What is considered a safe view of transport. The safest type of transport - rating

Airplane - Self safe view Transport on Earth, even cars and trains are significantly inferior to safety aircraft. Despite this, with each new catastrophe of aerophobes is becoming more and more. Many people in the world are afraid of aircraft, mistakenly believing that other transports are much safer. Is it true that the chance of the accident is big? And is it possible to call the aircraft with the safest mode of transport? We must figure out.

Statistics and chances

To determine that the aircraft is the safest type of transport, it is worth familiar with the statistics. On average, seventeen catastrophes are officially registered a year. It is important to understand that these sad events occurred not only in Russia, but also around the world. For a hundred years of existence civil aviation With flights, the victims of the plane crash was one hundred thousand people. It is less than a year in car accidents.

It is worth noting: crashes of cargo flights are not less than passenger, which is another argument in favor of choosing the aircraft. The chance of falling is so small that the person will soon die as a result of a lightning strike than after the aircraft crash. Statistical analysis led to the conclusion: Public opinion on transport security is based on fears and superstitions.

Security flights

It is worth mentioning and positive flight qualities. This is the fastest type of transport. It can also be said that the safest type of transport is a plane. To agree with this statement, all flight stories should be explored. As you can see, the list of a small plane crash.

Refusal of engines

Flights - a comfortable travel type. This was proven for centuries since the beginning of the existence of aviation. The plane flies due to the wings, when boarding, flying and the flight of its movement is controlled by engines. But what happens if they denied?

If one engine refuses, the passenger does not feel this, because the aircraft can be controlled by the second engine. And even if both break, the plane will not fall at right angles down, and it will be an indefinite time to plan about two hundred kilometers in the air.


Do not often meet such a person who did not fall into the turbulence zone during the flights. Everyone describe it as a ride. What is it? Turbulence is when, when accelerating liquids or gases in the external environment, vortices are formed, irritating the external environment.

Many passengers are asked: can the turbulence cause the tragedy? This can not happen. The aircraft is designed so that in order for it to fall due to turbulence, you need a force that can only be in the atmosphere of the planet Jupiter.

Pilots are trying to fly the turbulence zone, and airplanes can transfer an incredible shaking, so on earthly conditions the chance of falling from turbulence tends to zero. Only once in the entire history of mankind, the plane was crashed due to turbulence, when the pilot decided to fly over the volcano. Therefore, turbulence is only the problem of comfort, not security.

Flying in bad weather

Pilots are perfectly dealt with weather conditions. During a certain time, before departure, they look at the forecast on the route so as not to get into the storm. If the weather forecast does not correspond to safety, the flight is canceled or transferred to another day. Before the beginning of his career, pilots pass a lot of tests on the simulators, learn to act in any situation resolutely and coolly.

How strongly affects the wind shift on the flight

Wind shift is a sharp change in movement and (or) air velocity at a small distance in the atmosphere. This is an important factor affecting aircraft During take-off and landing. It applies not only to aircraft, but also to other types of lethal.

The wind shift is found in the lowest layers of the atmosphere (up to one hundred meters in height). Modern aircraft have a greater mass, which makes them more inert. High inertia does not allow the aircraft to quickly change its speed. Saving a plane of this velocity with a flight through different levels of wind leads to a change in air velocity. Because of this, the plane goes along the trajectory below the expected, which makes landing dangerous.

What is really dangerous?

Icing is when the plane is covered with ice outside. It occurs when flying in the sky with supercooled water drops. It is very dangerous as icing worsens the controllability of the aircraft, makes it harder. The result can be an accident or even the crash of the aircraft. Even at the airport, the plane can be looked at a minus temperature. Before the flight, the ship is processed by a special fluid that stops the formation of ice. Pour each outer part of the aircraft: from the wings to the stabilizer. In the atmosphere, icing is unlikely, but perhaps.

The reasons

Highlight three main reasons for aircraft crash:

  1. Personnel error.
  2. Technical difficulites.
  3. Act of terrorism.

Consider each of them individually.

Personal error

It should be understood that under the mistake of personnel, it is understood not only the incorrect pylot pitch during the flight, but also the unprofessional work of specialists in service and operation, technicians, dispatchers, operators. After all, it is impossible to predict the actions of a person, and the flight is a complex sequence of technical processes that requires strict control.

Most of the plane crash are precisely because of the human factor, official statistics say about this. However, technologies will go forward rapidly. Every year, airliners are developing new automatic systems, design aircraft of new generations, which reduces the role of a person in flight to a minimum.

Technical difficulites

Poor and cheap techniques can easily refuse to work in any uncomfortable moment, but even high-quality automation refuses. Failure of technology is a random cause of a plane crash, about a third of falls happens precisely because of this.

The main causes of troubleshooting are the ongoing computer and navigation systems. Find out the exact cause of these breakdowns is very difficult. Considering this, airlines are purchased new and safe aircraftBy refusing outdated models.

Act of terrorism

From the middle of the last century, terrorist acts have become a big problem affecting the safety of flights. Most often, terrorists capture the ship or install explosives on the plane. Such catastrophes, unfortunately, take a lot of lives.

Is it dangerous to fly on airplanes? As you can see, the statistics of drops are low, and their reasons are rare situations from which no one is insured on Earth.

Every day, the flow of negative information is collapsed from the news: plane crash, train crash, mass accidents. Going to a long trip, a person unwitted himself: what is the safest way of transporting statistics and how to insignia from an accident. Sociological surveys indicate that people fall into panic before the air flight, but boldly sit in buses and personal cars.

General characteristics of all types of transport

Water transport

Water transport is intended for transporting people and cargo on rivers, canals, lakes. With the development of aviation, transcontinental transportation has come to no. From river swimming facilities, trams are relevant, cruise liners and ferries. They run between settlements or shores on the installed route and schedule. The ferry is operated for transporting a large number of people, cargo, vehicles.

Ground transport

Rail (rail) transport is represented by trains of long-distance and suburban follows. Passenger train - a reliable and comfortable way of moving from one settlement In another at a relatively short time.

Trains attract passengers affordable ticket prices, run at any time of the year and day, independence from weather conditions. The disadvantage is the cessation of the construction of new railway highways due to high competition with buses and personal cars.

Wheel transport

Buses route taxi and minibuses. Used to transport people to different distances. Advantages - available cost of tickets and relatively high speed. Disadvantages - dependence on meteorological conditions.

Air Transport

The technical progress of the twentieth century did not bypass the aircraft. Today the airier is developing dynamically, thousands of domestic and international flights are carried out daily in the world. Features of air transport - good maneuverability, large territorial coverage.

The main advantage is high speed. Sepa a plane in Moscow, after a few hours you can admire the sunset in the tropics.

The disadvantages of modern aviation include a high cost of tickets and dependence on weather conditions. The problem in winter is especially noticeable - massive delays of flights overcrowded to passenger airports.

Accident statistics

Official figures about mortality disagree with the representation of ordinary citizens. The latter believe that movement on land transport Carries minimal risk.

World statistics use different methods for counting those killed in transport catastrophes. The most popular is the number of deaths by 160 million km.

Buses and cars

The usual and comfortable buses, minibuses and cars are the most dangerous transport. Competition will except a motorcycle or bike. There are more than 10 people on the roads of Russia and severe injuries receive even more injured.

Frequent causes of accidents - speeding, attempts of overtaking, weather conditions, car malfunction. In second place - the human factor: drunk driving, inclipboard, distraction for conversations, music, snack.

According to a statistical study, the number of accidents is significantly different in regions. Similar to that unsatisfactory condition of motorways, lack of normal lighting at night.

The coefficient of mortality in road transport is 1.6 people by 160 million km when traveling on passenger buses. Among the machines, the indicator above is 3.1 people by 160 million km. Every year in more than a million people die in the accident. This is significantly higher than in the train, plane or motor ship. For 2016, car accidents took over 20,000 human lives.


Railway transport is considered the most reliable and safe of land vehicles. According to mortality statistics, 160 million Km accounts for 0.9 passengers - less than one person. It is not surprising that in the Russian Federation on statistics is also the lowest mortality of the railway transport.

Taking into account the speed of modern trains, this is a good indicator. Most of the crashes are associated with the defect of the railway canvas, a malfunction of rolling stock, security infringement on moving.

For 2014-2016, 40 marked in the world large catastrophe, about 100 dead and over 1000 victims. Rosstat from 2014 to 2015 Russia has about 20 dead due to the tragedy on the railway. This is 16% exceeded 2013 figures.

Water transport

Since ancient times, water took human lives as a fee for movement. Modern ferries, trams and boats guarantee relative security to passengers. The cause of the crash is often the weather conditions - storm, fog, hurricanes, icebergs. Statistics disappointing: 2.6 people by 160 million km.

Note! The reason for half of deaths on water is a fall per board due to violation of security rules.

Mortality statistics on water spoil cases in African and Asia. Refugee and illegal migrants of the court are sent to the shores neighboring countries In search of the best share. Security in such cases in the last place.

Aerial service

Of all the above, the safest type of transport is an aircraft. The mortality rate is 0.5 people at 160 ml of Km. The chances of becoming a victim of a plane crash is equal to 1: 8,000,000. It turns out the probability of death more along the way to the airport than in the sky.

Attention! People betray great importance to the crash of aircraft, losing confidence in aviation. In fact, when the plane falls, we are about it for 1-2 weeks every day broadcast from TVs and pages of newspapers. As a result - negative emotions and fear of flights.

In 2017, there are 15 aircraft crash, most of them are associated with cargo aircraft. The number of dead was 22 people. This is a record low indicator, hundreds of times lower than the victims of the road tragedies.

When crashing the aircraft, the insurance company is obliged to pay a large amount of victims to the families. If the plane crashes happened often, the insurers would have been going down long. Weighing argument in favor of the aircraft.

To himself dangerous appearance Transportation statistics relate terrestrial vehicles. But you can progress yourself by increasing the chance to save in case of tragedy.

While moving on auto safe is the rear seat behind the driver's seat. In the threat of a collision, the driver instinctively will try to deploy the car in the opposite side to take a blow from itself.

Note! Files in the middle of the salon are in buses and route taxis.

Traveling by train, it is recommended to purchase tickets to the middle wagons. In the event of a collision, the main blow falls on the locomotive and the first wagons. When moving from the rails, the last cars often turn over, chances are injured or perished. Always better choose places located with back to movement. With emergency braking, this will help avoid injury.

Traveling through the water, it is important to know the location rescue vests. It is strongly recommended to find a quick way from the cabin to the deck, so that in the case of PE, do not get into panic and promptly prepare evacuation.

It sounds strange, but the plane also has places that increase the chances of salvation. This is the tail of the aircraft. To be there not to everyone comfortably because of noise, but when the first and a strong blow falls on the nasal part. WORLD STATS data recorded survival cases in a plane crash.

Interesting: Most of the survivors during the flight occupied places in the rear rows.

The safest view of the transport is recognized as an airplane. Every minute in the world rises in the sky thousands of liners. Given the capacity of the aircraft 200-300 people, there is a significant part of the world's population. When frequent crashes Earth would empty. One aircraft crash happens in every millionth flight, which includes freight and military aircraft.

An important factor is the speed. 160 million km plane overcomes faster train or bus. Hence the conclusion: it is better to choose a flight for long distances, because The mortality rate is the lowest (0.5 person).

  1. Airplane - 0.5.
  2. Train - 0.9.
  3. Buses, minibuses, route taxis - 1.6.
  4. Water transport - 2.6.
  5. Personal car - 3.1.

The above studies are just a dry rating based on a statistical study. Transport itself is a zone of high risk. Choosing one or another type of movement, you can only partially prepare and secure yourself.

Vehicles allow us to quickly and comfortably move around the world, but what price? Every year millions of people die in transport. We have drawn up to identify the safest type of transport, the statistics of transport 2018-2019 helped in this. Some positions of the rating may surprise, but they will not argue with statistics.

10. Moped and motorcycle

Mopeds and motorcycles rightly occupy the tenth position of our rating of the safest modes. For many years in a row, such transport is considered the most dangerous and 2018 no exception. From total traffic, motorcycles constitute only 1%, while 20% of deaths are on the roads of the road.

In order to survive, it should be remembered that it is impossible to develop more than 70 km / h. Desperate Bravada is not only inappropriate, she can also cost the driver's lives. And if he took a passenger with him ..

125 deaths on statistics are every 1.5 billion km. Motor Racket. Mortality of drivers of ordinary cars is 28 times less than the mortality of motorcycle drivers. These are modern facts.


On the ninth line of the ranking in the list of safest modes for 2018-2019, the "younger brother" moped bike is considered. The bike from year to year is considered one of the most dangerous types of transport, according to official statistics. This year did not exception, unfortunately.

Most often accidents involving bicycles occur when a collision with cars. The number of such incidents on the roads is constantly growing. Therefore, cyclists should be as attentive as possible. Since adolescents die from such accidents most often, all parents should be considered this moment. 1.5 billion km. According to statistics there are 35 deaths.

8. Metro

At the eighth position in the rating of the safest mode of transport on statistics 2018-2019, it turned out to be the subway. This type of transport in the incidents ruffles the lives of many people immediately. And emergency situations in the subway are especially dangerous for citizens. If we talk about Russia, most often the victims are passengers of the Moscow metro.


Ferries are not as safe as we would like to lovers of water transport. According to the statistics of this year, by 1.5 billion km. There are 20 deaths. In particular, it should be noted that not every death occurs as a result of a crash. There are cases when passengers fall overboard. Water transport is also unsafe!


The spacecraft ranks 6th place of our rating of the safest modes for 2018-2019. Only 18 spacecraft from those that were sent to unlimited space, starting from the first flight in 1961, could not go back. And this is with the impressive number of transport of this type of space sent to space. The entire ships were 530. It should be borne in mind that people did not die in the Space itself. The tragedies happened during takeoff or at the time of landing. According to statistics, by 1.5 billion km. There are 7 human deaths.

5. Minibus

4. car

Previously, cars were considered an incredibly dangerous type of transport. So how, in statistics of 2018-2019, a car was one of the safest transport types? Everything is very simple. Machine construction was significantly finalized in last years. Thus, the number of accidents decreased significantly.

New statistics suggests that 1.5 billion km. There are four deaths to the share of machines. However, this does not mean that you can safely forget about safety measures or become fans of an insane ride.

3. Bus

1 billion km. There are 0.5 deaths according to official statistics. This applies to ordinary buses. Therefore, in the rating of the most secure types of transport for 2018-2019, it was buses that were at the honorable 3 place.

On European spaces this type public transport It is one of the safest. In Egypt, things are worse, as in Russian Federation. But still, in the third position of the rating, buses are deserved. However, do not forget about the terrible incidents associated with this type of transport.

It is worth even remember how in the capital the bus was trampled by a truck. And this is not a single case!

2. Camolets

In second place are airplanes. Although, in previous years, this type of transport occupied the upper line of such ratings. But, according to statistics, 2019, the aircraft cannot be attributed to the safest vehicles.

However, 0.5 deaths account for 1.5 billion km., If you take into account yet and small aircraft with helicopters. Commercial vessels will always exceed the danger of ordinary light airplanes. However, one should not forget that the worst thing, in the case of a plane crash, the fact that almost any of the huge number of passengers cannot be saved. And even the carriage of the aircraft in the plane crash is often lucky.

It is known that such incidents can never be an accident. When the plane crash occurs, the whole set of certain factors. However, aircraft are always considered one of the safest types of transport. And statistics confirms this every year. But the most amazing thing that often people are much more afraid to fly on airplanes, rather than ride on motorcycles.


Trains, according to statistics 2018-2019 are considered the most safe transport In the world and turned out to be in the first place of our list. This is especially true for American and European trains, only 0.2 deaths are accounted for by 1.5 billion km. For trains. If we take only the Russian Federation, the mortality rate is 0.7 per 1.5 billion km, which is also not very much.

The National Union of Insurers of Responsibility amounted to the rating of accidents of passenger transport in Russia. For the analysis, the statistics of compulsory liability of carriers were used, which has been operating in our country for five years. The Vice-President of the National Union of Insurers of Liability Svetlana Gusar told the details in the "RG" interview.

"Boeing 737" Airlines Aloha Airlines in 1988 was able to land after heighting more than 7 kilometers he pulled a part of the trim. Then only one person from those who were aboard were killed. Photo: AP Archive

Svetlana Viktorovna, what kind of transport in Russia today is most dangerous for passengers, if you focus on your statistics and how did you make calculations?

Svetlana Gusar: During the work of the law on compulsory insurance of liability of carriers, we managed to accumulate a large amount of data. It allows you to confidently talk about many indicators. In order to estimate such a parameter as an accident, we counted the number of victims out of 10 million passengers transported by each type of transport. In the first place while water transport. With a relatively small number of passengers transported by this type of transport, the number of victims is the most impressive - 120 people by 10 million. Such an indicator is the result of several major incidents, which recently happened on the water. They had a serious impact on statistics.

In second place in this ranking air transport. Here you need to clarify that the speech is predominantly about helicopters. Airplanes mainly fulfill flights not only within the country, but also beyond, therefore airlines are exempt from the need to insure their passengers in the framework of the Russian law on the responsibility of carriers. They are allowed to buy an international policy that meets the requirements of international legislation. So, in the segment of helicopter transportation for 10 million passengers transported accounted for 30 victims.

If you look at the death toll, not wounded, then the picture is somewhat different. In the first place there will be air transport, where the highest indicator of the dead - 23 people per 10 million passengers. Water - on the second. For them are car passenger TransportationAnd precisely in the intercity segment, not urban transportation.

How can this be explained?

Svetlana Gusar:I think mostly high speeds: in the conditions of the city I will not drive much. And here there is a seasonal factor. In the summer, accidents with victims on motor vehicles. It would seem, should be the opposite: in winter it is worse and weather conditions, and the road. But accidents are more in the summer: drivers relax, often violate high-speed mode. In addition, the intensity of transportation with the start of vacations increases sharply, and higher speeds of movement in the summer, which are provided with good road conditions, unfortunately, lead to more severe accidents.

Most a large number of victims - on water transport. In second place helicopters

We still monitor such an indicator as the average number of victims in one accident. And here the internal water transport is also leading. In second place long-distance bus transportation. In water transport, the average number of victims in one accident - 11 people, in the interchor segment - 2.5 people.

Svetlana Gusar:Trams I. suburban train - These are the two main categories where 10 million passengers are the lowest indicators for the dead and wounded.

What is the average payment of passengers affected by the accident on a particular type of transport?

Svetlana Gusar:The main part of payments for this type of insurance is carried out for the harm caused to the life and health of the passenger. Payment for the deceased is 2 million 25 thousand rubles. Health, if you look as a whole in all types of transport, the average payment, as we say, "with bruises" (small bruises, for which the law is relying minimal compensation in 1 thousand rubles. - Ed. Ed.) Is about 183.5 Thousands of rubles. Without the "bruises", the average payment is about 246 thousand rubles.

The indicator is quite different depending on the type of transport. The greatest payments for the harm caused to health, in air transport - for passengers such accidents always turn into the most serious damage, and often lead to death.

Are there any passengers insured today?

Svetlana Gusar: Insurance on the law on the obligatory liability of the carrier covers almost all types of passenger transport. The exception is only a passenger taxi today. Special status at the metro. It is not obliged to insure its responsibility to passengers, but due to the fact that enterprises are solvent - they are only seven in the country, citizens affected by the accident in the subway have the right to receive compensation directly from the subway itself in the same volume as passengers other types of transport. In general, coverage for all segments of transport varies from 85 to 90 percent. This suggests a high degree of passenger security. A five-year analysis of the work of the law showed that this is a really working type of insurance, within the framework of which 4.3 billion rubles was already paid.

The lowest indicators for the dead and wounded passengers - trams and suburban electricians

This is also a certain milestone in Russian legislation, since for the first time in the history of Russia at the level of compulsory insurance, fixed amounts of insurance payments for damage to the health of the victims, which are not actually incurred by human costs for treatment, but only the degree of damage caused by the person. Payment data is usually much higher. It is also important to note that the base for calculating such payments from the very beginning is recorded on a very high bar - 2 million rubles. For example, if we compare with possible payments to the victim in the framework of the CTP, then payments for passengers are four times higher. Imagine, for the same injury, the man, being a passenger of the bus or a pedestrian, will receive two different payments, the value of which is different four times!

Perhaps it would be worthwhile to make payments for all types of insurance to a single denominator.

Svetlana Gusar:We know that the plans for the Ministry of Finance have unification. But any raising lots of payments rests on increasing the cost of insurance. And if you just simply raise a limit of up to 2 million across the CTP, it will absolutely accurately affect the tariff policy. It is now a deterrent. Therefore, the state takes very cautious progressive steps into part of the increase in limits.

By the way, another plus of the law on the responsibility of carriers is that payments on it do not have a limitation period. Even if a person did not take advantage of his right to receive compensation immediately after the accident, he could later apply for payment. We have events that are declared three years later, simply because people either did not know or engaged in restoring their health, and they were not to escape to insurance companies. They are not very much, but nevertheless they are.

The average time from the day of the incident until the day of filing an application for compensation is now 148 days. From the date of events to the date of payment - 178 days - this includes a deadline for the provision of missing documents and the solution of other issues that arise in the process of resolving the loss.

It is worth remembering that PE in transport, as a result of which the passenger was injured, must be documented - it is necessary for compensation. Since most accidents on passenger transport are an accident involving buses, the main documents confirming the fact and the circumstances of the damage caused damage are the DTPs of the traffic police. Also, such a document in any type of transport may be an act, which, in accordance with the recent Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia, after each accident, the carrier itself is obliged.

If the insurance company lost a license, who pays compensation to the affected passengers?

Svetlana Gusar:For this, there is a NSSO and the compensation fund - a mandatory attribute of all laws on compulsory liability insurance. It is formed from the contributions of insurance companies. According to the law on compulsory insurance of the responsibility of carriers, three rubles from each hundreds of rubles go to the compensation fund.

Fortunately, we still don't have so many companies stop work. And all the last cases of caring from the market go with the transfer of the insurance portfolio. In this case, the contracts concluded by the insurer from the market are transferred to the maintenance of another insurance company and do not disappear anywhere. The new insurer assumes responsibility and makes payments in accordance with the conditions of the adopted insurance contract without using the Funds of the Compensation Fund.

MSC Splendida cruise superliner arrived at Vladivostok Marine Station. On board 4 thousand people. According to international legislation, they must all be insured. Photo: RIA News

If the portfolio has not been transmitted, then for all obligations of such negligent insurers before the victims responds with NSSO, carrying out compensation payments.

The liability insurance of carriers is going to spread by taxi. What could be the cost of taxi drivers?

Svetlana Gusar: The State Duma may consider the bill on the insurance of taxi passengers during the autumn session of 2018. Amendments in any case provide a transition period for a period of one year. During this time, tariffs will be developed, and the taxi drivers themselves will be able to prepare for new rules. So the bill will come into force no earlier than the end of 2019.

According to preliminary estimates, the cost of the insurance contract for one machine can be about 3-5 thousand rubles per year. It will add no more than 3 rubles to the cost of one trip.

But taxi drivers and now complain that they have difficulties with the conclusion of treaties on the CTP with a specialty. Allegedly, due to the high emergency, this type of transport, insurers do not want to work with taxi drivers. Will this problem arise and within the framework of the law on the responsibility of carriers?

Svetlana Gusar: The problem of accessibility of CTP exists not only at a taxi. It is determined by the only factor - tariff formation. According to statistics, the frequency of the accident in the taxi segment is indeed three times higher than in the case of ordinary cars. But in fact it does not say anything. I will explain why. An ordinary person moves on his car an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening. Taxi drivers drive in fact 20 hours - it is precisely so much the average operation of the taxi car per day. They are 10 times more driving, but at the same time they have an accident only three times higher than that of ordinary motorists. It is clear that this high degree of accident caused only by the intensity of the use of the car. If you were an insurer and understood that taxi payments exceed the fees, you would also try to somehow limit the influx of taxi drivers to themselves. Only this causes the problem with the conclusion of CTP treaties.

As for the availability of insurance of liability of carriers, I never heard someone to buy insurance - we have no such complaints in the association. The thing is that it is 90 percent of payments, if not more, is payments for iron. According to the law on the responsibility of carriers, 97 percent of payments is compensation for the harm of life and health. At the same time, fortunately, accidents with the dead and wounded are significantly less than the facts of damage to the "gland". In addition, the cost of restoring the car depends on inflation, from the dollar. "Iron" is tied, unfortunately, to the need to buy spare parts whose cost is also very dependent on the factors mentioned. Payments under the law on insurance of liability of carriers before passengers exist outside this dependence. Therefore, there are no problems with the conclusion of contracts for this type of insurance, and in the future they are also unlikely to arise.

Help "RG"

The law on compulsory insurance of civil liability of carriers to passengers for the harm of life, health and property is valid in Russia since 2013. Its requirements apply to almost all types of transport, including bus and trolleybus transportation. A taxi in the law at the stage of its development and approval was not included due to the fact that this market was not adjusted at that time.

The maximum payment for causing damage to life and health under the law on the responsibility of carriers reaches two million rubles. It also provides compensation for harm caused by baggage, within 23 thousand rubles. The protection of passengers of passengers of passengers is now provided within the framework of the OSAO with a special mark, according to which the maximum payment for the harm of life and health does not exceed 500 thousand rubles.

To understand, is it dangerous to fly on airplanes, it is worth contacting official statistics. In 2013, 31 plane crash was officially registered. It is important to realize that these tragic events happened not only with Russian aircraft, this is the world as a whole, and the number of these flights includes freight transportation, and not just passenger.

It is clear that the number of accidents on automotive tracks is much higher. So, according to official statistics, only in the first half of the Russian Federation, 62,984 registered road accidents occurred, that is, about 346 accidents per day.

Concerning railway transportThe statistics here are less deplorable, but indicators far to aviation. So, only at the Gorky Railway In 2013, 17 accidents occurred in which 12 people died. Unfortunately, there are no common statistics on railway accidents in the world as a whole, but in some countries, for example, in India, the situation is much worse than in Russia, therefore it becomes clear that the number of disasters in absolute expression on the air transport is much lower than the same Indicator on the tracks or railways.

When analyzing a catastrophe, of course, it is worth considering the widespread prevalence of cars. But the number of flights to the day is quite comparable to what the number of railway trains is moving away from the station daily.

The severity of the consequences of the catastrophe on different types of transport

As a rule, survivors do not happen. However, the same dry statistics says that this statement is not entirely true. In 2013, from 827 people, on the victims of the crash of aircraft, died 311. In the accidents on the roads for six months 7,801 people died and were wounded another 80,330.

As for rail transport, the mortality rate for an accident on the crossing is high here, but in most incidents during the movement of the composition, people get injuries to moderate severity and bruises.

About half of the plane crash come for a period of landing aircraft to the ground. Interestingly, the reason for about the same share of the accident is the fatal pilot error.

What kind of transport the least dangerous

Understand what type of transport is the least safe, insurance companies help, because they are constantly studying the statistics of the disaster on land, in the air and the sea. Interestingly, the lowest tariffs for insurance of goods transported by sea and aviation transport, that is, the probability of unfavorable outcome here is considered by insurers as lower.

As for the passengers, they are insured under a lower percentage during rail transportation and during a flight by plane. And trips on land transport (personal and public) are considered the most risky of all possible types of travel.

See also: