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If you got a sunburn, then you have experienced an aggressive impact. To protect against UV rays, we most often use sunscreen. For our planet, the role of cream from the tanning plays the ozone layer. Without this "shield" we would not just tanned - there would be nothing alive on earth with time.

Scientists assume that the emergence of the Earth's ozone screen occurred four hundred million years ago. It is this process that, in their opinion, allowed microorganisms to climb from the bottom of the ocean and go to the land. So life appeared on Earth.

What is a ozone layer

The ozone layer is the easiest and thin layer in the atmosphere, which contains the relative concentration of ozone (up to 0.001%). The ozone layer protects our planet from hazardous ultraviolet radiation, which can cause significant damage to life on Earth.

However, the ozone layer not only covers our planet. It can also be found on the surface of the Earth - it is used for such purposes as whitening paper cellulose, disinfection of drinking water and removing unpleasant odors from products.

How the ozone layer is formed

Ozone is an allotropic oxygen modification. Ultraviolet rays split oxygen molecules, turning about 2 in O + O. After splitting o, it is joined to other oxygen molecules, forming ozone (about 3 \u003d o + o 2).

Allotropic modifications are called substances similar in composition, but differ in the chemical structure and, accordingly, physical properties.

O 3 and oxygen molecules "absorb about 97-99% of harmful ultraviolet radiation, transforming it to heat.

Where is the ozone layer

The ozone layer is at a height of 10 to 50 km above the surface of the Earth, in the upper layers of the atmosphere. Ozoneosphere (or ozone screen) in different latitudes of the planet is at different levels. In tropical latitudes, the ozone layer is located at a distance from 25 to 30 km, in moderate - from 20 to 25 km, in the polar circle the distance is even less - from 15 to 25 km.

The thickness of the ozone layer

The ozone layer is considered the thinnest in the atmosphere. The concentration of ozone in the upper layers is measured in Dobson units. One Dobson unit is 10 micrometers of pure ozone at a temperature of 0 ° C and a stable atmospheric pressure. The normal concentration of ozone is 300 units. It follows that the thickness of the ozone layer is only 3,000 micrometers (3 millimeters).

Gordon Miller Born Dobson is a British physicist and meteorologist of the 20th century. He dedicated his life to the study of ozone in the atmosphere and constructed the first ozone spectrometer.

Ozone layer and UV radiation

The main task of the ozone layer is to protect the planet from dangerous solar radiation.

UV radiation in small doses is useful for the human body, because directly connected with the development of vitamin D.

In modern medicine, this radiation is used to treat psoriasis, osteoporosis, jaundice, eczema and rickets. In the treatment, the risk of negative impact is also taken into account, so any use of this radiation occurs under clear medical supervision.

The long-term impact of solar ultraviolet radiation per person can provoke the development of sharp and chronic skin diseases, eyes and immune system.

Sunburns occur as a result of a long effect of UV radiation on the skin. It can cause degenerative changes in skin cells, fibrous tissue and blood vessels. Skin cancer and cataract are the most serious and non-essential effects of ultraviolet radiation.

The ozone layer serves as a natural shield of the Earth and saves humanity from ultraviolet radiation, which also causes DNA mutations.

The power of ultraviolet radiation of the Sun is most often divided into three categories:

  1. UV-A. (from 320 to 400 nanometers): not absorbed by ozone length, as it is at a safe distance.
  2. UV-B.(from 280 to 320 nanometers): most of the ozone is absorbed, but this radiation length can be harmful to sensitive skin.
  3. UV-S. (less than 280 nanometers): completely absorbed by ozone. The most dangerous length, because it is the shortest and can destroy the good part of our ecosystem.

The years of studying the protective screen showed that over the surface of the Earth in some regions the ozone layer began to thread. The first "Break" was discovered over Antarctic.

The cause of damage and thinning of the ozoneosphere of the Earth was recognized as synthetic and artificial substances formed as a result of industrial activity.

The cause of ozone destruction is chlorofluorocarbon, a group of organic compounds, including fluorine, chlorine and carbon atoms. These compounds are not toxic, stable and, interacting with air, do not form explosive substances.

Freon (refrigerant) - A bright representative of these compounds and includes more than 40 different substances. The scope of Freon is capturing almost all areas of human life. For the first time, chlorofluorocarbons began to use in the work of refrigeration devices (refrigerators, air conditioners), replacing with toxic and explosive ammonia and sulfur gas. Later, chlorofluorocarbons began to exploit widely in aerosol cylinders, foaming, solvents, as well as in the food and perfumery industries.

However, it is now known that under the influence of solar radiation, chlorofluorocarbons decompose in the atmosphere and form substances that effectively destroy ozone molecules. And if the Freon does not have danger to life on Earth, in the stratosphere he actively destroys the protective system of our planet.

In 1987, the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Program collected together scientists, diplomats, environmentalists, government members, industry representatives and commercial organizations to conclude an agreement on a phased refusal of chemicals. In January 1989, the Montreal Protocol entered into force, the world's first international agreement on the regulation of chemical pollutants.

Within the framework of the Protocol, it was decided to gradually reduce the production and use of ozone-depleting chemicals, primarily a ban on the use of CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) in spray aerosol cans.

Ozone holes

In 1985, the ozone "hole" with a diameter of more than 1,000 km was discovered above Antarctida. To this day, it is the biggest and occupies the area a little less than 20 million square meters. km.

Fortunately, as such a hole is not. In fact, when scientists and popular funds mass media refer to the hole in the ozone layer, we are talking about a region with low ozone concentration. The thickness of the ozone shell in this area varies depending on the time of year.

Why was the hole formed exactly above Antarctica, if the main reason in hazardous emissions?

Scientists explain this phenomenon by the fact that chlorofluorocarbons are transferred to the Antarctic with air flows. Special climatic conditions, and specifically, extremely low temperatures (up to -80 ° C) contribute to the formation of stratospheric clouds.

In these clouds there is a series of chemical reactions. Chlorine contained in the CFC is separated from other substances, crystallizes and during the entire cold period is preserved in such a state. With the arrival of spring, the intensity of ultraviolet rays is enhanced, chlorine atoms are released, destroying ozone molecules. As a result, an ozone hole is formed.

Mir without a ozone layer

Ozone hole over Antarctica is not the only one. The number of holes grows every year around the world. The solar radiation stream increases and causes outbreaks of skin cancer and cataract, and the children of this phenomenon are stronger.

Scientists from the Leadard Space Flight Center (NASA) to prove the value of the ozone layer, simulated the situation of the rapid destruction of the Earth's protective screen.

A group of scientists began working with the creation of an atmospheric circulation model, which takes into account the chemical reactions in the atmosphere, fluctuations in temperature and wind, changes in solar energy, as well as other elements of global climate change. Ozone losses change the temperature in different parts of the atmosphere, and these changes contribute to or suppress chemical reactions.

The researchers then increased the emission of CFCs and similar compounds by 3% per year, which is about twice as much as in the early 1970s, when chlorofluorocarbons were actively used in production and everyday life. Scientists allowed the world's simulated to develop from 1970 to 2065.

Year 2065. Almost two thirds of the ozoneosphere of the Earth disappeared. At the largest ozone hole over Antarctica, a twin above the North Pole appeared. Ultraviolet radiation, falling on the cities of medium latitudes (for example, Washington), so strong that is able to cause sunburn in just five minutes. Due to the high level of radiation, the probability of DNA mutation increases by 650%.

Strengthening ultraviolet radiation will provoke the death of plankton in the oceans and, therefore, reduce fish stocks. Ultraviolet can also have an adverse effect on the growth of plants, which will lead to a complete fading of agriculture.

The solution is

Seeing the world without a ozone layer, scientists came to the conclusion that the destruction of the stratospheric ozone can be stopped. Alternative substances that will not harm the protective screen of the earth, exist. These include carbon dioxide, non-toxic propane, ammonia and isobutan (natural refrigerant).

As environmentalists noted, the ozone shield of the planet is already restored by 1-3% in a decade. With favorable forecasts, ozone holes may disappear over the entire planet for 2060. A team of NASA scientists suggests that the recovery of the ozone layer is associated with the Montreal Protocol.

Specialists from the National Department of Oceanic and Atmospheric Studies of the United States in 2018 discovered major emissions into the atmosphere of ozone-depleting gas - trichlorofluoromethane.

It was found that the epicenter of emissions is in East Asia, And later, more than 18 industrial factories in China themselves admitted to the unregistered use of Freon.

Ecologists believe that people on the household level can affect the integrity of the ozone layer. The ozone screen of the planet is also subjected to greenhouse gases and air and air attacks. terrestrial transport. The use of environmentally friendly fuel, and the correct disposal of harmful waste will play a significant role in the salvation of the Earth.

It is worth starting the purification of the environment from a small island - its apartment. Through open windows in our dwelling a large number of Dust, harmful evaporation, poisonous emissions and unpleasant odors. In this situation, it will help: thanks to the three-stage filtering system, the device prevents the penetration into the room of harmful substances, bacteria, allergens and viruses from the street. The brizer struggles with a stuff in the apartment and creates all the conditions for a comfortable life and a quiet sleep.


The problem of the destruction of the ozone layer of the planet is closely related to the threat of global warming. There is an assumption that the recovery of the ozone shell will slow down the melting of ice

The government and many large industrial corporations play a big role in how we use land resources. If the preservation of the environment becomes the primary task of each of the states, perhaps the destructive impact on our habitat will reach a minimum.

Earth is the undoubtedly the most unique planet in our solar system. This is the only planet adapted for life. But we do not always appreciate this and believe that we cannot change and disrupt what has been created for billions of years. In the entire history of existence, our planet has never received such loads that gave her a person.

Ozone hole over Antarctic

On our planet there is an ozone layer that is so necessary for our life. It protects us from the effects of ultraviolet rays from the sun. Do not be it, life on this planet would be no possible.

Ozone is a blue gas with a characteristic smell. Each of us knows this sharp smell, which is especially heard after the rain. Not in vain ozone in Greek means "smelling". It is formed at an altitude of up to 50 km from the surface of the Earth. But most of it is 22 - 24 km.

Causes of ozone holes

In the early 1970s, scientists began to notice the decrease in the ozone layer. The reason for this is to enter the upper layers of the stratosphere of ozone-depleting substances used in industry, launching missiles, and many other factors. These are mainly chlorine and bromine molecules. Chlorofluorocarbons and other substances released by a person reaches the stratosphere, where under the influence of sun rays are disintegrated into chlorine and the ozone molecules are burned. It is proved that one chlorine molecule can burn 100,000 ozone molecules. And she keeps in the atmosphere from 75 to 111 years old!

As a result of the ozone drop in the atmosphere, ozone holes occur. The first was discovered in the early 80s in the Arctic. The diameter of it was not very large, and the fall of ozone was 9 percent.

Ozone hole in the Arctic

Ozone hole is a strong drop in ozone percent at certain places of the atmosphere. The word "hole" itself gives us to understand it without unnecessary explanations.

In the spring, 1985 in Antarctica, over the station Halli-Bay, the ozone content fell by 40%. The hole turned out to be huge and advanced already beyond the limits of Antarctica. In height of its layer reaches up to 24 km. In 2008, it was estimated that its size is already more than 26 million km2. It stolen the whole world. Was it clear? What is our atmosphere in the greatest danger than we assumed. From the 1971 year around the world, the ozone layer fell by 7%. As a result, ultraviolet radiation of the Sun, which is biologically dangerous to our planet.

The consequences of ozone holes

Doctors believe that as a result of the reduction of ozone, the percentage of skin cancer and blindness diseases increased due to cataracts. Also falls human immunity, which leads to different types of other diseases. Most of all the residents of the upper layers of the oceans suffer. These are shrimps, crabs, algae, plankton, etc.

The international UN International Agreement is signed on reducing the use of ozone-depleting substances. But even if you stop using them. To close holes need more than 100 years.

Is it possible to restore ozone holes?

To date, scientists offered one way to restore ozone with aircraft. For this, it is necessary at an altitude of 12-30 kilometers above the ground to produce oxygen or ozone created by artificially, and dispel it with a special spray. So little by little ozone holes can be filled. The disadvantage of this method is that it requires essential economic waste. In addition, it is impossible to release a large amount of ozone into the atmosphere at the atmosphere. The process of transporting ozone itself is complex and unsafe.

Myths about ozone holes

Since the problem of ozone holes remains open, several misconceptions have been formed around it. So the depletion of the ozone layer was striving to turn into fiction, which is beneficial to the industry allegedly due to enrichment. On the contrary, all chlorofluorocarbons were replaced with cheap and safer components of natural origin.

Another false statement that alleged freons, destroying ozone, is too heavy to reach the ozone layer. But in the atmosphere, all elements are mixed, and polluting components are able to achieve the level of the stratosphere, in which the ozone layer is located.

Do not trust and approve that ozone destroy halogens of natural origin, and not anthropogenic. This is not the case, it is human activity that contributes to the release of various harmful substances that destroy the ozone layer. The consequences of the explosion of volcanoes and other natural catastrophes practically do not affect the state of ozone.

And the last myth that ozone is destroyed only over Antarctic. In fact, ozone holes are formed everywhere in the atmosphere, which is why the amount of ozone decreases in general.

Forecasts for the future

Since the ozone holes have become, they are accurately observed behind them. Recently, the situation has emerged completely ambiguous. On the one hand, in many countries, small ozone holes appear, they disappear, especially in industrialized areas, and on the other hand there is a positive dynamics of the reduction of some large ozone holes.

During the observations, the researchers recorded that the greatest ozone hole hung over Antarctica, and it reached maximum sizes in 2000. Since then, judging by the pictures made by satellites, the hole is gradually delayed. These approvals are set out in the scientific journal "Science". Ecologists calculated that its area decreased by 4 million square meters. kilometers.

Studies show that gradually from year to year the amount of ozone in the stratosphere increases. This was facilitated by the signing of the Montreal Protocol in 1987. In accordance with this document, all countries are trying to reduce emissions into the atmosphere, the number of transport is reduced. Especially in this matter, China succeeded. There is regulated by the appearance of new cars and there is a concept of quota, that is, a certain number of license plates can be registered a year. In addition, certain successes in improving the atmosphere are achieved, because gradually people go to alternative energy sources, there is a search for effective resources that would help save.

After 1987, the problem of ozone holes rose not once. A lot of conferences and assembly of scientists are devoted to this issue. Also issues are discussed at meetings of representatives of states. So in 2015, a conference was held in Paris, the purpose of which was to develop actions against climate change. It will also contribute to a decrease in emissions into the atmosphere, and, therefore, ozone holes will be gradually tightened. For example, scientists predict that by the end of the 21st century, ozone hole over Antarctic will completely disappear.

Where are the ozone holes (video)

Before the discoveries made in the last century, people simply did not know about the role that ozone plays. At the end of the century, it turned out that due to a number of reasons the ozone layer is destroyed, it becomes in some places thinner or just less saturated ozone. Such a phenomenon was called ozone holes.

Causes of the destruction of the ozone layer

Ozone is called trochatomic oxygen. Its main part is in the upper layers of the atmosphere at a height of 12 to 50 kilometers from the sea level. The most significant concentration is focused on a 23-kilometer height. In 1873, this gas found a German scientist Schönbain in the atmosphere. Later, such a modification of oxygen was found below named heights and even in the layers of the atmosphere near the earth's surface.

Ozone layer, tion.ru

It turned out that the launch of space missiles, aircraft flights from 12 to 16 kilometers, as well as emissions of freon playing the greatest role in the formation of ozone holes.

For the first time, the ozone hole with a diameter of more than 1000 km was first discovered in 1985 in the southern hemisphere over the Antarctic group of scientists from Britain.

Technical progress and ozone holes

The greatest harm to the ozone layer is applied with compounds of chlorine and hydrogen. Such compounds are formed during the decomposition of freons. Usually they use as sprayers. Upon reaching a certain temperature threshold, freons boil. At the same time, their volume increases several times. This is such a process and is required in the manufacture of aerosols.

Ozone holes over Antarctica and Russia on the map, omartasatt.info

Freons are also used in the manufacture of devices that provide low temperatures. They are in systems of large and small freezers, in industrial and household refrigerators. When leucing freons, having a weight less than that there is atmospheric air, they begin to rise. In the atmosphere, chlorine is disconnected and reacted with trochatomic oxygen, thereby destroying ozone molecules, turning it into ordinary oxygen.

The destruction of the ozone layer of the atmosphere was found quite a long time, but only by the 1980s the process was a real estimate. It turned out that with a significant reduction in ozone in the planet's atmosphere ceases to cool. The temperature on it will begin to grow. And the pace of this growth will even surpass the development of the greenhouse effect due to an increase in carbon dioxide atmosphere.

Is the greenhouse effect causes the destruction of the ozone layer - the question for scientists is still controversial.

The consequences of the destruction of the ozone layer of the earth

As already mentioned, ozone is trochatomic oxygen. Gas has a special smell and bluish color. Under some conditions, gas becomes a liquid that is different, called Indigo. AT special conditions From the liquid state of ozone can go to solid. At the same time, its color will become dark blue.

It will not be an exaggeration to say that without the presence of a ozone layer life on our planet would be impossible. At least in the form that exists.

Ultraviolet radiation is dangerous for all living things. If it becomes more intense, then under its impact, massive serious diseases will begin. Improve vision. This is the development of cataracts, and changes in the cornea, and peeling the retina. Hard ultraviolet has an oppressive effect on cellular immunity. First of all, this will affect the skin, expressing in oncological diseases. Live organisms due to the impact of increased radiation to a much lesser extent will cease to resist any infections.

An interesting fact: the effect of ozone holes per person is the growth of diseases such as skin cancer and cataracts.

Ozone holes carry a threat to health, 5klass.net

Intensive ultraviolet radiation has an overwhelming effect on photosynthesis. Because of him there are changes in animal behavior. Their adaptation is violated. They begin to migrate. The reproduction of blue-green algae, which have a destructive effect on the inhabitants of the aquatic environment. The biological resources of the World Ocean are catastrophically reduced. Radiation amazes fry fish and caviar.

There is a decrease in soil fertility. Bacteria living in soil sensitive to ultraviolet radiation die away. And just, it is largely a soil is obliged to fertility. If you do not change the situation, the end result will be the conversion of the Earth into a lifeless planet with.

The problem of ozone holes

The problem began to discuss at the global level, it can lead to. Relevant documents and agreements were signed. Countries came to a single solution to the need to reduce the manufacture of freon. There was a replacement for them. It turned out to be a propane bunic. Its indicators are such that it can successfully replace freons.

Currently, the danger of the destruction of the ozone layer continues to be among the most topical. However, in the world of technology in which freons are used are continued to be used. Therefore, scientists are engaged in solving the challenge to reduce freon emissions, try to find their cheaper and convenient substitutes to use.

Ways to solve the global problem of ozone holes

In 1985, the world began to take serious measures to protect the ozone layer. Ozone holes have become a new environmental problem. Initially, restrictions on freon emissions were introduced. Then the Governments approved the Vienna Convention. It is aimed at ensuring the protection of the ozone layer in the atmosphere. The Convention says that:

  • Delegations, which are representatives of various states, adopt an agreement providing for cooperation in the field of research and substances affecting the ozone layer and providing the impact on changes in it.
  • Countries undertake to provide systematic observation of the ozone layer.
  • The States organize work on the creation of technologies, as well as substances with unique properties that help minimize the harm applied in the atmosphere.
  • Countries undertake to cooperate in the development of measures and from use, as well as to ensure constant monitoring of activities capable of provoking the formation of ozone holes.
  • The developed technologies and the knowledge gained are transmitted to each other.

During the time spent from the date of adoption of the Vienna Convention, the countries signed a lot of protocols providing for a decrease in fluorochloroorrodes. At the same time, cases are agreed when their production should be completely discontinued.

Restoration of the ozone layer

The causes and consequences of the destruction of the ozone layer are known. The greatest problem, the danger, is considered to be the technology used in the production of refrigeration plants. This period of time sometimes was even called the freon crisis. For new developments, significant investments were required. This adversely affected production. However, the exit managed to find. It turned out, freons can be replaced by other substances. They, in addition to gases, propane and Bhutan turned out to be hydrocarbon propellene. Nowadays, the distribution is obtained by settings in which endothermic chemical reactions are used.

Map of ozone holes, omartasatt.info. On the map you can see the depletion of the ozone layer in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Equator, Russia (blue color).

It is about the restoration of the ozone layer. According to physician scientists, the planet's atmosphere can be cleaned of freon, using a minimum power unit at least 10 RBT. According to calculations, the Sun can produce up to 6 tons of ozone per second, but its destruction is faster. If, use power units as ozone factories, it is possible to achieve a balance. That is, ozone will be created as much as it will be collapsed.

Saving ozone layer

The project of creating ozone production is not the only one. For example, according to the calculations of scientists, in the ozone stratosphere can be created artificially. This can be done in the atmosphere.

Subscribe to the stratosphere of ozone, created artificially, is offered with the help of cargo aircraft that can spray this gas at the necessary heights.

Ozone molecules can be obtained from ordinary oxygen using infrared lasers. For this you can use balloons.

If the use of the platform with lasers will provide positive effect In solving the problem of ozone holes, you can place such devices on the space station. In this case, you can provide a permanent feeding with ozone.

The main drawback of all such developments is the price. The cost of implementing any project is too large. It is because of this, a significant part of the projects is not implemented.


Billions of dollars were spent on the salvation of the ozone layer of the Earth or at least maintaining it in the form in which he is now. Scientists were calculated that if any human activity () ceases, which is the cause of ozone holes, it will be required to restore it in the same amount of 100-200 years.

Nature is a state of balance. The anthropogenic factor disrupts the cycle of substances, which affects the planet. One example is a ozone layer. Humanity constantly destroys its flights into space, while the substance is additionally subjected to decay in the lower layers of the atmosphere due to freons and emissions of light industry. It threatens a list of problems:

  • amplification of radiation rays;
  • deterioration of air frequency parameters;
  • changing the characteristics of the soil;
  • acid rain;
  • toxic fogs.

Together, these factors threaten to destroy the ecology of the Earth.

The ozone layer is in the atmosphere between 15 and 40 km. Despite the scatter in altitudes, the shell thickness is measured in several millimeters. The finest layer above the poles. The smallest concentration at the equator. The ozone layer delays the lion's share of ultraviolet radiation. On average, the shell reduces the amount of ultraviolet by 6.5 thousand times.

Ozone formation

Under the action of sunlight, ozone molecule disintegrates on the molecule and an oxygen atom, thus, the absorption of hazardous radiation occurs. In the presence of a third oxygen atom, these particles are again combined into the ozone molecule. The process is infinite, but may be broken by man.

Causes of the destruction of the ozone layer

The first conversations about the destruction of the ozone layer were started in the 1960s. The reason was to reduce the concentration of ozone by 40 percent over one of the British Arctic stations. At the same time, research has begun, because of which this destruction has become possible.

Air transportation. Airplanes in heaven a long time ago, became the norm, but it was so that they are in the process of flight disturb the ozone layer. No, the cars do not pierce with their cabins "ozone holes", but aircraft fuel (aircraft gasoline and kerosene) in the combustion process are formed from CO 2 ozone. Under the conditions of the Earth's surface, carbon dioxide is formed as a result of fuel combustion in an oxygen medium. At an altitude of several tens of kilometers, air is more discharged. Together with oxygen in the process of burning, ozone participates.

Carbon leads to a violation of the ozone ultraviolet conversion chain. Sunlight is replaced by a carbon atom. The resulting CO 2 is lowered to the surface of the Earth, and in the ozone layer decreases the concentration of the forming substance. In the 1960s, when the flights were not yet so accessible, this problem could still be solved by itself. But today, the ordinary person flies several times a year, and for a large businessman or policy, the norm is to make several flights in a week. It is simply impossible to refuse such a convenient means of movement.

Cosmetic industry. How often every person uses a deodorant, hair varnish or air freshener? These things are the guarantee of human comfort.

At the same time, they contain all the same chlorofluorocarbons that destroy the ozone layer. Fortunately, this particular question was closed one of the first. Back in 1970, the Montreal Conference decided to find a replacement of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC). Propane-butylene was used, which for high-quality properties did not differ from CFCs.

Forest fires. Educated chlorine methyl (CH 3 CL) with rising flows of heated air during large-scale fires is able to reach the top of the troposphere and enter the reaction with ozone.

Refrigerated installations. The basis of any refrigeration equipment is Freon, which is used as refrigerant.

Freon - This is any substance with low boiling point. After all, what is the cold? This is the absence of heat. The refrigerant takes heat, boils, enters the compressor, where it is compressed until the boiling point grows so much that the gas will switch to the liquid again. Gas becomes liquid with heat release into the atmosphere, and the refrigerant returns to work again. It is at this moment that the basis of an understanding of the effects of freon on the atmosphere and the ozone layer lies. Freon works in a closed system, his leaks are insignificant. Freon getting into the atmosphere may be in three cases:

  1. incorrect disposal;
  2. violation of operation;
  3. poor-quality assembly.

Today, the use of "R 12" of Freon, which has a particularly destructive effect on the ozone layer is prohibited. But you can go on the other hand and introduce international quality control of the assembly and operation of refrigeration equipment, follow the correct disposal. In the end, it is easier not to throw out than not to use.

How do freons affect the ozone layer?

They decompose in the upper layers of the atmosphere and the product of the expansion serves an atomic chlorine, which leads to a violation of the incidence of ultraviolet rays in ozone.

Ozone disintegrates not on the molecule and an oxygen atom suitable for further reaction, but on chlorine oxide and oxygen. After that, in chlorine oxide, free oxygen atoms, which have a sufficient amount around, replace chlorine. As a result, after the reaction, two oxygen molecules and a chlorine atom, which continues the destruction of ozone times at times. One atom is able to destroy about 100 thousand ozone molecules.

Chlorine cycle of ozone destruction.

CL + O 3 → CLO + O 2

O + CLO → CL + O 2

An ordinary chemical reaction absorbs huge amounts of substance priceless in the stratosphere.

Consequences of destruction, ozone holes

The result of the destruction of the ozone layer is the so-called ozone holes. This is not in the literal sense the hole in the shell is just a place where the concentration of ozone is strongly reduced. The worst thing is that such phenomena are wandering and the mechanism of their occurrence is incomprehensible.

Over Australia, a ozone hole arises regularly in summer, which is accompanied by outbreaks of cancer. But cancer is not the entire list of negative effects:

  • Due to the increase in the amount of sunlight on the leaves of plants and trees, burns will occur, the vegetation will not be able to compensate for the receipt of CO 2. This is significantly.
  • The upper soil layers will begin to dry, which means in the new conditions it will become impossible agriculture, which is the main possibility of humanity to food.
  • The radiation background of the planet will increase significantly, which means it will increase the risk of ray disease.

In the aggregate, all these factors are able to destroy not only humanity, but also the Earth as a whole.

Acid rain

Acid rains cause roughly the same emissions of greenhouse gases, which contribute to the development of ozone holes.

Chlorofluorocarbons, decaying leaves carbon, which connecting with water forms coalic acid, although it has only a small share of influence on the formation of acid rain. Nitrogen and sulfur emissions play the main role. They are formed as a result of fuel combustion. The sulfur is in about 70 percent of fuel, coal and oil burned on the planet. Nitrogen and sulfur, connecting with oxygen in the atmosphere form at first oxides, and then connecting the acid with water, which fall into the rain.

What threatens to mankind? Changing the conditions of existence. Balance is also needed in the surrounding substances. All nature is sharpened to exist in a neutral medium and the increase in the acidity of rainwater will lead to a change in the composition of the soil, which means the change in the entire biological community of the Earth. Specifically for a person it means changing agriculture conditions. All centuries-old work on the development of the Methodologies of the crop rotation will go as shock, and we will return again to the lighter-firing method. And this is with the positive development of events, since acid rains burn the leaves that are not accustomed to them, and it is not known how many more liters of poisoned water will result in a particular plant.

The human immunity is also not delighted with such a change in the composition of the rain. Only in Russia because of such precipitation almost twice the number of asthma raised. And this is a new industry growth, only connected with medicines.

Toxic fogs

Another result of permanent contamination of the atmosphere is toxic fogs or was able. The 20th century emerged in London was able to contain a large amount of suspended coal particles, soot and sulfur. For 5 days, the number of deaths from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases has significantly increased. It should be noted that the composition of pollution has become much more sophisticated.

Today I could be seen in New York, London, Osaka or Beijing. This phenomenon arises as a consequence of a large number of plants focused in one place. What threatens it? Violation of metabolic processes in the body. Unfortunately, cancer, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases are only part of the painting.

In China, as a result of industrialization in a relatively short time, he was able to become quite frequent. Over Beijing in general, every summer does fog from emissions, which is accompanied by deterioration of water quality. All this led to an increase in the popularity of the Caesarean section. Due to the metabolic disorders in the body of a woman's body of the central part of the country, to enter the child to 12 months in anticipation of natural labor.

The Government of China is fighting for the purity of the city, many factories left the capital, but when it affects the environmental situation.

See also: