Types of passenger air transport. Types of air transportation

In modern society, there are several very independent modes of transport. Their division is due to the difference in vehicles that are used to move the cargo and passengers, as well as a different natural medium of their operation. Transport system Russia is a large and complex economic complex located throughout the country. It includes: land transport (railway, automotive), aquatic (sea and river), air and pipeline.

The concept of "air transport" exists as an alternative to ground and water species Transport using a different carriage environment. Before other types of transport, air has certain advantages: high speed of passenger and cargo; Reducing the path, which has a significant impact on saving time on the delivery of passengers and goods; speed organization of air traffic; High maneuverability and adaptability of air transport to various facilities of transportation, to their seasonal oscillations. The special role of air transport is also determined by the regularity and versatility of transportation, regardless of the time of year and climatic conditions, high translucent aircraft capabilities.

"The term" air transport "is widely used in practice, denoting them with transport activities carried out in airspace using aircraft as rolling stock." The term "aviation" is traditionally used to designate activities in airspace.

Aviation activities have different goals, tasks and means of its implementation. One of the most significant goals of aviation activity is activities aimed at meeting the interests and needs of individuals and legal entities in air transportation, protect their rights to safe, high-quality and economical air transport. This goal is implemented by using civil aviationwhich in turn is divided into common aircraft used for free, and commercial civil aviation. The main purpose of commercial civil aviation is the implementation of passengers, baggage and cargoes for the air transportation fee.

Under air transport is understood " transport movement In the aircraft of the load or man, carried out by the movement of the aircraft on the installed airline (highway).

Traditionally distinguish two main types of air transport - internal and international. Under the inner air transport is a air transportation, in which the point of departure, destination and all landings are located on the territory Russian Federation. The international carriage is recognized, in which the place of definition and destination, regardless of whether there is no break in carriage or overload, are located, respectively, either in the territories of two states or on the territory of one state, if the clause (paragraphs) of landing on the territory of another state is provided .

Internal air transport, in turn, can be regular and irregular; Interregional and intraregional, as well as business and corporate.

Regular air transportation - transportation carried out on regular flights, that is, on flights of aircraft performed in accordance with the schedule, published in the prescribed manner, including transportation on additional flights, that is, on flights performed in addition to the schedule on the dates and the same route which is performed regular flight. Irregular air transportation - transportations performed on irregular (charter) flights, that is, on flights of aircraft performed outside the published schedule in accordance with the air transportation contract concluded between the customer and the airline or by the other operator.

Interregional air transport - internal air transport (regular - on schedule and charter) according to installed airlines between points located in the regions enshrined at various regional offices of the Federal Aviation Service (FAS) of Russia (currently the Federal Air Transport Agency). Intraregional air transport - internal air transport (regular - on schedule and charter) according to installed air lines between items located in the region enshrined over one regional control of the FAS Russia.

Business carriage - charter air transportation on orders of legal entities and individuals performed on specially equipped civilian aircraft With the number of passengers up to 15 people. Corporate transportation - air transport performed by the owner of the aircraft (operator) on a non-commercial basis (to meet their own needs and needs without obtaining commercial benefits).

International treaties and national legislation of states divide international air transport into two categories: regular and irregular.

Regular air transport are carried out by regular flights by the specially appointed state airlords on lines due to the relevant international treaty. At the same time, after the state appointed the airline for flights to the contractual lines, it should report this in writing to another Participant of the Agreement. The latter, in turn, is often obliged to provide such an airlinitution of the operational permit for flights, provided that the issues of schedule and tariffs are agreed.

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization "in 1952 identified regular international air transport as a series of flights that are carried out through air space over the territory more than one state by aircraft in order to transport passengers, cargo and mail for remuneration, and each flight is available for any person; With their implementation, transportation is carried out between one and the same two or more points, or in accordance with the published schedule, or the flights are so regular or frequent, which they are explicit systematic series. "

Irregular international air transportation - "Air transport, carried out by irregular (episodic, one-time) flights, that is, others than regular, executed on a schedule with a certain frequency between certain points. The most common type of irregular air transport - air charter". "Irregular flights are performed on the basis of a special permission, but in last years Some states began to conclude bilateral agreements on irregular air services. "

International air transport between Russia and foreign countries Outside the CIS - transportation, performed on international flights to these countries and between these countries, i.e. On flights consisting of one go several international flight stages. At the same time, if you have international flight The internal phase of the flight, this stage is considered to be international. Under the flight stage is a flight of an aircraft from the moment of take-off until the next landing on this flight.

International transportation between Russia and CIS countries - transportation, made on flights to these countries, as well as between these countries. If there is an international flight to the CIS countries in the international flight, this stage is considered to be internationally internationally with the CIS countries. In the case of a landing flight on the territory of the CIS countries and in other foreign countries outside the CIS, transportation data is considered as international between Russia and foreign countries outside the CIS.

Air transportation is carried out by actuators of air transportation activities that have different legal status. The air code established the concepts of the aviation enterprise, operator and carrier.

Aviation enterprise is a legal entity, regardless of its organizational and legal form and form of ownership, which has the main objectives of its activities, carrying out the air transportation fee of passengers, baggage, cargo, mail and (or) aviation work. The operator is a citizen or a legal entity having an aircraft on the right of ownership, on lease terms or on another legitimate basis, using this aircraft for flights and having a certificate (certificate) of the operator. The carrier is a operator who has a license to carry out air carriage of passengers, baggage, cargo or mail on the basis of air transport contracts.

As follows from the above definitions of actors of air transportation activities, the aviation enterprise acts as a generic, generalizing concept, since in the presence of appropriate licenses and certificates can carry out its activities and as an operator and as a carrier. At the same time, only commercial civil aviation operators operating on a reimbursable basis can be attributed to the number of aviation enterprises.

The main distinguishing feature of the operator from the carrier is the different nature of their activities. The operator who does not have an appropriate license is entitled to implement only non-profit (corporate) transport or other non-commercial activities in the field of aviation, providing for the operation of aircraft. According to Part 5 of Article 9 of the Republic of China, the presence of a license in this case is optional.

In accordance with Appendix No. 2, to order of the Federal Aviation Service of March 18, 1998 No. 74 "On the introduction of additional licensing requirements", the subjects of air transportation activities are classified on the following grounds:

  • a) airline airlines - airlines of federal significance with the right to implement international flights;
  • b) air carriers - airlines of regional importance with the right to implement international flights; c) local air carriers; d) air carriers of business aviation;
  • e) operators of corporate aviation.

Air carriers - airlines of federal significance with the right to implement international flights (federal airlines) - air carriers performing the entire volume of regular traffic on international airlines to foreign countries, large (over 70%) part of regular transport to the CIS countries and interregional transportation, as well as international .

Airlines - airline regional importance with the right to implement international flights (regional airlines) - air carriers performing only interregional regular transport and chapters, regular transport to the CIS countries, as well as international and internal charter flights.

Local air carriers (local air transporters) are air carriers performing only intra-regional transport and part of interregional transportation on aircraft 3-4 class.

Air carriers of business aviation - air carriers performing business transportation. Corporate aviation operators are operators who perform corporate transportation.

In the direction of air transportation, distinguished: simple, passing and prefabricated transportation.

Simplealso called "General Transportation" - implies the transportation of the general cargo to the destination, and the customer of such a service is the owner of the goods transported. The main advantage of general transportation is high efficiency.

Travel transportationimplies the use of free transport following in the desired direction. The advantage of this cargo transportation format is low cost.

Precast transportation- This is the most common format for transporting piece goods, in which the goods of various senders are consolidated in stock and depart as their optimal volume accumulates. Different with a low cost of transportation.

4.5 Container and Controller Transportation

Currently, container shipments are the most dynamically developing sectors of the transport services market. The reason for the rapid development of container shipments is such advantages as:


    reducing total transport costs;

    increasing the safety of transported goods;

    ensuring the transport service on the principle of "door to door".

The technical base of the container transport system includes a container park, their means of transportation on various types of transport, a network of container points and terminals equipped with overload means.

Cargo container- It is a non-stationary transport capacity with an internal volume of more than 1 m 3, intended for multiple transportation and temporary storage of goods. In constructive terms, the containers are usually closed containers in the form of a rectangular parallelepiped. Sometimes there are also open-top containers or with a roof of rubberized fabric, fixed to the frame with thin rope.

Distinctive features of the container:

    closed design type;

    sufficient strength for repeated use;

    the possibility of transportation by various types of transport without intermediate discharge of goods from the container;

    the presence in the design of devices providing fast loading, unloading and overload from one type of transport to another;

    easy loading of goods to the container and their unloading.

Containers are classified on universal and specialized. Universal containers are designed for the transport of a wide range of tar-piece goods. These include containers of large-capacity (20 and 40-ka feet) and medium-room (3 and 5 tons). Currently, medium-tonnage containers have almost come out of turnover. For measuring work with large-tonnage containers, twenty-swept equivalents are used (DFE, Ang. - TEU).

Specialized containers are designed for the transport of goods requiring special conditions Transportation. These include tank containers (for bulk cargo), isothermal containers, containers for the carriage of bulk cargo.

To transport freight containers on railway transport use fitting platforms- specialized platform equipped with knots for fixing containers (fitting stops).

Container Point (Container Terminal)- a railway station division, which includes specially designed container sites, loading and unloading equipment, office space and personnel designed to carry out operations related to arrival and departure, loading, unloading, sorting and temporary storage of containers, as well as with their bridge and export, maintenance, execution of commercial operations.

ROAD-RAIL TRANSPORT- This is a combined railway and automobile transportation of trailers, semi-trailers, trailers (trailers for heavy indentible goods) or removable bodies on the railway platform.

The technology of piggyback was originated in the United States and Canada, and when transferring to Western Europe, there was a significant difficulty in Western Europe: many artificial structures such as bridges, tunnels, the height of the power supply suspension, did not allow to successfully apply this technology. To solve this problem, some of the artificial structures were reconstructed, the pockets in the bottom of the platforms were deepened, where the wheels of road trains and autotrailers are lowered. This technology is called "Running highway."This car transportation with a trailer or semi-trailer on the railway platform with a reduced floor. At the same time, if, together with the cargo in a special passenger car, the driver follows, then it will be transported accompanied by accompaniment (Accompanied Intermodal / Combined Transport).

Technology "Running Highway" has a number of shortcomings:

    transportation of overweight, i.e. tractor, semi-trailer and accompanying driver;

    the need to create comfortable conditions for the accompanying driver during the way.

However, such a technology finds its application in a number of states with highly developed road transport, since an increase in the volume of railway and automotive controllers, their routing has led to the conclusion about the possibility of reducing both special transshipment ramps on railway terminals and the terminals themselves Roads.

The most interesting version of the controller transportation is the use of rootreilers. Roadreilers -these are containers or trailers with a combined chassis, capable of moving around both the freeway and rails. Roadreilers can be attached to the car-tractor, and to the locomotive, forming whole roddraulic trains.

The advantages of using controller freight transportation are obvious: they allow you to combine maneuverability and vehicle speed with safety and independence from weather conditions of railway transport. This reduces the loading of motorways, the accident is reduced, the maintenance of the road canal is ensured. The main reason why in Western countries is so much attention is paid to the development of piggyback - their environmental friendliness. Control transportation, compared with the automotive, cause less harmful environment, reducing harmful emissions.

At one time, the air transport was in the wonder and simply inaccessible to ordinary citizens. Nowadays everything has changed dramatically, now aircraft are widely used not only for the transport of passengers, but also of various goods abroad. Very quickly began to be very popular, thanks to the huge number of advantages with which they are endowed.

Advantages of air transportation

The most important advantage is high speed. This service is simply indispensable when transporting valuable things, drugs and bodies for transplanting, which must be taken to the destination in the shortest possible time.

Another advantage of this service is to be able to promptly overcome a huge distance. Oceans, mountains and deserts - all this is overcome with ease, inconvenience can deliver only aerial Jama. All other shipping types can not compete with air transportation.

When shipping with aircraft, there is no need for each customs to undergo a control procedure. Check is carried out only when shipped and already upon arrival of the cargo. It is also worth noting the high reliability of such a way of transporting goods, since the risk of theft of goods in the air is as close as possible to zero. Transferred goods may be damaged only when loading or during customs control.

And one more important plus is that it is possible to track the location of the goods with the help of a special site. Aviation carriages provide the ability to transport various products, regardless of dimensions and weights.

Transportation of perishable cargo

The group includes all goods with a small shelf life under the content under normal conditions. When transporting such goods it is necessary to ensure a special temperature regime, and in some cases humidity. If this is not done, then the quality of the goods may worsen that, in turn, will bring it to the owner of the losses.

This group includes fruits, vegetables, citrus fruits, live flowers, cosmetic products, medicines, meat and fish products. To send such cargo, the owner of the products must provide all the necessary certificates issued on the day of dispatch. Moreover, the certificate needs to be obtained separately for each batch of goods.

Usually, such goods are delivered by direct flights, but if there is no such possibility, then one overload from one side to another is allowed. Live flowers can be transported only by direct flight. For the transport of such a cargo, the application for transportation must be falling at least in ten days.

If fruits and citrus are transported, then at the time of loading you need to take into account the load on the boxes when they are placed on each other. At the time of loading, it is also necessary to take care that there remains a certain distance to ensure free air circulation. If the fruit is transported in one flight and, they are required to be located in different compartments.

Air transportation of dangerous goods

The group of dangerous goods includes substances that, with incorrect loading or transportation, create a danger to others, and may also cause significant damage to the aircraft and the environment. Loads of this type have their own classification in accordance with the level of danger:

  1. The first category includes various types of explosives.
  2. The second category includes liquefied, dissolved, as well as compressed gaseous substances.
  3. The third category includes fluids that are easily flammable.
  4. The fourth category includes self-turning and solids that are easily flammable, as well as substances that excrete flammable gases when contact with water.
  5. The fifth category includes organic peroxides, as well as oxidizing substances.
  6. The sixth category includes infectious / poisonous substances.
  7. The seventh category includes goods separating radiation.
  8. The eighth category includes corrosive and caustic compositions.
  9. The ninth category includes other dangerous goods that are not included in the above-mentioned eight classes.

Air transportation of dangerous goods are carried out according to standards approved by the UN Special Commission. For transporting goods of this type, compliance with the following requirements:

  • The cargo must have labeling, a special sign warning about his danger, as well as instructions for handling it.
  • The Dangerous Goods Declaration Declaration, as well as AWB-AWB, should be attached to dangerous goods.
  • Must be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of IATA (ICAO).

Air transportation of heavy and oversized cargo

The cargo is considered heavy if its weight exceeds 80 kilograms. If the dimensions of the cargo exceed the size of the loading hatches of aviation transport, then it is large.

Transportation of heavy / large cargo cargo is performed on aircraft that are equipped to solve such tasks. Loads of this type can be transported both in packaging, and without it, if it allows the carrier. Loads without a container with great weight are transported on specialized pallets, which are put on a tree bars to eliminate the exceeding the maximum pressure on the floor. Large / heavy loads must be delivered to the place of loading accurately in advance terms.

Heavy transport aircraft applies for air transportation of oversized cargo. For transportation using aviation transport, oversized cargoes are not allowed, the height or width of which exceeds 6.4 meters. This is due to the fact that the size of the loading hatch of the largest transport aircraft An-124 "Ruslan" is 6.4 meters. The air transportation of oversized cargo costs more than its transportation by other modes of transport. But at the same time, only aviation transport is able to provide high efficiency of shipping.

Features of air transportation of lightweight cargo

Lightweight includes loads with a volume of more than 0.006 cubic meters per kilogram of gross. The cost of transporting bulk cargo depends on their volume weight. The definition of the exact volume that is required to transport the lightweight cargo is performed by multiplying its width on height and length. For calculating a kilogram of gross, the volume he takes on the plane is divided by its weight.

A cargo service dispatcher is engaged in calculating the volume of lightweight cargo. When calculating the value, not only the volume of boxes in which the bulk cargo is packaged, but also the gap between them is taken into account. In order not to overpay for the air cargo of the lightweight cargo, it is packaged in the box as close as possible.

Regular flights - These are flights running on the usual schedule by airlines. For example, daily flights Luppanza S. Veterburg Frankfurt. This is the most common flight, to which we are all accustomed. Purchase and order tickets for regular flights, or just to make a reservation in the offices of airlines, in special agencies or book them online on sites specializing in the sale of tickets.

Loadosts (Diskounters) is a collective name of a number of airlines that perform regular flights. Loads are trying to save on many things: fly from cheap airports located far from cities, do not distribute food in flight for free, do not release paper tickets, and even order and book a flight allowed only on our sites - they cannot be purchased through a turbule. Due to this, the air ticket is greatly reduced. Budget airlines - the phenomenon for Europe is quite familiar (these are so-called flying buses), and for us is still new. Their routes connect even the most cute airports (not to mention the European capitals). The price depends not only on when a ticket is purchased, but also from many other factors. By paying a card through the site, you can print a confirmation on the printer, which will be a ticket. Otherwise, everything is as usual, you only need to keep in mind: some companies have landing coupons without places - who earlier came, he has the ability to choose, everyone else is sitting on free. The only louctive carrier within Russia on this moment - SkyExpress airline. It is also very conditional to discounters to the discounters can also be classified as the airline KD Avia, which positions itself as a loauser, but in reality is simply a low tariff airline. As a rule, flights of Loadostov-discounters can be booked only online through the Internet site of the airline-Losuce. Some Internet agencies also produce an order and selling such air tickets for their users.

Charters - irregular flights. That is, the airline, the usual or specializing in charter transport, makes the same flight usually from big City At the resort, and often in an uncomfortable time - as airports primarily give preference to regular flights. Very often all the places in the charter flight are redeemed in advance by the tour operator and sold only in the tourist package - that is chartered flight At the resort, accommodation and charter back. In any case, a ticket for a charter flight, even if it is sold separately, you must order and buy not at the carrier's airline, but at the tour operator who owns the flight. On our website in the section "Last minute tickets" travel companies There are such suggestions for the next dates.

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    ✪ Legal regulation of air transport. International Conventions



Air transportation is customary to classify in the direction of the category of cargo and the type of download.

Simple shipments

Also called "General Transportation" - implies the transportation of the general cargo to the destination, and the customer of such a service is the owner of the goods transported. The main advantage of general transportation is high efficiency.

Travel transportation

Travel transport implies the use of free transport following in the desired direction. The advantage of this cargo transportation format is low cost.

Shuttle shipments

Main article: Shuttle shipments

In aviation, this format is accepted for passenger transportation. A distinctive feature of shuttle transportation - the return of the vehicle to the departure point without passengers on board.

Precast transportation

Prefabricated transportation is the most common format for transporting piece goods, in which the goods of various sender consolidate in stock and are sent as their optimal volume accumulates. Different with a low cost of transportation.

Classification of special cargo

In the current "manual for freight transportation On the internal air lines of the SSR Union "(RGP-85) contain references to special (special) conditions for transportation:" Some types of cargo (perishable, dangerous, radioactive, animals, etc.) are also taken to transport air transport (perishable, dangerous, radioactive, animals, etc.), which require special transportation conditions . (clause 4.4.3) In this document, there are paragraphs: - transportation of heavy and oversized cargo (p. 2.9), - transportation of perishable goods (p. 22.16), Transportation of livestock (p. 2.18), - transportation of self-propelled and tracked technology (clause 2.19) - transportation of coffins with dead (p.2.20). Classification of special cargo. (Neopr.) .

Passenger air transport

Passenger aircraft We carry out the transport of passengers and mail, performing regular (or irregular) flights.

Aircraft following without passengers or cargo, the so-called Empty Leg., rented at a price, significantly less than the cost of the flight.

Freight air transportes

Rules for air transportation

According to the rules for the implementation of freight air transportation (Federal Law "On Transport and Expeditionary Activities" of 06/30/2003 No. 87-FZ and the Warsaw Convention on International Air Transport (Montreal, May 28, 1999)) Care for transportation is made only if available Properly decorated cargo invoice.

  1. Transportation of goods on international airlines can be carried out on passenger and cargo aircraft.
  2. A cargo exceeding the established mass limits and dimensions can be taken to transport only with the consent of the carrier.
  3. Loads that take to international transport are subject to such rules:
  • import and export, cargo transit must be permitted by the laws and rules of the country into the territory, from the territory or through the territory of which transportation is carried out;
  • the dimensions of the cargo must provide its free loading and unloading, accommodation in the luggage-cargo compartments of aircraft and its fastening;
  • when transporting on the flight passenger aircraft, the mass and dimensions of the cargo should not exceed the limits established by the standards;
  • all required documents must be attached to the load;
  • the cargo should not create hazards for the aircraft located on it to people and property, as well as their properties should not create inconvenience to passengers.

Air Transport Legislation

Intercity and international transportation by air are regulated by a number of regulatory and legal instruments that can be divided into several groups.
The first of these are documents of state regulation of aviation, including relevant laws, certification norms and licensing rules.
The second category is aviation rules operating at the federal level.
The third group of regulatory documents is the domestic Russian rules for the carriage of passengers and transportation of goods with the help of aircraft.

Separately, it is worth noting the Chicago Convention on the International Civil Aviation of 1944 and the Warsaw Convention for the Unification of Air Transport Rules from 1929. These documents are ratified by the majority of the countries of the world, and are mandatory for implementation in Russia. Also, the legal settlement is carried out according to the Federal Aviation Regulation No. 136/42/51 of March 31, 2002 and the Convention on the Contract for International Road Transportation of goods (Geneva, May 19, 1956) .. Indirect payments for the design of goods at customs - these are fees for issuing licenses, qualifying certificate, storage of goods at the customs warehouse and their transportation.

Air transportation statistics

According to the results of 2011, the cargo carrier market in Russia amounted to 5.9%, the carriage amounted to 981 thousand tons of cargo and mail, the increase in cargo turnover - 5%, which amounted to more than 4.9 billion tons. Compared to the first quarter of 2012 with the same period of 2011, the data of the statistical agency showed the positive dynamics of freight air transportation, the overall increase in cargo turnover was 10.2%. The volume of freight was 224,742.52 tons, an increase - 8.9%.

In 2013, according to the global analytical agencies, in particular IATA (statistics of the International Air Transport Association), a decline in the growth of freight air transportation was recorded. According to experts, the decline is summoned, primarily a common decline in the global economy. Accordingly, the airline reduce the volume of transport capacities, trying to normalize the boot ratio and maintain the planned profitability of the airlighted airflowing, despite the growing prices for fuel.

See also: