Detailed map of the Khabarovsk Territory from the satellite. Satellite map of the Khabarovsk region

Khabarovsk region - region in the Far East of the Russian Federation. The map of the Khabarovsk Territory shows that the region is bordered by the Republic of Sakha, Magadan, Amur and Jewish autonomous regions, China, Primorsky Krah, the Japanese and Okhotsk seas. Area of \u200b\u200bthe region - 787 633 square meters. km.

Khabarovsk Territory is divided into 17 municipal districts and 2 urban districts. In the area there are 29 urban settlements and 188 villages. The largest cities in the region - Khabarovsk (Center), Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Soviet harbor, Amursk and Nikolaevsk-on-Amur.

The regional economy is based on the forest, food, mining and fishing industry, metalworking and mechanical engineering.

Historical reference

The territory of the modern Khabarovsk Territory began to master the Russians in the XVII century. At the end of the XVII century, in connection with the aggression of the Qing Empire, the development of the region was interrupted. In 1689, a non-sacred contract was signed, according to the terms of which the Russians left the left bank of Amur. In 1860, the nonsense agreement was signed, which returned the land of Russian.

During the war with Japan, 1904-1905, the region was closed. In 1920, the Far Eastern Republic was created, and then the Far Eastern Edge. In 1938, the Khabarovsk Territory was formed.

Must Visit.

Detailed map of the Khabarovsk Territory from the satellite shows that the main attractions of the region are natural monuments. There are 5 reserves in the region: Jugjur, Bureinsky, Komsomolsky, Nabekhvirsky and Botchinsky. On the river chickens there are numerous karst caves: "farewell", "tube", "chest", etc.

It is recommended to visit largest cities Khabarovsk Territory and see museums, monuments and theaters. Fasten painting alleys, for example, ethnographic museum under open sky "Petroglyphs of Sikachi-Alyana." Fans of extreme tourism can be rapid along the rivers of the Khabarovsk Territory.

Tourist on note

Gulrypsh - Calmable place for celebrities

Is on Black Sea coast Abkhazia City Town Type Gulrypsh, the appearance of which is closely related to the name of the Russian patron of Nikolai Nikolayevich Svytsky. In 1989, due to the illness of his wife, they needed to change the climate. The case decided the case.

Khabarovsk is the administrative center of the Far Eastern Federal District and the Khabarovsk Territory. On the map of Khabarovsk you can see that the city has stretched along the right bank of the Amur River. The city is located in the place of failure of the Ussuri River to Amur. In addition, the satellite map of Khabarovsk shows that the city is just 8 km from the border with China. The territory of the city takes 388.735 km 2.

Today, the city is a developed scientific, economic and industrial center of the Far East. Industrial enterprises are located on the territory of Khabarovsk (oil refineries), theaters, universities, research institutes, the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, shopping centers, 2 airports, river port, cinemas, recreation centers, stadiums and parks.

An annual Far Eastern International Economic Forum is held in Khabarovsk.

Khabarovsk is the birthplace of the SKA-Energy Football Club.

The monument to the Amur Muravyevsky and the Khabarovsky Bridge are depicted on a banknote of 5,000 rubles.

Brief Story Khabarovsk

According to the Aiguna Treaty of the Far East, the Far East has been divided between the Russian Empire and the Qing Empire. In 1858, Military post was founded on Amur, a military post was founded, which in 1880 became a city. In 1893 the city was renamed Khabarovsk. In 1917-20 In the city and the region were bloody battles between white and red troops. In 1938, Khabarovsk became the center of the same edge.

Attractions Khabarovsk

A detailed map of Khabarovsk with streets and houses demonstrates a rich variety of attractions. It is recommended to visit the regional museum, the Far Eastern Art Museum, the Museum of History of the Far Eastern Military District, the Archeology Museum and the Amur Museum. Worth see history Center Khabarovsk, Assumption Cathedral, Dynamo Park, Savior Preobrazhensky Cathedral, Monument to the Amur Marsky and Amur Bridge.

Tourist on note

Gulrypsh - Calmable place for celebrities

There is a village of urban-type Gulrypsh in the Black Sea coast of Abkhazia, the appearance of which is closely connected with the name of the Russian patron of Nikolai Nikolayevich Svytsky. In 1989, due to the illness of his wife, they needed to change the climate. The case decided the case.

Map of the Khabarovsk Territory from the satellite. Explore the Khabarovsk Territory Satellite Card online in real time. Detailed map of the Khabarovsk Territory created on the basis of satellite images high resolution. In the maximum approximation, the satellite map of the Khabarovsk Territory allows you to study the streets, individual houses and sights of the Khabarovsk Territory. Map of the Khabarovsk Territory from the satellite easily switches to a normal map mode (scheme).

In the Far Eastern Federal District there is Khabarovsk regionon one side Okhotsk Morce, and with a friend - Japanese. From the island of Sakhalin, Khabarovsky region separates two straits.

The climatic conditions in the Khabarovsk Territory are very diverse and depend on the proximity of the territory to the sea. But in general, weather conditions in the region are quite harsh. Winter is long and cold, the average temperatures of which is 22 s in the southern part and to -40 - in North. Summer warm, often cool and windy with air temperature from +15 to +20 C.

Khabarovsk region is famous for its natural attractions. In the territory Khabarovsk Region There are 5 reserves, each of which is unique in its own way and through which the most popular tourist routes of the edge are extended. More than 300 natural monuments are approved in these reserves, which are protected by the state, are of federal significance and are unique both in natural and cultural and historical relations. Among them are avian bazaars, the habitat of the Far Eastern Turtle on the lake of Hassia, as well as the rookery of the silence.

The main archaeological monument "Sikachi-Alaan Petroglyphs" is located 75 km from Khabarovsk - the administrative center of the region. In this unique place can be seen cave drawings Ancient people who belong to 12 thousand to our era.

Khabarovsk region - unique place For extreme tourism. The most interesting type of tourism in this region is an alloy of raging rivers. Also tourists depart in pedestrian routes And hiking in the mountains and taiga forests. In the Khabarovsk Territory, tourism actively flourishes at any time of the year.

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