The second expedition of Columbus in the full version. Columbus ships: titles, description

Surely every schoolboy will easily respond to the question that Christopher Columbus opened. Well, of course, America! However, let's think about it, and not too much of these knowledge, because most of us do not even know where this famous discoverer comes from where his life path was and in what kind of era he lived.

This article is aimed at in all details to tell about the discovery of Christopher Columbus. In addition, the reader will receive a unique opportunity to get acquainted with intnthrone data and the chronology of events that took place several centuries ago.

What did the great navigator opened?

Christopher Columbus, the traveler known now the entire planet was originally an ordinary Spanish navigator who worked on both the ship and in the port and, in fact, was practically nothing different from the same eternally busy workers.

It later, in 1492, he will become a celebrity - a man who opened America, the first of Europeans, crossed the Atlantic Ocean, visited the Caribbean Sea.

By the way, not everyone knows that Christopher Columbus marked the beginning of a detailed study not only of America itself, but also almost all nearby archipelago.

Although here I would like to make amend. The Spanish navigator was far from the only traveler sent to the conquest of the uncharted worlds. In fact, in the Middle Ages in America, there were already inquisitive Icelandic Vikings. But at that time, this information did not receive such widespread information, so the whole world believes that it was the expedition of Christopher Columbus that was able to popularize information about American lands and put the beginning of colonization by Europeans of the whole continent.

The story of Christopher Columbus. Secrets and riddles of his biography

This man was and remains one of the most mysterious historical personalities of the planet. Unfortunately, there are not so many facts that tell about its origin and kind of classes before performing the first expedition. In those times, Christopher Columbus, briefly note, was practically nobody, that is, it was not significantly different from the usual average of a majority sailor, and therefore it is practically no possible to allocate it from the total mass.

By the way, that is why, leaving in guesses and seeking to surprise the reader's audience, historians wrote hundreds of books about him. Almost all similar manuscripts are overflowing with assumptions and unverified statements. And in fact, even the original of the ship journal of the first expedition of Columbus is not preserved.

It is believed that Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 (another one, unverified version - in 1446), between August 25 and October 31, in the Italian city of Genoa.

To date, another number of Spanish and Italian cities are attributed to themselves to be called a small birthplace of the discoverer. As for his social status, it is only known that the Columbus family was not at all noble origin, none of his ancestors was a navigator.

Modern researchers believe that Columbus-Senior earned a living by hard labor and was either weaver or cheerbral wool. Although there is also a version that the father of the navigator served as a senior guards of the city gate.

Of course, the voyage of Christopher Columbus began not immediately. Probably, from early childhood, the boy began to work out, helping the eldest to contain a family. Perhaps he was Jung on the ships and therefore I loved the sea. Unfortunately, more detailed records about how the childhood and the youth of this famous manhas not survived.

As for education, there is a version that H. Columbus studied at the University of Pavia, but there are no documentary evidence of this fact. Therefore, it is possible that he got home education. Whatever it was, this man had excellent knowledge in the field of navigation, which provides far from superficial knowledge in mathematics, geometry, cosmography and geography.

It is also known that in more adulthood Christopher Columbus worked as a cartographer, and then moved to the service to the local printing house. He spoke not only in his native Portuguese, but also in Italian and Spanish. A good ownership of Latin helped him in deciphering cards and chronicle. There are evidence that the navigator knew how to write a little on Hebrew.

It is also known that Columbus was a prominent man on whom the ladies constantly looked around. So, serving in Portugal in some kind of Genoese trading house, the future discoverer of America met his future wife of Donia Felipe Monis de Palesetrello. They got married in 1478. Soon the son of Diego was born. The family of his wife was also not well enough, but it was the noble origin of the spouse allowed Christopher to establish contacts, establish useful connections In the circles of the nobility of Portugal

As for the nationality of the traveler, there are even more riddles. Some researchers prove the Jewish origin of Columbus, but there are also versions of Spanish, German and Portuguese roots.

The official religion of Christopher was Catholic. Why can you say this way? The fact is that, according to the rules of that era, otherwise it would be simply not allowed in the same Spain. Although it is possible that he hid his true religion.

Apparently, many puzzles of the biography of the navigator will remain for all of us unsolved.

Decolumba America or what did the discoverer see, arrives at the mainland

America, until the moment of its discovery, there was an earth where certain groups of people who were in some natural insulation lived in centuries. All of them the will of fate turned out to be torn off from the rest of the planet. However, despite all this, they were able to create a high culture, demonstrating unlimited opportunities and skill.

The uniqueness of these civilizations is that they are considered natural and environmental in their nature, and not technogenic as ours. Local aborigines, Indians, did not strive to convert the environment, on the contrary, their settlements most harmoniously fit into nature.

Experts argue that all civilizations arising in North Africa, Asia, Europe developed approximately equally. In Decolumbovy America, this development was in a different way, therefore, for example, the contrast between the population of the city and the village was minimal. The cities of the ancient Indians also contained extensive agricultural land. The only substantial difference between the city and the village was the area of \u200b\u200bthe occupied territory.

At the same time, the time of the civilization of Precucumbian America did not particularly advance in what the Europe and Asia were able to rise. For example, the Indians were not very sought to improve metal processing technologies. If in the old world of bronze was considered the main metal and for her new lands conquered, then in Decolumba America, this material was used exclusively as a decoration.

But the civilization of the new world is interesting for their unique buildings, sculptures and paintings for which absolutely different style was characteristic.

The beginning of the way

In 1485, after the categorical refusal of the King of Portugal to invest in the implementation of the project to find the shortest sea route to India, Columbus moved to a permanent residence in Castile. There, with the help of Andalus kitsov and bankers, he was still able to achieve the organization of a government maritime expedition.

For the first time, the Christopher Kolumba ship went to a year-old swimming in 1492. 90 people took part in the expedition.

By the way, contrary to a fairly common misconception, the ship was three, and they were called "Santa Maria", "Pint" and "Ninya."

The expedition was out of Palos at the very beginning of the sultry August 1492. From the Canary Islands of Flotilla took a course to the West, where without any problems crossed Atlantic Ocean.

Along the way, the family of the navigator opened Sargasso Sea and successfully reached the Bahamas archipelago, where he landed on the land on October 12, 1492. Since then, this date and has become the official day of the opening of America.

In 1986, Geographer from the United States J. Judge carefully processed all the available materials about this expedition on the computer and came to the conclusion that the first land, which Christopher saw, was about. SAMAN. From about October 14, for ten days, the expedition approached several of the Bahamas, and by December 5, he opened part of the coast of Cuba. December 6, the team reached about. Haiti.

Then the ships moved along the northern coast, and then luck has changed his pioneers. On the night of December 25, Santa Maria suddenly sat on the reef. True, this time the crew was lucky - all the sailors remained alive.

Second journey Columbus

The second expedition took place in 1493-1496. She was headed by Columbus already in the official position of the vice-king of the lands open.

It is worth noting that the team has increased significantly - the expedition consisted already from 17 ships. According to various sources, 1.5-2.5 thousand people participated in the expedition.

At the beginning of November 1493, the islands of Dominica, Guadeloupe and twenty-small antillest islands were opened, and on November 19th. Puerto Rico. In March 1494, Columbus in search of gold decided to make a military campaign on about. Haiti, then opened in the summer about. HoangTud and about. Jamaica.

40 days The famous navigator thoroughly examined the South Haiti, but in the spring of 1496, she still sailed home, completing his second swimming on June 11 in Castile.

By the way, it was then X. Columbus informed the public about the opening of a new way to Asia.

Third expedition

The third trip took place in 1498-1500 and was not so numerous as the previous one. Only 6 ships participated in it, and the three of them the navigator himself behaved through the Atlantic.

July 31, in the first year of travel, it was opened about. Trinidad, ships entered the Bay of the Paria, as a result of the Peninsula obedorane was discovered. So it was open South America.

Going to the Caribbean Sea, on August 31, Columbus landed on Haiti. Already in 1499, the Monopoly Right of Christopher Columbus was canceled on new lands, the royal couple sent to the place of appointment of his representative F. Bobadilu, who in 1500 and arrested on Donba's denunciation along with the brothers.

The navigator challenged into the shackles was sent to Castile, where local financiers persuaded the royal family to free it.

Fourth journey to the American shores

What continued to worry such a restless person as Columbus? Christopher, America for which was already almost traveled stage, I wanted to find new way From there to South Asia. The traveler believed that such a route exists, for I watched off the coast. Cubes have a strong flow that went to the West through the Caribbean Sea. As a result, he was able to convince the king to give permission to a new expedition.

In his fourth trip, Columbus went along with Bartolomeo's brother and its 13-year-old Son Hernando. He was lucky to open mainland to the south of about. Cuba - Store of Central America. And Columbus was the first to inform Spain on the Indian peoples inhabiting the coast of the South Sea.

But, unfortunately, he never found the shed in the South Sea. I had to return home vividly with anything.

Inspected facts, the study of which continues

The distance from Palos to the Canarar is 1600 km, the columns of the Columbus expedition took place in 6 days, i.e. during the day they overcame 250-270 km. The path to the Canary Islands was well known, he did not imagine any difficulties. But it was in this section 6 (perhaps 7) August on the ship "Pint" there was a strange breakdown. According to one information, the steering wheel broke, according to others, there was a flow. This circumstance caused a suspicion, because then "Pint" crossed the Atlantic twice. Prior to that, she quite successfully passed approximately 13 thousand km, visited terrible storms and arrived in Palos without damage. Therefore, there is a version that the accident attributed to the team employees at the request of the co-owner of the ship K. Kintero. Perhaps a part of the salary sailors received in the hands, spent her. More meaning to risk life, they did not see, and the owner himself for renting "Pints" also received a lot of money. So it was logical to imitate breakdown and stay safe on the Canary Islands. It seems that the captain "Pinta" Martin Pinson still smoked the conspirators and stopped them.

Already in the second trip of Colonists, the intentional colonists went to the second trip, the cattle, inventory, seeds, etc. colonists laid their city somewhere in the vicinity of modern G. Santo Domingo. The same expedition opened about. Small Antilles, Virgin, Puerto Rico, Jamaica. But Christopher Columbus until the latter remained with the opinion that he opened Western India, and not new land.

Interesting data from the life of the discoverer

Of course, the mass of unique and very cognitive information. But in this article we would like to lead the most entertaining facts as an example.

  • When Christor lived in Seville, he was friends with Brilliant Amerigo Vespucci.
  • King Juan II first refused the Columbus in the organization of the expedition, but then sent his sailors to swim in the route proposed by Christopher. True, due to the strong storm, the Portuguese had to return home with anything.
  • After Columbus challenged into the shackles during the third expedition, he decided to keep the chains as a talisman the rest of his life.
  • By order of Christopher Columbus for the first time in the history of navigation, Indian hammocks were used as sailor beds.
  • It was Columbus who suggested the Spanish king to save new land to the economy.

Historical value of expeditions

Everything that Christopher Columbus opened was evaluated only through the attachment. Why so late? The fact is that only after this period, from colonized Mexico and Peru began to deliver whole galleons stuffed with gold and silver.

The Spanish royal treasury was spent on the preparation of the expedition only 10 kg of gold, and in three hundred years, Spain managed to remove precious metals from America, the cost of which was at least 3 million kg of pure gold.

Alas, Crazy Gold did not go to Spain for the benefit, it did not stimulate the development of industry or economics. And in the end, the country is still hopelessly behind many European states.

Today, not only numerous ships and vessels, cities, rivers and mountains, but also, for example, the Salvador's Monetary Unit, the state of Colombia, located in South America, as well as the famous state in the United States are named after Christopher Columbus.

In October 1492, Christopher Columbus opened America. This time he also inscribed his name in history. However, few people know, but on this, his adventures did not end. Many have forgotten that Columbus has repeatedly crossed the Atlantic, risking his life, reputation and well-being. And his last journey - a bold step in the unknown - beyond geographic maps. If this journey did another navigator who did not participate in the opening of America, he would become famous. It was the history of the fight against the elements, natives and their own team. Amazing navigation was completely forgotten. Few people know how sad the fate of a person who has opened a new light. But it is time to find out the truth about all the forgotten last journey of Christopher Columbus.

8 years after the first expedition to the new light, Columbus was concluded in his own colony. The cruel manner of control set up against him former associates and caused the condemnation of patrons - the king and queen of Spain. But he still dreamed of follow the setting sun and find a new way to China's wealth. He was ready for all for this journey. To get permission to the 4th expedition, he had to find weighty arguments, he expected to hear something like: "I'm not going to just go to the new light, I plan to go earth And find a way to Asia, I want to get to India and return with unprecedented wealth, I want to turn into Christianity to intrigue monarchs as I could not even travel to the moon. " And he was given the last chance.

first journey of the great navigator

Eight years earlier, before the first swimming, everything was different. While Columbus's ships have not crossed the Atlantic, the uncharted sea expanses were simply called the sea-ocean. It was obvious that this is a trip to the unknown. No one had seen so far to the West and the team members experienced fear, they were afraid to fall from the edge of the earth, because they did not know that she had the shape of the ball. They scared the prospect not to find the way home. Overcoming fear was the most difficult test. There was no confidence, whether enough provisions and water on the ship to do all the way and return. However, the valuable prize was stood on Kohn - access to the treasures and riches of Asia, pearls, gold and spices from China, India and Japan. For Europe, at that time it was the most fees and almost inaccessible resources. Possessing them promised a comfortable life. For a long time, European could approach these wealth only on land, through the countries of the Middle East - Persia and Afghanistan. This is a long and dangerous journey. It was required to find a simpler way. Portuguese researchers paved the route bypassing the African continent, but Columbus suggested that it seemed to him the fastest and easy way to swim to the West across the sea-ocean, to China itself.

The most brilliant assumption of Columbus is that China can be hit by sea, moving from Europe to the West. This so-called Asian project was that there is a cheaper and simple way across the ocean from Europe to China, and to find it you need to sail from Spain to the West.

However, Columbus has nothing to prove that this path is possible. The entire space between Europe and Asia occupied the water of the Atlantic Ocean. Only a few scattered islands were noted in them. North and South America still, as it were, did not exist. Such an idea of \u200b\u200bthe world was both by Columbus when he prepared an expedition. He had a good luggage of knowledge, as for Europeans, and then it was not yet necessary to assume that there are two more continents between Europe and Asia.

Columbus assumed that the distance between Spain and Japan ranges from 3 to 5,000 miles, and the real figure is 20,000 miles. He was mistaken several times and was very far from the truth. The company Columbus demanded enormous financial investments, in the race for Asian wealth on the sea was comparable in cost with the space program, all European countries participated in it. Christopher Columbus chose the perfect moment to ask for support from the Crown - Spain just won the war. More than 700, the Spaniards tried to expel Mavrov from their territory. In January 1492 last stronghold Mavrov in Spain - Granada Island became Christian. Only after that for Columbus, finally, it was relevant to carry out his journey. It was impossible to come up with the best moment - Spain desperately needed new sources of income. The treasury was empty, and the enterprise of the navigator promised the innumerable wealth of the East - he was considered the source of all wealth at that time. For this purpose, ships rushed there.

First journey great navigator went on three ships. The flagship was Karavel "Santa Maria" - a slow trading ship. But the favorite ship Columbus was a new Karavel "Ninya" - a vessel of the geographical discoveries. They were perfectly suitable for enterprising navigators. Small - 20 meters in length and 6 wide, displacement of 100 tons, light, maneuverable, and at the same time strong enough - ideal vessels for the intersection of the Atlantic. Little sediment allowed a depth of 2 meters, which was of great importance in unfamiliar area. But the main thing - Caravellas were very fast. From the records of Columbus, we know that Karavellas can take 100-120 miles per day, and sometimes 160 miles. For that time, this is a very impressive speed. By the standards of the XV century, they simply flew through the ocean. But the goal of Columbus was so far that even such funds did not make it easily accessible.

Before it, the duration of the navigation did not exceed 10 days. He also increased this figure several times, which indicates its courage and obsession. However, the team did not share this enthusiasm. On October 2, Flotilla Columbus was 5,000 miles from Spain. The further flooded from the house, the more excitement intensified, and complaints were rapidly. Among the sailors were popular stories about monsters living in the depths of the ocean. The sailors allegedly saw a sea snake that dried out of the water and killed several sailors. More than 60 days, the Columbus team experienced the sea. Spoiled food and stench in the holds forced many sailors to sleep under open sky. On the ships was the rebellion. In the logbook there is a mention of this. In the end, a group of sailors put forward the demands to deploy ships and sail back to Spain. All in the expeditions knew that on the calculations of Columbus they had to see the land on the horizon and many had already believed that his idea was mistaken. However, the navigator managed to remove the rebellious stress and convince the sailors to continue the path for three more days. And now there was a first encouraging sign - vegetation in water. Supported confirmed: "Earth!". But it turned out to be only a low cloud. Only on the third day, on Friday, October 11, 1492, Columbus saw the land. The next day he went ashore.

At dawn, he armed and swam to the shore. Flags with the symbols of Spanish monarchs proclaimed the new light of the European colony. Columbus believed that he was in Asia and was given the name of the Ost-India. In fact, he came down on the lands of the new continent - America. The island was given the name of San Salvador, in the name of the Lord and the Savior. For many people with the opening of a new light, the story of Columbus ends. But he will cross the Atlantic three more times. Ahead of him was waiting for war, shipwreck, rebellion, poverty, and the climax will be its last, forgotten swimming.

The first sailing of Columbus entered the story and changed the world map forever. But he was only one of the glory enough. He wanted to get more and wealth. This is the goal now. He followed along the Caribbean shores in search of places where you can find treasures or to establish a colony. One island looked promising. In honor of Spain, he called his Espanyol. Today it is Haiti and Dominican Republic. Columbus he seemed to be a paradise. He hoped that after the opening of the island, the whole world recognizes him as a researcher, and the resources of the island will help him get rich. But the paradise he described will give him short-term glory and turns the catastrophe.

In 1492, the island seemed to Columbus with the new light, but he live. About 100 thousand people have already lived on it. Residents called themselves "Taine." Columbus believed that he was in Ost-India and called them the Indians. People Taine who believed that the gods come from the sea, accepted Christopher Columbus for a deity. They did not even think that these gods would be to use the people and wealth of the island for their mercenary purposes.

Columbus, meanwhile, did not lose time in vain. Soon he found Tain in the villages what was looking for - gold - a source of wealth for himself and Spanish monarchs. Leaving 39 sailors on Espanyol, he returned to Spain the hero of the conqueror.

second Journey of the Great Marithener

For Columbus, the opening of America was only the beginning. He knew that it was necessary to repeat the navigation to the islands open to them as soon as possible to get rich in real. He took him six months to collect flotilla from 17 ships, for the second trip to the new light. But it was no longer a journey of discoverers, but a raid of colonizers. This time the number of expedition was much more. Among her members were simple settlers, royal officials and adventurers, thirsty enrichments. The second swimming through the Atlantic has passed easily and quickly, as the route ran south. After 24 days, the expedition arrived in the Caribbean Sea and headed for Espanyol. By night, they anchored near the coast, waiting to see their compatriots. But they met only night and silence. The next day, Columbus went ashore and found that the remaining fort was completely destroyed, and 39 sailors were killed. It turned out that it was much more difficult to settle on Espanyole than to cross the Atlantic Ocean. It was necessary to find a new place to build a settlement that can provide yourself and protect.

Flotilla went to 100 kilometers south, where Columbus founded La Isabella. Today is a ghost city. Everything that remains from a large settlement for 200 houses is the foundations of a warehouse and church. The largest house was intended by Columbus, as a manager. La Isabella was doomed from the very beginning and became a trap. There was no source of fresh water and protection against the elements. Located on the north coast of the island, the city experienced all the power Caribbean. The city was surrounded by a swamp, which became a source of dissemination of diseases, the most dangerous was malaria. Columbus went deep into the island. He reached the Sibau Valley rich in gold. But the decision of a stranger to go far from the sea did not like local residentswho realized that the Spaniards settled for a long time. And they are not gods, but mortals, blinded by greed. Taine began resistance. In response, Columbus applied cruel measures and forced to obey. In Sibau he built new town In the victory over them. Later, Concepcion de la Vega will be the richest golden tying in the Caribbean.

The city of La Vega became an illustration of the success of Spanish colonization. The Spaniards subordinate to the natives and forced them to work on gold mining, which was spent on their needs. This city quickly acquired European features. Here were the representatives of the nobility that moving the thirst for the profit crossed along with the Columbus of the Atlantic. The Indians have enough tiny gold nuggets, who came across in the mouths of the rivers, but the Spaniards were interested in all the gold of the island: nuggets, ore and even golden dust. They pulled all stocks. Taine was twisted by the gold nuggets, brought the Spaniards, and they were interpreted into the bars, and left them to the fortress to send by ships to Spain.

In 1496, Columbus, confident in the strength of his city, returned from the second journey to the admiral of the sea-ocean and a rich man. But at that moment, the fate of his beloved Espanyola changed dramatically.

third Travel of the Great Marithener

Two years later, Columbus returned to a new light, making third swimming through the Atlantic. This time he sailed to expand and master the new colonies. He fell to Venezuela and became the first European, who saw South America. After that, he headed north. In August 1498, Columbus returned to Espanyol and founded the new capital and called it Santo Domingo. Now he became the ruler of the whole island in the heart of the nascent empire in the Caribbean. However, the conqueror of the seas on land did not show himself a good leader. Here his ability to go under the sail was useless. He had to learn how to lead people, but Columbus methods were cruel. Any disagreement Indian or Spaniard was waiting for a harsh punishment. For example, for theft of Columbus ordered to cut off the ears or noses. Vasa-d'Armos became in Santa Domingo the place of public punishments. But all this configured people against Columbus and caused its overthrow. No one was going to put up with such an appeal. The colonists rebelled and founded their own village in the mountains. Complaints to Columbus and its methods of government reached the monarch and were taken into account. Alarmed rulers sent a special agent to make a report on what was happening on Espanyol, whose conclusion became: "Columbus is guilty." A person who discovered the new light was arrested in his own colony, and delivered to Spain with a stigma of the criminal. But still Columbus underestimated, and he will be able to express himself once again in all the forgotten fourth swimming - the most serious of all.

fourth Journey of the Great Marithener

10 years after the opening of America, Christopher Columbus gathered again to conquer the Atlantic. But the fourth journey was the most dangerous and controversial of all. Despite the failure in the colonies of the new light and returning in chains, the court for cruelty, the king and queen of Spain forgave him and agreed to allocate funds to a new expedition. But this enterprise was unthinkable dangerous. Columbus got bad ships, an unprepared team, obviously, no one was counting on his success. However, the team knew that Christopher was the most experienced atlantic researcher, is now poor and deprived of reputation. And now he has the last chance to save his name from shame.

Interestingly, the monarchs did not fulfill the original condition with Columbus. He had to fight, master new territories and get a big remuneration for the works. But everything has changed, the royal couple gave the right to dispose of riches to other researchers.

The recordings of Columbus constantly talk records with regrets of lost opportunities. In the fourth sailing, Columbus goes with his extramarital son, 13 Summer Fernando, a pack of Spanish yard. He dreamed of being a navigator like his father. Christopher did not leave hope to find the cherished way to Asia and get rich. But he was already 51 years old, he is an old man by the standards of his century, and suffers from the attacks of gout and arthritis. And it became his last journey. Bold plans sounded insanely, as if he decided to overtake the globe. He wrote in his letter that God gave him the keys to open the secrets of the Atlantic. In addition, Columbus managed to attract several important members to his expedition - Diego Mendez became the official chronicle of the campaign, but the fourth swimming was thrown unimaginable dangers. Brother Columbus, Bartolomeo, followed him. He was a cartographer and was trained in Portugal at the Fawner Center. But his reputation was also injured in Espanyol, he was accused of cruelty.

Columbus could not choose the captains, they were appointed by his financial patrons. Again in his swimming, Christopher made a bet on Caravel. This time he had four ships and each with a crew of 30 people. The holds were clogged with supplies, spare sails and weapons. On the deck there were already guns to protect and attack. In the stern part, the steering cutting, and below - the Quarterdek, where the command was located. The characteristic feed of Karavella is curved at the level of the Waterlinia. This is the only way to resist ocean waves. Fully loaded ship can weigh about 100 tons. The navigator used the newest achievements of shipping science: new triangular oblique sails were installed on the ship, allowing to go at an angle to the wind.

The expedition left Europe and went to the Atlantic. Columbus made a stop on the Canary Islands to replenish reserves. From now on the card Mediterranean Sea And Africa is useless. But during their transatlantic travel, Columbus well studied the winds of the winds that in those places. He found out that Western winds in northern latitudes, and the eastern southern, blowing with constant force round year. Thus, for travel, it is necessary to describe the circle in the Atlantic. Relying on his knowledge of the dominant winds, Columbus held a re-equipment of ships on the Canar. He installed ordinary rectangular sails on them, which will catch the wind blowing in the back of travelers, to the newest light. As a result, the fourth columbus journey became the fastest. Using the power of Passats, he along with his fleet recruit the Atlantic for 21 days.
However, after the light road through the Atlantic, there was a sense of the impending trouble. Columbus, with observation peculiar to it, noticed changes in weather conditions, calm, abnormal flows and unusual clouds - signs of deadly danger. They predicted one simple threat - a hurricane. During the second trip, Columbus has already got into a hurricane and remembered what destructive power it possesses. The name Hurricane was given by Indians Taine, who suffered from him every year. Huhraka - What a Wind God meant. Usually hurricanes at a speed of 180 km / h raged in the Caribbean twice a year, not more often. The wind speed 120 km / h is able to destroy the wall, 160 km / h - disseminate the house, and if it is used to reach 240 km / h, it sweeps everything on its path. The energies of one hurricane would have enough to satisfy the needs of the energy of the whole world during the year.

In 1500, Columbus was one of the few Europeans who survived the hurricane. They are especially dangerous in the open sea, because without meeting obstacles, crosses the ocean. Columbus understood that his fleet would not stand the storm. Therefore, I sent a messenger to the governor of Avando with a request to land on Espanyole due to the impending disaster. At the same time, Columbus violated the order of Spanish monarchs, who agreed to support his fourth expedition, but banned him ever step on Espanyola's land. But Columbus had no choice, he desperately needed the harbor to save his ships. Governor Avando forbade landing on Espanyol. No one on land believed that the storm was coming. Columbus came to rage. Now the fate of the expedition depended on his jokes of the navigator.
Finding out that the hurricane will go north from Espanyola, he took his ships to the south, and put anchor in a secure bay, in the hope that she would give some kind of storm. With the arrival of the night, the hurricane fell on the bay. Waketered ocean raised sailing ships, threw them with anchors, and took place in the open sea. In the end, the terrible storm stych. Columbus and his ships were saved. The brilliant skills of the navigator allowed him to save and re-equip the ships. Destruction turned out to be corrected. But not everyone smiled. The capital of Espanyola Santa Domingo was completely destroyed. The sea took the 29 ships of the new ruler out of 30, along with 500 settlers. But Columbus was still not permission to disembark on the island. The exhausted crew remained only to take a course on the open sea. The terrible storm stayed behind, but now Columbus and his team were on the way to the unexplored. So the history of the forgotten expedition of Columbus began.

Christopher Columbus had an unshakable conviction that could be saved to East Asia and India, heading from Europe to the West. It was not based on dark, semi-alphabetic news about the opening of Winland by Normans, but on the considerations of the genius mind Columbus. The warm sea flow from the Gulf of Mexico to the West Bank of Europe gave evidence that there is in the West big land. Portuguese feeding (skipper) Vincent caught in the sea at the height of the Azores of the tree bar, on which the figures were cut out. The carving was skillful, but it was seen that it was not done with an iron, but some other cutter. The same piece of carved tree saw Christopher Columbus from Pedro Carrey, his relative in his wife, who was the ruler of Porto-Santo island. The king of Portuguese John II showed Columbus brought by the Western sea current of the cane of such a thick and high, that in segments from one node to another three azumbras (more than half a bucket) of water was placed. They reminded the Columbus of the word Ptolemy about the enormous magnitude of Indian plants. The inhabitants of Fayal and Gracosa islands told the Columbus that the sea brings to them from the west pine trees of such a breed, which is not in Europe and on their islands. There were several cases that the western flow brought the boats to the shores of the Azores of the Die race, which was not in Europe or Africa.

Portrait of christophore Columbus. Artist S. Del Pjisbo, 1519

Columbus Agreement with Queen Isabella

Having lived some time in Portugal, Columbus left it to offer a plan for swimming in India by Western route castilsky Government. Andalusian Welject Luis de la Card, the Duke of Medina sat down, became interested in the Columbus project, promising huge benefits to the state, and recommended him queen Isabelle. She adopted Christopher Columbus to her service, appointed him a salary and handed him a project for consideration by the University of Salamancan. The Commission, which the Queen instructed the final decision of the case, consisted almost exclusively from the persons of the spiritual title; The influential person in her was the confessor Isabella, Fernando Talavera. After a long reasoning, she came to the conclusion that the founding of the project on swimming to the west of weak and that he is unlikely to fulfill. But not everyone was this opinion. Cardinal Mendoza, a man is very clever, and Dominican Diego Desa, who was subsequently by the Archbishop of Seville and the Great Inquisitor, became the patrons of Christopher Columbus; At their petition, Isabella left him in his service.

In 1487, Columbus lived in Cordoba. It seems that he settled in this city itself because the Dona Beatris Enriches Ava had lived there, with whom he had a connection. She had a son Fernando from him. War with Muslims Granada absorbed all the attention of Isabella. Columbus lost hope from the Queen to swim to the West and decided to go to France to offer his project to the French government. He and his son Diego came to Palos to swim from there to France and stopped in the Franciscan monastery Ravid. The monk Huang Pere Perez Marchena, who lived then there, the confessor Isabella, talked to visit. Columbus began to tell him his project; He invited him to his conversation with the Columbus of the doctor Garia Hernandez, who knew astronomy and geography. Confidence, with what Columbus spoke, made a strong impression on Marchene and Hernandez. Marchena persuaded Columbus to postpone departure and immediately went to Santa Fe (in the camp near Greadakh) to talk with Isabella about the draft Christopher Columbus. Some courtiers supported Marchen.

Isabella sent a Columbus of money and invited him to come to Santa Fe. He arrived shortly before the take of Granada. Isabella, carefully listened to Columbus, eloquently putting her plan to go to her east Asia Western way and explaining what glory it will acquire the conquest of rich pagan lands and the spread of Christianity in them. Isabella promised to equip for the sailing of Columbus squadron, said that if there is no money for money in the treasury, depleted by military expenses, then she will lay down their diamonds. But when it came to the definition of the terms of the contract, it was difficult. Columbus demanded that he was given to the nobility, San Admiral, San Vice-King of all lands and islands, which he will open in his swimming, the tenth of the income that the government will receive from them, so that he believed the right to appoint some positions there and were Some trade privileges are provided so that the power provided to him remains hereditary in his offspring. Castilian dignitaries, who led negotiations with Christopher Columbus, considered these demands too large, urged it to reduce them; But he remained adamant. Negotiations were interrupted, and he again gathered to go to France. The State Treasurer of Castile Luis de San Angel Gorothelyly convinced the Queen to agree on the requirements of Columbus; Some other courtiers told her in the same vein, and she agreed. April 17, 1492 was concluded in Santa Fe Castilian government with Christopher Columbus Agreement on the conditions that he demanded. The treasury was depleted by war. San Anhel said that he will give his money to the gear of three ships, and Columbus went to Andalusian Primorye to prepare for his first swimming in America.

The beginning of the first sailing of Columbus

The small port city of Palos is shortly before that the anger of the government has been brought upon himself, and for it there was a duty to maintain two ship for civil service during the year. Isabella ordered Palosa to give these ships to the disposal of Christopher Columbus; The third ship was equipped with money for money, informing him friends. In Palos, he enjoyed a great influence of the Pinson family, which occupied maritime trade. With the assistance of Pinson Columbus, scattered the fear of sailors to go to the distant swimming west and scored about a hundred good sailors. Three months later, the squadron equipment was over, and on August 3, 1492, two Karavlah, Pinta and Ninia floated, the captain of which Alonso Pinson and his brother Vincent Yanez, and the third ship of a few more values, "Santa Maria ", Whose captain was Christopher Columbus himself.

Copy of the ship Columbus "Santa Maria"

After sailing from Palos, Columbus constantly kept directions to the west under the degrees of the latitude of the Canary Islands. The path on these degrees was longer than in latitudes more northern or more southern, but represented that benefit that the wind was constantly passing. The squadron stopped at one of the Azores to fix the damaged Pintu; It took a month. Then the first sailing of Columbus continued on to the West. In order not to excite anxiety in the sailors, Columbus hid from them the true magnitude of the path passed. In the tables that showed their companions, he exhibited the numbers less real, and genuine figures noted only in their journal, which did not show anyone. The weather was good, the wind is passing; The air temperature resembled fresh and warm morning hours of April Days in Andalusia. The squadron sailed 34 days, without seeing nothing but the sea and sky. Sailors began to worry. The magnetic arrow has changed its direction, began to deviate from the pole further to the West than in the near future from Europe and Africa parts of the sea. It increased the fear of sailors; It seemed that swimming was leading them in such places where the unknown influences were dominated. Columbus tried to calm them, explaining that the change in the direction of the magnetic arrow is created by changing the position of ships with respect to the polar star.

The passing oriental wind carried ships in the second half of September to the calm sea, in some places covered with green marine plants. I invaluance in the direction of the wind increased the alarm of the sailors: they began to think that in those places there is never any other wind, and that they can not be saved in the opposite way, but these concerns disappeared when strong marine currents from the south-west were noticeable: they They gave the opportunity to return to Europe. The squadron of Christopher Columbus sailed in that part of the ocean, which was subsequently called herbal sea; This solid vegetative water sheath seemed like a sign of the proximity of the Earth. A flock of birds spruce over the ships strengthened the hope that the land is close. Seeing September 25 at sunset the cloud on the edge of the horizon in the north-west direction, the participants of the first navigation of Columbus took him for the island; But the next morning it turned out that they were mistaken. Former historians have stories that the sailors made a conspiracy to force Columbus to return that they even threatened his life that they were forced to promise him to turn back if the earth would not appear in the next three days. But now it is proved that these stories are fiction arising in several decades after the time of Christopher Columbus. The fears of sailors, very natural, were turned the next generation fantasy into the rebellion. Columbus reassured his sailors promises, threats, reminders of power given to him the queen, kept himself firmly and calmly; This was enough so that the sailors did not come out of the obedience to him. He promised a lifelong pension in 30 gold coins to those who first see the land. Therefore, the sailors who were on Marsa, several times gave signals that the land was visible, and when it turned out that the signals were erroneous, the crews of the ships were mentioned. To stop these disappointments, Columbus said that who would give an erroneous signal about the land on the horizon, loses the right to receive a pension, at least after and really saw the first land.

Opening of America Columbus

In early October, signs of the proximity of the Earth strengthened. Flocks of small motley birds circled over the ships and flew to the southwest; Plants floated on the water, obviously not sea, and earthly, but still preserved freshness showing that they were washed away with the waves from the ground recently; A plate was caught and decorated with a thread stick. The navigators took the direction somewhat south; The air was an aromate, as in the spring in Andalusia. A clear night on October 11, Columbus noticed a distance of moving light, because he ordered the sailors to look carefully and promised, except for the former award, Silk Camzole who first see the land. At 2 o'clock in October 12, the sailor Pintta Juan Rodrigues Vermekho, a native of the neighboring town of Molinos, saw the outline of the cape during the lunar light and with a joyful cry: "Earth! Land!" Rushed to the cannon to make a signal shot. But then the reward for the discovery was awarded the Columbus itself, before which he saw the light. With the dawn, the ships walked to the shore, and Christopher Columbus in the scarlet clothes of Admiral, with the Castilian banner in his hand, went out to the land open. It was the island that the natives called Guanagani, and Columbus called the Savior Salvador to the glory (then he was called Watling). The island was covered with beautiful meadows and forests, there were residents, naked, dark copper color; their hair was straight, not curly; Their body was painted in bright colors. They met Inozemtsev timidly, respectfully, imagined that these are the children of the Sun, and did not understand anything, watched and listened to the ceremony, which Columbus took over the Castilian crown of their island. They gave expensive things for beads, bubber, foil. So the opening of America began.

In the next day of swimming days, Christopher Columbus opened a few more small islands belonging to the Bahamas archipelago. He called one of them is the island of the immaculate conception (Santa Maria de La Concepcion), another Fernandina (this is the current island of Ehum), the third Isabella; Gave and other new names in this way. He believed that the archipelago was open to them in this first swimming lies in front of the eastern shore of Asia, which is not far from the Jeepani (Japan) and Kata (China), described Marco Polo and drawn on Paolo Toskanlyli map. He led to his ships of several natives, so that they learn from Spanish and served by translators. Having left on the southwest, Columbus October 26 opened the Big Island of Cuba, and on December 6 - beautiful Island, reminded by his forests, mountains and fertile plains Andalusia. By this similarity, Columbus called him Espanyola (or, in the Latin form of the word, Hispaniola). Natives called Haiti. The luxurious vegetation of Cuba and Haiti approved the conviction in the Spaniards that this is a neighboring archipelago with India. No one then suspected about the existence of the Great Continent of America. The participants of the first navigation of Christopher Columbus admired the beauty of meadows and forests on these islands, their excellent climate, bright feathers and ringing birds in the forests, the aroma of herbs and flowers, which was so strong, which was felt away from the coast; The brightness of the stars of the tropical sky admired.

The vegetation of the islands was then, after the autumn rains, in full freshness of his shine. Columbus, gifted by living love to nature, describes the beauty of the islands and sky in the ship's magazine of its first navigation over them with elegant simplicity. Humboldt Says: "In his swimming along the coast of Cuba between the small islands of the Bahamas archipelago and the Hardinel group, Christopher Columbus admired the dense of the forests, in which the branches of the trees were awake so that it is difficult to disassemble what flowers belong to this or another tree. He admired the luxurious meadows of wet coastal, pink flamingos, standing along the shores of the rivers; Each new Earth It seems the Columbus even more beautiful than that described in front of it; He complains that he lacks words to convey pleasure experienced by him. " - The walk says: "Fascinated by his success, Columbus imagines that the mastic trees grow in these forests that the sea is emitted by pearl sinks that in the sand rivers a lot of gold; He sees the implementation of all the stories about the rich India. "

But the Spaniards did not find such a set of gold, expensive stones and pearls, as they wished. The natives carried small jewelry made of gold, wouldingly change them to beads and other bales. But this gold did not satisfy the greediness of the Spaniards, but only diluted in them the hope of lands in which there is a lot of gold; They asked the natives who came to their ships on shutouts. Columbus appealed with these savages friendly; They ceased to be afraid of the ingenians and answered questions about gold that the land in which there was a lot of it were in south. But in his first journey, Christopher Columbus did not reach the mainland of America; He did not float further Espanyola, the inhabitants of which took the Spaniards trustingly. The most important of the prince of their casic Guacanagari showed the columbus sincere friendship and son-respect. Columbus found it necessary to stop swimming and return from the banks of Cuba to Europe, because Alonso Pinson, the head of one of Karavel, secretly sailed from the Admiral ship. He was a proud and quick-tempered man, he was his subordination by Christopher Columbus, he wanted to gain the merit of the opening of the earth rich in gold, and one would take advantage of her treasures. His karavellah fell from the ship Columbus and no longer returned. Columbus suggested that he swam in Spain to assign a fame to himself and the discovery reward.

After a month (December 24), the ship "Santa Maria" fell by negligence of the young feed on the sandy shallow and was broken by the waves. Columbus remained only one caravel; He saw himself as needed to hurry to return to Spain. Casic and all residents of Espanyola showed the most friendly location to the Spaniards, tried to do everything that could. But Columbus was afraid that his only ship could crash from strangers, and did not dare to continue discoveries. He decided to leave on Espanyole some of his companions, so that they continue to acquire gold from the natives for the balancing savages. With the help of the natives, the participants of the first navigation of Columbus built the strengthening of the cracked ship, circled it with the moat, moved part of edible supplies to it, put several guns there; Sailors in vain one before others were called to remain in this strengthening. Columbus chose 40 people from them, between which there were several carpenters and other masters, and left them in Espanyole under the superiors of Diego Arana, Pedro Gutierres and Rodrigo Esquo. Strengthening was named after the holiday of Christmas La Navidad.

Before the departure of Christopher Columbus, Alonso Pinson returned to Europe. Floating from Columbus, he headed further along the shore of Espanyola, went to the ground, got from the natives in exchange for balancing a few pieces of gold in two fingers, went deep into the country, heard about the island of Yamaya (Jamaica), on which there is a lot of gold and from which in Ten days can be saved to big landwhere people who wear clothes live. Pinson had strong kinship and powerful friends in Spain, because Columbus hid his displeasure on him, pretended to believe in fudges, which he explains his act. Together they swam along the shore of Espanyola and in the Samansky Gulf found the militant tribe of Siguayo, which entered into battle with them. It was the first hostile clash of the Spaniards with the natives. From the shores of Espanyola, Columbus and Pinson on January 16, 1493 floated to Europe.

Return of Columbus from the first navigation

On the way back from the first navigation, happiness was less favorable Christopher Columbus and his companions than on the way to America. In half of February, they underwent a strong bora, which, with difficulty could withstand their ships, already and so quite badly damaged. "Pint" was carried by a storm to the north. Columbus and other travelers who floated on the "Nier" lost her out of sight. Columbus felt a great trouble with the thought that "Pint" drowned; His ship also could easily die, and in this case would not reach Europe information about his discoveries. He gave God the promise that if his ship was aimed, then there will be trips on a mantalie in three famous Spanish saints. He and his companions threw the lot, which of them will go to these holy places. Of the three trips, two fell out of Christopher Columbus itself; The costs of the third he took over. The storm still continued, and Columbus came up with the tool so that the information about his opening reached Europe in the event of the death of NiƱa. He wrote on parchment short story about his swimming and the lands found by him, the parchment turned, covered with a wax shell to protect against water, put a package in the barrel, made an inscription on the barrel, which will find him and deliver the Queen of Castilskaya, will receive 1000 ducats award, and threw it in sea.

A few days later, when the storm stopped, and the sea calmed down, the sailor saw from Mars Grota Mast land; The joy of Columbus and his companions was as large as when he was opening earlier during the swimming of the first island in the West. But no one, except Columbus, could not unravel, which shore before them. Only he managed to observe and calculate; All others were confused in them, partly because he intentionally introduced them in mistakes, wanting one to have the information necessary for the second navigation to America. He realized that the land in front of the ship is one of the Azores. But the waves were still so great and the wind was so strong that Karavella Christopher Columbus was kept for three days in mind the land before the Santa Maria could have been to Santa Maria (the southern island of the Azore archipelago).

The Spaniards went ashore on February 17, 1493. The Portuguese owned by the Azoresian Islands met their unfriendly. Castaanta, the ruler of the island, the man is cunning, wanted to capture Columbus and his ship for the fear that these Spaniards are rivals of Portuguese in trade with Guinea, or, at will, to reveal the discoveries made them in swimming, Columbus sent half of his sailors in Chapel to thank God for salvation From storm. Portuguese arrested them; They wanted to master the ship, but it did not succeed, because Columbus observed caution. Failure to fail, the Portuguese ruler of the island let go arrested, excuses his hostile acts by what did not know whether the Columbus ship is really in the service of Queen Castilskaya. Columbus swam in Spain; But the Portuguese shore has undergone a new bora; She was very dangerous. Columbus and his companions gave a promise of fourth pilgrims; It fell on the lot of Columbus himself. Casquez residents, who saw the danger from the shore, in which the ship is located, went to the church to pray for his salvation. Finally, March 4, 1493, the ship of Christopher Columbus reached the Sonttane Cape and entered the mouth of the Tahoe River. The sailors of the Belle Harbor, to whom Columbus stuck, said that his salvation was a miracle that there was no such strong storm in the memory of people that she sank 25 large merchant ships sailing from Flanders.

Happiness favored in the first swimming Christopher Columbus, saved him from dangers. They threatened him in Portugal. Her King John II envied the amazing discovery, who eased all the openings of Portuguese and, as it seemed to take away from them to trade with India, whom they wanted to achieve thanks to the discovery. Vasco da Gama Ways there around Africa. The king took Columbus in his West Palace Valparaiso, he heard his story about discoveries. Some Veelmes wanted to annoy Columbus, call him on some keenness and, taking advantage of her, kill. But John II rejected this shameful thought, and Columbus remained alive. John showed respect for him and took care of providing him with security on the way back. March 15 Christopher Columbus sailed in Palos; Residents of the city met him with delight. His first swimming lasted seven and a half months.

In the evening, on the same day sailed in Palos and Alonso Pinson. He went ashore in Galicia, sent a notice of his discoveries Isabelle and Ferdinand, who was then in Barcelona, \u200b\u200basked them to audiences. They answered that he came to them in Kolumba's retinue. This disfavor of the queen and the king grieved him; wicked him and coldness, with what he was accepted in his hometown Palos. He burned so much that in a few weeks died. He brought contempt with his cunning towards Columbus, so the contemporaries did not want to appreciate the services rendered by him to open a new light. Only descendants gave justice to his brave participation in the first swimming of Christopher Columbus.

Reception Columbus in Spain

In Seville, Columbus received an invitation from Queen and King Spain to come to them in Barcelona; He drove, taking with him several savages brought from open in swimming islands, and products found there. The people gathered a huge crowd to see his entry into Barcelona. Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand Accepted it with such honors, which only the most knowledgeable people were. The king met Columbus on the square, put himself next to him and then drove several times next to him riding around the city. Noncent Spanish Velmazbi gave pions in honor of Columbus and, as they say, on a celebration, given in honor of his Cardinal Mendosa, there was a famous anecdote with a "Columbus Egg".

Columbus in front of the kings of Ferdinand and Isabella. Picture E. Loyets, 1843

Columbus remained in a solid conviction that the islands opened by him during a swim was in the eastern shore of Asia, not far from the rich lands of Jeepanta and Katya; Almost everyone shared his opinion; Only a few doubted its foundation.

Continued - see the article

Where Christopher Columbus sailed and why, you will learn from this article.

Purpose of Christopher Columbus

The navigator is the most mysterious personality of the era of great geographical discoveries and travels. His life is full of mysteries, dark spots, inexplicable coincidences and actions. And all because humanity became interested in the navigator 150 years after his death - important documents were already lost, and the life of Columbus remained overdue conversion and gossip. Plus, Columbus himself hid his origin (for incomprehensible reasons), the motives of their actions and thoughts. The only thing that is known is 1451 - a year of his birth and the place of appearance on the light is the Genoese Republic.

He made 4 expeditions, which were provided by the Spanish King:

The first expedition - 1492-1493.

Second Expedition - 1493-1496.

The third expedition - 1498 - 1500 years.

Fourth Expedition - 1502 - 1504 years.

During the four expeditions, many new territories and two seas were opened by the navigator - Sargassovo and Caribbean.

He married in 1482 on the daughter of a noble sailor from Italy, he and his wife went to Porto-Santo Island, to the estate. In his house, Columbus found a lot of marine cards and received the first information about the lands and islands that lie in the western side from Europe. Walking along the shore of the island, he noticed that the water arrived to the shore of the trunks of unknown wood and the corpses unfamiliar then the human race. Then he did not suspect the existence of the continent about which Europeans had not yet known. Later from the treatises of Pliny, Seneki and Aristotle learned about India, new land. And the navigator caught fire with a new idea and purpose - Christopher Columbus was looking for a way to India, not rising in this africa.

He drawn the search for the new, direct path to the country of spices and in 1483 he addressed him to the king of Portugal - John. Without receiving the desired result, Columbus went to Spain, where she signed an agreement with the crown for the preparation of the expedition. It happened on April 17, 1492.

The Lord made me a messenger of the new sky and the new land,
they created, those most about which he wrote in the Apocalypse of St.
John ... And there the Lord pointed me the way.

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus (born. Approximately August 26 and October 31, 1451, - Death on May 20, 1506) - Italian navigator, in 1492 he opened America.

Columbus - the magnitude of the eternal. Even schoolchildren in our time, impellent with the answer, who is Stalin and why Lenin lies on Red Square, can associate such a concept as Columbus and America. And some may be able to tell sad story His life - the life of the discoverer without discovering, the great, fearless, is mistaken ... for, as Juli claimed, do not be at the Columbus of these three qualities, he may not have risen to overcome the endless sea smooth and go to the search for land, previously mentioned only in Myths and sagas.

The story of Columbus is an incessant story of mysteries. Doubt is completely all - the date of his birth, its origin and the city where he was born. For the right to consider himself home by Homer, 7 Greek cities argued. Columbus "lucky" is more. At various times and in different places, 26 applicants (14 Italian cities and 12 nations) have put forward such a claim by entering into litigation with Genoa.

More than 40 years ago, Genoa seems to finally won this centuries-old process. But to this day, the voices of the lawyers of false versions of the Motherland and the national affiliation of Columbus will not cease. Until 1571, no one doubted the origin of Columbus. He himself repeatedly called himself a Genoese. The first questioned the Genoese origin of Columbus Ferdinando Columbus. He was guided by "noble" intentions to introduce no noble ancestors to the pedigree the great navigator. Genoa for such experiments was not suitable: this name was not in the lists of even plebeian families. Because the author led the grandfather of Columbus to the Italian city of Piacenza, where noble people from the local species of Columbus lived in the XIV and XV centuries. An example of Ferdinand Colon inspired on this kind of searching for historians of subsequent centuries.

Childhood. Defense. Youth

Christopher Columbus was born in a weaver family, which simultaneously traded cheese and wine. About the material situation of the family and about the notice of a very honest father of the navigator Domenico Colombo tells the Confucus, which occurred at the wedding of Sisters Christophero Bianakhnetta. The son-in-law, the cheese trader, accused Domenico that he did not give the attached, promised for her daughter. Notarial acts of those times confirm that the position of the family actually has been depressing. In particular, major disagreements with creditors arose because of the house, where they settled 4 years after the birth of Christophero.

Although Christopher had a childhood behind the Father's Weaving Machine, the interests of the boy were sent to the other side. The greatest impression on the child was produced by the harbor, where people were pushed and crossed themselves with different color of the skin, in the burlyes, cafts, the European dress Christopher would not have long been a third-party observer. Already at the age of 14, he walked Jung in Portofino, and later on Corsica. In those days at the Ligurian coast, the most common form of trade was natural exchange. Domenico Colombo also took part in it, and the son helped: accompanied the little-loving vessel with fabrics, in nearby shopping centers, and from there delivered cheese and wine.

In Lisbon, he met the maiden Felipa Montiza da Remetrelo and soon married her. For Christopher Columbus, this marriage became a happy lot. He entered a notable portuguese house and threatened with people who have taken the most direct participation in overseas campaigns organized by Prince Henry Navigator and his successors.

Felipi's father in young years was ranked as a retinue of Heinrich Maritavochor. Columbus got access to different documents in which the history of Portuguese swimming in the Atlantic was captured. In winter, 1476-1477, Columbus left a spouse and went to England and Ireland, in 1478 he was on Madeira. The Primary School of Practical Navigation Columbus passed on Porto Santo and on Madeira, traveling to the Azores, and then completed the course of marine science in Guinean expeditions. In his leisure hours, he studied geography, mathematics, Latin, but only to the extent that it was necessary for his purely practical purposes. And more than once, Columbus recognized that he was not very sophisticated in the sciences.

But especially struck the imagination of the young sailor, the Book Marco Polo, which said about the covered with the Golden Palaces of Sipanu (Japan), about the pomp and the brilliance of the Great Khan's yard, about the birthplace of spices - India. Columbus did not doubt that the earth has a shape of a ball, but it seemed to him that this ball was much smaller than in reality. That is why he believed that Japan is relatively close to the Azores.

Stay in Portugal

Columbus landing in America

Columbus decided to get into India Western way and in 1484 outlined his plan to king Portugal. The design of Columbus was simple. It was based on two parcels: one completely faithful and one false. The first (correct) is that the land is a ball; and the second (false) is that most of the earth's surface is occupied by land - a single array of three continents, Asia, Europe and Africa; The smaller - by the sea, because of this, the distance between the Western banks of Europe and the eastern tip of Asia is small, and in a short period of time it is possible, following Western way, to achieve India, Japan and China - this corresponded to the geographical ideas of the Columbus era.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe possibility of such a swimming was expressed Aristotle and Seneca, Pliny Senior, Strabo and Plutarch, and in the middle century the theory of the United Ocean was consecrated by the church. It was recognized by the Arab world and his great geographers: Masidi, Al-Biruni, Idrisi.

Living in Portugal, Columbus offered his project to King Juan II. It happened at the end of 1483 or early 1484. Time for projecting was not very well chosen. In 1483-1484, Zhuuan II could think about long-range expeditions. The king quenched the rebellion of Portuguese magnates and was painted with conspirators. He attached more importance to further discoveries in Africa, but the atlantic swimming in the western direction was interested in much to a lesser extent.

The story of the negotiations of Columbus and King Juan II is not entirely clear. It is known that the Columbus requested a lot in the reward for their services. Before indecency. So much as no longer a mortal asked for the vengeons. He demanded the title of the main admiral of the ocean and the noble rank, the position of the vice-king of newly open lands, the tenth share of revenues from these territories, the eighth part of the latter from the future trade with new countries and gold spurs.

All these conditions, except for the Golden Spurs, he included subsequently into his contract. King Zhuan never accepted rash solutions. He passed the offer of Columbus "Mathematical Hunt" - a small Lisbon Academy, in which outstanding scientists and mathematicians were meeting. It is not known what decision received the Council. At least it was unfavorable - this happened in 1485. The wife of Columbus died in the same year, and his financial situation had sharply worsened.

Stay in Spain

1485, Summer - He decided to leave Portugal to Castile. Columbus took a seven-year-old son Diego and sent Bartolomeo's brother to England in the hope that he would interest the project of the Western way to Heinrich VII. From Lisbon, Christopher Columbus headed to Palo, so that in the neighboring town of Wuelve to attach to the relatives of the wife of Diego. Exhausted by long wanders, with a small child in her arms, Columbus decided to ask for refuge in the monastery, near which the forces were completely left for him.

So Columbus was in the monastery of Rabid and in the rustling of Revelation poured the soul to the abbot Antonio de Marchena - a powerful person under the Spanish yard. The Columbus project led Antonio delight. He gave Columbus letters to the approximate royal family - he had at the courtyard of communication.

Wrought by hot welcome in the monastery, Columbus went to Cordon. There was temporarily stayed by the courtyard of their highness (Castilian and Aragonian kings until 1519 wore title of highness) - Queen of Castilian Isabella and King of the Aragon Ferdinand.

However, in Spain, Kristobal Colon (so called Columbus in Spain) expected long years of need, humiliation and disappointment. The royal advisers believed that the Columbus project was not fulfilled.

In addition, all the strengths and attention of the Spanish rulers were absorbed in the struggle with the residue of Mauritanian domination in Spain - a small Moorish state in Grenada. Columbus was denied. Then he proposed his plan of England, and then again Portugal, but nowhere he was taken seriously.

Only after the Spaniards took the Grenada, the Columbus after prolonged hassle was able to get three small ship in Spain for his journey.

First Expedition (1492 - 1493)

With incredible work, he managed to collect the team, and, in the end, on August 3, 1492, a small squadron left the Spanish port Palo and went to the West to seek India.

The sea was calm and deserted, blowing back the wind. So ships went more than a month. September 15, Columbus and his companions saw away the green strip. However, their joy soon was replaced by chagrin. It was not the long-awaited land, Sargasso Sea began to be so started - the gigantic accumulation of algae. On September 18-20, the sailors saw flies of birds flying to the west. "Finally, they thought sailors - the ground is close!" But this time the travelers expected disappointment. The crew began to worry. In order not to frighten people a distance of the distance traveled, Columbus began to be understood in the ship's journal traveled path.

On October 11, at 10 o'clock in the evening, Columbus, greedily visiting the night MGLU, saw the flicker of the distance, and in the morning of October 12, 1492. The sailor Rodrigo de Triana shouted: "Earth!" Sails removed on the ships.

Before travelers, there was a small island overgrown with palm trees. Along the shore on the sand fled naked people. Columbus put on the laties a scarlet dress and with the royal flag in his hands he went to the shore of a new world. It was the island of Watling from the group Bahamas Islands. The natives called him guanagani, and Columbus called San Salvador. So America was open.

Travel routes Christopher Columbus

True, Columbus was confident until the end of his days, he did not open any "new light," and found only the way to India. And with his light hand of the natives of the new world began to call the Indians. The natives of the newly open island were rosy, beautiful people. They did not wear clothes, their bodies were Pestro painted. Some natives in the noses were the grillstick sticks, led Columbus delight: it was gold! So, the country of Golden Palaces - Sipanu was not far.

In search of the Golden Sipan, Columbus left Guanagani and went further, opening the island. Everywhere of the Spaniards hit the rainy tropical vegetation, the beauty of the islands scattered in the blue ocean, the friendliness and the meekness of the natives, which for shaking, the molasses and beautiful rags were given to the Spaniards of gold, birds and unprecedented by the Spaniards earlier. October 20, Columbus reached Cuba.

The Cuban population was the cultural residents of the Bahamas. In Cuba, Columbus found a statue, large buildings, cotton boilers and first saw cultural plants - tobacco and potatoes, new world products that have conquered the whole world. All this even more strengthened the confidence of Columbus, that somewhere nearby was Sipan and India.

1492, December 4 - Columbus opened the island of Haiti (the Spaniards called him then Espanyola). At this island, Columbus built Fort La Navidad ("Christmas"), left 40 people from the garrison and on January 16, 1493. He went to Europe on two ships: his largest ship "Santa Maria" was crashed on December 24.

On the way back the terrible storm was played, and the courts lost sight of each other. Only on February 18, 1493, the exhausted sailors saw the Azores, and on February 25 reached Lisbon. March 15, Columbus after the 8th monthly lack returned to port Palo. So ended the first expedition of Christopher Columbus.

Traveler accepted in Spain with delight. He was granted the coat of arms with the image of the map again open Islands And with the motto:
"For Castile and Leon New world Opened Colon. "

Second Expedition (1493 - 1496)

A new expedition was organized quickly, and on September 25, 1493 Christopher Columbus went to the second expedition. This time he led 17 ships. With it, 1500 people seduced by the stories about the mild layout in newly open lands.

November 2 in the morning, after quite a tedious swimming, seafarers saw away high mountain. It was the island of Dominica. It was covered with forest, the wind brought spicy flavors from the shore. Another day the other mountainous island was opened, Guadeloupe. There, the Spaniards instead of peaceful and affectionate inhabitants of the Bahamas met militant and cruel cannibals, the Indians from the Karaibov tribe. There was a fight between the Spaniards and Karahibami.

Opening Puerto Rico Island, Columbus November 22, 1493 swam to Espanyole. At night, the trial approached the place where the fort was stood in the first swimming.

Everything was quiet. There was not a single light on the shore. Arrived gave a volley from Bombard, but only Echo rolled away. In the morning, Columbus found out that the Spaniards would restored the Spaniards to their cruelty and greed against themselves the Indians, which one night they suddenly attacked the fortress and burned it, interrupting rapists. So America met Columbus during his second navigation!

The second expedition of Columbus was unsuccessful: the discovery was insignificant; Despite the careful searches, gold found a little; In again, the conveyed colony of Isabella was racing diseases.

When Columbus went on the search for new lands (during this navigation, he opened the island of Jamaica), the Indians on Espanyole, perturbed by the oppression of the Spaniards, rebelled again. The Spaniards were able to suppress the uprising and cruelly dealt with the rebels. They paid their hundreds to slavery, sent to Spain or forced to fulfill the unbearable work on plantations and mines.

1496, March 10 - Columbus started in the opposite way, and on June 11, 1496, his ships entered the Harbor Cadix.

American Writer Washington Irving told so about the return of Columbus from the second expedition:

"These unfortunate crawled, exhausted diseases in colony and grave travelers. Their yellow faces, according to one old writer, were a parody of gold, which was the subject of their aspirations, and all their stories about the new light were reduced to disease complaints, poverty and disappointment. "

Third Expedition (1498 - 1500)

Return of Christopher Columbus from Swimming

In Spain, Columbus not only accepted very coldly, but also deprived many privileges. Only after prolonged and humiliating hassle, he was able to equip ships in the summer of 1498 for the third expedition.

This time, Columbus and his crew had a chance to carry a long-term windlessness and terrible heat. July 31, ships came to big island Trinidad, and in a short time before Columbus turned out to be the grass coast.

Christopher Columbus accepted him for the island, in reality it was a mainland - South America. Even when Columbus got at the mouth of Orinoco, he did not understand that in front of him a huge mainland.

At Espanyol, at this time there was a tense setting: the colonists were overviewed; Relations to the natives were spoiled; Indians rebellions responded to the oppression, and the Spaniards sent one punitive expedition to them.

Intrigues who have long been told against Columbus under the Spanish yard, eventually had its own action: in August 1500, a new authorized government, Babadilla arrived on Espanyola Island. He dedicated Columbus and, causing him and his brother Bartolomeo in the shackles, sent to Spain.

Appearance famous traveler In the chandels caused such indignation among the Spaniards that the government was forced to release him immediately. The shackles were removed, but the deadly insulted Admiral was not parted to the end of their days and ordered them to put them in his coffin.

The Columbus took away almost all the privileges, and the expedition began to equip in America without his participation.

Fourth Expedition (1502 - 1504)

Only in 1502, Columbus was able to go on four ships in his fourth, the last expedition. This time he passed along the shores of Central America, from Honduras to Panama. It was the most unsuccessful his journey. The travelers have undergone all sorts of deprivation, and in 1504 Admiral returned to Spain on the same ship.

The end of the life of Columbus passed in the fight. Admiral began to dream about the challenge of Jerusalem and the mountains of Zion. At the end of November 1504, he sent a royal couple a lengthy letter in which he expressed his "crusading" credo.

Death Columbus and posthumous journey

Columbus often sick.

"The exhausted gout, the sorrowfully of the death of his wealth, wasted by other chases, he gave the soul with the king for the rights and privileges promised him. Before his death, he still considered himself the king of India and gave advice to the king, how best to rule the overseas lands. He gave God to God on the Ascension Day, on May 20, 1506 in Valladolid, adopted with the great humility of the Holy Gifts. "

Admiral was buried in the Church of the Valladolid Franciscan Monastery. And in 1507 or in 1509, Admiral went to his longest journey. It continued for 390 years. At first, his ashes was transported to Seville. In the middle of the XVI century, his remains from Seville delivered to Santo Domingo (Haiti). There was also buried the brother Columbol Bartolomeo, the son of his Diego and the grandson of Louis.

1792 - Spain gave way to France eastern half of the island of Espanyol. The commander of the Spanish Flotilla ordered to deliver the dust of the admiral in Havana there were fourth funerals. 1898 - Spain lost Cuba. The Spanish government decided: the dust of the admiral is transferred to Seville. Now he rests in the Seville Cathedral.

What did Christopher Columbus looking for? What hopes attracted it to the west? The contract concluded by Columbus with Ferdinand and Isabella does not clarify this.

"As you, Christopher Columbus, go on our orders on our ships and with our subjects subject to open and conquer some of the islands and mainland in the ocean ... That is fair and reasonable ... so that you are rewarded for it."

What islands? What kind of mainland? His secret Columbus took himself to the grave.

See also: