Full guide on sign places. Attractions Gold Costa - What to see

Gold Coast - a coastal city with a sun-subtropical climate in the Australian state of Queensland, who is famous for the whole world with its snow-white sand beaches for swimming and surfing, engaged in 57 kilometers of coastline.

In addition to the beaches, Gold Coast is also known for its world-class thematic parks. Water lovers will be delighted with visits to local water parks with extreme slides, Park "Warner Brothers Muvi Warld" is perfect for families with children, thanks to the abundance of rides and opportunities to meet characters from favorite cartoons. The Drimomorld Park is suitable for adventurers.

it popular place Rest, inextricably linked with fun, sun, oxide, sand with an abundance of subtropical green mountain areas.

You can get to the city from Gold Coast Airport, located in the southern part of the Golden Coast in Kulangatte, about a 40-minute drive from Surfers - Paradise Beach. Brisbane Airport is a major international Airportwhich connects Queensland and Australia with many other parts of the world. From Brisbane Airport, you can get to the Golden Coast for about an hour by car or in 90 minutes by train.

History of the Golden Shore

The aborigines called the area of \u200b\u200bthe Golden Beach of Kurrugul, due to the abundance of hardwood trees suitable for the manufacture of boomerangs.

James Cook became the first European, who noticed this region, floating along the coast in 1770. Captain Matthew Flinders, who studied the continent to the north of the new South Wales colony, sailed past in 1802. The region remained unfriendly Europeans until 1823, until John Oxley researcher moored to its shores. Red cedar growing in the interior, attracted Europeans to these areas in the middle of the 19th century. Wood tied to the root and melted on the rivers to the sea sailing courts. These ships were approached by the Nerangea and Oxenford rivers. The Western Coast of Neangi became an industrial region, and by 1875 Southport was examined and quickly gained a reputation as a secluded vacation spot for the rich inhabitants of Brisbane. Over time, the areas of the Golden Coast circled farms and filled with sugar cane fields. By-product of the sugar industry became rum. Oyster farms and fisheries developed in the Brodooter area.

Another settler organized a ferry message to attract guests to this area. He built in 1888 beach Hotel On the south side of the Narang River to place people delivered by its ferry. In 1923, James Kavill built the Surfers - Paradise Hotel in the area known as Elston. The land was acquired for only 80 dollars, and shortly before his death the site was already 377 thousand. In 1933, this area was named by the hotel name. But only in the middle of the 20th century, Surfers - Paradise became a popular recreation center for military personnel and their families who returned from the fronts of World War II. Since then, Gold Coast keeps his position as an excellent tourist location. Now the area of \u200b\u200bthe gold coast is considered the fastest growing region of the country.

Attractions Gold Coast

Despite the fact that Gold Coast is famous for its beaches, there are many and other places in the region, where you can enjoy local unique nature. In the mountains, you can find excellent pedestrian walkways with waterfalls and freshwater reservoirs in the Varonebin Valley. Springbrook National Park - surprising travelers abundance of birds and animals. Nothing and visiting the islands of the North Golden coast, which can be reached by ferry. Local wildlife It gives the opportunity to meet amazing Wallaby and unique lizards.

A large number of festivals, cultural events, shows and sports tournaments are held annually on the Gold Coast, including the Film Festival, QUIKSILVER Pro surficist competitions.

Hald-Coast Heritage Museum Hinterland

it unique placeFull rare historical materials reflecting the growth and development of the inland areas of the Golden Coast. Museum cultural heritage Gold Coast, located in the suburbs of Madjirab.

The museum sought to recreate the life of the first European settlers in Australia. There are several historically significant buildings here, among which is Franklin's house, train Station Nerangea, cream shed and police station. All these buildings were carefully recreated.

Gold-Coast Art Center

Art Center - the main cultural Center Gold Coast, which represents visual and performing art in Southeast Queensland. The complex includes the theater of arts, the gallery of the city of Gold Coast, two cinema and cafe. The art center was officially opened in December 1986. His gallery hosts the famous city collection of modern and historical works.

The first skyscraper Q1.

This is the first skyscraper built on the gold coast. In 1998, the Anderson family acquired real estate in the center of Surfers - Paradise and in 2002 began the construction of this unique 322.5 meter building, known now as "Queensland number one". It is S. watching sites This gocha is available for Finding Stunning Panoramic Types of Total Golden Coast. The project cost is about 255 million US dollars. Its spire is made of glass and steel, reaches a height of 97.7 meters. The highlighted spire is visible at a distance of 200 kilometers.

Not far from Tula is located a unique complex called the Golden City. It is a real China-city, which is located right in the Tula region. The complex includes a hotel, a restaurant and a SPA center, and is fulfilled entirely in the traditional Chinese style. Everything is thought out to the smallest detail: decor of buildings, interior details, layout of buildings. And in the aggregate, it allows you to touch the culture and history of the MINE epoch, and to plunge into the atmosphere of relax and calm.

Some hotel buildings are real architectural masterpieces. For example, one of the buildings of the complex is built in style chinese Palace. It is decorated with an exquisite carved turret, in which there are rooms for tea ceremonies. Tourists in China-city under Tula attracts primarily a combination of ancient traditions of antiquity (even the staff is dressed in) with modern comfort. The hotel can relax not only soul, but also the body. Enjoying the pacifying species and national elements of the decor, you can get a full range of high-class SPA procedures.

The hotel's territory also has long-term peaceful walks. Traditional Chinese Arbors, Fountains, Small Stone Bridges, Landscape Design Details: All this will help to feel the old China right in the Tula region.

Food and entertainment

The hotel's restaurant "The Golden City" offers its guests to enjoy not only the real Chinese cuisine (eating solely real), but also try Indian, Ayurvedic and European dishes prepared by the best chefs.

Among active entertainment In Tula China, paintball, fishing and sports games are presented. Lovers Make the hotel staff will provide all the necessary equipment for fishing. A small quiet pond nearby will give the opportunity to catch carp, crucia and perch. Those who prefer more movement can take free time Game in paintball, basketball, volleyball, football, badminton or table tennis. Or go to study the surroundings by bike.


China City Tula is a wonderful place to relax, enjoy pleasant and wellness treatments or participate in a real tea ceremony.

The complex "Golden City" provides its guests the opportunity to engage in traditional yoga with experienced teachers. Masters are ready to compile individual meditation programs to help balance inner self-assumption.

The hotel offers a relaxation massage based on Indian techniques, or Ayurvedic procedures that have a beneficial effect on the entire body. At the time of rest in the "Golden city" for guests, Ayurvedic doctors can be drawn up an individual course of the procedures and sessions of SPA-therapy that meets all customer needs.

Tea ceremony in traditional style will help not only relax, but also discover many new things. Experts will be happy to tell the history of tea, about how to prepare, about various varieties and differences between them. Visitors to the complex will be able to prepare the famous drink and feel the atmosphere of China right under Tula, enjoying freshly chinese tea.

In addition, the "Golden City" provides the ability to ride through the territories adjacent to the complex on the horses. Guests can choose a walk with an instructor on the territory of the equestrian part or on rough terrain. For those who are not familiar with the art of equestrian ride, training lessons are provided.

How to get?

The unusual China-City is located at: Tula region, Venevsky district, p. Petropavlovskoe, ul. Steppe, 19. Consider how to get to China-Cities Tula by car. The complex is located on the 198th kilometer of the Moscow-Don route (M4). Going off the track is necessary on the pointer "p. Sergievo 1.

Located the city of Gold Coast. It is a favorite resort for indigenous population and numerous foreigners due to the huge number of magnificent beaches and thematic parks.

A little from the Hald Costa History

Initially, the territory of a modern Gold Costa was settled by the tribes of the Aboriginal Southambe. In 1770, the continent was visited by people from Europe headed by Captain James Cup. This event was marked by the resettlement of Europeans on a new, eminent land. The next important stage in the development of the city was the construction of a holiday home, which in 1885 implemented the Governor of Anthony Masgrave, thereby giving life to tourism in these places. By 1889, the region acquired the railway, which led to a sharp increase in the population of the city. The Dawn of Gold Costa as the Australian tourism center fell in 1925, when the coastal road was opened, connecting the city with more developed Brisbane and Southport. In 1935, a significant part of the coast near Gold-Kosta was built up with hotels and hotels, tourists were taken to the city not only from Australia, but also from other states.

Climate and weather in Gold-Kosta

The proximity of the coral seas affected the Gold Costa climate, which is subtropical: hot summer with plenty of precipitation and soft warm winter. Self high temperatures Marked in January and February, when thermometers fix the mark in + 32 ° C, while rains are often held, accompanied by storms and thunderstorms. The coolest thing in Gold-Costa in June and July, when the ambient temperature does not exceed + 15 ° C. And in August there is a sharp jump. Precipitation at this time rarely falls out. You can visit the city in any season, the main thing is to determine the purpose of the visit.

Gold Costa Attractions

The main attractions of the city of Gold Coast in Australia are considered a variety thematic parks. Tell about the most unusual and interesting.

Opened in 1971, offers visitors to study the sea world of the planet, as well as many attractions and entertainment using pyrotechnics, optical illusions, excellent work of cascaders and animators. If you wish, you can visit the water park equipped with a pool and a multi-level slide.

It is the best on the continent and is proud of attractions, first-class American slides, water slides and a giant ferris wheel, which opens views of the Gold Coast and the nearest neighborhood. Tourists can take a walk through the eucalyptus forest, feed and attract its inhabitants: Koal and Kangaroo. In addition, there is an opportunity to go on a ship by steamer, go through the old cableway, Drive in railway, built in the XIX century. Extreme lovers will appreciate the moto-springboard with a height of 605 meters and an attraction "Horror Tower", offering a jump from the height of a 40-storey building.

Reminds the factory that is occupied by the manufacture of film products. Visitors are involved in the shooting process, become participants in street performances using recognizable cartoon characters, recognize the secrets of the directing business. In addition, the park includes attractions: karting, springboards, American slides.

Wet`n Wild Wild Water Water Invites visitors all sorts of entertainment on the water. In the park there are 15 water Gorons, 4 pools, thematic attractions that are capable of impressing anyone.

Next to Gold-Kosta is located, the main feature of which is considered unique nature, rare and disappearing plants and animals.

Entertainment and recreation

Perhaps the most favorite holiday in Gold-Kosta is beach. The coast of the city is devoid of magnificent areas with white sand and purest water. The most famous beaches are considered to be Maine Beach, Surfers-Paradise, Broad Beach. Elite hotels, delightful shopping centers, casinos and everything necessary for an unforgettable rest are built on the territory adjacent to them.

Leisure In Gold-Costa is represented by surfing, windsurfing, jumping with a cable, paraplaning, water skiing. There are golf courses. The greatest popularity belongs to Sanctuary Cove.

As for excursions, there are many in the city and beyond interesting placesthat must be visited, for example:

  • park Plantation "Big Pineepple", where tropical fruits grow;
  • fraser Island - Object World Heritage UNESCO;
  • , preserved the first churches of Australia, tropical gardens, huge parks.

The nightlife of Gold Costa is characterized by brightness and manifold. As a tourist center of Australia, the city is littered with nightclubs, bars, discos in the open air, why Gold Coast is particularly attracted by young people.

Accommodation in the city

Accommodation in Gold-Costa will be comfortable, and the search for suitable housing does not take much time, because more than 400 hotels, hotels, villas, apartments, guest houses are built in the city. Best hotels The gold coast is named Sheraton Mirage and Palazzo Versace, offering a wide range of services and distinguished by luxury and sophistication in everything. Guests who want to prone and the safety of their budget may choose less well-known hotels.

The golden coast is simply replete with restaurants and cafes, in which you can quickly eat or spend a whole evening, enjoying a pleasant atmosphere and sophisticated dishes. The most popular belongs to Verve Restaurant Cafe and Bar, Sage Cafe Restaurant, East Restaurant & Lounge Bar.

Public catering points in the city offer European dishes and, which are prepared from seafood or meat, with lots of vegetables and all kinds of greenery. Indigenous population Prefers eating fried fish, meat pies, chickens "Melbourne".

Favorite drinking inhabitants of Gold Costa is the usual drinking water, but at special cases they are happy to drink local beer and wines that differ little from the famous Wine of Spain and France.

Transport connection in the city

Most. convenient view Transport in Gold-Most is considered a car. Municipal authorities distinguish the impressive amounts to the arrangement of the city's roads, so moving on the car will be comfortable, fast, safe. In Gold-Costa there are highways, for the fare for which you need to pay.

Public transport is less popular, but still the bus service covers and connects all areas of the city together, while the cost of travel is symbolic and amounts to 2 Australian dollars for the trip. City transport runs on roads up to 22 hours local time.

Another way to move in Gold-Costa - ferries that transport passengers from the coastal areas of the city, which is very convenient. Ferries go swimming every 30 minutes, the fare is not more than 3 Australian dollars.

How to get to Gold Costa?

The path to the gold coast can be laid in two ways. First, get to the right place will help. By arrival you have to overcome 80 kilometers, dividing Gold Coast and Brisbane. Second, near the Golden Coast in the city of Kulangatta, there is a local airport, which will take no more than 20 minutes. The only mines of the airport of Kulangatt are small passenger traffic and the limited routes that are accepted only from major cities (Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Cairns).


The most attractive shopping plan is Hastings Street. It opened numerous boutiques, shopping centers, souvenir shops offering all sorts of goods from expensive jewelry to penny baubles. Most often, tourists coming to Gold Coast are buying souvenirs: boomerangs, clay dishes, products made of sheep wool, gold jewelry use special demand.


Gold Coast, like other cities of Australia, is considered quite safe for vacationers. Here, serious offenses are extremely rarely fixed, so, by observing the elementary personal safety rules, it is quite realistic not to overshadow the rest, spending time in search of criminals who have encouraged on your life and savings.

Gold Coast - one of major cities Australia, located on the territory of Queensland, tourist centre world importance and popular country beach resort. The main value of the resort - picturesque beaches and first-class hotel complexes that annually choose a holiday destination for thousands of travelers. At the end of the 19th century, only 8 tribes of the Aborigines lived on the territory of the modern megapolis, in less than a hundred years, this undeveloped area turned into ultramodern city With shining skyscrapers and trendy entertainment centers.

At the turn of the 19-20th centuries, the active development of the terrain of Europeans, who attracted fertile lands. The first European, who pulled down on the protected lands was worldwide famous traveler James Cook, a significant event occurred in May 1770. It is noteworthy that in those days almost the entire territory of the modern city was occupied by the thickets of rare red cedar. Subsequently, almost all protected forests were cut down, and the most valuable material was transferred to the wood processing plants in Europe.

The first travelers the young city began to attract in 1925, after the construction of the surrounding roads. Every year his infrastructure became more advanced, in the 1930s, the first upscale hotels and resort complexes appeared here. Naught modern name Gold-Coast received in 1940 due to local journalists, literally it can be translated as the "Golden Coast", which fully reflects the specifics of the resort. Copyright www.Syt.

Today Gold Coast is not only popular beach resort, but also a permanent venue for sporting events of the world level. Interesting competitions and demonstration performances of world-famous athletes here are literally every month. Despite the fact that a hundred years ago, the ecology of the region was agreed by significant damage, unique nature still continues to remain one of the main features of the city. Travelers will have the opportunity to stroll through the picturesque rainforests and evaluate the diversity of representatives of the local fauna, in the city and in its nearest surroundings there are several national parks.

It is also worth noting that in addition to the classical beach holidays Gold Coast is ready to offer tourists Mass interesting entertainmentThe modern resort is perfect for resting the whole family. There are several original thematic parks and entertainment complexes, and a large selection of beautiful shopping centers Be sure to please the lovers of shopping. Modern megalopolis with shining skyscrapers and unique national hospitality - Gold Coast necessarily enjoy active tourists and those who love beach holidays.

Per last years Gold Coast conquered the status of an elite level resort, about 3 million tourists from all over the world visits him every year. It opened a lot of fashionable hotels, and also equipped for tourists elegant beaches. The most famous resort beach is called Surfers Paradise, it is considered one of the world's most attractive surfing sites. There are always on this beach big wavesThere are several excellent surf schools on its territory. In the evening, this beach turns into a huge disco that shining neon signs, on the coast there are numerous nightclubs and bars.

In addition to the beach entertainment, guests of the resort are exciting hiking in picturesque districts, in the resort area there is a unique national Park Lamington. It is an extensive forest array, which is about 200 square meters. km. During a walk along the reserve, you can see a lot of rare plants, and also climb the tops of the mountains and hills where natural viewing platforms are located.

A few years ago, the resort was opened by Dream World Amusement Park, which became a favorite holiday destination among family tourists and fans of active entertainment. Its area is 85 hectares, there are tens of thematic attractions and game zones for children of different ages in the park.

The ancient manor, from the visit of which a subtle, barely, causing a functioning of the total taking place is the complex "Golden City" in the Tula region. Wonderful old man who transfers visitors and resting in the past one architectural ensemble. The rarest case, when in one place all signs of the traditional Russian manor are combined and elements of East-Chinese buildings are present. In the heart of Russia, you seem to be in a mysterious consecient with all its magnificent exotic.

Complex "Golden City" (Tula region)

There is something unusual here, which is very attracting. Those who discovered this place are be sure to return here, and more than once. And not only Tulchan come, a lot of holidaymakers from Moscow and from other cities. Fortunately, getting near. How to get to the "Golden City" of the Tula region?

From Moscow, you just need to get to Tula, and there everyone knows the road from Tula region to the Golden City. If there is a desire to save, then there is a regular shuttle service. From Tula walks the bus that takes passengers on Lenin Square near the Tula Kremlin. In Novomoskovsk, it is possible to sit on the bus to the complex on the bus station - where minibuses are sent to Moscow. Calculation with the driver in place, with children under 6 years old fee is not charged.

If you are traveling on your own car, it is better to use the navigator prompts. He will tell you how to get to the "Golden Cities" in the Tula region, if you correctly specify the location coordinates or make the desired request. GPS coordinates: 54.122753, 38.023943. From Moscow, you need to go through the M-4 Dong highway to 199 km, where to seek the right. Further the road leads directly to the place.

Photographers love a complex for the beauty of landscapes - a picturesque bridge with a fountain, a beautiful arch of marble, formidable stone lions represent a great background for beautiful artistic photos. Even a simple walk among a quiet whispering nature becomes a real medicinal drug, no worse than those who write out doctors. Unforgettable photos will reminde the ancient Chinese legend, in which tourists unexpectedly turned out to be in the middle of the Russian depth. The address of the "Golden City" in the Tula region is Vennevsky district, the village of Petropavlovskoe, Stepna Starna, 19.


The tourist center "Golden City" in the Tula region offers a whole range of services. Here you can relax in comfortable rooms together with your family or go to the celebration of the team. Summit - Tasty food and entertainment weight will be provided. On the town of the town around the clock on duty, the guard, which monitors the order and so that no one has a stranger disturbing peace of rest. For children, there are sports grounds, special game zones, as well as places for family entertainment, such as a cardboard, horse riding.

Restaurants and cafes

This is a whole complex consisting of several establishments that are located on the three floors of the central building. Interestingly, they are all decorated in fundamentally different styles with their own unique features. The central restaurant offers many Chinese dishes that accurately appreciate the gourmets - everything is done with the most accuard of the national technology and even the use of some authentic Chinese products. Appetitis will add the thematic interior performed in the best traditions Middle Kingdom. Here everything breathes this country - entourage, music, dishes - as if turned out to be in China itself.

In another institution you can eat more traditionally - European dishes are offered in the performance of experienced chefs. Restaurants start work from 9 am and feeding holidaymakers until midnight.

All amenities for corporate and family events

The complex "Golden City" in the Tula region is just an ideal place for various celebrations. Especially for those who are not limited to a simple feast within one evening. Whether a wedding or a worker parties, in the "Golden City", participants of the event can not only eat tasty, but also to relax in one- and two-room rooms, and the next day to take part in the team games, ride maps or horses, that is, spend time Actively, fun and with benefit.

In the morning, many will want to sit in a cute beer restaurant, which offers guests a few varieties of crafting beer and a tasty snack in Street-Fud style. The newlyweds here will find excellent species for the wedding photo shoot: there is something to do and will be to remember, looking through the wedding film. And the exit registration among the beautiful eastern landscape will be original and memorable. One photo of the "Golden City" in the Tula region is standing in order to organize an important event there.

Eastern Tea Ceremony - Meditation to Soothe Soul

Today, many are fond of Many - they did not think, why? Why, for example, the Japanese and the Chinese give so much compliance with some rituals? Eastern wisdom teaches that this makes a certain orderliness in our life, adds meaning to it and relieves unnecessary throwing and doubts. The ritual itself is not important, it is important to strictly comply with his observance, methodical and calm. This peculiar desire to achieve perfection in each action, regardless of what it will lead to.

One of these simple and very important rituals is oriental called Chinese tea drinking. It gives inner harmony and allows you to leave beyond the fuss and a rush. This is a completely special atmosphere, which comes up between well-knowledgeable each other or unfamiliar people. In the Middle Kingdom, it is believed that during tea drinking time changes its move, clinging the space, the state and leaving the focus of only fire, water and a tea leaf. Who has never been present on the Chinese tea ceremony, it might think that everything is too exaggerated. But people who have already participated in it do not say anything - the whole value of this slow and enchanting action they already felt on themselves.

And although the address of the "Golden City" in Tula - Central Russia, the tea ceremony is organized here with careful observance of many trifles. Everything is exactly like in the subnet.

Equestrian walks in the fresh air

In the stables of the complex, many vacationers are spent their free time. There are two cute pony (for kids) and 11 adult animals, one more foal will only grow up. If you do not feel confident in the saddle and are afraid to sit down, you can still go for the company in the stables to feed or talk to horses, watch the behavior of these smart animals.

The stable "Golden City" in the Tula region offers the following services:

  • riding for adults;
  • pony riding for kids, necessarily accompanied by a stable worker;
  • a trip through the complex on the Phaeton - an open stroller ,;
  • photographing with animals.

Those who do not know how to ride, as well as children, ride only inside the plan. One session lasts 15 minutes - this time is usually enough to get acquainted closer with the animals, feel it and understand if you like this staff stables invariably are near and prompted which teams to give it and how to act in various situations. All visitors of the "Golden City" in Tula during riding horses necessarily wear a protective helmet.

Entertainment for children

Children like sponges absorb new impressions - just have time to diversify them. In the "Golden city" in Tula, they took care that the kids would not be bored on the territory of the complex. They will like the big playground exactly, and parents can be calm, because the smallest security moments are thought out here. The guys can not threaten anything to threaten - there are several game zones that correspond to age interests and requirements.

Teenagers can take part in sports team games - volleyball, football, for the most deft, organized workpiece. Parents who want to satisfy the impressions of the child even more, have the opportunity to reduce him to the local farm - to watch the pets living there, feed them. It is very interesting, and not only for children.

Racing on the carterrome

This is a relatively new service in the "Golden City" in the Tula region, but it is already clear that visitors from it are delighted. Lightweight extreme and excellent entertainment in the fresh air, a source of bright emotions. On the map you can feel like a real rider, even if you are panicing fast ride. No matter how old you are, what sex you are - this entertainment is available to everyone and leave the most memorable impressions. There are experienced instructors on the field who will tell the rules and help deal with the map. All necessary equipment is provided. You can experience the same pleasure as if they took part in real races.

Shooting paint.

Paintball in the "Golden city" of the Tula region also appeared recently. Movable emotional game. Imagine that your boss is in the opponent team - with what pleasure you will shoot it! The second such chance may not be introduced. The essence of the game is that the two teams lead together the fighting, and the gun is served by a pneumatic gun that shoots balls with paint. If you hit the target, they leave the opponent's suit characteristic trace. Everything is completely safe, but very exciting. That's where it is possible to visit James Bond with purses, ambushes and all the pleasures of superhero.

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