San trail which sea. Saint-Tropez.

Saint-Tropez is one of the most popular modern sea resorts in Europe, the pearl and the entire south of France. The city is located 76 kilometers from and is a favorite holiday destination for celebrities around the world. Popularity to this small settlement, the number of residents of which about 6,000 people came at the end of the XIX century, when local landscapes captured the talented artist of the Xinyak field, and became the main topic on his canvases. In this city, they were invented by a completely new drawing technique with points - Pointelism. Later, in search of inspiration, his colleagues on the workshop began to flow here: Chris Wang Dongen, Pierre Bonnar, Henri Matisse. The excellent works of these modernists served as excellent advertising for the entire European aristocracy, moving here from and cann.

An even greater fame of the tiny picturesque bay in the middle of the 20th century, brought the film "And God created a woman", the main role in which the inimitable Bridget Bardo played. The main world popularity came to the resort after the release of the first comedy paintings with Louis de Fühnes about the gendarme from Saint-Tropez. The city became recognizable and tourists from all over the world reached here. Today, the main focus of the settlement is the tourism, so the tourist infrastructure here is well debugged and offers luxurious rest and impeccable service.

  • Area: 11 km²;
  • Time Zone: UTC + 1, Summer UTC + 2;
  • Population: 4,500.

Climatic features

The resort is located in the zone of a soft Mediterranean climate, with a fairly warm winter and a non-suckful summer. The average temperatures of January + 10⁰c, and in July, the thermometer columns rise to + 25⁰c. The greatest number The precipitation falls for the period from December to February. Autumn and spring here is a pleasant warm weather. As a rule, water in the coastal zone is heated to the air temperature.

Transport accessibility

The city has its own airport serving only charter flights. The nearest international air port is located in Nice, 100 kilometers from the Saint-Tropez. You can get to the resort on a rented car, by train - rejoicing to San Rafael, and then transfer to the bus, next to the Saint-Tropez, or regularly running the speed boat in the summer season. There is no railway communication with the resort. In the city public transport not.

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Fez → Nice

Turin → Nice

Algeria → Nice

Historical reference

The first settlements in this area, archeologists refer to the II century BC. Finds of scientists suggest that in this territory was greek colony. From the i to a century of our era locality Subjected to repeated destructions from the Arabs, who survived this part of Europe. From the middle of the XI century, power over the city passed to monks from Saint-Victor, restored and returned him to a full life. However, the civilians of Provence Princes devastated the city until the XV century. By the beginning of the XVI century, the Genoese architect Porno De Hareskzo was erected by powerful fortress walls surrounding and defending the Saint-Tropez from all sides. Since that time, the settlement received the status of an independent republic and began to establish trading relations with Africa and countries East Asia. Until the XIX century, the city inhabited merchants, fishermen and shipowners. After the "opening" of Saint-Trail by artists and aristocrats, luxury mansions, villas, hotels, branded shops and many entertainment facilities began to appear here.


First of all, Saint-Tropez is although a small but famous coast resort Mediterranean Seaand its most basic landmark - luxury beaches With a well-developed infrastructure. The largest beach of Pompanel, representing 6 kilometers of sandy shore, with dozens of small well-equipped private beaches. For a full-fledged high-quality recreation, guests are offered classes. water species Sports: windsurfing, yachting and water skiing. Those who are poorly owned by the skills of managing a ship or a sailboat, experienced instructors will always help. In addition, there is a huge number of all kinds of restaurants, bars and fashionable clubs on the coast, bars and fashionable clubs. open sky. However, along with these popular and glamorous seats, there are also secluded coves in the Saint-Trope wild beacheswhere you can hide away from curious eyes and fully enjoy warm sea, soft golden sand and luxurious surrounding nature.

On all beaches of the city there are rescue and medical items, parking, shower, toilet, dressing cabins, umbrellas and rugs or sun loungers for sunbathing. The official opening of the beaches annually passes on June 15, and the closure is September 15.

What to see

In addition to excellent beach holidays, in the city you can see some interesting historical monuments and museums. The art museum contains a rich collection of paintings written in the 20th century with modern avant-garde artists.

In the old, well-preserved to this day, the fortress of the XVI century, is located a maritime museum, in which the history of the city is presented in detail. The models of ships, rich collections of weapons and amphoras, picturesque cloth of marinists are exhibited here. From the top of the fortress located on the hill, beautiful views are opening not only to the entire Saint-Tropez, but also on the majestic snow-white vertices of the Alps.

The calling card of the city is the old port. Almost completely destroyed during the Second World War, today he is restored and appears to the guests and residents of the city in all its glory. This picturesque tourist facility surrounds a chic cafe, and expensive yachts near the pier. And of course, as in any seaside resort, in the Saint-Tropez, it is impossible to bypass the embankment with a stunning view of the endless sea expanses and where you can easily make a photo of some resting celebrity.

One of the largest collections of butterflies throughout Europe is located in this city of the Cote d'Azur. The unique Museum "Butterfly House" has about 20,000 most different exhibits of these flying insects. A collection of 4,500 butterflies, collected by the founder of the Museum of Dani Larting, the son of the famous photographer Jacques Henry Larting, and to this day decorate the stands of the hall. Many insects, including the most rare species, calculated, calculated to the extinct, flute in specially equipped with orangene. The museum is located in a large mansion, who once belonged to Madeleine Bibi - the first wife of Jacques Henry Lartage. Also in the museum there is a huge forming colony, a tirelessly elevating agents, and a large family of poultry spiders living in a separate terrarium. The most courageous visitors can establish contact with insects - to hold on your hands and stroke. Especially beautiful and exotic halls South America, Africa and Oceania. Visiting the museum will be interesting not only to children, but also adults. The house of butterflies opens its doors to visitors from April to October.

In the summer there is a beautiful moon park in the city with many attractions, leading children delight, and three times a week on main Square Saint-Tropez opens a large market, walking on which you can find almost everything: from homemade sausages, cheeses and seafood, to souvenirs and beautiful bouquets of colors.

And of course, the Saint-Tropez is a paradise for shopping lovers, which will definitely not leave indifferent the presence of large moles, branded shops and boutiques that expose new fashion designer clothes for sale. The choice of luxurious and elegant outfits presented in shopping centers Saint-Tropez is striking even sophisticated shopaholics. Every year, on the last Sunday of October, the city begins the mass sale and acquire a qualitative brand thing in less than half a half.

If you have bored beaches and relaxed rest, then you can go on an inspection interesting placeslocated in the vicinity of the city. The small town of Kogolan is a popular center of hand craft. Here you can clearly see the simple life of ordinary people living in the south of France, evaluate their talents and skills, as well as purchase original handmade products.

Another popular tourist place A few kilometers from the resort is a grimule port, which is a large marina s-trail bay, which accommodates more than a thousand yachts. Many compare the port with Venice - numerous bridges, canals, motor yachts and villas remind of this romantic city. Such a coincidence is not at all by chance - the grimel was built in the 60s of the 20th century by the architect of Francois, according to the projects of which the port must remind Venice in the miniature. Anyone can organize oneself sea walk accompanied by experienced guides and sailors.

Saint-Maxim is a small resort located near Saint-Tropez. Less glamorous and pathetic, he is also famous for its luxurious sandy beaches and magnificent incendiary parties and discos. The city is famous for the Museum of Photography and Mechanical Music, which presents an excellent collection of old musical mechanisms. Also here is the amusement park for children and adults Akvaland.

A variety of festivals, holidays and carnivals marked with a wide sweeping and pomp are regularly held in the Saint-Tropez. In general, every day in this city is a real holiday similar to a fairy tale. Rest in Saint-Tropez will long leave in mind the mass of positive emotions and bright impressions.

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Saint-Tropez (San Tropez) in France does not need a submission: for several decades former fishing village on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, in the Var Department in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region, is considered one of the most fashionable and attractive European resorts.

Rich and celebrities park here their yachts, and appear a couple of times over the summer in local waters or light in one of the fashionable clubs on a crazy party is considered a good tone for a great set of secular characters - from Hollywood actors of the first magnitude to nouveauch from all continents and supermodels.

Saint-Tropez, however, did not cease to be in fact a small seaside village with a population just over 4.5 thousand people. Only around him there was an impressive infrastructure, "sharpened" under rest rich or just secured people - sale and rent of yachts, villas, expensive hotels, fashion clubs and best restaurants With Mishlenian chefs, firms specializing in the protection, concierge service and other VIP services. By the way, in the summer, in July and August, the number of vacationers in the Saint-Tropez reaches an impressive for such a small resort of numbers - 100 thousand people!

It does not reach the Saint-Trope railwaythat cuts off from him a part of tourists traveling only by public transport.

You can get here on the water on the boats, by car (not avoiding huge traffic jams in Saint-Maxim and Saint-Tropez) or quite comfortable - on a personal or rented helicopter, because there is a small airport.

Holidays in Saint-TropezIf you compare approximately equal placement objects, it will cost at least 25-30% more expensive than in Cannes and especially in Nice - just because of the "brand". The same applies to prices in restaurants and shops: be sure - ordering a glass of wine or beer in a restaurant on the seafront Saint-Tropez, you just pay for the opportunity to drink it in this glamorous place, and for nothing. So this resort, with all the democraticness of some other areas of the Cote d'Azur, is suitable for recreation, only if you do not look into your wallet. Especially high prices for rooms in hotels in July and August, as well as during status events like regattas, international polo tournaments, golf, concerts, etc.

How to get in Saint-Tropeka 2019

In order to see and bypass the entire center of the Saint-Tropez, just a few hours (and there is still enough time to lunch leisurely). Therefore, if you are going here just for a walk, then you can get to the Saint-Trail on your own in several ways.:

- On the train SNCF to San Rafael (This is 32 kilometers from the Saint-Tropez), then by bus to Saint-Tropez (No. 7601 ST-TROPEZ - Ste-Maxime - St-Raphael)

- On the train SNCF from Marseille (from Saint-Charles station) to Toulon On the following trains №1 - Marseille - Toulon - Hyeres, No. 2 - Marseille - Les Arcs Draguignan, No. 6 - Marseille - Nice - Ventimiglia. From Toulon then, in turn, you need to get to Saint-Tropez by bus.

By car on the A8 highway. This method is one of the best, if you do not take into account possible traffic jams at the entrance to the Saint-Maxim located next to Saint-Tropez and the resort itself. You can park in the Saint-Tropez at the entrance to it in a large paid parking opposite the port, from where it is damaged by walking to the center of the promenade - 3-5 minutes.

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Transfer in Saint-Tropez

The easiest way to get to Saint-Tropez, although you are expected mountain roads, nusted in the people of "dauby languages".

Where better to stay in Saint-Tropez

Sightseeing Saint-Tropez: What should I see?

In addition to the magnificent embankment, the port and various beaches (including the "Top Less"), you can mark a few that are certainly worth visiting.

Those who come Saint-Tropez in the middle will be able to see a luxurious Porsche parade (Paradis Posrches), to participate in which more than 300 cars of this brand come from all over Europe.

What and where to eat in the Saint-Trope

After food, the spiritual does not prevent to eat and look into numerous and cafes. The Saint-Tropez is very popular with dishes of Provencal cuisine and seafood prepared in various ways. For example, a tapenenda (latapenade) is a thick mixture of crushed anchovs, olives and capers, which is smeared to toasts or fed to the soup as accompaniment, or a plurality of Foie Gras variations (Foie GRAS), as well as various sheep and goat milk. You can enjoy Tarte Tropezienne Cake or Cake based on honey, mint and almonds "Calen de Saint Tropez".

Restaurants and cafes Saint-Tropez, which can be advised:

· L 'AUBERGE DES MAURES. Alres: 8, Rue Boutin. Approximate cost of lunch € 65.

· L'Oliver / Le Bristo. Address: La Bastide de Saint-Tropez, Route Des Carles. The approximate cost of lunch € 30-90.

· Le Sporting. Address: Boulevard Vasserot, Place Des Lices. The approximate cost of lunch € 20-30.

Shopping in Saint-Tropez: What to bring?

Well, for lovers, there are many boutiques and shops with products of famous designers. Prices are not the cheapest here in Europe, but only in the Saint-Tropez you can buy well-known sandals of the Tropean, which, in particular, sell in the specialized store Les Tropeziennes.

And not a single fashionista will pass by the world-wide boutique boutique Bardot Bardot, where you can buy things with the initials V.V. In memory of the city, of course, you can buy traditional, but a much more interesting reminder of the Saint-Tropez will be bracelets from Valerie (Valerie), with the title of the city originally written on them. A good gift for men will be smoking tubes, cigars, and dupont lighters produced by the local plant. And, of course, do not forget to bring French, cheese and chocolate from the trip.

San Tropez - popular resort, located in the south of France, at the mention of which there is an image of the beautiful harbor of full light sailboats, exquisite yachts, luxurious boats, which are visible by movie stars and celebrities. San Tropez, like many other port towns, was originally an inconspicuous fishing village, sitting near Nice, however, this antique town became more popular when some families from Genoa moved here, and the city began to slowly fill in great poets, famous writers And artists who drew inspiration here.

The city, named after St. Torpeys, acquired world fame when the film was filmed here in 1956 "and God created a woman" with the famous actress Bridget Bordeaux, after which the San Tropez began to attend very wealthy people, famous actors, Kuturier, Actually, and turned this city to a fashionable resort.

The Cote d'Azur San Tropez with its successful climate attracts a huge number of tourists, but besides this, the city is famous for its sights, the main of which are the Museum of Annunciation, which presents a collection of grammone and outstanding French artists Matisse, Picabia, Cross, Bonnar, a variety of church relics. - Chapel of St. Anne, Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, maritime Museum With exhibition marine history San Tropez, Butterfly House, Cogolan - This Handmade craftsmanship, as well as the magnificent grimel port with thousands of yachts. Copyright www.Syt.

The city has survived an incredible amount of old chapels and churches, each of which has its own unique features. The monastery chapel is of great interest for pilgrims, if you believe historical data, it was built on the site of the burial of the Holy Apostle Trofim. Locals and now consider him the main patron saint of the city, so every year there are beautiful holidays in honor of the saint, each year next to the chapel.

Very interesting fate at the ancient chapel of Saint-elo, for the hundreds of years of existence, she practically did not change his appearance. Initially, this chapel belonged to the local cousin guild and shepherds, each year, on December 1, they arranged a beautiful holiday in the chapel in honor of their patron - St. Eloy. Today, the Protestant temple is located in the building of the old chapel, in which you can see a lot of vintage design elements.

The local guild of Middle Ages was his religious monument in the Middle Age of the Middle Ages - the chapel of St. Joseph. It was built in the middle of the 17th century and, unlike many other ancient churches San Tropez, a century later retained her interesting traditions. Each year on March 19, local joiners and carpenters honored their saint, in honor of which a solemn procession on the city streets commit. In this one day in the year, the old statue of the saint is made out of the chapel and carry along the city streets, after which they return to church with the honors.

A lot of vintage defensive structures have been preserved in the San Tropez, while walking through the historic street Rue des Argentiers you can see the preserved fragments of fortress shafts and several old towers. In those places where houses were built on the street, in the 19th century, a fortress wall was located. City authorities decided to demolish it and allowed local residents Buildings on the spot of the wall of their homes, many buildings of the 19th century were erected from stones that remain from the fortress wall.

Adorable, charming, delicious! For these epithets, I want to operate when it comes to a small resort town in the south of France - Saint-Tropez. Talking about this satrel and cinematographers is a pleasure, so we will not long stay on joining, but we will go right away to the detailed description of the beautiful place.

Location of the famous resort

Mediterranean Sea, 43 ° 16'00 "Northern Litness and 6 ° 37'99" Eastern Longitude - Such Dry Geographical Data on Location famous resort. Finding Saint-Tropez on the map of France is not very simple. This tiny fashionable town is lost in the midst of huge and is located next to the megapopular recreation centers as Nice and Cannes.

From Cannes to Saint-Tropez, only 41 km, and the distance to Nice is significantly more - 90 km. Another name on the map, which will help find San-Trops, is a grimel port - a small adorable village, built directly on the water and ninnable for this by olive Venice.

Story Saint-Trope

This is a city with a centuries-old history. With its name, Saint-Tropez is obliged to the Holy Great Martyr Torpis, which in the times of persecution of Christians in the first century was beheaded by the orders of Nero dictator. And although the execution occurred in the Pisa area, the boat with the body of St. Torpis brought to the shore in the place where the modern fashionable resort was subsequently formed.

At the end of the XV century. The owners of SAN-TROPES had a family of grima. In the history of the town there is one date, which is annually celebrated by a solemn parade procession: in 1637, residents of the Saint-Tropean beat the attack of the Spanish flotilla, which consisted of 22 galeon.

Previously, SAN-TROPES was rather not a city, but an ordinary fishing settlement, nothing specially identified among other numerous coastal villages of Provence. The artist first opened the beauty of this place, settling here in the 20s of the last century. Since then, famous representatives of art bohemia have often gained.

Saint-Tropez: Attractions

His guests the city offers an extensive and most interesting cultural program. In this place there is something to see. For example, all tourists seek to visit the Unique Museum of Butterflies, which presents more than 4500 copies of these beautiful insects, including very rare and endangered species. Meson-des-Papillon is open for visits from April to October.

For people who knows in art, there is an opportunity to get to Musée de L "Annonciade, where there is a wonderful exposition of works by artists inspired by the beauties of the beauties of these places. After all, it is known that many famous and talented painters loved to live and create in Saint-Tropez. Attractions are not exhausted by butterflies and artistic landscapes.

Curious travelers can visit the old port, which is a business card town. This is a very busy place with many expensive yachtsstanding at the berths. There are large and small luxury cafes and shops around, and the motley is strolled. Straight castle Suffrene turns right above the port. His construction was started back in the 980 year. And next to the castle, a large open area spread out, at which the historical museum is located.

Nice cinematographic past

As already mentioned, once the Saint-Tropez was not at all so popular and famous. But in 1956, the legendary film director of Roger Vadim took off the film "and God created a woman" with inimitable in the lead role. Since then, Glory collapsed on the town, and he became a real cinematographic Mecca.

In the 60s of the last century, a whole series of gorgeous series was removed in SAN-TROPES

the French comedies about the gendarmes, in which one of the best comedians of all times and peoples played - and in 1968 the film "Swimming pool" with Alain Delon was released on world screens and in high roles, the action of this detective also occurs in the Saint-Tropez. France can be proud of such a cultural heritage.

All the mentioned film sedels literally glorified this place. The town was chosen by rich travelers and yachtsmen. Now it is one of the most prestigious and expensive spa places In the world, and many dream of at least one eye to see the Saint-Tropez. Photo for memory, by the way, you can do near the old building, where the famous gendarmerie from old movies was located.

SAN-TROPES: Beach, Shopping and Entertainment

Of course, this spa seaside town has excellent beaches. And there are both luxurious sandy "wild" and private, specially equipped for yachting, windsurfing, water skiing and other sports entertainment. The most affordable beach can be considered a cliff, it is located at the foot of the fortress next to the port.

Kanebier Bay is all littered with small crowded rest sites: Bon-Teras, Cap Saint-Pierre, Le Salne, Cap Saint-Tropez and Tahiti-Plage. A few kilometers from the city center is the famous five-kilometer beach Pampelon - a place where it is customary to sunbathe and swim topless.

Stormy life does not subside in the summer season in the Saint-Tropez even at night. Numerous restaurants, cafes, musical bars, nightclubs and discos are open for holidaymakers. Very popular among tourists Beach restaurant "Club 55", where everything has been preserved almost in the same form as during the shooting times of the film with Brick Bardo. Papagayo Club loves to attend broken cocktail tastors. Apero & Music Live Port always sounds music, and the world celebrities are playing.

And in the Saint-Tropez there is a great moon park with the most modern attractions. Three days a week on the main city square there is a market where you can buy the freshest seafood, homemade sausages, cheeses, wines and much more. Well, for shopping lovers, this resort town has such a huge number of shops and boutiques, that buyers will certainly be satisfied.

Travelers on a note

Many experienced travelers advise visit the Saint-Tropez not in the summer, but in spring or autumn in the Velvet season. At this time there are fewer people, fewer traffic jams and cleaner sea.

The resort can be reached by car or bus from Nice Airport, which is 100 km from San Trops. Taking into account the automotive traffic jams in the summer season, the road can take from 2 to 3 hours. By bus to Saint-Tropez, it is convenient to get from San Rafael, Cannes, Toulon or Nice.

See also: