What you need to fly on a balloon. How to control a balloon

WITH balloons once started civil Aviation: To the aircraft and helicopters was like on the moon on foot, and on the balls people began to fly back in the 18th century. Today we will tell you how it happens in the 21st: I went to Cappadocya - the region in central Turkey - where mass flights are performed almost every day; The balls in the air are several dozen at the same time, and passengers, respectively, several hundred.

A little physicists. How flies balloon

Modern passenger balloon correctly call the thermal aerostat, or Mongolfier - by the name of the Mongolfier brothers, which in 1783 made the first flight on the aircraft of this type. As part of the import substitution, the story was popular about the fact that in fact the first thermal aerostat was built in half a century to this Russian inventor of a mandatory, but this is just a hoax, created after the flight of the French and raced in Soviet times.

The principle of the flight of the thermal aerostat is very simple: inside its shell is air, the temperature of which is higher than the ambient temperature. Since the density of warm air is lower, it seems to be up under the action of the ejecting force. At the same time, the shell itself and the beneficial load are attracted to the ground (the shell with dimensions of approximately 25x15 m with a basket and all equipment weighs 400-500 kg, plus passengers: there were twenty people in our basket). The equality of these forces allows the alert to "hang" in the air at a certain height.

How to control a balloon

The main control body of the thermal aerostat is a gas burner, located under the shell and directed upwards. It burns the mixture of propane and butane, which is taken on board in cylinders, similar to those that are standing at many dachensors in the kitchen. With the help of fire heats up air in the shell; The temperature grows, the ball rises. Depending on the shell volume (2-5 thousand cubic meters of air), the useful load and ambient temperature temperature inside is 50-130 degrees Celsius. The air in the shell constantly cools and the ball begins to decline, so it is necessary to periodically "last heat" to preserve the constant height. In general, everything is simple: more fire - climb, less fire - we save height, little, little, little, little of fire - decrease.

However, to decline, you can not wait until the air cools: at the top of the shell there is a valve opened and closed by rope. If you open it, part of the warm air will come out and the ball will fly down.

With you take at least two cylinders of gas (one main, other spare) - it is enough about one hour of flight, the variometer for measuring vertical velocity and the radio for communication with the pilots of other balls and accompaniment cars (about them just below). And, most importantly, there is no bag with sand. They are used as a ballast on gas bowls (with helium and other similar gases inside), and the thermal aerostat is not needed.

The top valve is open, the ball is blown away. Pay attention to the number. In Turkey, the balls have the registration of the type TC-BXX, for example, TS-BUM. In Russia, they are registered in the general purpose aviation register and have RA-XXXXG numbers. Each ball has a flight suitability certificate, everything is as expected.

Where does the balloon fly?

We can only manage the vertical speed of the balloon. Horizontally, he flies there, where the wind bears. That is why it is a full-fledged vehicle The balloon is unsuitable: it is still a pleasure aircraft. Despite this, flights on the balls are regulated by aviation authorities no less than on aircraft. Each ball has a register in the registry. aircraft And the corresponding number on board, and the pilots (their two) are a license. Flights are executed according to the rules of visual flights, that is, with good visibility, the absence of a strong wind is also a prerequisite. The problem is also in the fact that you can fly only early in the morning at dawn or, on the contrary, at sunset: during the day, the uplink air flows from the heated sun surface make the flights unsafe (and in the morning the streams up and down are simply not so strong). So you can easily face the situation when you arrived, but did not fly anywhere - plan just in case several days at once!

Each aerostat has its own car accompaniment: a jeep with a platform trailer size with a basket. Jeep - because the ball will sit, most likely, not on the road. The highest pilotat is a landing directly on the platform; Much cooler than planting the fighter to the aircraft carrier.

If the balls face each other in the air, then ... nothing happens, they just pushed apart and fly further. In general, there are quite difficult balls to face: because the wind carries them into the same side.

How is the balloon flying

First you are brought to your balloon. At that moment, he still lies on Earth, a basket on the side, and with the help of a powerful fan, the shell fill with air, at the same time heating its burner. At some point, the messenger ball becomes elastic and swells up. The basket turns over, passengers sit in it, climbing through the board. Inside there are two-point belts, which, however, few people use, as well as ropes, for which it will be necessary to stay when landing. The pre-flight instruction, actually, is that when landing, it is necessary to sit down and hold onto the ropes, because the probability of tipping the basket is great: this will avoid injury.

Preparation for flight

The pilot gives more fire, and ... the ball smoothly swept up and aside. For sensations, it is similar to riding on the ferris wheel, only much higher. And with no noise or vibration, so it's not scary even with Mother Aerofobians. And even those who are afraid of heights (and the ball rises to 1500 m at medium height Flight is about 500), not scary: because of the high (about 1.5 meters) the side of the basket is impossible to fall out of it, and standing by the pose provokes to watch not down, and on the parties. Indescribable beauty! Top Tatoin! Turkish pilots try to fly so as to pass closer to the rocks, "chimneys" and give the opportunity to consider them, descend almost to the roofs of the houses of old villages - of course, everything can be photographed and shoot on the video, the main thing is not to pick up the camera.

Flight height reaches 1500 m

Wind at the height, by the way, no - or rather, he is not felt, because you fly along with this very wind!

How to fly in a balloon

Cappadocia, as you already understood - a place where flights on balloons are a developed and massive view of the rest. You will need to get to the city of Urgyup, which is 70 km from Cayseri, where the nearest civil Airport (ASR). Kayseri is performed by several daily flights from Istanbul (IST and SAW) local airlines: Turkish Airlines, Anadolujet, Pegasus Airlines, etc. fly about one and a half hours. To the Istanbul himself, a clear case, many different airlines flies - from Aeroflot and Turkish Airlines before Onur Air and Victory. Buying two separate tickets to Istanbul and to Cayseri can help you save well (and at the same time spend a couple of days in Istanbul).

Low Passage Over Mountain - One of the Pilot Figures on Balloons

Airlines themselves with balloons in Urgupe more than a dozen; You can buy a flight through their Russian partners, simply by typing in Google the corresponding request - conveniently, if you do not know Turkish and want to plan everything in advance, but you can directly at the hotel in Urgüpe, but everything is already depends on the hotel. Focus on the fact that the cost of the hour flight is 13,000 rubles per person, including transfer from your hotel and back and a modest breakfast in the uneasy proximity from the start point (tea-coffee-buns).

Video (pre-flight instruction, low-height passage, landing for aircraft carrier, cleaning ball).

What is the balloon?

The balloon (free thermal aerostat) consists of the following parts: shells, gondolas (baskets) to accommodate crew and passengers, a block of gas specialized burners for burning propane-butane mixtures, a set of gas cylinders, a dashboard, binding and spare fals, additional equipment and equipment, documentation. For the initial cold filling of the shell use a large fan.

What is the weight of the balloon?

A set of thermal aerostat, capable of raising 3-4 people, together with all the necessary equipment and fuel weigh about 500 kg.

How to control a balloon?

All airplane is based on the law of Archimedes. In the air balloon shell is hot air, which has less density than cold and therefore it is capable of climbing up. Adjusting the air temperature inside the shell with a gas burner, you can increase or decrease the flight height. The ball is reduced due to the natural cooling of the air in the shell or by opening a special valve and the release of a part of heated air from the alert shell. At different heights, a different direction of the wind is possible, which allows the pilot to adjust the direction of flight, changing the height.

How to fill the balloon?

First of all, you need to decompose the shell on Earth. Gondola in the assembled form with gas cylinders and burner placed on the side. Further, with the help of Karabinov, the cable of the shell with the burner frame and the frame of the Gondola are connected. After that, the cold filling of the shell begins with a powerful fan. At the time when the shell is filled with more than half, the burner time comes. Hot air Allows the shell to take a vertical position. Further heating helps the ballogery to acquire lift and fly.

What time can you fly in balloons?

Flights in the spring-summer-autumn period in balloons are held twice a day in the morning and in the evening. During this period of the year during the day there is an increased solar activity, which forms the appearance of powerful ascending and downward flows due to uneven warming of the Earth, which makes the flight on the bowl of the unfinished. In winter, flights on the balls are held throughout the light day.

What best time For flight on a bowl?

Our morning flights during the awakening of the Earth and the Sun are unusually beautiful. Evening flights allow you to enjoy a wonderful sunset. Interesting both. Each flight on hot-air balloon Unique and remembered by all its participants.

How many people can take on board a balloon?

This is influenced by several factors: the volume of the shell of the balloon, the weight of passengers, the amount of fuel on board, and, of course, it is necessary to take into account the weather conditions. The record holder in the world is the 35-seater balloon with a two-story gondola. We usually use 2-10 local aerostats. In our basket, the maximum number of people is limited to 4 passengers.

Do you need to take a ballast in the form of bags with sand?

Ballast is needed only for gas balloons (charles and roseers) filled with helium or hydrogen, which over time (or deliberately) disappear from the shell. Thermal balloons (Mongolfierters) fly through another principle, and only the temperature difference inside and outside the shell is used to adjust the height of the flight.

How safe is the air balloon?

Balloon flying, i.e. The thermal aerostate, according to statistics, is the safest of all existing aircraft. The design of the thermal aerostat is the most reliable of all aircraft, representing a large parachute. For aircraft aerostat flights, controlling authorities conduct permanent audits of aviation technology. The philosophy of safe flights in the aeronautics is as follows: There is nothing worse than a fearless pilot. Therefore, if you inform you that the flight is postponed on weather conditions - we take this with understanding and respect.

Do you need to take a parachute into the balloon?

According to a staffing schedule, it is not provided, as in passenger aircraft. Aerostats are one of the most safe species Aviation transport, and during the performance of tourist flights in parachute there is no need. Exceptions are special flights to a large height, or flights associated with the performance of records.

How to behave in a balloon flying?

The pilot in front of the flight, in flight and before landing, gives a detailed instruction.

Basic moments

It is impossible: twin for any ropes and hoses, freeze and sit on the side of the basket, turn the valves, climb and get out of the basket without the permission of the pilot.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bto hold onto the ropted loops on the side of the baskets located on the inside, enjoy the flight. Before boarding, a little bend the knees or squat (like when jumping), while watching the touch with the earth.

How does the air balloon start?

To enjoy landing, you must select the field of sufficient sizes, located at the rate of flight. The higher the surface wind speed, the larriness there should be a field so as not to get on obstacles. As the shell warming stops to the field, and the aerostat begins to decline. The air from the shell is produced through a special, large parachute valve. Landing with strong wind delivers unusual sensations. The shell when contacting the Earth occupies a horizontal position. At this point, it is necessary to hold onto the handles inside the gondola, until the balloon is stopped.

How long is it necessary to prepare a balloon to flight?

With the coordinated work of the team, the balloon can be prepared for the flight for 15-20 minutes. For the same time it is necessary to collect it after flying to transport the accompaniment machine.

Why do you need a balloon accompaniment team?

During the flight of the thermal aerostat, he constantly follows the accompaniment team, which helps to prepare a balloon to fly, determine the wind streams and after landing to collect a balloon. Communication with the accompaniment machine is carried out using radio or telephone communication.

How needs to be dressed for a balloon flying and what you need to take with you?

For a flight on a thermal aerostate, it is best to dress in comfortable everyday or sportswear. The headdress is desirable at any time of the year. Gloves are needed if desired to help the team in the preparation of the thermal balloon to flight. In the flight, the wind is not felt, as the ball moves along with the air mass. We recommend waterproof shoes in the morning flights, because Rosa can be on the start site. For security reasons, less combustible materials, such as cotton are more preferable compared to synthetic materials. Be sure to take a camera or camcorder or order a professional photo from us. Due to the limited space in the gondola (basket of a ball), large bags or backpacks are better to leave the aerostat accompaniment machine.

A few words about the weather in aeronautics?

As in all aviation, the weather is one of the most important aspects for safe flights on balloons and airships. Rain, thunderstorms, fresh wind in the earth or in the air have all the grounds in order to postpone flight. There is such a saying: "The courage of the pilot is to abandon the flight" (in bad weather).

What is the maximum temperature inside the shell?

Usually, with normal loading, it is enough to warm the air inside the shell to a temperature from 90 to 110 s in summer, in winter to 30-50 C. However, the temperature inside the shell of the thermal aerostat should not be higher than 120 s, otherwise it entails premature wear of the shell.

Can the aerostat membrane from the burner flame fit?

The design of the shell is calculated in such a way that during the flight of the thermal aerostat, the flame comes inside it. Smaller pilots may randomly, during filling, burn a small hole at the bottom of the shell. This is not something out of a series of outgoing and requires minor repairs. To increase wear resistance, the lower part of the shell is made of a special heat-resistant material - a number capable of withstanding the temperature to 1300 C.

What fuel is the balloons?

The air inside the sheath of the thermal aerostat is heated by burner when burning propane-butane mixture.

What materials are manufactured by a thermal balloon?

The sheath of the thermal aerostat is usually made from light, durable and heat-resistant materials, such as polyester, polyamide or lavsan. For strength, there are vertical and horizontal power lines. Gondola or a basket woves from scyful rods or rattan, some parts of which are covered with skin. These materials are traditional for many years, because they fully meet the requirements and adequately perform their function - they are lightweight, elastic and behave well in all weather conditions and effectively take on dynamic loads when planting a thermal aerostat. The hot air supply system in the shell consists of a block of burners and gas cylinders. Cylinders can be aluminum, steel, titanium or composite materials.

What is the meaning of sports airplane?

Sports airplane - one of the most beautiful species Sports. During the flight, the pilot-athletes must be performed a number of tasks of the sports director associated with the discharge of markers - bright ribbons of a certain size and weight, passing the aerostat of the specified coordinates, performing virtual tasks.

How to highly fly a thermal balloon?

Typically, thermal balloons fly to a few kilometers in height. It should be borne in mind that with a set of air height is more discharged, which affects the man and the operation of the burner. Safe (without oxygen equipment) is considered to be a height of 3000-4000 meters. During tourist flights, the height of the flight depends on the desire of passengers and current weather conditions, but is limited by the rules of flights in the flight area. Record flights on thermal aerostats can be carried out at a height of over 8000 meters.

Is it worth trying a balloon flying?

Be sure to! You'll like it!)

Is it true that the Rait brothers were the first to conquer the airlike?

Already almost 100 years before the birth of Rait brothers, balloons regularly climbed into the sky. Here are 10 facts about the aeronautics that will surprise you.

The first passengers of the balloon were sheep, cock and duck

The first ball with a basket for flights rose into the sky in 1783. It happened in Versaille, in the presence of Louis XVI and Maria Antoinette. Passengers of this aircraft were rooster, duck and sheep. The sheep, as a person similar to a person, was chosen to check the impact of height on the body, and birds (flying and flutter) made members of the control group. This ball rose to a height of 500 meters, flew about 4 kilometers and successfully landed. All passengers remain unharmed.

The first people rising in the sky could be the prisoners of Bastille

When it was time to spend trial flights with people, Louis XVI, not risking the responsibility for the life of his subjects, decided to send a sentence of convicts to the execution of criminals. If the flight is successful, they promised pardon. However, despite the decision of the king, the student of Jean-Francois Pilatre de Raytea and Aristocrat Marquis Francois Lauren D'Aristocrat went to the flight. These crisp on November 21, 1783 stayed in the sky for about 20 minutes.

Tradition to open champagne after the flight was created to calm farmers

After the first successful flight, the balloons became often used by aristocrats. However, they resembled the peasants to the firewood dragons than the real horror caused. To thread and calm people, the aristocrats began to take with them champagne and open it on the site of planting an aircraft.

There is a version that the drawings on the Naska plateau created with balloons

In the 1970s, Jim Woodman put forward the theory that the ancient residents of Peru created a giant drawings on the Nasca Plateau, using a ball with a basket for flights. As evidence, he cites drawings on ancient ceramics, where, in his opinion, depicted flights in a balloon, as well as pieces of matter that can be fragments of the bowl. The scientist even made his aircraft using technologies that were available to the ancient Peruvians. This theory was discredited, but a number of scientists continue to believe in its accuracy.

Once it happened an aeronautical duel

In 1808, two Frenchmen who walked around the Opera Diva Mademoiselle Tver raised in a balloon over Paris for a duel. The crowd gathered from below: people decided that races were held on the balls. However, the duelists pulled the Muskets and sent them towards each other. As a result, after the shots, one ball turned out to be pierced. During the fall, he crashed into the building nearby, the pilot died. The second duelist descended unscathed and, by rumors, got the heart of the fatal diva.

Balloons used for military intelligence purposes

During the French Revolution in the battle for Fleurus (1794), the EntrePrenant balloon was used to obtain information about the enemy's position. A bowl with basket for flights was in flight 8 hours (all the time he was on the leash). The airproof recorded the change in the positions of the Austrian troops and threw the data down, to the ground. It is not known because of this or not, but the French won the battle.

In the US, there were aeronautical corps during the civil war

The aeronautical body founded Abraham Lincoln. It consisted of 7 balloons, and also had at the disposal of 12 gas generators and barge, which was used as an aircraft carrier. The aeronautical devices were used to observe the movement of enemy troops, covering the territory of 15 km. "Confederates" in response produced their own ball with wrapping silk, but he was captured by the Army of the Union. Disbanded the housing in 1863, realizing that such an object is a great target for the enemy.

Balloons used during carnival representations

In the period from 1800 to 1900. During the fairs, it was often possible to see the show with the participation of balloons. Caskaster with a parachute sat down to the basket, the ball was filled with hot smoke from the fire and gave up. He quickly climbed up and in highest point Caskader jumped out and descended to Earth.

There was a balloon with a glass bottom

Christian Brown at the international aeronautical fiesta presented a model with a glass bottom. According to the press materials, the test flight turned out to be very scary, so the aeronautical ship returned to the ground with "proud and shouting from fear of passengers."

Balloon can fly in winter

Many are surprised that the cold season is suitable for flights in a balloon. In fact, at this time the weather is even more favorable than in the summer. Cold air in the atmosphere allows you to speed up the lift of the ball filled with hot air into the sky, as well as increase the number of passengers. In addition, the air is more stable in winter, which makes it possible to fly throughout the day of day.

You can always fly and jump with parachute.

About the spring and summer to everyone and so everything is clear: the maximum number of flight days, good weather.

If the street is golden, despite cloudy and frequent rains, we continue to fly and jump with parachute. Believe me very beautiful.

And how snow falls, many will ask: "Is it not cold in winter to fly?" We answer the question to the question: "And skiing in winter is not cold?" Can better in summer ride Winter flights are and will be. Come. For now.

20 minutes. on Yak-52 for 6500 p.

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We sell only the sky, And do it well. We fly ourselves. We want to give you the opportunity to fly and give flights. Our goal is safe flights for everyone!

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And we have everything honestly. The flight time is considered from the moment of the aircraft separation from take-off strip. We warn you in advance that flights can be transferred on weather conditions.

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Aerostat management training

When you look at the air balloon floating in the sky, we least think about what aircraft You can learn how to manage ...

Modern aerostat, this is not a "bubble" at all, which flies by the will of the wind. This is a completely controlled aircraft that can be on the necessary height pilot and which can be planted "to the point", while the balloon is controlled only by the burner and valve, which make the device rise or descend.

How then is the desired course? How to accurately land on the field? How to fly over the tops of trees, keeping the height? How...? Are you interested and want to try yourself?

Read more about the program

Payload - 200 kg. And this means that one certificate in the flight can go two.

In the basket of the ball, you will only (your company) and the pilot instructor. Time in flight more than an hour.

So, let's say that the certificate you already have. You write to the flight on the phone specified in the Certificate. To the appointed time, along with the certificate, come to the agreed place.

The pre-flight instruction is carried out either in the airlub room, or on the way to the place of the start and takes about 30 minutes. You will be told about the principles of management, as well as that there are almost always different wind directions at different heights. So the necessary course is chosen: the navigator and knowledge of aviation meteorology help the pilot fly to where it is necessary.

"Training" flights by duration are somewhat more ordinary: up to one and a half hours. First, the pilot shows all flight modes, and then give you "play" the burner.

It is not easy to control the balloon as it seems: it is very inert. We decline ... warm the air burner and nothing happens! Stop! Enough. We need to wait a little bit and the ball will definitely go up. To fly, then climbing, then dropping, it is easy, it is much more difficult to withstand a certain height.

Approximately 30 minutes will be independently (under the control of the pilot, of course) to control the air balloon, and after the landing you are waiting for the dedication to aeronautics and the presentation of memorable diplomas ...

Already on the way home Mixed feelings were mastered: Do I want to fly the same way, or is this entertainment at once? Balloon - toy without some practical application: so, fly for yourself ... and where to store? And still need a trailer for a basket and a driver who will meet on landing ...

But how cool silently sail in the sky over the water, field and forests ... And stand in the sky together with your beloved? And to show the beauty of the world to friends? .. All the difficulties are retreating with thoughts about the possibilities opening in front of the pilots of loose aerostats.

And the conspiratorial smile of the pilot: "These half an hour we can enter into your flight book if you continue learning."

Definitely, there is something in it!

Security questions

General security clarifications are described, and below we will talk about them as applied to balloons.

Safety begins with the right choice of weather: there will be a calm or weak wind - you can take a gap. If the wind increases - raise higher and you can train the retention of a given height and feel the inertia of the ball.

All aerostats have existing airworthiness certificates, and all the pilots of the instructor in their asset have many hundreds and thousands of clocks, prizes of international aeronautics competitions and a large number of trained cadets.

Moreover, all passengers are insured.

We do our best to ensure that the program is not only interesting, but also most secure.

Where and when flights are held

We fly in the Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow region (it is indicated in blue on the map) in the bright time of the day.

There is no specific airfield, any large field is suitable for launching a balloon, which is selected depending on the direction of the wind and other weather conditions. You meet with the team in a concerted place, leave your car in the parking lot and put forward to the start of the start.

Flights are held round year. Autumn, winter and the beginning of spring, by the way, the best time for flights on balloons - after all, there is no thermal turbulence in winter, which allows flights throughout the day. But in the summer in balloons only fly in the morning (usually until 9:00) and in the evening (usually after 19:00).

Note that if you signed up for the flight and did not arrive, the certificate "burns".

Certificate's validity period - 1 year from the date of order

If you still think about the option of a good expensive gift, if you need a beautiful box with a certificate for excellent emotions inside, if someone has a gift, "there is already everything" ... then the link further - for you: buy a management lesson Aerostate for 22,000 rubles.

Climbing and flying over the fields, forests, cities and towns, I probably wanted many.

Is it difficult to drive a balloon?

And of course, the question is natural: it's hard to control a balloon, which subtleties need to know, in order for the flight to be comfortable and safe.

The desire to cope with a major balloon can be compared with a children's sense, when I really want to charge the father's car.

Of course, watching the pilot it seems that it is absolutely not difficult to control the balloon, but is it really?

Balloon Flight Management

- This is an amazing and emotional walk for passengers, but a fairly responsible and complex procedure for the pilot. But what is the complexity? The fact is that the thermal balloon is not fully uttered by the human control, it moves due to the gust of the wind.

Therefore, each pilot should be able to predict and maneuver in fixed weather conditions.

He must understand when the speed should be reduced or the same way is climb, in order to safely reach the end point of the destination.

If, in terms of the situation, it is necessary to rise slightly higher, the pilot adjusts the thermal installation to a certain mode. The opening of the valve reduces the height.

You can adjust the movement of the balloon using the inclination of its domes. If the passengers want a measured and not a hurry flight, then the aerostat is started along the wind movement. For fans of acute sensations, the balloon can be sent to a meeting of air flow.

Balloon flights are completely safe, as they are carried out only when good conditionsAt the same time, the wind speed should not exceed five meters per second. Therefore, passengers will be able to enjoy the fresh breeze or pleasant warm solar rays.

In addition to how to manage a balloon, many are interested in the planting process.

The landing is also a rather complicated procedure, so it controls not only the pilot, but also the accompanying ball team. Radiocommunication specialists give advice to pilot for choosing a more successful place.

Despite the fact that the flight is organized by professionals, passengers can participate in the preparation of the aerostat to flight.

In this case, they have the opportunity to join such a significant and interesting process, and also familiarize themselves with the constructive features of the aggregate.

See also: