How many aircraft were on September 11th. Who actually blew up the twin towers in New York? Washington goes to war

In memory of the tragedy on September 11, 2001 (part 2)

Ten years ago 19 people prepared by Al-Qaeda conducted a coordinated terrorist attack on the United States of America. For the development of a terrorist attack, several years have gone. The terrorists at the same time captured 4 major passenger aircraft with the intention of destroying with the help of them the most famous sights of the United States, taking as much lives as much as possible. Three aircraft reached the goals, the fourth fell on the field in Pennsylvania. In one day, these acts of mass murder killed about 3,000 people out of 57 countries of the world. Of these, more than 400 dead are firefighters, police and ambulance brigades. This event received the maximum lighting in the entire history of the mass media, and even ten years later, it's hard to look at these pictures. Attacks and the reaction to them largely formed the world in which we live today, and therefore it is very important to look at these photos and remember what happened that day.

1. View of the Statue of Liberty and the Clouds of Smoke and Dust Manhattan from Jersey City, New Jersey, September 15, 2001.

2. The smoke brings out of the hole in the wall and from the upper floors of the Northern Tower of WTC in New York, after colliding with her flight 11 of American Airlines.

3. Flight 175 of United Airlines per second before collision with the South Tower of WTC. The northern tower is already burning.

4. An explosion in the southern tower during a collision with her flight of a flight of 175 United Airlines in New York, September 11, 2001. The plane crashed into a building at a speed of 945 km / h.

5. Collision of the aircraft with the southern Tower of WTC. On board was 56 passengers (including 5 hijackers).

6. An explosion of 3,800 liters of fuel left on board the aircraft during a collision with the Southern Tower of WTC in New York.

7. Two women, duddering each other, look at the terrorists burning after attacking the building of the WTC.

8. For Empire State Building is visible to the last minute twin towers.

9. Cloud of smoke from WTC buildings in Lower Manhattan. Snapshot from the satellite of the US Geological Service, which flown over the area around 9:30 on Tuesday, September 11, 2001.

10. People hanging from the windows of the Northern Tower WTC after attack.

11. The man jumps towards death from the smoke filled and the flame of the Northern Tower of WTC.

12. A man jumps from the upper floors of the last Northern Tower of WTC.

13. A man jumping from the North Tower of WTC.

14. The surveillance camera in the Pentagon captured an explosion to which a collision with a stolen American Airlines aircraft with 58 passengers and 6 crew members on board, September 11, 2001.

15. The flame and smoke break out of the Pentagon building after the explosion.

16. Firefighters extinguish the Pentagon after the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001.

17. Medicas assist victims near the Pentagon, after the southwest angle of the building crashed a sophisticated airliner.

18. Wall of the Pentagon after the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001.

19. The smoke brings from the TCC towers after the two stolen planes crashed into them during a terrorist attack on New York.

20. At 9:59 am on September 11, 2001, 56 minutes after the collision, the South Tower of the WTC begins to go.

21. The South Tower of WTC collapses, and the fragments are buried by nearby streets.

22. Police and pedestrians run in search of shelter during the terrorist attack in New York.

23. People covered with dust walk along the debris next to the WTC in New York on September 11, 2001.

24. Maru stall from Somerset, Pennsylvania, shows a picture of the flight of the flight of the company, made by him a picture of the airlines of the United Airlines. The plane crashed near Shehenxville, and the stall, having heard the explosion, headed towards the place of fall and took a picture before the rescuers hooked the territory. The plane fell in Pennsylvania shortly after attacks on New York.

25. Air shot of a flight crash site 93 in Shehenxville, Pennsylvania, made by the FBI on September 12, 2001. Boeing 757 flew from Newark, New Jersey, in San Francisco, when suddenly made a sharp turn near Cleveland, and crashed in Shehenksville, Pennsylvania. 44 people died. This aircraft was one of the four, which are part of the plan of the terrorist attack on September 11, and the only one who has not achieved its goal.

26. Firemen and rescuers explore the place of falling the flight 93 near Shenxville, Pennsylvania.

27. At 10:28 am on September 11, 2001, 102 minutes after a collision with her an aircraft, the North Tower of WTC in New York collapses.

28. The collapse of the Tower of WTC on September 11, 2001 in New York.

29. The Photo of the New York Police Department shows how ashes and smoke are spread over Manhattan during the collapse of the North Tower WTC.

30. Dust, smoke and debris fill the air during the fall of the WTC Tower on September 11, 2001 in New York.

31. Dust, smoke and ashes envelop neighboring buildings after the fall of both TCC towers on September 11, 2001 in New York.

32. People leave from the collapsed towers, fleeing from smoke and dust. As a result of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 in New York, both 110-storey towers of the WTC collapsed.

33. The North Tower of WTC turns into a cloud of dust and debris after half an hour after the fall of the southern tower on September 11, 2001. The picture is made from Jersey City, New Jersey, from the opposite shore of the Hudson River.

34. People make their way through the fragments next to the ruins of the WTC on September 11, 2001 in New York.

35. The priest helps people after the fall of the TCC towers in New York on September 11, 2001.

36. People cover faces from dust, crossing the Brooklyn Bridge to get away from the cloud of dust and smoke, covered by Manhattan after terrorist attacks.

37. People on the street next to the twin tower on September 11, 2001.

38. Assistant Sheriff provides assistance to a woman who was injured during the attack of terrorists on September 11 at the WTC in New York.

39. A man flies, watching the fall of the TSC Tower in New York on September 11, 2001.

40. The fireman is resting on a bench in Nizhny Manhattan during work at the site of the fall of the twin towers on September 11, 2001.

41. Building garbage and ashes from the fall of the TCC towers as a result of the terrorist attack, the streets of Manhattan fill out, turning the view of the city to the picture of the Apocalypse. The buildings collapsed, burbing under the wreckage thousands of people.

42. The fireman calls for rescuers to disassemble the wreckage of the WTC. The picture was taken on September 15, 2001.

43. The chassis of one of the stolen aircraft lies on the street next to the destroyed WTC buildings in New York, September 11, 2001.

44. Firefighters in search of survivors under the wreckage of the twins attendant on September 11, 2001.

45. Light with difficulty makes its way through the clouds of smoke and the ashes on the place of collapse of the TSTs towers.

46. \u200b\u200bNew York firefighters extinguished the building of the 7th World Trade Center, destroyed together with the twin tower during the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001.

47. A group of firefighters near the ruins of the South Tower Tower in New York, September 11, 2001.

48. The wreckage covers the rails in the Tunnel of the New York Metro on Lines 1 and 9 Stations Cortland Street under the WTC. According to representatives of the urban doubles of New York, the damage was so strong that they had to restore more than one mile tunnel.

49. Rescuers carry out an operation to search and save victims, going down under the wreckage of WTC on Friday, September 14, 2001.

50. The man stands in the ruins of the TSTs towers and is trying to call survivors, asks if someone needs help.

A criminal shame that Zion imposed to the world on September 11, 2001, on the scope of cynicism for a time eclipsed by Afiri with the so-called "flying" of Americans to the moon. Gullible armed and evil children - US citizens - still do not even suspect that there are several billion people on Earth, much more intelligent than the posture of the Jews - still believing the spring predictions.

In the article "September 11 - who is a day of the award, to whom the sorrowful day, and to whom and the day of the joy of messenger, I led the interesting dates of particularly important events in the history of US provocations, and also noted that September 11, two American aircraft crashed into two American skyscrapers. And the rest of the world paid for this American show a huge price.

  • September 11, 1991 - During the destruction of the USSR, the American President with the Semitic Genetic Disease Ronald Reagan proclaims a new world order.
  • September 11, 2001 - Two aircraft crash into the World Trade Center.
  • September 11 - Jewish New Year.

It is reported that 2977 people died as a result of attacks, 24 more were missing. However, the official version of the resulting from the very moment Afiri is criticized by journalists, scientists and witnesses of the tragedy. Independent investigations were held for which documentary films were removed.

Purpuling correspondent

It should be noted that as a result, not only the southern tower (WTC-2) and the Northern Tower (WTC-1) were collected on the day of African, but also the third building - the WTC Tower 7. It is located very far from the place of twin towers, nothing did not fall. However, she collapsed some mysterious way.

Fig. The layout of buildings.

The official version is as a result of a series of gas explosions and a followed fire. However, this is a lie. At 17:00 on New York time, live British British TV channel (Air Force) was a report from the scene of events. The whole world watched the leading Jane Standley (Jane Standley) began to tell the audience about the collapse of the third building (WTC 7).

The building was still entirely and unharmed. After all, before the buildings of the building remained 20 minutes! But the signature at the bottom of the screen reported: "47-storey building Salomon Brothers near the World Trade Center also collapsed."

When the presenter suggested that she was hushed up, the girl turned into a picture, blushed and began to draw: "Sori!". At 17:14 the translation of the broadcast from New York suddenly was changed to interference and disappeared from the ether.

Obviously, televisers from BBC worked and spoke on the script. The head of the news department Richard Porter (Richard Porter) of course, did not admit: "We are not part of the conspiracy. No one told us what to tell and what to do on September 11th. Nobody reported to us in advance that the building should fall. We did not receive any press release, nor the scenarios of the events that should happen. "

But the trouble, "we have not survived the original record of reports of September 11 - but not because of the conspiracy, but because of the confusion," the porter admitted, despite the fact that "confusion" was in New York, and not in London.

There is nothing to add. Americans in their Africa, like three-year-old children, remove traces of one and the same pattern. Recall the recent official representative of the Investigative Committee of Russia (CCR) Vladimir Markina with the director of NASA Charles Bolden, who announced the disappearance of the evidence of the landing of Americans to the moon (see the novel "Kuwark Moon").

Substava bin Laden

All "Upstairs" in the United States knew about the planning of destruction of the twin towers. So, for example, just 8 hours before the start of the attack on the Kondolliz Rice shopping center dissuaded the mayor of San Francisco Willy Brown from Flight to New York, scheduled for the morning on September 11.

And according to the information of the London Times, US President George Bush immediately after the attack on the twin towers began to actively evacuate the relatives of the leader of the "terrorists" Bin Laden. The President has just attacked Power ordered a private aircraft to take out a dozen relatives of the chief terrorist from the United States. And this is despite the fact that relatives Bin Laden did not call for interrogation either into the police or the FBI.

Al-Qaida financed the largest international corporations - Microsoft, UBS and Compaq and others. These computer giants are not responsible for theatrical "terrorist attack", but for quite frank criminal activities of pre-Igila.

But after 14 years, neither Microsoft, nor Compaq did not lose their position in the market. They have no complaints about the "progressive" public, nor "human rights defenders", nor law enforcement services nor family members of the victims during the "terrorist attacks", neither finally "sympathizing" buyers. Somehow, the entire population of the Earth absolutely reacted to the criminal activities of these firms.

The main terrorist Usama Ben Laden was declared international wanted long before the Terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. But, nevertheless, in July 2001, he was unhindered under the American clinic. In the interruptions between the enema, he met with one of the heads of the CIA. For the treatment of Bin Laden allegedly engaged in American urologist Terry Calluway.

All these and many other evidence suggests that Ben Laden is not involved in terrorist African with twin towers. Usama himself in an interview with the Pakistani newspaper "Ummat" stated that he considers the Jewish community of Florida in the United States by organizers.

In another article, "Pentagon celebrates victory" (2002) I analyzed the documentary shown by NTV to the anniversary of September 11. The authors of the tape did not submit to the audience a single evidence of the involvement of some Alkaida and some bin Laden to the "terrorist attack" on September 11, 2001 in the United States.

The movie analysis shows the following. The US President is shown a frank clairvoyant. Just a few hours after Afyra with the twin tower, he clearly determined the culprits - Alcaid and Bin Laden.

And it is very surprising! Although, if we consider that "... there was a person (Putin - Avt.), Who warned two days before the terrorist attack, spoke of terrorism on the part of Afghanistan," it turns out that everyone knew about a spruce. Putin considered it the terrorist attack, and Bush knew the true situation on the demolition of twin towers. Therefore, did not prevent the demolition of dilapidated skyscrapers.

Sacrifice or ringing of shekels?

Let's remember. Great Mason Garder warned in 1993: "... Remember. Nothing is done by chance. Imagine such a situation. In a few years in the world, they will still start talking more often: Tired American dictate, America - Colossus on clay legs, the dollar will burst soon ... and then the states will need to publicly show who the owner is in the house, and what is American, including dollar, power. This is where skyscrapers will be useful. Imagine, will happen like in the movies: for example, two aircraft crash in front of the world in each of the towers ... ".

Immediately after the "terrorist attack", a strange guess appeared on the Internet: type English capital letters in Word - Q33NYC - Flight Q33 New York City. Translate this inscription in the WingDings font, get:

"Mysterious" coincidence? Or still sacrifice for the new year?

It turns out that both, and also gesheft. Bloody, though. But money for some does not smell.

On April 26, 2001, he was signed, and on July 23, a specific deal was finally executed. The amount of the contract is 3.2 billion dollars. VTZ-7 rental owner-7, WTC-3 and WTC-6, the famous Jew, Larry Silverstein, in the signed agreement, received in the 99-year-old rental and other buildings - Gemini Towers (WTC-1 and WTC-2), WTC-4 and WTC-5 .

After a month, Silverstin insured his acquisition in the amount of $ 3.6 billion. The main insurance point in the polishes was the case of a terrorist act. And a month later, the very insured event came.

When Silverstin bought twin towers, he already knew that they were to demolish. Therefore, she planned the demolition of the Terrorist attack. And for this, the insurance amount was divided into monthly payments. He managed to send only $ 14 million (from July 23 to September 11), and the insurance premium is 3.2 billion dollars. Here is Gesheft!

For the court, the Jewish billionaire received compensation in the amount of $ 4.6 billion in the form of insurance payments for twins and WTC-7, as well as to restore the complex. And now it is trying to sue another 12.3 billion dollars from airports and airport security services - apparently, on synagogue ().

Cutting by the directional explosion carrying beam of the demolished tower.

In its interviews, American Radio (Audio.mp3, 2006) Rabbi Abe Finkelstein explained the next spruce.

Host: " There were no Jews in these towers. Can you explain it?».

Rabbi: " Many Jews died in the towers, spiritually».

Host: " Oh, I see it was 3,000 Jews who were not at work on this day in these towers. It just created the impression of many people that the Jewish population there, in the Jewish York, I mean New York, knew that something would happen, and they did not go to work on this day».

Rabbi: " Yes, we were called from Kehilla (Jewish community) that Ariel and some boys from Mossad. They gathered together, and they made the wiring in these buildings [mined], and they piled them. It was quite difficult to fill them, in any case, because we wanted to build several new structures, and the buildings are aging, and it's time to fill up. Thus, we will make several shekels by destroying these buildings. Ah, Silverstin was my good friend. We have Larry. He received two in one, and he doubled the insurance, as in magic, only three months before it happened, and he got a double benefit on it, so he made four times more of his money.

I would have to participate in this deal. He asked me, but I said: Eh, I must think about it. I took too much time to think about it, and they, as they say, pulled out the plug, and poured these buildings. But at least I went to the stock exchange market and I sold American Airlines, I sold United Airlines, I sold the insurance company Lloyd London, because for them it was a big blow, the insurance company Alliance (Alliance), I also sold them.

So I made a few shekels».

I do not undertake to judge how rabbi is sincere, but his interview can be heard today. Finklestein says very interesting things. You can make even more interesting conclusions.

Absolutely the same situation occurs today in the Donbas. Ukraine captured Zion and terrorizes it. Pumps money from the budget, pumped out the treasury debts. It squeezes from the country of Ukrainians and forces them to engage in prostitution and other non-daily things. Zion made the killers of civilians - children, old people, women.

Afilara on September 11, 2001, commemorative chronology

16.57 - RIA "News" marked "urgently" - in New York to the skyscraper number one international shopping center crashed into a plane.

16.59 - RIA Novosti confirms that in New York, the plane crashed into a skyscraper number one international shopping center. A fire began in the building.

17.06 - The second aircraft crashed into the second tower of the International Trade Center.

17.09 - CNN declares that the terrorist attack is performed in New York - two planes crashed into the Twin Buildings of the International Trade Center.

17.23 - American television reports that the terrorist promotions performed in New York will entail numerous sacrifices.

17.25 - The Federal Bureau of Investigations is investigating the fact of the hijacking of Boeing-737 - one of the passenger aircraft, which is supposed to be the first of two aircraft cut into the World Wide Tower shopping center in NYC.

17.26 - Former American expert, a former official representative of the National Security Administration Agency Aira Furman stated that the collision of two aircraft with the towers of the International Center in New York is probably deliberate.

17.27 - CNN transfers - an explosion occurred in the World Trade Center Northern Tower.

17.29 - US authorities stated that events in New York are an act of terrorism.

17.29 - RIA Novosti correspondent reported that US President George Bush will speak with a special statement, due to an emergency in New York.

17.33 - Two aircraft "United Airlines" United Airlines, captured by the hijackers with passengers, were cut into the buildings of the World Trade Center in New York, captured by Sky-Ti-Vi-type english television with reference to the FBI.

17.34 - (After only 37 minutes!) The President of the United States George Bush called the "National Tragedy" an emergency in New York, which, according to him, "is similar to the terrorist act" against the United States. .

17.39 - CNN transfers - the New York Stock Exchange postponed the start of trading for 30 minutes due to events in New York.

17.45 - RIA Novosti correspondent reports - in two days before the catastrophe of two jet passenger aircraft, cut into two towers of the International Trade Center in New York, the US State Department distributed the worldwide warning about the safety threat to the objects of the US government abroad.

17.46 - Near the Pentagon building there was an explosion. The Pentagon building is shrouded in black smoke clubs, RIA Novosti reports.

17.48 - Currently there is an evacuation of staff from the White House and Pentagon, the English television of Sky-News reports.

17.49 - CNN transfers - a fire in the building of the Pentagon in Washington, the White House is evacuated.

17.53 - Fire in the Pentagon building in Washington, the White House is evacuated. According to CNN, a military helicopter crashed into the Pentagon building.

In the photo: the very "plane", which, allegedly, crashed into the Pentagon. The photo is done immediately after the "sticking" of the liner, but no residues are no longer - evaporated.

17.54 - RIA Novosti correspondent reports - in the USA announced to the closure of airspace. All aircraft located in the airspace of the United States are ordered to immediately land.

18.01 - In Washington, there is evacuation from the building of the US Congress, as well as all official institutions located in the American capital.

18.05 - The New York Stock Exchange is closed in New York and the entire Manhattan is caught.

18.05 - One of the towers of the World Trade Center, which the plane crashed completely collapsed.

18.06 - In the building of the State Department, the United States occurred a fire, the building was evacuated, CNN reports.

18.06 - All United States airports are closed.

18.08 - Part of the southern tower of the World Trade Center collapsed from the second explosion.

18.13 - The South Tower of the World Trade Center is completely destroyed. About the causes of the fall of the skyscrapers: the fairy tale "11".

18.15 - A catastrophe in the New York International Trade Center caused a fall in stock quotations in European stock markets.

18.15 - Sky-TV reports - a second explosion occurred in the Pentagon.

18.17 - According to the press secretary of the President Alexei Gromova, Vladimir Putin was immediately informed about the terrorist attacks committed in the United States. Russian President expressed deep condolences to the people of the United States "in connection with these terrorist attacks, these terrible tragedies."


18.21 - Following two terrorist attacks in New York, another plane collapsed to the Pentagon. According to the latest data, a fire began in the building, it is shrouded in black smoke clubs. Witnesses reported that they saw the plane, which was speaking to the center of the Pentagon.

18.22 - According to the latest data, the Capitolian Hill is blown up, which is the Congress and the US Senate.

18.23 - According to the latest information, the Pentagon announced the highest degree of anxiety. This means a willingness to war. Reports about it CNN.

18.24 - In Washington there is a complete evacuation. Currently evacuated staff of the State Department and the Ministry of Finance.

18.25 - One of the Turks of the World Trade Center collapsed a few minutes ago. According to preliminary estimates, several thousand people could be in both towers. CNN and Reuters are direct reports from the scene. Panic arose in the city.

18.29 - The Democratic Front of the Liberation of Palestine rejects reports of involvement in the explosions at the World Trade Center in New York.

18.36 - The second tower of the International Trade Center collapsed in New York. This was reported by the British TV and Radio Branch of the Air Force.

18.36 - Panic covered residents of New York, thousands of people are trying to leave areas adjacent to skyscrapers and basic state institutions.

18.37 - Another captured by terrorists is heading towards Washington. The English television company Sky-News reported this, RIA Novosti reports.

18.38 - President of the United States is now in Florida. Evacuated employees of the White House, State Department, UN. No details of what happens on the Capitol Hill and in the Pentagon, official sources are not reported.

18.38 - All transatlantic flights to the United States are directed to Canadian airports. This is reported with reference to the US Federal Air Agency reports Reuters News Agency.

18.41 - In the capital of the United States of America, Washington collapsed the western wing of the Pentagon, which fell by a passenger aircraft.

18.46 - CNN reports approaching another stolen aircraft to Washington.

18.54 - The US air defense forces were shot down Boeing 737, which was parted to Washington.

18.57 - Another passenger aircraft Boeing 747 fell in Pennsylvania in Pittsburgh.

19.03 - In one of the aircraft crashing into the skyscraper of the World Trade Center in New York, there were 160 passengers. According to ITAR-TASS, Japanese television has just reported.

19.11 - New York City Hall made an assumption that the total number of those who died in the city from today's terrorist attacks can reach 50 thousand people. This was reported by the CNN television company.

19.15 - According to the city authorities, the New York hospitals receive thousands of victims in terrorist promotions, RIA Novosti reports.

19.21 - US Navy divisions on the territory of the Japanese Okinawa Island are given in a state of high combat readiness. This was announced on Tuesday an official representative of the command of the US military contingent in Japan.

19.29 - With reference to the representatives of the George Bush administration, the EN Bi-Si television company reported that in Washington was declared a complete evacuation of all government buildings. In Washington and New York, it is also announced on the complete termination of all federal and government ministries and departments and declared anxiety of the high "fourth category". The alarm of the "fifth category" is the highest and equal to the state of war.

19.31 - In total, 11 aircraft captured in the United States, it is still unknown to find four. As the correspondent RIA Novosti reports, the Japanese television company En-Key reported with reference to American sources.

19.32 - US Secretary of State Colin Powell urgently flies to Washington from the capital Peru Lima, where he is visiting the meeting of the OAS, in connection with the terrorist acts in New York and Washington. .

19.35 - By plane, which followed from Boston and crashed into a shopping center building, there was 81 passengers. This was reported by Fox. As the correspondent of RIA Novosti reports, according to her, on the second plane, which followed from Virginia, there were 54 passengers.

19.54 - CNN confirms information about seizure in the USA 11 aircraft.

19.55 - The situation in New York reminds the combat zone, the RIA Novosti correspondent reports. The sky over Manhattan is tightened with black smoke, almost the entire southern part of the island, which is the central district of the largest city in the United States, is covered with a thick layer of ash and fragments.

19.56 - The leading government departments of the United States have introduced their spare management teams outside Washington.

19.58 - Former US Secretary of State Lawrence Iglberger stated that today's attacks in New York and Washington are the "act of war against the United States." Iglberger, speaking on Tuesday in the live broadcast of the EN Bi-Si, demanded that the US government immediately undertakes "response actions" until the beginning of military actions against the performers and their patrons.

20.07 - Referring to the considerations of national security, the Secret US Service refuses to report where the US President George Bush is now being.

20.08 - A state of emergency announced to San Francisco, RIA Novosti correspondent reports. School closed, under the enhanced security there are two large bridges through the S.-Francisky Bay, the airport is closed.

20.17 - Evacuated Los Angeles and San Francisco airports. Reports about it CNN.

20.25 - On board one of the aircraft crashed into the building of the World Trade Center, there were 160 passengers, reports CNN. Meanwhile, according to Reuters, on the Boston plane, which crashed into the building of the shopping center, there was 81 passengers. On the second plane, which followed from Virginia, there were 54 passengers.

20.25 - Mayor of New York announced the introduction of a state of emergency. Robert Juliani just stated in the live CNN air. The city is covered by panic. Hundreds of thousands of people are trying to leave the city on foot. Because of the crowd on the streets, fire trucks cannot break into Manhattan.

20.30 - According to preliminary versions in the United States, the responsibility for organizing a coordinated series of unprecedented terrorist attacks can lie in Saudi millionaire-extremist Usame Bin Laden, the National Plastic Liberation Front and Colombian drug cartels. .

20.42 - Pentagon gave an order to two aircraft carriers to go to New York and Washington, RIA Novosti reports.

20.48 - As the French TV channel "Antenn-2" reported today, Western special services have information that Usama Ben Laden planned to start a series of attacks on American objects since the end of August. Moreover, they knew about the statement Ben Laden to hold "shares that the imagination of all". .

20.51 - President of the United States George Bush, as RIA Novosti reports, in the very near future will speak with television appeal to a nation that will be broadcast from the territory military base On all channels of American television.

20.57 - President of the United States George Bush said that all American armed forces in the United States and abroad are given in increased combat readings in connection with the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington.

20.57 - The number of victims in the United States as a result of today's terrorist attacks can be several thousand people.

20.59 "George Bush, according to CNN TV post, until he intends to return to Washington. According to sources surrounded by the president, he flew out of the city of Sarasota in Florida, where he was at the time of the explosion, but decided not to fly to the capital.

21.18 "The United States will find and punish those who are responsible for the cowardly acts," said US President George Bush, commenting on today's attacks in Washington and New York, ITAR-TASS reports.

21.33 - US President George Bush said that in connection with the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, he supported contacts with the leaders of foreign countries, assuring them that they would be done by everything necessary for the protection of America and Americans. " On the essence of "protection": the global transmission of heroin markets is completed.

21.36 - the aircraft "F-16" US Air Force continue to patrol air space Over New York and Washington.

21.39 - The President of the United States called a series of current terrorist attacks in New York and Washington "attack on American freedom", promising to find and punish the organizers. Rating of public organizations whose activities are aimed at implementing military-territorial political goals.

21.50 - Official representatives of the US government denied reports of a number of media about allegedly an attempt to a terrorist strike on the US Presidential Residence in Camp David (Maryland).

22.03 - The mission of the United States in Kosovo called on its employees, as well as all US citizens in this Southern Serbian province and the region as a whole, to caution reports RIA Novosti correspondent.

22.04 - It is still unknown by the fate of three of 11 aircraft stolen by terrorists before implementing terrorist attacks in Washington and New York. As the correspondent of RIA Novosti reports, this was reported on Tuesday the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan Makiko Tanaka.

22.22 - The terrorist attack against the United States became possible due to the dissemination of the NASA satellite system, transmits Mignews with reference to the CNN television company.

22.22 - The Federal Reserve stated that it will ensure cash all the banks of the country to overcome the effects of terrorist attacks in the United States, reports Reuters.

22.22 - published a list of stolen aircraft. According to Associated Press, terrorists managed to capture four passenger aircraft. The FBI assumes that the terrorists killed pilots immediately after capturing.

22.22 - President of the United States George Bush appealed to US citizens in connection with the catastrophe in New York.

22.22 - 50 aircraft of various airlines are still in the air, reports Ananova with reference to the Federal Office air transportation Federal Aviation Authority.

22.52 - In Chicago there is an evacuation of the 110-storey skyscraper "Sirs Tower", high Building In the United States, 443 meters high and 418 thousand square meters, RIA Novosti reports.

23.04 - The heads of all the structures of the US government are involved in the emergency meeting currently in Washington in connection with the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington. The meeting is held under the leadership of US Vice-President Richard Cheney and Advisor to the US President's National Security Condoleezza Rice.

23.04 - President of the US President Laura Bush and his two daughters - Barbara and Jenna - are in safe place. About this, as the correspondent RIA Novosti reports, the spokesman for the White House Ari Fleisher said. He did not specify the location of the Bush family.

23.05 - The plane, on board the US President George Bush, landing in the city of Omaha (Nebraska). As the correspondent of RIA Novosti reports, the reasons for the arrival of Bush in Nebraska is not reported.

23.20 - The number of possible victims of the morning terrorist attacks in the United States is estimated by tens of thousands of people. Various world agencies put forward different versions. CNN believes that during a series of explosions in the largest cities of America, at least 25 thousand people died.

23.33 - In the area of \u200b\u200bNATO headquarters, reinforced security measures have been taken in Brussels.

23.40 - Mayor of New York Rudolf Juliani called on Americans to start donating blood for victims of terrorist attacks in New York, RIA Novosti reports.

23.46 - flights of aircraft civil aviation In the United States, at least until noon is canceled, the RIA Novosti correspondent reports.

Today is the anniversary of Africa. It hurts to even think about the cynicity of those who have tested it. They do not return conscience with any shekels. The American people, intimidated to the tap of their democratic and free government, does not even try to appeal to power for the victims - no one burst anyone, no one requires compensation, no grave. Only enterprising and unscrupulous people are being attached to the tenth time for the same fraud.

Andrei Tyuniev, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "President",

The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York divided the history of the United States of America to before and after. Three thousand people who died as a result of the explosion of twin towers, - the wrong loss for the American people. Question: "Who blew up towers?" For many, it remains open until now. Too much logical inconsistencies in official version investigations.

Mission Possible?

According to the official version, the twin tower were destroyed as a result of explosions of aircraft racing buildings. The fire that broke down along the attack, weakened metal structures, and the building collapsed. Then the same happened with another skyscraper.

Ordinary people are still perplexed: how could the people from the Arab countries, the names of which were previously known to the special services, come to the United States, pass on the piloting of passenger "boobs", bring the airlocks of firearms to the aircraft, to capture at the same time several aircraft And with enviable accuracy to move several buildings?

All this operation looks incredible, but, nevertheless, it is theoretically executed. There are much more complex issues of the commission who dealt with the investigation is asked by experts, in the hands of which the results of the analyzes obtained after examining the fragments of twin towers were. In the place of the tragedy, traces of explosives and termites were discovered - substances reaching 1500 degrees when burning. But let's go about everything in order. Consider the main conspiracy theories of explosions.

Analysis of wreckage of buildings taken into a landfill

There was no month after the terrorist attack, as the US Army invaded the territory of Afghanistan, destroying the seats of terrorism, and at the same time he wrote off his debts, destabilizing the situation in the region and laundering multi-billion investments in the military industry, in which, as it became known during the election campaign Hillary Clinton, Washington "Hawks" has not only state, but also personal interests.

The terrorist attack launched the hands of the US intelligencers who received the right to listen to other people's conversations and read other people's letters, and not only on their territory, but in any corner of the world. Even at the leaders of the "big seven" countries there is no right to their small secrets from Washington. It clearly showed the scandal around the listener of the phone Angels Merkel.

There are quite a few supporters of the idea that America's special services at least knew about the training of terrorist attacks, and most likely they played a key role in preparation. Only with the support of the "Big Brother", Islamic radicals, mixed in relations with Al-Qaida, could be in the United States, to pass first-class flight training, to be on board aircraft with items similar to firearms, sobate aircraft and accurately send them to In advance targets.

As a card house

Looking at the collapse of twin towers, the experts converge in the opinion that it is very similar to a managed explosion. Such explosions apply when it is required to demolish a large building in a densely populated area of \u200b\u200bthe city. Explosive, having studied the structure of the structure, calculate the capacity of each charge stacked in the base of the supporting structures. As a result, the defendant object should work out as house of cardsSo that each wall rushed inside.

When carrying out such events, just in case evacuate the inhabitants of nearby houses. If the calculations are an error or some charges will not work, the building, instead of work out inside, may fall on the side, and then the destruction will be much more planned. Looking at the video, it is difficult not to surprise how carefully and how rapidly folded towers. It seems that real professional explosives worked on this.

Well, what about the planes? After all, they saw thousands of people, and they are captured on the shooting. Supporters of the theory of managed explosion are confident that the aircraft were needed for a beautiful picture and so that the inhabitants did not have any questions: how could a bunch of terrorists get tons of explosives in two carefully protected buildings in the center of New York and install charges so that they collapse completely?

As for the aircraft that has fallen into the building of the Pentagon, it may not be at all. On the frames taken immediately after the terrorist attack, the destruction is visible, but they have no details of Boeing. The plane could explode, but he could not dissolve. Large pieces of fuselage and engines must be visible. In addition, building damage is too insignificant for the invasion of a large passenger airliner. They are more reminiscent of the consequences of a winged rocket, and terrorists simply could not have such missiles.

Who knocked down the fourth plane?

There was a fourth inacted airliner, which terrorists planned to aim or on the White House, or on the Capitol. But he did not reach his goal. According to the official version, the passengers entered the fight against terrorists and as a result of a fog in the aircraft, the liner collapsed on the land. Some conspiraologists are confident that the aircraft shot down the American military. This theory confirms that the debris was scattered at a high distance from each other. But several passengers managed to crawl to their loved ones, even records of these conversations confirming the official version were preserved.

Little atomic bomb

On September 11, there are so many different opinions about the tragedy that there are even completely fantastic and incredible among them. For example, it is true that a small atomic bomb was blown up under each building. Allegedly developers who conceived to build a shopping center, New York's authorities set a condition - to provide for the possibility of dismantling the building. After all, it is clear that sooner or later it will come into disrepair, and to carry such a huge design, as it seemed then, it would be much more complicated than to build. And for the subsequent dismantling alleged builders laid a nuclear charge under each building. But this theory of criticism is easily refuted. At the site of the nuclear explosion, even a small, an increased level of radiation should be observed. But it was not observed.

She is also a victim

The most important version of the American government has a question about the third tower, which fell during the terrorist attack. This skyscraper was called the "Seventh Tower of the World Trade Center". In this building, there was no plane, however, it collapsed overnight, like two twin towers.

According to the official theory, the cause of the collapse was the fire, which swallowed from neighboring towers. Allegedly communications, for which water came to the building for automatic fire extinguishing, were destroyed, the fire covered the building, the designs did not stand up and collapsed.

Half of Americans surveyed several years ago, did not know that during the events of 2001, three buildings were destroyed in New York. Many of those who know do not believe that the 47-storey structure could instantly collapse as a result of a fire. In the US, activists have repeatedly demanded a new investigation into the case and the publication of the results of the investigation, but they did not hear them or simply wanted to hear them.

There is a beautiful theory that the centuries - as certain historical periods - rarely fit into the rigid framework allocated to them in the calendar. So, for example, the XIX century began only after the end of the Napoleonic Wars, and ended on July 28, 1914, on the day of the first world war, which gave the start a number of events that determined the course of the next, XX century.

If you follow this logic, the new XXI century began on September 11, 2001 with a series of terrorist acts committed by the Islamic Radical Organization Al-Qaida in the United States.

Up to this point, the collective West was still on the winner's laurels in the Cold War, his hegemony seemed indisputable, and military and political power - unshakable. It seemed that Fukuyami's prophecy came true, and the story was finally stopped. However, the events of September 11, 2001 dispelled these illusions. The fall of twin towers in New York live broadcast television companies around the world. The picture on the TV screen seemed so unrealistic that it smeared more on the shooting of the next Hollywood blockbuster about the end of the world.

The terrorist attack on September 11 became a real shock for the United States. The terrorists were able to strike at the main symbols of America: its money and military power - the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Despite the huge defense budget and all the power of American intelligence services, it turned out that the United States was absolutely not ready for a similar attack. On September 11, 2001, confusion and panic reigned in high offices of Washington.

For America event, September 11, 2001, they became the second Pearl Harbor, the most powerful country of the world simply could not leave a similar slap without an answer. A few days later the organizer attacks was announced Al-Qaida, which served as the reason for the start of the operation in Afghanistan. In 2003, American troops invaded Iraq, accusing Saddam Hussein in the support that he allegedly provided terrorists.

Analyzing all subsequent events, it can be said that the world lives in a geopolitical reality today, which is a consequence of explosions that sounded 11.09.2001.

Despite the fact that since the tragedy, more than fifteen years have passed, a huge number of people around the world believes that we still do not know the whole truth about September 11. This also applies to the number of victims of attack, and its participants, and roles in these events of American special services.

Naturally, an official investigation was conducted, which was recognized by Osama Ben Laden terrorist attacks, but its results to this day are tight criticism. Moreover, the events of September 11, 2001 became a favorite theme of numerous conspiracy theories. They also argue that there were no Arab terrorists, and the explosions of the WTC were prepared by American special services and world backstage.

So what really happened in the US on September 11, 2001? How many people died during a terrorist attack? And why does the official version of the events are not satisfied with the conspiracy?

Official version of events

According to the official version, the group of terrorists managed to seize the four passenger airliners, which from different airports were sent to California. Just on board the aircraft rose 19 criminals, fifteen of which had citizenship Saudi ArabiaTwo more were from OAU, one person - from Egypt, and one more - from Lebanon. A few more members of the terrorist group could not get to the United States.

For the capture of airliners, terrorists used the simplest cold weapons, most likely stationery or amphous knives, as well as gas cans. In addition, they threatened to blow up airplanes, although it was just a bluff - they had no explosive devices. About the dramatic tragedy, which was played on that day in the sky, we know little, just that we could report passengers who managed to use satellite or mobile phones. It is known that as a result of clashes with criminals, several flight attendants, passengers, and at least one of the pilots were killed.

The terrorists were well prepared for the attack, each of the groups had in their composition at least one person who had passed special courses on aircraft management.

At 8.46 local time, the Boeing 767-200 aircraft near the N334AA ranked with the northern side of the World Trade Center Tower (WTC-1). The blow fell to the site of the building at the level of 94 to 98 floors. After the fire, which lasted about 100 minutes, the North Tower of the WTC collapsed.

The second of the captured aircraft, Boeing 767-200 with on-board number N612UA, crashed into the Southern Tower of WTC at 9.02 at the level of 78-85 floors. The fire lasted about 50 minutes and at 9.56 the building collapsed.

According to the information of the investigation, at the time of the beginning of the attack in the buildings of the WTC were approximately 16 thousand people. The overwhelming part of them survived, as it was evacuated before the start of the collapse. Today it is believed that 2977 people died as a result of the terrorist attacks (not counting terrorists). This list includes 246 passengers and crew members of captured aircraft, as well as 2606 people who were in the WTC buildings or near them. The blow to the Pentagon led to the death of 125 people. The overwhelming part of the victims is Americans, however, 91 countries have another citizens.

The most victims were in the Northern Tower of WTC. Here during the explosion caused by the collision of the aircraft with a building, a subsequent fire and collapse killed 1366 people. In southern tower a large number of People fell into a fatal trap on the upper floors of the building, to get out of which managed to units. Many of the unfortunate preferred to jump down, rather than burn alive. Because of the fire and smoke, they did not seem to be evacuated from the roof of the helicopters.

During the terrorist attacks, a large number of firefighters, police officers, other emergency staff, their total exceeds 400 people. These people worked really selflessly. Many police and firefighters from other countries of the country took leave and drove to New York to help their colleagues.

Of the total number of dead managed to identify only 1670 bodies, more than a thousand bodies are still unnamed.

The beginning of an unprecedented terrorist attack led to this chaos throughout the United States. All commercial flights were canceled, and airplanes in the air are directed back or planted at Mexico or Canada airports. In large quantities, there were reports of new terrorist attacks, which were subsequently false. The fighters of the US Air Force and the National Guard were raised into the sky.

The American emergency alert system was introduced into the state of high readiness, which was developed in 1997 to notify the population in case of large-scale natural disasters, major terrorist attacks or the start of war. However, no one turned to the people. The US government has passed to work in emergency mode, the national country's leaders were hastily evacuated.

After just a few days after the terrorist attacks, the FBI has already voiced the names of the terrorists, as well as their main data. The baggage of one of the participants of the attack was not immersed on the plane and got into the hands of the consequence. In it, law enforcement officers discovered records that shed light on the organization of the terrorist attack and its participants. Soon, American special services stated that the organization of the terrorist attacks on September 11 is al-Qaida, headed by Tsyama Bin Laden. For similar conclusion, the intelligence services of other countries have come to similar: Great Britain and Germany.

Ben Laden first denied his participation in the events, but already in 2004 he admitted that he was personally led by a terrorist attack, and the immediate management of the hijackers of the aircraft carried its closest associate - Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

For Ben Laden, it was no longer the first attack against America. In 1998, he organized explosions in American embassies in African countries.

The main reasons for the organization of terrorist attacks was the support of the Americans of Israel, as well as the war against Iraq in 1990. In turn, the American President Bush Jr. shortly after the tragic events said that the terrorists attacked the United States, because they hate American freedom and democracy.

The international reaction to the bloody events of September 11 was expected: the world community for rare and absolutely marginal exceptions condemned them. The exceptions were the Palestinians who, without hiding joy, celebrated the mass kill of the wrong. Iraq said America reaps the fruits of his crimes, there was also a message about the demonstration of Chinese students spent, allegedly, in support of terrorist attacks. Most world leaders expressed absolute US support. Russian president Putin in a telephone conversation with Bush proposed assistance in the investigation of this crime. The attacks were officially condemned in the Middle East.

In about the months, American troops at the head of the International Coalition invaded Afghanistan, where the headquarters of Osama Ben Laden were at that time. For several months, the Taliban regime was defeated, and a pro-Western government came to power in the country. For several months after September 11 throughout the world, the detention of people who were suspected of connections with Al-Qaida were held.

In 2003, the United States and their allies began the second war against Iraq, accusing his leadership in participation in the events of September 11, as well as in the manufacture and storage of weapons of mass lesion.

This is the official version of the terrorist attacks on September 11, as well as events that followed them. However, it suits not all. There are many alternative versions, which are among the supporters of which are not only obvious marginals, but also very distinguished people, including well-known scientists, journalists, public figures.

Conspiracy theory

The events of September 11 became a real shock for American society. Many simply did not fit in the head, as a small group of terrorists could think and successfully implement such a large-scale attack against the country with the most powerful intelligence services in the world.

Soon there was a conspiramic hypothesis that there were really no terrorists, and the explosions and carons of aircraft were adjusted by the US authorities in order to solve their geopolitical and financial tasks. It can be added that today the events of September 11, 2001 became a favorite topic of conspiragratologists, deploying even such "eternal classics" to the second plan, as the landing of Americans to the moon or concealment by the Government of the aliens in Zone 51.

Theory of controlled demolition. Conspirologists believe that the TWTS Tower collapsed not due to collisions with airplanes, but as a result of undermining certain explosives that were laid in advance. Supporters of this theory claim that the design of the twin towers was so strong that the blow of the aircraft and the subsequent fire could not lead to their collapse. The combustion temperature of aviation fuels is about 1 thousand degrees Celsius, which is not enough to melt the carrier metal structures.

The adherents of this theory claim that the building was laid in the building (sometimes they talk about a mysterious nanotract or supercurch), which also burned the carrying structures of the WTC. True, this hypothesis is confirmed by any real evidence.

However, official American experts declare another. Indeed, aviation kerosene cannot melt steel, but the high temperature of burning is able to relax much. Already at 600 ° C, the metal becomes two times less durable, and if the flame temperature reaches the mark of 980 ° C, then approximately 10% remain from the strength of steel. In addition, from high temperatures She begins to expand, breaking the concrete surrounding it.

So the actions at once two factors - high temperature and a taranium strike - quite enough to collapse even such a huge building as a WTC.

Pentagon. Lovers of the theory of conspiracy also claim that the plane was not crashed into the Pentagon, and the building was destroyed due to a rocket strike, which the American military applied themselves. In the proof of this theory, photographs of the building are usually given in which the zone of destruction has much smaller sizes than the wing of the Boeing 757. Conspirologists believe that another proof of their rightness is the lack of fragments of the aircraft (engines, chassis, parts of the fuselage).

Indeed, the zone of the destruction of the building looks much less than a huge passenger liner. However, the experts who studied the place of the fall said that the plane cut off one wing in a collision with the Earth, and the second - about the carrying column of the building. In the same structure, the Boeing Fuselage directly crashed.

In addition, the moment of impact of the aircraft in the Pentagon saw many witnesses, on the place of the crash, parts of the chassis, engines and the fuselage of the liner were discovered. As well as numerous passenger remains and black aircraft boxes. After capturing the flight 77, many of the passengers managed to use mobile phones and inform their relatives that their plane was captured by terrorists. However, conspirologists believe that the calls were fabricated by the special services.

Flight 93.. Another popular topic for conspiraologists, which concerns the events of September 11, is the fate of the fourth airliner captured by terrorists. According to the official version, the criminals planned to send it to the Capitol, but passengers rebelled and tried to neutralize the hijackers. The struggle faced, as a result of which the plane fell. Lovers of theories of conspiracy believe that all this is not true, and in fact the liner was shot down by a combat fighter.

The main proof of this theory is a large scatter of liner debris at the crash site. According to conspiracles, it only happens if the plane is shot down by a rocket.

Several witnesses argued that almost immediately after the fall of the flight 93 saw an unusual white plane above the wreck. This information gave rise to the conspiragrators to talk about another proof of the lining of the passenger liner by a military aircraft. Later, there were reports that the FBI employees allegedly press on witnesses of the incident, forcing them to be silent.

In fact, such a white plane was really. In that tragic day, the commercial Dassault Falcon 20, belonging to one of the corporations, flew near the crash site. They contacted him and asked to examine the place of the Boeing catastrophe, which was done. Falcon descended to a height of 460 meters and his crew saw a black funnel in the ground, from which the smoke piled. Noting its coordinates, Falcon returned to the previous route.

Without portholes. Another time discussed concerning the events of September 11, 2001 is an interview with a brand of Birnbach. He stated to journalists that the plane, which crashed into the South Tower of WTC, did not have the portholes. From this statement, plot lovers immediately concluded that instead of a flight liner 175, the helica Military for Taranans of the shopping center used aircraft-tankers, filled with fuel.

However, this fake is particularly easily refuted, because on the Internet you can easily find photos of fragments of aircraft on which the portholes are clearly visible. Yes, and in the case of the use of fuel aircraft, a reasonable question arises, and what happened to hundreds of passengers flying on four liners?

The above lists only the main issues relating to the tragedy on September 11, which are not allowed to sleep for conspiracy. In fact, they are much more. However, they also already found answers, and their officials or representatives of the special services were given, and experts professionals working in different fields: builder engineers, pilots, firefighters, explosive engineers, criminologists.

However, the matter is not even in this. It seems very unlikely that someone at all is able to draw events similar to the on September 11 in America. Imagine how many people needed to use in such a stage? And how then make them all keep the tongue for the teeth?

Our world is too large, complicated and "bardaches" so that there is a chance of success at least a serious conspiracy. So, as the smartest monk from Okkam said, "Do not multiply entities without need."

See also: