Presentation on geography on the topic of the mountain. Presentation on the topic of the mountain

What is the mountains?

  • The mountains - Positive form of relief raised over the plains. Mountains are dissected areas of the earth's surface with significant height differences (from several tens of meters to several kilometers).


Mountains of different continents

Mountains Africa

Mountains Eurasia

The mountains North America

Mountains of South America

Insert A Picture Of One Of The Geographic Features of Your Country.

Mountains of Australia

Mountains Antarctica

show show


  • Kilimanjaro. - Mountain array in the northeast of Tanzania, the highest point of Africa above sea level - 5895m. Kilimanjaro rises above the Masai's flatway, which is located at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level.

In 2003, scientists came to the conclusion that the molten lava is only 400 meters under the campter of the main vertex of Cybo . Although no other activity is predicted, except for gas emissions that are now, there are concerns that the volcano can collapse, which will lead to a major eruption.



  • Jomolungma - highest top globe Height according to different data from 8844 to 8852 m. Located in the Himalayas. Located on the border of Nepal and China, the peak itself lies in China. It has the shape of the pyramid. The southern slope is sharper. From the array in all sides, the glaciers flow, obtaining at an altitude of about 5 thousand m. On the southern slope and rabra pyramid, snow and firms are not held, as a result of which they are naked.



  • Mac-Kinley - double-headed mountain on Alaska, highest mountain North America. Located in the center of Denali National Park. During the Russian colonization, Alaska was called simply - a big mountain.

Relative height - 6138 m.



  • Akonkagua - the highest in the world dormant volcano. Height 6962 m. Is higher point American continent, South America, Western and South Hemispheres.



  • Kosyushko - The highest peak of the Australian continent. Height 2228 m. Located in the Australian Alps. The first person rising to her top was Pole Pavel Edmund Stzheletsky, who gave a grief name in honor of the Polish-American Military Actor Tadeusch Kostyshko .

Caucasian Mountains.

Caucasus Point: g. Elbrus (5642 m)

Area: 440 thousand km

Main Ridge: Chief Caucasian Range (1200 km) Creation Period: Alpine Foldness

Territory on the border of Europe and Asia, between black. Caspian I. Azov Seas.. Consists of Caucasian mountains (mainly Big Caucasus) and adjacent regions of the Northern and South Caucasus. The North Caucasus, lying to the north, includes the plain (Kuban), and the foothill (the Pre-Bureau) of the Earth and is entirely part of Russia.

South Caucasus lies to the south. divided between partially recognized South Ossetia and Abkhazia as well as Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. Absolute height 5642 m (Mount Elbrus). There are rich oil fields.


Indisputable borders in the West and East are black, Azov and Caspian Sea. In the norththe physico-geographical boundary is usually considered to be KuM-Manic Wpadin, modern administrative - the northern borders of the Krasnodar and Stavropol Terrays and Dagestan.


Sometimes Kalmykia is conditionally attributed to the Caucasus. Although historical- ethnographically most North Caucasus Much closer to South Russian Steppes and the Lower Volga region and then the Caucasus Border can be held on the Kuban rivers, the upwards of Kuma, Malka and Terek. South fall into this territory Krasnodar Region, Adygea,Karachay-Circassia, Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia, Ingushetia. Chechnya and most of Dagestan.

It is even more difficult to deal withthe southern border of the Caucasus (and Transcaucasia). Politically, it is carried out now on the borders of Turkey and Iran on one side and Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, on the other.

In this form, this border

finally formed only in 1921 (after the transfer of Turkey Arvina, Kars

and Ardahan), and began to develop over the age before that with the gradual accession of the Transcaucasian Khanation and Kingdoms to Russia in1805-29 years. Conduct the historical and ethnographic and linguistic border of the Caucasus much more difficult: the historical lands of Armenians extend far to the West and South, and Azerbaijanis now inhabit most of north-Western Iran. The most justified by the inclusion in the Caucasus northeastern regions of Turkey, once part of Georgia and Armenia - Ilov Artvin. Ardachan and Kare, where and now the carpety-speaking lazes and Georgians are still preserved

and armenian-speaking chemshils.

Countries and regions of the Caucasus




4. Azerbayage



7. Dagestan

8. Ingushetia



11. Krasnodar Krai.

12. Financial Karabakh


14.Sostovskaya oblast

15.Stabolsky region

16. Aserving Ossetia


18. Just Ossetia.

The territory of the Caucasus.

Caucasus covers about 440 thousand km2 and consists of five major landscape areas-Redkavkazya, the Big Caucasus, Transcaucasian lowlands (Kolkhida and Kurakrasinskaya), the Small Caucasus and Javakhtsky-Armenian Highlands (the northeast of Armenian Highlands.

In addition, in the extremethe southeast of the Caucasus enter the Talysh Mountains, which are part of Iranian

highlands, and, separating them from the Caspian Sea, Lankaran lowland.

The structure of the Caucasus.

Caucasus is located withinAlpine-Himalayan moving belt with active newest tectonic movements and is characterized by a variety of mountain relief. In the center of the predfaccise, the Stavropol hill is located ( highest point - Mount of a haircut, 831 m), separating the Kuban-Priazovskaya and Terek-Kum lowland. In the south of the Precaucasia in Mezhdury, Terek and Sunii lie two low mountain range - Teresky and Sunzhensky, separated by the Alkhanchurt Valley.

The mining system of the Big Caucasus is divided by lengthWestern, gradually rising from Taman Peninsula to Elbrus (the highest point of the Caucasus, 5642 m), high-power central (between Elbrus and Kazbek) and East, decreased from Kazbek to Absheron

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mountains of the Geography Week prepared teacher Geography O.V. M Olodkina

What is the mountains? Mountains - strongly dissected parts of sushi, significantly, 500 meters and more, raised over adjacent plains. The mountain plains are separated from either directly fitted slope or foothills. Mountains can be linearly elongated or arcuate with parallel, lattice, radial, peristry, snack or branched figure of dismemberment. Distinguish highlands, middle mountains and lowlands.

The form of mountain mountains are formed in tectonically active areas; By the origin of the mountain is divided into: tectonic, erosion, volcanic. Depending on the nature of the deformations of the earth's crust among the tectonic mountains, folded, boulder and fold-bangs are highlighted.

Place of mountains on planet Earth. Mountain systems occupy 64% of Asia's surfaces, 36% - North America, 25% - Europe, 22% - South America, 17% of Australia and 3% of Africa. In general, 24% of the earth surface falls on the mountains. 10% of all people live in the territory of the mountains. Most of the rivers of the Earth originates in the mountains.

Forms of the mountain relief depending on the area occupied by the mountains, their buildings and age, allocate: isolated raising of small lengths, so-called island mountains (eg, hibins); Mountain groups; mountain ridges - Large linearly elongated relief raising, isolated or composite elements of mountainous countries (systems); The intersection or joints of two or several mountain ranges are referred to as mountain assemblies; Mountain node can also be a center of several radially divergent ridges; Mountain arrays - plots of mountainous countries located more or less isolated and having about the same length in length and width (eg, Mont Blanc in the Alps); differ in relatively weak dismembrance, from neighboring ridges mountainous country separated by wide and deep valleys; Mountain systems - mountains, combined geographically, having a common cause of origin and possessing morphological unity;

mountain belts of the Earth Mountain belts - the largest unit in the classification of mountain relief, is several mountain systems elongated into a single (solid or intermittent) strip; These include, for example, the Alpine-Himalayan mountain belt (extends from Western Europe to the southeastern tip of Asia) and the mountain belt of Andes - Cordillers elongated along western Okrain North and South America.

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Colored Mountains of China (Pink Cloud) to the Chinese province Gansu Tourists go away from all over the world. Home Last attraction - Landscape Dancia (Pink Cloud). It is under the same name that China's colored mountains are known all over the world. The formation of this beauty began many millions of years ago as a result of accumulation large number Sandstone and other mineral sediments. Air and water contributed to the slow oxidation of rocks. This was the reason for such an unusual riot of paints.

Huangshan (Yellow Mountains) Mountain ridge in the eastern part of China. This area is known for its granite rockscovered with pines, by the signs of Chinese artists and poets from ancient times. The height of seventy seven vertices in this ridge exceeds the 1000 m. The Huangshan area is included in the World Hedgendalism List and is the National Park of China. Mountains formed 100 million years ago. Later, the landscape was transformed under the influence of glaciers leaving the rocks of various shapes. Since often the level of clouds is below the level mountain verticesIn the area there are interesting lighting effects. At the foot of one of the mountains beat hot springs.

Kailas This mountain is located in the west of Tibet. Millions of years ago, Mount Kailas rose along with the plateau from the bottom of the ocean, and then the water and the wind pulled her face, giving it a pyramidal form. Four world religions consider Kailas sacred Moz. Hindus believe that the powerful God of Shiva lives on Kailas. From the point of view of Eastern Cosmology, Mount Kailas is a center through which the axis of the universe passes. Kailas highlights a pyramidal shape with a snowy cap, and the brinks are focused almost exactly on the sides of the world, its slopes crosses the bizarre-arranged cracks forming the swastika. The exact height of the vertex is not defined, since the mountain "breathes" - the height is changed annually to several tens of meters. It is believed that it is at the peak of Kailas located to Shambalu's mysterious country.

Mount Roraima This is an unusual, an impregnable mountain with a flat vertex is located in Venezuela ( South America). Landscapes, opening from her vertices, imprinted, because the channels of many robusts for many kilometers are covered with quartz crystals of different colors. And from the view of the mountain itself, the spirit captures.

The Grand Canyon in the north-west of Arizona is one of the most unique corners of the Earth - Grand Canyon. Grand Canyon is neither the largest nor deep in the world - it is valued by its harmonious combination of size, depth and multicolor layers of naked rocks. This is a whole complex of canyons, waterfalls, caves, towers, ledges and ravines. Each time the Grand Canyon looks like a new way, and the sun and the shadows of running clouds make the cliffs constantly change the shades of colors. Big Canyon - one of the most unusual places Our planet, which presents four geological era of land. The landslides, water and wind erosion created the outlines of gigantic pagodas in the canyon, pyramids, towers, fortress walls representing a unique spectacle.

Bryce Canyon This amazing canyon is part of the same name National Park. It is located in the southwestern part of Utah. These are thousands geological structuresFormed by many years of erosion under the influence of wind, water and ice. Many rocks have bizarre forms.

This Devil Tower mysterious mountain Located in the north-east of Wyoming (USA). Its height is 386 m. The rock was formed 65 million years ago as a result of volcanic activity, and unusual curly sides became a consequence of erosion of surrounding soft rocks around more durable internal. According to Indian giving, the rock was created by an evil demon who was on her top into the drum, generating thunder and lightning. Indians who believed in the dark essence of the mountain and called her tower of bad God, preferred not to settle nearby and managed her face. In the twentieth century, science fiction came to replace the mystical theories of origin. So, on one of the versions, the peak is a platform for landing UFOs. This version was so popular that even embodied in the famous film Stephen Spielberg "close contacts of the third degree".

Qinggi de Bemerach Qinggi de Bemaraha - Strange Mountains, Reminded Forests, Reserve, located about 80 kilometers from western coast Madagascar. Most of these mountains are the ridges of the limestone, in the language of Malagasy, they are called "zinc" ("walk on tiptoe"). Qinggi de Bemaraha almost impassable labyrinths. The Mountains of Cingle de Bemarach arose as a result of erosion, under the influence of acid rain and water, which for many centuries dissolved chalk layers. Over time, this led to the formation of 30-meter needles limestone.

Hanging rocks hanging rock - the unofficial name of Mount Diogen in the center of the Australian State of Victoria, near Melbourne. The height of the mountain of meters above sea level and 105 meters above the level of the surrounding relief. Hanging rock received fame and popularity among tourists after the exit in 1975 of the mystical detective Peter Wirai "Picnic at the hanging cliff".

Stone wave An amazing rock education in Western Australia is 340 km from Perth. Granite block reminds stone tsunami. The visible part of the cliff rises above the ground for a height of about 15 meters, and its length is 110 meters. According to the hypothesis of scientists, the rock wave appeared more than 27 million years ago. Australian aborigines noted the similarity of a stone wave with real water and believed that it was in this place that the forces of the spirits and the strength of nature were walked. To protect this unique mountain from natural destruction, a dam was built.

Ennedi Mountain array in the Republic of Chad. It is a sandstone plateau with heights up to 1450 m, surrounded by the sands of the Sahara. On the rocks of Anni, they found numerous cave drawingsleft here by ancient tribes. Ennedy is natural Reserve In the midst of the desert, where unique species of animals are preserved: dwarf Nielsky, sulfasses, sugar lions.

Ben Balben this beautiful unusual mountain is in the County Sligo, in the extreme northwest Ireland. Ben Balben has a height of 527 meters and is a symbol of county. Initially, the mountain had a high "hump", which was cut off by the crawling glacier. Ben Balben consists of limestone breeds, its age is more than 320 million years. According to Irish legends on this mountain, a huge boar, who killed Diarmaid hero and buried Lech on Muika on the hill.

Cappadocia Landscape of Cappadocia Plateau in Turkey looks like a decoration to a fantastic film. An unusually beautiful landscape, located at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level, resembles the moon. Such bizarre in the form of an elevation was formed ancient volcanoes. From the IV to the XIII century, our era, people cut through the tunnels and lived in these rocks. Today, tourists from all over the world seek Capadokia to see this ancient world with my own eyes.

It is hosted by a giant rock with a flat vertex area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 25 to 25 meters in front of the Kierag Plateau in Norway. Stopped literally translated as the "Preacher's Department". The cliff rises 604 meters above the fjords formed under the action of glaciers about years ago.

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