Alaska is waiting for Russian tourists, but few are ready for the journey. Traveling in Alaska, or "Bear, Teddy bear, where is your smile?" Journey to Alaska

Alaska is distant and at the same time close, familiar to all Russians land, open and mastered by Russian people in the XVIII- XIX centuries. Now this is the 49th largest and most Northern State of the United States, which is 1/5 of the country's territory. The edge, almost not touched by the rapid development of civilization. One of the richest natural resources of our planet regions.

Alaska is not only the largest in the area of \u200b\u200bthe United States, but also the largest and promising region for the development of tourism. It is located 23 national parks and the reserve, it is more than any other country.

Alaska occupies a huge territory of almost 1.5 million square kilometers. Located in the extreme north-west of the North American continent, in the east, it borders with Canada, separated from the Chukotka Peninsula (Russia) with a beregic strait. The distance between the United States and Russia in the narrower part of the Berenging irrigation is only 86 kilometers. Consists of a mainland and a large number of islands. Washed by the Northern Arctic and Pacific Oceans. Due to remoteness, Alaska is called the last frontier of America (The Last Frontier). Americans often master it also the midnight sun country (The Land of the Midnight Sun) - because of the endless summer polar day when the sun shines around the clock.

Unlike most other US states, where the main administrative unit of local self-government is the district (County), the name of administrative units in Alaska - Baro (Borough - "District, which is self-government"). Only about 700 thousand people live in Alaska. The population density is the lowest of all US states. Almost 75 percent of residents - white, US natives. In the state of about 88 thousand indigenous people - Indians (Atapa, Hyde, Tlingitis, Simshian), Eskimos and Aleuts. There is also a small number of descendants of the first Russian settlers. Among the main religious groups - Catholics, Orthodox, Presbyterians, Baptists and Methodists. The share of Orthodox is 4-10% by different estimates and is the highest in the country.


A significant part of the territory of Alaska is located for the polar circle. Only in the southeast Pacific coast - a temperate climate, marine, relatively soft. There is much warmer than in the Russian Last North. In the summer, the temperature is very comfortable - from +13 to + 24 ° C. In the rest of the regions - the climate is arctic and subarctic continental, with severe winters (up to 55 ° C) and short, but rather hot summer (up to + 37 ° C). In the central part of Alaska, very dry air and almost complete absence of winds, which makes it much better to carry even strong frosts.

Internal Corridor (Inside Passage) or Southeast Alaska

Yakutat, Skagway, Haynes, Juno, Pelican, Sitka, St. Petersburg, Wrangell, Ketchikan, Island of Prince Welsh

South-central region

Anchorage, Gulf of Prince William, Peninsula Kenai, Valley Mat-Su, Valley of the Copper River


Codiac, Alaska Peninsula, Aleutian Islands, Bristol Bay, Prience Islands

Tourist seasons

Alaska - recognized tourist centre America, it is visited annually more than one and a half million people. In summer, they attract them a large number of reserves and national parks with a unique fauna and Flora. More and more tourists come here in winter to see Alaska in all its harsh arctic beauty and originality. In the cold season, they go here to admire the floods of the northern lights, take part in the colorful winter festivals. Many and those who manit the abundance of offers for winter sports. Holidays in Alaska is particularly interesting for lovers of exotic and acute sensations. It has all the conditions for tourists who are fond of fishing in the ocean, rivers and lakes, hunting on bears and other animals, underwater swimming in the Arctic waters, an alloy among ice ice on kayaks, climbing climbing on glaciers and vertices of snow-covered mountains, dog sledding, snowmobiles and SUVs.

The most favorable winter tourist season lasts from December to March. The so-called "high" summer season is attached from mid-June to the end of August. The second half of May and the beginning of June, as well as September are considered a transition season with unstable cool weather, ever are not yet open, or access to many attractions is already closed and the possibility of fishing, hunting and other types of outdoor activities is difficult. Periods from the beginning of October until the end of November, as well as April and the first half of May are considered the "dead" season for tourism in Alaska.


Alaska is wild, almost not touched by civilization the edge of the Earth. There are no shik and luxury hotels, restaurants and concert halls. The local population and tourists are dressed extremely simple, most importantly in clothes and shoes are convenience and compliance with climate. Therefore, evening dresses and outfits you can safely leave at home (with the exception of passengers of large cruise liners)!

Clothing in summer

We recommend dressing on the so-called "cabbage-onion" manner - layers: After all, during the day we can move with you through several climatic zones. And even within one climatic zone, the air temperature can strongly fluctuate depending on the time of day, the height drops, proximity to the glaciers, and simply from the instability and whims of the current weather. In case of wind or rain you should have a light and preferably a rapid jacket-windbreaker with a hood - this is the top layer of clothing. Light sweater or sweater - medium layer. And T-shirt / T-shirt / Short Sleeve Shirt - Nizhny Layer: In some regions, Alaska, day heat may exceed 30 ° C.

For those who are going on aquatic walks, fishing, going to ride dog sledding or make a tour of the glaciers, it is recommended to take a warm sweater with you, a more dense waterproof jacket or windbreaker, waterproof pants and shoes, as well as a hat and gloves.

Winter clothing

In winter, we need to dress as warmer as possible, given the difference between the climate in various regions of Alaska. Let's say on winter days on the Pacific Coast, in Juno or Sitka, it usually happens moderately warm, the temperature is about 0 ° C, with oscillations in a slight plus or in a weak minus. Slightly north, in Anchorage, already so much: from -5 ° to -20 ° C, but in the central regions of the peninsula, for example, in the city of Fairbank, can be over -40 ° C (record low temperature there was -55 ° C ). So you need to be ready and to strong frosts! But buying fur coats you can postpone before your arrival there, because Alaska is famous for its furs for the whole world. You can choose already sewing winter clothes from a huge collection of a wide variety of styles and types of fur. Fur can be purchased not only in winter, but also in the summer.


One of the big minuses of Alaska is the lack of good nutrition, as well as its higher cost compared to other US states. Most hotels breakfast is not included in the price. Breakfast (with taxes and teaps) will cost you $ 10-20 per person, lunch - at $ 12-20, dinner - at $ 25-60. It must be said that the level of development of the restaurant business in Alaska "leaves much to be desired." Due to the sharp seasonality in the influx of tourists and short-term demands in the working force (only for 3-4 months per year) there are no good chefs here. Not rich here and choose food. Here, vegetables and fruits are not grown, there are practically no production of meat products, and imported all this from other regions of America is very expensive and inexpedient for many restaurants.

It is not easy to find in the menu even a decent fish dish, although the coast of Alaska has a fishery of the best wild salmon and delicious seafood. Most of them are exported or to other US states. Affects the fact that local residents Most of the fish delicacies are indifferent. In each item of the route, our guides will recommend you, where you can eat better. Very common practice is to check in a grocery store at the end of the tour program of the day. So you can buy daily products for yourself or semi-finished products for dinner and breakfast, because most hotels have a kettle and coffee maker, refrigerator and microwave.


It so happened that the payment of tips in the United States is for tourists a "voluntary - forced". If you are paid credit card, the amount of tip can be made in a total amount (in the accounts there is a graph Tips or Gratuity), so it is not necessary to pay the tip in cash.


In restaurants it is customary to leave 15-20% of tips from a common account. Most restaurants automatically include 18% of tips when servicing a group of 6 people and more. Be sure to check your account before payment. Do not forget that in most restaurants from waiters or there is no salaries in the usual understanding of this word, or it is extremely symbolic (for example, from 2 to 8 dollars per hour), and the main, and often the only source of income for them are tips . If you do not pay tips, then the waiter will not only remain without payment for your service, but also "will go in minus". Since with the amount unsolved from you, it will be forced to pay hitch tax, which is automatically deducted from its salary (from the calculation of 15% of the total amount of all payments for orders).


In a taxi, it is customary to leave 10% of the tips.

Excursion buses

In the tourist buses, it is customary to leave the driver of 2-3 dollars per person with brief excursions or $ 100 per day for the entire group with multi-day tours or long tours.

Additional services, outdoor activities, guides

When paying for such services and types of outdoor activities, like fishing, water trips, flights on hydroplanes / aircraft / helicopters, etc., it is customary to leave a tip $ 10-20 on the tour, and sometimes 15% of the total cost of travel. In this case, the cash amount is given directly to the captain / guide / pilot.


When visiting Alaska, it is necessary to know the rules of conduct when meeting with wild animals and strictly follow them, because the likelihood of such a meeting is very high here. If you save calm and follow the basic recommendations, such a meeting will not entail trouble for you or for the beast. The most important rule: at the sight of a wild animal, in no case cannot be out of the car and even more so haunt the beast for the sake of "successful" photography that may be the last in your life.

The Bears

In Alaska, brown bears, American black bears and the largest Bears-Grizzly on Earth are abundant, and they are all accustomed to the presence of people. The main thing, you can never leave the remains of food from houses and tents, where you will live, otherwise it can attract the bear. To store food and food waste, you must use special containers that are not available to bears.

If you still found yourself in the field of the visibility of the bear, do not run! You can not escape from him, because he moves faster than the horse. If the bear moves towards you, stop and closely monitor whether his behavior does not change. Do not shout, and do not learn anything in it, trying to protect yourself - it will only provoke him to the attack! Talk with a bear with a calm confident tone. It can calm him and help calm down you. If the bear does not immediately recognize who you are, it can come closer or stand up on the hind paws to better consider you or sniff. A standing bear with lowered paws is usually only causing curiosity without imaging the danger. Try to seem to him larger in size than you actually: Extinguish your hands, straighten the edge of the edge of the jacket, etc., and then slowly move back to the diagonal.


Contrary to stereotypes, most of all, the injury from wild animals is applied to people in Alaska, it is "harmless" in the form of elms and other mannocardinary. In no case cannot approach the salts from behind: having fallen you, he can break you a good half of the bones, there are deathly outcomes. Especially dangerous on the road routes. In the collision of the car with elms, not only animals are dying, but also people. First of all, you can only get behind the wheel in the presence of automotive insurance. It is necessary to drive extremely carefully, especially in a wooded area, where the moose approach cannot be seen from afar. If the collisions with elk could not be avoided, it is necessary to immediately call the rescue service 911 and report an incident. In this case, no punishment threatens in this case. But even if you have no injury, it is necessary to wait for a policeman, without his protocol you cannot get damages for insurance. Arriving police officers from the Wildlife service will help the victim's animal. If the animal died, a food group from a charitable organization will be caused, and the meat will be given in the dining room for those in need. But yourself to take a carcass from the road. This is illegal, you will be accused of a hunt for an animal without a hunting license and outside the hunting season, and it will be necessary to answer for it throughout the severity of American laws.



There are not many highways on Alaska, most of them are mountain roads that are strongly destroyed in winter. Therefore, in the summer you need to be prepared for the loss of time due to congestion in areas where the repair of the road canvase is. In winter, we generally recommend not to drive the car on these roads. It is better to rent a car with a local experienced driver or move on other types of transport, since there are often cases of icing of tracks, to drive through which you can only with chains. Sometimes due to particularly dangerous conditions, travel on some tracks is completely closed.


Trains travel is a popular view of Alaska moving: from the car window, an exciting panorama of mountains, glaciers, valleys, lakes and rivers opens. Quite often you can watch along the way and behind wild animals. General extension Local railways - 756 km (470 miles), you have three routes and three railway companies. All areas of the path in their own way are picturesque and sometimes pass through the territories inaccessible by car. All places in the wagons are compleable with large windows for review.

By air

Air communication is the most common way to move on Alaska, because there are no roads to many places, and you can only get there by air. The most common type of aircraft is hydroplanes that do not differ large capacity: from 3 to 9 people. Therefore, in some places to deliver large group Tourists accounted for several aircraft, and it is not immediately, but for two or three flights.

On water

The popular view of Alaska are ferries that connect many cities and the islands of Alaska. Ferries transport both passengers and motor vehicles. There are ordinary and high-speed ferries. The timetable for ferries is complex, varies in time of departure depending on the month and day of the week. Farm places need to be booked as early as possible: sometimes 3 months before the scheduled trip no longer have no places.

National parks

Movement over the territory of national parks and a number of other protected areas, such as Denali Park, is allowed only for transport provided by the Park or Reserve administration. Contact us for more information.


Access to the Internet is almost any location in Alaska. However, on the territory of most national parks and on mountain roads (and there are no majority in Alaska) not only the Internet, but also a telephone connection, so you have to postpone correspondence and calls to the nearest settlement.

Tours in Alaska

Our Tours in Alaska take place accompanied by local Russian-speaking guides, which own English and Russian, as well as having a great practice of supporting tourist groups in these parts.

Today we go on a trip to Alaska, the southeast part of it. wildlife, picturesque landscapes.

1. Informal name Southeast Alaska - Alaska Panhandle, Alaska handle. It happened due to the similarity of the image of Alaska on the map on the bucket (pan) with a handle, where Southeast Alaska is just a "handle". (Photo Jim Alseth):

2. Do you know that the bears are omnivorous, and some of them and in general prefer vegetable food? Even white bears can eat vegetation in difficult times. And the most famous example of bond predators - those that feed exclusively with meat and can not digest vegetation - all cats. (Photo Moelyn Photos):

3. The American city of Sitka (until 1867 - Novo-Arkhangelsk), located on the island of Baranova Aleksandrovsky Archipelago (Alaska). The population is about 9 thousand people. Novo-Arkhangelsk was the capital of Russian America. (Photo ALLA Khananashvili):

4. Humpback whales live here. Of all whales, this is the most playful and light, always surrounded by merry splashes and white foam. (Photo Paul Souders):

5. A unique Blue Glacier is called Taku. It is in Alaska and is considered one of the most hard-to-reach places in the world. (Photo Nenad Basic):

6. The brightest representative of the birds is a Belogol Orlan. (Photo Ron Crabtree):

7. Ketchikan city in Alaska, USA. With a population of 7368 people in 2007, is the fifth city in the state of the city. (Photo Artie NG):

8. Local residents. (Photo Becky Bohrer):

9. Leconte glacier. By the way, modern glaciers cover an area over 16 million km², or about 11% sushi. They are concentrated in more than 25 million km³ of ice - almost two thirds of freshwater volume on the planet. (Photo Edmund Lowe Photography):

10. Teddy bear. (Photo Rocky Grimes):

11. And again humpback whale. Humpback whales often beat and clap on the surface of the sea with long thoracic fins and tailflower, whipping the foam, rolled onto the back, exhibit the muzzle from the water. Often completely jumped out of the water in a vertical position and with a deafening burst fall down. (Photo Paul Souder):

12. Toten pillars in Alaska. (Photo Lindsay Miles-Pickup):

13. Glacier Jones Hopkins. (Photo Suraark):

14. Wildflowers. (Photo Dagny Willis):

15. Family otter. (Photo M. Cornelius):

16. In addition to the main part, the southeastern Alaska includes a huge number of islands - large, medium, small and very tiny. (Photo Greg and Jan Ritchie):

17. WHITE PASS RAILWAYS. This is the most beautiful narrow scene on Alaska with a length of 175km. Link to it will be lower. (Photo Royce Bair):

18. Beautiful ice cave. (Photo SARAPORN):

19. Another locals are two moose. (Photo M. Cornelius):

20. Morning in the forest near Ketchikna. By the way, the economy of this city is based on tourism and fisheries, and the city is known as the "world capital of salmon". (Photo Carlos Rojas):

21. Duration of immersion under water at humpback whales depends on the time of year. In summer, they rarely dive more than 5 minutes, and dive, duration for more than 10 minutes, rare. In winter, dive continues 10-15 minutes. (Photo Paul Souders):

22. Gleisher-Bay - National Park on the southeast coast of Alaska, the west of the city of Juno. The National Park is protected by UNESCO. The nature of the Gleisher Bay coast is glaciers, mountain ridge with snowy vertices, covered with forests, deep fjords, rivers and lakes. (Photo Ramunas Bruzas):

23. Lituya Bay. Related by a natural disaster that happened here on July 9, 1958. As a result of the earthquake, the magnitude of 8.3 from the mountains gave a powerful landslide. In the water of the bay, about 30 million cubic meters of stones and ice collapsed. This led to education giant wave tsunami height more than 500 meters. This is the highest wave of tsunami, famous humanity. (Photo M. Cornelius):

24. Sealing holidays. (Photo Russ Heinl):

25. Magic forest. (Photo Joe Benning):

26. Here is such it, Southeast Alaska. (Photo Richard Seeley):

Tours to Alaska: the most favorable prices for vouchers to Alaska, USA from leading tour operators and the best travel agencies.

Alaska is a harsh romance, endless freedom, untouched beauty. The northernmost (and the biggest!) State of the United States is separated from its star-striped "fellow" Canada and generally look like that. The mainland and numerous islands were washed by the quiet and northern ice oceans - the kingdom of unprofitable nature. Mountains, fjords, forests and gorges are granted in reserves and national parks, grizzlys and other wild animals. The "midnight sun" manites adventure seekers, ready to know the mystery of life on the very edge of the earth.

Holidays in Alaska

Acquaintance with Alaska is most often starting from the capital - Juno-founded gold kits. Today, anyone who wants to try to try precious happiness: on gold mining mines and technologies will tell, and laundry a couple of sparkling grams will allow. From the iconic attractions - Capitol, the State Museum, Pedestrian Downown and the Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas.

The flowering city of Anchorage, illuminated by the Northern Light and surrounded by National Parks, and the Indian settlement of Ketchikan, where they introduce the traditions of America's indigenous peoples. And then - a straight road in Denali: watch the grizzlys of Grizzly, trying to catch in the Trout River, climb on the top of McKornley and dying away from the surrounding beauty. And after - to admire the blue glaciers, riding dog sledding, flying on the hydroplanes, dive to the bottom of the lakes: Alaska is preparing a lot of miracles for his brave guests.

Seasonality and cost of tours

Combine Alaska is best from May to September: summer is dry here, pleasantly cool. In winter, it is not necessary to remove deep into the continent: if in Juneau and Anchorage, the thermometer column holds at -6 ° C, then frost cracks up to -50 ° C remote from the shore.

The 11-day tour from the Pacific coast to the Arctic with cruises, flights, excursions and overnight in hotels will cost 5000 USD per person. To this amount you need to add nutrition costs and air tickets to Anchorage. In winter, skiing tours are organized with visiting resorts aliaski and fairbanks, transfers, excursions and skit-passes (from 2200 USD per person in 9 days, the price does not include air tickets and food). Prices on the page are shown in October 2018.

Alaska is glaciers, mountains, gold fever, delicious salmon, bears and whales ... And still Seattle, Vancouver, and even Amsterdam. The main thing is to choose the right flight with good launchers on the way.

Well, and a huge twelve-title cruise liner, I will talk about the nuances and pitfalls (although there are almost no of them), both from the point of view of the passenger, and I will show a little insider, I will tell about the life of the crew, which is 6-8 months in the sea.


I guessfully spent two days I spent on the search for the flight at the most optimal cost, and even with interesting launchers on the way. After all, every stop is another little journey. This time the choice fell on the American Delta. Kiev-Amsterdam Seattle Vancouver - this route was on my way there.

And back: Anchorage-Mineapolis-Amsterdam-Kiev.
At the same time, the docking in Mineapolis was 45 minutes, I was morally ready to see Mineapolis, but the transfer managed to make not only me, but also luggage :)

There is an opinion that American airlines are the most terrible, and I myself try to choose them for transatlantics last. But the experience of the flight with Delta was beautiful! New A330 to Europe, inside, but a pleasant Boeing 757, an excellent crew. Tasty diverse nutrition and even free alcohol, including strong, on transatlantic segments! In general, you need to move away from stereotypes and try different airlines. I will definitely tell you more about the delta and about UNITED, which somehow flew to New York from Munich.

Early departure to Klm from Kiev, at 10 am departure from Amsterdam, a decade-hour flight and ... Voila, in the same 11 am I am in Seattle :) and full day day in this stunning city. I here for the third time and, knowing that without a car in America it is difficult, I take a small Hündai for $ 35 a day and on the road.

The first thing to the Aviation Museum, which is located near the Boeing Field, where we met in October last year.

One of Concords British Airways:

Then the Waterfalls Snoqualmie Falls from the movie "Twin Pix". I saw, and now looked and sunny summer. Very strong and beautiful place. And in general, the nature of Washington is awesome! This is worth come to America!

Pasting the Boeing plant in Everette caught in the Dreamlifter frame:

And then he also drove meters fifty from me by taxi tracks:

Because lunch is a delicious Alaskinskian salmon in the restaurant "Ivars" in Mukilteo. I already wrote about him, I am very advised!

And in the evening at Downtown Seattle and sunset from the observation famous Space Needle. After "not sleeping in Seattle" with Tom Hanks, this city of the states for me was and remains the most romantic. And without romance in travel you can not!

At 23.00 departure to Vancouver, the flight is only 1 hour in the Turbopropeller Bombardier Airlines Alaskan Airlines.

Vancouver ... What is a stunningly beautiful and photogenic city! Mountains in the snow around, the sea, fjords, lighthouses, a huge park-forest right in the center of Downoutaun! Impressions and sensations just beat the key. We decided not to go to Wistler to the Mountains, leaving him on a separate trip, but simply walked around the city and enjoyed such amazing symbiosis of nature and skyscrapers:

Everyone here goes on your color on pedestrian crossings :)

But the main thing is the morning flight on the hydroplane of the Airlines of Harbor Air over the city:

and around:

On the right in this picture - the Celebrity Millenium cruise liner is already waiting at the port, landing on which will start a few hours later:

Cruise in Alaska is the most budget way to get here. You do not need to think about logistics and movements (and this is predominantly the plane), you do not need to think about hotels (which are very expensive here), you do not need to unpack things in each city finally!

Delicious reusable food in numerous restaurants, entertainment. But even this is the main thing, the main thing will be lower. In general, everything will definitely tell you and show.

At the same time, the cost is from $ 650 C with fees and dachshunds. And this is not given any shares and sales that periodically come to me in the post office.

Here is the cruise page on Alaska CELEBRITY:
They have 11 liners in a fleet, two of which are non-stop on Alaska from June to September.

In general, now I think about the cruise in Norway, because it is one of the most budget ways to see the fjords from the inside.

I will show the front life in a cruise:

and the opposite direction - theatrical backstage, costume, engine control center, deck, where the crew, kitchen and captain's bridge lives:

I talked with our guys in the crew, they told a lot of interesting things about the cruise life in terms of staff.

Captain's bridge:

We sailed according to a linear route:

Ketchikan, the first port on Alaska. No need to listen to stories about popsiness tourist places. Of course, the first street near the port is filled with useless shops with every tinsel, but it is worth moveing \u200b\u200bfor only one quarter from the center and you fall into very cozy America:

Here we rode kayaks and visited bears on the shore. There were no bears, but the sea lion was celebrated right a few meters from Kayak.

In Alaska, probably every second has a seaplane. Airport on the island, around the mountain, and from the airport to its plane and to the village.

Mendenhol glacier. To say that it is beautiful - it's nothing to say. It is impossible to take a look from this ice infinity ...

Fauna Alaska is the subject of numerous tours. Many of them are unreasonably expensive, so it is worth a very careful approach to the choice of the tour. We floated to watch whales ... I saw only one, I did not have time to remove him, I discovered my mouth from amazement with a huge tail above the surface of the water and forgot about the chamber. But several times have seen whales from a cruise liner :)

Whale-rifts, they are closer to dolphins:

Of course, a photo here, on a lumpy high-speed boat in parallel flock, when around the incredible beauty of the fjords is awesome!

Sea fan, lion:

Golden fever - a very interesting historical phenomenon in the history of the United States and Canada,

Town Skangway - Gate to Klondike:

100 thousand people went for gold ... Only 4,000 of them found something.

White Pass Train is one of my strongest impressions. With my love for narrow scenes and specious yellow roads - it's in this moment The most interesting plot. And here we finally saw a bearish :)

See little train Left in the picture?! Each next turn is even more impressive than the previous one!

Hubbard glacier. There is no port, a huge ice array goes directly to the fjord. A cruise ship Suitable for a glacier at dawn and rotates in ice for an hour. This is my most beautiful morning!

Silence interrupts only a stunning crackle of the ice wall, which collapses in the ocean:

The final point was Surd, in two hours a ride on the most beautiful Highway Achrelki, but it was raining and I saved the picture only in my memory. In Anchorage, near the airport there is a very pleasant small and cozy Aviation Museum:

And flight Anchorage Minineapolis-Amsterdam-Kiev:

In Amsterdam, Lever 7 hours was laid between flights. I was in Amsterdam many times, but if possible, I try to go to the city between flights, because the airport is only 15 minutes by train.

This is a very nice city for beer beer on the banks of the summer day. And I also recommend a photo exhibition in the city archive (until September 15) and the Museum of Photography.

In Schiphole there is a wonderful terrace for airbags with a playground, a bar, a restaurant and even a real focker!

Well, Amsterdam on the palm from the window on the way to Kiev:

All this will be separate reports with all the jaws and passwords.
But there is in a cruise what is not in other ways of movements on travel - this is a view from the window or from the deck!
Always different, always sea, sunsets and sunrises, white nights of Alaska or full moon of equator. Without fuss and hurry.
Time when the world waits around.

And it is priceless!

Such sweet infinity ... It was probably my first journey without a rush, stiffness and hard timing, while how many things managed to see and have time!

All infinity in the glass of Martini:

Uff ... Even for the announcement it turned out more than 50 pictures ...
Do not switch, the continuation should be!

CELEBRITY CRUISES is part of Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.
Official ROYAL CARIBBEAN page on Facebook:

Rafting on kayaks; homecoming

We dreamed in Alaska for a long time. Moreover, Ilya lived in Magadan for many years, and periodically entertainively talked about the course of salmon on spawning, northern shock rivers, tundra, and multi-day drivers in field".
Magadan still managed to visit in the previous American period, though in winter (I found it naturally, I did not see much of the story-tested Ilya, so the question remained open. And finally, it was possible to see the region with a similar climate and natural conditions - Alaska.

Alaska became the 30th state of the United States, according to which we went on your two. An attack on the nearest bookstores, and in particular, the "Domestic Travels" section began in March. Absolutely all books about Alaska and corresponding photo albums were viewed for coffee. Unfortunately, the favorite publishing house "Dorling Kindersley" did not have guidebooks in the very Northern state, had to choose others.
We have long heard that many people prefer the books of the Lonely Planet series. Amented to recommendations, bought it and still "Best Places: Alaska". Bought as always on the Internet, because Cheaper, and bookstores are traditionally used as a library cafe. We did not like both. Lonely Planet gave out frankly false information, and not only in prices for various services, on which it was still possible to somehow close the eyes. But in the book the wrong cards. If it were not for GPS ("Garmin Legend"), bought at about the same time would have to be completely tight.
These books are good to read about the conditions of developing Alaska, and in general to get acquainted with its different areas. But completely impossible to rely on them.

After waging on the Internet, I learned that the most tourist season takes place in June-September. Book cars, places in hotels and even in campsites you need at least for three months. My many-week correspondence with the owners of tourist businesses on Alaska began.
By the way, if in the case of waiting for the answer I had a week, or even two (and on one of the letters they answered when we were back from Europe), then the Alaskians were answered literally for hours or two. The Internet is very developed, even in the most Malomal village you can find a computer connected to the network. Winter is long, boring, so finds people in the virtual world.

It was assumed to visit the three regions of Alaska:
one). Denali National Park: A hike with backpacks-tents along the Toklat River with overnight;
2). Travel Pearl - Katmai National Park, located on the peninsula and relatively difficulty (no roads): photographing wild bears, catching salmon;
3). National Park "Kenai Fjords", city of Seward, Homer and all that is between them. Cruise to fjords and a glacier through icebergs, Kayaking by Kachemak Bay, and a hike through the Alpine meadows to the ice field Harding Ice Field.

For each of these three regions, a list was drawn up, whatever we would definitely see, and what - if time remains. I can assume that the middle part of the trip in Kathmai will be useful not to many. Nevertheless, it was extreme, wild bears in the forest, and you never know what, and the trip will no longer go there. But I hope that it will just be interesting to read about such an experience, especially since this is a favorite part of the journey.

Tickets for the plane bought a lot and cheaply, with surprise to learn that there is a direct flight Houston Anchorage. I thought that through Seattle would have to fly, and here such beauty. By the way, I don't remember when we flew without intermediate landing. Pleasantly.
The car was reserved twice, which was also a novelty for us. First, on the first part of the journey to get from Anchorage to Denali. In the second part, the car is not needed, because There are no public roads in Kathmai Park (movement occurs through swimming and aircraft). And in the third part - Kenai Fjords again requires a car. Because of this window, in the middle did not have to count on a good deal, they took what was given.

Since the vacation was assigned a semi-trigteen and tent, it was necessary to stock equipment. The tent at least we had, but it is only suitable for civilized campgrounds, to which you can drive up by car. 6-bedded Durynda on himself was not to drag, so they picked up something light and professional.
A very good shop "Sierra Trading POST" was caught, where they were made by the necessary purchases: the tent "Alps", a backpack for 4,000 cubes (it was enough in bulk), sleeping bags (proven very well, recommended by the "Mountainsmith Impulse 30F" model). The bedrooms under the bedrooms were bought in the nearest sports store, in order to pass back upon arrival. But this did not have to do, because We also had to do.
At the same time, every little thing was bought, such as comparison (not useful), dishes for hiking conditions (who would have thought that the simple aluminum mug costs twenty bucks? And there will be Primus), which was the discovery for us. It seems that there was such a Scandinavian firm "Primus", the name of which became nominative in Russia.

Food in the form of canned and fast-soluble soups and pounds were also bought in advance. Luggage turned out a bit - a backpack with a tourist projectile, and a bag with junk.
Printing all reservations (it turned out a pretty practiced folder), and having done nothing to forget, we went to conquer Alaska.

Ancorridge was only 6 hours by direct flight. While sat in the cabin of the aircraft, they watched the luggage: tourist backpacks with a solid turn, with sleeping bags tied to them. The people, mostly divided into two categories: Young guys-tourists, and grandparents who did not want to go to RV. There was almost no intermediate categories.

The most beautiful in flight is the final half an hour. The plane flew over the roened snow vertices, above the slopes with descending glaciers, over dark blue rivers and lakes, with icebergs floating on the surface. The people are just adherence to the right side, removing and on the photo and on the camcorder. Such beauty extended at the bottom! No less beautiful was the landing with a low turn over the cook inlet bay, and a soft landing on the strip, surrounded by pink candles of Ivan tea. Welcome to Alaska!

It so happened that for one night in Anchorage, we ordered a hotel ... "Sheraton".
No, we were not against and some "Motel 6", but only it cost $ 150 per night. And "Sheraton" exactly $ 100, which once again proved to benefit If you reserve on the Sheraton website, or come straight from the street, the price for a simple number will be good for $ 300.

In general, prices in Alaska bite. Consider, at the local only 3-4 months a year to make up tourists, so they try to complete the coil.
The airport in Anchorage two-storey, very small and very clean. From all the walls called on advertising tours, cruises and excursions. But because We all were prepared from the house, we almost did not pay attention to advertising, but were looking for a shuttle from "Sheraton". And then the puncture happened: there were no shuttles. At all.

I remember the face of Ilya well, after calling the hotel. I'm impatient: "Well, what is there? Where are the shutters? "
Ilya, slowly dropping the phone: "They, kghm, no shuttles."
I: "And when will it be free?"
Ilya: "They don't have them at all."
I: "How is it?"
Ilya: "They said to take a taxi."

Here I already fall out. Even some "Ramada" and " Holiday Inn."The cheerfully selected their guests, and the praised 4-star" Sheraton "does not have shuttles. A shame! Taxi cost twitteen.
Taxist on the hotel, to which he told us that both "Mariot" and "Hilton" do not have their shuttle. It seems that these hotels were too high. If you knew it in advance, then of course I would have ordered a car right on the day of arrival, instead of taking a taxi from the airport and back. Nevertheless, they managed to abstract from such trifles. Why spoil yourself mood, we are on vacation or where?!

The building of the hotel "Sheraton" is one of the highest in Anchorage. The city itself is very dear in summer, richly decorated with flowers. At times, it seemed that the streets were exhibited on the streets, the competitive works of florist designers: Hanging baskets with lush, curly compositions were crowned with each lamppost; The endless series went a bed and flowerbeds along the sidewalks with red, blue, yellow, white flowers. The bushes also rummaged above them in buds, and the young birchings framed all this beauty. We had an assumption that, again, because of the long winter, the people are laid out in the summer at the full coil.

With the settlement in Sheraton, with a printout with a priceline there was no problem, and soon we have already laid out things in a cozy room.
6-hour flight in Anchorage is almost not tired, so the strength to study the city was. We decided to walk a little on the tourist centers - 6th Avenue, on which there are many restaurants, as well as a large department store with modern, glazed transitions over the road.
Going down the street, and noting the place for dinner, we went to the bay of Cook bay, in the Elderberry Park. Along the coast, a long led-roller track was held (with bilateral), according to which we decided to walk a little, and admire the tint. But, compared with Magadan, the tump was completely boring and uninteresting - just dirt instead of pebbles, rolled mussels, grills, and algae patterns. Even disappointed slightly.

The first, seen with our grains in Alaska, was forty-Beloboka. She was delulitating the paws in the mud, and slightly differed from his Russian relatives shorter. It seemed that it was evolved from two sides, turning into a panoramic, black and white bulb on the legs.
At the same time, they strained a new lens on it (Tamron 200-400 5.6 LD F / EOS), which was originally purchased for "hunting" on bears. The pictures were assumed to merge the hard disk on the portable 20 GB. Ride with a laptop was already yesterday, and it's inconvenient and cumbersome. It will be much better to purchase a device such as "Gmini", which can read flash drives from the camera, act as a player to listen to audiobooks on the plane (or at work :), and at the same time being a voice recorder. His dimensions are pocket, and a large amount of disk allows you not to save on frames, and remove everything that the soul wishes.

On the way back to the hotel we sat down in a pretty, albeit noisy restaurant "Humpy's Great Alaskan Alehouse". Everywhere in Alaska, they decided to take seafood, and start dinner dinner with a cup of beloved soup Clam Chowder. He is always different in all common areas, and in Alaska there is still his variety of smoked Salmon Chowder, with smoked salmon. The original has little common, with the exception of the cream base, but also very tasty. In addition, many restaurants have their brewery, and Ilya, of course, did not miss the case to try local Alaskan varieties (especially "Alaskan Stout").
We ordered wild salmon dinner in two variations. The people around with the cracks of the kneel King Crabs with entire buckets. Contrary to popular belief, seafood on Alaska is not at all sorts. The dishes on average cost $ 20-25, and King Crabs is generally $ 38 per pound. Perhaps it is only in the tourist season ...
Having completed dinner in the restaurant, we slowly went towards the hotel. Sleep decided to lie down a little early, because The next day, a trip began to Denali National Park.

Hatcher Pass. From Anchorage to Denali 237 miles in the shortest way. But we decided a little more complicate the task, and make a small hook through the mountain pass Hatcher Pass.

Reaching Taxi to the airport, found the office of the "Budget" office (all car rolling offices are located on the lower floor), and gained a golden "KIA". The car is completely unprepared, it didn't even have an automatic raising / lowering glass, but the main thing was on the go, and with only 7 thousand mileage. In the same place in "Budget" we were given a beautiful 3-dimensional map of Anchorage and the surrounding area, which helped us very much because In the usual road atlas, the city is not drawn in detail.

Having left Ankorda on the same 6th Ave, where we walked yesterday, we took the course to the north of Glenn Hwy. Squeezed the rain, the sky was tightened with clouds. But how well breathed! The city is surrounded from all sides by picturesque mountains. The traffic is mesmer, but the road was not empty.

Very often there were repairmen causing traffic jams. Once the Alaskan Railroad railroad crossed the railway, and he stood before the move 15 minutes. The fact is that passing by the train dragged the rail of an incredible length, right through the sleepers. It can be represented which dust rose from wooden sleepers when they were so unequally treated.

North of Anchorage are Mount Talkeetna Mountains, which cut through the mentioned Hatcher Pass. The mountains are quite high, with steep slopes, generously swept on wildflowers. The road is not asphalted, blown by the winds in all directions. Occasionally, the abandoned mining mines were visible in the distance, the heritage of the Golden Fever Era.

When we got to the upper point of the pass, I charged a very heavy rain, and it became so cold that I hardly believed that the case was happening in July.
But it seems that the rain was not completely hindrance to animals and birds. For a long time we have noticed neat bumps from the road. And finally, the owners of little berry seemed in all its glory. In Russia, known as "Evarada", in America - earth squirrels, are small marches with spotted back. They are distinguished by voraciousness and ingenuity directed only towards food.

For example, to get to a delicious berry, hanging high on the bush, the Eustrian and will not think to climb up, and just tilt the branch and will fill to yourself until the decent berry is in his paws. Have a habit standing on the hind legs, and in case of danger, make a short squeak before disappearing. It was ridiculous to hear, somehow, then there, having a dressing for different frets as we move along the road.

Far at the bottom in the valley saw the multicolored triangles of tents. The lower came down from the pass, the thicker became the forest. Thick trees framed small forest lakes with a surprisingly smooth surface. The places were simply perfect under the habit of elk, but these reptiles, or, as we began to disseminately call them - "Musi" (from the English Moose), and did not seem. In general, for all the journey, we met them just a couple of times, although the moose on Alaska is full. Even a rare dike ran our way, causing a bunch of emotions, but Muski did not want to go out.

Having stopped at the next lake, they saw that something was black on his surface. It turned out to be a beaver, sailing with a thick birch shed in his teeth. Hutka him was nearby. And why, asks, he walked on the opposite shore, when were there absolutely the same birchs around?! But on the side of the "grass is always greener" 🙂 Swimming to Hutke, Bobrere dugged together with the branch, and disappeared in depths, because The entrance to the beaver huts is always located below, under water.

By passing the Hatcher Pass, we have emerged on the road George Parks Hwy, leading straight to Denali.
Having drove to the north to Talkeetna town (98th mile), decided to stay on Lunch, as well as to buy a propane butenta for a preims. There was no sense to carry from Houston, because The plane with a balloon would not be allowed. Fuel can be calmly buy in Wal-Mart'e in Anchorage, or just north - in the town of Wasilla.
In Tolkitty, there is a small, but very professional shop "Outdoor Outfitters and Guides", and with completely inexpensive. Everything for camping-rafting rock climbing is sold, you can also rent mountain bikes.

Having bought fuel, we went to the best in the city of Cafe "Talkeetna Roadhouse", asking for pre-local population. Homemade food: scrambled eggs with bacon and toasts, thick sausage gravy made of deer on a pillow of dough, delicious juices, hot tea and coffee, and moreover, local pastries have done their own business - they won our location. Yes, it is better to take Half-Order, because Portions _ Very_ large, and local halves of dishes look like a one and a half in other places.

Time passed for noon, it was time to stroke, and that's why. The Denali National Park is trying to maintain in a half-day state so that the animals are not getting used to people, and people, in turn, did not pull the land. Therefore, there is no trail in the park, i.e. Walking will be on the wild, underdeveloped tundra.
The entire territory is divided into zones (1st, 2nd, up to 41st). In each zone there may be no more than 10-12 people during the campaign. The most popular zones (for example, the 8th, 9th and 10th) are filled very quickly. You can not reserve anything in advance - First Come - First Served.
It is better to immediately have several options, where you wish to go, in case you will not go. Therefore, we rushed to get to Denali early, and capture two pass to the Toklat River river zone. By the way, the pass is issued per person, and not on the family, i.e. We needed at least two free spaces in the # 9 zone. All this applies only to tourists departing in a wilderness with overnight stay. You can walk anywhere in the afternoon.

On the way to Denali, there are a lot of sightseeing sites. But after all, what a funny thing: marked space marked by the sign, do nothing at all, while real natural masterpieces are not specified in any way. So you need to actively twist your heads around, and do not rely on pointers.
Finally, about 3 hours of the day we drove into Denali.

Denali. Through the park passes one single asphalt road, single-band in each direction. For all its length (~ 90 miles), only special tourist or clearer buses have the right to ride. For public transport The road is closed starting from the 13th mile (Savage River). But in September, when the main flow of tourists falls, you can drive on the road on your car on special days, and that if you win the lottery pass. In general, it is complicated by the life of tourists as they can, but this is undoubtedly coming to animals.

First of all, we, of course, went to the info center. On one of the walls inside hung a huge map, divided into zones, as I described above. Nearby there was a table showing the number of available places in each region. And about, happiness - in the 9th zone planned by us, 8 places from 10 possible were occupied. We rushed to the clerks and stamped the remaining places. The table immediately appeared the cross: the zone is closed, all tickets are sold.
The most popular areas are in the middle of the park and closer to the end of the road. Near the entrance is almost free, but also a chance to meet with wild lovely little. Passions in the zone (backcountry permit) are absolutely free, it was only necessary to watch the focus on safety, how to cross the rivers, and what to do when meeting with the Bear.

Also, we were explained how to break a tent camp. The camp scheme should always be a chain triangle with a side of 30 meters. The first top is a tent, you can cook in the second, and in the third store food and odorous (for the bear) objects, like that - toothpaste, soap, etc.
For these purposes, a barrel-shaped bear-resistant container was granted, where it was necessary to fold all the ears. He closed three screws from above, the bear does not open this container in life. At least should not 🙂

Now you need to buy bus tickets and confirm the reservation in Camping. There are several types of buses in the park: tourist (Sightseeing, Wilderness, Historical Tours) and Camper Bus. By the way, Wilderness Tours until last year was called Wildlife Tours, but there were cases when the people had not seen wild animals throughout the road (although it was difficult to believe it), and began to indignant that they were deceived. Here is the leadership of the park and schitril.
CAMPER Bus It is almost half cheaper ($ 18), but tickets only sell, if a person stands in one of the campsites. Buses walk strictly on schedule, tickets are tied to the time of departure. Checks their driver when landing "there." In the opposite direction from the park you can go on any bus and free.
Having completed with all the formalities, bought the topographic map of our zone # 9 and the determinant of animals and birds, we went to make a camping. As I have written, you can rent only to the 13th mile road. But just there we had a camping Savage River Campground.

Without reaching the camp, they decided to smash the muscles a little on the short 1.5-mile path "Horseshoe Lake Trail" passing through the forest. This is one of the few trail at the very beginning of the park; In other places they are not at all. After a walk along the factory trail, we had the opinion that if you want to see something really worthwhile, you have to go as wilderness. Wherever, if only away from people.

Numerous tabs turned back and forth, what are the animals there. Even beautiful landscapes were problematic to admire due to Gomon. Nevertheless, we descended to the lake itself, in the mirror surface of which the coniferous forest reflected. The rise is pretty cool, the main thing is not to hurry.

Without encountering anyone wild on the path, except for forty, slightly disappointed drove towards the campground. Will it really be like that? But the reality was much more interesting.
Camping Savage River is located on the left of the road, in dense forest. There are places both under RV and under ordinary tents. Moreover, you can choose anything right there, there would be a reservation. Everywhere there are barbecues, a place for the fire. Plots are very beautiful, crouched by big racking firs. The tent can be put right under them, there will be a natural shelter from the rain.

Weather in Denali, and in general in Alaska, completely unpredictable. The weather engineering hanging on the wall in the info center showed everything with accuracy on the contrary. It should be "sun", it will rain; Promised "thunderstorm" will be clear. The rain was filming several times a day, then the clouds quickly disappeared, and the sun was pleased with the sun.
Therefore, photos turned out absolutely different, despite the fact that they were made within one day. The average temperature of the air was kept in the region of 18-20 during the day, and about +10 at night. The sleeping bags were calculated to zero temperatures, so they were even fierce.
The tent we nestled to collect in 7 minutes. Very simple, and at the same time convenient design with two inputs on the sides. From above and over each entrance, a tent, water-winding wing was stretched, a shelter was obtained for shoes. And the shoes do not need inside the shoes, and does not swing anything from dew or rain. We stayed very satisfied with the tent, it remained to experience it in the wild hiking conditions.

Tickets for the bus Waglub Park We were bought for tomorrow 7 in the morning. To present at least a little, with which we will have to face the next day, we decided to climb the flow of Savage River, not far from the campground, and feel what it is like to walk along the tundra. All this mostly belongs to me, because In Ilya, the experience of the campaign with the tents is huge.

Northern rivers have interesting feature. They are shallow, at best, slightly on the thigh, but the channel is divided into many streams, forming a network. Between flows - dry gravel (depending on the time of day and tide-tidys). Here is jumping through threads on pebble islets and you can move through the river. Just need to remember that the return path of this manner may not work if the water becomes more, or if it changes its direction.

Also, go comfortable along the river itself on the rocky shore. Sometimes it had to raise through the bushes into human growth. At the same time, it is always necessary to say anything, as we were taught in the film, and that is, a good chance to resume the nose to the bear or the moose in the side. As if the noise produced by us would not enough.

Soon I'm boring, and we decided to move away from the river a little to the side, and go along the tundra. They came up even on a deer trail. It is three times already human, with well-prominent traces: three prints together and one below, perpendicular to them.

The first time in my life happened to me to go through the thick of a dwarf birch. It was very funny to observe how mushrooms were tested over the trees - real "superberesoviki" 🙂 Mushrooms were already old, with bunting hats, deer for some reason were not interested.

Periodically going down to the water, and scaring striped sparrows in the thickets, we secretly hoped for a meeting with Else. But, as before, "Muski" ignored us, and did not appear on the eyes.

Clothes have proven very well - jackets and boots with a Gortex. They were neither hot, nor cold nor wet, and did not break anything, even despite the checkout across Bul. What once again proves - it is better to pay a little more, but to get a quality product as a result.

Somewhere in an hour of the way we made a small habit, although not at all tired. Just wanted to take pictures surrounding the river Green Mountains and High Sky. In binoculars, it was even possible to see the glacier on the top of the top, the white tongue loose down. But with glaciers, we will have a closer acquaintance in the KENAI FJORDS National Park.

Helmet, it was time to return. They reached the camping, and without having met anyone on the way. But next to the tent we were waiting for an evening guest, or rather a guest. A large gray bird Sorokopoute was sitting on a branch of a branch (Northern Shrike), with fur-breast and smart round eyes.

We were just gathered to dinner, hell appeared not in vain. Soon, a protein was joined with a foul character, climbed on the top of ate, and thrown in cones.

For dinner, we had soluble Chinese soup with rice fruits, to which I was taught at the work of the Chinese colleague, and a bank of a condensed milk with tea. I had to forget the time about restaurants. Primus worked as a clock, nor before, nor after we did not have any complaints.
Despite the low temperature on the street, in the sleeping bags was surprisingly warm, it was possible to even lie completely undressing. Related

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