Who survived in plane crash. "I did not feel my body"

Is it possible to escape when the aircraft is crashes? This question is asked not only those who are going to cross the space on the air transport, but also those who have lost their relatives and loved ones in such catastrophes. You can only answer it theoretically. But stories are known numerous cases of rescue people. And the word "numerous" here is not a typo.

A bit of history

On the Internet today you can find a lot of information about the survivors in the plane crash. But we will focus on major accidents, in which the number of victims exceeded a hundred people.

  1. In 1970, the flight 502 from Cuzco to Lima failed in the Peru district, which is located near Cusco. On board the aircraft were 102 people (8 crew members and 94 passengers). At the time of the crash killed 99 people, three were alive. On the way to the hospital, two of the survivors died from injuries. One person remained alive.
  2. On December 23, 1984, Tu-154B-2 flew from Krasnoyarsk to Irkutsk, but he did not get to the destination. When set to height in one of the engines, one of its elements was damaged, which led to a fire in the third, and then in the second engines. On board the aircraft there were 104 people, 103 of which died. One person survived.
  3. In August 1987, McDonnell Douglas MD-82 flew from Detroit to Phoenix. On board was 155 people (149 passengers and 6 crew members). At the take-off, the plane failed, on obscure reasons (possibly, the pilot error is the National Safety Council on Transport). When crashed, the plane was still three cars on Earth, as a result of which 2 people were killed. 154 people died in the plane itself. Petite girl Cecilia Sichan, who was at that time 4 years, survived , though he received numerous injuries.
  4. On October 5, 1991, Indonesian special forces fighters returned to the flight from Jakarta to Bandung. There were 134 people aboard the aircraft, 12 of which are members of the crew, and 122 are passengers. On takeoff, the plane caught fire and collapsed to the city, hanged into the building of the Ministry of Labor. Of the 134 people on the plane died 133, two guards of the building were killed. One passenger aircraft survived .
  5. In March 2003, Algeria left Boeing 737-200, but he did not reach the final item. At takeoff, one of the aircraft engines refused, and the command could not configure the problems in a timely manner and perform an emergency landing. On board the aircraft there were 103 people, 102 of which died. Alive remained one person .
  6. At the end of June 2009, an IY 626 flight was made from Sanaa in Moroni. There were 153 people on board the aircraft. When planting pilots made a mistake that caused one of the largest catastrophes mankind and challenged 152 people. In this tragedy survived girl 13 years old Baia Bakari. For almost 13 hours, she expected help in open Ocean.
  7. On May 12, 2010 in Tripoli - the capital of Libya - the plane crashed during the landing, on whose bert was 104 people. The cause of the collapse was the pilot error, which turned on the autopilot too late. In the tragedy survived boy 9 years which received a huge number of injuries and fractures.
  8. Another recent case, which, perhaps, will not come true - this is the death of a whole hockey team "Lokomotiv" of the city of Yaroslavl. On board the airliner Yak-42d there were 45 people. 44 people were killed in the catastrophe. Only one crew member survived.

Frequent causes of crashing

According to experts engaged in studying a plane crash, most often the cause of such tragedies becomes human factor . It is often confused with pilots errors, but these are two different categories of causes. Under the human factor, they understand the mistakes and shortcomings not only by pilots, but also terrestrial airport workers, which can also lead to aircraft crashes. That is, if the dispatcher correctly oriented the pilot, and he in turn could not land the plane, then this will be a human factor. As a result, hundreds of lives and another sad mark in history.

The second frequent reason is engine malfunctions . As statistics says, most plane crash occurs during take-off and during the landing of the aircraft. It is possible that that is why among the passengers there is a tradition to applaud the pilots after landing. It is believed that the first 1.5 minutes after takeoff are the most dangerous. After this time, the risk of crawling is reduced several times. In these seconds, in principle, anything, but according to statistics, most tragedies occurs as a result of engine malfunctions.

Another frequent cause of a plane crash is lack of fuel . It is for this reason that the impressive fraction of crashes occurs when landing or in the last minutes of flight. The plane just stays in the air with empty fuel tanks. Of course, before departure, transport is a thorough check, including the presence of sufficient fuel. However, malfunctions in the engine can lead to increased consumption, and as a result of premature devastation of tanks.

Well, finally, one of the most "harmless" causes of the aircraft crash is weather . The definition of "harmless" is selected here because in the crashing of aircraft for this reason it is difficult to blame anyone. So, in 2007, the Tu-134 plane crashed in the Samara airport. The cause of the adverse weather conditions and the error of pilots were caused. As a result of the crash, 6 people died. Pilots remained alive and received various conditional terms.

Act of terrorism Care almost the last place in the rating of the most frequent causes of aircraft crashes. On average, about 4% of all air crashes occurs due to the fault of terrorists.

There are also completely unusual causes of brushes, for example, birds entering the engine, a collision with ground or air objects, etc. And on average, about 30% of the catastrophe associated with air transport and remain unsolved.

Why people die

It would seem that the rhetorical question: why do people die when crashing the aircraft? In fact, death comes far from all and not immediately during the crash. As practice shows the collision of the aircraft with the ground. To do this, take the desired position and strictly act instructions. Of course, fractures and injuries are almost inevitable, but they are compatible with life.

Often passengers are still dying in the air. These are the cases when a fire or depressurization occurs in the cabin. According to the specialists of Rosaviatsiya, during the fall, the person most often is unconscious. This is due to sharp pressure drops in different atmospheric layers and a shortage of air in the cabin.

It has been proven that about 40% of those killed in the plane crash had great chances to survive. So what happened, and why didn't they take advantage of these chances? Everything is simple - panic, confusion and banal ignorance of the basics of security during the crash of the aircraft.

How to survive when crashing the aircraft

To the question - it is possible to survive in a plane crash, fully replied the previous part of the article. You can survive. But how to do that? Of course, each case is unique in its own way, and make a clear description of the passenger's behavior with a catastrophe is quite difficult. But there are several gold rules that will help survive.

  1. "Golden 90 seconds." This period is important not only at take-off, but also when falling. Experts argue that after the fall of the aircraft, the passengers have 90 seconds to get out of the aircraft salon. After that, the salon will be fully covered by fire.
  2. Proper position . There are two options for the location of the body in the chair, under which the risk of death and injury is reduced.
  • First option: Leave your hands into the back of the front armchair, head tightly to the hands. The rest of the body should be in a conventional sitting position.
  • Second option: Completely climb on the chair, bend your knees, clap your legs with your hands and climb your head to the knees.
  1. Running clothes . Despite the fact that the air transport is considered the safest of all types of passenger transport, is preparing for possible accident Recommended at the collection stage. You should shove comfortable shoes, without heels and platforms. Clothes must close the maximum part of the body. The optimal option for the flight will be a denim costume - this material has refractory properties, which will avoid burns.
  2. Calm. This is perhaps the most important rule. If a panic is row, then all the other rules will instantly be forgotten, and the actions will become chaotic and useless.
  3. Egoism. It is egoism that will preserve comprehension and calm during the fall of the aircraft. This concerns even passengers with children. You should not immediately throw themselves to save your children. Even if for them all security measures will be taken, they will most likely be able to independently take attempts to get out of the cabin after falling. Therefore, first of all, the parent or parents must take care of its security, because retaining the life of himself, they get a chance to save and their child.
  4. Forget about personal belongings. Do not fuss and try to save your personal belongings. Even if there are all savings and documents. All this will be restored. Here the main thing is to save your life.

Procedure for the crash of the aircraft

If the plane began to tolerate the wreck due to any problems, then the action plan has been developed for this case, which will significantly increase the chances of surviving.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to arm the oxygen mask. Even if the depressurization of the cabin has not yet occurred, it should always be ready.
  2. Manual sting is recommended to be placed under the seat ahead of the seated passenger. This will reduce the risk during shaking to be squeezed between the seat and floor.
  3. Perform a flight attendant or electronic scoreboard. Belts should remain fastened, even if the scoreboard went out.
  4. At the time of the fall, it is necessary to wear an oxygen mask and lock it on the head.
  5. When a fire occurs or smoke in the cabin, it is necessary to fall below and cover with a dense cloth.
  6. Keep in sight all available outputs. After landing the aircraft, it is necessary to immediately begin to move towards it, trying to avoid crowds and diluted passages.
  7. After leaving the cabin, it is necessary to retire as quickly and far away from the aircraft.

What to do if the plane captured terrorists

When capturing the aircraft terrorists there are no certain orders of action. Each such situation is unique, and none of the passengers can know about the intentions of terrorists. Experts argue that in this case it is necessary to maintain peace of mind. However, many remember the film "Reis-93", based on real events, which tells about passengers who prevented terrorists and, perhaps, saved thousands of lives by changing the aircraft course.

For cases of terrorist acts, there are also several rules that are aimed at preserving the life and health of the hostages:

  1. Do not enter into a dialogue with invaders. Do not lead with them negotiations and discussions, do not provoke them, do not shout, do not cry, do not make sharp movements and do not create sharp noises.
  2. If someone has suffered when capturing, try to give him first aid. If terrorists do not allow this to do, then stop attempts.
  3. All movements must be smooth. If terrorists force hostages to move, then it is necessary to do this in strict accordance with their instructions.
  4. If the assault began, then you should take a supine position, close your head and ears. If possible, you should move closer to walls or corners.

What if the plane fell into water

When the aircraft falls in open water, it is necessary to comply with the same rules as when falling on land. After the fall, you must immediately get out of the cabin and try to sail away from the aircraft. It is not recommended to jump into the water if there is no ladder. It is better to ride on the wings of your legs forward, pre-tying in life vest air. If there is no sushi nearby, then you will have to expect help on water. Rooms of aircraft can be useful here, which will serve as a temporary raft. If there is no debris, then you need to constantly move in water to avoid the hypothermation of the body.

All these tips and rules were developed for years. Many of them have already saved their lives. So the rules of conduct when falling into the water helped in 2009 to survive the 13-year-old girl bye Bakari.

Aviation incidents appeared along with aeronautics, but only by the 40s of the 20th century, these cases began to be recorded. People who survived in the plane crash came to the rating. Considered 10 cases when only one person remained alive from all passengers.

10. Julianna Diller Köpka (December 24, 1971) - the only seventeent-year-old girl surviving in a plane crash . In that terrible night, she was on board the Peruvian airline liner along with his parents. A thunderstorm began, and lightning hit the plane. The air car began to fall apart at a height of 3200 meters and fell into the rainforest. The debris on which the chair was installed by Julianna, fell off in the air. He flew down through the raging element and rotated with a mad speed in a circle. The chip, together with Juliana, landed on the crowns of trees, which saved the girl. She had a broken clavicle, and there were numerous wounds. The survival found the strength to get up and go to look for help. I stumbled upon the jungle on the stream, she went downstream. For the tenth day, Julianna came to the settlement. The history of the heroic girl formed the basis of several feature films.

9. Spring vyolovich(January 26, 1972) - twenty-two-year-old stewardess, surviving in a plane crash and fell into the Guinness book for falling from a height of 10 kilometers without a parachute. At the moment when the airliner flew over Czechoslovakia at an altitude of 10160 meters, an explosion occurred on the ship. The Yugoslav Stewardles, by the will of fate, was on this day on board - she replaced her colleague. The branches of the trees that the girl fell, soften the blow. Volovich almost a month did not come to himself and was lying on a hospital bed one and a half years. Despite this, the forced record holder was able to return to ordinary life and continued to work in aviation, but only in the ground service.

8. Larisa Savitskaya -the twenty-year-old girl surviving in a plane crash (August 24, 1981). Together with her husband, a young woman returned home from a wedding trip. Above the city of Zvildin at an altitude of 5220 meters in their aircraft An-24 bomber crashed. All people in two aircraft died (37 people). The girl was in the tail of the sponsored An-24. With the five-thousandth height of Larisa fell on a large debris. The fall lasted for 8 minutes. A piece of airliner along with the victim fell on the birch plant, which softened the strength of the strike. Larisa survived in a plane crash alone spent two nights in the forest. Despite the concussion, numerous abrasions and injuries, she could have moved independently. For all passengers, graves were prepared, including Larisa. Search engines were taken away when she saw her alive. The woman fell into the Guinness Book of Records twice: as a person, the only surviving in a plane crash and, as a passenger, who received minimal compensation - 75 rubles.

7. George Lamson (January 21, 1985) - the only survivor in a plane crash occurred in the USA, Nevada. Seventeen-year-old guy returned with his father on the locker Lokhid L-188 Electra with ski resort. Unexpectedly the aircraft strongly tired on one side and began to fall. George pressed his knees to his chest at the moment when the plane hit the ground. Together with the seat, he was taken out of the fuselage as a moment before the explosion. It is this factor and saved the life of the young man. The reason for the happening of the tragedy in which 70 people died was the error of piloting in the assessment of the situation, as a result of which the Lockers L-188 Electra lost speed and fell.

6. Sessil Sichan (August 16, 1989) - a four-year-old girl who survived in a plane crash, which occurred in Detroit and killed 154 people. The aircraft did not manage to dial height. Even at takeoff, he hooked the lighting tower with the wing, why it fell off and caught fire. The liner led to the right, and he broke through the roof of the building. The aircraft simply collapsed into pieces that scattered almost a kilometer square. Sisilia found a fireman under the wreckage. After numerous fractures and burns, the girl was able to recover. The parents of the session were victims of the same tragedy. Now the girl is not afraid to fly, considering that "shell does not beat twice in one place."

5. Nine-year-old Eric Delgado (January 11, 1995) found himself on the list of people, the only survivors in the planestroys due to their mother. Together with his family, she was on board, making a flight from Bogota to Cartagena (Colombia). The cause of a terrible catastrophe was the malfunction of the appliances of the vessel, which collapsed to the ground when landing. At the time of the fall, the mother pushed the child from the collapsed liner, and the girl fell into the lake, overgrown with algae. Saved her local farmer, having heard the cries of help. Erica was finished with a turn of his hands, the remaining passengers and crew members (52 people) died.

4. Yusef Djillali (March 6, 2003) is the only survivor in a plane crash that occurred in the city of Tamanrasset (Algeria). The aircraft Boeing 737-200 failed when taken out due to engine failure. Being in airspace Due to the ignition of the motor, the vessel began rapidly lose speed. Boeing fell in stony terrain, not far from the airfield and scattered into parts. Of the 104 people, the crew managed to escape only by the twenty-year-old serviceman Jillli. The victim received many fractures and was in a coma. But a day later, the young man came to himself, and his life was out of threat.

3. Sunday in the morning (August 27, 2006) in Kentucky on board the aircraft who made the flight Lexington Atlanta began a fire. The car collapsed in a kilometer from the airport. All passengers and crew members (49 people) died. The fire was so strong that there was no possibility to identify the bodies. Only the second forty-timer pilot James Paul Shinkmanaged to escape. The firefighters pulled it out of the cabin burning. The reason for the occurrence of the catastrophe is to use by pilots by a shorter runway. As a result, the air car, rushing the iron fence and embarked into the tree, collapsed and caught fire.

2. Thirteen-year-old Bahiya Bakari - The only surviving passenger, flying Paris - Komora (June 30, 2009). In minutes to landing, the aircraft began to fall rapidly and collapsed in water Indian Ocean. The girl cannot describe the circumstances of what has happened, as he slept. Presumably, it was thrown through the porthole. Bahiya 14 hours waited for rescuers, drift in the open ocean on the outside of the liner. So it turned out to be the only one who survived 153 people.

1. Foreign meher Alexander Sizov -survivorous in a plane crash, which happened on September 7, 2011 near Yaroslavl. In that fateful day, the Yak-42 aircraft was to deliver Lockomotive hockey players to the match in Minsk. Accommodation all bullet bandThe plane began to rise from the soil, dramatically climbing on the left wing. After that, the car collapsed, scattering into parts, which dropped a few hundred meters in the district. Alexander came to himself only when he was in the river burning from Kerosene. Despite numerous fractures and subsequent operations, the fifty-tunny passenger managed to survive. The cause of the tragedy that happened on board Yak-42 was the crew error during the takeoff of the aircraft.

On December 23, 2016, at the age of 66, the legendary stewardess Spring Vollovich died, which in 1972 was present at the explosion in the cabin of the aircraft, and then fell along with the debris from a height of 10 km.

She received numerous fractures and injuries, for several days he fell into someone, but then recovered, entered the Guinness Book of Records and became a global celebrity.

On January 26, 1972, 22-year-old Spring Vollovich flew from Stockholm to Belgrade on the McDonnell Douglas DC-9-32 airline Yugoslav Airlines airline. When the plane flew over German Hersdorf, he disappeared with radars, and 46 minutes after the departure exploded in the air. It is assumed that the bomb on board carried the Croatian nationalists - Thairs. The debris fell next to the village of Serbsk Kamenites in Czechoslovakia.

Of the 28 people who were on board, survived only Volovich. As a result of the fall, she received fractures of the base of the skull, three vertebrae, both legs and pelvis, spent several days in a coma, but then he woke up and the first thing was asked for a cigarette. Interestingly, by mistaken airline, the girl came to the flight instead of another stewardess with the same name (Nikolich spring). By the time the catastrophe, the editorial was not graduated from training and was in the crew as an intern.

What was saved by Volovich, who spent three minutes in a free drop? It is possible that it was pushed in the tail of the aircraft between the corpses and parts of the baggage. In addition, the blow softened pine branches and a thick layer of snow.

Her shouts in the forest heard Lester Bruno Henke, who during World War II was a doctor german army. He helped the girl to hold out before the arrival of medical care.

Volovich conducted 10 months with a paralysis of the lower body (from the belt to the legs). After that, she was treated for another six months, but then recovered and even asked to fly again at the flights with Jat. She was denied and instead provided work in the airline office.

Such fearless is explained by the fact that Spring did not remember either an accident or his salvation. In an interview with 2008, she admitted that he remembers only how she welcomed passengers after takeoff from Copenhagen, and then - as he woke up in the hospital and saw her mother.

Volovich became the national heroine: she was given a reception of Marshal Tito, which was then considered a great honor for a citizen of Yugoslavia. A woman was dedicated to the song and invited her to the most popular television shows. It became popular to call girls in honor of the flight attendants, who survived: it would like to bring them good luck.

Spring Vollovich used its fame for political purposes: she protested against the power of Slobodan Miloshevich, and later agitated for one of the parties in the elections.

The Peak of International Glory Vollovich fell for 1985, when, on behalf of the Guinness Book of Records, she was invited to London. There, Volovich received a reward as a person who survived when falling without a parachute with maximum height. A prize to a woman handed a musician Paul McCartney, an idol of her youth.
Spring said that she was to the same extent "the remaining alive" as other residents of Serbia: "We, Serbs, truly survived. We survived communism, Tito, war, poverty, NATO bombing, sanctions and Milosevic. We just want a normal life. "

On December 23, Spring Vollovich was found dead at home in Belgrade: the police opened the apartment of a woman at the request of her friends, alarmed that she did not answer calls. The cause of death is unknown, but according to the friends of Volovich, its health has lately staggered.

Despite the fact that in the car accidents every year, thousands of times more people are dying than in the crashing of aircraft, fear lives in the mass consciousness. First of all, this is due to the scale of tragedies - the false liner is dozens and hundreds of simultaneous deaths. It shocks much stronger than several thousand reports of deadly accidents stretched for a month.

The second cause of fear of the aircraft crash is awareness of its own helplessness and inability to somehow affect the course of events. Almost always it really is. However, the history of the airplane has accumulated a small amount of exceptions, in which people survived, falling along with the aircraft (or its wreckage) from a height of several kilometers without a parachute. There are so few of these cases that many of them have their own pages in Wikipedia.

Rider on the wreckage

The airline of the airline Jugoslovenski Aerotransport (today it is called Air Serbia) in the spring of volovich belongs to the world record for survival in a free fall without a parachute. She fell into the Guinness Book of Records Because Lived after the explosion of the DC-9 aircraft at an altitude of 10 160 meters.

At the time of explosion, Spring worked with passengers. She immediately lost consciousness, so the moments of the catastrophe nor her details did not remember. Because of this, the flight attendants did not appear by fear of flights - she perceived all the circumstances with other people's words. It turned out that at the time of the destruction of the aircraft, the Volovich pushed between the seat, the body of another crew member and the trolley from the buffet. In such a form, the debris fell on the mountains covered with snow and slid over it until a complete stop.

Spring remained alive, although he received severe injuries - broke the base of the skull, three vertebra, both legs and pelvis. Within 10 months, the girl was paralyzed by the lower part of the body, in general, the treatment took almost 1.5 years.

After recovery, Volovich tried to return to the previous work, but she was not allowed to fly and gave her position in the office of the airline.

Choosing a goal

Survive as Spring Highness in a cocoon of debris is much easier than in solitary free flight. However, in the second case there are amazing examples. One of them dates back to 1943, when a military pilot from the USA Alan Magi flew over France on a heavy four-dimensional bomber B-17. At an altitude of 6 km, it was thrown out of the aircraft, and the drop slowed down the glass roof of the station. As a result, MEGI fell on the stone floor, he was alive and immediately captured by the Germans.

A great goal of falling will be a big haystack. A few cases are known when people survived in plane crash, if there was a tightly growing shrub on their way. A dense forest also gives some chances, but here the risk appears to evaporate.

An ideal option for a falling person will be snow or swamp. A soft and compressive medium absorbing in flight to the center of the Earth inertia with a good coincidence of circumstances can make injuries compatible with life.

Almost there is no chance of survival when falling on a water surface. Water is practically not compressed, so the result of contact with it will be the same as when a collision with concrete.

Salvation can sometimes bring the most unexpected objects. One of the main things to learn lovers of parachute jumps is to stay away from power lines. However, the case is known when it is the high-voltage line that saved the life of Skydaywer, who was in a free flight due to an unseen parachute. He fell straight on the wires, sipped and fell to the ground from a height of several tens of meters.

Pilots and children

Survival statistics in the plane crash shows that much more chances to deceive death from members of the crew and passengers who have not reached the age of majority. With pilots, the situation is understandable - in their cabin of passive security system more reliable than the rest of the passengers.

Why more often do children survive - it is not clear to the end. However, several reliable reasons for the researchers of this issue were established:

  • increased bone flexibility, general muscle relaxation and a larger percentage of subcutaneous fat that protects internal injuries from injuries like a pillow;
  • a small increase, due to which the head closes the back of the chair from flying fragments. This is extremely important, since the main cause of deaths under air crashes - brain injuries;
  • a smaller body size, which reduces the likelihood to evaporate at the time of landing on some sharp object.

An invincible power of the spirit

A successful landing does not always mean a positive outcome. Not every miracle of the survivor instantly find benevolent local residents. For example, in 1971, over an amazon at an altitude of 3,200 meters due to a fire caused by the zipper in the wing with a fuel tank, the Lockheed Electra was collapsed. Julian's 17-year-old German came to himself in the jungle, fastened to the chair. She was wounded, but could move.

The girl remembered the words of the father-biologist, who told that even in the impassable jungle you can always find people if you go over the flow of water. Juliana went along the forest streams, gradually turned into a river. With a broken clavicle, a package of candies and a stick, which she accelerates on shallow water of the skates, a girl went out to people in 9 days. In Italy, on this story, the film "Miracles still happens" (1974).

On board, including Copf, 92 people flew. Subsequently, it was established that in addition to her, the fall was experiencing another 14 people. However, over the next few days, they all died even before they were found rescuers.

The episode from the film "Miracles is still happening" saved Larisa Savitskaya's life, which in 1981 flew along with her husband from a wedding trip by Komsomolsk-on-Amur - Blagoveshchensk. At an altitude of 5,200 meters, the passenger An-24 collided with the Tu-16K bomber.

Larisa and her husband sat in the tail of the aircraft. The fuselage broke right in front of her chair, and the girl threw into the pass. At that moment, she remembered the film about Julian's Coppe, which when crashed I got to the chair, joined him and survived. Savitskaya did the same. Part of the hull of the aircraft in which the girl remained, fell on a mitigating blow to the birch grove. In the fall she was about 8 minutes. Larisa was the only survivor, she received serious injuries, but remained in consciousness and retained the ability to move independently.

Surname Savitskoy twice inscribed in the Russian version of the Guinness Book of Records. It is a man who survived after falling with the greatest height. The second record is rather sad - Larisa became the one who received the minimum compensation for physical damage. She paid only 75 rubles - it was so much on the norms of the Statestrak then he was supposed to survive in a plane crash.

Spring Vollovich, Julian Margaret Köpka, Lyudmila Savitskaya - these women from different countries Combines one incredible circumstance. All of them miraculously survived during a plane crash that occurred in for different years. The stories of these three women impaired are forced to believe in miracles or in fate.

Spring vyolovich

Spring Vollovich - Stuardes of the aircraft who has completed the flight on January 26, 1972 on the route Stockholm - Copenhagen - Zagreb - Belgrade. At the time of the catastrophe was in the passenger compartment and instantly lost consciousness, and then for many years I only remembered the moment when climbed on board.

The plane wakes scattered no more than a kilometer, near the village of Serbsk Kamenites in Czechoslovakia (now it is the territory of the Czech Republic). Later, experts will assume that the aircraft suffered as a result of the terrorist attack, but they will not find guilty.

Spring was in a coma when she found a local resident Bruno. He checked her pulse and immediately went for rescuers. It was clear: the girl was damaged by the spine and it cannot be touched it categorically. The stewardess received multiple heavy injuries, almost worth her life.

She was in a coma 27 days, and then there was a long period of recovery, she spent as much as 16 months in the hospital. Doctors were confident that she would remain disabled for life. But spring, in advance, all forecasts, got on his feet, after four and a half years she had already walked normally and even returned to work in his airline. True, in the right of flights it was refused by providing position in the office. But the moment of the crash of the plane she remembered 25 years later.

It is believed that in the air it saved the loss of consciousness and low pressure. Spring vollich - the record holder of the Guinness record book, surviving after falling from 10 120 meters.

Juliana Margaret Köpka

17-year-old Julian on December 24, 1971, together with Mom, flew from Lima Jorge Chavez Airport to Iquitos. The plane was supposed to make an intermediate landing in the Pukalpe and go along the route on. On board the airline Lansa was 92 people. Juliana was in anticipation of the Christmas holidays, which will hold together with the Father, engaged in the systematization of cards of different types of insects.

They were in the tail of the aircraft, admired wonderful views from the porthole. The plane began to enter the thunderstorm front, it became very shaking. In a good way, as soon as the danger appeared, it was necessary to return to Lima, but also passengers, and the crew members were in a hurry to celebrate Christmas together with loved ones. The pilot took the wrong decision to continue flight, hoping to safely avoid the danger zone.

Julian watched the work of the propeller, when Lightning got into this part of the aircraft. Everything that happened later, she recalled how slow motion in the cinema: the plane disintegrates to pieces, and she fastened by the seat belt to the seat, starts his endless drop down. She remembered how it circled in the air, as the earth rapidly approached, and how the thick green crowns of trees on the ground were absorbed along with the wreckage. And only at the time of contact with the Earth, the girl lost consciousness.

She came to his senses for a long time. And then, being in shock, did not even feel pain from serious injuries. She had multiple cuts, she broke the clavicle, she had a broken bunch, were all signs of concussion. She lost his glasses and could not normally see even one eye, the other was completely swims due to the strong bruise of the face.

But he reconcally recover and gathering with the forces, Juliana realized that it was impossible to wait for help, the wreckage at the crash site was not visible to search aircraft due to thick greenery. She remembered the lessons of survival, which her father gave her, and went downstream the stream found by her to get along to the river and to people. Later, expertise will establish that at the time of falling there were still at least 15 passengers who were alive, but they, unfortunately, did not wait for the rescuers.

Juliana reached an empty lumberjack hut 10 days after the catastrophe. Another day, the locals found it under a canopy. They even took her for the goddess of the water that came down from heaven. She had the first help, they fed and warmed, removed from her wounds a part of the larvae of the flies and sparkled on the river in the town of Tournavista, where she began to prick an antibiotic and completely cleared the wounds from the worms settled there. From TournaVist, Juliana sent Pulkups to the hospital, there she finally met with his father.

In 1974, the feature film "Miracles still happens" will be published about it. This picture will help to survive the aircraft crash Larisa Savitskaya.

Larisa Savitskaya

The 20-year-old Larisa returned with her husband from a wedding trip to Blagoveshchensk on August 24, 1981. They sat down in the tail of the plane, Larisa snapped in his chair, then felt a very strong push, and immediately behind him just unbearable cold. She flew off on a meter from his chair, and before her eyes, the frames of the film, which she looked not so long ago. The heroine survived after the aircraft crash. Larisa took this memory as a guide to action. She got to the chairs at the porthole, clung to him with all his might and flew down with him down. It was this chair that saved her life as a result. The collapse occurred as a result of a collision with a military aircraft.

Its fall lasted for 8 minutes. The blow was softened by crowns birch. Larisa discovered on August 27 with serious injuries in a state of deep shock. Survived, I learned to walk and even was able to give birth to a son in 1986.

She received minimal damage compensation - only 75 rubles. The very fact of this catastrophe was classified for many years. Parents of the girl and Laris itself ordered no one to talk about what happened. Only twenty the details of the creepy crash were made public, and Larisa Savitskaya was able to tell about that terrible day.

A film that helped survive Larisa Savitskaya - "Miracles still happen"

These three girls can be called almost lucky, they managed to survive. The mystery of the death of a young peacekeeper in a plane crash is trying to solve so far.

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