The names of the Krasnodar Territory history. Some pages of history

Olga Chizh.

Symantic classification of toponymic names Okonim, Oronimov and Hydonimov Krasnodar Region



Introduction ……………………………………………………………………3

Chapter I. Toponymic Features geographic objects……….4

1.1. Toponimical layers ............................................................4

1.2.Hidronima ........................................................................ .... 6

1.3.Okonyim .......................................................................................... ..1.1.

1.4. Oronyms .............................................................................. 15.

Chapter II. Analysis of the semantic classification of topographic names ...................................................................................19

2.1.Ratik semantic classification of hydronism .......................19

2.2.Ratik semantic classification of Okonimov ..................... .... 19

2.3.Ratik semantic classification of Oronimov ........................ ..20

2.4.Ratik semantic classification toponyms ..................... .... 20

References ....................................................................... 22


Relevance of the topic.Humanitarian and environmental research is aimed at studying the true life of peoples, familiarization with folk traditions, rites, creativity and culture. In a modern unified world, a person strives for self-identification, is looking for and exploring its ethnic roots in order to feel like a special, possessing deep history and its own cultural traditions. And the knowledge of other cultures and ethnic features allows him to compile a holistic picture of the multi-faceted world of peoples and peoples, unique in their individuality. It is most fully and holistically to study the relationship between the ethnos and nature, it is possible only with the help of toponymics. It is the etymology that can tell about the origin of the word, including the geographical name.

Purpose this work is the analysis of these ethnography of the Krasnodar Territory, based on toponymic names. To implement this goal it was necessary to solve the following tasks:

  • reveal the sequence of toponymic layers in the territory of the Krasnodar Territory;
  • explore the existing literature;
  • appreciate the totality of hydronos, ukonimov and oponimov;
  • conduct semantic classification.

Object researchis the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, andsubject of researchthe diversity of toponymic names, different ethnic groups.

Chapter I. Toponymic features of geographic objects.

  1. Toponymic layers

Toponymics of the Krasnodar Territory concerns the area of \u200b\u200blinguistics and has little studied from a geographical point of view.

Our edge is extremely rich in toponymic names. The first and worship layer of these titles belongs to the ancestors of Adygs and their descendants. The second - less ancient is left by Cimmerians, Scyths, Sarmatians and Alans. The third - the most late toponymic layer was postponed due to the appearance of ready, Bulgar, mound and Russians. Inside each of the toponymic layers, layers of titles formed at different times are placed. In the foothill I. mountainous areas The Krasnodar Territory is also hybrid, bilingual names created by Adyghami by adding their different words to a borrowed foreign language word. This huge toponymic material has not yet been studied. Its study will give important additional information about the ancient settlement and migration of ethnic tribes in the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, about the nature of their material and spiritual life in the past, and the most important thing will help to establish the relationship between the ethnic volume and nature.

Toponymic data will have a considerable history service. ethnic languagesSince the etymological importance from the use of the word is often hidden in the geographical name.

Over the past millennia, our region has undergone the invasion of various tribes and peoples, which could not not affect toponymics of geographical objects. At first, these were the Kimmerians mentioned by Herodot, then the Scythians (from the VII-VIII centuries. BC) and Sarmata (from the III century BC. Up to the II-III century. AD). In which language, Kimmerians said it is unknown, although there is reason to assume that these were tribes in language ratio closest to later Scythians, which spoke in the languages \u200b\u200band dialects of ancient-enlightened type, close to Ossetian. Sarmatians (later the language descendants were called Alans) were also the closest linguistic relatives of the Scythians.

From the end of the IV century. AD The Skifo-Sarmatian group of steppe nomads was ousted or absorbed by the Huns, whose language was close to the Turkic and Mongolian groups, unlike Indo-European - Scythians. Since then, in the steppes, the domination of Turkic-speaking tribes was established: Avarov, Bulgar, Khazar, Pechenegov, Polovtsy - up to the domination of the Turkic Tatar Horde, which was formed as a result of the Mongol-Tatar invasion of the XIII century. In the second half of the XIII century. Turkic elements were finally displaced from the North-West Caucasus.

There are also many Slavic, Ukrainian, Greek titles. Toponymika Krasnodar Territory is quite complex. It captures traces of various eras and linguistic layers, the multinational composition of the population is reflected. Peoples speak languages \u200b\u200bthat belong to various language groups:

  • ado-Abkhaz and Nakho-Dagestan (Adygei, Cherkessky, Kabardinsky, Avar, Darginsky, etc.);
  • iranian (Ossetian);
  • turkic (Kumyk, Nogai, Balkar, Karachai);
  • slavic (Russian, Ukrainian).

For a comprehensive study of toponymic names, semantic classification is necessary:


Hydonim is the name of the river, the lake, the swamp, the swamp, the source, the well.

1. Abraoh - Lake in the Krasnodar Territory; 26 km from Novorossiysk. At AdygovAbrahao - "Failed".

2.Agwa - river in the Krasnodar Territory, the flow of the Sochi River. From Abkhazovskyakua - "rotten."

3.Gague - river in the Khostinsky district of the city of Sochi Krasnodar Territory. Etymology hydronime goes back to Adygagrhe - "Middle River".

4.Albashi - the Steppe River of the Krasnodar Territory. The name is associated with the Turkic language - "Red Head".

5. Baisug - the Krasnodar Territory River flows into the Baseugian Liman. With the Turkic - "Prince River".

6. Bzych-High river, the influx of the Shahoe River. Etymology from the Ubyssky - "Cold Water".

7. Bugundyr - River in the Abinsky district, originates on the northern sorts of Schiy Mount. The origin of the name Turkic - "Curve Rod."

8. The breath is a small river, takes the beginning from the slopes of the Ridge Pshaf. Translated from Adygh - "Golden".

9. Il - River in the Seversk district, originates on the slopes of the Mountain of the Mountain-Su. From Mongolian - "sparkling, brilliant."

10. INPSI - Mountain Lake in the Valley of the Tsakhvo River. Translated as - "Greater Water".

11. Camla is a small steppe river, the left tributary of the Pshish River. At the heart of Hydronity Adygh - "Ramysh".

12. Cardywach - Mountain Lake in the Krasnodar Territory. Etymology Hydronima - "Snow Head".

13. Kiziltashsky - Liman in Temryuk district. With the Turkic - "Red Stone".

14. Bricks - the Steppe River of the Krasnodar Territory. From Tatar - "Mostovaya".

15. Kuafo - the left influx of the Ambin River. With Adygh - "Bright, Pure Valley".

16. Kudepsta - River of the Black Sea coast. Translation from Adygh - "Serum".

17. Kuksa - River in the Labinsky district. From Nogai - "Blue Water".

18. McOca - River in Tuapse district, Takes the beginning on the slopes of the mountain Big Pseushho. With Adygh - "Blue Water".

19. Martha is a small river, originates on the slopes of the mountain of the cat. At the Ado-Abkhaz rivers means - "steep slope."

20. Mzymta - the most large river On the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, flowing into the Black Sea. Semantics - "Born in Snow".

21. NAC - a small river under Gelendzhik. At the heart of Hydronity Adygh - "Naked", "Skinny".

22. Nebug - River in the Tuapse region. Etymology is "Broadcasting".


24. Psegeapse - River in the Lazarevsky district of Sochi. From Shapsug - "good-natured".

25. Psenafa is the Steppe River of the Krasnodar Territory and Adygea. With Adygh - "Open Water".

26. Psens - Lake in Adygea. Hydonim from Adygh - "Beautiful Well".

27. Visi - the right influx of the Shahe River. Hydonim from Adygh - "Evil River".

28. PSOU - River on the border of the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Abkhazia. With Abadzekh - "Long River".

29. Teshebts - Mountain River in Gelendzhik district. With Adygh - "Golden Water".

30. Urushten - the left influx of small labs. Etymology of Ossetian - "White Water".

31. Hobza is a small mountain river of the Krasnodar Territory. With Shapsug - "Beautiful River".

32. Hoshps - Mountain River in the Tuapse region. With Shapsug - "Beautiful River".

33.Adagum - a small steppe river in the Krasnodar Territory, flows into the Varnavinsky reset channel. The name goes back to Turkic etymology, wherehell - "Island", Kuum - "Sand".

34. Gunayka - River in the Tuapse region. Toponym comes from Adygh - "Valley of the Caves".

35. Dzchcha is a mountain river in the Krasnodar Territory. From Abkhaz - "Fresh source".

36. Doguab - River in the Gelendzhik district, originates from the southern slopes of the Kotschur Range. With Adygh - "Sunny River".

37. Zybza is a small river, flows into the Kryukovskoye reservoir. Named from Adygh - "Lonely River".

38. Kabak - River in the Tuapsinsky district, the left tributary of the river TU. With Adygh - "Cave Valley".

39. Caverza is a large left influx of the psekups river. The name dates back to Adygh - "Swan".

40. Kudakko - the left influx of the Adagum River. With Adygh - "Valley of Oil".

41. Kuzheps - River in Tuapsinsky district. Etymology with Adygh - "Pearing Tree."

42. Katalyka - the right influx of the river as stise. From Adygh - "Herd of Kabanov".

43. Macarkek is a small stream, the right influx of the river Great. From Adygh - "hay broken."

44. Matsesta is a river within the Big Sochi. From Abkhazo-Abazinsky - "Firewater".

45. Mesybe - River in the area of \u200b\u200bGelendzhik. Hydonim from Adygh - "Many Forests".

46. \u200b\u200bMecception is a small river in the Krasnodar Territory. With Adygh - "Apple Deep Kut".

47. Miguta - a small steppe river in the Krasnodar Territory. Persian translation - "Misty River".

48. Mishook - River in Maykopsky district, the left tributary of the river Belaya.Translated - "Medvezhya Valley".

49. Noteply - River in the Crimean District. Literal translation - "Predatory Orel".

50. Psekups - River on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory and Adygea. Supporting translation - "River Valley of Chernoklinov".

51. Psheno is a mountain river in the Tuapse region. At Adyg - "Rodnikova Valley".

52. The jacket is the left tributary EI. With the Turkic - "rotten", "smelly".

53. Tuba is a mountain river in the Tuapse region. From the Turkic - "Hill, Borny".

54. Abba - small mountain river in the Krasnodar Territory, the left influx of the Kichmai River (River Swimming pool).Wabbe - "Allah" is a dream God of oblique.

55. Calalas - the left influx of the Eglyl River. Hydonim from Tatar - "fortified place."

56. Kanuk - the left influx of the river Walking. With Adygh - "Guest".

57. Kurdens - River in the Absheron district, the left tributary of the river Belaya. At the heart of Hydronim Adygh - "Georgian River".

58. Nagish - a small mountain river in Lazarevsky district, the right influx of the psegeapse river. Translation - "Snacks, Landmark".

59. Upos - a small river in the Tuapse region. With Adygh - "Bake of Horses Tears".

60. Psluk - the mountain river in the Krasnodar Territory. Etymology - "Pasture River".

61. PSHICH is the left influx of Kuban. At Adygov - "Prince".

62. Secua -Reka in the Tuapse region. Etymology - "My Valley".

63. Sipseil - the left tributary of the APCHAGE River. With Adygh - "My River".

64. Hakuzhif - the right influx of the Psif River. At the heart of Hydronity Adygh - "Old Residence".


65.Yadgako - a small mountain river in the Seversky district of the Krasnodar Territory, the right influx of Shebsh River. At the heart of the hydronime ethnonymAdyge.

66.Ague - River in the Abinsky district of Krasnodar Territory, the left tributary of the Ambin River. At the heart of the hydronime ethnonymAdyge

67. Jean - a mountain river in the area of \u200b\u200bGelendzhik. Named from the Cheneevtsev tribe.

68. Hatyps is a small mountain, right influx of Psekups. Hyronim dates back to the name of the people.

69. Babine - River in the Krasnodar Territory, originates from the northern slopes of the Kotozchur Range, flows into the Varnavinsky reset channel.

70. Tlyabu - the left tributary of the River Caverze. Etymology Hydronim is difficult.


Okonim - own name of any settlement (city, villages, village, farm, etc.)

Names characterizing the features of the object:

1. Theabuses are a tiny farmers in the territory of the hot-moving city council. At the heart of toponym nameAbu and PS - "One", "lonely".

2. Anapa - the resort city of Krasnodar Territory. Toponym dates back to Adyg etymology - "Table", "Edge", "Nose".

3. Big Kichmay - Chapsuga Aul in the Krasnodar Territory; In the right bank of the Shah River. The name has a Turkish origin - "Sandy River".

4. Gusel-Dere - resort village Black Sea coast. From Turkish - "Beautiful Gorge."

5. Kamennikovsky - a settlement in Maykop district. Named because of stone bridges in the white river canyon.

6. Code - the village in the Tuapse region. Etymology of Okonima from Adygh - "Absure".

7. Madik is a tiny farm in the Tuapse region. Semantics - "Little finger".

8. Nadgigo - Aul in the Tuapsinsky district. With Adygh - "Coastal Valley".

Names characterizing natural conditions of terrain:

9. Altmets - a small village in the Krasnodar Territory, the north of the village of Dagomys. Etymology from the Adygh "Wild Forest".

10. Benokovo - Village in the Mostovsky district, not the left bank of the river. Etymology of Okonima - "Ternal Valley".

11. G. G. Gos. - Stanitsa in the Anapa district. Translated from Adygh - "Fir".

12. Guamka - the village in the Absheron district. Translation from Adygh - "smell of mistletoe".

13. Kelermes - Stanitsa in the Giaghinsky district of Adygea. With Adygh - "Ashemshine Forest".

15. Maratuki is a tiny farm in the Absheron district. Semantics - "Sunny Place".

17. Messezhev - the village in the Tuapse region. Translated - "Kizilova Polyana".

18. PsEBA - a settlement in the Mostovsky district. With Adygh - "Many Pear".
19. Sugder - the village in the Crimean district. With the Turkic - "Cold Gorge".

20. Taman - the village at the Temryuk district. With Adygh - "Boloto", "Lake".

21. Tuapse - resort town on the Black Sea coast. Etymology - "Twire".

22. Shemok - the village in the Mostovsky district. From Kabardian - "Swamp beam."

Names characterizing life and culture of the population:

23. Absheronsk is a city in the Krasnodar Territory. Etymology of Okonima - "Apsman Fortress".

24. Armavir is a city in the Krasnodar Territory. Armavir is the capital of the Old Army kingdom.

25. Babarluk - the village in the Tuapse region. Armenian etymology - "Tests Garden."

26. Gianhot is a resort village in Gelendzhik district. From Circassian - "Happy man."

27. Jorezh - Aul in Lazarevsky district. Toponym means - "Cross", "Old". Goes back to the period when Chapsuga professed Christianity.

28. Kalazhinskaya - Stanitsa in the Labinsky district. With the Turkic "small fortress".

29. Calezh - Aul in the Asha River Valley. With Adygh - "Old Fortress".

30. Lygoth - Aul in the Tuapsinsky district. At the heart of Toponimia Adygh - "Old Aspiece".

31. Magri - a village in the Tuapse region. Named from names Maria and Grigory.

32. Mamaika is a resort village on the coast of the Black Sea. Translated as - "Math Fortress".

33. Schitokwadzha - a resort village on the Black Sea coast. Presumably - "Aul red cows."


34. BAGAVSKAYA - Stanny in the Mostovsky district. The name from the Abkhaz-Abazinsky tribal education.

35. Bizhid - the village in Gelendzhik district. Title from Brzedukhov.

36. Vardan is a resort village in the Krasnodar Territory. Title from the Ubya tribe.

37. Verkhnebakansky - a settlement in the Krasnodar Territory. Translated from the Turkic - "Nogai Fortress".

38. Kaplanovo - Village in the Krasnodar Territory. Named by the name of the Nogai princes.

39. Sochi is the resort city of the Black Sea coast. Etymology from the names of the tribes.

40. Tuba is a farm in the Absheron district. By title of tribal education.

41. The slaughters are a small farm in the Krasnodar Territory. By the name of the militant tribe.

The names of incomprehensible semantic meaning:

42. Altine is a small farm in the Tuapse region of the Krasnodar Territory, on the left bank of the River Pshish. Etymology of ukonim is difficult.

43. Baybaris is a tiny village in the left bank of the river Urup. The meaning of the title value is not clear. (incomprehensible semantic meaning)

44. Dzhubga - a spa village in the area of \u200b\u200bGelendzhik. There is no accurate translation.

45. Mishuk - Farm in the area of \u200b\u200bGelendzhik. Etymology toponym is unknown.

1.4. Oronyms

Oronym - own geographical name of the mountains, hills, a variety, bugrov, intermountain catlovin, gorges, mountain ranges and other orographic objects.

Names characterizing the features of the object:

1. Ashista - Mountain Range in Adygea. Translated as "Road in the Mountains".

2. Ayishha is a mountain range between the valleys of the Uniaensa and Mzymt rivers. Oronym is translated as "evil", "unkind."

3. Assera -Gurnace top on the border of the Krasnodar Territory and Adygea. Translated as "small".

4. Large pseshho - a mountain peak in the Tuapse region. Toponym translates as a "transparent river".

5. Zhumsi - a mountain range in the Krasnodar Territory; In the right bank of the river Psegeapse. Translated from the Bzcess - "umbrella."

6. Copyzkari - Mountain top of the Krasnodar Territory. Translation from Armenian - "Rough Stone".

7. Bald is a mountain peak in the Tuapse region. In Mezhda Kabak and Powder. Named by external sign.

8. Papay-mining peak in the Krasnodar Territory. With Adygh - "many vertices".

9. Puncture - Mountain peak in the Tuapse region. With Adygh - "Start of the Mountain River".

10. Sardepe is a mountain peak in the Krasnodar Territory. With the Turkic - "Yellow Bud".

11. Semashho is a mountain peak in the Tuapsinsky district. Adyg etymology Oronym - "Big Mountain".

12. Fisht is the mountain peak of Adygea. With Adygh - "White Head".

13. Tuisho - Mountain in the Tuapse region. Oronym with Adygh - "Two Mountains".

14. Tsakhvo - the highest point of the Krasnodar Territory. Oronym with Abkhaz-Abazinsky - "Acute Top".

15. Tsyddyshko - Mountain in Temryuk district. Oronym with Adygh - "Crow Head".

16. Chugushch - Mountain peak in the main Caucasus Range. Adyg's name - "Top of the Earth".

Names characterizing natural conditions of terrain:

17.Abago - a mountain peak in the Krasnodar Territory on the territory of KGPBZ in the left origins of the Mollar River. The name is the name of two elements: "livestock" and "multiply".

18.Gepsta is a mountain peak on the border of the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Abkhazia. Height 3261m. With Adygei Oronym, it is translated as the "River of Mountain Kozlov".

19.Azip-High peak of the Tuapse district of the Krasnodar Territory. Translated as "Iron Usty".

20. Akaragvarta - Mountain in the Krasnodar Territory in Mzmitt and Tsakhva Members. At the heart of Orionim, the Abazin element - "Campaign".

21. Big Thach is a mountain peak in a watershed between the rivers goats and white. Translated from Adygh - "Cold Ridge".

22. Goyuth - mountain pass In the Tuapse region. From Shapsugsky - "Range with Meltsalem".

23. Jameak - the mountain peak of Adygea is not the territory of KGPBZ. Translation from Karachay - Mount Ularov.

24. Dzuhr is a mountain peak in Mzymt and Psou rivers. Literal translation from Abkhaz - "Mountain, abundant sources."

25. Cott - Mountain Range of the Krasnodar Territory. With Adygh - "Kabani Range".

26. Marcoth - Mountain Range in the Krasnodar Territory. With Adygh - "Wise Range".

27. Mezetsu is the mountain range and the Tuapse region. Oronym with Adygh - "Will Forest".

28. The region is a mountain range in Gelendzhik district. With Adygh - "Snakes".

29. Oshten is a mountain peak in the Maykopsky district of Adygea. With Adygh - "where snow is stuck".

30. Psegef is a mountain peak in the Krasnodar Territory. At the Shapsov - "Mountain, Cutting Water".

31. Pshada is a mountain peak in the Krasnodar Territory. The basis of the transfer of Abkhazo-Abazinskoye - "Lightweight".

32. Sewhead-Highway Top in the Krasnodar Territory. The etymology of the name is the "Good Range".

33. Tugosh is a mountain peak in the Tuapse region. The value of Oronyms - "Wolf Mountain".

34. Chapluk - Mountain Range in the Tuapse region. Adyg name - "Red Earth".

Names characterizing life and culture of the population:

35.Azhar - a mountain peak in the Krasnodar Territory. Height 2836m. From Abkhaz - "Cross".

36. Autle is a mountain peak at the sources of Psegeapse and Aju rivers. From the Adygh "gig warehouse hunting".

37. Ahun is a mountain peak in the Krasnodar Territory. The name from the ancient Adyg Divine - Ahyn.

38. Zhuago Son - the name of the Northern Schogh Mount Fisht. With Adygh - "Star Monument".

39. Turkey - rocky mountain peak in the Tuapse region. Distorted Adygh - Indian Mountain.

40. Kadosh - Cape in the Tuapse region. The etymology is in religious ideas.

41. Kazan-Bryzgan - Kurgan in the Labinsky district. Nogai translation - "broken boiler".

42. Daelah is a mountain peak in the Tuapse region. Apparently from Adygh - "observant".

43. Hantuk - a small mountain in Anapa district. Oronym with Adygh - "Place Khan".

44. Khasegshsh - Mountain Range in the Tuapse district. Oronym with Adygh - "Range, divided into a plot."


45.Abadzek - Mountain in the Krasnodar Territory in the System of the Kotch Range, South-West Resort Cities Hot key. Named from the Adygin tribe of the Psekups River Valley.

46.Abadzesh - Mountain in Adygea, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe High Near Plateau Lago Naki. Based on the name of one of the ethnographic groups of Adygs.

47.Agoy - Mountain in the Tuapsinsky district of the Krasnodar Territory, in the system of the main watershed. The name is associated with Adyg Tribal Education.

48. Aibga - Mountain Range in the Krasnodar Territory, Mzmitt and PSOU watershed. Rises to self-tapping the Abkhaz tribe.

49. Shapso - Mountain peak in the Tuapse region. By the name of the tribe.

The names of incomprehensible semantic meaning:

50. Nexis - Mountain in Gelendzhik district. Oronymium etymology is not installed.

Chapter II. Analysis of the semantic classification of topographic names.

2.1.Russician semantic classification of hydronism:

This chart displays the main features of toponymic names, which are that most of the hydronos have the names associated with the characteristic of the object and characterizing the natural conditions of the terrain. This is due to the fact that in the Krasnodar Territory a huge number of rivers and lakes, diverse in appearance and origin. Consequently, the people who settled the territory of the region, gave names characterizing the object.

2.2. The semantic classification of Okonimov:

The results of the semantic classification of oakonimov are significantly different from the classification of hydronomies, as the proportion of ethnotopions and toponyms characterizing the life and culture of the population increases here. This is due to the fact that the settlement is most often appropriated by the name, which characterized the lifestyle and features of the economic activity of the population.

2.3. Graphic of the semantic classification of Oronimov:

According to the classification of Orionimov, it can be concluded that, as well as in the first classification, a large proportion of toponymic names belongs to those characterizing the natural conditions of the terrain and features of the object.

2.4.Ratik semantic classification of toponyms:

  1. Names characterizing the features of the object;
  2. Names characterizing natural conditions of terrain;
  3. Titles characterizing life and culture of the population;
  4. Ethnotopions - names that arose from the names of tribes and childbirth;
  5. The names of incomprehensible semantic meaning.

OUTPUT: With this graph, you can draw conclusions that thanks ancient history The settlement of the Krasnodar Territory with various ethnic groups and the richest diverse of natural conditions can be traced by the relationship between humans and nature. However, white spots remain in toponymics. And now before modern generations is the first priority for a detailed study of the history of his small homeland.


  1. Waterfalls of the Krasnodar Territory as objects of tourism and excursions. A.A. Samoilenko. Krasnodar 2010
  2. The history of Kuban from ancient times until the end of the XIX century. V.N. Town shock. OIPD "Perspectives of Education". Krasnodar, 2000g.
  3. Caucasus in names. A.V.Trupy. Ed. Platonov. Krasnodar, 2008.
  4. Map of the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea. Scale 1: 1000000 Reference - cartographic edition. Issue number 1, 2011.
  5. Kuban Collection III (24). A.M.Avmenko, G.V. Kokunko. Book LLC: Krasnodar, 2008.
  6. Interethnic relations: theory, practice and problem of Kuban. M.V. Samavva. Krasnodar, 1993.
  7. Totalographic regional atlas of the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea. Scale 1: 200000 Edition 3, Additional, 2003.
  8. Nature and economics of the Krasnodar Territory. PF Rizel, Krasnodar, 2004.
  9. Native Kuban Page history. Edited by V.N. Town Summer OIPD "Perspectives of Education". Krasnodar, 2003.
  10. Mystery of geographical names. T. Chuchmay "Kuban textbook". Krasnodar, 1999.
  11. Tourist routes of Adygea and Krasnodar Territory. A.I. Vilyakhovsky. OJSC "Athens", Maykop, 2006

Route: Sochi-Krasnaya Polyana-Pass, Aisha I-Valley Malaya Laba-valley Clean-array Chelips-Turquoise Lakes-Top Chelips 3097 m

Chelips (3097) (sometimes chilipsi)
The array of the vertices is the southern tip of the Kocherg Ridge and is located in the upper reaches. Small lab. According to the most reliable version, toponym consists of two Adygean words<чылы> - <шатер> and<псын> -<родник>; Apparently, in this case<под шатром> It is understood as a glacier and snowfields located on top, which give rise to many springs, i.e. The sources of the river. The name of the same name is the Celips Ridge, which connects the pseashho and a kocher ridges.

On the first day, our task is to reach the house of the reserve in the Valley of the River River - the left influx of Malaya Laba. The passage of Ayishha, despite the considerable height, is unbelievable: it lies in the valley crossing a wide comb, and there is no point that would bear the panoramas in both directions immediately.

But when I will pass the translated valley, the northern slope of the Caucasus appears to be executed new, unprecedented greatness. The mountains are dissected here with a narrow and deep, threatening-sharp gorge.

And the rolling on the right array of the mountain rocky and shinted on the left of the pseoashho bears send their fragments to the bottom of the valley, and the bottom of it was literally ridicked by chaos of the stone gambled here, the path for kilometers was buried by fragments and snowflowers.

During the passage of stone chaos, tourics can notice (stones folded on each other), facilitating the path of the trail in this place.

Stone chaos behind. We go further and argue about how we will ship through the muddy river. At this time, it should be very powerful. We approach the crossing - but where is the river, everything in the snow? You can only guess where it must flow! And what avalanches here are collapsed in winter and spring, if at the end of June so much snow!

An array of pseashho on the east side is impressive, especially its sharp peak over the large eastern glacier. Peak as if piercing the sky. (in photo gallery)

The next influx of small labians is called a fruit contrast - the river is clean. It is in her valley that the house of the reserve is located, where our base camp will be.

And on the merger of these rivers employees of the reserve to this tourist season Already managed to build a good toilet, a pit for garbage and a new table and shops.
Such limited seems to us the usual repertoire tourist routes From the Red Polyana. Like pendulums, tourists walk to the same cold camp. How diverse, generous, diverse this Aashchinsky route. But from here is not difficult and translated to the cold! So, you can recommend tourists travel around the pseashho!

Second day. Early rise, cooking breakfast, collect on the ascent of the vertex of Chelips. The mountains are already highlighted by the first rays of the sun. Top Rocky 3157 m

First, two participants of the journey decided not to go to the top, but to rise simply to turquoise lakes, but having rested and sleeping the whole team assembly and ready for climbing. The lifting begins according to the closest Kuluar's house and go out to the lower circus of the Celips array.

it should be noted that we have to gain a more kilometer of the height to the top, and this is not enough even for experienced tourists. We rise above, we have the entire Valley of the Small Laba, on which we went yesterday.

Yes, perhaps only from here, the massif of the rocky mountain looks so grand and majestically!

The higher the raising, the grandparents open. It breathes easily and freely: it seems to be available to us any vertices available! Three hours of lifting, we leave on the saddle between turquoise lakes and the lower circus of Chelips.

The halt on the saddle, the photo and video shooting around the surrounding landscapes, how much beauty around, and what the weather turned out to be!
Not having time to enjoy panorama, we notice the tours at a nearby hill in turquoise lakes! This is yes: we anticipate to see the most beautiful mountain lakes, we guess under the ice they or not, are ice floes in them, and then there are also tours right on the shore of the lake! Yes, just for the sake of this, it was worth come here, and if you still succeed in climbing ...

We continue to move towards the lakes and stumble upon a horn tour of the trail. It seems that the desired avalanche demolished the powerful drum wave of the tour, and the bear was excavated and ate him, leaving the horns.

I agree with the participants of the trip to come closer to the tours, while they do not see us and take us on the photo and video of wild animals in vivo. An experienced conductor distributed all the radio, the group was divided, to approach the tours of steel on both sides - a real photo oohot! Tours, nevertheless, have already noticed us, but do not run away - nonpougly tours, it means there are not so often people here! And on Snezhnik, where we just went through, jumped over Sulna! Only and have time to tick the camera and tweeze the camcorder ... Now we are already going on tours, openly, without disguise, of course, they began to run away from us, but it was quite close to us: for twenty meters.

Having passed a little upside down the slope, we go to the lakes: one lake on a third is open, and the second almost under the snow.

Starting in this wonderful place on the halt, we boil tea, we make sandwiches, we get a condensed milk - what a pleasure after a long lift! Part of the group for a long time not thinking decides to swim ...

As perfectly be in this amazing place, it remained here at least for a few days, but we are still waiting for the peak of Chelips - the goal of our journey. Therefore, in the pace we are going and go towards the top. But first you need to evaluate from the distance, where it will be more convenient to rise.

After passing the traverse, the sorrow of the Celips array, we go out into the upper circus, which is almost entirely covered with several thicknesses. When he melts here, at least by August, and maybe by September ...
From here the top and the Tsakhvo Glacier in the new, not familiar to us, with a height of 3346 m above sea level, and besides, highest point

Carroad-suspension Glacier Tsakhvoa, with the Grand Field. The length of the glacier is about 2.5 kilometers

Travel participants are simply delighted with the nature of the Caucasus. At such a short distance, they have already managed to see the beech-fir forest with a magnificent undergrowth, and the alpine meadows, and a variety of waterfalls, and the rocky tops with glaciers, and the most important wild animals are local residents of these extensive land. How nice to carry joy to people!

After another hour of lifting in the snow, we go to Lake Chelips, located under the vertex ridge, how many lakes here! In June, they are still practically under the snow, and if you come here in August or September! (Same in the photo gallery)

Even in the end of June exceeds 5 meters, how much snow here is not difficult to guess ... When I turn around this snow comb, it has become seen where the main vertex is visible, and that it seems closer, harder and lower!

Rising above, it became visible where you need to climb to the top. She already seems so close, you think, well, everything left no more than an hour of lifting - it was not there! The exit to the vertex was carried out on a stone screech and took more than 2 hours. But no matter how hard it was, we still climbed! Tired, but happy, what panoramas around!
The whole group on the top of the Chelips! In the background Top Tsakhvoa 3346m - the highest point of the Krasnodar Territory.

Anxious on top. Changes in paints, chimka, wind. Not at all from the sea, and for some reason, from the north, it pulled a wet breathing, and suddenly the clouds appeared from the rear glacier.

But there is no time to admire. The conductor warning everyone, starts the descent from the top. Goodbye Top Chelips, to new meetings!

We safely reached your camp and spent the whole evening by the fire, behind the grocery of hot Krasnopolyansky tea with honey, exchanging his impressions from the travel with the climbing on the top of Chelips.

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Traditionally, the study of history is primarily due to the study of various written sources: chronicles, legal and church documents, memoirs of participants in certain events, works of predecessor historians. But in fact, the circle of sources of historical data is much wider: it is both works of art, and the data of archeology, and the information of the so-called auxiliary historical disciplines, such as genealogy, heraldry, spragistry, numismatics. Contribute to the study of historical sources and philologists, whose studies help to determine the authenticity of those or other documents, determine the place and time of their creation.

Krasnodar Territory is a truly inexhaustible source of various historical data, and along with archaeological monuments from Gorgippia, artifacts from Scythian and Motor's burials, and these toponymics can be attributed to them.

This is especially interesting in connection with the peculiarity of the history of Kuban, the most ancient settlements in the territory of which are dated late Neolithic, and according to some information, as a result of excavations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement of the Tamansky District ("Bogatar"), artifacts were found, allowing to pre-date this ancient settlement of the Early Neolithic Epoch . The ancient population of Kuban, according to antique historians, was meota, Sindia and Zhy, and which may have become the ancestors of modern Adygei, as well as Iranian-speaking Scythians and Sarmatians, Turkic-speaking Gunns, Bulgars, Turkites, Polovtsy, contributed to the formation of Nogai. In the territory of Kuban (the modern river in Greek sources was called Hippanis) by historical sources are mentioned Ancient Greek settlements: Gorgippia, Fanagoria, Hermanau, Bata, Torik. In the era of the early Middle Ages, the territory of the modern Krasnodar region was controlled by Turkic-speaking Khazar kaganate, and at the end of the 10th century after the defeat of this state, the Taman Prince of Svyatoslav appeared on the Tamansky Island, the Tmutarakan Principality, the most famous prince of which was Mstislav Vladimirovich. The last time as an independent principality is mentioned in 1094, after which its territory fell under the control of the Byzantine Empire. The population of the principality was very distrect: Slavs, Kastogi (Adygi) and the related monkeys (abasins), Greeks, Polovtsy, Khazara, Armenians, Jews. In the 14th century, the Genoese Kopa Colony appeared on the territory of modern Kuban, then this territory was dependent on the Crimean Khanate, in the middle of the 16th century, Kabardinsky Prince Temryuk, with the help of Ivan the Terrible, serving people had acquired control over these lands, then they again fell under the control of the Crimean Khans. Until the end of the 80s of the 18th century, the main population of the Kuban lands were Turkic-speaking Nogai, after the joining of Kuban to the Russian Empire, the manifesto of Empress Catherine the second dated April 8, 1783 and a number of military shylks with the troops of General A.V. Suvorov who had responded in the foothills of the Caucasus. The Don Cossacks began to settle on these lands, providing control over the border with Adygean territories along the Kuban rivers, Laba and Belaya.

On January 14, 1788, the monarch was announced by the colonel of the former Zaporizhia troops of Sidira White and other ears of this troops, and allowed by Zaporozhets that did not swapped on the Danube, settle on the Taman Peninsula. In 1792, the gradual resettlement of the Black Sea Cossacks on the land of the Taman Peninsula began,

On June 30, 1792, the troops of the Black Sea Cossacks, "in the expansion of special attention and grace, for courageous exploits on land and on the waters and fatal loyalty for a safe-ending war with the port of Ottoman," the "Island" of Fanagory with the lands, between Kuban and Azov Morce lying, "in eternal possession" and, moreover, 2 silver litavra, 2 silver pipes and a troop banner "for faith and loyalty." From that moment began a new period in the history of Kuban.

The above mentioned above must be reminded to understand how many diverse traces can be found in the geographical names of the Krasnodar Territory.

I highlight the following layers of geographic names:

  • Ado-Abkhaz, their especially much on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and in the foothill zone;
  • Slavic, as pre-revolutionary, historical names, including the names of the historical Kuren, Zaporizhia troops common throughout the territory and the names of the Soviet era;
  • Turkic, associated with the Nogai and Crimean Tatar periods in the history of Kuban;
  • Ethnonyms associated with the name of those or other nations living in the Kuban;
  • Eponyms associated with the names of people who have made a major contribution to the development of Kuban or founders of settlements;

Initial items associated with immigrants from other regions of the Russian Empire and other countries.

Therefore, for students, information on the emergence of those or other names of settlements and natural objects in native cities and villages can be interesting. These data will help them better realize the connection with their ancestors, find out the specific information about their life, which makes the study of the history of the native land more interesting.

Since the number of geographical items of the Krasnodar Territory is very large, as examples will give the most characteristic of them and interesting for students.

Let's start from the capital of the region. The pre-revolutionary name of Krasnodar - Ekaterinodar, is a vivid example of an eponym, when the city was named after the Empress of the All-Russian Catherine of the Second, complaining of the land of Kuban, in the Black Sea Cossack tiles. In 1920, the city received a modern name.

The Cossacks who moved to Kuban brought with them the names of the historical 38 Zaporizhia Kureny:

1) Baturin - from the town of Baturin (on the territory of the current Bakhmach district of the Chernihiv region), located on the left tributary of the desny Sejm. In 1669-1708, Baturin was a residence of the hetmans of Demyan Multi-Rogue, Ivan Samoilovich, Ivan Mazepa, in 1750-1764 - Cyril Razumovsky;

2) Bryukhovetsky - in the Krasnodar Territory there is a district center of the village of Bryukhovetsky;

3) Vasyurinsky (Vasyurenskaya) - there is a village Vasiaurinskaya in the Dinsky district;

4) Vedcedovsky (Medvedev, Medvedovsky, Medvedevsky) - from the village of Medvedevka, lying on the banks of the right influx of Dnipro r. TRIASMIN (now in the Chigirinsky district of the Cherkasy region) - Stanitsa Medvedovskaya Timashevsky district;

5) Velichkovsky - by the last name of one of the Koshovy Atamans of the Zaporizhia troops of the mid-17th century Ivan Velichko-Bosovsky - Starovelichkovskaya Kalinsky district and the village of Novovelichkovskaya Dinsky district;

6) Vyshny-St Baliyevsky (Upper St Baliyevskaya, Ukr. VizhisteBlivsky) - from the town of Stems lying on the right influx of Rosi's Dnieper in Corsun-Shevchenkovsky district of the Cherkasy region - the village of Vyshlyblyskaya Temryuksky district;

7) Rustic (Derevikovskaya, Dresakovsky) - the exact etymology of unknown - Stanitsa Staroderevyankovskaya and Stanny Novodereyankovskaya, both of the Kanevsky district;

8) Jereleyevsky (Geralovsk) - the exact etymology of the name is unknown, perhaps from the Ukrainian "Jerelo" - a source, a spring - the village of Madengerhelyevskaya of the Krasnoarmeysky district and the village of Novyzhelyyevskaya of the Bryukhovetsky district;

9) Donskaya (Densky, Dean) - from the Don River and Seversky Donets (so still pronounces this name of the population of the middle day between his tributaries of Boguchar and the girls, who are descendants of the Cossacks of the Ostrozhsky Slobodsky Cossack Regiment) - the village of Dinskaya - the district center of the district of the same name ;

10) DYADKOVSKIY (DYLKOVSKAYA, DYADKIVSKIY) - Effective edomology is unknown - the village of the Dyadkovskaya Korenovsky district;

11) Ivanivsky (Ivanovo) - is associated with the name of the possible founder of Kureny - Stanitsa Ivanovskaya Krasnoarmeysky district;

12) Irkleevsky - from the village of Irkliyev (now the village in Chernobayevsky

district of Cherkasy region) on the left bank of the Dnieper near the mouth of the Irkley River - Stanitsa Irkliyevskaya district;

13) Kalnibolotsky (Konibolotsky) - from the town of Kalniboloto (from 1795 Katerinopol), the district center of the Cherkasy region, located on the River River Tikich - Stanitsa Kalnibutskaya Novopokrovsky district;

14) Kanevsky - from the city of Kanev on the right bank of the Dnieper (now district center of the Cherkasy region) - Stanitsa Kanevskaya, the district center of the district of the same name, the largest village in the world (44,386 residents according to the 2010 census);

15) Kislyakovsky - from the village of Kislyak on the river Sob, the left influx of the Southern Bug in the Gaysinsky district of Vinnitsa region - Stanitsa Kislyakovskaya Kushchevsky district;

16) CONELOVSKY (CONELEEVSKAYA) - from the name of the town of the river in the same name, Sov. Cerenel village in Zashkovsky district Cherkasy region - Stanitsa Kalenovskaya Starominsky district;

17) Korenovsky (Kiechenivskaya) - the exact etymology is unknown - the city of Kornovsk, the center of the district of the same name;

18) Corsun - from the city of Korsun on the Rose River (now the district center of the Cherkasy region Korsun-Shevchenkovsky) - Stanitsa Starokorsunskaya, rural settlement of the Karasong Intorodsky District of Krasnodar and Stanja Novoksunskaya Timashevsky district;

19) Krymontsky (Krylovskaya) - from the city of Krylov, that before the flooding of his waters of the Kremenchug reservoir stood at the mouth of the Tyasin River in the Kirovograd region - the village of Krylovskaya, the district center of the district of the same name;

20) Kushchevsky - from the village of Kushchevka on the Eagle River in the Tsaricansky district of the Dnipropetrovsk region on the territory of the Protovchansky Palaneka - Stanitsa Kushchevskaya, the district center of the district of the same name;

21) Leuschkovsky (Levushkovskaya) - from the village of Leuhi on the forty river in Ilyinetsky district Vinnitsa region - Starnitsa Staroleshkovskaya and Novolaushkovskaya Pavlovsky District;

22) Minsk (Main, Mensky) - from the city of Mena (now the district center of the Chernigov region) on the right influx of gums. In the time of Bogdan, Khmelnitsky was the center of the Men's hundred Chernihiv Cossack Regiment, some authors talk about the connection of the name with the capital of the Republic of Belarus, the city of Minsk - Stanja Starominskaya, the center of the same name and the village of the Novominskaya district of the Kanevsky district;

23) Myshovsky (Mishastovsky) - the exact etymology is unknown - the village of Staromyshastovskaya Dinsky District and the village of Novomyshestovskaya Krasnoarmeysky district;

24) NEPMAEVSKIY (UNMIMELIAL, UNMYMAKOVSKIY) - Effective energities are unknown - Stanja Nesmadaevskaya Pavlovsky district;

25) Nizhne-Stebaliyevsky (Nizhny Stebaliyevskaya, Ukr. Noshystelebіvsky) - from the town of Stems, lying on the right influx of Rosi's Dnieper (now in the Korsun-Shevchenkovsky district of the Cherkasy region) - Stagnia StarnioniznesTebyevskaya Krasnoarmeysky District and Stanja Grivenskaya (until 1912 - Stanitsa Novonizhestebyvskaya) Kalininsky district;

26) Pashkovsky-Etymology is unknown, most likely named Founder Paul (diminutive Pasha) - Stanja Pashkovskaya, rural settlement of the Karasunsky Intorodsky District of Krasnodar;

27) Pereyaslavsky (Pereyaslovskaya) - Pereyaslav (now the district center of the Kiev region Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky) over the river Truezzhi - Stanny Pereyaslovskaya District;

28) Plastunovsky (Plastunovskaya) - from the name of the hiking Cossacks-Plastunov, a kind of Cossack special forces acting in the foot of the building - the village of Plastunsky Dinsky District;

29) Swaming - the exact etymology is unknown, it can be assumed that the name is associated with the word "carpentry", which marked the carpenter or a military engineering specialist who provided the crossing of troops and undermining the opponent's fortifications - the village of Planovskaya Korenovsky district;

30) Poltavsky - from the regional center of Ukraine of Poltava's city on the Vorskla River - Stanitsa Poltava, the district center of the Krasnoarmeysky district (from 1932 to 1994 it was called the village of Krasnoarmeyskaya);

31) Popovichevsky - etymology is associated with the word "Popovich" - the son of the priest - Stanja Popovichevskaya (since 1957 - Stanitsa Kalininskaya), District Center for the Kalininsky district;

32) Sergievsky - etymology is associated with the name "Sergius", the possible founder of either St. Sergius as the Heavenly Patron Kureny - Stanitsa Sergievsky District;

33) Roezhevsky (Rogovskaya) - from the village of Rogov Machkovsky district of the Cherkasy region - Stanitsa Rogovskaya Timashevsky district;

34) Timoshovsky (Timoshevskaya) - from the village of Timoshovka of the Mankovsky district of the Cherkasy region - the city of Timashevsk (until 1966 - Stanitsa Timashevskaya), Center of the Timashevsky District;

35) Titarovsky (Tatar) - the exact etymology is unknown, perhaps from the word "ktittor" - a person who has allocated funds for the construction or repair of the Orthodox church or a monastery or on its decoration icons, frescoes, articles of decorative and applied art - Starnia Starotitarian Temuryuk district and Stanny Novotitar Dinsky District;

36) Umansky (Humanskaya) - from the city Uman, the center of the Umansky district of the Cherkasy region of Ukraine on the River Umaka - Stanja Umanskaya (from 1934 - the village of Leningradskaya), the district center of the Leningrad District;

37) Shcherbinovsky is etymologically connected with the word "Shcherbina" - a slit, a defect in the teeth as the nickname of the founder Kurenya - Stanita Staroshrzecinskaya, the district center of the Shcherbinovsky district and the village of the Novosherbinovskaya of the same area;

38) Shkurinsky (Shkurenskaya) is etymologically connected with the nickname founder Kureny - Stanitsa Shkurinskaya Kushchevsky district.

Thus, on the map of the Krasnodar Territory, all historical smokes of the Zaporizhia Cossack troops found their reflection.

But the number of settlements in Krasnodar Territory is significantly larger: these are 26 cities, 12 urban-type villages (PGT), 411 rural, townships, barny districts, only 1725 rural settlements, of which 11 are abandoned. The number of names of natural objects is at all amenable to calculate.

Because of the limited volume of this work, it is impossible to cover all their names, so I will stop on several of the most characteristic examples.

Since the big layer of Slavic names of settlements is considered above, we will focus on toponyms of other origin.

For the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory, the toponyms of the Ado-Abkhaz etymology, which passed the "inheritance" at the end of the Caucasian War in 1864.

Let's start with the Olympic capital - the city of Sochi.

Sochi - For the first time, the term meets (in the form of Sadzha) at the famous Turkish traveler Evia Chelebi, who, accompanied by a strong Turkish squad, with its following in 1641 from Turkey to Azov, along the Black Sea coast of the Western Caucasus, was a description, still representing an exceptional interest . According to a number of researchers, this name gave the fatal killes inhabited by these lands, related to the Abkhaza language. After the same way, the overwhelming majority of the killes moved to the territory of the Ottoman Empire. Sochi's city itself was founded on April 21, 1838 as Fort Alexandria. Since 1874, the settlement was called Dakhovsky Posad, and from 1896 - the city of Sochi (according to the name of the river of the same name).

On the territory of the city of Sochi, there is the city of Adler, whose name rises not to the German word Adler - "Eagle", as one could expect, and with the Turkish name of this area Artlar ("Art") - the multiple number of words art - "rear", apparently , in connection with the location of the port; Host village - the name is connected with the Host River of the same name (Baban River, Abkhaz).

Matsesta - the name of Matsesta (Maczipsta) translates from the Abkhaz language as the "Matsby Gorge". Matsbov lived just in the vicinity of the modern resort of Matsesta, Asa - Abkhazsky gorge. Other Abkhaz names of rivers, gorges and vertices are formed similarly: AAPSTA, ASPEST (Agasa), Aguipsta, Achipsta, Humist (from Ghumpst), Lapsta, Lashipsta, Rachespsta, Host (Huapsta), etc.

The name of the village of Loo is coming on behalf of the largest Abazin feudal kind of Lau or Lowe (loans), which during the greatest heyday. In the place of the current city in 1838, as part of the Black Sea fortified coastline was built Veljamin fortification, named after General A.A. Veljaminova (1785-1838). A year later, the strengthening was destroyed by chapsugs, but gradually it was restored. In 1864, Veljaminovskaya Stanitsa was built on the site of the former fortification, in 1896 renamed Posad Tuapse. And in 1916, Posad became the city.

City Gelendzhik. There are several versions on the origin of the name:

Galen Jikha - "External Fortress" in Megrelski (cargo.);

"Helenj" in Arabic poplar;

GELIN - Bride + - Light (Turkish);

GELIN - Bride + CIK - diminishingly smear (Turkish);

Hullyzhey - "Little Pasture" - from Adygh (Natukhai) names of this area.

The city of Gelendzhik received its current name in the times of the Ottoman Empire, about 15-16th centuries. Earlier at this place was an ancient Greek colony of Torik, in 63 BC. At this place, the Romans built a port of Pagra, in the Middle Ages there was a Genoese factory-port Mavrolo. In 1831, Gelendzhik fortification was created. In 1864, Renamed to the village of Gelendzhik. In 1896, the village was transformed into the village. And in 1915, Gelendzhik receives the status of the city.

The name of the large industrial center and the largest Black Sea port of Novorossiysk is etologically quite transparent. However, the name is relatively new, in the 5th century BC. The Greek Polis of Bath was located on the ruble bay, destroyed at the beginning of the middle ages by nomads, in the 13th century at the mouth of the Cemes River Genoese built the fortress Batario, and after the capture of her Turks, she began to be called judges-kale. In Turkish, Russian and other languages, the name of the fortress is found in several versions. In Turkish: Sogucuk Kale, Sucuk Kale; In Russian: Sogudzhuk-Kale, Soguchak Kale, Sucek Cala and even Sudzhuk Kale; In Western European languages: Sudgiak Kaleh, Soudjiack Kale, Sujuk Kaleh, Soudjouk Kale, Sogoudjak Kale, etc.

There is no single opinion on the translation of the word sogucak (Sogucuk) into Russian. The Turkish word of Sogukca is the closest in the sound of the Turkish word.

The famous children's resort of Anapa also carries the Turkic name denoting "edge of the table; Smooth protrusion of the shore. " In this place was the Turkish fortress located on the site of the former Genoese colony with the name of Mapa. The Greek Polis of Gorgippia was located in the ancient era near modern Anapa.

The history of the name of the large industrial center of the Krasnodar Territory of the city of Armavir is very interesting. He was named after the ancient capital of Armenia of the 4th - 2nd centuries to our era of Armavir. The fact is that it was founded by Cherkeesoga - the ethnographic group of Armenians, which moved in the 14th century to the territory occupied by Adygh (Cherkess) tribes. The aliens perceived the customs and clothes of Circassians. But they retained the Christian faith and Armenian language. In the 18th century, Islam began to actively spread among Adygs, and Cherkessogai, in order to preserve their faith, asked the patronage among the Russians. In 1839, they were allowed to compactly settle on the site of the current city, and in 1848 the settlement of Armavir officially received the status of a county city.

Of course, in a brief sketch, it is impossible to fully disclose the topic declared in the title, but I want to hope that this material will be useful for the history of the Krasnodar Territory.

Kuban - River, one of the largest water arteries of the Caucasus. Takes the beginning on the North-Western slopes of Elbrus (5642m) from the merger of the Studet and Ullukov Rivers, flows into the Azov Seryryuk district of the Krasnodar Territory, proceeds through the territories of Karachay-Cherkessia, Stavropol and Krasnodar Terrays. The length of the river - 941km. One of the most oldest names of the River - Antikines (Options and Distortion: Anti-Kates, Anticata, Anti-Kitos, Antiquette, Antique, Antique, Antisetas, Antisitetes, Anticetas, Anticitis, Antice, Attics, Atticates, Akhtacite, etc.), from ancient Greek antique - "Ostr", "Sturgeon River", "Ostr-River". Such an interpretation of the hydronism does not contradict the geographical realities, since not only during the Bosporian kingdom, but also in the Middle Ages, the caviar and bald of sturgeon caught in the lower reaches of the Kuban were known far beyond the limits of the Azov-Black Sea basin and exported to Greece, Italy and other Western European countries . Although it is possible that Kuban was called Antikinos by the name of the South Slavic tribe of those who lived on her shores. It is also characteristic of other options for the names of R. Kubani: Hippomolgi - R.Gipp; Shafts - R.Val; Apsar - R.Appsar; Apps - R. PSI; Ahetis - R. Akhount; Calkans - R.Kalkan; Buy bulgars - r.kupi; Khazara - Small Khazareti River, etc. Later name R. Kubani - Hypanis. For the first time this name is found in 63 BC. During the war, which Bospyrov led with the Aborigines of Kuban, the king Farnak was away from Hipanis aside, and his water, sprinkling on low-lying plains, was flooded with Dandariev all the fields of them ... The etymology of this hydronime dates back to ancient Greek hypipo (IPPOS) - "Horse" , Therefore, most commentators translate this name as the "horse river", especially since the deification of this animal is traced in the Nart Epos. Similar toponyms have survived in a number of the Black Sea region of almost our days. In turn, L.G. Guliyeva admits the translation of this hydronime, as "big", "strong", "violent" (like horse), conducting a parallel with Karachay-Balkarian kobch An - "Ground", "Racious". In the ancient times in the lower reaches of Kuban, there was a city of Hypanis, which is also characteristic of other options for the names of R Kuban: the strengthening of the Kumania - R. Kuman; City of Kut - R. Kut; The city of Old Ahaya - R. Ancent; Copper city - R.Kopa; Kuban city - R. Kuban. Adygei, aboriginal reservoir, the lower boundary of which goes back to the 1st millennium BC, and the upper one - to modernity, is the most productive. For the first time Adygean names of the name r. Kuban (Freight) are recorded in the Nart Epos, which began to fold about 3000 years ago, as well as in the ancient sources dating from the first centuries of our era (Ptolemy, Arrian, Diodor Sicilian). Despite the distortion caused by the inaccuracy of records of foreign-speaking authors and errors when translated, all the identified forms are traced among the same roots inherent in the aboriginal language of the Kuban - Motorsky Tribe, or Appsilov. In total, about 70 versions of the same name R. Kub Ani, River, River, River (for example, Files, Dzes, Psisch, Psyzha, Mysz, Psisch, Psyzha, Psyz, Psisch, Psyzha, Psi, PSIS, Pshish, etc.). It should also be noted a clearly gossened character of such hydronism of the Kuban, as: Describe, PSAPOS, PSUSUR and Psevohors, as well as a typical example of the transition of the nine PSI names - "Water", "River" in its own name of the Psi River. At the same time, the explanation of the ancient names of R. Kubani from the Adygei Pse - the "soul" or pshe - "Prince" seems completely wrong. Of particular interest is the study of the origin of another variant of the name R. Kubani - R.Vaddan, since some data make sure that the substrate character of this toponym is assumed. The hydronicimistic formant Dan (Don) is well known for its productivity not only in the south of the CIS, but also on the huge territory of Eurasia (Ramadan, Hamadan, Aldan, Hrazdan, Khaltsi-Don, etc.). Element Dan (Don) goes back to the Schipo-Sarmatian period (Tanais, Danube, Dniester, etc.). It is more difficult to deal with the explanation of the first component of this name. Since in the 4th century BC. In the area of \u200b\u200bKubani, Vary (Avara, Uvara), who isses themselves to the North, the Hallnevian tribes, suggests a plausible explanation of Hydronima Vardan as "Varrov River (Avar)". According to G.A. Malkin and V.I. Korovin, Var came out of Indo-European languages, where Var, Ar, Arre, Varr, in combination with Formant, Dan denotes a "stormy, plowing river". At the Khazar rule, Hydonim Vardan was transformed into Warswan (Warshan, Var-Shang), but in the 18th century he reappears in written sources as Wardan. IN geographic nomenclature R. Kubani meets such names, the meaning of which seems simple, but not justified from the point of view of compliance with geographical realities. Hyronim Kut is the unit name R. Kubani, marked only by one author - Moses Harensky. Dictionary V.I. Dalya explains this word as "Chernomon", "The end of the deaf bay", "deadlock". I must say, in the Kuban, this toponym is widespread (Karasung Kut, Red Kut, Pansky Kut, etc.). However, it was used by the term Kut to the name R. Kubani is dubious, so it is quite possible that the name Kut is given by Moses Khorensky one of the estates in the lower reaches of this river. The existence of a cute and tribes of the city with the name of Kut and the Cute tribes (Cutets) confirms this assumption. At the same time, the possibility of an even more ancient substrate nature of this hydronime is not excluded. Lexeme Kut (Vahan Kut, Mordovskoye Kud, Sanskrit Cat, Sogdi Cat, Old Russian and Old Indian Cat, Koteta), having the same language in all languages \u200b\u200b- "Fortress", "House", "Shelter", is widespread in many areas Eurasia. Some antique authors (Diodor Sicilian) were attached to the Kuban the name of the FAT, which was applied to the rivers: Araks, Rioni. Fat, Facis, Fazis is explained from Sanskrit Visan - "Water", "moisture". The reality of the existence of this version of the name R. Kubani is also confirmed by the evidence of the ancients about the tribe of fateyev or Tateyan, who lived during the Bosporus times on the Eastern shore of Azov MA at the Fat River (FACIS), from which they received their name. Age Hydronim R. Kubani - Blill, first fixed in the works of Emperor Constantine Bagryanorogennoe, some authors date back to the century, i.e. The heyday of the Tmutarakan principality. However, due to the short-term residence of Slavs in the lower husbands, R. Kubani seems to be dubious to the old Russian origin of this hydronime. It should be noted at the same time that Ptolemy already has phonetically close names of R. Kubani - a scattering, a burdock, a burly. The lexeme is a productive and in modern toponymy of Central Asia and the Middle East (villages of Blurl, Burl, Burli, the River Burluk, Burchak, Ak-Bura, Kara-Bura, etc.) Moreover, in the letter of the Khazar Tsar Joseph, the city of Bourg K in the west of Khazaria, and in 15-16 centuries in the same area of \u200b\u200bthe Taman Peninsula naked Nogai tribes Burkut and Burlak. The first part of this hydronime is explained from the Mongolian Bur - "God", "Saint" or ancienturk bob - "evaporate", "dry". In turn, the rapid Rkk suffix -lik, -lik, having the value of the presence or abundance of the subject or a sign, is also common in the territory of the North Caucasus (River: Egorlik, Avdalyk, Karlyk, Chamlyk, Chilik, etc.). In this case, the hydro Blight means not "bullive", but "sacred" (from Mongolian) or "drying" (from the Turkic) river, which corresponds to geographical realities. The assumption of some researchers about the origin of one of the names of the name R. Kubani - Kuman (Kuman) from the ethnic name of the Pofovtsev tribe - Kuman is as if sufficiently convincing, and the Idrisi map belonging to the time of the Polovtsy raids to the North Caucasus (1154 g) confirms the presence of White and black curves on both shores of the Kuban River. However, the first mention of the people of Kuman (Kaman), who lives in the Caucasus, goes back to the beginning of the 1st millennium AD. (Pliny, Ptolemy). At the same time, the explanation of the name R. Kuman from Polovtsy Kum - Men - "Light-like" or "Stepnyaki" becomes unconvincing. The origin of the tribe of the Kumanov (Kamanov) tribes (Kamanov) of the Kumanov (Kumani) of the Persian, Ancient Turkic and Old Indian Kat with a common value for all these languages \u200b\u200b"river" or "stream" is more reliable. In literary sources belonging to the early Middle Ages, another version of the name R. Kubani is found. It should be noted that toponyms on the ball (Bol) cover the extensive range and on the modern map of Eurasia (Balkar, Bulgarian, Balbak, Balkhab, Balgart, etc.). At the same time, the greatest proportion of hydronomy with the "fish" topics: Balyksu, Balacles, Balcker, Balykchi, etc. From the point of view of geographical realities, the most acceptable is the explanation of this Hydronime from the Municipal Ball (Bol, Balchug) - "Boloto", "Wet Earth "," Dirt ". In one of the philosophical essays, Yuri Honoria (6th century AD), the Kuban River is mentioned under the name of meota, "arising from the Hypania Mountain and Pleasing in Meoty Lake" (Azov Sea). The possibility of that both the river and the sea were named so by the name of Mets - aforementioned in Adygs. Meota lived in East Priazovka in 1 millennia BC.; The name of this tribe is repeatedly found in the writings of ancient authors (7th century BC. - 6 V. AD), as well as in numerous epigraphic sources - the ancient Greek and Latin inscriptions of the Northern Black Sea region. N.G.Lopatinsky explains this ethnonym from the Old andady Me - "Snor" and 1Ate - "Boloto", "Tina", "puddle", which in the aggregate means - "smelly swamp"; Moreover, the meadows themselves called themselves "residents of the swamps." In manuscripts belonging to the era of the medieval colonization of the Eastern Priazovna Italians, the Kuban River appeared under the name Kopa. But there is an assumption that the age of this hydronime is significantly larger. Already with 5-6 V.V. AD In written sources (Nikifor, Moses, Harensky, Feofan, and from the 10th century - Emperor Konstantin Bagryanorogennoe) appear close by the structure of the name of the northern sleeves R. Kubani: Quofine, coffee shops, Kopkhen, Koupe, buy. At the end of the 12th century, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe modern city of Slavyanska-on-Kuban, a small fortification was laid in one of the Cheress, which was then in the period of the Genoese and Venetian colonization of the Eastern Priazia, rose into a major shopping center. The city was named by the River (Cop, Copa, Coppo, Lo-Coopario, etc.). "Traces" of the medieval Venetian facility have been preserved almost to the present time (15 V. - Copy, 16th century - cops, 17 centuries - Kampu, 18th century - Kapila, 19th century - Kopyl cordon, 20 century - Pos. Novokopilla ). Some authors explain this hydronism from the ancient Bargar kopa - "bunch", "stack" or Kazakh corop - "Boloto", "Small Ozerko". The first assumption is more realistic, i.e. It was Bulgars living in the middle of the 1st millennium in the south of the European part of Russia, Dali Name R. Kubani - Quofin. In the toponymic nomenclature of R. Kubani, Tatar Hydonim Kumley is found, ascending to the General Urki Kum - "Sand". But Topoosnov Kum (com) is poorly expressed in the North-West Caucasus. It is only possible to note R.Aata-Kum (now R.Aadagum), R.Kumatyyr (now R. Akhtyri), the island of Kumel-Hell in the lowering of X R. Kubani. But Kum is very productive in Kazakh, Tajik, Persian, Afghan and a number of other oriental languages. In turn, Areal-Li covers the huge territory of Eurasia: Beatley, Raguli, Kuchered, Kylie, Chanley, etc. Ptolemya R.kuban is known under the name of Korak. The instructions of the Szilaks on the powerful tribe of the Coraksov, who lived in the ancient time in the North-West Caucasus, confirm the origin of this hydronime from the ancient Greek Corphenic name of the Kolkov, whose expansion region captured in those days of the Low R. Kubani. In the works of Pomponia Chala, Arrian and other ancient authors, the Koracanda River (Karada, Korokondama) is mentioned. Sufifix -anda, (-And) productive not only in the Caucasus, but also in Crimea (Karasund, Karakund, Karakung, etc.), according to A.V.Superanskaya, he has ancient-perceid origin. The Turkic reservoir in the spectrum of geographic names R. Kubani is represented by a hydronem doodle (Karagujl, Kara-Gul, Harakul, Choracul). Toponyms from Kara are very widespread on the territory where the Turkic peoples live or lived. And in the R. Kubani basin, numerous "traces" of their stay (rivers: Kara-Nagai, Karasun, Karaken, Karabizgon; Lakes: Kara-Kel and Karachel; Mountain Kara-kaya; city Karachayevsk). Some authors allow the possibility of explaining the adjective car from the ancient Turkic "land", "land" (for example, Karasu - "Earth - Water" in the meaning of "water from the ground" or "spring river"). However, from the point of view of compliance with geographic realities, this interpretation is not applicable to the marshy arrays of Lower Kuban. The explanation of the Hydonima doodle from the General Ark and Indo-European Kara (Gara, Hara) is a much more believable. In turn, the explanation of the topoosovna -gul (-kul) does not represent much difficulty. The area of \u200b\u200bthe Turkic-Mongolian root -kol, -kol, -kul, -kul, meaning "lake", "Wetlands", covers a huge territory from Western Siberia to the Caucasus. However, -kol (-kul) has a different meaning - "Duch", "Log", "Sleeve R Eki", "Szbin", which is more applied to the name of the northern sleeve R. Kubani. The name of R. Kubani in the form of Calkan is found in the 7th century in Feofan, and then, after a millennium, repeats in the records of Jean de Luke. Most Turkic and Mongolian peoples -can (Kang, -Gung, -Han) unites related concepts: "River", "Protok", "Pool". If we assume that the first part of the Hydonim Kalkan is explained from the general community kale (Kala) - "Fortress", "Strengthening", then in general this version of the name R. Kubani should be understood as a "fortified river". In the report of Prince Apraksin in 1711, one of the sleeves R. Kubani is called Kura-Kuban or Kaura. It should be noted that Topoosnova chickens (y) is common from Central Asia to the Crimean Peninsula. Hydonim Kura-Kuban is explained from the Municipal Kuruk (Cook) and Mongolian Kuruk, which means "dry" in both languages, "dry (drying) Kuban." According to G.A. Malkin and V.I. Korovina, the modern name of the river is the final link of the toponymic chain, ascending to the ancient Bulgarians of the 1st millennium BC: Kofen (6th century) - Kufis (7 V .) - Coupise (7-10 centuries) - buy (13th century) - Kupa (15th century) - Cuba (17 century) - Kuban (17th century) - Guban (18th century) - Kuban. In their opinion, it is not excluded that the earliest forms go back to the general-speaking kofu - "Water", "River", "River". In this case, the Kuban River is nothing but the "river"

It is possible, and even probably there are typos and inaccuracies caused by both scanning and subsequent processing. Alone is not enough to "catch" the forces, but you can - I will correct. Also, because of this collection of dictionary articles, the books of several authors are collected various interpretations of the same name - this is normal - truth is born in the dispute. I would be grateful for the sent supplements, clarifications and other works on toponymics

Ethnic aspects Toponymics of the Krasnodar Region

Toponymy (from Greek. Topos - place and Onima - name, name) - section Linguistics learning geographical names (toponyms), their meaning and origin, distribution area, development and change in time. The totality of toponyms on any territory is called toponym.

Being at the junction of linguistics, geography, history, toponymy allows you to solve special tasks, inaccessible to solving methods of only one of the above sciences. It is impossible to give the correct etymology of the geographical name, only by moving it from one or another language (linguist's task). It is necessary to take into account the binding of the geographical object to the area (the task of the geographer), as well as the historical conditions, in which object was called and renamed (the task of the historian). In addition, when studying toponymy, actual data and the methodological apparatus of a number of other sciences - ethnography, demographics, statistics, archeology, even biology (for example, the range of plant propagation is revealed, the name of which is based on toponym). Thus, a toponymic study is always a study complex with the involvement of information from a wide variety of knowledge areas.

Not a single little serious historical study from the local history essay to scientific monographs cannot do without the use of toponymic information.

Kuban (as in general, the North-West Caucasus) since ancient times was the place of resettlement of many and many nations. There were centuries, millennia, epochs, some nations replaced others. Some of these ethnic groups disappeared, dissolved in neighboring ethnic groups, assimilated, or moved to other land. The descendants of others and today live here, in the territory of modern Krasnodar and Stavropol Terrays, the republics of Adygea and Karachay-Cherkessia. "Tribes are silent, mummy and bones, only the word life is given ..." wrote Ivan Bunin. The word, immortalized in toponym, brings to us the history of distant eras and those peoples who gave life to the Word.

The framework of this lecture, unfortunately, do not allow to cover the entire toponymic spectrum of our region for unlikely three thousand years, where the first Kuban toponyms are already found in the ancient written sources. I propose to look at the toponymy of the Krasnodar Territory through the eyes of a modern Russian-speaking of his inhabitant. That is, we will talk about Slavic and, above all, the Cossack toponymy of Kuban and about the foreign language influence on it.

Toponymy Cossacks Nekrasovtsev .

After the repression of the uprising of Kondrati Bulavin, some of the Cossacks-Old Believers participating in the uprising, moved from Don to Kuban, where since the end of the XVII century there were old-supplied settlements. By the name of their leader of the Bulavinsky Colonel Ignat Nekrasova these Cossacks became known nekrasovsky Cossacks and amounted to a special subcochnic unit. The names of the towns found by them are known: Bludilovsky, Golubinsky, Chryansky (Chirsky) - and Slobod: Irl, Solnik, etc. In the 70s of the XVIII century, the Russian Government is crowded, Nekrasovsky Cossacks move to Turkey. Their settlements have existed for about 90 years without providing a noticeable effect on the formation of Toponymy Kuban. When Cuban is settled by the Chernomor Cossacks at the end of the 18th century, one of the Cossack villages, based in the lower reaches of the Kuban on the site of the former Nekrasovsky Town, was called Nekrasovsky. In 1843, the village was founded on the Laba River, called Nekrasovskaya. According to the legend, the town of Nekrasovsky Cossacks was also located here. After the October Revolution, part of Nekrasovtsev returned from Turkey to Kuban, where two farms were founded in the Primorsky-Akhtar district - Novonekrasovsky and Novopokrovsky.

Toponymy of the Black Sea Cossacks. Ukrainian trail in Kuban Toponymy .

So, we turn to the consideration of the toponymy of the Black Sea Cossack troops.

In 1775, by order of Catherine II, the Lieutenant General destroys the Zaporizhia Sch. Zaporizhia army was disbanded. Attempts to form from the former Zaporozhetsev, the PIKINER shelves only spurred the outcome of the Cossacks for the Danube, in Turkish ownership. But the next Russian-Turkish war that began in 1787 forced the Russian government to turn to the combat experience of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks. In years of the former Zaporozhetsev, volunteer teams were formed, which gradually took shape in the new Cossack army. "Initially, the army, unlike the wrong Zaporozhye Cossacks who took the patronage of Turkey, was simply called the" army of faithful Cossacks ", and later it was renamed to the" Black Sea army "at the place of their hostilities and residence." Initially, the Black Sea Cossacks were set by the Bug. Then, according to the humble diploma of Catherine II of 01.01.01, they receive "in the eternal possession of the Tavricic Island of Fanagoria with all the earth, lying on the right side of the Kuban River from the mouth of her to Ust-Labinsky, so that on one side of the Kuban River , On the other, the Azov Sea served the border of the military land. "

The region of resettlement of the Black Sea Cossacks in Kuban began to be called the Black Defense. The most significant impact on the formation of Slavic oakonimia (i.e., the names of the settlements) of the Black Sea, the names of Zaporizhzhya Kureni, mainly the predicted long before the resettlement of the Black Sea Cossacks in Kuban. Most kerency names arose in the XVII-XVIII centuries. In Zaporozhye army, according to the registry of 1756, it was 38 Kureni. Here are their names in modern Russian transcription: Baturinsky (Bathurinous), Bryukhovetsky (Bryukhovo), Vasyurinsky (Vasyurinskaya), Medvedovsky (Vedmedivsky), Velichkovsky (Velice), Vystelybyevsky (Vyslevsky), Derevyakovsky (Dresses), Dinskaya (Jerelevsky) Donskaya), Dyadkovsky (DYADKIVSKYY), Ivanovsky (Ivanivsky), Irkliyevsky (Irkliyevsky), Kalnibotsky (Kalnibotskoy), Kanevskaya (Kanivskiy), Kislyakovsky (Kislyakivsky), Konelovsky (coneele), Korenovsky (Chang), Krylovskaya (Country), Corsun Korsunskiy), Kushchevsky (Kushchivskiy), Leuschkovsky (Levushkivskiy), Minsk (Minsk), Moyzhastovsky (Mushastovskiy), UNMAEVSKIY (Neummail), Lyshnexotechnia (Vygyshchyskiy), Pashkovsky (Pashkin), Pereyaslavsky (Pereyaslavsky), Plastunovsky (Flastevyvy), Poltava ( Poltavky), Popovichiy (Popovichy), Rogowskie (Rogiivskiy), Sergievsky (Sergiyivsky), Timoshovsky (Tymoshivsky), Titar Osi (Tyotarivsky), Schucharinsky (Schucling), Shcherbinovsky (Sherbinijskoy), Umansky (Umanskay).

These cratent names for their origin can be divided into two groups:

1. The name Kurenya is derived from the names of some settlements. It is believed that each smoothie was based by the output from a particular area, from where he received his name. This is written about this: "Staying at the bottom, they (Cossacks - S. S.) were very small in small and small groups, communities or a smoker, which at the first time of a kind of earthworks: Kurn Baturin, that is, a community Countrymen released from Baturin; Kanevsky Kanevsky, that is, the community of countrymen, who left Kaneva; The same should be said about Kureni Krylovsky, Pereyaslav, Poltava, Umansky, Korsunsky, Kalnibolotsky, St Baliavsky, Don and others. "

2. Some smoker received a name by the name of the personality - most often the founder of Kureny or Ataman. Here is a whole gallery of outstanding sash figures: Bryukhovetsky Konlya is named Ivan Martynovich Bryukhovetsky, elected in 1663 on the "Black Rada" in Nevini Hetman; Popovichevsky Khuvian named after Hetman Ivan Samoilovich, who was called hetman-popovich, so "Ivan Samoilovich was the son of the priest of the Western side of the Dnieper from the village of Red"; Rogovskaya Kurnie - Between November 1664 and February 1665 "Kozaki ... We chose Zhdan or Horn to Koshovoy Ivan"; Shkurinsky Konny is named after Koshi Ataman Lesko Skura. At the end of 1664 - early 1665, he was shifted "for the fact that he knew the Moscow Governors, Khitrovo and Kopagovy and did not allow Kozaks to loud Kalmykov." His successor becomes Ataman Rog.

It is especially possible to highlight Plastuna Konny. Plastunas were called Cossack contamination scouts. "According to their activities, in a dosor or in the rear of the enemy, they had often for hours, not lying, lying with a layer on Earth, sprinkling with the surrounding terrain and observe. Hence the name "Plastuna". One of the 38 Kureni Zaporizhia had, apparently, the greatest number of such "hunters", why and got the name of Plastunovsky. " So writes Krasnodar historian. According to the famous Soviet ethnographer and historian, the name Kureny could occur from the surname: "In 1649, the Cossacks on the name of Plastun served in four different shelves of the Army of Bogdan Khmelnitsky. Cossacks of Plastun and Plastunovsky are known in Zaporizhia in 1773. " In our opinion, the point of view looks more convincing - the name of the Plastunsky Curient can also be attributed to the "registered names".

At the coming to Kuban, the Black Sea Cossacks (former Zaporizhia) retained their former siech names Kureni, adding two new ones. "Thirty-eight Kurents were the same names that existed in Zaporozhye army," wrote, "and two were added again, the first Ekaterinovsky - in honor of Empress Catherine, and the last Berezansky - to the memory of Taking the Black Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Turkish Berezan Fortress."

In March 1794, the ravings receive places for settlements. Initially, these settlements were also called centers, or curent villages, and since 1842, according to the new "Regulation on the Black Sea Cossack Troops", they became known as the villages, as well as in other Causes of Russia. Cure villages received names from the names of the corresponding Kureni, the Cossacks of which were settled.

However, the first toponyms of the Black Sea Cossacks in the Kuban were not a smoke (Currency villages) and probably not even a military hail of Ekaterinodar, but spontaneously created by Slobods. In the pre-revolutionary historiography of Kuban, there are three main points of view on the process of occurrence of Cossack Slobod.

it believed that "Family Chernorstians stopped at the newly complained land and first formed eight temporary villages: Zakharovka, Timofeevka, Andreevka, Konstantinovka, Antonovka, Standing, Onufreyevka and Alekseyevka."

indicates that the initial "military rulers timed to the population ... to 24 cordons" and lists these cordons: Alexandrovsky, Elinsky, Olginsky, Slavic, Protoki, Kopylsky, Petrovsky, Andreevsky, Fanagori, with sweet liman, at the wells r. Sasyk, at the mouth of Cogo-Ei, Konstantinovsky, Alexandrin, Pavlovsky, Maryansky, Grigorievsky, Platonogorsky, Burlats Brutatsky, Voronezh, Vyomykayaevsky, Ekaterinodar, Elizabetan, Novkaterinininsky. But since the Cossack population, believes, Ishoki got used to the farmsky borrowings, then it went deep into the steppes, away from Kuban, and formed a farm and small villages there. "There were various types of Andreevki, Konstantinovka, standing, Alekseyevki, climbing, onufreyevka, Timofeevka, Antonovki and the other, whose names were then lost without a trace." It should, however, note that not all of the named lobsows were located in the "depth of steppes away from Kuban and Circassians." The title was founded on the banks of the Big Karasun, on the place of the future Pashkovsky Kureny.

According to the settlement of the border, was carried out by the military government forced. "Arriving to Kuban migrants of mixed Kureni became a tobores at cordon posts, for better provision in case of raids of the digesters of the horses ... Soon there were ten such ties. Social administration called their villages with name: onufreyevka, Konstantinovka, Standing, Kyrgyzovka, Big Kyrgyzovka, Timofeevka, Chernolesska and Antonovka; For the best order in them, Kosheva ordered residents to choose in each village of Ataman and writer. "

Archival surveys of modern researchers allowed to allocate some more such settlements. Calls Slobodki: Zhuravlek, Angelinka, prominent, small Andreevka, upper, thorns, rustling, black, Sloboda "Burlac Brod", Sloboda Vasyurinskaya and Nekrasovsky village. Also notes the presence of a whole group of private lobby, which appeared at this time in Chernomy, for example, Ataman Chaphege Ataman. To the first Black Sea Slobodkov, the Eyan Slobodca founded in 1793, and mentions the temporary Chernobrodsky village with the river, where the family Cossacks of various Kurents lived.

When in March 1794, the distribution of places under 40 Kurenien villages took place, then some of them got to settle the place of the former Cossack Slobodok. So, Kurient Rogovsky identified a place in Sloboda prominent, the Nekrasovsky village of the Fanagori district "appointed Kureny Titarovsky", Poltava Kuriental Sellia in 1795 was resettled in Andreevka, Pashkovsky - to Zakharovka. Sloboda Ophrievka, according to documents of 1794, became known as Vasuring. On Vasiaurinsky Kurient in 1795, "got" also Sloboda Upper and shelsevka.

it believes that "the creation of Kurenien villages has not led to the elimination of all the first Cossack Slobod, some of them continued to exist for several more years." In 1799, the military atama of the Black Sea Cossack troops authorized the creation of this kind of settlement near the Temryuksky gyr. The place for the settlement, he considered very convenient and therefore recommended to attract the new settlement of the Cossacks of the Fanagori district "In addition to Cure Sellius in He-consisting". Kotlyarevsky suggested - the village of Pavlovskoye, in honor of the reign at the time of the emperor.

According to archival information, founded, the village of Zharkivka (Zachrovka) received its name in honor of Koshi Ataman Zakharia Alekseevich Cheping. By analogy, it can be assumed that the village of Antonovka, Timofeevka and Konstantinovka were named accordingly by the name of Anton Golovatoy, Timofeya Kotlyarevsky and Konstantin Cordinsky. At the base of most other names, the lobbypie also lies some of the name. Here are two ways of origin Toponym: 1) The name of the lobody has memorialcharacter, i.e., here are perpetuated by the names of a number of Black Sea Starin and Cossacks in respect; 2) the name of the lobody has planting (owned) Character, i.e., the names of the foreman and the Cossacks are perpetuated here as landowners. It is possible that in the second case, we are talking about private slobs mentioned.

The influence of the Turkic basis on the formation of toponymy of the Black Sea Cossack troops .

In the toponymy of the Black Sea Cossack, there was a wide adaptation of foreign-speaking (primarily Turkic) geographical names. In the overwhelming majority of the names of rivers and limanov, the Cossacks of the Cossacks left the Turkic root bases, only giving them Slavic heads. A number of Cossack villages and farms received their name from the Turkic Hydronov (names of water bodies). For example, Stannya Ahtanizovskaya It was founded in 1812 on the West Bank of the Limana of the same name, from where it was called. Name Akhtanizovsky Limana comes from the Turkic word AkdenhaWhat means "White Sea (lake)". It claims that this name Liman received T. K. "In calm state whites and glitters as a canvas." However, in Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthere is a verb AK With the meaning "flow", "expire." In this case Akdenha It would be correct to deteriorate as a "flowing lake". Considering that Ahtaniz Liman is as if the extended sleeve of Kuban, carrying his waters through the Peresya's giro in the Azov Sea, then latest version It looks sufficiently convincing. Mention various options for the name of the Limana: Afthanis, Aktengiz, Akhdenizsky, Ahtanizovsky and Nizhny Temryuksky Liman. From Limana received their names stanny Akhtanizovskaya and Ahtaniz Natalka (or Ahtaniz Pleumaka).

The Turkic Substrate Foundation also have the names of the Black Sea settlements of Tamani and Temryuk. The date of the foundation of Tamani is considered to be August 25, 1792, when Black Sea Cossacks landed under the team of the Savva White military colonel. The date of assigning the status of the city of Taman is unknown, one can only assume that this happened shortly after the division of the Black Sea into five districts. I expressed the idea that it was possible initially the city performed the function of the center of the Fanagori district. After the publication of the "Regulations on the Black Sea Cossack Troops" in 1842, Taman was managed by Akhtaniz Stannel Board, and in 1849 it was deprived of the status of the city. In Toponyimik, there are several main versions of the origin of toponym Taman. Offers the interpretation of this geographical name as a Turkish change in the Circassian word temoken - "swamp". The derivative from the Turkic geographical term Taman is literally: "Sole", "Foot" can also be considered quite productive. In Toponymy, this term usually denotes the bottom of the river or lake. The topography of the Taman Peninsula with the drunks of the ancient sleeves of Kuban is convincing enough in favor of this hypothesis. For other versions of toponym Taman Lies the Turkic word tamanmeaning title or title or toponym is made from the name of the medieval city Tmutarakan. He said that "Before Taman called Tamarha, and the Russians were redone in Tmutarakan." It leads a curious legend based on the game of words: Tmutarakan - "Darkness Tarakanov" (i.e. "10000 cockroaches"). Prince Igor, according to legend, compared the prince of Izyaslav Vladimirsky with a cricket, which is noise behind the stove and is afraid to go to battle. Izyaslav was offended, quickly crossed the Dnieper and the headwound broke the numerous army of Igor. The proverb "Criccack Tmituankan won" appeared. In fact, Tzutarakan Toponym's connection with "10 thousand cockroaches" is the brightest example of the so-called "folk etymology", when the name is explained only on the basis of the external phonetic consonance. Languages \u200b\u200bproved that Tmutarakan, Tamarha And modern Taman produced from one basis - Tamartarhan. The latter means, perhaps "City of Tarkhan Taman". F. Arkannikov This city calls Techetarha and translates as a "salty fish". From topoosnovy Taman The following geographical names are manufactured: Stanitsa (city) Taman, Taman Peninsula (in the XVIII - XIX centuries. considered an island), Taman bay Taman Liman Taman (Fanagorian) District. Since 1910, the Temryuk Division of the Kuban region began to be called Taman Department.

The city of Temryuk was founded in 1860 on the spot of abolished Temryukskaya Stitsa (). Toponym Temryuk Comes on behalf of the Kabardian Prince Temryuk Idarovich, who in 1570 built a fortress in this place to protect against the grunge actions of Crimean Khanate. His name remains for settlement. From this toponym the names of many geographic objects occur: Nizhny Temryuksky Liman and Upper Temryuksky Liman (Ahtaniz and Kurchansky), Temryukskoe girloa, Temryuk bay, Temryuk mountain (Options: Temryuk Natalka, Temryukskaya Pleumak), Temryuk district, Temryuksky department.

Name Bugazsky Girla comes from the Turkic rod or bugazWhat means "throat". In Toponymy, usually takes the value "pass", "Strait". In addition to the name of the Strait in this area, a few more geographical names with topoosnova are known. bugaz. In the period under study, modern Bugazsky Liman Together with modern Kiziltashsky Liman Wore a common name South Kuban Liman. Modern lake Salty called at that time Bugazsky. There are also Bugazskoe girlo and Bugaz (Gemetya) Spit.

It is worth especially to say about toponyms directly related to the history of Ekaterinodar. So, for example, the name Karasunsky Kutain which the Ekaterinodar arose, comes from the hydronime Karasu., or Karasun.So called the Stari of the Kuban River. At the end of the XIX - early XX century, the elderly was mostly dragged by the elderly and only the garland of the same names remained from it. Karasu. Translated from Turkic means literally "black water", "bad water". Nikonov warns against literal interpretation of the name. "In the Turkic Hydronimia Term karasu. means not the color of water, but the power source of the river: the river formed by groundwater; Opposite aksu (Turk. aK "White") - River formed by melting of snow; couple black White correlated with the color of not water, but the earth and snow. Distinguish small Karasun and Big Karasun. Local geographical term kutParticipated in the formation of toponym, in Kuban usually denotes the "angle", "part", "outskirts" of something (for example, stages, estuary, etc.). In this case kut Means the angle, the cape formed during the confluence of Kuban and Karasa.

Appropriate here to say a few words about the hydronime Kuban. Galkin and call about 300 rivers names, considering along with options and distortions. The most likely, in our opinion, the point of view expressed. According to her, Hyronim Kuban is a "integrated" Slavic population of Karachay-Balkarian word "Kooban" - "hung", "having made up", "racing".

Toponymy old line .

Almost simultaneously with the Black Sea, the eastern part of the Right Bank of Kuban, the so-called Kuban, or Old line. Unlike the Black Sea, where Ukrainian-speaking Cinema Cossacks were settled, the Slavic population of the old line was basically Russian. In 1794, the first six villages were founded by the Don Cossacks: Thamoless, Vorovskolessskaya, Durovopskaya, Grigoripolis, Caucasian and Ust-Labinskaya. Stitsa were located along one fortified line, from where and the whole territory began to be called linie, and Cossacks linear Cossacks or lineets. The first six villages amounted to Kuban regiment. The regimental principle was maintained in the future administrative device of the old line. Each subseated or joined group of the villages formed a Cossack regiment, who had its regimental territory.

The formation of the Slavic toponymy of the old line was the significant impact of fortresses and fortifications built in the period from 1788 to 1791.

By the beginning of 1792, the fortress of the firm, strengthening of the Store and 17 of the Reduts: Barsuklovsky, Kuban, Supervised, Non-Disadvantaged, Kanitsynsky, Gregoripolis, Western, Tsaritsynsky, Kazan, Tiflis, Ladoga, Ust-Labinsky and Voronezh, is listed here. "The names of some of the Reduzzi were given by the names of those regiments that were located here."

In 1802, the Lady (Ladoga), Tiflis, Kazan and Temjbekskaya, Tiflis, Kazan and Temjbekskaya, in 1804, were founded on the line, with the Ladoga, Tiflis, Kazan and Temjbekskaya, in 1804, in 1804. These stages were made Caucasian regiment.

The third regiment of the old line became Hawk Region. Hawa Cossacks in 1696 went to Azov with Peter I. After participating in the Bulavinsky uprising, the hopers lived in several submissions along the Hoper River. In 1775, the Hawa Regiment is being formed, which from 1778 to 1781 moves to the Caucasus. "The hopers initially at the arrival of the Caucasus were setulated in the Stavropol province and founded here at the fortresses of 4 stages: North, Stavropol, Moscow and Donskaya." In 1825, the Hawk Regiment was transferred to the old line. Hawa Cossacks were founded by four stages on the Kuban River - Batalpashinsky, Beloshetsky, Nevinnomyssian and Barsukovskaya - and two on the Kuma River - Bekesh and Quarantine (from 1835 - Suvorovskaya).

Already at the end of the XVIII - early XIX century, on the old line, in addition to the Cossack Stanz, there was a significant peasant population, which is mainly from the Greats. The first peasant villages were the Novomaryan, founded in 1794, and Staromaric, a year-founded one later. In 1797, the village of Christmas, Kamennobrodsky and Novotroitsky were founded. In 1798 - Rassevatskoye, Dmitrievskoe, Ilyinskoye, Arkhangelsk and Sloboda Malorossiyskaya, or Biryuchia. The high percentage of the peasant population was one of the distinguishing features of the old line. In the future, many villages were transformed into the village, and the peasants were recorded in the Cossack estate.

In the 1820-E-1830s, a number of transformations occur on the old line. To avoid a severity, some stages were redistributed between the shelves. The Ust-Labinskaya Stanja was listed in the Caucasian regiment, Temjbek and newly educated Device and Nikolaevskaya - in Kubansky, and Vorovskolessskaya in Hawa.

In 1832, the Caucasian linear Cossack army was formed from nine linear regiments. By decree of December 2, 1832, a number of peasant villages were transformed into the village. Dmitrievskoye, Rassevatskoye, Assumption, Novoalekseevskoe, Novotroitskoye is ranked to the Kuban Regiment. The old line was also counted for those formed from the peasant villages of the village Novodonetskaya, Novomelorossiyskaya, Arkhangelsk, Ilinskaya, Dmitrievskaya, Sengileevskaya, Kamennobrodskaya, Christmas, Novomariavskaya and Staromarodskaya, New Line.

In 1848, with the transfer of the Caucasian linear army Tikhoretskaya volost, the village of Novopokrovskoe, Ternovobalkovskoye, Tikhoretsky and Novorivskoye, also became the villages of the old line.

An invalid effect on the formation of toponymy old line.

Memorial toponym s.

The term "memorial" toponymy in this case is considered as conditional, because in general, all toponyms are in one degree or another are "memorial", as a special kind of monuments of history, language and culture. Here, under the word "memorial", it is necessary to understand those toponyms in which information was recorded about any historical person or a memorable event.

In Memorial Okonimia (the names of settlements) of the old line, not only the names of Russian historical figures were immortalized, such as the village of Grigoripolis, or (Stanja Suvorovskaya), but also the names of worthy opponents. E. Peremelsky, speaking of the village Temjbekskaya, notes that the village "was called from Aul Circassian Prince Tem-Bek, live on the opposite bank of the Kuban, against the village itself." Close by origin to the name of the village Temjbekskayais the name Beksevskaya Stitsa, founded in 1825 on the river Kuma River. The place of settlement of the village, as writes, "was scheduled below the aul Bekechyev, who was on the Kuma River, above the place where this river leaves the chamber of the bed and breaks on the sleeve. In the West of this place, a high Kurgan Beke rone. On the right side of the river Kuma tested too pretty high mountainwhich, unlike Pervago Kurgan, was called the Zabsi Beke. Versts at 12-15 north of the place, cut off from the village, the Bekechiev post was arranged, which received its name on behalf of Cherkesskago Aul; Hence, the name of the new Khoperskaya village of Beksevskaya occurred; Before, the old men say, it was called Bekechiev. "

Separately in this row you can highlight the name Batalpashinsky Stitsa founded in 1825. The village in memory of the victory was observed in this area in 1790 by General over the Turkish commander Batal Pasha. Interesting in this case, the fact that the memorial toponym here has retained the historical memory not about the winner, but about the Batal-Pasha defeated them.

Names of the old line beds derived from hydronism .

On the old line, as in general, on the entire historical territory of the Kuban Cossacks, the settlement, as a rule, was based on the river or river. To a greater extent, this is caused by the economic demands of the settlers, so the water was the basis for agriculture. Another factor in the founding of the Cossack settlement on the river (especially large, for example, the Kuban) was the military-border features of the terrain. Here the river is a water barrier, the border. Thus, a series of villages got its name from local hydronism.

For example, Barsukovskaya The village was founded in 1825 on the Barscloth River, from where it was called. He believes that "Potaponim Barscloth dates back to Dr. Türk. Word boron - "smell, stink" through the form of Borsuk - "smelly, smelly". That is how the ancient Turks called the animal from the Kunih family, as he had anal glands emitting a strong smell. But the badger is the animal predominantly forest, so the coincidence is an old no more than an accident. The name of Barsukly Affix -Suk / -ScA shows a permanent sign on the verbal action + affix possessions, that is, "having a strong smell, stinking".

In the name of the village RassevatskayaAlso derived from the hydronime - river Schemevatki, traced, according to, "Kalmyk trail". Initially, the river was called close to " Arshan "That in Kalmyk language, this is an "source", "water", "spring". leads in their work and some examples of "folk etymology" of Okonim Rassevatskaya. So, according to the legend, "... One party of runaway men from Voronezh and Penza provinces stopped at a quiet river. Ahead is a cross-beam steppe, decorated with flowers, like a huge carpet embroidered, and near the forest. I liked this place to people and called it with a "embroidered blade". Since then, the mill, and the river began to call the shawling. " Of course, this is just a folk interpretation that has no real foundation.

Toponymy new (Labin) line .

In 1841, the cordon line was transferred from Kuban to Laba. The plain between these rivers was named Labinsk, or a new line, unlike the old (Kuban) line.

A lot of rivers and rivers take place through the territory of the new line, the most significant rivers of Laba and Vrup with their tributaries. Hydronimia of this territory was largely substrate in the formation of the Cossack Okonimius of the new (Labin) line. Part of the hydronomists (mainly in the interfluve Laba and Urupa) has Turkic roots, such as the Chamlyc River. Chamlyk - Nogai "angry", "sharp". From this hydronime leads its name Chamlykskaya Stanitsa founded in 1841.

Other hydroons of Adyg's origin. In this row, perhaps, you can call the river Urup, the left influx of the Kuban River. As well as researchers Toponymy and, referring to the authority of J. N. Kokov, tend to see here adyg roots. In 1841, the Stanitsa was arranged on the Warrow River Urudition.

It is not clear to the end today and the name of the river Laba, main river Labinsky The line from which she got its name. From the same Hydronime received their names of the village Labinskaya and Novolabinskayaas well as the village Ust-Labinskaya on the old line (see 2.1.). Perhaps the name of the river comes from the Svan "Labn", i.e. "source".

The village of Zelenchukskaya and the Cardonikskaya are called respectively along the Zelenchuk and Cardonik rivers.

The process of the formation of the Cossack toponymy of the skin (as an east, i.e., the newly language toponymic substrate has provided the most direct influence. If we talk about the new line actually, here such a foreign-language substrate is the Turkic toponymy, to a lesser extent - Adyg. This and hydronicimia (as mentioned above), and oronyms, and the names of some other geographical objects. Substrate names include the names of local tribes and peoples - ethnonyms. In this territory, an example of toponym with an ethnonymic basis can be the name Temirgoevskaya Stitsa based on the site of the same fortification. "The strengthening is named by the Adygin Tremirgoevtsev tribes, whose twin priest was a bog."

Speaking about the memorial toponymy of the new line, first of all, it should be said about the title Zassovskaya (Casovskaya) village, founded in 1855 on the Laba River, on the site of the former Zassovsky Strengthening (GG). Toponym perpetuates the name of the general-cavalry of Baron G. Kh. Von Zassa, the founder and the most new (Labin) line, and a number of settlements on it. By the origin of the Baron G. Kh. Von Zass is the Ostsee German, the German footprint in Kuban Toponymy is obvious.

Toponymy Kuban Cossack troops .

Some stages arise at the site of former fortifications. Abinskaya The village was founded in 1863 at the site of the same-name strengthening built in 1834. The names and stages and strengthening come from the name of the Ambin River. Hydonim Abyb J. N. Kokov connects Abkhaz word Abna - "Forest". By the name of the river, the Abinsky regiment is called.

At the site of the abolished village of Nikolaev (GG.) In 1862 it arises Anapskaya Stitza. Name of the village Anapskaya Like the name of the city Anapa It does not have a single etymological interpretation. Certains six different etymologies of this toponym. The most convincing in our opinion etymology of J. N. Kokova and. According to J. N. Kokov Toponym Anapa comes from Adyg's words IANE (Ana) - "Table" and PE (PA) - "Edge", Ianape (Anapa) - "Edge of the table". It believes that the word Anapa consists of two bases: ana + Pa.Where Ana (Anaka) The name of the river, at the mouth of which is the city of Anapa. The second component - pA // pE Means mouth. Anapa is a city at the mouth of the Ana River. Anapskaya Stannaya name - secondary toponym formed from Anapa city name. Indicates that at the household level at least until the end of the XIX century, the name of the Anapian name abolished in 1854 by the village of Nikolaevskaya was preserved. It can be assumed that the Nikolaev Stanny was named so in honor of the Emperor Nicholas I reigning.

From the name of the Giaga River (Laba's left influx) takes its name Giaghinskayafounded in 1862. The value of Hyago Hydonim (in Adygei Jadge (Geaga)) is not installed. In the literature, the unofficial, folk name of the village - Yaginskaya.

In the same 1862, but in the western part of the tailbone the village was equipped Gostagaevskaya. The name comes from the name of the river Gostagai (Gostagayka), which flows into the Vityazesky Liman. Hyronim Ostygyiy in Adygei means buzzly "fir", that is the name of the river, in turn, is made from the local flora. Also, the name of the plant occurs hydronism dah. And, referring to, talking about the value of Hydonima Dah (Dakho) as a "hazelnut river". However, a recognized specialist in the Adyg Toponymik believes that the name of the river is formed from the generic name Dakho (Daho). In the same 1862, a village was founded in the White River (right influx) Dakhovskaya.

The etymology of some hydronomists is purely descriptive (by external signs). So, for example, the name of the Marta River, on which in 1864 was founded Martan The village rises, according to the ancient Abkhaz-Adyg word AMARD (D alternate with T), meaning the "steep slope." It is known that the Marta River flows along the slope of the right-bank hill. "Slope" river. Guban The village was founded in 1861 on the Gubs River, the left tributary of the river Walking, who, in turn, is the left tributary of the Laba River. Etymology of Hydronima may result from Adygei "Hops", "GO" - yellow, "dogs" - water. According to "GO" in the same case, may mean "cave" - \u200b\u200b"Cave River".

Other hydroons are impossible to be either united without the knowledge of local Adyghe legends and legends. This refers to the PSHEKH River, from the name of the village of the village Pchachskaya. Hyronim Pzhah (Pschye) occurs in one version from Adygei words Pshes. - "Prince" and khyyn. - "carry". The legend says that in the distant past, Adyge rebelled against his princes, broke them and threw them into the river. For other etymology, the name of the river comes from word formation pE + Hie, literally "spear + bear": in the valley of the river once the fierce battle occurred, where many copies were broken. From some battle, bloodshed occurs to catch the river a little river. Hyronim in translation from Adygei literally means "predatory, bloodthirsty eagle." On this river in 1862 the village was founded Nerebrajevskaya.

Names of Stanitsa Andryukovsky, Kuzhorskaya, Khamketinskaya and Ilskaya Also originate from the names of rivers and rivers, on which they are based. In addition, there were stages in the zubban, the names of which (mainly with the hydronicim basis) in 1867 were replaced with "regimental" (see 3.1.5.).

Names of stanzes derived from ethnonyms.

In Western Zubbye, to an even greater degree than on the new line there is an active influx of local, mostly Adygh, ethnonymia in Cossack Toponymy. In general, this phenomenon is characteristic of almost all lands laid by Russia.

For example, Abadzekh The village received its name from the name of the Adygin tribe of Abadzekhi and was founded on the White River, on the border of the territories of Abadsekhov and Mamheg. According to the Abkhaz-Abazinsky tribe, the bug was called the village Bugovskaya. The same character is the names of the villages Barakaevskaya, named by the tribe of Barakay, who lived in the upper reaches of the Gubs River, Machoshevskaya, based on the border of the tribal territories, Egorhei and Mahashov, Egorukhaev, Natuhai (Natukhaevskaya) and Chapsuga, named after, in honor, respectively, the tribes of Jerhery, Natuhaians and Shapsov.

The village was renamed several times Beslenevskaya. It was founded in 1861 on the river Walking and was originally named Irisskaya On the mountain "Iris" or "Yarys". In the same year, the village was renamed the village Intermediate. The name is quite "in the spirit of the military-functional designation of many other stans." Finally, in 1863, the village received its final name Beslenevskayain which the tribe was perpetuated by the tribe.

The Adygh tribe of Brzedukhov gave the name of the village Brownukhovskaya. Broguchi, in turn, as this tribe describes, are divided into Hamshevtsev and Cherchevians. He leads an old legend that "Zhaneevtsy, the neighbors of Cherchevian gave them a feast, in which the hosts were stolen by the guests. Hence the pressing of Brzheder, the thief of the bowl, from the words "B0" - Chara, a bowl and "arc" - a thief. Most likely it is popular, vulgar ethnonym etymology, based only on a random consonance.

The names of the Cossack Stanza with the Adygha Foundation derived from local features .

The basis of this group of ukonimov can be a wide variety of geographical, geological, biological, even archaeological features.

Interesting in this sense, the name Kelermen Stitsa, leading origin from the Adygei words Keelar (Keler) "Cheremsh" and Maz (Mes) "Forest". "Ashemshine Forest". In this case, the Botanical features of this area are at the heart of Oconym. Indicates the unofficial, folk name of the village - Kalaarsnetskaya. There is an case of adaptation of the Slavic population of the stagnia of the foreign language in accordance with the geographical name.

Name to your Khadyzhenskaya The village is obliged to the abundance of archaeological monuments (ground graves), previously met in large numbers in the vicinity of the village. Etymology words Hydyzhay, from which the Okonim is translated as the "Valley of Ancient Graves" - from Adygei hyade "Corpse", "Dead", ji. "Old", "Ancient". Meretukov suggests that this toponym can occur from a personal name Hydy And words ji. "Big" - "Big Hyda".

Memorial toponyms.

Often the basis of the memorial name is some kind of real historical event that occurred in this area. In the backcurt, the brightest examples of such ukonimov can be called the village Khan.

Stitzya Khan Founded in 1862 in the terrain, called Hanhabl (Hanhabl) - Aul Khan. Here, on the banks of the river, the White, the Crimean Khans of Devlet-Garyre and Kaza-Garyra were divided into 1717, on the orders of the Turkish Sultan Murada IV who had struck the Islam among the Adyg tribes. Here we are seeing the Crimean Tatar mark in the Cossack toponymy.

Stitzya Prussian, Founded in 1863 and received its name "in honor of Pruzkago Prince, formerly for legends in the area of \u200b\u200bthis village during the hostilities of the Caucasian Army when conquering the Mountain tribes of the North Caucasus." He was in the Russian service and participated in hostilities in the Caucasus - a German footprint in Slavic Toponymy.

The names of the famous Russian commander of the commander have been preserved in the names of Georgy-Afipsky and Raevskaya Stanitsa. Stitzya George-Afipskaya It was founded in 1865 on the Afipsa River (the left influx of the Kuban River), on the site of the former George-Afipsky fortification, built in 1830 and named so in honor of General-Cavalry, Georgy Arsenievich Emanuel. The second part of the name comes from the hydronime afips. "Akhuzhem" comes from the General Digo Huy / Fium "White" and Pots "Water". By the origin of the Serb - Serbian trail in Kuban Toponymy.

Renaming of the Zeban Stanza with Adyg Topoosnova in 1867 .

When studying Eastern Slavic toponymy, the subject of special attention deserves special attention to the issue of renaming in 1867 by a number of villages in the backwalk. Before renaming, fourteen downtown stans were called with Adyg Topoosovna, mainly derived from local hydronos, after renaming the names of the villages became consonant with the names of Russian cities. In the Russian army, military units traditionally wore the names of cities. According to the names of the respective regiments who fought in the Caucasus, Stitsa and got the names.

The hypothesis of "regimental" origin of the names of the villages is confirmed by a number of authors. For example, this writes on the example of the village of Ryazan (former Gabukaevskaya). In general, adhering to the "regimental version" claims that the villages received their names, as the soldiers of the shelves of the same name were settled in these villages. Indeed, some of the retired lower ranks of the Caucasian Army were settled on the land of the Zakubani, but, according to archival data, their percentage was not so large - as their basis, the settlement of the newly formed villages was Cossack.

It is necessary to allocate a special role in renaming the zubban stans in 1867 of the apparent Ataman of the Kuban Cossack Troops of Count-Ealston.

During the passage of the new Zebranian village in May 1867, the Commander-in-Chief of the Caucasian Army, Great Prince Mikhail Nikolayevich, paying attention to the name of some of the villages, according to any previous local meaning of them, he learned to express the desire to assign them to other names that are more relevant to the Russian population. "

In the original list of the villages, filed in the name of his imperial highness of the Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolayevich on June 15, 1867, the Count-Ealston of the Kuban Cossack Cossack troops did a personally "anti-empty change in the name". Changes to the names of the villages looked as follows: Andryukovskaya - Andreevskaya, Bestsevskaya - Borisovskaya, Nizhneproskaya - Yaroslavskaya, Psefirskaya - Kostromskaya, Egorukhaevskaya - Tula, Pcharchskaya - Orlovskaya, Gabukaevskaya - Ryazanskaya, Pshishkaya - Chernigovskaya, Kurdjipskaya - Kurskaya, Parchova - Suzdal, Nerebeljevskaya , Chagedakhovskaya - Troitskaya, Hablskaya - Holmskaya, Anthirskaya - Akhtyrskaya, Psekupskaya - Saratovskaya, Chibiyskaya - Penza, Soup - Kaluga, Afipskaya - Smolenskaya. The Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolayevich introduced his own adjustments: the villages of the Andryukovskaya, Besnevsevskaya, Kurdjipskaya and the Nebertzaevskaya was ordered to leave the former names.

Alexander II and "Sovereign Emperor, in the 13th day of September this year, in the 13th day of September this year, will be deigned to the head of the Caucasian Army, the head of the Caucasian Army, in the 13th day of September. Thus, the renames of 1867 were clearly shown that in general the Kuban Cossacks very tolerately belonged to that in-eyed toponymic background, which lay down the basis of Cossack toponymy and, despite the proposal of the authorities, most of the villages remained with Adyg Topoosovna.

Campaign for renaming settlements of Kuban.

In November 1909, the military archivist in the report of the Optic Ataman of the Kuban Cossack troops reports about "uncertainty and even inconsistency" of the names of some villages. For the future, he recommends: "Giving new names, if not in honor of the special feats of Cossack, then at least in honor of our atamans-Orlov, who created the Glory Glory Cossack and acquired this abundant and largest edge."

Under the military headquarters, a special commission of renaming was established, which was headed by the head of the Major Major Staff. The composition of the commission is unknown, but it is obvious that in addition to the head of the military headquarters and, perhaps, the military archival was included in it a senior adjutant of the military headquarters of Esal Strinsky and his assistant Esaul Zvyagintsev. "In order to upbringing the younger generation in the spirit of great ancestors, - writes to the revocation of Ataman Taman Division, - as well as in the types of perpetuating the glorious names and events from the history of the Kuban Cossack troops ... It is planned to rename into the historical glorious names of some settlements in the army, from To which there were no named names for many very many, or with the addition of Novo, the names of the villages from the marriages of Koi formed a farmer, or finally the names of the beams, river and so on. "

Such reviews are sent to the Atamans of all seven departments of the Kuban region, where lists of settlements "with nothing expressing names", which are desirable to replace with others, "more talking to the mind and heart of the Cossack names."

The list of historical and events, the names and names of which are desirable to perpetuate the (name of the department) of the department to be perpetuated by the aforementioned reviews.

Here, the appeal of the organizers of this campaign to Zaporizhia (Ukrainian) historical heritage is of interest. During these years, such names of the villages appeared on the map of Kuban, perpetuating historical names as Babichevskaya, Chepiginskaya, Khmelnitsky. Appeal to the generic origins of the Kuban Cossacks can be considered the emergence of such names as Ataman, Dneprovskaya, Zaporizhia.

In 1914, the renaming wave went to decline, a few other renaming was held in 1915. The reason for this was the beginning of the war and departure from the Kuban of the main initiator and the organizer of the renaming of Major General, appointed by the Optic Ataman of the Trans-Baikal Cossack troops.

War with Germany made its motives in Toponymy Kuban. So, in June 1915, the collection of elected stages of the Prussian Maykopian department, taking into account that the village is named so in honor of Prince Albert Prussky, who happened in these parts during the Caucasian War, and that "the Prussian Kingdom is part of the German Empire, which announced us War ", ruled:" Recognize such a phenomenon undesirable and ask Ataman of the Maykopian department to initiate a petition to assign a different name to the village of Prussian, named by her "Romanovskaya" in memory of the 300 Sumado reign of the Romanov's house. "

However, since in the Kuban region there was already a Cossack settlement with such a name, - Romanovsky farm, - the Kuban Regional Board rejected this petition and prescribed to the Stanic collection to find another name. This time, the foundation of the new name was the foundation of the area: since in the vicinity of the village "no river or a river there is no", Prussian village was renamed anhydrous village. The German name, as unwanted for local residents during the war with Germany, was crossed out of the Cossack toponymy.


In conclusion, it can be said that other peoples and languages \u200b\u200bhave had a significant impact on the formation of toponymy of the Kuban Cossacks, both directly and indirect.

The names of the Cossack settlements (and later and non-price Slavic) often received names from the foreign-speaking hydronimony of this territory. At the Right Bank of Kuban, as well as in the Miscellaneous Kuban and Laba, such a background hydronicity was mostly Turkic Hydronimia (Baysugan, Chelbas, Kirpilskaya, Kong-Yeisk, etc.). In the backway and on the Black Sea coast of the background hydronicity was Adyg Hydronimia (River Psekups, Afips, Martha, Pshish, etc.).

In addition, the names of the mountains and other elements of the relief (oronymy), local tribes or other signs, derived from the languages \u200b\u200bof the Nestlavian population, influenced Slavic Toponymy.

In Memorial Toponymy Kuban, a whole gallery of outstanding figures is presented - representatives of various ethnic groups.

As part of this communication, I only touched the small part of Toponymy Kuban. Here it was briefly told only about those East Slavic (Cossack) toponyms, in which information about various ethnic groups and their bright representatives were accumulated. At the same time, in the territory of the Krasnodar Territory there exists a large number of Non-priceed settlements with its toponymy: Russian, Ukrainian, Adygei, Armenian, Greek, German, Czech, even Latvian and Estonian. This toponymic layer is still waiting for a serious scientific research.

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See also: