Cruise scenario plan. The form of organization of animation programs on cruise ships with Russian tourists

Channeling from 01/12/2016

Host: I welcome the Civilization of Andromeda and wanted to determine the topic of the scenario plan, and the forces that will affect this scenario plan and its horizon.

Forces: I greet you. I am the head of the land-guy system of civilization Andromeda. I am glad to determine you again in information, knowledge. We, as civilization, have become much more significant in terms of the effect on those essence, on those observers that are transmitted in 4 dimension, there are changes in space, their state, events, feelings. These changes begin, they will grow very quickly and very noticeably from the side of even an observer 3 dimension, since on itself 3 dimension is also raised to the highest values. When you observe this picture, you can make 2 external conclusions: on the one hand, those moving, which is determined by the transition road, are derived for the space of old power supply, for the space of the scenario plan, which guide the civilization of the main plan, on the other hand, on itself 3 dimension from Its old scenario is also converted to the system of its understanding, the influence of events. This vector is directed to the destabilization of the foundations of old states, the foundations that led to the degradation of society led to its turn back to the dependences that created the depreciation of culture, binding to finance, money, material well-being.

All of these experiments ended in terms of already major civilizations of failure, since the energy exchange itself does not bring those return states, those investments that were made in the consciousness of a person in terms of its upbringing, events, since land-gay factors exclude the basic parameters of this energy exchange, in Dozens and hundreds of times reduce the state of fear in the necessary equivalents in relation to events, but only bring a state of anxiety, confusion, etc. FROMaMA The essence of energy exchange in 3 dimension is already lost forever, and therefore, these civilizations begin to transform the space so far only towards its change in relation to the created coefficients, which today interfere with producing old energy exchange and try to switch to a new one. While these attempts are unsuccessful. It's extremely difficult to start a person in a new direction, the condition with destructive energy exchange is extremely difficult, since it is necessary not only to unbatched it according to the main parameters of vital activity, but also to create a new shell of dependence, a new membrane of the Confirmation in relation to a new scenario, which is not. Therefore, 3 dimensions are observed a fairly strong reduction in energy exchange, and it is pronounced for tens of percent in relation to the values \u200b\u200bof last year. This means that in the near future collapse will come, the energy exchange deficit, which will exceed more than 50% of those investments that will be invested in the space system. At this point, the point X will come when the civilization of the main plan is either forced to leave the scene by providing the places to the following civilizations, or continue the changes in the scenario plan in the one direction, which is determined by the growth of human consciousness, human experience. It is very difficult to do, because the time is lost, and the Earth-Guy itself, its vibrations, which are reflected in the monad, in space, on the entire system of reflection of perception, does not allow to skip the old energy exchange rates, but only admits the creation of new, very thin, new ones The property of destructive values \u200b\u200bthat are not so much destructive as interchangeable coefficients that can somehow maintain the energy component in the form of energy exchange.

It is quite difficult to explain, but these processes go, they have a place to be in some consciousness, but to do this, it is necessary to create a completely different scenario, society, other rules of the game. By itself, the Earth-Guy system is not designed for long-term scenarios of that type, therefore, decisions will be made that will first keep this space in a cocoon, in isolation, and then decisions will be made to develop a scenario plan.

As for the transit scenario, the 4D spaces, in which they are fixed, and in which there is an additional participants in this experiment, then all of them are determined in a state of movement forward, the state of the location of consciousness with old coefficients, capabilities, options depending on their events. This means that the aspiration of their goals will not only change, but also transform in completely different categories, values, definitions. This work is already underway, including our civilization, and civilization of Sirius, and the civilization of Orion in small quantities, the civilization of the Arcturus, etc. All of them create the conditions, the parameters of the experience that will be directed to obtaining the transitional state of the person, which is as structural, as purified from the old values \u200b\u200bof 3 dimension.

If we speak simple language, then this means that in the course of a fairly short period of time, a person must transform his memory, beliefs, thoughtforms, a mental design, the ego programs, including the internal components of the monadic fields so much to be prepared for the immersion in 4D space, which does not contain destructive coefficients in general.If today to take the condition of the human consciousness, the state of its cell, then the presence of odd coefficients 3, the destructive type coefficients will be more than 30%, in some even 60%, and this suggests that the transition itself is impossible for such participants The point of view of their immersion in space 4D. For this, situations, events, certain informative flows, which will create an exercise, exercises, simulators, circumstances, a new visualization system, etc. will be developed. This is a whole set of events that will be given separately when this phenomenon will become massive and will require not only explanations, but also certain practices that will be combined with the experience of those civilizations that this path passed. In itself, immersion in space 4d, the space of the transition is a difficult life period, since for each person will be created its own individual path, individual recipe, a scenario in relation to 3D space. This path is that sanitary corridor, about who talked teachers; This path is a certain insulation system, the shell system, a lubricant, which will output the human body, his consciousness, perception in the sanitary control zone, or in which a person will be as long as the superior system, the teacher system, civilization will not understand either successfulness or unsuccessfulness A performed task.This means that if a person has transformation processes, the processes of enlightenment will go with the necessary specified speed, then it will be supported, leading, change with the participation of higher systems, civilizations. If this does not happen, the movement forward will turn into resistance, in search of exit from this corridor, the insulation system, then this person will be distributed back to 3 dimension, sanitary barriers will be removed from it, and it will pass the residue of life in the overall observation system. Under the control of the civilizations of the old type, the old formation of the main plan. This means that it will be thrown into the old energy exchange system, but with new principles, new systems of perception. If we talk about the scenario plan of those who determine the experience of the transition, then passing will see for several months only 20-25% of what participants in the process of 3 measurement. This is a certain cross-value when from part of the space is cut out to visualize perception only those moments, the circumstances, those segments of the information field, which are permissible to transform consciousness, for its constructive transformation.

Destructive type events, events that relate to various conflicts, destructive states, will be dramatically limited and is supplied only in the background value if it is necessary for conciliarity with 3D space participants, and then through the sanitary control zone. Consequently, the remaining 75% visualization will be filled with a scenario plan of constructive type, a scenario plan of events that will be determined with nature, with creativity, with constructive thinking, with new connections, with observation systems. This process begins, it is interrelated, but it is necessary to understand that in itself immersion into the system of the sanitary corridor, the dimension is determined into space 4 is determined by the necessary insulation, and the visible mass, visible sodium is just an illusion. The real energy exchange between passing people will be very, very little, only in those zones, those conciliarity that relate to the steam relate to the zones necessary for the experience of souls, for children, to determine those who love people who wants to feel the energetically, with whom It is not only tied, but also dependent. These dependences will be removed and transformed into a state of free relationships, in the state of independent relationships, and this process will transform the feelings, the state of love and the state of care about the neighbor.

These are all the processes of future lessons, the processes of the state of move forward, they are very complex for understanding the modern person. Principles of the relationship of views, categories of equity-injustice, truth-insensus, relations of their own property for money, family, children, family partner, a man and a woman are all the imported values \u200b\u200bthat are not only outdated, not only became a braking system, but also are In many cases, the degrading category, degrading factors, which unfold back, are deployed into the system of disheal, in a system of full dependence on old states. This is also expressed in the culture of food, in the culture of movement, in the culture of breathing, creativity, if it can be called such, and in the system of understanding the very space, in the thinking of the idea of \u200b\u200bits possibilities in relation to the future. It all will need to be replaced, set as a vector, as understood values. We are like civilization, the teacher system, other civilizations with which there is an agreement in the exchange of experience, internal information flows there are large and tense, but very interesting work in terms of reforming a person's consciousness in a very short time segment. Consequently, this time segment will be changed in its density, for its state for each observer. For those who go ahead slowly, it will compact and move away from the point of view of its continuity; For those who go fast, it will become transparent, less dense, proceed more quickly. It will be temporary synchronization, moreover, many will live the same day several times until a certain coefficient of necessary refraction will be achieved.

This "Surk Day" is already defined in the "New Opportunities" system, since earlier it was used only in exceptional cases, this means that a literal sense a person will wake up and repeat the same day again. At first he will not remember, but then gradually will remember the events of this day, to understand that he is in the same event corridor, in the same circumstance. This method is described in your movies, it is described as a state of gradual change, the gradual refraction of the psyche, and it is easy enough to use in the system of consciousness.

This method allows us to simply and quickly output the observer to the desired condition and thinking parameter, to change the category, change in the internal status of understanding space. One of the ways of upbringing, changes in consciousness will be the provision of new circumstances, new quality parameters of events. This literally denotes that a person will be invited to engage in other forms of work, business, study, etc. This will be carried out practically in an obsessive plan with the mandatory state of events, but even in these circumstances a person whose consciousness is directed in the opposite direction, will be able to abandon this development, turn back, go expensive degradation. Therefore, freedom of will is defined here, since the only condition of this experiment is the refraction of the awareness lens towards enlightenment, development, movement forward. It must be understood by all participants of this grand experiment, ambitious because almost a quarter of the entire population is involved. This coverage is caused primarily by the desire of the souls that wanted to pass the experience of even those who are not defined in the status of bringing their observer to such a state. In this experience, inconsigned observers will fall, who have neither incarnational experience of the transition, or the status of readiness in relation to this experience, and there are still a large incarnational debt with respect to the 3D space. Even in this case, many souls chose this experiment, since it is possible to reset the incarnational debt within a few months if they are in this corridor if you decide on the status of the observer.

Showing interest in this experiment, the souls in their maximum meaning proposed their observers into the system of this experiment, but the observers themselves were selected according to the principle of theoretical passability. This coefficient is primarily associated with the internal presence of destructive coefficients and their relationship with consciousness, their refractive capability into a fairly short period. If this coefficient exceeded 60%, then this observer automatically swollen. The bulk of observers is in a state of approximately 45-50% in relation to the required level of location, the level of internal transformation. This coefficient begins to change insufficiently quickly under the influence of the space and frequencies of the earth-guy, under the influence of internal states, humanity begins to wake up, including observers 3 of dimension. It wakes up very quickly, understands its place, its meaning, it begins to conscious new forms of perception, new forms of relationship, begins to interact on other principles, begins to go completely different. We see it, we are observed, moreover, we are based on this scenario, this plan, and our role today is measured by more than 35-40%. This is a very large percentage of congrity in the system of this scenario, and therefore, the Space Transformation function itself lies not on our shoulders. We, as civilization Andromeda, will make every effort to form the most accurate vector of variable events, variable spaces, and it is necessary to understand, because at current time those observers who have passed the school of the universe, which understand that such temporary values, events, the definition of the event space , it can significantly affect their events, but only if it is directed towards constructive experience, towards development, towards those goals and objectives that will be exposed before each. It is necessary to understand these goals and tasks in February-March, since it is during this period to enter the exchange fields of the soul with full siny, consciousness. This process will begin at the end of this month and create a completely different feeling, space, a completely different emotional internal system of understanding this space. Immersing in the consciousness field, the soul will create an understanding of his goals and objectives from a person, understanding those principles, the basics that she herself wants to compare with the experience of the sampling of a person and space of 4 dimension.

These are very individual parameters, relationships, views, development. This process must be survived, understand how this process is simultaneous, and its simultaneity is dictated by the experimental terms, since at this moment the frequency of human consciousness fields will increase dramatically and will be determined already in the system of 4 dimension in the system of a new understanding, but this is an illusory state of 4 dimension. It will be definitely a maximum set of permissible features in this space, in this corridor of events. This event corridor will be revised, change, easy to convert enough. It does not require large coordination with the main determinant, with civilizations of the main plan, since the energy exchange is completely different, and the assembly of material codes, the event series can be carried out now within a few hours in relation to the observer's experience, which means that before those who already understands where he is, before those who understand where he goes, it is a big task - to learn how to manage your own space of events, your own temporary categories, as an avant-garde movement forward, like those of the rest, which stars will behave Since their experience, their sinning will be immediately transformed to others, transmitted as a legacy as experience, abilities, skills. It is necessary to create a school in which people will actually and correctly manage their own internal space of possibilities, internal goals and tasks.

On this I would like to finish. Thanks for attention. I thank you for the reception of this information, you all are kind.

Q: Thank you for the information.

If you are worried about what you will be bored on a cruise liner, throw out these thoughts from your head. In cruises, such a number of events are organized that the day in the sea can be carried out as fun (and exhaustively) as when sightseeing in ports. Everyone will find something for themselves: a wall for climbing, a culinary master class, wine tasting, video games and much more.

Want to lie on the sun or swim in the pool? No problems. Want to be sick, go to massage or play casino? No one hurts you. Ride on a surfboard, drive a racing car or look at the ice rink? Yes, even such exotic classes are available on board. And on the Royal Caribbean Quantum of the Seas and Anthem of the Seas, you will find the first in the sea aerodynamic pipes for skaydayving.

Regardless of your preferences and level of activity you will find a way to have fun on a cruise ship. We divided programs and measures to type so that you find what will take you and on board and give you pleasure.

Daily newsletter

How do you learn about what happens on the ship? The daily bulletin is delivered to the cabin every night. One copy will also wait for you after settling on the liner. In it you will find the schedule of events and invitations, as well as hours of operation of spa salons, restaurants, shops and bars. You will also be able to find a movie list on your TV, information about the route ports, landing and disembarking passengers, sunrise time and sunset. Children registered in the onboard children's club (see below) often receive their own daily bulletins that appropriate age.

How to have fun in the afternoon?

Dozens of organized events will be offered to you daily, in the daytime. If you prefer leisureYou can take part in basketball or volleyball competitions, try to play golf or take dance lessons.

In the closed rooms you will be available to master classes, card games or bingo, origami training, monitoring of cooking or wine tasting (usually for an additional fee). Entertainment shows for the day are sets in public areas of liner (for example, improvisational comedies on Norwegian Cruise. Line, small performances on Princess Piazza or Ice Show on Royal Caribbean) or film display (indoors of the cinema or by the pool).

You, of course, can miss all organized events and simply relax in the pool with a cold cocktail. In addition, shipping internet centers, boutiques, casinos and libraries are open in the sea throughout the day, not to mention many places of food, working around the clock.

Gym and Spa salons on cruise liners

It is difficult to find a modern cruise liner without a fitness center and a spa complex on board. While some ships offer only basic equipment, the latest liners often have multi-tiered spacious rooms overlooking the ocean and the most modern equipment.

Side fitness centers provide a wide range of equipment for power and cardio training, and many have separate classes for classes with an instructor. You will find a list of rooms in the daily bulletin, but each room also has its own list over time of work of different classes. Most lessons are carried out for free, but some companies are charged at $ 10-15 for special classes with an instructor, such as yoga, TRX and spinning (one of the types of bicycle aerobics), which you have to sign up in advance. Some super-modern huge liners offer such amenities such as boxing rings and pears, Pilates equipment and training loops TRX. Please note that sports shoes are required to visit the gym, without it you will not be allowed there.

Fitness center on a cruise liner

Spa is a place where you can enjoy a massage, face care and other wellness treatments. Most ships have salons where you can trim, make a manicure and pedicure - all for an additional fee. You can also find a steam bath and a sauna or a thalassotherapy pool - a combination of jacuzzi and mineral bath. Cruise liners have spa salons for men with special service (including an old-fashioned shaving hazardous blade) and adolescents. Here you will find suggestions such as acupuncture, teeth whitening and thermal cleansing of the body. Check out the daily bulletin or special offers from spa salons, and to save money, book the procedures in the port days, and not in the sea.


Entertainment for children on a cruise liner

Many cruise liners have separate seats for children under 18. Modern ships more oriented on family holidaySo here you can find a huge number of places of entertainment for the smallest travelers, such as playgrounds, discos, swimming pools, waterslides, galleries and just deck space for children.

Parents can record children in children's clubs, where educators and animators organize various games, competitions, learning art and craft, dance parties and much more. Some liners cooperate with third-party companies to offer unique programs, such as acting workshops, focuses, scientific experiments and experiments, and learning DJ-skill. Children can spend so much time in clubs as they want; They can participate in events or just hang out, where they want (the level of freedom of action provided varies depending on the age group). Please note that children's clubs are usually closed while eating and late at night. Families with young children can also participate in joint games for children and parents.

Entertainment for the smallest on cruise liner

Evening entertainment

With the onset of darkness on most vessels, the atmosphere of Vegas is created. Casino is pleasantly closed during the day, and at night it is clogged by people experiencing their luck in slot machines, blackjack or poker. In bars and lounges there are groups and singers, so that you can enjoy music or dance; Piano-bars are becoming increasingly popular establishments on modern vessels. And, especially late in the evening, the popular dance floors.

Every evening a grand show with high-tech laser and video effects will be held in the ship theater, as well as skillfully costumed dancers and singers, performing popular hits and melodies from the Broadway Show. There you can see singers, comedians, magicians, and sometimes even those performers who have seen on TV. For talented passengers there are karaokes, and sometimes talent shows are held. Even some entertainment shows will be available on small ships: dance collectives, musicians with synthesizers or guitar.

Open-air cinemas near the pool is another favorite evening event on liners such as Princess, Carnival, Disney. You can hug, lying on the sun loungers, there is popcorn and watch new films on giant LED screens. It is like an autocinoteater, only on a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean.

Life on a cruise liner does not quiet to deep night

LLC "Podkhodod"

Form of organization animation software on cruise shots
from russian tourists.

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Every day, a variety of animation programs are conducted on board the boats, so that our tourists can, as you actively spend free from excursions, and most importantly - to your liking. Given all the terms of the schedule of routes, and relying on the experience of previous years, you can draw up a list of mandatory events. Among them:

1. Captain Cocktail with Solemn Starting Sharov (Presentation of Tour Bigrigada, Crew)
2. Welcome concert
3. Morning charging
4. Dance Class
5. Children's room, children's entertainment
6. Concert of classical music
7. Tournaments on desktop games, lotto club
8. Captain dinner
9. Evening entertainment programs
10. Additional programs
11. "Play, Bayan!"
12. Evening holiday in bars
13. Disco

Below we will dwell on each of the items in more detail. But do not forget that these standards are the minimum ideas, a given direction, and are designed for your creative potential and professional data!
If possible, take part in your colleagues!

ATTENTION: the platform for any event is to prepare in advance! All props after the end of the event, it is necessary to carry out from the site into specially reserved places to avoid lost and damage.

Captainsky cocktail With the solemn launch of the balls (presentation of the tour. BRICADES, crew)


 Preparation of the concert site for departure.
 Sending the ship and launch of the balls.
 Passage under the "Bridge of Desires" (when sending from St. Petersburg)
 Ship crew meeting on sunny deck.
 Presentation of the crew of a passenger assistant.
 Captain word.
 Champagne.
 Presentation of tour. BRICADA Passenger Assistant

The site should be prepared an hour before shipping shipping. On the sunny deck there are tables for champagne, music is playing (the heads of ports prohibit a loud sound, negotiate it with a passenger assistant). Please do not allow yourself to install sound equipment, tables and customize microphones before the start of the event. Guests of the ship must see the already prepared platform.
10-15 minutes before departure, the Methodist invites guests to a sun deck (with bad weather, in a conference room). At this time, music accompaniment should be included on the river theme, the animators welcome everyone, the pop musician sings a fun greeting song.
Then, the animation group should make and distribute balloons Guests. With the shipment of the ship to the flight with the loud cries of "Hurray", everyone launch them into the air, fading good weather and a good trip. All this, as more interesting as possible and more likely, animators should explain, beat simultaneously with the distribution of balls. For example, a summary that the balls will delight the sun and will be provided to us good weather etc.
Please calculate the time of music, removal and distribution of balls in advance, as this should happen before sending the ship to the flight !!!
As soon as the motor ship is sent, the Methodist (or Radist) includes the march "Farewell to Slavs", at this moment the musical accompaniment of the solar deck must be disabled. Waving 10-15 seconds, the animators declare readiness for the launch of the balls. For example, at the expense of three, everything as louder as possible and happier crying "Hurray!" And let go balls!
The bridge under which the motor ship is held (when departing from St. Petersburg), it is also necessary to beat. Ask tourists to close your eyes before entering the bridge, make a desire and open the eyes only when the bridge is passed, etc.
Please do not leave the platform in silence until the ship's crew arrives. Reflect the applause that all will meet the captain, tell us a little about what expects the guests of the ship while traveling, advise you to dress warmer, spend the competition, spoil the song, etc. etc. Do not lower the emotional bar of the event, communicate with the guests constantly. Serve the crew yield as solemn.
The emergence of Captain, Director of the Restaurant, a ship physician and a passenger assistant should be voiced by solemn fanfares or march.
After the welcoming speech of the crew, all guests will be offered champagne. During the buffet, the passenger assistant will present the guests an animation group.
ATTENTION! Sometimes the presentation of the tour. Britade passes on a welcoming concert or information meeting. Consider this moment with a passenger assistant!
After the end of the official part, do not leave the platform in silence. Di Jay puts background music or pop musician performs songs.

Welcome concert.

The program involves: the entire animation group.
Welcome concert - an event on which our guests can get acquainted with the animation group of the ship. Each artist should show from himself from the most favorable side, sing, dance or tell that an interesting guest is waiting for guests if they visit his program. Animators represent each of the artists, briefly telling (before or after the speech) on where and when you can visit its events. This information is consistent with the passenger assistant.
Please do not reduce the welcome concert only to the concert program. Classic configuration is not suitable for this event. Work in interactive mode, that is, in direct communication with the viewer. You will beat each performance, come up with the original eyeliner to each concert number! This recommendation applies to all subsequent concert events.
For example: "There are many wonderful and interesting, and even unique people on our motor ship. You probably will not believe me, but we even have your own organist! Yes, it really is so and, moreover, I want to surprise you even more and puzzle, because my own body, he always carries with him! You have not guessed, about whom are we talking about? Then I imagine our bayanist Igor! Why do you ask the authority? And I will answer you: everything is very simple, because when Igor plays on his accordion, he represents one whole with him, and you will now make sure of it! "," And now I want to present to your attention another diamond in the Tiam. Brigades are a soloist of Moscow Philharmonic, the laureate of international competitions Tatiana Rubinskaya! Tatiana will fulfill you ... "
First of all, the animators must submit and invite a passenger assistant to the stage, which, in turn, invites the methodologist for the welcoming word. This is the so-called official part. After it, start the program.
Di Jay and the animation group of the ship must be in advance the suitable musical accompaniment of the event and work out the moments of its inclusion. This recommendation applies to all subsequent concert events.
Between the numbers of artists, spend short contests, interactive games with viewers. After the first competition, reveal the winner, give him a chance card, at the same time explaining to the guests what it is for which it is given and what to do with it.
"Chance" is a lottery ticket / card, which is played at the final gala concert in the form of a lottery, followed by the presentation of prizes. Please agree with the shape of the draw with a passenger assistant.
The competitive program of the presentation concert should not be long and tedious, as it is a kind of interming to the fact that guests will be seen during the cruise.
Complete the concert by the execution of a common song (all employees of the tour. For example, "we are stray artists." However, if there is a person with a poetic gift in the creative team, compose its own.

Morning work-out.

Charging is a very important component of the day. It is from how you spend it depends on how the day of our guests will begin and continue. Your task is not so much to heat them physically, how much to charge vigor, optimism and good mood.
Dry, technicial exercises will not wake anyone, just tired and call the desire to relax. Add some creative and fantasy into your work!

Example 1: Assign exercises suitable on our journey. Communication on the basis of teams: left steering, power steering, nose, feed, drag deck, captain on board (SMIRNO), circle, equal, to become becoming ... Movement of marine animals (animals in general). Movement of the captain, jung, coca ... Element movements: water, earth, fire (sun), air (wind), metal (ship). Arrange the competition between the participants (and do not forget about the "chances")

Example 2: If there is a mixed public on charging, enter the program for paired exercises - because it is also a thimbilding element (team cohesion)
If only one person came to charging for you, encourage him with "chance" for the power of will, excerpt and early rise. Spend an exclusive occupation with the guest (at least, let him think so), which is no longer held by anyone. For example, the course of respiratory gymnastics. Let him go away from you with proudly raised head from the consciousness of his exclusivity.

Remember, if no one has come to charge on time, you still have to be in the workplace until the end of the last time. Someone could sleep a bit. He should not see an empty hall.
You need to be very different from tourist group Own external species During this program. Be bright !!! After all, the energy charge and the mood of guests depends on you.
Remember the most active tourists, it is them that can be attracted to a gala concert (a little later).

Dance Class

The program involves: sports designer.
Depending on the schedule and contingent of guests, the dance class can be divided into adult and children. But the essence remains alone. Given the wishes of tourists, the sports structure must choose a dance, or a few that will be traded during the flight. Please note that all musical materials are obliged to provide themselves.
In addition to the goal to teach guests to dance azam, you must invite them to participate in the final gala concert. They can act as with just running dancing and with their own repertoire. You need to help rehearse, confirm, provide suites (with your own or from the details available on board the ship).
If the tourist asks you to work out individually, you do not refuse to him. Consider the place and time of classes with a passenger assistant and inform it to the tourist.
If guests have no special wishes for the choice of dance studied, offer something to your liking. Very good if you manage to put something comic, living, energetic. However, it all depends on the contingent, creative potential and the mood of guests.

Children's room, children's entertainment program.

The program involves: children's animator, teacher, di jay (as needed).
If the heat transfer layout allows, our little tourists spend time during the day in the "Children's room" with an educator. Remember, the mood of their parents depends on the mood and not only. Running the decks noisy kids rarely please someone. Therefore, the educator must make a maximum effort to interest them in itself. Cut out mobile games, teach sing, draw, turn on cartoons. During the cruise, you can prepare and organize the original exhibition of children's drawing, be sure to be promoted by prizes. Please agree on the exhibition and the presentation of prizes with the passenger assistant.
Also during a cruise, if time allows the passenger assistant to be appointed children's entertainment programs. Spend the "funny starts", "search for treasures", come up with a program on the plot of popular fabulous and cinema stories.
Traditionally, on the sides of our boats, together with the ship restaurant, a "sweet holiday for children" is held, during which small guests are offered tea, cake and cakes from the chef restaurant.

You can think of the scenario of this holiday yourself, but take into account the following proven scheme:

 Interactive part
 tea drinking with musical accompaniment
 Spend part of the program in the form of a conversation (welcome). Those. The program should pass not only in active game mode, but also just in the form of a conversation at the table. Fight children riddles, spend a small excursion survey on the rules of etiquette and good tone, etc.

For example, you may first keep searching for treasures that will be tea with cake. During tea drinking, tell children, stories about pirates, tea, or Russian traditions. And after the meal, arrange a small quiz on the heard. Do not forget the prizes!
Please agree with the passenger assistant the number of children on the program, tea readiness time and sweets!

Concert of classical music.

The program involves: classical musicians.
2-3 times a week in the Music Saving Salon (Bar "Panorama") Classical Music Concerts are held. Usually at this time the bar stops work and turns into a concert area.
All concert performances are desirable to divide thematically: "Opera Arias", "Romances", "Songs from Musiclov", "Music of Russian Composers", etc. It all depends on your creative potential.
Turn your speeches into concert numbers, not the background music. The position "Classic Musician" on cruise liners is characterized in that the public comes to the burden of ship to the concert program, so they perceive artists not as background music in the bar !!!
It will be interesting if you finish each number brief excursion In the history of the executable work.
Please observe the general rules for each artist speaking on the stage: Culture of communication, concert costume, concert makeup and, of course, smile!

Tournaments on desktop games, lotto club.

The program involves: animators, sports designer (by agreement, based on the parallel program).
Most often, tournaments are held during the daytime (before or after lunch). Competitions on checkers, chess, backgammon can take place both in one day and in the continuation of the whole cruise.
Lotto club is a separate event that is greatly popular.
Your task is not to turn the game into intelligent, dry, quiet contest. If these are checkers, chess, backgammon, accompany the course of the game with sharp comments. If this is a lotto - you beat the barrel numbers.

Captain dinner.

The program involves: di jay, pop musician
At the end of the trip, the captain invites all guests to a farewell dinner. The salons of the restaurant are festively stationed, bottled wine, dishes are distinguished by special sophistication. At the beginning of dinner, a captain, director of the restaurant, chef and passenger assistant come to the restaurant. They say farewell words, congratulate guests with the end of the cruise, and then fit personally to each table with a glass of champagne.
The task of Di Jay and the pop musician in advance to host, bring and connect a column and equipment for a restaurant salons to sound, check microphones. When the crew approach to the restaurant, turn on the solemn march, while trying speeches, the whole sound is removed, and after leaving the background music until the crew leaves the room.

Evening entertainment programs.

The program involves: animators, di jay, the rest of the animation group as needed.
After dinner, all tourists are invited to visit the evening entertainment program. It must be a concert and interactive event with the presentation of "chances" and a variety of ranks.
Animators must have a competent speech and active declaration.
Please observe the general rules for each artist speaking on the stage: Culture of communication, concert costume, concert makeup and, of course, smile! An animation group should be very different from the tourist group by its appearance during concert interactive programs. Be brighter !!!
Traditional programs on the boards of our boats are the following:

 Miss and Mr. Cruise
 Day Neptune
 Gala concert (the entire animation group is involved !!!)

The remaining programs remain at your discretion. Please agree them with a passenger assistant. The scenario plan of each show is fully designed for your creative potential and professional qualities.

Show "Miss and Mr. Cruise" It can be divided for 2 days, that is, one day is revealed to Miss Cruise, and the next - Mr.. The basis of the program is a variety of interactive games in which guests selected from the hall are competed. The jury, as well as consisting of the guests of the ship, evaluates the participants, and at the end reveals the winner. The rest of the participants are also assigned the titles, for example, "Vice-Miss", "Princess Cruise", "Kryza Kryza", "Cruise Boss" and so on. Personal letters are better to hand in the final "Gala concert" before the drawing "chance"
In addition to the competitors of participants, conduct interactive games with the hall. For example, "Magic Hat", "Lia, Song!" etc.

Scenic Plan of the program "Day Neptune" Maybe anyone. It is desirable to conduct this program on the "solar deck" of the ship. This program It consists of two stages: 1. Preparatory (during the daytime you prepare props and rehearse with concert rooms with tourists) and 2. The main (final evening program). This program is most often carried out in the middle of the cruise. The task of animators to calculate the most active guests from the mass and offer them participation.
The basis of the scenario plan of this event may be, for example, war between the Neptune and Sea Devil or Pirates, if a "Pirate Dinner" is not planned in the cruise (see below). Here is an example of building a program.
In the underwater kingdom, the witch is found with the old friend - the Sea Devil. They agree to disrupt Neptune's holiday, so that the witch becomes the Lord of the Sea, and the devil for it could turn so many ships as he wishes. The devil with a witch run away to collect the team, and the main mermaid gets out on the stage, accidentally heard the conversation. Contributes and runs to report Neptune. Neptune comes out (most often this role is performed by the bayant) begins to congratulate everyone, the main mermaid appears and tells about the conspiracy. Neptune calls to the aid of the "army" of the Little Mermaid (team of tourists), and immediately the witch appears, the devil maritime and team of the ships of the sea (team of tourists). When two teams meet in the underwater kingdom, a dispute begins who will be the Lord of the Sea - the Devil or Neptune. The way to solve is only one - to prove in the tests who are stronger! In the first contest, demons win, in the future - mermaids. Demons lose ridiculous: it will fall, then the ball burst, who carried, then pushed each other (agree in advance and relent with the guests-performers). After losing the witch and the devil are going to escape. Mermaids catch them, forcing me to repent. Neptune forgives everyone, and all with the hall dance dance of friendship.

Examples of competitions:

 Jumping with balls between knees
 Steam jogging with kegles between backs
 Badminton on the go (kege and ball)
 Crossing through the swamp (rearrange mats)
 Growing Snake (running over the serpentine, after each circle is added on one participant)

One of the main and long-awaited cruise events is the final "Gala concert".

Its feature is that in addition to the farewell numbers of the animation group, it has farewell guests of the hosts. This is what they prepared during the dance class, "Play, Bayan" and other events, or what they knew how for a long time, and wanted to fulfill.
At the end of the gala concert, the ranks earned by the cruise, as well as the prizes of the "Chance" card with the presentation of the main prize - the cruise in the cruise of next year. Please agree on the presentation of prizes and trips with a passenger assistant !!!
The gala concert is also held in the 2 stages - rehearsal with the guests of the ship and the final evening program.

Additional events.

The program involves: all animation group
Additional activities include concerts of a pop musician, a variety of master classes, evening events other than traditional. Information and wishes for additional events depends on the schedule of cruise and is agreed with the passenger assistant.
However, there are a number of additional events that are traditional and are held, if possible, in each flight. These include:

 Beer Show
 Pinn-show (vodka-pancake show)
 Pirate dinner
 Cheerful starts on the shore (green parking)

"Beer Show" - event for an adult tourist contingent. It is held in two versions: 1. All guests are offered a glass of beer and crackers with crackers and case interactive games are held. 2. Thematic interactive games are encouraged by beer. Please agree with the passenger assistant!
In the case of the first option, the nature of the program must be concert interactive. Also do not forget to tell a little about the history of beer in the game form.
In the second variant, the concert numbers in the program are optional. It is more profitable and interesting. Also do not forget to tell a little about the history of beer in the game form.
The most important thing is the "Beer Show" program should go through a positive, informal wave. Here is an example of the introductory word:
Host: "Today we decided to remove some rings of academicity from our program, as you have already noticed, there is no tuxedo on me. And they prepared for you a mischievous, entertainment and informative evening, which is called "Beer - Show". Today we will try to figure out how to drink beer, where to drink beer, with whom to drink beer, how to drink beer in the place where it is categorically impossible to do this, while retaining the face of a respectable citizen. And of course, we will taste beer with you, and for starters, let's try to remember the brands of beer, which you know (in the form of auction screaming the famous brands of beer, who shouted the latter, gets a prize - a bottle of beer). "
The following contests can be included in the interactive part of the program:

 Beer tasting - four participants are offered 4 glasses with a beer of different brand (brand voiced). Their task is to guess what kind of.
 Masking - To drink beer on the playground, you need to dress the baby. Four member participants Four participants of a woman should wear the babies on the speed and drink from the bottle with nipples.
 Bombardir - in the team three participants. The first balloon is inflated and passes the second, the 2nd runs to the third participant sitting on the chair and shoves the ball, sitting down on his knees.
 Transmission of bottles in a circle of knees. The dropping drops away.
 "Mom goes!" - Analogue of the children's game "Potato" and run around chairs. While the music sounds, pass the bottle in a circle. Who she stayed in her hands at the end of music - dropping away.

"Plin-show" or "vodka-pancake-show".

Joint with a restaurant event. Animators and all involved persons, except for Di Jay, in Russian folk costumes. Please note that the entrance to this event is paid, so it should go through a good level.

This program must pass in interactive lecture mode. During the program, tourists should not only die Russian pancakes, caviar and vodka, to participate in competitions, but also get a small historical excursion about the appearance of these products and the culture of their use in Russia. Please refer to additional materials to the passenger deputy ship. This program carries the national theme, so if possible, support it not only by appearance, but also musically and competitive.

The program is a Russian national holiday with the history of vodka and pancakes. You can come up with some fairy tale and play it with elements of an interactive, you can conduct a concert interactive program on topics. You can start with the auction already familiar to us, just this time, you have to come up with synonyms to the word, "get drunk." Who won - a decanter vodka as a gift.

Contests "Pour, drink, snacks" for adults and "smeared, ate, hung and drank" for children. The essence of contests is simple. A team of 4 people (in an adult version can be more, the main thing is not multiple 3) performs commands according to the name. The first - pours, the second - drinks, the third - bounces. And so in a circle until vodka will end in the counteer. In the children's version there is one. The first - spreads pancake Jam, the second - eats him, the third pour juice, the fourth - drinks. Whose team is faster.
In the program, you must fulfill Russian folk songs or chastushki. You can start the program in a squash form, for example:

"Hello everyone honest people.
Spoiled wider mouth
and now it is close
So as not injected the hippo.
In the village of Seleodochka
And in wine glasses we have vodka.
Stood today with a splash
Ate a dried ramp.
After reached the garden
Maybe who and I will nap?
Toha guy at least where
Does not bring from harm
I came to merry
I did not find better than you
Well, I call me soha
Here and patted not bad
And where is my sister, my Yaroch?! "

"Pirate dinner" It can pass as a separate event, and with a continuation on the evening program, and you can connect it to the day of Neptune.
The event "Pirate Dinner" in the program of the day and in radio broadcasts is not announced.
If on the ship, the number of artistic brigade does not allow you to hold a "pirate dinner" simultaneously in two restaurants, start dinner in each of the restaurants with a difference of 30 minutes.

Requisites and form of clothing:

An animation group is dressed in pirate costumes. In the eyes of the dressing, under the eyes of the bruising, in the hands of pistols, etc.
The waiters of the restaurant (or part of the waiters) are also dressed in pirated costumes or vests, bruises and scars are drawn on the face.
Restaurant design. (Draw up an animation group)
From the ceiling restaurant hang fishing nets, artificial fish, etc.
All setting on the tables is confused, many chairs are chaotic, the food on the tables is missing.
In the center of the restaurant hall, a knitted cook (or a passenger assistant) is sitting in the chair, in the mouth of a gag, "crying".
Pirates are sitting around the cook, who are on the chairs who are on the floor and play cards, not paying special attention to tourists, and later help the animators to race and force the tourists.
The main pirate (Animator) invites guests to a restaurant.
Once all the guests will spoke to their places, the main pirate announces guests that the motor ship is captured, the cook is connected and there is no one today, because Everyone has already eaten pirates.
The main pirate proposes to find a general compromise.
Further, the course of the program depends entirely on the creative potential of the animation group. You can get guests to dance dance or sing a sea song ... .. And it is also possible.
When everything is over, and waiters will begin to divide dinner, you can announce a comic menu, for example:

 Assorted meat "Error SAPER"
 Egg cool, in a leather jacket
 Sausage Ostankinskaya (525 m)
 Gorarekon
 Chicken brains for ministerial
 Grounding Mel
 Salami "Aleikum"
 Khren (in the good sense of the word)
 Radish "Powder"
 Chops "for kidneys"
 Porridge ancient Greater
 Oatmeal "Sir"
 Stretch in his own gun
 Pork fermented horse.
 Medical duck with apples
 saddle lamb with stirrups
 Homemade bun (in trico and slippers)
 Cupcake "Capital" (40 degrees)
 Gingerbread - keychain (souvenir)
 Pancakes with story
 Sugar Marla
 Khren - Bruel
 Chewing gum, studded (winter)
 grape - vegetable
 Running and hencebound baons (45 caliber)
 Sbite "Messerschmitt" by - German
 Lips rapid rolling
 Glorious cucumbers
 Salad from St. Sala
 Kindset from the ears of an elephant
 Noses of beef.
 Nucleic fish
 Pumpkin Sick "After yesterday"
 Salo Yak Salo in Ukrainian (served by thumbed pieces)
 Bomyzhenin
 Salo defatient (specifically for "masked damned")
 Bums Ice Cream under the kayf
 Climbant
 Fuel gov.
 Dairy dazes
 Salad "With Polish"
 Hobsdian

But with a "pirated dinner" you can connect the evening animation programIf the schedule is not worth the "day of Neptune" in the evening. Name the program, for example, you can "visiting Flint." Instead of dancing and songs in a restaurant, the animation group together with the waiters collects from the guests "Dan": hours, brooch, hairpins, etc. (Do not take jewels and money !!!) and offers guests to appear on the evening program for "redemption" of their things. Things collected in the restaurant, on the evening animation program you can use as a phanta. Pirate costumes of the animation group are stored on the evening animation program "Visiting Flint".
After collecting tribute or performing tasks, dinner begins in the restaurant in its usual form. You do not need to restore the tables, guests of the ship will do it yourself.
An animation group is recommended to think about the replicas related to the guests of the ship in advance to exclude rudeness in the program, because The program has to this. Please do not tighten the program. Dinner must go on schedule.

Cheerful starts on the shore.

The program involves: animators, sports designer, DJ, bayanist, educator, other employees of the animation group as needed.
In some flights, the boats come on, so-called "green parking". Usually, the restaurant staff organize kebabs on the shore for an additional fee. In addition, you need to spend for tourists various events - Cheerful starts, "Play, Bayan!", Disco.

DJ should include loud music on the sunny deck. The accordant with wishing sings on the street song. Animators, educator and sports designer spend cheerful starts - sports for every taste.

"Play, Bayan!"

The program involves: a bayanist.

Every day after (or 45 minutes later, from the beginning) of the evening program of all tourists is invited to the event "Play, Bayan!". This is a kind of karaoke under the bayan. Since the contingent of guests attending this event usually elderly, the bayanist should prepare the repertoire of the 60-90s, romances and songs from movies. It is better to diversify your evenings on topics.
But it is not necessary to reduce the whole event only for songs. Arrange musical quizzes, put the scenes, rehearse the rooms to the gala concert.
Evening holiday in bars.

The program involves: classic musicians, pop musicians, DJ (if necessary)

The evening is the most favorable time for bar workers. Therefore, it is impossible to leave a bar in silence. Traditionally, there are two musical bar - a music salon and a disco bar.
The music salon has classic musicians. But this time is not as academic performers, but as tapers musicians. Your task is not to tire guests with saturation and academism of the program, but only create a mood. Add jazz products of modern composers to your repertoire, music from famous movies, etc.

In the disco-bar after the end of the animation program, the pop musicians work in a bar at least 2-2.5 hours. Please do not leave the bar in silence in breaks between performances. Turn on the background music. After the end of your concert program, please turn on the background music in the bar or ask for a bartender.
Please follow the general rules for each artist speaking on the stage: Communication culture, concert costume, concert makeup and, of course, smile! The program of the speech it is necessary to include a variekteric musical works. Try to consider when building a repertory plan of the program and wishes to the present public.

If the weather conditions are transferred from the solar deck in the bar, it is better to mix your performance with a disco or ask DJ to start your work after your performance. Please agree on this form of work with DJs and a passenger assistant.

P.S. The layout of some boats does not allow the disco separately from the speeches of the pop musician. In this case, the pop musician works in a duet with a di-jam of the ship. Please agree on this form of work with DJs and a passenger assistant.


The program involves: DJ, a pop musician (if necessary)
At all shipments (in addition to the ship ship 92-016), the disco at good weather is carried out on the solar deck. Please divert the repertoire, taking into account the age and wishes of the present public. Do not forget to talk with guests, you should not reduce your work to the technical switching of musical compositions.
The planning of the boats 92-016 does not allow the disco separately from the speeches of the pop musician. In this case, the pop musician works in a duet with a DJ ship in the bar. Please agree on this form of work with a pop musician and passenger assistant.

Scenario of prom "Cruise on the" Dream "liner around the school continent"

year 2014

(The aircraft signal sounds at the airport, comes out the host and announces)

Leading: Announces registration tickets for flight №9A9B 2014 on the liner "Dream".

Flight management takes on the crew in the composition:

First pilot (F.I.) ___________________________________

Second pilot (F.I.) ___________________________________

Stewardles (F.I) __________________________________

Stewardess: Attention! Graduates of 2014 are invited to the first salon, issue number 9AI 9B

(Leading - the crew in turn read F.I. Graduates who are under musical accompaniment couples and occupy places)

Stewardess: We are glad to welcome the birthday names of today's celebration, our graduates on board

1 V: Dear guests, expensive teachers

2 V: And the favorite parents of our graduates.

Stewardess: Dear passengers! We ask you to weaken the belts, belts and sit comfortably.

1 V: Our liner "Dream" goes into a cruise around the school continent.

2 V: Today we will make our flight, the duration of which is 9 years of school life.

Stewardess:During the flight, it is forbidden: to miss, erased from the aircraft to landing,

1B: Refuse to break through the dance swirl.

2B: speak surrounding anything other than compliments and praise.

Stewardess:During the flight it is allowed: congratulate each other with successful graduation;

1B: take an active part throughout the flight, charge all with a good mood;

2 V: Give gifts, admitted to love school, teachers, parents and each other! (aircraft sound)

1B: Enjoy your flight! And to brighten our flight, we offer watching a video, memories of school, accumulated in 9 years.

2B: Our flight is performed on a dizzying height. The temperature beyond 25 degrees above zero, on board 35-37 degrees above zero. And what weather predict forecasters in graduation classes?

1 Vedas We will tell us the head of the educational work of Shatalova Olga Ivanovna. (Music, the word Shatalova O.I)

Hands certificates ___________________________________________________________


1B: Dear passengers! Our liner is approaching the children's bay.

We start lowering (beep)

2B: Let's see what our graduates were in a distant childhood. And remind us of our graduates of the dance

(Nine-graders and students start school) (Song + Clip) (2.36)

(aircraft sound)

Stewardess:Our liner again strive to swell. From the height of our flight it is very clear that for 9 years of school life, our graduates mastered a huge school continent, which is impossible to forget.

1B: Look in the window of the porthole! Ahead of the "Unknown Island", where for the first time this land came the leg of our first-graders.

2B: And they immediately, here surrounded by the attention, care and love The first inhabitants of the island - the first teacher: Touilina Vera Stepanovna and Nechaeva Galina Evgenievna

1B: We make landing.

Words of gratitude and deep appreciation want to tell their first teacher graduates.

(graduates read poems)

1. "Thank you!" For what you taught us
2. "Thank you!" For the fact that our class suffered
3. "Thank you!" For the years you were with us,
4. "Thank you!" For what you loved!
5. "Thank you!" For the fact that the leprosy suffered
6. "Thank you!" For having to speak with us.
7. "Thank you!" For justice, sorry for the nerves
8. "Thank you!" For everything, our first teacher!

V. S. and G. E. handed certificates______________________________________________



(again the sound of the aircraft)

2B:And again we are on the way. Before you, a mountain range, behind which our graduates always felt protected from storm winds, snowfalls, storms, blizzards. These are your cool leaders! Medvedeva Natalia Yuryevna and Shlepleov Valentina Konstantinovna.

1B:We make landing right at the foot of this mountain ridge.

Words of class leaders

Available certificates ________________________________________________________



(aircraft sound)

2B: Our liner flies rapidly forward. From the height of the flight, we can see all the corners of our immense, favorite school continent.

1B: Let's try to look into every corner, which left our graduates in the souls of our graduates, I learned a lot, and most importantly taught to believe in myself, choose a goal in life and strive for it.

2B:An important role in choosing the right route on our continent is occupied by our dear teachers. And the disciples want this song to tell all teachers thanks.

Song for teachers (music sounds on the teacher's screen)

(aircraft sound)

1B:Attention! We are approaching the huge, the most beautiful corner of our continent, which is called "Paradise Corner".

2B: Where our graduates are always waiting, they will always understand and wait, the true way will be guided, we will donate beautifully and delicious.

1B: Because for the inhabitants of this corner, their children are the most beautiful, the most intelligent, most talented and desirable.

2B:If son is everywhere first,

Stars from the sky easily grabs

This is all parental nerves.

Heaven is elegted to him.

1B:If the daughter grows to others for joy,

Clever, sportswoman and artist,

It means that this mother tried

And the mentor was also a close one.

2B:How many sleepless nights and daynackers

Divided for daughters and sons!

How many hard and many years

Located for daughters and sons!

Stewardess:And now, dear parents, listen, the same wants to tell you your children.

(Graduates read poetry.)

We love you, we appreciate you, Bogwatch.
You are our all! We adore you heartily ...
And this is all from the heart speak.

Now we scream loudly, so that the whole world heard
Such good and gentle words !!!
We love you, parents !!!
-Can not hear…
We love you! By scripts: "Your defense!"

Parent words.

Presentation of diplomatic parents.

1 Vedas The crew commander just reported that we were in the vortex flow. On board emergency situation. What do we do?

2 Vedas Do not panic! We need to urgently come up with a distracting maneuver. Passengers are distracted, and in the meantime, we will eliminate a malfunction.

1 Vedas I understood our ether continues.

2 Vedas In touch, our graduates.

(Song about love")

2 Vedas Then now is the time to offer a video program "Hits of the season".

1 Vedas On your video clips.

(Song "Suddenly, like a fairy tale, the door creak") (2.45)

1 Vedas We have on board all the artists. Not flying, but a concert.

2 Vedas Do you know that the emotional overload of the artists is comparable only with overloads by pilots?

1 Vedas Our flight goes fine. This is all thanks to the sponsors of the company.

2 Vedas Attention! Passengers, how do you hear?

Passengers: Excellent!

1 Vedas Excellent!!! Excellent as always!!! Familiar voices !!! We invite the graduates to the stage, which are not scary of any overload, which for 9 years stubbornly, step by step approaching their today's victory.

    Vesevitina Anastasia

    Dyachenko Oksana

    Malyutina Olga

    Margoshvili Milans

    Sotnikova Margarita

    Stoyovo Elena

    Patrius Yana.

    Ishkova Christina

1 Vedas To present certificates with honors, the director of school No. 20 is invited and a part-time director of our company "Twentieth Airlines" - Circles Sergey Nikolaevich.

2ded. So our cruise on the school continent approached the end. We invite all passengers on the scene.

1 Vedas

Here they believe the magic, here are friends with wonders,
All fairy tales appear to visit themselves.

2 Vedas

Here clouds are not visible, here the smiles are closely.
Planet "Childhood" flies on the liner "Dream"!

Final song (2.50)

Voice behind the scene: (Call signatures) The landing of the aircraft "9A-9B" following the flight 2014 on the "Childhood-Youth" route. Passengers, representatives of the school airline, sponsors and guests, please go to the expectation platform for further follows on the "Good luck and Victory" route.

Rivers, lakes, seas are important tourist resources. They form a favorable microclimate, adorn the landscape, provide tourists the opportunity to relax on the water, engage water species Sports. Cruise travels are traveling along the river or sea on board special passenger ships, as a rule, with an occasion in the ports. Cruises are one of the most comfortable, and therefore the most expensive types of rest. For cruise liners There is its own classification of cabin in categories depending on the level of comfort. The comfort level is a criterion of several components: the number and location of places in the cabin, the location of the cabin along the length and height of the vessel, the area and the shape of the cabin, the availability of amenities and sanitary facilities, the type of lighting. On board the boats are provided services of restaurants, cafes, bars, gyms and cinema halls, shops, etc.

The duration of classic cruises is from several days to several months at around thetest routes. In addition to entering into port and excursion programs outside the vessel, the rest of the time the participants in cruises are in a beautiful, comfortable, but closed space, so the entertainment segment is an important element of a cruise travel that is organically included in the organization of a cruise recreation. Due to the limited space during the trip, the animation on river and sea cruises has its own characteristics. Animation is included in the overall service package of cruise travel, the exception can be excursion service in port cities. This should be taken into account by the organizers, as well as the fact that the river and sea cruises have their own consumers, various in age, interests, degrees of wealth.

The most popular areas of sea cruises are the Caribbean and the Mediterranean Sea. Modern sea cruises make both relatively small sailing vessels and huge liners equipped with the latest technique and calculated for several thousand passengers. Large sea cruise liners have a good material base for organizing animation programs: visual halls, pools and artificial beaches, sports and dancing sites, treadmills, climbing walls, fitness and gyms, karaoke halls, casino, special viewing platforms With glass floor to watch ship control. An animators, professional dance and vocal teams, sports coaches are invited to expensive long-term sea travel. The public in such cruises status and rich, therefore the animation programs are expensive and highly professional. Tourists also offer entertainment activities for "higher light": Rauta, banquets, ceremonies, show presentations, carnivals, secular salons and parties. The theme for animation activities can be ethnic and recreational features of visited cities, marine wealth and other topics related to the sea cruise travel route.

Traveling through inland water arteries (rivers, lakes, canals) is customary to be called river cruises. The most developed river cruises in European countries rich in navigable rivers. Popular cruise routes in Loire, Rhine, Ron, Seine, Elbe.

River cruises Can be carried out in one direction or have an annular route.

Russia has unique river travel opportunities. Rivers, lakes and canals in the European part of Russia allowed connecting the Baltic, White, Azov, Black and Caspian Sea, and Moscow became the port of five seas. In addition, the tourist travels use the White Civil-Baltic, Volga-Baltic, Volga-Don Channels.

When organizing river cruises in Russia, multiphalobile boats are used. The organizers of river cruises are shipowners, shipping company, cruise tour operators. River cruises can be different in duration. For example, the Volga River Shipping Company performs cruises on the following routes: Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod - Moscow (10 days, with visits to the cities of Uglich, Myshkin, Kostroma, Ples, Murom), Moscow - Ples - Moscow (6 days, with visits to the cities of Uglich, Myshkin, Yaroslavl, Kostroma). Moscow River Shipping Company carries out cruise routes Moscow - Astrakhan - Moscow (20 days), Moscow - Saint Petersburg - Moscow (13 days), Moscow - Yaroslavl - Moscow (5 days), Moscow - Uglich - Moscow (3 days).

River boats have smaller sizes and a much more modest material base for organizing an animation program. As a rule, there are readable and musical salons, a solarium, a hall of computer games, a gym, karaoke-bar, children's rooms, a cinema hall with a large screen, a conference room. For the work of the animators, various inventory (badminton, balls, rope, hoops, puzzles, darts, dominoes, cards, chess, table tennis, etc.) and necessary equipment (piano, bayan, guitar, radio microphones, computer, projector, screen, light music Technique, karaoke, video equipment, several consoles, including DJ).

Without animation, no cruise is required, because tourists most of the time spend on board the ship. Animation programs on a cruise ship are formed taking into account the peculiarities of vacationers, themes and duration of the flight. An important point is the consistency of animation activities with a technical schedule of the vessel, in which the parking lot and the time of staying on them are prescribed. An example of an animation program on a river cruise ship is shown below (Table 2.6).

Table 2.6.

The project of the thematic animation program "Family Cruise" on the route Moscow - Konstantinovo - Kasimov - Pavlovo -

Murom - Ryazan - Kolomna - Moscow (9 days / 8 nights)


12.00 - Beginning of the cruise. Captain Cocktail (Presentation of Tourbrigada, Crew). Entertainment game for children and their parents "ZTO My child", where family pairs (with children) compete with each other. Only those parents who best know their child will be able to win and will be able to guess all his reactions in competitive tasks. Parents and children have to guess a lot of mysteries, perform tasks to prove that they know well and understand each other. Evening dating "Let me meet you!"


Morning health charging "Healthy family is a happy family." Arrival in Konstantinovo, parking from 10.00 to 13.30. Hiking With a visit literary museum And the parent house of the Yesenin family. Traditional family tea drinking with samovar - the attribute of family peace "Tea ceremony is a kind family tradition." Soul conversations for a cup of tea with rams and honey. Acquaintance of vacationers S. family traditions and the customs of the peoples of Russia; Master class "Tea brewing secrets"

A moving game on an open (boat) deck "Cats of Mouse - Dad, Mom and Kids" with elements of healing gymnastics. Parking in Casimov from 14.00 to 19.00. Family Quest in the city, in which tourists will be able to get acquainted with the private collection of samovarov, will visit the Bellolov Museum, they will find out the secret of the Kasimovskaya Bride, will get acquainted with the charter of the Casimov family mug, they will see wedding outfits of past eras. After dinner - the entertainment evening program "Love all ages are submissive"

Family breakfast: thematic table setting, a figurine house - a symbol of home comfort on every table, festively decorated treat. Stop in Pavlovo at 15.30. City excursion, familiarity with local traditional crafts. At 20.00 - sailing in Murom. Work creative workshop. Thematic exhibition of films "Swan loyalty". White swan - a symbol of eternal love, loyalty and a happy marriage. Parents along with children make a couple of white swans from salt dough, paint them with gouache, after which every family will take them with them, as a symbol of a happy family and a cruise memory.

The motor ship is in Murom from 8.00 to 15.00. Excursion to Murom: Monument to Ilya Muromtsu; Holy Trinity Monastery; Monument to Peter and Fevronia, a monument "Union of Love is a wise marriage" (the launch of white pigeons into the sky). Thematic animation program "Day of family, love and loyalty" in honor of the Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom


Arrival in Ryazan at 8.00. Here the parking will last 8 h, sailing at 16.00. Children's room "Creativity" - the theme of the drawings "My family". Each child draws his family (without signing the drawing), and in the evening at the entertainment family game "ZTO My child" parents will have to guess which drawing of their child. Evening competitive program "7 Tests on the way to family happiness."

Family-sports Morning program "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family." Stop in Kolomna at 9.00. Bus and pedestrian tour of the city with a visit to the Kolomna Kremlin. Departure to Moscow at 18.00. Evening Concert Program "In the Best Family Traditions"

Arrival in Moscow (South River Station) at 10.00

Distinctive feature river cruise animation It is the closure and limitation of space, so the possibility of communication is the possibility of communication. On the very first day, animators must organize the acquaintance of the cruise travel participants among themselves and with the crew of the ship. Further, the animation program on cruise ships is built by analogy with programs in resort hotel complexes.

Despite the fact that the animation base of each ship has its own characteristics, most often the following animation activities are carried out: Morning Charging (aerobics), forwarding; Entertainment for children; Evening show animation; concerts (with professional vocal and dance groups), film refinement; Animation on green parking lots. The most traditional forms of cruise thematic animation - "Nepotuna Day", "Retro-Heat", "Family Cruise", "East is a delicate", "Bogatyr Tournament", "In Russian Traditions", etc.

Children's animation is often built by type of circle work. Each child will be able to do what he loves and knows how: sing, play, sculpt, collect puzzles, compose, create models from the designer, draw. Young creators and artists during a cruise will be able to organize their exhibitions.

Special attention during the cruise is paid to evening animation activities that can be carried out both on the open deck and in the deposits of the ship. Even on board the ship - something special: river (marine) air, starry sky, moonlight - all this creates a romantic mood. For those who want to meet with friends over a cup of coffee or for a glass of champagne, an evening entertainment program has been prepared, which will be held in bars and restaurants of the ship, where guest artists are speaking and sustained dance music. For those who like to spend evenings from the movie screen, the showing of a wide variety of films is organized. For lovers, radio and television programs are offered to spend time in the cabins.

Thus, the cruise is a trip to water transportprovided by entertainment activities on board cruise liners and excursion program at stop locations on the route. Cruise tourism is traditionally one of the most popular types of recreation. As a result, the number of cruise ships is constantly increasing, new cruise routes are being developed, the possibilities of animation activity aboard modern liners. The concentration of entertainment in a closed space is the main distinguishing feature of cruise travel, so in a cruise due to the limited space, the tourist should be carefully planned.

See also: