City with the largest park. The most famous amusement parks

Nature is the best artist, but sometimes the person interferes with her idea, and thanks to this union, an amazing places appear. We offer you a selection of the most unusual parks of the world.
Green Lake, Austria

This park, located in the Austrian town of Traguess, is amazing primarily by the fact that in winter it is a regular park with flowerbeds, alleys, groves. People come here to sit on comfortable benches, arrange a picnic and admire the stunning views of the mountains and the lake, the water in which has an unusual green shade. But in the summer, the lake is bottled, and the water level in it rises from two meters to ten. Then the park turns out to be flooded and completely hidden under water. And then divers come here from all over the world. Perhaps this is the only place in the world where you can see the usual world under water. All plants, park tracks and benches remain in their place, and you float with the scuba by them. Among terrestrial vegetation in crystal clear water float small fish. And so continues until winter comes again.

Park 200 Buddhas, Laos

Park 200 Buddhas was created relatively recently one of the religious leaders of Laos Bunlya Sulitat. The work took a lot of time, and the Sulitat himself could finish it and could not be crazy. Nevertheless, the park strikes imagination: there are more than 200 sculptures of Buddha, snakes, gods and heroes of Hindu and Buddhist mythology on a relatively small territory. Thanks to a carefully thought-out layout, the visitor can close to each stone statue, study all the features of the thread, or, if he wants to look into the stone faces from afar. It is surprising that each hero carved in the stone is inherent its own expression. Absolutely, all the statues have been worked out to the smallest detail: scales on snake bodies, folds on the clothes of heroes, attributes, faces ... The height of some statues reaches 20 m, and some in height do not exceed the growth of the five-year-old child. Park is just five km from the city of Nong Khai, and If you wish, you can easily reach a bike or even on foot. In addition to the statues, there are picturesque ponds, well-kept flower beds, as well as an open glass sphere, where the disintended body of the crestor of the Bunly Sulitata Park is resting.

Park Sinners, Thailand

The park is not recommended for visiting people with an unstable psyche. The fact is that the park of sinners in the territory buddhist church 40 km from Bangkok is filled with sculptures of people pierced by spears hung, eaten by mythical animals and deceased with other, no less terrible ways - such a visual demonstration of how "hell on earth" could look like. In addition, a muted psychedelic music and a terrible voice, which tells about the various horrors, torture, and the likelihood of such things, to happily, at Thai, are inflamed of the columns and a terrible voice, the Thais often come here - apparently, in educational purposes. But we would bring a child to such a place did not advise. And adults should visit such a park exclusively if they have or iron psyche, or a specific sense of humor.

Space Park, Scotland

According to the plan of the creators of the spouses of Charles Jenks and Maggie Chesvik, this place should give visitors to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe universe and the place in it in it, as well as that all modern science is no more than a step in the process of knowing something completely extraordinary. There are no familiar flower beds or comfortable tracks in the park. But there are completely futuristic objects like an unusual form of artificial hills, bridges, stairs. Everything is so harmonious that aluminum sculptures of the most bizarre form fit perfectly fit into the surrounding landscape. The receivers can even get into the "black hole" or to be in a bottle of Klein, to reflect on complex mathematical formulas or wander inside the fractals. From a bird's eye view, all artificial park objects are a one-piece picture. This is one of those amazing plates created by man on planet Earth, which must be visited.

Museum of Creation, USA

This park was primarily created with the aim of showing people that the creation of the Earth by God (as described in the Bible) in no way contrary to the theory of evolution. The attention of the visitor offers gigantic moving figures of dinosaurs, adjacent to the "reconstruction" of a huge noeva ark. Behind the glass windows near the dice of prehistoric animals and biblical artifacts. Park employees argue that the existence of dinosaurs does not contradict the Bible - God could create them in the same way as all other animals, but for some reason they did not survive the great flood. It is no doubtful of your religious beliefs. The fact is that most dinosaur bones and reconstructed skeletons are genuine archaeological finds. And the idea to combine biblical history with science is quite interesting in itself.

Colors Park Kökekenhof, Netherlands

Koshenhof is famous for the whole world primarily due to the growing in its territory huge fields Tulips. On 32 hectares, more than 100 varieties of these colors grows. Of course, except tulips, other flowers are growing in the park: lilac, orchids, roses, lilies. In the spring, more than 800 thousand tourists arrive in the park - the fact is that because of the "pickly" Tulips, the park is open only in the period from March to May. Each year at the end of April is a parade of colors: huge platforms are moving along the streets of Lisa Fully made of plants.

Francisco Park Alvarado, Costa Rica

This park is a real miracle of landscape design. Walking along his tracks, you will see those made of alive cypress elephants, monkeys and other animals. But the main thing in the park is a mystical labyrinth of living plants: countless green arches are hanging over visitors, bizarkedly intertwined tracks, and on the way there will be quite a few surprises - what only the gigantic figure of the sleeping woman, the body and the face of which are carved out of moss-covered stones .

Bird Park in Guronge, Singapore

In Jaurong, birds are collected from around the world. Most of the fleet inhabitants of the park make up, of course, birds from South-East AsiaBut there are many species from Europe, America and Africa. The main feature of the park is that visitors have the illusion that birds live in the wild - in the park it is not to find any avians or cells. For each group of feathers, conditions mimicifying its natural habitat are created: for example, the air conditioning system has been made for penguins, and for flamingos - a large artificial reservoir. There are mostly visitors to inspect the aviary with parrots - 110 varieties of these bright smart birds live here. No less interesting, a pavilion with an artificial waterfall, where 1500 species of birds from different parts of the world live. You will be able to watch their lives in real time, for how birds feed, sleep, they grow offspring. Only now it is impossible to feed them - the staff of the park warn that it can adversely affect the health of birds.

Kingdom of Dwarfs, China

In truth, it's not quite a park. Rather, the Kingdom of Dwarfs can be called a village where the dwarfs live exclusively. The park has its own school, hospital, shops. But from time to time the doors of the village open for visitors, and dwarfs dress up in fabulous costumes and spend an excursion at their homes for those who want. At home, by the way, very interesting, made in the form of fungny or trees. All the service of the park is exclusively its inhabitants. With the point of view of public morality, the park causes some doubt about both Europeans and the Chinese. But, one way or another, the place is popular, and the Chinese power is not in a hurry to lose a good source of income.

Chess Park, Japan

In the Japanese city of Osaka on the shore of one of the channels, a park dedicated to desktop games is broken. Tracks, tables, children's slides and all other objects are made in a chess topic. Of course, in the park you can find chess boards, and backgammon tables, and boards for the game in go or checkers. Tourists park is very popular not use, but it is very loved local residentswho often come here with children. The park is amazing more and the fact that the creators had not so many means, so that all objects were made of cheap and environmentally friendly materials like pressed wood and cardboard. If you find yourself in Japan - go, you will not regret, because the chess park is an excellent example of how interesting as possible and with benefit to make a place to relax right within the city.

Nature is the best artist, but sometimes the person interferes with her idea, and thanks to this union, an amazing places appear. We offer you a selection of the most unusual parks of the world.

1. Park 200 Buddhas, Laos

Park 200 Buddhas was created relatively recently one of the religious leaders of Laos Bunlya Sulitat. The work took a lot of time, and the Sulitat himself could finish it and could not be crazy. Nevertheless, the park strikes imagination: there are more than 200 sculptures of Buddha, snakes, gods and heroes of Hindu and Buddhist mythology on a relatively small territory. Thanks to a carefully thought-out layout, the visitor can close to each stone statue, study all the features of the thread, or, if he wants to look into the stone faces from afar. It is surprising that each hero carved in the stone is inherent its own expression. Absolutely, all statues have been worked out to the smallest detail: scales on snake bodies, folds on the clothes of heroes, attributes, faces ... The height of some statues reaches 20 m, and some in height do not exceed the growth of the five-year-old child.

The park is just five km from the city of Nong Khai, and if you wish, you can easily reach a bike or even on foot. In addition to the statues, there are picturesque ponds, well-kept flower beds, as well as an open glass sphere, where the disintended body of the crestor of the Bunly Sulitata Park is resting.

2. Green Lake, Austria

This park, located in the Austrian town of Traguess, is amazing primarily by the fact that in winter it is a regular park with flowerbeds, alleys, groves. People come here to sit on comfortable benches, arrange a picnic and admire the stunning views of the mountains and the lake, the water in which has an unusual green shade. But in the summer, the lake is bottled, and the water level in it rises from two meters to ten. Then the park turns out to be flooded and completely hidden under water.

And then divers come here from all over the world. Perhaps this is the only place in the world where you can see the usual world under water. All plants, park tracks and benches remain in their place, and you float with the scuba by them. Among terrestrial vegetation in crystal clear water float small fish. And so continues until winter comes again.

3. Park of sinners, Thailand

The park is not recommended for visiting people with an unstable psyche. The fact is that the park of sinners on the territory of the Buddhist temple 40 km from Bangkok is filled with sculptures of people pierced by spears hanged, eaten by mythical animals and died in other, no less terrible ways - a similar visual demonstration of how "hell could look like" Hell on Earth " In addition, from the columns installed throughout the park, the case confused psychedelic music and a creepy voice telling about the various horrors, torture and the like things - fortunately, in Thai.

By the way, Thais often come here with children - apparently, in educational purposes. But we would bring a child to such a place did not advise. And adults should visit such a park exclusively if they have or iron psyche, or a specific sense of humor.

4. Park of Space Reflections, Scotland

According to the plan of the creators of the spouses of Charles Jenks and Maggie Chesvik, this place should give visitors to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe universe and the place in it in it, as well as that all modern science is no more than a step in the process of knowing something completely extraordinary. There are no familiar flower beds or comfortable tracks in the park. But there are completely futuristic objects like an unusual form of artificial hills, bridges, stairs. Everything is so harmonious that aluminum sculptures of the most bizarre form fit into the surrounding landscape.

The visitor can even get into the "black hole" or be in a bottle of Klein, reflecting on complex mathematical formulas or wander inside fractals. From a bird's eye view, all artificial park objects are a one-piece picture. This is one of those amazing plates created by man on planet Earth, which must be visited.

5. Museum of Creation, USA

This park was primarily created with the aim of showing people that the creation of the Earth by God (as described in the Bible) in no way contrary to the theory of evolution. The attention of the visitor offers gigantic moving figures of dinosaurs, adjacent to the "reconstruction" of a huge noeva ark. Behind the glass windows near the dice of prehistoric animals and biblical artifacts. Park employees argue that the existence of dinosaurs does not contradict the Bible - God could create them in the same way as all other animals, but for some reason they did not survive the great flood.

Regardless of your religious beliefs, the park is undoubtedly worth attention. The fact is that most dinosaur bones and reconstructed skeletons are genuine archaeological finds. And the idea to combine biblical history with science is quite interesting in itself.

6. Flower Park Kökekenhof, Netherlands

Koshenhof is famous for the whole world primarily due to the tremendous fields of tulips in its territory. On 32 hectares, more than 100 varieties of these colors grows. Of course, except tulips, other flowers are growing in the park: lilac, orchids, roses, lilies. In the spring, more than 800 thousand tourists arrive in the park - the fact is that because of the "pickly" Tulips, the park is open only in the period from March to May.

Every year at the end of April in the park passes the parade of colors: huge platforms are moving along the streets of Lissa, fully made of plants.

7. Francisco Park Alvarado, Costa Rica

This park is a real miracle of landscape design. Walking along his tracks, you will see those made of alive cypress elephants, monkeys and other animals. But the main thing in the park is a mystical labyrinth of living plants: countless green arches are hanging over visitors, bizarkedly intertwined tracks, and on the way there will be quite a few surprises - what only the gigantic figure of the sleeping woman, the body and the face of which are carved out of moss-covered stones .

8. Park Park in Guronge, Singapore

In Jaurong, birds are collected from around the world. Most of the bird inhabitants of the park are, of course, birds from Southeast Asia, but there are many species from Europe, America and Africa. The main feature of the park is that visitors have the illusion that birds live in the wild - in the park it is not to find any avians or cells. For each pennate group, conditions mimicifying its natural habitat are created: for example, the air conditioning system is made for penguins, and for flamingos - large artificial water.

Most visitors love to inspect Wolter with parrots - 110 varieties of these bright smart birds live here. No less interesting, a pavilion with an artificial waterfall, where 1500 species of birds from different parts of the world live. You will be able to watch their lives in real time, for how birds feed, sleep, they grow offspring. Only now it is impossible to feed them - the staff of the park warn that it can adversely affect the health of birds.

9. Kingdom of Dwarfs, China

In truth, it's not quite a park. Rather, the Kingdom of Dwarfs can be called a village where the dwarfs live exclusively. The park has its own school, hospital, shops. But from time to time the doors of the village open for visitors, and dwarfs dress up in fabulous costumes and spend an excursion at their homes for those who want. At home, by the way, very interesting, made in the form of fungny or trees. All residents of the park are exclusively its inhabitants.

From the point of view of public morality, the park causes some doubt of both Europeans and the Chinese. But, one way or another, the place is popular, and the Chinese power is not in a hurry to lose a good source of income.

10. Chess Park, Japan

In the Japanese city of Osaka on the shore of one of the channels, a park dedicated to desktop games is broken. Tracks, tables, children's slides and all other objects are made in a chess topic. Of course, in the park you can find chess boards, and backgammon tables, and boards for the game in go or checkers. Tourists have a lot of popularity in popularity, but it is very likely to love the locals who often come here with children.

The park is amazing also because the creators had not so many tools, so all objects are made of cheap and environmentally friendly materials like pressed wood and cardboard. If you find yourself in Japan - go, you will not regret, because the chess park is an excellent example of how interesting as possible and with benefit to make a place to relax right within the city.

After a long walk through the city "jungle" is always a pleasant to relax in the park silence. Fortunately, many megacities offer their inhabitants and guests excellent green zones where you can hide from crowded streets and automotive noise. We bring to your attention the rating of the best parks of the world, from Tokyo Egypt to Montreal Mont-Royal.

1. Summer Imperial Palace, Beijing, China

Royal Park, owned by the once dynasty of Qing, is now one of the largest and most beautiful in China. You can spend all day exploring his gardens, temples and famous Lake Kunming.

2. Phoenix Park, Dublin, Ireland

This is the residence of the President of Ireland and 707 hectares of stunning nature. Park is ideal for trips to segments, picnics and dating with the animal world.

3. Stanley Park, Vancouver, Canada

Stanley Park is a real paradise for nature lovers. There are many gardens, beaches and historical monumentsAnd with Vancouver sea dams open beautiful views of Koal Harbor and the British Bay.

4. Egypt, Tokyo, Japan

In 1964, the Olympic village was located in this picturesque place, complete trees of Ginkgo. Now Egypt is the venue for numerous Tokyo festivals, including Earth Day and Tokyo Pride.

5. Park on Mount Faber, Singapore

This is one of the most popular city attractions. The park offers its visitors walking on rainforests, exciting views of the South Singapore, as well as a trip to the funicular from Mount Faber to the island of Sentosa.

6. Lympini, Bangkok, Thailand

Lympini is ideal for rest. Guests of the park have the opportunity to ride boats, wander through the shady trails and take Taich.

7. Park Vontela, Amsterdam, Netherlands

In Vondel Park, there is everything you need for resting: extensive green lawns, numerous street cafes and free concerts in the theater under open sky. You can even rent rollers to explore the park Friday night.

8. Yurgorten, Stockholm, Sweden

Yurgortden is a real oasis, located in the center of Stockholm. Island is full of gardens and amusement parks. By the way, it is here that the Cult Museum of ABBA is located.

9. Luxembourg Garden, Paris, France

it signal placewhich is definitely worth visiting. Once in the Luxembourg garden, do not miss the chance to arrange a picnic on the lawn at the observatory prospect and stroll along the famous central road between statues and playgrounds.

10. Guell, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain

You will not be able to leave Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwithout adopting on the amazing creation of Antonio Gaudi. The mosaic of the color of precious stones and the bizarre buildings of Guele as if created for photographing.

11. IIBERPAERA, SAN Paulo, Brazil

The 500-acre image is often compared with the New York Central Park due to the size and popularity. There are many museums, and free concerts are held in the morning of each Sunday.

12. City Park, Vienna, Austria

Opened in 1862, the city park is known for its golden monument to Johann Strauss, impressive views of the Vienna River and picturesque ponds surrounded by Rasky District Yves.

13. National Garden, Athens, Greece

At the National Garden Athens is an unusually rich vegetable world. 7,000 trees and 40,000 shrubs grow in the park. It is also the owner of the sun's clock and 6 lakes where you can feed the ducks.

14. Royal Park, Perth, Australia

Perth's Royal Park is famous for his botanical gardens With 3000 different types of plants. In addition, it has a lot of trail for hiking walks And beautiful views of the Swan River.

15. Hyde Park, London, England

In the Hyde Park, you can enjoy a magnificent pink garden, English breakfast in the cafe "Lido" and picturesque river Serpentine. If you are interested in politics, then visit the corner of speakers, where opinions are expressed on Sundays and debates.

16. Mont-Royal, Montreal, Canada

This green Zone was designed by Frederick Lo Almst, the creator of New York Central Park. From Mont-Ruälya opens the best species Montreal and the surrounding city natural beauty.

17. Kekenhof, Lisse, Netherlands

Kekenkhov - the best placeTo admire Dutch flowers. More than 7 million tulips, hyacinths and daffodils bloom each spring, pleaseing the guests of the park with a riot of paints.

18. Chapultep, Mexico City, Mexico

This is an incredible beauty of the "City Forest" in the heart of Mexico City. Being here, be sure to visit the Campultec Palace and take a look at the amazing fountain "Tlalok", created by the artist Diego River.

19. Boboli gardens, Florence, Italy

Boboli gardens with century-old oaks, sculptures and fountains more like the open-air museum than on the park. Their green "architecture" became inspiration for many parks of Europe, including Versailles.

20. English Garden, Munich, Germany

This is the largest Public Park Munich. The English garden is famous for its tea house and beer garden, which is the second largest in the city.

Amusement parks in the modern world are a favorite place of relaxation families with children, fans of extreme attractions and generally everyone who wants to raise their mood, forgetting about gray everyday life.

Of course, the king of all family parks, without which it is impossible to present the global entertainment industry, - Disneyland in Florida. His "Magic Kingdom" annually visits more than 16 million people - such impressive number of people is quite comparable to the population of the metropolis. And even the most popular park in Asia is also Disneyland.

However, the sphere of entertainment parks is not limited to the world of Disney characters and American slides. Classic European parks offer guests to plunge into the world of fairy tales, bizarrely designed carousels and miniatures of famous attractions of the world.

Developed asian countries They do not want to lag behind the West: all new entertainment complexes appear in the capitals and resort centers every year and existing ones are expanding. They attract crowds with dizzying attractions, water parks and green gardens.

Listed below best parks Attractions on the planet - with the most interesting thematic zones, stunning costume shows, record holders and children's playgrounds.

Disneyland Parks in the World

The first Disneyland opened in the United States while the legendary multiplier lives in 1955. The fabulous complex turned in the California city of Anaheim next to Los Angeles. Eight of his thematic areas became classic and appeared in all new Disney Parks.

The largest and most popular amusement park in the world is the second American Disneyland, Walt Disney World (Walt Disney World) in Florida. He is located in the town of Lake Buen Vista, located 34 kilometers away by car from Orlando. This is a real fabulous city, which is located on the territory of 121.7 km² and imagined four thematic and two water parks, 33 hotels, golf courses, cafes and restaurants. First theme park "The World Walt Disney" - "Magic Kingdom" today is the most visited fleet in the world. In his center, the fabulous "Cinderella Castle" is solemnly towers - the same, with some way several generations of animation fans associate Disneyland and the Disney company itself.

The famous Paris Disneyland, built in the suburbs of the French capital, in the town of Marne-La-Vale. I am striking with your size and even has our own station. This is the only Disneyland in Europe.

Disney's first Park, which appeared outside the United States, is the Grand Tokyo Disneyland, which was opened in 1983. Its territory is divided into seven thematic areas, four of which are basic and other company parks - this is Adventurelad, Westernland, Tommorowland and Fantasyland, includes Tokyo Disneysea theme Park.

Hong Kong Disneyland occupies the most modest area of \u200b\u200ball network parks of the corporation. It is built on Lantau Island, close to the airport, is one of the best amusement parks in Asia.

Most famous park

Complex of palace and park ensembles south coast Finnish Gulf Formed throughout the XVIII-XIX century. The central - and most famous of them is a regular bottom park with luxurious fountains. Park with "Water Farming" covers an area of \u200b\u200b102 hectares. He was defeated on the initiative of Peter I as part of the Parade Imperial Residence, which was supposed to surpass the famous Versailles and is one of the "pearls" of St. Petersburg, attracting tourists from all over the world.

National Park Zhangjianze was opened in 1982 - and soon entered the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site. The territory of the park is about 13,000 km2, where about 500 species of animals live and rare plants grow. The park is considered one of the most impressive places of the Earth - primarily due to quartzite rocks medium height 800 meters (and the most high peaks The array reaches a height of 3 kilometers). It was here that the creators of the film "Avatar" took the landscapes of Pandora. One of the sights of the park is the world's highest elevator complex in the world, raising tourists to the viewing platform 360 meters above the Earth.

Boboli gardens are considered one of the best park ensembles of the Renaissance. The territory of the main residence of the Dukes of Medici (designed to demonstrate all the power, the greatness and luxury of the famous kind) was opened to the public in 1766, and now the park of 4.5 hectares has the status of a garden sculpture museum. Strict Planning Park, Luxury Fountains and Statues, Open Temples and Colonnades, Grotto, as well magnificent views, opening on the city, invariably attract visitors here.

"Green Light Manhattan" is so called the Central Park of New York - the right rectangle of 800 meters wide and 4 kilometer long (341 hectares) with lakes, pleasure paths, children's lawns, rollers and pools. Despite the seeming naturalness of the landscape, the park, founded in 1859, is completely man-made. This is the most visited US Park: about 25 million people are annually here. The attractions of the Central Park include historic carousel, Loveward Castle, Delacorte Theater, Zoo, Wildlife Reserve.

The magnificent park, laid down in 1689, is considered one of the main attractions of Salzburg. Despite the relatively small dimensions (about 10 hectares), it is considered one of the most beautiful Baroque gardens of Europe and is a recognized landscape design masterpiece. Sophisticated flower beds, trellis, viewing platforms with beautiful views of Salzburg, green labyrinths, fountains and sculptures, "Garden of Dwarfs" - All this every year attracts here from 3 to 5 million people.

The royal color park in the Netherlands is also known as the "Garden of Europe". Park in 32 hectares was broken in 1840 and is primarily famous for its tulip glades: about 4.5 million tulips of multiple varieties (more than 100) grows here. In addition to floral pollasts and greenhouses, ponds, canals, fountains and sculptures serve as decoration of the park. Capeenhof opens for visitors in the spring - from the end of March to May. At the end of April, the annual color of Bloemencorso Bollenstreek is held here.

Kirstenbosh is one of the largest botanical gardens on Earth and the first, the UNESCO included in the list World Heritage. The territory of the park, founded in 1913, is 528 hectares, and here you can see more than 7 thousand species of plants, including many rare and disappearing. Special landmark Park - 327 meter suspended alley, located 12 meters above the ground, equipped looking platformsallowing to admire the surroundings from the height.

The Royal Park is located in the heart of London. The lands engaged in Hyde Park, before the XVI century belonged to Westminster Abbey, then Heinrich VIII turned them into the royal hunting grounds, and in the XVII century Karl I opened the park for the public. Now this is the most popular park in London. Among the sights of Hyde Park, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 14 hectares - Statue of Achille, the Wellington Museum, the Princess Diana Memorial, Artificial Lake Serpentine. But the most famous place - This is a "corner of speakers", who made the Hyde Park by synonymous with freedom of speech. From 1872 to the present, everyone can publicly speak here on any topic, including the criticism of the "first persons" of the state.

Yuyuan (that in translating means "garden of joy" or "garden of a leisurely rest") - a classic garden in the style of the board of the Ming dynasty. A park area of \u200b\u200babout 4 hectares was divided about 400 years ago and is now considered one of the samples of Chinese gardening and park design. Picturesque landscapes, winding bridges, sophisticated buildings, an abundance of attractions (their here more than 40) make the park with Shanghai decoration.

Park Beihai (Translated - the North Sea) - a recognized landscape design masterpiece created in the X century. For a long time he was a favorite holiday destination by Chinese emperors. Park of 68 hectares (more than half of the square occupies beautiful lake) It was opened for visitors since 1925. Beckhai is considered a model of a traditional Chinese garden, where the sophisticated buildings are combined with no less refined landscapes.

Former royal (and now - state) palace Park The area of \u200b\u200b26 hectares is located in the Latin Quarter and is one of the main attractions of Paris. The Luxembourg Garden was divided in 1611, when a widget of the queen Mary Medici had a desire to equip the Palace and Park Ensemble in the suburbs of the French capital, reminding her homeland - Florence. The luxurious park is famous for its flower beds and terraces, fountains and greenhouses, sculptures and pavilions. It contains the Luxembourg Palace where the sessions of the French Senate are held.

Space Reflection Garden (Garden Of Cosmic Speculation), Damfas

The garden of cosmic reflections in Southern Scotland is considered one of the most original planet parks. It was established in 1988 by the famous architect-postmodern Charles Jenks and his wife and Maggie's colleague. The task that the Creators of the Park was put in front of them is to show all the beauty of the Universe - from Macroform to Microcosm, and Charles, with inspiration in fractal geometry, and Maggie in Chinese philosophy. As a result, in 16 hectares, equations and dragons, aluminum and snakes, spirals and pyramids, chaos and symmetry are adjacent. The park is private, but open for visits.

See also: