Tower of Buran - the remains of the ancient civilization of Kyrgyzstan.

Burana is a unique monument of history, who survived many centuries and who saw many events in his century. Already a mosque and other buildings were falling apart next to the minaret, and he began to be perceived by people in different ways: as a guard tower, then as part of a huge and beautiful castle. It is not surprising that over time the tower began to become overgrown with different legends and myths (the beginning of the story of the Tower of Buran).

Here I want to tell about two similar legends, which to this day go among the local people of nearby villages. In many ways, their plots are similar and are associated with the Khan's daughter who deceased from the bite of a poisonous carcourt.

Legend of the Tower of Buran No. 1

According to one of them, one powerful Han lived in the local places, and he had a beautiful daughter. Khan loved her very much, and wanted to see her happy. And somehow Khan called to himself all the sages and demanded their predictions against the future daughter. Almost all of them said the same thing that "in the whole universe there will be no man happier than the Khan daughter."

photo of the Bourent Tower

But at the very end came to Khan the oldest and most wise of all the predictors and said: "Oh, the Great Lord, behaved now to execute me, if you wish, but before listening to my bitter truth about the sad fate of your daughter. I barely reaching the majority, it will die from the bite of a black carcourt. "

View from the top of the Tower of Buran

Grozno and frantically looked at Han, but the oracle stood on his own. I could not stand Khan, he cried out "Be cursed your prophecy!" - And immediately ordered the servants to build a high pre high towerAnd that the vertex rests her in the sky. And under this tower, they dug a deep basement where the old oracle was planted.

And the Khan's daughter began to live in a small bright room on the top of the tower. The servants brought her food on a narrow steep staircase, but before that they rechered three times, whether the poisonous Karakurt was not attracted among delicious yokes or in the folds of their clothes.

Photo of the Tower of Buran, 1960.

So there was time, and here the Khan's daughter has already been sixteen years old. She flown like a flower, was beautiful and fresh, like morning dew. "Finally, it means that prophecy will not come true," Han was delighted and went to his beautiful daughter. With you, he brought a huge tray with ripe amber-colored grapes, and put it near his daughter's feet.

The Khan's hand held a hand to the grapes, took the biggest bunch and cried loudly on the same moment, - it was stung by her Karakurt, who was attached to the grape brush.

I could not postpone the old Khan of the death of his beloved daughter, and soon died himself from suffering from grief. And since then in that place is lonely the tower, and only the random travelers da tramps admire the proud views and the skill of the hands of the human, creating this beautiful tower.

Bouranian Tower - Place of Worship

Legend of Tower of Buran №2

According to another legend, one powerful Khan named Byytik decided to capture the city of Tokmak. Not far from the city, in the mountain gorge, he left his only daughter with her retinue, and he himself went to the city with a big army. Capturing Tokmak, he cruelly dealt with the citizens - there was no merchant to anyone: neither old men, nor women nor children, and ordered everyone to kill everyone. But one old woman miraculously managed to escape.

Barana, drowning in colors

This old woman came to the byytyuk and says: "You did not spare anyone, killed everyone, including my sons. And for it you will be placed, your favorite and the only daughter will soon die of the bite of the deadly doors. "

The angry Khan immediately ordered to kill the predictor and immediately build a carbonate tower. At the very top of the tower, he settled his beloved daughter with two faithful maid. They took food for the Khan's daughter only through the door high above the ground.

Photo of Tower of Buran, 70s. 20th century

Once the servant handed over the daughter of Khan dish with black grapes. But none of them noticed that Karakurt hid in the bunches. I extended the Khan's daughter behind the grapes, screamed from the bite of a poison insect and soon died. And since that time there is an empty and abandoned tower of the Nevdax from the city of Tokmak.

Majestic Tower of Buran and not less majestic mountains Alato.

But it was the only true option, do not spend the night in the courtyards of the capital.

On two cars we got at first to tokmak cities (Kirg. Tokmok), and from there from the monument to the legendary historical figure of Manap Bay, we took us a young "Kent" in a bright jacket to turn to Buran.

And we overcame the last segment with the local Kyrgyz, which was very worried about our overlay. When he learned that we were going to the Tower of Buran, then offered to ask for a house to the guard architectural archaeological Museum, suddenly allowed. So we decided to do.

At the entrance of the archaeological complex, we were met by two idols and, thank God, even open to visiting the gate. The tower is not difficult to notice, because relative to the half-meter ruins nearby, it seemed high than attracted her eyes. In the sunset sun, the Buranian tower looked very beautiful. We were afraid only one - do not have time to climb the very top. Burana is a distorted "Monory" (minaret), and for a long time, denotes all nearby terrain.

Tower of Burana (it is also called Bouran minaret) - built in X-XIB. and located among the ruins Bosuan settlement, 12 km from the city Tokmak in Kyrgyzstan., On the left coast river Chu. If you believe historians, the settlement is all that remains from cities Balasangun - Ancient capital dynasty Karakhanov ("Black Khana")

I did not have to look for a security guard, he himself went to meet the last visitors. Quiet Kyrgyz, after a conversation with us allowed to stay in his house. True, he said that we would have to sleep on the floor at the entrance. Not scary, we are no longer used to us.

Tower of Buran and her legend.

Then he handed us the key from the lattice so that you could climb to the tower. Leaving the backpacks in the house, we decided to rush to the monument to the monument.

The height of the Tower (Minaret) was originally 46 meters, but after an earthquake, only 24 m remained. There is, of course, another version that is more legend than truth:

One powerful Khan had a wonderful daughter named the Monary, who was predicted by death from the bite of spider on her day of her 16th anniversary. Khan was upset, and ordered to build a high tower in which he placed his daughter in full solitude.

The servants brought her food and water, searching the contents of the basket and their clothes right up to the thread to make sure there are no insects. And finally, the day of the 16th year of the monarch came, Han himself came to congratulate his daughter, happy from the thought that the prediction did not come true. He brought the daughter of a bunch of grapes, in which the spider was hiding, which bit the monarch. The girl died, and Khan, embraced by grief, threw so much in the tower that Ecupus fell off, leaving after the ruins, which we see now.

By climbing the stairs, we turned out to be at the very top, from where it was possible to admire not only the sunset, but also in the surroundings. From here we saw:

  • residues palace complex or templewho existed here are up to the city;

  • the ruins of two mausoleums;

  • whole field with stone sculptures.

Therefore, immediately after the descent, we naturally went to inspect all the "findings" listed, more detailed studying in the morning.

Stone sculptures - "Balbala".

Stone sculptures (balbals) - The type of monuments common in the territory of Northern Kyrgyzstan in the habitats of nomads - Turks. They are collected from destroyed ancienturk Mogilnikov Basic Chui Valley, but there are statues from Issyk-kul and Tien Shan.

On the territory of the Archaeological Museum there are 80 sculptures, which are shapes with careful working out of the face, hairstyles and other items, but meet and primitively fulfilled. Now you understand why we saw them in the morning, I wanted to view everyone :).

Before the spread of Islam, such sculptures were installed on the graves or ritual structures of the Turils themselves. For most part, you can find images of men-warriors, less often women.

Monuments - epigraphy.

Presented with gravestone with inscriptions in Arabic. Collected from Muslim cemeteries in the places nearest to Bouushansky and dates back to XIV - the first half of the twentieth century. On steles you can see the saying from the Quran, as well as the name and year of the death of the late.

Framework pictures - Petroglyphs.

Petroglyphs in the form of images of various animals (mostly deer) can be seen on the stones laid out by several parallel rows. On the territory of Kyrgyzstan cave drawings You can meet in the districts of Naryn, Issyk-Kul, Talas, Altya, etc. Dated ii thousand liters. BC e. - XVIV.

Stone tools of labor

In addition to stone sculptures, I was surprised to meet here these stone "wheels" - mill Millov (X-XIIIV.)found on the territory of the Buschian settlement.

Overnight on the territory of the Buranian settlement.

We walked around the territory of the Archaeological Museum to almost to the dark, I do not remember, the code last time the monuments of architecture caused me of this interest.

By the way, the whole story can be read right on the territory of the township, there were special "Iron Books" in two languages \u200b\u200b- Russian and Kyrgyz near the house.

We returned to the guard, he just boiled the kettle, voted what was: tomatoes, cookies, apples. We also got everything edible that they found in the backpack. It is a pity only Kyrgyz was not talkative caught, decided to go to sleep, so as not to sit in a tense silence.

As I already said, in the morning we re-passed through the territory of the Buranovsky settlement, and finally for the help of the guard and for a ticket left for his request for 10 soms (7 rubles). The last thing I wanted to see in Kyrgyzstan -. I understood that it was big Lake With all sorts of tourist trails in the nearby mountains, which we have no strength, no desire. But be in Kyrgyzstan and not even take a look at Issyk-Kul - this is a crime, as many of the travelers would say. Therefore, it was decided, wrap there on the way home.

The bush minaret is considered to be the cultural heritage of Kyrgyzstan. The Tower of Buran is among the ruins of an ancient settlement, a ten minute drive from the city of Tokmak on the left bank of the voice of Chu.

This architectural monument is famous an interesting story. Scientists believe that in this place there was a medieval metropolitan town of Balasagun, belonging to the large and powerful Turkic feudalist Karakhany empire (X-XII centuries), while the city was blooming and was considered one of the most glorious Central Asian cities. In the XIII century, the city captured Mongols, and after two centuries he completely disappeared from the face of the earth. Only the Tower of Buran, the ruins of the fortresses and defensive structures remained from the former majority. During the excavations, the remnants of water pipes were found, luxury items and other dumb witnesses of the former majority of the capital of the Karakhanids.

Bouran minaret is built from a burning brick, and on this moment is a part cultural heritage Kyrgyzstan. Initially, the tower rose over the ground to a height of 40 meters, but subsequently the earthquake destroyed the upper part, literally "cutting" about 18 meters. But this does not interfere with witnesses to "draw" in the mind of the past minaret and touch the antiquity through the century. The Tower of Buran consists of the base, base and trunk. The foundation is made of clay mortar with a stone and looks like a quadrangular podium. Two faces are decorated with marble facing, others, apparently, adjacent to the already destroyed buildings.

In the middle of the podium there is an eight moograph of the base of five-meter height. The edges of the base have arched niches with drawings and bang in the frame framing. The base is the support of the gradually narrowing trunk, decorated with amazingly beautiful brick masonry. From the south is the entrance to the minaret of less than a meter wide. At the top of the tower, you can climb along the screw staircase with steps of a burnt brick with mobile overlap. Previously, during the lift, it was possible to see the street through the windows in the Tower trunk.

Not without legends and legends. Tower of Burana is shrouded in a halo of sorrow and mysteriousness. One of the legends tells about Khan, who had a daughter worthy of all silence. Her beauty and mind have gained the love of the people, and, it would seem, a khan daughter was waiting for happiness and peaceful existence. But the predictor furified her terrible death from the bite of a black spider, which at the time was found in these edges in abundance. Fearful of the life of his daughter, Khan decided to build a tower that would save it from predicted danger. Khan's beauty lived at the very top, and each visitor carefully checked. But, you won't leave fate. On a birthday, when the daughter turned 16, Khan himself brought a black spider in grape leaves. And the promised poisonous bite killed a young dashboard. Mountains from grief, Han hit the wall of the tower with a fist and miga demolished two dozen

Tower of Burana is a famous architectural monument to the Kyrgyz people. It is the most ancient building in Central Asia, which is located 80 kilometers from the capital of Kyrgyzstan - the cities of Bishkek and 12 kilometers from the city of Tokmak on the territory of the collapse of the town of Burana. Her appearance Associated with Uzbek architecture. If you do not know what to see in Kyrgyzstan, we will certainly visit this attractions and a historic place.

Legend of construction

Regarding the appearance of Tower of Burana, there is a whole legend, one of the most popular and well-known among the myths and legends of Kyrgyzstan. One Kyrgyz Khan had a daughter Munar (name in translation and means "Tower, Minaret"), which he loved and defeated. But one day, the star predicted that the girl lives only until sixteen and dies from the bite of spider.

Khan built a high tower, at the bottom of which I sharpened the star, and at the top I settled my daughter in full solitude. She grew up in the tower, admiring nature only from the windows in the dome.

The servants brought water and food to the Khan's daughter, while they were carefully searched. But, despite all the precautions, on the day of her sixteen years the girl bit the spider, and she died.


The Tower of Buran in Kyrgyzstan is considered the earliest and outstanding architectural construction of Central Asia. The word "burana" means "minaret". Such buildings were raised near the cathedral mosques. The tower consists of several elements: foundation, podium, base and trunk.

The foundation is arranged from a stone at a depth of 5.6 meters, its upper part has a form of a quadrangular podium. The eastern and northern face of the podium is lined with marble blocks. To the western and south side adjoin the construction, so they do not have a parade design.

In the center of the podium, an octahedral base is five meters high. At all its faces in the center there are arched niches having relief filling from burnt bricks. Niches decorate framing from rectangular ornamental frames.

The base is based on a round and tapering barrel, the surface of which is decorated with alternating stripes from the figure and smooth bricks.

Initially, the height of the minerer was forty-meters, the top was crowned with a dome-lantern, which had four doorway - on the sides of the world. Today, the height of the tower is 21.7 meters - the rest was destroyed during a strong earthquake in the XV century.

What is inside

The entrance to the tower is located on the south side. From him to the top of the minaret, a spiral staircase with steps made from a burnt brick and overlapped archery boards. It is narrow enough - one person is with difficulty. In the course of the stairs were light windows made right in the trunk. From the top of the tower opens a beautiful view of the settlement.


The Tower of Buran in Kyrgyzstan is located in the city, which was once very technological and modern. It had a water pipe system from clay pipes.

Water came to them from the nearest mountains. There is a huge burial on the territory of the settlement, decorated with unusual idols - stone sculptures of babals. These sculptures are made with careful working traits and headdress. Also there are simple petroglyphs (stock images).

Restoration of the Tower

Tower studies are held by Russian scientists from the middle of the XIX century. Under Soviet power, preservation measures were taken architectural monument and archaeological study of the settlement. Excavations made it possible to establish that the settlement has a difficult layout and consists of the ruins of the quadrangular fortress.

In 1970-1974, the employees of the Ministry of Culture of the Kyrgyz SSR were restored by Tower of Buran. As a result, destroyed places on the surviving height of the tower were restored, the octahedral base was renovated.

The Tower of Burana is part of the Bouran settlement, located at a distance of 12 km from the city of Tokmok. The results of archaeological studies of the settlement suggest that this remains of the city of Balasagyn, which C VII in the XIII centuries was the capital of the developed and powerful kaganate of the Karakanids. This state was created by nomadic peoples inhabited Tien Shan. Already in the first century, the eastern borders of the kaganate had a seven, and Western - Delta Amarya. At this time, nomadic tribes became settled, crafts developed and trade relations.

The capital of Kaganata, Balasagyn, was at the intersection of trade routes and was a city with a fairly developed infrastructure. With the arrival of these lands of Islamic religion, religious structures began to appear - mosque. Minarets, Arab were built near them. "Manara", from where the name of Burana occurred.

The main appointment of the minaret was the call of believers to prayer, this building was built from a burning brick similar to the Arab beacons. The square foundation of the tower is deepened by 5 meters, the height of the octahedral base is 4 m, and the rind-tower tower towers to the top of the Round section rise by 18 meters. The upper part of the tower, allegedly alleged about 20 meters, destroyed by earthquakes, was a dome-lantern. You could enter the minaret on the roof of the mosque or, in our time, along the sub-stairs, as the entrance is located 6 meters from the ground. At the top of the tower rose across the screw inner stairs.

Archaeologists believe that the mosque of Jami (Kon. X - Nach. XI centuries) was from the west side of the Minaret of Buran. To the east of the tower there are ruins of three mausoleum assistants. According to the legend, the Tower of Buran erected the ruler of the city for his daughter, wanting to protect her from predicted death. However, the death of the girl from the bite of black scorpion could not be avoided, the tower served as a tomb, and soon climbed the father and Father.

The city of Balasagyn without loss survived the invasion of the Mongolian Horde, thanks to a significant amount of redemption, presented by Genghis-Khan. Mongols noted the benevolence of citizens, calling the city of Gobalyk, i.e. "Good, good." However, this did not bring the desired prosperity, according to the testimony of archaeological finds, Balasagyn is extincted from the plague in the XIV century.

Now the ruins of the once prosperous capital of the Karakhany kaganate are an archaeological-architectural museum under the open-air.

Video: Tower of Buran

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