The largest combat aircraft in the world. The largest freight aircraft in the world

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Aviation, like many sectors of engineering thought, giantism is not alien.

Today we picked up a number of the largest and impressive aircraft ever rising into the air. Not only dry dimensions were considered, but also the importance for world aviation, as well as the originality of the design and destination.

Tupolev Ant-20 "Maxim Gorky"

Built in honor of the 40-year-old anniversary of the literary activity of Maxim Gorky, Ant-20 with 8-engine motors and wing wings in 61 meters was the largest airplane of his time. After a successful test flight on June 17, 1934, Maxim Gorky, two days later lazily cut air space Above Red Square, hitting the imagination of residents then another young Soviet state with their dimensions.

Inside the wings were placed places equipped for sleep, and in the central part it was possible to find a printing house, a laboratory and even the library. It was assumed that the aircraft would be used on a very wide range of directions: from broadcast (and not only) agitation to entertainment passenger flights.

but further story Ant-20 tragic: On May 18, 1935, an accident occurred, as a result of which the only copy of the aircraft crashed, and the entire crew with 35 passengers died on board. Neither ANT-20, nor its modification and did not go into mass production.

Characteristics and sizes:

Length: 33 m
Wing scope: 63 m
Crew: 20 people.
Number of passengers: 60-70 people.
Max. Flight speed: 275 km / h
Flight range: 1000 km
Max. Run weight: 53 t

Hughes H-4

Hercules "Hercules" still retains the loud statuses of the largest seaplane in the history and owner of the largest wing scope (98 meters), although it was still under the guidance of the American magnate Howard Hughes during the Second World War.

It spoils the picture of several circumstances: 750 soldiers intended for a transfer in complete equipment across the Atlantic, "Hercules" so never crossed the ocean and remained in a single copy, and wooden.

Such exotic for aviation material was chosen due to the limitations imposed by the military position, in which the state economy was - relative to metals, especially aluminum, there was a deficit. In 1947, the wooden "Hercules" still took off, but the project refused the further development of the project.

Characteristics and sizes:

Length: 66.45 m
Wing scope: 97.54 m
Crew: 3 people
Number of passengers: 750 people. (assumed for a metal version)
Max. Flight speed: 565 km / h
Flight range: 5634 km
Max. Run weight: 180 t

An-22 "Antey"

The first Soviet wide-body aircraft, but is still the largest in the world in the category of aircraft with turboprop engines. First flight - 1965, used and now in Russia and in Ukraine.

Characteristics and sizes:

Length: 57.31 m
Wing scope: 64.40 m
Crew: 5-7 people.
Number of passengers: 28 people accompanying goods / 290 soldiers / 202 wounded / 150 paratrooper paratroopers
Max. Flight speed: 650 km / h
Flight range: 8500 km (without load)
Max. Run weight: 225 t

Boeing B-52 Stratofortress

The legendary "Stratospheric Fortress" first rose into the sky in 1952 and still serves the needs of the US Air Force. One of the largest strategic rocket bombers, the B-52 was intended to deliver thermonuclear bombs to any point of the USSR, but over time several modifications have undergone and became multifunctional.

After the start of operation, almost all US military campaigns was used, was often involved in conducting nuclear tests. In addition to bombs, has a missile weapon with laser guidance. The most common modification is B-52H.

Characteristics and dimensions (model B-52h):

Length: 48.5 m
Wing scope: 56.4 m
Crew: 5 people.
Number of passengers: only crew
Max. Flight speed: 1047 km / h
Flight range: 16232 km (without load)
Max. Run weight: 220 t


Pride american Air Force, Designed by the aerospace company Lockheed. Having completed the first flight in 1968, the strategic military transport aircraft C-5 in various modifications lived to this day and in this time continues to be operated by the American armed forces.

Used in many military conflicts: in Vietnam, in Yugoslavia, in both wars in Iraq, as well as in Afghanistan. Until 1982 was the largest cargo plane in mass production. Purpose - transportation of military equipment and personnel at any point of the globe.

On the this moment In service with the US Air Force, there are already 19 aircraft with the latest high-tech Modifications of C-5M Super Galaxy (start of operation - February 2014). Until 2018, it is planned to bring their number to 52.

Characteristics and sizes (model C-5M Super Galaxy):

Length: 75.53 m
Wing scope: 67.91 m
Crew: 7 people.
Number of passengers: no data
Max. Flight speed: 922 km / h
Flight range: 11711 km
Max. Run weight: 381 t

An-124 "Ruslan"

The largest operated military aircraft in the world at the moment. Designed for transportation of both military equipment and personnel. Developed in OKB Antonov, the first flight was performed in 1982. It is now used both in Russia and in Ukraine, and for civilian purposes - for example, for the transport of non-standard and large-sized goods. So, in 2011, Ruslan crossed from Canada to Ireland a whole locomotive weighing 109 tons.

Characteristics and sizes:

Length: 69.1 m
Wing scope: 73.3 m
Crew: 8 people
Number of passengers: 28 people.
Max. Flight speed: 865 km / h
Flight range: 16500 km (without load)
Max. Run weight: 392 t

Airbus A-380-800

The largest serial passenger aircraft (airliner) in the world. Wing span - almost 80 meters, capacity up to 853 passengers. Developed by the European Concern Airbus S.A.S., the first flight was performed in 2007, actively used by airlines. In the design, composite materials are widely involved to reduce the mass of the aircraft. Its advent of the market was a worthy competition to obsolete Boeing 747.

Characteristics and sizes:

Length: 73.1 m
Wing scope: 79.75 m
Crew: 2 people.
Number of passengers: 853 people. (in one-class configuration)
Max. Flight speed: 1020 km / h
Flight range: 15200 km
Max. Run weight: 575 t

Boeing 747.

This plane has seen each of us in life. Since its first flight in 1969, the 747th remained the largest passenger airliner for a total of 37 years - until the coming Airbus A380. Used airlines around the world. The legendaryness of this aircraft is proved, however, not only the long and successful "life" of his modifications. In 1991, Boeing 747 put the world record for the carriage of passengers: during the battle operation "Solomon" on the export of Ethiopian Jews to Israel on board 747th managed to fit and reach the destination at once 1112 passengers. Among other things, this aircraft was also used to transport Space-Shuttle Space Ships from the place of production to the cosmodrome. Modification 747-8I is the longest passenger aircraft in the world.

Characteristics and dimensions (model 747-8i):

Length: 76.4 m
Wing scope: 68.5 m
Crew: 2 people.
Max. Flight speed: 1102 km / h
Flight range: 14100 km
Max. Run weight: 448 t

Airbus A300-600ST.

Beluga "Beluga" - the modification of the Airbus family, is distinguished by a unique form of the housing. This aircraft is not so large against the rest of the rest, but its appointment is the transport of the largest cargo. In particular, the details of other Airbus aircraft. The first flight was carried out in 1994.

Characteristics and sizes:

Length: 56.15 m
Wing scope: 44.84 m
Crew: 2 people.
Number of passengers: 605 people. (in one-class configuration)
Max. Flight speed: 1000 km / h
Flight range: 4632 km (with a load of 26 tons)
Max. Run weight: 155 t

An-225 "Mriya" (Dream)

This giant needs a presentation even less than Boeing 747. The legendary An-225 is objectively recognized as the largest (wing span - almost 88.5 meters, the total length is 84 meters, or 25 floors of the residential building) and heavy (able to rise to the air with A total weight of up to 640 tons) by the aircraft from ever created by a person.

An-225 performed his first flight in 1988. Initially, it was supposed to be used to transport Space ships "Buran", but after the collapse of the USSR, the need for it disappeared. In the early 2000s, Meria restored, aligning the possibility of several Ukrainian enterprises, and the one-of-a-kind worker An-225 is now exploited by Ukraine for commercial purposes.

Characteristics and sizes:

Length: 84 m
Wing scope: 88.4 m
Crew: 6 people
Number of passengers: 88 people accompanying cargo
Max. Flight speed: 850 km / h
Flight range: 15400 km
Max. Run weight: 640 t

Aviation has long entered our lives, air travel, like aircraft, has already become something ordinary and familiar. However, there are aircraft, the type of which will impress anyone who will see them. These are the largest aircraft. Their visible power, scope of wings, dimensions affect the imagination.

The brightest representatives

The biggest plane in the world, of course, is not a combat vehicle, a fighter or attack aircraft, but a transport. His task is to deliver overall and heavy load through the air, or a fairly large number of passengers. Among dozens of giants there is like a military aircraftAnd huge passenger liners. In the top there are cars remaining only in history, but most of the places have been taken by modern aircraft, successfully furious air expanses.

This is the biggest aircraft built before the Second World War. It was made by Soviet aircraft industry. The scope of his wings was 63 m, and the length of the vessel was 33 m. The release of ANT-20 was timed to the 40-year anniversary of the literary career famous writer. His crew was 20 people, and the largest number of passengers - 70 people. For the first time, this passenger aircraft saw 06/17/1934 during the test flight.

The internal arrangement of the vessel included not only ordinary passenger places, but also such delights, as a library, laboratory, typography, sleeping places inside the wings of the giant. The aircraft was driven by 8 engines capable of overclocking it to 275 km / h and to ensure flight to 1 thousand km. The maximum take-off mass of it was 53t.

The main directions of its use were:

The fate of ANT-20 tragic released in a single copy - in 1935 he crashed, all passengers and crew were killed.

By wing sparing (98 m), this made in the most part of the tree seaplane still remains a record holder. This 136 ton makhina was adapted to transfer to the long distances of the whole army - 750 soldiers in full equipment. For its creation in the 40s, he owes an eccentric magnate Howard Hughes. The use of wood was caused by aluminum deficiency. The first flight of the seaplane produced in 1947. Currently, his only copy has become a museum, which is visited by hundreds of thousands of people every year.

For the American Army, this military aircraft has long been a living legend. For the first time, the "Stratospheric Fortress" of the US Air Force climbed into the air in 1952, the plane is planned to be removed only in 2040. Initially b-52 was designed as a strategic nuclear bomber. Subsequently it was modified, and it turned into a multifunctional aircraft. Its largest runway is 220 tons, and the wingspan - 56.4 m.

This one of the air combat vehicles made in Russia, which came to the list of the most vivid representatives of military aviation. Currently, the Tu-160 or "White Swan" is considered the most powerful and large supersonic aircraft. In addition, this is the largest bomber. This is the largest aircraft with a variable wing geometry. This military giant possesses a record take-off weight for this class of machines - 275 tons, and the swings of its wings - 55 m.

Just in the ranks of Russian air forces Located 16 Tu-160. The main weapons of the "White Swan" - the winged rockets of a large range with nuclear waters. There is also the possibility of equipping the car with free-sided bombs. Impressive and maximum flight range without refueling - almost 14 thousand km.

This is the largest passenger aircraft (serial), the capacity of this colossus is 853 passengers for machines with one service class and 525 passengers for cars with three custom grades. Its largest take-off weight is 575 tons. The first flight of this huge liner with a length of 73 m with a scope of the wings about 80 m produced in 2007.

To reduce the weight of the aircraft during its manufacture, parts made of composite materials are widely used. It is considered the most economical large linerSince consumes 3 liters per 100 km per passenger. Airbus A-380-800 is able to fly without landing long to 15 thousand km.

Before the appearance of Airbus A-380, it was the largest two-channel wide-body passenger liner. The aircraft of its last, the longest modification of 747-8 (76.3 m) is capable of accommodating up to 581 passengers, this is the longest passenger liner of the world. 747 Boeing are flying for 45 years.

The maximum take-off weight of the Boeing 747-8 is 442 tons. For its sizes and shape, the aircraft received an informal name Jumbo Jet. The range of aircraft flight with a maximum load of about 14 thousand km. The scope of the wings of the giant is 68 m.

The Turbuhovintoy wide-body cargo aircraft An-22 "Antey" has yet remained the largest in its class despite the fact that he carried out the first flight in 1965. His wings of 64 m, the greatest take-off weight - 225 tons. The aircraft is designed to transport goods (including the landing military technique) With the accompanying specialists, wounded, paratroopers-paratroopers, soldiers.

Until the giants of the KB Antonova appeared, the Lockheed C-5 Galaxy was the largest freight aircraft. Military transport aircraft produced its first flight in 1968. Currently, the Americans are in service with Americans. t.

The answer to the question of which plane was able to take the palm of the championship from Lockheed C-5 Galaxy lies on the surface. Of course, this car designed by a competitor on the world arena at that time. In 1982, the record of Americans was breaking the brainchild of the Soviet MIC, An-124 Ruslan. Its maximum take-off weight - 392T, and the scope of the wings -73 m. Currently, this is the largest military aircraft.

10. An-225 "Mriya" (Dream)

Today is the largest transport aircraft and the largest plane in the world. The scope of the wings of a giant "dreams" - 88.4 m, and the length of 84 m. It was built for the transport of Space Claudes "Buran" on the existence of the USSR. The maximum take-off mass of this Mahina is 640 tons, which is significantly higher than that of all previous models Top-10. True, only one operational copy of the An-225 is currently being operated, and it is not directly intended, and for commercial purposes.

Video about An-225:

As can be seen from the list of the largest aircraft, most of them appeared as a result of competitive struggle or opposition to states. Probably in the future we are waiting for new flying monsters.

These giants are furious with celestial expanses with ease and grace, and looking at them from the ground, no one thinks that these steel birds are such a huge design that the height of the tail of one of these liners - A-380 - is five giraffes set by Each other. The A-380 airbus is the largest passenger aircraft in the world, but it will be in the article not only about him.

"Boeing 747"

Among the passenger aircraft, the maximum size has airbus A380 and Boeing 747. These are liners who can simultaneously carry more than five hundred passengers. In particular, the board A380 is able to raise 853 passenger into the air. Before this giant appears, the Boeing 747 aircraft 70.6 meters long and Boeing 747-8 with a length of 76.25 meters (the longest passenger aircraft) were the most spacious airliners in the world (the maximum number of simultaneously transported passengers reached 600 people). Boeing 747-8 is more economical in terms of fuel consumption than Boeing 747, the first flight on which was held on February 9, 1969. The designers initially planned the two-candy design of the aircraft, but the upper deck was shortened due to technical problems. Boeing 747 became the first liner in the world whose salon contained two passages between the seats. This aircraft is certified for flights on three engines, and if one of the four fails, the ship takes off fully, flies and sits on three remaining engines. At the same time, the cruising speed of the passenger aircraft "Boeing 747" is 913 km / h.

Giant A-380

Giant two-candy "French" - A380 liner, the first copy of which came down from a conveyor in 2005, - the largest passenger aircraft in the entire history of world aviation. And indeed, its creators have something to be proud - the A380 airbus salon accommodates 853 passengers. To date, more than 110 cars have already been built and commissioned. The monthly production of these liners is 2.5 cars. Today, these giants use 20 airlines, the Emirates airline has the largest fleet.

The cruising speed of the passenger aircraft A380 reaches 1020 km / h. Each liner consists of about four million individual parts and components that are manufactured in the thirty countries of the world of one and a half thousand producers and are delivered using a unique logistics system developed by Airbus, which includes the water path, as well as air and vehicles. Each chassis rack withstands the load of about 260 tons (200 passenger cars). For comparison with the predecessor, the area of \u200b\u200bthe A380 aircraft wing is equal to one and a half squares of the Wing Boeing 747-400 and is 845 square meters.

The largest passenger aircraft in the world can be equipped with two types of low noise engines: either Rolls-Royce Trent 900 or Engine Alliance GP7000. At the same time, the A380 is the most economical liner in its segment - the fuel consumption for the passenger transportation by 100 km when laying the cabin in 525 chairs does not exceed three liters.

The size of passenger aircraft is impressive, the Salon Square A380 is 554 square meters. The liner has two decks - the main one is the width of which is a record high - 6.5 meters, and the top with a width of 5.8 meters.

The air volume of 1500 cubic meters is replaced by the air conditioning system every three minutes, during the flight process in the cabin liner, there is a pleasant silence, the hum of turbine is practically not heard.

They are proud of Russia

And what does the domestic aviaprom offer us? The largest turboprop plane in the world - Antonov An-22. Its length is about 60 meters, flight speed is 580 km / h. The first liner was released in 1965.


The legendary Tu-134 is a passenger airliner for medium distances, up to 2800 meters. It is calculated as much as possible by 96 seats, its cruising speed - 850 km / h at an altitude of 11000 m. Tu-154 - a larger aircraft, in the cockpit of three classes there is 158 people, in economy class - 180. The maximum flight speed of this liner is 950 km / h, and the modification of Tu-154m is able to overcome the distance to 5200 km.

Tu-204 accommodates 214 passengers, and cruising speed is slightly smaller than the previous "fellow" - 850 km / h.


Sukhoi "Superjet" -100 is not the largest passenger aircraft in the world, but it is glorified by the fact that this is the first Russian liner designed using digital technologies. It is intended for flights at a distance of 3000 kilometers on low-loaded airlines. The maximum number of passengers is 98 people.


Speaking about domestic aircraft, it is impossible not to mention Ilyushinz. Russian passenger planesPresented by this KB, have several main species, well known to us. Let's tell about each of them in more detail.

Let's start with the simplest - "IL-62", the liner, which is produced since 1971 and is intended for flights to average distances - up to 10,000 kilometers. This aircraft accommodates 198 passengers and five crew members. His limit speed at cruising height is 850 km / h.

As for the IL-86 aircraft, it is also intended for flights to average distances, a cabin containing two classes can accommodate 234 passengers if a three-class plane is 314 people. At the same time, customers serve 11 flight attendants. Airplanes are equipped with twelve emergency traps and all necessary modern rescue systems. The cruising speed of IL-86 - 950 km / h, the distances to which it makes flights do not exceed 5,000 kilometers at the maximum flight duration at eight hours.


Now about the largest representative of the Ilyushin family - IL-96 airbus. It is intended for flights over long distances. Three hundred people in economy-class and 262 passengers in the cabin of three classes are the number almost no different from the previous described model of this family. The liner flies with the maximum cruising speed of 900 km / h and is able to overcome the distance to 12100 km. Its improved "model" - IL-96M - accommodates a larger number of passengers - up to 435 people in the charter version.

Nearest Perspective, or Domestic Development

To date, the largest Russian airproject is "Irkut MS-21". Within its framework it is planned to release near-medium-haul passenger liners. Now Irkut is being developed and construction, the first copies of aircraft according to the plan will be certified in 2016, then flight tests will begin. The start of mass production MS-21 is expected from 2017-2018. On the Russian market of passenger aircraft, these liners must change Tu-154 and Tu-204 and will be operated on domestic and international airlines.

The project is being developed not the largest passenger aircraft in the world, but the created family of airliners will have in its composition various cars of three species along the length and capacity of passengers - 150, 180 and 210 seats. The model range will contain aircraft with an enlarged range of flight. The height of the cruising flight of the vessel will be 11,600 kilometers, the speed that the liner will develop will be 870 km / h, the maximum length of the fluorescence is 39.5 meters. The crew will consist of two people.

As for the work of the work, the base of the project is Yak-242. Development of a new wing belongs to the company " Civil aircraft Dry, fuselage works are conducted directly by the Irkut Corporation and the OKB named after Yakovlev.

It is assumed that new liners will be more economical through the use of modern composite materials, as well as engines of a new generation. The aircraft will be equipped with reduced Turbofan engines "Pratt and Whitney", in the future it is possible to install domestic Perm motors PD-14.

The biggest plane in the world is An-225. They built a plane in Ukraine and use it for cargo transportation of a huge mass. Also, An-225 is called military transport aircraft. The height of this aircraft is 24.1 meters, the length is also awesome - 73 meters. The wingspan are 88.4 meters. The weight of the aircraft is 250 thousand kg., And it can take off with a total weight of 600,000 kg. They built it back in 1988. The aircraft is equipped with six engines. All over the world there is only one An-225, which is owned by Antonov's Airlines. The construction is underway and the second An-225, but it is not completely complete.

Hughes H-4 Hercules or as it is also called - NK-1 Spruce Goose, is the second largest aircraft. This wooden plane was built back in 1947, the project was developed by Hughes Aircraft, from America. In his idea, the plane was intended for transportation of 750 soldiers, plus their equipment. To this day, the span of the wings of the aircraft is the largest in the world - 98 meters. The length of the aircraft is 66.45 meters, height is 24 meters, the maximum take-off mass is 180,000 kg. The maximum speed of the aircraft is 351 miles per hour, and the distance that the aircraft could overcome is 5634 kilometers. It was allocated about 13 million dollars. Nowadays, the aircraft is located in the Exponated Museum, in Oregon, which is located in the North-West USA.

Airbus A380 is a passenger aircraft capable of transporting up to 525 people. Created his company "Airbus S.A.S", the height of this aircraft is equal to 24 meters, the length is 73 meters, the scope of the wings - 79.75 meters. The maximum range of flight without refueling is 15,400 km. The maximum take-off mass is 560,000 kg, and the mass of the aircraft itself is 280,000 kg. This aircraft today is the largest passenger airliner in the world. It is also the most economical fuel combustion, 1 passenger - 3 liters of fuel at 100 kilometers. About 12 billion euros went to the entire development of the program for the construction of A380.

An-124 or Ruslan, is one of the largest lifting aircraft of the world. Its main and initial purpose of creating was: transportation of launchers of intercontinental ballistic missiles, transportation of paratroopers, heavy military equipment. An-124 in 1987 was used for military operations in Afghanistan, 56 aircraft were involved. The film was also filmed about this plane called "Ruslan, who united the world." An-124 This time consists in service with the Air Force in Russia, is also used for NATO military transport in Central Asia, Afghanistan, the Persian Gulf. The aircraft length is 69.1 meters, the wingspan - 73.3 meters, height - 21.1 meters, weight - 173,000 kg.

We continue to consider the largest aircraft in the world. The fifth list is a plane called - Lockheed C-5 Galaxy. It is one of the American large-capacity military aircraft. Until 1982 - the largest serial cargo plane in the world. Created to carry on its board up to 270 soldiers, 118 300 kg of additional weight. Maximum take-off weight - 348 300 kg, the maximum speed is 920 km / h, the range of flight is 5,600 km, the maximum dialed height is 10 100 meters.

Boeing 777-300ER is a major passenger aircraft that can fly without refueling a record distance in 21,601 km. Used for airlines of high length. Developed it in 1990, the trial departure was 1994, began to exploit in 1995. May accommodate from 305 to 550 passengers. It is also the world's largest twin-engine jet passenger aircraft. The engines that are installed on it are also record holders, they are the largest and most powerful in the history of aviation.

Airbus A340 - four-dimensively passenger aircraft developed by Airbus S.A.S. Today, about 389 such aircraft were ordered. The development program began in 1987. A340 - a new four-dimensional aircraft, which is intended for intercontinental flights. Previously, all aircraft below class A340 had two engines, and were forced at a minimum distance from the emergency airfield in cases of breakage. They had to spend more fuel, and it was uncomfortable. In 1991, a significant error was noticed, the Wing A330 and A340 did not differ anything, and there was a problem in this, since only two engines were used on the A330, while on the A340 - four. The length of the aircraft is 75.3 meters, the height is 17.3 meters, the scope of wings - 63.5 meters, the maximum flight with passengers without refueling is equal to 14,600 km.

Boeing 747 At the time of its creation was the largest, heavy and spacious passenger aircraft in the world, he held a record for 37 years until A380 appeared. The plane has two decks where passengers are cleared - upper and lower. Top is much smaller lower. The record installed by one of the boobies is a flight from London to Sydney, which is 18,000 kilometers and took 20 hours and 9 minutes from the moment of take-off and landing. Also Boeing 747 is one of the most common aircraft in the world. From the moment of creating an aircraft and by September 2010, 1527 pieces were ordered. Its length is 70.6 meters, wingspan - 64.4 meters, maximum take-off weight - 412 770 kg, height - 19.4 meters.

It is the ninth largest from all aircraft of the world. Boeing 777-200ER - there is nothing else as a modification of Boeing 777. Compared to Boeing 777 in Boeing 777th grade 200R increased the take-off weight and fuel supply. It is intended for international transport, is a record holder of emergency flight on one engine - 177 minutes, with 255 passengers on board. The first purchase was made by the company British Airways 1997. According to data in September 2010, 415 such aircraft were sold.

Closes a list of the biggest aircraft in the world - Airbus A330-300. It was designed to replace the A300 aircraft. This aircraft can carry up to 295 passengers. Maximum flight distance is 10,800 km. Also, the plane can be used as a cargo carrier, its volume is equal to the volume of Boeing 747. The aircraft has two engines, so it is forced to fly close to emergency airfields, while spending a lot of fuel.

Top 10 very large video aircraft

The history of aviation in its modern understanding has more than 100 years, if not to take into account the attempts of a person take off into the air since ancient times. During this time, the aircraft construction has passed from the first prototypes of the Right brothers and other enthusiasts-inventors to heavy duty multi-duty giants that can carry tons of cargo and hundreds of passengers. This article is about the 10 largest aircraft in the world.

The largest passenger aircraft in the world

The palm of the championship among the largest civil aircraft for the transport of passengers holds Airbus A380. This is the brainchild of the European company Airbus. He first flew into the air with passengers in 2005 after the 10-year developments and experiments of the designers.

Fact. The cost of creating a giant amounted to almost 12 billion euros.

This expensive, but but the largest passenger aircraft has the following dimensions:

  • height - 24.08 m;
  • length - 72.75 m;
  • wingspan - 79.75 m;
  • weight - 280 tons.

Additional Information. Despite its impressive dimensions, the A380 airbus is very economical and even environmentally friendly - for the carriage of one passenger, only three liters of fuel is spent at a distance of 100 kilometers. It can overcome the distance over 15400 meters without refueling. And the smaller the fuel is spent, the less emissions into the atmosphere. It was possible to achieve this result due to the perfect design of the wing and fuselage, as well as the special material from which they are made. These engineering solutions significantly reduced the total weight of the vessel and improved its aerodynamics.

Today, the two-storey Airbus A380 contains 525 passengers when dividing into three classes and up to 853 people with a single-class interior configuration. However, there are already developing and testing improved versions of the aircraft, the capacity of which should exceed 1000 people.

Airbus A380 shifted from the Boeing 747 pedestal, which held the position of the very big Airplane Since the 1970s. The A380 developers have found a way to reduce the cost of producing the vessel by 15% compared with Boeing and increase the capacity by 7%.

The second largest plane in the world

The already mentioned Boeing 747 (Jumbo Jet) occupies an honorable second place in size among passenger liners. At the time of creation in 1969 it was the largest, heavy and roomy airraft and a length of 70.6 m.

It was 36 years old in various modifications, however, keeping in them the main characteristics: a wide fuselage and two floors for passengers. This design gives Jambo Jetu recognizable silhouette similar to hump, since the upper deck is much shorter than the bottom.

Interesting. In the late 1960s it was believed that the future passenger aviation It belongs to supersonic light aircraft, which will be out of ridiculous heavyweights. Therefore, "747" was developed with the possibility of re-equipment in the cargo. Experts evaluated the capacity of the spacious aircraft no more than 400 pieces, but these forecasts did not come true, and in 1993 the company sold his thousandth Boeing-747. Only in our century, with the advent of Airbus A380, the demand began to fall.

In the 1970s. The world has happened to the fuel crisis, the prices for airfelt fuel rapidly soared, as well as ticket prices. Companies with Boeing 747 collided with its unprofitability, the plane often flew unfilled. However, on highly loaded routes and on intercontinental flights, Jumbo Jet was and remains in demand by the model.

The longest passenger plane in the world

This record holder is already from newest Story Aviation - Boeing 747-8, began to produce in 2008. is a modification of the legendary Boeing 747, with substantial modifications. The designers extended the fuselage as much as possible, re-released the wing and worked on the efficiency in operation.

The Length of Boeing 747-8 is 76.25 m, which makes it the longest passenger liner in the world. However, this is also the most severe US aircraft, its runway is 447 tons, which is still considered a record for the entire history of the aircraft engineering in America.


  • length - 76.25 m;
  • height - 19.35 m;
  • wing span - 68.45 m.

In addition to cargo, this aircraft accommodates up to 581 passengers.

The most "hardy" plane

For the successful operation of aircraft, in addition to capacity and load capacity, it is important how they can overcome without refueling. Today, the record holder on distant flights is Boeing 777, which is capable of flying half of the circumference of the Earth - 20,000 km. However, this is the limit value of the flight length, in ordinary practice overcome the distance is 9000-17000 km.

Interesting. Boeing 777E is the first modern airliner, when creating which computer simulation was used instead of paper drawings. In the early 1990s Such technologies have become a breakthrough in aircraft enterprise, since 3D modeling makes it possible to eliminate errors in the docking of parts at the design stage.

Boeing 777 has different modifications depending on the length of the fuselage and range. 777-300ER is one of the most "hardy" and in demand by modification. Represents liner With two turbofan engines. Maximum capacity - 550 people.

Like a far-haul aircraft, Boeing 777 may be in the air to 18 hours without a break. However, there is a restriction on the duration of the work shift at the crew, therefore special places for sleep and recreation of pilots and flight attendants are highlighted in the cabin.

Leader on the length of the wing

In the top 10 largest aircraft in the world, Hughes H-4 Hercules entered due to its size of the wings. Despite the fact that this is the oldest of the aircraft described here, his record has not yet been able to beat: a scope reaches 98 meters.

The plane is the first and last time soared into the air in 1947, he has sad story creating. At the beginning of World War II, the US government ordered the development of a military aircraft by Hughes Aircraft under the management of Howard Hughes. However, the search for impeccable solution was dragged. Hughes could not be satisfied with the result. In addition, there was a shortage of aluminum. As a result, the war is over, and there was no plane. Only two years after the end of the host of Hughes H-4, Hercules made the first flight. What is surprising, this unit was completely made from plywood and, in fact, was a flying boat.


  • length - 66.45 m;
  • height - 24.08 m;
  • wing span - 97.54 m;
  • maximum takele weight - 180 tons.

Interesting. This "boat" could transport 750 soldiers in full uniforms to the place of hostilities. However, in reality, its flight was limited to two kilometers above Los Angeles. After that, the plane remained in the personal ownership of G. Hughes, who, until death, spent great money for maintaining it in working condition. After the constructor's death, the giant was sent to the Museum in California to attract tourists. According to the life of the engineer of Howard Hughes, the film "Aviator" with Leonardo di Caprio starred.

Not so long ago (May 31, 2017) Record Hughes H-4 Hercules on wings splasha managed to surpass: the world was presented with a stratolaunch airplane with a wings of 117 meters. However, he has not yet committed a single flight, so the brainchild of Hughes while the leader among the exploited models.

The largest cargo plane in the world

Such a title belongs to the An-225 designed in the USSR at the Kiev Mechanical Development Plant, in the OKB. O. K. Antonova. Ukrainian name of the majority - "Mriya" (in the translation "Dream"). The first flight was committed in 1988.

The Soviet Space Program "Buran" served as a stimulus for the creation of "Mriya" on the development of a reusable transport spacecraft. For the implementation of ambitious plans, an airplane with ultra-large lifting capacity was required to participate in cargo transportation of the components of the ship. The projected aircraft was to raise at least 250 tons and have fasteners for the transport of external goods.

Designers took the basis of the An-124-100 (Ruslan) and changed some nodes and details to get the necessary specifications. So the biggest transport aircraft An-225 appeared. Despite the fact that "Mriya" was created for very specific tasks, he became a universal ship in cargo aviation.

The cargo cabin of hermetic and has such dimensions:

  • length - 43 m;
  • height - 18, 2 m;
  • width - 6.4 m;
  • wingspan - 88.4 m;
  • weight - 250 tons.

The plane provides a place for 6 people crew and 88 people accompanying the cargo. The likelihood that the aircraft in flight fails is extremely small - all important systems are duplicated 4 times.

So far, "Mriya" is created in a single copy - the folding of the program "Buran" suspended the release of heavyweight aircraft. It is known that the design bureau is. Antonova continues to develop a second modification of the giant.

The largest military aircraft

An-124 "Ruslan", the prototype of the An-225, - one time was considered the largest aircraft in the world. Now this is the largest military aircraft with a huge lifting capacity. It has four turbojet motors, a wide fuselage and two decks. Lower - for cargo, upper - for the crew (8 people) and accompanying (up to 21 people). The volume of the cargo cabin is 1000 cubic meters. An-124 lifts 120 tons into the air.


  • length - 69.1 m;
  • height - 21.08 m;
  • wing span - 73.3 m;
  • weight - 178.4 tons;
  • harf weight - 392 tons.

Ruslan is also developed in the OKB. O. K. Antonova, like "Mriya". The purpose of its creation is the transportation of transcontinental ballistic missiles. However, the result of the work of the Soviet designers surpassed expectations - An-124 turned out to be a universal military aircraft that can carry large combat techniques. Ruslan produced serially, all released 56 copies. In the early 2000s. There were attempts to resume its production by the forces of Ukraine and Russia, however, due to the exacerbation political relations The two countries project was minimized.

The largest turboprop aircraft in the world

An-22 was developed in the Soviet Union in the 1960s, at the height of the "Cold War". He had the code name "Product 100". As a result, in five years, the world saw this gigantic "product" called An-22 "Antei". This is the first Soviet and Russian aircraft with a wide fuselage. Until now, it is considered the largest aircraft with a turboprop engine. The diameter of the screws is 62 cm., And the power of each of the four engines is 11227 kW.


  • length - 57.31 m;
  • height - 12.53 m;
  • wing span - 64.40 m;
  • weight - 119 kg;
  • load capacity - 60 tons.

"Antey" is able to carry heavy and large combat techniques over long distances, is used to land the air landing.

The worst combat aircraft in history

Tu-160 - a representative of a completely different generation of military aircraft. He flies s supersonic speed And is a strategic bomber. While this is the largest and most powerful aircraft in Russia and the world in the history of military aviation.

The concept of Tu-160 was born in 1970-1980. As an answer to Russian strategists for US military developments and NATO. The future plane was supposed to fly to the neighboring continent and overcome the air defense air defense at supersonic speed.


  • length - 54.1 m;
  • the wing of the variable sweatshirt, so the scope is different: 55.7 / 50.7 / 35.6 m;
  • height - 13.1 m;
  • weight - 110 tons.
  • maximum take-off mass - 275 tons.

Most tu-160 missile mines are named after outstanding domestic aviation figures. For 2017, in service with our country of Russia consists of 16 aircraft. The plans to fully modernize them.

The largest serial-produced cargo plane

Completes the selection of "The largest aircraft" American cargo plane Lockheed C-5 Galaxy. Today it is the largest model among mass trucks produced. Since 1968, the aircraft has been successfully operated by the US Army, and regular upgrades allow it to be considered modern and promising.


  • the length of the aircraft is 75.54 m;
  • the height of the aircraft - 19.85 m;
  • wing span - 67.88 m;
  • weight - 169.6 tons.
  • maximum take-off weight - 379, 6 tons.

The aircraft without refueling can fly over 4 thousand kilometers at an altitude of 10 km. Maximum developed speed - 920 km.

The largest aircraft are milestones in the history of aviation. They demonstrate how the engineering thought developed, which path seen constructors in front of them. As the story shows, the most outstanding achievements in aircraft are associated with military actions.

See also: