Entries from this magazine in the tag "North Ossetia. North Ossetia Blog Tour

Southern Mountains We met me a cloud front, although the weather on arrival and was not too lousy. Dailed day, I still decided to go on Sunday on a tour. I decided in the evening of Saturday)) In general, by this time there were representatives of only one agency and only one long-distance excursion. I was waiting for Alanya! Fiagdon, Dargavs, Karmadon. Immediately it is worth saying that some tour firms are a tour of the Kurtan Gorge. This gorge must be picturesque and open the view of the snowy vertices. We were at the entrance to him, but did not visit him.
We left at 6 in the morning. The weather did not foretell anything good, but at the entrance to North Ossetia, the cloudiness was slowly scattered, although the air remained not too transparent and the cores were viewed with difficulty.

Pretty quickly overcoming the DPS control point by 9 am, pre-passed Iran, we reached the village of Snake where breakfast was waiting for us. Breakfast with local hynes. These are pretty tasty Ossetian cake pies with cheese, meat or greens. You could also use chicken and homemade noodles soup. But since the hostess with soup pan is only one, and there are many sightseers, especially hungry is recommended to stroke, otherwise something may not get anything. I gone forward myself a young couple with a child did not get a chicken in a soup, while the hostess, for the same reason, did not take money for soup with me))

Having spent almost an hour for breakfast, we moved towards Fiagdon.

On the way, by passing several villages, the whole and dilapidated tower, the bust of Stalin and the buildings are most visible to the scleps (and maybe with cellars), we have achieved one of the goals of our journey.

When we drove into the village, the upper fiagdon has already fully worked out.

We have done the stop against the Alanian Holy Assumption Men's Monastery.

More relevant information on the topic on our website:
itonga.ru/russia/kavkaz/fiagdon-kurtatin skoe-uschelie /
itonga.ru/russia/kavkaz/dargavs-i-karmad onskoe-uschelie /

In this place from the XIX century there was a monastery, but during the period of Soviet power, this cultural heritage ruined.

But the new monastery is impressive. It is not completely complete, inside the forests face and work is underway. It looks like a medieval castle more like a medieval castle))

On against the monastery, 2 crosses are drawn on the slope. One ancient, other fresh, the monks them periodically tinker.
Having made some photos I climbed to the top, on the second tier of the monastery.

There I talked a little with the locals. The young man, apparently, Ossetian, perfectly understood Russian, but he managed to talk with difficulty. "Where are you from? From Novokuznetsk? A, Siberia! Hmm, metallurgist, walk on hockey?" I was not surprised not enough. It would seem where? Why? Native Ossetian living in Dali from large cities to know where Novokuznetsk and that at all such hockey! Gentlemen from the KHL, and whether to create a team in the North Caucasus? Represent hot Caucasian guys playing hockey?! Here I am...
A little at the top above the top fiagdone, on the western slope of the gorge, the slope of the Kariou-Hoh Mountain, are the ruins of the ancient village of Tsimiti. In the village there are more than 30 monuments of architecture - combat and residential towers, crypts, etc. Again, the disappointment did not visit this monument cultural heritage Ossetian.

From the monastery we moved to the top in the direction of the carmadron. On the Eastern slope, the road on the liner of the loop was rather strong and the nerves gave a slightly impressionable slightly.

On the way to Karmadon, Dargavs waited for us. The rise ended and we ended up in a mountain hollow. This is one of the largest mountain valleys of Ossetia - its length is 17 kilometers. This is one of the most sunny In the republic - until three hundred days of the year it is worth clear weather. Dargava brand from all sides is protected by mountains from cloud fronts.

Shau-hoh and the slave of the Thai Glacier.


In Dargava near the store, we have already met the second bust of Stalin.

Contrary to the expectations of protection was not, and no one for 50 rubles from us did not take for visiting this place.

At first it seemed to me that we had spent very little time there, but now I think, taking into account the fact that it is still a cemetery, we spent so much time as needed, given that in the scleps, even without much efforts were viewed the remains. In total, the complex consists of a little less than 100 crypts and towers. The construction period dates back to the XIV-XVIII centuries.

Tips are divided into three types. Some crypts are located above the ground, and their roof is a stepped pyramid, assembled from the shale tile rectangular shape. Another type of tomb is the same crypts, but crowned with two-tie overlap. Third, the most unassicious facilities, half are located underground and are rectangular chambers, isolated from large, roughly treated stone plates.

I could not understand for a long time that they remind. Only now I realized that the roofs of the crypts are surprisingly reminded in the shape of the roof of the temples of Cambodia.

Beautiful, original, but on the city itself, it really did not have the opportunity. Almost all free time I went to raise, descent and stay on the tower.

In the tower 3 spans and rather dark. Lights from the booths are clearly not enough, i.e. The rise and the spool is relatively difficult. In this light, a young couple was surprised in this world with the same child to the top of the top. Girl for years 5. That's who fear suffered, and the time of the lift quite increased.

At the top was a squall cold wind, but the view! The view was awesome !!! The valley of the Miagrabidon River (according to other Gizeldon) was opened at the top

entrance to the gorge

on the south side of the gorge rises the ice vertex of the Jesrahy-hoh mountain.

By the way "Don" on Ossetian "Water" - like this!
Further on the list, we went to the last point of our journey - in the Carmadon Gorge.

Again, I was slightly disappointed. After Dombiye Polyana - all this is gray. I do not know what I was waiting in the carmadone, but what I wanted - I did not see. At the same time, I can say that I do not regret not sorry that I visited there, it is very beautiful there!

Gorge is located at an altitude of about 1.5 km. above sea level, the slopes of the gorge rearing 2.6 km.

The gorge is a glacier, but it is not visible. The top of the snow mass became, and the earth raised and stirred with ice. Therefore, only slag visible on the surface, and the glacier himself lies under the ground.

The glacier having broke down from the top of the ring overcame 17 kilometers at a speed of up to 250 km / h in a few minutes, in places plowing the Earth to 200 meters deep.

At one time, the SDA began to build a sanatorium, but then he did not come a glacier (the glacier is garbage), then the restructuring came. The sanatorium was so unfinished as a dozen houses for service personnel.

In some homes, the window frames even inserted, in general, only internal finishing works remained, but did not have time. Although one house is still settled. The rest of the houses are used by the inhabitants of the latter as a pen for livestock. Inside lies with the hay, on the floors roam cows, roofs ringed with trees, in general impression then)))

And also a bunch of donkeys, hungry to Sweet.

For the hour that we spent in Karmadon, no tour arrived here, but the Ministry of Emergency Situations approached, find out how are things. That's just drove away with difficulty, their UAZ rank and got only from the pusher.

On the way back, a little not to reach the Upper Fiagdon stopped in another dilapidated tower.

\u003e & QUoter Town & Quot Fiagdon (Kurtatinskoe) Gorge (20 photos)

& QUoter Town & Quot Fiagdonskoye (Kurtatinskoe) Gorge

On the 22nd kilometer, Vladikavkaz-Alagir highway begins one of the picturesque gorges of North Ossetia - Kurtatinskoe. The road at the beginning goes along the left bank of R. Fiagdon, along the foothill plain, adjacent to the foot of the wooded ridge.
Through this gorge passed an important ancient caravan in the Transcaucasia. On the opposite bank of the river, the village of Dzoarikau can be seen. A small stream of Tagardon during a ravery in the summer of 1983, and then, and 2002 turned into a formidable stream, which caused a lot of destruction.
Kurtatinsky gorge is most famous for its historical and cultural monuments.

On the ninth kilometer from the goosear, the driving road is cool climbing up. Above the road hangs a giant multiometric stone roof. Climb the protrusion and look down on the river. In the deep slit (more than a hundred meters) deafly roars Fiagdon, breaking through through wild rocksSharpening pines. This area of \u200b\u200bthe gorge is called "Kadargavan" (forest pass). Nearby is the "Miracles Trail" - a favorite place of rest of Ossetians and tourists. Here, on a rocky outfit, a narrow tracks and bridges were joined above the narrow fiagdon and bridges were built, walking on which one can enjoy the magnificence of the local landscape, under the rumble roaring roar of the river. Here you can see the brown bears and leopards, which were brought to the entertainment of tourists.

River Fiagdon. Don from Ossetian - water. And the stone was stuck on top of the river, could not completely collapse down.

Wastardji, or St. George, in Ossetia the most revered by the Holy. He is the patron of all men and travelers. Without prayer, Saint George, no Ossetian is sent even to the shortest path. A visit to the holy places dedicated to Wastardji is an integral part of all wedding rituals. With the cult of Wastardji in Ossetia, a lot of legends are connected.

Cult Monument to Wastardji - St. George right in the rock.

river Fiagdon

River Fiagdon.

The Fiagdon River, violent, noisy, like all the rivers of North Ossetia, it seems that nature has handed nature to people. Stormy passions, harsh, cold temper, it's like the sun and ice in the mountains of Ossetia ... two opposites perverting each other.

River Fiagdon. Pure water, now I would pour out! Or drink mining purity!

One of the landscapes of Fiagdon.


We pass the road leading to the Cadurian Pass, past Obelisk & QUOTSKING Horse & Quot, in memory of the Kurtans soldiers who died during the Great patriotic War. Before entering the village. Fiagdon road passes through the bridge through the stream.

Here it is, Fiagdon Valley ....

Architectural monuments that we can see now are not as ancient and refer to late Middle Ages (no earlier than the XV century). First of all, it is the towers.

remains of guard towers

The Alpine Caucasus is the kingdom of stone, and the architecture of the mountaineers inhabiting this country, under the country itself. Caucasian Mountains - This is a natural fortress, and how in the real fortress everything is composed here from the stone. Ossetian villages were frozen at the shores of violent rivers and on a dizzying altitude on rocky slopes - the low stone sacli with flat roofs, surrounded by towers and crypts, was frozen on the rocky slopes.
It is difficult to imagine the landscape of Mountain Ossetia without them - so harmonious and naturally the villages are merged with their nature. National architectural monuments Ossetia externally impaired and concise. They are deprived of any personality and excess: the aesthetic ideal was a wise of simplicity and rigor, which bestly reflecting the soul of a simple and courageous people.

Costa Hetagurov in the Watching Scala poem described the construction of a combat tower:
"The work quickly boiled.
On mossy stone shoulders
Rock laid something
Foot of the walls - let him know the enemy,
What unshakable staming
The path is transported here.
What desperate courage
Here every breast will meet the breast!
Like - fear, no pity not knowing -
Everyone was decided how one,
Die, bleeding,
As the honor of the country, the freedom of the region
Appreciate Ossetians!
Rays of the bugger sunset
Went out on top of the mountains ...
The flock returned to the night ...
Boils work so far.
Foot - Wide and firmly,
On it, as poured, wall,
And everything has grown with the rock, accurately
On the tower she has grown & quot

Epidemics in the mountains of pre-revolutionary Ossetia really have been. These are terrible figures: as a result of the plague, raging in the late XVIII - first half of the XIX century, the population of the country from 200 thousand people decreased to 16 thousand! Ossetians were then on the verge of extinction. It is not surprising that this tragedy has so deeply imprinted in the memory of the people.
In the 1930s of the XIX century, Ossetians began to move on the foothill plain. Only then the burials in the crypts were stopped.

Lined with yellow plaster monumental crypts, more impressive, rather than housing, abundant burial inventory - vivid evidence of existence of an extremely archaic cult of the dead. And what interesting rites and folklore plots he has grown! Ossetians believed in the existence of the mysterious country of the dead, her lord was a Barathist, and the admander - Aminon. The deceased man was dedicated to the horse. Alans put the dead horse or part of his carcask in the grave of the warrior, the Ossetians did more rationally: they were symbolurased with the ear, and then drove it three times around the dead man with a special prayer. This rite is called "Bakhfaldisyn" - a dedication of the horse.

Part 2. Vintage settlements

Kurtatinsky gorge flowed to the waters of the Fiagdon River. Actually, Fiagdon River becomes from the fusion site of two tributaries - Bougualadon and Zamarashdon. Hence the Kurtan Gorge to the Kolota Pass stretches for 9 km up. The same can be said differently: to a large lateral right branch - Dzamarash gorge, a river, which forms the Kurthta Gorge for 9 km, is called Bougualadon.

As the saying goes in my favorite saying - horseradish is not sweetering radish. This information is not confused geographical names On the terrain.
So, the last village in the Kurtatinsky gorge, or rather, its ruins - the Balotica.

The tower is well preserved to the present day.

It should be noted that for Kurtatin society are not characterized by hazel (semi-bodied) towers. The tower of calories in the tree is definitely combat.

It differs from all towers gorges with massive cars (from the medieval FR - "beat in the head") - mounted bilitors-balconies at the top of the tower.

The main purpose of the machine for vertical shelling of the storming wall of the enemy and throwing it with stones. It is believed that the machine of the Kaloevsky battle tower is designed for pistol shooting.

The Kalojoy Tower, except for unusual cars, a unique flat roof of shale plates. In addition, from all the towers of Hilaca Tower of Kaloye has best quality the buildings. It was built by people from the neighboring Zakkinsky gorge.

The tower of calories on the high left bank of the Bougualadon River is seen from afar.

In this place, Bugotaladon has not yet become the Fiagdon River. By the way, the word "bufficantadone" means - the river flowing through the village of Bugulikau. And indeed, a little no reaching the merger of Burilotadon with Dzamarashdon, there are ruins of the village of Bugulkau - also on the left bank.

The village of Balotica has not existed for a long time, but his inhabitants left about themselves memory in geographical names: Pass of the Calota, Top of Calota and the Glacier of Calota.

We continue the descent on the dirt road along the right bank of Bougualadon.

However, it does not prevent back to admire the tops, the circus closing the Kurtan Gorge.

Between the ruins of Kolotikau and Bugulkau no more than 2 km, but they pass down the road completely unnoticed. Otara Sheep grazing on green slopes. According to subalpine meadows, having disappeared in the wind, horses are worn. Butterflies, flowers, birds - everything in the "cashier."

The road has shale kyrts. One of them lonely stands on the subalpine meadow. Be sure to come down from the road and come to it. The stone pillar of Tsyrta occupied brightly red lichens, painting a memorable sign in the rainbow color.

Classic Ossetian Tsysh is a rectangular pillar into a human height, oriented on the sides of the world. The word "TsiP" is translated from Ossetian as a squeezing stone or a monument. But not necessarily the Tsyrt - a squeezing stone, as in our case, for no cemetery here.

This TSIR stands as memorial sign, delivered in honor of a certain event or people. Perhaps their names are knocked out on a flat plate lying at the base of Rosyt.

Unfortunately, the information about this can not be found about this, so in honor of which event (more often sadly) the TsiP is not known to me.

From the location of Tsyrta, a delightful spectacle on the canyon, which rocked the river among the sea hills. The entrance to the canyon precesses the lake is amazingly blue. It seems that it was formed in the river bed due to the insufficient bandwidth of the narrow canyon stretching by 0.5 km long.

The road sharply went down to the bottom of the valley, which becomes wide.

In the floodplain of the river there is some kind of construction equipment. Whether the fossil is searched for something useful, whether the river river is cleaned from stone nanos.

Seeing the puffer, sobering from Natuha technique, immediately remembered the name of the Name of the Fiagdon River with Ossetian. Do not laugh, but "FIAG" - "wooden shovel", "Don" - "River". That is, it is understood that the riverbed of the Fiagdon River was cleaned with shovels. True, I can not imagine what a wooden shovel can be painted boulders, which damage the river from the top. Well, oh well, the Ossetians-mountaineers, which cleared the terrain of water with shovels from the boulders, more visible.

Ahead of the valley of the floodplain of Bougualadon rests in two powerful removal cones, squeezing the rod on the right and left. Single rock gates. Before them, an abandoned village of Bugulkau, based on Bugulov, the name of which occurred on behalf of Bugul.

Any surname is people. BUT famous people This surname is rich. First of all, we are talking about Dzauga Bugulov. The historical citizen says that Dzaoudzhikau (literally - Aul Dzauga) founded the representative of the name Bugulov. Near this aula and built the fortress Vladikavkaz in 1784

The traveler Y. Kliprot (the beginning of the XIX century) notes that Bugulkau was known and called Hilak. However, now the people of Hilak are enshrined for a part of the Kurtatha Gorge - his upper reaches from the Khilak sources to the village of Gutiau.

It is known to the village of Bugulika by the ruins of the barrier wall, which were covered with moss and lichens - "discovered" from time to time. This wall is called, where "Well" - lime, limestone, "Rag" - the ridge, exaltation, i.e. You can translate the name of the wall with Ossetian as a limestone ridge. The remains of an ancient defensive stone wall on limestone laying are an architectural monument.

Researchers of these places consider the wall even the ancient very settlement, the residents of which used the remnants of this wall for the foundations of many buildings of Bugulkau. Therefore, this place in the village is called well.

In the Hilak gorge there are two major barrier walls. One thing in Bugulkau, the other - below the gorge of 5 km.

It turns out that they defended the rigor of the Kurttansky Gorge. Between the barrier walls are the ruins of three Khilak villages: Bugulkau, Andikau, Gutyatikau.

The maximum number of warriors, which could set the inhabitants of these small villages - 80 people, while for defense, any of these two walls requires at least 300 warriors (at the rate of 1 person by 2 meters of length). The creation and content of such citades may only be in the era of statehood and cannot be considered as communal (common). After all, Hilak villages were precisely communities belonging to Kurtatinsky society. The time of their formation and settlement not earlier than the XVII century.

The time of construction of barrier walls Most researchers date the VII-IX centuries. Records are preserved, how the Bugulovskaya wall looked in the middle of the nineteenth century. It was considered the most powerful and massive construction of this type. "The stone wall across the gorge, restricting the edges of the heads of high cliffs, and in the middle of the riverbed of the Fiagdon river the wide stone arch, which continued the road going on top of the walls. The wall is so fat that you can ride on it, and there were residential chambers inside it with braces. All this is composed of a reddish stone that is abundant in the Kurtan Gorge. "

The following legend is connected with this strengthening: as if one "enterprising knight" (Shah? Sultan?), Who came from the "snow mountains" (because of the main Caucasian ridge from Georgia?), With a numerous Reli, the Bugulov fortress was besieged. The reason for his actions served as a rumor about the unprecedented beauty of one maiden, which was hidden in the upper tower. Despite the long siege, his efforts were in vain. Strengthening remained impregnable while the girl herself did not indicate him a way of mastering hard. In the window of the tower, she hung her sharovar, and Vityaz guessed that the direction of both pants point to the secret ways. There
really turned out to be swept in the wall barely noticeable steps. And, clinging for them, suddenly attacking in the morning, the deposits managed to capture the Citadel. As the Russian officer notes, who recorded this legend, in a report on his inspection of the edge of more than 170 years ago, these steps have already collapsed and access to the tower on the rock is no longer possible.

Imagine how even then (170 years ago) a strengthening was destroyed? What to say about today's days.

The name of the fortification was at that time Ahsinbadan, which is translated as the Castle of Princess, the residence of the Lady. Perhaps this was the legendary beauty. By fortifications passed a caravan way through the passes of the Chief Caucasus Range in the Transcaucasus. Travelers describe these places as a high rock with the traces of the structure and barrier walls, which are above the pasture of Walesubi near the village of Bugultykau.

Tradition binds this strengthening with the name of Queen Tamara. On the walls of strengthening there are handprints of human hands. Doubts only causes the name "Ahsinbadan" wears most of the ancient strategic fortifications in most Ossetia gorges.

The central part of the wall of strengthening was destroyed by the village of Bugulov's surname formed here about the 18th century.

The dirt road escapes to the bridge through Zamarashdon, slightly above his mouth, which allows one eye to look into this very beautiful gorge, at least to a formidable warning on a metal rack: "Pass only pass!" .

Bridge is unusual in design. This is a wide tube, drove in the shores of the mountain river. When the water in Zamarashdon with an excess, the pedestrian and automotive bridge fills, and even a high layer is water. But still go more convenient for this crossing. Yes, and another (more direct) path in the Kurtan gorge does not exist.

Here on this wide semicircle of the bend "Trails" built a border post with a barrier on the road. On weekends, the owners of passports with the Ossetian registration can pass into the upperwear of the gorge to Hilak sources. All other mortals on weekends are days, festive, weekly - on passing, decorated in advance.

Here ends mountain road With cords, potholes, lifts, descent and steep turns, and the straight line begins as an arrow almost smooth well-nosed primer in a calm (in terms of terrain) of the Fiagdon Valley.

Almost immediately approach the Zarinon sanctuary on the right bank of Fiagdon by the road.

Actually the road shares the territory of the sanctuary and settlement Andikau. It is worth stopping in more detail on these objects of the cultural heritage of North Ossetia.

Andikaua is the only residential village in the Khailak Gorge. Although the dwelling is loudly said. It is in the midst of the ruins, a single residential building, adherent to the Andyiyev tower. They live in Nim, the huntsman, who guard the peace of the wild animals of the reserve, whose boundaries are held along the left bank of Fiagdon. There without registration of permission - the pass is better not to unite even without a rifle.

Thanks to the nearby of Abandoned village, Andikaau Sanctuary Zarinon, which acts and today, near the ruins, organized a canopy over a common table with shops for collecting members of the family name and their relatives on the days of the holidays: General Thawing, town and dedicated to their pagan gods.

The base of the village, as well as other villages of Hilac, is referred to the XVI - XVII centuries. It was small, in 8 courtyards, which were jutter near the architectural dominance of the village - the Tower of the genus Andeiyev. Actually, the village is called thanks to this family.

The Zarinon Sanctuary (Zaronic, Nony) was the main for residents of the Khilak settlements: Kolotikau, Bugulikau, Andikau and Gutagiua.

The most interesting, scientists belong to the sanctuary to the XIIV. And then the question comes itself: who built this sanctuary and used them if the village of Hilac was formed much later (for 400-500 years)? The question hangs in the air, because On the history of Kurtatinsky Gorge, little is known.

The DZAP is a quadrangular structure: 3.50x2,80x3.00 m with a quadrangular inlet opening in the facade wall, one oblong window in the end and two-sheet roof, topped with an iron cross. The word "dzaire" in the title of the sanctuary is from Georgian "Jvari" (cross), and in Ossetian language has a broader concept and means "cross", "Angel", "Holy", "Deity", "Sanctuary".

The top of the sanctuary is decorated with vertically delivered white stones and beyond the outside, which, according to local residents, symbolizes the elevation and purity (in addition to this, the value common in all the peoples of Aryan culture, the white color is in the three-functional model of the world a religious cult and his ministers). Probably, this was the reason for the imposition of taboos for visiting women, as creatures "unclean and sinful in their essence", Dzoarov.

Georgian origin also has the very name of the Zarozheny Sanctuary ("Dawn" in Georgian - "Bell"). The second wave of propaganda of Christianity was also from Georgia. This is evidenced by the fact that until the 20th century, up to the October Revolution, the miners of the Church in many mountain villages were Georgians. But the religion of the ancestors of Ossetians - paganism - did not disappear without a trace and was able to survive, passing the test.

The sanctuary is obscured by a small rectangular stone fence, outside of which there are places for a ritual feast. A feature of the ritual feast on this sanctuary, except for traditional three triangular pies and beer, was a mandatory presence on the table of fish dishes.

Look inside a small dzoara. The image of Wastardji is immediately thrown into the eyes - rider on a white horse.

In the Ossetian Religious Pantheon, the cult of Wastardji plays a prominent role ("UAT" - Holy, "Gergi" - Georgy, it is not difficult to guess - Saint George). The name of George with the name of his holiday - Georg-Boe came from Georgia during the penetration of Orthodox Christianity to the territory of medieval Alanya. Endowed by the epithets "Winged", "Golden", "gold-haired", "gold", Wastardji is a slightly oxidanized manner of the old Sunny Deity of Ossetians. In general, the solar cult is the feature of the Indoran peoples, Scythians and Slavs, among other things. And in this context, Zarin (Golden) has the importance of the sun.

To the left of the entrance hangs over idle chain - the sacred object, symbolizing the "center of the world", at home - the connection between the world of the gods and the world of people. In the Christian churches of Ossetia, the chain is in the altar part.

Somehow they asked the Zaronynos praying in the sanctuary, where did the chain come from? "She is descended from heaven," this was the answer.

By the way, Zarina is a rather common name from Caucasian nationalities, and is also associated with the Sun in the sense of "Zarya" or "Morning Dawn". It is believed that the name Zarina of Armenian origin (in this case, the Transcaucasian). And it means not a lot of any little - "Treat of the Temple of Fire"! In Armenian language, Zarina can often be reduced by glow. The most interesting thing, there is a version according to which Zara is one of the options for the pronunciation of traditional Old Slavonic names of Zarya and Zarina, literally translated as "dawn". The name is not too common in Europe. But from the above it follows how the world is crazy, as it is intertwined and mutually enriched. At least on the example of the name Zarina.

Not far from the Zarinone sanctuary are the ruins of the village of Gutaguau. They are even visible from the road. Against the background of distant green ridges, they look like a fabulous castle.

The name of Gutaitikau can literally be translated as "the village of Gutiyev". The village is the first, after entering the Khilak gorge. In our case - the last one.

According to family legends, it was originally located on another (left) bank of the river. Only after a hundred years, the surname, which no longer fits in the old place, founded that a small village that came to the present day in the form of balances of structures, the generic tower and graves.

By the way, when dating towers, the towers need to take into account the fact that the tower culture, like any other, should have experienced three stages: birth, flourishing and decay. The construction of these structures in North Ossetia ceases to the beginning of the 4th century., What can be seen in their absence in villages that have emerged later than this time. So with the determination of the age of the towers in Gutiaku XVI-XVII century - full order.

In 1924, the last resident was evicted from Goudikau. And now almost a century was abandoned. As with any other abandoned village, the kind of guortica is deceptive.

Where we see a green meadow around old towers, actually turns out the grass in a belt, which is a banal nettle and a Borshevik - plants that are glad to grow on the Earth with pleasure.

Guteyev - the last name is remarkable. Coming out of such a small village, they settled throughout Ossetia, and now there are about 120 families. There was this surname respected in Ossetia, and among the Gutius there were many officers who took part in almost all wars, which were only.

For the village of Gutikau, the Hilak descent begins for those who go to the village of Harisjin, and the Hilak's rise in the opposite direction. The descent of 6 km is more pleasant to the lift. Near the descent / lift of 1.5 km from the ruins of Goutyakau, the chilak barrage wall. And if the barrage wall near the village of Bugulkau is called South, then near Gutiaku - North.

This category of fortification monuments is characterized by the greatest archaicity compared to the rest (towers, fortresses, castles). Thesis entrusted the thesis on the confrontation of the indigenous inhabitants of the highland zone of the Central Caucasus - toils and the prosidasses - Alan (Ossetian).

Another cause of the occurrence of barrier fortifications overlapping gorge,
bind with the economic side. The fact is that the part of the Kurtan Gorge feepned by the walls (Khilak Gorge) today serves as a local pasture for livestock, where Otara and herds are driven from all Ossetia.

This situation could be maintained at the time of the existence of the Alan State. And then the area, fenced off from the north and south of fortifications, could be used to protect in the event of military hazard of the main wealth of Alanya - livestock, which was born in this most difficult part of the state, which, at the same time, can be protected by relatively small forces.

How did Guteyevskaya Wall look like initially? Strengthening was made of different stones on a strongest lime solution. The overall length of the wall that occupies both shores of the river and resting into steep mountain slopes, exposed to strong stonepads, was about 335 m. The height of the strengthening ranged depending on the terrain of the area - the highest height reached on the upper terraces, the smallest - on steep river spurs. In the places of the largest drops of the wall heights, 6 testers were reinforced (3 from each shore). The main part of the defendant on the right bank was focused on the walls, and on the left - in the towers.

The time of the construction of Gutiyevskaya and Bugul walls Most researchers dating the epoch of the Caucasian Wars VII-IX V. Therefore, Y. Kliprot, who traveled through the Caucasus in 1807-1808, describes the Gutievsky fortification, as the "old collapsed wall, protected by one tower." Actually, in this form, she today.

Traditions are associated with the construction of the Hilak Wall with the name of the UAC-Aldar (Aldar - Prince), which was characterized as a noble and "punishment of rapists." It was believed that the wall was built simultaneously with Tsymythy - the ancient village of the Kurtatinsky society, and was built in the way "from hand to hand to transfer a stone."

The ancient buildings of the Hilak gorge are wedyans with a multitude of legends. For example, it is said that this wall, and all the Khilak gorge, was protected by the so-called "red ten" - 10 thousand warriors whose leader was worn by a red cloak. But if you consider that the traditional account of the Ossetian account was twenty, then we can talk only about 200 warriors.

According to other Ossetian legends recorded in 1836, the Brothers Kurt and Tag - the great-grandfather of Sidamon (NARTA, about which a lot of legends in the Nart Epos), having moved to the Kurtan Gorge, built this stone wall against Georgian invasion. In general, the grand ruins of no less graceful barrage walls in the Khilak gorge are waiting for their researcher.

On the way to the village there is still a lot of interesting things. Behind the blocking of border guards, which is located in a narrow part of the valley in 3 km from Harisjina, the River Tazzhidon waterfalls in Fiagdon. At the entrance to the TsAGGI gorge on the ridge, the White Tower of the Walamasig is distinguished, behind which the legend was entrusted, which the guards were sitting here and that the Golden boiler had in the tower.

We continue the descent and on a small clearing we see a stone-monument, on which the image of Aksakala, who lived as evidenced by the inscription 167 years (1746-1913). At first we thought that it was mistaken with arithmetic calculations, after all, in the mind of calculators, it is not written in the mind. Recalted - all right, 167 years old!

Marzagan GISO Gigoevich is a long-lived, material confirmation of the uniqueness of the climate of the Kurtathinsky Gorge, a person who lived in three centuries! Unfortunately, what he was still famous for unknown, but didn't life in 167 - is it not a feat?

Having stood near this uncomplicated monument, we continue to go to the village of Harisdin, the tower of which is already falling high on the left slope of the gorge.

In mountain settlements, the family towers were raised unsystematic in the most convenient areas. Only not in the village of Harisjin.

The largest perfection is the location of the towers in it from all villages of the Kurtatinsky Gorge. Five haricin towers are located crucifically and close to each other. They are focused on the north-south axes and the West-East, that is, well protected from all sides of the world.

Harisyzhina Towers are unique. The uniqueness lies in the fact that the masonry of the tower of the tower was produced "dry" to be able to face stones on the head of messengers.

Also in the village there are castle complexes (galiana) and outposts, and on rock ledges - remnants of masonry in the form of small walls.

The surrounding village landscape is above all sorts of praise words. In the background it looms an array of Mount Caryukhoch. According to the valley of the river Cora, which merges with Fiagdon right in the village, the road rises to the Archon Pass, leading to the Sadono-Unaltskaya Basin. And towers, tower circle ...

From Harisdzhina, which is the last social item In the Kurtatinsky gorge, a bus goes to Vladikavkaz. You can walk around the gorge and finish.

The third day of the blog tour in North Ossetia came. Since it was a lot of interesting, I divide this day into three records. In the following will see Midagabinsk waterfalls and Dargavvsky Necropolis. We will not postpone the case in a long box, we went :) Do not scold for the vertical photo, so intended :)

I can not lay out this frame, I love to walk through Vladikavkaz and to see the dining room. It is now she looks inconspicuous, but when they are covered with snow, the feeling of a look at her completely different.

We enter the Kurtan Gorge. His total length - About 50 km. The Kurtatinsky Gorge is one of the main foci of the formation of the Ossetian people and its national culture from the Epoch of the Early Middle Ages. Traditions say that Kurtatinskoe society founded two brothers Alagirz - Kurt and Tag. The descendants of Tag moved to live in the neighboring gorge and founded Tagur Society there.

Canyon Cadargavan One of the most remarkable natural monuments Not only Kurtatinsky Gorge, but all of North Ossetia. On this site of the rock ridge of the mountain River Fiagdon, as if the strongest sword hit the rock for two parts ... It is necessary to be very careful here, since the wind blows very strong. Such that it may well knock off the bad travelers.

From above above Fiagdon (Don, by the way, Ossetian is translated as "river") huge stone.

About this canyon exists beautiful legend (which in Ossetia is very and very much - all his life would have listened!).

In the ancient times the road near the rocks of Kadargavan was not ... People moved along very narrow dangerous trailpassing in the rocks high above the raging mountain river. At that time, blood revenge in the Caucasus senselessly ruined many worthy people. Once on this narrow road, two Ossetian-toleng from the warranty surnames met. Riders still from afar learned each other, but both wanted to avoid bloodshed. One of them turned the horse to the abyss, to the rumbling Fiagdon.
A frightened horse, accurately obeyed a strong owner, and soon they were safely found themselves on the river bank. I don't think for a second, Jigit sent a horse to the boiling fiagdon .. Resistance and courage fought with a wonderful flow, and the rider won the river. Jigit goes far away his bloodstand, and the tired collapsed to rest on herbaceous coast. There was a ringing hooves of the second horseman, who came across the bridge to his enemy across Adat.
He did not raise the weapons, and handed his hand for a handshake. Both happily looked at each other and removed the dads. And they saw, both were addressed. The first - when fought with the precipice and the river. The second - when he watched a man and element match. So, durability, courage and cadargavan reconciled the roofs ...

Natural beauty .. Fragile flower against the background of the rumbling Fiagdon ..

Dzivgis Fortress is one of the most powerful fortification facilities not only Ossetia, but also the Caucasus. The fortress consists of six buildings attached to the inputs of natural caves located in the same plane at various heights. The main strengthening is characterized by very significant sizes is located at the lowest level and access is possible on the staircase ladder. In the rest of the construction there was a passage from the neighboring - along the trails carved in the rocks and hinged stairs, which took place if necessary. Therefore, during the battle, the report between the fortifications was impossible, and each of them was an independent, autonomous focus of defense. The function of these small fortifications arranged at an altitude of 10-20 m and accommodated up to a dozen warriors was the flank cover of the main fortification - the only place where the active defense could be conducted. The Dzivgis fortress was seriously damaged during one of the punitive expeditions of the royal troops.

The fortresses and other monuments of the village were always fascinated by the traveler, as well as the surrounding intact nature, the special breathing of the antiquity. For example, F.I. The Grebenza, who visited the Kurtatinsky gorge in 1913, struck nature ("strikingly beautiful picture" - according to him) and architectural monuments of Dzevgis. "I had to leave these wonderful places with sadness," he admitted.

This species opens from the boys of the fortress. I imagine how many enemies here.

And this is a cave inside the fortress. After passing the path with a length of about 65 meters (or 75, I do not remember exactly) you can be in another gorge.

Daa .. Built in those years for centuries. You know, I still want to note the cleanliness of about and inside the fortress (although your narrator (then you mean, I) Speak came to NATO :)))

A bit of beauty does not hurt :) True Vika? :) by_victoria.

Timur Agirov at the exit from the fortress. timag82.

Often, in the mountains of rarite trucks come across. And this one is no exception :)

William Gagiyev: "Warwood such eagles here in the mountains fly"!

Dzivgises Wastardji Dzuar, consisting of christian church St. George (Wastardji) of the XIV-XVI centuries and the sanctuary. It is still supported in a good condition. This cult complex has always had the status of a great shrine for residents of the Kurtatha Gorge, and not only: at one time, special attention of scientists attracted both two vintage temple bells with inscriptions in Georgian and the royal gifts of a small rural church.

In addition to the Dzivgis Fortress and Temple, we also managed to see the ground grains, the crypts are semi-seashest, overhead, semi-layered. Small city of dead", consisting of 8 crypts of various architecture ..

Nabi Gitinov gnabi.

Touch Tsurov tsurov

Beautiful view of the Fiagdon Valley.

Look on your monitors! Detachment bloggers special purpose! In the frame of Ismail Denilhanov denilkhanov. , Ibrahim Zaurbekov benomen and Konstantin Farnyev farniev_Kostya.

Next to the fortress there is a car, here you can buy simple souvenirs for memory :)

Looks like a shot from the Hollywood film :) timag82.

Fiagdon Glacier in the Clouds

Wind and time Slowly accurate remnants ancient Tower In Fiagdon ...

Our company climbs to the remains of the towers ..

It is impossible to imagine mountainousing octo without towers.
Costa Hetagurov in the Watching Scala poem described the construction of a combat tower:
"The work quickly boiled.
On mossy stone shoulders
Rock laid something
Foot of the walls - let him know the enemy,
What unshakable staming
The path is transported here.
What desperate courage
Here every breast will meet the breast!
Like - fear, no pity not knowing -
Everyone was decided how one,
Die, bleeding,
As the honor of the country, the freedom of the region
Appreciate Ossetians!
Rays of the bugger sunset
Went out on top of the mountains ...
The flock returned to the night ...
Boils work so far.
Foot - Wide and firmly,
On it, as poured, wall,
And everything has grown with the rock, accurately
She grown on the tower. "

And if I'm not mistaken, this is a view of the tower village of Tsymythy.

Razhap Musaev wild_che : "I sit high - far away!"

For 10 seconds before this snapshot, a huge eagle flew right in front of the camera. As it appeared unexpectedly, it disappeared. Sorry, such a frame turned out .. but without it it turned out beautifully :)

View of the village of Fiagdon.

And we went even higher to stay at this beautiful plateau. As always, a desire arose to go here with overnight :)

I have repeatedly said that from air in such places you can just go crazy. It is a pity that it is impossible to give you the smells of mountain colors through the monitor, which were on this plateau.

Ossetian spiderman-photographer Konstantin Farnyev :) farniev_Kostya.

Finally, a few more portrait photos. Marina Toyeva, Gradus.Pro portal correspondent. Wrote about our blog tour surprisingly a good article:

William Gagiyev. Man and steamer. In fact, his position sounds very Groznaya - the head of the management of tourism and resorts of the Ministry of Tourism, Entrepreneurship and Investment Policy of RSO-Alania. This does not prevent him from being an excellent companion and a very good-natured person.

Azamat Gagloev. Amazing energy and good man.

General Partner of the Blog Tour - OJSC "Resorts North Caucasus"
Organizer - Association of Journalists of the North Caucasus with the support of the office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in SPO
Communication Partner - MegaFon
Partners: Ministry of Tourism, Entrepreneurship and Investment Policy of RSO-Alania, Association of Media SPFO and CSKP "Caucasus".

Project "River Fiagdon"

MBOU SOSH with. Michurino

2012 - 2013 academic year

Goals and objectives:

    to form the concepts of "source", "rod", "mouth", "trusts", "shores", "fresh reservoirs", "artificial reservoirs", "natural reservoirs" and assimilate their main and essential signs.

    the ability to plan their activities when working with information material;

    enrichment and complication of the vocabulary stock of students by introducing new and development of the concepts formed earlier;

    develop the ability to summarize and systematize educational material;

    develop the ability to put and resolve the problem of environmental protection.

    form a friendly, friendly attitude towards classmates, responsibility for the results of their work in the process of work;

    educating a sense of debt to future generations for the preservation of the environment.

From a long time, people knew the great value of water. Calling her substance life. Without water, life on earth cannot exist. In nature, you can find water everywhere.

In which reservoirs there is a droplet, you will learn, guessing the riddles.Slide number 2.

Slightly trembling on the breeze

Ribbon on the square

Narrow tip in spring

And wide in the sea. (river)

He is without hands, he is without legs

I could break from the ground.

We are in the summer, in the most heat,

Ice sew water. (spring)

He mighty, he is huge.

Waves walk along it.

Washes the whole planet ...

Guess what it is! (ocean)

Among the mountains of Ile among the forest,

Like a mirror princess.

Very smooth water

Instead of frame - shore. (lake)

To the mammy-river run

And I can't be silent.

I am her son's native

And I was born in the spring. (Creek)

You will always know you:

In it salty water.

And color in the names are different -

Black, white, red. (sea)

All bypass this place

Here the Earth, as if the dough;

Here is a sow, bumps, mosses ...

No foot support. (swamp)

Let's look at the next slide, what reservoirs you do not find?

Slide number 3.

(Ocean, Sea)

What is the water in these reservoirs? (Salted).

And in others?


And what is the name of unsalted water?


Of all the water available on earth, only 3% falls on the share of fresh. The rest of the water is salted. 2/3 of all freshwater reels on the ground is contained in a frozen form in glaciers and polar ice. The remaining third is focused in rivers, lakes, as well as in underground waters.

Slide number 4.

What two groups are reservoirs for their origin?

What reservoirs can be attributed to natural (artificial)?

Why do people create artificial reservoirs?

Reservoirs for hydroelectric power plants, water supply.

Channels for shipping, and in agriculture for irrigation of fields. Channels connect rivers.

Pond - for the breeding of fish, a place of recreation of people and others. Goals.

Slide number 5.

River. Parts of the river.

We are with youlet's talk in detail about the river, its parts.

I wonder where they take their beginning of the river?

How do rivers start?

It turns out that it can be a stream from the spring, from the snowy top of the mountains or even from the swamp.

The beginning of the flow of rivers is called the source.

Slide number 6.

Look at the slide and find the beginning of the river.

Let's see what other parts have a river.

Let's read the definitions of the rivers and remember.

Slide number 7. (North Ossetia Rivers)

Slide number 8.

There is no stronger in the world,

There is no free on the world.

In the hands of it not to keep

And do not overtake on the horse.

Slide number 9.

Many rivers flow on the territory of North Ossetia. The main river of North Ossetia is Terek, which originates outside of the republic, in the glaciers of Zilga-XOX, at an altitude of 2713 m and has a length of approximately 623 km (including in North Ossetia - 110 km). Terek has a lot of tributaries, of which urum are the largest (104 km), Ardon (101 km), Cambileevka (99 km), Gizeldon (81 km) and others. Terek, Urum, the origins of Ardon take their origin in the mountains and have Glacial food.

Slide number 10.

Gifts Terek M. Yu Lermontov

Terek howls, dick and malicious,Between rocky romasA bore crying is similarTears splashes fly.But, on the steppe running around,He crap actedAnd, affably,Sea Caspier jumped:

"Destroy, about an old man,Give the shelter my wave!I walked on the square,You would have time to relax.I was born at Kazbek,Swollen clouds,With alien human powerAlways argue I am ready.I, your Sons in Fun,Rastered his native DaryaalAnd boulders them, fame,The flock of the whole drove. "

Slide number 11.

Terek is a river in the North Caucasus, which originates on the slope of the Caucasian ridge and flows into the Caspian Sea. The name of the River Terek translated from Karachay-Balkar language means "fast water". In the upper movement, Terek makes a way to mountain gorges and slopes. Here it is very rapid and stormy. But, approaching the sea, Terek flows over the plain, where it becomes calm and wide.

Slide number 12.

We live in the village of Michurino, the Fiagdon River flows here.

Fiagdon (Ost.Foyyagdon ) - Mountain river in North Ossetia, the right influx of Ardon (Terek pool). The mouth of the river is 4 km on the right bank of the Ardon River. The length of the river is 75 km.

The gorge for which Fiagdon proceeds is called Kurtatinsky and refers to the Alagir district of North Ossetia.

The river is standing: the Gornyatsky village of Upper Fiagdon, Orthodox Alansky Holy Assumption Men's Monastery, a few villages, including non-residential.

The construction of Fiagdon HPP began.

Slide number 13.

Above the road hangs a giant multiometric stone roof. Climb the protrusion and look down on the river. In the deep slit (more than a hundred meters), Fiagdon is deafly roar, breaking through the wild cliffs, scorched pines. This area of \u200b\u200bthe gorge is called "Kadargavan" (forest pass).

Slide number 14. "Mountain Gorge" film

Slide number 15.

River Fiagdon.Pure water, now I would pour out! Or drink mining purity.

Slide number 16.

It was in the mountains where there is no more severe human activity. But what we will see in the village of Michurino.

Slide number 17.

The river can carry a huge amount of rain water in seconds.

Slide number 18.

River Fiagdon during the rain

Slide number 19.

Rivers - wealth and decoration of the Earth. They are of great importance. They must be protected and guarded to continue we could admire their unique beauty.

What destructively affects water bodies?

And what contribution can we make?

Do not pollute dwellers by household garbage.

Household garbage trouble for animals and plants living in a reservoir.

Slide number 20. Let clean remain in them forever

Student and tasty water.

Let never get tina

The shore in which I stand ...

Big uncle, adult men

Keep the river lightly my!

Slide number 25. (Output)

Water is a precious gift of nature. And we must protect it. Without water there is no life. All living will die without water.

Water is life!"

See also: