Where in the Krasnodar Territory can be rafting. Water routes Krasnodar Territory Reports on hikes on the Kuban River

"Guide to Kuban" Samoilenko A.A.

Krasnodar-Elizavetinskaya, 38 km - Majanskaya, 20 km - Fedorovskaya, 22 km - Tikhovsky, 33 km - Slavyansk-on-Kubani, 17 km.

The alloy in the Kuban in Krasnodar is convenient to start from the final stop of trolley buses No. 9,10,12 or trams No. 2.4. From here to the coast of 100-150 m. Kuban is wide here and almost always full, the current is weak.

On the river below the Krasnodar reservoir - navigation situation. Farvateter is designated by Baked (right beach - red, left bank - white). The movement of ships is inflated, but among them there are high-speed rockets on underwater wings. It is necessary to constantly monitor the situation on the river and go outside the Farviter.

From the start of the alloy, for big island, River makes a smooth right turn. On the right bank of the river port, boiler crossing. Further behind the left turn of the channel railway bridge. The right bank is high, almost everywhere breaking. Over the city on the left bank there are several databases. The shores have sworn by floodplain forest, many sandy beaches.

The first large settlement on the route is St. Lisavetinskaya on the right bank. After 2.5-3 hours turn on the same shore. Blessed. After several large bends of the channel St. Mallian on the right. Here is the character of the river former. It is better to move in the gentle banks, because shipping fairway is usually at high shores.

Further on the way of Art. Fedorovskaya - Left. Here the Kuban is overporning the Fedorovsky hydroelectric dam, which should be taken. A few kilometers on the right of the protected tract of the Red Forest. It is impossible to stop here. Many good parking spaces are below. In several hours of alloy from the border on the right bank of Hut. Tykhovsky. Next, the Kuban is divided into two sleeves: self-cached and duct. Both fall into the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov. In Slavyansk-on-Kuban, it is necessary to sail on the dash. City landmark - railway bridge. After it, for 500-600 m to the highway bridge, on urban sandy beach The left shore can finish alloy. From here there are buses to the bus station and on J.-D. Station of duct.

Tour schedule

First day
The route starts in the village of Hurzuk. Tourists get acquainted, break the camp. After a detailed story about the route and briefing - dinner and overnight stay.

Second day
Start alloy. Together with the instructor, tourists work out techniques, are trained correctly. Lunch - on land. The second night in the area of \u200b\u200bthe canyon ammonite.

The third day
The passage of the thresholds of the canyon ammonite. Here raftters are waiting for the thresholds of the fourth category of complexity, after which the complexity of the route is reduced. Passage through the Canyon Kamennikovsky is the first, the second and third complexity of the route.
After the passage of the Kamennikovsky, the rafts on land are transferred through the threshold of the chute, which has the fifth category of complexity and is intended for overcoming only professional raftera athletes. After rafts again descend the water, tourists are waiting for the thresholds of the second and third category of complexity.
In the evening of the third day, the route ends in the village of Cental, from where Rafters deliver to their vehicles.

Benefits Alloy on the Kuban River

  • Professional instructors. The alloy is carried out by professionals athletes, including the Vice-President of the Rafting Federation of Adygea. Before the start, an exhaustive instruction is carried out. During the entire alloy, the instructor controls raftters.
  • Output of equipment. The price includes the price of equipment for alloy and overnight: protective helmets with fastening for an action-camera, special shoes, rescue vests and wetsuits. For overnight - bowlers, tents and sleeping bags.
  • Safety. The entire route of the Alloy on the Kuban River has been explored and studied by instructors. Throughout the route, they control the alloy, being directly on board the rafts.
  • Positive emotions. Route alloy passes by picturesque places, the process of passing thresholds and overnight stay under open sky will give you positive emotions and unforgettable impressions.
  • Affordable prices. The cost of a three-day alloy with the provision of rafts, equipment and services of professional instructors will pleasantly surprise you.

About the route

Route alloy on the Kuban River is available for passing from mid-May to the end of October. The route passes through a narrow valley, powdering mixed forest. Thresholds on the route are stony areas, the jet of boulders and meter shafts.

The most serious obstacle on the route - Canyon Aman-Hit. Here in the river river a lot of rocky fragments and large boulders, steep plots and foams between the stones. The last stretch of canyon will give the greatest number Emotions and drive - here the river accelerates and leaves little time to maneuvering between large wreckage of rocks. For this site of the route, high trees of water with folding vertices are characterized. Pre-exploration of thresholds are required before passing this area.

The canyon follows the segment of the path with the thresholds of the first second and third level of complexity - the Kamennikovsky threshold. The route on this site almost fully consists of stony sewer and cool falling sections with surface stones. In these places, the shafts in Schiverch reached one and a half meters. The upper stone-based threshold is a short and steep drop in the bed, with a large number of pitfalls. Because of the stones, a foam is formed, which does not consider the flow.

At the end of this segment - a threshold of a chute, which is too complicated to overcome tourists, as it represents a narrow passage between rocks and an almost uniform fall of the river from a six-meter height over seventy meters. This threshold is circulated on land.

After that, the route alloy along the Kuban river dives into a naked, flame valley. Rods stony and replete with protracted speivers. The river becomes more powerful and full.

The next portion of the journey passes in steep bed curves, over which sandstone visors hang. Thresholds in this area - artificial origin. This is a stove threshold - a huge furnace, former dam and threshold of the reinforcement - the remains of the washed area of \u200b\u200bthe railway canvas.

The last plot of the path is calm, with the thresholds of the first second level of complexity, rare shovers. The river is divided into several sleeves in which the mass of demolished trees and rhizomes. Behind the end point of the route, the Kuban is widely poured, turning into the bombed reservoir.

Given that the alloy is conducted under the control of experienced rafter instructors, tourists danger route of the Alloy on the Kuban River does not represent.

Summer, heat, people are familiar to reservoirs - refreshing. Rest on barychka, the river, of course, the thing is good, but it hurts boring. Whether it is refreshing right in the heart of the water flow, but not a simple, and the mountain river, which with a whistle will sweep you in its waterfalls, ruds and protrusions. Naturally, this is not so easy to sweat your briginal body, but in an inflatable boat, called Rafts. After all, it is about rafting with us and will be discussed.

What is it? Rafting is an extreme alloy along mountain rivers on a special rubber boat with the passage of dangerous thresholds, water films and other surprises.

In general, alloy on rivers - occupation, famous man from time immemorial. There are evidence that hundreds of centuries BC The ancient peoples traveled along the rivers on the canoe. With the development of civilization in water arteries, the forest was splashing, gold leaving and geologists were transferred at various swimming agents. And only relatively recently alloys turned into entertainment.

White river

Where can I swim in the Kuban? Rivers in our region abound. But perhaps the most famous among extreme lovers water recreation - The White River, which is in Adygea. It allows you to experience the brightest emotions of both beginners and mast to professionals of oars and boats. Especially for each level of preparation on this river, five routes are calculated.

Step 1 "Classic" - from the Polyana Bashtannikov to the bridge (10 km) - 500 rubles;

Step 2 "Classic +" - from the granite canyon to the bridge (15 km) - 600 rubles;

Step 3 "Extreme" - from the village of Guzeripl to the thresholds of Kishi (10 km) - 800 rubles;

Step 4 "Moscow Barrel" - in addition to the route "Extreme" - 300 rubles;

Step 5 "Seregin Canyon" - 1 500 rubles.

As you already understood, with each step the complexity rises.

The first two plots are chosen with this calculation so that the alloy on inflatable rafts is safe, the river here is quite calm, but at the same time fast, that the sensations from the conquest of water elements are memorable.

But on the third plot and the following by him will be allowed those who fused at least one of the classic routes. Despite the fact that in length he is small, but there are already obstacles (the threshold "Kisses of the stone" of the 2nd category of complexity; the Threshold "Theatrical" 3rd category of complexity; the threshold "Toporics" of the 2nd category of complexity) requiring Certain experience when passing. In this area, interral - white competitions are held annually water species Sports.

By the way, going to the rafting, it is advisable to take a bathing suit with you, a towel, comfortable sports shoes, which is not entirely scary in water, and a tanning cream.

At the time of the descent additionally, you will be issued special individual equipment: Wetsuit (when cool), neoprene boots, helmet, life vest and paddle.

Recently, the new round of popularity acquires water tourism of the Krasnodar Territory. Numerous water routes are striking with their diversity and uniqueness. The main water artery for tourism on the water is the Kuban River. On all its full-flowed tributaries from early spring and to late autumn, for tourists, a alloy on kayaks and rafts can be organized.

Mountain Tourism of the Krasnodar Territory

The Kuban River is located below the city of Krasnodar in the Krasnodar reservoir pool. The river itself and its dock shipping, in connection with this, tourists are obliged to comply with the basics of the rules of swimming in the internal arteries of Russia, as well as the features and customs of the shipping of the area. In the process of alloy, it is often a hazard in the form of pitfalls across drilled trees and a different garbage, so you need to be extremely attentive and careful, since there are cases of coups with severe health effects. In mandatory, absolutely all participants of the alloy are independent of experience and experience, you need to wear a life jacket.

Next, consider the most popular routes on the Kuban River, which are included in the main water tourism of the Krasnodar Territory. Direction Nevinnomyssk - Armavir includes passage settlements Kochubeyevskoe, supervisory, Assumption, convinced and ends in the city of Armavir. Total length Alloy is 117 km. Beginning on the left bank of the Kuban 200 meters from the dam. A good option to relax along the route Armavir-Kropotkin. In this place the river is full and volumetric. We swim by the village of Red Polyana on the left bank, and on the right - the stations are the fumes, which are connected by the bridge. Filming along the flow, on the right in the course of the movement you will definitely see the forest clutch, which will serve as a convenient place for a cozy night. The route is Krasnodar reservoir, you can leave from any point on its shore. It is important to be away from hydraulic structures. The most acceptable option: on the Kuban River from the city of Ust-Labinsk and then immediately go down to the reservoir.

Water tourism of the Krasnodar Territory It is represented not only by the Kuban River, but also by other water routes. Fans of boats and kayaks, no doubt will like the route along Azov coast. An intricate branch of the direction runs along the settlements of the city of Temryuk, the village of Achuyevo and a small town of Primorsko-Akhtarsk. Next, next to the Zadamyshevskaya station to the Dolzhanskaya station, and ends at the city of Yeisk. Throughout a weekly fascinating trip, tourists will be able to enjoy a series of "revived" volcanoes from dirt, "jungle" from the reed. Float through the thickets of the Indian lotus, as well as the Khan lake with medical mud and sources of hydrogen sulfide.

In addition, the route has countless comfortable parking and limanov for recreation. Local fauna is represented by ducks, herons, foddes and other birds. There are practically no firewood on the way, so Ideally take gas tiles with you. For a more sports and extreme alloy, professionals choose the mountain rivers Shah, Mzymta, White. The length of water routes on these rivers is from 6 to 18 kilometers, depending on the complexity of the descent and experience of tourists.

Water Tourism of the Krasnodar Territory - Video Alloy on the White River

On the Kuban River and all its tributaries, tourist alloy is possible from March to November. At another time of year, it is not recommended to go. Since the Kuban is lower than Krasnodar, the Krasnodar reservoir and the River of the Duch of Shipping, then tourists-vodds running along the route should know the rules for swimming in the inner waters of the Russian Federation and the shipping situation in the area. Good transport accessibility Creates favorable conditions for choosing a route. The main danger with the alloy - dawns and squashs, sharp stones and industrial garbage. The possibility of the coup is not excluded. Therefore, each member of the aqueous campaign must have saving.

Offer brief descriptions Some non-iced and hikes 1 k.S. By Kuban and her tributaries.

100 km - Achuevo, 120 km

In addition to these routes, we can offer lovers water tourism Boat or catering route "on the Azov coast"

(described in the book K.A. Goroshenov "Travels in the Krasnodar Territory").

Rutting Route: Merryuk - Pos. Achuyevo - G.Pyrimorsko-Akhtarsk - St. Kamyshevatskaya - Art. Dolzhanskaya -

During the trip, tourists will see the active mud volcanoes, reed "jungle", the plantation of the Indian lotus, Lake Khan, with healing mud, hydrogen sulfide, will get acquainted with the priazovsky cities.

The path from Temryuk to Primorsko-Akhtarsk takes 4-5 days, further to Yeisk another 3-4 days. Multi route convenient locations For parking, smoothness and limany are rich in fish and happy. Animal world represented by migratory ducks, seagulls, drink, gray herons, pelicans, cormorants, fodys. Because of the lack of firewood, it is better to take with you or primus, or gas burners.

From the rivers of the Black Sea basin, the aids athletes prefer the Mzimt and Shahe rivers. Some Sochi routes use rafts for commercial alloy - the vessel who came from the West and externally resembling our catamarans.

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