The most beautiful city in the world. Rating of the most beautiful cities of the Earth

Then it would be possible to take into account the opinions of all connoisseurs of the beauty of nature and architecture. The problem also create cities located in Asia and inorganized for the perception of the Europeans: they seem rather differently than beautiful, therefore, as for Asian cities, there is absolutely no unity.

But we still tried to collect and analyze many opinions of Internet users and offer a rating that included the most frequently referred to as the most beautiful city in the world. Read and watch photos of the most beautiful city of the world.

And on 10th place the only Russian city, which is included in many ratings - in the past capital of the Russian Empire St. Petersburg.

This is one of the world tourist centerswhich attracts connoisseurs of architecture from around the world. He ranks 7th among the most visited European cities visited by tourists.
Located in a beautiful place, on the shore of the Gulf of Finland, St. Petersburg attracts the beauty of nature and urban and suburban development.

Being behind the polar circle, the city is also famous for white nights when walking through the streets and enjoy the amazing views around the clock.

A plurality of rivers and canals that cut the city into several islands give space for the creators of unique bridges, among whom a lot of divorce. Bridges, palaces, parks, museums of St. Petersburg make the city one of the most beautiful and amazing cities in the world.

9 Budapest

The capital of Hungary is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful cities Europe. His amazing panorama overlooking the Danube is even considered UNESCO with worldwide cultural heritage.

Glory Budapest create not only delicious architectural monuments, but also thermal sources (more than 120 them), and world famous cuisine. The city consists of three parts - Buda, Pests, Logging, - each of which has its glorified architectural monuments.

This is the Parliament Building and Avengers Avenue in Pest, Fortresses and the Church of the Virgin (13th Century) in Buda, a unique arboretum on Margit Island, Aquinkum's ruins. A number of zones in the city are pedestrian, they are created specifically for walking and admiring the beauty of the city.

8 Rio de Janeiro

This is not only the limit of the dreams of the Odessa rogue Osta Bender, but also one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The second largest city of Brazil boasts a huge number of attractions, many of which UNESCO contributed to its list of objects world Heritage.

This is the historic center of the city, where you can see the construction of the XVI-XIX centuries. Copacabana Beach, Mint, Urban Theater, Mountain Sugar Head, Flamengo Park, Amazing Churches, botanical Garden - Here are some of beautiful seats, attracting thousands of tourists, all of them are so much that you cannot get around and in a few days.

And, of course, the most famous landmark of Rio de Janeiro is the statue of Christ-Redeemer on top of Mount Corcovad.

7 Tokyo

The capital of Japan, according to many people, is the most beautiful city of Asia.
Combining vintage picturesque streets and elegant modern quarters, Tokyo and in fact shock the imagination of the traveler. And how are numerous parks and squares, loved by the Japanese!

In the capital of Japan, you can walk endlessly. What are there for only almost five thousand Buddhist and shinto temples! Surprisingly beautiful Oriental Garden with him is worth viewing ditch, vintage walls and bridges, as well as other specimens of Japanese architecture XVII V.: Gate, guard towers and the like.

6 Sydney

The largest and most expensive (in terms of life) The city of Australia is often mistakenly considered her capital. However, this is not that it does not prevent him from entering the very beautiful and interesting cities World.

Looking at the modern Sydney, it is impossible to assume that the city once was created as a settlement for the convicts. Now it is a chic megalopolis, combining dynamic business districts and fashionable sleeping.

The main attraction of Sydney and one of the most famous buildings in the world - the building of the Opera House, similar to several sea shells or on wings of fish birds. Attracts crowds of tourists also Bridge Harbor Bridge.

His arches have a length of more than half a kilometer and are raised above the bay at a height of almost 140 meters. The city is famous and its numerous picturesque beaches.

5 Florence - one of the most beautiful cities in the world

Amazing Florence enjoys well-deserved love and admiration of tourists. Such pearls of world architecture like Cathedral Santa Maria del Fiore and the Palace of Medici Riccardi, entering the treasury of the heritage of mankind.

Stunning buildings invariably cause an excretion from everyone who had the happiness to see them live. Yes, and the whole city, which leads its history from the I century to our era, is a colossal museum in which so many amazing structures and parks, which even a glimpse of it is very difficult to inspect them. A Gallery Uffizi and Old Most Do not have analogues in the world.

4 Prague

The capital of the Czech Republic is considered to be a favorite place of pilgrimage of thousands of lovers of architectural beauty.

The famous sights of this city are difficult to even simply list, and it is simply impossible to examine in one or two days. Charles Bridge, laid in the IV century and built for 50 years, saw the fair and coronation, courts and tournaments, and now a recognized "business card" of the Czech Republic.

And Prague Castle, famous for its beauty and the amazing cathedral of St. Vita, is the witness of the entire history of the Czech people with her victories and tragedies.

3 Rome

The "Eternal City" entered the top three and took an honorable place among the most beautiful cities in the world. Existing with antiquity, combining antiquity monuments and modern architecture, "City on seven hills" is one of the most beloved tourists around the world.

The Roman Forum, Colosseum and Pantheon are the most unique historical monuments, look at which thousands of travelers stretch. As the center of Catholicism, Rome attracts many pilgrims, everyone dreams of seeing the famous Cathedral of St. Peter and more than 900 temples in the city.

One of the most popular sights of Rome is an angel Castle, which is sometimes called a sad lock. Once he was a family-friendly Mausoleum Adrian, but then became a fortress that protects the Pope and the demonstrating power of Catholicism. Now in the castle there is a museum.

2 Paris

Elegant and chic, mysterious and shine Paris lies at the foot of five hills; This is probably the most romantic city in the world, the reputation of which is incredibly high. It is believed to see Paris - the dream of any traveler.

And in fact, it is difficult to find somewhere so much spectacular and unusual monuments and architectural structures.

Eiffel Tower is known to people all over the world, this is a symbol of Paris, like Louvre - a museum with a truly unique collection of works of art. It is impossible to be in Paris and not to visit the Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God, which is shot in the famous novel by V.GUGU.

And also the Champs Elysees - the longest street of the famous city, where you can see the world's best shops, luxurious hotels, luxury restaurants - all that Paris does and one of the capitals of world trade.

1 London - the most beautiful city in the world

The first place in our rating occupies in accordance with many sociological polls, London.

The modern appearance of the capital of the United Kingdom has developed over the centuries. Many monuments of architecture, once destroyed scrupulously restore, and many of them can now be examined.

The tempting Westminster is the most famous and visited area of \u200b\u200bLondon.

Here, travelers can enjoy the view of the ancient buildings of Westminster Abbey, the National Gallery, Trafalgar Square, the Buckingham Palace; Here you can see the famous Big Ben, an unusually beautiful church of Saint Margarita or Underground Cabinet W. Churchill.

But Westminster is not only a story, because there is still a political life of London and all important events occur in the life of the royal family.

And economic life is boiling in the SHO - the trading area of \u200b\u200bthe city, also invariably using the interest of tourists. This is where the real mixing of history and modernity, because the Soho is also the most famous entertainment center.

London is famous for its amazing parks, where there are always a lot of people who wish to relax, enjoy the beauty of nature, just drink a cup of coffee with a sandwich, sitting not in the office, and on green grass under the shadow of trees.

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What determines the beauty of the city? Perhaps art, architecture, mountains, beaches. Some of the city are famous for their natural attractions, others - artificially created, and third - and those and others. It depends on what you consider beautiful. Here is the list of the 10 most beautiful cities in the world.

Sydney, Australia

That's why you like Sydney:

  • In Sydney more than 100 amazing beaches.
  • Miracle architecture - Sydney Opera House. Located in the list of World Heritage sites, more than 1,500 ideas are held annually.
  • Sydney harbor stretches 240 kilometers along the ocean. At the same time, many historical monuments are scattered along it. This is the most picturesque harbor of natural origin in the world.
  • Here is the most impressive New Year's fireworks.
  • On the one hand, such man-made wonders of architecture are created in Sydney as the Opera House. On the other hand, it is magic world Nature S. magnificent mountains, wonderful beaches, impressive gardens and national parks.

New York, USA

Why you may fall in love with New York:

  • In New York - the US business capital - the most beautiful panorama of the city opens. In New York there are about 237 skyscrapers, most of which are located on Manhattan Island. Such skyscrapers such as Empire State Building, World Trade Center 1 and Chrysler-Building are known to the whole world.
  • The Statue of Liberty, located on the island of freedom in New York, is one of the most recognizable attractions in the world. It is considered an icon of freedom.
  • Central Park in New York is one of the largest and most beautiful city parks in the world. This park occupies an extensive area of \u200b\u200b3.5 km². The Central Park is also the most visited city park in the United States.
  • New York more cinemas (420) than in any other city of the world.
  • In New York there are some of best museums The world, including the Metropolitan Museum, the American Museum of Natural Science, Frca Collection and the Guggenheim Museum.

Singapore, Singapore

The reasons why you will never forget Singapore:

  • Here is the most expensive independent Casino Hotel - Marina Bay Sands. The cost of construction of this complex is estimated at 5.5 billion US dollars. Marina Bay Sands has restaurants, theaters, exhibition centers and a casino with an area of \u200b\u200b15,000 m².
  • The endless pool on the 57th floor of Marina Bay Sands is the most huge landscape pool in the world.
  • Singapore is a very green city. What is worth only the garden at the Bay in the center of Singapore. This fantastic park covers 101 hectares and accommodates more than 1 million plants. Others famous parks Singapore - Botanical Garden, Park eastern coast And the park reservoir Makrichi.
  • Singapore is one of the cleanest cities in the world.

Cape Town, South Africa

That is why tourists crazy from Cape Town:

  • This magnificent city is located in the south of the African continent. In the southern part of the city there are world-famous Cape of Good Hope and Cape Aguulhas. Here is the famous dining area, which offers a delightful view of the beaches, mountains and valleys. Cape Agulhas is the southern tip of the African continent.
  • On the Victoria and Alfred embankment, stretching along the coast of the Atlantic, there are shops, restaurants, art gallery and cafes. It offers stunning views of the ocean and the dining room.
  • On the flat top of the dining area equipped viewpoint Overlooking the city of Cape Town - a paradise place for excursants and tourists. The height of this beautiful mountain is 1084 meters. To lift to the top there is a cable car.
  • The bouquet suburb in the center of Cape Town is one of the most colorful quarters in the world. Houses here are built in Georgian and Dutch architectural styles, and painted in bright colors. And the streets are paved by cobblestones. Beautiful, bright photos you are provided here.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The city of contrasts will not leave you indifferent. That is why Rio is one of the most beautiful cities in the world:

  • The statue of Christ-Redeemer, located at an altitude of 700 meters on Mount Corcovad, is one of the most famous symbols of Christianity. A statue with a height of about 30 meters, with the exposited hands of the Savior - one of the seven new wonders of the world.
  • Carnival in Rio de Janeiro is the biggest carnival on the planet. This Grand Festival begins 40 days before Easter and lasts five days. It attracts more than 2 million visitors from all over the world. In the parade "Samba" (Brazilian musical and dance genre) more than 200 schools of Samba annually participate.
  • Covered by kilometers white sand And washed by the Turquoise-blue waters of the ocean beach of Copacabana - one of the most beautiful beaches of the world.
  • Tijuka Forest is one of the largest urban forests in the world. Its area is 32 square kilometers. He became a house for hundreds of plants and animals. For visitors, an observation deck on Pedro-de-Gavea is open here - a rock-monolith of 844 meters high.

Istanbul, Turkey

Amazing facts about Istanbul:

  • Istanbul is the only transcontinental city in the world (located on two continents Europe and Asia).
  • Istanbul is the land of architectural miracles. The most famous among them is the Saint Sophia Cathedral - earlier was the Byzantine Church, and now the Museum. It was built in the 4th century. Topkapi Palace, Sultan Ahmeta Mosque, Galata Tower - Other famous architectural sights of Istanbul.
  • Here are the most beautiful sunsets.
  • In the spring, more than 20 million tulips bloom in the city.
  • The Grand Bazaar in Istanbul has more than 4,000 stores, is one of the world's largest and oldest markets.

Florence, Italy

That is why this city should be in the list of the first cities to visit:

  • The best city to enjoy the works of art is Florence. Interestingly, about one-third of all world treasures is stored here. The most famous and most visited art gallery of Italy - Uffizi. It presents some of the most significant work of the period of the Italian Renaissance, including Madonna Ondisanti Jotto, Madonna Doni Michelangelo, Madonna Raphael and "Annunciation" of Martini and Lippo Memmi.
  • In Academy fine arts Florence is stored one of the greatest masterpieces ever created - "David" Michelangelo.
  • Florence is the first city in Europe, where the streets were paved.
  • The Florentine Cathedral - the Cathedral, built between 1296 and 1436, is the object of the World Heritage and the main attraction of Florence. Its 45-meter dome, designed by the Italian architect Filippo Bruneland - the largest stone dome in the world.

Budapest, Hungary

Small outcome

Unfortunately, the format of this article does not allow you to show you all the variety and splendor of various beautiful cities in the world. But on the page site you will find many more interesting articles from amazing citiesWith some of them get acquainted closer, look at the pictures of their attractions and learn many interesting facts.

And what is the most beautiful city in the world in your opinion? Answers can be written in the comments to this article.

There is an opportunity to relax abroad, but do not know where to spend the most unforgettable vacation? Do not hurry to buy tickets and pack suitcases. We have drawn up the rating of the most beautiful cities in the world, the visit of which will accurately remember you for all your life, believe me - bright and good emotions will be provided.
But before, we advise you to make a small journey

1. Venice

Most travelers who visited this city on the water are recognized unanimously: Venice is a beautiful city on our planet and at the same time, the most unique one. Each building here is a real work of architectural art.
After all, it is not for nothing that in Venice is the most expensive real estate in Italy, allowing you to buy which only real nouveroi can.

When you come to Venice for the first time, the magic landscape of this city simply captures the Spirit, causing the feeling of presence in the real fairy tale. Venice inspires. It was here that the brave traveler Marco Polo was born, the famous lover and hearts of Jacomo Casanova and the greatest composer Antonio Vivaldi.

2. Paris.

"To see Paris and die" - once the famous writer Ilya Erribor said. But he was right. This city can be loved by all my heart, or hate all the soul. But he will not leave anyone indifferent! Sena River and crossing it bridges, beautiful boulevards and monumental monuments, the charming streets of Montmarta - all these places make Paris one of the most complex and elegant city in the world in the world.

If you find yourself in Paris, be sure to visit the Salvador Museum Dali, walk along the Champs Elysees, admire the beauty of the city from the Eiffel Tower, and, of course, take a look at the works of the greatest artists in the Louvre.

And in the evening, after a walk, you can sit after a cup of coffee in a street cafe or ride for a small boat board on Seine. And then you will realize that Paris is rightly called the city of lovers.


There is no more majestic city on Earth than Prague, because it is not for nothing that the capital of the Czech Republic is also called thousands of spiers. Amazing buildings and monuments are dating almost every period of the history of the city, and it has more than a thousand years.
Admire the spiers of the castles from Karlova Bridge across the Vltava River, slowly stroll through the old town square. There are no more such in good emotions anywhere else.

Picturesquely located on a hilly ridge descending to great River Tahoe, the capital of Portugal, the city of Lisbon is one of the most beautiful policies on the planet. Lisbon is unique. Almost all local streets are painted in black and white tones, black color symbolizes the robes of the patron of Lisbon - Saint Victory, and white - color of the knight crusaders.

If you are lucky to be in this city, be sure to visit the local attraction - Belem Tower, because there is a breathtaking breath, panoramic view of the city.

5. Rio de Janeiro

Residents of Rio -de-Janeiro believe that God created the world in six days, and did not rest on the seventh day, but he worked, devoting him to completely construction Rio. The city is really located in an overwhelmingly beautiful place on the planet.

Green, tropical abundance is mixed with the heavenly blue ocean and the hot brightness of sandy beaches, surrounding Rio de Janeiro just unique natural beauty. Without a doubt, Rio is rightfully considered a very beautiful city in Brazil.

6. Amsterdam

Almost every Amsterdam building can be found to architectural monuments, because there are more than 4,000 buildings built in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The city is famous for the beauty of picturesque fountains, old, crucible stalls and elegant architecture of houses.

In Amsterdam a huge number of museums, from museums of sex and erotica, to the museums of the greatest artists of various historical eras, starting from the 15th century, and ending with our time. The city is famous for its own windmills, tulips and beer festivals, to participate in which millions of tourists from all over the world are flying every year.

7. Florence

Florence - Very beautiful city of the greatest creators of the Renaissance era. It was here that Leonardo da Vinci, Rafael, Michelangelo and Botticelli, and Botketchelli, created their masterpieces, and this is not the entire list of ingenious artists and inventors.

A large number of majestic cathedrals and churches adorn the streets of this fantastic city. The most famous of them is the Church of Santa Croce, where the remains of Galilee, Michelangelo and Machiawelli are gone.

There are many streets of the medieval era, with ancient houses similar to fortified fortresses. Visiting Florence will leave you with a feeling of a reverent trepidation in front of this beautiful and majestic city.

8. Rome

The city standing on seven hills near the Tiber River, is famous for its historical monuments and classical architecture. Here the ancient buildings are very harmoniously merge with modern houses of a large metropolis.

Slowly walking around the picturesque streets of Rome, do not forget to visit St. Peter's Cathedral - this is the biggest christian church in the world. Be sure to climb the Spanish stairs and throw the coin in the most beautiful fountain of the city - the Trevi Fountain.


The beauty of this city is difficult to describe in words, it must be seen with his own eyes! After all, not in vain Budapest call the "pearl Danube", and visiting the capital of Hungary, you can evaluate the beauty of graceful bridges and areas, an exquisite architecture of magnificent buildings. Budapest is incredibly beautiful in winter, but all the magnificence of this city is revealed in the summer, when the beauty of the outside of the city is added to the stunning mind.

Be sure to walk along the Square of the Heroes, and cross the Bridge of the Senternaya Bridge, which is a business card of Budapest. By the way, this bridge is a copy of the London Bridge, only more. I am striking the building of the State Opera Theater, rebuilt in the 19th century in the style of classicism.


This ne. big cityIn Little Belgium, it is famous around the world with its great beauty. Bruges is one of the best preserved medieval cities in the world, decorated with a large number of gothic monuments, surrounded by an oval canal and extremely romantic alleys. It is not surprising that this city is one of the most visited in Europe.


The city-state is famous for the amazing cleanliness of its streets, and incredible futuristic landscapes of majestic skyscrapers. If you find yourself in Singapore, be sure to look at Singapore Park. In this garden, 22,000,000 species of various plants from all over our immense planet are collected.

And consider a beautiful panorama of the city from a bird's eye view, you can from the ferris wheel of towering over the Bay of Marina Bay.
Of course, in this article it is impossible to describe everything. beautiful cities The world, because their huge amount and each is unique in their own way.

But in our opinion, the most beautiful city - this one in which you were born and live, where all the alleys and the most familiar interesting places. And if you go to live in one of the policies listed in the list, your native city Forever will remain in memory as the most magnificent on the planet.


We are looking for beauty in different manifestations: in art and architecture, in views of the sea and mountains, in people and in history.

On this list we collected the most beautiful cities on our beautiful planet.

In it you can find cities with different continents from Australia to Asia and Europe to South and North America.

If you know beautiful cities that did not hit this list, leave your comment in which you can also publish a photo of the city.

Top 10 of the most beautiful cities

Venice, Italy

There is one rule relating to Venice: if you are not lost, it means that you did something wrong. Even if you are perfectly focused on the ground, still have great chancethat you get lost in this beautiful city. Not best way To study the maze of Venice than plunging completely into this city, and get confused.

Hong Kong, China

Hong Kong is beautiful with many points of view - when you are standing under majestic skyscrapers, or are on a walking boat floating around Victoria Bay. When you flock to the city, it seems that the fog dishes, and you are opening Shangri La, where the hilly green islands surround the stone jungle.

Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul is a historic intersection of cultures and design. The city landscape perfectly displays the spirit of two conquering empires. No need to look for a long time, take a look at the Blue Mosque or St. Sophia's Cathedral to see all the beauty of the Byzantine dome and color mosaics, Ottoman minarets and Islamic calligraphy.

New York, USA

This multilateral megalopolis with historical architecture, which includes many buildings from the 22-storey Flaton-Building skyscraper to the World shopping center 1, and their foots run 8.4 million people. IN central Park You can feel green grass, ticking legs. At the crossroads, you can teach out the smell of street food, in the Greenwich-Village quarter you can hear music from numerous bars. Here and the Metropolitan Museum, and the New York Museum of Contemporary Art, and the Museum of the Moving Image.

London, Great Britain

This is one of the most energetic cities in the world, with a rich history and works of modern engineering art (London Eye, Mary-Ex) skyscraper. It seems that art and literature is seeping from each wall. There are also many galleries of contemporary art, a large number of The most fashionable boutiques and much more.

Chavew, Morocco

Hidden highly on the slopes of the Er-Reef Ridge, the city of Shaveren is famous for its architecture, as well as the fact that almost all the walls of houses are painted in different shades of blue and blue. That is why the city was called a "blue pearl".

Some argue that Andalusian Jews who fled from Spain in 1492, when they began to pursue them, decided to paint their homes in the shades of blue. They believed that the blue color of the sky most reminds them of God. However, it is believed that the city was stained in blue as a symbol of peace and tolerance. Every year at home updates new blue paint.

What is the most beautiful city

Paris, France

Yes, this city has its own minuses, but they cannot eclipse the charm who is famous for Paris. Here is the story and romance go hand in hand: small cafes (even not the cheapest), beautiful people, and quarters, each of which has its own style.

All the sights of this city can be listed for a very long time, and most of them are known to many: the Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God, the Versailles Palace, Eiffel Tower, Disneyland Paris, Elysee Fields, Louvre, Basilica Sacre-Kor, Triumphal Arch in Paris, Dali Museum in Paris.

Cape Town, South Africa

The whole world could appreciate the beauty of this city during the 2010 World Cup. Here are white sandy beaches, not far from them the magic dining area (officially recognized as one of the seven new wonders of nature), as well as many vineyards. Coastal highways are considered one of the best in the world. At the foot of the dining area there is a Botanical Garden of Kirstenbosh, in which an incredibly beautiful flower of proto artichoke is growing.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

A huge number of different cultures are concentrated in this city. It presents 177 nationalities. Amsterdam is rich in sights. Here and Rexmüseum, and the Museum of Vincent Van Gogh, and the Hermitage on Amusene, and the Red Lantern Quarter (de Valen). All this every year attracts more than 4 million tourists.

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

This city is historically and culturally connected with the formation of the Russian Empire, as well as with its entry into the role of European superpower. Petersburg itself is a work of art. He wrote about him many famous classics, and also compared with Venice. St. Petersburg is one of the most important economic, tourist, scientific and cultural centers of the country.

Among the most important cultural and tourist facilities can be allocated: Hermitage, Kunstkamera, Mariinsky Theater, Russian national Library, Russian Museum, Petropavlovsk Fortress, St. Isaac's Cathedral and Nevsky Prospect.

The most beautiful cities of the world

Beirut, Lebanon

Despite the destruction and horror that this city suffered and continues to transfer, Beirut is very beautiful and strong. In the capital of Lebanon, you can meet incredible works of art and architecture and rich kitchen. Beirut is the largest and main port of Lebanon. He is known for its theaters and various cultural events.

Civil War destroyed many buildings and important objects, but the city was renovated again. The historic center of the city, the Pier, Pubhouse Area, and Others were reconstructed. This restoration of the city helped him to become an important historical landmark.

Kyoto, Japan

Return back in time, in the imperial capital of Japan, where you can visit the temples of the 10th century and see young geisha on the streets. This city has retained the history of Japan very well. It is about 1,600 Buddhist temples and 400 Sanctures of Dzinzya. Kyoto is called the main thing cultural Center Japan. He did not suffer during the Second World War, so not only many temples, but also beautiful gardens and palaces were preserved here.

Quinstown, New Zealand

Did you know that in New Zealand there are no predators? This is the earth of chants, but if you go to the very south in Quinstown, which was nicknamed by the world capital of adrenaline fans, then you can find many ways to arrange an extreme vacation - skiing, Rafting, Bunji Jumping (jumping from a height with a rubber rope attached to the legs), Mountainbike (mountain biking races), pedestrian tourism. In addition, the city is famous for the amazing species of nature.

Beautiful photos of cities

Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain

Modern gothic style and oriental topics intersect in this city. The famous Catalan Architect Antonio Gaudi wanted to create organic urban space in his beloved city. In its gothic quarter, traces of the Roman presence are preserved. From the Middle Ages here is the Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Holy Evlalia. Among numerous attractions can be allocated: Aquarium Barcelona, \u200b\u200bRambla Boulevard, Mila House, Gaudo Museum, Cathedral, Picasso Museum, Park Guell, Sagrada Familia, Camp Nou Stadium and Tibidabo Mountain.


Those who at least once thought that Singapore is boring, unattractive and non-original, today you dream to pick up your words back. Singapore is changing every day. His little restaurants are invited to new visitors every day, and entrepreneurs dream of opening a new branch here. Beauty Singapore in combination natural beauty and amazing places created by man. Among the attractions you can allocate: Clar-Ki embankment, Singapore Zoo, Buckit Tima Reserve, Botanical Garden, Hotel Marina Bay Sands and Oceanarium Singapore.

Rating of the most beautiful cities

Havana, Cuba

Havana is one of the most beautiful island cities in the world. The center of the capital of Cuba to this day was able to maintain a unique original colonial appearance. Many landmarks were listed on UNESCO: La Real Fuers Fortress, Santa Clara Monastery, Immaculate Concern, City Hall, Cathedral with the Cathedral and others.

Havana is famous worldwide with its loud holidays, various festivals and fairs. In the winter months, the colorful carnival, the International Festival, the Festival of Latin American Cinema passes here. It is also worth noting that January 1 - the Day of Revolution. On this day you can hear a huge number of different musicians and look at various dance performances.

Florence, Italy

You can forget about the outdated opinion that Florence froze in time with its statues. Today in this city just boils life. There are new restaurants and museums around. Modern Florence is one of the center of Italian fashion. The city fell into the list of the most fashionable capitals of the world. It is also worth noting that Florence is an important national, economic, tourist and industrial center of Italy. It is a list of the 20 most profitable cities in the country.

Sydney, Australia

One who did not live in Sydney, it is difficult to imagine how beautiful this city is. He fully enjoys its location on the ocean. There are always steamers, here you can relax on Bondi Beach, Manley, Palm Beach and Kuji. And do not forget about the business card of the city - the Sydney Opera House. You will also open magnificent views from a glass platform of the Sydney TV bashney, the height of which is 309 meters.

Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon is one of the oldest cities in Europe. By age, he is superior to London and Paris. This is an incredibly beautiful city with complex patterns at home. It is impossible for him to walk and not notice something beautiful.

Here are many attractions, the most popular of which are considered: Museum of electricity, Maritime Museum, National archaeological Museum, Castle of St. George, Baroque Palaces Belen, Mafra and Kelush, as well as tourists love to visit Figueira's Square and prospectus.

In Lisbon, the bins are also arranged, however, unlike the Spanish Corrida, the bulls are not killed - the team of unarmed fighters simply satisfies.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The statue of Christ-Redeemer looks from above on the pulsating and full energy of the city, which is danced by the sea. This bright city is famous for its parties and, of course, the carnival. It is also worth noting that the UNESCO World Heritage List includes the Copacabana Beach, the Sugar Head and the Statue of Christ. There is also an Ipanoma Beach, Flamengo Park and Maracan Stadium.

The streets and embankments of this city are simply drowning in a tropical greenery, but in the city you can also find a beautiful botanical garden and many different parks.

Beautiful cities in the world

Jaipur, India

It is also called a "pink city" due to a peculiar pink color of the stone, which is used in construction. The whole city is surrounded by a wall that once protected him from enemy troops and wild animals. Inside the walls, the city is divided into 9 rectangular sectors. Jaipur is unique thanks to different attractions.

One of them is Galtagi. This ancient pilgrimage center is located east of Jaipur. Greens surrounds local temples, swimming pools and sources. Another attraction - Jantar Mantar - the largest of five observatories that were erected in five different cities countries. Here the tools of astronomical art are stored, created in the Middle Ages.

Other attractions also should be noted: Hava-Mahal or the wind palace (city symbol), Sarga Sulya (the most tall tower Jaipur) and the Amber Palace (the magic complex of palaces, halls, gardens and temples, which have erected about 2 centuries).

Lucerne, Switzerland

Bridges, buildings resembling a turret, and a picturesque old town, make Lucerne by the Swiss collection of fairy tales. Located on the shores of the lake of the same name, the city is a popular starting point for those who decided to go to the Swiss Alps (which, by the way, can be seen by walking around the city). Take the time to stroll around Kapelbrücke - the most ancient wooden covered bridge on the continent. Lucerne also has the largest museum of transport in Europe.

Shanghai, China

This is one of the most amazing cities in the world - he literally pulses innovations. The sights of the city as the Eastern Pearl TV and the Shanghai World Financial Center will allow you to look at a huge Shanghai from a height, and enjoy panoramic views.

However, real beauty hides in more traditional things - walks along the Vaitan embankment, a study of colonial architecture in the ancient Shanghai French concession, and of course, tasting traditional Chinese cuisine, and participating in tea ceremonies.

San Francisco, California, United States

The spirit of adventures is something that this megalopolis is famous with its numerous restaurants, cafes, shops and galleries. There is often something new here, so no one will be bored. San Francisco is considered the most beautiful city in the United States, but with this statement may argue Chicago, New York and some more interesting cities.

It is difficult to resist the attractions such as the deserted lady - architectural ensemble, consisting of 6 Victorian residential buildings, streets, eating Zigzag, and, of course, the Golden Gateway, which go into fog.

Very beautiful cities

Rome, Italy

It is also called "Caput Mundi" (the capital of the world). Despite the fact that over many years, the beautiful ancient buildings in the Renaissance style "passed a little", they are still able to admire. Rome is an infinite historical labyrinth, in which true connoisseurs of history will be happy to get lost.

Among numerous attractions can be allocated: the Colosseum (Ancient Roman amphitheater), Pantheon (the Ancient Roman temple of all the gods), St. Peter's Cathedral (the largest church on the European continent), the Trevi Fountain and the Roman Forum.

Bruges, Belgium

Most of the preserved old town of Brugge was built between the 12th and 15th century. There are even stolen streets, walking on which you feel in medieval fairy tale. Here you should visit the Church of Our Lady, made in the Gothic style, look at the painting by Michelangelo "Madonna with a baby" or relax in a small cafe overlooking the Grotto Markt Square in historical center cities.

Stockholm, Sweden

His charming narrow streets and a large number of islets that allow you to compare the city with Venice, make Stockholm one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Here is a huge number of museums, including National Museum Sweden, Museum of Contemporary Art, Museum of Northern Countries (Northern Museum) and Unibachen - Family Cultural Entertainment Center, the subject of which is devoted to the works of Astrid Lindgren.

There are also many festivals in Stockholm, including: International Film Festival, Baltic Festival, Stockholm Festival of Old Music, Stockholm Jazz Festival, Sound Of Stockholm Contemporary Festival, and Popaganda Rock Festival.

Cartagena, Colombia.

Summer here holds 12 months a year, which allows round year Enjoy all the beauties of this city. Here and colonial architecture, many parks and squares, as well as a very tasty kitchen, which can be tried in restaurants such as El Boliche or La Cevichería.

Do not forget about many beaches that will be suitable for everyone - children, adults, diving lovers and water species Sports. Lagoon Mar Menor is an amazing sea with salted water, as there are several on his shore health centerswhere there are many cosmetic procedures.

Budapest, Hungary

This city is incredibly beautiful, as it combines the architecture of various styles and beautiful nature that surrounds it. Arriving here, it is worth visiting the chain bridge from which a beautiful view of Danube offers, which is especially beautiful in the evening.

It is also worth noting that Budapest is the only capital in the world that abounds with healing hot mineral sources. That is why he is called "the capital of thermal waters."

Rating of beautiful cities

Valparaiso, Chile

The beautiful and colorful city of Valparaiso is worth an amphitheater on south Bank Bay of the same name. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Valparaiso is considered the most picturesque city of Chile. Daring street art adds modernity to urban buildings built in the 19th century. Many tourists, getting here, soon want to stay here. Not in vain Valparaiso called "pearl Pacific Ocean". He has another nickname -" Paradise Valley ".

Prague, Czech Republic

The picturesque prague beats the bohemian heart. There is a huge number of buildings with which more than 100 years, and all of them are direct evidence of an artistic and intellectual foundation, which costs the city. Here you can visit the pub, which in Prague is not reading, or admire the city from Petrshin's Hill, located in the center of Prague.

Edinburgh, Scotland

He is loved for endless green hills and amazing history. This city can be called the capital of Western Europe. Where else can you find in one city medieval old city, dormant volcano and the Royal Castle? In August, you can get to the world's largest Edinburgh Festival. It was at this time that the population of the city doubles thanks to tourists.

Here are also suitable: Edinburgh International Film Festival, Edinburgh International Book Festival, Edinburgh Parade of Military Orchestras. Once here, try to go to the Royal Botanical Garden of Edinburgh.

Busan, South Korea

If you consider Seoul New York, then Busan will be a hybrid of Los Angeles and Miami. It can be called updated east Asia Thanks to its wide and long sandy beaches, coastal alleys, and loaded pier.

The city is famous for many skyscrapers. Here is also the largest department store in the world - "Sinsheg Senteum City". Among megasoites, Busan is worth noting the skyscraper "SenTUM LIDERS Mark", as well as the highest in South Korea Office - "Pusan \u200b\u200bInternational Financial Center".

Mexico City, Mexico

Mexico boasts the biggest capital with suburbs in the Western Hemisphere. He was not just called El Monstruo (monster). But in the mornings, when the sun's rays begin to sparkle the hidden mansions, under its magnitude, it is possible to consider some intimacy of Mexico City.

There are many parks, among which the Alameda Park, which is not far from Sokalo Square, a Capultekek Park, who has ends of Paseo de la Reform (in this place, there was once a summer residence of the emperor Montesums). It is also worth noting that there are 10 archaeological parks in the city.

The most beautiful cities of Europe

Dubrovnik, Croatia

There are not many places where you can truly see the real greatness of old Europe. Dubrovnik - just such a place. It is worth noting that this city played the role of the Royal Harbor in the series "Game of Thrones". Here a huge number of museums and galleries, as well as in the city, many festivals are held annually.

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