Why airplanes are sharply gaining height. Which height flies a passenger aircraft and at what speed

Most passengers who use aviation transport to move, have fears associated with the uplift of the aircraft. Today we finally dispel these fears.

I started writing this article because of the message of one of the readers, which provided me with a link to several utensils of airlines from Kurumoch airport, which in Samara. In the video received by me, a very curious passenger leads to shoot from the airplane.

Now we will try to figure it out!

Experienced passengers that often carry out air transport flights, know about the old tradition, which was introduced during flights on domestic aircraft. Before you take off, leaving the takeoff strip, the plane made a stop for a few minutes, it's like pilots allowed passengers to pray. At the same time, pilots of the liner were prayed, so they called this time for which the flight map was studying and determining control points on the route. After this time, the plane was actively rushing along the runway, while the roar was the roar and shuddering the entire device. At this moment you do not want, but you will begin to baptize. After that, the pilots released the brakes, which was even more pressing passengers in the seats chairs and scored bundas. With all this, it was often started to break the shelves with a luggage, and the flight attendants fell something.

How the plane takes off, video from the cabin.

When separating it becomes a little quieter and calm, but after the separation, the plane gradually begins to fall down!

Nevertheless, the pilots manage to align the device, can also refuse the engines during the set of the necessary height, and it is only then becoming fine. Faters with indifferent persons offer drinks, and poorly praying suicide oxygen mask. But only then the moment comes, for the sake of which the air transport passengers is used - the food is carried out.

It seems like all? It is such an impression that the person needs to take shape after reading the feedback of non-core forums.

Need to figure out.

As they say, we put all the points over "and" about the reasons for stopping the aircraft on the runway before the immediate takeoff. Is this moment necessary before taking off or is it fading pilots?

In this case, it must be said that both take-off options are correct. Modern teaching methods take off says that the stop before the takeoff is an optional procedure, but it can be carried out in case of a weight need. Such as needed can be:

  • When reflected by the dispatcher, produce an airplane or a little to hold for the purpose of takeoff.
  • With limited length take-off strip.

With the first reason, I think everyone is understandable.

As for the second cause with a limited length of the take-off web, then a stop is needed in the case of aircraft overload. Weight can be approximate to be taken up with such a length. To do this, save each meter band, and the stop allows you to bring the engine speed to elevated modes of operation, while the machine holds on the brakes. Very often, this procedure is even conducted by pilots on light devices, as they say, just in case.

Also, a similar separation is possible with a complex geographical setting, for example, take off with Chambery. It is necessary to stop and overclock the engines, which will help to spend a quick separation from the strip, because it starts at its end mountain array. In addition, almost all devices have a lot of weight.

Nevertheless, with most cases, the stop is not performed with the controller to admit the dispatcher and the normal length strip. After the steering track, the liners do not stop, and immediately begin to break, before making sure in straight movement, the pilots will only add engine speed.
But what about the prayer? After all, it was first about some check of control dots and studying a flight map.

It is accepted not to read B737 before receiving permission from the dispatcher to occupy the runway, and even more so before receiving the take-off. That is why when I get at the same time permission to take the band and take off, I am absolutely ready for taking up. Passengers only seem to be in a hurry, but it is not at all as I am ready.

There are also advantages in takeoff without stopping:

  • First of all, takeoff without stopping allows the airport to increase aircraft throughput. This is explained very easily: the less time the aircraft spends on the take-off strip, more liners Will be able to send in flight or take the airport.
  • Also, the execution of the take-off without stopping allows you to save fuel, because it does not stop and overclocking the engines in which a lot of fuel burns out.
  • The third advantage is safety, at first glance, you might think that this is a strange advantage. Yet the less time the aircraft with work engines is on the lane, the mortars of foreign objects in the turbine, which can lead to the jump and engine failure.

Fly on!

Why, when taking off the pilots, the nasal part of the car is strongly discharged? When taken over domestic technology, this process did not rush and more smoothly ... such a rise may lead to an accident!

The cause of all is the usual aerodynamics and the execution of the take-off technology. Foreign production devices mainly under the rise weakly deflect the entire mechanism of wings. In turn, this gives the following advantages:

  • It becomes a large angle of a set of height.
  • Due to the large corner, the noise effect on the surrounding area is significantly reduced.
  • It also allows you to face obstacles in the failure of one of the engines.

Modern passenger airliners have very powerful engines, which even if one of them fails to make a safe landing. Nevertheless, in some situations it is recommended to include full engines, with a small loading of the machine, it can turn it into a rocket.

The maximum thrust of engines provides some discomfort to passengers in the cabin, of course, it is in the case when you do not particularly like to fly with stroke upside down. But this situation during takeoff lasts long.

"I almost fell after takeoff"

Above in the article, I wrote that after the separation and take off the plane as it would be started to fall down. A similar situation is very well tangible when flying on the Tu-154 aircraft, it takes off enough with a large corner of the discovery of closed, after which they become in the horizontal flight state. When moving the position of the cloud and there is a decrease in height, since the nose of the machine is lowered. It should be noted that in the case of very quick closure of the flap, the aircraft can really lose height, but for this you need to be a completely inexperienced pilot, especially since they are in the cabin two.

Also, the feeling of the buckling of the device is noticeably and during the change of the angle of a set of height to more gently, but it is only sensations, in reality the plane is controlled and does not fall.

"During the flight several times turned off the turbines of the engines"

It is about such situations that passengers of aircraft are most often written. With these statements, only the stories can compete for the championship about how pilots were able to put a plane on the strip only with the fifth attempt. The greatest similar stories about such liners as Tu-134 or Tu-154. They really are engines located in the tail of the apparatus and are practically not heard in the passenger compartment, except for situations where they work at maximum turns.

It is in noise from the engines and hiding the snag allegedly "turn off engines". In fact, everything is very simple and understandable. When take-off and set the height, the engines of aircraft do not work on increased modes, which is accompanied by a high sound effect. Often, the pilots receive commands from dispatchers to stop raising the machine to break with other aircraft in the air. At the same time, the liner is translated into the horizontal flight mode, so as not to become a supersonic aircraft, it is necessary to reduce the thrust of the engines. At the same time, the noise level is reduced in the aircraft cabin, due to this passengers think that the engines are disabled.

The question of what speed is developing a plane during takeoff, interests many passengers. The opinions of non-professionals always diverge - someone mistakenly assumes that the speed is always the same for all types of this aircraft, others correctly believe that it is different, but cannot explain why. We will try to figure it out in this topic.


The takeoff is a process that occupies a timeline from the start of the aircraft movement to its complete separation from the runway. The takeoff is possible only under the observance of one condition: the lifting force must acquire a value greater than the weight of the weighting object.

Types of take-off

Various "interfering" factors that have to be overcome to raise the aircraft in the air (weather conditions, wind direction, limited running strip, limited engine power, etc.), prompted aircraft designers to create a variety of ways to bypass them. Not only the design of flying devices was improved, but the process of their takeoff itself. Thus, several types of take-off were developed:
  • From brakes. The acceleration of the aircraft begins only after the engines have achieved the installed thrust mode, and until then the device is held in place using brakes;
  • A simple classic takeoff, assuming a gradual set of engine thrust during the movement of the aircraft on the runway;
  • Take off using auxiliary means. Characteristic for aircraft carrying combat service on aircraft carriers. The limited distance distance is compensated by the use of springboards, catapult devices, or even installed on an aircraft with additional rocket engines;
  • Vertical takeoff. It is possible if the aircraft has an engine with a vertical burden (an example - domestic yak-38). Such devices, similar to helicopters, first type height from vertical vertical or during acceleration from a very low distance, and then smoothly go to the horizontal flight.

Consider as an example of a phase take-off of the Boeing 737 turbo aircraft.

Passenger takeoff Boeing 737

Almost every civil plane rises into the air according to the classic scheme, i.e. The engine is gaining the desired traction directly in the process of take-off. It looks like this:
  • The movement of the aircraft begins after reaching the engine about 800 revolutions / min. The pilot gradually releases the brakes, while holding the control knob is neutral. Range begins on three wheels;
  • To begin withdrawal from Earth, Boeing should acquire a speed of about 180 km / h. Upon reaching this value, the pilot smoothly pulls the handle, which leads to the deviation of the flaps-flaps and, as a result, raising the nose of the unit. Further, the aircraft accelerates on two wheels;
  • With a raised nose on two wheels, the plane continues overclocking until the speed reaches 220 km / h. When this value is reached, the plane is broken from the ground.

Everyone knows that aircraft fly at large altitudes, but what exactly most people can answer. This article describes in detail about what medium height Flights of passenger aircraft, why it is as follows and from which factors a flight on one or another height depends.

How high is the airliner?

Which height flies the passenger aircraft? Echelon Flight on the civil aviation transport has long been calculated and determined by engineers-designer engineers. On average, it is equal to 9-12 km above the ground. This is due to the fact that at a given distance from the earth's surface, the airspace is very discharged, respectively, air resistance is minimized. The temperature overboard is about -50 degrees, which contributes to the rapid cooling of working engines, and their overheating is not allowed. Airplanes at high altitudes are less than the fuel and are moving faster. Also at this distance do not fly birds, which means there will be no interference when moving.

There is a certain standard of flights around the world, where it is installed, at what height passenger aircraft flies. When the aircraft is moving to the west, the flight height is determined by even quantities: 10-12 km. When the flight to East, Echelon is calculated from odd parameters: 9-11 km above the ground. Such a separation of heights is due to avoiding unforeseen plane crash. After all, in the air, large-sized courts will almost impossible to disperse and avoid collisions.

What does the height of the flight depend on?

Echelon aircraft is not determined by the captain during the flight, but is calculated by specialists of the dispatch service in advance, even before sending an airliner to the flight. Which height flies the passenger aircraft? It depends on the following factors:

  • weather;
  • directions of the vessel movement;
  • the weight of the aircraft and its characteristics;
  • route length;
  • flight duration;
  • wind speed in the earth's surface.

In case freelance situations The aircraft commander is obliged to coordinate its actions with dispatchers, as any inconsistent movements may result in a threat to others. aircraft.

Maximum flight height of the passenger ship

All civilian airliners are obliged to fly on the installed echelon and do not exceed a bar of 12 thousand meters, as this may entail an accident in the air. The thing is that at an altitude of more than 12 km, the plane can begin to fall sharply, as the engines will be difficult to function in a highly discharged airspace. Because of this, the fuel consumption increases sharply, which is extremely not profitable for any carriers or passengers.

Determine the height of the flight using a barometer installed on board the aircraft.

What is the "ideal height"?

There is such a concept as the ideal height of the flight, that is, the ratio of the speed and consumption of fuel during the movement of the aircraft. It is at an altitude of 10,000 meters that optimal indicators are achieved. However, it is not necessary to think that this is a fixed value. For all time, the height may vary depending on some factors, such as air holes, bypassing thunderstorm clouds (above or under them) and so on.

During the take-off, the airliner is spent a huge amount of aircraft carrier, as the car is hard and great in its dimensions. But when the required level of height is achieved, where the air is discharged, the operation of all systems is optimized, and the airproof starts to spend economically.

Flight height of different types of aircraft

Which height flies passenger planes "Boeing"? The calculation of the flight parameters depends on the speed that the airliner is capable of developing. Thus, the passenger aircraft of the Boeing brand flies at a speed of 900-950 km / h, respectively, the height of their flight will be 9-10 km. With these parameters of the aircraft movement, it is possible to overcome large distances with a minimum spending of fuel. "Boeing" can develop speed up to 1100-1200 km / h, but constantly flying to them is unprofitable.

Which height flies the passenger aircraft? Some planes performing charter flights, can reach a height of 13,000 m and above, since the characteristics of the vessel allow it to do.

Truck liners fly the same way as passenger: at a speed of 900-1000 km / h and at an altitude of 9-10 thousand meters.

Military aircraft are more maneuverable compared to passenger and develop speed on average up to 2500 km / h. So, the height of their flight will be equal to 25 km above the ground.

Very small and light aircraft used for irrigation of fields or extinguishing fires are flying at no higher than 300 km / h and at a height from 1000 to 2000 meters.


Aviation has developed and calculated the optimal parameters of the speed and height of aircraft flights, correlated with the density and air resistance. For each aircraft there are their "air roads", which he must adhere to not to prevent the flight of another liner. The aircraft captain may deviate from the specified course due to some circumstances, but only with the approval of the dispatcher from the ground.

The article considers the question of which passenger aircraft flying at what height. Answer: 9-10 km.

IN passenger aviation The height of the flight is determined by the technical capabilities of the aircraft and the established rules. The height can be maximum and perfect. The selection of height does not depend on the solution of the commander, it is limited in its actions by ground services.

Why 10 thousand?

The perfect ten kilometers liner is gaining in 20 minutes. If the flight does not exceed half an hour, this necessity does not occur. The decision, maintain a corridor or climb another one - two thousand depends on the situation. The higher the aircraft rises, the more rapid the atmosphere becomes. It creates a smaller windshield, which reduces the amount of fuel, incinerated to overcoming it. In the atmosphere at an altitude of 10 thousand, the amount of oxygen required to ensure the process of burning kerosene is preserved. At this altitude, birds do not fly, the collision with which the accident will be.

The decision on the height of the flight is accepted by land dispatcher services.

They give the team to the pilots, based on objective factors:

  • weather;
  • wind speed at the surface of the earth;
  • the weight of the vessel I. technical characteristicsoh;
  • time and flight distance;
  • direction: West or East.

The selected height is determined in flight rules as a echelon. Air right defines united flight echelons for airspace all countries. If the vessel flies east, the dispatcher has the right to choose odd echelons at 35, 37, 39 thousand pounds ( from 10 to 12 kilometers). For aircraft following in the opposite direction, even echelons are offered. It is 30, 36, 40 thousand pounds above sea level ( from 9 to 11 kilometers). This tactic is aimed at avoiding collisions. Echelon is calculated even before the vehicle departure.

Affects the height and range of flight, on small routes, the height set is inappropriate. The commander of the vessel determines the height with the help of the barometer installed on board.

In this video material, the planes fly:

Maximum height

The maximum height is directly dependent on the maximum speed. At a speed of 950-1000 kilometers per hour, height reaches 10 kilometers. For small private aircraft, the ratio will be 300 km per hour and 2000 thousand meters.

Not only the model of the aircraft determines its maximum possible height, but also the physical characteristics of the atmosphere. The technical characteristics of the aircraft are different for passenger and military air vehicles.

The maximum height is determined by:

  • technical characteristics, this engine power and lifting power of the wing;
  • brand and type of vessel;
  • weighing the aircraft.

Russian Tu-204 can dial a height of no more than 7,200 meters. IL-62 will rise by 11 kilometers, as much as the A310 airbus. The newest Irkut MS-21, first rising in the sky on 28 May 2017, due to a small mass will be able to score 11.5 kilometers. The leader among the innovations of the industry, dry superjet SSJ 100SV, is already rising by 12 200 meters.

Before entering the market for the development of a dry limit of 12 thousand, it was possible to exceed only the Boeing.

There are height limits associated with the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere. They depend on the type of engine. The aircraft with a turbojet engine can score 32 thousand meters, the limit will be higher for a direct-flow air-reactive aircraft, it will be 45 thousand meters.

The maximum height of the turbojet military vessel may exceed 35 thousand meters, it was managed to gain Russian MiG-25.

Watch the video about how MiG 25 rises to the stratosphere

Perfect height

The definition belongs to the same height in the range of 10-12 thousand meters, where the ideal density of air flow is observed. They are fairly discharged in order to reduce the friction of airborne air and fuel consumption. Their density remains sufficient to support the wings of the aircraft. When moving to the stratosphere, the support level drops and the aircraft begins to "fall".

Taking into account these parameters, the pilots developed the definition of the "ideal" corridor. The output of it down increases the consumption of fuel, the economic efficiency of the flight decreases along with its height, so in any situation the pilot will rather increase the height than it reduces it.

As part of the allocated echelon, the pilot himself decides on height, given the current ratio of friction and support, taking into account the technical characteristics of the vessel. Often a change in the height is associated with turbulence, but it is agreed with ground services. Clouds are more often overcome when lifting above their level, also the cause of the change in the height can be the closure of space over the region due to hostilities or mountain peaks.

Remember. The change of echelon is possible only when the route occurs at a distance of 20 kilometers and when coordinating ground services.

Boeing height 747 and 737?

The model of the American corporation fly on Russian flights. Among the wide-body passenger aircraft, it is most often in service with airlines due to the profitability of mass traffic. Five Boeing 747 belong to the airline "Russia". The maximum speed of the vessel is 988 km per hour for a modification of 747-8, maximum heightwhich he can rise, 13,700 meters.

Boeing 737. The ceiling is gaining a smaller height, the ceiling is 12,500 meters for the model 737-800 and 11300 meters for Boeing 737-500. The ability to set such height provides fuel efficiency of flights. Designers suggest the release of Boeing 737 MAX 8, which should still improve these characteristics.

In aviation, the optimal heights of air corridors are calculated for all types of aircraft. Pilots must adhere to the instructions of the dispatching services, leaving the freedom of maneuver and the right to take an independent decision in a critical situation. The safety of airspace depends on the agreed team actions and ground dispatchers when choosing a maximum height.

Passengers with experience probably remember the ritual, repeating in almost every takele of the Soviet liner - the plane stops at the beginning of the strip, then it costs some time - the pilots give passengers to pray .. Just to hide - they themselves "prayed" - as joking Reading card checks. After that, the engines sharply begin to roar strongly, the plane - tremble, the passengers are baptized ... The pilot releases the brakes and the unknown force begins to push the sweaty passengers in their chairs. All shakes, the shelves open, the conductors fall something ...

And suddenly, there is absolutely accidental, the plane takes off. It becomes a bit quieter, you can translate the spirit ... But suddenly the plane begins to fall down!

At the last moment, the pilots as a rule "lines the liner", after that a couple of times "turn off the turbines" in the height set, and then everything becomes usually. Stewardles with stone faces spread juice-water, for those who pray badly - oxygen mask. And then the main thing begins, for which the passengers fly - we will deal with food.

Did not miss anything? It seems such reviews about flights I read repeatedly on non-core forums.

Let's figure it out.

Directly immediately put the point over it about the stop of the liner on the strip before taking off. How else should the pilots do - stop or not?

The answer is as well as the Edak correctly. The modern take-off method recommends not to stop on the strip, if there is no good reason. Under these reasons may be hidden:

A) the dispatcher is still thinking - to release you or hold it alone
B) The strip has limited length.

On item a, I think everything is clear.

On the point b, I will say the following - if the runway (strip) is really very short, and the plane is loaded so that only the mass is passed for this length - in this case it makes sense to save several tens of meters and bring the engine to an increased mode, holding the airplane on the brakes . Or is the runway just well, very unusual short, even if the aircraft is easy. In this case, the pilot also "just in case" will do so.

For example, we use such a takeoff in Chambery. There runways only two kilometers, but ahead of the mountain. I want to go away from the ground as quickly as possible and will be shorted. And usually the mass is close to the maximum possible for the conditions of take-off.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, if the dispatcher was allowed to take off simultaneously with the strip occupation - we will not stop. We will be cut down on the axial line (and it is possible that already with acceleration), we will make sure in the steady rectilinear movement of the aircraft, and then "we will give in gases."

See also: