World fountains from antiquity to this day. Creative work Magic world fountain fountains Presentation in physics

Completed students 7 classes

Mokayev Alim, Tumen Amira, Bosieys Islam, Oracla Margarita

Goal: consider the law of reporting vessels on the example of the operation of circulating fountains.


1. To explore the material about the fountains: their species and principles of action.

2. Describe the layout of the circulation fountain

3. Create a piggy bank of the fountains of the city of Nalchik.

4. Analyze the information received and draw conclusions about the device and the principle of fountains.


The study of literary and other information sources, conducting experiments, analysis of information and results.

The relevance of the problem

The action of water per person can be called truly magical. The murmur of the fountain relieves stress, soothes and makes you forget about the alarms.

Now the ideas of art received a new embodiment - combining the ideas of architects, artists and specialists of high-tech areas .

The fountain device is based on the principle of reporting vessels known to us from physics: In the reporting vessels of any form and section of the surface of a homogeneous liquid are set at one level .

Water is collected in the tank located above the pool of the fountain. In this case, the pressure of water at the outlet of the fountain will be equal to the difference of water heights H1. Accordingly, the greater the difference of these heights, the stronger the pressure and the fountain jet begins above. Also, the height of the fountain jet affects the diameter of the outlet of the fountain. What it is less, the higher the fountain beats.

Circulating fountain

In circulating fountains, water runs along a closed circle. The main reservoir is located at the bottom. Water from the reservoir rises above the hose by pump. The hose passes inside and is not noticeable outside. Fountains based on the principle of circulation do not require water supply to them. It is enough to pour water once, and then add up as evaporation of it.

Natural fountains

geysers, Rodniki and

artesian waters

Artificial fountains:

street, landscape, interior

Fountain in a spa hotel


Fountain in front of the State Cinema Concerning Hall

Fountain at the cinema


Fountain on Prospekt Shogenetsukova

Fountain on the 400th anniversary of reunion with Russia

10 most amazing world fountains

Fountain "Mooner Rainbow" (Seoul) - the longest fountain on the bridge

2. Fountain King Fahd (Jedda) -

the tallest

3. Dubai Fountain Flange Complex (Dubai) - the largest and most expensive

4. Fountain of Crown (Chicago) -

the most intermediation

5. Peterhof Fountains (St. Petersburg) - the most luxurious

6. Fountain of Wealth (Singapore) - Fountain Built by Feng Shui

7. Fountain Bellagio (Las Vegas) - the most famous dancing fountain of America

8. Farming Fountains (Osaka)

- the most air

9. Mercut Fountain (Barcelona)

- the most poisonous

Experimental part of the work

Make a fountain is a problem, or the task that needs to be solved. Naturally, development problems arose immediately.


  • Try to make a fountain to use that in the communicative vessels, homogeneous liquid is at one level
  • If the fountain will work, find out the height of the fountain depends on the tube diameter


We want to present to your attention circulating fountains.

Conducted research: "Check the dependence of the height of the fountain pillar from the diameter of the tube"


The height of the fountain depends on the diameter of the tube. The smaller the diameter of the tube, the higher the fountain post.


1. In all fountains, communicative vessels are used.

2. In the communicative vessels, a homogeneous liquid seeks be on the same level

3. Fountain beats due to the difference of water heights in the reporting vessels

4. The difference in fountains - in the water supply method in the main reservoir


  • Nalchik Fountain Piggy Bank

2. Circulating fountains made with your own hands

Amazing creation of ancient inventor of Gerona Alexandrian - Eternal Fountain

Ancient Arabic manuscripts reported to us the story about the amazing creations of the ancient inventor of Gerona Alexandria. One of them is a beautiful miracle bowl in the temple from which Fountain beat. Nowhere was seen no injection pipes, and inside - mechanisms

The claimed invention is significantly different from the toys Viktor Zhigunov (Russia) and John Folkis (USA) patented during the Cold War. Who knows, the great powers were interested in this invention, whether it is an eternal engine or simply one of the universal engines of an ancient Greek scientist Gerona Alexandria Lost 2000 years old.

The purpose of the invention is to prove to the whole world that the fountain of Geron is not a myth and not a primitive design, but a real, almost possible, the design that is trying to solve now for 2000 years.

The claimed invention is intended for the disclosure of true design. fontana GeronaAt the level of knowledge of the ancient Greek scientists who tried to reveal many scientists within 2000, to the present day, without visible mechanisms and supply pipes, which could create the effect of the eternal engine.

Geron Fountain It consists of three glass vessels - reward 1, medium 2 and internal 3, but unlike the prototype Viktor Zhigunov placed one inside the other. The outer vessel 1 has the form of an open bowl into which water flows, so that the water hides two vessels 2 and 3 - glued together, so that vacuum 6 and thermal insulation between water from the vessel 1 and air in the vessel 3 are also vessel 3 It is a working capacity. In the vessel 3 there are two holes - from above, where the tube is tightly inserted, to the bottom of the vessel and below, where the valve is located 5. Water from the outer vessel 1, under atmospheric pressure, through the valve 5 enters the inner vessel 3 and compresses between the tube 4 and the outer walls of the vessel 3 air, until the atmospheric pressure in the vessel 1 and the air pressure in the vessel 3. The solar rays pass through the vessels 1 and 2, forming a water magnifying glass (two glass lenses filled with water), amplified through vacuum 6 Between the vessels 2 and 3 heated the walls of the vessel 3 and the air in the vessel 3. The air in the vessel 3 expands and pushes the water from the vessel 3 through the tube 4, forming a fountain. Water level in vessel 1 rises and, accordingly
The atmospheric water pressure in the vessel 1 increases, thus, as soon as the equality of atmospheric pressure in the vessel 1 and air pressure in the vessel 3 is disturbed, the water through the valve 5 enters the bowl 3, cools and compresses the air in the vessel 3, the process is repeated. Thus, in this invention, the energy of the sun's rays is converted into the movement of water. Fountain works every day, without visible mechanisms and
Drinking pipes.

The advantage is that vessels do not need to be rearranged or turning over. The fountain works every day without visible mechanisms and supply pipes, and anywhere where sun rays fall.

Through the vessel 1 filled with water, it is difficult to see the inner glass vessels and the effect of an eternal engine is created that no scientist could repeat over 2000 years.

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Spring! There is a wonderful heat, blossom and bright colors after winter "hibernation", "wake up" fountains, thousands of water jets solemnly salute to the dawn of nature. Last year I conducted a study on the same topic, and this year I decided to continue it. Since I had a lot of questions: where did the first fountains appear? What types of fountains are there? Is it possible to make a fountain itself?

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I decided to conduct research on the topic "Water extravaganza: fountains"

Purpose of the study: 1. Expand the area of \u200b\u200bpersonal knowledge on the topic "Reporting vessels" (including historical and polytechnic nature;) 2. Use the knowledge gained to perform creative tasks; 3. Choose tasks on the topic "Pressure in liquids and gases. Communicating vessels". To achieve the goal, I need to solve the following tasks: 1. Examine the history of the creation of fountains; 2. Understand the device and principle of fountains; 3. Get acquainted with pressure as the driving force of fountains; 4. Make the simplest models of existing fountains; 5. Create a presentation "Aquarification of Fountains".

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History of the creation of fountains

Fountain (from IT. Fontana - from Lat. Fontis - source) - a jet of liquid or gas, emitted under pressure (dictionary of foreign words. - M.: Russian, 1990). For the first time, the fountains appeared in ancient Greece. Seven centuries people built fountains on the principle of reporting vessels. Since the beginning of the 17th century, fountains began to operate with mechanical pumps, which gradually replaced steam installations, and then electrical pumps.

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Geron Fountain

Fountains are required by their existence of the famous Greek mechanic Gerono Alexandrian, who lived in I -ii. n. e. It is Geron directly indicated that the flow rate, or the norm, the distributed water depends on its level in the reservoir, from the transverse section of the channel and the water rate in it. The device invented by Geron serves as one of the samples of knowledge in antiquity (200 years before R. X.) in the field of hydrostatics and aerostatics.

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In order to characterize the distribution of pressure forces, regardless of the surface size, on which they act, the concept of pressure is introduced. p \u003d f / s. Plut water into the vessel, in the side wall of which the same holes are made. We will see that the bottom jet follows the longer distance, the top is to the smaller. This means that at the bottom of the vessel, the pressure is greater than in the top.

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Principle of action of reporting vessels.

The pressure on the free surfaces of the fluid in the vessels is the same; It is equal to atmospheric pressure. Thus, all free surfaces belong to the same level of the level and, therefore, should be in one horizontal plane. The principle of action of reporting vessels underlies the work of fountains.

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Technical device Fountains

Fountains are water-carrying, cascade, mechanical, fountains - crackers (for example, in Peterhof), of different heights, forms, and everyone has its own name. Previously, all fountains were direct-flow, that is, they worked directly from the water supply, now the "revolving" water supply is used using powerful pumps. Fountains are flowing too: dynamic jets (can change heights) and static jets (jet at one level).

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Model Fountain

Using the properties of communicating vessels, you can build a fountain model. This requires a water reservoir, a broad bank 1, rubber or glass tube 2, a low-tin pool 3.

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How does the height of the jet depends on the diameter of the hole and the height of the reservoir raising?

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Action of various models of fountains

Simplified model of the fountain of Gerona homemade heons fountain

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Fountain when air heats up in flask

When water heated in the first flask, steam is formed, which creates overpressure in the second vessel, displacing water out of it.

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Acetic fountain

Fill the flask on the table vinegar, throw several pieces of chalk in it, quickly clog the cork with a glass tube inserted into it. From the tube will score fountain

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Ca to l u h e n and e

During the work, I answered the question: what is the driving force of fountains and, using the knowledge gained, was able to create various existing fountain models, created a presentation "Water extravagania: fountains". Performing work included the following elements: the study of special literature on the research topic. Clarification of experience tasks. Preparation of the necessary equipment and materials. Preparation of the object of the study. Analysis of the results obtained. Finding out the values \u200b\u200bof the results obtained for practice. Finding out possible ways to apply the results obtained in practice.

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Diamond fountains fly with funny noise to the clouds, the idols shook under them ... Failing about the marble obstacles, pearls, fiery arcs are lying, the waterfalls are splashing. A.S. Pushkin Theoretical preparation for experience and analysis of the results obtained from me a complex of knowledge in physics, mathematics, technical design. This has played a big role in increasing my educational training.

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Fountains serve as a real decoration for any city. Whatever they are: high, small, dancing or singing, fountains always attract people to themselves. And hot summer nothing gives a fresheptic coolness as the spray of the fountain. In the world, calculated countless fountains, we will find out about their creation, as well as about the most beautiful and impressive of them. *

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The word "fountain" means the water source. People in the past, looking at geysers and other similar sources that resemble modern fountains, tried to repeat the geyser, creating it artificially. At first, such sources simply decorated - their base was covered with tiles or laid out stones. But the fountains of ancient Greece were first not intended for decoration. They served as sources of drinking water, cooled and moistened to the air. Woman at the public fountain on attic redfiguric hydria about 490 BC. *

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Later, the construction of fountains also developed in ancient Rome, since both countries had close cultural ties. But it was the architects of ancient Rome that were the first to have learned to make fountains, creating pipes for which water under pressure was supplied, which led to the appearance of a fountain. Meta Sudans Fountain. Rome. Italy.I century AD *

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Immediately the fountains became a decorative element, and were in the courtyards and even in the palaces of aristocrats. Fountains were manufactured various sizes from various materials using additional decorative elements. *

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Now Versailles and Peterhof can be called from the most interesting fountain complexes. First, Versailles appeared - in France, with its large number of different fountains. Then Peter I decided that we were not worse, and, something borrowing, created my fountain complex - in Peterhof. Fountains in these parks are distinguished by a variety, richness of finishing and many decorations. Gardens and fountains of Versailles. Antique picture.

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The main (large) cascade of Peterhof's Lower Park is a unique fountain construction, one of the most beautiful architectural structures in the world. A large cascade consists of three independent staircases with seventeen waterfall and grotting. Cascade 37 statues, 29 bas-reliefs and more than 150 small ornamental decorations. The indelible impression produces 64 fountain of the ensemble of a large cascade, which simultaneously throw out 142 jets of water of the unexpected form. On all visitors, it has a fascinating effect.

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The first place in the list of the most fantastic fountains was taken by a fountain in the form of a volcanic crater in Abu Dhabi. Fountain-volcano - the famous landmark of the capital of the United Arab Emirates. It is located on the Quanish Embankment. Inside the fountain is illuminated by orange light, which creates an impression of the lava spewing from the crater, and at night the fountain looks particularly impressive.

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One of the most beautiful fountains of America is located in Las Vegas - this is a dancing fountain "Bellagio". Every evening, the fountain begins his representation. Fountain "Dancing" to the music of famous opera (and not only - there are Madonna in the repertoire, and Elton John, on a par with Pavarotti, Bocelle and others) singers.1175 water jets, 80 meters height, 4500 lamps of highlighting and 40 million dollars on it creature. There is an amazing show on the shore of a large artificial lake, tourists from around the world come out. It is worth seeing.

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In Rome, fountains are striking with their greatness and luxury. The most famous of them is the Trevi Fountain. The fountain is a magnificent scene, in the center of which God Ocean in the sink-wagon, harvested by two sea skates. The path between the cliffs they indicate Tritons. The bottom of the fountain was covered with coins: according to ancient reference, tourists wishing to return to Rome should, standing back to the fountain, throw a coin with his right hand through the left shoulder. According to unofficial calculations, tourists per day leave at the bottom of the pool to one and a half thousand euros - and this is despite the official ban! Fortunately, all the money caught from the pool go to charity.

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Fountain watch is located in Osaka in Japan. The "screen" of hours is similar to the dial of electronic hours, but instead of pixels (points of the forming numbers) - water flows of different heights. The clock is controlled using a computer and show or date, or time, or just some message in English or Japanese ( Nr name Station).

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The light-musical fountain in Barcelona called the "magic" truly can be called one of the wonders of the world.

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One of the symbols of the city of Moscow is the fountain of the "Friends of Peoples". The fountain pleases us with its jets since 1954, it was built under the leadership of Architects K. Topuridze and G. D. Konstantinovsky. The figures of its characteristics amaze: For example, the volume of the bowl of the fountain is about 4,000 cubic meters, the number of inkjet nozzles of about two thousand. Truly monumental structure! The fountain control system allows you to create various drawings with jets, because the maximum height is 24 meters, these are the so-called "front jets". Unfortunately, now the fountain is almost always working as usual. The system is almost completely worn out and it requires reconstruction.

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Wet Design in Dubai built not only a huge fountain, but also the most expensive in the world. The construction of the Grand Fountain cost 217 million dollars. The fountain itself is located on the territory of the prestigious building of Burj Dubai near the record high skyscraper Burj Dubai and a huge shopping center Dubai Mall. Printing fountain reaches approximately 152 meters in height, and the water is tinted with 25 color projectors and 6600 color lanterns. Construction engineer was Carles Bungas. The show, conducted by this fountain, is remembered for a long time - the visual and sound part of the presentation at the highest level.

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Fountain King Fadha, is located in the Red Sea. This fountain is one of the highest in the world - its height is greater than the height of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, it raises the water stream above 300 meters. The fountain functions on sea water, which requires additional cleaning and equipment. Sea water causes corrosion technology, so it must be checked on time. The technical equipment of such a fountain should also be carefully thought out. In order not to spoil appearance, The whole technique (pumps, as well as an electric station) is placed under water. A room was created for the pump, which in size equates to the house height in 5 floors. Processing mechanisms and other elements with special paints makes it possible to prevent reproduction and increasing marine organisms. Big works It was conducted on the alignment of the seabed, as well as creating special fixtures there for installing equipment. Fountain is a symbol of the city.

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This unusual water sculpture was created by the English designer William Payem and is located in front of Salem Hall in Sunderland in England. A huge sculpture can imitate an incredible whirlpool of water in their depths. Especially for contemplating this beauty, steps around the incredible work of art were built.

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Fountain of wealth - Singapore. This fountain is located in front of the building of the Santak City department store in Singapore and, according to legend, symbolizes wealth and good luck in the place where it is worth it. According to legend, to gain riches need to go around the fountain three times. In 1998, he was listed in the Book of Records of the Guinea as the most huge fountain in the world (13.8 m.).


    development of creative abilities of students (imagination, observation, memory, thinking); development of the ability to establish interdisciplinary relationships (physics, history, MHC, geography); Development of shallow motility when designing models;
    repeat the basic properties of reporting vessels; determine the cause of the installation at one level of a homogeneous fluid in the reporting vessels of any form; specify the practical application of reporting vessels; Disassemble the principle of work of the fountain of Gerona
    Learn to see beauty in the outside world; form a sense of responsibility for the entrusted work; raising the ability to listen and hear; increase the overall intellectual level; contribute to improving interest in physics
      Video Presentation Fountains
Sound fountain
They say there are three things for which you can watch infinitely fire, stars and water. Contemplation of water - whether it is the mysterious depth of smooth stroit, or transparent jets, touched and hurrying somewhere, like alive - not only nice to the soul and beneficial health. There is something primitive in it, why a person always strives for water. No wonder the children can play for hours even with ordinary rain puddles. Why are the fountains so pull to themselves? So magically fascinate? Maybe because in rustling, shelest, the noise of their pouring jets can be heard a laugh of mermaids, a strict water king and a splash of goldfish? Or because fighting foam jets awaken in us the same joy and delight as the spring, streams and waterfalls. Air in the reservoir is always clean, fresh and cool. Yes, and not in vain say that water - "cleans", "washes", not only the body, but also the soul.
Probably, everyone noticed how much easier to breathe near water, how fatigue and irritation disappear, how it is cheerful and at the same time it is packed by looking near the sea, rivers, lakes or pond. Already in ancient times, people wondered how to create artificial reservoirs, especially interested in their riddle of running water.
      The history of the development of fountains
The word fountain - Latino-Italian origin, it happens from the Latin "Fontis", which is translated "Source". In meaning, this means a water jet, beating up or under the pressure flowing out of the pipe. There are water fountains of natural origin - fountaining by small jets Springs. It is such natural sources that attracted the attention of a person from ancient times and forced to think about how to use this phenomenon where it is necessary for people.
The first fountains appeared in ancient Greece. They had a very simple device, and they were not at all like lush fountains of modernity. The appointment of them was purely practical. Supply cities and villages with water. Gradually, the Greeks began to decorate their fountains. They laid them with tiles, built statues, sought high jets. Fountains have become an attribute of almost every city. Lowned marble, with a mosaic bottom, they combined that with water clock, then with a water body, then with a puppet theater, where the figures moved under the influence of jets. Historians describe fountains with mechanical birds that were having fun and shook, when Owl suddenly appeared.
Following the ancient Greeks, the fountains began to build in Rome. The word fountain itself has Roman roots. The Romans have significantly improved the fountains. For fountains, the Romans made pipes from burned clay or lead. In the era of the flourishing of Rome, the fountain became the mandatory attribute of all rich houses. The bottom and walls of the fountains were decorated with tiles. The jet of water beat the mouth of beautiful fish or exotic animals.
The development of fountains contributed to the ancient Greek mechanics of the law of reporting vessels, using which, the patricians arranged fountains in the yards of their homes. The decorative fountains of the ancients can be safely called the prototype of modern fountains.
After the fall of the ancient world, the fountain turns again only to the water source. The revival of fountains as art begins only during the times of Renaissance. Fountains become part architectural ensembleHis key element.
The most famous are Versailal fountains in France and Peterhof in Russia.
Modern fountains are beautiful not only during the day when they bright and sparkle in the sun, but even in the evening, when they turn into a color-chill water firework. Invisible lamps immersed in water make it jets, then gently lilac, then bright orange, almost fiery, then heavenly blue. Multicolored jets are fighting and publishing sounds that merge into a melody ...
F. I. Tyutchev.

Look like a cloud alive
Fountain shining clubs;
How flames like crushed
Its in the sun is wet smoke.
Ray rising to the sky, he
Touched the height of the cherished -
And again dust firewall
Success to Earth convicted.

About the mortal thought of water
Oh water is inexhaustible!

What is the law incomprehensible
Do you seek you mint?
How eager to the sky you are rushing!.
But the garbage invisible-rock
Your ray is resistant, refracted,
Splits in splashes from a height.

      Principle of work Fontana
Let's look at the scheme of the fountain device. The fountain device is based on the principle of reporting vessels known to us from physics. Water is collected in the tank located above the pool of the fountain. In this case, the pressure of water at the outlet of the fountain will be equal to the difference of water heights H1. Accordingly, the greater the difference of these heights, the stronger the pressure and the fountain jet begins above. Also, the height of the fountain jet affects the diameter of the outlet of the fountain. What it is less, the higher the fountain beats.

Experience with a tube and funnel
Questions for children (tasks)
Task 1. Historical. Residents of modern Rome still use the remnants of the water supply built by their ancestors. But the Roman water supply was not in the ground, but above it, on high stone pillars. Engineers were afraid that in reservoirs, connected by a very long tube (or flavored), water would not be installed at the same level, which, following soil slots, in some sections the water up will not flow. Therefore, they usually gave water lines a uniform bias down throughout the path (for this, it was often necessary to either lead water bypass, or build high strong subways). One of the Roman pipes has a length of 100 km, while the direct distance between its ends is twice as smaller.
? Are the engineers of ancient Rome were right? If not, then what are their mistake?
Task 2. Construction. At your disposal there are a ruler and communicating vessels filled with liquid.
? How to draw a strictly horizontal line on the board? Demonstrate it. Think where in practice you may encounter such a problem.

Experience "Fountain in Raw Air"

Geron Fountain

One of the devices described by scientists of ancient Greece by Heron Alexandria was a magical fountain of Geron. The main miracle of this fountain was that the water from the fountain of Bila itself, without the use of any external water source. The principle of operation of the fountain is well visible in the picture. Let's wonder how the Geron Fountain worked.
Geronov fountain consists of an open bowl and two hermetic vessels located under the bowl. From the top bowl into the bottom capacity, there is a fully sealed tube. If you pour into the top bowl of water, then water on the tube begins to flow into the bottom capacity, ousting air from there. Since the lower capacitance itself is completely sealed, the air energized with water, along the sealed tube, transfers air pressure into the middle bowl. Air pressure in the middle capacity begins to push water, and the fountain begins to work. If it was necessary to pour water into the upper cup, then for the further work of the fountain, the water was already used in the bowl of the average capacity. As you can see the fountain device is very simple, but it is only at first glance.
The rise of water into the upper bowl is carried out due to the water underp. Height of H1, while the water fountain raises to a much greater height of H2, which at first glance it seems impossible. After all, it should take much greater pressure. The fountain should not work. But the knowledge of the ancient Greeks turned out to be so high that they guessed to transmit water pressure from the lower vessel, in the middle vessel, not water, and air. Since the weight of the air is significantly lower than the weight of the water, the pressure loss on this area is obtained very insignificant, and the fountain beats from the bowl of the H3 height. H3 fountain jet height, excluding pressure losses in tubes, will be equal to the height of the water pressure H1.

In such a way that the water of the fountain of the beat is high as much as possible, it is necessary to make the design of the fountain as high as possible, thereby increasing the distance H1. In addition, you need to raise the average vessel as above. As for the law of physics on the preservation of energy, it is fully respected. Water from the middle vessel, under the action of gravity flows into the lower vessel. The fact that she makes this way through the upper bowl, and at the same time beats the fountain there, nor how much does not contradict the law on energy conservation. As you understand, the time of operation of such fountains is not infinitely, ultimately all the water from the middle vessel, flows into the lower, and the fountain will stop working. On the example of the device of the fountain of Geron, we see how high the knowledge of the scientists of ancient Greece were

      Peterhof fountains
Not far from St. Petersburg is Peterhof - the ensemble of parks, palaces and fountains. On a marble Obelisk, standing at the fence of the top garden Peterhof, figures were carved: 29. This is the distance in kilometers from St. Petersburg to a brilliant country residence of Russian emperors, and now the world famous "capital of fountains" - Peterhof. This is the only ensemble in the world, whose fountains work without pumps and complex water treatment facilities. This uses the principle of reporting vessels - the difference in the levels on which fountains and pond repository are located. The majestic panorama opens when approaching Peterhof from the sea: the most high point It occupies a large palace, towering on the edge of a natural 16-meter terrace. On its slope sparkles with gold sculptures and silver fountain jets a large cascade. In front of the cascade and the center of the water bucket, a powerful stream of the Fountain "Samson" was torn, and then the water rushes to the bay on the direct, like an arrow, the sea canal, which is the planning axle of the North - South. The channel is one of the oldest structures of Peterhof, marked already in the first plans, which Patr I himself sketched. The channel divides the lower park, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich 102 hectares, into two parts, conditionally referred to as "Western" and "Eastern".
The Palace of Montplasir, Cascade "Chess Mountain" and "Roman" fountains, Pyramid Fountains, Sun, Sun Fountains. In the western part, the Hermitage Pavilion and the Palace of Marley, Cascade "Golden Mountain", "Meager" fountains and "CloĊĦi" are located. Peter did not accidentally chose this place for the construction of Peterhof. Surveying the terrain, he discovered several reservoirs that fed to the keys beating from under the ground. During the summer of 1721, gateways and a channel, along which, from water bodies from Ropshin heights, water was seeded to the cumulative basins of the upper garden, and here it was possible to arrange only small in the height of the fountains. The other thing is the bottom Park, stretching at the foot of the terrace. Water from a 16-meter height of pipes from the basins of the upper garden on the principle of reporting vessels with force rushes down to be filled with a plurality of high jets in the park fountains. In total, there are 4 cascades and 191 fountain in the lower park and the upper garden (including Cascades).
Founded by Peter I, the principles of water supply acts and today, testifying to the talent of the founder of Peterhof.
During the Great Patriotic War, the fascist invaders completely destroyed the fountain system of Petrodvorets. They removed and taken out sculptures, including the famous sculpture "Samson", which was cut into parts and was also sent to Germany, in many places the lead pipelines were cut out, heded lead sheets from the thresholds of a large cascade, removed the nozzles, as well as all the reinforcement from color Metals. Fortunately, a significant part of sculptures and other works of art was evacuated in a timely manner.
Soviet army, who freed Petrodvorets, found only ruins there; The fountain system was destroyed by 80 percent. Currently, as a result of large restoration work, the main fountains of Petrodvorets are restored.
      Fountains in the literature
Model Fountain

Fontans have long been attracted by artists and poets. Many poems were written about these magic jets of water. One of the famous poems is a poem A.S. Pushkin "Bakhchisarai Fountain" (passage)
Fountain of Love, Fountain Live!
I brought two roses as a gift.
I love someone's talk
And poetic tears.

Your silver dust
I am Kropyt Rosoy Colding:
Oh, if, if, whether the key is pleasant!
Zhurchi, Zhurchi I have my own ...

Our guys were also invited to try themselves as poets. Listen to what happened.

Poems guys

"Diamond fountains fly with funny noise to the clouds ...", "Pushkin, Pushkin, spoke in spoke on the fountains of the ancient St. Petersburg. Fun and the aspiration to the transcendental appeal felt in the magic show of fountain jets. It is not surprising that many different associations are born in the soul of a person when a multicolored rainbow flashes in a lively vein fountain. In recent years, all new and new fountains have become one after another, they began to use the possibilities of fountains to organize the beautiful fountain show. Naturally, the fountains used at events have significant

See also: