Portugal is the country of great navigators and the western outflow of Europe. Portugal - a country of great navigators and western outgrowth of Europe port like the Portuguese themselves call this city

September 15th, 2012, 02:11 am

A year ago, it was planned to be a journey, but last year the choice fell on Canary and Portugal was postponed.
But this year, Portugal finally implemented. Having crawled on blogs and travel sites, three cities were chosen: Port, Lisbon and Albufeira. Ponds were chosen exclusively for a beach holiday, wherever in summer without bathing and sunbathing.
My first story will be about the second largest city in Portugal - Porto.

To begin with the route. In my opinion, this is the optimal traperic system to make some idea about this country.
By the way, A \u003d G \u003d Lisbon. Google imposed points one to another and was released such a parsley.

About how we traveled to the port are a separate song. So, as the plane landed in Lisbon very late and trains to the port at that time was no longer there, then it would be possible to get the Rede Expressos bus. Running-run, but we managed.
And here Voila is the city of Porto.
Our hotel was located in the center on Batalia Square. So in the morning, we appeared a beautiful view of the Church of San Ildafon, the streets covered with the sun and crowd of tourists.
I tried that a lot of people would not fall into the frame, so that the streets look more or less deserted.

The first thing struck me is the Church of San Ildafon, Pearl Square. It is covered with a tiled tiled characteristic of Portugal.
These tiles are called Azulzhush and have Arabic origin. Their number in the port was huge, published very much remind Gzhel and tie to Russian stoves.
Interestingly, they are depicted on them not just a repeating ornament, but various plots and characters.
It is very pleased that the azulzhush did not remove on souvenirs, otherwise it was wake-up.

Pebbed by the Portuguese Spirit, I roughly click a street going into a slide and under the slide.
Such differentials are very atypical for the plain Petersburg, so it is interesting to look at such askovy landscapes.

Traveling in Portugal needs to be remembered about comfortable shoes. The sidewalks are paved with a very smooth paving, and the lifts and descents increase the slip. And of course, you need to take into account the huge hiking distances. I lost one pair of shoes in the port while walking and part of the way to the hotel I had to be made by barefoot.
Although the sidewalks look buzzly very elegant.

Despite the fact that the port is the second largest city in Portugal, it does not feel a Lisbon scope.
It's good to wander here, bumping into various architectural monumentswithout following the map.
A special chic attaches everywhere raw linen. All colors and sizes. In every house, in the center and in the alleys.
I also did not leave the sense of port running. On each street, several houses are dilapidated or abandoned, with sealed windows. There was a feeling that the people leave the city, although it can be deceptive and it's just another "raisin" port.

Probably one of the chips of Portugal, which comes the mind - trams. Even no - trams.
Such here is from the past. Although they look very decent, almost like new.
If desired, you can travel on this type of transport. But when looking at the crowd, stumbled there, like splashes, I have such a desire.
Well, cute, right?

For me personally, an excellent alternative to excursions, even I would have told a more winning option, the hop-on hop-off buses were traveling. In them, as a rule, there is an audio guide in Russian, with its lack of always available in English, free Wi-Fi and a great view from the second floor. Usually we make the first circle to familiarize yourself with the sights, and on the second round, we leave likers for photographing and walking.

We started my flight with Prasa da Liberdadi, where installed Monument to King Don PedroIV.
Freedom Square is crowned by the City Hall. In my opinion, Vezlavskaya Square in Prague is very much reminded.
(I certainly apologize, but every time I mentioned about Don Pedro, I remembered the domestic film "Hello, I am your aunt!". I could not help, whatever you remember. :))

By the way, another small detail. On the Freedom Square, there is one of the most gorgeous macdonalds me to be seen. It seems before there was a restaurant. Eagle somehow would be more typical for Germany. Indoors are also kept in an imperial-solemn style.

In Sightseen buses I love to sit on the second floor, of course. Highly sit, far looking far + get sunny baths. True, in the port on some streets, the trees are low, you have to bend.
In the photo below the left, by the way, and the hall of the municipality with a 70 meter bell tower.

The bus route passed along the ocean coast, so in the port I immediately saw the ocean, washing the shores of Portugal. The weather was quite hot, so tourists were resting on the beaches and local residents. The youth preferred more extreme ways of cooling, jumping from the helicopter platform at the mouth of the Door River, on which the port itself stands.

By the way, the views of the city are opened here. Wonderful: houses hang one over the other and of course garland linen on drying.

On the other side of the Door River, as we were told, the best fish restaurants. In general, judging by the number of fishing boats, the fish here is accurate.

Once reached the river, it is impossible not to stumble upon it! Of course, I speak about the two-tier Bridge of the King Luisa I. He connects the Ribeira district with cellars and wine warehouses of Vila Nova-Di-Gaya. Well, built on the project of the student and the companion of Gustava Eiffel Theofila Seyirig. Actually there is something in common.
Attention, many, many pictures of the bridge!

The bridge is magnificent, his many. And sining it in the afternoon from all sides, you certainly need to repeat all the same at sunset and at night. By the way, in the pre-order clock the world's most winning in my opinion.

Of course, this Mahina is not the only bridge over the door.
I don't know the names of the next (can anyone tell me?), But looks promptly, yeah.

And the bridge, who would have thought ... Ponte de Day-Maria Pia, named after the wife of King Luisa I. Romantic, Sharman. Well, the whole family.

Types can be inspecting from Bear from Ribeiraja rising to the top of the lift or from the cable car on the other side.
True, the funicular is nothing special. The windows are some stained, view from the bridge or the coast at the top is definitely better. It is better to copy money to Portver :).

Well, since I said this magic word ("Portwine" I mean), then you need to develop this topic.
I think it is not difficult to guess that the word "port wine" comes from the port of the port.
So, the main look of warehouses and cellars with this drink in the city of Vila Nova-Di-Guaya, on the left bank of the Door.
Want to easily, there are no questions - Walkam. Yes, and wander here very nice. Then sit somewhere on the shore and sharpen Sardin.
Honestly, I had prejudice against Portvein, never once tried, but negative reviews I heard permitting. True, it was about the port, bought in our fatherland.
It turns out that there are several categories of Portwene Tawny, Brankco, Ruby, Vintage, etc.
Do not boast. What I tried everything, but 3-4 varieties settled.
By the way, with a certain variety, they advise consume a hear appearance: nuts, jam, ham with melon, fruit, lemon cake, etc.

By the way, it opens an excellent view of the opposite shore.
Places are directly created for photosets. Houses are pontaskany one on another and crowd of walking tourists.
Looking at all this, we quickly hurried to go through the bridge, join the evening turmoil.

And a few words about what is on the other shore - Ribeira.
This area is filled with narrow winding streets and dilapidated houses.
It was created that life here does not flourish here and Naedi spill down this place.
But there are good news - the area is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and it seems to be slowly restored.

By the way, in the port is one of the most beautiful railway stations in Europe - San Benta.
The walls are lined with tiles of azulzhush in white and blue tones. The largest of them is made of 20 thousand tiles and decorate the waiting room. The picture shows episodes from the history of railways.

Yet interesting fact: Symbol of Portugal - Rooster Barcelus. Rooster Barcelus fried, so always black. Such cocks can always be supplemented in any souvenir shop of Portugal, its image can be found almost everywhere.

In the conclusion of this part, I will add: what to see Portugal, still worth visiting the port. It has a charm of a small city and it is absolutely not similar to other places in Portugal.

Porto is one of the oldest European cities, which preserved the features of various eras in his appearance. Local residents say that the port is working for the whole country, and they are right. In the city a huge amount tourist places, industrial enterprises, places of trade and entertainment. The North Capital of Portugal, from which the state and received its name, attracts its many-sided, deep old and modernity, antiquity flavor and modern. And finally, this is the capital of the world famous in the world of Portwine supplied to all countries, an attractive and unforgettable city, where the path of many began famous people Past and modernity.


The Northern Capital of Portugal is located at the place of failure of the Douro River (or Douro) to the Atlantic Ocean. Prior to Lisbon, the distance is only 270 kilometers. The port itself is located on the right bank of the river, while his suburbs on the left. Development occurs also mainly north and east, as in the West, just a few kilometers, the ocean expanses begin. The terrain, where the city is located, rather hilly, with significant height differences - from the Embankment of Daras to highest points, more than 100 meters above sea level. This affected the architecture and the overall location of the streets, winding, with many steps. The population of the city itself is a little less than 250 thousand people, but the entire agglomeration of the large port inhabits more than 2 million people. With its huge meaning and impact on the economy, culture and tourism in Portugal, the city has an area of \u200b\u200bjust 42 square kilometers, and the building density is high enough. In the administrative plan, the division into areas has been preserved historical, with its ancient center and newer parts of the city. In total in the city of 15 districts, and they are compact enough. The port is at zero meridian, and therefore time does not differ from Greenwich.


Just a few kilometers in a straight straight street Avenida da Boavista separate the city from the Atlantic Ocean, and therefore the climate here is completely sea with the enhanced influence of the warm flow of the Gulf Stream. There are often precipitation and small storms, whose season, traditionally, falls on the winter months. At the same time, the heat in the port is practically not felt, due to quite high humidity and pleasant wind from the ocean. The effects of the continental climate is practically not felt. Winter is considered the rainy, but rather warm, especially for russian tourists. average temperature From December to February, no + 5 ° C is not lowered, but winds happen. Freezers in the port does not happen, and minus temperatures are observed extremely rarely. Spring and autumn are distinguished by variable raininess and a change in temperature, which occurs almost unnoticed, as in two months it falls (or rises) with stable indicators. The most popular time to visit the port is a summer period, which, nominally, lasts from May to September with stable thermometer readings from + 17 ° C in the morning, to + 28 ° F. At the same time, the temperature drops during the day can be practically absent, and there is practically no precipitation.


The first settlements on the site of the modern port of historians are referred to the period of Celtic peoples that have settled here in 300 BC. To Roman conquest in 136 BC. It was the usual village, which was transformed into a fort with various buildings of military and commercial importance - the name Dali Portus Cale. Over time, when changing languages \u200b\u200band pronunciations, this name has become Portugal, as the whole country is called. After the wins in the 540th year, the fortress was erected here and the bishop of the city was erected, and the city became the center of a small area. Until 1096, when the city and all the surrounding duke was inherited by Heinrich Burgundy, the port was alternately, then under the rule of the Moors, the Kingdom of Leon. Each period imposed his imprint on architecture, culture and art. According to historical data, the last knights of the Templars fled in Portugal from the Roman dad and the French king. In 1387, the wedding of the King Juan of the First and British Princess was held in the port of King - which was the basis of the longest agreement on peace and partnership for the entire European history - between England and Portugal. This document has opened unprecedented opportunities in trade with British Islands, And subsequently, with the British Empire.

In the process of its development, the port, even having lost the title of the capital of the Kingdom, was constantly evolving. In 1763 the construction began famous tower Clereigush, which was a guide for ships setting in the port. In 1762, a nautical academy was founded, transformed into a university, the second largest, after Lisbon. In 1876-1877, Gustav Eiffel and his student worked in the port of Porto, who designed two famous metal bridges across the Dora River. In 1872 there was a permanent tram message between the areas of the city. The only war that directly touched the territory of the city is the Napoleonic invasion in 1809, but it did not last long, since the British quickly freed the port and he returned to a peaceful life. The Second World War bypassed the whole country that was neutral and helped refugees.
A significant impact on the development of the port was provided by the industrial revolution - a large number of manufactories and enterprises were organized here, which amounted to the basis of today's industrial potential of the agglomeration. Porto has always been in the forefront of innovation, while remaining an authentic historical city, whose center is fully listed on World Heritage UNESCO.

Attractions Porto.

  • The first thing that will notice the visitor to the city of Porto is the constant use of decorative tiles in the decoration of the facades of houses. More often began to use articles Brazilian immigrants in the 19th century, which marked the golden age of the decorations of Portuguese facades. First, the tiles signed manually, later, in connection with the industrialization, manual works were replaced by mechanical printing of images. The most striking example of using the tiles of azuluja can be called Chapel "Capela Das Almas). The chapel was built in the 18th century and did not differ in anything special. But in 1929, the walls of the chapel were decorated with 16 thousand tires of Azuju, after which this landmark port was the "blue" among all the churches of the city.

  • The main attraction of the city of Porto and his symbol is the Titanic Bridge of the King Luisa I, built on the draft student and companion of Hustava Eifel - Tyofila Seyirig in 1886. The bridge, built 7 years before the Eiffel Tower, reaches a length of 80 meters more than the tower itself - 385 meters and weighs more than 3 thousand tons, the height of the bridge is 44.5 meters. This grand creation has two levels - the lower is designed for cars, and the underground trains are running along the top. At both levels there are paths for pedestrians.
  • The visiting card of the city of Porto is also the bell tower of the Church of the Brotherhood Brothericks. The construction of an architectural complex consisting of a church and the bell tower was launched in 1732 by church fraternity, and was completed in 1750. Different people worked on the construction of the ensemble, but Niccolo Ninkie and Mason Antonio Pereira should be noted especially. The bell tower, which crosses the construction from the west side, is considered one of Niccolo Namboli's masterpieces and is recognized as one of the main attractions of the city of Porto. Due to the fact that the bell tower reaches a height of 76 meters, it is the highest church tower of Portugal. It is worth noting that it is in the Church of the Brotherhood of Clerying and the famous architect Niccolo Noboni is buried.
  • The Church of Santo Ildontso was built by an unknown architect between the 1730th and 1737th. Despite the discreet facade, the retablot of the altar demonstrates the sophistication and elegance of the construction. Engraving work was performed by Master Nikcolo Noboni. In 1932, the Church of Santo Ildondonso was decorated with the tiles of the work of Jorge Kalaso. Tiles depict the life of the church intercession - St. Ildefonso, in honor of which the church was named.
  • Another landmark port is the Church of Karma and Carmelitka Church (Igrejas Do Carmo and Das Carmelitas). Their feature is that these two churches are located as close to each other that they can be taken for a single structure. The male Church of Karma (located on the right) was built in the second half of the 18th century on the project of architect José Fgeiyo Seicas. The facade lined with a stone is crowned by a Fantant, inside which there are evangelical figures. The side facades of the church were lined with the tiles of Azulju in 1912. On the left is the female carmelite church. It is noteworthy that churches are divided by the house, the width of which is only one meter (one of the most narrow houses in the world). The appearance of this house is obliged to law, according to which two churches cannot have a common wall.
  • San Benth Station in the port was built at the beginning of the 20th century on the site of the Benedictine Monastery of St. Mary. Westbühl Station is covered with 20 thousand tiles Azulju (these tiles are one of the highest artistic achievements in Portugal 20th century). The compositions from the tiles show the scenes associated with the railway and the history of transport, as well as well-known events from the history of Portugal.

Events and festivals

  • A variety of events and celebrations are often held in the port, which are confined to one or another holidays. As the former capital of Portugal, the city is quite pompous notes national dates - for example, independence day (December 1) and the Republic Day (October 5). At the same time, other festivals are often held in the city, dedicated, for the most part, to religious holidays.
  • The most popular and colorful event in the port is St. Juan's Day - the patron saint of the city. Every year on June 23-24, the entire port is decorated in festive colors, fairs, processions, theatrical ideas and outdoor treats are arranged everywhere.
  • Christmas (Natal) and Easter traditionally the most beloved holidays in Portugal, and the port is no exception. The widespread celebrations, parades, ideas and fairs are just a small tolik of what is happening in the city for several days (or the whole December, in the case of New Year's holidays).
  • No less popular in Portugal and Corrida, having its own characteristics and distinctive features, more humane and, in some sense, spectacular. The dates of opening and closing the season are always citywide holidays with their rituals and clearly regulated actions.
  • The beginning of autumn is also characterized by the widespread wine festivals, which for the city, where Portwine was born, are very important. During the fairs, young and weathered wines are presented, the best varieties and brands of Portwine, Brandy.
  • In addition to the main holidays, the port is constantly undergoing different events dedicated to museums (open day), cinema (festival science fiction festivities), music, architecture, books and other areas in art.
  • In February, as in all of Europe, a seven-day carnival is held in the port, with processions, parades, ideas and other entertainment events. Another noticeable holiday takes place in September - International Festival Puppet theaters - an entertaining action for adults and children when the best troupes come out from all over the world to present their skill.

Restaurants and cafes

As in all portugal, in the port you can meet a variety of catering establishments - both ordinary cafes with minimal prices and expensive restaurants with Michelin stars. Local kitchen Pretty simple and satisfying, since, for the most part, it has developed historically and is based on seafood. However, there is one dish that distinguishes the city from everyone else. Unofficially, the inhabitants of the port are called Tripeiros, literally - "darkens of the need" - than many are proud. Indeed, the local corporate dish is "Tripas" - cooked from beef needed with a variety of vegetables. Also, it is not necessary to bypass the face "Faizoad" - meat, cooked with rice and beans; "Francesiny" is an analogue of a sandwich with ham, fried beef and sausage with tomato-beer sauce. The bulk of the menu of any establishment consists of seafood, as fresh catch comes daily to the city, where you can meet not only the traditional types of fish, but also quite exotic - for example, a marine line supplied in some restaurants. On the streets, the embankment and in many areas there are small cafes and bars, where it is possible to eat and inexpensively, and try some of the varieties of the famous port.


The history and development of the city of Porto are closely related to trade, and therefore it is not surprising that there are plenty of places where you can buy a variety of goods. Tourists are recommended to visit the old and colorful "pain", located on Ria de Sa Da Bandeira, where fresh seafood, vegetables, fruits and a variety of products are constantly selling. The port is a large number of shopping centers, branded boutiques, shops and outlet, which are like famous trademarks and local producers. Family shops are often found, where you can buy various folk fishing products. From the northern capital of Portugal, it is necessary to bring to remember or as a gift:

  • portwine - the city is the capital of this drink, in the vicinity of which dozens of species and varieties produce. The real port is better to buy in specialized stores, or in the cellars of manufacturers - where excursions are arranged with tastings;
  • azureju is the famous ceramics, traditional only for Portugal. In Porto, it decorate almost everything - from the facades of buildings, to small boxes, brains, chests and other utensils;
  • products made of cork tree - another symbol of Portugal and port in particular. The country takes one of the leading places for the production of this type of wood, and local masters will offer a variety of crafts from traffic jams, including shoes, bags, accessories;
  • jewelry - the legacy of the Mauris, the Romans and other peoples that have inepeted the terrain affected the crafts. Silver and gold products from local workshops are attractive, distinctive, unusual and gorgeous. Jewelry bijource varieties are very much, and you can choose products at any price;
  • olives, Cheese, Hamon, Egg Cream, Wine - Traditional Gastronomic Souvenirs from Portugal;
  • figures and products with images of historical attractions - there are a lot of such goods in all souvenir shops, and it is distinguished by the originality, diversity;
  • football symbolism - the city is the home of the famous clubs "Porto" and "Boavista" - their attributes can be bought in many souvenir shops and corporate stores.

How to get to the port?

From Russia to Far Portugal, you can quickly get only by plane - direct flights to Lisbon fly from virtually all major cities. Docking routes also have and they can take a fairly long time, as they require transfers to Germany, France and Spain. In the port itself there is a big international Airport Francischka di sa carneiror, located 11 kilometers from the center, receiving aircraft from all over Europe, including the Loados, but the country's remoteness imposes its trip. Lisbon can be reached by train and bus. Also, these types of transport can be reached from Russia, but with many transfers in large transport hubs, such as Zurich, Madrid, Barcelona and others. Time in the way takes a lot of time and sometimes a transit visa is required to cross some countries. You can get to the port on your own car, but it is difficult, even the city is located on one of the most important highways on the Pyrenean Peninsula. We'll have to cross at least five countries to get to Portugal. Still, the fastest tool is aviation, whether direct flights to Lisbon, or connecting flights to other cities in the world. As a rule, when using inexpensive airlines, you can fly to the port to a maximum of 30 hours.


The city of Porto is famous for becoming one of the first in Europe, where the tram was laid, despite the rather hilly terrain. To this day, in the historical capital of Portugal, there is an extensive network of public transport:

  • metropolitan - five branches laid under the city, combine all its districts and allow you to get to the main attractions, but also to the main transport hubs. For example, at the airport, at the station - immediately there is a metro stop, allowing you to quickly get to any point of the city;
  • the tram is a historical type of transport, which is a landmark itself. Routes, and there are only three of them, are laid enough, but the whole port is joining, and most passes through the historical center, which will enjoy the views of the city during a trip from one end of the city to other;
  • the bus is a popular and very common type of transport that covers the port, buses are combined with transplant nodes of the metro and tram. Even at the airport there walks three regular routes, which makes it much easier to move around the city. At night, there are also several buses, and there will be no problems to get to the hotel;
  • bicycle - gaining popularity of transport, which can be rented in dozens of rolled points. For the port there is one reservation - due to the hillyness of the relief, it will be quite difficult to move on the bike, a particularly unprepared person;
  • taxi - black and green and cream cars are everywhere, and their value is quite democratic. You can call a car by phone or catch on the street - the price will not differ. Taxi drivers, perhaps the most polite and cases of the raid of the tariff;
  • car for rent - despite the size of the port, there are traffic jams and hindered traffic, but a lot of free parking throughout the city, and on paid value Not much "bites". The city employs both international and national car rental companies. The car should take if you plan to visit the picturesque suburbs, which must be done necessarily when visiting North Portugal.


So historical citywhere kings and aristocracy lived, offers a large selection of hotels in various classes, many of which are located in ancient mansions and residences. All directions of hotels are presented in the port - from exclusive five-star, like Torel Avantgarde, to hostels for 10 euros per day. At the same time, it is possible to settle in any part of the city, since it is small, and the developed network of public transport will allow you to quickly reach the place of residence. The port includes hotels of all famous world chains - Hilton, Sheraton, Radisson, as well as a huge number of large and small hotels with different levels of service and service. In the historical center itself, the most expensive places of residence are traditionally located, and the farther to the outskirts, the price below. In the suburbs, there is also a large selection of decent hotels, and you will not be much difficult to get from them. Among the four-star is worth paying attention to the hotel Porto A.S. The 1829 Hotel, as one of the oldest in the city, and the choice of three and two-star is striking with their diversity, both in terms of location and at prices. It is worth remembering that in the season hire the number is quite difficult, and therefore it is better to book it in advance so as not to overpay.


A regular telephone connection is quite common in the port, not only in hotels, restaurants, but simply on the streets - calls to Russia are fairly inexpensive, and at night there are additional discounts. Mobile local and international scale operators are widely represented in the city, and the coating provides a normal connection anywhere in the port. Wireless Internet access Wi-Fi is almost everywhere, and it is usually free - in hotels, restaurants and bars, shopping centers, public transport, near the majority of attractions. Traffic allows you to track changes without any problems in social networks, communicate through Skype, watch streaming video.

1. Be sure to ride on rare trams in the center of the city, look at all attractions.
2. Visit the famous Livraria Lello bookstore, which has become a prototype of many places from the famous novel about Harry Potter. Here you can also buy a variety of books, any subject and directions.
3. Another place for mandatory visits - Small aristocratic Café Majestic, who was once a place for collecting aristocracy and bohemia, and now rejoicing acceptable prices, original interiors and delicious dishes.
4. Use public transport with Andante's card - an analogue of a ticket with a limited period of action, but makes it possible to save greatly during transportation in the city, especially if you wish to explore as much interesting places.
5. Winter and autumn it is worth constantly carrying an umbrella with me, as the winds and rains can occur quite suddenly.
6. Using a taxi, it is better to choose a driver who knows English, and with which it will agree easier. In the machines of all services are counters, but sometimes the driver can wind more circles to increase the cost of the trip.
7. Climb the Cleurigush Tower, 75 meters high, which can be seen from anywhere port, and it is a symbol of the city. The entrance to the viewing platform costs about 2 euros.
8. Take a walk on Ponte De Don Maria Pia and Ponte De Don Luis First - Bridges, designed and built by Eiffel and his student of the Seyrigom even before the construction of the famous tower in Paris began.
9. For those who have not so much time on a detailed inspection of all the attractions of the port perfectly suits a boat on the Door River, which will help you familiarize yourself with the main attractions of the city and, while will save time.

Port on the map, panorama

Porto, who gave the name of the country (and beverage Portverin), - the second largest city of Portugal after Lisbon.
This is very old City, founded in the 12th century. It is located 270 km north of Lisbon. He's called northern capital Portugal.
The central part of the port is the most important attraction. The city is ancient, unusual and very interesting. Of course, in the city, the mass of "official" attractions, many beautiful churches, very interesting train Station, stunning embankment, and, of course, wine cellars. I'll show all this later, and today we just walk around the city.

The historic center of the port is located on the right bank of the Douro River, a few kilometers from its place of sign in the Atlantic Ocean. The city center declared UNESCO with worldwide cultural treasure.
In the historic center of the city is located cathedral XIII century - Church of San Francischka (St. Francis). One of the brightest sights of the port is the Baroque Tower of Clereigush - the highest in Portugal - 76 meters or 225 steps. Construction under the leadership of the Italian architect Niccolo Noboni was started in 1754 and completed in 1763. Of modern buildings Highlighting his unusual form of music.

And the bridges are still very important landmark.

Many bridges connecting the port with a satellite-satellite city of Vila Nova-de-Guy are thrown through the Dora. Some of them are unique technological solutions for their time. For example, the Ponte de Day-Maria Pia railway bridge, built in 1876-1877 on the project of Gustava Eifel, was one of the first projects that brought him to the author to the World Glory. Later, the same technological solutions were used by Eiffel in the construction of the Freedom Statue (1884-1886) and the Eiffel Tower (1889). Another unique building was a two-level metal bridge Ponte de Don Luis, built in 1881-1886 on the draft student and companion of the Eiffel Theofila Seyirig.
Constructed on the draft student and companion of Gustava Eiffel Theofila Seyirig in 1886. Named in honor of King Luisa I.

Ponte de Don Luis is a kind of symbol of the city of Porto. Its image can often be found on the labels of the local port.
The bridge has a length of 385.25 m and weighs 3045 tons, the length of the arched span is 172 m, and its height is 44.6 m.

Right at the rate of Kyshnya Klircus.

Before us - Church of Do Carmo. This very nice temple in the architectural spirit of classicism and Baroque was erected in the middle of the XVIII century on the project of architect José Fgeiyo Seicas. The stone facade decorate the sculptures of the prophets of Elijah and Elisha and the statues of four evangelists of the work of the master of Italian baroque Nikolau Rocky. Another remarkable part of the decor is a huge mosaic web of a gentle blue color, depicting the base of the base of the Order of the Carmelites.

Porto was the first city in the Iberian Peninsula, where it was organized tram traffic. In the port and Lisbon there are such small trams. Others simply do not turn on the narrow streets of cities.

Clereigush's church was built by architect Nikola Otona from 1732 to 1750. The church was erected specifically for the brotherhood of clerics. Over time, the architect himself entered the brotherhood himself, and after his death rest in the church crypt.
Clereigush Tower is behind this church, but in this perspective it did not enter the frame.

Church and Clereigush Tower.

Monument to Pedro IV, the first king of Brazil and Portugal, is located on the Freedom Square in the city center.

Monument to the peddler of newspapers

The majestic and excellent CE Cathedral in the port towers over the city. It is very old cathedral In the port, built in the Romanesque style.
The cathedral was erected as a fortress and around him was built the whole city.
The most valuable in the cathedral is his altar, which was used by 800 kg of silver. A wonderful patio with azulezhush, a large square with a magnificent observation platform, where there are observation binoculars to admire the red roofs of the houses and the Dora River.

An interesting feature of postal addresses in the port: they have no house rooms. The name of the streets, too, as a rule, do not write at homes - only at the beginning and at the end of the street. It happens that just the beginning of the street is worth a column with a sign on which its name is written. Everything. More nowhere it is mentioned.
Along the street numbers are not at home, but the front door - entrance doors. Through numbering along the whole street. This picture shows the numbers above the door. Further address will be read, for example: Second floor, 1st apartment right.
And nothing, find.
There was a case. We took a taxi and went to look at the ocean (he is 7 km from the city), namely, at sunset - how beautiful the sun goes down to the sea. Taxi was released, the sunset loved, and after they decided to walk to the hotel on foot and they were mistaken. When they tried to navigate the map where we were, it turned out that it was absolutely impossible to do this. We decided that we would be better to look for no place for our current location, but at once our hotel. Again, the bummer is the Portuguese, very friendly people, waving their hands, enthusiastically told us the road, but to keep track of the narration in Portuguese and use the tips, as it turned out, too, it is also unrealistic. Meanwhile, the case was moving in the evening, even by night, and the question of returning home was sharp. Simply soak causing it is impossible to catch, - it is necessary to call the specified address. They saw a ballet school, went on "on the light" to ask them to call us a taxi to their address (at least they know him).
It ended in that one of the ballerinas brought us to the hotel on his car. Looking out of the car window on the road, we realized that we ourselves did not go there, and there were no people on arrival at the hotel.

Characteristic feature Portugal architecture - facing buildings with tiles. It is not only beautiful, but also very useful - in the summer of ties protect at home from the heat, in the offseason - from dampness. Houses in Portugal often do not have the heating, so all the seasons are dried on the street.

At this photo, we see the exit to the Naouro River embankment. I will show her in another post, and at the same time on the ship on it we ride.

Left - Cathedral of St. Francis, on the right - the Palace of Bol. The Balance Palace is the stock exchange, as well as the place where you can come to admire the palace interiors created by the local architect Johakima da Costa Lima Zhuniorla in the middle of the XIX century for ordinary merchants. Now it is a kind of museum, where exhibits: different sculptures, frescoes, paintings, furniture, dishes and others are specifically selected and inscribed in the interiors of the halls. So, the Arabic Hall with Golden Arabesques, the courtyard of nations under an octagonal glass dome, the hall of the Tribunal, the assembly hall, the Golden Hall and the staircase made of granite and marble. He was written off from the Internet, because we did not come in. Well, someone from readers will be interested and will visit.

Porto is the city of Portver and football, the city of high arched bridges and noisy coastal bars, the city of unsightly and dirty streets, the city of the name of Portugal. About the port is written so much that trying to tell something new - ungrateful occupation. But still I will try and tell, and show.

The city is located north on the right bank of the Door River, stretching almost 900 kilometers through the entire Pyrenean Peninsula.

The history of the city goes to the Romans, just since the time port began to develop first as a port, and then as an industrial city. Moreover, for the past two millennium, he did not lose his port charm, but he was just below ...

The port is the second largest city of Portugal, it is often called the northern capital.

One of the most recognizable symbols of the city is the Ponte de Don Luis Bridge, built at the end of the XIX century theophil to the Seyrigom, a student of the Gustava Eiffel. The bridge connects two shores of the Door River. The bridge is two-level: at the top level at an altitude of 45 meters the metro line passes, the lower tier, located right above the water, is designed for cars.

But the most famous symbol of the port is of course, the famous fortified wine - Portwine.

Portwine can only be called wine produced on the banks of the Door River. This provision is enshrined by the legislative acts of Portugal and the European Union. So the Soviet "three axes" and other similar surrogate fluids, of course, not only have nothing to do with a noble sweet drink, but its name borrowed absolutely illegally.

By the way, contrary to the opinion of the majority, Portverin is not at all in the port - famous for the entire world of cellar, in which oak barrels with wine are kept on the opposite shore from the port - in the city of Vila Nova de Guya.

Previously, not to disturb the wine with transportation on uneven Portuguese roads, it was transported from the vineyards to the cellars in barrels on flat-bottomed cargo boats with a square sail. In memory of those times today you can see many moored boats, just opposite the cellars. Some of the boats are converted to restaurants, behind the tables of which you can sit endlessly and enjoy the fresh wind from the Atlantic for nice sweet notes, sparkling in a glass of fastening wines.

A couple of words about transport. In the port, as well as in, there are old rattling trams.

There are here and more modern transport. For example, more similar to the tram city metro.

Along the old fortress wall from the coast, the reserve is laid the line of the funicular.

The fortress wall also appeared here is no coincidence - at the very beginning, the reconquitois port occupied the border position. The border between Muslim lands and just received the autonomy of Portuguese county took place just on the Door River.

The funicular walks quite rarely - the operator is waiting for the cabin to be packed by people under the urban, like a bank with sprats.

Well, probably, the most interesting view of the city transport is a cable car connecting the platform next to the Ponte de Don Luis Bridge and the Naberezhnye Douru River next to the wine cellars.

Although, of course, this is not a port, but Vila Nova de Guy, but still very interesting.

And it's interesting because just with this cableway It opens the best in my opinion the view of the historic part of the port.

Over tightly hardened residential houses, the Episcopian Palace is monumentally towers.

Next to him on the hillside there is an old district of Bayrrou-Da-Sea - it is the poorest and at the same time the most picturesque port of the port.

There are many small open restaurants on the embankment, in which drunk fun reigns around the clock.

Meanwhile, it's time to look at the port from above. The best place For this - the Overview Tower of the Church of Clereigush.

Her bell tower is the highest in Portugal. For a long time she was a guide for arriving with the Atlantic of ships.

A narrow staircase from 225 steps leads up.

We translate the spirit on one of the sites ... We have just got to the level of the roofs.

Well, here we are upstairs.

We look at the port.

We see the red roofs, leaving the doors descending to the shores. We see the Vila Nova de Guy located on the Far coast. We see the wine cellar river occupying almost the opposite bank.

We see neat new roofs.

We see that in the center of the port there are picturesque ruins.

We see that the slopes of the hills, on which the port is located, rather steep, and sometimes to rise in many steps, you need to sweat well.

We see modern quarters towering away.

We see that west to the Atlantic itself are huge trees covered with green crowns of parks and squares.

Everything. From above viewed on the port. We continue to walk through the streets.

We draw attention to the fact that the whole facades of houses can be decorated with blue tiles.

Expervisable atmosphere of the Quarter of Bairrou-Da-SE, above which, as if the mighty phallus, the bell tower of the Clereigush church, which we visited a little earlier.

There are high houses here, and the streets are narrow and dirty. Between the houses is stuffy, the air seemed to froze, absorbing many flavors, ranging from the infusing unknown from where the smells of a cheap food and ending with a frank top, so familiar to the native St. Petersburg obscean elevators. The feeling that the civilized European country suddenly fall into poor Asian.

On the streets walked linen. Periodically there is a very dubious personality personality, with which I would not like to meet on a dark street under the cover of the night.

In general, a real port city. For larger entourage, there is not enough drunken sea wolves and cheap port prostitutes. Although, maybe I just watched badly?

I look carefully, and I begin to understand what the city is delightful!

Porto - a city similar to the ethnographic museum. He gave the name not only by the whole country, but also the famous Fastener Blade Portven.

Porto, photos of Benjamin Gillet

Porto (Porto) is a city in the north of Portugal, at the mouth of the Douro River, not far from the Atlantic Ocean. In size and meaning, it is listed by the second after Lisbon. Old city Porto is on the right bank of the river. Since 1996, he has the status of the UNESCO object. The architecture of the old center was formed several centuries and was completely preserved. The city in the number of attractions and beauty can compete with the capital.

Modern port is a developed industrial center. In the city with a population of about 240,000 inhabitants since 2002 there is a metro. Through the dora, there are six unique bridges. Harbor Leixoes - an important cargo port of the country. The portugal is working in the port of the port.

How it all began

The history of the city began with the Roman settlement, in the V century. On the left bank of the Door River, the Portus tribe lived, on the right - feces, so the territory was called - Portukale (Portucale). In the VIII century, the settlement was captured by the Moors. In the 10th century, Muslims expelled, a new Christian county emerged - the ownership of Henry Burgundy (Father Afonus Enrikesh).

In the era of the great discoveries, the port survived flourishing. The XIII-XIV century is the time of cooperation between Portugal, England and other countries of the Hanseatic Union. The port was a shopping, bourgeois and industrial city. He always sought to autonomy from the central government and opposed Lisbon. In the XV century became the center of shipbuilding. Local residents have always been distinguished by the rebellious character. Reolings broke out more than once.

It was in the port that the first Portuguese Constitution was adopted.

Attractions Porto.

Luisa I. Bridge

Cathedral of Porto.

Church of St. Ildafo

Modern Art Museum

Art Museum

Museum of electrical transport

Museum of Transport and Communication

Museum of Portwine

Cafe Majestik

Ribeira Quarter, Photo Mariana Daher

The old quarter of Ribeira (Ribeira) on the banks of the river - the heart of the old port. His narrow streets with the distrect facades of houses are confused, like a labyrinth, some houses still stand in the Roman foundation. Many buildings are beautifully decorated with "Azulju", traditional ceramic tiles in white and blue colors. It is always noisy here - numerous restaurants and cafes, colorful taverns are open until late evening.

Embankment of Ribeira, photo an07

Cais Da Ribeira (Cais Da Ribeira) - Pretty Embankment along the Douro River. Here you can see fragments of an ancient fortress wall and ancient cargo shipswhich previously transported Portwine, and now "serve" with pleasure ships. On the waterfront you will make excellent photos and buy souvenirs.

Luis Bridge I Pupil Eiffel

Louis Bridge First, Photo Małgorzata Kaczor

Luisi I Bridge (Ponte de D. Luís) (1886) is one of the business cards of the port. This is a two-level bridge, built on the site of the old stone. Architect - student and companion Gustava Eiffel, Teofil Saryig. Lower level - for cars, it connects the Ribeir district with cellar and wine warehouses of the Satellite City of Vila Nova de Gaia. Upper - for the subway, he connects the area of \u200b\u200bSan Benta Railway Station, with the top of Vila Nova-Di-Guy. Pedestrians can walk along both levels. Luisa Bridge I is one of the best viewing sites in the port. Not far from the bridge are the funicular and the remains of the fortress wall Fernandine (XIV century)

Cathedral of Porto.

Cate Cathedral CE, photo E Assad (Massad)

Porto Cathedral (Sé Catedral Do Porto) - a temple rebuilt from the Romance Fortress in the XII century. Massive gear walls and two impressive towers and today give the cathedral of the defensive citadel. In one of the chapels of the temple there is a unique altar made of 800 kg of silver. In 1809, the defenders of the city were repurchased from Napoleonic soldiers.

Episcopal palace

Episcopal Palace, photo Rangaku1976

The Episcopal Palace (Paço Episcopal) is located next to the CE Cathedral. This is a two-story Romanesque building of the XII century, reconstructed in the Baroque and Rococo spirit.

Church of St. Ildefonso, photo Chihping

Church of Santo Ildepso (Igreja de Santo ildefonso), XIII century. Rebuilt at the beginning of the XVIII century, decorated Azulju, more than 11 thousand tiles took the walls on the cover of the walls. In the decoration of the temple, eight original stained glass windows and an organ of 1811 were preserved.

Clereigush Church, Dan Photo

Igreja Dos Clérigos (Igreja Dos Clérigos) - Baroque Church of the Brotherhood Brothericks, built in 1750. The main facade and Timpan are decorated with statues and reliefs, the oil building in the plan has an oval. The church was attached 76-meter Campanil Torre Dos Clérigos (Torre Dos Clérigos), erected in the period 1754-63. This is the highest bell tower of the country, for many years she served as a landmark for sailors. On the sixth tier Torre-Shower Clereigush equipped with an excellent observation deck.

Town Hall

City Hall, Photo Diego Delso

The construction of a city town hall of Porto (Câma Municipal Do Porto) began in 1920, but it became used for municipal purposes only since 1957. The six-story monumental granite building has a basement, two courtyards, a tower with clock-chorants height 70 m, on which You can climb, overcoming 180 steps. Inside are solemnly decorated halls. The interior of the building is made of marble and granite.

Freedom Square, Photo Diego Delso

Freedom Square (Praça Da Liberdade) - architectural complex XIX-XX centuries. In the southern part of the port. Here is the monument to the king of Pedro IV, who bestowed by Portugal Constitution; There is a Palace Cardosas. To the square adjoins Central station (Estação São Bento). And the square itself is surrounded by banks, hotels, restaurants and numerous offices.

Sau-Benth Station

San Benth Station, Photo Concerge.2C

Central São Bento Railway Station (Estação São Bento) (1916) - Anthem Beauty Portuguese Azulju. Magnificent panels on the walls of the building on the plots from the brightest episodes of the history of Portugal are posted from white-blue soles.

National Museum

Suarish-Shower Reis, photo alegna13

Suarish Soul-Reis (Museu Nacional De Soares Dos Reis) - National Museum, opened in 1833, he occupies the neoclassical building of the Kararankash Palace (Palácio Das Carrancas). The basis of the assembly is a collection of work of the sculptor Socarish. In addition to the sculptures, a rich collection of Portuguese painting XIX-XX centuries is presented here, a collection of painting XVII-XVIII centuries, silver, ceramics, interior items, textiles, glass from Portugal and countries of the East.

For connoisseurs of art and history in the port, many various museums are open. The most interesting:
Museum of Contemporary Art (Museu De Arte CONTEMPORâNEA DE SERRALVES),
Art Museum - House-Workshop Antonio Karneiro (Casa -issicina António Carneiro),
Museum of electrical transport (Museu do Carro Eléctrico),
Museum of Transport and Communication (Museu Dos Transportes E Comunicações),
Museum of Portwine (Museu Do Vinho Do Porto).

Cafe Majestik

Cafe "Majestik", Photo Lilly Darma

Cafe "Majestik" (Majestic Café) - the most famous institution of the city, has been working since 1921. Here are pompous interiors in the Art Deco style, a rich menu, a huge range of coffee and desserts. It is said that it was in the cafe Majestik British writer Joan Rowling began to write about Harry Potter.

Portuguese port wine

Portugal is the Motherland of Porto (Vinho Do Porto), it is known to everyone. It was Porto that was the main center of production and transportation of the National Title from the XII century. The name of wine is protected by origin: only liquor wines from grapes, designed in the Dua Valley sold in the port, can be called "Porto". The authenticity and quality of Portuguese portowers are protected by the state. The origin of the beverage confirms the warranty mark issued by the Portuguese Institute of Winemaking. The city has many wine-making companies - large and small. The most famous brand of Portwine produces a family winery Calem. The company founded even its own museum - "Porto Calem".

Entertainment and holidays

In the port love fun and entertainment. Carnavals, processions, costume balls are constantly passing for any occasion. They are accompanied by fireworks, abundance of treats, musical ideas.

In February, a carnival passes in the port.

In June, the Day of St. Anthony is celebrated, the Cathedral of events is becoming the center of events.

On the night of June 24, local residents jump through the fire and arrange fireworks - this is the Catholic celebration of the birth of St. John (São João Do Porto).

In September, the city's international festival of theaters of dolls is held - the public comes from all over Europe.

House of Music, photo marinhopaiva

The city built a large-scale music home; In his two halls, transparent walls were erected.

Night life in the port is also saturated. There are many nightclubs in the city, in which you can have a good fun and relax. Most of these institutions is located on the Ribeir embankment and in the suburb of Matosinhos.

Nature lovers and unhurried walks will appreciate the Botanical Garden, the oldest in Portugal.

What about the weather?

Winter in the port is warm and mild, the temperature is about + 14 °. Summer is rather roast and wet, the air warms up to + 25 °. The greatest number Precipitation falls in winter. Augustus is considered a comfortable and warm month. The average water temperature in summer - + 17 °.

What is typical to eat?

Portuguese cuisine is simple and satisfy, it is also called "peasant". It uses fish, seafood and meat, and the garnish usually performs rice with vegetables. Be sure to try: beef labor; Fajoada (dish of meat, rice and red beans); Potato soup puree with cabbage; stew cod with peas; Baked trout; Icra from Olives. From exotic: sea den, wolf perch, goat cheese with thick crust.

Sweet dishes are almost all prepared with the addition of almonds and cinnamon. Among the desserts a variety of cakes and cakes, mousses and puddings, crisp cookies and fruit salads.


Gifts and souvenirs for relatives and friends are better to buy in stores on Santa-Katarine Street. It is there that there are many souvenir shops, street bazaars and antique shops.

The most popular gift from the port is a bottle of Portuguese port. It is worth paying attention to ceramics, products from the cortex of cork oak, the figures of the roosters, shoes and textiles.

Transport in Porto.

Vintage tram in Porto, photo Andreas Nagel

To any urban attractions, which is located within the city, will take a metro consisting of three lines. This is the optimal transport for tourists at the time.

On the city you can move as well as buses and trams. Works night transport. Alternative public transport - Taxi.

But what should be done in the port, so it is to ride in the old tram of 1930 and see the Atlantic Ocean from its window. The tram salon is trimmed by a tree, the driver controls the carriage standing, because the seats are not.

See also: