Kabardino Balkaria Blue Lake Unusual story. Nature mystery

Unique miracleCreated by nature is located in the mountains of the Caucasus, in Kabardino-Balkaria. This is a mysterious lake Ceric-Kel. It looks small. Its width is 130 meters, and the length is 235. But at the same time there is a huge stratum of water due to very much depth. The lake itself, in turn, is at an altitude of 809 meters.

Lake without DNA

The lake has a fantastic depth for such sizes - approximately 279 meters. With this reservoir, many consider "bottomless", since this figure is not final. In 2016, diving committed dives, even launched a submarine robot there, which reached the lowest possible mark. But this is not the limit, as the caves are found, which go to and greater depth. Scientists say that the landscape of the slopes and the bottom of the lake constantly changes, as limestone breeds are gradually blurred. It is possible that Ceric-Kel can become a deepest karst lake around the world.

It is also interesting that the lake is powered by non-surface waters (no river flows into this reservoir), but underground sources. Water comes from under the ground, forming a huge amount.

Strange features of the water branch

Let's start with the fact that the name Tserik-Kel (or Cherik-Kel) in translation sounds funny - "smell of the lake." And really the smell of hydrogen sulfide comes from it. With such a repulsive feature, the lake is fantastically beautiful. Due to the presence of this gas, the water surface acquires a beautiful turquoise or bluish-green shade.

Special saturation color of the lake acquires autumn. At the same time, it is practically uninhabited with water, only algae and crustaceans live in it. Because of their interesting features Ceric Kel, of course, overgrown with legends and speculation. What of this truth is to judge you, readers.

Lake Secrets and Legends

There is a legend of the Dragon, which is overcome in the battle of a local hero, fighting his arrow. After that, the legendary lizard fell in the mountains, and the tears of his pain filled the stone niche, forming the lake. Scientists joke that this very dragon lives somewhere at the bottom of the lake so far and interferes with divers to reveal all secrets. Find the maximum depth, for example.

On this occasion, there is still a belief that the cave on the bottom goes under the ground to the Black Sea and merges with him. Others say that all the same is a full bottom and treasures are stored there. After all, there at one time I sunk a whole army of Alexander Macedonian. But there are other "treasures".

For example, there are still events of falling in Soviet times a truck there with port. Self vehicle An expedition was found in 2016. Question: Where is the entire port of the truck? It is annoying that he did not find it, because for such a period, Portwein could not spoil. Especially if you consider that the temperature in the lake is about 9 degrees.


Lake Tserik-Kel is generally recognized and unique monument of nature.

In its depth, it is comparable to the Tetaline Lake in Altai, which has a lot of secrets. After all, Teletsky is about the same water temperature, but large sizes. Under such conditions, the decomposition takes place very slowly, therefore, perhaps scientists are waiting for amazing discoveries at the bottom of the lake.

In the Cherkoe District of Kabardino-Balkaria everyone knows five karst lakes that are affectionately called blue. it beautiful place It is fifty kilometers from Nalchik in the Delta of the Black Balkar River. The lower lake differs from the rest. It is called chiri-kel (or cyric-kel). It is very cold, the water temperature here does not rise above nine degrees. But it is so crystal clear that the walls of the lake are viewed to a depth of twenty-two meters. The weather so often changes the color of the lake, which sometimes compare it with a precious stone with similar properties. Gilyarovsky, for example, spoke about him as "oval sapphire in a frame mountain vertices And trees. "

Outward Lake Chirik-Kel seems frozen and immovableBut this calm is deceptive. The inconspicuous eye of the circular movement of water creates a whirlpool, and Mount Swimmer, if he falls into it. Even professional risks. Say, in the winter of 2012, a group of divers went to study the peculiarities of the lake there. After the first dive there was a trouble - one of the researchers died. Works decided not to stop, and almost lost the second. However, in 2003, Divers Igor Galaida and Roman Prokhorov were delivered here to a depth of 150 meters and installed a record Russian Federation. However, tourists about these exploits do not know little.

Tourists come here to just relax, enjoy the beautiful nature, clean air and water. On the shores of the lake there are a lot tourist bases. To the east of Chirik-Kel is Lake Kel-ketchchen. It is in the depths of the Karst Mine (177 meters). At the bottom of the well, the lake sparkles with bright colors and meets his name, which means: the lake has flowed. The upper lakes have a depth to seventeen meters. All of them communicate with each other. Everywhere, except for the bottom, there is quite a decent fish: White Amur, Carp, Trout. And the Chirik-Kel boasts except that the rachkom is a gumarus. More there, alas, no one lives.

Area where blue lakes are located, one of the most unclosed. The main inhabitants here are mountains. There is a lot of legends about the place. It is said that in the thirties in Chirik-Kel fell a truck driving Portverin. Maybe therefore the lake has become so dangerous for swimmers and swimsters? By the way, it was in these places one of the oldest mountaineering camps "Bezengi", where, in fact, domestic mountaineering was originated, because the lower lake is unique in what is the second in the world in the depth of the karst source. It does not have tributaries, but it is waste.

By the way, here everything is in this way for tourists, that they never have to complain about vacation. In addition, it can be glorified here. It was at the blue lakes that two records were reached for recording in Guinness Book. In 2002, for example, there were a unique barbecue - a kebab 103 meters long. And the next year once again fell into the publication, prepared the biggest Hychin. This is a balcotic dish, which is something like pancakes with cottage cheese filling. So, apparently, the eyewitnesses say not in vain, that on blue lakes is just great.

Address: Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, Cherkoe district

The length of the route is 106 km. Nalchik - Urgan (16 km) - Aushiger (28 km) - Soviet - (42 km) - Babugent (51 km) - Blue Lakes (56 km) - Upper Balkaria (76 km) - Valley Plot (106 km).

From Nalchik B. Cherkow Gorge Move two ways: car and pedestrian.

Automotive route: Nalchik - Urvan - Aushiger - Soviet - Babugent - Blue Lakes - Upper Balkaria. Pedestrian: Nalchik - Hasanya - Herpege - Soviet - Babugen - Blue Lakes - Upper Balkaria.

Both routes are connected in the village of Babugen. Without reaching the village, there is a fork: the right leads the road to the Beneficia Gorge, to the left-in Cherkoe. Hence, in fact, the main and only way to the Cherkal Gorge begins, not counting the pedestrian tourist translate trail.

The main road leads to the urva. Here the area is slightly hilly, and more cool reversals, lifts and descents begin behind the village. Between the urban and aushiger are the so-called "uranian oaks". In this young oak forest, wild boars, foxes, hares are found. Occasionally you can see the Pheasant, which in the reserve, like other animals and birds, feels safe. Pheasants at one time were almost completely exterminated, now the number of them has increased significantly. Behind the forest stretch the fields, mostly corn, they rise to the mountains, closing everything above and crowding out the forest, and even further - the panorama of snow vertices of the Central Caucasian Range.

The village of Aushiger opens immediately, behind the turn of the road, which dives down to the river. The village lies in a wide valley cut silver in the sun by mountain rivers. This is the Cherki Balkarsky and Nevengiisky Cherki, who, having connected, carry on the place of the sand and petty pebble and lead to the north, in the smoky blue blue of the Kabardian Plain, to Terek. A river heo flows into the cherk. Not far from here - Soviet HPP.

The road from Aushiger to Soviet repeats the capricious bends of the steep shore of Cherley. And so to the bridge itself. Behind the highway bridge leads to the villages of Zhamtal and Zarabia. In this area there are attractions: for example, the Margusa River has mineral hydrogen sulfide and salty sources, and the remains of the ancient Alanian earthy fortifications are preserved on the right bank of Cherk. For the district village of Soviet road goes to the foot of the mountains. They are completely close. Nature is very picturesque here: green hills, thick beech forests on steep slopes, and away, in the blue haze, - sparkling the tops. To the right of the road - the hills are more smoothed, the forest on them is in beds, many cozy, blooming pollasts. In the forests here there is a huge number of mushrooms: white, weary, oen, twin. Closer to Babugent, greens get brighter, juicy, - the zone of large mountain water begins. River-twinworms are inexlessly noisy: Balcarian Cherki and Neglow Cherkoe.

Babugent has a fork of roads, which was mentioned at the beginning. Here you can make a conditional stop and mentally return to Nalchik to trace the pedestrian route.

Nalchik and Hasanya are nearby. The park, located between them, begins at the city itself and closely adjoins the Hasanier. Initially, the pedestrian trail goes (along the main street of the village, and then turns to the left, to the green wooded hills. In summer, there are high herbs, many colors, and almost all trees and shrubs grow in the forest, which only meet in the North Caucasus: Beech, Grab, ash , maple, oak, apple tree, pear, Alycha, hawthorn.

In the beech forest - silence. Huge gray trunks resemble the columns of the Giant Forest Temple, and the crowns of trees so high that the noise of foliage remains somewhere there, upstairs. In such forests, ferns achieved sometimes threatening human growth. Often they are soaked with thickets of forest raspberries or blackberries and then go here is not so easy. Overcoming this interesting forest path, you can get a complete picture of the Caucasian forests. Upon leaving the forest road descends to Soviet.

So, two different routes lead to the grandmother, and then, in the upper Balkaria, is one, common. From babuger to Blue lake - 4 kilometers. At the beginning of the road, in a rock, there is a cave, in which traces of ancient parking V-X explosive ad. Now sheep is drunk in bad weather.

To the left of the road, behind a stone fence, a well-kept collective farm garden spread out. Below, in the deep canyon, the neck is noise. In 1913, at this place there was a rebellion of the Balkan peasants who opposed the princes of the Jeancot, the estate of which is both at the same stone, which, like a fortress, fenced the princes from the outside world, were defeated. And now in the collective farm garden, over the sheer coast of Cherk, are visible traces of serfs, once built by the Balkarians.

The entrance to the Cherkal Gorge is famous Blue Lakes - An interesting phenomenon is not only for Kabardino-Balkaria, but also on the scale of our country.

One of them is the lower blue lake, this natural artesian well, occupies the sixth place among the Lakes of the USSR. With a very small area of \u200b\u200baqueous mirror (235x125 m), its depth is 258 m. The water is blue from the presence of hydrogen sulfide. Neither a single stream does not flow into the lake, whereas from it flows to 70 million liters of water daily. This suggests that the lake is powered by powerful underwater sources. The constant temperature of the water in it is + 9.3 °.

Animal I. vegetable world Lakes are very poor. The only representative of the fauna lives here - the gumar grip, and sometimes she accidentally swims from Cherle Trout. Scarce algae are found at the very exit of water from the lake.

The blue lake has several names: Chirik-Kel (rotten lake), Cherk-Ana (Mother Cherley), Pshurey (Round Water). In three or four kilometers from it, up the forest road (northeast) there are secret and reporting lakes. Secret (Balkarskaya - Tasha-Kel) is interested in the fact that, although the road passes from him just a few meters, it can not be noticed at all - it is surrounded by thick vegetation and lies in deep more often. Water in it is greenish and transparent. Depth - 17 meters. Depth of the reporting lakes, which are even higher, -11-15 meters. Here is a trout and roach. All these reservoirs belong to the group of lakes of karst origin.

At the top, over a blue lake, on a stony plateau, powder with a thick forest, is located so-called dry lake. This is a gigantic failure in a depth of 160 meters. On the area of \u200b\u200bthe mirror, dry lake is twice as bigger. Its walls are completely vertical, and only in the northern part they are more common and places form small terraces. At the bottom of the failure - a small lake, and large trees grow around, hurt by mkhami and lichens. It is possible to descend on the bottom of the dry lake, only owning the climbing technique and having appropriate equipment. Tourists have a tradition: who descends on the bottom - leaves in a round, folded from stones, a note, and the previous one takes out. In a word, everything is the same as when climbing on top. In winter, there are many traces of wild cats and tricks on the snow-covered day of the lake.

From the Blue Lake Road immediately goes to the Cherkoe Gorge. Behind the building of the turbase and a whole town of summer houses, lined up along the road on a high green terrace. It is still possible here and sunny, but the greens is never burned by the sun. This picturesque corner leaves unforgettable impression: The trees penetrated by the sun resemble a fantastic green lace.

In the tesnin, tourists gorge meets coolness - in the summer it is nice. And where the walls of the gorge converge to a distance of 30-40 meters, the cold wind blows, and it is necessary to dress with warmer. The road along the gorge is climbing up, the rise is very cool. Tourist buses, as a rule, do not reach the most close, and stop on a small green glade. Tourists walk to the center of the gorge, where the tunnel is broken in the rock (6 kilometers from the beginning of therapy), the walls of the gorge almost vertical, more than 500 meters high. In approximately the middle of this height, people gave the road, according to which cars are freely passing, tractors.

From the gorge path lies in a relatively wide, heated valley heated. Vegetation here is much poorer than the blue lakes. The more pleasant to meet the cold and full stream running on top, which overgrown with high juicy grass and mint. Water in the stream smells mint.

8-9 kilometers from the tunnel, in a wide mountain valley resembling a giant bowl, the village of Upper Balkaria is located. It has a modern layout, home new, good. A new village stands on the right bank of the Cherk, and on the left lived its age ruins of old aules and ancient combat towers. Among them are the most famous Tower of Bosyeyev, Abayev, the ruins of the village of Kunyum and several other semi-forgotten auls. The remains of ancient structures have been preserved and near the new village - these are the skills of the village of Turahabl famous " city of dead"Over the upper Balkaria and the amyranian combat tower, built on a huge boulder of a decade-old height. Now this, once watchdog, the tower serves as a guideline for tourists heading in the Ritsya gorge. The path in this gorge, starting near the tower, turns cool to the left and up. Ritsyvashki is one of the many wonders of the Caucasus, but for some reason it is rarely visited by tourists. At the end of the gorge glacier beauties Gulci, a mountain, which resembles a blooming flower. (Gulci, translated from Balkar. - Flower). Its height is 4471 m. Here are a favorite habitat of tours. However, at the time of icing and avalanche, they are much darling, and the testimony of this is scattered on the slopes of Turks Skulls with mighty horns.

A thick hazel is growing in the Ritsya Valley, tours, bears are inhabited, cross, cake, quail. The path is blocking first sculpting, falling into the Cherk, then the fast River Tyutyun-Su. Finally, the gorge is branched. To the West, the gorge of the breath, east, is in the east. Very beautiful is the most powerful Caucasian glacier - Dyu-Su, but it is difficult to access, as it lies in a rocky gorge. The length of the glacier reaches 1 kilometer, the area is 48.4 square kilometers. Ridges a glacier from the side ridge.

The Cherkoe Gorge of the Valley of Plot, which tourists call "Plinskoy Polyany". It is always warm and sunny here. Tourists willingly suit in the meadow of overnight stay, enjoying the smells of fragrant, violently growing herbs - gentials, lappies, stamps and others. In the gorge, you can see the tour, reddening door, grumbling, which has long disappeared in Western Europe. The air, the sun, the abundant vegetation, the originality of the animal world, the picturesque mountains located in the shape of a circus arising from the ice grid of the Glacier to the River Kara-Su, Narzanny Source - all this makes the "Stinnaya Polyana" one of the unforgettable corners of Kabardino-Balkaria.

Blue Lake Kabardino Balkaria How to get

The most interesting of all is considered the lake bottom. This lake is 809 meters above sea level. Its area is about two hectares. But the bottom of this lake did not happen to achieve a single researcher, there are only assumptions about his depth of 386 meters. This indicator puts the lake of the bottom to the third position of the deepest lakes of Russia.

The uniqueness of this lake is that no river carries in the lake, and quite a lot leaks out of it. Among the local population, this lake is known as Ceric-Kel (rotten lake). This is probably due to the fact that water has the smell of hydrogen sulfide. Water in the lake is purest, but the fish is not found here. Fauna here is represented by only one representative, a small launch of gammarus. Flora is represented by small algae.

Water in the lake is always very cold, only 9-10 degrees, so it is impossible to swim in the lake. But it was on this lake that the center of deep-water dives in Russia is located and the diving club acting under it. With the origin of the lake bind ancient legendon which it was formed after falling in this area of \u200b\u200bthe Giant Dragon, which heought fabulous hero Battress. Now this dragon lies at the bottom of the lake and replenishes the water with his tears. Many divers joke, looking for this dragon at the bottom.

Upper blue lakes are represented by two lakes - Western and East. They have another name - communicating. Between them built a dam, so the water of the eastern lake falls into the West. These two lakes are much smaller than the lower, they have a fish.

The next lake located near the upper, secret. His name suggests that it is imperceptible. To see him, you need to clearly know where it is located. From human eyes, it is hidden deep in the karst funnel, which is densely furious forest from beech trees.

Well, the fifth lake, which is the components of the blue lakes, is called dry. Other his name missing. It is located deep in the resulting karst failure. Currently water
It is viewed only at the bottom of the deep failure, although it used to reach the top of the top. There is a version that the water went into failure, which was formed after a powerful mountain shudge.

Kabardino-Balkaria. Blue lakes where are located?

Lake Chirik-Kel, which is located in Kabardino-Balkaria, is considered one of deep lakes Karst origin. A lot of legends about this unfortunate lake can be heard from local residents. For example, in the 1930s, a cargo car loaded with alcohol drowned in it. Many tourists attract Kabardino-Balkaria. Blue lakes are a special landmark of the edge.

Clean water

Lake with blue water can be found in the beautiful Cherlek gorge adjacent to the area with the same name. The Cherkoe District is the largest area in Kabardino-Balkaria, while the most small population has the most small population. This is explained by the fact that the main part of the territory is occupied by the mountains. Here are:

  • five of the seven peaks of the Caucasus having a height of more than 5000 meters;
  • the longest glacier of the old world;
  • one of the oldest climbing camps "Bezengi", in which many Soviet climbers began.

With any weather, you can see what is happening under water at a depth of 20 and even 50 meters. It is possible that the mine has a greater depth, but this is not yet proven research.

Lake study

The first descriptions of the Blue Lake produced a scientist I. Dynnik at the end of the XIX century. I. Schukin continued at the beginning of the 20th century. The study of the lake conducted and Professor I.G. Kuznetsov, finished Petrograd Mining Institute. He was awarded to the silver medal of the Russian geographical society. In the summer of 1980, representatives of the Institute of Geography from the Georgian SSR began to study. The content of minerals in water is low. From the inhabitants were discovered only algae.

Very hospitable region of Kabardino-Balkaria. Blue lakes - a good reason to visit this area.

In this area, not one record immersion in blue lakes (Kabardino-Balkaria) was made. How to get to this wonderful reservoir, you can find out below.

All lakes

Remarkable places

If you move along the gorge, you can get to the Circassian tunnels and an old road. It begins at a small waterfall and lies on the edge of the 150-meter cliff. Standing on it, you can enjoy panoramic views of the valley and snowy tops of the mountains. Driving further, you can get to the village of Upper Balkaria. On the edge of the village there is a suspension bridge leading in old village. In Stalin's time, Aul was destroyed, only parts of the houses and the outlines of the former streets remained.

Incredibly beautiful the Abay-Cala Tower, famous for those growing near her apricots. At a distance of several kilometers from it it is the preserved watchtower. It is built on a huge 10-meter stone, and not to get into it without appropriate equipment. It is famous for natural landscapes of Kabardino-Balkaria. Blue lakes are perfect reservoirs with transparent water.

Fifteen kilometers from the lakes there is a source with mineral hot water. It is called Aushiger, and the water in it rises from the depth of about 4 kilometers. Opened it in the middle of the 20th century during the oil exploration. Philologists believe that the word "Aushiger" can be translated as "Saint George" or "Jesus Greek". This testifies to the early spread of Christianity on these lands.

Traditions of blue lakes

Local residents consider blue lakes bottomless, however, like most similar lakes. From the population you can hear a lot of stories about those who drowned in the lakes and surfaced in other places. The bottom of the lakes, according to rumors, stores:

  • connection of Tamerlane or Alexander Macedonian (it is possible that both) with all the decorations of precious metals and stones;
  • a large number of German military cars and Romanians who threw them, retreating;
  • statue of Iosifa Stalin himself, cast from bronze;
  • many cars of our time;
  • cargo car with port.

The bottom of the lake is now a legendary unique museum that keeps the history of many centuries. Full myths and legends all Kabardino-Balkaria. Blue lakes are directly connected with mystic and secrets.

How to get to the lakes?

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe blue lakes, the entire infrastructure for vacationers and travelers has been created.

Water in these lakes are really blue. Everyone can come to this place and dive with scuba, after passing training. It remains to find out where there are blue lakes in Kabardino-Balkaria.

To come to blue lakes is not difficult. Not far from them there is a significant number of turbases that are open to tourist visits. Also in this place are organized systematic excursions from Pyatigorsk, Nalchik and others settlements Kabardino-Balkaria.

You can get blue lakes on personal transport. From Nalchik, you need to go to the village of Babugent (through the Urgan and Soviet). At the same time, a little without reaching the babuger, it is necessary to turn left on the fork to the Cherkal Gorge.

Today (December 6, 2015) We went to Blue Lakes (Kabardino-Balkaria). I used to be on the bottom a couple of times. But I realized the moment of mysteriousness and the secrets of this lake only today .. It may be the deepest karst lake in the world .. But today, in the century, when human expeditions are planned for Mars, here, there is a lake that has a reliably known even known Depth ... And many other important things .. and in general, it seems, there are more riddles in it than the otdas ...

Today it happened to walk around the surroundings near them. On the way above upper lake. In search of dry lake. That's just that, while I went, in the way, I learned that there is a huge funnel here, where the water was gone. This is one of the lakes, fourth. It seems a vague-approximately known way. Like, all day you have to go and all that. Mystery - bribed. Somewhere until the end, and then through the forest along the path. I could not catch the card. So - cheers-hike! The document was able to reach the car, reached, and there the feet were able to go with my feet. At the end of the plateau not far from the rover R. Zhemtal there was a turn back. Track route

In the forest - red berries of viburnum.
If you stop - complete silence and calm. White slopes are made by trees. Warm, the closer than the further - the coolest. It's great to observe how it is in space goes into blue and gradually mixed with the sky. Great to look along the way, like the closest branches, or trees, cut far branches and trees. As the horses scattered, the points are white. Black and reddish lambs and white lambs will be released due to turning on the snow, and tighten the scanty December vegetation in the intervals of the snow. Somewhere we lost two cows, someone went and searched for "Niva". On the Far Plateau, the Shephan on the farm offered to make a fire, tea-May, but it was necessary to return to darkness. Although, unconscious, that special reality, which is called "Tea-May", "Potato-Martoška" and T d. Deserves the most latter dive into it, and not less than all these mountains ... (Coffee Moof, Suslik-Muslik ... here with milk and pasta - a little more difficult to weave the thread)

Zhemtal, Zapamizh, Aushiger, Urvan and Nalchik View from the plateau at the Verkhovyev r. Zhamtala

The sun began to be covered with clouds and tops of the neighboring mountains. It greatly highlighted low clouds, which flew and started showing space. It seems that the frost began, the height here is about 1150 m, and still winter, it seems. But here, it is still felt easier than in the area of \u200b\u200bNalchik plus but wet now.

On the approach to the car, the guys on "Niva" also returned, drove by. They never found two cows. After descending to the main road, to the asphalt, I still wanted to go to stand on the blue lake for five minutes. Last year I came here on a bicycle from Nalchik, and here were nuts. Hazelnut. I read. Found one nut. When light and bright day, the outgoing bottom is visible. But when this evening already, it is not visible, but the lake turns into an ideal mirror. Previously, I somehow did not have time to penetrate the moment. I heard something about unexpectedness. And here - the magnitude of the moment. The moment of unknown. Unknown, on the shore of which I am now standing.

The person (I, for example), today, opening a laptop, or getting any answer on the Internet practically does not allow the thoughts that something can be incomprehensible and unknown. Yes, some distant corners of the cosmos and all that. But so everything seems to be simply and understood and studied (although, it is often understood by only some list of familiar familiar operations, actions and thoughts). And here. Stand on the shore of the lake. It is so small if you look at the size of the mirror - 235 x 130 meters. And the depth ... It is reliably known that it is not less than 258 meters. What's there at the bottom - no one knows. And where it is, this is the bottom. It is a karst lake, everything is not easy with the bottom. It is a mine with sheer walls formed due to karst processes - the destruction of the breed with water. Even with what is known about him, it is the second karst lake in the depth in the world. In the lake - nothing is accomplished (ground, in the sense). But - everything follows. About 70 million liters of water (7 million buckets) comes from him through the flow. It does not depend on the season. This is a constant value. The water temperature of the lake is the same throughout the year - about 9 degrees. It does not freeze. There is no fish here. Water is low-alone. Transparency - exceptional - about 30 meters. Where water comes from Lake is unknown. It is clear only that from somewhere below, under pressure. The water level can fluctuate during the day. There are ideas that there somewhere below, the hell knows where, there is a cave (caves) from where the influx is going on. The influx is in any way - 70 million liters per day, at a minimum. 0.8 cubic meters per second (bottom quarrel floor, rich in water, and all that). There is an idea just that the mine can leave somewhere in the direction, forming the inflection, and it can significantly increase the depths of the lake.

Ceric Coelo or Cherel Cherk. So it is called Balkari. The lake is located right next to the road to the upper Balcaria, a few meters from all the asphalt. But even before the asphalt times, it was kinda as a fairly walking path. According to legends, it seems to be like many ambitious guys from Macedonian to Tamerlane could figure out. According to legends, any artifacts of those events may be resting at the bottom. If you follow logic, it is quite legitimate. Periodically, divers find something on the trifles of something, on the shelves and at the mouth of the lake (which is significantly wider than the mine herself). It is considered a reliable fact that in the 30s in the lake fell a truck with a port. (However, I noticed that there are often many "reliable facts", which in fact nowhere are not exactly documented, or it is impossible to find some significant testimonies). The lake is considered among the Karst Lakes the second in depth in the world, giving way only to Lake Zverno in Croatia. However, on the same Wikipedia in the category Karst Lakes it is not at all. And in some descriptions of such a device of the planet, as "Karst Lakes" will not meet a word about him. But the same Wikipedia writes that there was Jacques Yves Kusto and researched (it seems, this is another legend). There is a figure of a depth of 360 m (reference to a very dubious source). This digit is the champion rate. Recently, on one holiday, when I went about the Square of the Crimea, that he, they say twice as many Kabardino-Balkaria in Square, heard a mini-dialogue:

Yes, let's see Wikipedia now!
Yes, I do not believe this Wikipedia.

I increasingly come to the fact that you can only believe my eyes, ears and other body devices. An exception can be those who are tied to you. Literally rope.

At first I thought that they were unfair, these misunderstandings, and then came to the fact that unexploding is great. This is the potential .. As regards, by the way, the depth - in many karst lakes (the same, in Croatia, for example) there are sufficiently strong fluctuations in the water level in view of various underground or atmospheric processes calculated in meters and dozens of meters. Here, on the blue lake, the oscillations are very weak. They are, because the catch processes are going constantly, and nothing on earth is stable, but the outflow - still regulates the professionality of the lake.

I do not know ... It seems like most people feel calmer to live when everything is predictable. reliably. predetermined. When the path is known, when everything is clear .. When everything is divided into categories .. Named..Intered .. it is estimated ... Approved / not approved ... put on the shelf ... Hanging medal .. the curses are hung ...

But all this seems stupid ...

Here you are standing, and just 250 meters down - nothing is clear. 250 meters, you can run in half a minute. You can also be pretty cheerfully. And here is the lake. And what's on the bottom, where it, as it - it is not known ...

And around - life boils. Here - Hychini, there - sell knitted pieces. On the shore - diving center. By the way, yes, in 2012, the Englishman Martin Robson plunged to the depths of 200 m, as I understood it is a record of this lake, no one has reached here below. He wanted to find a cave from which water comes here, and in general, it is thinking about himself in the bottom there. He spent about 9 hours under water. And all this almost ended for him to terminate the vital processes. The same member of the expedition, Andrei Rodionov, who performed the function of the operator - died.

Deep-water apparatus? (Do they exist? Have anyone seen them not on TV?) Probably expensive, sorry, and no one needs it. Although - "Yes, you, we are constantly studying everything and there and there!". Or maybe such a thing, like a quadrocopter, for the burning, only underwater (interesting, and the quadcopter can be able to underwater? I found the material that someone tried to turn it into a submarine)))

The blue lake system is four lakes. In any case, they are considered to be considered something united. Up to this point, I did not go to the top to the top. And weakly imagined what. It is rumored that they are all connected underground. However, it seems at least the top - more atmospheric origin than harsh underground. One of the four lakes is dry. Koyl-Kechchen. Water left him, leaving at the bottom a small lake with a depth of five meters. With karst lakes, it happens - the water in the funnel holds at the expense of accumulating at the bottom of the sediment, over the main underground aquiferous residential. In the case of tectonic shooting, the integrity of the shield is spoiled and the water goes away. As, apparently, it happened in this case (according to rumors in 1931). In general, they are also called "failed" - water can leave, maybe after some time again fill the funnel, as a result of the same processes of the formation of a sedimentary shield. Koyl-Kechchen's funnel is a Lower Lake Funnel - a Karst Mine, a depth of 177 m with sheer walls. But this, then I have already read, and at that time the goal of our hike was to find this lake, I heard about him for the first time, but it seems somewhere somewhere you need to reach the end of the road and go along the trail through the forest.

In general, when we asked the chabanov, on a distant plateau, about such a phenomenon, like a dried karst lake, they said that there is no such thing.

When I returned to the city and looked on the map, it turned out that we were too diluted there. And it is not far from the overall deployment of the rest of the lakes. On the Internet - only a pair of photos is not very. View from above. And one is good

The mystery of the blue lake in Kabardino-Balkaria is one of the deepest in Europe - remained undisclosed.

In the light of 8 million karst lakes. The blue lake is the deepest. There is no accurate data on the depth of the lake, and the unmanned underwater devices were able to fall only to a depth of 365 meters. Scientists understand how it was formed and what's downstairs there.

The last time the Blue Lake was investigated in the 20s of the last century. It is known that his level can change several times a day. For what reason - scientists are still unknown.

Blue Lakes Kabardino-Balkaria are located in the Cherkoe Gorge. In total there are 5 lakes. All of them have a karst nature of education.

The lower blue lake is the most interesting and unique. It is located at 809 meters above sea level. It has a total area of \u200b\u200bwater stroy a little more than two hectares, and its depth is 386 meters. But there are assumptions that the depth of the lake is much more, because his bottom has not yet reached. In his depth, this lake ranks third in Russia after Teletsky in Altai and Baikal. The uniqueness of the lake consists also in the fact that there is no river in it, and over the day there are about 70 million liters of water.

Ceric-kel is exactly the same name is the Lake Local residents that translated as a rotten lake. The origin of this lake among the local population is legend. There was no time on the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria, the fearless hero of Batashaz, who in the duel won the evil dragon. And when the dragon collapsed, a failure was formed in the mountains, which was filled with water. Dragon and to date lies at the bottom of this lake and pour tears, thereby filling the lake with water and an unpleasant smell.

Right from the edge of the water, the sheer walls are visible in depth, and from what he saw the impression that this is a huge well. Depending on the time of day and weather, the shades of water are constantly changing and have different colors. The water temperature in the lake in winter and the summer is the same +9.3, so the lake never freezes.

Top blue lakes are 2 lakes, east and western. Also these lakes call the report. Between them, the dam was built, and water from the Eastern Lake flows to the West. East Lake More and deeper western. In these lakes there is a fish.

The secret lake is located near the upper blue lakes. And it is named so because it is located in a deep karst funnel, which crumpled a dense beech forest.

Dry lake or it is also called missing - formed in a large karst failure with sheer walls reaching depths up to 180 meters. Previously, this failure was completely filled with water, but as a result of the shudders of the mountains, the lake disappeared and left only at the bottom of the canyon.

This is one of the deepest karst lakes in the world. There are no fish in this lake, a lot of legends is associated with this lake. It is known that in the 30s in the lake fell a truck with a port.

The blue lake is located in a picturesque Cherkoe Gorge in the territory of the same name. Cherkoe District is the largest in the territory in Kabardino-Balkaria and the most unclosed. The fact is that the mountains occupy most of the area area. There are 5 of the 7th five-thousandths of the Caucasus and the longest of Europe. Here is one of the oldest alpalage "Bezengi" in our country, where the legendary Soviet mountaineering was originated.

(Chirik-Koyl) is a unique monument of nature. It is the second in the world in depth Karst source And it is an aquifer of a mine with sheer walls. On the surface of the lake has the greatest length of 235m and the width of 130m. Minimum mine depth 179m, maximum 258m. In the extended top of the depth changes from 0 to 40 m. The lake does not have tributaries, but it is waste. It follows the river with a flow rate of 0.8 cubic meters. m / s. Water temperature round year equals 9 degrees. Visibility under water is practically independent of weather and reaches 20-50 meters. There is a chance that at a depth of 2558 meters is not a bottom, but the inflection and then the blue lake will be the deepest source in the world. Studies continue.

The transparency of water is stunning. Depth 15 meters:

From the history of studies of the blue lake
One of the first blue lakes described the geographer, zoologist and glaciologist I. Dynnik in the work "A trip to Balkaria in 1887-1890". At the beginning of the 20th century, geographical studies in the area conducted I. Shchukin. In 1926-27, Ivan Georgievich Kuznetsov was engaged in the study of the Blue Lake - Nalchanin, who graduated from the Mountain Institute in Petrograd in 1919, Professor, Doctor of Science. For the study of Lake Chirik-Koyl, he was awarded the silver medal of the Russian geographical society. The lake is a deep well with a sheer walls, folded layered limestones. Water in the well comes from below, with great depths, and is under great pressure, for it flows the lake itself with a powerful stream. " In June 1980, Lake Chirik-Koyl studied the expedition of the Institute of Geography. Vakhushti Bagrationi Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR under the leadership of the doctor of Geographical Sciences G. Gigneishavili.
Water in the lake is weakly mineralized and only algae live in it.

The history of the creation of a dive center Blue Lake, you have to start since June 1982. It was at that time on the shore of the blue lake appeared navelized by Baulas with cylinders and diving equipment, the Moscow student Roma Prokhorov (the future record holder of Russia on the depth of dives and the director of the dive center "Blue Lake").

He had a lot of strength, a lot of enthusiasm, but little money and normal equipment. The one that was prepared on the principle of a mug skillful hands. Scuba is assembled from stolen cylinders from under carbon dioxide, the depth gauge is made entirely with its own hands. With this treasure of Roma rushed into the Blue Lake Bay along the sheer wall towards new discoveries. He escaped, of course, a miracle, but the first record of Lake Roman still installed. Reached the mark - 70 meters. For comparison, I would like to notice that Jacques-Yves Kusto with his partner named Taillez (Taillez), plunging in 1946 to Valley, made 4 dives and reached a depth of 46 meters, and only after 9 years his team was able to reach a mark of 74 meters, having committed In the estate about 80 dives.

The dive center building built by the Government of Kabardino-Balkaria consists of two tiers. The lower, area of \u200b\u200babout 150 square meters, cut down in the rock and has a yield directly to the surface of the water to the trigger. Here are warm dressings, showers and toilet rooms, room preparation and storage rooms, compressor, and barocar hall. The entire bottom module is equipped with warm floors.

Up the Gorge behind the Blue Lake are located Cherkoe tunnels and cut old road. Starting at a small waterfall, a narrow path goes along a hundred fifty meter cliff. At the turns, a fascinating view of the Balkarian Valley and snow-covered vertices. And if you get a few more kilometers away, you will get to the village of Upper Balkaria. Behind the village there is a suspension bridge that leads to the old settlement, which was destroyed during the days of the Stalin's resettlement of the Balkarians. The foundations of houses and walls are preserved, forming winding streets of an ancient mountain aul. Very beautiful abai Cala Toweraround which apricot trees grow. In a pair of kilometers to the left of Abay-Kala, a real watchtower has been preserved. It stands on a ten meter solid stone and impregnable without climbing gear.

Approximately 15 km. from the blue lake are hot, mineral Source Aushiger, opened in the 1950s during an expedition to search for oil and which flows from a depth of about 4,000 meters ... It is interesting to the origin of the word "aushiger". According to Philologists, it clearly indicates that the Kabardians once confessed Christianity, since this toponym translates as "Holy Georgy". Some scientists believe that this toponym must be translated by Jesus Greek, since the word "Jer" (Ger) and means in the Kabardian "Greek", because Christianity in the Kabarda came from Byzantium

Legends of blue lake
Like most lakes, the blue lake is heard among the locals bottomless. The people have a lot of stories about people and animals who fell into the lake and emerged almost in the Caspian Sea. Of course, at the bottom of the lake, the caign is resting not that Tamerlana, not that Alexander the Macedonian in full combat journey decorated, naturally, gold, silver and precious stones (maybe even both immediately). The deposits of German and Romanian are stored there military equipment, abandoned during retreat. And at the beginning thawed on the bottom, allegedly, the bronze statue of Stalin flew. Well, B. modern time Samples of modern wheeled technology are regularly sent to the bottom. So at the bottom of the lake there is a museum with the legends, waiting for its visitors. (in secret will tell about the real fact. In the 30s the Lake fell a truck with a port. The cost of even one bottle is very high now)

Casal locks
It was at the end of the summer of 2003. After another diving, our buddy, Tolya Ivanov got out with an unusual find, to which, however, did not initially not fulfilled attention. There was a bunch of ordinary cheap castles. He found them at a small depth, on a stone concession. And not far, there was a bundle of keys on the next ledge, looking at the castles. And the locks, and the keys did not have time to blame and oxidize under water, apparently lay here quite recently. The unusual of the find consisted also in that in all the locks, from the holes in which the paper was inserted, paper scraps sticking out.

Scraps of paper turned out to be a block of one, torn apart from the photo. A young man was depicted on the photo, and on the reverse side of her something written by the Arabic knit. From this already slept some kind of damn. Tolya spoke about the find one of the locals. To the told man, the man took the ultimate seriously and asked to show a torn photo. He easily recognized on it one of the neighboring guys. This guy recently got married and moved to the city, but after the wedding he was pursued by solid failures: illness, accidents, loss of valuable things and the like.

The castles that was found tolend were a curse imposed on this guy. There is such a local rite. If you want someone to "pump" very much, you need to go to the local black sorcerer with a photo of your own enemies, and he will write a practical curse on the reverse side of the snapshot. And then you need to break the photo on small pieces, insert each of them into the keyhole of the newly purchased and pre-locked the lock key, link all the locks with scraps of the photo into one bundle, and the keys from them to another, and all this is hidden somewhere or discard So that no one can find them. From that moment on, the life of the damned and its loved ones turns into hell and can lead the unfortunate to premature death. If the doomed mischief will be able to find the damned locks with its dismembered portrait and the keys from them, and then discover malicious locks, it will be saved. The spell will lose its strength.

The hero of our story lived in the city of the familiar girl he liked. And she had certain species on him. Having learned that the subject of love was married to another, angry terrible, decided to take revenge on the abuser. Shortly before the wedding they saw it several times on observation site Blue lake.

Our story ended happily. The world and peace reigned in the family of newlyweds. And the girl who threw the castles in the lake, no one else saw. They say she left the republic forever.
On the ledge lies all valuable shmurdyak:

Here is such an interesting lake. And the water in it is really blue

Anyone can come to this lake and dive.
Only you need to go through several courses on diving.

See also: