The deepest point in the world. The deepest place on Earth: whole new worlds? What we learned

Mariana Trench located in the western part Pacific Ocean, not far from Mariana Islands, just two hundred kilometers, thanks to the neighborhood with whom and received such a name. It is a huge maritime reserve in the status of the National Monument to the United States, therefore is under the protection of the state. Fishing and mining minerals It is forbidden here, but you can swim and admire beauty.

In the form of Mariana Vpadina reminds the grand sizes of the crescent - 2550 km long and 69 km width. The deepest point is 10994 m below sea level - referred to as the "Abyss Challenger".

Opening and first observations

Mariana Vpadina began to explore the British. In 1872, the Pacific Corvette "Challenger" was entered in the water of the Pacific Ocean with scientists and the most progressive equipment of those times. After measuring, set the maximum depth - 8367 m. The value, of course, differs markedly from the correct result. But that was enough to understand: the deepest point of the globe was detected. Thus was "challenge" another riddle of nature (translated from the English "Challenger" - "challenge"). Years passed, and in 1951 the British were held "work on errors". Namely: deep-water echo sounder fixed the maximum depth of 10863 meters.

Then the lathefaper wand was intercepted by Russian researchers who sent the research vessel "Vityaz" to the Mariana depression area. In 1957, with the help of special equipment, they not only were able to fix the depth of the depthorn, equal to 11022 m, but also established the presence of life on more than semiculometric depth. Thus, having committed a small coup in the scientific world of the middle of the 20th century, where there is no sustainable opinion that such deep living things there may not be. This is where the most interesting thing begins ... Many stories about underwater mounds, huge octopus, crumpled in the cake of huge legs of the beasts of unprecedented Batiskoph ... Where is true, and where is a lie - we will try to figure it out.

Secrets, riddles and legends

The first courses, drunk to immerse themselves on the "bottom of the Earth", were Lieutenant Navy USA Don Walsh and researcher Jacques Picar. They plunged on the Batiskof "Trieste", which was built in the same name italian city. A very heavy design with thick 13-centimeter walls was immersed at a bottom of five hours. Having reached the lowest point, the researchers stayed there for 12 minutes, after which the rise was immediately started, which took about 3 hours. Fish were found on the bottom - flat, similar to Cambalu, about 30 centimeters long.

Studies continued, and in 1995, the Japanese went down in the "abyss". Another "breakthrough" was made in 2009 with the help of the Nereus automatic underwater apparatus: this is a miracle of technology not only made several photos in the deepest point of the earth, but also took soil samples.

In 1996, the newspaper New York Times was published shocking material about immersion in the Mariana depression of equipment from the American scientific vessel "Glomar Challenger". A bowl apparatus for deep-sea travel team gently nicknamed "hedge". Some time after the start of the diving, the instruments recorded terrifying sounds, reminiscent of the metal grinding for metal. "Hedgehog" immediately raised on the surface, and they were terrified: a huge steel structure was crumpled, and the strongest and thick (20 cm with a diameter!) The cable - as if fed. The explanation was immediately many. Some said that it was "tricks" inhabiting the natural object of monsters, others leanned towards the version of the presence of an alien mind, and the third believed that it was not without mutating octopuses! True, there were no evidence, and all the assumptions remained at the level of guesses and speculation ...

The same mysterious case occurred with the German research team, which decided to pull the Khajfish apparatus in the water. But for some reason he stopped moving, and the camera impartially issued an image of the shocking dimensions of the lizard on the monitors screens, which tried to spray the steel "thing". The team was not confused and the electrical discharge from the device "scared" an unknown beast. He sailed, and no longer appeared ... it remains to regret that for some reason, those who have such unique inhabitants of the Mariana depression came across, there was no equipment that would help to take pictures of them.

In the late 90s of the last century, at the time of the "opening" by the Americans, the monsters of the Mariana depression, began "in force" of this geographical object legends. Fishermen (poachers) told about the glows from her depths running there and lights, various pop-ups from there unidentified flying objects. The teams of small ships reported that the courts in the area "towing with a huge speed" of a mound, which has an incredible force.

Confirmed evidence

Depth of Mariana Vpadina

Along with a multitude of legends associated with the Mariana depressor, there are also incredible facts confirmed by irrefutable evidence.

Found Giant Shark Tooth

In 1918, Australian lobster catchers told about a transparent white fish about 30 meters long, seen in the sea. According to the description, it is similar to the ancient shark of the type of Carcharodon Megalodon, who inhabited in the seas of 2 million years ago. Scientists from the surviving remains were able to recreate the appearance of shark - a monstrous creation of 25 meters long, weighing 100 tons and an impressive two-meter mouth with teeth of 10 cm each. You can imagine such "teeth"! And they were recently found by oceanologists at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean! The "young" from the detected artifacts ... "Total" 11 thousand years!

This find allows you to be sure that not all Meghalodonov extinct two million years ago. Perhaps, the water of the Mariana depression hide from the eyes of these incredible predators from the eyes? Studies continue, the depths still make in themselves a lot of undisclosed secrets.

Features of deepwater world

The water pressure at the lowest point of the Mariana depression is 108.6 MPa, that is, exceeds normal atmospheric pressure 1072 times. The vertebral animal is simply not survived in such monstrous conditions. But, oddly enough, mollusks stuck here. As their shells withstand such a tremendous water pressure - incomprehensible. Detected clams are an incredible example of "survival". They exist next to serpentine hydrothermal sources. Serpentine contains hydrogen and methane, which not only do not carry the threats to the "population" detected here, but also contribute to the formation of such, it would seem aggressive environment of living organisms. But hydrothermal sources are isolated and mortal for mollusks gas - hydrogen sulfide. But the "cunning" and thirsty of the life of the mollusks learned to recycle hydrogen sulfide in the protein, and continue what is called, or to live in the Mariana Wpadin.

Another incredible mystery of the deep-sea facility is the hydrothermal source "Champagne", named so in honor of the famous French (and not only) alcoholic beverage. It's all about bubbles that "burly" in the waters of the source. Of course, this is not the bubbles of your beloved champagne - it is liquid carbon dioxide. Thus, all over the world, the underwater source of liquid carbon dioxide is located in the Mariana Wpadin. Such sources are called "white smokers", their temperature is lower than the ambient temperature, and evaporation is always present around them, similar to the white smoke. Thanks to these sources, hypotheses were born about the emergence of all living on Earth in water. Low temperature, abundance of chemicals, colossal energy - all this created excellent conditions for ancient representatives of flora and fauna.

The temperature in the Mariana Wpadine is also very favorable - from 1 to 4 degrees Celsius. This was taken care of "black smokers." Which are antipode of "white smokers" hydrothermal sources contain a large number of ore substances, and therefore they are dark. These sources are here at a depth of about 2 kilometers and mowed water, the temperature of which is about 450 degrees Celsius. Immediately recall the school course of physics, from which we know that water is boiling at 100 degrees Celsius. So what happens? Source spells boiling water? Fortunately, no. It's all the case in a colossal pressure of water - it is 155 times higher than on the surface of the Earth, therefore H 2 o does not boil, but it is pretty "heated" the water of the Mariana depressure. The water of these hydrothermal sources is incredibly saturated with various minerals, which also contributes to a comfortable habitat of living beings.

Incredible facts

How many more mysteries and incredible miracles pay in themselves incredible place? Lots of. At a depth of 414 meters, there is a volcano Daikoku, which served as one more proof that life was born here, in the deepest point of the globe. In the crater of the volcano, under water, the lake of the purest molten sulfur is located. In this "boiler" sulfur boils at a temperature of 187 degrees Celsius. The only known analogue of such a lake is on the satellite of Jupiter - Io. There is nothing more than anything like that. Only in space. It is no wonder that most of the hypotheses on the origin of life from the water are related to this mysterious deep-water object on the spacious ocean.

Remember the school course of biology a little. The simplest living creatures are Amoebs. Tiny, unicellular, it is possible to consider them only in a microscope. Reach, as written in textbooks, lengths in half a million. Giant toxic amids in 10 centimeters long have been found in the Mariana Wpadine. Can you imagine that? Ten centimeters! That is, this unicellular living creature can be perfectly examined by the naked eye. Is it not a miracle? As a result of scientific research, it was established that they purchased amids such gigantic for their class unicellular sizes, adapting to the "walled" of life at the bottom of the sea. Cold water coupled with its colossal pressure and the absence of sun rays contributed to the "growth" of the Ameb, which are called xenophyophos. The incredible abilities of xenophyophoras are pretty surprised: they adapted to the effects of most devastating substances - uranium, mercury, lead. And live themselves in this environment, like mollusks. In general, the Mariana Wpadina is a miracle of miracles, where all the living and non-living, and the harmful chemical elements that are able to kill any organism are perfectly combined, not only harm living, but, on the contrary, promote survival.

The bottom of the bottom is studied quite in detail and does not represent much interest - it is covered by a layer of viscous mucus. There is no sand there, there are only the remnants of crushed shells and plankton, which lie there thousands of years, and because of the water pressure, it has long turned into a thick dirt of grayish yellow. And you violate the calm and measured life of the bottom of the sea only Batiskof researchers, descending here from time to time.

Residents of Mariana Vpadina

Studies continue

All the secret and unknown always manifa man. And with each revealed secret of new mysteries on our planet did not become less. All this fully applies to the Mariana Wpadin.

At the end of 2011, the researchers discovered in it unique natural formation of stone, in shape resembling bridges. Each of them extended from one end to another by as much as 69 km. Scientists did not doubt: it is here that tectonic plates are in touch - the Pacific and Filipino, and stone bridges (all four of them) were formed on their junction. True, the very first of the bridges - Dutton Ridge - was discovered in the late 80s of the last century. He was impressed then with his sizes and heights that were with a small mountain. In his own high pointLocated just over the "Abyss Challenger", this deep-water "ridge" reaches two and a half kilometers.

Why did Nature need to build such bridges, and even in such a mysterious and infant to the people place? The purpose of these objects is still unclear. In 2012, James Cameron, the creator of the legendary film "Titanic", made a immersion in the Mariana Vpadin. Unique equipment and powerful cameras installed on his Batiscife Deepsea Challenge made it possible to remove the majestic and deserted "bottom of the earth". It is not known how much time he observed local landscapes, no problem on the device. In order not to risk your life, the researcher was forced to rose to the surface.

Together with the National Geographic, a talented director created a documentary "Calling the abyss." In his stories about immersion, he called the bottom of the "border of life". Emptiness, silence, and - nothing, not the slightest movement or excitement of water. Neither sunlight, nor mollusks, nor algae, nor the more marine mandrels. But this is only at first glance. In the samples of the bottom of the bottom who took Cameron, more than twenty thousand different microorganisms were found. Great amount. How do they survive under such incredible water pressure? Until now, the mystery. Among the inhabitants of the depression also discovered the shrimp-like amphipod, which produces a unique chemical substance, which is tested by scientists as a vaccine from Alzheimer's disease.

During his stay in the deepest point, not only the world's ocean, but also the entire land, James Cameron did not meet any terrible monsters, nor representatives of extinct animal species nor the base of aliens, not to mention some incredible wonders. The feeling that he is completely alone here, plunged into a real shock. The ocean bottom seemed deserted and, as the director himself said, "lunar ... lonely". The feeling of complete isolation from all mankind was such that not to convey words. However, he still tried to do this in his documentary film. Well, and the fact that the Mariana Wpadina is silent and shocks with his desert, it is probably wondering. After all, she just holy stores the mystery of the origin of all living on earth ...

The ocean is much closer to us than the planet of the solar system. However, its bottom has been studied only by 5 percent. And how many more secrets keep the water of the World Ocean? This is the greatest riddle of our planet.

Maximum depth

Mariana Vpadina, or a different Marian chute, is the deepest place in the ocean. Amazing creatures live here and there is practically no light. However, this is famous placewhich is still not fully studied and has a lot of unsolved secrets.

Immersion in Mariana Vpadina is a real suicide. After all, the water pressure here is thousands of times higher than the pressure at sea level. The maximum depth of the oceans is approximately 10,994 meters with an error of 40 meters. However, there are brave, which descended to the very bottom, risking their own lives. Of course, it was not in this case without modern technologies.

Where is the deepest place in the World Ocean

Mariana Wpadina is located in the area, and to be more accurate, in its western part, closer to the east, near Guam, about 200 kilometers from the deepest place in the world ocean resembles a gutter in the form of a crescent. The width of the depression is approximately 69 kilometers, and the length is 2550 kilometers.

The coordinates of the Mariana Gutter: Eastern Longitude - 142 ° 35 ', Northern Latron - 11 ° 22'.

Temperature on the bottom

Scientists suggested that at maximum depth should be a very low temperature. However, they were very surprised by the fact that at the bottom of the Mariansky gutter, this indicator remains above zero and is 1 - 4 ° C. Soon this phenomenon was also an explanation.

Approximately at a depth of 1600 meters from the surface of the water, hydrothermal sources are located. They are also called "white smokers". From sources, the jets are very hot water. Its temperature is 450 ° Celsius.

It is worth noting that this water has a huge amount of minerals. It is these chemical elements that support life at great depths. Despite such a high temperature that exceeds several times the booster temperature, water does not boil here. And this is explained by quite high pressure. At such a depth, this figure is 155 times higher than similar on the surface.

As you can see, the deepest places of the world's ocean are not so simple. They are hidden many more secrets that need to solve.

Who dwells at such a depth

Many people think that the deepest place in the ocean is the abyss where life cannot exist. However, this is not the case. At the very bottom of the Mariansky gutter, scientists found very large Ameb, called xenophyophos. The length of their body is 10 centimeters. These are very large single-celled organisms.

Scientists assume that this type of AmeB acquired such dimensions due to the environment in which they have to exist. It is worth noting that these unicellular creatures were found at a depth of 10.6 kilometers. Many factors affected their development. This is the lack of sunlight, and high enough pressure, and, of course, cold water.

In addition, xenophyophoras have simply unique abilities. Amoeba perfectly transfer the impact of many chemicals and elements, among which lead, mercury and uranium.


At the bottom of the Mariana depression is very high pressure. In such circumstances, there is no chance of even creatures with bones or shelter. However, not so long ago in the Mariana groove there were mollusks. They live near hydrothermal sources, because serpentine contains methane and hydrogen. These substances allow you to fully form a living organism.

It is still not known how mollusks can preserve their sinks in such conditions. In addition, hydrothermal sources produce another gas - hydrogen sulfide. And he, as is known, mortal for any mollusks.

Liquid carbon dioxide in pure form

Mariana Vpadina - Deep Place of the World Ocean as well amazing world With many inexplicable phenomena. Here are hydrothermal sources located near Taiwan, outside Okinawa gutter. This is the only underwater area known to this momentwhere liquid carbon dioxide is present. This place was discovered back in 2005.

Many scientists believe that it is these sources that allowed them to be born in the Mariana cavity of life. After all, there is not only optimal temperature, but also there are chemicals.


The deepest places of the World Ocean are simply amazing the extraordination of their world. Here you can find living organisms that perfectly feel in complete darkness and at high pressure and cannot exist in another environment.

It is worth noting that the Mariana Wpadina has the status of the National Monument to the United States. This marine reserve is the largest worldwide. Of course, for those who want to visit here, there is a certain list of rules. In this place is strictly forbidden to produce minerals, as well as fish.

Today we will tell about the deepening oceanic place on the planet - the Mariana Wpadin and its deepest point - the "abyss of the Challenger."

"Mariana and Mariana Wpadina) is the ocean deep-water flag in the West of the Pacific, the deepest of those famous on Earth. Named on the next Mariana Islands.

The deepest point of the Mariana depression is the "abundance of Challenger" (English Challenger Deep). It is located in the southwestern part of the depression, 340 km on the south-west of the island of Guam (the coordinates of the point: 11 ° 22 's. Sh. 142 ° 35' c. D. (G) (O)). According to 2011 measurements, its depth is 10,994 ± 40 m below sea level.

The deepest point of the depression, referred to as the "Abyss Challenger" (English Challenger Deep) is farther from the sea level than Mount Everest - above it. "

From school, many know that the depth of the Mariana depression is 11 km, and this is the deepest place on the planet. However, with a small amendment - the deepest of famous. That is, theoretically there can be even deeper depressions ... But they are still unknown. Even SAMIA high mountain In the world - Everest - with success to fit into the chute and there will still be a place.

The Mariana Wpadina records and titles are rich in records: And she was not only famous for the depth, but also his mysteriousness, the terrible inhabitants of the underwater depths, "monsters", guarding the earthly bottom, mystery, unknown, pristine, darkness, etc. In general, the cosmos inside out is the bottom of the Mariana depression. There are versions that life comes in Mariana Wpadin.

MARIANA TRENCH. Puzzles Mariana Vpadina:

The video shows and repent about the fact that at such a tremendous depth the pressure is higher than from powder gases when shooting from a hunting rifle, approximately 1100 times more than atmospheric pressure: 108.6 MPa (Mariana Casting - bottom) by 104 MPa (powder gases). Glass, wood in such conditions turn into powder.

Still it is incomprehensible if there is life and sinister underwater monsters, which legends go?

The length of the gutter along the Mariana Islands is 1.5 km away.

"It has a V-shaped profile: steep (7-9 °) slopes, a flat bottom 1-5 km wide, which is separated by thresholds into several closed depression.

Wpadina is located on the border of the docking of two tectonic plates, in the zone of movement in faults, where the Pacific stove leaves under the Philippine plate. "

The opening of the Marianian gutter took place in 1875:

"The first dimensions (and discovery) of the Mariana Globra were held in 1875 from the British three-person Corvette" Challenger "(" Challenge "). Then, with the help of deep-water lot, they set out a depth of 8367 meters (with re-recycling - 8184 m).

In 1951, the English expedition at the scientific and research vessel "Challenger" with the help of the echo sounder fixed the maximum depth of 10863 meters. "

This point in 1951 was given the name of the abyss of the Challenger.

Later, during several expeditions, the depth of Marianian depression was established more than 11 km, the last dimension (end of 2011) was recorded depth 10 994 m (+/- 40 m):

"According to the results of the measurements conducted in 1957 during the 25th flight of the Soviet Research Ship" Vityaz "(Head of Alexey Dmitrievich Dobrovolsky), the maximum depth of the fool - 11,023 m (refined data, the depth 11 034 m initially reported).

On January 23, 1960, Don Walsh and Jacques Picar had dive at Batiscife Trieste. They registered a depth of 10,916 m, which also became designated as "TRIEST TRADE".

Unmanned Japanese submarine "Kaiko" in March 1995 collected soil samples in this place and registered a depth of 10,911 m.

On May 31, 2009, the unmanned submarine Nereus took the soil samples in this place. The assembled Il for the most part consists of a foraminiferator. At the same time, the depth of 10,902 m was recorded.

For more than two years later, December 7, 2011, researchers of the New Hampshire University published the results of immersion of the underwater robot, which, with the help of sound waves, registered a depth of 10,994 m (+/- 40 m). "

And yet, despite many obstacles, difficulties, hazards - three people in the entire history of the existence of the Mariana Wpadin managed to reach the bottom, naturally, being in special devices. March 26, 2012 Director James Cameron on the apparatus Deepsea Challenger. Alone reached the bottom of the abyss.

The plot of the first channel "James Cameron is a dive on the bottom of the Mariana Vpadina":

And here is the movie Jace Cameron "Challenge Abandon 3D | Journey to the bottom of Mariana Vpadina":

The film was created in conjunction with the National Geographic, created in documentary format. Before some of his cash desks (like "Titanic"), the director also descended to the bottom of the depths to the place of events, so in front of his "visit" of the Mariana Vpadin in 2012, many were waiting for a grand masterpiece, or video with monsters living in the darkness of the oceanic .

The film is documentary, but the main thing - Cameron did not see there the giant octopuses, mounds, "Leviafan", many-headed creatures, although for the first time he stayed at the day of the Mariana depression for more than three hours. There were small marine derivatives of no more than 2.5 cm ... But here are the most amazing flat fish, huge, snacking steel cable, creatures - there was no .. although not 12 minutes he was there.

I saw any terrible creature on the bottom of the depression, I replied: "Probably, everyone would like to hear that I saw some kind of sea monster, but it was not there ... there was nothing alive, more than 2- 2.5 cm.

The response of the public on the film Cameron about the "abyss" was ambiguous. Someone the picture seemed boring and not going to a comparison with his works like "Titanic", "Avatar", someone said that the film was real and in his "tedious" is shown the way of interaction of one of the seven billion people on the planet and The deepest abyss.

From movie reviews:

"Of course, the film content is difficult to call exciting. Most of the time the viewer spends in endless tedious meetings and tests in the laboratory. But I believe that this heavy and long way from the dream before it has definitely needed to show. It is he who most inspires to work for his idea. "

I mentioned the film precisely because of the fact that the path that led the director to create creation and is the basis of the interaction of the secrets of nature and the mortal person.

People scares and attracts unknown, recalcity, depth, danger, mortality, mystery, eternity, lonelyness, independence of the depths, Dale, the heights of nature. And the name of the film is "a challenge of the abyss ..." - naturally, no accident: at a certain level of development of the potential, a person or wants to touch the unknown, or at all forget about his existence, live by commonness.

Cameron, having opportunities and zeal, decided to make this leap in depth. In this and the desire to get up to the step close to God, and pride, and perpetuate this abyss and perpetuate himself in the abyss, understanding the beabrey of matter and a lot more.

They look, many are interested in who from curiosity, who from nothing to do. But the units will venture close close.

Recall the famous saying F. Nietzsche: "If you look at the abyss for a long time, it will begin to peer in you," or others. Translation: "A person looking into the abyss for a long time, the abyss begins to live in the eyes", or the full text of the quotation: "Who is fighting with Monsters, one should be worse, so that it does not become a monster. And if you look at the abyss for a long time, then the abyss also looks at you. " Here we are talking about the dark sides of the soul and the world, if attracting evil - evil will attract you, although there are many interpretation options.

But here, the words "the abyss", "the abyss" means something dangerous, dark, akin to the source of dark forces. Around the Mariana depression walks the mass of the legends, the legends are not good, who just did not come up with: and the monsters live there, and the monsters of unclear etiology can alive to block deep-water research apparatus with people and without people, to plunder 20-centimeter cables, and terrible devilish creatures In the hell, they sink black waves, horrified on extremely rare guests of people, and in circles discussing the deepest chute, versions are expressed in circles that they used to live here who knew to breathe under the water, and almost a life originated here, etc. People want to see darkness in this abyss. And, in general, see her ...

Before conquest Mariana Cupid Cameron did this in 1960:

"January 23, 1960 Jacques Picar and Lieutenant US Navy Don Walsh dive into the Mariana Wpadin to a depth of 10,920 meters at the Trieste Batiscife. Dive occupied about 5 hours, and the stay at the bottom was 12 minutes. It was an absolute record of depth for manned and unmanned vehicles.

Two researchers then found only 6 species of living beings on a terrible depth, including flat fish up to 30 cm. "

Monsters were frightened by James Cameron, or they had no mood on that day to pose in front of the camera or there really is no one - will remain a mystery, but during the underwater expeditions perfect formerly underwater expeditions, including without the participation of people, various forms of life, fish, reserved Nowhere not seen, strange creatures, creating similar to monsters, giant octopuses. But we will not forget that "Monsters" are just at all unexplored creatures.

Several times in the depths of the Mariana depression, devices were lowered without people (with people only twice), for example, May 31, 2009 The automatic Nereus underwater apparatus was plunged into the bottom of the Mariana Wpadin. According to measurements, it dropped 10,902 meters below the world's ocean level. At the bottom of Nereus, took a video, made some photos and even collected samples of deposits at the bottom.

Here are some photos of those who were met at the depths of the Mariana campaign cameras of expeditions:

On the photo of the bottom of the Mariana depression:

"Mystery of the Mariana Vpadina. Great secrets of the ocean. " Ren-TV program.

Still, a big secret remains that there, at the bottom of the Mariana depression ... We are afraid of the monsters in absentia, but in fact, no one, in particular Cameron, who has spent 3 hours at the bottom of the gutter, did not find strange objects there ... silence ... the depth ... Eternity.

And the most important questions - "How can monsters live there, if there is a huge pressure on the bottom, there is no light, oxygen ??". Answer scientific specialists:

"The inexplicable and incomprehensible always attracted people, so scientists around the world want to answer the question:" What does the Marianian Vpadina be tired in their depths? "

Can live organisms in such a tremendous depth, and how should they look, given that there are huge masses of ocean waters on them, which exceeds 1100 atmospheres?

The difficulties associated with the study and comprehension of creatures living on these unimaginable depths are sufficient, but the ingenuity of a person does not know the boundaries. For a long time, oceanologists considered the madness of the hypothesis that at the depths of more than 6000 m in a impermeable darkness, under the monstrous pressure and at temperatures close to zero, life could exist.

However, the results of studies of scientists in the Pacific Ocean showed that in these depths, much lower than 6000-meter marks, there are huge colonies of the living organisms of the pogonophores ((Rogonophora; from Greek. Pogon - beard and choros - carrier), the type of marine invertebrate animals living) In long chitinovy, opened with both ends of tubes).

Recently, the veins of secrets opened manned and automatic, made from superproof materials, underwater vehicles equipped with video cameras. As a result, a rich community of animals was opened, consisting of both known and less familiar marine groups.

Thus, at the depths of 6000 - 11,000 km found:

- Barophilic bacteria (developing only at high pressure);

- from the simplest - foraminifera (the detachment of the protozoa subclass of cunnoxes with a cytoplasmic body, dressed sink) and xenophyophores (borophical bacteria from the simplest);

- Of the multicellular - multi-singing worms, equal cancer, booplasts, wilderness, bivalve and burglary mollusks.

At depths there is no sunlight, there are no algae, salinity constant, temperature is low, abundance of carbon dioxide, huge hydrostatic pressure (increases by 1 atmosphere for every 10 meters).

What are the inhabitants of the abyss feed?

Sources of food of deep animals - bacteria, as well as rain "corpses" and organic dedrites entering from above; depth animals or blind, or with very developed eyes, often telescopic; Many fish and cephalopod mollusks with photoflukers; Other forms have a body surface or its plots.

Therefore, the appearance of these animals is as terrible and incredible, as well as the conditions in which they live. Among them - the frightening type of worms with a length of 1.5 meters, without mouth and anus, octopus mutants, extraordinary starfishes and some mild creatures of the two-meter length, which have not yet been identified.

Despite the fact that scientists have made a huge step in the studies of the Mariana Wpadin, the questions did not decrease, new riddles appeared, which still have to solve. And the ocean abyss can keep their secrets. Will people succeed in reveal them in the near future? "

Mariana Vpadina, given that this is the most famous deep point on the planet, too little studied, people in space flew to dozens of times more, and we know more about space than about 11 kilometer gutters. Probably, everything is ahead ...

Mariana Wpadina, or "the abyss of the Challenger" - is the deepest place of our planet, famous man. Its depth is 10,994 meters, and it is located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean, 2200 km east of the Philippines. But read more about this place at the end of the article.

Our planet is amazing and unique, and when describing it, I want to use only the brightest epithets and an excellent degree.

But every time hearing about the new opening of scientists, we make sure how little we still know about the planet Earth. This applies to both the depths of the seas and oceans and sushi.

Here is about such amazing objects and will be discussed in the article, and if we speak more specifically, we will visit the deepest place on Earth. There are many such places, some of them are created by the hands of a person, but most of natural origin.

The deepest places of the planet:

Lake Baikal

Russian Baikal - record holder in many indicators, but it is also in the world. The deepest place in the lake is located from the water surface at a depth of 1642 meters. For comparison, the deepest point in the Black Sea is equal to 2245 meters.

First of all, such a depth on Baikal is due to tectonic origin, and secondly, the age of Baikal, which is about 25 million years. In addition, this is the largest freshwater reservoir on Earth.

Thousands of tourists from all over the world come to a wonderful lake to admire the unique nature and get a charge of cheerfulness.

The African river, possessing high length and large pool, is the deepest river on the ground. The deepest place on the Congo River is 230 meters.

The amazing river is not only the deepest, but also ranks second in the world in full strength. Such indicators led to a rich animal and vegetable world along the banks of the river, and more than 1000 species of fish and animals live in waters.

This natural masterpiece is the deepest cave in a number of studied similar objects on the planet. Depth a unique caveWhat is in Abkhazia, equals 2196 meters.

Despite the impressive depths, the cave is not devoid of their inhabitants. Some types of bacteria and scrapers made it their home.

Mine Tow Tone

From the natural masterpiece we go to the man-made object. Not far from the capital of South Africa is the deepest development of the Tau-Tone mine, which produces a gold-containing ore. A valuable ore also contains uranium, which makes work in a hazardous mine.

The depth of the mine is today equal to 4 kilometers, and for all the time its work has already produced 1200 tons of the most valuable metal. Naturally, work on such an object is conjugate with many dangers. But so far safety pays for gold pay off.

Kola Skawzhina

Another deep object of human hand is - Kola ultra-dust well. It appeared as a result of a unique experiment of Soviet scientists, which in 1970 began drilling to learn as much as possible about the structure of the earth's crust.

The place was chosen in no coincidence, because it was on the Kola Peninsula on the surface the exits of ancient rocks were discovered.

Scientists and engineers managed to deepen 12262 meters. An adventurous, at first glance, the project made it possible to learn a lot about the structure of the Earth. After the closure of the well did not find further use, and weakened.

Izu Bonin Wpadina

The deep-water flag was discovered during the cable laying on the Pacific DNU, not far from Japan. The vessel "Tusskaur" at the end of the XIX century, with a echo sounder could fix a depth of 8,500 meters.

The bottom of the depression has thresholds of different depths. But the oceanologists from the Vityaz vessel installed at their time and the maximum depth of the ocean fool - 9810 meters. Wpadina stretches along the bottom of the ocean to a thousand kilometers, and connects with Japanese alab.

Smokylo-kamchatsky golod

The vessel "Vityaz" investigated another natural object - a narrow deep-water depression between the Kuril Islands and Kamchatka. The maximum depth of the depression in the Pacific Ocean equals 9783 meters.

Interestingly, this gulch was discovered by the sovereign "Tuskaroor", and before the 50s of the last century it was called on the name of the American Research Ship.

In addition to gigantic depths, it is also the narrowest ocean sweep, the width of only 59 meters. The editorial office of Thebiggest would really like to visit this amazing place when surrounded by natural walls, find yourself over the abyss!

Gulch Kermadek

Southeast foot pacific Island Kermadek at the end of the XIX century was opened by the same name. The maximum depth is 10047 meters.

On the seabed, it stretches for 1200 km. It is a permanent object of research, and quite recently, oceanologists have discovered a new type of marine slugs that live in the depths of the horrors.

Filippinsky Zhulobe

Wpadina in the Philippine Sea, which is 10,540 meters from the water surface, makes this sea the deepest sea on the earth's surface. It is noteworthy that the average depths, 4,108 meters, pretty large.

Millions of years ago were formed, and became the result of the collision of the huge tectonic plates. One can only assume the scale of the earthquake and the tsunami caused by it. Yes, and today this area is one of the most seismic on the planet.

Holy Tonga

From the island of Tonga to the Kermadek's depression, another deepest golobe, called Tonga, was extended to the distance of 860 kilometers along the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

This catch is only a bit inferior to the Mariana and its depth is 10,882 meters. The natural object has its own entertaining history. In 1970, the landing step of the American ship Apollo-13, containing plutonium, sank in the thong of Tongo. She did not raise it.

Mariana Trench. "Abyss Challenger"

That's the end point of our journey is the deepest place on the planet. It is Mariana Wpadina, the depth of which is 10994 meters, and general extension Almost 2 and a half thousand kilometers.

The deepest place in the world was opened in the 70s of the XIX century, an English research vessel with the calling name "Challenger".

In the photo: Shark-houses - one of the inhabitants of the abyss of the Challenger.

Interestingly, there are inhabitants at such depths. Wpadin chose a variety of simplest, rare types of clams and unique deep-sea fish. But, as oceanologists declare, Wpadina stores many more secrets that have yet to solve.


A varied landscape of the earth surface led to the appearance of various objects. The deepest places cannot but cause surprise and even admiration. Nature is diverse, and, except, created amazing deep places, both on land and in the ocean.

But the person, during research and economic activities, also created deep objects worthy of occupying their honorable place in the list of land attractions.

The editorial office of Thebiggst is looking forward to you are of the most interesting comments on the deepest places of the planet. Write to us your opinion about any of the places described or offer another interesting option for the title of one of the deepest places of the Earth.

08/17/2015 at 18:31 · Johnny. · 39 480

Top 10 deepest places on Earth

We still know very little about your planet. This is especially true of the depths of the oceans and the seas. But on land, there are places that amaze human imagination. For example, the deepest places on Earth. What we know about them and where the lowest points of the earth's surface are located - about it next.

In everyday life, huge pits or cliffs are rare, but our planet has a diverse landscape. Along with the highest mountain peaks Meet I. the deepest places of our planet- both natural origin and created by the hands of a person.

10. Lake Baikal | 1,642 M.

The mistake will assume that the deepest places on the ground are only in the oceans and seas. Baikal has a depth of 1,642 meters and is among the lakes. Local residents Therefore, they are called Baikal by the sea. Such depth is explained by the tectonic origin of the lake. Many other records and amazing discoveries are connected with this place. Baikal can be called the largest natural reservoir of fresh water on Earth. Exactly this ancient lake On our planet (he has more than 25 million years old) and two thirds of the flora and the fauna of the reservoir are no longer found anywhere.

9. Cave of Crubere-Voronene | 2 196 M.

There are their giants and among the caves. The deepest places on Earth include the Crever of Crubere-Voronene (Abkhazia). Its depth is 2 196 meters. It should be noted that we are talking about the studied part of the cave. It is possible that the next expedition will go down even lower and will set a new record of depth. The karst cave consists of wells connected by transitions and galleries. For the first time it was opened in 1960. Then speleologists were able to descend to a depth of 95 meters. A two-kilometer frontier was overcome by the Ukrainian expedition of speleologists in 2004.

8. Mine Tauton | 4 000 M.

Tau Tau (Tautona Mine) in South Africa - This is the deepest mine on Earth. It is located in the South African Republic, not far from Johannesburg. This greatest gold mine goes to the ground for 4 kilometers. At this incredible depth is a whole underground city with a network of kilometer tunnels. To get to your workplace, the miners have to spend about an hour. Work at such a depth is associated with a large number of dangers - this humidity achieves in some branches of mines 100%, high air temperature, the danger of an explosion from the gaseous tunnels and collapse from the earthquakes that occur here is quite often. But all the dangers of work and costs for maintaining the functionality of the mine are generously pay off by the mined gold - 1200 tons of precious metal produced in the entire history of the existence of the mine.

7. Kola Well | 12 262 M.

The deepest well on Earth is the Kola ultra-deep well, which is located in Russia. This is one of the most unusual and interesting experiments set by Soviet scientists. Drilling began in 1970 and had only one task - learn more about the crust of the Earth. The Kola Peninsula was chosen to carry out an experiment for the reason that the ancient breeds of the land of about 3 million years are published here on the surface. They also represented great interest to scientists. The depth of the well - 12,62 meters. She allowed to make unexpected discoveries and made reconsider the scientific ideas about the location of the earth. Unfortunately, the well created with a purely scientific goal in subsequent years did not find use, and it was decided to conservation.

6. Izu-Bonin Vadina | 9 810 M.

In 1873-76, the American oceanographic vessel "Tuscarora" conducted the sealing of the seabed for laying underwater cable. Lot, abandoned from the Japanese islands Izz, recorded a depth of 8,500 meters. Later, the Soviet vessel "Vityaz" in 1955 set the maximum depth of the depression - 9810 meters.

5. Kumilo-Kamchatsky chute | 10 542 M.

- This is not only one of the deepest places on Earth, Vpadina is also the narrowest in the Pacific Ocean. The width of the gutter is 59 meters, and the maximum depth is 10,542 meters. Located in the North-Western part of the Pacific Ocean. In the middle of the last century, Soviet scientists on the vessel "Vityaz" were engaged in studying. More thorough research has not been conducted. An American vessel "Tusskaur" is open and for a long time he wore this name until he was renamed.

4. Chute Kermadek | 10 047 M.

Located in the Pacific Ocean at Kermadek Islands. The maximum depth of the depression is 10,047 meters. He was investigated by the Soviet vessel "Vityaz". In 2008, a previously unknown view of sea slugs from the Fis-Snails Family was opened at a depth of 7 kilometers in Kermadek's groove. Surprised by the researchers and other abode of this very deep place on Earth - huge 30-centimeter crustaceans.

3. Philippine chute | 10 540 M.

Opens the top three deepest points of the planet. 10 540 meters - this is its depth. He formed millions of years ago as a result of the collision of earth plates. Located in the east of the Philippine Archipelago. By the way, scientists for a long time believed that the Philippine Vpadina is the deepe-water point of the Pacific Ocean.

2. Tonga gutter | 10 882 M.

Located in the southwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, near Tonga Islands. This area is extremely interesting because it is a very active seismic zone. Several strong earthquakes occur here annually. The chute depth is 10,882 meters. It is only 100 meters less than Mariana Wpadina. The difference is about a percent, but it puts the tong gutter to second place in the list of the deepest places on Earth.

1. Mariana Wpadina | 10 994 M.

Located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean and in shape resembles crescents. The length of the gutter is more than 2.5 thousand kilometers, and the deepest point is 10,994 meters. It is called Challenger's abyss.

The deepest place on Earth was opened in 1875 by the English Judgment "Challenger". Today, the Wpadina is the most studied from all other deep-water gutters. It was tried to achieve her bottom during the four dives: in 1960, 1995, 2009 and 2012. The last time the director James Cameron was descended to the Mariana Wpadin. Most of all, the bottom of the gutter reminded him a lifeless lunar surface. But, unlike the Earth's satellite, Mariana Vpadina is populated by living organisms. Researchers found here toxic ameb, mollusks and deep-sea fish that look very frightening. Since a full-scale study of the gutter, except for short-term dives, was not conducted, Mariana Wpadina can hide a lot of interesting things.

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