Twins Towers on September 11, the number of dead. Who actually blew up the twin towers in New York? As a card house

Event that has changed people's life

It will not be an exaggeration to say that this day has become the most unusual on the planet in the 21st century. Then the inhabitants of all countries of the world adopted their views to the screens of their televisions, "mess" on the Internet. And there, on the screens, something completely unimaginable, resembling shots from a fantastic militant. Huge passenger liners crashed into the skyscrapers of New York, the high buildings were folded as toy houses, drowning in dust clubs resembling a volcanic eruption. And - People: Infinite Crowds Screaming, Running through the streets, or frozen in distance with a mobile phone near the ear ...

Alas, it was not a film, but a practically direct report from the scene, which subsequently will be called the largest act of terrorism in the history of mankind. Events wearing and quite official name: "The terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 in New York."

Terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 - as it happened

It is difficult to describe what happened is difficult, if only because the narrator inevitably rolls into emotions, in personal assessments, and even into its own memories. Moreover, so far, after many years, in the picture of the grand terrorist attack, certain riddles remain, unexplored moments, inconsistency of interpretations. Nevertheless, the essence of what happened in the following.

The group of Islamic terrorists captured the four passenger liners filled with people in the morning and performed planned flights. Further investigation has shown that in the total attackers there were 19 people, they all belonged to one organization, Al-Qaida. Each of the aircraft there was at least one person who has been trained and able to manage the passenger ship.

Two aircraft terrorists sent to high buildings - the Southern and Northern Tower of the World Trade Center, which were proudly Manhattan and towering in its southern part. Airplanes crashed into these skyscrapers alternately, with an interval of about 16 minutes. As a result of the buildings of the building, the buildings caught fire, and they were subsequently completely destroyed, the burgue of a huge number of people. Naturally, all passengers in airplanes died.

The third aircraft fell on the building of the Pentagon, and the fourth suffered a catastrophe in Pennsylvania, hanged into the field. As the investigation showed, its goal, apparently, was the building of the US Congress, but the terrorists did not manage to make a conceived: the struggle against the crew and passengers began on board, which eventually led to the fall of the aircraft. Naturally, all on the third and fourth vessel also died.

Pentagon building after collision with aircraft

At the moment it is stated that 2977 people died as a result of these sad events, not counting the 19 attackers. Also, 23 people are still listed among the disappearance.

This is how it looks like short description This extraordinary event, but for a more accurate picture it is necessary to supplement some important facts.

Terrorist attack September 11, 2001 - Additional facts

All captured flights followed their timetables for distant California, that is, there were a lot of fuel on their board, because the grips occurred shortly after the departures. In the northern tower, the plane flew at the level of the approximately 95th floor, in the southern - approximately at the level of the 80th. It is impossible to say more precisely, since in both cases it was a binging, very large aircraft, and the area of \u200b\u200bcontact was not one floor.

The terrible fire and destruction caused by a catastrophe led to the collapse of giant buildings. The south tower fell first, following her, about half an hour - North (fire in the building was raging 102 minutes). The third building, also included in the complex of the World Trade Center, fell closer to the evening. It was too close to the towing towers, and could not stand the temperature and mechanical effects that came to his walls. In addition, accumulated gas from the destroyed communications exploded inside the building.

Between the seizure of airplanes and their crashes passed some time during which many passengers managed to mobile communications Connect with your loved ones and friends. Someone forgiven with life, someone tried to contact the intelligence services. Many records of these negotiations have been preserved: emotional, deep, filled with fear and grief, but also love for native people.

In some cases, passengers and crew tried to provide resistance to terrorists. One of the aircraft, as already mentioned, as a result of such heroic actions did not reach his goal. In Boeing, cut into the northern tower, died before the collision, at least one passenger and the crew commander; This is proved by a consequence.

Place of crashing of the 4th aircraft in Pennsylvania

In the first hours after the terrorist act, the US life has changed beyond recognition. No aircraft received permission to arrive in the country and landing at its airfields. Passenger flights inside the state were canceled, all foreign boards went landing in Canada and Mexico. Hundreds of fighters raised into the air, which patrolled the sky around all major cities.

A special role was given to New York. Thousands of firefighters, doctors and rescuers worked on Manhattan. All city police officers were involved, colleagues from other regions were sent to help. Destroyed twin towers left behind gigantic dilutions, the burning in which they lasted about 100 days, and many harmful chemicals were distinguished into the air.

Subsequently, the US intelligence agency found out that the majority of 19 terrorists (15 people) had citizenship Saudi ArabiaThe rest were submitted by the UAE, Egypt and Lebanon. They were not typical Shahidov fanatics: everyone had a good education and a well-established life philosophy.

The consequences of terrorist attack

The grand terrorist act on September 11 had consequences corresponding to its scale. They manifested themselves in various spheres of life, and all over the world. Here are just some of them.


In addition to the fully destroyed three of the TCC skyscrapers, they were significantly damaged, or even destroyed, several more nearby buildings, including one church. Lost archives, works of art, countless documents. The southern part of Manhattan for many years weakened its business value. A very large damage was caused by the Pentagon building.


The US government and Congress created a special commission, known as the "Commission 9/11". She worked for two years, and came to the conclusion that the main organizer and culprit of the attack was the organization of Islamic fundamentalists of Al-Qaida, which spent about half a billion dollars on a plot. The origin of these funds remains a mystery so far.

Headed the organization of Saudit Usama Ben Laden. The basis of her ideology was hate to Israel and the United States. In subsequent years, America, together with its allies, launched an unprecedented struggle with fundamentalists, first of all, with al-Qaeda. Her leader was destroyed in Afghanistan by an American special detachment, in May 2011.

All the leading countries of the world revised their views on terrorism, realizing his global danger. Almost everywhere, security measures have been significantly tightened, especially on aircraft.

You can talk about the economic consequences of the event, and about his military meaning, about the impact on geopolitics. But, perhaps, the main thing is that it should be noted is a change, if you can put it, the modern philosophy of life. After such terrible events, all people, without exception, were acutely realized, in which, in essence, we live in a fragile world. Even the most powerful country is vulnerable in this world, and the danger lies with a person not only in warring states. The terrorist attack in New York showed that the boundaries between enemies and friends became ghostly, and the cruelty of wars do not necessarily show themselves only on the fronts of local conflicts.

There are beautiful temporary memorials on the site of the former twin towers; Standing monuments are under construction. The American nation celebrates a sorrowful date as the day of ministry and memory. And in New York there is a high monument of the work of Zurab Tsereteli - "tear of grief". Inside the split bronze plate - a huge steel drop. This is a symbol of grief not only about those who died in the terrorist attack of people. And maybe even not so much. This tear - symbolizes the overall pain of humanity, which after September 11 became largely different, not so careless and happy.

The official version of the terrorist attacks on September 11, which led to the death of almost 3 thousand people, the destruction of three skyscrapers in Manhattan, including two famous twin towers, as well as parts of the pentagon, and attached a new direction of world history, striking with their absurdity.

It turns out that in a ruling country in safety where there are about 20 special services - approximately one on each of the 19 terrorists involved in the terrorist attacks, those were able to do what they allegedly did. Namely, possessing only the Azas flight preparation, jewelry to move practically synchronously captured before these airliners of the target, unbearable even for experienced pilots, acting under the leadership of the bearded terrorist Osama Ben Laden hidden in the cave in Afghanistan. All this, like all other items official versionWe will consider more details below, completely contradict common sense.

Official version

The official version is as follows. Since it is widely known, we will only briefly focus on it. Terrorists from the Al-Qaeda group forbidden in Russia and other countries, many of which were known to the CIA, mainly Saudi subjects, legally entered the United States. They easily hijacked four passenger airliners, two of which were sent to the World Trade Center (WTC), one in the Pentagon building, and one more crashed under strange circumstances in Pennsylvania. In the latter case, passengers allegedly had resistance, "Democratically voting" to repulse hijackers. At the same time, the Tower of the WTC-7 was collected on Manhattan on Manhattan, and which nobody crashed, and which the BBC television company listed in the live broadcast 20 minutes before it happened. When Jane Standley's correspondent was about this and the victims of the new terrorist attack, WTC-7 was still leaping for her back, and the signature was already picked up: "The 47-storey building" Salomon Brothers "near the World Trade Center also collapsed." Everyone can familiarize themselves with this amazing report on YouTube ...

The failure was released: BBC reported on the collapse of the WTC-7 20 minutes before it happened. Photo: FA BOBO / PIXSELL / PA images / TASS

Mass of inconsistencies and lies associated with the terrorist attacks on September 11, leave the Americans a very small choice. The dilemma is simple here. On the one hand, it is required, disabling its mind, believe in the official version or pretend to believe that if you are a "patriot" of your country and do not want her reputational damage to the exposure of her leadership, without a sanction of which such large-scale terrorist attacks would be simply impossible. It is very difficult to live with awareness, and this is higher for the forces of the conformistic majority. The second position is available only to a minority, which is not afraid to go crazy before the truth and despises charges of "conspiracy". This position that a lot of Americans holds and not only requires recognizing that Bin Laden and his people are no more than scenery, since this scale terrorist attacks could only be organized by the American special services themselves with the assistance of politicians and the media.

But we are not Americans. We are patriots of Russia, not the USA, and therefore our hands are unleashed. Since the official American version is completely unsatisfactory and does not explain anything, turn to "conspiracy." If reflecting the fantastic versions, such as the mini-nuclear explosion under the twin towers, launched, probably with the filing of the American authorities to compromise all the others, the following picture is evaporated.


Terrorists from Al-Qaida, many of whom were known to the CIA, legally drove into the United States, headed the attacks, taking passports with them. Only a few people had light aircraft control skills. In no circumstances could not replace pilots of civilian airliners, especially at the huge speed "getting" in the divergent in urban development - among other skyscrapers - twin towers, fly at an altitude of several meters to the ground, without having to damage anything along the route. Pentagon.

The American authorities began to immediately accuse the leader of the Al-Qaida leader, although it was obvious that for Osama bin Laden is a surprise, he did not immediately give himself to persuade to take over and his semi-confident group for this responsibility. And it can be understood: to believe in the official version it is impossible to man in the right mind. Therefore, Ben Laden pulled a long time and took responsibility for himself for the terrorist attacks of September 11, only October 29, 2004.

What was really? In fact, most likely, the American special services deliberately allowed the country of terrorists who probably really plucked terrorist attacks using aircraft. They needed like a cover. The fact that the terrorists went to the airliners, leaving their passports in the machines, most likely, that they spent training, deciding to see how it is better to act when they learn to manage the aircraft. Or tagged the pentagon and twin towers of the aircraft ... It was not at all, and, it means that all this passport history.


Indeed, was there a boy? Eyewitnesses of the terrorist attacks, found in New York on the morning of September 11, give contradictory testimony about what crashed into the twin towers. Some say that they have seen or heard noise from the span of small aircraft, some believe that they saw rockets, others - large airliners. The latter will certainly estimate their experience retrospectively, looking many times on TV to all known frames. Meanwhile, as proved, big airplanes We simply could not hit the Skyscrapers of WTC, without facing the way with a couple of other skyscrapers. From the air and at the speed with which they should have been flying, even very experienced pilots would not be able to "get out" in the target. There is also a legitimate question, and where are the fragments of aircraft - the engine of one of them, which then "found" in the wreckage of one of the collapsed buildings was from another type of aircraft than the one that allegedly rammed her. As for the Pentagon, how independent researchers discovered, the area of \u200b\u200bdefeat in the wing of the building, where the Boeing was allegedly pleased with the "Boeing", noticeably less than the scope of his wings. The area of \u200b\u200bpenetration is not so deep, as it should have been. From the plane there is no tailing plumage, no corpses and suitcases of passengers ... evaporated?

The famous shots of the fact that made from aluminum an airliner, who hardly withstands a collision with a bird, is like a knife into the oil in the steel construction of the WTC buildings, so that on the other side of the skyscraper even shown the tip of his nose! Calls from airliners were also completely unthinkable, who were supposedly made their passengers with their own mobile phones. At that height, with which they were made, it was technically impossible ...

What was really? It is clear that no airliners crashed into the twin towers in New York and in the building of the Pentagon near Washington. Most likely, it was about able to overeat the obstacles of the winged rockets, which helped those installed on the "lighthouses" buildings. Everything else is a rough imitation.

The most interesting question here, on which there is no definite answer is not yet - and where are the people who were allegedly located in airplanes? They were actually not so much, since, as established "Conspirologists", at least two aircraft from allegedly participating in terrorist attacks were already written off at that time, and on September 11 could not be operated. But where are those who were not initially "dead souls"? They were killed, did they make plastic surgery and moved to the other end of the country or abroad? Who knows.


With the Pentagon, everything is clear - there everyone organized the military and intelligence agencies themselves, no civilian firefighters have not allowed there. There was one winged rocket or she "helped" with charges installed in the repairing building of the building, not so important. The consequences of the incident were quickly eliminated, sorry from the hut did not extend - the military people are serious, they know how to hold the tongue.

The main intrigue - with New York skyscrapers. They seem to collapse in our eyes, live. But this should not have been - they were taking into account in order to withstand exactly what was supposed to be with them. Instead, "Gemini" collapsed, axially inside with the speed of free fall, as if someone was "hanged" with all the supporting structures.

The current president of the United States Donald Trump, the Construction Magnation itself, "on hot wakes" did not believe that the planes could enjoy the twin towers. Photo:

What was really? The Association of American Engineers and even the future US President Donald Trump, the Construction Magnation itself, has long ago argued that the buildings were not to die, they had to withstand the blow of the aircraft. Trump thought so "on hot trails" - now he, of course, pretends that it is a terrorist attack. But engineers possessing professional knowledge capable of opening deception only strengthened in their opinion. In addition, in 2009, an international group of researchers published in the Open Chemical Physics journal an article on the results of a chemical analysis of WTC fragments, where the fragments of the termit were identified - the super-grievous substance burning steel. Its melting point is about 1500 degrees, the temperature of the combustion of aviation fuel is only about 1000 degrees ... Only in this case, it was possible, as the official version, the death of buildings as a result of the "weakening of the steel frame in a fire in combination with damage caused by the impact airplanes. "

"Controlled demolition", which actually took place, caused a series of explosions in the key, the most vulnerable points of skyscrapers, as a result of which they both "have" in the clouds of dust, which always happens in such cases. Firefighters and others who were nearby people heard these explosions. The records of the votes of the votes stood in the cruciation of the WTC-7 building were preserved that this skyscraper will soon be blown up. With this case, however, a little climbed, therefore the BBC and reported it before. YouTube has a footage of how this building settles is a typical directional explosion.

There is a mass of other evidence that we are talking about conscious provocation organized by the American authorities themselves. Even if the evidence was ten times less, it would be enough for the unambiguous verdict of an unbiased court: guilty. We note casual only one of them - during the terrorist attacks in New York, no "bump" was not died. The victims of terrorist attacks are mainly maintenance, service staff, which, by the way, began to bring to the US financial capital a few days to terrorist attacks from other areas of the country ... There are evidence that important meetings in the area of \u200b\u200bfuture terrorist attacks were abolished in advance, some valuable employees. Suddenly offered not to leave on September 11 to work ...

The involvement of the media

It is clear that such a grand mastering would be impossible without involvement and bringing to her leading American federal television channels. According to independent researchers, those in advance have received workpieces depicting future terrorist attacks in New York, which have been treated with each in their style. And airplanes cut into skyscrapers, according to physics from the University of Cambridge, John Windham, is the most common hologram. Therefore, they came into, not destroying, skyscrapers made from superproof steel, and even in one case, they struck the building with their nose. It seems that the media worked out technologies for creating artificial reality - the very thing that America beats today, as the fly-moss.


Why and who needed it?

The answer to the question why it was necessary, lies on the surface. The September 11 terrorist attacks became for the ruling circles of the United States "New Pearl Harbor", which long have been dreamed of. They buried international law And instead of a self-spooky USSR, Washington created a new enemy in the person of "international terrorism", to fight with which was allowed throughout the world. On October 7, 2001, the Americans invaded Afghanistan to "show the terrorists", having achieved in the wave of international sympathy for the victims of the tragedy, in particular, the consent of Russia to the organization under this sauce of their military bases in the territory former USSR - in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. And with a very far sight. In March 2003, the United States attacked Iraq, immersing the entire region in chaos, giving rise to ISIL prohibited in Russia. Then there was Libya, an attempt to fill up Egypt, Syria ... The Pentagon fight was "fighting with terror" in various countries for almost 6 trillion dollars after the tragedy, and the US military-industrial complex found a new meaning for existence. Russia was then written off Russia. After all, if they waited a little, then perhaps "terrorists" and would not have to blow up the New York skyscrapers.

However, this foregoing cynical action had, for which none of the special services, by the way, was not punished, although it seems to be a terrible failure, and serious internal political goals. In October 2001, the so-called patriotic act (Patriot Act) was accepted - thoroughly and pre-worked federal law, significantly expanding the rights of special services on electronic surveillance and supervision of the Americans. A prison appeared in Guantanamo, and America herself finally turned into a police state, in which the Big Brother breathes into his back to every citizen.

The most cynical, however, is that some gentlemen on the tragedy on September 11 specifically earned a lot of money, and they clearly acted, based on the assumption that the attacks would be, and very soon.

What an amazing coincidence: in July 2004 he became a tenant - for 99 years - all seven WTC buildings New York businessman Larry Silverstein. The amount of the contract amounted to $ 3.2 billion, of which he managed to pay only 14 million, and earned ultimately - over 8 billion dollars. How did he succeed? The main insurance point in the polishes was the case of a terrorist act. He did not make himself wait long.

Provocation, provocations ...

If we did not convince someone who is actually responsible for the terrorist attacks on September 11, we note that provocation is historically the main US policy tool. This is the famous Boston Tea Party, and the explosion of the Barny "Maine" in Harbor Havana, and the very Pearl Harbor, and the incident in the Tonkin Gulf ... This list can continue to continue, as well as a list of large-scale hoaxes in which Americans managed to convince millions even billions of people. The brightest of them was the US Space Program before the "Shuttles" appears, first of all the draining landing on the moon. Memory memory of innocent victims of terrorist attacks on September 11, people do not have the right to forget about how and why it was done. And that something like this can happen again, no one is not punished for it.

Without receiving support in Congress, the head of state in early March 2011 gave an indication to resume military courts against held in prison on Guantanamo suspects in terrorism.

In early April 2011, the US Prosecutor General Eric Holder confirmed that the accused Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four more accused of September 11 will not appear before the US Court of Justice, and before the Special Military Commission on the Base Guantanamo.

On May 31, 2011, the US Military Prosecutor's Office again presented accusations of involvement in the organization of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 with five suspects, including Khalid Shahih Mohammed.

On May 5, 2012, the military tribunal official accusations of five suspects in involvement in the organization of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 in the United States. They are accused of organizing a conspiracy, attack on civilians, intentional causing physical damage, murder, violation of the laws of war, causing destruction, hijacking of aircraft and terrorism.

All five of the accused refused to answer, whether they recognize themselves guilty.

The Federal District Judge of New York George Deniels issued a correspondence court decision, according to which Iran should pay $ 7.5 billion to relatives and other representatives of those who died in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon building. The judge determined that the Iranian authorities should pay three more billion to insurers who covered the property damage and other material losses. Previously, Deniels judge decided that Tehran could not prove his innocence to assist the organizers of the terrorist attack, and in connection with which the Iranian authorities are responsible for the damage caused during it.

On the site of destroyed twin towers in New York on September 11, 2011 was the memorial of the World Trade Center. It is two square fountain basin located right at the bases of the former twin towers, on the interior walls of which the cascade fall into the flow of water flowing into square holes located on the bottom of each pool.

Names of 2983 victims of terrorist attacks (including six people who died in the terrorist attack in the World Trade Center in 1993) are carved on bronze plates, which posted parapets of both fountains.

A new complex of the World Trade Center was opened. It is the fourth high skyscraper in the world - its height is 541 meters. Construction began in April 2006 at the corner of a plot of 65 thousand square meters, where the twin towers of the destroyed shopping center were previously stood.

It is celebrated in the United States as a Patriot Day, since 2009, after approval of the Act 111-13 of the United States of the United States, this date is also referred to as a national day of ministry and memory.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

Ten years ago, a tragedy occurred in New York, forever changed the lives of millions of people around the world. All these ten years we learn more and more details about the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, but no one will risk saying that it became clear to the end, which and why happened in the morning of that autumn day in the largest city USA.
We decided to introduce our readers with an article published on the website of the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph, in which facts are collected allowing better understanding and sharpering the horror of the tragedy, whose symbol has become two digits 9/11.

1. The number of children who lost their parents as a result of the tragic events of September 11 amounted to 3051. 17 children were born later in women who lost their husbands during a terrorist attack. Nine months after the terrorist attack, the birth rate in New York was higher than in a year earlier, by 20%.

2. According to studies, alcohol consumption in New York for several weeks after the terrorist attack was held at a level of 25% higher than a year earlier. Tobacco consumption increased by 10%, marijuana - by 3.2%, and attendance of churches and synagogue - by 20%.

3. The total cost of works of art lost as a result of the terrorist attack exceeds $ 100 million. Among the deceased masterpieces - a series of paintings of Entablature Roy Lichtenstein, the work of Pablo Picasso and Devid Hokney (David Hockney), many other copyright items, interior elements, and so on.

4. One of the unknown characters of this day became a guide dog, Labrador Roselle, who spent his blind owner of Michael Hingson from the 78th floor of the northern tower to his friend's house. Recently, the dog died.

5. Firefighters needed 100 days to pay off all foci of fires caused by the attack on the World shopping center (WTC).

6. Parents of 22-year-old Lisa Ann Frost, who flew by the flight of 175 United Airlines, were waiting for almost a year before the rescuers, sifted fragments on the site of the catastrophe, could find at least something belonging to their daughter. Only 291 body was found not divided into fragments.

7. Total workers had to sink more than 1 million tons of fragments of structures and garbage in search of remains and subjects belonging to victims of the terrorist attack. They found 437 hours and 144 wedding rings.

8. Three hours before the attack on the WTC, in Princeton University, the system called the generator of random events issued a message about the imminent catastrophic event.

9. The section of the Pentagon building, in which he pleased with the terrorists of the aircraft, shortly before the attack was subjected to reconstruction, during which the walls and tasks windows were particularly strengthened. Some windows close to the hit zone remained intact.

10. The Four Most Popular Requests in the Google search system a week when the terrorist attack occurred, looked like this (in descending order): Nostradamus, CNN, The World Trade Center, Osama Bin Laden.

11. The bestseller in 2001 in America was a novel called "Desecration: Antichrist goes back to the throne" (Desecration: Antichrist Takes The Throne) written by Tim Laheye (Tim Lajay) and Jerry Jenkins.

12. When the leader of the group of terrorists Muhamed Atta took place in the morning of September 11, controls at Boston Airport, the security information system and a terrorist luggage did not hit the aircraft.

13. Hundreds of monuments, flagpoles and crucifixes around the world made of metal taken at the site of the terrorist attack. In particular, a monument is made from the North Tower metal in the city of Padua, in Italy.

14. Personal composition of the defense system airspace USA (NORAD - THE NORTH AMERICAN AEROSPACE DEFENSE COMMAND), a week before the terrorist attack conducted the teachings in which officers worked out the situation by the capture of four aircraft by terrorists. Another round of training was scheduled for morning on September 11.

15. For six months to the terrorist attack rental agreement For a period of 99 years on the WTC building was redeemed for $ 3.2 billion, Larry Silverstein (Larry Silverstein). He is now restoring the office and shopping center next to the memorial complex and the museum.

16. At the beginning of this year, the number of victims of terrorist attack on September 11 increased by one and reached 2753 people. The medical center in New York came to the conclusion that Jerry Borg, an accountant and, part-time, actor, died at the end of 2010 from the disease of the lungs, the cause of which the dust from the ruins of WTC became.

17. Five terrorists lived and prepared for the hijacking of aircraft, directly on the eve of the terrorist attack, in a motel located near the US National Security Agency (National Security Agence).

18. Black aircraft boxes, which crashed into the Pentagon building, were found on September 12, 2001. According to the US Secretary of State Donald Rumsfeld, the voice record data from one of these boxes could not be considered. It is believed that this is the only case in 40 years, when it was not possible to detect information on the recording device from the nasal compartment of the aircraft.

19. During the collapse of the TSC towers, a shop was destroyed, where they sold the Quran and there was a room for Muslim prayers.

20. John Patrick O'Neill, a special FBI agent investigating the first terrorist attack on the WTC in 1993 and the activities of Al Qaida, left the service due to disagreements with the bosses. Later he took the position of Head of the WTC Security Service, where he died on September 11, 2001.

21. Scientists used a three-day ban on aviation flights over the US territory after September 11 in order to study the effect of jet aircraft on the climate. They found out that these three days were somewhat warmer during the day, and at night - somewhat colder than the usual. The reason for this researchers saw in traces that jet engines are left in the atmosphere and which are actually artificial clouds. With intensive flights, these traces of the day reflect some of the sunlight, and at night, on the contrary, they delay warmth.

September 11, 2001 Who blew up the twin towers, who committed the terrorist attack? ?

18 years have passed since this tragic event, but disputes about what happened in fact, do not subside. And the number of those who do not believe in the official version, everything grows, for too much inconsistencies, a lot that the official version is logical to explain unable

1) 11.09.2001 in the evening came home after work, and the wife says, then you have a dinner, on TV shows an incredible live, already 15 minutes goes, the plane into the skyscraper in the US crashed. I go, I'm sitting in the chair and I don't believe my eyes: people from the windows of the upper floors are jumping, preferring to die so that he burns alive and in a couple of minutes the second aircraft crashes into the second skyscraper. I can not believe that it really happens. Fantasharmonic, not a reality. I sit, I look like a confession. Forgetting about dinner and about beer. Next - more, attack on the Pentagon, etc ..

And somewhere in an hour before me comes, and why on earth it is shown on Russian TV live (according to the 1st channel, on the 2nd channel, on NTV, etc.), and even almost from the very Beginning. For one coordination to get permission from the authorities, it was enough to leave quite a lot of time, which means that permission to show the attack towards the twin towers was obtained in advance. That is, on the evening of September 11, 2001, I had a doubt that I had something exactly that this was akin to the arsogue of Reichstag in 1933.

The second aircraft crashed into the southern tower (WTC-2) 16.5 minutes after the first aircraft attacked the North Tower (WTC-1).

2) Also, from the very beginning it was obvious that the terrorists could not crash into skyscrapers. Amateurs that graduated from flight express courses were not able to manage complex modern liners, send them to skyscrapers and get exactly the target from the first time. And those who were these terrorists and the fact that they graduated from courses, installed amazingly quickly.

The first weeks about it were only told, which of them went to the fly in the United States, where they graduated from the courses, etc. The words of witnesses were given, showed eyewitnesses and video on which the frames of passing their training in the aircraft were captured. But this, many in the world did not believe it immediately, for they understood that Arabs were taught to fly on corn, and not on liners. Therefore, the other version soon surfaced that they were already experienced pilots when arrived in the United States. Then the question, why do they need courses on which you teach to fly in the corn? True, now about these courses is almost anywhere and mention.

3) When the skyscrapers later began to fall, then I didn't believe my eyes, so falling at home as a result of their deliberate demolition by undermining, the specialists of this technology are called the "directional explosion" when the building is minted from the inside. And if the house is destroyed for other reasons, the fall occurs randomly and with a large radius of scattering of large wreckage of buildings in different directions. In addition, I approximately knew that the melting point of steel, and during the construction of skyscrapers used special, heavy-duty steel, much higher than the combustion temperature of kerosene the melting point of such steel - 1538 ° C. The maximum temperature, which is achieved by burning clean aviation fuels - 825 °. But Kerosene burned relatively quickly, which means the fire temperature should have dropped to the usual temperature on the fire in the room. That is, the complete destruction of the twins could not happen in this situation, especially since they could not work out, as with the demolition of buildings.

4) In a terrible fire, according to the official version, hundreds of thousands of tons of steel melt, hundreds of tons of concrete turned into dust. From the passengers of the Boeing and from thousands of dead in the building there were almost nothing, even charred fragments of tel. And the passport of one of the hijackers crashed into the tower of the aircraft, Mohammed Atta (Mohammed ATTA) flattened down and was found in the investigation. The passport was to instantly burn at the time when the plane crashed into a skyscraper in a terrible explosion. Even the "black boxes" fire aircraft destroyed completely, and the passport is integer and unharmed. So only in bad movie happens.

5) By the way, from 1.116 people from 2.606 who died in the twins, only small fragments of bodies remained or nothing left. Together with them turned into dust and in small fragments of part of office furniture, telephones, computers, etc. The largest fragment of all this was a small chip of the telephone keyboard, according to the testimony of one of those who worked on the analysis of the collapsing twins. Only with the collapse of body buildings can be deformed, but they do not disintegrate into parts and the more so they cannot disappear without a trace. This could only happen with a strong explosion, which is confirmed by the fact. In 2006, on the roof of a neighboring skyscraper, where the "Deutsche Bank" was located the smallest fragments of human bones were discovered.

Total victims of September 11, 2001 were 2.977 people.

6) that the third skyscraper near the twin towers collapsed, I did not know for a long time and not surprisingly, this fact In the US, silent. And when I learned, it became only a minor addition to my evidence that everything was arranged by the US intelligence services. In this 47-storey skyscraper number 7, the New York headquarters of the CIA and a number of government agencies were located. It is possible that another aircraft should have crashed into this building or another incident occurs, but something went wrong. And it was necessary to destroy it, it was certainly destroyed by slowly, under the skeins.

Skyscraper No. 7 fell according to the assessment of independent experts is also beautiful, as well as twin towers. But after a few hours. Here are just experts from the organization "Engineers and Architectors for the truth", which includes about 2 thousand professionals in the field of engineering and architecture, argue that this building could not be so easy to collapse, since this prevented unusually durable reinforced concrete structures.

7) The third sophisticated aircraft, according to the official version she crashed into a Pentagon building, where the terrorists sent a liner on the sophisticated complex, as low as possible. At the same time, the height of "Boeing 757" is 13 meters, the pentagon is 24 meters. Based on this, the final kilometers of the flight of the liner should have been held at an altitude of just a few meters above the ground, which is practically impossible task for pilots, which have just completed express courses. And most importantly, that it was much easier to crash into the Pentagon from above. So would have real terrorists and entered. But that's not all, "Boeing" when hitting the building did not leave traces from the wings. There was no debris and nearby. According to the official conclusions, they were all destroyed by powerful explosion and fire, which is very doubtful.

A part of the video filimers who captured the pentagon blow were seized by the FBI agents immediately after the terrorist attack. Also, no one saw the personnel on which the airliner crashed into the building, or its debris, or the remains of passengers, or remains of baggage.

The fourth sophisticated aircraft suffered a catastrophe in Pennsylvania. On it, according to the legend, passengers had resistance to terrorists, and from the same official version it follows that he fell into the field, that's just the scatter of the aircraft debris within a radius of over 10 km or what imitates the debris, indicates that its destruction in the air has occurred At high altitude. In fact, there are no traces left of the aircraft. And was it at all? According to the official version, he wanted to send either on the white house, or on the Congress building, located in Washington.

8) And who led the planes, what crashed into the towers - twins? They were radio-controlled and without passengers. I adhere to this option, and I am mistaken.

For the logical version that there were no aircraft at all. And on TV showed the stage, so the light durally airplanes pierced the reinforced concrete skyscrapers through, as a knife can be cans that, according to independent experts it is impossible. That is, we were shown cartoons. In some countries, this show a new heavy duty unique weapon.

9) adds intrigues and the fact that independent researchers of this tragedy indicate that the twin towers and a skyscraper number 7 for six weeks before September 11, 2001. The American firm "Silverstein" and the Israeli firm "Fovy" insured more than $ 3 billion. This amount exceeds the one that went to the construction of both towers. The total amount of insurance payments as a result of the terrorist attack was a record amount of $ 70 billion.

And in the basement of the skyscraper number 7, they walked huge gold reserves for hundreds of billions of dollars. It evaporated. States all wrote off on force majeure.

Airplane number 3 was not simply crashed into the Pentagon, namely, the part of the building, where documentation was also kept, including accounting reports, destroying them. As a result, the scandal in the USA, associated with the embezzlement in the Pentagon, one hundred billion dollars, was revealed.

Why all the remains of the collapsed metal were immediately shipped as scrap metal, on the melt? This made it impossible to conduct an investigation. On the New York Times written request, who gave this order, the department of the Governor of New York refused to answer.

Why did the destruction of the towers begun on a single scheme from the very top, and not with floors damaged by aircraft? Why did they hit so quickly, just an hour after the top floors of one of the skyscrapers caught fire?

Why did the official bodies refuse to comment on the testimony of many witnesses and firefighters that they heard numerous explosions inside both towers immediately before they started falling?

Was there an aircraft from the ground with the help of the Global Hawk system developed in the US?

And this is only a small part of expert issues.

10) And for which this provocation was available? Imperialism cannot live without wars, such is his nature. He needs war to solve his contradictions, to go out of an insoluble crisis.

In September 2000, I saw the world's report of the leading structure of American "neoconservatives" Project for a new American Century called "Perestroika American Power", which said literally the following: the process of transformation of the United States in principle tomorrow It is capable of occupying a lot of time if any catastrophic event-catalyst, "new pearl harbor" occurs. One of the authors of this report was Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Minister of Defense of the United States in 2001-2005. In addition to him, PNAC members were also Dick Cheney (Vice-President), Donald Ramsfeld (Minister of Defense) and Richard Pearl (chapter Advisory Committee According to the defense policy in the Pentagon).

I needed a catalyst for events and it happened, after September 11, 2001, the world ceased to be the same. This provocation buried international law, gave the United States to Blanche for warfare around the world. Instead of the USSR spent in the fly, a new enemy was invented in the person of "international terrorism", to which it became possible to rank any state. Already on October 7, 2001, the Americans invaded Afghanistan to "shift the terrorists." In March 2003, the United States attacked Iraq, immersing the entire region in chaos, and eventually they took control of almost all the oil of Iraq and the entire Middle East. Then there was Libya, revolution in Egypt and in Tunisia, Syria ... The Pentagon's "fight against terror" in various countries has received more than 7 trillion dollars over the past 18 years, and the US military-industrial complex has gained a new meaning for existence.

In October 2001, the Patriotic Act was adopted in the United States - carefully and pre-worked federal law, significantly expanding the rights of special services on electronic surveillance and supervision of the Americans, the special services were able to control each. States finally turned into a police state.

PS. And there were terrorists in fact or not? Were. But they were simply tritely used. The American special services deliberately allowed the country of terrorists who really plunged terrorist attacks using aircraft. They were needed. As a cover. Especially intriguing the fact of detection of the car of terrorists, which those parked on a lot of parking at the airport. A strikingly, but inside were the Koranians and Instructions for the management of Boeing. Again, like in a bad movie. And sent them to the United States the state agents introduced into the terrorist organizations of the Middle East. Moreover, the main international terrorist organizations were created with the participation of the states themselves. And it is not a secret for a long time.

But in general, the provocation of September 11, 2001 was arranged fantastically, it is more ambitious and talented than the drafting of American astronauts on the moon. In 1969 - 1972 Everything was much easier to do, remove the "cinema" in Hollywood and show spacers around the world. And then the action happened live, before our eyes, what the television of the Allied countries was warned in advance and that the Russian TV was beautifully and convincingly demonstrated to us.

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