caused admiration of the guests of the capital.

The Spasskaya Tower is considered the most beautiful and slender tower. Built in 1491 under the leadership of the architect Pietro Antonio Solari and laid the construction of the eastern line of strengthening the Kremlin. Spassky gates have always been the main front entrance. When building the tower was quadrangular and was twice the lower. In the 17th century, a beautiful lifting bridge on the arches was suitable for the gate, on which Big Trade was. The facade survived holes from chains for raising and lowering the bridge. In 1624-25, architects Bazhen Cucumbers and an English master built a multi-tier top on the tower, built a stone tent. This tent was the first on the Kremlin towers. But on the tower, not only tent was erected, the bottom was completed by a lace white-shaped arched belt, turrets and pyramids. Fantastic figures appeared ("boobs"). In the 50s of the 17th century, the coat of arms of the Russian Empire - a double-headed eagle were put on the top of the tent. Later on Nikolskaya, Troitskaya and Borovitsky tower, the same emblems were installed. In 1935, a five-pointed star was installed on the top of the Spasskaya Tower. Later, it was replaced by a new (3.75 meters). The star rotates from the wind, like a fluger, and inside the lamp with a power of 5000 watts. Initially, the tower was called Frolov, as the Church of Flora and Lavra was located nearby. April 16, 1658 by decree Alexei Mikhailovich. The new name is associated with an icon of the rescue of the unpretentious. Senate Tower 67.3 meters high (with a star-71 meter). The first hours appeared in 1491, the new hours were created in 1625 by the English master of Christian Galovem, Russian Kuznets Zhdan and Samoylov. Later, in 1706-1975, Dutch clocks were installed. Kremlin chimes were installed in 1851 by brothers Bathotop.

photos around the Kremlin

Tsarskaya Tower

Constructed in 1680. It is a terme supplied on the wall. Once there was a small wooden turret, with which the king Ivan Grozny loved to watch the Red Square. White belts on the pillars, high pyramids in the corners with gold-plated flags, a tent, ending with a vane - all this gives the tower a fabulous terme.

The deaf Nabataya Tower was erected in 1495 in the northwestern wall of the Moscow Kremlin between the two other - the Tsarist and Konstantino-Elenin Tower. Inside it is divided into two tiers. Its lower tier is a complex multi-chamber room associated with the running part of the walls by stairs. In 1676-1686, it was sustained with a tent quad ride.

Built by architect Solari in 1940, on the site of Timofeevsky gate. Named in honor of Konstantin and Elena church. First, the tower was a passing and had a lifting bridge. In 1680, built tent top. At the end of the 18th century, the bridge broke, the gate was laid. Even now, the arch of the gate and the recess for icons are clearly visible. Height 36.8 meters.

Located in the southeast corner. Constructed architect Mark Ruffo in 1487. In the defense of the Kremlin took on the blow of enemy hordes. The architectural solution of the tower: high, slim cylinder supplied on the base. The basement was arranged a cache-rumor, to prevent subcords. In the seventeenth century, a tent was installed. This tower has another name - Moskvoretskaya, because of Moskvoretsky bridge. The height of the tower is 46.2 meters.

The name of this tower went from the church of Peter. The tower was destroyed from the shells in 1612. In 1812, the tower blew up the retreats. It was renovated by the architect Bove. 1818 served for the needs of the Kremlin gardeners. The height of the tower is 27.15 meters.

First nameless tower

It was built in 1480. This tower has very stingy architectural forms. In the 15-16th centuries in the tower stored gunpowder. In 1547, an explosion of powder took place in the tower. In the 17th century, they erected again. Inserted tent. Height - 34.15 meters.

Second Unnamed Tower

The tower was built in the 15th century. I carried only a defensive function. In 1680, a pyramidal tent with an observation tower was configured over the tower. The tent is crowned with a gilded vane.

The Townitskaya Tower is the oldest of the Kremlin's towers. The name went due to the cache, which is located under the tower. Constructed in 1485, Architect P. A. Fryazin. At the end of the 17th century, a tent was erected. In 1770, the tower was demolished, but after three years she was rebuilt again. The height of the tower is 38.4 meters.

Blagoveshchenskaya Tower

Constructed 8 1487-88 years. Low, tetrahedral tower. In its foundation lies a white plate. In the time of Ivan the Terrible in the tower there was a prison. At the end of the 17th century, a tent was put, topped with a golden weather vane, a sentigious tower. Name of the tower from the icon "Bearing" and the church. In the depths of the tower there were deep underground. The height of the tower is 30.7 meters, with fluger-32.45 meters.

The tower is located in the southwest corner of the Kremlin. The tower guards the Kremlin. The water tower is one of the most beautiful towers of the Kremlin ensemble. Built in 1488, Jilardi architect. At first I wore the name of the SVIB. The current name appeared in 1633, since this tower contained a watering machine. The tower itself is built in a classic style. Complete tower teeth. At the end of the 17th century, a tent was built over the tower.

The tower is characterized by a stepped form. It received its name from Bohr, who used to cover the entire hill. Built in 1490, architect Solari. On April 16, 1658, she was renamed the Forerun. But we reached us like the Borovitsky Tower. Borovitsky gate had a utilitarian purpose. In 1812, her tent fell. Restoration was engaged in Bove in 1816-19.

Armory Tower

It is a small, strict, deaf building. Built in 1945. At first it was called a criangle, since the Crazy courtyard was near. He received his current title in the 19th century because there was a commandant of Moscow near the tower. In 1676-86, a tent and a tower were installed. The height of the tower is 41.25 meters.

Troitskaya Tower

This tower completed the construction of the River Neglinnaya River. Built in 1495-1499 Alevis Fryazin. He has six floors, deep two-storey basements. In 1585, hours were installed on the tower, but they burned in 1812. Recently, a new clock was installed on the tower. The name went from the Troitsky Foreway in the Kremlin. Before that, she was called the Epiphany, Cure, Znamenskaya. This tower topped with a star is the highest of all. Its height is 80 meters.

The only one of the preserved belongings. Built in 1516, Fryazin architect. Low, surrounded by moat and river, it has two tiers and gates. In 1685, the openwork decorative top was allowed. It is from the versions of the title: because of the strange form, Kutafia was called. (Kutafia - clumsy, ugly dressed woman.)

Average Arsenal Tower

Located in the northwest of the Kremlin. Built in 1495. The name received when the arsenal is erected. Crossing a tower through an observation tower. In 1812, the foot of the tower was built a grotto in honor of the victory over Napoleon.

Corner Arsenal Tower

The Moscow Fortress was formed since the first mention of it in 1156, when Prince Yuri Vladimirovich " lening degrees in the city, at the mouth below the rough, above the Aussee River"Then the first, still wooden walls of the Kremlin were built. Then, when Ivan III, in 1339, the walls were replaced by the walls, and with Prince Dmitry Donskoy, stone walls were built.

Modern walls and towers, and in our time, began to erect during the reconstruction period of 1485-1495. Then the first Kremlin Tower was built - Tainitskaya.

Who built the towers of the Moscow Kremlin?

Built towers of the Kremlin invited architects from Italy:

  • Antonio Gilardi;
  • Pietro Antonio Solari;
  • Mark Fryazin and Fryazin Old Aleviz.

By 1490, 7 towers were erected, and later the next three decades of the Kremlin walls were decorated with the rest of the towers. Total in the Kremlin 20 tens.

In the middle of the XVII century, 4 towers received double-headed eagles on their spiers. In the 20th century, with the arrival of the Soviet power, the stamp eagles were replaced by a ruby-coated composition, glowing red stars. In 1935, the first star was shot in the Spasskaya Tower, then on the next four towers, and the fifth star was added to them - on the waterway tower. And now, in Russian Federation The Moscow Kremlin is decorated with 5 stars: on Spasskaya, Nikolskaya, Trinity, Borovitsky and Water Towers.

Kremlin towers


- It is considered the main tower of the Moscow Kremlin. It comes to the Red Square and visible from all sides. The main part was built in 1491, and in 1624 the top of the tower was completed. Later, in 1937 a star was installed on the top.


pretty little structure. It was built in 1680, the name of the architect is unknown. She does not particularly differ from other towers and in the people it is called "Terem".


was erected at the end of the 15th century. Later, a bell was installed on it and put the sentirers who were on duty around the clock. But the bell rang only in rare cases, for example, the ringing of the bell was noticed by Muscovites about the fire, the beginning of the war or the riots.


- It was built on the site of Timofeevsky gates. The main goal of the tower was the protection of the capital. A huge ditch was dug around. But, soon, the need for the protection of disappeared and the tower turned into torture, where there were dangerous criminals of that time.

Beklemishevskaya (Moskvoretskaya)

- One of the main towers of the Walls of the Moscow Kremlin. It was built in 1487. Named in honor of Boyarin I. Beklemishev. The house was located near the Kremlin. There is another name of the Tower - Moskvoretskaya.

Petrovskaya (3rd Unnamed)

Or 3rd Unnamed - She got the name from Peter's church. From 1480 was destroyed many times, but it was constantly restored. During the war, it was completely destroyed with the French, later in 1818, the famous architects of that time were restored by historical drawings.

2nd Unnamed

- built as a defensive structure and was originally not very different from others. But the masters tried to fame, and the tower turned out not only to a defensive point, but also to the decoration of the Kremlin wall. It is located between the first nameless and Petrovsky tower.

1st Unnamed

Or powder - a simple structure, without a high terme. It was built for defensive purposes and is not particularly different from other towers.


- It is considered the central structure of the walls of the Kremlin. It was built on the plan of the Italian architect and up to 1783 it was completed.


- Until now, the year has not been established when construction was carried out. Approximate date can be called 1488 year. It is named after the sacred icon "Annunciation." For many years she decorated the walls of the tower and defended the warriors during the battle.


- named so because , that its first was equipped with a water supply. Previously, she was called Skin Tower, because Nearby lived the famous boyars Sviblovy. Construction was engaged in the talented architect of that time Anton Fryazin-New. Since 1937, the tower is decorated with a ruby \u200b\u200bstar.


- One of the towers, which adorns the wall of the Moscow Kremlin. Other sights are located near the tower, such as a large stone bridge. Many legends are connected with construction. One of them says that it is named so because Moscow was built on a hill that covered the thick boron.

Armory (stable)

(Storey) - the construction of the Italian architect Solary was engaged in construction. But he did not have time to complete the tower and died. For a long time, the building was unfinished and the danger arose that she would collapse. His other famous master of Karabo, who was invited to the capital of the ambassador. He not only graduated from construction, but also strengthened the soil and solved problems with destruction.


- built under the king Ivan III. The initial name is cricking, then a deaf tower. It was not in vain such a name, because The structure has practically no windows. Later on the Moscow Commandant's arranged in the courtyard received the current name.


The Moscow Kremlin has 20 towers and all of them are different, there are no two characters. Each tower has its name and its own story. And for sure the names of all towers, many do not know. Get acquainted?

Most towers are made in a single architectural style led by them in the second half of the XVII century. From the general ensemble, the Nikolskaya Tower is distinguished, which at the beginning of the XIX century has been rebuilt in the Gothic style.

Beklemishevskaya (Moskvoretskaya)

Beklemishevskaya (Moskvoretskaya) Tower is located in the southeast corner of the Kremlin. It was built by the Italian architect Marco Fryazin in 1487-1488. Book Beklemishev's courtyard was adjacent to the tower, for which she got its name. Beklemishev's courtyard Together with the tower in Vasilia III served as a prison for an optocobal boyars. The current name is "Moskvoretskaya" - taken from the nearby Moskvoretsky bridge. The tower was at the junction of the Moscow River with the moat, so when attacking the enemy she was the first to hit himself. The architectural solution of the tower is connected with this: the high cylinder is delivered to the bevelled white-mounted base and separated by a semicircular roller. The smooth of the cylinder cut the narrow, rarely spaced windows. Complete the tower machine with a combat site, which was above the adjacent walls. In the basement of the Tower there was a cache-hearing for preventing the subpople. In 1680, the tower was decorated with an oct of eight, carrying a high narrow tent with two ruma rumors, which softened her severity. In 1707, waiting for the possible occurrence of the Swedes, Peter I ordered her foot to arrange bastions and expand the loopholes to install more powerful guns. During the invasion of Napoleon, the tower suffered and then repaired. In 1917, during shelling, the top of the tower was injured, which was restored by 1920. In 1949, when restoration, loyal was restored. This one of the few Kremlin towers, which was not radically rebuilt. Tower height 62.2 meters.

Konstantino-Eleninskaya (Timofeevskaya)

Konstantinovo-Elenin Tower is owned by its name here in the antiquity of the Church of Konstantin and Elena. The tower was built in 1490 by the Italian architect Pietro Antonio Solari and used for the passage of the population and troops to the Kremlin. Previously, when the Kremlin was blonde, another tower stood on this place. It was through her Dmitry Donskoy with an army traveled to Kulikovo field. The new tower was built for the reason that it did not have natural barriers from her side. It was equipped with a lifting bridge, a powerful thawed shooter and a travel gate, which after, in the 18th early 19th centuries. were disassembled. Its name tower received by the Church of Konstantin and Elena, who stood in the Kremlin. The height of the tower is 36.8 meters.


The Battle Tower received its name for the Big Bell - Nabatu hanging over her. Once here you constantly dressed sentors. From the height, they vigilantly followed whether the enemy of the army is going to the city. And if the danger approached, the sentigues should have warned everyone, hit the bell into the bell. Because of him, the tower was called violent. But now there is no bell in the tower. Once at the end of the 18th century, a riot began to strike a non-volatile bell in Moscow. And when the order was restored in the city, the bell began to be unveded for disclosure - deprived of the language. In those days it was an ordinary practice, recall at least the history of the bell in Uglich. Since then, the inferior bell was silent and stayed for a long time, until he was removed into the museum. Height of the sweaty tower 38 meters.


Tsarist Tower. She is not at all like the other Kremlin towers. Right on the wall cost 4 columns, and on them is the Ostrich roof. There are no powerful walls nor narrow boomes. But they are her and nothing. Because they built for two centuries later than the rest of the towers and not at all for defense. Earlier, at this place there was a small wooden tower, with which, according to legend, watched the red square, the first Russian king Ivan the Terrible. Earlier, at this place there was a small wooden tower, with which, according to legend, watched the red square, the first Russian king Ivan the Terrible. Later here was built the smallest tower of the Kremlin and called her royal. Its height is 16.7 meters.

Spasskaya (Frolovskaya)

Spasskaya (Frolovskaya) Tower. Built in 1491 Pietro Antonio Solari. This name comes from the XVII century, when the icon of the Savior hung over the gate of this tower. Established on the place where the main gates of the Kremlin were in ancient times. She, like Nikolskaya, was built to protect the northeastern part of the Kremlin who did not have natural aquatic obstacles. The traveling gate of the Spasskaya Tower, while Franovskaya was still considered "saints". Through them did not pass on horseback and did not pass with a covered head. Through these gates passed the shelves who spent on a campaign, they met the kings and ambassadors. In the 17th century, the coat of arms of Russia - a double-headed eagle was hoisted on the tower, a little later, the coat of arms were waters and other high towers of the Kremlin - Nikolskaya, Trinity and Borovitsky. In 1658, the Kremlin Towers renamed. Frolovskaya turned into Spasskaya. It was so called in honor of the Savior Savior of Smolensky, who is over the passage gates of the Tower from the Red Square, and in honor of the icon of the Savior of the Unclean, who was above the gate from the Kremlin. In 1851-52 At the Spasskaya Tower, the clocks that we see still have been installed. Kremlin chimes. Chorants call big clocks that have a musical mechanism. The Kremlin Kurarants perform the music of the bells. They are eleven. One big, he notes the clock, and ten smaller, their melodious chime is distributed every 15 minutes. In the chimes there is a special device. It leads to the movement of the hammer, it strikes the bells on the surface and the fight of the Kremlin chimes is sounded. The mechanism of the Kremlin Kurats takes three floors. Previously, the chimes started manually, and now they do with electricity. The Spasskaya Tower takes 10 floors. Her height with the star is 71 meters.


The Senate Tower was built in 1491 Pietro Antonio Solary, rises behind Mausoleum V.I. Lenin and named the name of the Senate, whose green dome rises above the fortress wall. The Senate Tower is one of the oldest in the Kremlin. Built in 1491 in the center of the northeastern part of the Kremlin Wall, it performed only defensive functions - defended the Kremlin from the Red Square. Tower height - 34.3 meters.


Nikolskaya Tower is located at the beginning of Red Square. In ancient times there was a monastery of Nikola's old man, and the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker was placed above the tower gates. The gratuitous tower, built in 1491 by the architect of Pietro Solari, was one of the main defensive Reduts of the eastern part of the Kremlin wall. The name of the tower comes from the Nikolsky Monastery, which was nearby. Therefore, the icon of Nicholas of the Wonderworker was put over the speed gate of the shooters. Like all towers, having an entry gate, Nikolskaya had a lifting bridge through ditch and protective lattices that descended during the battle. The Nikolskaya Tower entered the story in 1612, when, through her gate to the Kremlin, the troops of the national militia, headed by the Mini and Pozharsky, who freed Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian interventionists broke. In 1812, the Nikolskaya Tower, along with many others, was blown up by Napoleon's troops departing from Moscow. Particularly injured the upper part of the tower. In 1816, she was replaced by architect O.I. Bov on a new needle-shaped dome in the pseudo-styled style. In 1917, the tower was again injured. This time from artillery fire. In 1935, the dome of the Tower crowds a five-pointed star. In the 20th century, the tower is restored in 1946-1950 and in 1973-1974. Now the height of the tower is 70.5 meters.

Angle Arsenal (Dog)

The angular arsenal tower was built in 1492 Pietro Antonio Solari and is located away, in the corner of the Kremlin. The first name was received at the beginning of the XVIII century, after the construction of the Arsenal building on the Kremlin, the second comes from the estate of the manor of the boyars of dog. In the dungeon of the angular arsenal tower there is a well. He is more than 500 years old. It is filled from an ancient source and therefore it is always clean and fresh water. Earlier from the arsenal tower went underground move Neglinnaya river. The height of the tower is 60.2 meters.

Average Arsenal (face)

The average arsenal tower towers from the side of the Alexandrovsky garden and is called the way because the weapon warehouse was located right behind it. It was built in 1493-1495. After building the building Arsenal Tower received its name. Near the tower in 1812, the grotto was erected - one of the attractions of the Alexandrovsky Garden. The height of the tower is 38.9 meters.


The Trinity Tower is called the Church and the Trinity Outlook, who were once nearby in the Kremlin. Troitskaya Tower is the highest tower of the Kremlin. The height of the Tower Currently, together with the star from the Alexandrovsky Garden is 80 meters. A Trinity Bridge, protected by Kutafiy Tower leads to the gate of the Trinity Tower. The tower gates serve as the main entrance for visitors to the Kremlin. Built in 1495-1499. Italian architect Aleviz Fryazine Milanian. The tower was called differently: the Risapoiren, Znamenskaya and Kareny. I received my current name in 1658 by the name of the Trinity Saving of the Kremlin. In the two-story base of the tower in the XVI-XVII centuries, a prison was located. From 1585 to 1812, there were hours on the tower. At the end of the XVII century, the tower received a multi-tiered tent superstructure with blonde decorations. In 1707, due to the threat of a Swedish invasion of the Troitsky Tower's bobbits, they were extended under heavy guns. Until 1935, imperial double-headed eagle was installed on top of the tower. By the next date of the October Revolution, it was decided to remove the eagle and establish the red stars on it and the rest of the main towers of the Kremlin. Two-headed eagle Troitskaya Tower turned out to be the oldest - 1870 manufactured and teams on bolts, so when dismantling it had to be disassembled on top of the tower. In 1937, a foolish self-auction star was replaced with a modern ruby.


Kutafia Tower (connected by a bridge with Trinity). Her name is connected with that: Kutafie was called in ancient casually dressed, a harsh woman. Indeed, Kutafia Tower is low, like the rest, and squat, wide. The tower was constructed in 1516 under the leadership of the Milan architect Alevis Fryazin. The low, surrounded by the moat and the River Neglinnaya, with the only goal, which in the moments of danger tightly closed the lifting part of the bridge, the tower was a formidable obstacle for the precipitated fortress. She had fools of the plantar battle and machine. In the XVI-XVII centuries, the water level in the River Neglinnaya was highly raised by dams, so that the water surrounded the tower from all sides. The initial height of it above the ground level was 18 meters. You could enter the tower from the side of the city only on the inclined bridge. There are two versions of the origin of the name "Kutafia": from the word "Kut" - shelter, angle, or from the word "Kutafia", who denoted a complete, nervous woman. Kutafia Tower never had a coating. In 1685, she was crowned with an openwork "crown" with blonde details.

Commendant (crichy)

Commandant Tower He received its name in the XIX century, since the Komedantant of Moscow was located in the building. The tower was built in 1493-1495 on the northwestern side of the Kremlin Wall, today stretching along the Alexandrovsky Garden. It was called before the criangle on the Kolymaya Yard in the Kremlin located near her. In 1676-1686 was prescribed. The tower is a massive chimeter with machines (mounted loopholes) and parapet and an open tetrahedron standing on it, completed by a pyramidal roof, a wool and an eight-marched quarrel. Basically, the volume of the tower is three tiers of premises overlapped with cylindrical vaults; Arches are covered and tiers of completion. In the XIX century, the tower was called "Commandant", when close to the XVII century, the commandant of Moscow settled in the rash palace of the 18th century. The height of the tower from the side of the Alexandrovsky Garden is 41.25 meters.

Armory (stable)

The Armory Tower, which was once on the bank of the River River Neglinnaya, now concluded in the underground tube, was called on the next weapon chamber, the second comes from a nearby burden of the cousin. Once near her there were vintage weapons workshops. They made precious dishes and decorations. Ancient workshops gave a name not only to the tower, but also a wonderful museum located near the Kremlin Wall - the Armory Chamber. Many Kremlin treasures are collected here and just very ancient things. For example, helmets and chain chains of ancient Russian warriors. The height of the weapon tower is 32.65 meters.

Borovitskaya (Preteak)

Built in 1490 Pietro Antonio Solari. Travel. The first name of the tower is initial, comes from the Borovitsky hill, on the slope of which is the tower; The title of the hill apparently comes from an ancient boron growing at this place. The second name assigned to the royal decree from 1658, comes from the nearby number of the church of the Christmas of John the Forerunners and the icons of St. John the Forerunner, placed above the gate. Currently - the main passage for government tuples. Highness Tower 54 meters.

Water-fed (Sweet)

The water tower is named so because of the car, which was here once. She raised water from a well, arranged down on the very top of the tower in a big tank. From there on lead pipes water flowed in tsarsh Palace in the Kremlin. Thus, in the old days in the Kremlin, its water supply was organized. He worked for a long time, but then the car was dismantled and taken to St. Petersburg. It was used for the fountains for the device. The height of the waterproof tower with a star of 61.45 meters. The tower of the tower is associated with the Boyar surname Sviblov, or Sviblovy, who were responsible for its construction.


Blagoveshchenskaya tower. According to legend, the miraculous icon of "Annunciation" was previously kept in this tower, as well as in 1731, the Church of Annunciation was attached to this tower. Most likely, the name of the tower is associated with one of these facts. In the 17th century, a gate was made to the Moscow-River near the tower near the tower, called port stretch. In 1831 they were laid, and the Church of the Annunciation was also disassembled in Soviet times. The height of the Annunciation Tower with a vane 32.45 meters.


The Townitskaya Tower is the first tower laid during the construction of the Kremlin. Named because from her to the river led a secret underground move. It was intended to take water in case if the fortress falls down the enemies. Height of the Tainytsky tower 38.4 meters.

Petrovskaya (Ugrelshskaya)

The Petrovskaya Tower, together with two Unnamed, was built to enhance the southern wall as the most frequently subjected to the attack. Like two Unnamed Petrovskaya Tower first did not have the name. She received his name from the Church of Metropolitan Peter on the Ugreshki Foreway in the Kremlin. In 1771 during construction Kremlin Palace The tower, the church of Metropolitan Peter and the Ugreshki houses dismantled. In 1783, the tower was rebuilt again, but in 1812 the French during the occupation of Moscow destroyed it again. In 1818, the Petrov tower was restored again. It was used for their needs Kremlin gardeners. The height of the tower is 27.15 meters.

See also: