Who was opened is the island of Java. Open the left menu of Java

In the Island Republic of Indonesia, there is an island of Java, who became the world retortion on population. On the world map, it is located in South-East Asia. Java Island is covered with tropical forests, which are adjacent to the stone jungle of the capital of Indonesia - Jakarta.

The island is located in the center of the Indonesian archipelago in Southeast Asia. On the map he is located between Eurasia and Australia, next to the island of Sumatra, which is located just north of Java. On the south side is the islands and Bali, and from the east - the islands of Sulawesi and Malaysia.

Java Island on the world map has coordinates:

  • Geographic: 7 ° 17 '56 "South latitude of 109 ° 56'06" Eastern longitude.
  • Decimal degrees: longitude -7,298904; Latitude 109,942516.

Height above sea level 3675 m.

Length and width of the island, area and shape

The island stretches for 1 thousand km in the West Eastern direction, and width is 205 km. Its area is about 130 thousand km 2, of which 44 thousand km 2 are covered with tropical forests and impassable jungle.

The island has an oblong shape, similar to a horizontally lying boot. The shores of Java are washed by Indian and Pacific Oceans, and from the north of the Yavansky Sea. From Sumatra Java separates the Bay of Sunda.

A significant part of the island's territories is occupied by 120 volcanoes, 30 of which are considered valid. Also island has a large number of rivers. But the main source of fresh water is the River Solo River.

The territory of the island is divided into:

  • western;
  • eastern;
  • central.

How to get to the island?

You can get to the island in several ways.

By plane

On the island of Java there are 6 airports international communications. The largest of them "SOEKARNO-HATTA" in Jakarta, which takes large-capacity airliners, and is also used for transfers with movements within the country.

You can reach the island of Java by plane from Jakarta.

The remaining 5 airlocks near the cities of Bandung, Jokyakarta, Surakart, Jativangi and Surabaya have a connection only with the city of Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia and Thailand International Airports. You can also get from the city of Java from the city of Moscow.

Multiple airlines are carried out to the city of Jakarta:

Name of Airlines Transfer Final destination Frequency of flights per day
Qatar Airway. Doha Kuala Lumpur 1-2
Thai Airway. Bangkok Jakarta 1
Singapur Airline. Singapore Surabaya 2
Emirates. Dubai. Jakarta 1

On average, any flight takes at least 20 hours.

On the ferry of the National Shipping Company "Pelni"

This type of movement can be used to get to the island of Java from other islands:

  • Bali;
  • Sulawesi;
  • Sumatra.

Ports on Java are located in the cities:

  • Jakarta;
  • Surabaya;
  • Semerang;
  • Chibon.

Movement on the island

Java Island on the world map is allocated by its length. For quick movement on it is used.


Between the cities of Java are carried out flights from the airports of Jakarta cities and Surabaya companies:

  • "Garuda";
  • "Merpati";
  • "Mandala";
  • "Batavia".


On the island of Java there are 4 railway networks:

  • North: Jakarta - Chiberon - Semarang - Surabaya.
  • South: Jakarta - Bandung - Jokyakarta - Surakrat - Surabaya.
  • Eastern: Surabaya - Sidoardjo - Bangle - Pasoruan.
  • Western: Jakarta - Tanglerang - Serang - Pelon.

Each electric train has several types of wagons:

  • conditioned coupe;
  • seat place;
  • economy with a small number of seats.


You can travel between cities by bus. It is worth noting that this type of transport on the island is considered the most inconvenient, as there are no flights accurate schedule The departure of arrival, and straighten musicians enter the salon on the way, who after the improvised concert require a small payment.

Month Western Island Eastern Island
Average temperature, degrees Queen of the rainy days Tempery water, degrees Average temperature, degrees Queen of the rainy days Tempery water, degrees
Day Night Day Night
January 28 22 15 28 31 24 21 28
February 28 22 15 29 33 22 19 29
March 29 22 12 30 32 24 18 29
April 30 23 11 30 33 26 12 30
May 31 24 9 30 36 27 5 30
June 30 24 5 29 36 28 3 29
July 30 25 5 28 34 27 1 28
August 30 25 2 28 34 28 1 28
September 31 25 5 29 33 26 2 28
October 31 24 11 28 31 27 7 29
November 30 23 12 30 32 27 9 30
December 29 23 15 29 31 26 18 29

Buses also do not have air conditioners, and in case of their breakdown, other transport is not provided.

Car for hire

You can arrange a car for rent in the hotel or at the rental points. It should be noted that the roads on the island are practically not repaired, and in combination with a two-road road, it makes trips costly in time, as there is a large number of traffic jams on the island.

Motoriksha and motor transport

Rickshaw is the most convenient and popular transport on the island. The carrier services are minor money. But to move over long distances such a device can not.

Climate and weather on the island of Java for months

Java Island is almost parallel to the equator, so the temperature here ranges from 26 ° to 32 ° all year. The climate island is equatorial and subequatorial, so humidity varies from 70 to 95%. Time has been favorable for recreation since March to October, the rest of the time there are strong rains on Java.

The defining factor of climatic conditions are monsoons:

  • north-West wind forms rainy weather;
  • southeast Monsoon defines dry weather.

In different periods, the weather on the island of Java may differ slightly:

Sights of the island

Java Island on the world map occupies a significant area. It contains most of the attractions of the Indonesian Republic. Some of them are made to the UNESCO World Heritage Database.

Bromo-Thero Sera National Park

Sightseeing is located on the territory of East Java near the city of Malang. The name of the park consists of three words: the names of the two vertices of seed and bromo and living in the territory of local aborigines - Tenggers. Park area is about 500 km 2. On the territory there are jungle, several lakes.

50 rivers and waterfalls, as well as volcanoes:

  • Bromo;
  • Battle;
  • Curses;
  • Vathan;
  • Vidoden.

All volcanoes are surrounded by volcanic ash, which is called the "Sea of \u200b\u200bSand" and forms whole deserts. The entrance to the park is carried out through the village settlement of NGADISARI about 3-4 in the morning, since the sun sits down by 17.00 and the park closes.

In the National Park, Bromo-Thero-Seder inspect:

  • Mount Bromowhere the crater of the same-name volcano is located.
  • Vertex seed. Mountain go back for several days without special devices.
  • Mount Panjakan.. At the top there is a sightseeing platform, which offers a wonderful view of Bromo and Caldera Tengger. Most often on this vertex there are dawn.
  • Top B Buttok. Batock volcano is considered inactive and strongly overgrown with jungle. Rise to the mountain takes about an hour. From the sightseeing site on top, bromo and caldera crater is well visible.
  • Poura Pura Lukhor Power, Which is celebrated by the Kazada Kaison - the triumph of Tegger.
  • Madacaripura waterfallLocated inside the cliff.

Temple complex Borobudur

Borobudur was erected at about 800g. BC. The temple complex is located in Central Java by about 42 km from Jokyakarta in the direction of Northwest. Borobudur is a 9-tier structure in which there are more than 500 statues of the Buddha and more than 2000 bas-reliefs.

At the base of the temple there are 6 square plates of different sizes, and there are 3 round platforms from above. At his very top there is a dome, surrounded by 72 statues of the Buddha.

Borobudur received the status of the most large-scale construction dedicated to the traditions of Buddhism Mahayana. The area of \u200b\u200bthe temple occupies 55 thousand km 2, and the size of the bottom plate is 120 × 120 m. The burbobudur temple was restored in 1982 and included in the UNESCO list.

Temple complex Prambanan

Prambanan was erected in the 10th century. The complex is located in Central Java, 17 km from Jokyakarta towards east on the south side of Volcano Merapi. The temple complex was restored in 1950, and in 1991 he was included in the UNESCO list.

The monument of history combines Buddhist and Hindu features and was erected in honor of Shiva, Brahma and Cherry.

The Prambanan complex includes 2 hundreds of temples, some of which were not restored. Its main part of it is considered 3 churches over the center of one of the platforms. Nearby are the sanctuary of the Bull Nandi and the riding bird Garuda.

Not far from them are the temples of Seva and Lara Jongrang, which are the main attributes of Paramban complex. There are fewer facilities between them: Lumbun, ACS and Burakhs.

Mount Merapi.

22 km from the Borobudur complex and the city of Yogyakarta is the acting volcano Merapy. It is very large volcano On the island: its height reaches 3 km. Merapey belong to the Pacific Volcanic Ring.

The volcano is activated every 6-7 years in the form of strong eruptions, and 2 times a year in the form of small. In 1673, the volcano destroyed several cities on Java, this eruption was the most powerful in the entire history of Indonesia. The last major eruption occurred in 2006, then more than 3 thousand people died. Despite the greater danger, climbing every day.

You can climb the volcano from:

  • village village;
  • kaliurang village;
  • suracart suburbs.

On sightseeing sites you can meet the dawn or look at the sunset.

Old city

Java Island is rich in attractions. On a world map near the city of Jakarta, the territory of 1.5 km 2 is visible called Old city. In Indonesian, he is called Kota Tua and represents the main shopping unit of Indonesia.

The old town was founded in the 14th century and for the 3th century the city received the title of the main port center of trade. By the end of the 18th century, a fortress wall was built around the old city. Kota Tua is listed in the UNESCO Heritage list. The city combines many cultures, times and religions. Nearby is the Chinese Quarter with the oldest in the history of Java Temple - Vihar Dharma.

Museums are also located on the territory of the Old Town:

  • jakarta stories;
  • Art and ceramics.

Water Palace Taman Sari

Taman Sari is a whole complex consisting of:

  • pools;
  • grottoes;
  • channels;
  • palaces.

The palace was built in 1755 by order of Sultan Jokyakarta Hammengkubuvono I. Portuguese architects participated in the design.

Taman Sari had a lot of secret moves, basements and rooms. During the reign of Sultan, the palace was surrounded by an artificial reservoir, which could be reached before the interior. In the center of Taman Sari, the tower is towers, from which Hammengkubuvono I was observed for his wives. I became famous for my sewer system and fountains, as well as an underground chapel room.

Taman Sari was a place of rest and fortress at the same time, but in 1867 the castle was destroyed by the eruption of the Volcano Merapy. After that, the restoration of the central building and the Sultan bath was restored. And in 1995, the Water Palace of Taman Sari listed UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Botanical Garden Bogor

The Botanical Garden was built in 1817 in West Java near the city of Bogor. It is considered one of the largest gardens of the world. The Garden Collection includes 14.5 thousand different plants. The number of species has more than 5 thousand copies. The Square of the Bogorsky Garden is 88 hectares.

The Botanical Garden has several branches: on the island of Bali and in the city of Chibodas on the island of Java.

Since he belongs to the scientific community of the Republic of Indonesia, in the territory of the Bogor branch are located:

  • Museum of Zoology;
  • Botanical laboratory;
  • Chemical laboratory;
  • Laboratory of Pharmacology;
  • Herbarium;
  • Experimental garden;
  • Laboratory of ichthyological studies.

The entire area of \u200b\u200bthe central branch is divided into many zones, each of which grow certain types of plants.

On the territory of the Botanical Garden are carried out:

  • relaxation courses;
  • yoga;
  • weddings.

Sea Peskov

Java Island on the world map is highlighted by a great cluster high mountains and volcanoes:

  • Bromo;
  • Course;
  • Battle.

They are located in Calder Tengger, the diameter of which is 8 km. The bottom of this crater is a thick layer of volcanic ash. This place is called sand sea. It covers the foot of all 3 mountains.

Thanks to the eruptions of volcanoes and the accumulation of ash, the landscape of the crater resembles unearthly territories. On the territory of the sea, the sands do not grow plants and animals and insects are not found. Officially since 1919, the landmark is geographically belonging to the Bromo Reserve and is strictly protected.

Thousand islands

In the Jachart Gulf is the archipelago, which consists of 112 islands. These islands have an area of \u200b\u200b100 thousand hectares. And stretched for 97 miles.

Approximately 100 km 2 islands have status national Reserve. This district is 45 km north of Jakarta and includes 44 island. The climate of thousands of the islands is similar to the Climate Java: a subequatorial wet with an air temperature of 29-36 ° with air humidity 80%. A thousand islands amazes the richness of the animal and vegetable world.

The archipelago has active activities:

  • fishing;
  • sailing on canoe;
  • water skiing;
  • immersion with scuba
  • windsurfing.

On the shores of each of the islands there are zones for playing in:

  • beach volleyball;
  • tennis;
  • golf.

The most popular islands among tourists:

  • Kotok;
  • Bidadari;
  • Putri;
  • Sepa.

Resorts on the island. Titles, descriptions, advantages

Java Island is famous not only by landmarks, but also resorts.


There is a recreation area in West Java.

On its territory are:

  • own sandy beaches;
  • restaurants;
  • hotels;
  • small local market.

Also in Anernie, you can see the lighthouse, which was built by Portuguese architects. For a small fee on the lighthouse you can meet the sunset.


This resort is suitable for family holiday.

On the territory are:

  • wide embankment;
  • sand beach.

Carita is close to the Krakto volcano, which provides many options active rest From diving until climbing the mountain.

Batu Karas.

The shores of this resort are famous for high waves, which allows round year surf.

On the territory there are:

  • cafe;
  • hotels;
  • "Black Beach" - a mixture of sand and volcanic ash.

The resort is located near Pangandaran.


The resort is a beach complex located on the peninsula in South Java.

The resort is:

  • guest Houses;
  • cafe;
  • bus station from which you can go to Batung;
  • base for surfing;
  • the beach is dark brown, as it contains the sand of volcanic origin.

Pandagran is distinguished by the comfort, peace and lack of a crowd of tourists.

Panaitan Island

This resort is different from the rest, as it is the property of the Indonesian nation. The entrance to the territory is possible only if the governor's resolution is available. The island is not intended for tourists: there is no cafe, no hotels. Panaitan's shores are suitable only for surfing or diving.

Beach Sukamade

The resort is designed to relax with tents away from civilization. There is no on the territory cellular communication, electricity and cafe. Famous beach marine turtleswho are postponed on his shores eggs.

It is also located on the territory of Park Mere Betiri. 5 km from the beach there is a hotel. It is also allowed to decompose the tent near the beach or remove a small cottage.

Resort Bandung

Bandung refers to the mountain resorts. Excursions to Dago waterfall, Volcano Tangkuban-Praia and Lake Tangkubenngang are sent from the city. Near the city are beaches Annieres and Karagan Bolong, tea plantations Punchaka, national Park Pendant and safari park.

Beach Karagan Bolong

The resort is not intended for beach holidaysbecause from the side Indian Ocean Strong waves come, and on the shore there are sharp stones. On the beach you can arrange a picnic and watch the sunset through the arch formed from the coral reef after the tsunami.

Hotels on Yava Island, room prices

Table of hotels:

City The name of the hotel Room and services The number of stars Food Beach Average tourist assessment Price for 7 nights, rub
Jakarta Sotis Residence Pejom-Pongan 2-seater Deluxe 3 Breakfast Not 8,0 20160
Oyo 117 Blueberry Homestay 2-seater standard 2 Not Not 7,8 6772
Badung. De Paviljoen Bandung by Him Hotel 2-seater 4 Breakfast Artificial 8,6 50300
4-seater 55398
Surabaya JW Marriott Hotel Surabaya 2-seater Deluxe 5 3 meals Not 8,9 46416
2-seater premium 99078
Askhara Guesthouse. 2-seater Deluxe 2 Breakfast 8,2 9892
Total room for 6 seats Not 4109
Joke-Yakarta Hotel Neo Malioboro. 2-seater Deluxe 3 Breakfast Not 8,4 22753
Royal Ambarr-ukmo 2-seater Deluxe 5 Breakfast not 9,0 33026
2-seater premium 114526
Phangan-Dorane Mini Tiga Homestay. 2-seater Standard Plus 1 Breakfast there is 9,0 6392
Pondok Wayang 1 Local Standard 2 Breakfast there is 8,5 5935
2-seater Standard Plus 10300

A huge number of major attractions of Indonesia collected on the island of Java. Also, Java is rich in a variety of landscape: the world map shows huge territories of rainforest, mountainous terrain and desert steppes.

Article clearance: Lozinsky Oleg.

Video about the island of Java

All beauty of the Indonesian Islands Java:

Java is the most populous and diverse island of Indonesia. He took a little bit from various corners of this country, which allows the tourist in a short time to collect a lot of impressions and experience a wide variety of emotions. Java excites, relaxes, having fun, but no one leaves indifferent. Here, large-scale plains and terraces used in agriculture are bordered by noisy cities and dirty villages. On the island there are very beautiful temples, huge stone Buddhas, mosques, vintage weapons warehouses and an unusual architecture of the colonial era. Numerous stories are not able to convey emotions completely, but they can quickly get the interest of future travelers.

Geographical features

Java - large Island As part of the large zonda islands. The capital of Indonesia Jakarta is located here. The island area is 132 thousand km². It is very tightly populated, the number of inhabitants is more than 140 million people. The island has an elongated shape and practically paralleled to the equator. The third territory occupy dense jungle mangrove forests. Along the entire island from the West to the East, mountain ranges stretched out, among them you can find 120 sleeping and existing volcanic crater. The highest point is located at the peak of the volcano selers, a height of 3676 m. More than quarters of volcanoes are constantly operating. This is not always accompanied by the destruction and streams of lava, some crater simply produce a small voucher's trickle several times a year. Large eruptions occur every seven years.

The surface of Java is written by rivers that feed huge fields And serve as a source of drinking water. Solo, Chimanuk, Brandas are famous for the largest channels.


Java is located in a tropical belt, the weather here is unchanged throughout the year. The climate on the island is wet and hot, the air temperature is within + 26 ... + 29 ° C, and its humidity is 75-95%. The greatest amount of precipitation falls for November-February, but at that time should not be abandoned from the trip. Strong rains and long overcast weather does not happen. All moisture will fall on the ground in 1-3 hours. The average of the island of the precipitation is 1100 mm per year. Moreover, in the east, this indicator is 900 mm, and in the West reaches 3000 mm.

Population and religion

The inhabitants of the island are divided into three main ethnic groups:

  • javanese;
  • sudanese;
  • madurians.
They created three of the same named language directions, although most residents understand and express themselves in Indonesian. Local dialects and adverbs meet in remote villages.

According to religious composition, Muslims prevail (87%), Protestants, Catholics, Buddhists and Hinduses are also dominated. However, in its pure form, none of these religions will be found here. They very closely intertwined among themselves and with ancient animistic beliefs. So, Muslims are partially played by Buddhism or Hinduism. Some temple buildings contain the foundation in the style of Hindu architecture, and the top and roof - Buddhist. Hindu roofs settled on some mosques.


On the island, as in most tropical countries, a huge amount of fruit is sold. The prices for them are quite acceptable. Local kitchen It is considered the most Europeanized, so you will not meet special exotic. The dishes use rice with spices and spices, beef, legumes, vegetables and chicken. Beverages are popular with ginger, coffee, cane juice, Tauca beer, vodka Arak.

Unique Jakarta

The largest and very interesting city It is the capital Jakarta. It is very diverse and tightly populated. Here are a variety of buildings, including the era of the colonists, mixed with local quarters near the picturesque channels. On the central Square Several unusual buildings are located close to the water arteries of the city. Not far there are exposures of the historical museum. A little further is the exhibition of the Vaang dolls, the Chinese district, the temple and the port.

To continue to get acquainted with the sights of Jakarta, you will have to go to the second center of the city (Square Medan Merdek). There is a huge monument and a museum with the largest historical and ethnic collections.

Those who wish to take a break from historical excursions to the south, where several entertainment and educational parks are located at once:

  • jay-Anla Park;
  • Water palace;
  • zoo Ragunan;
  • entertainment center Taman-Ismail-Marzuki;
  • park Miniature Taman Mini;


Hearts and minds of the jakarta travelers left for the borders conquer no less bright attractions. The most monumental, affecting its magnitude is the complex of Borobudur temples. It is included in the UNESCO Heritage List and is the basis of the cosmopolitan Buddhist model. Travelers and pilgrims start moving in Borobudre from the base of the hill in a long, winding staircase. It offers beautiful views of the terraces and buildings.

Many tourists attract the "valley of the kings" - plain, covered with ruins, in the center of which is still located one more temple complex - Paramban. This historical monument It is recognized as the most sophisticated on the island.

The Yavaantians themselves are honored and offered to admire tourists to the Sultan Palace in Jokyarthte - Kraton. They refer to his "PUP of the world." Visitors can see how the Sultan's life was organized, the living situation adjacent to the buildings. In accordance with the sultan preferences in the setting, many elements of animism and Hinduism.

For lovers of natural parks in Surabaya, two sites at once natural ReserveBathered by 200 types of orchids, many birds and animals.

From here, excursions begin to the acting volcano Bromo, from the upper hills of which it is possible to look into a constantly smoking train.


Java is the accumulation of industry and cultural attractions. The last decade here began to develop a beach infrastructure. The most suitable for beach holidays are the southern and western part of the island. Here come to swim, sunbathe, do diving and windsurfing. Beaches are very wide, covered with snow-white fine sand with islands palm. They are washed transparent azure waves.

Near Badung is the most prestigious beaches: Karang Bologna Anniezer. Before the views of holidaymakers on the beach, Annieres appears mountain panorama, there is also an old lighthouse nearby. From entertainment on site, water skiing, parachute, boat walks.

In the western part of Java on the beach Tanjung Lesung, there are many resort complexes with closed beaches, among which there is a paid social territory. All beaches are well equipped.

Lovers of solitude I. calm holiday Like the beach of Carita. It is quite quiet, protected from strong tides and waves. The territory was chosen by tourists with children and lovers of snorkeling. Not far from the shore there are bright fish and small corals. From the beach you can admire the panorama of the Volcano Krakataau, which is beautiful at the midday sun and in the rays of the sunset. Most holidaymakers will be taken away from here beautiful pictures.

How to get?

In the capital of Indonesia - Jakarta is located a major international Airport. From Moscow in Jakarta, flights with a transfer to Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok or other major cities. Among the offers of airlines can be selected suitable for the price, duration of flights or the number of transfers. Inside the island, flights from Jakarta to Surabayyu or Jokyakarta. The duration of the flight is about an hour.

To visit Indonesia, citizens of the Russian Federation, it is enough to issue a visa for 30 days under a simplified scheme upon arrival or in advance in the consulate. It will take a photo and a passport, the validity period of which is more than 6 months by the end of the trip.

Java Island is part of the Big Stern Islands and is located near Sumatra. Scientists until today can not understand why he received such a name. There are several theories. According to one of them, the word "Java" has protonesian origin and translates as "home". Some scientists believe that the name comes from Sanskrit and means either "barley" or "lying on the other side".

basic information

Experts refer to "Java" both to the mainland islands and to volcanic. This is due to the fact that in its foundation there is a long mountain chain, stretching through the central part of the island.

The highest point is a seed volcano, which has retained its activity to the present. In general, in the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe ridge, you can count more than 120 volcanoes. The central part of the island has mountainous landscape, but it is worth come down to the coast, as you get into the swamp.

There are a lot of rivers, lakes, among whom Dzhangary, Jatilukhur, Sungary deserve special attention.

The first person on the island appeared, presumably, in the second millennium BC. e. Scientists suggest that he most likely came from the island of Sumatra. Around the 3rd century of our era, the cities arose on the island and the first state entities were formed. One of the first to be Sakalanagara, which gave rise to Tarum, Sondu and Matami. The latter has a rich past and a long history of relevant. Over time, it has declined and broke up into several small state formations.

At the end of the 13th century, an expedition was collected at Java, headed by Mongolian Khan Khubilam, known for its conquest of China. The empire created by him on the island has spread its influence on almost all the probe islands. After a couple of centuries, she loosely loosened and broke into a number of Muslim states.

In the 17th century, European invaders began to penetrate the java. A huge variety of colonies and factories were created on the coast. Great activity in the conquest was shown by the Dutch. Step by step, they subordinate to themselves all the islands of the Sunda Archipelago, founding the Batavi city factor, which is known to contemporaries as Jakarta - the capital. Immediately after the end of World War II, Indonesia becomes independent and joins himself.

Time passed and today, Java is the largest cultural, historical and political center of Indonesia with a well-developed infrastructure.

Population of Java

According to recent estimates, the number of the island has long exceeded the number of 140 million people. Thus, Java is recognized as the most densely populated island in the world. The national composition is diverse, but most of the inhabitants are Indonesians-Yuweez. In addition, it is possible to meet Sundans, Madurians and who came at different times of immigrants. State language On the territory of the whole island is the Malay language. Often you can hear Chinese and Javanese adverbs.

The main occupation of the local population is agriculture. Residents of the villages grow rice and other cereals. Industry is developed in cities: textile, electronic, extracting and processing.

Jakarta is considered the largest city of Islands - the capital of Indonesia. More than 9 million people live in it. Further, the magnitude and number of inhabitants go Semarang, Serag, Bandung and others.

Weather on Java Island

The climate of the island is determined by its location relative to the equator. It is always warm and very humid here. There are no sharp drops of temperature, even despite the pronounced seasonality. The air temperature on average holds at 24 degrees.

Shni and hurricanes are always short-lived here.

Flora and fauna

Flora is no special exotic and uniqueness. Liana, bamboo, huge ficuses grow in tropical forests. Slightly above sea level, the variety of vegetation becomes richer. You can meet oaks, chestnuts and some types of coniferous trees.

The fauna of the island is much more interesting and more diverse. More than 150 species of animals live on Yava. Among which there are quite a few endemics.

The kitchen is considered to be the most unequal. The main components of the dishes are rice, vegetables, beef. Large fruits are enjoyed by great love, which are very many on Yava. If you really want to try real traditional food, it is worth going to small cafes where the local population is powered. They are always tasty and very cheap, unlike restaurants, where guides are constantly leading. However, even here you can meet exotic.

In the village of Tuban, pies from the ground are popular. They are prepared from or soil with rice fields. According to local residents, this dish is considered nutritious and very useful. Regarding the taste qualities of pies population of the village tries not to speak.

Drinks are drinking cane juice, ginger tea, local beer "Tupa" and palm vodka.

In Indonesia, Bali Island is most famous and loved by tourists, but there is a lot of interesting things on Java. The beaches on the island are covered with white, large sand, and the sea is always clean. In addition, there are many attractions in local cities that can surprise any tourist. Get acquainted with the most popular mats On the island of Java.

Bromo-Thero Sera National Park

Bromo National Park is located near the town of Surabai. This is one of the most amazing attractions of Indonesia, which collects hundreds of thousands of tourists annually. The park covers an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 800 square meters. meters. It is a huge amount of thick forests, waterfalls and several existing volcanoes on its territory. Thanks to him most national Park Covered with black, volcanic sand, creating a special alien effect. The park received its name from the local tribe - Tenggers and two mountains.

The park is unique thanks to five volcanoes, which, according to legend, lead in underworld. You can climb to the top or on a jeep. This place enjoys rabid popularity among tourists and is considered to be a highlight of the island.

Temple complex Borobudur

There is a temple complex 40 kilometers from Jakarta. This place is not only considered a highlight of the city, but also knows the whole world. He was erected around 8-9 century. For a long time, the temple complex was hidden from human eyes in the shade of thick jungle, covered with tons of volcanic dust. Ancient construction still remains a mystery for scientists. No one can give an accurate answer when and by whom Borobudur was built. Also, no one can understand why he was left after an eruption of one of five volcanoes.

If you look from the side, the entire temple complex resembles a huge 34-meter bell. By its structure, it is a pyramid, the foundation of which is several large concrete slabs. They have carved stupas in the form of bells. Inside each stupa are the statues of the Buddha.

Temple complex Prambanan

This is an amazing landmark dated by the 9th century. The temple complex is located a few kilometers from Jakarta. Prambanan is considered the largest in Indonesia. Inside the temple is a huge statue of Shiva. Prambanan is often called Shiva Lara Jongrang temple. On the sides of the main temple, small structures were built, personifying the sacred animals of Indonesia. Also on the territory of Prambanan are numerous tombs and premises for sacrifice. Recently, the temple complex recognized world Heritage UNESCO.

it ancient constructure More than once was destroyed. All the faults were numerous earthquakes, as well as volcanic activity of the Merapy. For more than a hundred years, restoration work on the recovery of Prambanan is being restored.

Mount Merapi.

Mount of Merapi is the most active volcano in Indonesia. He is constantly smoking. Small eruptions occur every two years, but large once in 15 years. The last time strong volcanic activity was observed in 2006. Thanks to this, the merapy is among the top ten most active volcanoes in the world.

Such fame does not interfere with the local population to live at the foot of the foot, and tourists rise to the top of the top. Beauty, which opened from a high height, surprise and amaze.

Old city

The old town is located in Jakarta and covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 1.5 square meters. kilometers. This place is cultural Centergathered the largest number of monuments of antiquity. The first settlement on this territory was created in the 14th century. Then the port is erected. Over time, all new and new objects appeared in the city. A great contribution to the development of the Old Town was made by the Dutch, which built amazingly beautiful temples. Currently this place is included in the World Heritage List.

In the old town collected many different cultures. That is why this place has a special atmosphere that attracts thousands of tourists.

Water Palace Taman Sari

The palace was founded in the 18th century by the ruler of Jakarta. The complex included leisure rooms, the main palace, lakes, swimming pool. A construction was built for several years on money allocated from the state treasury. Taman Sari at that time was a real work of art. The palace existed its own individual sewer system. From the world around the world, the castle was separated by a huge dumped channel. Water supply was made from the lake. Some rooms had warm, heated floors.

In addition to the palace, a large network of underground strokes, which combined some rooms between themselves. About the magnificent garden of the palace complex always went legends. That is why the castle is called Taman Sari, which is translated as a "flowering garden". Today, the ruins remained from the once majestic building. Some of the territory is populated local residents. IN last years The restoration of the palace complex is being restored. The pool and several rooms are restored and open to visits.

Botanical Garden Bogor

This is one of the most famous places on the island. The garden is located near Jakarta in the province of Western Java. In a different way, he is called "Kebun Paradise". The entire territory of the Botanical Garden has a huge area of \u200b\u200b87 hectares. In addition, 4 branches of Kebun Paradis are scattered along the island of Java. In the Garden Collection of more than 15 thousand of a wide variety of plants constituting 6000 species. In this place, you can still see the plants planted at the base of Kebun Paradise. In addition to endemic plants, there are many specimens brought from other countries, as well as rare species.

Also, the Bogorsky Garden is called the Center for the Study of Nature. And not in vain, as scientists from all over the world are constantly coming here. The gate of Kebun Paradise is constantly open for numerous visitors. Here you can not only take a break from the urban fuss, but also learn a lot of new things, visiting the Zoological and Botanical Museum. One of the main exhibits of the Bogorsky Garden is the collection of orchids. Some types of this amazing flower are in closed oranges, while others grow on the open-air lawns.

Sea Peskov

The sea of \u200b\u200bsands is a unique spectacle and is in a large caldera with a diameter of 10 kilometers. Majestic volcanoes Many millennia mescled the tons of lava rock, which over time turned into a major one. Once here, you will plunge into a special atmosphere.

The landscape, which opens the eye, very much resembles the surface of the moon. A special effect adds a foggy haze over the crater, which constantly hangs over the volcano.

Thousand islands

W. northern coast Java can notice a huge number of small islets. With a high height, a feeling is created that they are more than a thousand. However, the calculations showed that about 115 mainland formations in this area. Their number may vary depending on the tides and sings. So Jakarta is the only place in which more than a hundred islands.

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Java is considered one of the largest and most famous islands . This picturesque area of \u200b\u200bsushi is about 1000 km long, has a rich history, an impressive number of cultural attractions, incredible natural beauties, many temples and shrines, as well as more than a hundred majestic volcanoes stretching along the coast of a continuous series.


According to its administrative structure, the island is divided into 6 provinces, including a Banticon, Western, Central and Eastern Java, as well as Jakarta and Jokyakurt, who have the status of districts. Each of them is formed from cities and settlementsAnd the main administrative center of the island is the capital of the whole country - the city. The main sectoral areas here are industry, agriculture and tourism, which brings significant profits in the treasury of the whole state. The role of one of the symbols of Java is coffee - a copy of Luvak grown on the local plantations.

In total, about 30% of the entire island's surface is covered by the jungle, which largely serves as a reason for lovers of eco-tourism, come here to enjoy the beauty of the rainforest, making a fascinating journey through the pedestrian trails in the most mysterious its corners. Java and diving fans, immersing in the Water of the Yavanian Sea on the one hand and the Puchins of the Indian Ocean, on the other, in order to admire the diversity of the underwater world of these places. Ethnic composition The population is quite diverse here and is formed from a number of people, including the Baitens, Sundans, Yavavans, Chinese and representatives of other countries and races. Islam acts as a primary religion, although there are adherents of other religious denominations, including Christians, admirers of Buddhism, Hinduism, Catholicism and other beliefs. Among languages \u200b\u200bare common, Yavansky, Madur, Indonesian, Sundanne and English.

general information

The area of \u200b\u200bJava is 132 thousand square meters. km, with a population of about 140 million people. In terms of the intensity of the island, the island is confidently ranked first in the world. His the highest point There are 3676 meters above sea level. Time is ahead of Moscow for 4-5 hours, depending on the particular location of one or another city. Time Zone UTC + 7, UTC + 8. On summer and the land, Indonesia does not pass.

Brief excursion in history

In the Middle Ages, Java played an important role in the political, cultural and religious life of Indonesia. From 1293 to the beginning of the XVI century, there was an empire of Majapakhit, during the reign of which the country has reached the highest prosperity. After her decay, the Sultanat Demack was the most powerful state on the island, and in the XVII century, Dutch colonization began, during which the district of Batavia arose, was subsequently renamed Jakarta. At the very beginning of the 20th century, the islanders began an active struggle for Indonesia's independence, which ended with the proclamation of this status in 1945, after the surrender of Japan.


A wet tropical climate with two pronounced seasons reigns on Java. From November to February, it is raining, and the rest of the year is dominated by dry sunny weather. The air temperature is not susceptible to serious changes and throughout all 12 months varies within +26 - +32 degrees. You can come here in any time period, and only an earthquake or an eruption of a volcano can prevent pleasant rest, that however, is not so rare here.

How to get

Largest airports receiving flights from other parts and countries of the world are located at once in several cities of the island, including, Bandung, Surabai, Semarang, Solo and Jokyakarta. From here, the most convenient features connecting to. The water space is followed by ferries in the ports of Jakarta, Banden, Surabai and Eastern Java.


Within the island, buses serve as the most common means of movement. In addition, a railway message has been well established here. Renting cars Frankly cheap, but to led tourists independently on these roads is not recommended, due to the characteristics of the rules of the road and their interpretation by local drivers.

Main cities

Capital, where over 9 million people live, serves as the most important economic, industrial and cultural center of all Indonesia. This colorful city is located on the north-west coast of Java Island and, possessing a lot of interesting sights, combines luxury and poverty, wealth and poverty. The glamorous skyscrapers of the center contrast sharply with the dilapidated slums on the outskirts, and the well-groomed and neat courtyards of elite mansions do not fit in any way with dirty streets, where the asphalt has not changed for several decades. Due to the low location relative to the sea level, the city is subject to floods, which is however, it does not yet affect his turbulent life, not subsidizing in the afternoon or at night. There are many museums, palaces, temples, mosques, as well as hotels, restaurants, shopping complexes and entertainment establishments. There are parks, there is a national gallery of arts, planetarium, zoo, a number of sports facilities.

One of best places To relax on Java, the city of Bogor, where they stand out presidential palace Socks with zoological museum and world famous botanical Garden Kebun-Paradise, with many exotic plants. The second largest city in the country, after Jakarta, is an important industrial center of Surabaya, on the territory and in the vicinity of which there are reserves of Baluran and Metiri, as well as an active Vulcan Bromo, towering 2400 meters above sea level. Near mountain resort Bandung attacks the volcano Tangkuban-Praia and Lake Situpatenngang. A fairly large tourist interest is the city of Yogyakarta, which has unique architectural attractions. Among the others large cities You can select chibon and sereng in Banten. There are on the island and many other curious cities and settlements, each of which has its own history.


The coast of Java is abundant sandy beachesBut not all of them are suitable for swimming. In the western part of the island, the beaches of Karang Bolong and Anniere, which are distinguished by gentle entrance to the water and wonderful landscapes, stretched near the city of Bandung. From the same side of the island is resort village Pagandaran, with rich flora and fauna. There are good beaches in the East and in the district of Djokyakarta district, but the metropolitan area is not too good for beach jits due to the increased pollution of the coastline.

Attractions and entertainment

In the role of one of the main architectural structures, Java speaks buddhist stupa Borobudur, which is an essential element of the entire temple complex surrounding the shrine. This place is included in the list of the brightest architectural and historical monuments of UNESCO and refers to world heritage sites. The impressive share of other interesting attractions is located in the capital Jakarta. National Quarters, unique buildings of the long-lasting years, Taman Fatahila Square in the cat area, the charming Chinese district of Glodak with the oldest temple of the city - Jing-Yuan, all this creates a unique flavor and makes it sincerely admire the capital of the island. Special attention here is worthy historical Museum Jakarta, a stunning bridge Chicken Market Bridge, the famous anti-Yagag gun, Museum of dolls and ritual accessories Vaang, as well as a great many other outstanding structures, museums and monuments. For children, Ragunin's zoo, a label Park Taman-mini, characterizing Indonesia in a miniature, a water palace and lovely Park Recreation - Jay-Anlas. Adults are also encouraged to visit the cultural and entertainment complex Taman-Ismail-Marzuki.

In the vicinity of Bandung there are hot volcanic sources in Chiater, a grand safari park, scenic tea plantations on the Puncha and Pendant National Park. Fans of hiking excursions are invited to overcome the route to hot springs Maribia, located surrounded by majestic volcanic landscapes. An exquisite palace complex called Sultansky Cton with the Water Palace of Taman Sari, the Agasta Art Institute, as well as Sono-Badoio Museums and Benteng-Harreburg, can boast Jokyakarta. Between it and the city of Solo, the largest Hindu temple complex in Java - Prambanan, annually receiving thousands of pilgrims. There are practically no uninteresting cities on the island. Each square kilometer of the island space encompasses the history, culture and traditions of entire peoples, so the journey through Java simply cannot be not fascinating.


Traditional elements included in the dishes of restaurants, cafes and snacks are vegetables, seafood, chicken, beef and rice. Beverages are popular with freshly squeezed juices from sugar cane, ginger tea, Tupa beer, welded on the basis of palm colors, and local palm vodka called - "Arak".


In stores and shopping complexes of local cities, visitors are invited to acquire a wide variety of goods, from clothing and shoes, before decorations and newest electronic developments. Prices, in most cases, surprise their availability, so the island shopping can deliver true pleasure even the most economical buyers.

Java is an amazing combination of natural natural beauty and the advantages of modern civilization. Majestic volcanoes towering above the tropical jungle adjacent here with glass and concrete skyscrapers, and the vintage temples harmoniously look at the background snow white beaches and evergreen palm trees. Staying on this exotic island allows true travelers to penetrate the spirit of Southeast Asia, and get a complete picture of the mysterious, spreading on the distant expanses of our planet somewhere between the quiet and Indian Oceans.

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