In Russia, airplanes are ready for mass release. In Russia, the aircraft of the future are ready for a mass release. Perspective integral aircraft IP 3 Sterch

In Russia, the airplanes of the future are almost ready for launch into mass production. There is: technologies, design, models that have successfully passed if not fire and water, then the pipes are accurate. Aerodynamic, in TsAGI. One of the two liners, "Froat Miscella", also a European transzonic cryogenic pipe, which allows you to simulate flight conditions on cruising modes at a temperature "overboard" about -50 ° C. The case is for small - who will finance promising projects and takes risks.

Two roads to heaven

We exist and something compete two projects - IS-3 "Sterch" and "Fregat Mikezhet". Moreover, both and the other have "Tupolev's roots" in the person of their creators and came out of one company - FPG "Rosaviaconomage".

The financial and industrial group was established in 1995 by the Presidential Decree for Tu-204 aircraft and its modifications to the market - Tu-334. The result is known - the airplanes did, certified, and the fact that their cat was cut in airlines, - a story from the discharge of tragic. Here and overseas lobbyists have tried, and the domestic steering industry and states removed by their own hands civil aircraft. Now, however, they are trying to raise, they will drive money into the semi-brushed "Superjet" and the near-medium-high-end project of the Irkut Corporation MS-21.

Both the other liners of the classic scheme, narrow-body. Special innovations do not shine. MS-21, as experts expect, will become no more than a competitor for families "Erbas-A320" and "Boeing 737", which is already good. But Presno - in the soul, the millions of our people want to once again feel themselves by citizens of the Great Aviation Power, they are so raised. Otherwise, there would be no crowded crowd at Max airlows. To break forward, as it was with Tu-104 and Tu-114, An-22 "Antei" or Mi-26 helicopter, ideas and new design solutions are needed.

And they appeared - Rosaviaconomage united not just specialists, but also enthusiasts. Today it is two independent teams, each has its own project.

But at the heart of each wide oval, as it should be superfluous from above and below the fuselage, turning into an integrated wing with it. This is the main domestic know-how - according to logic at an altitude of pressure drops, the aircraft will break, but no, the question of strength is solved, which is confirmed by research and experiments in TsAGI and foreign laboratories. The winnings - reduced the windshield resistance of the air, reduced the washed surface of the aircraft almost twice.

The "Fregat of Ecozhet" 10 chairs in a series and three passages between them, and IS-3 "Sterch" - 12 chairs with the same number of passes.

The difference in loading and range - Stherry must take on board up to 400 passengers, "Froat Miscelter" - 358. "Sterch" Dalname-Highband, "Froat Miscellae" is sharpened for average distances. Fuel economy on a passenger-kilometer from 18 to 30%.

"Fregate EcoCear" is looking for an increase in growth

The head of the Fregat Miscellane program Alexander Klimov told the "arguments of the week", which was already started to prepare work drawings. I ask: Is this a Russian program or calculation to be built on international cooperation? - Now there is no purely Russian, as well as pure American aircraft. It is believed that there are problems in working with Western partners.

Yes there is. But we are not hostage to cooperation, but a private company and do not fall under any restrictions. Another question is money. At the current year of the ruble to the dollar, to order something in Europe became unreasonably expensive. But today, it is divided into the arguments of the week, Alexander Klimov, the European design and experimental air industry is severely underloaded, so everything can change: - I have a list of three hundred serious engineering companies on the table, first of all the Germans that remained without work.

- Are you looking for a place to organize production where there are strong aircraft training traditions?

- Yes, it is always good to have something good for something, which has competencies in the aircraft industry, but believe me, it's not the main thing. Competencies are actually created quickly. All last year, the company's leaders searched for a place where production workshops can be built. Hired a German consulting organization that looked at 149 territories. One of the requirements is the presence of a runway next to the aircraft factor. Without it, because the components will take away from all over the world. Yes, and new Laineras, up to 45 pieces per year, it is necessary to take off from somewhere.

Final, or, as it is also called, the finishing, the assembly implies the presence of "building" forests around aircraft and mysterious people-masters, which externally slowly perform the wise operations. The members of the project "Frigate Miscella" project intend to become pioneers, radically change the technology of construction of aircraft. Perhaps the overestimate is to become a model of imitation for the entire world aircraft industry. It is not clear only one thing - why advanced US and Europe stopped on the introduction of forty years ago a stripping assembly and laser measuring devices? Or are they missing the "Russian" brains?

"IP" - not "Joseph Stalin"

This is what Sergei Isakov says, Project Manager IS-3.

In this case, this is an "integrated aircraft": - I took the project to the Russian engineering company, but we still cooperate with Rosaviaconomage, there are friends, and I respect their point of view. She is pragmatic, but in contrast to them any international integration we are not talking. No cooperation with Western partners, and even more than Americans can not be by definition. If you take any western designer, it is easy to find that it adheres to either Sikorsky school or Tupolev.

In Europe, there are no shone in the aircraft enterprise - we came up with these "bicycles", and now what should they learn from them? So make a purely Russian aircraft.

- They say the promising aviation complex of long-distance aviation (Pak yeah) will be made according to the "Flying Wing" scheme?

- The project has not yet been approved, but it must be remembered that the Americans made an expensive bomber B-2 according to this scheme, and already abandoned this aircraft. From a strategic point of view, he did not justify himself.

Rocket can be launched for 3 thousand kilometers from the target, and to bomb, you need to enter air space enemy. The enemy does a subsection on the ground of a small nuclear charge and this high-performance aircraft receives an electromagnetic blow and ceases to be controlled. The crew is the only way out - catapult. - But the Americans are trying to adapt the "flying wing" for civilian purposes in the form of Boeing-797. There are already flying models of the aircraft. - Yes this famous fact. In our opinion - a dead end.

Let stand up with models, rich their faders. The main drawback of the "flying wing" is the loss of stability at low altitudes and speeds. The plane at these modes is completely dependent on the onboard computers, and the slightest failure threatens an imminent disaster - it just falls. And we decided this problem simply: to the "flying wing" attached the tail part and the cockpit of pilots.

The usual, acceptable for pilots - not to move, do not do special equipment.

- But can your IS-3 be based in modern airports?

- Under our plane does not need to redo the airfield infrastructure, despite its futuristic appearance. IS-3 is twice as many passengers than Tu-204, and weighs the same.

And the size is the length, the scope of the wings the same. Cruising speed is the same, the other is not needed. Here is an example from the life of the fastest aircraft: the problem of supersonic liners is not only the complexity of the design, a huge consumption of fuel and sound impact on supersonic. For "concords" and Tu-144 it was necessary to close the airspace from other aircraft in the departure and landing zone - their high running and landing speed compared to conventional airliners mixed up the airlights all maps.

Sergey Isakov admitted the "arguments of the week" that he had the most positive attitude to the "frigate eco-fitness", just the ways were separated:

"Their project will go - we will help them, our goes - they will help us." The Chinese, according to him, want either IS-3 "Sterch", or "Frigate Miscellane": - Our officials are not clear to them that, even draw normally. Not every artist can become an aircraft designer, but each aircraft designer must be an artist. Andrei Nikolayevich Tupolev always said: "If the plane is beautiful, then it will fly well."

And our beautiful, "frigate eco-house" - too. But most surprised Alexander Klimov. The fact that the "Fregat Ecozet" has a chance to "raise sails" and in general to float from the country: - Now we stopped at three sites, one of them in Russia. Where - let the secret will remain a secret. Maybe it's good - while IC-3 is hard, as the Tank IP-3, will make your way through the thorns of the domestic reality to the stars, the "Russian" liner "Frigate Miscellane" will dock the championship and make a breakthrough in the aircraft industry and will open the era of integral wide-body civilian aircraft On the envy of "Boeing", "Erbas" and other "Bombardier".

High tech tupik

If a non-specialist glance at the Boeing-707 liner, which made the first flight in 1954, quite modern IL-96 or Erbas-A340 from the 90s, the super-modern "Boeing 787" "Drimliner", then Better will mark the difference in size and number of engines. Keyful differences are hiding under the skin of aircraft: radio electronic equipment, the presence in the design of "composites", the type of engines and the number of passenger seats.

All other prubasters, the same windlets on the finishes of the wings - the lot of specialists and aviation lovers. In terms of aerodynamics, the classic aircraft has reached perfection and harmed into an irresistible wall. Everything is known. Tell the literate design that the medium-haul liner is needed for 200 passengers, it will immediately inform what, respectively, the length should be in the liner, what kind of wings, the power of the engines and the running weight.

Amendment Plus - minus meter. As part of the traditional scheme, it is impossible to make an airplane more compact (on the same number of passengers). And so that there is a slightly save on fuel, multibillion dollar investments are required in the development of new engines and planer materials.

Russian leader Vladimir Putin, visiting today Kazan Aviation Plant named after S.P. Gorbunov and looking there demonstration flight Tu-160 "Peter Dinekin", offered to create a civil supersonic plane on the basis of this strategic rocket.

As an example, the president led the project developed in the USSR, but the project of Tu-144 due to unprofitability. To support it, "the ticket was to correspond to some average earnings in the country," the head of state recalled, explaining that "Now the situation is different" - "large companies appeared that could use this aircraft."

Note that now there is no serial production of a single supersonic passenger aircraft. Tu-144 released in the Soviet Union in 1967-1984, building a total of 16 aircraft, including pre-production samples, however, in commercial exploitation (of course, Aeroflot) he stayed seven months old - from the fall of 1977 at the beginning of the summer of 1978. After that, the flagship of domestic civil aviation stopped using supersonic on regular flights, referring to the high cost of flights.

"Cousin" Tu-144 - British-French supersonic passenger aircraft Concorde (the second of two serially produced and commercially used aircraft of this class) - for the first time climbed into the air in 1969 (prototype), was launched on regular flights in 1976 and Operated by British Airways and Air France airlines, each of which had seven sides, for 27 years. By the way, these air carriers bought on nine "concords", and the remaining five were transferred to them at a symbolic price of 1 pound sterling and 1 franc, respectively. CONCORDE flights were suspended for a year and a half due to a plane crash that occurred in paris airport "Charles de Gaulle" on July 25, 2000 and caused the death of 113 people. And in 2003, both operated airlines refused to use it due to increased fuel prices.

As far as the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a supersonic passenger aircraft is relevant, how much this project and operation of aircraft will cost - and which companies will be able to afford them, "Pravda.Ru" asked the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Russian Engineering Company, one of the developers of the Tu-204 aircraft Sergey Isakov.

According to him, although passenger supersonic were uncomfortable civil aviation, they ahead of the time of years at fifty - technologically, from the point of view of civilization issues, because they were developed in the era of rocket education. "These technologies are needed here special stripes, special airfields, the transition to supersuals - were normal for the military who do not consider money," the expert explained.

In addition, the Tu-144 and "Concords" landing and the take-off speed was higher than that of ordinary aircraft, so they could not sit on the airfields along with them, had to allocate their echelons, special routes, special airfields.

Therefore, from the use of Tu-144 and I had to refuse - and not just because of the high cost of tickets. They were indeed expensive compared to conventional aircraft, but not catastrophically, Sergey Isakov recalls. "For example, he flew on several tracks (Moscow - Tashkent, Moscow - Alma-Ata) - where the strip allowed. And if the usual ticket Moscow - Tashkent cost in the area 30 rublesthen on Tu-144 he cost 180 rubles. This is not such a big difference, "assures our interlocutor.

For comparison: now the most cheap Ticket on the same route is just less 9 thousand rubles, and while maintaining the specified six-fold difference, the flight on the supersonic aircraft would cost 54 thousand rublesIt would hardly seduce the average passenger even with a significant reduction in flight time. Although for Russia, definitely, the duration of the path is extremely relevant: there is a difference, say, in order to get from Moscow to Vladivostok in 11 hours or 4 hours?

But, I am sure Sergey Isakov, the question must be put wrong. According to him, in Russia there is already a ready-made project, followed by the future of domestic civil aviation. Project Manager for the development of Tu-160 "Peter Denekin" Valentin Beyniek and Daniel Gapeev, who "did a mechanism for changing the geometry of the wing," alive and healthy, and the project is already ready - he said that the president said on this occasion, "explained the expert.

The project is ready, but there is no political will, and it is much cheaper than Tu-144 and Concorde, although, of course, more than an ordinary aircraft. Considering that we have 95% of imported aircraft, we need a Russian aircraft - and, no matter how fantastically sounded, if the will of the president is specifically, the first such a plane can be seen in three years, because the project documentation is ready, - Sergey assured Isakov.

Perspective integral Dalun-Highband Waste Wagon IS-3 (Sterch):

"Western aircraft (Airbus, Boeing, Embraer, etc.) have a basic and backup aircraft management system, and from Soviet times there were three systems - the main, reserve and even analogue. That is, we have the safety criteria above, and Requirements for definition tougher than Americans, Europeans, Brazilians, Canadians, and so on.

There are several indicators of profitability of aircraft, most are very complex, but the most affordable criterion for the usual "not aviation" person is the fuel consumption for a kilometer. According to this figure today, the most economical aircraft in the world is A320 - he has a fuel consumption of 18.5 g per passenger kilometer (at a similar Boeing-737 - 20 grams, at my favorite Tu-204 aircraft - 21.5 grams, and All others are even higher), and it is lucky to 180 passengers. At the New russian aircraftwhich we say (and he doesn't just exist - he has already passed all the aerodynamic purges and all the calculations), the flow rate is 12.5 g per passenger-kilometer, and it drives not 180 passengers, and up to four hundred! Almost 30% more economical "Airbus" A-320! "- said expert.

In Russia, the aircraft are almost ready for launch into mass production. Everything is: technologies, design bore, models that have successfully passed if not fire and water, then the pipes are accurate. Aerodynamic, in TsAGI. One of the two liners, "Froat Miscella", also a European transzonic cryogenic pipe, which allows you to simulate flight conditions on cruising modes at a temperature "overboard" about -50 ° C. The case is for small - who will finance promising projects and takes risks. We exist two roads in the skies and in something compete two projects - IS-3 "Sterch" and "Fregate Miscella." Moreover, both and the other have "Tupolev's roots" in the person of their creators and came out of one company - FPG "Rosaviaconomage". The financial and industrial group was established in 1995 by the Presidential Decree for Tu-204 aircraft and its modifications to the market - Tu-334. The result is known - the airplanes did, certified, and the fact that their cat was cut in airlines, - a story from the discharge of tragic. Here and the overseas lobbyists have tried, and the domestic steering industry and states with their own hands removed civilian aircraft. Now, however, they are trying to raise, they will drive money into the semi-brushed "Superjet" and the near-medium-high-end project of the Irkut Corporation MS-21. Both the other liners of the classic scheme, narrow-body. Special innovations do not shine. MS-21, as experts expect, will become no more than a competitor for families "Erbas-A320" and "Boeing 737", which is already good. But Presno - in the soul, the millions of our people want to once again feel themselves by citizens of the Great Aviation Power, they are so raised. Otherwise, there would be no crowded crowd at Max airlows. To break forward, as it was with Tu-104 and Tu-114, An-22 "Antei" or Mi-26 helicopter, ideas and new design solutions are needed. And they appeared - Rosaviaconomage united not just specialists, but also enthusiasts. Today it is two independent teams, each has its own project. But at the heart of each wide oval, as it should be superfluous from above and below the fuselage, turning into an integrated wing with it. This is the main domestic know-how - according to logic at an altitude of pressure drops, the aircraft will break, but no, the question of strength is solved, which is confirmed by research and experiments in TsAGI and foreign laboratories. The winnings - reduced the windshield resistance of the air, reduced the washed surface of the aircraft almost twice. The "Fregat of Ecozhet" 10 chairs in a series and three passages between them, and IS-3 "Sterch" - 12 chairs with the same number of passes. The difference in loading and range - Stherry must take on board up to 400 passengers, "Froat Miscelter" - 358. "Sterch" Dalname-Highband, "Froat Miscellae" is sharpened for average distances. Fuel economy on a passenger-kilometer from 18 to 30%.

"Froat Miscella" is looking for a growth point Alexander Klimov, head of the program "Fregate Miscellenus", said: now there is no purely Russian, as well as pure American aircraft. It is believed that there are problems in working with Western partners. But we are not hostage to cooperation, but a private company and do not fall under any restrictions. Another question is money. At the current year of the ruble to the dollar, to order something in Europe became unreasonably expensive. But today, it is divided into the arguments of the week, Alexander Klimov, the European design and experimental air industry is severely underloaded, so everything can change: - I have a list of three hundred serious engineering companies on the table, first of all the Germans that remained without work. Competencies are actually created quickly. All last year, the company's leaders searched for a place where production workshops can be built. Hired a German consulting organization that looked at 149 territories. One of the requirements is the presence of a runway next to the aircraft factor. Without it, because the components will take away from all over the world. Yes, and new Laineras, up to 45 pieces per year, it is necessary to take off from somewhere.

"IP" - not "Joseph Stalin" that Sergey Isakov says, the head of the IS-3 project. In this case, this is an "integrated aircraft": - I took the project to the Russian engineering company, but we still cooperate with Rosaviaconomage, there are friends, and I respect their point of view. She is pragmatic, but in contrast to them any international integration we are not talking. No cooperation with Western partners, and even more than Americans can not be by definition. If you take any western designer, it is easy to find that it adheres to either Sikorsky school or Tupolev. - Under our plane does not need to redo the airfield infrastructure, despite its futuristic appearance. IS-3 is twice as many passengers than Tu-204, and weighs the same. And the size is the length, the scope of the wings the same. Cruising speed is the same, the other is not needed. Here is an example from the life of the fastest aircraft: the problem of supersonic liners is not only the complexity of the design, a huge consumption of fuel and sound impact on supersonic. For "concords" and Tu-144 it was necessary to close the airspace from other aircraft in the departure and landing zone - their high running and landing speed compared to conventional airliners mixed up the airlights all maps.

See also: