What interesting on the ICC today. What to look at VDNH: Museums, Exhibitions, Entertainment

- This exhibition complex in the north-east of Moscow is part of the 50 largest exhibition centers of the world, the second largest in the capital. The main exhibition of the Fatherland affects not only its grand area, but also the magnificence of architectural monuments and museum expositions presented here. VDHH is one of the most visited and popular seats Moscow, both among tourists and residents of the capital.

Buildings, monuments and fountains located on the territory of the ICC are created in Soviet times, are architectural monuments Soviet era, samples of architectural views that dominate at different times. Many of them got fame worldwide. In Russia, almost every person saw at least in the photographs of the monument "Worker and collective farm", the fountains "Friendship of the Peoples of the USSR" and "Stone Flower", Pavilions of the Ukrainian SSR, Uzbek SSR, Mechanization and Electrification of the USSR Agriculture (Space).

In 1992-2014, the complex was named "All-Russian Exhibition Center" (WVC). 14 May 2014 The exhibition returned its historical name - VDNH.

In 2014, VDNH united with the main botanical garden. N.V. Tsizin RAS and Ostankino Park and today, this territory is a single recreational space without fences with an area of \u200b\u200b520 hectares.

Per last years The territory of the exhibition was released from most of the trays, from which uncivilized trade was made and obsolete tents with the publication. Instead, modern fast food pavilions appeared, the sale points for ice cream and soft drinks and a food court of 1.3 thousand square meters between the Pavilions No. 64 "Optics" and No. 66 "Culture".

Today, active development of the concept of development of the VDHH as the largest cultural and exhibition center and the main publicly available park of the world-class capital is underway. At 48 facilities, including architectural monuments, work has already been completed.
A lot of hotels for every taste and wallet are built around the VDNH. So, for example, a complex of a hotel type "Dormitory at the VDNH" http://gostinica-vdnh.ru/ offers places at a price of 230 rubles a day per person, and in such hotels, as "Oksana" or "Viva Hotel" can Overnight leave 3000-4000 rubles.

The largest exhibition complex in Moscow is the exhibition of achievements of the national economy. There are exposure, which reflect the development of various areas of Russia's activities and are organized by various types of cultural and mass festivals. Each visitor will find what to look at the VDNH. This is a wonderful place to entertain and relax. There is a lot of things interesting for children and people of all ages and any tastes. By tradition, samples of achievements of science, culture and economy are demonstrated at the exhibition. Russian Federation and CIS countries. The territory of VDNH takes 2,375,000 square meters. Of these, 108 thousand square meters are assigned to closed exposure areas.

What is on the exhibition

The area of \u200b\u200bthe exhibition center is truly huge, so many guests of Moscow can immediately and not figure out what to look at the VDNH. And here there is where to get a look. True, see everything in one day will not succeed. To argue the whole exhibition, it will take at least one week. So, there are more than 80 pavilions on a huge territory. Among them are 46 facilities - monuments of culture and history, who are protected by the country. The largest pavilions are the platforms that are given numbers 20, 26, 57 and 69. They present the achievements of the chemical industry, transport, toy industries and consumer goods, respectively.

If the guests have already visited many institutions and do not know what to look at the VDNH, they are also recommended to go on the industry. There is a legendary Yak-42 liner. In 1981, he carried out a record flight for the remoteness of a non-alert flight. The Gallery is located in Yak-42, which is called "aircraft".

For the smallest visitors to the EDNX, a children's museum with a fabulous name "The house of fairy tales" lived was "." Fairy tales will help children get acquainted with the creative activities of artists and writers. In addition, young art connoisseurs will be able to dance, play and reincarnate in the heroes of their favorite works.

At the VDNH, you can visit the exposition of living tropical butterflies. It presents almost half a hundred copies of fifty species. Insects brought from South America states, South-East Asia and Africa. All of them fly along the greenhouse, in which the fountains function and tropical plants grow. There are many other wonderful places on VDNH. On some of them we will focus in more detail.

Pavilion for people with psyche stand

The Museum of Illusions at the VDNH is one of those institutions in which it will be interesting to both adults and children. The museum proposes to explore optical illusions. It works in the pavilion at number 55. If you wish to ride your nerves, then you should notice here. Here you can swim on the "Titanic", play with a formidable tiger, to be among the giant toys, run away from the zombie thirsty and expose other dangerous tests.

Visitors of the museum are not ordinary guests, and full participants demonstrating the pictures created by popular capital artists specifically for this project. The pavilion is allowed to take pictures, so visitors looking at the pictures taken, for a long time will remember those bright sensations they received in the museum. Nobody will miss the museum of optical illusions: here everyone will have something to do and what to get amazing pleasure.

What will be interested in children

Considerable interest is VDNH for children. Here is such a number of entertainment and attractions that they are enough for a whole day. unforgettable impressions. The most popular and basic entertainment is the ferris wheel. In addition, this is a fascinating attraction, this is also one of the symbols of the city. From the routing cabins, stunning views of the megalopolis are opening. Life in Moscow can be seen from the height of the bird's flight.

Pavilion No. 2. The complex called "Museum Museum" is provided for children. It contains such museum and exhibition organizations as "Kunstkamera", "Magic Kaleidoscope", "artist's workshop" and others. An eighth pavilion can be shown to the eighth pavilion, where exotic birds are located. And in Pavilion No. 71 there is an exhibition "Ice Age". They will be interested in the baby and the 84th branch, which is the Moscow Museum of Animation.

Underwater world

The establishment of the "Moskvarum" works in the exhibition. This is an incredibly large indoor aquarium. Until a certain point, he was the largest in Europe. More seven thousand marine inhabitants live in the aquarium on VDNH. The price of tickets here depends on the age of visitors, from the day of the week and from other factors. So, from Monday to Thursday, the cost of adult pass starts from 900 rubles. A ticket for children from three to 12 years will cost a minimum of six hundred rubles. The cost of tickets on Friday, on weekends and festive days It begins from one thousand rubles for a pass for an adult and from 800 rubles for a child.

All fountains work every day and will become wonderful salvation in hot summer days.

Variety of exhibitions

Exhibitions in Moscow at the VDNX are the most diverse. One of the interesting and educational is the exposition of a politeha dedicated to scientific innovations, discoveries and inventions. There is a layout of the first Soviet atomic bomb. Also, the exhibition will help to find out what principle a holographic pillar is functioning.

The exhibition "Information City" has interactive zones. During the exposition, the public will demonstrate a virtual reality helmet "Okulus Rift", portable robots, 3D printers and much more.

The exhibitions are constantly changing and complemented. So, in 2017 it will be possible to visit such exposures as the "Stone Industry", "Hunting and Fisheries in Russia", Rappa Expo and many others.

Take a walk in the garden

Incredible interest is botanical Garden on VDNH. He is the largest in Europe. There is a luxurious collection of plants in an open and closed soil. In the garden grows 17 thousand all kinds of species and varieties of colors, trees and bushes.

The Botanical Garden of the EDPH was broken in 1945. For him, the area was taken in 330 hectares. The garden was created with the aim of saving the range of biological species. There are two thousand handicraft and wood types collected throughout the planet. Among the presented expositions should pay attention to the "Rosary", the "garden of coastal plants" and the "shadow garden". There are both decorative and floral species.

Museums VDNH

If you still do not know what to look at VDNH, we advise you to visit the local museums. Here they are collected a huge amount. We have already mentioned some of them, and some remained without attention. So, it is impossible to pass by the Museum of Cinema who has opened this year. There are 150 thousand exhibits, which relate to the art of production film.

Museum of fairy tales P. P. Bazhov conducts excursions resembling travels on the stories of the famous writer. Children will be offered sweets with tea and will tell entertaining and incredible interesting stories. Adults will also appreciate such events.

The Moscow Botanical Garden, which is considered the largest in Europe, is a real paradise for plant lovers. Here you can walk for hours, enjoying unity with nature. If the weather is not lucky - it does not matter. Go on an excursion to the greenhouse, in which different climatic parameters are recreated - tropics, subtropics, wet forests. Admire exotic plants and plunge into the atmosphere of year-round summer!

Park "Russia - My Story"

An ideal place for those who want to learn more about the rich and interesting past of Russia. When creating the park, materials from museums, libraries, archives were used, and many documents were first available to the general public. "Russia is my story" - a project implemented through the modern technologies. The exposition uses 3D models, animation, digital reconstructions, video infographics.

Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics

The museum is inside the monument "Cosmos Conquerors" on the Alea of \u200b\u200bCosmonauts. The highlight of the exposure is a full-size layout of the part of the Mir station, flooded in the early 2000s. Visitors have the opportunity to touch the Great Space History of Russia. Consider the layout is permitted not only outside. All those wishing to feel like astronauts are allowed inside.

"Worker and collective farmers"

The legendary monument of the work of faith Mukhina, located near the northern entrance of the VDNH. The monument, which was called the "standard of socialist realism," still remains one of the symbols of Moscow. Today, the Museum and Exhibition Center works in the pedestal of the sculpture. Its territories are represented by exhibits that tell about the history of "working and collective farmers".

Fountain "Friendship of Peoples"

Now the fountain, considered one of the key SDMH characters, is closed on the restoration. Still, from the moment of its launch, more than 60 years have passed. Opening is scheduled for 2018. In the center of the fountain composition - like a sheaf bowl. There are 16 beauties, symbolizing Soviet republic around him. By the way, not far from the "friendship of peoples" there are two more remarkable fountains - "Stone flower" and "Golden Colos" - which are also restored now.

Ostankino Tower

The highest construction in Europe. We advise you to try to get to the viewing platform - there are excursions, but only from May to October. At the same time, the number of people in groups is also limited - the presence of only 90 visitors is allowed. If you were among the lucky ones, then on observation site You will be revealed truly an impressive view of Moscow.

Pay attention to the Space Hotel located at the Metro "VDNH", within walking distance of the attractions described in the article. On the website of the hotel, you can not only explore its rooms and prices, but also find a valuable announcement of current events held on the territory of the exhibition of achievements of the national economy: exhibitions, master classes, creativity lessons, parades, shows, fairs and much more ...

The VDNH is the ideological site of the Soviet Union, where throughout the ten years have been demonstrated by all significant achievements of the Union republics that are part of the USSR. Currently, the VDNH is a cultural and exhibition complex, where you can visit many exhibitions and expositions, and you can slowly stroll along the alleys along the most beautiful fountains, visit the city farm and landscape park.

VDNH - how to get to the subway

VDNH represents a very large territory and inputs here more than 10, they are located around the entire perimeter of the exhibition. But it is more interesting to start an inspection with the main alley, the symmetry of the buildings on which it makes admire with a scope. Therefore, enter the VDNH is best through main entranceLocated next to the Metro station VDHH. The VDNH station is located at the Kaluga-Riga branch of the Moscow Metro, the branch scheme is depicted in orange. The station, like the entire exhibition of achievements of the national economy, is strictly in the northern part of the capital. But coming out of the subway is not worth a hurry on the VDNH. First we will pass through the park dedicated to Soviet achievements in astronautics.

Cosmopark at VDNH

The park in its current form was opened in 2008, although the main attractions of the Cosmopark are already more than 50 years old. Obelisk "Conquerors of Cosmos" in the form of a starting rocket with a train was opened in 1964. with VDNH, just a bit reduced, installed in Saratov region, at the site of landing the first cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

The renewed alley of astronauts appeared to the eyes of Muscovites and guests of the capital in 2008, when a sunny system and a monument to the Queen was installed here. Also on the panorama is clearly visible by the famous Space Hotel, located on the right of the Cosmopar.

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More recently, after the reconstruction, the Cosmonautics Museum was opened, located on the ground floor under the stele.

Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy

VDNH - a unique exhibition opened in 1954, as a symbol of all achievements people's Republicsincluded in the USSR. Inside the complex, thematic pavilions were organized, each of the Union republics, where they represented their most outstanding achievements. The exhibition functions to this day. All exhibitions and events can be found on the official website of VDNH. The alley of fountains begins from the central entrance to the VDNH.

Beautiful alley, on both sides of which small fountains are installed, leads us to the chief pavilion of VDNH, it is also called Pavilion No. 1 "Central". Once in this pavilion, the main achievements of building a socialist state were shown.

Fountain "Friendship of Peoples" at VDNH

Immediately behind Pavilion No. 1 is the main fountain of the Soviet Union. This is a fountain "Friendship of Peoples". The sculptural composition of the fountain depicts all the union republics of the USSR in the form of girls dodged into national costumes, with an attribute, one way or another reflecting the uniqueness of each republic.

And around the fountain, on some removal, the main pavilions of the exhibition of national economy achievements are located.

The Fountain "Friendship of Peoples" was opened in 1954 and one curious fact is connected with it. The sculptures of girls around the fountain 16, which corresponds to the number of republics until 1956. But in 1956, the Caroen-Finnish SSR was abolished and renamed the Republic of Karelia. Thus, there is an excess girl on the fountain. And they did not remove the statue, in order not to disrupt the composite component of the fountain. Knowing this fact, you will be more interesting to explore sculptures around the fountain.

But it will be difficult to define an independently mysterious girl. Therefore, here is the search scheme. Three girls are watching the central entrance and the chief pavilion of the VDNH: Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. A Russian girl can be found on a huge shock of ears in hand.

The desired Karelian-Finca is installed on the back of the fountain, it looks smoothly in the opposite direction. You can find out the girl on a small Christmas tree located in her legs.

Fountain "Stone Flower" at VDNH

For the fountain "Friendship of Peoples", a unique fountain was installed on the range of collective farms beautiful title "Stone Flower". The name of his fountain is obliged to writer Bazhov, with a light pen of which a lot of beautiful fairy tales flew, including a fairy tale about a stone flower.

But not only the title is limited to the influence of the "Ural Square" on the fountain. The central fountain depicted in the form of a flower is decorated with mosaic and many details.

On the perimeter, the fountain is decorated with bronze dishes, and swans shoot water jets.

It is noteworthy that the fact that the fountain is unique that the "stone flower" was first in the USSR and around the world a light-music fountain. For the fountain there is Pavilion No. 58 "Agriculture", previously pavilion "Ukraine". And on the right pavilion No. 59 "Grain".

Attractions VDNH

On the left of the fountain there is Pavilion No. 18 "Republic of Belarus".

If you continue to move right, then we go to the area of \u200b\u200bthe industry, where the Yak-42 is installed, the Mi-8T helicopter and the Su-27 fighter, and the main attraction of the square is of course the East Rocket

The day was truly hot and we went into the grocery number 1 to hide from the sun and replenish the stocks of fresh water. Going here we experienced real nostalgia in Soviet childhood.

Further on the architectural avenue, turning to the district alley left, we reached the city farm. The farm has a formal site where you can get acquainted with the schedule of events and prices. In essence, the city farm is a contact zoo where you and your children will be able to get acquainted with domestic animals and understand the principles of management, and all sorts of master classes are also held here and excursions are held.

Opposite the city farm we see one of the four ponds in the system of ponds of the main botanical garden and VDNH.

Major Botanical Garden itself. N.V. Cycin is located on the right hand from the ponds, in the garden, as in the territory of the entire VDNH, you can ride the bike rented here.

We reached the next pond, where the Golden Colos Fountain is banging. Like a lot on the VDNH, the fountain was opened back in 1954, therefore, due to wear, its engineering communications have lost their work. Work on reconstruction, during which the fountain could work in full force, have not yet begun.

From the ponds, we returned to the main exhibition pavilions, hence the Pavilion No. 34 "Mechanical Engineering" is already visible, there is an industry area behind it. From here we went towards the landscape park and the Moscow "Moskvarum".

And this is the oldest oceanarium, which has overtaken its size, once leading according to this indicator ,. Now Moskvarum is the largest oceanarium in Russia. You can get acquainted with the prices and events of the oceanarium on the official website of the Muscaulus.

You can walk on the EDPH all day, and it will still be difficult to get around all the pavilions and exhibitions. Especially if you stay everywhere and visit everyone. If you visit the city farm and the Moskvarum, then there is no time to inspect the rest of the attractions, but there are still a Museum of Cosmonautics, and the Ostankinskaya Telbashnya. Therefore, if you are going to pay the examination of the VDNH only one light day will have a lot to sweat, taking the decision what sights to visit. We only managed to rush with hurricane through the alleys and prospectuses of the exhibition of achievements of the national economy. Therefore, without a doubt, we will also return here and visit the Muscavarum and the city farm and the Ostankino Tower. And we take a picture of the "Work and Kolkhoznitsa" unnoticed by us, which is installed on the right of the central entrance to the VDNH.

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