Places to visit Krasn Territory. What to see in Krasnodar Territory - a selection of attractions

sights Krasnodar Region There are several hundred names. If you live in Krasnodar, but do not know what is interesting to eat nearby, we can give a few tips. The same applies to those who go to Kuban from Moscow or other regions of Russia. The sights of Krasnodar Territory acquire a special attraction against the background of the rise in price of the course of the world's currencies relative to the ruble. Instead of going to Europe or America, many compatriots choose rest in their homeland.

The sights of the Krasnodar Territory can be divided into publicly available, which can visit every person, regardless of age and health, and hard to reach, which can be reached only if the goal is to be given. On our map of the sights of the Krasnodar Territory you will find both those and others. You can consider it carefully. Generally, interesting places Region can be divided into several large groups.

Attractions of the Krasnodar Territory by groups:

Mountains of the Krasnodar Region

Self high mountains Krasnodar Territory: Tsakhvo, Agepsta, Chugush, Tybga. The most popular to climb the mountain of the Krasnodar Territory: Turkey, two brothers, dads, the Kitchel-Bash, etc. Mountains, which are famous for their sc2 outputs: Planny cliffs, Eagle Regiment, Cathedral Rock, etc.

Lake Krasnodar Region

Lake Cardywach. Photo by Dmitry Kovinova

Self large lakes Krasnodar Territory: Abrau, Cardywach, etc. unusual lakes Krasnodar Territory: Cypress Lake (or Lake Sukko), Soleny Lake, Lake with Lotus in the village of Belozern.

Waterfalls of the Krasnodar Region

It is from this waterfall that you will have a choice where there are no further

The highest waterfalls of the region: a 33-meter waterfall near the village of Red, a non-name waterfall in Sochi. The fastest waterfalls of the Krasnodar Territory: Colonel, Plisetsk, Pshad. The most popular Waterfalls of the Krasnodar Territory: Rufaggo, Giwussian, 33 Waterfalls in Sochi. The most hard-to-reach waterfalls: on the Kyzyl-Beck River, Adega Waterfall.

Mud Volcanoes of the Krasnodar Territory

Mud volcano Shugo. Posted by Sergey Kuscher

Krasnodar region - One of the few regions of Russia, where such a phenomenon is found like mud volcanoes. They are located on the Taman Peninsula. It has both equipped volcanoes, where the bathing takes a fee (tydar, rotten mountain, shigo, etc.), and wild: volcano on the cape of Becles, Akhtaniz Sopka, Shapur Mountain.

Dolmen Krasnodar Region

Dolmen on r. Jean. By Fedor Schutilov

There are very many of these constructions in the region in the region. Scientists are still arguing about the nature of their origin and cannot come to a certain point of view in the matter, for which they were built. Most of the dolmen in the process of resettlement of modern people through the territory of the Krasnodar Territory were looted and broken, but there were still many entire objects.

Campgrounds I. wild beaches Krasnodar Region

On the Black Sea and the Azov Sea coast, you can relax, stopping not only in the hotel or recreation center, but also in the campsite. If you are a supporter that everything in our country should be free, and even more so the sea, that is, for you several accommodation options. While wild beaches remained on the Black Sea coast.

Museums and monuments of the Krasnodar Territory

The territory of the Krasnodar Territory belongs to Russia not so long ago - only about 300 years. However, there are many monuments of previous civilizations and other peoples who lived on the shores of black and Azov Sela. Information about them is collected in the museums of the Krasnodar Territory. There are modern museums: cars, wines, bread, scientific museum, etc.

Parks of Krasnodar Region

Each city and village of Krasnodar Territory has its own park. It can be a small square or a huge arboretum. Some Parks of the Krasnodar Territory are well known for the whole of Russia. For example, the Sochi Arboretum or the Riviera Park, the Tiso-brownie grove in the host, etc.

Caves of the Krasnodar Region

A huge number of caves are scattered in the Krasnodar Territory. Small and large, through and dead, light and dark. The caves of the Krasnodar Territory can be visited simply as a tourist, or feel like a speleologist and get there, where ordinary people do not go - for this, there are a lot of speleotur in the region.

If for some reason, it seems to you that the Cossack capital looks not particularly attractive against the background of the resort cities of this hospitable region, you will immediately understand how they were wrong and however, it would be uncomprising to drive past it, as soon as you find yourself in this unique city.

Krasnodar, or as it is also called, the capital of Kuban, southern capital Russia, the "doggy capital", is able to capture your imagination at any time of the year. Thousands of tourists seek here from all the ends of the world to touch the past of the Russian state, tribute to give the great people who have peak history.

Former Ekaterinodar - A gift for the Great Empress Cossack tiles. Once a small military camp - turned into one of the most hospitable cities of Russia with the number of residents who almost reached a million.

In it, the unique charm and color southern city, unique attractions: Temples and museums, parks and fountains, monuments and squares.

Of course, start the journey is best in the historic center. His Central Street - Red, named, because the inhabitants of this glorious city are deeply convinced that the most attractive pedestrian zone that this street serves on weekends is simply obliged to associate with the word "beauty".

Once it was a strip plowed by two oxen. Today is the most visited place in the city. And it's not only the main attractions collected in almost one place, but also in the attraction of it. There is, what to see, where to relax and sit in a good company, what to buy, even just stroll, stopping the case at one or another monument.

Aqueous ensemble, as part of which 337 statues, striking scaligence and tall in a 9-storey house. From the planar fountains of Europe, it is recognized as the largest.

With darkness it is a truly enchanting spectacle. Just imagine: Classical music sounds, and sparkling water jets begin their dances under its accompaniment. This representation cannot be missed in any case.

His story leads from the XIX century, his second half, and is considered one of the oldest monuments of Krasnodar. Here Scythians and Sarmatians will be closer to you as the life of the Kuban Cossacks. The founder of the museum, the foreman of the Cossack troops E. Felicin hotly fond of geography and the history of his land. Thanks to him, many curious artifacts have become a real decoration of the museum's expositions.

Address: Gymnasic Street- 67.

Patrone of the city - Holy Catherine. It is her name given cathedral - The main religious attraction of Krasnodar. Thanks to the wonderful salvation of Alexander II and his family members, this and still Holy Trinity Cathedral was erected (a little later about him).

The construction of an eight-profile church, started by the Sovereign, was completed, at the beginning of the past century. This is a grandiose structure in the Russian-Byzantine style with red brick walls and a skillful painting of the interior.

Worships take place here until today.

Address: Kommunarov Street- 58.

The history of its creation is mentioned above. Only the inhabitants of Ekaterinograd became initiators of it. They built the temple with the whole world, each city family introduced their contribution, who are money, who - materials who are hands. The temple itself is magnificent - walls of red brick, dome in gold and emerald greens. He was and remains the keeper of the spiritual traditions of the city.

Address: Frunze Street - 65.

The new cathedral was erected in the 1990s. Monumental church about five chapters and a cozy compound. Sunday school with orphanage is located here.

We need to calm down - from the holy source try the healing water, just baked bread, therapeutic tea, enjoy the silence and comfort of this wonderful place.

Address: Christmas Embankment Street - 1.

Of all the city churches, this temple is one of the most beautiful. And if you consider that he also has the richest historical past length in a thousand years, even more, interest in this place more than justified. At this place, almost twelve centuries ago was founded by a monastery in memory of a miracle when the prayer saved local residents From a terrible hurricane. In a thousand years in its territory, the temple of eleven domes was elevated. Worship in it did not stop even in the war years.

Address: Street Mitrofan Sedina - 170.

For boys of all generations and ages, such a place is sacred. Each exhibit, and more than forty, you can touch your hands, climb inside and twist the guidance wheels. Here T-34 and Katyusha, the submarine and ballistic missiles are all open-air.

Address: Street Krasina- 2.

You never miss the embankment r. Kuban. A walking area of \u200b\u200b3 km long, a city park, a contact zoo and a lot of entertainment expect citizens and tourists.

It was founded at the beginning of the last century. Chistolyakov - the then urban head. Here, the traditions of Russian vintage are adjacent to modern solutions of landscape design. Walking among the age-old oaks and young plants, exquisite statues and modern attractions will not leave anyone indifferent. And the rope town located on its territory will be said especially.

Address: Coltomest street.

There is everything so that your child felt like a real tar. Hang, hang out, clogging, swing, pull up - what else needs a restless childhood nature. Not to mention the pure health and strength of the muscles.

And do not think that this is exclusively children's entertainment. Adults will also find something and what to get involved. Excellent place and for family holiday. You have here you have the opportunity to learn your children, friends and colleagues, finally yourself.

Address: Kolkhoznyna Street- 86.

It seems the usual pedestrian bridge. But no couple will miss his newlyweds. Therefore, all his railing with locks and locks - symbols of some kind of strong unions are hung. And in the evening, the view of it just fascinates. He all shines lights.

Address: Kuban Street Street.

In the city, this is the most visited place of recreation, with attractions and entertainment, safari park and the "lastonovy theater". Adults and children, tourists and local residents, lovers of unhurried walks and athletes - everyone here there is a place and a great way to spend time.

Address: Tramway Street- 2.

And this monument was a reminder of a visit to Alexander II with family. This building is local residents even a royal gate dubbed. It was destroyed as a reminder of the majesty of the imperial power, and was already restored by old postcards and photos at the very beginning of our century and changed the place of finding the central part of the city. Once through these gates went to Krasnodar.

Address: Red Street.

This is a place that has saved the memory of the legendary past of the Cossack capital. It was here that once stood a luxury attaman palace with a fabulously beautiful park before him, when Catherine Great in the late XVIII century in eternal possession of the Black Sea Cossacks gave the Kuban lands. By the way, the Ginkgo tree, which served as the main decoration of the park, lively so far.

The palace himself was not preserved, but the Grand Monument to Empress was erected. It is rightfully ranked towards the main symbols of the city.

Address: Red Street.

It is impossible to pass by this passionate couple in order not to smile. Everyone is smiling here, and everyone has a great mood. And immediately remembered the famous film Gaiday, and student years, and youth.

Address: Red Street.

That is how the city once called Mayakovsky, and not a dog as dull, as others were called. And now two dogs in love, she rests on the umbrella, he has a hat in his paws, all walk, holding the paws, in its city.

This sculptural composition attracts particularly much attention. And it is not surprising. Every citizen knows: to come true about love, it is necessary to lose doggy noses, and about a successful journey - then the paws.

So and the noses, and the paws have a couple have long been shiny.

Address: Red Street- 23.

For this city, this style is rare. Together with him there is a beautiful legend, a sad story of love. Parents of one Georgian beauty were categorically disagree with the choice of her daughter, who fell on the local architect, and taken it to Georgia. The girl died in a longing about his beloved.

And its chosen one has all his love invested in this beautiful mansion, where he lived to the very death of one. Nearby was only a servant.

It was destined to the mansion after the revolution to serve an apartment home, he remains now.

Address: Pushkin Street - 61.

And this is not a complete list. It can be continued infinitely. This amazing city It will not leave anyone indifferent. He will give so many positive emotions and unforgettable impressions that you will definitely want to return.

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Its remains are under the modern city-resort Anapa and make up about 35 hectares. In the center of Anapa (not far from the bus station) there are open excavations city blocks of Gorgippia. Here is a small museum, where the findings obtained as a result of excavations and telling about the ancient city and its inhabitants are exhibited.

For those people, then prefers to rest in Thailand, Yana offers wonderful tours to this country.

Pearl waterfall

This is the most western of all known designed waterfalls and attractions of the Kuban. Located 2.5 km from the village of Big Utrish, on the stream of waterfall. The height of 5.5 m. The water jet falls directly to the rocky beach. This is rare a natural phenomenonWhen the mouth of the watercourse is expressed in the form of a 5-meter yield of the waterfall located on the ecological trail routeded by local ecologists. From the bridge across the Sukko River (the beginning of the pedestrian part) to the waterfall of 6.5 km.

Snake Lake

It is connected to the sea artificially dug channel. The area is 22.5 hectares, the depth comes to 8 meters. The lake is used as the bay, the harbor for entering the fishing vessels here. Many snakes here finds meals and housing, so the lake was called. The lake is obliged to its origin to a powerful collapse that has once happened here. Located 0.8 km north of the village. Big Utrish.


Travel to the homeland of Russian champagne. In the vicinity of Novorossiysk there is a fairy-tale place, where the greatness of the mountains that have criticized the relic forests are combined with the unspecified beauty of the Mountain Lake Abrau, which causes delight from everyone who first sees it. Exactly this big Lake North-West Caucasus and is a memorable Kuban attraction. His shore is located the oldest plant of Russia for the production of sparkling champagne wines. This is a unique area of \u200b\u200bviticulture and winemaking. Gorgeous nature, ancient legends and a solemn drink will make a tour of an unforgettable event.

Mud volcanoes Tamani

Non-cultural excursion with elements of pedestrian tourism, fans of exotic, video filming, photoelers The most beautiful object is a valid mud pseudo-tank, one of the largest and most interesting volcanoes of the Taman Peninsula having the largest crater. The ability to take a small amount medical mud For cosmetic purposes.

Valley Sukko

There is nothing more exciting and familiar with nature with nature. After a brief briefing, under the guidance of experienced instructors, you leave the route riding a horse, which goes through the picturesque places of the Blue Valley, one of the most beautiful places of the mountain range of Anapa. After the equestrian walk - swimming in the sea. It is advisable to have with you: bathing suit, comfortable shoes and riding clothes.

Waterfalls - Cascades r. Jew

Non-cultural excursion with the overview of the coast from Anapa to the surroundings of Gelendzhik. On this excursion you can visit several attractions of the history of Kuban - the cult facilities of Dolmen. AT Free time You can swim in the lagoons of the mountain river Jean and listen beautiful legends On the origin of their names - "Skuping Aphrodite", "Trail Hercules", visit a cozy restaurant on the river bank.

Holy sources of non-chief

Driving by bus on the picturesque valleys of the mountain rivers, you will get acquainted with the place that has been worshiped by the people from a long time, which came with troubles, pain. These are holy sources of nonsense. Here you can score water, pray in the chapels and admire the view of the mountains, forests and rivers. During a tour of local attractions, you will learn about vegetable world Natives of the Caucasian Mountains. And in the village of Mountain, at the apiary, we store several types of honey. You will be offered tea, infused on mountain grains, honeycomb. There you can buy honey and other bee products.

Gelendzhik - Dzhanhot

The Black Sea Coast of the Caucasus is the main resort area of \u200b\u200bRussia. The pearl of Gelendzhik resort is the resort town - the village of Gianhot, which has only inherent appearance and microclimate with elements of wet subtropics. The favorite place of rest of the Russian writer and artistic intelligentsia, which was attracted here with picturesque nature. Visiting the house of the Museum V.G. Korolenko. You will see a century of Lebanese cedar, planted by a writer's brother.

Dolmen on the Doguab River

Are on the 69th km of the Novorossiysk-Sochi highway. The first megalith is tiled, up to 2 m high, stands to the left of the highway on top of a small hill in the Iiv Garden. The second, also tiled, to the right of the highway against the first rod in a small forest, overgrown with liaans. Its height is a little more than 2 m. Both Dolmen have preserved well. In the Gelendzhik district there are quite a lot of dolmen in the mountain strip (for example, on the Jean River, at P. Pshad, etc.). Two lumps are on the left bank of the Aerba River, at the most of the mountain ridge. The area around the dolmen's row shrub. The first dolman is tiled, oriented by the portal to the south-east. He preserved well. Its height is 2 m. Originally, it is entirely on the heel support plate, which has a prismatic protrusion directly in front of the hole. The second dolmen is located on an elevation of 350-400 m to the east of the first dollar. This building is oriented by the portal south. Its first feature is that it is neatly complicated from massive carefully processed blocks and according to the adopted classification refers to the rare type of composite dolmens. The second feature is its slabs ornament with single and multi-row wavy lines. In height, it reaches 1.7 m. Dolmen dating from the first half of the II millennium BC. These megaliths in 1972 studied V.I. Markovin, when he discovered inside structures of the bronze and Scythian era facilities.

Testhebskaya (Bigiussian, Gebiiussian) Waterfalls

Located on the border of Gelendzhik and Tuapsinsky districts, 6 km east of the village. Arkhipo-Osipovka, the route Novorossiysk - Dzhubga. The total walking part of the route is 5 km. The main excursion facilities are the waterfalls of the lace, the grotto, the mouth of the devil. The trail is marked, well nabe, equipped with pedestrian bridges through the stream, iron stairs with handrails, wire fences, rest parking. The route is designed for unprepared groups.

Waterfalls in the Pshad River Basin

The River Pshad and her side tributaries are famous for the abundance of waterfalls. In the kerching gap on the right influx several waterfalls. At one of them, a giant stalactitis washed for a thousand years, according to the famous Kuban scientist and local history V. R. Tikhomirov, resembling alligator trying to get to the ledge. In 300 meters above the mouth of Kochkores in the pchadu from the opposite side (right influx) flows the rugs of the gorens. It has more than a dozen waterfalls with a height of 4-10 m.

Rock Parus.

Rock Parus is located on the Black Sea coast, 17 km south-east of Gelendzhik, y with. Praskoveevka. Rock stretched perpendicular to the sea on the sea. Middle to the shore The end of the cliff will be 10 meters from it. The height of 30 m with a length of 25 m. The sail is a residue of a solid sandstone reservoir, which in the past was an integral part of the coastal array and survived due to its strength and power. Monument of the nature of the regional value.

Temple in Loo

Located on the territory of the Pension "Magadan", at a distance of 2 km from the sea and at an altitude of 200 m. The temple was rectangular and had three apses. Its dimensions are 12.2 x 20 meters. He had three inputs and illuminated by numerous narrow windows. It should be attributed to the temples of the Alan-Abkhaz group, which represented a special direction in the Byzantine temple architecture. At the moment it is strongly destroyed and subjected to conservation, but remains a fairly popular attraction of Kuban. In fact, only one wall is completely preserved. In the 80-90s, excavations were made inside and around the temple, which revealed Christian necropolis near the construction. This church is very ancient, probably X century. More ancient christian templeswho have come down to our time and preserved, let them not completely, their walls, in the territory of Kuban.

Dolmen-monolith y with. Volkon

Located on the left bank of the stream, one year old. from the sea near mineral Source. It knocks out in the rock of gray sandstone, dimensions of 17 x 7.40 x 6 m. The lounge chamber is relatively small - 1.65 x 1.9 x 0.94 m. The portal is massive, deepened in the rock, in size much more than the camera itself and is 1.90 x 2.50 m Round inlet with a diameter of 0.45 m. Dolmen is oriented by the portal to the southeast. This is the only preserved monolith - unique in the West Caucasus. Dated to the Rubel III-II millennium BC. It looks very impressive against the background of the Caucasian landscape.

Tulip tree

The shape of his leaves is very similar to the old musical instrumentFlowers are similar to tulips. The tree grows in the village. The head of the Lazarevsky district. His homeland is North America. The local specimen is a height of 35 m - one of the most powerful in Russia. The diameter of the trunk reaches two meters. In the people, this tree is known as the "Tree of Raevsky". The son of the famous Hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, General Raevsky, Jr., was appointed in 1837 by the head of the Black Sea coastline. The enthusiastic gardener and botany, the general began to cultivate a tulip tree in the Sochi area to combat malaria. A tree growing in the middle of the valley, more than once burned from lightning strikes, but always survived. Near the giant is installed a memorial plaque with the inscription "Lira Raevsky. Protected by law. Landing 1840. "

Creek Geongsh

The stream is located in the lower flow of the Shah River 11 km from the mouth and is the right influx of this river. The length of the junction of Jehgrass, including the drying part of the bed, has a length of less than 2 km, the area of \u200b\u200bthe catchment is 1.3 square meters. m. Highest point The pool is the bell tower mountain (832 m), the lower - 60 m. At a distance of 750 m from the mouth, a significant part of the junction of the Jehgrass (length of 500 m) is a cascade of a variety of low waterfalls, thresholds and waterpaths. A special painting of the tract is given dense thickets of the Samshat Kolkhidsky. There are also many rare and endangered plants, such as Snowdrop of Voronov, Cyclamen, Kolkhidaya, Ommophalodes Cappadocyan and others. Of particular value is the grove of lapin cooling in the mouth of the jacket of Jehgrass, the individual trees of which reach a height of 30 m. This is one of the few preserved groves lapin - A rare relic form requiring widespread security.

Sochi Mayak

Some semblance of a maritime lighthouse was created in Sochi back in 1874. In the modern form, the Sochi Lighthouse has been operating since 1890. As a source of light, a kerosene lamp was first used, then acetylene and then an electrollamp.

Matsinsky Bridge

The Mazestinsky Bridge of about 300 meters long was built in 1936-1938 on the project of architects V. Shchuko, V. Gelfray, A. Velikanova and A. Kharikova. From the bridge there is a panorama of near and distant mountains. Especially clearly visible mountain Amuki, which occupies the central part of the panorama. The Amudo Mountain Bridge is 26.4 km from the bridge. To the right of Amuko stretched the eastern shoulder of this mountain with a mark of 1830 m, removed from the Amo vertex by 1.7 km, and from the Macestinsky bridge - 27 km.

Ahshtyra Cave

The most famous in Sochi cave parking of primitive people - Ahshtyrskaya. In 15 km above Adler, the Mzymta River formed the Ahshtyra Gorge. The cave is located at an altitude of 120 meters from the water level. From such a height of the river seems to be a stream, which was surrounded by the sheer walls of the gorge. But all this is a huge gorge died Mzymt.

Agur waterfalls

This is one of the most popular and affordable areas in the vicinity of Sochi. The most beautiful - 1st waterfall. It is a two-stage: a lower height of 12 m, the upper - 18 m. The 2nd waterfall, located 0.5 km above, the multi-line, falls into the cutting 5 m deep. The 3rd waterfall is lowered down with the roar of a strong stream. In addition to the waterfalls in the Agur gorge, you can see the rock of Prometheus, and caves, and damn bats.

Zmekovskaya waterfalls

We can talk about hospitality and beautiful places. You can get acquainted even longer to them, because the whole territory of this resort edge is a single cocktail "beautiful" and "fascinating", in which sultry beaches are perfectly combined on sea shores and ski resorts on snowy mountain slopes; The beauty of local nature and the development of cities. Rest in the Krasnodar Territory is so multifaceted and diverse that it is impossible not to find a lesson in the soul (excursion, active sports or mental acquaintance with the hospitality of local residents). Today we want to show the 10 most inspiring places of the Krasnodar Territory, which will be interesting to everyone.

1. Agur waterfalls

Have you heard the legend about Promethea chained to the rock? And you know that this rock is located where a beautiful city is worth now. The suffering Prometheus could not leave aside the beautiful Aguru, which brought the water to the prisoner. In punishment for this gods turned the girl to the river, no less beautiful than she herself. It is this story that gives a mythical explanation for the emergence of agoic waterfalls - one of the most beautiful places in the Krasnodar Territory.

In 1924, the Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve was created, the purpose of which was not only the protection unique territory The subtropical belt of the country with its flora and fauna, but also the restoration of the population of animals and plants inhabiting it. Nowadays the reserve is one of the largest in Russia.

Some types of inhabitants natural Park Located in the Red Book, and economic activity on its territory is prohibited. Walking in travel routeSome here are many, you can enjoy the splendor of local landscapes with their mountains, caves, waterfalls, dolmens and many other natural beauty. This is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful places in.

Mountain Plateau Lago Naki is a stunningly beautiful place, which is famous for its blooming alpine meadows, picturesque panoramas, relic forests and river valleys. Also there are many caves and funnels that give a special charm landscape. No less attractiveness of the local nature gives the sophistication in the vegetable outfit: Caucasian Rhododendrons, some types of juniper and a wide variety of meadow herbs and colors that spring fill the air with incredible aromas of mountain meadows.

A favorite vacation spot of tourists was the beautiful lake of Cardiwach in, which is located in the Caucasus State Biosphere Reserve. In addition, the lake is located at an altitude of almost 2000 meters. The age of the lake is about 3,500 years. An interesting point is that the color of the lake stroit varies several times during the year, and sometimes it happens with the change in the weather.

In the summer, the meadow around the lake is painted into the flourishing colors palette, and the air is filled with floral aroma.

The city is known for its beautiful natural attraction - Rock Kiselev, which is his business card. The hood slopes of the mountains are similar to a huge block, which is created by nature itself. The main name of the Scala Kiselev was received in honor of the artist who perpetuated her beauty on his canvases. The second name - the cliff of the Tears - Mountain received along the ancient Adygean legend, according to which the loving couple jumped off the cliff, because together they were not allowed to be the parents of the girl. Rock stretches along sandy beach And creates a beautiful background of this resort corner.

It is difficult to transfer all the magnificence of the Gum's Gorge, which is located in the Absheron district. It is formed beautiful natural place Four-hundredthly sheer cliffs, which from two sides, overtake the Kurdzhips River at the top of the flow. A unique feature of the gorge is its nature, preserved from time immemorial in its original form. The surroundings of the Gum's Gorge themselves are very popular with the nature of Switzerland, and rare and ancient plants grow on its territory: the Samsit, the Sberrystry and Tisi. In addition, this is a great place for climbing.

Lotus Valley is located on, there are all the necessary conditions for the growth of lotuses. Already 30 years this place is pleased beautiful species, And according to legend, if you whisper into the name of your loved one in the drop-down lotus, then he will be near all his life.

8. Large Asian Cave

A large Asian cave has become a unique and very beautiful place in the territory. In the second half of the last century, this attraction is declared a natural monument. Going deep into the cave, you can enjoy the variety of the beauty of the underground world - here are stalagmites, and stalactites, and bizarre figures formed by natural way, and underground river.

In the cave in close proximity, it is possible to consider education that have been several million years old.

9. Lake Abrau

Pride and one of the most picturesque places of the Krasnodar Territory became Lake Abrau. It is the largest freshwater reservoir in the region, and is located on the peninsula near. The nature of the lake does not cease to fall in love with the hearts of tourists leaving here and is the subject of endless disputes of scientists about the formation of Abrau. Versions a lot, but much more pleasant to know the opinion of local residents who will gladly tell the legend about the origin of the lake.

10. Park "Berendevo Kingdom"

The place of indescribable beauty, but it is the park "Berendevo Kingdom" forces the heart beat more often, and breathing and intercepts at all. Truly, fabulous place with a fabulous name. Here you get in a fairy tale: seven waterfalls with bizarre names were rallied into a noisy company; Manying Water Lake Happiness is the name of the guests to plunge into the world of pleasure; Ancient dolmens open the veil of many thousands of years of history, but only leave many riddles and questions after exploring. Without exaggeration, we can say that the park "Berendevo Kingdom" is completely different, different from our world.

Krasnodar region known primarily by his beaches and ski resorts. At least, tourists go here mainly to lie down on the beach or skiing. At the same time, many are missing in view of a unique nature and interesting museums Land from the coast. Therefore, if you want to get much more than just a vacation by the sea, you should get acquainted with the Krasnodar edge closer.

Architectural attractions of the Krasnodar Territory: photo with description

Church of the Nativity of Christ in Armavir. This is the main architectural attraction of Armavir: the photo of the temple is often found on the tourist sites of the Krasnodar Territory. The stone church opened its doors for parishioners and tourists recently - in 2014. The consecration of the temple occurred for Christmas, so there was a large number of believers. Internal works in the Church building are held to today, so the walls and dome are not yet painted, and the interior is not particularly impressed.

The main thing that attracts tourists to the Temple of the Nativity of Christ is a wooden chapel, open before the construction of a stone church. Despite the fact that she is also young too (opened in 2007), the atmosphere of the Old Russian Church reigns here. Log walls, arched windows, wood smell and incense, skillfully made wooden iconostasis create a feeling like a chapel is a living organism. Perhaps also because hundreds of parishhes put their efforts to the construction of this wooden church, putting part of the soul in their creation.

In a word, you just need to visit this atmosphere yourself here. Ask the permission of the servants of the temple climb the bell tower. From here there is a wonderful view of the stone church and on the park, in which the christmas church is located.

In the cities of the Krasnodar Territory of architecture connoisseurs will be interested in attractions:

Krasnodar Territory and its natural attractions: what to see

Agur waterfalls. This is one of the most beautiful places of the Krasnodar Territory. According to ancient Greek mythology, Prometheus was chained to the rocks here. The angry gods sent an eagle every day, who slandered his liver. Girl Hura, who squeezed over Promethem and brought a hero to the hero and water every day. The ancient Greek gods, famous for their sophisticated cruelty and creative punishments, turned the girl to the river. More interestingly and colorfully this story will tell you guides.

Landscapes are no less beautiful than the legend about Agure. The river itself takes its beginning in the mountains, its total length is 10 km. Most tourists attract the lower Agur waterfall consisting of two cascades. This is not the highest of the local waterfalls (the upper cascade - 18, the lower - 12 meters), but the most picturesque. At the foot of the waterfall there is a transparent blue Lake, pleasing eye with its purity and tranquility. And all this is surrounded by the rocks of the greenery rocks and spreading green trees, in whose crowns birds sing.

Bird trills are complemented by noise of falling water and leaves rusty. In a word, better place for calm holiday And the distraction from everyday life is difficult to imagine. An unhurried walk will take you about 4 hours, although set up that you will spend more time here. It's easier to get here than to leave, because I don't want to leave this kingdom of calm and pacification. If you took with me food, right here you can have lunch on the grass.
Probably, it is not even necessary to remind you to pick up the garbage, because it is so clean and comfortable here that even people with a low level of culture sick near the agoic waterfalls is just ashamed.

If you did not take anything with you, except the phone or the camera, and got hungry, then not far from the waterfall is skewer with delicious juicy meat and wonderful home wine.

Gum gorge. Fans of nature must be visited by this place, which is perhaps the main natural attraction of the Absheron district of the Krasnodar Territory and located between the villages of Mesmai and Gummka. In the nizin of the gorge extending 3 kilometers, the mountain river Kurdzhips flows. The height difference on this section is 82 meters, so the flow is rather rapid here.

Important! Be careful, coming to the river. Stones at the water are very slippery, and you risk falling into the river and get serious injuries.

  1. Acquaintance with the Gum Gorge begins with a ride on a narrow scene, which was once part of Absheron railway. In 2011, the collapse took place here, so this moment Only a section of less than 2 kilometers long is available for movement. On the trip you will be accompanied by an audio set about Caucasian Mountains And the gorge itself.
  2. The remaining part of the path tourists walk on foot, admiring the beautiful views of the noise of the mountain river.
  3. The forest is mixed here, that is, both deciduous and coniferous trees grow, among whom fir, pine, ram, ash and linden dominate. There are also many different shrubs, such as lounge, hawthorn, holly, juniper, dogwood and others.
  4. Please the eyes and multicolored rocks of the gorge. Limestones were postponed by millions of years and at each time stage of deposits had different composition. On the rocks you can see the layers of yellow, pink, red, green, white and brown layers. In winter, trees and cliffs dress in snow caps, in the fall of the gorge repainted in a gold color, and in the summer you can also swim in one of the boards.

However, be careful, jumping with stones into the water. First explore the bottom.

What to see in the Krasnodar Territory by car

If you need to walk in the mountains, making your way through narrow paths and gorges, then many picturesque places Krasnodar Territory can be visited by car.

Lake Round. Another picturesque natural attraction of the Krasnodar Territory, located 70 kilometers south of Labinsk. it mountain Lake It is located at an altitude of 750 meters above sea level in the Black Sea Ridge. Depth Round lake It reaches 18 meters, but the water here is so clean that the bottom is viewed by 6 meters deep. It is powered by reservoir due to underground sources. Also here flows a mountain stream with mineralized water. The source and the lake itself are popular with local residents who often come here to be afraid of fish, small races and just relax in the water.

Lake Alosa. Traveling through the Krasnodar Territory Mostovsky district, one of its main nature attractions cannot be bypass. This beautiful mountain lake spread at an altitude of 2.3 kilometers above sea level. Its depth is about four meters, and the lake shape strangely resembles the figure 8 or infinity sign. Historians say that the ancient people Aloous was revered as a symbol of power. This indicates in particular a large petroglyph, cut down on the stone that stand here about 5 thousand years ago.

Tourists appreciate this place for the landscape, surprisingly resembling Alpine. Especially similarity is noticeable in spring and summer, when the meadows bloom in the mountain valley. And of course, it is necessary to swim in the purest cool water.

Mud Volcanoes Shugo and Gladkov. If you think you can see, traveling around the Crimean District of the Krasnodar Territory, pay attention to its natural attractions such as mud volcanoes. Gladykovsky Popov is called "Gayzer Valley". There is no usual crater: dirt and water goes to the surface through small hills on the hill and flow down. In winter, these streams form peculiar icy slides, along which children come down.

Gladkovsky Sopes.unfortunately not attract large number Tourists, because there are no running water nearby here, so you need to go to another place, or take the dirt with you. Perhaps the local authorities will ever understand that the solution to this problem will give additional funds to the local budget.

Therefore, tourists traveling through the Krasnodar Territory, chose another landmark - volcano Schigowhich is approximately an hour's drive from Krymsk. Here is the problem of fresh water for the kneading solved: there are not only showers, but also special recreation areas with toilets. This place call "Valley of Volcanoes". Here, the dirt also goes to the surface in many places, but the crater is formed. When they overflow, the volcano "falls asleep". Well, not quite to. Castled dried mud, he is looking for a way out elsewhere, while funny "grumbling". This is a very interesting process that can be observed in real time.

Museums of the Krasnodar Region

Belorechensk Historical Museum. The main attraction of Belorechensk is its local history museum, reflecting the traditional life of the residents of the Krasnodar Territory and the narrative of his rich history. On a relatively small area, a variety of exhibits are placed in such a way as to recreate the picture of everyday life into different historical era. There is a typical katka of the Kuban Cossack with a straw roof, the interior of which occupies a stove, shelves with dishes and homemade utensils. Here you can also see the tools of labor and authentic folk costumes, tumors and home lace and knitting.

A separate exposition displays the home furnishings of the 50s -60s of the 20th century with furniture, icons, dishes, bedding and curtains. Such a small journey in history, allowing you to give bright paints to the life stories of our parents and grandmothers.

And of course, as in any historical museum, here are present. stands with archaeological exhibits, among which dinosaur bones, Mammoth, ceramics (including ancient Greek), primitive tools of labor.

History lovers in the Krasnodar Territory can also visit no less interesting local history and historical museums Armavir, Labinsk, Anapa, Krasnodar, Gelendzhik and other cities. You can also visit:

  • The cultural and ethnographic center "My Russia" (Esto-Sadok);
  • Krasnodar Regional Art Museum;
  • Glass workshop in Kabardinka;
  • Sochi Art Museum;
  • Museum of champagne "Abrau-Durso".

Parks of Krasnodar Region

Resort towns of Krasnodar Territory literally abound beautiful parks and squares. All of them have a natural origin, that is, people landed only individual plants and broke the flower beds. And of course, they laid the alleys, put the benches and equipped places for recreation.

One of the most beautiful park attractions of the Krasnodar Territory is located in the village of Kabardinka. This park "Castal Fike". There is, perhaps, everything that makes a pleasant stay: and a beautiful reservoir with plenty of fish, and picturesque nature with green lawns, shrubs and floral flower beds, and architectural houses, fountains, and sculptures, and even a small nails. Caught here trout or sturgeon to you immediately prepare professional cooks, and you can dine or dine in one of the cozy arbors overlooking the park or pond. You can also take a seat on the terrace overlooking the sea and the same landscapes to watch from the balcony of the hotel room.

Come from the beach, which from here is completely close, you can, having lunch, sitting in park depth And under the quiet rustle of the leaves and the singing of birds enjoy the favorite book. BUT In the evening turns on multi-colored backlight And it seems that you relax somewhere in the mansion on the Cote d'Azur in Gelendzhik and Kabardinka.

What to see in the city Krasnodar (video)

All the sights of the city of Krasnodar who are worth visiting and see. Do not know what to see in Krasnodar? Then the video is for you.

What can be viewed in the Krasnodar Territory

For children, the main attraction Black Sea coast Krasnodar Territory, of course, are his aquaparka. Here they eat almost in every spa town. The best of them are the water parks Gelendzhik, Adler, Anapa, Kabardica and the village of Lazarevskoe. Each of them offers fun hills for children of all ages, swimming pools, chaise lounges, cafes and other standard entertainment and amenities for such institutions.

Speaking of where in the Krasnodar Territory to go with children, it is impossible not to mention Gelendzhik oceanarium. This modern tourist facility was opened in 2007. Here are large aquariums for fish, and water is specifically covered from Mediterranean Sea. The bottom of the aquariums is laid out with multicolored pebbles, and the fish float between the bizarre corals.

Oceanarium itself is divided into Three thematic zones.

  1. On the first floor is located sea zonewhere you can look at sharks, sea skates, skates, muren, sea hero, coral fish and other inhabitants of the oceans.
  2. The second floor is devoted residents of freshwater rivers and lakes South America and southeastern, such as Soma, Sevryugi, Carps and sturgeon. Here you can also see the inhabitants of sea shallow water - pirands, marine stars and crustaceans.
  3. A separate hall is devoted reptileswhere you can look at crocodiles, iguan, chameleons, snakes and lizards. Little children especially like guinea pigs, small monkeys, rabbits and other animals, which can be held on their hands. By the way, one of the monkeys was saved from the cruel treatment of beach photographers. OK B. good conditions And surrounded by care and human attention, it shows a special friendliness.

Put children with emotions and unforgettable impressions In the Krasnodar Territory, you can also in such places:

  • Gelendzhik Dolphinarium;
  • Children's Park them. 30th anniversary of victory in Armavir;
  • Armavir Ice Palace;
  • Bringing Down the House in Abrau Durso;
  • Safari Park in Gelendzhik;
  • theme Park "Sochi Park".

Looking natural beauty Krasnodar Territory, having acquainted with his history and culture, you will realize that the rest by the sea is not limited to sun loungers on the beach, water parks and entertainment facilities. Therefore, having bothering and paying for a couple of days, be sure to highlight the time to visit the wonderful and interesting corners of the Krasnodar Territory.

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