Where in Asia is well in summer. Vacation in Asia

The Asian direction among Russians has recently been widely popular. To go here in August - to give a fairy-tale rest, filled with emotions from visiting attractions, a variety of culture, religion and natural beauty.

In August good weather I am glad in places of two oceans. Therefore, it is best to go to Indonesia in this season. You can visit China and Vietnam.

Sri Lanka Island

Real Paradise for tourists! Riot of paints sand beaches, Magnificent tropical landscapes, beautiful reefs - from all this captures the Spirit. There are ample opportunities for active rest. You can do underwater fishing or surfing, ride water skiing or ride in elephants.

The Russians are more famous for the Russians like Ceylon Island is the birthplace of the famous tea. Planning a trip in August, it is best to choose resorts in the northeastern part of the coast, as the south-west at this time is under the rule of the rain.

Sri Lanka stretches in the tropics, so it is always hot here. Nevertheless, on the coast, due to a refreshing breeze, the heat is not felt and the heat is easily transferred.

The best tours in Sri Lanka


In Indonesia from March to October, the dry season lasts. Going here on holiday in August, you can count on an interesting pastime.

Indonesia is formed by five large islands and still dozens of small. Every island is unique, has its own image, traditions, unique culture and incredibly diverse fauna and flora.

Visit the island of Java is for the sake of world famous temple complex. The island of Komodo is glorified by its National Park, and Bali is a great place for a comfortable stay on the beach.

The impassable thickets of the virgin jungle, the gentle warm sea, magnificent sandy beaches, the friendly local population - all this attracts tourists from all over the world.

Best Tours to Indonesia

Island Samui

In August, it makes sense to go to relax on. At this time, the exhaustive heat, which the Europeans are postponed is very difficult. The weather is installed comfortable, it is possible to relax and enjoy your horizons. Although from June to October on Samui, it is considered to be a period of rains, precipitation, in fact, begin to actively fall out only in October.

Amazing natural beauty, Magnificent Buddhist temples, cognitive excursions, unique infrastructure - for tourists of the best and wish do not need. Samui is the island of paradise pleasure.

Top Tours in Thailand


The best tours to China

In August, in many Chinese coasts, the season of extreme sports has been opened.

Making a trip to a unique and amazing Asia in August, you can quickly enjoy an unforgettable journey and comfortable holidaywho will remember for a long time.

The choice where to go to Asia in June is associated with individual preferences: one soul beach rest, others - excursion tours, and the third you want to combine both options so that the vacation is interesting and saturated. And it is quite real, if taken into account local features climate and tourist infrastructure different countries Region.

What are the pros

Rest in Asia is an opportunity to enjoy a unique oriental flavor, amazing beauty by landscapes, exotic cuisine, unique attractions, sea and sun. But it is necessary to treat the choice of season very carefully - because the summer in Asia countries are usually rainy. Nevertheless, during this period there are enough places for a comfortable stay.

Advantages of rest in Asia in June:

  • comfortable weather conditions of the resorts of Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia, where there are no significant precipitation;
  • low prices of tours to countries where the rainy season begins;
  • the tropical climate is distinguished by hot weather even with strong rains;
  • tourists are significantly less than in the height of the "dry" season, so you can enjoy calm holidays And even solitude.

Vietnam: rest without fuss

The most comfortable for relaxing in June is the central part of Vietnam, where at this time the amount of precipitation is small. Here is one of the most popular resorts of the country - Danang, numerous hotels, restaurants and beaches with clean small sand are located on its territory, which stretched a few kilometers along the coast.

The most famous of the beaches is Chinese, one of the best in the world.

In Danang, you can visit interesting sights - Natural, such as famous marble mountains and architectural:

  • vintage Pagoda, Towers,
  • palaces with various relics,
  • museum ancient people Cham.

South of Dananga is Hoyan with a unique old city listed in the list World Heritage UNESCO. This resort attracts clean and beautiful beacheswhere you can enjoy a relaxing holiday.

Islands Indonesia: Paradise Corner

On the fabulously beautiful island of Bali, the dry and clear weather is installed in May, the sea water temperature is on average +28 ºС, and short-term rains are only at night. Therefore, the beach holiday will undoubtedly be pleasant.

The excursion program promises a lot of interesting things: the ancient temples, parks and gardens with unique plants and amazing landscapes (including the legendary Bali Bali Barat), as well as thematic parkswhere many types of unusual animals live.

Surf lovers perfectly spend time on Bali - there is a great wave and there are spots both for beginners and experienced athletes.

Bali is famous for famous spa products that use unique techniques of organism recovery.


Another Indonesian island - Sumatra - with his pristine nature, reserves and clean mountain lakes Also invariably attract the attention of tourists from around the world. His ancient temples, mosques and palaces will give guests bright and unforgettable impressions.

Malaysia - Country of Islands

The optimal period for visiting Malaysia is from March to September. There is no rainy season here, in June, the precipitation falls a little, and the water temperature is on average +30 ºС.

One of the most amazing places of Malaysia is mysterious and beautiful Island Tioman, with which a lot of legends are connected. It is considered one of the cleanest islands of our planet.

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Ticomanis beaches are affected by unusually transparent sea water, beautiful coral gardens and a variety of underwater flora and fauna. This is the perfect place for diving.

Another popular is the island of Redang, off the coast of which is a unique marine reserve.


Borneo Island will offer to the attention of tourists luxury beaches White sand and exciting excursions in National Park, journey through the jungle and walk through the long-lasting bridge in Malaysia.

In addition, here you can visit hot springs with sulphide waters - the balneological procedures have long been successfully applied in Asia countries.

Holiday calendar

Tourists will be interested to see the colorful holidays of different countries of Asia in June. Where to go to lovers of festivals at this time? Of course, on the island of Bali in Indonesia, where the famous artistic festival is held from mid-June, which opens with a spectacular parade.

Then within a month you can visit various dance and song shows, exhibitions, presentations of theaters of shadows. In Malaysia, the first Saturday of June traditionally celebrate the birthday of the king.

A vacation in Asia with its magnificent nature, a distinctive culture and unique attractions will be unusually bright and will replenish the collection of impressions with new exotic images.

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Where to relax in winter? This question is often asked by tourists who are tired of snow-covered expanses and bored in gentle sun. There are many ratings of the best for rest in the winter of places on the planet. We also compiled our top 5 places where to go in the winter and took the island as the basis South-East Asia.

Why this particular region? This is one of the most sunny and exotic seats On the planet, at the same time, Southeast Asia is located where how much closer than other regions similar to climatic conditions ( South America, Caribbean, Australia, Africa). In addition, we wanted to create a list of places where you can relax in the winter to the sea, because The sea and the sun are two components that are the key to a good mood and a relaxed relaxation that is so lacking in the winter. Rest in winter at sea is a great opportunity to restore your strength and recharge the energy.

In our selection 5 best Islands South-East Asia. We will tell than these places worthy of attention, which is a beach holiday in the local edges, which there are interesting sights, and also point out the cost of air tickets for months to each of the directions, so you will know how much vacation can cost Islands.

5.Phuket, Thailand

Phuket is the most big island Thailand, it is located in the waters of the warm Andaman Sea. Phuket beaches - sandy. In addition to the magnificent beaches of Phuket, there is a place and tropical forests on the island, and mountainous terrain, and coral reefs, and secluded coves and bays. From here you can also make excursions to nearby islands.

Where to relax in Phuket? The most elite and best beach of Phuket is the Laguna Beach, it is here that luxurious five-star hotels are concentrated. But for those who are looking for solitude, the Kamala Beach and Najang will be more suitable, the last, by the way, is located on the territory National Park. Lovers of high-quality spas care are come here. On Phuket is a whole industry: unique procedures, Thai massage, wraps, physical classes - all this is constantly improving.

The holiday season lasts from November to April, then the rainy season begins. Phuket, like no other region of Thailand, is suitable for recreation in winter at sea, since the water here is better warmed, and the climate is less pronounced. Often Phuket choose families with children due to comfortable weather and climatically conditions, as well as due to the developed infrastructure.

Direct flights to Phuket fly from Moscow. Many regions in high season also open direct flights. In other cases, Phuket can be reached with a transfer in Moscow Sheremetyevo. The flight Moscow-Phuket ranks 9.5 hours.

Prices of flights Moscow - Phuket for months:

4.Palava, Philippines

Palawan is the most exotic from all the islands of the Philippines, and all because the mountains, jungle and mangrove forest are adjacent here. But tourists come not the Palaw not only to take a walk in the jungle. Palawan is known for its paradise beaches, secluded coves and bays. One of those spa places El Nido is considered. El Nido has gained popularity thanks to delicious landscapes, bays and lagunas that are hiding here, then there on the coast. It is not surprising that at the same time El Nido is considered a protected area, however, open to tourists. It is possible that El Nido makes such a secluded corner, so this is what he is located on the distance from the main city of Palavan Island - Puerto Princess (the distance between points about 200 km).

The best time for visiting this paradise is considered winter and early spring. In the summer and early autumn here is the rainy season, and be on the island is not so comfortable and interesting. But in winter, here is sunny, the air temperature reaches +28, + 30s, the water in the bays is warm, with gentle shores, melkopean gold beaches. Since El Nido is considered a reserve, then the local beaches are considered one of the cleanest and untouched. Hotels on the territory of the reserve are made, mainly in Eco-style. El Nido and In general, Palawan is considered one of the best places where to relax in the winter can be as comfortable and secluded surrounded by the amazing Philippine nature.

To get to El Nido (if you are already on the Palaw), you must take advantage of the flight buses that go from the administrative center of Palawan - Puerto Princesses. Another option (if El Nido is the ultimate goal of your journey) is the direct flight from the capital of Philippines - Manila - on a light engineer, designed for a small number of people. This flight will take about an hour. Read more about the resorts of Philippines. Also here: Prices for flights Moscow - Palavan by month:

3. Funch, Vietnam

Winter is the best period for resting Fukuchok. The air temperature holds within +30 degrees, water is just a few degrees. In general, the Fukuchok climate is relatively soft, without sudden drops, the rainy season is a non-national - from August to October.

ronan Crowley / Flickr

The hotel's hotel base refers to a greater degree to eco-style. The main contingent of vacationers is Europeans. Tourists from Russia are relatively few. Perhaps this is due to the fact that there are no direct flights between Russia and Fukuchok, it is necessary to transplage in Ho Chi Minh City.

Prices of flights Moscow - Fukuok for months:

2.Hainan, China

Hainan is more suitable for recreation to those who feel bad too high temperatures. For Hainan, despite the tropical climate, moderate temperatures are characterized, within +25 degrees. What is so famous than Hainan? First, this chinese island In its climate, natural and weather conditions are similar to American Hawaii, i.e. The place is perfect for relaxing for these parameters. Secondly, the island has a developed resort infrastructure, they come here not only to sow on the beaches, but also to become necessary. The resort is famous for its health resorts practicing Chinese medicine. So where is it better to rest on Hainan? The most popular resorts are Sanya, Sanyan, Dadonghai and Yalunwan, all are located in the bays. All of these resorts are characterized by a developed hotel basis ("tops"), a calm sea, gentle entrances to water, sandy equipped beaches and the presence of a large number of diving centers (diving is very popular on the local resorts). The most popular entertainment on the island are considered, in addition to diving, visiting natural reserves, Ma-Anla volcano and other natural objects (mountains, gorges, capes, etc.).

shakermaker / Flickr.

Most flights from Moscow are carried out with one transplant in China's cities. It can be Guangzhou, Shanghai or Hong Kong. Of some regions of Russia (especially Siberia and the Far East), direct flights to Sanyu are opened in high season. Prices of flights Moscow - Hainan by months:

1.Bali, Indonesia

Bali in their climatic indicators is the perfect place to relax in winter, because Here at this time of year there comes climatic summer. Climate here is tropical, but it should not scare you because sea \u200b\u200bbreeze gives freshness to anyone, even the most sultry day. And Bali is considered to be a paradise for the sierfer, since the waves on the sea are not uncommon here. If a extreme species Sports are not for you, then on Bali there are more relaxed entertainment, for example, the inspection of numerous temples that have survived on the island or excursions deep into the island to see the amazing terrible nature of the area.

Where is it better to rest on Bali? Kuta, Seminyak (party resorts), Sanura (suitable for rest with children and couples), Nusa Doua (popular among the most famous resorts russian tourists) And Jimbaran (Fashion Hedges and Private Villas). Bali Hotel Base is developed at a good level: the "five" and "four", service and infrastructure work without interruptions.

Thomas Depenbusch / Flickr

From Moscow to get to Denpasar (Bali's capital) with 1 transplantation. Flights include Emirates (change to Dubai), Qatar (transfer to Doha), Aeroflot (Transfer to Doha) and some European airlines. From the regions to get to Bali, you will also have to do a transplant in Moscow.

Prices for flights Moscow - Bali by month:

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Going on a trip to Southeast Asia, many will have a question when it is worth going there? What will be the weather and how not to get into the rainy season? Most thinks that the "dry" season comes in the period when we have winter, but it is not.
The climate in Southwer is so diverse that at any time of the year you can choose a country or resort, where there will be excellent weather. But do not forget that the climate is now very variable. Sometimes in Asia rains are even in the "dry" season. But this short-term rainfall in hot countries is rejoiced and local residents, and tourists. After all, only being near the equator, we begin to understand that the sun is all day - this is far from a gift!

Our calendar of travel will help you choose a country to relax.


In January, the most favorable for visiting and India, where at this time the bright sun shines in most areas. , Laos and - countries that are also worth visiting this month, since the level of humidity during this period is quite low and rain is unlikely. Like a country that does not have pronounced seasonality is also suitable for traveling in January. Ideal places for recreation -, and rains At this time, there is practically no excellent beach vacation you are guaranteed. On Sri-Lake, a beach holiday can be diversified by wonderful excursion programs and see Ceylon, waterfalls and if the country of the East is close, then Oman can become an excellent choice this month. January most favorable for tour tours According to Egypt, at this time it is not hot here and you can get closer to the culture of this country.


February best time, to visit beach resorts - Fan Bread in, Goa B, the beaches of the southwestern coast on, amazing in the beauty of Langkavi Island in, in touch with ancient history in, Laos and. Everyone will also please you with great weather. And - these are countries where summer is all year round. Winter is a great time to relax on chic beaches And, and at the same time and touch. On the territory of this island a huge number of monuments for the protection of UNESCO,


In March, it's time to visit the ancient temples and amazing temples of Thailand, Laos, and. April and May are the best months if you are going to see in. You can soak on the snow-white beaches of Asia:, Borneo (Malaysia,), Hainan (China), Samui, Phuket, Krabi (), Phanti, Nia Chang () and, combined tour By country of Southeast Asia. March is the beginning of the season in Jordan, where you can see the famous Peter.


In April, it is already warm in Egypt and not so hot in the UAE and Oman, this is a great time to visit Jordan. The dry season ends on Goa and in Kerala () and a great time begins for trips. Well still will be in and on. Also for this month there are the worst of the beach season on. In Japan, the best time for excursion trips (Sakura flowering is at the beginning of the month, when all the parks are covered with a pink chimney from cherry petals). In China, too, spring. For this month - the end of the tourist season on southwest coast (Maravil, Negombo, Vadduva, Kalutar, Geruver, Bentota, Indubun, Hikkaduva, Koggala, Tangalle) and the beginning of the season on the Eastern (Trinomale).

Do not forget - the end of April is the traditional time to travel to the "May holidays". Better book your journey in advance.

In May the best choice Among the countries of Southeast Asia can be magnificent beaches, and. Finding on the coast, you can spend the rest of the time by traveling on Vietnam or Indonesia, comprehending their extraordinary culture. May is the best month for trips to Japan, Tokyo is especially beautiful at this time of year.
There may be short-term rains, but you have a chance to buy an inexpensive burning tour.


Perhaps the summer is the rainy time for most of Southeast Asia. But, it is during this period (and not on New Yearwhen the humidity here reaches the highest marks) is best to visit with its magnificent islands, in particular , Islands. On will be beautiful weather and clean Indian Ocean. As for the summer, the time is the time to visit O.Samui. Dry season there will last from June to September.

You can also consider travel for travel. Hainan Island - Chinese Hawaii, here is always warm, and now especially. Warm sea, bright sun, what else is needed for a wonderful stay?

Asia is very diverse and colorful in terms of culture, religion, nature. Lost Islands, Exotic Fruits, Spiritual Centers and Lowest Prices - It's only a little bit from the fact that it attracts tourists to this part of the world. About how not to get confused in such a variety and choose the best place to relax, we will tell in this article.

Phuket, Thailand

Phuket - the most popular resort . On the island, in addition to the delightful beaches and hotels, there are Buddhist temples, viewing platforms, waterfalls, gardens. Here you can find small coves to feel privacy or arrange a romantic evening, and romance-bar streets filled with noise, music and dancing. The island is connected to the mainland bridge, which makes it easy to get to other provinces or.


  • Lots of entertainment, architectural and natural attractions. Good beacheswhich rarely have big waves.


  • Attractions and shops are the island, and you need to get to them on a taxi, which is not very cheap, or at the time of renting a motorbike, which is not very safe.

Boracay, Philippines

This small Philippine Island is famous for the fact that it is located on it. best beaches World, - White Beach. Along it stretched the strip of bars, massage salons, souvenir shops and cafes. In addition to people who love nightlife, Boracay attracts divers and kiteserfer, because there are ideal conditions for observation of the underwater world, and the beach of Bulam always blows a smooth wind, so necessary for kaiting.


  • You can remove the bungalow right by the sea. Practically absent crime.


  • Little attractions. Getting to Borakaya rather tiring.

Hainan, China

On the island of Hainan you can not only relax on the beach, but also to inspect many sights. For example, dormant volcano Ma-An, whose crater is turned into looking platform. The same who wants to talk to themselves nerves, it is worth going to where the bears, tigers and lions are walking in natural conditions, and tourists can watch them from the jeep. In addition, Hainan Province is a major cultural CenterWhere many different festivals are held during the year.


  • On the island there is a center of Chinese medicine, where you can fix health or get a complex of spa procedures.


  • Hainan Island is popular with the local population, so in the high season and in the evenings on the beaches are quite crowded.

Langkavi, Malaysia

The Malaysian Island of Langkavi is located in the middle of the archipelago consisting of 100 islands. Here everyone can feel like a discoverer without moving away from snow white beaches and comfortable hotels. Mountains, caves, waterfalls and lakes are adjacent to the resort infrastructure and many sights, among which are so favorite tourists cable car And heavenly bridge running right above the jungle.


  • Langkavi is a duty-free area.


  • Powerful tides and lowers.

Sri Lanka

Tea plantations, elephants, golden beaches with palm trees, ancient temples and statues - all this is on a small one who got lost in Indian Ocean Not far from the shores of India. Aromatherapy in combination with Buddhist and Hindu teachings contribute to relaxation and spiritual enrichment. Fans of outdoor activities are waiting for water skiing, underwater fishing, surfing and kiting.


  • Many excursions, natural and architectural attractions.


  • Annoyful bare on the beach, who wanted to sell something. Bad roads, which affects the time of moving from one place to another.

Fukuok, Vietnam

Photo: ThinkStockPhotos.com, Flickr.com

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