The latest events of Napoleon's life about Elba. Open Left Menu Elba

Elba island famous more as a place of "links" and at the same time the last rule of Napoleon than as spa place. However, the place may be interesting not only to lovers of history and connoisseurs of Italian architecture, but also wishing to spend a vacation in a relaxed atmosphere, under the rays of the affectionate sun.

Elba Island, Italy

Elba closes the top three big Islands Tuscan archipelago. Its area is 224 km², the population of barely reaches 32 thousand. The nearest sea neighbor is at a distance of 35 km - this is Corsica. For a long time, the island was interested in all the rich iron deposits, so the capital was named Portoferrajo, which is translated as "Iron Port."

Climate and weather on Elba Island

The climate is not significantly different from the mainland. Cyclones here practically does not happen. The high season begins in May and lasts until the end of September. The average air temperature in summer +25 ° C ... + 27 ° C. Sea water temperature rises to +26 ° C.

How to get to the island of Elba

Elba Island Even on the map of Italy find not easy

The fastest way to get to the capital of Elbe is to fly to the village of La Saw and land in the same place in the only airport on the island.
The most popular way is to float on the ferry (it is transporting and personal cars of tourists) to Portoferrajo. As a rule, all ferries are departed from the closest mainland port of Piombino, which is located at a distance of 10 km.

Attention: There is a visa regime between Russia and Italy.

Historical Help About Elba Island

The first mentions are dated to the VI century BC. e. Already then there were the first mines for the extraction of ore. In V c. BC. Romans settled on the Elbe. Before the XIV century We managed to manage the Greeks, Barbars, Saracines, Italians. At different times, noble families were ruled: Wisconti (from Milan), Appiani (from Pyombino), Medici, then appiani again (1577). It was very short-lived by the Board of the reference Napoleon Bonaparte, later escaped from the island.

In the XVII - XVIII centuries. Elba owned Philip II Spanish. And only in the middle of the XIX century. The island has become part of Italy.

Shopping on Elba Island

Not so much travel agencies offer shopping tours to Elbe. This is explained simply - there are little here, except for souvenirs from seashells and wine local in beautiful bottles spill. However, shopping and supermarkets will not be superfluous.

You can buy cheap souvenirs on the main street of the capital

What to do on Elba Island

Here everyone will be able to find a lesson for the soul:

  • The most popular diving club - Diving in Elba - is located in the capital. There is a school for beginner divers, modern equipment, only experienced instructors and even work master classes for children.
  • Bike Park in Capolivery is a total of 100 km of winding tracks for bikers and (separately) for cyclists. Speed, sea \u200b\u200bbreeze And the flooded air of the foothills with his unique vegetation is possible only in this park on the island of Elba.
  • The elite golf club "Hermitage" near the bay of biodeol includes (besides golf courses): tennis courts, swimming pool, restaurant, bar, 4-star hotel.
  • On the beaches willingly offer ride on catamarans, "bananas", play beach football and volleyball.

Sights of Elba Island

Despite the fact that the island is barely in the area will be one-third of St. Petersburg, sightseeing will be at least a week.

Architectural and historical attractions of the island of Elba

Acquaintance with the architecture of the island in most tourists begins with the contemplation of the powerful fortress walls of the old city in the capital of the island. They were erected by order of the Medici family in the XVI century. To protect against the attack of "neighbors".

Villa San Martino

Villa San Martino - Luxurious mansion of Napoleon's niece (Countess de Montor) - now historical Museum Elba Islands, in which the unique objects of the Napoleon family and other cultural values \u200b\u200bof that time are stored.

One of the beautiful architectural monuments - Poland Moulini (Piazzale Napoleone) built the surname of Medici in 1974 on the remains of the destroyed church. Later he served as the residence of Napoleon.

The Church of South Stefano Alle Trane (XI-XII century) is a historical monument of Portoferrajo architecture, built in Romano-Pisan style. Images of animals are preserved on the walls.

Museum under open sky - Museum Italo Bolano. This huge art complex (10,000 sq. M.) is dedicated to the famous Italian artist ITALO Bolano, born in the 20th century in the capital of Elba Island. His unique work has been preserved here.

Good to know!On the island of Elba, most museums serve for free.

An interesting visit to the underground museums may seem interesting. For 2 thousand years on Elbe mined ore. Now most of the mines are closed, or "retrained" in museums. By the way, in addition to inspection of amazing underground finds in such museums, you can ride on real trolleys.

In the Botanical Garden ottone will be pleasantly hiding from the scorching sun. There are many rare plants, some of which are listed in the Red Book.

In a small church, a very revered icon of Black Madonna is carefully kept in the Mont-Serrato gorge. The inhabitants of the island are sacred in its miraculous force.

Natural attractions of the island of Elba

Lake Terraner appeared due to the flooding of the mine. It is attractive because from the salt sea of \u200b\u200bits fresh yellowish-greenish waters are separated by land, places barely reaching 3 meters.

Blue Stone Beach is located on the island of Porto-Kakamo, near the beach of Marina di Campo.

The highest point of the island of Elba is Mount Mount Kapanne, a height of 1019 meters. Wildlife lovers she will be interested in their unique vegetation; Athletes and "physical consultables" she will give an opportunity to work for free to climbing, cycling and sports walking (there are several trails of various difficulty levels).

It will not work around the typical Italian church of Madonne del Monte XVI-XVII centuries, which Napoleon often visited during his "Board" on the island of Elba.

To visit the beach located in the cave, possibly being at the entrance to the "in the rock" Grotta dell'acqua. By the way, the water there is fresh.

Useful know! On the island of Elba is the "Blue Stone Beach". Thanks to the rare composition of the pebbles, the shore really seems blue.

Top 5 Best Beaches of Elba Island

On the island of Elba there are about hundreds of beaches

  • The beach is sequo will like lovers of "free" rest. There are no annoying tourists here, there are no chaise lounges, sun beds, smells from the nearest coffee shops and eateries. But there are space, white sand, gently sloping in the sea and crystal clear water.
  • The small, almost lost between the cliffs, the beach of Zuccale is manitis with its natural, untouched by beauty civilization. Despite the relatively small area, there are places on the beach with sun loungers and without them, there are stony areas and places with light yellow sand.
  • Green Beach - Marina di Campo is one of the longest and wide on Elba island. Immediately after the coastal strip, dense thickets, bordering a small village, on the one hand, and with the airport - on the other. Thanks to a common approach to the sea and a wonderful ecosystem, families with children come here.
  • A distinctive feature of the Beach Crocio is its "wide scope." The sand line leaves a few meters deep into the island. It created all the conditions for a beach holiday with children. Perhaps "minus" will seem the absence at a fairly large distance of saving vegetation.
  • Beach volleyball lovers, football and noisy night discos, thematic parties at the very edge of the water should be aware of the existence of the "youthful" beach of Elba Island - Lido-Di-Kovery.

Onsul ever with its underground wealth and glorious traditions of viticulture, Elba today mainly replenishes its budget at the expense of highly developed tourism.

* Prices are relevant for September 2018

The small charming island of Elba spread out, known in that the first reference was serviced by the first link Bonaparte. Of course, he escaped in a few months, but even on such a small land of sushi, he managed to declare himself with the emperor and managed to "boil." Today, Elba is a diverse resort, which is worth coming not only for the sake of a bronze tan, although the beaches are excellent: located in the picturesque bays, comfortable, surrounded by palm trees and pines covered with small pebbles in the sand.

Elba seems to have absorbed well recognizable and completely special Fleur of Italian resorts. Life here leishes slowly and measured, people do not rush anywhere. Local architecture pleases a variety of styles, nature - the brightness of the paints, and the sea - the eternal azure with dissolved deep in the glare of the midday sun.

How to get to elba

On the Elbe you can get in two ways - on water and by air. There are no flights from Russian cities to the island. From Rome there also do not fly airplanes, so you have to make complex routes.


The starting point to the Elbe by the sea is the port of Pjombino-Marittima in Pjombino, from where the ferries go to the island of Corsica Ferries companies (of the site in English), Moby Lines (of the site in English), Blu Navy (of. Website In English), Toremar (OF. Site in English) The path will take no more than an hour. Ferry transports and cars, which is convenient for independent tourists. The price of a ticket starts from 40 EUR (1 passenger plus 1 car). Prices on the page are shown in April 2019.


La Pila's local airport receives flights, following the Italian and European cities: Milan, Geneva, Zurich, Munich, London, Dusseldorf. Charters of small airlines "Silver Air", "Interski", Skaworch, but only on the holiday season, which begins with the middle of spring.

By train

Ferry crossing is near Piombino-Marittima railway station. There are trains from the Central Station Livorno Livorno Centrale, which is on Piazza Dante. The second option is to take a train from Pisa, caring from Pisa Centrale station (address - Piazza Della Stazione) literally every hour. Transportation is carried out by TRENITALIA (office site in English) ticket price - 10 EUR, travel time - from 1.5 to 3 hours.


Beaches Elba

On the Elbe more than 70 snow-white sandy and sandy-pebble beaches framed by majestic cliffs and decorated with a rich Mediterranean flora. Coastal waters are not inferior to them: the underwater "gardens" attracting divers stretch along the entire island.

The most popular - Barabark Beach with crystal water in the lagoon and a delightful view of Stella Bay. True, with infrastructure here is not very - a couple of parking and a bar. But still, he is constantly scored by resting. Another tourists adorn the beach - "Le Gyaye", famous for his pink pebbles. It is perfect for recreation with children through a common entrance to the sea and the gentle coverage of the shore. In walking distance there are several cafes and a park where you can hide in the shade of the midday heat.

Next to "Le-Gyaye" is "Padullala", where the pedestrian trail is leading. The place is quite picturesque and secluded, just for those who want to stay away from crowded beaches.

The most "hit" among guests Elba is the sandy "Cavoli". Due to the location in the wind closed from the wind, the water there is warmer and the bathing season begins before. Infrastructure developed excellent: lounge chairs for rent, walks on catamarans, delicious lunch and excellent wine in beach bars.

Place Marchiano Marina, which is 20 km west of Portoferrajo, also famous for the purest beaches. Immediately located high Point Islands - Mount Capanne. A pair of popular beaches: pebble "Cavo" and sandy "Lacon". There is a practically ideal environment for comfortable holiday - Stores, parking, restaurants, attractions, sports grounds are open.

Lovers of the landscape and animals will have to taste the cave in a rock (Grotta del'acqua), inside which is a pebble beach with a fresh source, in love with birds. On the boat you can get to the "beach of blue stones", turquoise from a special kind of pebbles, flashing with the North Wind "Trumontana" or the northeast "Greekal". The path to the island of Porto-Kakamo can be overcome in a couple of minutes from Marina di-Campo on a boat or water bike to plunge into a poor silence of secluded beaches.


The experienced divers and newcomers come to the Elbe to see the beauty of the underwater world of the Ligurian Sea. There are excellent visibility, suitable water temperature and a variety of underwater fauna and flora. In the waters near the coast, the toothy barracudes are inhabited, huge lobsters, flies of fruits of the most unusual colors.

Dive clubs are working on the island, where they are offered to go through full training and get a license. In Centro Sub Corsaro, located in the De Paretti Bay, there is a museum of the French diver of Jacques Maolet. Many submarine excursions routes that are recommended in this place are created personally. In the diving in Elba (OF. Site in English) is taught underwater swimming of children, there is a shop with all the necessary diving equipment.

What will bring

Definitely, the tourist is worth highlighting a separate amount on the purchase, so that in stores, shopping centers and in the Elba shower markets are shaken as follows. Wine, cheese, paste and olive oil are headed by a list of acquisitions. From the island it is impossible to leave without a pair of bottles of Chianti or a circle of fragrant "Becorino Tuscano". The abundance of local meat delicacies will surprise even famous gourmets. On the shelves, Tuscan ham, "Soprocat", "Finnochion", dozens of species salami and bacon.

Hunters for brand clothing and footwear Straight road to Porteferrajo shopping centers. To the one who craves the flavor and want to acquire something special, you need to walk through the small becks and look into the markets. For a completely acceptable price there are selling high-quality leather products, jewelry and leather perfume. Souvenirs with the image of Napoleon: T-shirts, postcards, magnets, mugs and other things are suitable as pleasant presents to relatives and colleagues.

Kitchen and restaurants Elba

You can have a snack in the traditional restaurant, which serves beautifully served delicacies, a more democratic truth, specializing in home kitchen, pizzeria or burger. In the institution with an open terrace and sea view a pleasant romantic evening and drink wine under the noise of the surf. There are dozens of cocktails and snacks in beach bars.

Favorites of the table - dishes from numerous species of fish: Tuban, Dorada, Merou, Golden Pap, White Sargus, as well as crustaceans. Island cuisine masterpiece - fish sump "Kachchukko", on the second it is worth trying rice with ink Caracatians and squid, pickled fish, spaghetti in fish sauce, boiled octopus, roast of frozards, meat on the grid or "Gurgulone" - saturated soup from Vegetables and homemade baking bread.

For dessert: Cake "Skiaccha Briak" with pinium nuts and raisins, impregnated with wine Aleahiko, or no less wonderful "Corolla" - an air cupcake ring. Also does not disappoin the Easter pie "Skiachcha", flavored by the seeds of Anisa.

The cost of dinner with wine for two in the middle hand restaurant starts from 45-50 EUR. It is enough lettuce and the main meal - the portions are quite impressive. Pizza snack, paste or burger with a drink in a trate or pizzeria will cost 10-15 EUR.

Entertainment and attractions

The heritage of the ancient era - Ruins of Villa Le-Grotte (SP26, 57037 Portoferraio Li), built during the Roman Empire. Once a rich patricium lived in it. In Portoferrayo, the main attraction - the walls and towers of the medieval fort, erected by Kozimo I Medici to protect against Turkish raids. The formidable appearance of stone fortifications gives a complete picture of the military architecture of that time: concise, harsh and even gloomy. On the road Via Del Volterraio in the direction of Rio Nel-Elba is Wolterrajo Castle. This old stronghold began to erect ethruks, during the reign of Appiani, she defended the island from Pirates.

Mont-Serrato gorge in the cave church is stored a unique icon of Black Madonna.

In the very center of Portoferrajo, there is a Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was built in the 16th century and is famous for the fact that Napoleon was announced by the Island emperor. Another interesting temple In the capital - a magnificent example of Romanesque architecture - Church of Saint-Stefano-Alla-Tran.

Main cultural object The islands - an open-air museum created by the artist Italo Bolano (Portoferraio - Loc.san Martino). On the territory of 10,000 square meters. M The works of the master: sculptural compositions, paintings, panels. All this can be viewed for free, although enjoying the aroma and views of the lush Mediterranean vegetation.

To visit the Elbe and do not go through Napoleonic places - Movetona. At Villa San Martino, 57037 Portoferraio Li, the summer residence of the emperor, today the museum is open, where the furniture, paintings, weapons are collected, as well as family relics. Palazzale Mulini (Piazzale Napoleone, 57037 Portoferraio Li) was a winter residence of Napoleon. The building stands on the rocky shore, from where it opens great view On island Italy.

Sea harbor, embankments and Porto Adzurro Streets, Portoferrajo, Marina di Campo, Marchian Marina - a wonderful illustration of an unforgettable flavor of the Mediterranean.

From natural attractions, Lake Terraner (Via Capo d'Arco, 57036 Porto Azzurro Li), separated from the sea with a thin strip of sushi, performing the role of an improvised beach. If you wish, you can climb along the cableway to the top of Monte Capann and admire the panorama of the surrounding area or visit the museums in old mines where iron was once mined.


The holiday season on the island begins from the end of April and continues until October. The hottest time falls on the summer months. Already in June, the coast is filled with tourists, although the water has not had enough enough for a comfortable swimming, and in July, August and September, it is difficult to find free space on popular beaches.

In the summer and fall, rain rarely, mostly precipitation falls for the winter. The mild climate makes the Elbe suitable for rest at any time of the year. Outside the bathing season, it makes sense to come in cognitive purposes: wander through the streets of the towns, climb the viewing platforms, look into the palaces and temples.

(Toscana), Livorno District (Livorno), and is located at a distance of 10 kilometers from the city of Piombino (Piombino), separated from him by the Strait with the same name. 35 kilometers from Elba in the western direction is the Island of Corsica (Corsica). Central city - Portoferraio (Portoferraio), the total number of local people is approximately 35,000 people.

Elba is a specially protected natural territory and is part of the National Park of the Tuscan Archipelago. One of the natural attractions - the Montte Capanne vertex, which has a height of 1019 m. From afar of the island produces a vivid impression due to the bizarrely rugged banks covered with embankments of dark red, coal-black, brown-brown and bluish-blue blue colors, Scattered along the coast of fishermen villages, old fortresses, luxurious sandy and pebble beaches.

The island has become famous elsewhere in the era of antiquity, since the ancient tribe of the Etruscans has discovered iron ore here and built structures for mining and processing. From 480 to AD. The development of iron deposits here were engaged in Romans, who also found the deposits of granite and healing dirt.

And Etruscans, and the Romans were engaged in viticulture and winemaking, as evidenced by archaeological finds. It is known that wine trade on the island flourished during times, Elba is famous for its wines and now.

After the Roman Empire is crashing, the robbing and destructive attacks of the Saracinsky and barbaric tribes led the ELBA in decay. In the Epoch of the Early Middle Ages, in the XI century, the Elbe join their possessions of the city rulers (PISA). In 1399, the island acquired the ruler of the city of Pjombino by the surname of Appiani (Appiani), and Elba belonged to his family for almost two hundred years.

From 1546 to 1577, part of the island belonged (Cosimo I de Medici), built on the Elbe Citadel Cosmopoli in Portoferrajo. Then until 1603, the Island again managed the Appiano family. Since 1603, Elba is in the possession of the Spanish King of Philip II (Felipe II), thanks to which two more fortresses appeared. Since 1802, Elba becomes the territory of France.

Famous Elbe Stories page - staying on the island since 1814 in the Napoleone Bonaparte link (Napoleone Buonaparte). The island was under the close control of Britain, but Napoleon declared himself an emperor of the island, was surrounded by his own detachment of the court of 600.

9 months and 21 days Napoleon conducts transformations in the field of economy and the social sphere of the island in order to improve the quality of life of the local population: manages the construction of roads, reorganizes the mining of ore in mines, expands the market of sales of wines. After that, he makes Escape from Elba and returns to Paris (Paris), where he restores its power, the launched famous 100 days. After it will be a lost battle at Waterloo (Waterloo) and a link to Saint Helena Island (Saint Helena Island) in the south Atlantic Ocean.

After these events, Elba joins the Duchy of Tuscany, from 1860 is included in the Italian kingdom (REGNO D'Italia). During World War II, German troops were housed here until June 17, 1944, when during the bloody battle, the island was liberated by the Army of France.

The main resorts Elbe - Portoferrajo, Capoliver, Cavo (Cavo), Rio Marina (Rio Marina), Porto Azuro (Porto Azzurro).

The island is small, its all can be driven by car in 1.5-2 hours. However, it represents unique historical and architectural treasures of different eras. If you get acquainted with them, it is not enough and the week!

Sights Portofoferia

Landmark is the whole island as a whole. The largest cultural and architecture monuments are concentrated in the central city and its suburbs.

Church of Mercy

The church of the Mercy (Chiesa Della Misericordia), located on Napoleon Strada Di, was built in 1677 for educated Giovanni Medici (Giovanni Di Bicci de 'Medici) of the Brotherhood of Mercy. The church received its name in honor of the Brotherhood. The church keeps the relics of Christian Martyr, a patronage of the island.

The building amazes the richness of the inner decoration, is famous for the organ and sculptural image of the Virgin Mary with the infant of the master of Tino Camaino, who studied at Giovanni Pisano (Giovanni Pisano) established in 1792.

It was in this church every year on May 5 (since 1852) worship in honor of Napoleon.

Not far from the church there is a museum telling about the fraternity of mercy and representing some of his shrines.

The museum is exhibited and relics related to the life of Napoleon Bonaparte:

  • The flag was awarded to the overthrown emperor on the day of his arrival on the island;
  • A posthumous bronze mask donated by the Museum of Prince A. Demidov;
  • Sleeping with the right hand of Bonzara from Bronze.

Cathedral in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The cathedral, built in 1554, is located on Central in Portoferrajo Republic (Piazza Della Repubblica). Here in 1814, a solemn mass was held in honor of Napoleon's appointment by Emperor Island.

Fortiece Walls Medici

Powerful walls of the fortress, the first to meet the islands booming on the ferry, were built Medici to protect against the raids of the Turks. The complex of fortifications is built first under the guidance of Giovanni Camerini, and then Bernardo Buontalenti (Bernardo Buontalenti) and includes powerful walls and towers Del Veneziano, Del Casino di Mezzo, Delle Palle and Della Cornacchia.

This fortification consisted of 4 levels of fortress walls and during the time of the Medici was almost invulnerable.

Wolterrajo Castle

Wolterrajo Castle (Fortezza Volterra), located along the way from Portoferrajo to Rio Nel-Elba (Rio Nell'elba), is the most vintage fort on the Elbe, the first builders of which were Etruscans. After Etruscans, the fortress will be improved by the rulers of Pisa in 1281, the appiana is strengthened in 1440. This fort has never been able to capture Turkish pirate detachments, despite numerous and long sieges. Now the fortress is the majestic ruins that attract tourists from around the world.

Napoleon's Museums

Villa San Martino

Villa Saint-Martino (San Martino), where the reference emperor was in the summer, located at a distance of 5 kilometers from Portoferrajo among the picturesque rustic nature. The building among the greenery of the garden is surrounded by a high forged fence with images of Orlov - power symbols.
The inner decoration is designed by the Bardiglio architect (Bardiglio) architect, the painting of Plafons performed Vincenzo Antonio Revelli (Vincenzo Antonio Revelli). The hall on the 2nd floor deserves special attention, representing the relics of Napoleon's military campaign in Egypt:

  1. Ancient papyrus;
  2. Fragments of walls.

Painting of Plafons in the rooms and halls of the residence represents the plots from the life of the Great Emperor, for example, the history of his love for Mary-Louise wife (Marie-Louise).

Next to the summer house of Napoleon Count Anatole Demidoff, married to Napoleon Matilde de Montor, in 1851, built a museum to exhibit relics related to Napoleon's reign.

Gallery decorated with granite panels of yellow, designed by architect Nicolo Matas (Niccolo Matas) from Florence. The treasures of the gallery refers to the original statue of the work of Antonio Canova (Antonio Canova), the model for executing which one of Napoleon's sisters Polina Borghese (Marie Paulette Bonaparte Borghese), separated by expulsion with an extreme emperor for 4 months.

Palace (Piazzale Napoleone), erected in 1724, Dzhangaston Medici (Gian Gastone de 'Medici) and served Napoleon the main residence, was rebuilt under the personal leadership of the emperor. The front hall was improved, furniture items were brought from Pjombino from Napoleon's sister's house, the personal books of the emperor from Fontainebleau delivered to the library, in the garden installed authentic ancient Greek statues and copies of vintage masterpieces.

The name indicates that there were windmills in the construction of the building here. In this main residence of Napoleon is now located the National Museum.

Villa del Ghotte

Modern researchers have established that the building of Villa del Gritte (Le Grott) was mentioned in the verses of Ovid. It had a swimming pool and several gardens stretching along the sea. This building of the ancient Romans belongs to the I century BC, but its external appearance has been preserved to the present day. After the fall of the Roman Empire, it was not used for a long time, and only in 1799-1801 acquired the status of a fortification structure. During the war between France and the Neapolitan Republic, it was placed guns.

Attractions Maheda

Sanctuario Della Madonna Del Monte, built in the XVI century, is located in Marciana and attracts an unusual ascetic interior:

  • Non-Light;
  • Lack of paintings on the walls, lush decoration and decor;
  • Granite block with the image of the Virgin Mary in heaven relating to the XIII century;
  • The frescoes of the Sodom era, found in the downturnal part in 1995.

The sanctuary is surrounded by a green garden, from 1690 to him beats a clean source. According to legend, he loved to visit Napoleon to meet with the lady of his heart - M. Valevskaya (Maria Walewska).

Tower Novalia

Torre Della Marina (Torre della Marina, Noval Tower) is located in the city of Marcane on the territory of the port and is a defensive structure in the form of a cylinder. The citadel is built by the decree of Jacopian Appiani IV (Jacopo Appiani) in 1558-1562 to protect the local population from the attacks of Pirate Turkish detachments under the leadership of Dragut.

Museum of Archeology

The Archaeological Museum, which opened in 1968, represents a unique collection of artifacts found on the Elbe and in the coastal strip. Exhibits illustrate the development of mineral mining, crafts, shipbuilding and other parties to human activity on the Elbe.

Strengthening Torre San Giovanni (Torre di San Giovanni), built in Ugento (Ugento) in the XII-XIII centuries, at the direction of the Pisa authorities, towers on a powerful base of monolithic granite.

Modern restorers are trying to restore the appearance of the fortress that had once had 2 floors and an observation platform for the transmission of signals about the opponent's occur. However, it is not recommended to penetrate inside the fortress because of the possibility of the collar of the walls.

Mountain Park Elba Island

The Mountain Park (Parco Minerario Isola d'Elba) is a museum in Rio Marina, where you can get acquainted with a collection of minerals, the device of the Etruscan tribal mines, and also to participate in the mining of minerals, and then pick them up with you as a souvenir.


On the Elbe Holidays round year! In the spring - sports festivals, autumn - hostess holidays, wines and chestnuts, in summer - musical contests. There are special holidays that are held only here.

May 5 - Napoleon's Day Bonaparte

Every year in Portoferrajo on this day, a solemn service is carried out in the Church of Mercy and arrange a procession in the costumes of the Napoleonic era from the Church of Mercy to Villa Moulini.

July 14 - Legend of Love

This holiday is held in the Commune of the Capoliver. The history of the celebration goes into the separated past: In 1534, the girl Maria rushed after a pirate ship, at which, in captivity, Saraqing Robbers was her groom Lorenzo. For the first time this story was staged in the XVII century. Annually a costume procession on the streets of the Capoliver to the sea is organized, and on the coast, team competitions for the right to hand the handkerchief of the legendary Mary itself beautiful girl cities.

August 12 - Saint Chiara Day

Celebration on the day of Saint Chiara (Santa Chiara) in the city of Marchang can not miss lovers of salutes and illumination. Residents and guests go to the streets and go to the sea, where the holiday ends with a giant pyrotechnic surprise!

Grape festival

This wonderful harvest festival, fertility and winemaking is held in the Commune of the Capoliver at the end of September - early October. On holidays, all participants of the holiday arrange games and competitions, masquerades and contests, show performances that reproduce the collection of grapes from ancient times to the present day.

Festival of jazz music

This international Festival "Elba Isola Musicale d'Europa" collects in September in concert halls, theaters, cathedrals, museum buildings, vintage fortresses, hotels of Portoferrajo Classical and jazz music admirers from different countries. Head of the Jazz Festival on Elbe - Yuri Bashmet.

Such an original holiday invites you to the cities of Poggio (Poggio) and Marchang in the last Saturday and Sunday in October. These days on the squares of medieval settlements you can taste fried chestnuts with homemade wine, as well as a variety of chestnut dishes:

  • Cakes;
  • Bread;
  • Polenta;
  • Pies, etc.

Christmas and New Year

The Christmas Week in Portoferrajo unites all holidays in one large:

  • Concerts;
  • Tasting;
  • Competitions and competitions;
  • Festive salutes, etc.


Each city on Elbe has several beaches for different taste. All of them are characterized by purest water. But for the quality of the seabed and the regional territory different:

  • White, pink or black sand;
  • Pebble;
  • Sand and small pebbles;
  • Small and large pebbles;
  • Concrete;
  • Rocks.

Favorite beaches of all tourists, famous for crystal clear water and colorful sand:

  • Porto Azzurro;
  • Marina di Campo;
  • Lacona;
  • Le Ghiaie;
  • Rio Marina et al.

On the island of Elba there are secluded nudist beaches in beautiful deserted bays limited by cliffs:

  • Scogliera de Le Piscine;
  • Capo CANATA;
  • Le Tombe Beach;
  • Acquarilli et al.

Some of them can only be found on foot or by sea - on a yacht or boat.

Most beaches are superbly equipped, and for lovers in different parts of Elba there is wild beaches: Laconella, Barabarka (Barabarca) in Stella Bay (Stella), Fonza, Galenzana, etc.

For guests of Elba, special children's beaches are prepared and even beaches, comfortable for swimming domestic pets. The kids are suitable sandy beaches with shallow warm water:

  • Fetovaia - annually comes in the rating;
  • Marina di Campo;
  • Cavoli;
  • Sant'Andrea and others.

Guests with dogs will be happy on the beaches of Morcone and Pareti and Fonza.

Thermal sources

Elba offers unique health programs in thermal sources of Terma San Giovanni (San Giovanni Terme Rapolano):

  • natural healing dirt;
  • wraps with algae;
  • mineral water, etc.

The SPA center offers a variety of procedures (different types of massage, etc.), open and closed pools work.

Detailed information about health programs, service costs and work schedules on the official website


Elba is a great place for outdoor activities: windsurfing, water skiing and water bikes, yachting, catamarans, diving.

At the Elbe, the diving and photo-hunt lovers arrive annually, since the underwater part of the island attracts caves, near the island you can see the core of the dead ships, swim in the "submarine gardens". For fans walking on foot pedestrian routes Various length and complexity. And lovers of cycling or scooter in any hotel can rent it.

How to get


The fastest option is a plane. Flights from airports to Airport were organized on the Elbe. Flights to a private airport in La Pila (La Pila) are carried out by Intersky, Skywork and Silver Air. Flight takes 1 hour 20 minutes.

By train

Budget option - train from Milan, Pisa, (Grosseto) to Campiglia Marittima, from there Bus to Pyombino, and then steam. Option at a democratic price - direct bus flight From Florence, Grosseto or Milan (Milan) to Pyombino.

On cars

You can reach the island of Elba, reaching by car from the airport in Florence or Pisa to the coastal city of Pjobino, and from there on ferry or catamaran.

By train

The ferry from Pyombino to Elba goes 1 hour and 10 minutes. On the ferry you can drive on the Elbe along with the car. Ferries start walking from 6:00 and approximately until 21:30 pm. Instead of ferry, you can use Catamaran "Aliskofo" ("Aliscafo") from Pyombino: time on the way will be 40 minutes.

Where to stay

On the island of Elba, there are various accommodation options, including aparthotels, holiday homes, campsites, floating hotels.

Hotels 5 star

Hotel (Portoferrajo) - located on the shore of the bay in the middle national Park, It has its own pier, sea water pools, sports grounds (volleyball, tennis, football), golf course, treadmills, diving school, fitness club, spa, Turkish baths. Hotel guests can enjoy mountain biking and other sports inventors.

The hotel offers resettlement in villas with shady courtyards or balconies overlooking the beach. It is important that guests also receive guests with homemade pets.

  • Room cost per day: from 198 €.

4 stars

Hotel 4 stars (Port Adzurro) - located on the top of the mountain over the sea, the restaurant offers a magnificent view. The hotel has a spa, Turkish baths, a swimming pool with heating function and underwater massage. Here are welcome guests with homemade pets.

  • Room cost per day: from 60 €.

3 stars

(Portoferiaй) is a small cozy villa for 28 rooms, located among the wildlife, a 9-minute walk from the beach and 10 minutes from the city center. The kitchen pleases guests with homemade national dishes, outdoor views of the restaurant.

  • Room cost per day: from 48 €.

(Rio Marina) - Surrounded by a garden, an 8-room apartment with equipped kitchenettes and balconies. The mini-hotel offers breakfast " buffet»And discounts in restaurants of the city.

  • Room cost per day: from 45 €.

Apartments and B & B


Sailing Boat L'Abricotier (Marcana-Marina) - Apartments in a floating hotel overlooking the sea and mountains, within walking distance of the city's attractions. Accommodation involves the presence of two bedrooms, an open terrace, a modern bathroom, a kitchen, a dining area.

  • from 163 €.

(Rio Nell'ELBA) - hotel with spacious rustic rooms, with a restaurant on an outdoor terrace among green garden. The beach is a 10-minute walk away. The hotel has an outdoor pool, cleaning, cosmetics, bathrobes are applied daily.

  • The cost of apartments per day: from 56 €.

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Most travelers choose the path on the ferry by pouring from Pyombino to Portoferrajo. Ferries for motor vehicles Toremar and Moby Lines need to be waiting for about an hour, flights from 6.00 to 22.30. In addition, there is a message from Pyombino to Cavo and Porto-Acetsuro; In addition, the ship on underwater wings goes to Portoferrajo and Kavo. In the summer season, you need to order tickets in advance.

Ride on Elba Island

Through the charming Bay of Crocio with one of the most beautiful beaches of the island, moving in the western direction, you can get into the small port of Marchana-Marina (2000 inhabitants), where the port has a notable Sarazinsky Tower of the XII century.

After 4 km of winding and steep roads, the route leads to the center of Elba winemaking, located among the brown forests. The small village of Marchana-Alta (374 m, 2300 inhabitants) will charm you with confusing streets and the ruins of the ancient Pisa fortress built in 1450 by the Appiani family. You can take a deeper into history in the Archaeological Museum on Via Del Pretorio, where Etruscan and Roman archaeological finds are demonstrated. Next, the road leads to the 672 M pilgrimage church of Madonna del Monte (Madonna Del Monte, XVI century).

The highest part of the island is Mount Monte Capanne (1018 m), which from the Marshanes conducted cable car. Walking from Poggio (Poggio) will take 3 hours. But from above, the magnificent view of the entire archipelago will open.

Through the mountainous villages of Piezho, Sant "Illario (Sant" Illario), San Piero in Campo (San Piero in Campo - By the way, the Romanesque Church with frescoes of the XIV-XV centuries are worthy of attention, the route leads to a popular holiday destination - Marina - Campo (4100 inhabitants). Two-kilometer sand beach Attracts surfingists, divers, and just sun lovers and night entertainment. You can admire the perfect underwater world and without immersion: not far from the place there is aquarium (m 2).

Even more beaches are awaiting resting on Lacon and Stella bays. It makes sense to go to the wonderful mountain village of Capoliveri (Capoliveri, 167 m; 2700 inhabitants), which used to be known for its deposits of iron ore and mineral minerals. Today, the place is bribed with romantic streets, bars and shops, in vain inviting to look into them.

A few kilometers to the northeast in a picturesque long bay stretched fortified by the Spaniards in the XVII century. The fishing town of Porto-Assuro, famous for its Lazorus Harbor and built around 1603 in the form of a five-pointed star Fort London (Longone). Today in him - prison.

The next stop is the former port of unloading iron ore Rio Marina (3000 inhabitants). The rusty color of the facades of houses on the main street, bordered placamines, testifies to the high content of iron oxide in nearby mines. Lovers of minerals will not be involved in the town hall, where the deposits and mines are talking.

Before returning to Portoferrajo, it is necessary to look around: a fortress on a rock is visible from afar. This is Volterrajo, which is similar to the eagle nest towers on the mountain cone. The secluded fortress was built by the Pisans around 1284, and the external fortification appeared in the XVII century. To the top there is a winding road, then approximately 30 m must be walking on foot (it is better to wear strong shoes) - a walk will give a fantastic surroundings.

Portofoferia - Capital Elba

Portoferraio (Portoferraio, Lat. - port of iron; 11.5 thousand inhabitants) - the capital of the Island of Elba and the entire Tuscan archipelago lies on the spit in the natural harbor. In the summer months in the cafe and restaurants of the Old Town on Via Garibaldi, Piazza Della Repubblica Piazza Cavour and at the Pearl of Darsen (Darsna) reigns a rapid revival.

Kozimo I Medici in 1548 ordered Architects Bellucci and Camerseini Construction of reliable forte stella fortress facilities (Forte Stella) and Forte Falcone, today being samples of the Renaissance military architecture. Entrance to the old town through the gate of the port and Mare (Porte and Mage), then the road goes up, to Piazza Della Repubblica. A small Chiesa della Misericordia (Chiesa della Misericordia) is standing on the nearby Via Naisa Misericordia (Chiesa Della Misericordia), in which the Madonns (XIII-XIV centuries) can be seen of the Madonna (XIII-XIV centuries). In front of the church, the building of the former Franciscan monastery of the XVI century. Today is Pinacoteca Foresiana (Pinacoteca Foresiana). This is the only picture gallery on the Elbe, where many paintings are exhibited with the views of the city and scenery of the island. From here, the path leads to Piazza Napoleone - the highest part of the old city, there is a villa dei Mulini (Villa Dei Mulini), originally former courthouse and prison. In 1814, the building was rebuilt into Napoleon's urban residence. Visit it is at least because of the beautiful species; (and the only one of the few original exhibits is the luxurious emperor bed with a canopy).

Approximately 6 km south-west of Portoferrajo, on the slope of the Mount-Sap-Martino, the Elegant Summer Residence of Napoleon (Villa Napoleone). On the second floor, eight rooms are open for Furnishing, among them - the Egyptian hall, whose wall painting glorifies the victory of Napoleon in the former possessions of Pharaoh. At the bottom there is a neoclassicist palace, built in 1852 by Russian prince Anatoly Demidov, a relative of the numerous family of Bonaparts.

Tuscan archipelago

The Tuscan Archipelago (Arcipelago Toscano) consists of seven major islands and many islets smaller, which are between the coast and the island of Corsica. For the protection of flora and fauna in 1990, part of the archipelago was announced by the National Park, and in 1998 the park was significantly expanded.

On the beautiful Islands For many years were prisons. But the places of conclusion in Caprai and Pianosa (Pianosa) have long been closed, and the bays are now filled with divers and submariners. The only "prison island" remains Gorgon, its visiting requires a special permission. The same applies to the strictly protected protected area - the island of Montecristo.

Rocky Rocky Island Gilo and above all three of his Porto village (Porto), Castello (Castello) and Campese (Campese) are highly appreciated by Italian vacationers. Here you can come here a few flights a day from Porto S. Stefano. The place of the berth is the port of Giglio Porto. Castello is the main settlement and administrative center of the island - located on the hills; Houses are outstanding in the strengthening wall. The fishing village of Kampezé and his pleasant bay, limited to Torre de Campese, 1705, look picturesquely. In Campis - the longest summer beach island. In the southern coast, Gilo still preserved virgin nature. And on the east - on a narrow coastal strip old port buildings are praying. Powerful Torre Del Porto Tower (Torre del Porto) was erected in 1596


Calata Italia 26, Portoferraio;
Tel.: 0565914671;
Fax: 05 65 91 63 50;

So stated Napoleon when disembarking on the island.
But he could not. Not so he was a man to spit in the ceiling and contemplate.
Customs, taxes, duties, roads, theater, vineyards and other Elbian economy entertained him on the island.
As far as it was possible for a person accustomed to large-scale activities. All the same, that the inquisitive child is planted in a playpen. For 9 months and 21 days.
The path to Elbe for Napoleon began on April 11, 1814 in the French city of Fontainebleau. On this day, between Napoleon Bonaparte and representatives of the Austrian Empire, the Russian Empire and the Prussian Kingdom, a contract was concluded, according to which the allies were deprived of Napoleon power over the French Empire and sent him to the exile to Elba Island. Napoleon, after his renunciation, he received the ownership of Elba Island, at which 12 thousand people lived.

The emperor in retirement armed with Tomikomik "Notes on Elba Island" and went to the island.

On the pier in Portoferrajo Napoleon met the mayor - Pietro tradition with a silver dish, on which the keys from the sea gate were lying. The real keys from the gate were lost and the mayor ordered urgently to keep the keys to his own basement. Now these basements, hastily gilded keys lay in front of Napoleon. The new owner of Elba turned to the mayor with the traditional phrase: "Take these keys to yourself, Mr. Mayor, they will not find more leaning hands." So Signor Traditis did not have to come up with new ways to unlock your basement.

Napoleon, having acquainted with possessions, sealed, seeing how "little and poor his new kingdom." But life continued.
Reminted emperor built a residence in Portoferrajo - Palazzina Dei Mulini (Palazzina dei Mulini), located in the highest part of Portoferrajo, between the Fort of Stela and Fort Falcé, on the site of old windmills, from where the name "Mulini" (Mulino - windmill).

In front of their shakers, Napoleon broke a kindergarten. Sea, 30-meter cliffs, Tuscany outlines away. Napoleon went out to walk at night and wandered.
We have a desire to watch the Villa's device (let the authentic exhibits, which are related to Napoleon, can not even be).
However, in the days of our stay on the island, Pallazzina Dei Mulini was closed for reconstruction. Often reconstructed, given that in 2008 there was a last global reconstruction worth 1 million 300 thousand euros (on both villas).


Top view on Pallazzina Dei Mulini.

Could I pass by them, in the parking lot at the Villa San Martino so colorfully parked?

For those who reach the bus - they depart from Portoferrajo (port) and are directed directly to San Martino.

The track leading to Villa San Martino can buy Mussolini. On souvenirs.

Or paintings with halbs.

Walkway to Ville San Martino.

The hotel, as far as I remember, is also called "Napoleon".

And in the courtyard of the hotel, another magnet for a person with a camera.

Villa San Martino in front of you.
Napoleon did not live in this building. It was built later, in 1859, on the initiative of Prince Anatoly Demidov, the spouse of Countess de Montfort, Napoleon's nieces. The Demidov family came to Italy from Tula, where his parents managed to get rich in the extraction of ores in the Urals and Siberian mines.

Tourists in the yard Villa.

The ticket costs 3 euros. How else to comment on this photo.

Bee - Personal coat of arms of Napoleon, the collar of immortality and resurrection.
The bee was chosen to connect a new dynasty with the origins of France.
Bee is the oldest emblem of Independence of France.

Anatoly Demidov since childhood admired Napoleon and dreamed of creating his museum. Unsuccessful marriage with Matilda de Montfort did not change his intentions. In 1851, he acquires the residence of Napoleon on the Elbe, builds a grand villa of San Martino and fills it with memorable things and works of art. At the same time, he highlights the church in Portoferrajo a large amount of money with the wish, in order to annually on May 5, on the day of the death of Napoleon, served the solemn Mass. This tradition is still preserved.

Inside the villa built by Demidov

I assume that this is the most "rarest exposition of more than 70 satirical drawings from British newspapers, where the British are ridiculed by Napoleon in Exile.

If you get around the Demidov villa and climb the steps, then you will get directly to the house in which the exile lived.
The windows are open not just so, through them you can be brought to the elements of the Napoleonic times.

Napoleon's written table.


The inner decoration of the Napoleon housing is quite modest, but conveniently arranged and having everything you need: bedroom, several cabinets.
But from all rooms I will show only the "Egyptian" hall, the walls of which are decorated accordingly.
That's just a strange lamp would be removed.

On February 26, 1815, Napoleon left ELBA.
They say that: "Leaving on the square in front of the sea gate, Napoleon's carriage stopped. The gathered shouted: "Long live Napoleon!"
The emperor addressed the public:
- Elbeans! I do not know how to remain ungrateful. I will always keep about you the best memories. Farewell! I love you so much!"

He returned to power for a hundred days, recycled her after the defeat in the battle of Waterloo on June 18, 1815. On June 22, 1815, he renounced the throne and soon surrendered to the British. They sent Napoleon to a new link to the island of Saint Helena, where he died.
Memories of him on Elbe Lives - the time of the reign of Napoleon was one of the bright events in the history of the island.
And these memories even bring the Baryshie Elbeans.
Now Napoleon for Elba is the same as Mozart for Vienna.

See also: