Supersonic aviation. Supersonic passenger supersonic aviation

The two-door fighter of the production of KB of dry was adopted by the USSR Air Force in 1985, although he made the first flight in May 1977.

This aircraft can reach the maximum supersonic 2.35 Mach velocity (2500 km / h), which is two more times faster than sound speed.

Su-27 earned a reputation as one of the most combat-ready units of its time, and some models are still used in the Army of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

Tactical impact aircraft designed in the 1960s General Dynamics. Calculated for two crew members, the first aircraft entered the US Air Force in 1967, and was used for strategic bombardments, exploration and radio electronic combat. F-111 was able to develop a speed of 2.5 maha (2655 km / h), or 2.5 times the speed of sound.

Two-door tactical fighter was developed by McDonnell Douglas in 1967. The all-weather aircraft is designed to capture and maintain superiority in the air over enemy forces during air combat. F-15 Eagle made the first flight in July 1972 and officially entered the US Air Force in 1976.

F-15 is able to fly at speeds exceeding 2.5 maha (2655 km / h), and is considered one of the most successful aircraft from ever created. F-15 Eagle is expected to be in the US Air Force service until 2025. Now the fighter is exported to a row foreign countries, Including Japan, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Large, two-dimensional supersonic aircraft production of Mikoyan KB is designed to intercept foreign aircraft at high speeds. The plane made the first flight in September 1975, and was adopted by the Air Force in 1982.

MiG-31 reaches 2.83 MAK (3000 km / h) and was able to fly on supersonic speeds even at low altitudes. MiG-31 is still in service in the Air Force of Russia and Kazakhstan.


The aircraft with six XB-70 Valkyrie engines was developed by North American Aviation in the late 1950s. The aircraft was built as a prototype for a strategic bomber with nuclear bombs.

XB-70 Valkyrie has reached its estimated speed on October 14, 1965, when it reached 3.02 MAKA (3219 km / h), at an altitude of 21300 m above the EDVARDS Air Force Base in California.

Two XB-70s were built and used in test flights from 1964 to 1969. One of the prototypes failed in 1966 after a collision in the air, and the other XB-70 was issued to review National Museum US Air Force in Dayton, Ohio.

Bell X-2 Starbuster


A plane with a rocket engine is a joint development of Bell Aircraft Corporation, US Air Force and the National Aeronautics Consultative Committee (NASA Predecessor) in 1945. The aircraft was built to study aerodynamic properties with supersonic flight in the range of 2 and 3 Mach.

X-2 on the nicknamed Starbuster made the first flight in November 1955. Next year, in September 1956, Captain Milburn was able to develop a speed of 3.2 MAH (3370 km / h) at an altitude of 19800 m.

Soon after reaching this maximum speed, the aircraft became unlikely and fell. This tragic incident put the cross on the X-2 program.

The plane of Mikoyan-Gurevich was designed to intercepting enemy aircraft on supersonic speeds and collecting reconnaissance data. MiG-25 is one of the fastest military aircraft put into operation. MiG-25 made the first flight in 1964 and was first used by Soviet Air Force in 1970.

MiG-25 has an incredible maximum speed - 3.2 Mach (3524 km / h). The plane is still in the service of the Air Force of Russia, and is also used in a number of other countries, including the Air Force of Algeria and the Syrian Air Force.

The prototype of the aircraft developed by the Lockheed corporation in the late 50s - early 60s. The plane was built to intercept enemy aircraft at 3 Mach.

Testing YF-12 took place on the Area 51, the total secretary of the US Air Force, which the UFologies attributed communication with aliens. YF-12 made the first flight in 1963 and developed the maximum speed of 3.2 MAH (3330 km / h) at an altitude of 24,400 m. The US Air Force eventually canceled the program, but YF-12 has made a number of research flights for the Air Force and NASA. Finally, the aircraft stopped flying in 1978.

Throughout the history of man pulls to overcome all possible barriers. One of them for a long time was the speed of sound. On the this moment There is a lot of supersonic aircraft, one of which is actively used by various states, while others for one or another no longer rise into the sky.

In the course of developments, which was conducted for decades, not only were designed supersonic fighters Military, but also civil liners, some time transported passengers.

The development of aircraft capable of exceeding it began in the middle of the last century. This happened during the Second World War, when German scientists worked hard, trying to develop a supersonic aircraft capable of turning the course of war.

However, the war ended, and many German scientists who worked on these developments were captured by the Americans. In many ways, thanks to it, a plane with rocket engines was developed in the United States - Bell X-1, where in 1947 Chuck Yegen's first in the world exceeded the speed of sound.

A year later, the Soviet Union came to the same result, developing La-176, which first compared with the speed of sound at an altitude of 9000 meters, and in a month, having received improved engines, exceeded it at an altitude of 7,000 meters.

Unfortunately, the project was closed due to the tragic death of O.V. Sokolovsky, one of the pilots of this aircraft. Next, the promotion in the design of supersonic aircraft slowed down due to some physical obstacles: air liqueness at too high speed, changing aerodynamics and streamlining. A serious obstacle was overheating by airplanes overcoming sound barrier. Such a phenomenon is called Flatter.

For several further years, designers worked on streamlining, aerodynamics, hull materials and other improvements.

Military aviation in the 1950s

At the beginning of this decade, F-100 Super Sabre and MiG-19 were developed competing in all areas of the United States and the USSR. At first, the American F-100 overthrew the Soviet MiG, having achieved a speed of 1215 kilometers in 1953, but a year later, the Soviet MiG could be ahead of him, disintegrating up to 1450 kilometers per hour.

Despite the lack of open military clashes of the United States and the USSR, in local conflicts of the Vietnamese and Korean War, it was established that the Soviet MiG largely exceeds its American competitor.

MiG-19 was easier, raised faster into the air, exceeded a competitor in dynamic characteristics, as well as the radius of its combat use by 200 kilometers exceeded the F-100 indicator.

Such circumstances led to an increased interest in the Soviet developments from the Americans, and after the end of the Korean War, the officer also hijacked MiG-19 from the Soviet air base, giving it to the United States, for which he received a remuneration in the form of $ 100,000.

Civil supervisor aviation

The technical developments obtained during the years have given an impetus for the rapid development of aviation in the 60s. The main problems caused by overcoming the sound barrier were solved, and the designers were able to proceed with the design of the first supersonic aircraft of civilian purposes.

The flight of the first supersonic airliner intended for the transport of passengers was committed in 1961. This aircraft was DOUGLAS DC-8, manned without passengers, with ballast placed on board, imitating their weight for testing under conditions as close as possible to real. At the time of descent from the height of 15877, a speed of 1262 km / h was developed.

Also, the speed of sound was unplanned by Boeing 747, when the aircraft heading from Taipei to Los Angeles, as a result of a malfunction and incompetence of the crew included in an uncontrolled peak. Picking from a height of 125,000 meters to 2900 meters, the aircraft exceeded the speed of the sound, having obtained damage to the tail part and delivering serious herbs to two passengers. The case occurred in 1985.

Total built two aircraft capable of truly exceeding the speed of sound in regular flights. They were the Soviet Tu-144 and the Anglo-French Aérospatiale-Bac Concorde. In addition to these aircraft, no other passenger aircraft could support cruising supersonic speed.

Tu-144 and Concord

The first in the history of the supersonic passenger aircraft is considered to be Tu-144, because it was built before Concord. These liners distinguished not only excellent specificationsbut also elegant appearance - Many consider them the most beautiful aircraft in the entire history of aviation.

Unfortunately, Tu-144 became not only the first supersonic passenger aircraft, which rose into the sky, but also the first divided liner of this type. In 1973, 14 people died during a crash in Le Bourget, which served as the first impetus to stopping flights on this machine.

The second Tu-144 wreck occurred in the Moscow region in 1978 - fire began on the aircraft, because of which the landing for two crew members turned into a fatal outcome.

During the inspection, it was established, the reason for the ignition was the underdevelopment of the fuel system of the new engine, at that time being tested, the rest of the same aircraft showed excellent characteristics, as it was able to land during fire. Despite this, commercial rails on it were discontinued.

Concord served European aviation much longer - flights on it continued from 1976 to 2003. However, in 2000, this liner also crashed. Taking off in Charles de Gaulle, the plane ignited and collapsed to the ground, which led to the death of 113 people.

Concord in the entire history of flights never began to pay off, and after the catastrophe, the flow of passengers has decreased so much that the project has become even more unprofitable, and three years later, the flights on this supersonic aircraft stopped.

Technical characteristics of Tu-144

Many people are interested, what was the speed of a supersonic aircraft? Consider the technical characteristics of the aircraft, which for a long time was the pride of domestic aviation:

  • Crew - 4 people;
  • Capacity - 150 people;
  • Ratio of length and height - 67 / 12.5 meters;
  • Maximum weight - 180 tons;
  • Luxury thrust - 17,500 kg / s;
  • Cruising speed -2200 km / h;
  • The maximum height of the flight is 18000 meters;
  • Flight range - 6,500 kilometers.

The development of the sky for many centuries was an unattainable dream for humanity. After the expanses still managed to conquer, the aircraft became all perfect and rustier. An invention of supersonic military and passenger aircraft was an essential achievement. One of these liners was Tu-244, the features and characteristics of which will be considered further. Unfortunately, this project has not developed to mass production, like most similar developments. Currently, funds are sought to resume the development of this project or similar aircraft.

Why did it all start?

The rapid steps aviation began to develop after World War II. Different projects of aircraft with jet engines were developed, which should have been replaced by conventional power units. An important point in the creation of supersonic liners was not to reach the speed of sound, but overcoming this barrier, since the aerodynamic laws are changing at similar speeds.

Massively, similar technologies began to be used from the fifties of the last century. Among the serial modifications can be noted domestic "Migi", American fighters North American, Delta Dagger, French Concords and many others. AT passenger aviation The introduction of supersonic speeds occurred much slower. Tu-244 is an aircraft that could make not just competition in this industry, but to become a world leader in it.

Development and creation

The first experimental civil aircraft capable of overcome the sound barrier appeared in the second half of the sixties of the 20th century. Since then, so far, only two models were beaten into mass production: Tu-144 and French "Concord". The liners were typical aircraft for superflocks. The operation of these machines ceased to be relevant in two thousand years. Now supersonic airliners for the transport of passengers are not used.

There were attempts to create new modifications of reactive civil liners, but most of them remained under development or were closed at all. Such long-term projects includes the Tu-244 supersonic passenger aircraft.

He had to change his predecessor, possess improved characteristics borrowed from prototypes - "Concord" and some American aircraft. The project was fully taken to the design office of Tupolev, in 1973 the liner developed the Tu-244 name.


The main task of the project being developed was the creation of a jet supersonic aircraft capable of transporting passengers quickly and for long-term distances. In this case, the device was to significantly exceed the usual reactive flying ships in all parameters. A special bid designers did for speed.

In the rest of the aspects, supersonic aircraft inferior to their fellows. First, transportation economically did not pay off. Secondly, the safety of flights was lower. By the way, the serial issue and the use of Tu-244 predecessor in civil aviation was discontinued on the second reason. Tu-144 for the first year of operation suffered several accidents that led to the death of the crew. In the new project it was assumed to eliminate having shortcomings.

TU-244 (aircraft): Technical Plan Characteristics

The final model of the liner under consideration was supposed to have the following tactical and technical indicators:

  1. The crew that manifests the liner includes three pilots.
  2. Passenger capacity varied from 250 to 300 people.
  3. Approximate cruising speed - 2175 kilometers per hour, which is twice the audio barrier.
  4. Power plants - four engines with turbine fans.
  5. The range of flight is from seven to nine and a half thousand kilometers.
  6. Loading rate - three hundred tons.
  7. Length / height - 88/15 meters.
  8. The area of \u200b\u200bthe working surface is 965 square meters. m.
  9. Wing span - forty-five meters.

If you compare speed indicator, then the projected passenger aircraft Tu-244, the history of which is quite interesting, has become a little slower than its direct competitors. However, due to this, designers wanted to increase the capacity and increase the economic benefit from the operation of the machine.

Further prospects

Development of a new project, the result of which the Tu-244 supersonic passenger aircraft was supposed to be pulled out for many years. The design introduced a lot of changes and improvements. However, even after the collapse of the USSR, CB Tupolev continued to work in a given direction. In 1993, detailed information about the project was even presented.

Nevertheless, the economic crisis of the nineties has adversely affected this area. The official report on the closure of developments was not active actions too. The project was on the verge of frost. Specialists from the United States are connected to work, negotiations with which they have been conducted for a long time. To continue research, two liners hundred forty-fourth series were converted to flying laboratories.

What's next?

Supersonic Tu-244 (the plane, the photo of which is presented below) unexpectedly disappeared from the project documentation as an object of study. It was adopted in two thousand twelve year and assumed that the first hundred units of passenger airliners will be commissioned no later than 2025. Such a leap record with the documentation caused a number of questions and curvators. In addition, several interesting and promising developments were missing from this program.

Similar perspective seeing in a negative plan. Facts testified that the project is frozen or closed completely. However, official confirmation or refutation did not follow this. Given the instability of the economy, you can make a lot of assumptions in subjective configuration, but the facts speak for themselves.

Realities of today: TU-244 (aircraft)

History of creation this aircraft It was voiced above. And how are things now? Given all this, it can be assumed that the project under consideration is currently at least hung in the air, if not covered at all. The official submission of an application for the fate of developments, as well as the reasons for the reduction and suspension of the project. It is quite possible, the main problem is in insufficient financing, its economic inconsistency or moral obsolescence. Alternatively, all these three factors in the aggregate can occur.

Not so long ago (2014) in the means mass media I slipped information about the possible resumption of the TU-244 project. but official version On this issue again never came. For the sake of objectivity, it is worth noting that foreign developments of passenger supersonic liners are also far from completion, many of them are closed or under a big question. I want to believe that this grand car will be built according to all modern standards in the near future.

A little about the predecessor

The development of Tu-144 by decision of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union began in a thousand nine hundred and sixty-ninth year. Construction of supersonic civil aircraft It began on MMZ "Experience". The estimated liner flight must be three and a half thousand kilometers. To improve aerodynamics, the aircraft received a changed shape of the wings in the plan and the increased area enlarged.

The length of the fuselage is made with the calculation of the internal placement of one hundred fifty passengers. Two pairs of engines placed under each wing. The first flight jet aircraft performed in 1971. The program of factory tests provided for about two hundred thirty departures.

Comparative characteristics

Supersonic Tu-244 - an airplane, the dimensions of which are somewhat weighing those of the predecessor. It has distinctive parameters in other tactical and technical values. For comparison, consider the indicators of the liner Tu-144:

  • the composition of the crew is four people;
  • capacity - one and a half hundred passengers;
  • length / height - 67 / 12.5 meters;
  • traction with an afternoon - 17 500 kg / s;
  • weight - one hundred eighty tons;
  • cruising speed is 2,200 kilometers per hour;
  • practical ceiling - eighteen thousand meters;
  • limit range - six and a half thousand kilometers.

The main external differences of the new aircraft (Tu-244) from the predecessor should have become a change in the structure of the curved nose.

A cardinal feature of two hundred forty-fourth project from its prototype under the index "144" is the lack of a deflected nose. Cabin glazing is made in minimal equipment. Such a decision is focused on the fact that during the flight the necessary visibility will be provided, and take off and landing, regardless of meteorological conditions, controls the electronic review optics unit.

It is worth noting that the modern requirements of the environmental plan for civilian airlines significantly impede the creation of a super-sound vehicle of the class under consideration, since its a priori becomes cost-effective. Developments were made to create a supersonic business class aircraft capable of overcoming a supersonic barrier. However, the Tu-444 project was also suspended. His advantages over competitors are relative low cost compared to the Tu-244 liner, as well as a solution to technical issues related to environmental requirements for modern aircraft. For reference: the general public liner under consideration was represented in France (1993, Aviasame in Le Bourget).


If all Soviet undertakings in aviation were modified and implemented, it is possible that this industry would make a huge leap forward. However, economic, political and other problems significantly slow down this process. One of the most striking representatives in the world of supersonic civil aviation was to become a liner Tu-244. Unfortunately, for a number of reasons, the project is still in the development or "suspended" state. I want to hope that there will be people who finance the project, and this will eventually lead to the creation of not only the fastest passenger aircraft, but also the transport of the future, distinguishing efficiency, capacity and safety.

December 31, 1968 committed a test flight in the world's first supersonic passenger aircraft Tu-144. Three years later, in the summer of 1971, he made an incredible impression on organizers and guests of the international aviation exhibition in Paris. To demonstrate the capabilities of the "Soviet bird", the developers sent an aircraft from Moscow at 9 am and at the same time - at 9 am - he landed in the capital of Bulgaria.

Design of supersonic aircraft TU - 144.

Tu-144 - Soviet supersonic aircraft developed by KB Tupolev in the 1960s. Along with the concord, it is one of two supersonic airliners who have ever used airlines for commercial traffic.
In the 60s, projects for the creation of a passenger supersonic aircraft with a maximum speed of 2500-3000 km / h were actively discussed in the 1960s and the USSR aircraft circles with a maximum speed of 2500-3000 km / h, a range of at least 6-8 thousand km. In November 1962, France and the United Kingdom signed an agreement on joint development and building "Concord" ("Consent").

Creators of a supersonic aircraft.

In the Soviet Union, the design bureau of Academician Andrei Tupolev was engaged in the creation of a supersonic aircraft. At the preliminary meeting of the KB in January 1963, Tupolev stated:
"Reflecting on the future of the air transportation of people from one continent to another, you come to an unequivocal conclusion: supersonic air liners are undoubtedly needed, and I have no doubt that they will enter life ..."
The son of the Academician - Alexey Tupolev was appointed the lead designer of the project. With its OKB, more than a thousand specialists from other organizations work closely. The creation was preceded by extensive theoretical and experimental work, which included numerous tests in aerodynamic pipes and incense conditions during the analog flights.

"Concord" and Tu-144.

The developers had to break their head to find the optimal scheme of the machine. It is fundamentally important, the speed of the designed liner is 2500 or 3000 km / h. Americans, having learned that "Concord" is calculated by 2500 km / h, stated that only half a year later release their passenger "Boeing 2707", made of steel and titanium. Only these materials without destructive consequences kept the heating of the structure when contacting the air flow at 3000 km / h and higher. However, solid steel and titanium structures should still pass a serious technological and operational test. It will take a long time, and Tupolev makes the decision to build a supersonic aircraft from duralumin, based on the speed of 2500 km / h. The American project "Boeing" was subsequently closed altogether.
In June 1965, the model was shown on the annual airplane in Paris. "Concord" and Tu-144 were strikingly similar to each other. Soviet designers spoke - nothing surprising: the general form is determined by the laws of aerodynamics and the requirements for a particular type of machines.

The shape of the wing of a supersonic aircraft.

But what should be the shape of the wing? Stopped on a thin triangular wing with an outline of the front edge in the form of the letter "8". A blessing scheme - inevitable with this design of the carrier plane - made a supersonic liner stable and well-controlled on all flight modes. Four engines were under the fuselage, closer to the axis. Fuel is placed in caisson wing tanks. Balancing tanks located in the back of the fuselage and wing slopes are designed to change the position of the center of gravity during the transition from the dialing flight speed to the supersonic. The nose was made sharp and smooth. But how, in this case, provide pilots front review? The output was found - "Clamp Nose". The fuselage of the round section had a nasal crew cube fairing, deviating down at an angle of 12 degrees in the conditions of takeoff and 17 degrees when landing.

A supersonic aircraft rises into the sky.

For the first time, a supersonic aircraft rises into the sky on the last day of 1968. The car was driven by the test pilot E. Lyan. As a passenger plane, he was the first in the world overcame the speed of sound in early June 1969, being at an altitude of 11 kilometers. The second sound speed (2M) supersonic aircraft took in the middle of 1970, being at an altitude of 16.3 kilometers. A supersonic aircraft absorbed a lot of innovations of the design and technical plan. Here I want to note such a decision as anterior horizontal plumage. When using the PGO, the flight maneuverability has improved and the speed was quenched during the landing. The domestic supersonic aircraft could be operated from two tens of airports, while Franco-English "Concord", having a greater speed when landing could only sit in a certified airport. Designers KB Tupolev conducted a colossal job. Take, for example, Wing Tests. They took place at the Flying Laboratory - MiG-21, converted specially under the tests of the design and equipment of the wing of the future supersonic aircraft.

Development and modification.

Works on the development of the basic design "044" were in two directions: the creation of a new economy unfaffolded TRD type RD-36-51 and a significant improvement in the aerodynamics and the design of the supersonic aircraft. The result was to be the fulfillment of the requirements for the range of supersonic flight. The decision of the Commission of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for a variant of the supersonic aircraft with the RD-36-51 was made in 1969. At the same time, on the proposal of MAP - MGA, a decision is made to create RD-36-51 and install them on a supersonic aircraft, about the construction of six supersonic aircraft with NK-144A with reduced specific fuel consumption. The design of serial supersonic aircraft with NK-144a was supposed to be significantly upgraded, to carry out significant changes in the aerodynamics, receiving more than 8 in the cruising supersonic mode. This modernization had to ensure the fulfillment of the requirements of the first stage of the range (4000-4500 km), in the future, the transit to Series on RD-36-51.

Construction of an upgraded supersonic aircraft.

The construction of pre-production modernized Tu-144 ("004) began on the MMZ" Experience "in 1968. According to settlement data with NK-144 engines (cf \u003d 2.01), the estimated supersonic range was 3275 km, and from NK-14A ( Cf \u003d 1.91) exceed 3,500 km. In order to improve the aerodynamic characteristics on cruising mode, M \u003d 2.2 changed the shape of the wing in the plan (the sweep of the surpasal part over the front edge was reduced to 76 °, and the base increased to 57 °), the wing form It became closer to the "Gothic". Compared to "044", the area of \u200b\u200bthe wing increased, introduced a more intense conical wing of the end portions of the wing. However, the most important innovation for the wing aerodynamics was the change in the middle part of the wing, providing self-balancing on cruising mode with minimal quality loss, Taking into account the optimization on the flight deformations of the wing in this mode. The length of the fuselage was increased, taking into account the placement of 150 passengers, the shape of the nasal part was improved, which also had a positive effect on AE Motherland.

Unlike "044", each pair of engines in paired motometrics with air intakes were pushed by freeing the lower part of the fuselage, unloading it from elevated temperature and vibratory loads, while the lower surface of the wing was changed at the place of the current population area, increased the gap between the lower surface The wings and the upper surface of the air intake - all this allowed the intensive to use the effect of pulling the flow at the entrance to the air intakes to KMAX than it was possible to get on "044". New layout Motogondol demanded changes in the chassis: the main chassis racks were placed under the motorcycles, with cleaning them inside between the aircraft engines, they switched to an octal trolley, the chassis rack cleaning scheme was also changed. An important difference between "004" from "044" was the introduction of anterior multisective-retractable wing-destabilizer, put forward from the fuselage on the runway, and allowed to provide the required balancing with rejected Elevon-flaps. Designing, an increase in commercial load and fuel reserve led to an increase in the take-off mass, which exceeded 190 tons (for "044" - 150 tons).

Pre-production Tu-144.

The construction of a pre-production supersonic aircraft No. 01-1 (onboard No. 77101) was completed in early 1971, on June 1, 1971 made the first flight. According to the factory test program, the machine completed 231 flights, a duration of 338 hours, which flew 55 hours on supersonic. This car worked out comprehensive issues of interaction of the power plant at various flight modes. On September 20, 1972, the car flew over the Moscow-Tashkent route, while the route was traveled in 1 hour and 50 minutes, cruising speed during the flight reached 2500 km / h. The pre-production machine has become the basis for the deployment of mass production at the Voronezh Aviation Plant (VAZ), which the decision of the government was instructed by mastering in a series of supersonic aircraft.

The first flight of the serial Tu-144.

The first flight of the serial supersonic aircraft No. 01-2 (onboard No. 77102) with the NK-144A engines took place on March 20, 1972. In the series, according to the tests of the pre-production machine, the aerodynamics of the wing was adjusted and its area was somewhat more increased. The runway in the series reached 195 tons. Specific fuel consumption of the NK-144A by the time of operational tests of serial machines intended to bring to the optimization of the engine nozzle to 1.65-1.67 kg / kgf hour, and in the future up to 1.57 kg / kgf hour, while the flight range should It was increased to 3855-4250 km and 4550 km respectively. Really able to reach the Tu-144 and NK-144A CP \u003d 1.81 kg / kgf of the hour on the cruising supersonic 4000 kgf, cf \u003d 1.65 kg / kgf hour on the take-off for an hour 20,000 kgf, cf \u003d 0.92 kg / kgf hour on cruising dialing mode of traction 3000 kgf and 11800 kgf was obtained on the transvance mode on the maximum forxtright mode. Chip supersonic aircraft.

The first stage of testing.

In a short period of time, 395 flights with a total chart of 739 hours were performed in strict accordance with the program, including more than 430 hours on supersonic modes.

The second stage of the test.

At the second stage of operational tests in accordance with the joint order of the Ministers of Aviation Industry and Civil Aviation No. 149-223, there was a more active connection of funds and civil aviation services. A new test commission was formed, led by the Deputy Minister of Civil Aviation B.D. Ground. By the decision of the Commission, then a confirmed joint order of September 30 - October 5, 1977, crews were appointed for operational testing:
First crew: Pilots B.F. Kuznetsov (Moscow Transportation GA), S.T. Agapov (Zhliidb), navigator S.P. Temples (MTU GA), flights Yu.N. Avaev (MTU ha), Yu.T. Seliverstov (Zhlildb), Lead Engineer S.P. Avakov (Zhlildb).
Second Crew: Pilots V.P. Voronin (Moscow State University Ga), IK Vederniki (Zhliidb), Svurman A.A. Senyuk (MTU ha), Fartinezers E.A. Requitances (MTU ha) and V.V. Solomatin (Zhlildb), leading engineer V.V. Isaev (GosNaya).
Third crew: pilots M.S. Kuznetsov (GOSNIIG), G.V. Voronchenko (Zhlildb), Knoverman V.V. Myszigin (GosNaya), Fartinezers M.P. Isaev (MTU GA), V.V. Solomatin (Zhlildb), leading engineer V.N. Bind (flap).
Fourth Crew: Pilots N.I. YURSKOV (GOSNIIG), V.A. Sevankayev (Zhlildb), Shturman Yu.A. Vasiliev (GOSNIIG), Bartinwerner V.L. Wennediktov (GOSNIIG), leading engineer I.S. Mayboration (GosNaya).

Before the start of the test was carried out big job By consideration of all the materials obtained in order to use them "for the credit" of the fulfillment of specific requirements. However, despite this, individual civil aviation experts insisted on the implementation of the Program of Operational Tests of the Supersonic Airplane, developed in the State Department in 1975 under the guidance of the leading engineer A.M.Thetyukukov. This program required in fact, repetitions of previously executed flights in the amount of 750 flights (1200 flight hours) on the MGA tracks.
The total volume of operational flights and tests on both stages will be 445 flights with a flyer of 835 hours, of which 475 hours on supersonic modes. Passed 128 paired flights on the Moscow-Alma-Ata route.

The final stage.

The final stage of the test was not tense from a technical point of view. Rhythmic work on a schedule was provided without serious failures and large defects. Engineering and technical compositions "entertained", conducting assessments of household equipment, preparing for passenger transportation. The stewardess connected to testing and the corresponding state experts began to carry out ground training sessions to work out the passenger service technology in flight. T.N. "Drawings" and two technical flights with passengers. "Raffle" was held on October 16, 1977 with full modeling of ticket registration cycle, luggage design, landing of passengers, flight of real duration, disembarkation, luggage decoration at the airport of destination. From the "passengers" (the best workers of the OKB, Zhliidb, GosNaya and other organizations) was not semi. The diet in the flight was at the highest level, since it was approved by the first class menu, everyone received great pleasure. "Raffle" allowed to clarify many important elements and details of passenger service. On October 20 and 21, 1977, two technical flights were performed on the Moscow-Alma-Ata highway with passengers. The first passengers were employees of many organizations that were directly involved in the creation and testing of a supersonic aircraft. Today it is even difficult to imagine the atmosphere on board: there reigned a sense of joy and pride, a big hope for development against the background of first-class service, to which technical people are absolutely not accustomed. In the first flights on board were all heads of head institutions and organizations.

The road for passenger traffic is open.

Technical flights passed without serious comments and showed the complete readiness of the supersonic aircraft and all ground services to regular transport. October 25, 1977 Minister of Civil Aviation USSR B.P. Bugayev and Minister of Aviation Industry of the USSR V.A. Cossack was approved by the main document: "Act on the results of operational testing of a supersonic aircraft with NK-144 engines" with positive conclusion and conclusions.
Based on the presented tables of conformity of the Tu-144, the requirements of the temporary velocity of the Civil Tu-144 of the USSR, the full amount of the presented evidentiary documentation, which includes acts on state and operational tests, October 29, 1977, Chairman of the State Equipment of the USSR IK Mulkidzhanov approved the conclusion and signed the first in the USSR of the certificate of airworthiness type No. 03-144 on a supersonic aircraft with NK-144A engines.
Road for passenger traffic was opened.

The road for passenger traffic was open.
The supersonic aircraft could sit down and take off at 18 airports of the USSR, while Concorde, whose run-up speed was 15% higher, was required for each airport a separate landing certificate.

The second serial copy of the supersonic aircraft.

In June 1973, the 30th International Paris Aviationon was held in France. There was a huge interest caused by the Soviet liner Tu-144 - the first supersonic aircraft in the world. On June 2, thousands of visitors to the airlock in the suburb of Paris Le Bourget watched taketon strip The second serial instance of the supersonic aircraft. The roar of four engines, powerful running - and now the car in the air. A sharp liner nose straightened and aimed into the sky. The supersonic "TU", driven by the captain Kozlov, performed her first demonstration flight over Paris: gaining the necessary height, the car went beyond the horizon, then returned and made a circle above the airfield. The flight passed in normal mode, no technical problems noted.
The next day, the Soviet crew decided to show everything that was capable of new.

Catastrophe during a demonstration.

Sunny morning on June 3, it seemed not foreshadowed trouble. At first, everything went according to the plan, - the audience, turning the head, applauded together. Supersonic aircraft showing "Higher Class", went to reduce. At that moment, the French fighter "Mirage" appeared in the air (as it turned out later, he spent the shooting of an anelon). The collision seemed inevitable. In order not to crash in the airfield and the audience, the crew commander decided to rise above and pulled the steering wheel on himself. However, the height was already lost, large loads were created on the design; As a result, the right wing cracked and fell off. There began a fire, and after a few seconds the blazing supersonic aircraft rushed to the ground. The terrible landing occurred on one of the streets of the Paris's suburbs of Husenville. The gigantic car, worse, everything in its path, collapsed to the ground and exploded. The entire crew is six people - and eight Frenchmen died on Earth. I suffered and Husdenville - several buildings were destroyed. What led to tragedy? According to most experts, the cause of the catastrophe was an attempt to the crew of a supersonic aircraft to escape from the collision with the "Mirage". When entering the landing "TU" fell into a sensate jet from the French fighter "Mirage".

In the photo, the signature of the first cosmonaut landed on the moon of Nile Armstrong, the pilot of the cosmonaut Georgy Timofeevich coast and all the dead crew members. Supersonic aircraft No. 77102 crashed during a demonstration flight at the air show in Le Bourget. All 6 crew members (Honored Test pilot of the Hero of the Soviet Union M.V. Kozlov, Tester pilot V.M. Molchanov, North-Bagomenov, Deputy Chief Designer, Engineer General Major V.N. Benders, Lead Engineer B.A.Pervukhin and flight engineer A.I.Ralin) died.

According to the workers of OKB A.N.Tuolev, the cause of the catastrophe was in connecting the unworn analog control unit of the control system, which led to the exit to the destructive overload.
According to pilots, freelance situations There was almost every flight. On May 23, 1978, the second wreck of a supersonic aircraft occurred. Improved experimental version of the liner, Tu-144D (No. 77111) After the fuel ignition in the Motogondal Zone of the 3rd power plant due to the destruction of the fuel line, smoke in the cockpit and turn off the crew of two engines made a forced landing on the field at the village of Ilinsky, not far from the city Egorievsk.
After landing, the crew commander V. Popov, the second pilot E. V. Elhyan and the Svurman V. V. Yazgin, left the crew cockpit. Engineered in the cabin, V. M. Kulesh, V. A. Isaev, V. N. Starpovsky left the liner through the front entrance door. O. A. Nikolaev's flight engineers and V. L. Venediktov turned out to be clamped in the workplace deformed when landing structures and died. (The rejected nasal fairing touched the soil first, worked as a knife of the bulldozer, gaining land, and checked under the stomach, entering the fuselage.) On June 1, 1978, Aeroflot forever stopped supersonic passenger flights.

Improving a supersonic aircraft.

Work on improving the supersonic aircraft continued for several more years. Five serial aircraft issued; Five more were in the process of construction. A new modification has been developed - TU-144D (Far). However, the choice of a new engine (more economical), RD-36-51, demanded a significant redevelopment of the aircraft, especially the energy installation. Serious constructive gaps in this area led to a delay in the release of a new liner. Only in November 1974 serial Tu-144D ( on-board number 77105) Rose into the air, and later nine (!) Years after his first flight, on November 1, 1977, the supersonic aircraft received a state of flight court certificate. On the same day passenger flights are open. For their shorttenance, the liners transported 3194 passengers. On May 31, 1978, flights stopped: on one of the serial Tu-144D there was a fire, and the liner failed a catastrophe, crashing with a forced landing.
The catastrophes in Paris and Egoryevsk led to the fact that interest in the project from the state decreased. From 1977 to 1978, 600 problems were revealed. As a result, in the 1980s, the supersonic aircraft was decided to remove, explaining this "bad influence on the health of people when moving a sound barrier." Nevertheless, four of the five Tu-144Ds who were in the production were still completed. In the future, they were based in Zhukovsky and climbed into the air as flying laboratories. In total, 16 supersonic aircraft were built (including in the far modification) who have committed a total of 2556 departures. By the mid-1990s, ten were preserved: four in museums (Monino, Kazan, Kuibyshev, Ulyanovsk); One stayed at the factory in Voronezh, where it was built; Another one was in Zhukovsky together with four Tu-144D.

Subsequently, Tu-144D was used only for freight traffic between Moscow and Khabarovsk. In total, a supersonic aircraft made 102 flights under the flag of Aeroflot, of which 55 - passenger (3 194 passengers were transported).
Later, supersonic aircraft performed only test flights and several flights in order to establish world records.
NK-32 engines were installed on the Tu-144l due to the lack of suitable NK-144 or RD-36-51, similar to those used on Tu-160, a variety of sensors and testing instrumentation.
A total of 16 Tu-144 liners were built, which committed a total of 2,556 departures and flew 4 110 hours (among them most of all, 432 hours, boarding 77144). The construction of four more liners has not been completed.

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Encyclopedic YouTube.

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    Nowadays, new aircraft appear, including those performed on the technology of reducing the noticeability of Stels.

    Passenger supersonic aircraft

    There are only two serially produced passenger supersonic aircraft that operated regular flights: the Tu-144 Soviet aircraft, which made the first flight on December 31, 1968 and the ex-operated in 1978 and who fulfilled two months later - March 2, 1969 - his first flight of Anglo French "Concord" (FR. Concorde - "Consent"), which made transatlantic flights from until 2003. Their operation allowed not only to significantly reduce the flight time on long-range flights, but also use unloaded air space At large altitudes (≈18 km), while the main air space used by the liners (height 9-12 km) was already highly loaded in those years. Also, supersonic aircraft made flights along the hidden routes (outside the airways).

    Despite the impiency of several other former and existing projects of passenger supersonic and near-turn aircraft (Boeing 2707, Boeing Sonic Cruiser, Douglas 2229, Lockheed L-2000, Tu-244, Tu-344, Tu-444, SSBJ, etc.) and the conclusion from The operation of the aircraft of two implemented projects was developed earlier and there are modern projects of hypersonic (including subborital) passenger airliners (eg, Zehst, Spaceliner) and military transport (landing) rapid response aircraft. The Aerion AS2 passenger business jet developed in November 2015 was made a solid order for 20 units. The total cost of 2.4 billion dollars with the start of deliveries in 2023.

    Theoretical problems

    Flight on supersonic speed, in contrast to the subsonic, flows under conditions of other aerodynamics, because when the air velocity reaches the speed, the winding aerodynamics changes qualitatively, due to which the aerodynamic resistance increases sharply, also growing the kinetic heating of the design from friction raid at high air flow rates , Aerodynamic focus is shifted, which leads to the loss of stability and controlled aircraft. In addition, such an unknown appearance appeared before the creation of the first supersonic aircraft, as "wave resistance".

    Therefore, the achievement of sound speed and effective stable flight on about- and supersonic speeds were impossible due to a simple increase in engine power - new constructive solutions were required. As a result, the appearance of the aircraft has changed: characteristic straight lines appeared, sharp corners, unlike the "smooth" forms of subsonic aircraft.

    It should be noted that the problem of creating an effective supersonic aircraft cannot be considered permitted so far. The creators have to compromise between the requirement of increasing the speed and preservation of acceptable running characteristics. Thus, the conquest of aviation of new frontiers in speed and highness is associated not only using a more advanced or fundamentally new motor installation and a new design layout of aircraft, but also with changes in their geometry in flight. Such changes, improving the characteristics of the aircraft at high speeds, should not worsen their quality at low speeds, and vice versa. Recently, the creators refuse to reduce the area of \u200b\u200bthe wing and the relative thickness of their profiles, as well as an increase in the angle of sweatshirt of the wing in airplanes with a variable geometry, returning to the wings of small sweatshirts and a large relative thickness, if satisfactory values \u200b\u200bof the maximum speed and practical ceiling have already been achieved. In this case, it is considered important that the supersonic aircraft have good flight data at low speeds and low resistance at high speeds, especially at low altitudes.

See also: