When Damansky Kitai gave. Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights

In 2004, indeed, the decision of the Kremlin Kitai was transferred to the territory near Khabarovsk, the total area of \u200b\u200bmore than 300 square kilometers. These territories are the islands on Amur.

You can find a ton of references to the unambiguous-accused tone "Putin took and presented to China the island."

Putin, Putin, Putin, Putin, Putin, Putin, sold, diluted, Rus-Mother soldered, gave, well, so it began, but now it will begin, well, I went. 13 years passed, rewriting history - in full swing.

The situation, however, is easier.

The data of the islands were in the controversial status "not clear whose" hundreds of years, some beginning of legal relations can be considered about the nonsense agreement, it is 1689.

In 1924, the USSR government is trying to somehow fulfill the situation with the territories, and signs with representatives of the border provinces (Heilongjiang) paper about what is planned to be demarcated. After that, everyone is clogged and everything went, and goes.

In 1926, the question is returned because local residents Start chaotic self-creation - despite the fact that the Chinese on the left bank of the Amur, that the Russians are on the right. Come to the conclusion that it is necessary to stop the Bardak to stop. Silence comes on this again.

Further, during the war with Japan in 1940s, the USSR is in a turning order of Chinese territories - including a number of islands on Amur. For the simple reason that China combined the war with Japan with Civil, and the USSR received a blanche card for actions to decide the Japanese question. The question, as we know, is successfully solved.

After that, peacetime begins, and the question arises, pending since the 20s, that it would be necessary to carry out demarcation.

Only now it is complicated by the fact that the Soviet army took another part of the territories. An understandable thing, war, but officially "we beat off the territory of the ally" - to put it mildly, not an option.

It's one thing - to beat off Japan islands, everything is clear here, we allotted. But in China, it is impossible to win during the war on the side of China.

The situation comes to some decision in 1964. A document is done in which the current situation ("on Amur") is negotiated, but it is not possible to agree on a number of issues on the details of the distinction. One of the items, as in any agreement about the "Border on the River" - this is "whose will be every specific island."

At that time, in the USSR already Khrushchev, relations with China, thanks to the unspeakable mind and political wisdom of the Lord, bad, and it is obvious that China rests on the horn to "be indistinguishable." With Joseph, the situation looked a little differently, Comrade Mao was sitting in a reception, while the Minister of Agriculture was reported, and waited humbly.

Further situation is known - in the interval, the territorial issue was aggravated to the fact that the Chinese conducted a beta testing of the region (then the newest and secret), using the personal composition of the NAC, which was then calculated mainly on belts and seals.

On this day, Gorbachev signs a document that the border with China should go through the Amur Farvatera. The Chinese for the first time the official and legal opportunity appears to challenge the ownership of Russia of the Islands of Big Ussuriy and Tarabarov.

Once again - before that, the question about that "whose" was generally not recorded at centuries. Gorbachev signs on behalf of the USSR, the official obligatory document, according to which China is immediately deployed by automatically disputes. Without at all, any bargaining. The PRC does not donate anything - just "yes take a Kercom, hazy parish."

Russia, as the successor of the USSR, receives this contract inheritance.

In December 1992, at the Russian-Chinese summit, a memorandum of understanding between the governments of the Russian Federation and the PRC on the mutual reduction of the armed forces and strengthen confidence in the military field in the border area is signed. The 12th article of the accepted joint declaration - "The parties will continue negotiations on not yet agreed part of the border between the Russian Federation and the PRC on the basis of contracts on the current Russian-Chinese border according to the generally accepted standards international lawIn the spirit of equal consultation, mutual understanding and mutual custody in order to fairly and rationally resolve the border issues. "

Boria gives approximately 600 (!!!) small and not particularly islands on the Amur rivers and Ussuri, and more than about 11 square kilometers of sushi, and moreover, it lays the foundation for further claims. China sees what Boria is a plush and weak fool, so "once lies that not to take something?".

Another 15 square kilometers is lost at the demarcation of the border in 1995 - again, Boris Nikolayevich is aroused by monstrous corruption in the regions, so it is obvious that the Chinese put on specific people who actually conduct demarcation, and the border is fixed "by the most favorable China" reference points .

Against the background of all this, China quietly lays out the scams so that the duct between China and the two controversial islands near Khabarovsk became decorative, after which it is possible to refer to the already signed with the Gorbachev Treaty and say "Well, now let's agree, the border on the fairway." All this happens, Boria is lying on blue, no measures are taken at all.

Well, now let's gather, I will talk about the conclusion, which of all this is done - "Putin dilutes the Earth, with Putin gave the land of China, Putin gave".

Putin just completed all these processes, completely closed the territorial claims and holding the border demarcation. And after completing the process of transferring what Horbachev signed. The fact that no longer could not be given due to the conditions of the signed and current treaty.

So you will see a fairy tale about "Putin, crushing land" - remind the speaker who signed and gave out on the fact.

And here is another additional material.

Often, when issues of territorial claims, China refer to the Mao quotation with a general meaning "Russia took us one and a half million square kilometers and we will refund them."

I will give a piece scientific work Lee Danhuei and S.N.Hongcharov on this topic:

Mao Zedong: "Didn't he talk about a peaceful decision of the border issue? (Common laughter). We have now undertake an offensive and speak some empty words. We say that the government of the Tsarist Russia cut off with us 1 million 500 thousand square kilometers, which during the Yalta Conference behind the back of China cut off the external Mongolia (1 million 540 thousand square kilometers). But there is still Tanna-Uryanhai. Without any agreement, Naskovo turned her to the Autonomous Republic of the Soviet Union. Do we want to demand the return of these areas? We do not think that it is possible, only pronounce empty words. The goal was to bring them into a tense state and thanks to this, to achieve a relatively rational border agreement. This is a mystery, you pay attention to it.

Mao Zedong: "We pronounce some empty words, produce some idle shots. Speaking empty words, we strive to be in the border negotiations to be in the offensive. The goal was to achieve a rational position at the border, the conclusion of the border agreement. Perhaps you think that we really want to return 1 million 540 thousand square kilometers of land captured by the kings. We do not want it by no means. This is called the work of idle shots, bringing them to the voltage. This is the meaning here. Khrushchev is such a person that if you do not produce a few idle shots in it, he will feel unhealthy

Mao Zedong: We want Khrushchev to bounce on a few "Zhangan" up from the ground. This is a mystery, now this document has not fully prepared. However, we really don't need 1 million 540 thousand square kilometers, no longer needed more than 100 thousand square kilometers in Tanna-Uryanhai ... "

It seems that these quotes do not require special explanations and allow us to clearly understand how to evaluate and interpret sadly famous statements Mao Zedong dated July 10, 1964 Most importantly: Mao did not mean to put forward any territorial claims to the USSR or to "present historical accounts".

Next, Dan Xiaopin rightly proceeded from the fact that Mao Zeden made on July 10, 1964. A statement about the "not yet submitted account" is well a half million square kilometers well in China and the world. About other statements, where the true meaning of Mao Zedong's position was revealed, only the narrowest circle of the highest leaders of the PRC was known.

Under these conditions, Dan in understandable for the Chinese reader, the manner declared that he had already "presented" by the historical account that Mao considered "outstanding", and therefore forever closes this historical stage, annulments all said July 10, 1964

It is based on such an understanding of the problem, Jiang Zemin had every reason to put a signature under the agreement, which contained thesis on the absence of mutual territorial claims.

Well, as you can see, the case is with the classic "domestic quotes of their context". When it looks completely different in such a feed, which "Mao said that China is definitely about to take back its original Siberian lands."

Ruslan Karmanov

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In Khabarovsk, today the transfer of Tarabarov Island and part of the island of Big Ussuriy was held today. The agreement signed between governments four years ago, legally secured the line of the Russian-Chinese border on this site.

The island of Tarabarov and half of the island of the Greater Ussuriysky under Khabarovsk, as well as the island of Great on the Arguan River in the Chita region in addition to the Agreement on Russian-Chinese state border Waste China. The document was signed between Russian President Vladimir Putin and the KNR leadership on October 14, 2004. China's transmission of the Islands under Khabarovsk took place exactly four years after the signing of the agreement between the management of the two countries.

The deputy director of the first department of Asia Foreign Ministry of Russia Vladimir Malyshev said that this act "completes the establishment and legal consolidation of the entire line of the Russian-Chinese border, a length of 4,300 km." From now on, the island of Tarabarov became Chinese Inylundao, and a large Ussuriysky was divided into two parts. His Western part of the Chinese will be called Heysyzdao. The eastern part is fixed by Russia. The total area of \u200b\u200bthese territories is about 350 square kilometers.

With the transfer of the islands on Amur, China became closer to Khabarovsk by 50 kilometers. It is believed that the islands had strategic importance, they covered Khabarovsk in the event of a military attack. Strevilion was located on a large Ussurius, now the military was left and moved to a new stamping. The Chinese side with understanding reacted to the fact that the border passes near the Orthodox chapel of St. Victor's Orthodox Chapels built on the Bolshoi Ussuriysk Island, and "during demarcation, the line of the border is expected further from the temple."

Governor. Khabarovsk Region Viktor Izhaev proposed to create a joint Russian-Chinese trading zone on the Bolshoi Ussuri Island. "From the point of view of the economy, we did not lose anything," he said. According to him, the creation of a trade economic zone will create civilized conditions for turnover between the Khabarovsk Territory and the province of Heilongjiang. As ISHAEV told, funding for the construction of a bridge from Khabarovsk to a large Ussuri Island is laid in the federal budget.

The territorial dispute around the island of Tarabarov and the Grand Ussuri Islands on Amur began in 1964, when the head of the USSR Nikita Khrushchev and the Chinese leader of Mao Zedong agreed on the placement of territories, but did not agree on the issue of these islands, reminds Newsrian.

After that, the Chinese deployed the so-called irrigation war and began to regularly drag the barges with sand in the Kazaquishevic District. If the duct was dry, the island, connecting with the Chinese coast, would automatically become Chinese, so the Chinese poured into the Amur sand, and the Russians deepen the bottom and strengthened the shore.

In 1991, the President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev signed a border agreement with China, and the border was conducted by Amur Farvatera. All this time, the border between Russia and China for almost 4 km remained not demarked. By the visit of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to China in October 2004, an end was made in October 2004: an additional agreement was signed between the two countries to agree on the Russian-Chinese border on its eastern part.

The natural resources of the islands are rich and diverse. Land resources have significant value. Up to 70% of the area can be used as arable land, hayfields or pastures. In the territory of the islands live valuable fur in animals, hoofs, boring and waterfowl. There are species listed in the Red Books of the International Union of Nature Protection, USSR and Russia: Far Eastern and Black Storks, Black and Japanese cranes, Mandarin, Sukhonos, Far Eastern leathery turtle and others.

In Amur, his ducts and in the floodplain lakes a lot of fish. Among them are protected species - Black Amur and Chinese Okun-Auja. In the vicinity of the islands there are constantly living more species of fish than in the whole Volga basin. Near the islands passes the migration of autumn kets and baths.

Islands have a large recreational value. Already now there are about 16 thousand garden sites, which visit tens of thousands of residents of the city, celebrate news agencies.

In the solemn atmosphere on the land section of the border, border poles were opened, and the parties exchanged notes confirming the completion of the definition of the line of the Russian-Chinese border throughout its entire. Foreign Ministry of Russia, reducing the presence of the media, limited the publicity of the ceremony, writes the newspaper Kommersant.

According to eyewitnesses to the transfer of the islands, who wished to remain unnamed, about a hundred representatives of the PRC and 30 Russian officials and security workers took part in the event. The Chinese delegation arrived at the place of the event (near the PRC of the Shore of the Great Ussuri Island) on the boats, deploying a temporary tent town nearby.

Near the border poles (stone Chinese and wooden Russian) cloth (stone Chinese and Wooden Russian) participants of the ceremony found four girls in national costumes of both countries. After the solemn raising of state flags covered with border columns, the representatives of the parties exchanged notes confirming the entry into force of the additional protocol description of the border line (signed the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry Sergey Lavrov and his Chinese colleague Yang Juchi in Beijing in July 2008), and short Speeches in which the method of settlement of the border dispute was put in the example of the world community as "conflict". After that, the members of the Russian delegation left the place of the ceremony.

Recall that the state affiliation of the Amur Islands was indefinite for more than forty years. In the Beijing Treaty of 1860, the Russian-Chinese border in the Khabarovsk region was held south Bank Amur and Ussuri, and, accordingly, the islands of Tarabarov and the Big Ussuriovsky were Russian. In 1991, an intergovernmental agreement was concluded, according to which the Soviet-Chinese border was carried out mainly by the Chief Farvatera of Amur. Thus, a part of the islands previously owned by the USSR sent to China (for example, Damansky Island, border conflict Because of which occurred in 1969). Tarabarov Islands and Big Ussuriy, as well as the island of Great on the Arguan River were derived beyond the framework of the agreement. China continued to consider these islands controversial.

In October 2004, during the visit to China, Vladimir Putin, an additional agreement was signed on the Russian-Chinese border, which provides for the transfer of large and Tarabarov's transmission to China, as well as the division of the Great Ussuri Island into Russian and Chinese parts. The Federal Law on Approval of the DP report was ratified by both chambers of the Russian Parliament and signed by the President in 2005. On July 21, 2008, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and China in the development of the provisions of the Agreement signed the "additional protocol description of the line of the Russian-Chinese State party on its eastern part", which determined the line of the border in the area of \u200b\u200bthe islands of Big, Tarabarov and Big Ussuriysky. The Chinese side departed the entire territory of the island of Tarabarov (in Chinese version - Inlundao, Silver Dragon Island) and half of the Greater Ussuri Islands (Heysyzdao, Black Bear Island). The total area transmitted under control of Beijing territory was 174 square meters. km.

The decision to transfer the islands at Cupid China was negatively met by a number of public organizations and opposition parties of the Khabarovsk Territory. In particular, the deputies of the Khabarovsk Duma insisted on the extreme importance of the fortifications located on the Bolshoi Ussuri Island, designed to keep the onslaught in the event of aggression from China. In addition, the Tarabarov island runs the trajectory of the military aircraft of the Air Force and Air Defense. Residents of Khabarovsk were extremely unhappy in 2004 by the prospect of transmitting the islands. Representatives of public and political associations acted with sharp statements.

In 2005, "tens of thousands of signatures against the transfer of the islands" were collected and sent to Moscow, but this did not change the decisions of Moscow.

Meanwhile, the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Khabarovsk Territory Yuri Berezutsky believes that the final transfer of the PRC Islands opens up great prospects for residents of the region. "We have a unique opportunity, which is no longer anywhere in the country, intensify not only trading, but also cultural cooperation," said Mr. Berezutsky.

Recall that the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory, having resigned by the transfer of the PRC Islands in recent years, develops a draft creation on a large Ussuri Island of a joint Russian-Chinese trading area, providing for construction on the island of a customs-border crossing and permanent bridge instead of the currently existing pontoon. In the future, it is planned to create a new transboundary corridor between China and Russia in this area.

    So it's when the island and when the peninsula. The rental in 1969 between Russia and China did not take place on the Farvatera of the Amur River (or in the center of the river, how to take around the world), but on the right shore. It was so decided at the king when they signed an agreement on the border with China, in 1861. Under this agreement, the Amur River fully owned Russia. So when Amur was full-breeded - Damansky was an island and belonged to Russia, and when Cupid became small - became the peninsula and belonged to China. So Russia passed him to China that there would be no misunderstanding. And he held a demarcation of the border on Amur, now it passes in the middle of the river. And all the islands that on the Amur River are closer to the right (Chinese) shore transferred to the management of China.

    Before the demarcation of the border in the Damansky district of 1969, there were many violations of China. Until March 1969, firearms were not applied, they fought in hand-to-hand, or pushed or bare. The Chinese were shed first blood. If they did not give the controversial islands to Ussuri, constant conflicts could provoke the Third World War.

    First, it is very important to understand that Damansky is not the Crimea. The strategic meaning of the island is close to zero and in fact all those created by the author of the journey: heroic island, hot battles, defended ... -Well, I am perplexed. We are talking about the same Damansky, or about any other poverty?

    The conflict for Damansky had a purely symbolic meaning for the USSR, and for China, it was recommended to alternately from the Kremlin guardianship, to self-apparent . The essence of the conflict was not reduced to the fact that the Chinese wanted to pick up something that the Soviet Union sought them not to give it ... In the course of the demarcation, some land went to China, while others would come in Russia. Daman's plan should have become part of China, according to the most agreements on the demarcation - a tripped before the conflict happened. The essence of the problem was that someone from Chinese executives decided to make a hoppaliotic piano and found it possible to hurry from Soviet border guards from the island. China has led himself defiantly aggressively and caused a response aggression. When the Chinese with the use of small armament and light mortars attacked the Cordon of Soviet entries where there were even some sacrifices, after a short pause, the decision went to make a decision, and simply dares from Damansky himself and from nearby surroundings. All this did not prevent the Soviet Union during the completion of the demarcation processes to transfer Daman to Chinese possession.

    The Chinese slept the Earth, and turned Damansky Island in the peninsula to avoid any doubt in the belonging to this section of China. I think it will be better for everyone. That's just a sorry for our soldiers who died there.

    Here is the subject matter of the question.

    Until 1915, this island did not exist, the island was a protrusion on the Chinese side. When the river was washed with a new direction, the island was on the Russian side, according to the agreement carried out the border along the river bank. Now the island is gradually blurred and goes under the water. It is said that the Chinese are smeared there something in order not to lose the island. According to a new contract, the Russian-Chinese border, the island has moved the Chinese side. The new treaty settled questions in many disputed territories. Some of the islands and shames departed to Russia, part of China, in the total, the territory of the two states did not change.

During the visit to China, President Vladimir Putin signed a document on which part of the island is large Ussuriy, as well as the entire island of Tarabarov will be transferred to China. In total, the PRC will receive 337 square kilometers of the territory. From now on, the question of the border is decided finally, and the border of 4 thousand with more than four thousand kilometers will become calm. So if you needed China these islands and what will Russia win from this?

The recent meeting of the President of Russia and the Chairman of the PRC in the Russian Foreign Ministry called the Summit of "Breaking Solutions". However, it was originally about the transfer of the islands of China, it was not about. Following the meeting, an additional agreement was signed between the Russian Federation and the PRC about the Russian-Chinese border on its eastern part, the Protocol on the swimming of Russian and Chinese courts in the water area adjacent to the islands of Tarabarov and Big Ussurii, as well as the Protocol to the Sharing Agreement Islands.

The islands of Big Ussuriy and Tarabarov are located near Khabarovsk and are located in the floodplain of the Amur opposite the mouth of the Ussuri River. Together with their surrounding small islets, they form a rather compact caught array, consisting of more than 50 islands, limited from the north in the main ruling of Amur, and from the south - Amur, in the western part (before merging with Ussuri) the name of Kazakevichev. In the territory of the islands live valuable fur in animals, hoofs, boring and waterfowl. There are species listed in the Red Books of the International Union of Nature Protection, USSR and Russia: Far Eastern and Black Storks, Black and Japanese cranes, Mandarin, Sukhonos, Far Eastern leathery turtle and others. In Amur, his ducts and in the floodplain lakes a lot of fish. Among them are protected species - Black Amur and Chinese Okun-Auja. In the vicinity of the islands there are constantly living more species of fish than in the whole Volga basin. Near the islands passes the migration of autumn kets and baths.

Moscow and Beijing went to meet each other, leaving from the barren line "either everything in my opinion, or anything", capable of canning potential stimuli, in the role of which are always "suspended" border problems. For the first time in the 12th anniversary chronicles of Russian-Chinese dressing on rivers, the border crosses the island, passing through them. As a result, these areas are distributed between Russia and China approximately equally.

These islands were controversial thanks to the long-term efforts of the Chinese side to change the channel of Amur, which determines the line of the State Government. For a long time, Russia and China issued geographic Mapson which they assigned themselves all controversial territory. Only 1991 Agreement has declared the distribution of the islands for the first time, and the discussion of the fate of two sites was left "for later."

Under the Khabarovsk, according to Protokukevich, he passed the only non-poeted area on the Amur. Now, after transferring the islands, the border will pass In fact, along the city itself, according to his coastal line.

According to a new agreement, the border between China and Russia will take place near the Orthodox chapel of the Martyr-soldier Victor and divide the island in half. As a result of the section, the inhabitants of Khabarovsk who owners will suffer land plots on the island.

As for the governor of the Khabarovsk Territory of Ishaev, he had his own species on the island of great Ussurii. It was where Khabarovsk was "step over". For development, the city lacked only the capital bridge. According to Far Eastern economists, the transfer of the islands of Big Ussuriysky and Tarabarov PRC overnight caused damage of $ 3 billion, taking into account the loss of already invested funds, transferring the Khabarovsky airport, as well as the border arrangement in new areas.

However, according to Moscow economists, after the transfer of the islands, Russia has opened the opportunity to conclude billion transactions with China, so possible profits with more thank you will cover all losses.

Amur waves in border relations

The floody islands of the Amur River were used by the indigenous peoples of the Amur region with deep antiquity. Traces of stay on the Islands of Manchus or Chinese, despite thorough studies conducted by scientists from the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1996-1997, was not found.

In the XVII century, starting with hiking Vasily Poyarkova and Yerofi Khabarova, the islands of the floodplain of Amur attracted the attention of Russia with their fertile lands, extensive pastures, diversity and wealth of the vegetable and animal world. However, the unfavorable water regime of the river and frequent flooding of the floodplain difficulty made the development of these lands.

The first Russian-Chinese agreement on the border can be considered the nonsense agreement of 1689, when the Russians under the pressure of the Chinese army were forced to recognize the sovereignty of China on the right bank of the Amur (before that, he also mastered the Russians) and in Primorye.

But in the middle of the XIX century, Russia bloodlessly joined 165.9 thousand square kilometers of Primorye, until the joint management. As a result, the weak at the time China lost its way out into the Japanese sea.

This acquisition was enshrined by the Tianjin Treaty of June 1, 1858 and confirmed on November 2, 1860 by the Beijing Treaty. "After the ruling of border signs, it was said in it, the boundary line forever should not be changed." However, it was soon noted that the binding was not as it was found. Agreed to make changes that was done in 1886.

After that, the Japanese took together with Korea and Manchuria, and Port Arthur, and far, and smoking, and half of Sakhalin. It remained only to wait for the story to allow the Chinese to put the edge question.

When discussing this issue in 1926, the parties reiterated that the borderline line between the USSR and China was repeatedly arbitrarily moved by both the local population and local authorities on the other side. It was decided to restore the initial line as it was determined by various agreements and protocols regarding the Russian-Chinese border.

During the occupation of China, Japan, the Soviet Union in the interests of defense set up a large number of Islands in the Chinese side from Farviter on Amur and Ussuri.

In 1964, the parties developed a draft new agreement. Then the unclosed "window" appeared in the form of Tarabarov Islands and Big Ussuri. But the document did not sign. Later, the Chinese considered that they had enough grounds for capturing the island of Damansky, which they always considered their own.

On May 16, 1991, an agreement was signed on the Soviet-Chinese border in its eastern part, which clarified the border on the basis of existing treaties. In the development of this document, all subsequent Russian-Chinese agreements on the border were accepted.

After Mikhail Gorbachev signed an agreement that the border with China should go through the Amur Farvatera, the Chinese had the opportunity to challenge the affiliation of Russia of the Islands of Big Ussuri and Tarabarov in the Khabarovsk region.

The precedent on the revision of post-Soviet borders arose arid immediately after the disintegration of the Union in the form of Russian-Chinese agreements from July-September 1992, according to which Russia handed over to China about 600 islands on the Amur and Ussuri rivers, as well as 10 square kilometers of the land territory. Another one and a half thousand hectares of land in Primorye lost Russia when the border demarcation in November 1995.

In the final documents of the visit of Boris Yeltsin to Beijing in December 1992, the following was enshrined. The 12th article of the Accepted Joint Declaration read: "The parties will continue negotiations on not yet agreed areas of the border between the Russian Federation and the PRC on the basis of contracts on the current Russian-Chinese border according to the generally accepted standards of international law, in the spirit of equal consultation, mutual understanding and mutual concession with that To fairly and rationally resolve borderline questions. "

But in less than two months, the Chinese position unexpectedly changed - a special representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry at Jianmin At Briefing In February 1993, referring to the closed speech of Dan Xiaopin about the Union with Russia, made it clear that the territorial problems between the two countries no longer exist.

Behind last years At its coast, the Chinese erected about three hundred kilometers of dams to artificially direct Aurur in the direction necessary for themselves, molded Protoku Kazaquievich, on the fairway of which the border is determined in this area.

Governor of the Khabarovsk Territory Victor Ishaev

All this time, the so-called "irrigation war" lasted, which began in Soviet times. On the Amur, every year hydrotechnical work was carried out - the bottom was deepened, the shore was strengthened, dam were built. In Russia, in the post-Soviet time about irrigation battles, they subsided a little, and the Chinese continued "subversive activities." In recent years, in some sections of the Amur coast, the Chinese have built about three hundred kilometers of dams in order to artificially direct AMUR in the direction necessary for themselves, in particular bypassing the cake of Kazakiewicz. To speed up the crosses, the Chinese have shipped in the year of the Barge with sand in the Barge District.

Only in 2000, local authorities, having tried out, noticed that Cupid gradually changes the channel and "leaves" from Khabarovsk. The Khabarovsk authorities decided to bring a retaliatory strike - and on Amur, opposite Khabarovsk, and hydrotechnical work began.

Local authorities, by the way, always told the controversial islands to be fixed by Russia. And hydraulic work (non-contrary to international agreements) were held in this policy.

After a series of action of both sides, the border was still fixed in Amur and Ussuri. But she was not demarked. The main thing was that rivers quite often change the outlines of their shores, islands and fairways, because of which many purely geometric errors have accumulated.

In the Russian Far East, huge resources that Russia is difficult to master due to the weak population of the territory. For the dynamic development of the Far East, an area can take up to 500 thousand foreign workers. They could help to build roads, pave the communications, master the abandoned agricultural land.

Academician Peter Baklanov

The problem consisted of which of the sleeves to be considered the mainstream of the Amur. Before Putin decided to convey the island of China, the border was held in the middle of the ducts of Kazakiewichev, China believed that her place was in another bed.

But the duct, in which the border actually actually goes, is quickly closed, and not without the help of the Chinese, and soon instead of the disputed island, a large Ussuriy will arise a much less controversial peninsula that has grown up with the Chinese territory. At the same time, the Russian shore is blurred for a couple of meters every year, that is, is distinguished.

And the islands have for Khabarovsk, stretching along the Amur 40 kilometers, strategic importance. A fortified area is located on a large Ussurius, which in the event of the Chinese attacks for 45 minutes should hold the enemy from Khabarovsk. And above the island of Tarabarov runs the trajectory of the military aircraft of the 11th Army Air Force and Air Defense, which is deployed in Khabarovsk.

Civil aircraft flying out of khabarovsky AirportAlso gain height over this island. Now that the island went to China, the consent of the Chinese side will be required for all flights, besides for the use airspace The neighboring state will have to pay.

As Putin did

The first idea that comes to mind: Russia gives his position and is inferior to China. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe inevitable territorial seizures from the descendants of the builders of the Great Chinese wall NOT NOVA. According to a number of American demographers, by 2015 the territory of China will not be able to feed his population. At the same time, at the borders of Russia with China, there is a colossal demographic pressure: on the one hand, a huge population density is 120 people per square kilometer, on the other - undeveloped spaces. The population density in our eastern edges is approximately 1 person per 1 square kilometer. Near the border with the PRC on the Russian side of Primorye, about 2.6 million people live, and in Chinese - over 85 million, so that the predisposition of the Chinese to the "land expansion" is quite logical and long-term.

No president can establish its policies for confrontation with China until he has taken all efforts to preserve cooperation with him.

Henry Kissinger.

If you argue with imperial, then the conclusion is asking for one: the territorial seizures of Russian territories from China are coming. However, no one has canceled borders yet, and the direct military invasion is unlikely to enter the strategic plans of our neighbor. In principle, the filling in China of all free spaces is inevitable, but in the first place it will be the expansion of the economy and geopolitical influence.

Currently, it is too early to talk about the mass population by the Chinese of the Russian Far East. We are still talking about pumping finance and raw materials from this region to the PRC, on the consolidation of local markets for Chinese goods, and the most profitable and profitable industries - for enterprises with Chinese capital.

For the 1990s, approximately 700 Chinese was settled at the Far East. Meanwhile, according to our research, 7 percent of the Primorye is confident that in the region lives from 20 to 30 percent of the Chinese. 21 percent of the Primorye believes that in the region of more than 10 percent of the CNR citizens, and 28 percent people think that the immigrants from 5 to 10 percent. People do not know the true state of affairs.

Director of the Institute of History and Ethnography Far of Russian Academy of Sciences Victor Larin

However, it happens in all of Russia, for the very near future there will be a sharp deficit of labor resources. In 2015, a generation will come to a change in retirement to retirement, numerically almost a quarter less. This line has passed some developed countries and all of them did not cost without mass immigration. Russia also has to get on this path, especially if production is revived. And in the Far East, immigration will be Chinese.

China concentrates the economic and military power, which inevitably in the current century will be aimed at mastering the resource provinces, existing and future energy flows and, accordingly, owning countries. On this way, he inevitably must face another powerful power, which seeks to the same goals, but controls these areas today.

The current exchange with the Chinese by several hundred hectares in Primorye is generally beneficial to Russia. With America, we are hardly friends hardly managed, because she herself does not seek any friendship to anyone, but only to a more or less clear form of domination. We can never be friends with China - because of the normal Chinese nationalism, encouraged by the growing power of the country.

But the decision of the border issue removes at least possible cause conflict between our countries. For, no matter how paradoxically, but in the case of an armed conflict, China in the rich and poor people of the spaces of Siberia do nothing. The Chinese, of course, want to master Siberia - but as shareholders, co-owners and investors. Isn't it the same thing that Russia achieves from the West?

The agreements reached on the border should be evaluated not by conjunctural standards, but on political criteria. And the political factors turned out to be weighing all the rest.

Two countries over the past 40 years have passed and overcame various periods in relations, including a long and burdensome phase of acute confrontation. The experience gained visually confirms the need to have clearly defined, legally fixed and to the maximum degree of conflict borders.

There are three levels of participation of states in world politics. The first is the level of the superpower, when the country itself determines its goals and independently achieves their execution. The second level is the country of the average: it determines no longer a goal, but only their priorities within recognized for themselves acceptable other people's goals. And finally, the third level - when the country can do not very much, and therefore chooses such a strong partner, as part of the policy of which and arranges its existence; The calculation is based on the fact that the patron power will give a certain protection to the Power Customer.

Our level is not the first. And, apparently, in this case, Putin made a useful course for the state of the second level - he tried to be in alliance with the right power. If for this I had to sacrifice some tolly river vests, then this price looks acceptable.

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