East Kazakhstan region. Lake Ust-Kamenogorsk fish, mammals and birds

Lake Zaisan is one of the largest and most unusual freshwater lakes of Kazakhstan. It spreads between the mountain ranges of thirty kilometers from Kieff Kerisha. Lake Zaisan is sometimes called the "bell chime lake" due to the unusual sounds that can be heard on the shores of this amazing lake with the onset of darkness.

Lake Zaisan boasts a large number of species of fish inhabiting his waters. Nalim, Pike, Perch, Karas, not a rare tourist catch, who came intobid to the Lake Zaisan. On his shores there is an axhuty, the so-called village of fishermen, whose hospitable residents will gladly take you in their parts and, if you want, organize a kind of excursion, in order to devote you to the original atmosphere of fishermen families.

Also, the shores of Lake Zaisan densely populated with a variety of wild animals: Susliki, foxes, steppe eagles. You do not need to be a passionate ornithologist to notice and admire with different types of larks and baby Sorokoput.

Markol Lake

Markolkolkaya Basin is fought by mountain ranges of azutau and Kurcumsky. From the northeast side, it is connected by the Bobrovskaya cavity, and from the southwest comes through the Kaldzhir River to the Zaisan Valley. The lake is located 1447 meters above sea level. It has the shape of an extended oval and passes from the northeast to the southwest. Its length is 38 kilometers, and width 19 kilometers.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is 445 km². The average depth of the lake is 14.3 meters, and herself deep point The lake is 27 meters. The total length of the shores is 106 kilometers. The bowl of the lake is 6.5 km³ of water. It follows from the lake only one river - calgir, and about 100 different watercourses flow. The main of them, it is a karabulak, tihushka, grease, topolavka, choking.

Bukhtarmin Lake

Bukhtarmin Lake is the original natural monumentLocated on the southern slope of the Argut Range, separating the river areas of argut and cons.

The lake is located at an altitude of 2064 meters above sea level. In the lake there are many rivers and springs, which descend from the mountain lesions and form beautiful waterfalls. At the bottom of the River Buktarth unites with the River Chindagatui. And a little higher in the River of the Chindagatuu, the Shandeg-Bulak river flows from the lake.

Tourists will be interested in fishing, as in the lake is located a large number of Harius, which is successfully caught in both the summer, and in winter, you can also ride sailing boats, and find rare mushrooms and berries in the forest. In the vicinity of the lakes are sores, omens and proteins.

East Kazakhstan region (Kaz. Shyғysh Kazkstan Plots) - an area in the eastern part of Kazakhstan, on the border with Russia and China. Until October 14, 1939, the administrative center of the region was Semipalatinsk, then the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, from part of the regions of the East Kazakhstan region, was created by the Semipalatinsk region and the administrative center was moved to the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk. In 1997, it included the territory of the former Semipalatinsk region.

Borders with two regions Russian Federation, China and the three regions of Kazakhstan, in the north - s and, in the east - with Xinjiang-Uygur autonomous region of China, in the south - with the Almaty region of Kazakhstan, in the West - with the Karaganda region of Kazakhstan, in the North-West - with Pavlodar region Kazakhstan.

The administrative center is the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk. The region is formed on March 10, 1932. Area - 283.3 thousand km². Population - 1416.4 thousand people. (2008), of which 59% - urban. The region includes 15 districts, 10 cities, 30 villages, 870 rural settlements. The main river - Irtysh, on which 3 hydroelectric power plants are located - Bukhtarminskaya, Shulbinskaya and Ust-Kamenogorskaya. Lakes - Alakol, Zaisan, Sasikol.

Ust-Kamenogorsk City, Flashing Ulba in Irtysh

Most of the territory is located in the Altai Mountains, maximum height Over 4000 m. The average temperatures of January from -17 to -26 ° C, July 19-23 ° C. Precipitation from 120 to 1000-1500 mm (in the mountains) per year. Developed: non-ferrous metallurgy based on deposits of ore altai polymetals, engineering and metalworking, woodworking, lightweight, food industry, construction of building materials. In agriculture prevails a non-political grain farming, crops, grow potatoes, vegetables, fruit, sunflower. Milk and meat and wool animal husbandry are developed (cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, horses), beekeeping, fishing, fur fishing, shipping by Irtysh.

Ust-Kamenogorsk is an important railway assembly that emerged in 1720 as a fortress of Ust-Stone, located in the foothills of the Ore Altai, Pier on the Irtysh River. The population is about 380 thousand residents (1998). There are non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering and metalworking enterprises in the city, and food, light industry are developed. Near Ust-Kamenogorsk is Ust-Kamenogorskaya HPP. In the city of 2 universities, theater, local history museum.

As part of the region of 15 districts and 6 cities of regional subordination:
1. Abay - Center Karaul village
2. Ayagozsky - center city of Ayguz
3. Bescaragay - Center Village Bescaragay
4. Borodulikhinsky - Center of Borodulich village
5. Devy - Center for the Deep
6. Zharminsky - Center of the village of Kalbatau
7. Zaisansky - center city Zaisan
8. Zyryanovsky - Center for Zyryanovsk
9. Katon-Karagai - Center of the village Bolzomenary
10. Kokpektinsky - Center Cockphemes
11. Kurcumsky - Center of the village Kurcum
12. Tarbagatai - Center Village Axat
13. Ulansky - Youth School Center
14. Urdjarsky - Center of Urzar
15. Shemonaichinsky - Center for Shemonaich
16. Achioz
17. Zyryanovsk
18. Kurchatov
19. Ridder (Leninogorsk)
20. Families (Semipalatinsk)
21. Ust-Kamenogorsk

In the East Kazakhstan region there is a Katon-Karagai State National Natural Park (Kaz. Katonқaarai Memlemkettіk ұTTTHAK Tabғi Parkі) - national Park In the Katon Karagay district within the Central Altai and South Altai Physico-Geographical Provinces. Territory national Park, became part of the Kazakh part of Altai-Sayan Ekoregion. Educated according to the Decree of the Government of Kazakhstan No. 970 dated July 17, 2001. This is the largest National Park in Kazakhstan.

Katon-Karagai Park, Village Yazevka

Here a rich species diversity of flora and fauna is concentrated and the views made in the Red Book of Kazakhstan are preserved. According to preliminary data, over 1000 types of higher vascular plants grows on the territory of the park. 30 species are listed in the Red Book: This is a saffelorovoid rapontikum, snow-dried, Siberian Altai, Iris Ludwig, etc.

Forests, which are the main property of the park, occupy 34% and are represented mainly coniferous rocks. This is a spruce, and, and, a wide variety of shrubs and semi-stares. The faunistic composition is represented by 363 types of vertebrates: bone fish, amphibian, reptiles, birds, mammals. In the Red Book, a black stork, a craving gray and beautification, a grave, a brazier, a barbecue turnt, a stone curtain, are brought.

In the East Kazakhstan region, several mountain ranges extend. Ivanovsky Ridge is located in the west of ore Altai, in the East Kazakhstan region. Length about 100 km. The height is up to 2775 m (Mount of the above-mentioned protein, also called local residents of Voroshilov peak). On the slopes - fine and coniferous forests. The nearest settlements: City of Ridder (former Leninogorsk), the village is transverse. From the Ivanovo ridge take the origins of such rivers as Cossachich, the throat. At the eastern end of the Ivanovo ridge in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Polevskoye and the origins of the river, the large tourgusun is a place called the Black Knot.

Bridge over the White Berel river along the way to the village of Yazyovka

Markolkolsky State Natural Reserve

Abai Kunanbaev - (1845-1904) were born in the East Kazakhstan region - (1845-1904) - Thinker, Kazakh poet, writer, public figure, composer, founder of Kazakh written literature; Alexander Melentievich Volkov - (1891-1977) - writer, playwright, translator; TourSynkhan Abdrakhmanova - (1921-2003) - Soviet Kazakhstan poetess; Anatoly Ivanov - Classic of Soviet literature, author of the works of "Eternal Calls", "The shadows disappear at noon"; Oralkhan Bokeev - Soviet and Kazakhstani Writer; Abdullin Rishat Mukimovich (1916-1988) - Singer, People's Artist of the USSR (1967); Hunters, Nikolai Petrovich (R.1937) - Opera singer, People's Artist of the USSR (1983); TUUBENOVA Bibigul Akhmetovna (P.1929) - Opera singer, People's Artist of the USSR (1967); Rahmadiev Erkeghali (P.1932) - Kazakh composer, People's Artist of the USSR (1981); Tatimov Muhamedgali - Kazakh Soviet revolutionary, party statesman, participant in the Lensky events of 1912 in Yakutia, People's Commissar of Labor, Healthcare Kazas; Makash Tatimov - Academician, Doctor of Political Sciences, Demographer, Rector of the Central Asian University.

Current weather forecast in the East Kazakhstan region

In the preparation of the article, site materials were used: Wikipedia, as well as photos of users of the site.

Photos mountain areas East Kazakhstan region (East Kazakhstan):

Markakol and its shores are fabulously picturesque: the purest transparent water, the shores are rich in various vegetation (fir, larch and disintegration). With a light blow of the wind, the lake is covered with whirlwinds of white small waves, which resembles a wavy gentle skin of a young lamb. Perhaps so this lake has such a funny name.

The word "brand" means the local name of the young lamb, and "Kohl" - the lake.

About where the lake Markakol is located, which is about the attractions of its surroundings and many more details can be found in more detail by reading this article. But first of all briefly imagine general information about the reservoirs of Kazakhstan.

Ponds of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan's water resources are not very rich, and they are unevenly distributed on its territory. In total, there are more than 85 thousand water bodies in the republic (periodically dried), lakes and rivers. Their main power supply is glaciers and snow.

Most rivers belong to the closed indoor pools of the two seas (Caspian and Aralsky), as well as the largest lakes: Alacol, Balkhash and Tengeis. Only Irtysh, Ishim and Tobol carry their waters to the Kara Sea.

These lakes are rich in various freshwater fish. There are bass, Sazans, Karasi, Leschi, and Ave. There are also considerable stocks of underground water in Kazakhstan. Almost all the mountain system is rich in beautiful mineral sourcesAllowing to develop in these surprisingly beautiful places spa-sanatorium service.

The area borders with China and Russia. It has expanded it in 1997, when the former Semipalatinsk region was included in the republic. Ust-Kamenogorsk City is an administrative center. The region is formed in March 1932.

On the main river, 3 large hydroelectric power plants were built - Ust-Kamenogorskaya, Shulbinskaya and Bukhtarmin. In the area there are Alakol, Sasikol and, as noted above, the most beautiful lake Markakol.

According to the saturation of natural wealth, the East Kazakhstan region is comparable with crumpled and crumpled into a lounge sheet of paper, which has a more extensive area with endless water and other natural wealth. Here are mixed with a wide variety of high-rise belts and landscaped areas: plain steppes, mountains, forest-steppes, etc. Among all this wealth and is located this is the purest lake, which is described in more detail below in the article.

Lake Markakol

Kazakhstan among numerous natural reservoirs has amazingly beautiful mountain Lake. Markakol - the largest altai, spreading in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Altai Kazakhstani). The area of \u200b\u200bits surface is 455 square meters. kilometers, and the maximum depth of it is 30 meters. The length of the lake is equal to 38 kilometers, width - 19 km.

The reservoir admires a variety of shades of the water surface in different weather. Water has a blue or blue shade on a clear day, when changing the weather, the surface of the lake becomes gray-black, with silver wonderful overflows.

Markacol Lake is located in the mountains, at an altitude of 1448 meters. Baikal surpasses it in an area of \u200b\u200b70 times, however, the water in both of them is fresh, and some species of fish are completely the same.

The location of the lake is a hollow between Kurchum and Azutau Mountains. About 70 rivers fall into Markakol, and only one (Caldzhir) from here originates. It should be noted that the Kaldzhir River, leaving the lake, flows through a hundred kilometers in

The shores of the lake southern ripples, and the northern - low. In the summer, on the surface, water is heated to 17 ° C, and at the bottom - up to 7 ° C. In November, and in May is open.


According to geologists, the lake is very old - exists with glacial times. It feeds on both underground waters. Markakol is called the lake of a hundred rivers.

The origin of the reservoir with one of the glacial phases of the alpine tectonic cycle in ancient times as a result of raising and subsequent faults was created a certain system of modern intertons and ridges, in the further influence of glaciation. Traces last event Especially well expressed on the Kurchum Range, on its waterproof parts.


Markakol - the lake, which is folded amazing beautiful legends. For example, one of the most common tells about one story that happened to a small lamb.

Between the mountains, in the valley at the purest spring, one day the father and son graze sheep. There was one playful lamb-brand in their octar (the word means "in winter born"). At one point, the lamb ran out to get a drink from the spring. Suddenly it began to tighten into the water. Shepherd boy, seeing it, rushed to the aid to the lamb to help him get out, but he did not have anything, after which he called his father to the rescue. Only together they were able to save the brand. From the place where it happened, the water poured a huge flow, which poured all the pasture, and then the whole valley ... from the same time, by stories local residents Southern Altai, which emerged Lake became known as Markakol - "Lake of the Winter Lamb". However, many scientists adhere to their scientific point of view of the reservoir origin.


Markolkolsky state ReserveLocated in South Altai, the wonderful place where deciduous forests grow on the rocky leafy of the mountains, occasionally intermitted with fir, where birch, Siberian ate and aspen grow near the rivers and meadows. This nature reserve is an excellent corner where you can meet such types of shrubs like raspberries, honeysuckle, rosehip and currant.

Get to it difficult. It is necessary to cross 5 times through the turbulent "Zhan Kaaba" (river) and overcome the most picturesque, but difficult passage. The most important attraction of these amazingly beautiful places is a mountain lake, which is a crown of beauty not only the reserve, but also of the whole southern Altai.

Fish, mammals and birds

The most common varieties of the fish of Lake Markakol - Harius and Lenok (UPC).

It should be noted that the Upper is applied only in this lake. It represents the local analogue of the Fish Lenok, for long years of isolation, acquired his individual traits. This is a fairly valuable fish, comparable to salmon.

Unfortunately, at least, and at a decent distance from civilization, Markacol strongly suffers from the invasion of man. Poachers and see the sake of extraction of valuable caviar. Therefore, the reserve was created in the local places.

According to the stories of local old-timers, in the streams and rivers, flowing into the lake Markakol, in the middle of the last century, Harius and Ukusch had so much that even cows and horses could not enter the water (feared) - the shoals of the fish knocked off their cattle. Fishermen came across fishermen, weighing up to 30 kilograms. Today, these are not found ...

Among mammals live here Wolverine, sable, red wolves (rarest) and even moose.

Markakol - Lake, on the coastal territory of which a lot of birds lives: Wild storks. The latter are the attraction of these places. These very rare feathers nest on the crowns of large trees and on the rocks on the shores of Lake Markakol. It should be noted that they are monogamous, and the pairs are saved for life.

Today, Markakol - Lake, on the shores of which the lonely black stork wanders from dawn to sunset. Careful and secretive bird is not afraid of people. A lot in the reserve and other feathered. Gagars, seagulls, ducks, ribbons and hives nest here. The forests became a pier for ripples, supervisors, dermarians and partridges.

A little about climates

The climate refers to typical continental. Winter here is pretty harsh, many snow falls. The temperature is 55 degrees below zero. The average annual value is 4.1 degrees Celsius, and it corresponds to the lowest temperature in the South Altai.

In the summer, the air temperature may rise to 29 degrees. Above zero, the average daily temperature lasts 162 days a year, and a minus temperature is 203 days.


The nature of these places is fabulously rich and multifaceted. Magnificent absolutely all local natural corners.

Every one who visited ever these fabulously beautiful places Wishes to return again and stay at least some time alone with an amazing unique nature.

East Kazakhstan - genuine pantry minerals. It seems that here the Mother-Pri-Doy "Zakopano" is all valuable - from non-ferrous and rare metals to coal and combustible shale - in one place. People have long appreciated the whole importance of this area, where the stocks of raw materials seem inexhaustible. And the mighty Irtysh, rotating the turbines of the most powerful cascade of hydroelectric power plants, helps to extract them.

Circle water

About half of all freshwater reserves of Kazakhstan are concentrated in the East Kazakhstan region.

The East Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan is located in the Far North-East of the country, in the basin of the Upper Irtysh. Most of the territory is located in the mountains of Altai. The greatest heights are in the northeast, within the Katunsky ridge, where the mountains are above 4000 m. The Right Bank of Irtysh is occupied by ridges, plateaus and intermountain brands of ore and southern altai, cutting deep river valleys. Ryss of Ore Altai - Kilnsky, Ivanovsky, Ulbinsky - rise above 2000 m; Southern Altai-Kurchumsky, Sayrymsakta, South Altai, South Altai - above 3000 m.

South Altai is a broad Zaisanskaya brass, limited to the south of Tarbagatay and Saur ridges with eternal glaciers on tops. A relatively small territory of the region is occupied by Kalbinsky mountain Ridge, fine-headed plains, the Kazakh small-scale (in the extreme northwest), Balkhash-Alakolskaya brand in the south, extensive plains along the rivers.

More than 40% of all water reserves of Kazakhstan are concentrated in the East Kazakhstan region, in which about 885 rivers occur. In addition, approximately 1000 lakes are located here.

The main river area is Irtysh. From China, he gets to Kazakhstan called the Black Irtysh, crosses the Zaisansky Basin and flows into a major flowing lake of 105 km long, 22-48 km width.

The lake is known to abundance of fish: Sudak, Pike, Nalim, Perch, Jazus, Lin, Cancer, Bream, Caras, Harius, Trout. From the lake Zaisan River follows the name of Irtysh. The powerful head of Irtysh made it possible to build a cascade of hydroelectric power plants on it: Buch-Tarminskaya, Ust-Kamenogorskaya, Shuluban.

According to the watershed river County, the border with the Republic of Altai is held.

For the flora of the East Kazakhstan region, a vertical explanation is characteristic. The bottom belt of the mountains occupy the mountain steppes, above - the mountain forest belt (birch, aspen, poplar, fir, spruce, larch, cedar). At an altitude of 2-3 thousand meters, subalpine and alpine meadows. On the shores of Irtysh - pine bours.

The fauna area is extremely rich in species, mainly fur animals: light chore, speakers, badger. The maral is preserved here - a large animal of the family of deer. In Soviet times, the ondatra, Bargu-Zinsky sable, black and brown fox were acclimatized here. Markaskol-sky reserve was created for the protection of animals from poachers.

East Kazakhstan historically tied South Siberia and Altai with seven and Central Asia. The man appeared here in the glacial period, in the midst of the headwaters of Irtysh. In the era of bronze, primitive metallurgy has already developed here. VIII century BC e. - The beginning of the epoch of early nomads - the tribes of Ari Masnov and Sakov. In the first century n. e. Here, the formation of patriarchal-feudal relations that dominated the nomads to the XX century. From the XVI-XVII centuries. These lands are part of the Russian kingdom, Russian cities and villages are being built.

During the Tsarist Russia, there were several important strategic border fortifications on the border with China. In Soviet times in 1932, an East Kazakhstan region was formed with the administrative center in Semipalatinsk, in 1939, a separate Semipalatinsk region was allocated from it, and the administrative center reduced in the amount of the East Kazakhstan region was moved to the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk. In 1997, after the proclamation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the territory of the abolished Semipalatinsk region was mainly included in the region.

The East Kazakhstan region is located in the central part of Eurasia. In the north it borders with Russia, in the East - with China, in the south, west and northwest - from Almaty, Karaganda and Pavlodar regions Kazakhstan.

The edge of the rising sun

On the coat of arms of the region is depicted rising Sun, reminiscent of the fact that this oriental region is first in Kazakhstan meets dawn.

Russian and Kazakhs constitute the absolute majority of the population of the region, both of these groups are approximately equal. The share of the Kazakhs is steadily increasing, and not so much due to the natural growth, as due to the constant migration of Russians to Russia and other countries.

A significant group of the population is the Germans: these are descendants of German immigrants who have mastered these places in Tsarist Russia from the XIX century. They are part of the ethnos of Russian Germans-Lutheran, Catholics and Menno-Threads, but prefer their mono-ethnic medium, trying to avoid mixed marriages with Russians and even more Kazakh Muslims.

The communities of the Chechens and the Crimean Tatars are preserved, whose ancestors were resettled in these places after World War II. True, a significant part of the Chechen and Tatar population has already left Kazakhstan after the collapse of the USSR.

East Kazakhstan region - almost the richest minerals among other areas of Kazakhstan: there are non-ferrous metals, gold, rare metals, coal and combustible shale, non-metallic raw materials (refractory raw materials, clay clay, limestone), as well as underground mineral and drinking water.

Based on local raw materials, non-ferrous metallurgy, engineering and metalworking, woodworking, lightweight, food industry.

The abundance of precipitation along with the continuous vegetation period in the foothills makes it possible to engage in agriculture without the use of irrigation, in agriculture prevails in agricultural grain farming. A very important role in the transport network of the region plays shipping by Irtysh.

In 1720, in the place where Irtysh and Ulb merge, the Russian fortress Ust-Kamenogorskaya was laid, named because it was at this place Irtysh broke out of the mouth stone Mountains. During the Great Patriotic War The city took a significant number of evacuated enterprises and institutions. He retained a specialization from Soviet times, remaining the center of non-ferrous metallurgy of Kazakhstan.

The city of Kurchatov was named after Soviet physics Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov (1902 / 1903-1960) - "Father" of the Soviet Atomic bomb, which lived and worked in this city (previously he wore the names of Semipalatinsk, Moscow 400). Kurchatov is a former center closed in 1991 by Semipalatinsky nuclear landfill. It is located 45 kilometers from the experimental field, on which the first atomic and thermonuclear bomb of the USSR was tested.

The city of Ridder was founded in 1786 and was named by the Mining officer of Philippe Ridzer, who opened the deposit of polymetallic ores and laid the mine called Reedder.

The city of families (Semipalatinsk) is located in the western part of the East Kazakhstan region and is the first city in the city. Located on both shores through the city of the Irtysh river. First of all, it is known for being the scientific and administrative center of the Semipalatinsky nuclear landfill, where in 1949 the first in the USSR testing nuclear weapons - bombs with a capacity of 22 kilotons were conducted. In 2007, the local authorities renamed the city in families, stating that there is a "Durable Association for Investors and the People of the City named with the Semipalatinsky nuclear landfill and the colonization of the Russian Empire."

Curious facts

■ Color range of lake Markolkol is diverse: from blue or blue in clear weather to gray-black, silver when changing the weather. The condition of the aqueous mirror changes many times during the day.

■ Philippe Reedzer (1759-1838), in honor of which the East Kazakhstan city was named, was born in the family of the divorce St. Petersburg gold-gauge manufacturer, the son of the merchant of Ridzer, the grandson of the Swedish militaryheskaya, captured by the Russians after the battle under Poltava in 1709

■ The name of the sevenpalat fortress, and then the cities of Semipalatinsk comes from the seven Buddhist Kalmyk temples, which existed near the Dzhungan settlement of Dorzhinkit (Tsageinskyd)
and disappeared without a trace.

■ In 1949-1989. At the Semipalatinsky nuclear landfill, at least 456 nuclear tests were made, in which at least 616 nuclear and thermonuclear devices were blown up, including at least 30 terrestrial nuclear explosions and at least 86 air.

■ The name of the White Mountain comes from abundant snow covering the mountain from the vertex to the very base. In August 2003, an extremely risky ski descent made Dmitry Shield (Russia), the descent continued for about two hours.

■ The County River is considered to be a prototype of folklore "Belovodia" - countries with dairy rivers (this is the real color of water in the river) and ripen shores.


■ Historic: Parking of the ancient Hunters of the Neolithic era (Zyryanovsk, Ust-Narym), an ancient astronomical laboratory of Ak-Baur, Necropolis of Berel, Ruins of the Dzhungarian fortress Monastery Ablaikit (XVII century), Berelsky earthy burial ground.
■ Natural: Beluha Mountain, Markaskol Mountain, Mark-Kola State Natural Reserve, West Altai National Natural Reserve, Geological Supply Dreams of Kieff Kirish, Kuludzhun Natural Reserve, Kok-Kohl Waterfall, Rachman Keys (Hot Springs), Kok-Kola Rate, plateau of ocke (north branch of the Great Silk Road).
■ City Ayagodu: Mazar Goat Corpesh - Bayan Suul (X-XI century), Mausoleum of Poet Aktailak Bia (XVIII century).
Ust-Kamenogorsk City: Regional historical and local history museum, East Kazakhstan Regional Architecture and Ethnographic and Natural Landscap Museum-Reserve, East Kazakhstan Museum of Art, Monument to Abai Kunabayev, Memorial complex "Victory", Zhastar Park, Ust-Kamenogorsky railway Station, Monument to the founder of the city of Life Guard Major Ivan Mikhailovich Likharev, House Mikhail Shileeva (beginning of the 20th century), Holy Zinoviev-sky temple, Holy Trinity Orthodox Male Monastery, Church of St. Sergius Radonezhsky, St. Andrewsky Cathedral, Novo-Pokrovsky Temple, Holy -Theitsky temple, Muhamadi mosque (built on the site of the former cemetery).
■ City of Families: Imeyshevsky Gate (1773). A single-point stone mosque (first half of the XIX century), a historical and local history museum (the former Governor's General House, 1856), a dual-page Cathedral Mosque (1858-1861), Resurrection Orthodox Cathedral (1857-1860) , the building of the former male gymnasium (1872), the Women's Monastery (1899), the literary and memorial house-museum of Abai, the literary and memorial house-museum of Dostoevsky (in the house where he lived in 1857-1859), Temple Saints-Peter and Paul (endxix), the building of the Chinese Consulate (1903), the building of the pumping station (1910), the East Kazakhstan Regional Museum of Fine Arts of the Nevzorov family (1985), suspension bridge over the Irtysh River .

See also: