Plan Characteristics of a separate country France. General information about France

The French Republic is a state in Western Europe. The capital is the city of Paris.

The population is 64.7 million people (January 2010), including about 90 percent - citizens of France. Believers - mostly Catholics (over 76 percent)

Head of State - President.

The population density is approximately equal to the Middle Eastern - a little more than 100 people / km 2 .

SAMI big country Foreign Europe (550 thousand km 2 ).

Geographical position

Most of France is located in Western Europe, its mainland in the north borders with Belgium, in the northeast - with Luxembourg and Germany, in the East - with Switzerland, in the south-east - with Monaco and Italy, in the south-west - with Spain And Andorra. France is washed by four aquatic spaces (La Mans, Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea). In the West and the North, the territory of the country is washed Atlantic Ocean (By the Biscay Bay and Strait of La Mans), in the south - Mediterranean Sea (Lyon Bay and Ligurian Sea). The length of marine borders is 5,500 kilometers. France is the largest in the territory of the country of Western Europe: it takes almost one fifth of the territory of the European Union, has extensive marine spaces (the exclusive economic zone extends in the territory of 11 million square meters. Km).

Also, the state includes the island of Corsica in the Mediterranean and more than twenty overseas departments and dependent territories. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe country is 550 thousand km² (643.4 thousand km² together with overseas territories and departments).

Climate France

The climate in the European territory of France is moderately sea, translating in the east to moderately continental, and on the southern coast to the subtropical. In total, three types of climate can be distinguished: Oceanic (in the West), Mediterranean (in the south), continental (in the center and east). Summer is quite roast and dry - the average temperature in July reaches + 23-25 \u200b\u200bdegrees, while for winter months it is characterized rain at air temperature + 7-8 ° C.

Natural resource potential

Natural resources and their use. Evaluation of natural resource potential for the development of industry and agriculture. France is rich in reserves of iron ore (developed ferrous metallurgy), bauxites (developed non-ferrous metallurgy) and potash salt, large reserves of uranium, poorly combustible mineral resources, due to these, a powerful oil refinery has arisen. The country passes to alternative energy sources, in every way trying to eliminate dependence on imports of raw materials.

A large number of NPPs brought it to the leading position in the world for the production of atomic energy. Agroclimatic resources contribute to the active development of agriculture. Rich land, water resources. Most of the area occupy processed lands, many lands adapted under pastures. Natural resources for the development of industry and agriculture are generally favorable.


The population of France for January 2010 is 65.4 million people. 62.8 million people live on continental territory. According to the population, the state occupies the 20th place among 193 UN member countries.

Population density in France - 116 people / km². According to this indicator, the country occupies the 14th place among the European Union countries.

It is characterized by a second type of reproduction - "demographic winter" with low rates of fertility, mortality and natural growth (0.4%). The total fertility coefficient in France is one of the highest in Europe - 2.0 children on a woman. The demographic policy is aimed at stimulating the fertility: the birth of the third and fourth child is actively encouraged here, one-time child's birth allowing in the amount of 260% of the main salary at the first and 717% per subsequent child, pregnancy leave is paid in the amount of 90% salary.

Located loans for housekeeping and housing benefits, 90% of which are repaid at the birth of a fourth child. On the territory of France, the peoples of the Indo-European family of the Romaneskaya Group - French are dominant. Basis lives, the peoples of the Koisan group of the Nilo-Sugar family, Bresston, the Celtic group of the Indo-European family. Also live, Corsicans, Catalan. Paris is the largest city (and the largest agglomeration) in France.

Megalopolis is not. The share of the population engaged in the service sector of about 40% of the economically active population (EAN) is employed: in industry 22, 3%; in rural, forestry and fisheries 7, 3%; in construction 7, 3%; Transport and links 6%. Unemployed - 10% EAN. Ean France is over 40% of the country's total population.

The share of the urban population of France is average of 60-80%. At 107 person density. KM, France is one of the densely populated territories of the planet, but the average in Europe. In France, migration is mainly represented by immigration. People go to the major cities of this developed country, which is included in the "Great Seven". Basically, of course, sent to Paris. The inhabitants of the depthings also move to Paris and major cities. There are also internal migrations characteristic of all states, as well as the process of suburbanization.

The largest country in Europe on the territory is France. Its area is 551 thousand square meters. km. France belong large Island In the Mediterranean Sea - Corsica. Also, France has distant, overseas possessions. The biggest and famous is the island of Tahiti.

But her population is not small - 61.1 million people; However, in this regard, France is significantly inferior, for example, Germany (82 million inhabitants).

The capital of France is the city of Paris on the Seine River. it big city With a population of 10 million people (pay attention, almost every sixth Frenchman lives in Paris). Here are the famous monuments of history and architecture: the Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God (Notre Dame), Eiffel Tower, Louvre Palace, and many others.

Paris is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is located in the center of the historic region Il de France. Hence the french lands began in the past.

Western and northern regions of France - plains and lowlands; In the center and in the east - mountains of medium height (central French array, veins, yura). In the southwest - Pyrenees, in the south-east - Alps. In French territory there is the highest mountain peak of France and Western Europe - Mont Blanc.

France's climate is very favorable. Everywhere, even small negative temperatures in winter are considered to be rare. On the coast of the Mediterranean - subtropical, Mediterranean climate. Grow olive trees. Everywhere grown vegetables and potatoes, wheat, corn. Almost everywhere you can grow grapes (except relative to Northern Normandy), especially famous for them historical area Burgundy. Highly developed animal husbandry. Forests are preserved in France. In this regard, France is unique to Western Europe - forests take up to a quarter of its territory.

France is a country with highly developed industry. This is a cosmic power with its cosmodrome in Oceania and Arian missiles. Many industries are well developed, but the automotive industry (Renault, Peugeot), aircraft construction and light industry have special importance for the country, that is, the production of fashionable clothing. Everywhere the French are famous for their culinary art. Many cities are famous for their kushans.

The history of France begins from the Galov tribes (Celts), which settled it in many centuries to our era. Also, now France is sometimes called Gallium. Gallium was conquered by ancient Rome. After the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, the German tribes of Franks came here and mixed with gallas. Franks ruled kings. King Charles Great combined most of Europe in the 8th century, and after his death, this huge empire broke up. France began to manage the descendants of Karl the Great. In the 10th century, the genus of Carroling, to which they belonged, prevented. A new king was elected, Hugo Cappets. Paris became the capital.

Cappeties ruled the country to the greatest French revolution of 1789. After the revolution, France became a republic. But very soon power captured the talented ambitious general Napoleon Bonaparte. He achieved the loud military victories, won almost all of Europe, proclaimed himself with the emperor. But after his defeat, Russia was overthrown. France briefly visited the monarchy and restored the republic.

During World War II, France was occupied by fascist Germany. But the French could not submit; The movement of resistance, which was headed by Charles de Gaulle, who after the liberation of France was elected president.

France is part of the European Union. Head of State - President Francois Hollande.

Official language is French. The monetary unit is euro.

French Republic- State in Western Europe. The motto of the republic is "Freedom, equality, fraternity", its principle is the rule of the people, the people and for the people. On October 4th, 1958, the fifth republic was established in France. Since 2012, French President - Francois Hollande. The capital is the city of Paris. France is a nuclear power and one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council. Since the 1950s, France is one of the states involved in the creation of the European Union. The territory of the French Republic takes 674,685 km.

The population of France consisted in 2008 63.8 million inhabitants, and already for January 2010 - 65.4 million people. 62.8 million people live in continental territory. According to the population, the state occupies the 20th place among 193 UN member countries.

Population density in France - 116 people / kmі. According to this indicator, the country occupies the 14th place among the European Union countries. The total fertility coefficient in France is one of the highest in Europe - 2.01 child for one woman reproductive age. Believers are predominantly Catholics (over 76 percent). The legislature is the two-permanent parliament (Senate and National Assembly). Administrative and territorial division: 27 regions (22 metropolis and 5 overseas regions), including 101 Department (96 in the metropolis and 5 overseas departments).

Industry. Iron and uranium ore mining are underway, bauxite. Leading industry manufacturing industries - mechanical engineering, including automotive industry, electrical and electronic (TVs, washing machines, etc.), aviation, shipbuilding (tankers, marine ferries) and machine-tooling. France is one of the world's largest manufacturers of chemical and petrochemical products (including caustic soda, synthetic rubber, plastics, mineral fertilizers, pharmaceutical goods and other), black and non-ferrous (aluminum, lead and zinc) metals. Large fame in the world market enjoy French clothing, shoes, jewelry, perfumes and cosmetics, brandy, cheeses (produced about 400 varieties).

France is a highly developed industrial-agricultural country, occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of industrial production. Gross domestic product is 1.9 trillion euros in 2009. GDP per capita in the same year amounted to 30,691 euros. France is the 6th economic power of the world after the United States, China, Japan, Germany and the UK.

Railway transport. France railway transport is very developed. Local and night trains, including TGV ("Trains and Grande Vitesse" - high-speed trains) associate the capital with all major cities of the country, as well as with neighboring European countries. The speed of the movement of these trains is 320 km / h. The France railway network is 29370 kilometers, and is the longest railway network among Western European countries. Railway communication exists with all neighboring countries, except Andorra.

Metro in France is available in Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Lille, Toulouse, Rennes. In Ruang - partially underground high-speed tram. In addition to the metro system, in Paris there is a RER network (Reseau Express Regional), connected simultaneously with the metro system and the suburban train network.

The climate in France is predominantly moderate, which provides a soft air temperature throughout the year.

The territory of France, named "L" Hexagone ", i.e. Hexagon, is divided into 4 climatic zones:

Soft and wet ocean climate with cool summer in the west along Bayonna - Lille;

Mountain climate with harsh winter and hot summer in Alsace, Lorraine, along the Rhone Valley and in the Mountains (Alps, Pyrenees, Central Array);

Moderately continental climate in the north, in the Paris and Central Region, where cool winter and warm summer;

The south of the country belongs to the Mediterranean climatic zone with warm winter and a hot summer.

Weather in France is also distinguishable - there are rarely sharp changes, and usually do not reach extremes - too hot or too cold temperatures. In summer, the weather in France is arid, but this effect is softened by the Western Wind, which brings freshness. In winter, the weather in France is relatively warm, the snow is rare. In the forests, occupying about a quarter of the country, rush, rush, birch, oak, spruce, cork tree. On the Mediterranean coast - palm trees, citrus. Among the representatives of the fauna are distinguished deer and fox. Kosley dwells in the Alpine regions, wild boar has been preserved in remote forests. A large number of different types of birds, including migratory. Reptiles are rare, and among the snakes only one poisonous - viper. Many fish species live in coastal sea waters: herring, cod, tuna, saardine, mackerel, flounder, silver heck.

France's relief is very diverse, promotes the active development of ski tourism and mountaineering. The highest point of France - Mont Blanc - 4800 m (Alps), and, accordingly, it is the highest point in Europe. Also on the territory of France, part of mountain Massiva Pyrenees. Thus, the Alps separate France from Italy and Switzerland, and Pyrenees from Spain. North of the mills are represented in the form of plains and incredible beauty of the valleys of the rivers.

National holidays in France. In France 10. festive days. The holidays in France are January 1, 1 and 8, Monday of the Easter Week, the Ascension of Christ, July 14, August 15, November 1 and 11 and December 25. These days most institutions, banks, shops are closed. Five times a year, French schoolchildren and students go to vacation: a week for the holiday of all saints (at the end of October), for two weeks for Christmas, another two in February and in spring and, of course, in the summer in July and August. In these periods, tourist sites and streets become more crowded.

Timezone. From the end of March to the end of October, the clock in France is translated from GMT + 1 to GMT + 2 (GMT \u003d Greenwich Meridian Time - time according to Greenwich, corresponding to the zero meridian of longitude).

In the Departments of the French Metropolis, starting from 2002 and in the following years, the summer time period begins on the last Sunday of March at 02:00. At this moment, the clock is transferred one hour ahead.

Summer time period ends on the last Sunday of October. At 03:00 hours, the clock is translated apart.

France: general characteristics of the country

Official name - French Republic (Republique Francaise, FRENCH REPUBLIC). Located in the western part of Europe. France is 547 thousand km2, the population is more than 66.6 million people. (2014). Official language - French. The capital of the state is Paris. Public Holiday - Bastille take day on July 14th. The monetary unit is the euro (from 2002, before this is French franc).

An integral part of France is overseas territories ( French polynesia, South and Atlantic Territories, New Caledonia, Wallis and Futun Islands), Overseas Departments (French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique) and territorial community (Mayotte, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon). Total area 4 thousand km2, population 1.8 million people.

France - UN member (from 1945), IMF and World Bank (since 1947), NATO (1949-66), EOOS (from 1951), OECD (since 1961), EU (since 1957), OBSS (from 1973), " Big seven "(from 1975), EBRD (from 1990), WTO (since 1995).

France is located between 42 ° 20 'and 51 ° 5' north latitude; 4 ° 27 'Western and 8 ° 47' Eastern longitude. The length from the north to the south is about 975 km., From east to west - about 950 km. In the north, the territory of France is washed by the straits of the North Sea, Pa de Calais and La Mans, in the West - the Biscay Bay of the Atlantic Ocean, in the south - the Mediterranean Sea.

France is the largest in the territory of the country of Western Europe : It occupies almost one fifth of the territory of the European Union, has extensive marine spaces (the exclusive economic zone extends on the territory of 11 million square meters. km). Also, the state includes the island of Corsica in the Mediterranean and more than twenty overseas departments and dependent territories. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe country is 547 030 km.kv. (674,685 km.kv. Together with overseas possessions).

Extension coastline Continental France It is 3427 km. The length of the land borders of France is about 2892.4 km. France in the north-east borders Belgium (border length - 620km.), Luxembourg (73км.) And Germany (451km), in the East - with Switzerland (border length - 573км.), Southeast - with Monaco (4 , 4km.) And Italy (488km), in the southwest - with Spain (border length - 623km.) And Andorra (60 km.).

Read more about the geographical position of France:

France on the map of Western Europe:

In France, there are all types of Western European landscape . Hilly or mountain terrain is distinguished by the central, eastern and southern parts.

The largest largest mountain area of \u200b\u200bFrance - Central French array (highest point - Mountain Puy de Sansi, 1886 m) - basalt plateau, alternating with volcanic cones, plateaus, rivers of the Loire pool. In the south-east of France, the highest mountains of Western Europe are stretching - the Alps (the highest point - Mont Blanc, 4807 m), from the west framed by the average ridges - prevasses that continue in the north of the Mountains of Yura and Vagesa (Balon de Gerbiller, 1423 m). South-West France is busy with Pyrenees (Vinmal, 3298 m).

North and West, almost 2/3 of the territory of France, low and sublime plains; The largest of them is the Paris pool. In the south-west of France, in parallel to the Biscay bay, the coastal plains of Aquitania (Landa) stretch with a chain of dunes up to 100 m. In the North-West, the plains are transferred to the Armorican elevation, washed by the North Sea Straights. In the south-west and south of France, Ronskaya and Langecedok lowland merge. The territory of France comes a small part of the Upperaine lowland.

Read more about the relief of France:

In France there are several climatic zones .

Climate France It is characterized by moderation in everything: in the heat, rains, winds and cold. The country is in the west of Europe, and the main factor determining its weather is atlantic air masses.

In the west of France, the marine climate is pronounced . This means rain all year round, a soft smugmer winter with eternal dampness (especially for Brittany and Aquitaine) and a cool and, again, raw summer. The weather is mostly cloudy, although in Nante and Bordeaux Sun more than in Northern Normandy. On the Islands of Brittany (Bel-Ile, Breea, etc.), the microclimate reigns - here is less rain and more sunny days than on the continent, and never happens. Therefore, palm trees, mimosa and fig trees can grow here. The Atlantic Ocean does not differ for the warmth of its water: in Ruyan, it is observed + 17 ° C in June and + 20 ° C in August, in Brittany and is less. It is even worse in Normandy: the water of La Mans is heated only to + 18 ° C in August.

In Central France (Paris, Champagne, Loire Valley), despite the overall mildness of the climate , seasons are still expressed clearer. Winter is colder here, and the summer is hotter and rain smaller than on the coast. In the north-east of France (Alsace, Lorraine), the climate is already moderately continental, with small frosts in winter. Nancy and Strasbourg have a reputation as the coldest cities of the country, but frosts are compensated for by the lack of wind. Spring and autumn here is shorter than in the center of the country, and the summer heat is observed only during the day - the freshness is clearly felt at night.

In the south of France and on the island of Corsica, the picture is another - here pronounced mediterranean climate . This means an almost complete lack of rain in the summer and their obsessive presence in winter. Cote d'Azur has long won the title of one of the most sunny regions of the world. The Rhone River Valley (space from Lyon to Marseille) constantly suffers from the grueling wind "Mistral", which can blew at any time of the year, and the wind "Trachemant" is experiencing in winter and spring for the strength of residents of the Languedoc-Roussillon region. But in general, the winter period is characterized by south of france soft climate . The temperature of the Mediterranean is an average of + 20 ° C in June and + 23 ° C in August.

Mountain areas France (Alps, Pyrenees, Central Array, Jurassic Mountains) differ in the difference between day and night temperatures. Winter here are cold and snow, and summer days are hot, which does not exclude the cold at night. In January - March, there is a height of the ski season at Savoy resorts (Val-D'izer, Tin, etc.).

Read more about France's climate:

France is distinguished by an extensive river system . Thanks to its successful geographical position, France, washes by the waters of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea, is rich in their own water resources. At the same time, there are very few lakes in France, but there are no largests at all. Most rivers are completely proceeding through the territory of France, because Take their origin in the mountains of the Central French Array. Most of the River France owns the Atlantic Ocean basin.

Among the France rivers Loire is considered the longest. Its length is 1020 kilometers, the pool area is 115.120 square kilometers. The origins of Loire are in the Department of Ardesh, at an altitude of 1408 meters above sea level. Initially, the Water Loires proceed almost from the south to the north under the influence of tertiary sediments of the central French array, but in the area of \u200b\u200bOrleans the river sharply changes the direction to the West and up to his adoption in the water of the Atlantic Ocean, the direction does not change. On the shores of Loire there are such cities of France as Rouen, Nevel, Orleans, Blois, Tour, Angers (Le-Pont de Ce), Nantes. Loire flows into the Biscay Bay. In addition to her in the same bay, such major Rivers of France as Garonna (575 km) and Dordogne, forming a common estarium - Gironda.

Lake France is divided into three groups : Mountain lakes, lakes located on the plain and lakes are located on the sea coast. Little lakes of France predominantly glacial origin. The largest of them are bourge (45 square meters. Km) and Annecy (28 square meters) in the Alps, deep and extensive Geneva Lake In pre-founded deflection, serving the border between France and Switzerland.

Read more about the inner waters of France:

Flora France

20% of the territory of France covers forests, focused mainly in Western Aquitaine, in the eastern part of the Paris basin, in the Alps and Pyrenees. Upper forest border - 1600-1900 m above sea level in the Alps, 1800-2100 m in the Pyrenees. Above they go to subalpine shrubs, and at an altitude of 2100-2300 m in alpine meadows. For the Mediterranean south, shrubbeds and sparse forests are typical (evergreen oak and drinks). The characteristic landscape of the North-West is heather's empty and meadows.

All vegetation in France Very much changed by human activity in the XIX-XX centuries. The forests that once covered almost the entire country are now occupied by no more than 25% of France Square, despite the landing of the forest in the wasteland after the Second World War. The largest arrays of natural forests are preserved in the mountains - Vogzakh, Jura, the Nordic Alps. Ground areas of seeding forests. Especially great forest landing from seaside pine in Landah. Mostly in France artificial landscapes created by man prevail. Wild forests practically left. However, in France, at present, it is very reverent to the preserved forestry arrays, which are forestry solids and belong to the group of broad-widnopriathly oak, chip-oak, oak-birch forests.

In this way, indigenous forests France Consist mainly of hardwood trees, among which the greatest areas are occupied by oak and beech. From coniferous rocks is the most common pine. For the northern half of the country, oak and beech forests are typical with a significant admixture of the count, birch and alder in the northeast and the domination of the moisture-in-law beech in the north-west. However, not all forest arrays of France have such a structure. The southern regions of the country located on the Mediterranean coast are more likely to evergreen atlantic-Mediterranean forests and have the predominance of oak, cork breeds of the tree.

Read more about Flora France:

Fauna France

France's geographical position determines its climate, which is characterized by sufficient diversity due to the location of France in the extreme western part of the continent, which is influenced by the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea and the Eurasian continent at the same time. In connection with the changing climatic conditions, depending on the specific territory, animal world France Also can be quite different. There is a wide variety of the composition of the animal world, depending on the inhabited territory and climatic conditions (marine climate type, continental, Mediterranean or mountain).

Animal world France It is characterized by a large typical diversity formed on relatively small areas: groves, agricultural land, cooler forests of moderate belt and evergreen Mediterranean forests, wetlands, domestic rivers, sandy and rocky shores, rocks, hills, platea, high mountains, areas under construction - not the entire list of territories with characteristic only by the species composition of the animal world.

The main representatives of the animal world of France are concentrated in forest areas, especially in the mountains. The most common mammals of France : Wild Forest Cat, Fox, Badger, Ermine, Noble Deer, Koslya, Lan, Wild Caban, Squirrel, Hare; In the highlands - Sulna, a mountain goat, Alpine Summer. Numerous birds: hawks, cereals, partridges, rippers, becasy. Among river fish are disseminated perch, pike, pike perch, trout; In the seas wash in France - tuna, mackerel, sardine, cod, flounder.

Read more about Fauna France:

The French Republic includes:
1. Metropolis (divided into 13 regions and 96 departments);
2. Five overseas Department (DOM): Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guiana, Reunion, Mayotte;
3. Five overseas territories (Tom): French Polynesia, Wallis and Futuna Islands, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, Saint-Bartelev, Saint-Martin;
4. Three territories having a special status: New Caledonia, Kliperton, French Southern and Antarctic Territories.

Until December 31, 2015 France is divided into 27 regions (Regions), of which 22 are located on the European Continent, including the separate region of Corsica on the island of the same name, and five more are overseas. Regions do not have legal autonomy, but they can establish their taxes and approve the budget. From January 01, 2016, as a result of the administrative reform in the Metropolis of France, 22 regions were transformed in 13 by merging some regions to one. It gives a clear idea which regions reformed.

27 regions are divided into 101 Department (Departements), which consist of 342 districts (Arrondissements) and 4039 Cantons (Cantons) . The basis of France is 36,682 communes (Communes). The Department of Paris consists of a single commune. Each of the five overseas regions (Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana, Reunion, Mayotte) consist of a single department. The Corsica region (comprising 2 departments) is a special status of administrative and territorial education, differing from other metropolis regions (continental France). It has independent controls that do not obey the center. In 2003, a local referendum was held to combine two departments of Corsica to one - but the inhabitants of the island did not want to unite.

Read more about the administrative and territorial division of France:

France - Sovereign Unitary Democratic Republic . The current Constitution, adopted on October 4, 1958, regulates the functioning of the authorities of the Fifth Republic: establishes the republican presidential and parliamentary form of government (Constitution of the French Republic, Section 2).

The head of state is the president elected for 5 years. Head of Government - Prime Minister.

Executive Power in France presents the Council of Ministers who is appointed by the president in coordination with the Prime Minister. In France, the Prime Minister is responsible for current internal and economic policies, and also has the right to issue a general decrees. He is considered responsible for the policies of the government (Article 20 of the Constitution). The Prime Minister heads the government and ensures the execution of laws (Article 21).

Legislative power in France belongs to parliament comprising two chambers in the Senate and the National Assembly. The Senate of the Republic, whose members are elected on the basis of indirect universal voting, consists of 321 senators (since 2011 they are 348), 305 of which represent the metropolis, 9 - overseas territories, the 5th territory of the French community and 12 French citizens living abroad. Senators are elected for a six-year term (since 2003, and until 2003 - by 9 years), the electoral collegium consisting of deputies of the National Assembly, general advisers and delegates from municipal councils, while the Senate is updated every three years to half. The National Assembly, whose deputies are elected on the basis of direct universal voting for a period of 5 years, consists of 577 deputies, 555 of which represent the metropolis, and 22 - overseas territories.

The judicial branch of power in France belongs to the courts. The activities of the French judicial system are regulated in the VIII section of the Constitution "On the judiciary". The President of the country is the guarantor of the independence of the judiciary, the status of judges is established by law, and the judges themselves are not replaced. French justice is based on the principles of collegiality, professionalism, independence, which are provided by a number of guarantees.

System of local governments in France Built in accordance with its administrative-territorial division. It is represented by communes, departments and regions where elected bodies exist.

Read more about the State Device of France:

As of January 1, 2018, the number of people living in France and the constituent of its population It is estimated at 67.2 million, including 65 million in France and 2.2 million in overseas departments (DOM). This figure does not include 604 400 inhabitants of foreign communities (COM) and New Caledonia.

At the same time, about 6% of the population of France (3.8 million people) do not have French citizenship. In contrast, about two million people who are citizens of France live outside the country. Thus, we can say that about 64 million citizens of France live in the world.

Common fertility rate in France In 2018 reached the value of 1.87 (in 2014, this coefficient was 2.01), which is significantly less than in 1950 (2.9), but exceeds the same indicator among the population of France in the 1990s when the fertility coefficient In France, barely reached 1.8. According to this indicator, France is ahead of the average birth rate in Europe, but this value is not enough to ensure the resumption of generations. Nevertheless, the population continues to grow due to the form of the pyramid, immigration and increase the life expectancy among the population of France, which in 2018 amounted to an average of 79.4 (in 2014 - 79.2) among men and 85.3 years (in 2014 - 85.4) - among women.

It is 118.8 people per 1 km2 in January 2018. This indicator is sufficiently low compared to other European countries. However, due to the fact that almost two thirds of the territory of France are occupied by meadows, mountains and forests, on the rest of the territory, the density reaches 289 people per 1 km2.

About 5 million people They have foreign origins (immigrants or immigrants were their parents or grandparents), of which 2 million people have French citizenship. For 1000 people, the average accounts for 1.52 migrants. From 5 to 6 million inhabitants are Muslims.

Read more about the population of France:

Official name - French Republic (Republique Francaise, FRENCH REPUBLIC). Located in the western part of Europe. The area is 547 thousand km2, the population is 59.7 million people. (2002). State language is French. Capital - Paris (9.6 million people). State party - Bastille take day on July 14. The monetary unit is the euro (from 2002, before this is French franc).

An integral part of France is the overseas territories (French Polynesia, South and Atlantic Territories, New Caledonia, Wallis and Futun Islands), Overseas Departments (French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique) and territorial community (Mayotte, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon). Total area 4 thousand km2, population 1.8 million people.

UN Member (from 1945), IMF and World Bank (from 1947), NATO (1949-66), EOOS (since 1951), OECD (since 1961), EU (from 1957), Ossass (from 1973), "Big Seven "(Since 1975), EBRD (from 1990), WTO (from 1995).

Sights of France

Geography France

Located between 42 ° 20 'and 51 ° 5' north latitude; 4 ° 27 'Western and 8 ° 47' Eastern longitude. In the north, the territory of France is washed by the Straits of the North Sea of \u200b\u200bPa de Calais and La Mans, in the West - the Biscay Bay of the Atlantic Ocean, in the south - the Mediterranean Sea. The length of the coastline is 3427 km. France borders with Andorra, Spain, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Monaco, Italy, Switzerland.

In France, there are all types of Western European landscape. Hilly or mountain terrain is distinguished by the central, eastern and southern parts. The largest mountain area is the central French array (the highest point - Mountain Puy de Sansi, 1886 m) - basalt plateau, alternating with volcanic cones, plateaus, rivers of the Loire pool. In the south-east, highland Alps stretch (Mont Blanc, 4807 m), from the west framed by the average ridges - prevasses that continue in the north of the Mountains of Jura and Vagesa (Cylon de Gerbiller, 1423 m). Southwest is busy with Pyrenees (Vinmal, 3298 m).

North and West, almost 2/3 of the territory of France, low and sublime plains; The largest of them is the Paris pool. In the south-west, parallel to the Biscay bay, the coastal plains of Aquitaine (Landa) with a chain of dunes with a height of up to 100 m. In the north-west, the plains are transferred to the Armorican elevation, washed by the North Sea Straights. In the south-west and south, Ronskaya and Languedoc lowlands merge. The territory of France comes a small part of the Upperaine lowland.

The main rivers: Loire (1000 km), Ron (812 km, including 522 km - in France), hay (776 km) and Garonna with the mouth, called Gironda (650 km). In the East, a part of the average flow of the Rhine is held. In France, there is also the southern part of the Lake Geneva.

20% of the territory of France covers forests, focused mainly in Western Aquitaine, in the eastern part of the Paris basin, in the Alps and Pyrenees. Upper forest border - 1600-1900 m above sea level in the Alps, 1800-2100 m in the Pyrenees. Above they go to subalpine shrubs, and at an altitude of 2100-2300 m in the Alpine meadows. For the Mediterranean south, shrubbeds and sparse forests are typical (evergreen oak and drinks). The characteristic landscape of the North-West is heather's empty and meadows.

The main representatives of the animal world of France are concentrated in forest areas, especially in the mountains. Mammals: Wild Forest Cat, Fox, Badge, Ermine, Noble Deer, Koslya, Lan, Wild Caban, Squirrel, Hare; In the highlands - Sulna, a mountain goat, Alpine Summer. Numerous birds: hawks, cereals, partridges, rippers, becasy. Among river fish are disseminated perch, pike, pike perch, trout; In the seas wash in France - tuna, mackerel, sardine, cod, flounder.

In the depths of France, a variety of minerals occur. Gas, iron ore, bauxite, uranium, potash salts are highlighted.

In France there are several climatic zones. In the western part, the marine climate is dominated; in central I. eastern regions - Transition from marine to continental. Sustainable snow cover is held in winter in central array, Alps and Pyrenees. In the mountains, the climate varies significantly with a height right up to the high mountain. South of the Ron Lowland and Mediterranean coast - Dry subtropics.

Population of France

Population density 107 people. 1 km2, which is 2-3 times lower than in neighboring countries, although in separate areas (Paris pool, Provence, Cote d'Azur) The density rate is higher than the average once. 75% of the population live in cities (2002).

The movement of the population of France is historically characterized by alternating long-term sudden lifts and strong falls. The demographic increase in 1896-1946 amounted to only 0.3 million people, and for 1946-2002 - 20 million people. The main part of the increase fell in 1950-70, in 1980-2002 - only 4.9 million people.

The natural population growth is 4% when fertility 13% and mortality 9%. The preservation of a relatively high level of natural growth is due to long-term positive shifts in the reproduction mode of the population and the expansion of immigration. Improving the reproduction mode is manifested in a fairly high (for the European country) fertility, despite the reduction of the number of prisoners and growth of divorces, an increase in the average age of marriage, strengthening the participation of women in public production. There is a stable reduction in mortality rates due to a decrease in child mortality (4 people per 1000 newborns) and an increase in the average life expectancy. The latter is 79.05 years old (including 75.17 years old - in men and 82.5 years in women), one of the first places in the world.

The ratio of men and women - 48.6: 51.4. Age structure Characterized by a pronounced tendency to aging. The proportion of persons aged 0-14 years 18.5%, 15-64 years - 65.2%, 65 years and older - 16.3% (2002).

Due to the rapid increase in the importance of older generations, the growth of the economically active population is lagging behind the general population growth. The number of employed 26.6 million people. In the most able-bodied ages (20-60 years) there is only 45.8% of the economically active population, besides, 40.6% of this group is a person from 40 years and older.

According to forecasts, while maintaining the current demographic trends, the population of France will increase by 2050 by only 5 million people. At the same time, at least 1/3 of the inhabitants will be over 60 years old, and only 20% are younger than 20. The number of economically active population will grow to 2006, and then will begin to decline (by 2020 by 750 thousand. Compared with 2002).

An important component of the demographic situation in France is immigration, ensuring 2-sex. 20 V. OK. 1/4 population growth. In the 1980s - Ser. 90s. Annual influx of immigrants was up to 100 thousand years., With gray. 1990s. As a result of state restrictions, up to 50 thousand people decreased. In 2002 in France, there were 3.3 million resident foreigners, i.e. residents who did not receive the rights of citizenship. Its annually acquire OK. 100 thousand years.; Their children and grandchildren official statistics relate to the number of French. With regard to such categories in France, at least 15 million immigrants from other countries now live - almost 25% of the population.

In 2002, 40.3% of immigrants amounted to Europeans (mainly from Portugal, Spain and Italy), 43% - Africans (mainly from Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia). Immigrants, especially immigrants african countries, have low production qualifications; The possibility of their employment in the conditions of the current stage of the HTR is small, and adaptation to the standards of life of the new homeland is difficult due to deep intercultural differences. Socio-economic problems (unemployment, crime) arising in this regard are manifested in political life with an accelerated increase in the influence of the extreme right parties.

France is characterized by a high level of educational training. In 2002, the education system covered 14 million 390 thousand students and students, St. 1 million teachers, professors. Higher education has 6.6% of the inhabitants, the secondary special is 15.1%. 79% of graduates of lyceum became bacalars in 2002. According to the total amount of education costs and by their share in France's GDP is at one of the first places in the world.

The overwhelming part of the population is the French. Several small ethnic minorities arose historically in the border areas, many of which were previously related to other countries. Now minorities do not exceed 6.5% of the country's inhabitants. The largest - Alsatz, as well as Bretonians, Flemish, Corsicans, Basic and Catalan. Their cultural features, traditions, languages \u200b\u200bare considered in France as important elements of a common cultural heritage and carefully persist.

By religion, the overwhelming majority of the French are Catholics (83-88%). The second largest confession - Muslims, far advanced Protestants and Jews (, respectively, 5-10, 2 and 1% of the population).

History of France

The territory of France is populated by people from ancient times. The first people who settled on it were Celts (from 6-5 centners to AD). Their Roman name - Galla - gave name and country (the old name of France - Gallium). All R. 1 in. BC. Gallium, conquered by Rome, became its province. Within 500 years, Gaul's development went under the sign of Roman culture - a common, political, legal, economic. In 2-4 centuries. AD Christianity spread in Gaul.

In con. 5 V. Gallium, conquered by the German tribes of francs, became referred to as the Frankish kingdom. The leader of the francs was a talented warlord, a smart and calculating chlodwig politician from the Meroving Dynasty. He basically retained Roman laws and established social relations, the first of the German leaders in the former Roman empire entered into an alliance with the Roman Catholic Church. Mixing francs with a halo-roman population and the fusion of their cultures created a kind of synthesis - the basis for the formation of the future French nation.

Since the death of Chlodv in the beginning. 6 c. The Frank Kingdom was subjected to continuous sections and reunites, performed the shared wars of various branches of mercoings. To gray. 8 in. They have lost power. Karl the Great, who gave the name of the new Dynasty of Carroling, founded a huge empire consisting of almost all modern France, part of Germany and as a dannikov - North and Central Italy and Western Slavs. After his death and the section of the Empire (843), as an independent state, the West Frankish Kingdom was separated. This year is considered a point of reference to the history of France.

To con. 10 V. The caroling dynasty was interrupted; The king of francs was elected Hugo Cappets. Beginning from him the beginning of kapeting (their various branches) were reigning up to the Great French Revolution (1789). At 10 c. Their kingdom began to be called France

France of the epoch of the first cappeps, formally unified, actually shared on a number of independent feudal possessions. The desire of kings to centralization provided gradual overcoming of feudal fragmentation and the formation of a uniform nation. The hereditary ownership of kings (domain) was expanded by dynastic marriages and conquests. Infinite wars and the needs of the growing state apparatus required more and more financial resources. To con. 13 V. Treating the clergy taxes caused a sharp protest of the Pope Bonifacea. Trying to enlist the support of the population in the fight against dad, King Philip IV beautiful (1285-1303) convened in 1302 general states - representation of all 3 estates. So France became the estate monarchy.

To start. 14th century France was the most powerful state of Western Europe. But its further development was slow down due to the century of war with England (1337-1453), which took place entirely in the French territory. By 1415, the British captured almost all of France and threatened its existence as a sovereign state. However, under the leadership of Zhanna D 'Ark, French troops have achieved a fracture in hostilities, which ultimately led to the victory of the French and the expulsion of the British.

To con. 15 V. The completion of the centralization led to the autonomy of the Royal Financial Apparatus from the Cast Representation and the actual termination of the activities of general states. The transformation of the estate monarchy in absolutely began.

In con. 15 - Ser. 16th century France, who tried to achieve Hegemony in Europe and join Northern Italy, led the Italian Wars (1494-1559) with Spain and the Sacred Roman Empire. Without bringing any political results, they completely exhausted financial resources of France, which led to a sharp deterioration economic Regulations countries. The growth of social protest worked closely with the spread of reformative ideas. The split of the population on Catholics and Protestants (Huguenotov) resulted in long religious wars (1562-91), the culmination of which was the mass mass of Gugenotov in Paris (Bartholomeevian night, 1572). In 1591, the King of France under the name Henry IV was proclaimed by the representative of the younger branch of Henry Bourbon, the leader of Huguenotov, who adopted Catholicism. The Nante Edict (1598) published by him, equalizing the rights of Catholics and Huguenots, put an end to the confrontation on religious sign.

17th century There was a time to strengthen French absolutism. In the 1st third of his cardinal Richelieu, actually the country in Louis XIII, mostly eradicated the noble opposition; Its last manifestation was a frond - a mass movement headed by princes of blood (1648-53), after the defeat of which is a major known to have lost political importance. Absolutism reached a peak during the years of independent rule of Louis XIV (1661-1715). With it, it was not allowed to manage the country; He was told by the "King Sun" himself, based on the Secretary-General and the General Controller of Finance (this post for 20 years held a J.-B. B.Colber, an outstanding financier and mercantilist, which made a lot for the development of the French industry and trade).

In the 17th century France led in Europe war sent either to eliminate the dominance of other states (thirty-year war), or to ensure their own hegemony (with Spain in 1659, Dutch wars in 1672-78 and 1688-97). All territorial acquisitions received during the Dutch wars were lost as a result of the War of the Spanish Legacy (1701-14).

From the 2nd floor. 18 V. Absorbing absolutism worried a sharp spiritual and economic crisis. In the spiritual sphere, his expression was the appearance of Pleiads of philosophers and writers, in a new comprehended acute problems of public life (eyelid century). In the economy, the continuing budget deficit, long-term growth of taxes and prices in combination with long-term crowns caused the impoverishment of masses and hunger.

In 1789, in the situation of a sharp exacerbation of the socio-economic situation, under pressure from the third estate (merchants and artisans), the general states were convened after a perennial break. The deputies from the third estate announced themselves with the National Assembly (June 17, 1789), and then - the Constituent Assembly, which adopted the Declaration of Human Rights and Citizen. The rising people took and destroyed the symbol of the "old regime", the Royal Prison Bastilia (July 14, 1789). In August 1792 there was an overthow monarchy (King Louis XVI Kasnong); In September - the republic was proclaimed. The uprising of the extremely left part of its supporters led to the establishment of the bloody Jacobin dictatorship (June 1793 - July 1794). After the coup on July 27-28, 1794, the government moved to more moderate thermadorians, and in 1795 to the directory. The new coup, which led to the Directory for Fall (November 1799), turned France to the consulate: the Board focused on 3 consuls; The functions of the first consul laid on Napoleon Bonaparte. In 1804, Bonaparte was proclaimed by the emperor, France turned into an empire.

During the consulate and empire, continuous Napoleonic Wars were conducted. Permanent sets in the army, tax growth, unsuccessful continental blockade depleted France's forces; The defeat of the Napoleonic troops (Great Army) in Russia and in Europe (1813-14) accelerated the collapse of the empire. In 1814, Napoleon broke away from the throne; Burbones returned to power. France again became the monarchy (constitutional). Napoleon's attempt to return the throne (1815) was unsuccessful. According to the decisions of the Vienna Congress (1815), France was returned to the borders of 1790. But the main achievements of the revolution - the abolition of class privileges and feudal contesions, the transfer of land to peasants, legal reforms (civil and other Codes of Napoleon) were not canceled.

In the 1st floor. 19th century France shake revolution. The July (1830) was caused by the attempts of supporters of Bourbon (royalists) to restore the oldest "old mode". She cost the authorities of the main branch of Bourbons, finally overthrown by the revolution of 1848. The president of the newly proclaimed II of the Republic was the nephew of Napoleon - Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte. After the state coup 1851 and the military dictatorship of Louis-Napoleon who followed him, was crowned as an emperor under the name of Napoleon III. France again turned into an empire.

The second Empire (1852-70) became a period of rapid development of capitalism (mainly financial and speculative), the growth of labor movement and the celestial wars (Crimean, Austro-Italian-French, Anglo-Franco-Chinese, Mexican, War in Indochita). Defeat in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 and the unprofitable Frankfurt World (1871) was accompanied by a failed attempt by the overthrow of the government (Paris Commune).

In 1875, the Constitution of the III of the Republic was adopted. In the last quarter of the 19th century. Power in France has stabilized. It was the era of wide external expansion in Africa and south-East Asia and the formation of the French colonial empire. To the end of the nation, the question of the optimal form of the board broke into the fierce struggle between monarchists-cleaned and the Republicans-anti-choelectriculi. Dreifus's case, sharply aggravated this conflict, put France on the line of the civil war.

In the 20th century France entered both the colonial empire, while at the same time having an agrarian-industrial economy who has retraced from the leading industrial powers to the development of industry. The rapid growth of the working movement was expressed in the formation of the Socialist Party in 1905 (Sphio, the French Socintern Section). In the same year, anti-burler won a long-term dispute: a law was adopted on the church department from the state. In foreign policy, rapprochement with the United Kingdom and Russia marked the beginning of Antante (1907).

On August 3, 1914, France joined the 1st world war, which completed 4 years later, in November 1918, as the Winner Power (along with the United Kingdom and the United States). Versailles Agreement 1918 returned France Alsace and Lorraine (who departed to Prussia in the Frankfurt World). She also received a part of the German colonies in Africa and major reparations.

In 1925, France signed Locarnas agreements, guaranteed the Western borders of Germany. At the same time, colonial wars were conducted: in Morocco (1925-26) and in Syria (1925-27).

The war, having significantly pushing the development of the previously returned French industry, ensured the acceleration of economic development. Positive structural shifts in the economy - the transformation of France into an industrial-agricultural power - was accompanied by an increase in labor movement. In 1920, the French Communist Party (FCP) was founded. The Great Depression began in France later than in other countries, and was less acute, but longer. OK. 1/2 of the hired labor turned out to be partially engaged, almost 400 thousand - unemployed. Under these conditions, the working movement has been activated. Under the leadership of the FCP, the Folk Front Association was created, with a big advantage that the parliamentary elections won 1936. On June 7, 1936, trade unions and employers signed Matignon agreements, providing for wage growth by 12%, 2-week paid leave, collective contracts, Introduction 40 - The Schaus Working Week. The People's Front was in power until February 1937.

In 1938, the Prime Minister of France Daladier, together with N. Cheberlane, signed Munich agreements aimed at delaying war in Europe. But on September 3, 1939 F., fulfilling its allied obligations towards Poland, declared German war. "Strange War" (a lackless stay in the trenches on a fortified Franco-German border - "Maginos Lines") lasted several months. In May 1940, the German troops went around the Maginos line from the north and on June 14, 1940 joined Paris, June 16, 1940 Prime Minister P. Stein handed over the power of Marshal A.Petan. According to the concluded Penets, Germany occupied OK. 2/3 of the French territory. The government-located in the uncoopted zone of Visha pursued a policy of cooperation with fascist powers. November 11, 1942 German and Italian troops occupied the unexposed part of France.

Since the beginning of the occupation in France, the movement of resistance, the largest organization of which was created by the FCP National Front. General Charles de Gaulle, who held the post of Deputy Minister of Defense before the war, spoke on June 18, 1940 on Radio from London with a call to all French to resist the fascists. De Gale by great efforts managed to create a free France movement in London (from July 1942 - "Framing France") and ensure that military units and the administration of a number of French colonies in Africa and the administration of a number of French colonies in Africa. June 3, 1943, while in Algeria, de Gaulle formed the French Committee of National Liberation (FCNO). On June 2, 1944, FCNO, recognized USSR, Great Britain and the United States, was transformed into the temporary government of the French Republic.

With disembarking of the Allied troops in Normandy (June 6, 1944), the detachments of resistance were transferred to the offensive throughout the country. In the course of the Paris Uprising (August 1944), the capital was liberated, and in September - all France.

After the liberation of the extremely difficult economic situation, combined with the high prestige of the Communists and Socialists, which made a lot for victory, guaranteed them the mass support of the voters. The left was in power in 1945-47. In 1946, the Constitution of the Republic of IV of the Republic was adopted, where the responsibility of the government to parliament was envisaged (parliamentary republic). The Constitution proclaimed along with civil liberties. Socio-economic rights: for labor, rest, health care, etc. Wide nationalization was carried out. In May 1947, when communists left the government, replaced by the representatives of the Party "Association of the French People", the Government rate moved to the right. In 1948, an agreement on Franco-American Cooperation (Marshall Plan) was signed.

In 1946-54, France led a colonial war in Indochite, which ended with the recognition of the independence of the former colonies. With nach 1950s. Increased national liberation movement in North Africa. Morocco and Tunisia was provided with independence (1956). In Algeria since 1954, combat operations were going, where France could not succeed. The war in Algeria was spawn again the country, party and parliament, causing a continuous government leapfrog. The attempt of the Government of F.Gayar to provide Algeria independence caused the rebellion of the Algerian French - supporters of its conservation in France, supported by the command of French troops in Algeria. They demanded to create the government of the national salvation led by de Galer. June 1, 1958 The National Assembly provided de Gweel relevant authority. By September 1958, his team was prepared by the draft new Constitution, which provided for a cardinal change in the balance of power between the branches of government in favor of the executive. The project was submitted to the referendum on September 28, 1958; It was approved by 79.25% of the French who took part in the voting. So in the history of France a new period began - the Republic. The country de Gaulle was elected president (1890-1970), one of the outstanding political figures of the 20th century. Created by him Party, RPR, in 1958 transformed into the union for the New Republic (UNR), became the ruling party.

In 1959, France announced the recognition of the right of the Algerian people to self-determination. In 1962, Evian agreements on the cessation of hostilities were signed. This meant the final collapse of the French colonial empire, which was even earlier (in 1960) all colonies in Africa came out.

Under the leadership of de Gaulle, France conducted an independent foreign policy. She left the military

nATO organizations (1966), condemned US intervention in Indochita (1966), took a pro -ararabic position during the Arab-Israeli conflict (1967). After the visit of de Gaulle in the USSR (1966), the Franco-Soviet political convergence was outlined.

In the economic sphere, the course was taken by t. Dirizhism - large-scale government intervention in reproduction. The state often tried to replace the business and considered it as a younger partner on economic activity. This policy, ensuring industrialization with con. 1950s, to con. The 1960s turned out to be ineffective - France began to lag behind both economic development and social transformations. In May 1968, the country shocked the most acute socio-political crisis: stormy student unrest and a universal strike. The President dissolved the National Assembly and appointed early elections. They showed the strengthening of the position of UNR (from 1968 - the Union of Democrats for the Republic, Yudr), which conquered St. 70% of mandates. But de Gaulle's personal authority was shaken. In an effort to strengthen it, the President decided to hold a referendum on administrative and territorial reform and the reform of the Senate (April 1969). However, most French (53.17%) expressed themselves against the proposed reforms. On April 28, 1969 de Gaulle resigned.

In 1969, Candidate Yudrian J. Pompidu was elected president of France, and in 1974, after his death, the leader of the center-seat party National Federation of Independent Republicans V. Zhiscar D 'Esten. During the years of their reign, the government was headed by Hollysts (including in 1974-76 - J. Shirak). With con. 1960s. A gradual waste from the conduits began, a number of social reforms were held to meet the requirements nominated during the crisis of 1968. In the field of foreign policy, France continued to carry out an independent line, which was different, however, less rigidity and greater realism. Normalized relations with the United States. With the removal of the UK entry into the EU (1971), France's efforts to expand European integration were intensified. Soviet-French relations continued to develop; France retained the orientation to discharge and strengthen security in Europe.

The first "oil shock" 1973-74 reheated the tendency of the accelerated economic development of France; The second (1981) is "the" power trend ": she switched from the right, in the hands of which was from 1958, to socialists. In the modern history of France, the modern period was the period of "coexistence", political and economic instability, strengthening business positions, gradual modernization of society.

State Device and Political System of France

France is an indivisible, secular, democratic and social state with the republican form of government. Administratively, France is divided into 22 regions, 96 departments, 36,565 communes. Largest cities - Paris, Lyon (1.3 million), Lille (1.0 million), Nice (0.8 million), Toulouse (0.8 million), Bordeaux (0.7 million).

The Constitution adopted by referendum in 1958, as amended 1962 (on the issue of election of the President), 1992, 1996, 2000 (in connection with the signing of Maastorcht, Amsterdam and Nice Contracts, respectively) and 1993 (on immigration).

The form of the Board since 1958 - the Semipsections: The Constitution is clearly indicated by the principle of the priority of the president, who is not responsible for the parliament, but is not the head of government. Since 1995, the President of France is J. Shirak (re-elected in 2002), a representative of the Centerless Soyuz Party for the Union of People "(Sleep), the heiress of the Halft parties.

In the French political system, the president is a key figure. The President is elected for a 5-year term on a majority-based direct universal vote (the right to vote has all citizens upon reaching 18 years of age).

The main function of the president - monitoring the compliance of the Constitution, the fulfillment of the role of the national arbitrator, providing regular and proper activities of the executive and continuity of the state. The president is a guarantee of national independence and territorial integrity, compliance with the France of the international obligations adopted by it, he is the Supreme Commander, represents the country in the international arena, appoints higher civil and military officers. Appoints the Prime Minister, together with him forms the office and stops the powers of the latter during his resignation. The president presides at the Cabinet meetings and approves his decisions.

The President is elected independently of the parliament and has the right of its dissolution with a prerequisite for the announcement of the date of extraordinary elections. The President is deprived of the rights of the legislative initiative, but can issue decrees and decrees with the power of laws, organize referendums on internal and foreign policy issues. The President enjoys the right of an undelated veto on the decision of the Parliament. Finally, the Constitution provides the president of emergency powers in the emergence of a "serious and immediate threat" for the territorial integrity of the country and violation of the "normal activities of state authorities". In general, the presidential power in France is a comprehensive, certain borders it does not.

The Prime Minister is appointed by the president for an indefinite period from the composition of the deputies of the party, which received the majority in the elections. In 2002, this post occupied J.-P. Raffaren. Prime Minister is responsible for the president, and before the parliament. It leads the government's activities and is responsible for it, ensures the implementation of laws, is responsible for the country's defense capability. If necessary, instead of president of the meeting of the Higher National Council of Defense, as well as in exceptional cases - meetings of the Council of Ministers (in the presence of special powers from the president in a particular area). The Prime Minister together with the president participates in the development of the government's economic program, if they belong to different parties (otherwise this is the presidential mission).

The Prime Minister enjoys the law of the legislative initiative: he and members of the Cabinet may publish registered acts on economic and social issues. Approximately 20% of the bills considered by the Parliament are developed by the government, and the overwhelming part (4/5 or more) is accepted.

The French Parliament consists of two chambers - the National Assembly and Senate. Deputies of the National Assembly are elected by the majority principle by direct, universal, equal and secret ballot for a 5-year term. Since 1986, the number of deputies of the National Assembly - 577 (earlier 491). 1 Deputy Mandate accounted for 100 thousand voters. The party's parliament, whose candidates overcame the 5% barrier in all 96 departments. Parliament members do not have the right to occupy posts in the structures of the executive. The usual annual parliamentary session lasts at least 120 days. It is possible to convene a state of emergency session at the request of the Prime Minister or most members of the National Assembly to discuss the issues of special state importance; Its discovery and closure is carried out according to a special decree of the president of the country. At the parliamentary election 2002, the 12th legacy of the National Assembly was elected in the following composition: a dream 355 mandates, French Socialist Party (FSP) 140, Union in defense of democracy (SDP) 29, FKP 21, Radical Party 7, "3-Layered" 3, Other 22 .

Chairman of the National Assembly - R. Foreni (Sleep). The Chairman representing the parliamentary majority is elected for the term of the legis. Its main task is to ensure the normal functioning of the Lower Chamber. 6 of his deputies - the heads of leading parliamentary parties. The agenda of the Parliamentary Meetings is determined by the government, which thus controls the current activities of the National Assembly.

The field of legislative activities of the National Assembly was recorded in the Constitution and is limited to 12 directions (including providing civil rights and freedoms of citizens; the main issues of civil and criminal law; national defense; foreign policy; legal regulation of property relations; nationalization and privatization, taxation and monetary Emissions and, of course, budget approval). Consideration and approval of the budget - the main possibility of parliament to control the activities of the government; And the deputies are forbidden to make proposals leading to an increase in the expenditure part of the budget. Lawmands are carried out within 6 permanent committees (the number established by the Constitution). They include 60-120 deputies; There are invariably representatives of pro-government parties.

The National Assembly is clothed with the right to seek the resignation of the government. The procedure is as follows: with the rejection of the government program as a whole or a separate bill, the government raises the question of confidence; In response, the Lower Chamber is authorized to take a special resolution of the censure. With the support of its not less than 50% of deputies, the Cabinet is obliged to resign. However, the President has the right to retire the Prime Minister, immediately appoint it to this post. Or, on the contrary, to shift the prime minister, despite the support of it by the majority of parliamentarians.

The Upper Chamber of Parliament - Senate (317 members) is elected by a two-way vote and updated by a third every 3 years. The structure of the Senate is identical to the structure of the National Assembly. Senate, unlike the Lower Chamber, cannot stop the activities of the government; In relation to the accepted National Assembly, the laws of the Senate have the right of an undenna veto. The composition of the Senate for May 2003: Sleep 83 Mandate, FSP 68, Centrian Union 37, Liberal Democrats 35, Association of Democrats for Socialism and Europe 16, FKP 16, other 66 mandates.

Based on the 1958 Constitution, a quasi-visa body was created in France - the Constitutional Council. It considers the acts published by the legislative and executive branches of power, for their compliance of the Constitution. In the Council of 9 members. The President of the country, the head of the National Assembly and Senate (3 members each) have the right to nominate them. The appointment is made on a nine-year period and cannot be repeated. The Chairman of the Council is appointed by the President of France from among the members of the Council.

From 1982, the executive in the field - elected (before that was carried out by the prefects appointed by the Prime Minister). At the level of departments by elected bodies are general councils, at the regions level - regional councils.

In France, a democratic and multi-party system has developed. Act OK. 25 parties; In the 2002 elections, 16 of them participated. However, only 3-4 parties have a real impact on political life. This is primarily the right-seat association in support of the republic (ODA), in 2002 transformed into sleep, and left-center-FSP. In con. 1980s. The discharge of the main parties entered the extreme right national front (NF). In the 1990s. The strengthening of tripartis was observed mainly with an increase in electoral success of the NF against the background of stabilizing the right center and weakening of socialists.

The ODR, which emerged in 1976 as the succession of Yudr, continued in foreign policy, continued the Halft tradition of the "special path" of France - the Great Power and the International Mediator. In the 1990s. with the complication of relations between industrial and developing countries, with the liquidation of the Soviet bloc, the need for French mediation has decreased dramatically; Rudiments of Gallism remained in the form of a "special approach" of France practically to all problems of world politics and euro-building. In the economic sphere of ODA, in contrast to the center-night parties, other industrial countries, did not move to neoliberalism. The position of the ODA according to the main economic issues (the role of the state in the economy, attitudes towards business, the fight against unemployment) to the presidential and parliamentary elections 2002 reminded the views of European Social Democrats. With nach 1980s. At the presidential and parliamentary elections, ODA invariably gained 20-22% of the votes. In the 1st round of the presidential election 2002, the candidate from ODO Zhushki received 19.7%, heating the leader of the NF Z.-M.L. Pen is only 2%.

In the face of the threat of victory, the NF ORP set the task of the rallying of the CenterRest forces. Movement created around her, the merger in support of the president became an important factor in the victory of the centered centers in the elections (in the 2nd round J. Shurak received 81.96%). In the future, the movement was transformed into a dream, the leader of which was the famous operator of ODA Alain Juppe. The economic program is still not the proclaimed principles of neoliberalism, it provides for a decrease in state functions and strengthening business support. In the political sphere, sleep puts its task to preserve and maintain the role of the Great Power, the leader of European politics (this manifested itself in the position of France during the war in Iraq 2003).

The second major part of France - the FSP, formed in 1971 on the basis of Sphi, sees its task in the gradual transformation of society in the direction of socialism while maintaining a market economy. In the presidential election 2002, the FSP was defeated, her candidate - Prime Minister L. Zhoshospan, gaining only 16.2% of votes, did not pass in the 2nd round. Defeat 2002 continued the failure of the socialists, which began with gray. 1980s. and caused by their sharp displacement to the right. In 1972, the FSP, who stayed in the deaf opposition, put forward the slogan of "Ripple with capitalism" through large-scale nationalization, the introduction of policy planning, the "fair distribution" of revenues by radical reform of taxation, etc. With this program, the FSP and its leader F. Litteran won a confident victory in the presidential and parliamentary elections 1981. However, a significant deterioration in the economic situation caused by the implementation of measures to "rupture with capitalism" forced the FSP to appeal to practice, and then to theories from the right-hander arsenal . In the next Socialist Program (1991), the Company was no longer offered by the "non-capitalist path of development", but just another model of economic management. As a result, the FSP began to quickly lose the electorate, which launched its dominant positions. The powers of the socialists were full-scale only in 1981-86 and in 1988-93, and the remaining years were limited to either executive or legislative power, which led to the coexistence of either the left president with the right governments (1986-88, 1993-95), either the right president with the left government (1997-2002) or the full care of power in the hands of the right (1995-97). In the 1990s - Nach. 2000s. Socialists lost all elections - from municipal to European (except parliamentary 1997).

Constant lesions weakened the FST function as a "carrier element" of the party structure and, as a result, the position of the entire left grouping of the French party system, and the situation of the Communists complicated by a sharp deterioration. Before 1990s. FCP managed to maintain a stable 8-10% electorate. But then he declined: one part of the voters of the PKP position seemed too traditional and dogmatic, the other, the greatest, not enough radical. In the presidential election 2002, only 3.4% of voters voted to the Secretary General of the FCP R.Yu. FCP, finally lost the situation of the meaningful political force, lagged behind the popularity of extremely left parties, whose leaders on the 1st round of the presidential election 2002 in the aggregate scored 11.2% of the votes (including labor - 5.7%, communist Revolutionary league - 4.3%). The total percentage of supporters of FSP and FCP in 1981-2002 decreased from 37 to 19.6%.

The loss of positions by traditional left parties is largely associated with deep shifts in French society: the transition to the post-industrial stage of development, the growth of the educational level, the elimination of the most flagrant forms of inequality, the erosion of the former large social groups and their political subcultures, the departure of the past generations that considered the central problems class confrontation, presidential or parliamentary options for republican system. All this leads to an increase in voting not by social affiliation, but on the basis of personal political addictions and interests. Hence the emergence of multiple small parties and crushing the electorate.

The situation in modern France was the situation when the small number of supporters of the latest world community projects (neoliberalism, modernization, integration) does not allow formed a large batch in their support. On the contrary, a significant segment of voters, requiring changes, understands the movement backwards, a kind of counterperification. The most consistent and active opponents of neoliberalism and integration are the electorate of the right and left extremist parties: 1/3 of the voting French.

Climbing to power the extreme right national front began with 1974 (0.9% in the presidential election). The NF has not been substantial political force for a long time. Its significance began to grow rapidly in the 1990s, when France covered a deep and protracted economic crisis.

The ideological construction of NF is very primitive. The long-term deterioration of the state of the French economy is explained by the influx of immigrants occupied jobs, and the plot of large foreign capital and Brussels technocrats, which are alien to the interests of France. The proposed recipes are the strengthening of the presidential power and power structures, termination of immigration, exit from the EU, including the rejection of the euro.

The NF is not yet able to transform an increase in the electoral influence in the growth of political influence. The majority electoral system and the refusal of central organizations of ODA and FSP from the electoral agreements with the NF still contributed to a fairly successful reflection of attempts to penetrate the extremely right in various authorities, incl. to the National Assembly. Therefore, the third major part of France is as long as the "power of without power", which does not affect the internal and foreign policy.

For modern France, the relatively low importance of trade unions is characterized. The trade union movement, like the party, is distinguished by a plurality of generating organizations. Main among them: Universal labor confederation (VKT), traditionally close to the FCP; The French Democratic Confederation of Labor (FDTK), independent VKT-Force Usrier and the Universal Confederation of Personnel, and Universal Confederation of Labor Orientation. French trade unions, first really mass organizations that united St. 30% of workers' work, now declare 1.5 million members (10% of the hired labor). However, from this number, the overwhelming part is hiring functions (for example, in PKTK - 810 thousand from 865 thousand declared members).

Among the entrepreneurial associations, the largest movement of French companies (midf), grouping 750 thousand firms. The Nedef takes an active part in the development of economic policy, gives the government recommendations on foreign economic issues, on a par with trade unions, participates in the regulation of the labor market and in the management of the social sphere.

Domestic policy since the 1980s. differed significantly instability. Under conditions, when 2, the main ruling parties were offered to society diametrically opposing variants of the social device and development model, the course directly depended on the party affiliation of the Prime Minister and turns around with his shift. When socialists occupied this post, the internal policy had a pronounced social orientation and award; These features were lost when representatives of the ODA rose at the head of the government, who sought to support business through a decrease in redistribution. A frequent change of ruling parties at the helm of the board deprived and ODA, and the FSP opportunities to bring to the end of the reforms started to end each of them, which had a negative effect on the state of the economy. The course was more consistent in other areas of public life, where the reforms were not canceled with the change of power. So, in the 1980-90s. The death penalty was canceled; An administrative reform was carried out, which united 96 departments in 22 larger regions; Expanded the powers of local authorities. In the social sphere, there was a decline in retirement age from 63 to 60 years, an increase in the duration of vacations up to 5 weeks, a reduction in the working week from 40 to 39, and then up to 35 hours, the empowerment of trade unions, etc.

One of the main directions of the internal policy of the Government of J.-P.Raffaran - the struggle with crime, really noticeably increased in the 1990s. With the exacerbation of the economic situation, the growth of unemployment, especially among immigrants. The reduction in crime was the central slogan of the election campaign Zhushak, which insisted in this connection on the need to strengthen the relevant power structures. In the 2nd floor. 2002 The police reform was carried out: its states were expanded (which were at the level of 1945 - with a 20 millionth increase in the population) and the powers of the police. Another direction of domestic policy is an administrative reform, providing for decentralization, giving more independence to local authorities.

The main focus of France's foreign policy in the last quarter of 20 - NCH. 21 c. Eurostrity appeared. The creation of a single economic space, the general political authority, a joint defense system is invariably proclaimed by the main objectives of all presidents and all governments. France supported all measures to combine Europe: the Schengen Agreement 1990, the Maastricht Treaty (although only 50.8% of voters spoke in his favor), Amsterdam (1997) and Nitzky (2000) treaties. She was a supporter of EU to EU of Greece, Spain and Portugal and a new stage of expansion in the Eastern European direction scheduled for 2004, albeit with reservations regarding the distribution of agricultural subsidies.

For the foreign policy of France, constant anti-catching program is characterized, especially pronounced in the position of Sh. De Gaulle, who became the moal after his care, but did not disappearly disappeared. France constantly opposes its position American for almost all issues of international life. In the last time, an example was the attitude of France to American actions in Iraq, which caused the next deterioration of Franco-American relations.

With gray 1990s. There were changes in relations with developing countries, expressed in the refusal to preserve the priority zones of strategic influence in the former colonies and in a more global approach providing for the reorientation of assistance towards the poorest countries regardless of their former colonial affiliation.

Being a member of NATO from the moment of its foundation, France left the military organization in 1966. She has not returned to it so far, although in 1995 it became a member of the NATO Committee on Defense, and in 1999 he participated in Operations in Kosovo. This return is becoming increasingly problematic, given the desire of France to the creation of an independent Armed Forces of the EU.

The French armed forces include the Land Army, the Naval and Military Falls, as well as the gendarme housing. The number of Armed Forces is 390 thousand. (including the Navy 63 thousand. and Air Force 83 thousand.). The transition to a professional army (from 2000) was carried out within the framework of the military reform conducted since 1996, the completion of which is scheduled for 2015. Its main tasks are the revision of the military doctrine with the movement of emphasis on rapid response to curb conflict foci at any point of the planet, improving the efficiency of the Sun with Reduction of their number is about 300 thousand years., as well as a reduction in military spending. Their share in the state budget for 1992-2002 decreased from 3.4 to 2.57% while maintaining and even expanding financing priority programs in the field of the latest weapons. In terms of military expenditures, France is noticeably superior to Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy. France also has higher costs for military R & D and procurement of armaments (in the budget of 2002 - 28% of military spending).

France is one of the most powerful military powers of the world. Its MIC provides the national sun with modern types of weapons, and also exercises their wide export abroad. In 2002, France occupied the 3rd place in the world to export conventional weapons. France is a nuclear power, in service with its army - 348 nuclear warheads. They are equipped with land-based aircraft and aircraft carrier aircraft carrier "Charles de Gaulle", as well as 2 submarines (the third water descent is planned for 2004).

France has diplomatic relations with Russian Federation. France recognized the USSR on October 28, 1924.

Economy France

Economic evolution of France in the 2nd floor. 20 V. It was distinguished by an unusually wide scale of the state's activities. This intervention, which allowed France to overcome the historically current lag in the economic sphere, to the sir. 1960s. It was relatively effective. But subsequently, attempts to expand the participation of the state in production, to preserve the "redistribution economy" and the "state of universal well-being" were an anachronism that determined the deterioration of the state of the French economy and reducing the dynamics of its development. With the transition of executive and legislative power to the centers in the economic and social sphere, reforms on liberalization began.

France GDP 1520 trillion euro (2002). France occupies fourth seats in the global GDP and exports. However, the proportion of F. in GDP and the export of developed countries in 1980-90. It was reduced:, respectively, from 6.9 to 6.04%, and from 8.86 to 8.11%. Shower GDP 25.50 thousand euros (2002). Unemployment 9.1%, the annual increase in consumer prices is 1.8% (2002).

Economic growth of the 1980s - Nach. 2000s. It was characterized by unevenness. The main macro-phasers grew slowly at the beginning of both decades, especially in 1991-95; The favorable conjuncture was in the 2nd floor. 1980s. And in 1996-2001. The new decline was noted in 2002 and is largely due to a decrease in world demand, an increase in energy prices. The exit from the crisis was outlined in Ser. 2003.

Shifts in manufacturing GDP consisted in reducing the significance of agriculture and industry while simultaneously increasing the scope of services. The share of the agrarian sector decreased in 1980-2002 from 3.7 to 3.1%, industry, including construction, from 42.0 to 26.4%. Accordingly, the services increased from 54.3 to 70.5%. The modern structure of GDP for production fully corresponds to similar proportions of other developed countries. This also applies to the French Employment Structure, where changes went in the same directions. During this period, employment proportions were redistributed from agriculture and construction and construction (fall from 8.7 to 4.5% and from 34.2 to 23.1%, respectively) to the service sector (growth from 57.1 to 72.4% ).

The French industry (without construction) accounts for 22.2% of GDP, 3.93 million busy, 20% of the total investment, 94% of commodity exports, 1/3 of direct foreign investment. Pretty sluggish development of this sphere in the 1980s - Ser. 90s. In the last five years of 20 V. Replaced rapid growth (3.8% on average annually). Investments grew by 7-8%, incl. Intangible assets (training specialists, R & D, Purchase of computer programs, advertising) - by 10-12% per year. The acceleration contributed to good global conjuncture, an increase in domestic demand due to the resorption of unemployment, the overall improvement in the positions of the French private business that frightened by the end of the century. Not the last role was played by a low rate of the franc when moving to a single euro. The French industry has surchated 1997-98 crisis without prejudice. Worse was the reaction to the crisis of the beginning. 21 p.: In 2001, production growth was only 0.6%, in 2002 - 1.6%.

In the 1980s-90s. In industry continued deep structural transformations, consisting in concentration of efforts on several advanced industries - the automotive industry, the production of telecommunications equipment, pharmaceuticals and perfumery, aerospace technology, nuclear power engineering. The cumulative share of these 5 industries in the industry turnover is 43.8%.

The leading position is the automotive industry (17.7% of the general industrial turnover). With con. 1980s. The annual release of cars is steadily held at 3 million pieces. (2002 - 3,100 million, 5.4% of world production, 20.3% Western European). Exports of automobiles 42.6% of the total volume of their production. 99% of the production of the industry belongs to 2 groups - "Peugeot Citroen" and "Renault". They approximately equally control the St. 60% of the national market and 23.8% Western European, which is still noticeably inferior to German producers.

On the 2nd place in terms of the production of pharmaceuticals and perfumes (in general industrial turnover 13.2%). According to the cost of produced pharmaceuticals, France stands on the 4th place in the world, and according to their shower consumption - on the 3rd (after the United States and Japan). Export industry 30% production. Main producers - Ron-Pulenk concerns (6th place in the world), "Elf-Atoshche" and "Er Likid".

Paris is a recognized perfume capital of the world, where such famous manufacturers of expensive cosmetics, like Chanel, Ricci, Saint Laurent operate. More massive products produce "l'well" - 13% of world turnover of perfumery, 1st place in the world. French perfumers export 38.5% of their products abroad.

Very slightly inferior to pharmaceutical and perfumery electrical and electronic engineering (13.0% of general industrial turnover). St. 1/2 products of the industry (54.6%) - Office equipment and computers, equipment for long-distance communication and electronic components. 48.8% of products are exported (including electronic components 59.8%). The main manufacturer - the Alcatel concern enters the first three of the world's manufacturers of telecommunications equipment. It accounts for 39.6% of the national industry market; For the Thomson group (2nd in the world, the manufacturer of electronic equipment of military destination) is 23%.

In the field of aerospace production, France is a recognized Western European leader. Aerospacel Company is one of the leading participants in the Eurbas Industry EuroConusium (the main supplier of civilian aircraft to the European market), where it belongs to 37.9% of the shares. She also owns a 70% stake in the EUROKOPTER Association (1st place in the world in the production of civil and 2-host helicopters). Concern "Arianspace" controls approximately half of the world market for commercial launches of artificial satellites of the Earth.

In recent decades, the 20th century The atomic energy has become the basis of the Energy Industry of France, which is now 10.5% of the general industrial turnover. This was facilitated by the presence of own major uranium reserves. With the increase in the consumption of primary energy carriers for 1980-2002 from 56 to 134 million tons of conditional fuel, the share of nuclear power plants in it constantly grew: for 1980-2002 from 6.6 to 38% of nationwide consumption. The proportion of other energy over the years has been reduced (coal from 18.1 to 4%, oil products from 54.4 to 36%, hydropower from 8.6 to 3%), or grew slightly (gas from 7 to 14%, alternative Types of energy - up to 7%). In 2002, 77% of electricity was produced at the NPP (1st place in the world).

As in other developed countries, the transition to the post-industrial stage of development was accompanied in France to a further decrease in the share of agriculture in major national economic structures. The share of food in national exports has decreased (9.6% in 2002). In absolute terms during this period, the volume of agricultural production increased by 87%. And although French politicians no longer set the goal of turning the country in the "Hitter of Europe", as in the time of de Gaulle, the France accounts for 23.7% of the agrarian products of Western Europe (1st place in the EU).

In the 1980s-90s. The industry continued the concentration process. France traditionally, from Napoleonic times, is a country of small farms with fragmented land tenure. Although the average farming area almost doubled compared to the beginning. 1980s. (respectively, 42 and 23 hectares), small and smallest are 49% of farms (including 29.1% - an area of \u200b\u200bless than 5 hectares). Only 1/3 of the farms owns agricultural areas from 50 hectares and higher (including from 100 hectares - 12.2%). It is these large landowners that give 75.7% of agrarian products.

An important factor in the development of agricultural production is an increase in technical equipment. With con. 1980s. The number of tractors in the French agrarian sector decreased, but mainly due to less powerful (up to 80 hp), while the share of more powerful increased from 16.2 to 33.8%. Many other machines and mechanisms are actively used. The industry is completely electrified.

Unlike most other European countries, whose agriculture is focused on animal husbandry, the agricultural sphere of France is multipropilic. Crop production, which is considered the main activity of 39.8% of farms, occupies half arable space and gives 48.9% of the total value of agricultural products. Its traditional specialization is the production of soft wheat. France is one of the great grain powers of the modern world (3rd place among developed countries and 1st in Western Europe, half of Western European exports of grain). Wheat accounts for 64% of products grown grain (55% - on soft). In terms of exports of wheat, France is located on 2-3rd places in the world (with Canada after the USA).

From other grain crops are presented oration, barley, rye, corn. Viticulture, production of oilseeds, gardening and horticulture play an important role. In the viticulture there are 13.9% of farms. 2.9% of arable land occupied by vineyards, but this industry gives 28.5% of agricultural products. France is the main world wine producer (divides the 1-2th place in the world with Italy). Production volume of 62.93 million hectoliters (2002). There are more than a thousand wines, 1/4 of which are vintage. OK. 20% of the wines goes to export. The oilseed sector provides 6.3% of agricultural products. France accounts for 39.2% of European oil production. Products of vegetable growing and gardening is 10.5% of the total cost of agrarian sphere. According to the average consumption of vegetables, France is a leader in the modern world. It takes 2nd place in the world of apple collection, 1-2-point in Western Europe on the crop of apricots and pears.

Livestock gives 51.1% of the cost of agricultural products, incl. Cattle breeding - 16.1%. According to his livestock, France in the 1st place in Western Europe, on the 6th - in the world (20.3 million heads). This is about 1/4 EU livestock. France accounts for 10% of the sheep livestock and 12.9% of EU pigs (respectively 15.93 and 9.32 million heads). It is a leading European meat producer and is in the first five of its world manufacturers (3755 million tons in 2002). Dairy animal husbandry (18% of the cost of agricultural products) is developed. France - the world's 2nd producer of cheeses (St. 2 million tons) and butter, the 2nd EU country for the production of whole milk products. Poultry farming is well developed: and here France is 2nd in the world after the United States and the 1st in Europe.

France is one of the most powerful transport powers of the world. High levels reached road and aviation transportation, as well as railway transport. These industries accounted for 7.3% of GDP and 7.9% of employed. In 2002, the total volume of terrestrial transport reached 215.3 billion TCM; 79% of it (169.8 billion) were carried out by road transport. France has a thick road network with an artificial coating (1.1 million km - 2nd place in the world after the USA). According to the quality of the road surface, equipped with pointers with French roads in the continental part of Europe is comparable, perhaps, only German. Loads transported 9.2 million trucks, 10% of transportation - combined.

The length of the railways reached its maximum in the 1930s. And then decreased (2002 - 32 thousand km). Cargo turnover 50.4 billion tkm. Passenger transportation of 48.9 billion passenger / km. 2/3 Their volume in the number of passengers falls on the Paris node. His exceptional domination in the extreme centralized railway network is a characteristic feature of French railway construction from 19 V.

France's railways are actively electrified. The length of electrified lines is 13,570 km. Extensive transport (350 km / h) is widely represented. France is one of the world leaders in its development and implementation. The first high-speed line was opened in 1981 between Paris and Lyon. Now such lines associate the capital with Marseille, Strasbourg, Nice, La Rochelle, as well as Brussels and London (tunnel through La Mans). In the future - the extension of the branch in Brussels to Amsterdam and Cologne, La Rochelskaya - to Bordeaux, Lyon - to the territory of Italy and Switzerland.

In 2002, 79.6 million passengers and 1.9 million tons of cargo were transported by air transport. The main part of the shipments falls on the Paris complex, where 2 major airports are functioning: "Ruissi Charles de Gaulle" and "Orly" (together 67.3% of all national domestic and external passenger and 89% of freight traffic). "Le Bourget", earlier the main airport of the capital, now serves only business aviation. Regional airports - Nice, Satol (Lyon) and Toulouse - in aggregate transported for the year 19.7 million passengers, 6.3% of the nationwide volume of goods.

The value of water transport in internal and external transport is small. Tonnage of the Fleet - 4.5 million tons. France has 89 marine ports With a total cargo turnover of 300 million tons. 90% of it accounted for 6 ports, incl. 48% - on Marseille and Havre (respectively, 113 and 47.4 million tons); The rest of the carriage go through Dunkirk, Kale, Rouen and Bordeaux. The length of the internal shipping routes is 8.5 thousand km, but only 5.5 thousand cargo turnover of river transport is 181.6 billion TCM (2001).

1990s. have become a period of exceptionally rapid development of the communication sector (more precisely, information and communication services); In 1996-2000, the average annual increase in its products was 20%. Growth was combined with huge high-quality shifts, which allowed not only to eliminate a long-term backlog in the field of telephonization from other Western countries, but also to create to the beginning. 21 c. One of the most modern electronic digital communication systems in Europe. The shifts were due primarily to the jump-shaking extension of mobile telephony and an increase in the number of Internet users. For 2001-02, the number of subscribers mobile communications It has increased from 31 to 37.3 million. This is 62.5% of the population - so far less than in the UK, Italy, Spain, Scandinavian countries, but more than in the US (50%).

In 1997, 500 thousand Internet users were in France, to the beginning. 2002 - already 19 million people, 31.9% of the population (among managers and persons engaged in intellectual labor - 73.1%, among students and students - 73.3%). From the planetary number of worldwide web users to France to 2002 accounted for 4%.

An important role in the French economy is played by trading (13.0% of GDP, 13.4% busy). The main change since the 1980s. - The transition from the small organization to an integrated organization, to modern complexes: super- and hypermarkets. The supermarket in France is the store of a trading area of \u200b\u200b400-2500 m2, a hypermarket - from 2500 m2, more than 1/3 of the turnover of which gives trade in food products (unlike the "large store" with a similar area, but trading mainly by industrialists). In the beginning. 1980s. Integrated trade accounted for 27% retail turnover, in 2002 - 51.4%. In 1986-95, the country opened 350-450 super- and hypermarkets annually, in 1996-97 - up to 200, and in 1998-2002 - up to 100. For this indicator, France is at one of the first places in the EU, lagging behind only Finland, Ireland and Denmark. Now the market share of integrated trade is 66.7% for food and 20.4% - in proliferators. In the last area, specialized (non-food) stores are primarily primarily, although their share is gradually decreasing (only for 1995-2002 - from 41.9 to 40.4%).

France continues to remain a classic country trading country. Trading points of up to 40 m2, mostly selling food, are at least 20% of industry enterprises. But their number decreases (in 1995-2002, by an average of 6% per year), and the market share falls (from 28.5 to 24.1%).

For 1980-2002 in the French economy there was a jump-shaking increase in the share of the services sector. The dynamics of services between 1980-2002 exceeded the rate of economic growth by 1.2 times. Especially rapidly developed services to enterprises (+ 5.2% on average annually). The main part of this sphere is a market service, incl. 60% - services to enterprises. These are two groups: consulting, which includes at least a dozen activities (legal, advertising, accounting, engineering, marketing, information, etc.), etc. Operational services - Rental, recruitment, security activities, etc. In consulting, employs 244.3 thousand enterprises, in operating services - 92.5 thousand. It is clear that the main users of these services are the company (80% of consumption). But they are also large consumers of services to the population, especially provided by travel agencies (57%), realtor firms (41%) and hotel and restaurant sectors (39%). Market services market grows mainly due to the expansion of their consumption by companies.

The credit and financial system is represented by the French Bank, 412 commercial banks and 531 financial companies. Since joining the Eurozone, the French bank plays a limited role in monetary policy. Reserves of monetary gold in 2001 were 97.75 million TUs; Refinancing rate - 4.23%, interest rates on loans were 6.7%, on deposits - 2.63%. Banks are characterized by a high degree of concentration: 8 largest of them account for 86% of loans issued and 74% of assets. As elsewhere in industrial countries, in France, there is an active process of universalization of banking and financial services, exacerbating competition between various financial institutions.

France is the only major developed country, where in the 1980-90s. Officially, neither monetarist theory, nor liberal economic practices were not adopted. The economic policy of socialists during the periods of their stay in power was based on Keynesian regulatory methods, i.e. on stimulating demand. The right demonstrated attempts to stimulate the proposal, however, quite limited.

In economic policy con. 20 V. There are several milestones that mark these opposite trends. The first was the nationalization of the beginning. 1980s, unprecedented for the post-war period. In the hands of the state, a third of industry, 2 leading financial holdings, 36 large banks, many insurance companies were in the hands of the state. At the same time, active price and currency control was introduced, a hard tax on major states.

By the huge budget injury, the socialists achieved the recovery of national companies. But the state budget deficit has increased sharply, and business has become massively coating production in France. The forced transition of socialists to the politics of rigid savings was swinging the pendulum of electoral preferences to the right - and the victims of the Parliamentary elections of ODA took an attempt to turn the economy to the "facial to the market", which became the next milestone in economic policy. Privatization of nationalized companies, deregulation of the financial sphere (cancellation of monetary operations, over the movement of capital, withdrawing numerous restrictions from financial markets, liquidation of price control). The socialists were intercepted in 1988 they did not return to nationalization and did not make any changes to the financial sphere. However, they practically stopped privatization and again stimulated demand, operating the consumable part of the state budget. The strengthening of the tax burden was a serious factor in reducing the profitability of enterprises. The ineffectiveness of this policy, especially in the conditions of the crisis of NCH. 1990s, facilitated the next transition (legislative) power to ODA. E. Balladyur's government officials formed from its representatives, then A.ZhUPPU again tried to "shift the steering wheel" to the right. But in the conditions of the crisis-continued in the economy, only a three-year term was released. In 1997, with the victory of socialists in parliamentary elections (the government of L.Zhospen) in economic policy there was a new milestone: the next long-lasting turn left.

The economic policy of Zhosphan foreign observers were called Dirizhism, although she looked mainly compared to the economic course of the Anglo-Saxon countries. The state no longer provided direct support to individual companies or branches; State regulating formally aimed at improving the general climate, the indirect levers of exposure were used more often. ZHOSEN conducted a very large privatization (180 billion Fr.) in order to bring the budget for compliance with the requirements of the Maastricht Treaty. However, in France, large state property remained in France, state controls for the prices of natural monopolies, tariffs for health care services, dynamics of rent and prices for 80% of agricultural products that fall under the Regulations on European Pricing. Socialists continued to stimulate the demand by the redistribution of national income in favor of workers.

Redistribution activities carried out under the slogan of "equalization of labor and capital income" included a decrease in population taxes and raising them from companies. In 1997-98, companies were entrusted with additional fiscal payments: social income tax, a total of polluting industries and a corporate tax allowance for firms with turnover of CV. 50 million FR. (almost for all, except for small enterprises), etc., in the amount of increasing reached 4.5 billion euros. At the same time, a fiscal press on the "rich" individuals was increased (additional taxation of revenues from securities operations, from savings, etc.), under which the mining and higher groups came.

The colossal amounts from tax revenues were sent to improving the position of low-income layers (for 2000-01 their tax payments decreased by 21 billion euros), as well as to expand employment by increasing jobs in the public sector (3 young employment programs) and improving the flexibility of the labor market (reduction Working week from 39 to 35 hours while maintaining unchanged wages in exchange for permission for previously prohibited overtime and Sunday work, night shifts, etc.). These measures that coincide with the improvement of the world economy conjuncture had a positive effect: unemployment began to decline; Creation of 1 million jobs pushed the movement of domestic demand and the dynamics of economic growth; The growth of tax revenues contributed to the reduction of the budget deficit, the State Dolg decreased. But the policy of the state worsening the position of companies. The level of their taxation in France is still one of the highest in Europe: a tax rate of corporate profits of 42%, entrepreneurs pay 60% of general contributions to social funds (which is equal to 6% of GDP). The profitability of the companies was at a low level - 15.6% even in a prosperous 2000. The subsequent deterioration of the global situation contributed to its further decline and, as a result, stagnation of investments, the cessation of employment growth in the business sector, and then in the state sector of the economy, where the employment program itself exhausted. As a result of these processes, the volumes of tax revenues to the budget decreased, the costs of which remained at the same level. They could be reduced by reducing social articles. The government tried to slightly reduce allocations for health care by toughening control over government hospitals, but retreated in the face of the gigantic wave of stakes of health workers. Similarly, reform was failed in the field of financing of higher and secondary education. So, the pension reform was previously launched during 5 years, the need for which has long been abandoned in connection with the progressive aging of the population. To con. 2002 reached 2.7% of GDP of the state budget deficit, which in 2003 increased to 4.0%, thereby exceeding the Maastricht maximum. I got to him and the State Dolg (2003 - 61.2% of GDP).

The government from the representatives of the ODA (subsequently sleep) led by J.-P.Raffaran, formed in June 2002, sees its primary task in the economic sphere in support of entrepreneurship, which should contribute to the improvement of both the general and social situation (urbanism of unemployment through the creation new jobs in the entrepreneurial sector). In this regard, motivating their actions with the need to streamline the state budget, Raffaren turned the state employment programs and began a change in the taxation system. The first measure was the reduction of income tax by 5%, followed by an increase in the lower limit of the taxable tax base for large conditions. State companies will be privatized, incl. Natural monopolies. The government plans to begin reforming health and higher education systems in the near future and has already announced the beginning of the pension reform, providing for an increase in the employment experience and an increase in contributions to pension funds.

The declared reforms cause extreme discontent of the population seeing a threat to the level of life. In 2001, the average monthly wage of a busy full-time in the private and semietary sector after the seizure of taxes was 1,700 euros. Hourly wage for fully occupied was about 20% higher than those with part-time. Management personnel and individuals with higher education, the average monthly wage was 2.6 times higher than that of workers and employees; This gap is saved with NC. 1990s. Equally stable discrimination against women's work: a woman at any position receives 25% less than a man. The French revenues also include numerous and diverse social payments, which in the amount give an average of at least 1/3 of the wage increase.

In 2002, 16.7% was directed from the received incomes of the population, and 83.3% spent. In the structure of consumer spending, 15.4% amounted to the cost of maintenance and repair of housing, 12.9% - for food, 9.6% - to buy clothes and shoes, 6.4% - consumer goods for long-term use (incl. 2.9% - on cars). 6.3% was spent on the payment of electricity and health services. The largest cost of expenses were leisure and telecommunication services (together 21.4%). More than 90% of families live in comfortable apartments or individual houses with all the amenities. The same percentage of families have at least one car, almost 100% - refrigerator, and 67% - with a freezer, 91% - washing machine, 60% - microwave, etc. Each 9th family owns a country house or cottage. The living conditions in the countryside differ little from urban.

List of 20-21 centuries. It was marked by a significant increase in the importance of the foreign economic sphere in economic life. Export quota in 2002 was 27.2%; 86% of exports and 79% of imports accounted for EU countries; 82.7% export - goods, incl. 69.7% - products of industry (machines and equipment - 24.7%). Rapid pace with gray. 1990s. Ros export of capital, according to which France had previously lagged behind. In 2001, the total volume of direct foreign investment amounted to 197 billion euros. The accumulated foreign investments exceeded in 2001,500 billion euros (1/10 of the world volume).

Science and culture of France

France is one of the world's leading scientific powers. Nationwide costs for R & D 30 545 million euros, or 2.14% of GDP (4th place in the world) (2001). The science employs 314.5 thousand people., 48.9% of them are the faculty of universities, which in France approx. 20 (including the oldest Parisian - Sorbonne and University in Montpellier, based on 13 and 15 centuries, respectively). Directly scientific research and pilot design developments are engaged in 160 thousand people. (75% in the private sector). They are focused on various research and development companies, in laboratories and technical centers (for 2000 there were 5373). State share in financing scientific activity accounted for 21.7% (2001); The funds obtained were guided mainly to fundamental research, as well as in such industries as nuclear power, various space programs, arms manufacturing, transport and communications. The entrepreneurial sector focuses efforts in applied research, mainly in electronics, general mechanical engineering, automotive industry, chemical industry. These industries accounted for 46.7% issued by residents of patents. However, despite the considerable amount of funds heading for R & D, the French scientific thought in the technical field is lagging behind the main foreign competitors. Of 160.0 thousand patents registered in France in 2001, residents received only 21.6 thousand (13.5%); The balance sheet for patents and licenses is steadily negative. World names belong to the French primarily in public sciences: in Sociology F. Dürkheim, K. Bale-Strauss, M. Fuko, A.Turen, in history - F. Budl.

There is hardly another country, which in the last 3-4 centuries on Western and world cultures in the last 3-4 centuries as F. Castles on Loire, Parks and Palaces of Versailles, paintings of the old masters from Clue to Poussin, Gree, Sharden, Romantics Delacroix and Kursbe, Impressionists, Music Creations of Berlioz and Ravel - World Level's Masterpieces. Paris is hardly since the time of Louis XIV is considered cultural capital World. In the 20th century This tradition was continued. Here, artists from all over the world lived in the interwar and postwar years - Spaniards Picasso and Dali, Italian Modigliani and Dutchman Mondrian, French Mark, Signac, Lached, who were almost numerous directions of modern painting together; France is the birthplace of modern abstractionism and along with the United States - OP-Art and Pop Art.

French literature, the first written monument of which refers to 842, has always been one of the largest phenomena in world literature. The medieval tradition of literary creativity ("Song of Roland", the creations of Trubadurov and Trumpets, the urban pharyes, verses of F. Viyon) continued in 16 century. Poets of Pleiads, Rabl and Monten, in 17th century. - Rasin, Cornel, Moliere, Lafonten, in 18 V. - Voltaire, Boualers, Encyclopedists. At 19 in. French literature decorated with such great names as Hugo and Balzac, Standal and Flaubert, Zola and Maupassan, in Nach. 20 V. - M. Prost. In France, the literary and philosophical course of existentialism was originated in the interval former years - the philosophy of existence (J.-P. Sartre, A.Komyu, Simon de Bovwar). In the post-war time, "family" and historical novels F. Eria, E. Bazena, M.Dryon, were brilliant samples of critical realism. The creators of the "new novel" appeared by A.Work Gry and Natalie Sarrot. The names of A.vertua, M. Eame, B. Viana are well known. Writers A.Zhid, F. Moriak, Saint-Just Pers - Laureates of the Nobel Prize in Literature.

French cinematography is very popular in the world. In the works of directories M. Carnary, K. Kristian Jacques, R. Kleri, R. Vadima took such stars as J. Gaben, J. File, Burvil, Fernander, L.Det Fünes, B. Bardo. The French cinema is known primarily by the names of L. Busson, P. Sishar, J. Departier, Annie Girardo. The unreasonable tradition of French chanson after the 2nd World War continued Edith Piaf, Yves Montan, Sh. Aznavur, Dalida, J. Brel, Bronssance, S. Aadamo, Mirere Mathieu, etc.

See also: