Where there are no volcanoes. Large volcanoes of Russia


In those countries where there are volcanoes, for example in Indonesia, they are located in such major provinces such as Western Java, East Java or Central Java. One of the worst disasters is an eruption of a volcano that can carry hundreds, and even thousands of lives. It is impossible to forget about the eruption of the Volcano Krakataau, that huge damage and thousands of victims. And here we present a list of the most dangerous and active volcanoes of the world. However, not all volcanoes are danger. Enjoying huge demand among travelers and lovers of wildlife.

No. 10. Hawaii, Volcano Mauna Loa

Mauna Loa is one of the five mountains that form the island of Hawaii. Despite the fact that this is not the highest mountain, the volcanic eruption is highly dangerous, since its lava is based on liquid consistency, which can lead to serious fires. Mauna Loa - the most large volcano In the world (in terms of volume and square), taking into account the volume of lava, it reaches 18,000 cubic miles. The last eruption occurred on April 15, 1984.

№ 9. Philippines, Volcano Tala

Approximately 50 km (31 miles) from the capital of Manila is one of the most dangerous volcanoes, Tal. This mountain is an island on a lake Tala, which is located inside the caldera formed as a result of very strong previous eruptions (this process is similar to the Toba lake). Volcano Tala is a complex of volcanoes on Luzon Island in the Philippines. Several times there were strong eruptions of this volcano, including one of the most powerful eruptions that took more than a thousand people.

No. 8. Papua New Guinea, Volcano Wywoon

Volcano Wywoon is located in Papua New Guinea, on the Bismarck Archipelago, and is one of the most active I. dangerous volcanoes New Guinea. Several eruptions were registered, one of the strongests occurred in 1980, the asset pillar, which was erupted from Wlower reached 60,000 feet to height, and its pyroclastic flows swept the mountains from all sides.

No. 7. Congo, Nyragongo Volcano

Starting from 1882, he everacted at least 34 times. One of the most terrible eruptions occurred on September 17, 2002, when Lava, which flowed down the slopes of Nyraongo covered about 40% of the city of Goma and left almost 120,000 people without bed. Nyragongo - one of the most active volcanoes In Africa, his activity never stops.

No. 6. Indonesia, Volcano Merapy

Mount Merapi is a conical volcano, which is located in Indonesia on the border between Central Yava and Jokyakata. Most of the eruption of the Merapy, including Lava, continues to descend, from time to time accompanied by hot smoke, capable of spreading at a speed of up to 120 km per hour. This is the most active and dangerous volcanoes In Indonesia, they were intensified 10,000 years ago, and from 1548 their activities do not stop.

№ 5. Colombia, Volcano Galers

This mountain the most active volcano In Colombia. Since 2000, his eruption occurred practical every year. It is dangerous, because The frequency of eruptions is unpredictable. Galeras volcano is active for at least a million years. Its location near the South Colombian border with Ecuador could lead to a descent of hot lava on the slope of the Mountain Galeras by 3.5 km. The last eruption of January 3, 2010 forced the government to evacuate 8,000 people.

№ 4. Japan, Volcano Sakuradzim

Sakuradzim Volcano is located on Kyushu Island in Japan and is one of the most dangerous volcanoes. On March 10, 2009, a terrible eruption occurred when the volcano threw stones and other rocks to a distance of up to 2 miles. Sakuradyzima eruption intensity is one of the strongest not only in Japan, but also in the world. Over the past 45 years, 73 eruptions were registered.

№ 3. Mexico, volcano Popochetetet

The acting volcano Popochettel is located at an altitude of 5426 meters above sea level. Since December 1994, the dangerous activity of the volcano continued, while in 2000 there was no such strongest eruption, which only known history. Since 1519, 20 eruptions are registered. The explosion was so strong that he threw ashes on a satisfied long distance.

No. 2. Italy, Vesuviy Volcano

Mount Vesuvius is a valid volcano in the Neapolitan Gulf, in Italy, approximately 9 miles east of Naples. Mount Vesuvius is the only volcano in Europe, which everacted over the past 100 years. This volcano could explode at any time and cruelly punish people living in its surroundings. The eruption of the lava from the volcano can reach a high height, so in March 1994, Lava splashed to a height of up to 1000 meters. The famous eruption of 79 destroyed the ancient Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.

No. 1. USA, Vulcan Yellowstone

Vulcan Yeloustin - the most dangerous and active volcano in the world. Emitted from this volcano, stones and breed can fly up to 1000 km away. The volcanic eruption of Lava and the ashes of this mountain threatens extinct living and can cause a mass disaster, because it will entail other volcanic activity defined by tectonic fluctuations, which will cause other explosions.

Acting I. extinct volcanoes Always attracted a person. People settled on volcanic slopes to engage in agriculture, because volcanic soil is very fertile.

Today, majestic geological formations attract crowds of tourists who want to admire their beauty.

Extreme Extremes do not stop even the most dangerous natural objects - Existing volcanoes.

In contact with

List of existing volcanoes in the world

Today we will look at where there are existing volcanoes in the world. Most of them passed along the coast. This zone is called the Pacific Fire Ring. The second on volcanic activity of the zone is a Mediterranean belt.

A total of about 900 active volcanoes appear on land

About 60 geological formations of the Earth are exploded annually. Consider the most dangerous of the acting, as well as several impressive, but sleeping.

Merapy, Indonesia

Merapy is the most impressive, which received the nickname "mountain of fire". He is located on about. Java, height reaches 2914 m. Every 7 years, large-scale emissions are carried out, twice a year - small. From his crater constantly comes out smoke. One of the most significant tragedies related to activity was played in 1006. Then the beneficial element destroyed the Yavansko-Indian state Matami.

In 1673, another powerful eruption broke out, as a result of which the towns and villages located at the foot were destroyed. In 1930, volcanic emissions led to the death of 1300 people.

The latest emission of the Merapy occurred in 2010, when there was a evacuation of 350 thousand people. Some of them decided to return and died in the Lava Stream. The then suffered 353 people.

In that last disaster Fire mountain A mixture of ashes and gas threw at a speed of 100 km / h, the temperature reached 1000 ° C.

Sakuradzima, Japan.

Located Sakuradzim on about. Kyushu. Once the mountain was standing separately, but in one of the eruptions with the help of Lava joined the Peninsula of Osumi. It takes a height at 1117 m. It consists of three vertices, the highest of which is North.

Sakuradzimi's activity increases every year, and until 1946, only 6 emissions occurred. Since 1955, he erupts constantly.

Note: one of the largest catastrophes It happened in 1914, when the element challenged 35 people. In 2013, 1097 minor emissions were recorded, and in 2014 - 471.

ASO, Japan

ASO is another volcanic giant about. Kyushu. Its height is 1592 m. It is a caldera, in the middle of which there are 17 cones. The most active of them is Makandak.

The last time ASO spewed Lava in 2011. Since then, there have been about 2500 shoes here. In 2016, the emission process was accompanied by an earthquake.

It is worth noting: Despite the danger associated with ASO's extreme activity, about 50 thousand people live in caldera, and the crater itself became a popular object active tourism. In winter on the slopes of ASO skiing.

Nyraongo, Republic of Congo

Niiragongo refers to the Mountain Virung system is the most active in Africa. The height is 3470 m. In its crater, there is a huge booming lava lake, the largest in the world. With the eruption of the lava flows out almost completely, in a matter of hours, destroying everything around. After that, she fills the crater again. Because of the military situation in the Republic of Congo, the crater is still not investigated enough.

Only from the end of the XIX century, 34 eruptions of the Terrible Nyragongo were noted. Its lava is very liquid, because it contains not enough silicates. For this reason, it quickly spreads, reaching a speed of 100 km / h. This feature makes Niiragongo one of the most dangerous on the planet. In 1977, a huge mass of Lava fell into a nearby town. The reason was the rupture of the wall of the crater. The catastrophe claimed the lives of several hundred people.

In 2002, another large-scale eruption occurred, then 400 thousand people were evacuated, 147 of which died. Despite the fact that this nyraongo is considered the most dangerous in the world, about half a million people live in nearby settlements.

Galeras, Colombia.

Roses over the Colombian town of Pasto, with regard to about 500 thousand inhabitants. In height, Galeras reaches 4276 m. In last years Galeras is constantly active, throwing out volcanic ash.

One of the largest eruptions was registered in 1993. The elements led to the death of 6 volcanologists and 3 tourists in the crater. The catastrophe came unexpectedly, after a long lull.

One of the recent eruptions occurred in August 2010. The Colombian authorities periodically evacuate local residents, since Galeras shows activity.

Colima, Mexico

Colima spread over the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Consists of 2 peaks, one of which is extinct. In 2016, Colima became activated by releasing the ash column.

The last time he reminded himself on January 19, 2017. At the time of the catastrophe cloud of ash and smoke rose by 2 km.

Vesuvius, Italy

Vesuvius is the most famous volcanic giant of continental Europe. It is located in Italy, 15 km from.

Vesuvia has 3 cones. Strong eruptions alternate with periods of low-power activity. Thries a huge amount of ashes and gases. In 79, Vesuvius shakes all Italy, destroying the city of Pompeiu and Staby. They were thrown by a thick layer of ash, reaching 8 m. The city of Herculaneum was flooded with mud streams, since mud rains were accompanied by the monster.

In 1631, an eruption was noted, the life of 4,000 people. It turned out to be weaker than in 79, but the slopes of Vesuvia since then inhabited a greater number of people, which led to such victims. The volcano after this event became lower at 168 m. The eruption of 1805 destroyed almost all Naples and took the lives of 26 thousand people.

The last time Vesuviwi drove the Lava flows in 1944, comparable to the ground at the same time the city of San Sebastian and the mass. The number of victims was 27 people. After that, the volcano bitch. To track its activities, a volcanological observatory was built here.

Etna, Italy

Etna - the highest volcano in Europe. It is located in the northern hemisphere in the east of Sicily. Its height changes after each eruption, now it is equal to 3429 m above sea level.

Etna has in different counts of 200-400 lateral crater. Every 3 months from some of them there is an eruption. Quite often, this leads to the destruction of villages, spreading nearby.

Despite the dangers, Sicilians densely inhabit the slopes of Etna. Here even created national Park.

Popochetetet, Mexico

The second top of the vertex of Mexico, its name in translating means a "smoking hill". It is located 70 km from Mexico City. Mountain height - 5,500 meters.

For 500 years, Popochettet drove Lava over 15 times, for the last time it happened in 2015.

Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Russia

This is the highest peak of Kamchatka. Its height ranges within 4750-4850 m above sea level. The slopes are covered with side craters, which are more than 80.

Klyuchevskaya Sopka is reminded of himself every 3 years, each of its activity lasts for several months and is sometimes accompanied by peplopads. The most active year was 2016 when the volcano exploded 55 times.

The most destructive was the catastrophe of 1938, when the activity of the Klyuchevskaya Sopa lasted 13 months.

Mauna Loa, Hawaii, USA

Mauna Loa can be found in the central part of Hawaii. It rises at 4169 m above sea level. Mauna Loa refers to the type of Hawaiian.

His characteristic feature - The outpouring of the lava passing without explosions and emissions of ash. Lava is erupted through the central zhero, cracks and dorms.

Kotopakh, Ecuador

Kotopakh refers to the Hardwood Andes. This is the second top of the vertex, towering at 5911 m.

The first eruption was registered in 1534. The most destructive consequences of the eruption provided in 1768. Then the emission of lava and sulfur was accompanied by an earthquake. The catastrophe destroyed the city of Latakung with surroundings. The eruption was so strong that his traces found in the Amazon basin.


There are about three dozen volcanoes on the territory of Iceland. Among them there are already extinct, but there are also active acting.

This island is the only one in the world where so many geological formations are located. Icelandic territory is a real volcanic plateau.

Extinct and sleeping volcanoes

Volcanoes, lost activity, are extinct and sleeping. Attending them safely, so these objects are more popular among travelers. On the map, such geological formations are denoted by black asterisks, unlike valid marked with red stars.

What is the difference between the extinct and sleeping volcano? Extricates do not show active activities at least 1 million years. Presumably, their magma has already cooled and cannot explode. True, volcanologists do not exclude that a new volcano may form in their place.

Aconcagua, Argentina

Akonkagua is the highest peak in Andes. It rises at 6960.8 m. Mountain was formed at the junction of Naska lithospheric plates and South American. Today, mountain slopes are covered with glaciers.

Akonkagua is of interest to climbers as the highest peak of South America, as well as the highest extinct volcano.

Kilimanjaro, Africa

If someone is asked to call the highest mountain of Africa, then he will call - the most famous mountain on African mainland. Consists of 3 vertices, the highest of them Kybo (5,891.8 m).

Kilimanjaro is considered sleeping, now only gases and sulfur come from its crater. It is expected that it will show activity when the mountain is collapsed, which will lead to a large-scale eruption. The most Grozny scientists consider the top of Cybo.

Yellowstone, USA

Yellowstone is located on the territory of the same name national Park. The vertex refers to the supervulkans, which on the ground there are 20. Yellowstone is extremely dangerous, because he is erupting with an incredible force, and may affect the climate of the planet.

Yellowstone erupted three times. The last eruption took place 640 thousand years ago, at the same time Vpadina caldera was formed.

This lava volcano accumulates in a special reservoir, where the surrounding rocks smelves, becoming more dense. This reservoir is very close to the surface, which is disturbing volcanologists.

The eruption stop water flows, cooling the magmatic bubble, and breaking outwards in the form of geysers. Since there is still a lot of energy inside the bubble, it is expected that in the near future it will break out.

US authorities are taking all measures to prevent Yellowstone eruption, because he can carry a life of 87 thousand people. One of the projects is the installation of a geothermal station, but this will require drilling wells that can provoke a catastrophe not only in the country, but also on the entire planet.

Elbrus, Russia

Caucasian Top today is attractive for climbers. Its height is 5621 m. It is a sleeping education in which volcanic processes occur. The last eruption was presumably 1.7 thousand years ago, 500 years ago, he released the ash column.

The activity of Elbrus is evidenced by geothermal sources located nearby. Scientists disagree in opinion when to expect the nearest eruption, but it is just known that it will lead to the consecration of the selete flow.

Big and Small Ararat, Turkey

Big Ararat (5165 m) is located on Armenian Highlands, 11 km from it there is a small Ararat (3927 m).

The eruption of Big Ararat has always been accompanied by destruction. The last tragedy broke out in 1840 and was accompanied by a strong earthquake. Then 10,000 people died.

Kazbek, Georgia

Kazbek is located in Georgia. Local residents They call him Mkinwardzwery, which is translated as "Ice Mountain". The height of the giant is 5033.8 m.

Kazbek today does not show activity, but refers to potentially dangerous. The last time he was erupted in 650 BC.

Mountain has very steep slopes, it is possible to converge the seleam landslides.


Volcanoes belong to the most attractive tourist objects. Today they are no longer so dangerous as their activity can predict scientists of volcanologists. Studies are underway to use the energy of geological formations for the benefit of humanity.

In an effort to go to the top of the volcano, especially the current, it is necessary to collect information about its condition, listen to the forecasts of seismologists, since tragic cases among tourists occur often.

We bring to your attention interesting video On the current volcanoes of the world:

Volcanic eruption is one of the most spectacular natural phenomenawhich attracts human attention to him despite a considerable danger. A particularly impressive picture is obtained when watching the night eruption. But for the surrounding nature of the volcanoes initially carry death. Feeding lava, pyroclastic flows, volcanic bombs can easily destroy nearby human settlements.

1. Lewlyalya, Argentina and Chile (6739 m)

This current volcano is located on the Chilean-Argentine border, in Peruvian Andes, in the Range of the Western Cordiller. As a few more high volcanoes It is located in hardly the most dry in the world of Atakam's desert, on the Pune de Atakam's alpine plateau. His peak is covered with eternal snow. In 1877 his last explosive eruption occurred, and now it is in the solfatar stage. Interestingly, in 1999, there were three mummified children's bodies near the top of the volcano, it is assumed that their inks brought sacrificing here about 500 years ago.

2. San Pedro, Chile (6145 m)

This active Andean volcano is located in the north of Chile, closer to the Bolivian border. It is located on the edge of the Atakam desert, the northeast of the city of Kalam, in the province of El Loa. This stratomulican mainly consists of basalts, datsites and andesites. East San Pedro is a similar volcano San Pablo, which has a height of 6092 meters. A high saddle stretched between the volcanoes. San Pedro was last erupted in 1960. Documentary confirmed first climbing on this top in 1903 was performed by the Frenchman George Courtes and Chilian Philoshon Morales.

3. Kotopakh, Ecuador (5897 m)

The active volcano of Kotopakh is the highest in Ecuador and the second top of the top of this country. This is one of highest vertices Western tip of the South American Range of the Eastern Cordiller. After 1738, this supercharge volcano everacted about 50 times, but in 1877 he fell for a long time. Finally, more than a century later, a new eruption of Kotopakh occurred in 2015. Translated from the language of Kechua, the name of the volcano can be translated as a "smoking mountain". In 1534, the first of its registered eruptions occurred, and the largest happened in 1532, 1742, 1768, 1864 and 1877. Until 1940, his minor activity was observed.
In 1768, the most destructive eruption of Kotopakh took place. From his train, in early April, a huge pillar of ash and a couple rose, and on April 4, emissions of lava, sulfur and pyroclastic flows began. As a result of a strong earthquake, the city of Latakung and nearby settlements were completely destroyed. The bang products of the volcano later found hundreds of kilometers from him, including on the shore of the Pacific Ocean and in the Amazon Pool.

Russian person is difficult to scare anything, especially bad roads. Even safe tracks are carried out a year thousands of lives, what to say about those a ...

4. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania (5895 m)

The highest peak of Africa Kilimanjaro is a potential stratululkan. The mountain is located in the north-east of Tanzania near the Plateau Masai, which itself is raised at 900 m above sea level. Volcanologists have discovered in 2003 that Magma is under the curet of the main vertex of the Cybo volcano at a depth of only 400 m. Now the volcano only throws out gases and until nothing shows the proximity of the eruption. But there is an opinion that the dome of the volcano can collapse, and then a catastrophe may occur, similar to the one that happened during the eruption of the Holy Elena volcano. In the past, the shifts of soil and collaboration were already observed on Cybo, after one of which "Western Breach" was formed. Human history does not remember Kilimanjaro's eruptions, although local legends say about the prehistoric activity of the sleeping volcano.

5. Misty, Peru (5822 m)

This South American volcano is located on the southern territory of Peru. In winter, his peak is covered with snow. Misty is a valid volcano, in 1985 it was noted last, a rather weak eruption. The form of cone says that Misty is a conventional stratululkan, the eruption of which alternate the outpouring of the lava, then explosions with the release of pyroclastic flows and clouds of ashes. Volcano has three concentric crater. According to the research of volcanologists, five weak eruptions of this volcano occurred over the last century. But in the XV century, residents of the city of Arequipa due to a strong eruption of Misty were forced to run. Not far from the internal crater in 1998, they found 6 mummified bodies inks and a number of artifacts.

6. Orizaba, Mexico (5675 m)

This Mexican volcano is the highest point of the country and the third in the whole North America. It refers to stratululkanam, and its eruptions were recorded in 1537, 1566, 1569, 1613, 1630 and 1687. The last eruption occurred in 1846, which proves - this volcano is among the most active. From his vertices, the city of Orizaba with a population of more than 117 thousand people and underlying the valley can be perfectly visible.

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7. Elbrus, Russia (5642 m)

Samoa high mountain On the territory of modern Russia is the Caucasian Stratovolnik Elbrus. Its slopes cover glaciers, thawed water with the largest rivers Stavropol Territory and the Caucasus - Malka, Kuban and Baksan. These places are very well, they are developed here. transport infrastructureso the surroundings of Elbrus are very popular with supporters of various species active rest (tourists, climbers, skiers). True, even the scientists themselves cannot firmly say whether Elbrus is extinct or still by the current volcano. Perhaps he will ever wake up a long hibernation, and maybe a new volcano will grow somewhere nearby.
The life will still be warm in the depths of Elbrus, it says that in its surroundings there are many thermal sources, the most famous of them is Gila Su, in which water has a temperature of +24 degrees. If a hot water Constantly hits from under the ground - this means that volcanic processes are deeply in the bowels continue. In addition, people measured the temperature of the soil at an altitude of 5621 m (almost at the top), and it turned out to be +21 degrees, despite the air had -20 degrees. Therefore, green moss grows here in some areas. It is also an explicit evidence of the weak activity of the volcano. A number of scientists suggest that in a few hundredths, and, maybe thousands of years Elbrus will again wake up.

8. Popochetetet, Mexico (5426 m)

This is an active Mexican volcano, the name of which form two words from the Naiathl language: "Poop" means "smoking", and "Glanet" - "Hill". This is one of the most active Mexican volcanoes. After the beginning of the Spanish colonization of Mexico, he issued over 20 powerful eruptions. Many of his glaciers did not live before the start of the new millennium, instead of them there were layers of ice, to which Lava had not yet come up. From this even changed the local climate. Especially often the volcano began to erupt after 1994, and his last eruption occurred in 2015. Powerful eruption It happened in 2005, when volcanic bombs rose 3 kilometers into the air. In May 2013, there was also a strong eruption, then the debris was flying 700 meters from the crater.

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9. Sangai, Ecuador (5230 m)

This operating stratov toll is located in South America, on the eastern slopes of the Andes in Ecuador. According to scientists, he appeared only 14 thousand years ago. In 1628, its first eruption was recorded, and the latter happened quite recently - in 2016. After 1934, the volcano began to erupt often. Its name can be translated as "inspiring fear" or "frightening". At the top of the volcano there are three crater with 50-100 meter diameters. At the same time, they are all active.

10. Tolima, Colombia (5215 m)

Tolima StratovOLikan is located in the Colombian Department of the same name, the Los Nevados National Park spread around him. It is also a fairly young volcano, which is about 40 thousand years old. The funnel-shaped crater, having a depth of 200-300 m, appeared from him quite recently - in about 1926. In the era of the Golocene, this volcano occurred an explosive eruption, differing in power: there were both moderate and plinian. The biggest eruption happened here about 3600 years ago. As for the last centuries, only small volcanic explosions were recorded. Over the past decades appearance The volcano is mainly changed due to the movement by its slopes of glaciers. It, in turn, is accompanied by noticeable seismicity and superficial activity.

Answer the question will not be difficult for me - before your eyes the contour card with the boundaries of tectonic plates. :) However, I would like to clarify what volcano is, where it is formed and where they are most.

On which mainland there are no volcanoes

In order to make it clear what kind of mainland does not have volcanoes, it is necessary to decide that, in fact, such volcanoes and in what places they are. So, mountain, At the top of which the hole is located - craterWhere the lava periodically erupts, and there is a volcano. But in which areas they are formed? According to research, risk areas are places where it runs border between tectonic plates. If you open the atlas, where the boundaries of the plates are indicated, it is easy to make sure that Australia - Mainland, in whose territory there are no such sites.

Than danger and useful volcano

"I woke up" volcano is extremely dangerous for several reasons, however "sleeping"presents much greater danger. At any time, he can simply explode, hesitating the streams of lava on huge squares. In addition, if the volcano is located on the bottom or on the island, it is very likely that it will cause it tsunami. However, despite the fact that this phenomenon is very dangerous, volcanoes bring some benefit. For example:

  • out on the surface rare metals;
  • in industry applied pumice - porous substance of volcanic origin;
  • often volcanoes form strong breedswhich is possible to apply during construction.

Countries with the largest number of volcanoes

Total on our planet about 500 acting volcanoesMost of which are located at the joints of the bark. Here are "record holders" among countries whose territory is rich in volcanoes:

  • Ecuador - 62;
  • Japan - 69;
  • Chile - about 100;
  • Indonesia - 125;
  • USA - More than 135.

Pacific Fire Ring

This name received an extensive area on which focused a huge number of volcanoes. It extends along the edge of the Pacific Ocean, where the ocean plates go to continental, forming long chains of volcanoes. Of all earthquakes, which happened on the planet, more than 93% happened in this area. There are numbers here about350 volcanoesthat corresponds to 78% of the total number of existing volcanoes of the world.

Earth is a hot planet. Under the fine bark is a core of a hot magma. Someone through the cracks in the earth's crust, the heat of the earth's core breaks out, pulling out the surface of Lava, gases and ash. Over the course of such emissions, huge masses of the discarded substance accumulate and special geological forms are formed - volcanoes.

The largest volcanoes are those that have formed particularly large in terms of cones, although not necessarily the highest, and therefore had a particularly large crater or acted for a very long time. For a person, those who continue to act. Fortunately, found in 2013 the largest Tamu MassIf Vulcan for a long time, otherwise, his eruption would be destructive for all living on our planet.

There are volcanoes that are exactly known that they were eructed over the past 10 thousand years, or showed signs of volcanic activity, such as gas and water vapor emissions. The presence of volcanic activity means that this volcano can again begin to erupt, and therefore requires careful observation of volcanog scientists. These volcanoes today are 627. 4 of the 5 largest volcanoes of the planet are located in the Pacific area (these are parts of the "fire ring" of Pacific volcanoes and seismic zones), and 1 in Africa.

Located in the central part of the Kamchatka Peninsula, there is a volume of 480 cubic meters and is the largest of the active ingredients of Kamchatka, as well as the second height ( 3613 m above sea level), after the Klyuchevsk Pop. The peak of the Ichinsk hill is covered by eternal glaciers.

This is the youngest among the largest existing volcanoes, its age is estimated at 10-15 thousand years. Its cone has a complex structure: the base of the panel type, on it the cone of a younger stratululkan. The last eruption was registered in 1740, since then volcanic activity is weak: there are emissions of small amounts of high-temperature water vapor and volcanic gases.

Galapagos Islands, as well as Hawaiian, arose as a result of volcanic activities. The largest volcano Sierra Negro ("Black Mountain") is 580 cubic meters. Kilometers is located on Isaolated Island. This is a shield volcano, height 1 124 m above sea leveland its crater has a diameter 11 km.

The last eruption of Sierra Negra occurred in 2005. Then the volcano threw out such a number of gases and ashes that the volcanic cloud reached a height of 7 or more kilometers.

Volume - more 3,200 cu. kilometers. The second largest volcano of Hawaii island. His highest point4 205 M. above sea level. But if you consider from the foot, which is under water, then its height reaches 10 203 m, which makes Maun Kea the highest mountain on the ground. (For comparison, Everest has a height of its own foot to the vertex 4 150 m). Unlike Maun Loa neighboring with him, it is a stratovancan, and his viscous lava formed steep slopes. The last eruption occurred 4,500 years ago, and since then the state of the volcano on the risk scale is considered "normal".

The Aboriginal "White Mountain" (so translates the name) was considered sacred. Only the highest leaders had the right to rise on her vertex. The aborigines were harvested and hunted in thick forests on the slopes of the mountain, and from volcanic basalt made tools and weapons.

The height, the dry climate and the constant strength of the wind make the top of Maun Kea one of the best on Earth regions for astronomical observations. Since 1964, 13 telescopes have been installed here. Observations are conducted at all frequencies - from visible light to radio waves, and the Maun Kea astronomical park is one of the largest in the world. Nevertheless, the protests against its location in the unique environmental zone and in the sacred for indigenous people are not poisoned.

Cone volume - 4 800 cubic meters. This volcano everaged a thick and viscous lava, which led to the formation of almost the right steep cone. This type is called stratululkan. Highest mountain African continent ( 5 895 m above sea levelIt is located in East Africa, between Kenia and the North of Tanzania. In the language of Swahili his name means " white Mount": The peak of this giant double-headed cone, the only land in the Earth's equatorial zone is covered eternal ice. In his glaciers, many rivers take their beginning, including Nile - the greatest river Africa. In recent decades, they melt faster and steadily decrease.

The Europeans opened this volcano in 1848, since then no activity was registered, but the legends of the Aborigines speak about its eruption of about 200 years ago. In 2003, it was found that under one of his two peaks there is a molten lava, and its upper level rose to the distance just 400 meters from the surface. Also occur gas, ribs and rock shear.

The biggest acting volcano on the ground is located on the island of Hawaii. This volcano - shield type: wide, with sloping slopes. Such volcanoes are formed as a result of a long eruption of liquid, fluid lava. The volume of its cone is approximately 75,000 cubic metersFrom which 84% are under water. Actually, the island itself appeared as a result of the eruptions of this and neighboring volcanoes.

In the language of the Aboriginal, its name means "Long Mountain". His mass is so huge that the earth Corah at its location begins inside a few kilometers.

Maun Loa is one of the most active volcanoes. Its last eruption occurred in 1984, and since then he gradually shows more and more signs of activity, and its new eruption in the foreseeable future is considered very likely.

See also: