Unusual China. Natural attractions

This page presents a small guide to the main attractions of Beijing. Of course, here is only a small part of what can be seen in the city itself and its suburbs. I tried to list here the main, in my opinion, the sights of Beijing, those places - temples and monasteries, museums, historical objects, streets, etc., which should be visited first. Preference was given to those places to which it is easy to get to public transport. Among the listed attractions of Beijing, you will find both very popular tourist sites and those who are known only to the Beijing and those who are visiting who is in love with this city.

Next to the name of Beijing's attractions in Russian is written their Chinese name. If, for example, you are traveling by taxi, show the name and address of the taxi driver, it will take you to the right place. Where possible, I tried to specify the address and the nearest metro station. But it may be more convenient for you to drive by bus or taxi. In addition, you can order.

The division into sections conditional, for example, in the temple there can be a museum, and the palace is essentially a huge park. I would like to hope that my guide to the sights of Beijing will give you the answer to the question of what to see in Beijing.

From the XIII century Beijing is the capital of China. At the beginning of the XV century, the huge construction of palaces and temples began here, many of which exist and so on. Many Beijing Palaces are now given under museums, beautiful gardens and parks are located on their territory.

The Luxury Buddhist Monastery, originally - the residence of the heir to the throne (hence the yellow roof tiles). Located next to the Church of Confucius and the Imperial Academy, as well as the Altar of the Earth.

Address: 12 Yonghegong St, Dongcheng, Beijing. UNHEGUN METRO STATION 雍和宫 (Lama Temple, Lines 2 and 5).

The monastery is the title of "First Temple under Heaven", is one of the three patriarchal yards of the Tao School of Perfect Truth. On the territory there is a Taoist Medical Center, a wall with carved images of animals of a 12-year cycle and scenes from life. Not far from it there is a monastery Tianning (oriented to the pipe).

Address: 9 Baiyunguan st, Xicheng, Beijing. The nearest metro station is Muxidi 木樨 (line 1), then walk along or by bus.

Restored from the ruins of the Taoisk Temple, on the part of its territory is located folklore exhibition. Interesting statues of the deities of the Taoist Pantheon. Ocanarium is relatively close to the work stadium.

Address: 141 Chaoyangmen Outer St, Chaoyang, Beijing Nearest Metro Station - Chaoyangmen 朝朝门 (Lines 2.6) or Dongdaqiao 东 大桥 (line 6).

Mosque on Nyutsz Street 牛街 礼拜寺

The oldest mosque of Beijing, was built in 996, subsequently repeatedly reconstructed and repaired. On Nyutsz Street and around her, Muslims lived ( hui 回). Not far from it is the Buddhist Monastery Fayuan.

Address: 18 Niujie Zhonglu, Xicheng, Beijing. Nearest Metro Station - Guang'anmen Inner 广 门门 内 (line 7).

Monastery of the Lying Buddha 卧佛寺

Ancient monastery in a picturesque corner of the Beijing Botanical Garden. If you are in the Botanical Garden, be sure to look into the monastery.

Address: 北京, 香山南路, Haidian Qu, Beijing Shi. Travel: bus or taxi, then on foot through the territory of Botsada.

Monastery Tianin 天宁寺.

It is famous for its 58-meter 13-tier pagoda, built at the beginning of the XII century in the Liao dynasty era, the foundation of which is decorated with carved bas-reliefs. Located near the Temple of White Clouds. If you get to the monastery on foot, focus on a high tube, which spoils a view.

Address: 3 Tianningsi Front St, Xicheng, Beijing. The nearest metro station: Daguanying 达官营 (line 7), then on foot.


Catholic temple in neojetic style on Vanfujin Street. If you are lucky, it will be open.

Address: 74 Wangfujing St, Dongcheng, Beijing. Metro: Wangfujing 王府井 (line 1), DengShikou 灯市口 (line 5).

Fayuan Monastery (Dharma Source Monastery)法源寺

It was founded in 645 by Emperor Taijung, restored in the XV century. On the territory - the Chinese Buddhist Academy. Located not far from the mosque on Nyutsz Street.

Address: 7 Fayuansi Front St, Xicheng, Beijing. Metro: Taoranting 陶然亭 (line 4) or caishikou 菜市 口 (line 4.7).

Temple of white pagoda 白塔寺 baitasi.

It is famous for its white pagoda, which is the same form as the White Dagoba in the Beihai Park, but 15 meters above. Built in 1275 in the very center of Hanbalyca, as Beijing was called then. On the contrary - the temple of the emperors of all dynasties. Very often closed, the white mortar can be admired only from afar.

Address: 171 Fuchengmen Inner St, Xicheng Qu, Beijing. Nearest Metro Station: Xisi 西 四 (line 4).

Church of the Big Bell 大钟寺 dachunsa

Buddhist monastery, in which is located museum of the Big Bell.. An interesting collection of bells, there is even bells from Russia. Nearby is located.

Address: 31 N 3rd Ring RD W, Haidian, Beijing. The nearest metro station is Dazhongsi 大钟寺 (line 13).

Vintage streets south of gate Qianman.. Vintage shops and benches, interesting bronze statues of traditional Beijing, delicious food. Popular tourist place. On Tsyunmen Street walks an old tram. Too bright, but to visit.

Nearest metro stations - Qianmen 前门 (line 2) and Zhushikou 珠市 口 (line 7).

Khutuna Beijing

In Beijing, in some parts of the city, traditional development is preserved - narrow streets, which are called Hutunas and Syuyuan's houses. Here you can completely feel the Spirit of the Old Beijing, see the real life of the Chinese. About some hutunas and homes, read in the articles:

Universities Beijing

In Beijing, many universities, many of whom are among the world's leading universities. Some of them were based more than a century ago. Ancient buildings in the classic Chinese style are preserved on their territory. Even if you have long completed the university or at all were never a student, walking through their territory, at least for the sake of interesting attractions and beautiful views.

Beijing University 北京大学, 北大

One of the oldest in China was founded in 1898. It is worth visiting at least for the sake of beautiful buildings, well-kept territory. The ruins of buildings and the channel system of the old summer palace are preserved. Also here is the 13-storey pag of groom 1924 buildings. It is one of the G9 universities in China.

Address: 5 Yiheyuan RD, Haidian, Beijing. Nearest metro station - East Gate of Peking University 北京 大学 东门 (line 4).

Qinghua University 清华 大学

Located east of the Beijing University and also includes part of the territory of the former old summer palace. Founded in 1911. It is one of the G9 universities in China.

Address: 30 Shuangqing RD, Haidian, Beijing. The nearest metro station - Qinghua East Road West Crossing 清华东路 西口 (line 15).

The great Wall of China

Keeping rates, getting more difficult to get on public transport. Therefore, people are smaller.

Hotels in Beijing

Beijing hotels can be booked on Booking.com or Agoda.com.

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If you do not want to independently buy tickets, book a hotel, worry about the shuttle from the airport to the hotel, you can buy.

Tours of Beijing

Beijing is easy to move on public transport and taxis. However, it is sometimes worth going on a tour: it will free you from the need to independently get to the destination, buy tickets and find out routes.

© Maria Anashina, site

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The delightful nature of China makes millions of tourists visit this wonderful country every year. And it is not in vain, because it is really here you can see such landscapes, after which you will be bored for a long time for the "consecient" kingdom. Here is a small description of some natural attractions of China.

Zhangjiajie (National Forest Park)

The park, located in the urban district of Zhangjiajie, is known for the whole world. It is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The park consists of more than three thousand mountain peaks, and the highest point is 1890 meters above sea level. This place inspired many great people with its beauty. Here are the famous films as "Avatar" and "Monster Hunting". Also here is the highest external elevator in the world, it rises to a height of 360 meters, and his turn to sit in it, you can expect more than three hours.

Gorge Jumping Tigra

Another place for unusual China. The jumping tiger gorge is a large canyon in the mountains on the Yangtze River. Here you can fully feel the strength of the water element. The name of the gorge is associated with an ancient legend. It tells about a tigre, which, running away from the hunters, twisted the gorge. The distance between the shores in the narrowest place is 30 meters. Because of the great depth and numerous cascades, a huge number of rafting lovers goes here every year. In this place you can see the true power and scale of nature.

Black Dragon Pond

The pond is close to the Chinese Cunming province. Its name is also associated with an ancient legend, which describes that it was in this place a black dragon. In a beautiful Chinese park, surrounding the pond, there are a huge number of different buildings and buildings. The most famous of them are the Temple of Longzuan ("Dragons Source") and the Palace of the Black Dragon. In Longzuan, there is even his own monk-robot. (Read more). Here is such an unusual China.

Geopark Zhanj Dansya

This national geopark was famous for the whole world with his colorful and motley rocks. Like most of these places in China, it is also listed as a UNESCO World Heritage List. The place is considered one of the most beautiful and unusual in all China, according to one authoritative publisher. And not in vain, because such a geological miracle is far from frequently. To date, this is one of the most popular places among tourists in all of China.

Cave cane flute

On the slope of one mountain, which is located in Guilin, there is a unique place in his own way. A surprisingly beautiful cave with stalagmites and stalactites. The cave is divided into halls. One of them is a beautiful underground lake. The entire cave is decorated with backlight, which makes it even more fabulous and mystical. If you somehow go there, this place will definitely leave the imprint in your heart for life.

In China there is still a huge number of interesting and unusual places, about some of them, also read.

A trip to China is an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the traditions of the East and see exotic architectural monuments. In Beijing, many unique places, ancient temples, luxury palaces, museums with rare exhibits and relics. Attractions Beijing most fully reveal asian culture in all its diversity. If you come here and do not know what to see in Beijing, then especially for you we have prepared this review of interesting places in the Chinese capital.

What to see in Beijing first

In this city, contrasts can be seen as the ancient temples stand next to modern office centers, and the streets still go to traditional outfits. There are different: for all day or for a couple of hours, review and thematic, etc. - Just choose the option that is suitable for you.

1. Forbidden city

Forbidden City in Beijing

Beautiful legend He tells about the construction of a forbidden city, according to which 9999 and a half rooms are located in the world's largest palace complex (in reality 8707). The forbidden city is crowned by the sights of Beijing, since it is a cult structure. Popular places Palace complex:

  • Garden of kindness and calm, imperial garden.
  • Five beautiful gates and several halls of harmony.
  • Around the perimeter of the complex - guard towers.
  • Cunning Palaces, Jiaotaydian, Tsyancingong, Ningshowan.
  • Pavilion Jansindian - Heart Education Hall.

Currently, the Googun Museum has been created on the territory of the Forbidden City, which at the first inventory was accompanied by more than a million units of unique exhibits. It is impossible to inspect all the sights of Beijing in the Forbidden City for one visit. The complex has many interesting places and museum expositions that reveal the cultural traditions and the history of the Chinese people.

2. the great Wall of China

the great Wall of China

80 km in the north-western direction from Beijing is the most visited plot of the Great Wall of China - Badalin. He was erected during the reign of the Ming dynasty, and in the rulers of the Qing dynasty served as a gateway to the capital of China. Even closer to Beijing (50 km) there is another section of the Chinese wall - Juyunguan. Tourists expect natural attractions of Beijing:

  • Cloud JunTai Platform from White Marble.
  • Two-storey signal towers - guards.
  • Fascinating views of the mountains and the wall.
  • Ability to ride on the funicular.
  • Unique plots in Gubaikou and Sonatay.

The great Wall of China, total length which exceeds 8000 km, consists of individual sections that were completed during different reigns. Each segment is unique in its own way, there are cool climbs up and unexpected descents, so the look at the look is constantly changing. After examining, it is impossible to pass by this place!

3. Park Beihai

Beihai Park in Beijing

Previously, the Governors of the Liao dynasty rulers built a chic palace near Lake Taye Hu. Later, the emperors of the Qing dynasties and the yuan contributed to the architecture. They erected a mound artificial Island, Palaces and pavilions. What to see in Beijing in the North Sea Park:

  • Gardens with artificial hills.
  • The island of jade flower on the lake.
  • Round city with a challenge of gained light.
  • Buddha statue of white jade.
  • One-piece cup with dragons, weights of 3.5 tons.
  • Ancient tree (800 years old) - shadow marquis.

Be sure to visit the White Dagobu located on the island of jade flower. Pagoda differs from traditional buildings, is a masterpiece of Buddhist art. In Beihai Park, there is a wisdom pearl hall, led to reading classics, a long corridor, a garden in the garden of Haopujiang, the garden of the heart of the heart, Seetan Nine Dragons. The sights of Beijing are diverse and unique, and in the park Beihai there is a lot of them.

4. Square Tiananmen

Tiananmen Square in Beijing

400 thousand square meters occupies the largest area in the world located in Beijing, Tiananmen. Solemn national parades are carried out here, because the area can simultaneously accommodate up to a million people. The gates of heavenly calm is melt a lot of interesting things. Early in the morning here is raised by the national flag, and in the evening it is descended.

From the western side there is a house of people's assemblies, where the Chinese parliament meets. On the eastern side of Tiananmen, the National Museum of China is located.

The sights of Beijing include a monument to folk heroes (height 38 m). Tourists must be visited by Mausoleum Mao Zedong, which occupies 20,000 sq.m. The main solar gate, built in the XV century, is included in Tiananmen. Here is the unique tower of archers. Grand in size Area - the object of attention of tourists and travelers.

5. Beijing Zoo

Beijing Zoo

West of the second ring road Beijing is the largest zoo of China. It inhabits exotic animals. Ponds, streams, flowers, green lawns and magnificent vegetation create gracious conditions for living here inhabitants of a huge zoo. What is worth viewing in Beijing on the territory of the natural garden is the hall of a large panda, the Beijing Oceanic Hall, a lake of water birds, a hill of monkeys and an aviary of giraffes, a mountain of bears and an African zone, as well as a oceanarium with formidable sharks.

Lions, tigers, rhinos, snakes, elephants, crocodiles and pythons live in the Beijing Zoo. The total number is about 7,000 individuals. It is noteworthy that the Beijing Zoo is the only natural habitat of a large panda.

Look at beautiful Beijing places in this wonderful video!

6. Temple of Neba

Sky Temple in Beijing

The Grand Culting Construction of China is the church of the sky. What to visit in Beijing, how not this amazing landmark? The shrine exists more than five hundred years. The beautiful color of the roof of the temple building, made of the glaze tiles, is attracted by visitors. The territory of the church of the sky is taken by the walls in the form of a circle and square. The altar in the form of a three-step terrace is separated by white marble plates.

The central stove of the sky temple enhances the sound when pronunciation of prayer. Building complement the tower, the control of music, the kitchen for the celestials. In the church of the sky, the number of finishing plates is multiple of nine, and this figure is symbolic for the Chinese people.

The cult facility reflects the skill and outstanding talent of Chinese architects, which implemented unique geometric ornaments. The construction of the centuries was used for prayers and sacrifices.

7. Beijing National Stadium "Bird Nest"

Beijing National Stadium "Bird's Nest" Davidgordillo

Modern sights of Beijing are no less unique than the old architectural monuments. These include the National Stadium "Bird's Nest". The Grand Construction in the Olympic Village is an unusual design made of intertwined metal rods.

The completion of the construction of the Naoche Stadium was timed to conduct the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. Majestic building "Sweet" from iron and concrete. When lights are lit inside, the stadium appears in all its beauty. "Bird's nest" accommodates more than 90 thousand spectators. The famous Swiss architects Jacok Duke and Pierre de Meiron took part in the design of the facility. It is noteworthy that in some kind of a spectator, he receives a complete overview of the events on the field. The monumental structure is located next to the huge swimming pool, and the stadium itself is used as the largest ski resort in Beijing.

8. Old Beijing Observatory

Old Observatory in Beijing

What to visit in Beijing unusual? Astronomical observatory, which was founded in the absence of telescopic tools and equipment. In the middle of the 15th century, the first tools for the Observatory were created during the reign of the Ming dynasty. The area of \u200b\u200bthe complex is 10 thousand square meters. From the site you can consider the ancient instruments - the Heavenly Globe, Altazimut, theodolite, Armill.

Visitors to the observatory may inspect exhibits of exhibition halls, among which the unique cards of the starry sky are represented, ancient Chinese calendars, astronomical instruments.

9. National Museum of China

National Museum China in Beijing

By the number of tourists who attend the National Museum of China every year, this attraction is considered one of the most popular. Numerous exhibits narrate the history of the Chinese people, talk about its traditions and customs. What to see in Beijing in the National Museum? A considerable interest of travelers and researchers causes an exhibit jade prince. The burial was found in Hebei Province in the XX century. During the archaeological excavations, the burial of Prince Zhongshan and his wife Dow Wan were discovered. It is noteworthy that the clothes woven from the smallest pieces of jade tissue connected by the golden thread was hoping.

Another popular exhibit of the National Museum is a Ding Ritual Trearer, made of bronze. His weight is 800 kg, and age is about 3000 years. In the bronze collection there is a square wine vessel. Raisin Museum - Porcelain Chinese Tableware. Exhibits refer to the national heritage of the country.

10. Temple of Confucius in Beijing

Church of Confucius in Beijing

At the beginning of the XIV century, the Temple of Confucius was built in Beijing. After numerous restorations and improvements, many elements of the ancient buildings remained intact. The Confucius Temple enters the sights of Beijing as the second largest temple structure of China. Unique elements of the complex:

  • Pavilion of scholars surrounded by cypress trees.
  • State Academy - Academy of Wise.
  • Extensive courtyard of the complex.
  • Stone signs with the names of the students of the Academy.
  • Pavilions, drums, bells decorated with painting.

In previous times in China, it was considered prestigious to get an education in the Imperial Academy. The exams at her students accepted the emperor himself once every three years. Now in the pavilion of the scholarship presents the exposition of artifacts and sculptures.

Attractions Beijing: What else to visit, being in Beijing

For one visit, even a third of all the tourist objects of the Chinese capital is impossible, but if you want to make a visit as informative as possible, at your service. Having hired a guide, save your time and nerves, and the route can choose at your discretion, choosing the most interesting for you from the proposed memo.

11. National Center for Performing Arts - Egg

National Center for Performing Arts - Egg in Beijing

An amazing structure located near the Tiananmen Square is the National Center for Performing Arts. It enters the sights of Beijing and has an extraordinary shape of a giant egg. The structure is fully made of glass and titanium and located in an artificial lake. The center contrasts sharply with old architectural monuments and effectively stands out on a general background. Building with a 212 meter dome contains opera, theatrical and concert halls, air corridors, gallery, conference rooms, underwater and underground corridors, library, cafe, exhibition hall and underground parking. Around the building is an artificial lake and green plantings.

A common fantastic impression is enhanced by transparent glass plates on the surface of the "Eggs". In the halls there are performances, opera premieres, concerts, dance shows and ballet performances.

12. Beijing National Swimming Complex - "Water Cube"

National Swimming Complex - "Water Cube" in Beijing

Fans of explosive emotions that are looking for what to visit in Beijing can come to the swimming complex. The construction is made in the form of parallelepiped. Construction was timed to the Olympic Games, and now the "Water Cube" is used as a modern water park. Cube features:

  • Walls in the form of transparent water bubbles.
  • Gorki attractions with grand descents.
  • River flowing around the water cube.
  • Spa salons, cafes and restaurants in Cuba.

The form, backlight and execution of the swimming complex create a unique picture, especially in the evening. This amazing construction is included in Beijing's attractions.

13. Gunvanfa, Palace Prince Guna

Mansion Prince Hong in Beijing

Not far from Lake Qianhai is located beautiful palace - Residence Prince Guna. The complex is divided into two parts - luxurious residential buildings and a huge flowering garden. The scale of the Palace of Guna is inferior only to the Imperial Palace. The park-palace ensemble includes a museum and theater.

Of the original things, relics and old exhibits in Gunvanfu have been preserved a bit. To open the museum, the palace delivered antique things and objects. Currently, Gunvanfa enters the sights of Beijing, thanks to its impressive size and unique architecture.

14. Syanzhan or Park aromatic hills

Fragrant Hills Park in Beijing

The Syanzhan Vintage Park was founded at the end of the XII century and spread out 10 km from the capital of China. If you look at him with early in the morning, the park as if it envelops a foggy haze. Exotic vegetation fills the entire territory of the park, and with a change of seasons, it is filled with bright colors - crimson, yellow, red leaves of numerous trees. The highest point of Syanzhan is the peak of the incense, which offers a picturesque view of the surroundings.

There are more than 280 thousand trees on the park area. Among them are ancient plants whose age exceeds a century mark. In the Park Syanzhan there is a lot of Buddhist temples. The largest number of visitors arrives in the park in the fall during the festival of red leaves falling from thousands of skimpius. You can pick up a unique souvenir - zaraminated red leaves. They are preserved in memory of the visit to the Syanzhan Park.

15. Metropolitan Museum

Metropolitan Museum in Beijing Mark Lyon

In 1981, the Metal Museum of China is officially opened. The construction includes five top tiers and one underground floor. In the expositions of the museum are rare and valuable relics. What to see in Beijing in the metropolitan museum:

  • Collections of ceramics and porcelain.
  • Many statues of the Buddha.
  • Elements of applied art.
  • Vintage accessories for writing.
  • Jade and bamboo collections.
  • Stone products, wood and bronze.

Exhibits presented in the metropolitan museum are valuable historical and cultural artifacts that have survived since ancient times. They tell the history of China, show the construction of Beijing, its development in the reign of the imperial dynasties.

16. Temple of Hoonluo.

Holy Land of Buddhism - Temple of Hoonluo in Beijing Richard Cove

The founding of the Chunglo temple - 348th, the time of the board of the Jin dynasty. The oldest building is famous not only by age, but also magnificent scenery. Next to the Chonglo temple is a pearl spring. From thousands of shells of mollusks water in it becomes red.

Earlier in the territory of the temple, Hunglo lived about three hundred monks. Later, a pedagogical school was opened here. In 2017, in the territory of the temple, a revered holiday of spring was granted.

17. P. ark EntertainmentValley of happiness

HAPPY VALLEY Amusement Park in Beijing

Attractions Beijing include not only cult and historical buildings. In the capital there is an entertainment park - the valley of happiness. This is a kind of analogue of Disneyland, where you can get a lot of impressions. Visitors to the park can rent on the carousels to visit the commercial complex, watch a movie in the cinema.

In the valley of happiness of tourists, the zone of ancient Greece is waiting, the country of ants, a lost Mayan civilization, wild fjord zone. The park is designed in the best entertainment traditions. Here, the breathtaking slides and the carousel are organically combined with the islands of wildlife.

Beijing is a grand metropolis with a distinctive culture and traditions, oriental values \u200b\u200band an unusual history. China is a paradise for tourists, and the sights of Beijing amazed imagination with their mysteriousness and monumentality.

18. Tombs of emperors dynasty min

Square Pavilion at the entrance to Complex 13 Mausoleums of Emperors Dynasty Min Haluk Comertel

If Shanghai's attractions reflect the growing life of a modern megalpolis, then Beijing has an image of somewhat different - the historical past is more revered here. Vintage imperial palaces, ancient Buddhist temples and other centuries-old structures, carefully storing the part of the past, are confirmed. One of the unique structures of China is a complex of tombs located near Beijing, at the very foot of Mount Tianshube. In the valley of tombs on the square of 40 square meters. The km are 13 luxurious mausoleums, where the rulers of the Qing dynasties and min are buried. Of the existing tombs, only three are opened and examined by archaeologists, the rest were destined to remain unexplored - in 1989, the lack of financing led to termination research work. Today, Mausoleums of Emperors Zhaolin, Changlin and Dinlin are available for visiting.

19. Summer Palace (Eyeyeuan)

The Imperial Summer Palace of the Qing Dynasty on the outskirts of Beijing

Away is 12 km to the north-west of Beijan, or a garden of serene joy - so the name of Beijing's attractions in Russian sounds. We are talking about the largest in Beijing preserved imperial park, which is located at the foot of the mountain, surrounded by lush greenery, adjacent to the quiet peaceful lake - a similar atmosphere of the park very accurately reflects his name. Dozens of large and small structures drowning in vegetation, openwork bridges, neat pagodas and a peaceful lake, create a wonderful spectacle, once created by Chinese masters. And of course, the pearl of all this magnificence - the summer palace, once intended to restrain the high-ranking species of the Qing dynasty. In the whole decoration of the complex, the subject of immortality and longevity is used everywhere - it can be traced in symbols, ornaments and numerous details of the decor.

20. Gallery Chanlan

Sections of the Wooden Gallery Channel with the image of battle scenes and landscapes in the Summer Palace Kallgan

A stunningly beautiful place is the summer imperial palace surrounded by a grand park, in which about 3 thousand different structures are located - China World Heritage Site. One of the most significant and large-scale structures is the Channel Gallery of the middle of the 18th century - an indoor transition of a 0.73 kilometer long, connecting the most important objects of the summer palace. The design is completely made of colored wood with thread elements and is divided by almost 300 sections of crossbars. The gallery binds many elements of the complex and in itself is an observation platform with an excellent overview. Walking along the gallery, you can meet several hundreds of a wide variety of caravel images, which are a symbol of longevity in China, as well as picturesque drawn stories of mythological and historical scenes - all of them here are more than 14 thousand!

21. Gate of heavenly calm

The gates of heavenly calm are built along the northern side of Tiananmen Square in Beijing 瑜瑜

Some interesting places in Beijing are so well-known and large-scale, which will not have to look for them - for example, in the very center of the city there is the largest area in the world, able to accommodate up to a million people at the same time. This is Tiananmen, or the gates of heavenly calm - such a romantic name Dali Square South Gates The Imperial Palace. This is a true symbol of the Middle Kingdom, one of the most recognizable places, which is an ancient complex with 5 aisles, tribunes and a large portrait of Mao Jedun - it was he who in this area in 1949 proclaimed the creation of the People's Republic. Near the gates - two figures of stone lions, as well as 5-century columns, crowned with the guards - mythical creatures on top. All the design and decoration of Tiananmen completely permeated with philosophical and religious principles built around the concepts of wisdom and the justice of the emperor.

22. Mausoleum Mao Zedong

Mausoleum Mao Zedong in the central part of Tiananmen Square in Beijing Georgio

One of the key structures of Tiananmen Square is the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong, which has become the place of the last restoration of the creator of the modern Chinese state. Now the disassembled remains of the legendary political leader are stored in a crystal coffin, keeping memory for subsequent generations. It is worth noting that Mao Zedong himself bequeathed to cremat his body after death, but the party, without taking into account this wish, ordered the construction of the tomb, which was completed only a year after the death of Mao. The only decoration of the complex is a red roof in the style of Chinese Pagoda, the main hall is a memorial, in the center of which is a crystal coffin with a body covering the large flag of China's Communist Party. There is also a 3.5-meter marble sculpture with the image of Mao Jedun. The second floor of the Mausoleum is a memorial hall with marble statues of other outstanding political figures of China.

23. Cathedral Sishika

Red Pavilions and Stone Lions At the entrance to the Cathedral of Sishika in the SICHEN area in Beijing

And where to go , to see important urban shrines? One of the most interesting religious objects in Beijing is a Cathedral of Sishik, which looks completely uncharacteristic for japanese capital. His gothic architecture creates an impression that the structure was moved here with a straight line from medieval Europe. Previously, Christians did not particularly complained here - until Jesuits managed to heal one of the emperors of the Qing dynasty from severe illness. He suffered, the ruler, as a sign of gratitude, allocated land in the gratitude, on which the cathedral was erected. The appearance of Sishika is a unique mixing of the architectural traditions of Europe and China, due to which this construction has become one of the most unusual Catholic churches in the world. Services are held here in Chinese, and every Sunday Temple is visited by numerous Christians Beijing.

24. Temple of UNHEGUN

Sculpture in the Lamisian Temple of UNHEGUN in the northeastern part of Beijing
Building "Palace of Peace and Harmony, Lama Temple" in Beijing

In the northern part of the so-called "imperial city" there is one of the largest monasteries of Tibetan Buddhism in Beijing - the Junhagun Temple. His story originated at the end of the 17th century, when the country of rules is the Emperor Yong-Zinvan - his main motto was "Harmony and Justice", which is why the palace acquired the name of the UNHEGUN, which means "harmony palace". Being a courty temple, UNHEGUN has always had a special status, here the emperors themselves were held annually with the ceremony of the departed. From the temple in the northern direction, a long gallery stretched out - "Imperial Road" with a consistently located gate of Chazhotaimen and Junhamemen, which begins the territory of the monastery itself with isolated sections and pavilions. The most important attraction of the monastery complex is a large structure of Wanfuga, with a 18-meter statue of the Buddha of the Future stored here.

25. Chaoyan Theater

Popular Acrobatic Show Artists Theater Chaoyang in Beijing

Chinese acrobatic art is famous for the whole world - its original supplies are harvested all over the world. In Beijing, this type of art is presented at Chaoyang Theater, located near the Chinese Tower of Central Television. It was founded in 1984, and thanks to his spectacular acrobatic show, he had become one of the main and visited metropolitan attractions after his spectacular acrobatic show. The level of preparation of theatrical artists is really virtuoso, and it is easy to explain, given that about 2 millennia acrobatics is an important part of Chinese culture. It all started in the era of the Tang Dynasty, when the acrobats gave ideas right on the streets using a plate, cups, chairs, tables, rings - all this is used in acrobatic numbers and today. Today, ideas in Chaoyang are held twice a day in the evening.

26. Red Theater.

Entrance to the Red Theater in the historic region of Beijing Melinda Van Den Brink
Photos with monk actors - the heroes of the play in the Red Theater in Beijing Andy Miah

One of the exciting evening performances in Beijing can be seen in the Red Theater located in the historic district of Chunwene. Everything is surprising here, ranging from complex acrobatic numbers and ending with the design of the building itself, which is decorated with complex metal structures in the form of a red lattice. And, perhaps, the most awesome is the fact that not professional trunks take part in the ideas, but the most real monks of the famous Monastery Shaolin! Along with the actual game, the rooms use a number of acrobatic tricks and elements of martial arts. It is especially impressive that even the most difficult numbers are performed without any safety. Presentations are held in Chinese, but there are parallel support in English. Foreign guests can also purchase a program where the legend is translated into different world languages.

27. Art Zone 798 (798 ART ZONE)

Art Zone 798 (798 Art Zone) on the territory of the semi-closed plant in Beijing Nikolaj Potanin
Old Maoist slogans on the walls of the 798 art zone in Beijing Leeluv

It is impossible, describing the sights of China, not to mention the Chaoyang district, which is famous for the whole world as the center of the creative industry. All its structures represent the buildings of former factories, among which the exhibition complex is particularly allocated under the mysterious name "798". This number was inherited from the factory, which worked in these walls, starting from the 1950s. In the 80s, changes in the structure of the Chinese economy led to the gradual launch of industrial territories. Since 2000, the square began to be mastered by artists, and empty premises gradually turned into workshops, galleries and art centers. The area of \u200b\u200bthe arts 798 covers an area of \u200b\u200b1 sq. Km, which can be bypass in a matter of minutes, but for the study of art objects, there is not enough day. There are on the territory and antique shops, and designer boutiques, and shops with vintage decorations and accessories.

28. Nanutogu Hutun.

Vintage shopping street in Beijing Anagoria
Chinese medieval buildings on Nanut Hutun in Beijing Fabio Achilli

In old China, groups of houses were built one opposite the other, forming a narrow alley. Khutunov called the streets of this type, but only in Beijing. They were considered the smallest unit of territorial division of the city. In the hutuns, the local population lived for a long time, and it is here, as anywhere else, the spirit of the old China has been preserved. One of the surviving quarters of this type is Nanut Hutun - a trading street formed here for another 8 centuries ago. Today, she is full of inexpensive eaters, souvenir shops and teaching tourists who are studying all this variety with curiosity. But Nanutogu did not lose their atmospheric, and besides the showcases, here you can see the real picture of the life of the locals who inhabit Hutun many centuries in a row. The accommodation here is quite close, but economical, and most of the life inhabitants in the old tradition are spent on the street.

29. Vanfujing street

Vanfujin Street Trade Eastern city in Beijing nggsc

Beijing has places that are best attending at a certain time of the year. If you are looking for what to see in Beijing in the winter, then you will definitely look at Vanfujin - a famous and large shopping street, especially lively in the winter in the pre-New Year period, when it is luxuriously dressing, and shop windows light up with magic winter lights, creating a festive mood. It seems that you can admire and what to buy - with a relatively small length of 0.8 km on Vanfujsin, more than two hundred shops are concentrated, where you can buy local meals, books, cosmetics, souvenirs, jewelry, home appliances, fashionable clothes - which is not here. In the center of the street there is a mobile ambulatory - right inside a special bus you can check your health. The highlight of the trading quarter is the Donghumin Market, where you can purchase the most exotic food.

30. Skyscrapers Wangjing Soho

Wangjing Soho skyscrapers in Vanzzin \u200b\u200bBangabandhu

Surprise and amazed with their scale Modern Attractions Beijing , Among the wangjing soho skyscrapers were built in 2014. The High-Tech Supreme Business Center was designed to satisfy the need for office space several years ago - he coped with this task with interest, providing nearly 400 thousand square meters of office space to the business population. Three skyscrapers have an unusual shape and remind or huge boulders, or smooth rocks, whether gigantic fish. The tower talls from 118 to 200 meters have a characteristic curvilinear form and facades of a layered structure that provides them with excellent ventilation and protection from the Sun. The unified microclimate system smoothly changes the angle of inclination of aluminum panels, acting on the basis of the testimony of thousands of special sensors and creating an optimal level of air conditioning, heating, lighting, water supply.

31. CCTV Headquarters

Building headquarters of Chinese Central Television in Beijing Morio

In the metropolitan metropolis, the inconspicuous number of skyscrapers, among which there are real masterpieces of architecture. But even on their background, the building of the CCTV headquarters, where the central Chinese television is located, is distinguished by its extraordination. The author of the project was the Dutch architect Kolhas, who created a unique 234-meter construction of two inclined towers connected on top and bottom of the corner transitions. The giant structure, forming a kind of loop, seems to hang over the city. In addition to creative form, the headquarters building is highlighted by a bright futuristic glass facade, as if covered with a metal grid. Overcoming specially laid route , anyone can go through the entire television center and see with its own eyes, as the walls are made in these walls, a whole cycle of creating TV programs, from filming and mounting, and before broadcasting.

32. Mira Park

Attractions from all over the world in the Peace Park in Beijing Techyan

Visit the Peace Park in Beijing is the same as to visit different parts of the world with the most significant and famous sights, while spending no more couple hours on such a trip. Here, on space in 42 hectares, miniature copies of world architecture masterpieces are banging, most of which are performed on 1:10. Each creation is worked carefully, with stunning detail, so the copy is almost not distinguished from the original. There are in the park and reproductions of famous sculptures, and natural attractions, and copies of attractions known to the whole world - for example, you can even ride on a reduced American slide. In addition to the fascinating walk, in the park you can entertain and have a great rest - walk among the beautiful fountains and picturesque castles, in a local pond ride a boat or catamaran.


There is a separate category of interesting facilities - Unknown Attractions Beijing , which are not so popular in the tourism environment, as key monuments-symbols of the Middle Kingdom. Yuanminiuan Park can be called one of the most beautiful places in Beijing, but the ruined state of once luxurious structures led this place to partial oblivion. In the era of the Qing Dynasty, the Old Summer Palace of Yuanminyuan served as a house for the royal family, where the heirs of the throne took the time. Once the old Summer Palace It was a prosperous architectural complex that could be a national heritage, but as a result of an international conflict, which had the attack and subsequent arson, the complex was not preserved in pristine intentions. Part of the buildings are destroyed, the paths thickets, the ponds dried and on this moment The reconstruction of the complex is carried out, which has yet affected only a few parts of it.

Beijing Botanical Garden on the background of Sishan Mountains in Beijing

Summer in the Chinese capital is distinguished by strong heat and humidity - this is not the best time to go to Beijing. What to watch in the summer so as not to get into the midst of summer bake? Outside the city, the heat is transferred much easier - especially if there is a reservoir. The Beijing Botanical Garden, which is located at the foot of the Syanzhan Mountains, is amazing vegetable abundance. Through the park proceeds the pitch, which gives lifeless coolness in the summer. Her shores were laid with gray stone, cascades and thresholds were laid out of it, from which water with a splash falls down and soothes with his murmur. Bowls vegetation - hundreds of thousands of bushes, colors and trees are striking with their diversity. From afar, a dome of a tropical greenhouse, inside which hundreds of types of orchids are escaped inside. Attention and kindergarten Bonsai deserves, demonstrating miniature dwarf trees.

35. Lake Howhe

View from a stone bridge to Lake Houhai in Central Beijing

The north-west and west of the Imperial Palace spread out six artificial lakes laid down in 13-14 centuries at the board of Yuan's dynasty. They have a traditional structure and are divided into 3 front and 2 rear lakes. And while on the front reigns the atmosphere of political correctness, the people are entertained on the rear, resting in the countless bars located there, eaters, ride boats and catamarans. One of the rear lakes is Lake Houhai, which has become a decoration of the palace and the city as a whole. This is one of the attractive places where tourists rush to learn the history and culture of the development of the local population. The shores of the lake conquer with its charm and serenity, the labyrinths of the Beijing streets - Hutunov - allow you to feel the spirit of a long time. In addition to walks and contemplation, one of the restaurants, night bars, clubs or souvenir shops can be visited here.

Hainan Island - South Island of China, which is necessary to visit. Read about and inspire for further journey through the Middle Kingdom.

If museums are a cold testimony of China's historical events, then Beijing Parks can show the real life of the Chinese, full of pleasant surprises for the tourist, first encountered with the five-thousandth history of this country, and the best of them is described below.

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Park Beihai.

The peaceful lake, sophisticated gardens and the abundance of Buddhist temples and pavilions occupy 68.2 hectares - the territory of the imperial land is so great that the numerous flow of tourists is lost in their surroundings, and the sound of votes is closed by the sounds of the surrounding nature. Surprisingly, a haze is always present above the lake, and at the islets themselves, connected by long vessel bridges, there is some mysterious, fascinating with its calm, the atmosphere that visitors involuntarily silence and succumb to this common serene mood.

From the top of the Jade Island, the city panorama opens, and you can get to it on foot, and it is possible on an authentic ferry in oriental style for a fee. It is here that most of the iconic buildings are still focused, which are still honored and are of great importance for the Chinese - the Buddha statues and Bodhisattvas are surrounded by candles, offerings and money. The entrance costs from 1 to $ 3, depending on the number of seats desired to visit, and takes Beihai all year round from 6:00 am to 20:00 in the evening.

HAPPY VALLEY Amusement Park

If something can be compared with the famous "Disneyland", then this is the Beijing "Valley of Happiness", which owns about 130 attractions. If you are not a lover of sharp sensations, it is better to save twice and buy a "night" ticket at a price - $ 18, when the most extreme attractions will be closed, the ticket price is $ 33 for adults, $ 22 - for children from 1, 2 to 1.5 meters, and free - for pensioners after 69 years and children up to 1.2 meters.

A pleasant bonus in the alien world of entertainment will be a card - a guide in Russian. "Extreme Rusher", and "Crystal Wing" - the most popular high-speed slides, which rush at a speed of 135 km / h between the walls and caves of the ant castle, creating a feeling that you are about to do not let go in the opening and depart from the chair. "Happy Valley" are divided into several thematic zones decorated under the era of ancient Greece or the Mayan civilization, where exciting views are arranged with "rafts" of tombs, eruption of volcanoes and a mass of other performances that do not examine the day, even considering that the entertainment center works with 9:00 to 22:00.

Park Jingshan

About 1000 years ago, Mount Jingshan was formed here, which means "View from the Mountain". And indeed, this place is noteworthy landscapes opening from five of its vertices from a height of 50 meters above ground level. From here, the Forbidden City, and Beihai, as well as the mountains of Sishan and Syanzhan are visible. The path to the vertices lies through the thorny cypress alleys and flower beds, and on each of them there are pavilions with the statues of Buddhist deities, cast out of copper, and among the thickets of "crying" Chinese Sophia there is one, a well-known story about the suicide of the last emperor of the Min - Chongland.

In 1644, during the peasant uprising, the emperor could not escape, so he hanged himself on one of the trees, and before that he killed his servant, spouse and children. In the hall of visiting virtues, the rugs of the rulers of the Qing dynasty were exhibited before burial, their portraits were kept in the hall of the Imperial Longevity, and the last interesting point of this excursion is a memorial arch on which the board is suspended with the ruler of the Qing dynasty - Qianlun.

If you get here on the day of the exhibitions, the cost of the ticket will rise to $ 0.7, the rest of the time it is 0.3 $. Work time - from 6:00 to 21:00.

Park Zhitan

The tradition of worshiping the sun and the moon exists today, but she began not to our contemporaries, and even during the days of the Ming and Qing dynasty, which were performed here by the ceremony of sacrifice - they made emperors personally. The main structure of this park complex The altar of the Sun, surrounded by ceremonial red gates with green tiles. In the middle of the altar there is an altar in the form of a square, personifying the land, and the throne, to which stairs with nine steps are conducted.

With the construction of the altar, the symbolism of the Sun accompanied everything, and all physical measurements were equal to the odd ("sunny") numbers. In addition, every day from 6:00 to 21:00 Among the man-made rocks, lotus ponds and gazebo, it is pleasant to relax, especially since the entrance is free, and for children there are entertainment, including the wall for climbers.

Chinese Ethnic Culture Park

So far, China is able to maintain all 56 nationalities, to implement the rights, culture, language and their traditions despite the fact that they constitute only 8% of the general population. Therefore, in 1992, the Chinese government considered it necessary to raise the issue of creating thematic ParkAnd by 2001, work was completed on its improvement. Everywhere there are traditional dwellings of different nations of China, about 45 ethnic villages, and information about the features of culture on stands near them.

The entire complex is impressive as natural beauty in the form of rocks, waterfalls, lakes with ducks and red-yellow carpamas, which can be fed, colors and trees and historical sculptures, architectural buildings and performances of folk groups in folk costumes. The price of a ticket - $ 13, also includes visiting the museum of household items and presentation. Work time - daily from 8:30 to 18:00.

Olympic Park and National Olympic Sports Center

All travelers seek to get first of all to the square, where there are places for the Chinese facilities - this is the "bird's nest", where the opening and closing ceremony of the Olympic Games, "House Torch", Linloung Observation Tower and the National Swimming Complex "Water Cube" were held. All buildings are equipped with a backlight that transfuses all the colors of the rainbow, so it's better to come here in the evening when modern dynamic music plays, the youth rollers rollers, launches the air coins, for children sell toys and open the carousels, and sellers come out with small Chinese snacks.

And in the day it is better to visit the underground shopping complex or forest park, which is on the other side of the square. The alley, which is framed curious sculptural compositions made in a classic Chinese style leads to the lake, mountains and wild cherries. The entrance is free, only for an electric car if you need it, you have to pay separately.

Wildlife Park

More than 200 species of animals (100,000 individuals) are located on the square of 36 hectares that live in a natural habitat. Panda and rare types of monkeys use very popularity, but even with highly large influx of tourists from Wolters with our smaller "brothers" you will not see the pillar. The period of activity in animals occurs in the morning hours, therefore and perform half-hour trips to the safari bus preferably at this time.

Tigers, lions and other predators will be in close proximity to you, but they will not be able to harm, even children let the excursion. It is worth visiting and circus shows with the participation of elephants, birds and monkeys, they perform ingenious tricks, and after even allow them to take a picture with them. This place is located near the city center, the ticket costs $ 12 for adults and for free for children up to 120 cm. Opening hours: from 8:30 to 17:30, daily.

Old Summer Palace

The construction of the palace began in 1707 in the era of the Board of the Qing Dynasty, to which only the approximate emperor was admitted. Over the exterior of the building worked and overseas masters invited by Zaglllun, as a result of which the palace was built of stone, and not typical of the architectural buildings of China of the tree.

The summer residence of the emperor turned out so beautiful that she was even called the "Versaille of the East." But soon the second opium war broke out between the Chinese and the Anglo-French coalition, and the English delegation of 20 people sent to negotiations to China was exposed to torture and killed. Enraged Lord Elgin, commander-in-chief of the coalition troops, sent more than 3,000 military to burn the summer palace.

Today, Beijing authorities allocate funds to care for the imperial gardens and the palace, but the ruins were decided to leave intact to preserve the rich and rich events of China's history. The entrance is $ 5, including a local museum. Opening hours: from 7:00 to 18:00, daily.

Park Mayeuan

The garden-park art is difficult to imagine without water bodies, and, of course, Eyauan did not exception. Here, the lakes occupy three quarters from the total area of \u200b\u200bthe park in 29 hectares, the largest of them - Kunming (2.2 sq. M.). The country residence was built by order of Zadlun since 1750, and after a series of hostilities was restored and improved in 1888. The main attraction of Eyuyan is the hill of longevity and the temple located on it, where the Empress Chiysy, the 41-meter Buddha aroma tower once solemnly coped.

The territory is divided into 3 zones - gardens, imperial chambers and meeting rooms. Among them were the library, galleries, residential premises for servants, theater and temples. Each of these buildings is available to inspection and rich in the personal belongings of the imperial family (furniture, porcelain, manuscripts, household items). Eyeyeuan works from 7:00 to 19:00, but the gardens and halls of the palace have another schedule, for them and you need to pay separately, while the price of a common ticket is $ 5.

Beijing International Park Sculptures

China does not regret the Earth for the cultural enlightenment of its people, and the next huge area of \u200b\u200b162 hectares was given under two hundred sculptures from 40 countries of the world. Half of them represents the western zone depicting the scene from the life of simple peasants, the other, Eastern, serves as a place of exhibition of modern masters, who in turn displayed urban life.

In addition to manual works of art, natural wealth is present here - about 5,000 magnolias please the eye especially in the spring when their bloom in full swing. One day bypassing every corner of such a large territory is not enough, so bicycles are for rent. A symbolic fee is taken for the entrance - $ 1.5, and the time of work is from 6:30 to 21:00, daily.

Park Longtan

Ponds with already familiar with golden carp, green plantings, flower beds, stone sculptures, long arcuate bridges with bas-reliefs, red pagodas with a curved roof and arbor with three-time gates - the required attributes of Chinese gardens. Longtin is located in the city center and is surrounded from all sides by skyscrapers. From 6:00 to 21:00, he takes inhabitants and tourists Beijing for only $ 0.3, and therefore it is unlikely to take a walk alone, but other advantages appear - to learn the culture and mentality of the Chinese people closer.

In the morning, retirees are going to ponds, some playing different tools, others sing (you can even hear even the Chinese children's "Moscow Region"), and even dance, and in the evening, whole groups of women of elderly bring a tape recorder and under the sounds of modern performers perform simple learned rhythmic movements At the same time in the tact of music. Great place for a leisurely walk, boating and just beautiful photos.

Park Chaoyan

Chaoyang was opened in the city center relatively recently - in 1984, to a greater degree oriented to young people. It is divided into several zones, each of which is inherent in its own theme. The most popular is the beach garden, where city music festivals are held, sea carnivals by the sea and rock speeches, and during the Olympic Games it was here that beach volleyball competitions were held. On huge landscaped areas, people arrange picnics, put tents, play football, basketball and tennis.

For children there is an amusement park, but it costs quite expensive - $ 15 per person (for 3-5 carousels), as well as boating and bicycle rental. A nice and unexpected discovery for Ukrainians is the monument to the poet Taras Shevchenko, and for Georgians - the poet of Nizami Ganjevi. Chaoyang accepts guests every day from 6:00 to 22:00, and takes payment - $ 0.7 per person.

Park Syanzhan

At the foot of the "fragrant mountains" (Syanzhan translated) is "the garden of pleasure and tranquility", as he was called under the emperor of the Qing dynasty - Zaglun. At the entrance there is a sculpture in the form of a red leaf, which is a symbolism of Xiangshan, which in the fall is just shot by the violence of paints from the golden to the crimson. In mid-October, it goes here from the entire capital after a photo shoot, and the merchants sell souvenirs with the image of the mountains, namely the peak of the incense (the highest point of the city of Xiangshan), autumn leaves and beautiful Lake Yangzin.

Historical monuments also have - the residence of Mao Zedong and the headquarters of the Chinese Communist Party. Among the extreme entertainment, tourists are celebrating fascinating cable road And climbing the top of the Syanthanian worth $ 7, the entrance is paid separately - $ 0.3. Opening hours: from 6:00 to 20:00.

Park Exhibition of Gardens Yuanoboyan

In 2013, on the site of the garbage tour, Chinese Masters of Garden Arts presented a vivid example of how the ecology can be improved by transformation of industrial waste into the landscape. Yuanoboyan occupied 512 hectares, where modern gardens echoes traditional, including foreign samples. In addition to plants and trees there are and architectural monuments: The European Garden has a copy of the French Palace, the Arabic, Iranian and Indian gardens also have characteristic buildings.

Chinese cities gardens paid special attention to memorable are futuristic design Tianjin, Railway Zhuzhou, Poetic Chande, Modern Shenyan, Romantic Jiangsu. Even for a few days, all the gardens are impossible, so it is better to allocate several days to study them. The price of a ticket - $ 3, and the time of work - from 7:00 to 18:00.

Daguanguan Park

For the filming of the popular Chinese television series "Sleep in Red Terme" in 1984, a park with palaces, pagodas and agricultural land was built on the joy of numerous fans of this novel, as it was with the Ming and Qing dynasty. The creation of the project was all seriousness: writers, historians and researchers were invited to accurately reproduce natural landscapes and residential premises of that era.

Through a narrow passage in a man-made cliff at the entrance, winding trails lead to ponds and round arches with romantic names, and then to pavilions where scenes and interiors with the heroes of the Jia family were recreated (and there are about 600 people in the series, 50 of which play the main Roles).

The rooms of the Imperial Suite Jia Yuanchun are more in demand among lovers of the historical series. There are several museums of art and culture on the territory of Daguanguian, but payment for them is taken separately. Price of $ 3 - for students, and $ 6 - for adults. Opening hours: from 7:30 to 16:30, every day.

Park Lianhuachi

For the rouse flowering of lotuses, you should go to Lianguachi, which is located near the railway Beijing station. This place is so old that the locals are joking - "first was Lianguachi, and then Beijing." In the 80s, part of the ancient ruins was restored (earlier he served as a country residence for members of the imperial nobility), but in general, the purity and care was left untouched and only supported cleanliness and care, to which funds reversed from the sale of tickets for the entrance - 1.5 $.

For more than 3000 years, he has gathered around himself connoisseurs of natural beauty, because in addition to 80,000 water lines in summer, the eyes of Magnolia, Acacia and Cedar, as well as Chinese pines and flower beds with exotic plants pleases. All this is natural splendor, fountains, theater, children's carousels fit at 45 hectares of land and is available for a walk every day from 6:00 to 21:00.

Park Shichai

The story of Shichai began in the 13th century, when it was used for the water supply of Beijing, and then he was abandoned at all. But in 1992 he was cleared and assigned the status of a historical and cultural district thanks to the numerous Buddhist and Taoic temples located on its territory. In addition, there is a "Northern Residence" of the Chinese government, which was previously held by Prince Chun and Gun, the House-Museum of Academician Science and Writer, and Khoo, as well as hutunas - colorful medieval Chinese houses, forming whole villages, originated in the era Dynasty yuan.

Shichai accommodates both the pedestrian narrow street Yandai, where in the shops you can buy souvenirs, tea, cipao, and in small street cafes try national dishes, but the prices for dishes are high enough due to the high flow of tourists. Free admission.

Park Tozhanitin

On the settlements of the Chinese on this territory there are notes dating 3 centuries to n. e., but gave the gardens of Toyhanin well-kept species at the board of the Liao dynasty (and this is 10 century to n. er). Soon there were monasteries with Buddhist columns and pagodas, and the picturesque landscapes began to inspire Chinese poets to writing poems. Teozhanitin is away from the city bustle, smog and industrial centers, so clean air, lakes and its immense expanses (the area occupies 24 hectares) they collect a lot of holidaymakers on weekends.

In April, here are going to the festival of flowers and air coins, in the hot months of summer - for a walk on boat boats on a cool lake, you can see historical sights, including the graves of iconic for the history of China, Sai Chinshua, Shi Pingmey, Gao Zhongyua. The price of a ticket for an adult is $ 0.3, for a child - $ 0.2. Opening hours: from 6:00 to 21:00, every day.


The largest and most ancient zoo in all of China, which has 500 species of animals, including giant pandas and other inhabitants of the Red Book (Chinese Salamander in length of 1.8 meters, Red-legged Ibis, Amur Tigers, Golden Kurta Monkey). Some zones are paid separately, for example, an oceanarium costs $ 24. At the entrance you will be given a map in two languages, including English; There you can see the schedule of speeches with the participation of elephants, bears and monkeys, which can be fed subsequently, as well as aquatic - with sea lions and dolphins (at the end you can swim with them and take a photo).

Yurant National Park is a place where you can not only relax, but also learn interesting stories about primitive people who once lived in these places.

Yurant National Park is located in the Huire district, next to one of the sections of the Great Wall. From the high points of the park, an amazing panorama on the mighty mountains, blooming the dispersion of meadows and a stormy, mountain river.

Especially for visitors the park was divided into three parts. In the first part there is a museum of primitive people. In the mysterious halls of the museum are the most ancient rock paintings, totems, masks and much more.

In the second part of the park is imitation of primitive hut. Going into it, you will see primitive household items, as well as clothing of those times.

In the third part of the park you are waiting for entertainment. You can ride horses in the forest, rent a boat or just arrange a small picnic. For lovers of extreme sports in Yurak, a rope park is located.

Xiayunling National Park

Xiayunling National Park, located 76 kilometers from the Beijing urban area, is a huge nature reserve designed to relax.

It covers an area of \u200b\u200b218 square kilometers, of which 73 percent occupy forests. Warm climate and unique landscape made a park one of the most visited Beijing places.

There are some interesting attractions in the park, among which underground karst caves and a mountain of 2.000 meters high are considered the most popular.

On the territory of the park, tourists can feel the perfect combination of beauty of nature with wealth cultural heritage. Subalpian meadows with hundreds of flowering plants, underground caves, rich flora and fauna with Chinese pines, oriental thai, white birch and larchs and rare animal species are protected by the state.

Longtan Lake Park

Longtan Lake Park is located in the Chunwene area to the east of the sky Temple.

In the center of the park there is a large lake of the dragon. In general, the theme of the dragons passes the red thread on many sights of the park. Carved wooden dragon figures you can see in all its corners. They are numbered more than a hundred. Through the lake built a bridge with a pathoge in a traditional Chinese style.

Tea houses and small restaurants are cozy in the park. Still in the park there is an open market of birds. Hundreds of people come to buy or look at birds. But mainly in the park Longtan Lake come to slowly wander in silence and tranquility.

City Wall Park Ming Dynasty

Park of the city wall of the Ming Dynasty is located just three kilometers from the center of Beijing.

The main attractions of the Park are the remains of the urban wall, built in 1419 by Emperor Zhu Di, and the Southeast Tower, built in 1436. Along the wall, the length of which is one and a half kilometers, and was broken in the park in 2002.

Park design is a classic simplicity. In the park, more than 70,000 square meters of lawns were created, about 110,000 colors and more than 6,000 shrubs were planted, 400 large Chinese-style gazebo were built.

Every year the park visits about 200,000 tourists.

Beihai Park in Beijing

Imperial garden in Beijing. It was laid in the century, however, for the general public opened only in 1925. It is listed among the largest Chinese gardens and contains many historically significant buildings, palaces and temples. Buildings and landscapes of this park are landscape design masterpieces, reflecting the style and magnificent architectural skills and wealth of the art of creating a traditional Chinese garden.

The park has an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 69 hectares, more than half of this space occupies Lake Beihai. In the center of the park is 32 meters the island of Qusunga is towers. North of the park is Lake Qianhai, south of Zhonghai (the average sea).

On the territory of the park there are attractions such as Buddhist white stupa, two restored Buddhist temple, a pavilion of five dragons, a wall of nine dragons, a round wall and a loss of light.

Side Park

Side Park belongs to the number of Public City Parks Beijing and accepts visitors daily 6 am to 9 pm.

It is located in the picturesque area of \u200b\u200bChaoyang and covers an area of \u200b\u200b16.7 hectares.

In the period from 1993 to 1998, restructuring was carried out in the park, park zones were landscaped and landscaped. Since 2000, the park has been transferred to the Agricultural and Forestry of the Chaoyang District. Employees of the Bureau made a significant contribution to the development of services in the park.

Peking Park of Mira

In the park of the world on Square in several hectares, all the most famous are presented architectural masterpieces planets. Eiffel Tower, Tower Bridge, Big Canyon and the village of Zulusov, Easter Island, Stonehenge, St. Peter's Cathedral in Vatican, Athenian Acropolis, Egyptian Pyramids, Poland of Emperor Thailand, Taj Mahal, Pisa Tower, White House and Capitol, Statue of Liberty, Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God, Sydney Opera - this is not A complete list of what can be seen in the park.

There is also a mythical Trojan horse, and the lost Alexandria lighthouse. China itself in the park is presented Great Wall And Suzhou gardens. Russia is devoted to a copy of Red Square.

Interestingly, most buildings in the park of the world are performed on a scale of 1: 8, that is, eight times less than originals. The exception is only very large objects, for example, the Egyptian pyramids that are made in a smaller scale.

Now the world park is a favorite place of rest of the residents of Beijing and tourists. Here are regularly held national holidays different peoples of the world.

Wanfangting Park

Wanfangting Park is an entertainment park for the whole family, which has a riding club, in which there are more than 50 horses, a huge water park, an inflatable castle and trampoline.

The park area is 10.6 hectares. In the early 1990s, the French government approved a plan for the transformation of a green area in a park for entertainment and recreation. Most of the landscapes of the park, on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe authors, created artificially.

The park is open daily from 8 to 18.30. This is the perfect place for morning runs and sports, midday sites and evening holidays after the working day. For children, entertainment is also organized for the whole day.

Since its opening, the park took more than 300 thousand visitors.

Geological Park Fangshan.

Geological Park Fangshan is the first registered park in the field of geology belonging to UNESCO objects. The territory of the park since June 2009 is the geological research base of the Ministry of Land and natural resources China.

Located a park on the border of Beijing and Hubei Province.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe park is 954 square kilometers. Sometimes the park is called a natural geological museum, since on the example of existing breeds and reliefs you can trace the evolution of the Earth. There are mountains and picturesque valleys of amazing shape, stone grots and karst caves, buildings with ancient architecture.

The park plays a meaningful role in the economic development of the country. This is a park, which is at the same time is a place for camping, trekking and geoturism.

Xihaizi Park

Xihaizi Park is an urban park of culture and recreation with a small lake. It is located in the suburbs of Beijing in the region of the Big Canal Beijing-Hangzhou. The park was built in 1936, and in 1985 significantly expanded. Now he takes more than 5.800 square meters of the square.

In the center of Xihaizi Park there is a children's entertainment zone with 50 electronic slot machines, children's electric cars and other toys. On the territory of the park there is a small lake with various water entertainment. It is allowed to swim in it. And you can take a small boat for rent and swim yourself, enjoying the beautiful views of the park.

Yangshan Park

Yangshan Park is a park for recreation and entertainment, which has existed for more than 1,000 years. It has many historical and architectural attractions - such as the fountain of the Ming dynasty, the Pavilion of the Yuan Dynasty, the Jan Shan Hall, various sculptures.

The park built on the site of the former temple consists of traditional Chinese gardens and has a rich culture. At the foot of the mountain there are campgrounds and barbecue places.

From the top of the mountain offers a beautiful view of the village of Jan Shan, on the hills, forests and reservoirs. There are many animals in the forest forests, and beautiful plants who pleased with their flowering grow in the meadows. In reservoirs, you can swim and relax on the shore, adapted also for sports.

Nianguan Park

Nianguan Park is a picturesque park with entertainment for the whole family: there is a playground here, open pool, gym and other conditions with first-class service to meet the various requirements of tourists.

The park was built in 1956, and its restoration was held in 2002. Nanguan is the first ecological park, which built stations for water purification. Purified water is used for the irrigation of trees and colors.

There are many natural lakes, bridges, fountains and waterfalls in the park.

Its territory covers an area of \u200b\u200b4,000 square meters. This is a small green oasis, in which the comfort and warmth of the locals and tourists who are engaged in favorite classes are used: playing musical instruments, read, play games, are engaged in sports, communicate.

The park has restaurants that many are visited after a hard working day.

Xiushuijie ski park

Xiushuijie Ski Park - Excellent Ski Resort, Located on the Snow World Ski Park Park at the foot of Fenghuang Mountain.

In total, there are 6 tracks in the resort, of which two traces with a length of 500 meters and two more routes for novice skiers, the length of which is 380 meters, and one track for snowboarders with a length of 380 meters.

The ski park is equipped with modern equipment and high quality skiing. In total, there are more than 3,000 pairs of skis. Skiing can be skiing from December to February inclusive. For convenience, there is a cable car.

In addition to skiing here you can ride a sleigh harvested by dogs or horses, on snowy motorcycles, skates.

Beijing International Park Sculptures

The Beijing International Park of Sculptures is located in the picturesque area of \u200b\u200bBeijing. The park covers an area of \u200b\u200b162 hectares and is a place where the natural landscape with the art of sculpture is ideally combined. The territory of the park is divided into two thematic zones: Eastern and Western. The eastern zone is also called urban. It has modern sculptures in the modernist style. The western zone is called rural and there are sculptures in it depicting scenes from rural life. In total, more than 200 sculptures from 40 countries of the world are exhibited in the park. Also in the park there is a huge garden of magnolia, numbering 5,000 trees.

Beijing Amusement Park

The Beijing Amusement Park is located fifteen kilometers from Tiananmen Square on the metro line with a stop near the park itself.

It was opened in 1986 and is the largest in Asia entertainment park. The area occupied by them is 400,000 square meters.

The park contains all the most modern rides that you can imagine: American slides, miniature railways, various swings and carousels. Just just do not list. All sorts of children's holidays are held in the park with the participation of favorite Disney characters, festivals and contests.

Park "Red Army"

Park "Red Army" is one of the thematic parks of Beijing and covers an area of \u200b\u200b90 hectares.

The goal of the park is to preserve the historical past country, familiarizing visitors with the events of the great campaign of the working and peasant Red Army of China. In the park in the miniature version, the main items of the routes of the Red Army were played.

Periodically in the park there is a exhibition that tells about the great campaign. In 2013, an exhibition of archival materials about this historical event will be held here. These are mainly documents, plans for combat schemes, instructions of Mao Zedong itself and other army leaders.

Forest Park Jiufeng.

Jiufeng National Forest Park is located 18 kilometers from the summer palace.

The park is known for its stunning natural landscape. Old winding paths with zigzags lead to Mount Jiufeng and on the way there are beautiful views of the entire mountainous area, covered with a pine forest.

The park covers an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 830 hectares and is a real treasury of rare plants. Also on the park there is a lot of historical attractions - such as Villa Jiufeng, built at Dynasty Liao, Xiufeng Dynasty Ming Temple, Xiangtang Temple of the Qing Dynasty, the first seismological station in the 1930s in China.

Forest Park Mangshan.

Mangshan National Forest Park ranks first on forest area in the vicinity of Beijing. Forests cover 86.5% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe park and occupy an area of \u200b\u200b86 square kilometers. The park includes an artificial lake of the sky and Mang Mang, the height of which is 659 meters. At the top of the mountain is a 37-meter observation tower. More than 170 species of trees and colors grows in the park.

The amazing beauty of nature, strictly speaking, is the main attraction of the park, but not the only one. In the park there is one of the largest stone statues of the Maitrey Buddha weighing 1500 tons and almost 10 meters high.

Haidian Park

Haidian Park is a city park located in the northwestern area of \u200b\u200bBeijing. It covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 40 hectares, of which more than 30 hectares are green lands. The main sights of Park are picturesque rice fields, Great meadow, garden on the water. By the way, the Great Meadow is the largest meadow in Beijing. There are also many royal relics on the park, such as Changchun Garden, Xihua Garden, Quan Temple and others.

In Haidian Park, mass cultural events are often held, including the Festival of Contemporary Music and Jazz Festival.

Lianhua Ski Park

Lianhua Ski Park is a large and inexpensive ski park, which is located in the Shuni area. The park was opened in 2003. The park has a favorable geographic location - it is located near the center of Beijing and 30 kilometers from the airport. The park provides a huge parking for cars.

In the park you can go skiing, snowy motorcycles, snowboard, designed interesting and exciting snowmobile routes. For comfortable holiday On the territory of the park there is a restaurant, swimming pool, villa, the rooms of which are decorated in Russian style. The park takes guests throughout the year.

Forest Park South

The forest park of the UFA is famous for its trees, which are planted with not clear rows, and naturally, as in wildlife - this reflects their naturalness and beauty.

In the eastern part of the park, trees are planted, the leaves of which year-round red year. In total, there are more than 150 species of various trees in the park, including exotic and rare.

The forest park of the UFA also contains rare species of wild animals, mainly these tigers and lions. Animals live in conditions as close as possible to their natural habitat and even multiply.

Hong Ling Jin Park

Hong Ling Jin is located about ten kilometers from the Beijing Center. It was created in 1958 as a place of recreation and patriotic education of young people. The park covers an area of \u200b\u200b96 acres. There is a small lake on the park, many trees and flowers. The park contains several groups of patriotic sculptures of young revolutionaries who took martyrdom, such as Lei Feng, Liu Hulan and others. Area, where sculptures are surrounded by green lawns and flower beds. Also in the park there are two equipped playgrounds - one in the southern part of the park, the other in North.

Badaling National Forest Park

Badaling National Forest Park is located in a mountainous area next to the Great Chinese Wall and covers 65 hectares. It is in the area of \u200b\u200bthe park that takes the most beautiful plot great Wall. In the park, Badaling grows 539 species of plants, many of which are considered rare. In the forest lives 158 species of animals.

From the sights of the park you can highlight the alley of the green dragon and the Great Chinese Wall. But still its main attraction is the autumn red leaves of Clains. Autumn in the park comes a month earlier than in Beijing, and many residents of the capital and tourists come here with red cocks and tourists.

Beijing Wildlife Park

The Beijing Park of Wildlife was built in 1906 and is considered the oldest Zoo in China.

The park is engaged in collecting, protecting and breeding rare fauna representatives.

The park is located on the square of 3,600 hectares and contains more than ten thousand individuals of two hundred species of animals.

There are more than thirty thematic farms and museums on the park.

From exotic representatives of the animal world here you can see, for example, a smoke monkey or a giant panda.

Beijing Wildlife Park is located relatively close to the central part of the city, which is also important for tourists.

Chinese Ethnic Culture Park

The Chinese Ethnic Park of Culture is the Beijing Park, in which about 45 ethnic villages and more than 200 buildings are located. The National Museum of China is also built here.

The park is located on the square of more than 50 hectares. Cultural events, concerts, international conferences are often held here, many annual traditional festivals. This park willingly attend tourists, because here you can see and understand the culture of the Chinese.

The park includes free parking, equipped areas for recreation, cozy snack bars, souvenir shops.

Park Roins Huangchenggen.

Park Ruins Huangchenggen is located in the very center of the capital east of the Forbidden City. It was created in September 2001. The total length of the park is 2.4 kilometers, and the width is only 29 meters. In essence, the park is avenue, along which the remnants of the reinstairs of the Ming and Qing dynasties are located. The park stretches from Changan's street in Uge to Pingan Street in the north. On the territory of the park are planted kles, pines and other trees. Green area of \u200b\u200bthe park Ruins Huangchenggen, despite the seemingly small sizes, is almost 75 thousand square meters. In the future it is planned to bring the park gardening up to 90% of the entire territory occupied by him.

Yingshan Forest Park

Yingshan Forest Park is a natural park with a variety of vegetation and rare birds and animals. It is located in the southwest suburb of Beijing 15 kilometers from the city center. It was opened in 1990 and covers an area of \u200b\u200b800,000 square meters with a drop of height from 73 to 125 meters. The park has four picturesque areas. There are more than 200 species of trees and plants on the park. In the park there are seven flower valleys.

In addition to diverse vegetation, the park can boast an abundance of rare birds and animals, such as macaques, spotted deer, pheasants, peacocks.

There are no well-established in the park tourist routes. At the entrance, visitors receive a map and compass and make themselves the route of sightseeing.

Abandoned Amusement Park Wonderland

Abandoned Wonderland Entertainment Park is close to Beijing. The construction of the park stopped ten years ago due to the dispute between local authorities, farmers and developers about the value of the Earth.

During this time, the dispute all its designs were covered with a thick layer of dust, and the asphalt was cracked on the roads. The construction of the earth began to engage in peasants.

In the middle of the pure field, there are castle ruins with beautiful turrets, the park asphalt crackled, the tracks thickets. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe park is more than 100 hectares. Nobody protects the object, but no one plans to demolish the buildings.

Tuanjiehu Park.

Tuanjiehu Park was built in 1958.

The territory of the park from all sides is surrounded by water, and it seems that it is on the island. The park has a large outdoor pool equipped with a device for creating waves. The pool from all sides is surrounded by an artificial sandy beach. Next to it is a building built in the form of a marine cruise liner.

Tuanjiehu Park is a great place for family holidays with children. In addition to aquatic entertainment in the park there is a badminton platform, roller roller skate, pigeon, in which children can be familiar with birds closer.

National Natural Park Fenghuangling

Fenghuangling National Natural Park is located 30 kilometers from the Beijing center and covers an area of \u200b\u200b15.33 square kilometers.

Beautiful natural landscapes with historical relics are connected in the park. There are three excursion routes that cover more than forty natural, historical and religious attractions - such as Shangfang Temple, Women's Monastery Geyi, Linglong Pagoda, Stone Towers, Cangzhen Cave, Longquan Temple, Trej Buddha Cave, Yijing Pond, Stone Buddha Dynasty Wei, the cave of the immortal and many others.

Park Lianhuachi.

Lianhuachi Park is located in close proximity to Beijing's Western Railway Station. Its total area is 44.6 hectares.

The park is a classic Chinese garden, broken around the historic pond of Lotos. The pond has more than 3.000 years. On both sides of the pond, Chinese pines, acacias, cedars and magnolia are planted. A lot of flower beds are broken. But the most stunning landscape is a view of 80,000 blooming lotuses on the pond.

Next to the pond, a summer theater was built and musical fountains on both sides of him. The best time for visiting Lianhuachi Park is, of course, summer, when Lotus blooms on the pond.

Qingnianhu Park.

Qingnianhu Park is a typical modern city park in Beijing. It was created in 1960. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe park is one hundred seventy thousand square kilometers. The third part of the park area occupies an artificial lake. It was pulled out by Beijing youth in 1958. By the way, the name of the Qingnianhu Park is translated from chinese Language Means "Lake Youth".

In the park, more than sixteen thousand trees grow, which form various picturesque areas. Natural beauty These areas organically complement the works of modern Chinese sculpture. There are several cafes and one restaurant in the park. A variety of entertainment water rides has been built on the lake.

Xiaolongmen National Park

Xiaolongmen National Park is located on the most high point In Beijing - Mount Lishhan, 114 kilometers from the city center. Park covers an area of \u200b\u200b771 hectares on which spread beautiful mountains, historical monuments - such as the Great Wall, Towers and Fortresses.

Xiaolongmen is a natural zoo and a botanical garden in which more than 700 animal species live and more than 800 plant species grow. it a good place For sightseeing, conference and scientific research, as well as summer camps.

It is advisable to go to the park four times a year - in every season, which is amazing and unusual in its own way. Here you can arrange a tent camp, and you can stay in a local hotel.

Park for fishing and recreation Fangshan Bixi

Park for fishing and recreation Fangshan Bixi is a great place to relax, both alone and the whole family. The park is located in the heart of Beijing and very popular among tourists and locals.

In Fangshan Bixi Park, you can smash a tent camp, arrange a picnic for the whole family and of course to be afraid of fish. Not in vain the main attraction of the park should be considered a lake with numerous water channels. Fishing rod and everything you need for fishing can be taken at the local rental point.

After a walk through the green lawns, the park is worth visiting the recreation area. There are hammocks, a picnic area, a playground, as well as several cafes where you can taste traditional Chinese cuisine.

Tennis Courts of the Olympic Park

Tennis Courts of the Olympic Park are a huge sports tennis center. The center is open since the autumn of 2007. Its area is 166.8 thousand square meters. In general, the sports facility looks like a blossomed lotus flower. The center has ten tennis courts for holding competitions, and six training courts. The main court is called a diamond court and is designed for 15 thousand spectators. The central court is designed for 10 thousand spectators, Cort No. 1 - by 4 thousand spectators, Court No. 2 - by 2 thousand spectators. These courts held qualifying and final tennis competitions at the Olympics in 2008.

National Forest Park Xishan

The National Forest Park Xishan is located just twenty kilometers in the west direction from Beijing. It was founded in 1984 and covers an area of \u200b\u200balmost sixty square kilometers. A lot of species of wild animals and birds live in the park and more than two hundred and fifty species of trees and plants grows.

In addition to rich natural resources, the National Forest Park Xishan has a large number of historical relics. On its territory there are many ancient temples, such as the Fuhui Temple and Jingfu Temple, as well as the tomb of Jing Taya and Wang Lee.

It is best to visit the park in the spring when apricot and peach trees bloom, or in the fall, when the leaves are yellowing on oaks and clans.

Entertainment Park Jiulong.

Jiulong entertainment park is a huge thematic fleet that combines terrestrial entertainment and tourist facilities with water and underwater objects. Park is located in the northern suburb of Beijing on the shore of the lake. Ground objects include viewing platforms, a yacht pier, a dining room and a large hall of the Dragon Palace. The Dragon Palace is built in the heart of the lake in the traditional Chinese style. Its height is 42.5 meters. There is also the underwater Palace of the Dragon, the only one in his way in all Beijing. He immerses visitors to the mythical world of Fantasy. It is the combination of tourist infrastructure with entertainment just and makes the Park Jiulong a unique vacation spot.

Jingshan Park (landscape mountain)

Jingshan Park (or Landscape Mountain Park) in Beijing - artificial hills with a height of about 45 meters and more than 230 square meters. Now is a public park.

Initially, the park was an imperial garden, which was built in the era of the Ming Dynasty. The park consists of five hills, and on the top of each hill built a Chinese style palace. These arbors are great for recreation and pleasant pastime with friends.

At the highest point of the mountain, 43 meters high in the center of the park is located Arbor Wanchuntin, which is considered the center of historic Beijing. The hill offers a beautiful view of many attractions of the city.

Jingshan Park is especially popular among the elderly people who love here dancing, singing and arrange other cultural events.

Lesopark Bubidian

Bubidian is a forest park, which occupies area of \u200b\u200bmore than 130 square kilometers, which is covered with trees of virgin forest.

More than 700 species of plants grows in the park and more than 100 species of wild animals live. Alone of the trees here more than 30 species are poplar, Iva, Pine, cypress, mulberry and others. The trees themselves are more than one hundred and eighty thousand pieces.

This forest is different high mountains, pure springs, lots of meadows with flowers and large stones of strange forms.

There are old tombs, remaining from the ancient Chinese dynasties.

Walking in this forest, you can breathe fresh air and enjoy a cool climate, especially in a hot summer.

Park of modern agricultural science in Syatanshan

The Park of Modern Agricultural Science in Syatanshan was built in 1998 and began working in 2001 to demonstrate the achievements of Chinese agriculture. This is one of the 36 such parks in China.

The park covers an area of \u200b\u200b111.4 square kilometers and divided into four zones in which various cultures are grown. The territory is rich in fertile soils, 8 rivers are crossed.

There are modern technological greenhouses in this park, which rare species of orchids and cyclamen are grown. There are plantations on which gigantic pumpkins with a diameter of up to one meter. Also here are cultivated rice, potatoes, tomatoes, different types of fruits.

On weekdays, the park is open to visitors, Intrivative excursions are held.

On the territory of the park there is a shop in which you can buy flowers, fruits and vegetables grown here.

Beijing Park Yuetan

The Beijing Park Yuetan was built in 1530. He served as a place where the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties brought the sacrifice to the Luna and the gods of the stars, so the main object in the park is the Altar of the Moon. The park covers an area of \u200b\u200bslightly more than eight hectares. In essence, he is a classic Chinese garden. There are many pines, cypresses and different ornamental plants in the park. From architectural attractions you can allocate Heavenly Gate., Bell Tower, Lanyue Pavilion, Yuetan Palace, Jiyue Pavilion and Yuegui Pavilion. The red thread in the park passes the theme of the moon. Almost she is dedicated to all the sights of the park.

Ritan Park

Ritan Park, located in the "Russian" region of Beijing, is a great place to relax and have a great pastime for Chinese and foreign tourists.

The park is located in the Sun Temple, built in 1530 by the emperor of the Ming Dynasty for Sun Sacrifice.

In 1956, after reconstruction and expansion of the territory up to 246,613 square meters, the park was again discovered for the public. Here everyone will find a corner to taste: Gardens and fields for entertainment, fishing area for fishing lovers, musical festivals, floral exhibitions, platforms for creativity and outdoor activities.

There are many architectural structures, lakes, flowers, trees, including many ancients in the park. For example, a 1100-year-old cypress, which is also called "nine dragons": black tree branches, directed up, resemble dragons heads.

Park Liuyin.

Liuyin Park is especially read with Beijing inhabitants. He more resembles the untouched civilization of the village nature than the city park. Shady alleys, a lake, crouched by lilies, old willow over the water make the park with a cozy picturesque corner in the middle of a huge metropolis. Liuyin Park was opened in 1984. It covers an area of \u200b\u200b17.47 hectares. The park is designed so that its landscapes can be enjoyed at any time of the year. Thirty varieties of Yves are planted on its territory. In the center of the park there is a lake, on which a huge island is located, called the island of spring. With the shore it is connected by three bridges. Liuyin Park is the most quiet and peaceful of all Beijing parks.

Attractions Beijing

See also: