The most terrible and dangerous places in the world. The most creepy places on earth (39 photos)

The most dangerous places on the planet annually attract extreme tourists who are in search of thrills. And these places are really capable of "presenting" a lot of adrenaline. Visiting such corners is associated with a high risk to life. The list of "exclusion zones" includes cities, majestic mountainous reliefs, deserts, as well as water spaces, which keep many mysteries and tragedies that have happened.

We present to the attention of our readers the ten most dangerous places on earth.


(Ukraine) opens the ten most dangerous places in the world. The once prosperous city in an instant turned into a godforsaken place. The terrible tragedy that happened in 1986 became the reason that people began to hastily leave their native corner. The atomic explosion that occurred at the front line of the power plant caused the release of tons of radiation dust, which spread over several hundred kilometers. Millions of people suffered from radiation pollution, many of them died. At present, Chernobyl is a ghost town, in which it is extremely dangerous to health and life due to the high level of radiation.


One of the most dangerous places on the planet is (Brazil). It is located in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Brazil. The island is closed to the public as it is extremely life-threatening. Judging by the name of the island, it is not difficult to guess that its only inhabitants are snakes. According to rough estimates, there are up to 5-6 snakes per square meter of territory! The island is considered the largest natural serpentarium in the entire world.


(USA) is one of the most safe places on the ground. California's coastal waters are a favorite spot for great white sharks, which maim hundreds of people every year. Fatal cases are not uncommon. Despite this fact, surfers and divers continue to cross the waters in search of new sensations and adrenaline.


(Ethiopia) is one of the most dangerous places to live on the planet. The colorful and unique landscape contains a number of hazards due to natural and climatic features. The temperature in this unusual and amazing desert sometimes goes over 50 degrees, which already makes it possible to stay here for only a few minutes. Hot, scalding air is not all that can scare this place away. The atmosphere contains a high concentration of toxic gases that can be fatal. In addition, earthquakes often occur in the desert, since there is a fault in the Arabian plate.


(Russia) is one of the ten most dangerous places on the planet. The valley is located in Kamchatka in the Kronotsky Nature Reserve, next to the active volcano Kikhpinych. This region is famous not only for its beautiful landscapes, but also for multiple deaths. Staying there for a long time is deadly for both humans and animals. Many scientists are inclined to believe that the cause of death is poison gas, which is located in the Valley of Death.


(Indonesia) is one of the most dangerous places on the planet. This name was given active volcano Indonesia. Over the entire period of its existence, there are about a hundred eruptions. Daily Fiery mountain gives vital signs in the form of a column of smoke, which rises up to 3 thousand meters in height. The last serious eruption was recorded in 2014. Then about two dozen local residents died. The 2006 eruption also caused many deaths. It is known that in 1930 about a thousand people died here. Then the fiery lava spilled 13 km from the foot. Despite this, the nearest settlement is located 6 km from the raging volcano.


(Bolivia) is the most dangerous place on earth. The many deaths that have occurred here speak for themselves. The road was paved by Paraguayan prisoners during the war between Bolivia and Paraguay in 1932. Many tight corners, difficult terrain and poor road surfaces are the reasons for many car accidents. In addition, there is information that cyclists who want to get a dose of adrenaline find their death here. About two hundred people die every year on this road. There is no way to prohibit the operation of this road, since it is the only transport artery in the country. In the 70s, an attempt was made to reconstruct the road, but the work was already suspended at the 20th kilometer. The remaining 50 kilometers are devoid of asphalt pavement and are clayey soil, which becomes slippery after rain and is extremely dangerous for transport.

Summit of Mount Washington USA

The most dangerous places on the planet include (USA). This is one of the highest and most beautiful points in the northeastern region of the United States, and also the most unpredictable due to changeable weather conditions. It is extremely dangerous to be on this summit. It is here that the highest wind speed indicators are recorded, which exceed 100 meters per second. In 1934, a record was recorded on the mountain: the wind force reached 372 km / h. The ascent to the summit was first made by Derby Field in 1642. An inexperienced tourist should not take the risk and climb to the very top.

Atlantic Ocean

(Atlantic Ocean) is one of the anomalous zones and a dangerous place among the expanses of water Atlantic Ocean... Located anomalous zone near the coast North America- between Bermuda, Miami and Puerto Rico. If you figuratively connect these points with lines, you get a triangle shape. For the first time, the mention of this mystical area, where sea and aircraft, and navigation devices refuse to work, appeared in the publication of an article by Vincent Gadiss. His work was titled: "The Bermuda Triangle - the Devil's Den." This sea area is fraught with danger, primarily due to a large number shoals, as well as cyclones and storms that often originate here. This explains the innumerable number of accidents and the failure of instruments to work in this place.

Dyatlov pass Russia

Dyatlov Pass or Mountain of the Dead (Russia) tops the list of the most dangerous places on the planet. The abnormal place is located in the north of the Urals. The Dyatlov Pass gained its popularity due to the many deaths that occurred in that place for unexplained reasons. Many explorers and tourists who visited this mystical place found their death there. Mysterious death of all members of the Dyatlov expedition still causes heated debate over the cause of the tragedy that happened on February 1, 1959.

Our planet really has quite a lot beautiful places... There would be enough effort, time and money to visit them. But in contrast to them, there are also places where most people would rather never show up. Nevertheless, tickets to these unpleasant places and objects are officially sold by some travel companies... So, be careful when choosing exotic vacation options. And the terrible places mentioned in this article should be avoided at all costs, without being fooled by the discounts of the tour operator.

Each person has their own dark corners, not only in the biography, but also in the home. Every culture on every continent has its own scary and damned places. The scariest places on the planet seem to compete with themselves in the intensity of their quiet horror, like brands or sports leagues. But without such places on the planet, life would probably be much more boring.

Top of Mount Washington. In fact, this place is very beautiful, but it is extremely dangerous to be here. Mount Washington is located in the northeastern United States. Let tourists not be afraid that the height of the summit here is only 1917 meters. In fact, visiting this place is just as risky as Everest. The fact is that Mount Washington is the world leader in wind speed on the Earth's surface. The highest rate was reached in April 1934, when the air moved here at a speed of 372 km / h. If it is winter outside, the wind turns into snow storms. The complex of buildings of the local observatory is instantly swept away, save only by tightly sealed windows and doors. The station is really extreme, its instruments and buildings can withstand wind speeds of up to 500 km / h, which is quite likely in this area. In winter, Mount Washington turns into a winter wonderland, but very dangerous. So a casual companion or a professional photographer should be extremely careful in these places. After all, no one wants to become suicidal by being blown away by a hurricane into a snowdrift.

The poisonous beauty of the Danakil Desert. What are people looking for in the Ethiopian deserts? Relaxation and new experiences. But in everything you need to know when to stop. In the north of this African country the Danakil Desert is located. Those who returned from there call it nothing other than hell on Earth. She only attracts fans of horror and risk, who are not afraid of eloquent photographs. As a result, traveling there can become extremely dangerous, because it is rather strange and scary place... It seems that one visit to Danakil is enough to lose the desire to visit Mars. There is practically no breathable oxygen over the volcanic wasteland, and the local air burns with fetid gases. The ground literally boils underfoot, and even stones melt.

Traveling through this desert is fraught with loss of health. Not only is there a fifty-degree heat around, but a volcano is about to wake up underfoot. Scarlet lava will quickly cook a person. And you can breathe in sulfur vapors for the rest of your life, not long then. And the Afar region itself is criminal. Here, semi-savage Ethiopian tribes are constantly fighting for food. No one here is surprised at ten-year-olds with weapons in their hands. But for a tourist, such a meeting in the African Danakil desert can be an unpleasant surprise.

The capital of the descendants of the cannibals. In the east of New Guinea there is main city of this country, it is also the sea gate of the state. Port Moresby, or Nyugini locally, is the world's most dangerous capital. Looking from the sky at this city, it does not seem scary - high-rise buildings surrounded by greenery, a hospitable sea. And close to the eyes a completely different picture appears - slums and mountains of rubbish. Although the president and the government of New Guinea live in the capital, in reality life is subordinated to bandit associations. There is nothing for a white man to do here - it is all the same that an intellectual is put in a cell with embittered youngsters.

A stranger can be killed by the Papuans just for food. Indeed, in this region, protein is traditionally lacking. In the city, the natives kill either out of laziness or because of lack of work. The country is spoiled by humanitarian handouts from Australia. As a result, the residents of New Guinea simply do not want to work, and if such a desire appears, then there is simply no work. Therefore, there is only one way out - to get hired in a gang and to obtain money by criminal means for alcohol, women and drugs. It remains only to find a gullible victim. They kill in Port Moresby three times more often than in Moscow. And the thugs are not afraid of the police, because the authorities are either bought or intimidated.

A forest of polite suicides. At the foot sacred mountain Fuji has an unusual old forest. People don't come to Aokigaharu to find mushrooms or to fry meat. Recently, these places have been chosen by Japanese suicides. Counting the number of those who committed suicide in these places began about 60 years ago. During this time, Aukigahara took in the souls of more than 500 suicides. It is believed that this fashion appeared after the publication of Seiko Matsumoto's book "Black Sea of ​​Trees". So the main characters join hands and go to hang themselves in this old forest. After all, there is a special atmosphere here. It is all filled with shadows, even at noon it will not be difficult to find a terrible place where the darkness of the grave lives.

It is not surprising that in Aokigahara you can meet not only the corpse in hinges and skulls with hinges. The authorities are concerned about the area's notoriety. So, numerous billboards appeared everywhere with the inscriptions "Please think again!", "Life is an invaluable gift" or "Remember your family." The problem was identified in the 70s, causing close attention throughout the country. Since then, every year, special units have been sent to cleanse the forest of fresh suicide bodies. The area of ​​the entire forest is 35 square kilometers. This is enough for 70-100 new deceased to be found in it every year.

And not so long ago, marauders also showed up in Aokigahara. They clean the pockets of the gallows, ripping off gold and silver chains. Well, such work requires courage, and besides, one must also be able not to get lost.

A civilized ossuary. Who can call the civilized and cozy Czech Republic a terrible country? Here tourists really like it - the beer is very tasty, beautiful houses and girls, it is not difficult to find cheap drugs. But it is in the Czech Republic that one of the scariest places in the whole Western Europe... Having visited the ossuary in the town of Kutná Hora, you will keep those memories for a long time.

In the outskirts of Kutná Hora there was Sedlec Abbey. His cemetery was very fashionable in medieval Europe. The fact is that in 1278 a monk brought land from Jerusalem, from Golgotha ​​itself, and scattered it over the churchyard in small bunches. Therefore, thousands of people sought to be buried in a cemetery with sacred ground. It is not surprising that this churchyard has grown a lot. People began to be buried already in 2-3 tiers, which already violated ethical standards. In 1400, an unusual tomb was created in the abbey. In fact, it was an ordinary warehouse for bones, for the graves of which no one looked after.

In 1870, the new owners of the land decided to put things in order in the land and in the old monastery. The local carver Rint was invited to arrange the ossuary. With taste and not without strange humor, he created an unusual room from the remains of 40 thousand people. Rint not only ordered the chaotic deposits of bones and skulls, but also made of them interior items, including his master's coat of arms, as well as a magnificent chandelier with garlands. In a room like this, you really start to think about death. Visitors are welcome to enter here 7 days a week.

Museum for maniacs. This place is the real pride of doctors, but some maniac would also want to get here. The Museum of the History of Medicine is located in Philadelphia. For a long time, the most terrible samples of the human body were selected here. This museum was founded in 1858 by Dr. Thomas Dent Mutter. Entrance ticket here it costs 14 dollars. The exposition of the museum is dedicated to various pathologies, ancient and unusual medical equipment, as well as terrible biological samples. The museum also houses the largest collection of American skulls.

The most popular exhibits in the Mutter Museum are a wax sculpture of a unicorn woman, a human intestine three meters long with 16 kilograms of excrement inside, a "soap lady" whose corpse has turned into wax in the ground, a tumor removed from the President of the United States of America Cleveland, a conjoined liver of Siamese twins, part of the brain of Charles Guiteau, who killed President Garfield. Rumor has it that something is wrong at night in the museum. It is not clear only - funny or scary.

Prison for the enlightened. This institution is located in Tibet and is called Drapchi. The prison lies right on the road from the city of Lhasa to the airport of the same name. Drapchi is considered by many to be the scariest correctional institution in the world. It is here that since 1965 the soulless Chinese have been imprisoning the recalcitrant enlightened Tibetan lamas. It is said that there are more monks behind bars than in any Buddhist monastery. The Chinese authorities themselves, who are considered occupiers in Tibet, cynically declare these institutions not prisons, but rehabilitation centers.

Just throwing the wrong look in the direction of the warden can get a bullet from him. Any protest by the imprisoned monks leads to their beating. There is such a prisoner that from a long stay in solitary confinement he has completely forgotten how to talk. Another prisoner has been in prison for 20 years just for disseminating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. To reeducate Buddhists, they are forced to attend classes in scientific communism. Not knowing the subject leads to beatings. Bamboo blows go to those who did not come to class at all.

Terrible Africa. What could be worse civil war? The worst, bloodiest and most senseless such massacre took place in Rwanda. The population of the country was more than 10 million people, and the density was quite high - 421 people per square kilometer. During a military coup in 1994, an interim government came to power, which staged a genocide of national minorities. As a result, about a million people were killed in the country in just 100 days. The murder rate was 5 times higher than in German concentration camps. The country was covered in blood and littered with corpses. Having learned from the neighbors' reports about the lawlessness going on, the UN slowly decided to intervene. Those villains who were most involved in the murders were sent to Guitarama prison. It has become the most crowded and unsanitary on the planet.

The barracks there are designed to accommodate 500 prisoners, and about 6 thousand criminals stay there. They have to wait for their trial for 8-10 years. Hunger reigns here, so there are often cases when prisoners try to eat their neighbor. There is nowhere even to lie down, so the prisoners' legs begin to rot. And doctors perform amputations without anesthesia. The earth is constantly wet and polluted with human waste. The stench from the prison spreads half a kilometer away, disgracing the capital in the eyes of civilized people. According to statistics, every eighth prisoner does not live to see the court verdict. This is due to illness or violence. And getting into the Guitarama of an educated white person means his instant death.

Home of the slum millionaire. For many of us, India is an enlightened country that smells of incense, cremations and sweet marijuana. Meanwhile, real India smells much worse - industrial waste, sewage and slops. Almost all of these scents are available to residents of ordinary Dharavi districts, where you can rent a room for a month for $ 4. This thicket is located in the heart of the multi-million dollar metropolis of Mumbai.

It is from Dharavi that the protagonist of the Oscar-winning "Slumdog Millionaire" hails. The area is spread over 75 hectares, and more than a million Muslims and Hindus live here. They feed on the processing of garbage brought here from all over the city. Dozens of tons of it are received daily. Dharavi residents recycle plastic, waste paper, glass and cans. Women and children crawl barefoot through the dumpsters, looking for what else can be recycled. The authorities of the Indian metropolis plan to completely get rid of Dharavi by 2013. But where to go to its inhabitants? After all, few of them managed to become a millionaire. Someone will return to the village, but I don’t want to think about the fate of the others.

Capital of the country of violence. If in India people wake up and go to collect and then hand over bottles, Somalis still dream, hugging a Kalashnikov assault rifle. This is a favorite toy, a protective device and a working tool. Somalis need to be on the alert, because pirates are rampant on the coast, threatening to take away all the most valuable. Today in the capital of the country, the city of Mogadishu, fear and violence have become commonplace.

It is interesting that people of the Somali anthropological type are handsome and tall. But all this goes to the graves, because it is customary here to die young. However, more and more future robbers and pirates are born. They are ready to do anything to appear strong and seize their piece of prey. The war forces people to flee from Mogadishu. But this is not an option either. Last year, 100 thousand people left the capital, the risk of dying from a bullet was replaced by the risk of dying of thirst. And even the UN is unable to do anything. After all, no one can give any guarantee of the safety of the cargo and the messengers.

There are many places in the world where the utmost care should be taken. Many reckless tourists have lost their lives or lost their health, underestimating the threat of these parts of the Earth.

Nyos, Lake Killer (Cameroon)

Imagine you are taking a boat trip, enjoying the clean air and the surrounding views, when suddenly bang! The lake literally explodes, destroying all life on the surface and even near. In August 1986, the largest explosion occurred, which killed almost two thousand people. dangerous lake the planet is volcanic, it is located at an altitude of 1090 m. An explosive mixture of carbon dioxide, methane and helium is constantly accumulating in its depths. The slightest earthquake, strong wind, or even a sudden change in temperature can trigger a deadly mechanism.

Road to Mount Hua (China)

The sacred mountain of Taoism is one of the most dangerous places in the world. Thousands of professional climbers and amateurs go there to test their skills. The path to the top of the mountain abounds in difficult-to-overcome sections, sometimes you have to literally hang over an abyss.

It is not surprising that about 100 tourists are killed here every year trying to get to the temple, where, as the locals claim, they are given the best tea in the world. The most interesting thing is that you can quickly and safely climb to the top by funicular, but, they say, then the taste of the tea is not the same.

Husaini Rope Bridge (Pakistan)

This strange suspension structure is considered the most dangerous bridge on Earth. One glance is enough to be convinced of this. Crossing it to the other side of the Gunza River is an adventure worthy of Indiana Jones.

  • Do not miss:

Many boards are missing, the ropes are frayed in places, so any careless step can lead to a fall into a mountain river surrounded by the Himalayas. Strong winds also do not add confidence in a successful transition. But what kind of view opens from the middle of the bridge ...

Great Blue Hole (Belize)

A stunningly beautiful, and as dangerous place, like a magnet, attracts divers from all over the world. The funnel, 305 meters in diameter and 123 meters deep, is full of underwater caves, labyrinths, stalactites and marine inhabitants, including.

Even the most experienced divers of the planet do not risk diving more than 20-30 meters, and beginners "splash at the surface" at a depth of 10 m. Those who ventured to go deeper claim that skeletons with oxygen cylinders are found in caves, for which this dangerous place was nicknamed "Graveyard of divers".

Shark Beach Fish Hook (South Africa)

Not every daredevil dares to swim on the most dangerous beach in the world. This section of the Atlantic Ocean is home to one of the most aggressive white shark populations on the planet. They often attack people even in shallow water, near the coast.

Along the beach, there are danger warnings, but extreme lovers and simply careless tourists do not pay attention to them, which adds work to local rescuers, forcing them to collect the remains of a shark lunch along the shore.

Amazon rainforest (South America)

The largest tropical forests, dense, colorful, exotic and ... dangerous, are stretched along the shores. Exploring the Amazon is a risky business. There are many large predators like jaguars, anacondas, alligators. However, the real threat lurks among small insects that are either poisonous or carry deadly infections.

Kjerag: a pea between rocks (Norway)

There is a favorite spot for thrill seekers in the Norwegian mountains. Here, between the rocks, at an altitude of about 1000 meters, it is incomprehensible how a boulder got here. To make on it is a matter of honor for every extreme tourist. Needless to say, any careless step or sharp gust of wind ends with a protracted "ah-ah!"

Gufre Berger: cave of the dead (France)

Descent into this underground cave more like a trip to the center of the earth. Its depth is more than 1200 meters; it takes at least a day to reach the bottom. Below there is a lake and countless half-flooded labyrinths. This is already enough to consider this place one of the most dangerous on the planet.

Many cavers and simple explorers paid with their lives for trying to find out all the secrets underworld... The situation is aggravated by the fact that during the rain the cave is under water in a matter of hours. Before going down - ask about the weather forecast.

Fiery volcano Mayon (Philippines)

The active volcano has been in a state of "quiet eruption" for several years now, periodically releasing small flows of lava and throwing out pieces of rock, which leads to frequent casualties. Tourists are warned that it is dangerous to approach the volcano closer than six kilometers, but they stubbornly make their way as close as possible in search of a good place for a photo.

Ghost town Pripyat (Ukraine)

If you are looking for the most dangerous places on Earth, you don't have to travel overseas. You can tickle your nerves and very close. After the Chernobyl disaster, the entire population was evacuated; the highest level of radiation still remains near the reactor.

Some companies conduct excursions on the outskirts of the Chernobyl zone, assuring that there is no danger if you adhere to the rules of conduct and do not leave the planned route. This is so, but keep in mind that a sudden rainfall, a stone lifted from the ground or another, even a minor event, can lead to being in an infected area.

Most tourists prefer to travel to beautiful or at least comfortable places - so that they can boast with comfort and photographs: look, they say, where we were, what a beauty! And there is also a five-star service.

But there are people in whose opinion beauty lies not in the rustle of blue waves, but in the surf black with rage; not in a pink sunset, but in the scorching sun that burns out all living things, and so on. We will tell you about such places like this.

Two valleys of Death

Yes, in the plural, because there are many "valleys of death" on Earth, and at least two of them fully deserve their name.

The first Death Valley located in the United States in the Mojave Desert. It is here that the most heat in the world - 56.7 ºС, and this is in the shade. That is, in summer it is no longer just hot in the sun here, but you can easily cook all sorts of hot dishes right in the sand. It is a little cooler here at night - about 30 ° C, and in winter even sometimes (very rarely) it snows.

The Valley of Death is surrounded by mountains on all sides. It is a seismically active region, the surface of which is shifting along the fault lines. Huge blocks of the earth's surface move in the course of underground earthquakes, mountains get higher, and the valley goes lower and lower in relation to sea level.

Among this bare space are scattered boulders - seemingly the most ordinary, ranging in size from a soccer ball to half a ton in weight. And these stones tend to change their location, leaving visible traces of their movement.

Second Valley of Death freely located in Kamchatka, not far from the famous geysers, in the Kronotsky Nature Reserve. And here the source of mortal danger is not at all banal heat - here everything is much worse.

It looks like this: some small animal or bird unwisely runs or flies into dangerous territory. Sudden death overtakes him or her. A corpse that has collapsed to the ground quickly becomes a victim of, say, a fox, who, too, is not from a great mind who has entered this terrible place. After a while, the fox dies.

And if, for example, a bear will covet a fox that has suddenly died, then the same fate awaits him soon. Thus, scientists have observed whole chains of dead animals.

There is no mysticism in these deaths. Studies have shown that the death of animals occurs due to the high concentration of poisonous gases, mainly hydrogen sulfide. Some researchers have found cyanide compounds in the gas mixture. Poisonous gases spread above the ground, their concentration at a height of 10 - 15 cm is twice as high as at a height of 50 cm. This explains why there are no known cases of severe poisoning or death of people at the bottom of the Valley of Death.

It is phenomenal that the carcasses of animals are preserved for an unusually long time without decomposition. It turns out in the Valley of Death in a toxic atmosphere, the oxidative activity of bacteria is suppressed.

Scientists conducting research in Death Valley experienced headaches, fever in the back of the head, dizziness, and weakness. However, if you leave a dangerous place in time, climb a ventilated hill, your health is restored rather quickly.

Like in the underworld

The next depressing place is Danakil Desert, located in northern Ethiopia and southeastern Eritrea. Not only is it insanely hot there, and it is simply impossible to breathe hot air, there are still volcanoes all around, lakes with acid instead of water, poisonous fumes from these very lakes and volcanoes. In short, the landscape is still.

But, despite the impossibility of a human (and indeed any living) being living in such conditions, the desert has masters. It is inhabited by aborigines, divided into two tribes, each of which considers the Danakil Desert as its own and with the help of diplomacy and weapons periodically brings this information to its neighbors.

But, fighting among themselves, the tribes do not touch outsiders. Because in the absence of tourists, there will be no point in the conquered attraction. So those who want to look at the "alien" landscape and breathe in deeply the rich composition of sulfurous fumes are eagerly awaited.

In the same place, in Ethiopia, in the Afar Valley, there is another formidable attraction - Erta Ale volcano... It is famous for the fact that the territory around it constantly “breathes”, since the two lava lakes located in the crater have been unable to calm down for many years. They then fall somewhere underground, causing light earthquakes, then they spill out, destroying all living things.

Another "funny" Sinabung volcano located on the island of Sumatra. How people still live at its foot in general - one can only guess.

Judge for yourself: the last eruptions took place in 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015 and February 2016. Moreover, these were not just light hazes and emissions of small amounts of ash into the air, but full-fledged eruptions with lava flows, ruined crops, destroyed houses and infrastructure.

Acid Lake and Snake Island

In Tanzania, gently splashing a lake called Natron. Complete solitude and silence around the lake invites the traveler to undress and dive into its waters. Here is just the silence and solitude, and most importantly - the absence of any living creatures in the lake itself should immediately alert the swimmer.

The fact is that no one lives in this lake at all, not because it is boring there, but because the salt and alkali content in the water is so high that animals and plants instantly die just by touching the surface. So not only swimming - even touching the water of Lake Natron is not recommended.

But where it is impossible to meddle due to not the absence, but rather an excess of living creatures, is on Keimada Grande Island, or Serpentine, located off the coast of Brazil.

As the name suggests, the island is teeming with snakes. There are five of them per square meter, can you imagine? No one knows what they eat here - after all the people serving the lighthouse located on the island died from bites and an automatic lighthouse was installed, there are rarely any of the service personnel, and they usually stay for a short time. Tourists are generally prohibited from entering here. In general, the island is a paradise for lovers of serpentariums and a scary place for normal people.

Bolivia has a national Madidi park... Everything here is very beautiful, great and picturesque, but ... Only very healthy people are recommended to enter the park, in the sense of those who have no open wounds or even just minor scratches.

Explorers dreaming of uncharted places planets often think of Madidi. But for the most part they only think. Because the few who went to the deepest areas of the park never returned. The exact cause of their death is unknown, although here death is hiding literally everywhere. Including in small indigenous villages that are lost among the lush foliage, not wanting to contact our civilization.

Moreover, even touching the plants or insects living in the park can cause itching, allergies and simply feel unwell. A very unpleasant place.

Bikini and stunning wind

Bikini Atoll is still considered a dangerous place after the Americans tested atomic and hydrogen bombs on it. They say that now it is possible to live on the atoll, only the local coconut milk should not be drunk in any case - the amount of cesium-127 there goes off scale, and the use of this isotope inside threatens an early death.

But let's return from the tropics to cooler places and appreciate Mount Washington in New Hampshire, USA. This low mountain- less than two thousand meters, but on the other hand, it periodically blows just a stunning wind at a speed of up to 372 kilometers per hour! Let's add the temperature in winter down to -40 ° С, heavy snowfalls - and we will think many times before taking a walk in this area.

Konstantin Karelov

Have you ever been to dangerous places or circumstances? Fast rivers, dark forests full of dangerous animals, avalanches, or even a shootout? Our planet is full of dangerous places where you should not go for very different reasons. Some of them are too often fatal dangerous hurricanes, in others there is a war, somewhere the crime rate is off scale, and in some parts of the planet even the air itself is toxic, and radiation dosimeters sound the alarm. In this list, you will learn about the 25 most unfriendly and most unwanted places to visit on Earth.

25.Sahel, North Africa

The Sahel is a region on the edge of the great African Sahara Desert. Before locals very irresponsibly exploited the limited water resources in the area. As a result, this has led to severe soil desertification and greatly increased the risk of drought and famine in the region. In just 12 years from 1972 to 1984, over 100,000 people died in the Sahel region due to drought.

24. Keimada Grande or Snake Island, Brazil

Photo: Benny Trapp

Officially, this piece of land is called Keimada Grande (Ilha de Queimada Grande), but it is better known as the Snake Island. This land is located in the coastal waters of Sao Paulo and is famous for the fact that only here in the whole world live island botrops, a species of extremely venomous snakes. Their venom is so strong that it literally melts human flesh. Unsurprisingly, the Brazilian authorities have banned visits to Snake Island altogether.

23. Danakil Desert, East Africa

Photo: pixabay

The Danakil Desert is located in the northeast of Ethiopia, south of Eritrea and northwest of Djibouti (Eritrea, Djibouti). This desert is considered one of the most hostile and dangerous places on the planet. The reasons for this are the volcanoes and geysers located here, emitting toxic gases, and the extreme heat. During the day, the thermometer rises above 50 ° C in Danakil! In addition, due to the conflicts in the territory of Eritrea, when you visit this amazing desert, you risk being kidnapped by robbers.

22. Oymyakon, Russia

Photo: Maarten Takens

Lost in the very heart of Siberia, thousands of kilometers from Moscow, the Russian village of Oymyakon is known as a permanently inhabited settlement, where the lowest temperature in the history of observations was recorded - down to minus 71.2 ° C! This village is one of the coldest places on Earth, and as many as 500 people consider it their home. Mobile phones they practically do not work here because of the constant frost. There is no need to talk about agriculture either, because not a single sown crop can survive in such a cold.


Photo: wikimedia commons

Syria has suffered from prolonged violent conflicts. last years consistently ranked among the deadliest countries in the world. Residents of this war-torn state know firsthand what the bombing of residential areas, hunger and lack of medicines, prolonged sieges and even the use of chemical weapons against ordinary civilians.

20. Alagoas, Brazil

Photo: Teotonio Vilela

Brazilian cities such as Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paulo are the largest major cities countries are famous for their high crime rates. However, in Brazil there is a place much less famous and large, but it is there that the most cruel lawlessness in the country and, perhaps, even in the whole world is happening. The state of Alagoas is literally life-threatening. More than 2,000 people are killed here every year, although the state's population is only 3 million.

19. Monrovia, Liberia

Photo: Matt-80

The capital of the West African country of Liberia, Monrovia is home to the most eerie slum on the continent called West Point. In a rather limited area, about 75,000 people live, and in these slums, cholera is ruled, the streets are flooded with drugs, the crime rate and teenage prostitution in West Point is off scale, and civilized toilets and bathrooms are familiar to the locals only from stories and movies. However, life is hard not only in the slums, but also in Monrovia as a whole, because this city is very heavily polluted and constantly struggles with environmental disasters(frequent floods, for example).

18. Mount Sinabung, Indonesia

Photo: Kenrick95

Mount Sinabung is an active stratovolcano located on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. It erupts quite often, and thousands of people regularly lose their homes and livelihoods due to the most powerful elements. The surrounding towns and villages have more than once completely sunk in red-hot and ashes. The most recent major eruptions wiped out human settlements in 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. Unfortunately, dozens of people died during these disasters.

17. Skeleton Coast, Namibia

Photo: MarkDhawn

Skeleton Coast is located on the Atlantic coast of Namibia and is renowned as one of the most deadly and unfriendly natural places on the ground. This rugged piece of land gets its name from the abundance of whale and seal skeletons scattered along the coast. Even people died here, and wrecks of ships are often found on the wild beach. The current and the treacherous bottom are to blame.

16. North Korea

Photo: J.A. de Roo

Living under a totalitarian dictatorship, North Korea is known primarily as a place where things are worse with respect to human rights than almost anywhere else in the world. Both local residents and foreign tourists are constantly imprisoned here for what is considered absolutely normal and harmless in democratic countries. Due to the deterioration of diplomatic relations between North Korea and the United States, this Asian country became especially dangerous for American tourists, who literally risk not getting out of here alive if the travelers' curiosity and adventurism still overpower the instinct of self-preservation and prudence.

15. Guatemala

Photo: Clmendizabal

Guatemala has long been known for its extremely high crime rates, but this is not the only reason why this Central American country made it to our list of the most dangerous places on the planet. Guatemala's geographical location and topography makes it extremely vulnerable to at least three natural disasters: earthquakes, hurricanes and landslides. For example, in 1976, a magnitude 7.5 earthquake killed about 23,000 people.

14. Lake Natron, Tanzania

Photo: Clem23

Lake Natron sits at the foot of a mountain in the Kenyan Rift (or Gregory Rift) and is widely regarded as one of the deadliest bodies of water in the world. Its water is extremely salty and heats up to 60 ° C, and the acid-base balance fluctuates between 9 and 10.5. Such a highly alkaline environment means that animals in this lake are extremely quickly fossilized (calcified), its water very quickly eats away paint on tissues, and can also seriously harm the skin and eyes of unadapted animals, including humans.

13. Sanaa, Yemen

Photo: Rod Waddington / Kergunyah, Australia

Sana is the capital of Yemen and the city is famous for a variety of reasons. For example, it is the oldest permanently inhabited city in the world. It is also the highest capital in the world in relation to sea level - 2200 meters. Unfortunately, Sana'a is also one of the most dangerous places on Earth due to eternal chaos - constant bombing, murder and terrorist attacks.

12. Naples, Italy

Photo: Max Pixel

Naples is one of the largest Italian cities and has long been famous for its amazing architecture and delicious cuisine. Unfortunately, this place is not without reason made it into the list of the most creepy places on the planet. This is a real trap, ready to bury millions of people at any moment. The entire city is located right on the giant supervolcano Campi Flegrei, and scientists believe that the eruption of this volcano is potentially fatal to all residents of the region.

11. Mailuu-Suu, Kyrgyzstan

Photo: IAEA / flickr

Mailu Suu has a population of 23,000 and is a mining town that used to work in uranium mines. It was here in the 20th century that about 10,000 tons of uranium was mined for the USSR's nuclear program, and now this city is one of the most radioactive places on the planet. In addition, landslides, earthquakes and floods are common in this region, which only increases the risk of exposure time after time.

10. Manaus, Brazil

Photo: James Martins

Almost 2 million people live in Manaus, and this metropolis is not on our list at all because of the crime rate, which it has lower than many other Brazilian cities. The capital of the state of Amazonas is located right in the middle of the rainforest on the banks of the legendary Amazon River, in the vicinity of which there are many extremely dangerous animals. For example, swimming in this river is a very reckless idea, because piranhas, anacondas, electric eels and other deadly creatures are found here.

9. Bermuda Triangle, North Atlantic

Photo: wikimedia commons

The Bermuda Triangle has long had a reputation for being sinister or even mystical place... Geographically, it is an area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean between Florida, Puerto Rico and Bermuda, bounded by a conventional triangle. For decades, the region has been associated with a string of supposedly mysterious disappearances, either caused by Earth's magnetic fields or related to alien intervention. Some of the strange cases have long been investigated and explained, but there are mysteries that still remain unsolved and excite the imagination of the mystics.

8. Dallol, Ethiopia

Photo: Ji-Elle, Dallol-Ethiopie

A ghost town in northern Ethiopia, Dallol is one of the most remote, low-lying and hottest on Earth. The average annual temperature here is about 34.6 ° C, and this place was once the hottest settlement in the world. The groundwater in this area is extremely salty and acidic. In addition, there are geysers near Dallol that evaporate poisonous gases into the air.

7. North Sentinel Island, India

Photo: Harvinder Chandigarh

North Sentinel Island is part of the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal and politically belongs to India. This land is famous for its picturesque views and amazing nature, but the locals are extremely hostile and aggressive towards outsiders. They refuse to contact outsiders and have even killed several intrusive visitors.

6. Lake Nyos, Cameroon

Photo: wikimedia commons

Located in the northwest of Cameroon crater lake Nyos is located in an area with volcanic activity and constant carbon dioxide leaks directly from the ground. During a "limnological catastrophe", carbon dioxide escapes directly from the bottom of the reservoir and forms a deadly cloud. This gas is heavier than air, and therefore it immediately settles on the ground, displacing oxygen and killing all life in its path. Two such gas eruptions in the 1980s killed over 1,700 people and approximately 3,500 livestock.

5. Haiti

Photo: wikimedia commons

The third largest state in the Caribbean (after Cuba and Dominican Republic), Haiti is also a country with more hurricanes than anywhere else in the world. Haiti is not only located right on the "hurricane highway", but also a rather poor country, which cannot independently deal with the consequences of regular natural disasters. Settlements usually built in floodplain valleys, natural defenses (such as forests) have long been degraded, and the country's economy is not stable enough to afford a flood protection and hazard warning system. This is why almost any hurricane here ends up being fatal.

4. Burkina Faso

Photo: wikimedia commons

Burkina Faso is a small, landlocked West African country. This place got into the ranking of the most dangerous places on the planet due to problems with terrorism and with frequent hostage-taking. Criminals attack hotels, cafes, restaurants and other places where ordinary people come together for recreation and entertainment. Some of the attacks in Burkina Faso were carried out by organized groups from neighboring countries(Mali, Niger).

3. Death Valley, USA

Photo: Wolfgangbeyer / German Wikipedia

Death Valley is located on the border between the states of Nevada and California in the Great Basin Desert, and it got its name for a reason. It is incredibly hot in summer (up to 56.7 ° C) and terribly cold in the winter months. In addition, due to the storms raging in the area surrounding the mountains, the lowlands of the valley are often and very suddenly flooded.

2. Fukushima, Japan

Photo: wikimedia commons

In March 2011, Japan's Fukushima prefecture, Honshu Island, was the site of one of the most tragic nuclear disasters in human history. As a result of the strongest earthquake and tsunami in Fukushima, a nuclear power plant exploded. Even today, 6 years after the disaster, very high levels of radiation are still recorded here, which makes this place one of the most dangerous in the world.

1. Fraser Island, Australia

Photo: wikimedia commons

Australia's Fraser Island is literally strewn beautiful beaches with white sand and clear water. Despite the scenic beauty of this place, it is an extremely dangerous area that should be avoided. Sandy beaches are teeming with poisonous spiders, and very aggressive wild dogs dingo, and the sea itself is awash with sharks and poisonous jellyfish.

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