The largest passenger aircraft of the world. What is the largest passenger aircraft in the world? The largest passenger aircraft in the world

The biggest plane in the world is An-225. They built a plane in Ukraine and use it for cargo transportation of a huge mass. Also, An-225 is called military transport aircraft. The height of this aircraft is 24.1 meters, the length is also awesome - 73 meters. The wingspan are 88.4 meters. The weight of the aircraft is 250 thousand kg., And it can take off with a total weight of 600,000 kg. They built it back in 1988. The aircraft is equipped with six engines. All over the world there is only one An-225, which is owned by Antonov's Airlines. The construction is underway and the second An-225, but it is not completely complete.

Hughes H-4 Hercules or as it is also called - NK-1 Spruce Goose, is the second largest aircraft. This wooden plane was built back in 1947, the project was developed by Hughes Aircraft, from America. In his idea, the plane was intended for transportation of 750 soldiers, plus their equipment. To this day, the span of the wings of the aircraft is the largest in the world - 98 meters. The length of the aircraft is 66.45 meters, height is 24 meters, the maximum take-off mass is 180,000 kg. The maximum speed of the aircraft is 351 miles per hour, and the distance that the aircraft could overcome is 5634 kilometers. It was allocated about 13 million dollars. Nowadays, the aircraft is located in the Exponated Museum, in Oregon, which is located in the North-West USA.

Airbus A380 is a passenger aircraft capable of transporting up to 525 people. Created his company "Airbus S.A.S", the height of this aircraft is equal to 24 meters, the length is 73 meters, the scope of the wings - 79.75 meters. The maximum range of flight without refueling is 15,400 km. The maximum take-off mass is 560,000 kg, and the mass of the aircraft itself is 280,000 kg. This aircraft today is the largest passenger airliner in the world. It is also the most economical fuel combustion, 1 passenger - 3 liters of fuel at 100 kilometers. About 12 billion euros went to the entire development of the program for the construction of A380.

An-124 or Ruslan, is one of the largest lifting aircraft of the world. Its main and initial purpose of creating was: transportation of launchers of intercontinental ballistic missiles, transportation of paratroopers, heavy military equipment. An-124 in 1987 was used for military operations in Afghanistan, 56 aircraft were involved. The film was also filmed about this plane called "Ruslan, who united the world." An-124 This time consists in service with the Air Force in Russia, is also used for NATO military transport in Central Asia, Afghanistan, the Persian Gulf. The aircraft length is 69.1 meters, the wingspan - 73.3 meters, height - 21.1 meters, weight - 173,000 kg.

We continue to consider the very big airplanes in the world. The fifth list is a plane called - Lockheed C-5 Galaxy. It is one of the American large-capacity military aircraft. Until 1982 - the largest serial cargo plane in the world. Created to carry on its board up to 270 soldiers, 118 300 kg of additional weight. Maximum take-off weight - 348 300 kg, the maximum speed is 920 km / h, the range of flight is 5,600 km, the maximum dialed height is 10 100 meters.

Boeing 777-300ER is a major passenger aircraft that can fly without refueling a record distance in 21,601 km. Used for airlines of high length. Developed it in 1990, the trial departure was 1994, began to exploit in 1995. May accommodate from 305 to 550 passengers. It is also the world's largest twin-engine jet passenger aircraft. The engines that are installed on it are also record holders, they are the largest and most powerful in the history of aviation.

Airbus A340 - four-dimensively passenger aircraft developed by Airbus S.A.S. Today, about 389 such aircraft were ordered. The development program began in 1987. A340 - a new four-dimensional aircraft, which is intended for intercontinental flights. Previously, all aircraft below class A340 had two engines, and were forced at a minimum distance from the emergency airfield in cases of breakage. They had to spend more fuel, and it was uncomfortable. In 1991, a significant error was noticed, the Wing A330 and A340 did not differ anything, and there was a problem in this, since only two engines were used on the A330, while on the A340 - four. The length of the aircraft is 75.3 meters, the height is 17.3 meters, the scope of wings - 63.5 meters, the maximum flight with passengers without refueling is equal to 14,600 km.

Boeing 747 At the time of its creation was the largest, heavy and spacious passenger aircraft in the world, he held a record for 37 years until A380 appeared. The plane has two decks where passengers are cleared - upper and lower. Top is much smaller lower. The record installed by one of the boobies is a flight from London to Sydney, which is 18,000 kilometers and took 20 hours and 9 minutes from the moment of take-off and landing. Also Boeing 747 is one of the most common aircraft in the world. From the moment of creating an aircraft and by September 2010, 1527 pieces were ordered. Its length is 70.6 meters, wingspan - 64.4 meters, maximum take-off weight - 412 770 kg, height - 19.4 meters.

It is the ninth largest from all aircraft of the world. Boeing 777-200ER - there is nothing else as a modification of Boeing 777. Compared to Boeing 777 in Boeing 777th grade 200R increased the take-off weight and fuel supply. It is intended for international transport, is a record holder of emergency flight on one engine - 177 minutes, with 255 passengers on board. The first purchase was made by the company British Airways 1997. According to data in September 2010, 415 such aircraft were sold.

Closes a list of the biggest aircraft in the world - Airbus A330-300. It was designed to replace the A300 aircraft. This aircraft can carry up to 295 passengers. Maximum flight distance is 10,800 km. Also, the plane can be used as a cargo carrier, its volume is equal to the volume of Boeing 747. The aircraft has two engines, so it is forced to fly close to emergency airfields, while spending a lot of fuel.

Top 10 very large video aircraft

Today, no one can imagine life without the existence of aircraft, and before people only could only dream of flying in the sky. Thanks to the tremendous work done by scientists and engineers-designers from different parts of the planet, the world met the first aircraft. And on October 25, 2007, he was commissioned Airbus A380. - The largest passenger aircraft in the world whose photo to some extent reflects the real size of the giant.

We will not stop on one model, but introduce you to other airliners capable of transporting a considerable number of passengers on board.

Appeared in 2005, the passenger aircraft Airbus A380-800 displaced the leading air giant of the BOing 747 over 36 years.

Technical specifications:

  • Ship Length: 73 m
  • Passenger capacity: 525 people
  • Wing scope: 79.75 m
  • Wing Square: 845 square meters. M.
  • Height: 24,09 m
  • Mass: 280 tons
  • Maximum speed: 1020 km / h
  • Layout Length: 2050 meters

The development of Airbus had to spend one decade and 12 billion euros. The maximum distance overcome the aircraft without refueling in flight is 15,400 km. According to the number of combustible fuel, the A380-800 airbus is much more economical in comparison with other aircraft of this class.

Reduced fuel consumption was determined thanks to the correctly designed shape of the wing and fuselage. To achieve such accuracy in Japan, milling machines used in the production of aircraft were specifically developed. 100 kilometers on three passengers take 3 liters of fuel.

Despite the greater airbus capacity in comparison with Boeing 747, its manufacture is 15 percent cheaper. For the first time, the air giant began to be operated by the National Airlines of Singapore " Singapore Airlines."Serving the Singapore Sydney route.

"Boeing 747-8"

In 2005, another modification of the passenger aircraft appeared in the American Corporation "The Boeing Company" - Boeing 747-8. The main differences from the preceding liners are an elongated building and economy. By changing the deviation of the wing in terms of perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft and reduce its thickness to manufacturers managed to improve the quality of aerodynamics. Thanks to this shape of the wing, fuel consumption decreased.

"Boeing 747-8"

This modification was preferred by the government of 19 states, using the airliner flights of the country's senior leaders.

Boeing 747-8 76.25 meters long - the largest commercial aircraft built in the United States of America. In addition, Boeing 747-8 is leading on the orders of VIP versions, which are intended for political figures of state power.

The largest passenger aircraft in history - Hughes H-4 Hercules. This title gigant received in 1947. Against the background of existing in that period of aircraft "Mercles" Hughes H-4, the Hercules highlighted the 98-meter distance between the edges of the wings, due to which such a modification was considered the most wide-body.

A total of 2 aircraft of this type were produced, today only one remained. The Hughes H-4 Hercules aircraft with a capacity of 750 passengers in 1993 was brought to the Long Beach Museum, where she is also located. More person in one flight was not overrun on any plane.

The Boeing 777-300ER passenger plane, designed in 1990, without refueling in flight can fly 20,000 km. The trial departure took place in 1994.

Boeing 777-300ER - the first passenger aircraft, when designing which a virtual computer assembly was used, and not paper drawings. Thanks to new computer technologies, or rather the program for creating three-dimensional Catia models, it was possible to avoid typical connection errors not during production, but at the design stage.

The liner is equipped with the most powerful turbojet dual-circuit engines with a high degree of double-circuit and equipped with additional fuel storage tanks. The introduction of such a modification has reduced fuel consumption by 1.4 percent. On board the liner, 305-550 passengers can fly at the same time.

Most. large linerproduced in Russia is recognized as an IL-96M capacity of 435 passengers. His design was engaged in domestic and Western companies. The model of the aircraft was not once exhibited on the profile aircraft, but mass release never started. In 2009, the plane was destroyed due to physical wear.

The aircraft with a length of 63.7 m and a capacity of 400 people belongs to the absolute world flight record on a single motor. In 2003, in March, after the failure of one of the engines, the airliner flew 2 hours 57 minutes with 255 passengers. Despite the emergence of modifications of improved quality, Boeing 777-200 EP, as before in demand. There are more than 400 aircraft of this modification in the world.

Airbus A340-600 aircraft is one of the far-haul liners. At one refueling, it is able to overcome the distance of 14,800 kilometers. At international and intercontinental lines, the A340-600 airbus is operated since 2002. The capacity of the aircraft with a length of 75 meters and the wings of 63.5 meters is 380 people.

In total, 97 models A340-600 airbus models were collected. In 2011, the production of the liner series ceased.

The wingspan of the wings of the Russian aircraft "Ruslan" reaches 73 meters at a length of 69 meters. The main difference of the aircraft is the colossal cargo compartment of the volume of 1050 cu. meters. The aircraft with a cruising speed of 850 km / h was used for cargo transportation (carrying capacity - 120 tons), if necessary, it was possible to transport military personnel. The air resource of the An-124 model does not exceed 45 years.

The military model of the Lokhid C-5 aircraft "GELEXI" is also worthy to compete for the title of the largest passenger aircraft. The liner was used both for transporting people and cargo. On board the aircraft, 270 servicemen can be sent to the flight, in addition, if necessary, it is possible to equip the car by additional passenger seats in the amount of 75 units. Thanks to the impressive dimensions (the length of the vessel is 75.5 meters, the width is 68 meters) Lockhid C-5 "GELEXI" attributed to gigantic aircraft.

Without refueling, Lockhid C-5 "GELEXI" overcomes a distance of 5600 kilometers at a speed of 920 km / h. Maximum heightwhich rose a giant is 10 100 meters.

From the moment of taking on board the first passenger and before the appearance of spacious airliners, 60 years have passed. And today we can no longer surprise with huge aircraft with excellent flight characteristics, nor transcontinental flights or many hours of travel on airliners.

Surprisingly, these huge monsters fly in the sky. They weigh hundreds of tons, cost hundreds of millions of dollars, and their length is almost equal to the length of the football stadium.

An-225 "Mriya" (translated from the Ukrainian - "Dream") is the most severe load-based aircraft, ever rising in the air. The maximum driving weight of the aircraft is 640 tons. The reason for the construction of An-225 was the need to create aviation transport system For the project of the Soviet Reusable Space Ship "Buran". The aircraft exists in a single copy.

The plane was designed in the USSR and built in 1988 at the Kiev Mechanical Plant. "Mriya" installed the world's weight gain and lifting capacity. On March 22, 1989, An-225 made a flight with a load of 156.3 tons, thereby breaking the 110 world aviation records at the same time, which is a record in itself.

"Mriya" and small cars.

Dorne Do X is the German passenger flying boat of the company Dornier. It was intended for operation on distant passenger airlines. The first flight took place in 1929. On October 20, during a 40-minute demonstration flight, this aircraft took off from the Lake Bodenk with 169 passengers on board. This record remained unsurpassed in the first half of the 20th century.

Length - 40.05 m, wing scope - 48.0 m, the number of passengers - 160.

In the Pilot Cabin Dornier Do x there were no engines control levers. Instead, as on major sea ships of that time, the pilot passed (by phone) to an increase in or reducing the power to the flight engineer located in a separate cabin.

The flight engineer manages the twelve aircraft engines:

This is the largest plane with one propeller, the largest propeller in history. Four connected 260-strong Mercedes D.iva engines led to a vault set in the nose.

Looking only in the photo, it is absolutely impossible to understand the gigantic dimensions of R.II 55/17 (for some reason, there are no sensation of photographs with people with people who stand next to the aircraft.

R.II could carry the maximum payload of 7000 kg with a total flight weight of 15,000 kg ... The upper wing span - 42.16 m, length - 20.32 m. He made his first flight in January 1919.

Soviet campaign, passenger multi-mone, 8-engine aircraft, the largest aircraft of his time with a land chassis. Built at the Aviation Plant of the city of Voronezh. He committed the first flight on June 17, 1934. Length - 33 meters.

In 1934, two global records were installed on the plane, raising the goods weighing 10,000 kg and 15,000 kg to a height of 5,000 m. In 1935, during a demonstration flight, the plane collapsed on suburban village Falcon. 49 people died

After the collapse of the ANT-20, it was decided to build an improved AT-20 bis downer, but neither he nor the ANT-20 was not allowed into the series.

This is a transport wooden flying boat that received an unofficial nickname Spruce Goose ("Shchikol, Pijon", literally "Spruce Goose").

Weight - 130 tons, and the swing of his wing and today remains a record - 98 meters (at "Mriya" - 88.4 m). It was intended for transportation of 750 soldiers with full gear.

Currently is the exhibit of the Evergreen International Aviation Museum in McMinnville (Oregon), where he was transported in 1993. The plane is attended by about 300,000 tourists annually.

Bristol Brazazon) - Experimental British passenger plane, built in 1949. The largest plane ever built in the UK.

Length - 54m, sinks of wings - 70m.

By 1952 it became clear that the upper segment of the transport market would never pay off the aircraft built only for transportation in the first class. Even in the "general" class, each passenger "Brobazon" had 6 cubic meters of internal volume, in the first grade - 8 cubic meters; The plane literally "drove" these cubic meters of the fuselage. In March 1952, the Government refused to support the completion of the second, turboprop, sample, and in 1953 both cars went on scrap metal.

The world's first long-haul dual-candidate wide-body passenger aircraft. The first flight was completed on February 9, 1969. At the time of its creation, Boeing 747 was the largest, heavy and spacious passenger airliner, remaining such for 36 years, before the appearance of A380, the first flight of which was held in 2005.

Boeing 747-400 consists of 6 million parts (half of which are fastened) produced in 33 different countries. During the Solomon Operation (Israel's military operation in Israel), the world record was put on a transported number of passengers in one flight by one aircraft - on May 24, 1991 "Boeing-747" Airlines El Al Transfer to Israel 1122 passengers. And two babies were born in flight.

The new Boeing 747-8 is a new generation of the famous Boeing 747 series with an elongated fuselage, a redesigned wing and improved economic efficiency. 747-8 is the largest commercial aircraft built in the USA, as well as the longest passenger aircraft in the world.

Length - 76.3 m, wing scope - 68.5 m.

This is a heavy long-range transport aircraft development of the OKB. O. K. Antonova. It was created primarily for air transportation of mobile launchers of intercontinental ballistic missiles. The first flight is a prototype of an airplane made on December 24, 1982 in Kiev. The USSR aircraft entered the military transport aircraft of the USSR in January 1987, 56 cars were built.

Load capacity - 120 tons, length - 69.1 m, wing span - 73.3 m. In October 1997, a record was established on the mass of transported commercial cargo. From Paris in Duhu, a chimperator was delivered by a weight of 125 tons, and the total weight of the cargo with a special equipment was 140 tons.

Repair and modernization of the An-124 aircraft "Ruslan" is now carried out at the aircraft plant in Ulyanovsk.

It was built in 1966. It was the biggest plane in the world to the An-225, which received the name "Caspian Monster" from foreign special services. Length - 92 m, wing scope - 37.6 m, maximum take-off weight - 544,000 kg.

The largest serial passenger airliner in the world, surpassing the capacity of Boeing 747, which can only carry up to 525 passengers (Boeing 747 was the largest passenger liner for 36 years). Its length is 73 meters, wing scope - 79.75 meters, the maximum take-off weight is 560 tons (the mass of the aircraft itself is 280 tons).

The beginning of production is 2004. The first sold aircraft was put in the customer on October 15, 2007.

Beriev BE-2500 "Neptune" is an ambitious project of a super-heavy transport airplane-amphibian, developed on the Taganrog Tantk. M. Beriev. It is the largest in history from ever conceived aircraft. Length - 115.5 m, wing span - 125.5 m, takele weight - 2.5 million kg, maximum commercial burden - up to 1 million kg.

The project remained a project, and in the state program "Development of the Aviation Industry for 2013-2025" the State Program "Development of Aviation Industry for 2013-2025" is missing about the aircraft.

LZ 129 "Hindenburg" is a hard airship, built in 1936 in Germany. It was the largest in the world from the airship created before that time.

"Hindenburg" for the first time climbed into the air in Friedrishafen on March 4, 1936. On May 6, 1937, completing the next transatlantic flight, filled with fire hazardous hydrogen "Hindenburg" caught fire and failed a catastrophe, as a result of which 35 out of 97 people who were on board were on board, as well as one member of the ground team. The wreck of "Hindenburg" actually became the end of the commercial use of airship for transport purposes.

Increase the efficiency of flights, reducing the cost of services, are called upon the biggest passenger planes In the world, accommodating several hundred people. Giant liners increased comfort, Capable to overcome huge distances without refueling, thanks to the volumetric fuel tanks. High lifting capacity provides the possibility of transportation large number Luggage.

The model came to replace the outdated version of A300, which consumed too much fuel and possessed a small capacity. The new modification is capable of linake to the air of 295 people at the air, and is attributed to the category of wide-body airliners. The length of the machine reaches 59 meters, and its width is 63m. The maximum range of full loading is not exceeded 10,500 m. Cruising speed reaches 870 km / h. The maximum take-off mass of 233 tons, and the wings of 60, 3 meters. Fuel tanks are designed for 97 000 liters of fuel.

Of course, not the largest passenger plane in the world, but one of the most sought-after airlines in airlines. Operation began in 1995, the car has proven himself highly faded. Modification 777-200LR, is capable of performing the longest strest flights. It was this model for the first time was developed without using traditional paper drawings, but only with the use of computer three-dimensional graphics. The airliner is able without landing to overcome 17,000 km at the cruising speed of 905 km / h. The machine simultaneously transports 301 passengers, and its scope of the wings is 64.8 meters.

The upgraded version rightfully entered the rating of the largest passenger aircraft in the world, thanks to the possibility of transporting up to 467 people. The airliner overcomes the maximum distance of 15,000 km and is actually considered the longest aircraft on Earth. The car differs from decent precursors to the elongated fuselage. Engineers installed new motors, wings and onboard system. The set of updates allowed to make the liner much quieter, more economical. International name New version - "Intercontinental".

Operate one of the largest passenger aircraft in the world began in 2002. Modification differs from the predecessor larger fuel tanks and motors, with an enlarged power. Serial model production was stopped in 2011, the company has released 97 such liners. The wingspan is 63.5 m, and the maximum capacity reaches 440 seats. The airliner is capable without refueling to overcome 14,800 km, moving luggage and passengers with a total weight of 373 tons. The area of \u200b\u200bthe wings of the giant is 437 meters. Despite the removal from production, the cars are still successfully transporting passengers around the world.

He was on the list of the largest passenger aircraft in the world and Boeing 777-300er. The airliner is recognized as the largest aircraft with 2 engines intended for civil aviation. The modification differs from the previous version 777-200 longer fuselage, allowing to be placed in the cabin up to 550 passengers. Version 777-300ER is not considered basic and operated since 2004. The advantage of the model is an enlarged flight range. Moving with a cruising speed of 905 km / h, the machine can overcome without additional refueling 14,600 km, carrying up to 68,500 tons of commercial cargo.

It turned out to be in the ranking of the largest passenger aircraft in the world and a military copy, capable of transporting both people and loads. The liner is capable of transporting 270 servicemen and can be equipped with standard passenger seats - 75 units. Take the car to the category of giants, allowed her impressive dimensions. The aircraft reaches a length of 75.5 m, and its width is 68 meters. Overcome without refueling the aircraft can 5,600 km at a speed of 920km / h. The maximum height gained by giant reaches 10 km.

Russian Ruslan is rightfully referring to the largest passenger aircraft in the world, because its scope of wings reaches 73 meters, and the length is 69m. The machine is highlighted by a colossal cargo compartment, reaching 1050 m 3. The maximum liner range does not exceed 7,500 km, and its cruising speed is 850 km / h. The car is predominantly used in the carriage of goods, but is able to transport military personnel. The total lifting capacity of the modification reaches 120 tons. Fresh resource does not exceed 45 years.

Since 2007, the largest passenger aircraft in the world was considered Airbus A380, first purchased by Singapore airlines. The airliner commits flights around the world and is distinguished by an incredible level of comfort. The car is capable of transporting 555 people, but if desired, the number of passengers is increased to 700. Two-candid cabin is equipped with bedroom cabins, there are also recreation areas, there are screw staircases and comfortable bar racks. The span of the wings of the aircraft is 80 meters, and the area reaches 845 m 2. Raise the car in the air, only the 4th Rolls-Royce Motors.

Horically the largest passenger aircraft in the world was recognized in 1947 Hughes H-4 Hercules. The model was highlighted by the fantastic wings of the wings that reached 98 meters, thanks to which the modification was recognized as the widestly extensive. Two cars of this type were made, but now there is only one. The car moved 750 servicemen, and now is located in the Long Beach Museum Fund, where it was transported in 1993. A larger number of passengers did not transport any aircraft in history.

Perhaps the largest passenger plane in the world on this moment - This is "Mriya". Initially, the project was developed as a cargo and was used during the transportation of the Buran spacecraft. Subsequently, the Ukrainian enterprise "Antonov" adapted the vessel to commercial needs. The scope of the wings of the giant is 88 m, and its length reaches 73 meters. The airliner has established several lifting records. Now he exists in a single copy and is operated by the Avtonov Airlines airline. The airliner has proven himself in practice.

Once a person could only dream to conquer heights and fly like a bird. With the invention of the aircraft of the dream to learn how to fly became feasible. Moreover, modern lethal devices are so amazing and high-tech, which sometimes it seems - human thought there is no limit. That is why this material will be devoted to the story of the biggest and rapid aircraft in the world.

The largest passenger aircraft in the world

Airbus A380 - Flying Giant

It is believed that the biggest aircraft for passenger traffic is Airbus A380. This two-candy giant has the following dimensions:

  1. the height of the liner is 24 meters;
  2. the wingspan of the giant reaches almost 80 meters;
  3. the length of this airborne giant is 73 meters.

It should also be noted that this flying giant can fit 555 passengers on board. Moreover, the charter type of such an aircraft can accommodate 853 passengers.

A distinctive feature of Airbus A380 is that it can fly by 15 thousand kilometers without landing. It is also worth noting that this passenger aircraft is very economical compared to aircraft of this class. Fuel consumption for 3 passengers and 100 kilometers is only 3 liters.

The developers of this model spent 10 years to create it. The cost of implementing the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a large passenger aircraft is also worthy of respect. So, more than 12 billion euros were spent to create Airbus A380.

Interestingly, this model was first developed as an alternative version of Boeing 747, which before the AIRBUS A-380 appeared for 35 years was considered the largest passenger aircraft. However, the appearance of Airbus A380 immediately "moved" Boeing with the winners pedestal. So, if you compare these both giants, then Airbus A380 is more economical, since Boeing is able to fit no more than 400 passengers, and its value is about 15 percent more expensive.

It is noteworthy that the developers of the largest airliner managed to significantly reduce the mass aircraft. Interestingly, Airbus A380 almost 40 percent consists of graphite. So, the fuselage and wings of the aircraft are made of this material. The cost of this flying giant is 390 million dollars (!).

To other major passenger aircraft can also be attributed:

  1. Boeing 747-8
    This airliner is a novelty from one of the leading manufacturers of aircraft, military and space technology. The elongated fuselage can be attributed to the advantages of this flying giant, which makes it the longest passenger aircraft in the world.
  2. Airbus A340-600.
    This flying "Monster" is another major representative from the Airbus aircraft family. The two-class configuration of such an airliner allows you to fit about 420 people on board, and the three-class configuration will help arrange 380 passengers on board.
  3. Boeing 747.
    This flying giant for 35 years (from 1969 to 2005) held the championship among the largest passenger airliners. This plane for the first time around the world was able to make a flight without landing from London to the capital of Australia Sydney. At the same time, he flew the distance of 18 thousand kilometers in just over 20 hours.
  4. Boeing 777-300ER
    This airliner is also a modification of its predecessor. In addition to impressive sizes, this gigant also has the most innovative modifications. It was this that made it possible to make this aircraft very economical among the biggest airliners all over the world.
  5. Airbus A330.
    This major airliner also has a number of very successful modifications, but the sad statistics testifies not to the best drawing. So, from 1994 to the 2010 registered 6 crashes of such aircraft.

The largest freight aircraft in the world

Of course, the Ukrainian An-225 "Mriya" is considered the largest lifting aircraft in the world. This flying "monster" was developed during the 1984-1988s in the Antonov Aviation Complex. The first flight of this aircraft took place on December 21, 1988.

This giant is equipped with a six-dimensional turbojet high population, which has a 2-khl "plumage" and an arrow wing. As the basis of "Mriya" his predecessor An-124 was taken. Interesting is the fact that the development of "Mriya" was closely related to the Soviet Space Program "Buran", since the powerful lifting transport was required, which could transport the parts of launch vehicles from the assembly site to the cosmodrome. The task for developers was to create air lifting transport, which could be lifted into the sky at least 250 tons at a time. This is how the giant "Mriya" was created.

The main characteristics of the cargo cabin An-225 "Mriya" are the following:

  1. the width of this cargo airliner is almost 6.5 meters;
  2. the height of the giant reaches almost 4.5 meters;
  3. the length of the aircraft is 43 meters.

In addition to these characteristics, 88 people can safely accommodate 88 people to accompany the cargo, and the crew cabin is designed for 6 people.

It is noteworthy that all control systems have 4-fold duplication.

General characteristics of the aircraft:

  1. the width from one wing to another is almost 89 (!) Meters;
  2. the height of this giant reaches 18 meters, which is equal to the height of the five-storey house.

Today there is only one such a plane in the world. The plans for the aviation complex designer is Antonov to complete the twin brother "Mriya". It is believed that its readiness is already 70 percent.

To other major cargo aircraft can also be attributed:

1. An-124 "Ruslan"
This aircraft is the predecessor of "Mriya". Initially, this aircraft was created in order to transport intercontinental ballistic missiles. However, the result obtained significantly exceeded all the expectations of the designers. This giant has become actively used to transport large-scale landing and combat techniques. One such aircraft is estimated at $ 300 million.

2. Lockheed C-5 Galaxy

This aircraft was developed by American designers for the military transport system back in 1968. At one time, this cargo giant is able to translate 6 Helicopters of the Apachi brand, 4 BMP, 2 tanks and 6 BTR-s. Until 1982, this flying giant was considered the largest cargo airliner worldwide.

3. Hughes H-4 Hercules

This cargo aircraft is a kind of rarity, as it was developed back in 1947. This plane is considered to be a record holder in wings, which is 98 meters. This record has not yet been surpassing. This 136-ton giant was created for transportation of 750 soldiers who would be in complete equipment. It is worth noting that only one unit of such a cargo aircraft was made. Today, this flying giant is a museum aircraft.

2. Boeing 747-8i

This model is a cargo-passenger aircraft that began to produce relatively recently, namely in 2008. In its parameters, it is inferior ukrainian aircraft An-225 "Mriya", but it differs in the fact that it is the largest freight aircraft in the world that was able to go into mass production. So, today about 76 such models were released. The parameters of this lifting giant include:

  1. the length of this aircraft is almost 76 meters;
  2. its height is equal to almost 20 meters, which is higher than a five-story house;
  3. the wingspan of this aircraft leaves almost 69 meters.

The mass of empty such an aircraft has about 213 thousand kilograms, and the maximum mass at which a successful takeoff is 442 thousand kilograms.

In addition to cargo, this aircraft can be accommodated in a two-class configuration of 581 passengers, and with a three-class configuration, this number is 467.

The fastest aircraft in the world

They are fast, as if bullet, as they can develop just incredible speed. The most high-speed aircraft in the world are the following models:

  1. Boeing X-43
    This hypersonic aircraft is the most high-speed aircraft around the world. This drone shows simply stunning results. So, this aircraft can fly at a speed of 11230 km per hour. If you submit this indicator almost 10 times the speed of sound.
    This superman was designed by NASA specialists. On the development of this hypersonic aircraft It took almost 10 years. The scope of the wings of this "Shuschika" is only 3.6 meters. The fuel, which consists of this aircraft consists of hydrogen and oxygen. At the same time, oxygen plane consumes right from the atmosphere, which allowed to "save" on the weight of this super fast aircraft.
  2. Orbital Sciences Corporation X-34
    This aircraft is also super expensive, as it is able to develop a speed of 12144 kilometers per hour. However, in the ranking of the fastest aircraft in the world, he takes a second position, since during the experiments its speed did not exceed the previous Boeing X-43. It is worth noting that a quarter billion dollars and about 7 years have gone to the development of this aircraft and about 7 years. Also interesting fact It is what weighs this high-speed liner is 1270 kilograms, but this does not allow it to rise to height, which is more than 75 kilometers.
  3. North American X-15
    This aircraft is able to develop speed at 7274 km per hour. Interestingly, the record of height among supersonic aircraft lasted for this model since 1963 to 2004. This "shuschik" can rise to a height of 110 kilometers, and it weighs about 15 tons.
  4. SR-71 ("BlackBird")
    This supersonic aircraft is a scout in the subordination of the US Air Force. It can develop a speed of 3715 kilometers per hour. It weighs it impressively, namely 77 tons. However, the aircraft without fuel weighs only 27 tons.
  5. MiG-25 ("Bat")
    This supersonic aircraft is the fastest reactive military model. Almost 30 world records were installed on this plane. The speed with which this record holder can fly is 3395 kilometers per hour. The mass of this liner during takeoff reaches almost 41 tons, and when landing only 18.8 tons.

See also: