As the events in Damansky describe in China. Soviet-Chinese Armed Conflict: Damansky Island

In March 1969, the two most powerful socialist powers at that time - the USSR and the PRC - barely did not begin a full-scale war because of the land block called Damansky Island.

In our photoranscase, we tried to restore the chronology of events.

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1. Damansky island on the Ussuri River was part of the Pozhara district of Primorsky Krai and had an area of \u200b\u200b0.74 kmĀ². It was located a little closer to the Chinese shore than to our. However, the border was not held in the middle of the river, but, in accordance with the Beijing Treatise of 1860, in the Chinese shore.

Damansky - view from the Chinese coast

2. The conflict on Damansky occurred 20 years after the formation of the People's Republic of China. Until the 1950s, China represented a weak country with a poor population. With the help of the USSR, the Middle Kingdom was not only able to unite, but began to develop rapidly, strengthening the army and creating the conditions necessary for the modernization of the economy. However, after the death of Stalin, the cooling period began in Soviet-Chinese relations. Mao Zedong now claimed almost the role of the leading world leader of the Communist Movement, with which Nikita Khrushchev could agree with anywhere.

At the same time, the policy of the Jedian Cultural Revolution constantly demanded to keep society in voltage, creating all new images of the enemy both inside the country and outside of it, and the process of "destiny" in the USSR generally put at risk the cult of the most "Great Mao", which gradually Asked in China. As a result, in 1960, the PDA officially announced the "incorrect" course of the CPSU, the relations between the countries aggravated to the limit and on the border of more than 7.5 thousand kilometers often began to happen conflicts.

3. On the night of March 2, 1969, about 300 Chinese soldiers crossed the Damansky. For several hours, they remained unnoticed, the Soviet border guards received a signal about the armed group of people up to 30 people only at 10:32 am.

4. We left 32 border guards under the command of the head of the head of the Nizhne-Mikhailovskaya senior lieutenant Ivan Strelnikov. Approaching the Chinese military, Strelnikov demanded that they leave the Soviet territory from them, but in response, fire arms was opened. Senior Lieutenant of Strelnikov and the border guards who followed him died, managed to survive only one soldier.

So began the famous Daman conflict, which has not written anywhere for a long time, but everyone knew about.

5. The shooting was heard on the neighboring outpost "Culebyakin Soping". Senior Lieutenant Vitaly Bibenin left for help with 20 border guards and with one BTR. The Chinese were actively attacked, but after a few hours retreated. The inhabitants of the neighboring village of Nizhniyihaylovka came to the aid of the wounded.

6. On that day, 31 Soviet border guards died, another 14 servicemen were injured. According to the Commission, the KGB, the loss of the Chinese side amounted to 248 people.

7. On March 3, a demonstration of the Soviet embassy was held in Beijing, on March 7, the PRC Embassy in Moscow was subjected to picketing.

8. The weapon captured from the Chinese

9. In the morning of March 15, the Chinese again moved to the offensive. They brought the number of their forces before the infantry division, reinforced reservoirs. Attacks by the method of "human waves" continued within an hour. After the fierce battle, the Chinese managed to fasten the Soviet soldiers.

10. Then, for the support of the defendant, a tank platoon headed by the head of the Imansky border guard, which was just the heads of Nizhne-Mikhailovskaya and Cybyakyaky Sopovy, Colonel Leonov.

11. But, as it turned out, the Chinese were prepared for such a turn of events and had a sufficient number of anti-tank agents. Because of their dense fire, our counterattack failed.

12. The failure of the counterattack and the loss of the newest combat vehicle T-62 with the secret equipment was finally convinced by the Soviet command in the fact that the forces were not enough for victory over the Chinese side, which was prepared very seriously.

13. Then the power unfolded along the 135th Motorized Reli Division River was entered into business, the command of which was ordered by his artillery, including a separate division of BM-21 "Hrad", open fire on the positions of the Chinese on the island. It was the first case of applying in the battle of Rocket attitudes "Grad", the blow of which decided the outcome of the battle.

14. Soviet troops moved to their own coast, and the Chinese side did not make more hostile actions.

15. In total during the clashes, Soviet troops lost 58 soldiers and 4 officers who died from wounds, 94 soldiers and 9 officers wounded. The loss of the Chinese side is still closed information and make up, by different estimates, from 100-150 to 800 and even 3,000 people.

16. For the Heroism of the Soviet Union's Heroism, the Hero of the Soviet Union received: Colonel D. Leonov and Senior Lieutenant I. Strelnikov (posthumously), Senior Lieutenant V. Bibenin and Junior Sergeant Y. Babansky.

In the photo in the foreground: Colonel D. Leonov, Lieutenant V. Bibenin, I. Strelnikov, V. Shorerohov; In the second plan: the personnel of the first border guard. 1968

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    Historical reference

    The passage of the Russian-Chinese border was established by numerous legal acts - Nerchinsky Treaty of 1689, Burinsky and Kyakhtin treatises of 1727, the Aigong Agreement of 1858, the Beijing Treatise of 1860, Act of 1911.

    In accordance with the generally accepted practice of the border on rivers are held on the main fairway. However, using the weakness of pre-revolutionary China, the royal government of Russia managed to hold the border on the Ussuri River along the water chicken along the Chinese coast. Thus, the whole river and the islands on it were Russian.

    This obvious injustice persisted after the October Revolution of 1917 and the formation of the People's Republic of China in 1949, but did not affect Soviet-Chinese relations. And only in the late 50s, when disagreements arose between the leadership of the CPSU and PDA, the situation on the border was constantly sharpened.

    The Soviet leadership with understanding belonged to the desire of the Chinese to hold a new border on rivers and was even ready for the transfer of the PRC of a number of land. However, this readiness disappeared, as soon as the ideological, and then an interstate conflict flared. Further deterioration of relations between the two countries led, in the end, to an open armed confrontation on the island of Damansky.

    Damansky Island at the end of the 60s geographically referred to the Pozharsky district of the Primorsky Territory, which bordered with the Chinese province of Heilongjiang. The removal of the island from the Soviet coast was about 500 m, from Chinese - about 300 m. From the south to the north, Damansky stretched 1500 - 1800 m, and its width reaches 600 -700 m.

    These numbers are sufficiently approximate, since the size of the island is highly dependent on the time of year. For example, in the spring and during the summer floods, the island is poured Water Ussuri, and it is almost hiding out of sight, and in the winter, Damansky rises among the frozen river. Therefore, any economic or military-strategic value is not a given island.

    Events on March 2 and 15, 1969 on the island of Damansky preceded the numerous provocations of the Chinese on the unauthorized seizure of the Soviet islands on the Ussuri River (since 1965). At the same time, the Soviet border guards always adhered to the established line of behavior: the provocateurs were expelled from the Soviet territory, the weapons were not used by border guards.

    On the night of March 1 to March 2, 1969, about 300 Chinese soldiers crossed the Damansky and lay on the higher West shore of the island among bushes and trees. The trenches did not tear off, just lay down in the snow, laying mats.

    Equipment of border offenders quite corresponded to weather conditions and was the following: a hat-troop, differing from a similar Soviet earrings with the presence of two valves on the left and right - to better catch the sounds; Muck and the same cotton pants; insulated shoes on lacing; Cotton shape and warm underwear, thick socks; Mittens of the army sample - a large and index finger separately, the remaining fingers together.

    The Chinese military personnel were armed with AK-47 machines, as well as the Carabins of SCS. Comerians - TT pistols. All Chinese production weapons made according to Soviet licenses.

    The intruders were in white masking coats, they turned their weapons in the same camouflage cloth. Schomptol poured Paraffin - so as not to thunder.

    There were no documents or personal belongings in the pockets of the Chinese.

    The Chinese extended a telephone connection to their coast and lay in the snow until the morning.

    To support violators in the Chinese shore, there were positions of uncommon guns, large-caliber machine guns and mortars. Here the infantry was waiting for a total of 200-300 people.

    On the night of March 2, two border guards were constantly at the Soviet observation post, but they did not notice anything and did not hear - no lights, no sounds. The nomination of the Chinese to their position was well organized and passed absolutely hidden.

    About 9.00 hours on the island passed the border outfit in the composition of three people, the outfit did not discovered the Chinese. Violators also did not demack themselves.

    At about 10.40, at Zastava, Nizhne-Mikhailovka received a report from the post of observation, which a group of armed groups of up to 30 people are moving from the Chinese border post of Hongs in the direction of Damansky.

    The head of the head Senior Lieutenant Ivan Strelnikov raised his subordinates on the team "in a gun", after which he called the operational duty officer of the border detachment.

    Personal composition plunged into three cars - GAZ-69 (7 people led by Strelnikov), BTR-60PB (approximately 13 people, Senior - Sergeant V. Brabovich) and GAZ-63 (only 12 border guards led by Junior Sergeant Y. Baban ).

    GAZ-63, which has been put forward with his group Y. Baban, was with a weak engine, so they are on the way to the island, they are 15 minutes from the main group.

    Arriving at the place, the commander "Gazik" and the BTR stopped at the southern tip of the island. Having disappeared, the border guards moved in the direction of the violators by two groups: the first head of the head itself, and the Rovovich group went parallel to the island directly.

    Together with Strelnikov, the photographer of the political detail of the border squad of Private Nikolai Petrov, who removed the resulting filmmaker, as well as the Camera "Zorky-4".

    Approaching provocateurs (about 11.10), I. Strelnikov expressed a protest about the violation of the border and demanded from Chinese military personnel to leave the territory of the USSR. One of the Chinese answered something loudly, then two pistol shots rang out. The first rank was parted, and the second opened a sudden automatic fire on the Strelnikov group.

    Group Strelnikova and the head of the observed died immediately. The rank chinese snatched the kinocamera from Petrov's hands, but the camera did not notice: the soldier fell on him, sticking the coat.

    The ambush on Damansky also opened fire - according to the Rabovich group. Rabovich managed to shout "to battle", "but it did not solve anything: several border guards were killed and injured, the survivors were in the midst of a frozen lake in sight of the Chinese.

    Part of the Chinese got up from their "Lyzhka" and went to the attack on a handful of Soviet border guards. Those took an unequal battle and shoot themselves to the last.

    It was at that moment that the group Y. Babansky arrived. Having made a position on some removal behind the digestive comrades, the border guards met the advancing Chinese fire from the guns.

    The banks reached the positions of the Rovovich group and here made several wounded border guards with automatic queues and cold weapons (bayonets, knives).

    The only one who was alive was literally miracle, turned out to be an ordinary Gennady Silver. He told about the last minutes of the life of his friends.

    The group of Baban remained less and fewer fighters, ammunition ended. The younger sergeant decided to depart to the parking lot of cars, but at that moment the Chinese artillery covered both cars. Drivers of cars were hidden in the BTRA left by Strelnikov, and tried to enter the island. They did not succeed, since the shore was too cool and high. After several unsuccessful trying To overcome the PRT, I moved to the shelter on the Soviet bank. At that time, the reserve of the neighboring head led by Vitaly Bubenin arrived.

    Senior Lieutenant V. Bubenin commanded the neighboring feet of Sopgia Kullyakina, who was 17-18 km north of Damansky. Having in the morning of March 2, a telephone message about shooting on the island, Bibenin put about twenty fighters in the BTR and hurried to the revenue neighbors.

    Around 11.30, the armored personnel carrier reached Damansky and entered into one of the ice protracted by ice. Hearing a strong shooting, the border guards landed from the car and turned around the chain in the direction of the coming shots. Almost immediately they encountered a group of Chinese, the battle began.

    Violators (all the same, in "Lyzhkov") noticed Bibenin and moved the fire on his group. Senior Lieutenant was wounded and contuge, but the control of the battle did not lose.

    Leaving a group of soldiers, headed by the younger sergeant V. Kanygin, Bibenin and 4 border guards plunged into the BTR and moved around the island, entering the rear of the Chinese ambush. Bibenin himself got up to a large-caliber machine gun, and his subordinates led fire through the loopholes on both flanks.

    Despite the multiple superiority in a living force, the Chinese fell into an extremely unpleasant position: they were fired from the island of Baban and Kanygin groups, and from the rear, a maneuvering BTR. But the Bibeninskaya car also got: the fire from the Chinese coast on the armored personnel carrier was damaged by the sight, the hydraulic system could no longer maintain the required tire pressure. The head of the outpost itself received a new wound and contusion.

    Bibenin managed to bypass the island and hide on the river bank. Demorating on the phone in a detachment about the situation and then recreated to BTR Strelnikov, the senior lieutenant again went to the dash. But now he led the car directly along the island along the Chinese ambush.

    The culmination of the battle came at the moment when Bibenin destroyed the team point of the Chinese. After that, the violators began to leave their positions, having taken from them killed and wounded. The Chinese on the site "Lyzhek" were cast mats, phones, shops, several small arms units. In the same place in large quantities (Almost half of the "Lyzhek") were found to be found individual dressing packages.

    Fucking the Boezapace, BTR Bambienin departed on the ice between the island and the Soviet coast. Stopped to take on board two wounded, but at that moment the car was shot down.

    Closer to 12.00 not far from the island, helicopter was launched with the command of the Imansky borderner. Head of the detachment Colonel D.V. Leonov remained on the shore, and the head of the political waste lieutenant colonel A.D. Konstantinov organized the search for the wounded and dead directly on Damansky.

    Somewhat later to the place of events arrived reinforcement from neighboring stamping. This ended the first combat clash in Damansky on March 2, 1969.

    After the events of March 2, reinforced outfits (at least 10 border guards armed with group weapons) were constantly published on Damansky.

    In the rear, at a distance of a few kilometers from Damansky, a motorized rifle division of the Soviet Army (artillery, reactive installations of the Hallery "Grad" was deployed.

    The Chinese side also accumulated power for the next offensive. At the close of the island in the territory of the People's Republic of China, the 24th Infantry Regiment of China's National Liberation Army (NAK) of about 5,000 (five thousand military personnel) was preparing for hostilities.

    At about 3:00 pm on March 14, 1969, an order from the superior instance was received in the Immansky border detachment: to remove Soviet border outfits from the island (the logic of this order is not clear, as is unknown and the person, given the order given).

    The border guards moved away from Damansky, immediately on the Chinese side began the revival. Chinese soldiers with small groups of 10-15 people began to move on to the island, others began to occupy a combat position opposite the island, in the Chinese bank of Ussuri.

    In response to these actions, the Soviet border guards at 8 sides under the command of Lieutenant Colonel E. Yanshina turned into a battle order and began to be moved towards the island of Damansky. The Chinese have instantly moved from the island to their shore.

    After 00.00 on March 15, a detachment of Lieutenant Colonel Yanshin was released on 60 border guards on 4-beds.

    The detachment is located on the island of four groups, at a distance of about 100 meters from each other, tearned the trenches for firing lying. Commanded by groups of officers L. Mankovsky, N. Popov, V. Soloviev, A. Klyga. The armored personnel carriers constantly moved around the island by changing firing positions.

    Around 9.00 on March 15, a loud-speaking installation has earned on the Chinese side. Soviet border guards called on to leave the "Chinese" territory, refuse "revisionism", etc.

    On the Soviet bank, also included the loudspeaker. Broadcast was carried out on Chinese and quite simple words: "Take up, not too late, before you - the sons of those who freed China from Japanese invaders."

    After some time, silence came on both sides, and closer to 10.00 Chinese artillery and mortars (from 60 to 90 stems) began the shelling of the island. At the same time, 3 companies of the Chinese infantry went to the attack.

    Began a fierce battle, which lasted about an hour. By 11.00, immunity began to end the ammunition, and then Yanshin on the BTRA delivered them from the Soviet coast.

    Colonel Leonov reported to the higher authorities about the superior forces of the enemy and the need to use artillery, but to no avail.

    At about 12.00, the first BTR was shot down, in twenty minutes - the second. Nevertheless, Detachment Yanshina resistantly kept positions even in conditions of a threat to the environment.

    Going back, the Chinese began to be grouped on their shore opposite the southern tip of the island. From 400 to 500 soldiers clearly intended to hit the rear to Soviet border guards.

    The situation was aggravated by the fact that the connection was lost between Yanishin and Leonov: the antennas on the BTRAH were cut off with machine-guns.

    In order to disrupt the idea of \u200b\u200bthe enemy, the pomegranate calculation of I. Kobets opened a tagged fire from his shore. This in the current conditions was not enough, and then Colonel Leonov decided to raid on three tanks. The tank company was promised to Leon on March 13, but 9 cars came only in the midst of battle.

    Leonov took a place in the head car, and three T-62 moved towards the southern tip of Damansky.

    At about the place where Strelnikov died, the commander tank was chosen by the Chinese with a shot from a grenade launcher (RPG). Leonov and some crew members were injured. Having left the tank, headed for their shore. Here in Colonel Leonova hit the bullet - right in the heart.

    The border guards continued to fight with disparate groups and did not allow the Chinese to reach the West Bank of the island. The situation was heating, the island could be lost. At this time, it was decided to use artillery and enter motorized rollers into battle.

    At 17.00, the division of the settings "Hrad" struck the fire blow to the places of cluster of the live strength and technology of the Chinese and their fireproof positions. At the same time, the shelf of the helm artillery opened fire on identified goals.

    The raid was extremely accurate: shells destroyed Chinese reserves, mortars, stacks of shells, etc.

    Artillery Bila 10 minutes, and at 17.10, motorized rings and border guards were taken to the attack under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Smirnov and Lieutenant Colonel Konstantinov. The BTRRs entered into a duoka, after which the fighters were dismounted and turned toward the shaft along the West Bank.

    The enemy began hasty departure from the island. Damansky was released, but around 19.00 there were some firepoints of the Chinese. Perhaps at that moment it was necessary to apply another artillery blow, but the command found it inappropriate.

    The Chinese tried to grab Daman again, but three of their attempts ended in failure. After that, the Soviet fighters moved to their shore, and the enemy did not make any more hostile actions.

    Epilogue (Russian version)

    On October 20, 1969, Beijing was held negotiations of the heads of the Government of the USSR and the PRC. The result of these negotiations: managed to reach an agreement on the need for demarcation activities of the sections of the Soviet-Chinese border. As a result: during the demarcation of the border between the USSR and China in 1991, Damansky island departed to the PRC. Now he has another name - Zhenbao Dao.

    One of the points common in Russia is the one that is not the case who, in the end, was departed by Damansky, but what was the circumstances at a particular historical moment of time. If the island was then given to the Chinese - it would give rise to the precedent and would encourage the then Chinese leadership for further territorial claims to the USSR.

    According to many Russian citizens, in 1969 on the Ussuri River for the first time after the Great Patriotic War The most real aggression was reflected, which had the purpose of seizing other people's territories and solving specific political issues.

    Ryabushkin Dmitry Sergeevich
    Photo -\u003d35

    The Bot as in 1969 the Soviet Union was on the threshold of a big war. More recently friendly China turned into a worst enemy, the fight with whom it could turn into a bloody slaughter. Analysts drew the most gloomy scenarios until the use of nuclear weapons.

    Sushi slice in the middle of Ussuri

    The epicenter of the passion was the Little Island Damansky on the Ussuri River, named in memory of the Russian engineer, once died in the waters of insidious river.
    The island of about 1700-1800 m from the north to south and about 600-700 m from the west to the East did not submit a large strategic or economic value, but the struggle for control over it became a matter of principle.

    Participants in battles during provocation on the Soviet-Chinese border on the island of Damansky on the Ussuri River March 2, 1969 with the head of Nizhny-Mikhailovka: Junior Sergeant Yuri Kozolus, ordinary Paul Kovalev, Andrei Bikuzin, Vasily Vishnevsky, Vladimir Raznodnin and Junior Sergeant Yuri Baban
    In 1860, the Russian Empire concluded the Beijing Treatise with China, determining the passage of the border between the two countries from the Ussuri River to the sea.
    The contract was assumed, in particular, that the border on Amur and Ussuri was held in the Chinese coast. Thus, only representatives of Russia could conduct economic activities on the rivers and the islands.

    Border problem

    But many assessed this agreement as a robber and advocated its change. Moreover, after the Paris Conference of 1919, a provision appeared, providing for the passage of the state border on the rivers in the middle of the main fairway.
    But also from the Soviet Union, and in China in the first half of the 20th century there were more cases, and the question of the passage of the border remained open. In the border areas, relations were good neighborly, and conflicts did not arise.
    After the proclamation of the People's Republic of China and at all, Idilly was held, concluded in the Russian formula with the Chinese Brothers Forevel.
    After the death of Stalin, the situation gradually began to change. Comrade Mao, who recognized the leadership of Joseph Vissarionovich in the global communist movement, did not at all consider the just transition of this role to Nikita Khrushchev. In addition, Mao Tseduna categorically did not like the "debate of a cult of personality" in the USSR.

    "Cultural Revolution" Need Enemies

    The deterioration of relations between the two countries led to the fact that the issue of the border was sharp.
    The Soviet Union from previous promises did not refuse, but bilateral advice did not have success. The reason was the sharp disagreements on global issues that were reflected in the border theme.
    Since the early 1960s, the Soviet-Chinese border grew the number of small incidents, as a rule, related to the penetration of Chinese to controversial territories. Usually, Soviet border guards exhibited unconditioned guests without any problems, but the behavior of the Chinese became becoming more daring.
    The "cultural revolution" began in 1966 in the PRC even more aggravated the relationship between Moscow and Beijing. Comrade Mao indicated not only on the inner, but also on external enemies.
    A call to "smash the heads of Soviet revisionists about the stones of Red Square" did not succe.

    "- Where are the people? - Yes, everything on ice, with the Chinese fighting! "

    By the beginning of 1969, the representatives of Borderway reported to the Kremlin: China is preparing a large campaign at the border. Among the possible areas of future events, Damansky Island was also indicated.
    The Directive of the Soviet leadership read: "Do not open fire, do not succumb to provocations!"
    Meanwhile, on the border, the case has already reached hand-to-hand fights. Soviet-Chinese border conflict in 1969.

    A crucial crowd of Hongwebins with quitters Mao Zedong is trying to break into the territory of the USSR. Frame from the film "What happened to Ussuri"

    Yuri Babansky, one of the heroes of events in Damansky, recalled: "We sent to the 2nd stamping of the Imansky border project, now the famous" Nizhny Mikhailovka ". At that time there were intensive contractions. Almost daily on the ice of Ussuri tied fist fights with Hungabins who put forward claims to our islands.

    Numbers on January 25 I was dropped from the helicopter. I came to Zava. I look - empty. Towards Kolya Dergach, Countryman, studied together in PTU. "Where are the people?" Asked him. - "Yes, everything is on ice, with the Chinese fighting!" The car arrived here for helping: chefs, stirreards. I grabbed someone's automatic and with everyone forward. I remember was a frosty sunny day. And I, who came from the detachment, stuck on the garrison "lip", softened there a little. "

    Jr. Sergeant Yuri Babansky took over the command in battle with the Chinese on the island of Damansky after the death of Senior Lieutenant Strelnikov
    China's media accused Soviet border guards in attacks on peaceful Chinese citizens. Public opinion was supplied to the thought: Soviet provocations deserve a tough and decisive response.

    Last Photo of Private Petrov

    Border guards go to the watch. Border Clause "Nizhne-Mikhailovka"
    On the night of March 1 to March 2, 1969, more than 70 Chinese soldiers crossed the Damansky and lay on the high West Bank of the island.
    Their presence of the Soviet side was immediately discovered.
    At about 10:20 local time on March 2, the extension on the ice of the Ussuri River was found in the direction of the island of about three dozen Chinese border guards.

    Soviet-Chinese border conflict on the island of Damansky in 1969. The chain of Chinese provocateurs will suggest Soviet border guards. The picture was made by the rank N. Petrov, who died in battle on March 2, 1969 when defending the Soviet Far Eastern border.
    Head of the 2nd Suppass "Nizhny-Mikhailovka" of the 57th Imansky Border Council Senior Lieutenant Ivan Strelnikov with a group of 31 people on two cars and one BTR arrived at the southern tip of the island at about 10:40.
    Here the border guards divided into two groups. The first one, led by Strelnikov, moved to the Chinese, who were on ice in front of the island. The band under the command of Sergeant Vladimir Rovyovich was supposed to cut off the Chinese, who moved deep into the island. Refugees did not know about the prepared ambush. At 10:45, the senior lieutenant of Strelnikov expressed a protest about the violation of the border and demanded from Chinese military personnel to leave the territory of the USSR.
    What is happening on the camera filmed ordinary Nikolai Petrov. He was fond of photography, and for the heading he was instructed to fix Chinese provocations.
    The last shot of Private Petrov made in seconds to death. On it, the commander of the Chinese branch of the Sungo makes a conditional sign hand: it was an ambush signal to open fire on Soviet border guards.
    The camera will find in a serm of the killed Nikolai Petrov: his pictures will be a documentary testimony of the first minutes of the fight on Daman.

    1969 Chinese provoke our brownies on the island of Damansky

    They did not retreat

    In the group Strelnikov killed everything. Also, the squall fire was opened in the Rovovich group, in which almost everything was destroyed.
    The command of the left border guards accepted the younger sergeant Yuri Babansky. His separation was delayed with the nomination from the outpost and managed to disperse, together with the crew of the BTR, enhancing the battle.
    The advantage of the Chinese was overwhelming. After 20 minutes of battle, eight people remained in the Babansky group, after 35 minutes - five.
    To the aid, they came up with a group of 23 border guards of the 1st outpost "Kulebyakina Soping" under the command of Senior Lieutenant Vitaly Bibenin.

    Bibenin made a decisive contribution to the outcome of the battle on March 2. On his BTR, he went to the rear to the Chinese, shooting the infantry. When the BTR was bent, Bibenin with subordinates returned to the Soviet coast, moved to the BTR of the Died Strelnikov and spent a new attack. This time he managed to destroy the team point of the Chinese. However, when trying to evacuate the wounded, the second BTR was shot down.
    But the time was won. The Chinese understood that a new reinforcement was about to border guards. At about 13:00, Chinese units began a departure from Damansky.

    Senior Lieutenant Vitaly Bibenin, who was injured in battle during provocation on the Soviet-Chinese border on the island of Damansky on the Ussuri River on March 2, 1969, undergoing treatment in the hospital.

    Race embassy

    When the reinforcement led by the commander of the Imansky border, by Colonel Democrat Leonov, arrived at half to the place of the battle, was only to summarize the bloody days.
    31 The border guard died, another 14 was injured. According to the data obtained later on the KGB Channels of the USSR, the losses of the Chinese on March 2 left about 39 people killed.
    All this resembled the beginning of the war, rather than a border incident. Especially since the Chinese were not going to stop. On their shore began the deployment of the 24th Infantry Shelf of NAK with a total number of about 5,000 people. "True" and its Chinese analogue "Guenmin Siboo" exchanged angry editors, in which each part of the sides pinned the guilt on the opponent.
    In Beijing, a manifestation was held at the USSR Embassy. In Moscow, the answer was followed, so what: the Chinese embassy threw bubbles with ink, as well as other polluting objects.

    Police quietly looked at what was happening. Nothing like this in the capital was not at the same time until 1999, when the bombing of Yugoslavia began and the manifestations threw what the US Embassy fell.

    Protest manifestation at the building of the PRC Embassy in Moscow against provocation on the Soviet-Chinese border on the island of Damansky on March 2, 1969.

    Ten to one

    Politburo directive of the Central Committee of the CPSU Personal Statement: Army units into conflict can not be involved, reflect provocations by border guards.
    Nevertheless, the 135th motorized rifle division of the Soviet army with artillery, as well as the secreted reactive installations of the BM-21 bm-21 "Hrad" at that time, launched in the rear. Immediately had to play a decisive role.

    Soviet border guards went out into the doses of trucks of 10 people, while usually two to three people are involved in their composition. Everyone understood: the continuation will be followed. The sappers held mining in case of the attack of the Chinese.

    Participant of battles on the island of Damansky E. Yanshin
    On March 14, the Chinese again tried to penetrate the island, but were bent. Cutting them, border guards on the orders of the command also left Damansky. Then the Chinese again repeated their attempt and again were bent.
    In the evening, the head of the Motomagonian group of the 57th frontier, Lieutenant Colonel Yangsin received an order with a group of 44 people with the support of four BTRs to take positions on Damansky.
    On March 15, 1969, the Chinese included loudspeakers: they called on the border guards to refuse "revisionism" and "leave the territory of China".
    From our shore included the response broadcast: the Chinese were reminded of combat friendship and joint struggle with Japanese militarists.
    Do not convince each other, the parties have moved to active actions. In the positions of border guards, Chinese artillery struck, mortars earned. After that, against the 45 fighters of the Janshina group moved into the attack three Chinese companies with a total number of up to 450 people.
    Movie 1 to 10 began to affect. Despite the fierce resistance of border guards, they began to take them in the "ring." The 4 tank of the T-62, which commanded the Colonel Leonov, were admitted to the rescue. For some time, the promotion of the Chinese managed to slow down, but then the commander tank was shot down. Selecting from the burning machine, Leonov died from a sniper bullet.
    Yanshina and his fighters ended the cartridges, and about 15:00 they received an order to retreat. Damansky moved under the control of the Chinese.

    Boots "Grad"

    At the site of parts of the Soviet Army, he was commanded by the Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant-General Pavel Carpenters. He reported to the commanding troops of the Far Eastern Military District, Lieutenant-General Oleg Losiku: Chinese units occupied the island and begin to be fixed on it. It will not work out their forces of border guards, it will only lead to new losses.

    The leather, like carpenters, was the hero of the Soviet Union, he received his reward for the liberation of Belarus. Two generals well understood the current situation. General Losik about 17:00 allowed the carpenter to use all the strength and means available at its disposal.
    A few minutes later, "hails" hit the Chinese positions. It was the first combat use of the fortifications that produced a complete ammunition package for 20 seconds.

    Field Chinese phone left at Soviet territory
    The effect turned out to be amazing. The firing squalls were destroyed by Chinese fortifications, positions of mortars, ammunition, technique. How many Chinese soldiers and officers died, it is not known so far, the radio service data said that the account is on hundreds.
    After the strike of "Grads" and artillery in the attack, the border guards of the 2nd motorized rifle battalion of the 199th motorized rifle shelf were sent. The Chinese were knocked out from Damansky. In the evening they attempted to draw a counterattack, but she was shot down.
    When it became clear that there would be no new attacks, the Soviet divisions came the order to move to his shore. The little island, impregnated with Soviet and Chinese blood, was empty again.

    In 1991, Damansky became Zhenbao

    The Chinese side of the new attempts of the problem did not take the problem. In Beijing, they realized that the USSR was ready for a big fight, although he was not on the desire to participate in it.
    There were no major clashes: the Chinese tried to go to Daman's small groups, but they were distilled off with warning fire.
    In September 1969, in Beijing Airport, the head of the USSR and China, Alexey Kosygin and Zhou Egnlay, held Blitz-negotiations on which an agreement was reached on the cessation of hostile actions.
    At the same time, the de facto Soviet side recognized Chinese claims to Damansky: a day before the negotiations, border guards were ordered not to open fire to the Chinese, and those using it, went to the island.
    The border on Ussuri according to international standards, that is, according to the main fairway, I was issued under Mikhail Gorbachev. In 1991, Damansky was officially transmitted to the PRC, turning into Zhenbao ("precious").
    According to conscience, of course, he had to be called bloody.

    They fought for their homeland

    Border guards "Nizhne-Mikhailovka" Opplies receive parcels and letters from the residents of the USSR, in which admiration for the heroism and courage of the border defenders

    In the battles on the Daman part of the Soviet Army and border guards lost 58 people killed and 94 injured. How many people lost, it is not known so far.
    Five people for participation in battles on the island of Damansky were awarded the title of Heroes of the Soviet Union: Colonel Democrat Leonov (posthumously), Senior Lieutenant Ivan Strelnikov (posthumously), Junior Sergeant Vladimir Orekhov (posthumously), Senior Lieutenant Vitaly Bibenin, Junior Sergeant Yuri Babansky.
    Several dozen people who fallen and living were awarded orders and medals.
    Senior Lieutenant Vitaly Bibenin, who received in battles on a Daman wound and contusion, after healing entered the Military Political Academy named after V. I. Lenin, and a few years later became the first commander of the legendary special forces of Alpha.

    Daman conflict

    Conflict background

    The history of the emergence of the conflict is rooted in 1860, when China (then another Qing Empire) gave way to Russia in Central Asia and Primorye's extensive land in Central Asia and Primorye.

    After the Second World War in the Far East, the USSR received a very reliable and devotional ally in the form of the People's Republic of China. Soviet assistance in war with Japan 1937-1945. and B. civil War In China, Gomintandan's forces made Chinese communists very loyal in relation to the Soviet Union. The USSR, in turn, willingly used the benefit of the strategic situation.

    However, in 1950, the world in the Far East was destroyed by the war broken in Korea. This war was a logical consequence of the four years earlier than the Cold War. The desire of two superpowers - USSR and the United States - to combine the Korean peninsula under the rule of the friendly regime led to bloodshed.

    Initially, success was entirely on the side of Communist Korea. Her troops managed to break the resistance of a small army of the south and rushed deep into South Korea. However, the latest US and UN forces soon came to the rescue, as a result of which the offensive was stopped. In the fall of 1950, a landing land was planted in the district capital of the DPRK - Cities of Seoul, and therefore the North Korean army began hasty retreat. The war threatened to end the defeat of the North in October 1950.

    In this situation, the threat of the emergence of the capitalist and clearly not friendly state has ever increased. The ghost of the Civil War also hung over the PRC, so it was decided to intervene in the war in Korea on the side of the Communist Forces.

    As a result, China became a "unofficial" conflict party, and the course of war has changed again. For a very short time, the front line again sank to the 38th parallel, which almost coincided with the demarcation line before the war. Here the front and stopped until the end of the conflict in 1953.

    After the Korean War in Soviet-Chinese relations, China's aspiration was most noticeable to leave the USSR's "suzerita" to lead their own, fully independent foreign policy. And the reason was not forced to wait.

    Gap between the USSR and China

    In 1956, the XX CPSS Congress was held in Moscow. The result was the refusal of the Soviet leadership from the cult of the personality of I. V. Stalin and actually a change in the country's foreign policy doctrine. In China, they were closely followed by these changes, but the delight did not experience them. Ultimately, Khrushchev and his apparatus were announced in China with revisionists, and the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party revised the foreign policy of the state.

    That period in China is called the beginning of the "war of ideas between China and the USSR". The Chinese leadership put forward a number of requirements for the Soviet Union (for example, the Annexia of Mongolia, the transfer of nuclear weapons, etc.) and at the same time tried to show the United States and other capitalist countries that the PRC is not a smaller opponent of the USSR than they.

    The gap between the Soviet Union and China was keen and deepened. In this regard, all Soviet specialists who worked there were exported from the PRC. In the highest echelons of the USSR, irritation increased about the foreign policy of "Maoists" (so called followers of Mao Zedun's policies). At the Chinese border, the Soviet leadership was forced to keep a very impressive group, giving himself a report in the unpredictability of the Chinese government.

    In 1968, events occurred in Czechoslovakia, later the name "Prague Spring". Changing the political course of the government of the country led to the fact that at the end of August of the same year, the Soviet leadership was forced to intervene in this process to avoid the beginning of the collapse of the Warsaw Treaty. In Czechoslovakia, the troops of the USSR and other countries of the Warsaw Treaty were introduced.

    The Chinese leadership condemned the actions of the Soviet side, as a result of which relations between the countries deteriorated. But as it turned out, the worst was still ahead. By March 1969, the situation for military conflict was completely abandoned. It was heated in a huge amount since the beginning of the 1960s provocations from the Chinese side. It was often not only the Chinese military, but also peasants, demonstratively engaged in the eyes of the Soviet border guards to the Soviet territory. Nevertheless, all the violators won back without the use of weapons.

    By the end of the 1960s, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe island of Damansky and at other sites of the Soviet-Chinese border, there were also full collisions with the participation of military personnel of both parties. The scale and the audacity of the provocations steadily grew.

    The Chinese leadership pursued the goals not only and not so much military victory as a visual demonstration of the US leadership, that the PRC is the enemy of the USSR, and therefore may be if not an ally, then at least a reliable partner of the United States.

    Battles on March 2, 1969

    On the night of March 1 to March 2, 1969, a group of Chinese military personnel from 70 to 80 people crossed the Ussuri River and landed on the West Bank of Damansky Island. Up to 10:20 am, the Group remained unnoticed by the Soviet side, as a result of which Chinese soldiers had the opportunity to carry out reconnaissance and plan further actions based on the situation.

    At about 10 hours 20 minutes in the morning on March 2 soviet post Observations noticed a group of Chinese servicemen in Soviet territory. A group of border guards led by the border of the USSR border, led by the head of the 2nd Nizhne-Mikhaylovka post, Senior Lieutenant I. Strelnikov. Upon arrival at the island, the group was divided. The first part under the command of I. Strelnikova moved towards the Chinese military workers who were on the ice in the south-western tip of the island of Damansky; Another group under the command of Sergeant V. Rabovich moved along the shore of the island, which cuts off a group of Chinese military personnel, moving deep into Damansky.

    After about 5 minutes, the Strelnikov Group approached the Chinese military personnel. I. Strelnikov protested them in connection with the violation of the state border of the USSR, but the Chinese in response suddenly opened fire. At the same time, another group of Chinese soldiers opened fire on the group V. Rabovich, as a result of which the Soviet border guards were caught by surprise. In a rapid battle, both Soviet groups were almost completely destroyed.

    The shooting on the island heard the head of the neighboring 1st outpost "Culebyakina Soping" Senior Lieutenant V. Bibenin. He decided to advance with 23 fighters on the BTR in the direction of Damansky to the help of neighbors. However, approaching the island, the senior lieutenant group was forced to take defense, because the Chinese troops were transferred to the offensive in order to master the island of Damansky. Nevertheless, the Soviet military personnel courageously and stubbornly defended the territory, not allowing the enemy to reset them into the river.

    Understanding that a long time, such a state of affairs can not continue, Senior Lieutenant Bibenin accepted a very brave decision, which in essence decided the outcome of the battle for the island of Damansky on March 2. Its essence was in the raid in the rear of the Chinese group with the aim of her disorganization. On BTR-60PB V. Bibenin went to the rear to the Chinese, the rich northern part of the island of Damansky, causing a serious damage to the enemy. However, BTR Bibenin was soon chosen, as a result of which the commander decided to get to the BTR of the Killed Senior Lieutenant I. Strelnikov. This idea was a success, and soon V. Bibenin continued to move along the orders of Chinese troops, inflicting the loss. So, as a result of this raid, the Chinese command post was also destroyed, but soon the second BTR was shot down.

    Commanded the group of surviving border guards Junior Sergeant Y. Babansky. Their Chinese displace from the island did not succeed, and already at 13 o'clock the violators began the removal of troops from the island.

    As a result of the battle on March 2, 1969, on the island of Damansky, the Soviet troops lost 31 people killed and 14 injured. The Chinese side, according to Soviet data, lost 39 people killed.

    Situation March 2-14, 1969

    Immediately after the end of the battle on the island of Damansky, the command of the Imansky border detachment arrived here further action and suppress further provocations.

    As a result, it was decided to strengthen borderline outfits on the island, the transfer of the additional forces of the border guards. In addition to this, the 135th motorized rifle division was expanded in the area of \u200b\u200bthe island, reinforced by the newest plants of the Hallery Fire "Grad". At the same time, from the Chinese side for further actions against the Soviet troops, the 24th Infantry Regiment was deployed.

    However, the parties were not limited to military maneuvers. On March 3, 1969, a demonstration was held at the Soviet embassy in Beijing. Participants demanded it from the Soviet leadership "to stop aggressive actions against the Chinese people." At the same time, Chinese newspapers published false and propaganda materials, arguing that the Soviet troops allegedly invaded the territory of China and fired Chinese troops.

    From the Soviet side, an article was published in the newspaper "Pravda", in which the shame of Chinese provocateurs was branded. There is more reliably and objectively described the course of events. On March 7, the Chinese embassy in Moscow was picketed, the demonstrators threw it with bubbles with ink.

    Thus, events March 2-14 in fact did not change the course of events, and it became clear that new provocations on the Soviet-Chinese border were not far off.

    Fights 14-15 March 1969

    At 15 hours on March 14, 1969, Soviet troops received an order to leave Damansky Island. Immediately after this, the island began to occupy Chinese military personnel. In order to prevent this, the Soviet side of Damansky was directed 8 BTrov, seeing which, the Chinese immediately moved to their shore.

    By the evening of the same day, the Soviet border guards were given an order to occupy an island. Soon after, the band under the command of Lieutenant Colonel E. Yanshina fulfilled the order. On the morning of March 15, a fire from 30 to 60 stems of Chinese artillery suddenly opened a fire on Soviet troops, after which the three companies of the Chinese moved to the offensive. Nevertheless, the enemy failed to break the resistance of the Soviet troops and master the island.

    However, the situation became critical. In order not to allow to destroy the Yanshina group, another group under the command of Colonel D. Leonov, who joined the oncoming battle with the Chinese in the southern tip of the island. In this battle, the Colonel died, but the price of serious losses of his group managed to keep busy positions and cause significant damage to the enemy's troops.

    After two hours, the Soviet troops who spent ammunition were forced to start a departure from the island. Using a numerical advantage, the Chinese began to occupy an island again. However, at the same time, the Soviet leadership decided to apply fire strike forces by the enemy from the "Hrad" attitudes, which was made about 17 hours. The result of Artudar was simply stitching: the Chinese suffered huge losses, their mortars, tools, and the reinforcements located on the island were almost completely destroyed.

    10-20 minutes after art preparation, motorized trigs were switched to the offensive together with the border guards under the command of Lieutenant Colonels Smirnov and Konstantinov, and the Chinese troops had a hurry left the island. At about 19:00, the Chinese took a number of counterattacks, which quickly choked quickly, as a result of which the situation had practically not changed.

    As a result of the events of March 14-15, Soviet troops suffered losses in 27 people killed and 80 wounded. Chinese losses were strictly classified, but it can be said that they range from 60 to 200 people. The main part of these losses, the Chinese suffered from the fire of reactive plants of the Hallery Fire "Grad".

    The five Soviet servicemen for heroism, manifested in the battles on the island of Damansky, was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. This is Colonel D. Leonov (posthumously), senior lieutenant I. Strelnikov (posthumously), Junior Sergeant V. Orekhov (posthumously), senior lieutenant V. Bibenin, Junior Sergeant Y. Babansky. Also about 150 people were awarded other government awards.

    Consequences of conflict

    Immediately after the end of the battle, the Damansky Soviet troops were assigned to the Ussuri River. Soon the ice on the river was touched, and the crossing for Soviet border guards was very difficult than and the Chinese soldiers took advantage. At the same time, contacts between the Soviet and Chinese troops were reduced only to machine gun shootings, the end of which was laid in September 1969. By this time, the Chinese actually occupied the island.

    Nevertheless, the provocations on the Soviet-Chinese border after the conflict on the island of Damansky did not stop. So, in August of the same year, another major Soviet-Chinese border conflict occurred - the incident at Lake Jalanashkol. As a result, the relationship between the two states reached a truly critical mark - the nuclear war between the USSR and the PRC was close as ever.

    Another result of the border conflict on the island of Daman was the fact that the Chinese leadership realized that it was impossible to continue aggressive policies against the northern neighbor. The depressing state of the Chinese army, once again revealed during the conflict, only strengthened this guess.

    The result of this border conflict was the change in the state border between the USSR and China, as a result of which Damansky island passed under the power of the PRC.

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    And Chinese People's Republic. Daman conflict is another indicator of human irresponsibility and cynicity. The world has not yet managed to reign calm after World War II, and the foci of the armed confrontation arose here, then there. And before facing face to face, the USSR and China actively participated in different confrontations that did not directly concern them.


    After the second opium war ended, countries such as France, Russia and the United Kingdom were able to sign agreements on favorable conditions with China. So, in 1860, Russia supported the Beijing treatise, according to its conditions on the Chinese bank of the Amur, the border was held, and the Chinese peasants had no right to use it.

    For a long time of the country supported friendly relationships. The border population was small, so there was no conflict on questions about who belong to the desert river islands.

    In 1919, a Parisian civil conference took place, as a result, a provision on state borders appeared. It said that the border should pass in the middle of the main fairway river. As an exception, could pass along the shore, but only in two cases:

    1. So it happened historically.
    2. As a result of the colonization of lands of one of the parties.

    At first, this ruling did not provoke any disagreement and misunderstandings. Only after a time after the state borders perceived seriously, it became an additional reason for the emergence of the Daman conflict.

    In the late 1950s, China began to strive to increase his international influence, so without a special delay entered into a conflict with Taiwan (1958), took an active part in the border war with India. Also, the PRC did not forget about the situation about state borders and decided to use it to revise the existing Soviet-Chinese borders.

    The ruling top of the Soviet Union was not against, and in 1964 there was advice on the border issues. True, she ended to no avail - everything remained the same as it was. In the course of the cultural revolution in the PRC and after the Prague Spring, the Chinese government stated that the Soviet Union began to support "socialist imperialism", relations between the countries aggravated even more. And in the center of this conflict was the island question.

    What else could be the prerequisites for the Daman conflict?

    After World War II, the PRC became a powerful ally for the USSR. The Soviet Union provided assistance to China in the war with Japan and supported the Homintandan forces in the Civil War. The Chinese Communists were loyal to the USSR, and there was a short calm.

    This fragile world continued until 1950, when the Cold War between Russia and the United States began. Two big countries They wanted to merge the Korean Peninsula, but their "noble" desires led to global bloodshed.

    At that time, the peninsula split into the communist and southern Korea. Each of the parties was confident that it was her vision of the country's development is true, an armed confrontation arose on this basis. First, the Communist Korea was leading in the war, but then to help South Korea came America and UN forces. China did not stay aside, the government understood that if he won South Korea, the country will have a strong opponent who will certainly or later attack. Therefore, the PRC protrudes on the side of the Communist Korea.

    During the conduct of hostilities, the front line shifted to the 38th parallel and remained there until the end of the war, until 1953. When the confrontation subsided, the Government of the PRC rethought its position in the international arena. China decides to get out of the influence of the USSR and lead their own foreign policy that did not depend on anyone.

    Such an opportunity was introduced in 1956. At this time, the XX CPSU Congress was held in Moscow, it was decided to abandon the cult of the personality of Stalin and radically change the foreign policy doctrine. From such innovations, the People's Republic of China was not delighted, in the country they began to call the policy of Khrushchev Audit, and the country chose a completely different foreign policy.

    This split began to call war of ideas between China and the Soviet Union. If the opportunity appeared, the PRC tried to show that she was configured against the USSR, like some other countries of the world.

    In 1968, the period of liberalization began in Czechoslovakia (Prague Spring). The first secretary of the Central Committee of the CCP, Alexander Dubchenko, proposed reforms that significantly expanded the rights and freedoms of citizens and also assumed the decentralization of power in the country. The inhabitants of the state supported such changes, however, they were not acceptable for the USSR, therefore, the Soviet Union was introduced into the territory of the country. This action was condemned by the PRC, it became another, really real reason for the beginning of the Daman conflict.

    Sense of superiority or deliberate provocation

    Historians argue that as a result of the exacerbation of the relationship between countries in the USSR, the feeling of superiority over the inhabitants of China began to cultivate. Russian border guards chose to deploy the exact location of the border and scared Chinese fishermen, driving on the boats near their boats at high speed.

    Although according to other information, the provocations were satisfied with the Chinese side. The peasants crossed the border and engaged in their affairs, not paying attention to the border guards, it was necessary to catch them and send back. Weapons did not apply.

    Perhaps it was the main causes of the Daman conflict.


    O. Damansky at that time was part of the Pozhara district of Primorsky Krai, from the Chinese side he was located near the main line of the Ussuri River. In size, the island was small: the length from north to the south was approximately 1,700 meters, from the west to the East - 600-700. Total area - 0.74 km 2. When the floods occur, the land susha is completely under the water. But despite this, there are several brick buildings on the territory of the island, and the bay meadows are a valuable natural resource.

    Because of the increased number of provocations by China, the situation on the island has become increasingly gone. If in 1960 the illegal border crossings were about 100, then in 1962 their number increased to 5 thousand. Conflict on the island of Damansky approached.

    Information about the attack of Hungaibins on border guards began to appear. Such situations were not solid, their account was already thousands.

    On January 4, 1969, the first mass provocation on the island of Kirkinsky was held, more than 500 people in China took part in it.

    To our time, memories of the younger sergeant were preserved, which served on the border shop this year - Yuri Babansky:

    In February, unexpectedly received the appointment as the commander of the Office Department, the head of which was the senior lieutenant Ivan Strelnikov. I come to Zava, and there, besides the cook, there is no one. "Everything," says, - on the shore, with the Chinese fighting. " I, of course, an automatic on the shoulder - and to Ussuri. And there is really a fight. Chinese border guards crossed Ussuri on ice and invaded our territory. Here are Strelnikov and raised the "in a gun". Our guys and higher, and later were. But the Chinese are not a flap of spike - deft, sobble; The fist do not climb, in every way trying to dodge our blows. While everyone was completely out, the hour and a half passed. But without a single shot. Only in the face. I thought even then: "Merry Zapaste".

    These were the first prerequisites for the conflict on the island of Damansky. According to the Chinese version, Russians performed provocateurs. They bent unfortunately beat Chinese citizens who were peacefully engaged in their affairs on their own territory. During the Kirkino incident, the Soviet military applied a BTR to displace civilians, and on February 7, 1969, they made several automatic shots towards Chinese border guards.

    True, whose fault did these clashes did not occur, they could not lead to a serious armed conflict without the approval of the government.


    Now the most common is the opinion that the military conflict on the island of Damansky was a planned promotion by China. Even Chinese historians directly or indirectly write about it in their writings.

    Lee Danhuway wrote that at the end of the 60s of the last century, the Directive of the CPC Central Committee prohibited the Chinese to respond to the "provocations" of Soviet soldiers, only 01/25/1969 was allowed to plan response hostilities. For this purpose, three companies soldiers were attracted. On February 19, the decision on the response hostilities was approved by the General Staff and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC. There is also an opinion that Marshal Lin Biao warned the USSR government in advance about the upcoming campaign, which then resulted in the conflict.

    In the American reconnaissance bulletin, which was released on July 13, 1969, it was written that in China they conducted propaganda, the main ideas of which were emphasized on the need to unite citizens and called them to prepare for war.

    Also, sources say that the intelligencely notified the strength of the Soviet Union on armed provocation. In any case, about the upcoming attack was one way or another. In addition, it was difficult to not notice that the leadership of China wanted not so much to defeat the USSR, as clearly demonstrate America, which is also an opponent of the Soviet Union, so it can be for the US a reliable partner.

    The beginning of the conflict. March 1969.

    The conflict with China on the island of Damansky 1969 began on the first night of March - from 1 to 2 numbers. A group of Chinese military out of 80 people crossed the Ussuri River and landed in the western part of the island. Up to 10 in the morning, no one noticed these unauthorized reports, as a result, the Chinese military were able to improve the location of the dislocation and plan further actions.

    At about 10:20 in the morning, Chinese servicemen were seen at the Soviet observation post.

    A group of Russian border guards, which headed the senior lieutenant Strelnikov immediately went to the place of violation of the border. Arriving on the island, they were divided into two subgroups: one headed by Strelnikov went to the Chinese military, the other, led by Sergeant Rabovich, moved along the shore, thus cutting off the group of Chinese military from the progress of deep into the island.

    The Chinese conflict on Damansky began in the morning when Strelnikov's group approached the violators and expressed a protest relative to an unauthorized invasion. Chinese soldiers suddenly opened fire. At the same time, they open fire and on the Rabovich group. Soviet border guards found surprise and almost completely destroyed.

    On this conflict on March 2, 1969, Damansky was not over. The shots heard the head of the head of the "Culebyakina Soping", which was located next door, senior lieutenant Bibenin. He quickly decided to navigate with 23 fighters to help. But only approaching the island, the Bibenin group was forced to immediately take a defensive position. The Chinese military began an offensive operation with a view to completely seize Damansky Island. Soviet soldiers were courageously defended the territory without giving the Chinese the opportunity to reset themselves into the river.

    True, such a conflict on the Peninsula Damansky could not continue to continue. Lieutenant Bibenin took the fateful decision, which on March 2 determined the outcome of the battle for the island. Sitting on the BTR, Bibenin went to the rear by Chinese troops, thereby trying to completely disorganize them. True, the BTR will soon be knocked out, but Bibenin did not stop it, he reached the vehicle of the killed lieutenant Strelnikov and continued his movement. As a result of this raid, a team point was destroyed, the enemy suffered serious losses. At 13 o'clock, the Chinese began to take troops from the island.

    Because of the military conflict of the USSR and China on the island of Damansky on March 2, the Soviet army lost 31 people., 14 were wounded. According to Soviet data, the Chinese side remained without 39 soldiers.

    Events from March 2 to March 14, 1969

    After graduating from the first stage of the military conflict, the Military Command of the Imansky Border Council arrived on the Damansky peninsula. They planned events that could stop such provocations in the future. It was decided to increase the border detachments. As an additional increase in combat capability in the area of \u200b\u200bthe island, the 135th motorized rifle division with the newest "Grades" in his arsenal was settled. From the Chinese side, the 24th Infantry Regiment was put up against the Soviet Army.

    True, countries were not limited to military maneuvers: to arrange a demonstration in the center of the capital - the Holy Case. Thus, on March 3, a demonstration took place near the Soviet embassy in Beijing, the participants of which demanded to stop aggressive actions. Also, the Chinese press began to publish completely untrue and propaganda materials. The publications said that the Soviet Army invaded the territory of China and opened fire by troops.

    The Moscow newspaper "Pravda" also did not remain indifferent and expressed her point of view of the border conflict on the island of Damansky. The events occurred more reliably. On March 7, the Chinese Embassy in Moscow was picketed and abandoned with bubbles with ink, obviously, the public found out about implausible rumors that spread among the Chinese about the Soviet Army.

    So that there is neither, and such provocative actions on March 2-14 did not significantly affect the course of events, a new border conflict on the island of Damansky was not far off.

    Fight in mid-March

    On March 14, at about three o'clock in the afternoon, the Soviet army received an order to retreat, the Russian participants of the Daman conflict had to leave the island. Immediately after the retreat of the Soviet Army, the territory of the island began to occupy the Chinese military.

    The USSR government could not calmly look at the current situation, obviously, the border conflict on the island of Damansky 1969 was forced to go to the second stage. The Soviet army sent to the island of 8 BTR as soon as the Chinese noticed them, they immediately moved to their shore. On the evening of March 14, the Soviet border guards gave the order to take an island, the band under the command of Lieutenant Colonel E. Yanshina immediately fulfilled him.

    March 15 in the morning in the Soviet troops opened fire. The Daman conflict of 1969 moved to the second phase. According to intelligence data, about 60 enemy artillery stems were shot at the Soviet troops, after shelling three companies of Chinese fighters moved to the offensive. However, the enemy could not seize the island, the Daman conflict of 1969 only began.

    After the situation has become critical, reinforcement, a group led by Colonel D. Leonov, was concluded. The newly arrived soldiers immediately entered the fight with the Chinese in the south of the island. In this conflict on the island of Damansky (1969), Colonel Leonovsky dies, his group carries serious losses, but still does not leave employed positions and causes the enemy damage.

    Two hours after the start of the battle, the ammunition was spent, and the Soviet troops had to retreat from the island of Damansky. The conflict of 1969 did not end in this: the Chinese felt their numerical advantage and began to occupy the liberated territory. But at the same time, the Soviet leadership gives good to the use of "Grads" to apply a fire blow to the enemy. At about 5 pm, the Soviet troops opened fire. The Chinese suffered great losses, mortars are disabled, ammunition and reinforcement completely destroyed.

    After half an hour, after a art, the Chinese began to come on the Chinese, border guards were involved in them under the command of Lieutenant Colonnikov Konstantinov and Smirnov. Chinese troops left nothing except hastily leave the island. The conflict with China on the Peninsula Damansky continued at seven o'clock in the evening - the Chinese decided to counterattack. True, their efforts were unsuccessful, and the situation of the Chinese army in this war has not changed significantly.

    In the course of military operations March 14-15, the Soviet army lost 27 soldiers, 80 were injured. As for losses in the Daman conflict of the Chinese side, then these data were strictly tempted. It can be estimated that they losses amounted to about 200 people.

    Settlement of confrontation

    During the conflict with China on the peninsula, the Daman Soviet troops lost 58 people, among the victims there were four soldiers from the officer, 94 people were injured, 9 of them officers. What losses suffered the Chinese side is still unknown, it is closed information, and historians only suggest that the number of killed Chinese soldiers ranges from 100 to 300 people. In the county, biocin is memorial cemeterywhere the dust of 68 Chinese soldiers is resting, which died in the Dadaman conflict of 1969. One of the Chinese faders said that there are other burials, so the number of buried soldiers can exceed 300 people.

    As for the part of the Soviet Union, the title of the "Hero of the Soviet Union" received the title of Heroism of the Five Military. Among them:

    • Colonel Demokrat Vladimirovich Leonov - the title was awarded posthumously.
    • Senior Lieutenant Ivan Ivanovich Strelnikov - awarded posthumously.
    • Junior Sergeant Vladimir Viktorovich Orekhov - received the title posthumously.
    • Senior Lieutenant Vitaly Dmitrievich Bibenin.
    • Jr. Sergeant Yuri Vasilyevich Babansky.

    State awards received many border guards and servicemen. For hostilities on the island of Daman participants was assigned.

    • Three orders of Lenin.
    • Ten orders of the Red Banner.
    • Order of the Red Star (31 pcs.).
    • Ten orders of the fame of the third degree.
    • Medal "Beam" (63 pcs.).
    • Medal "For Combat Merit" (31 pcs.).

    During the operation of the operation, the Soviet army left the T-62 tank on the enemy land, but because of the permanent shelling it was not possible to return. There was an attempt to destroy vehicle From the mortar, but this idea was not crowned with success - the tank was inconvenient under the ice. True, a little later, the Chinese were able to pull him on their own coast. He is currently an invaluable exhibit in the Beijing Military Museum.

    After the military operations ended, the Soviet troops left the territory of the island of Damansky. Soon the ice around the island began to melting, and it was difficult to cross the Soviet soldiers with the past acumes. The Chinese took advantage of this situation and immediately occupied positions on the lands of the Border Islands. To prevent the enemy's plans, the Soviet soldiers fired him out of guns, but not a tangible result made it.

    On this, the Daman conflict did not stop. In August of the same year, another big Soviet-Chinese armed conflict occurred. In history, he entered as an incident near Lake Jalanashkol. Relations between states really reached the critical mark. Between the USSR and the PRC, the possibility of the beginning of the nuclear war has been close.

    Provocations and military collisions along the Soviet-Chinese border continued until September. As a result of the border conflict, the leadership could still realize that it is impossible to continue aggressive policies in relation to the northern neighbor. The state in which the Chinese army was located once again confirmed this thought.

    September 10, 1969 received an order to stop the fire. Obviously, thus tried to create a favorable environment for political negotiations that began the day after receiving the order at the Beijing Airport.

    As soon as the shooting stopped, the Chinese immediately occupied a more strong position on the islands. This situation played an important role in negotiating. On September 11, in Beijing, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR A. N. Kosygin, who returned from the funeral of Ho Chi Minh, and the Prime Minister of the State Council of the PRC Zhou Egnlay met and agreed that it was time to stop hostilities and various kinds of hostile promotions. They also agreed that the troops would remain in the positions that previously occupied. Roughly speaking, Daman Island Fucked by China.


    Naturally, this state of affairs was not pleased with the USSR government, so on October 20, 1969, one more negotiations between the Soviet Union and the PRC took place. During these negotiations, the country agreed that the documents confirming the position of the Soviet-Chinese border were to revise.

    After that, a number of negotiations were committed, which were held alternately in Moscow, then in Beijing. And only in 1991, the Daman Island finally became the property of the PRC (although the de facto happened back in 1969).


    In 2001, the Archive of the KGB of the USSR declassified photographs of the discovered bodies of Soviet soldiers. Images explicitly testified to the presence of a fact of abuse from the Chinese side. All materials were transferred to the Dalnerechnsky Historical Museum.

    In 2010, a series of articles was published in the French newspaper, which said that the USSR was preparing a nuclear strike against the PRC in the fall of 1969. Materials referred to the newspaper "Guenimin Zibao". Such publication was published in Hong Kong's printed media. According to this data, America refused to maintain neutrality in case of applying a nuclear strike in China. The articles said that on October 15, 1969, the United States threatened to attack 130 Soviet cities in the event of an attack on the PRC. True, researchers do not specify, from which sources these data are taken and they themselves recognize the fact that other specialists do not agree with these statements.

    Daman conflict is considered to be a serious disagreement between the two powerful states, which almost led to the tragedy. But as far as this is true, perhaps, no one will say. Each country adhered to his point of view, distributed the information that was beneficial to her, and fiercely hid the truth. As a result, dozens of lost lives and destroyed destinies.

    War is always a tragedy. And we - those who are far from politics and noble desire to shed blood for a high ideal, is completely incomprehensible why we must certainly take a weapon in the hands. Humanity has long left the caves, cave drawings Those times have become quite accessible to understanding, moreover, no longer need to hunt for survival. But the rituals of human sacrifice were transformed and turned into quite legal armed confrontation.

    Daman conflict is another indicator of human irresponsibility and cynicity. It seems that the tragedy of World War II should have learned the rulers of all countries of the world with one simple truth: "War is bad." Although it is bad only for those who are not returning from the battlefield, for the rest from any confrontation you can get a certain benefit, "here's a medal, and Sigin at all." This principle was applied during the Daman conflict: the soldiers were confident that their opponent provokes, and the government ranks in the meantime, they solved their questions. Some historians believe that the conflict was only a reason to remove the public attention from what really happens in the world.

    See also: