Which plane has a very strong sound. What is air pit? Flying on the plane

Specialists reconstructed the Tu-154 take-off scheme according to the exploration of the onboard recorder, the Kommersant newspaper reports. The result obtained seemed unusual experts - it turned out that when the navigator warned pilots about the fall, they did not respond to it. The sensors of the liner were not recorded logical in the established situation of the movement of the steering wheel "on themselves."


Moreover, the source close to the investigation said that "until the collision with water was reacted into the crew control actions in a timely and regular." The emotional statement of the closed pilot may indicate a non-critical order of order to remove them, but not about the technical malfunction.

Aviation experts suggested that the behavior of the pilots strongly affected the fact that the departure was made at night. "After a few seconds, after the separation from a well-lit and the laid, you cross the coastline also crossed and immediately fall as if in a black hole," said one of the specialists. In such a situation, the pilot must trust solely indications of the sensors, and not its own vestibular apparatus.

However, the on-board systems of Tu-154 recorded that the commander for a long time manually adjusted the flight trajectory. This indicates its loss of orientation. Many specialists criticize the inaction of the second pilot of Alexander Rovno, but his behavior is explained by fear to take the steering wheel from the older by the rank of Major Volkova.

However, a number of experts denies the "illusory" version of the fall Tu-154. The resulting scheme of the tragedy they explain the malfunction of the parameter registration system.

We add that the behavior of the body of the pilot has long been studying such a science as airflow. Nevertheless, the experts have not yet been able to establish why the aircraft captain instinctively violates the flight trajectory. Experts argue that facilitating the loss of orientation can fatigue, stress and indisposition. According to statistics, each tenth plane crash in the world occurs due to the fault of the illusions.

An amazing spectacle is a steam cone that appears around the aircraft, which flies on an near-racing speed. This amazing effect, known as the Prandtle effect - Głorate, makes the eyes wide open, and the jaw is to pull out. But what is his essence?

(Only 12 photos)

1. Contrary to general opinion, this effect does not appear when the plane overcomes the sound barrier. The Prandtle - Golder effect is also often associated with supersonic cotton, which is also not true. Ultra-high motorway aircraft engines can create this effect at the take-off speed, because the engine's input device has a low pressure, and the fan blades are operated by themselves on near-racing speed.

2. The reason for its occurrence is that the aircraft flying at high speed creates an area of \u200b\u200bincreased air pressure ahead and the area of \u200b\u200breduced pressure behind. After the aircraft is span, the area of \u200b\u200breduced pressure begins to fill the ambient air. At the same time, by virtue of a sufficiently high inertia of air masses, the entire area of \u200b\u200blow pressure is filled with air from nearby areas adjacent to the low pressure area.

3. Imagine an object moving on an near-racing speed. The arrogant speed differs from the speed of sound. The sound barrier is overcome at a speed of 1235 km / h. The arrogant speed is lower, higher or near the sound speed and may vary from 965 to 1448 km / h. Therefore, this effect may appear when the aircraft moves at a speed of less sound speed or equal to it.

4. And yet everything is in sound - it is from him "the appearance" of this steam cone by the plane depends. The cone form is formed by the power of sound (in the case of aircraft) moving faster than the sound waves it produces. The effect of Prandtla - Golder arises as a result of the wave nature of sounds.

5. Again, think about the plane as a source, but about sound - as about the crest of the wave. These ridges of sound waves are a series or shell superimposed on each other circles. When the waves are superimposed on each other, the cone form is created, and its tip is the sound source. So far invisible.

6. In order for the effect to become a visible human eye, one more thing is needed - humidity. When the humidity is high enough, the air around the cone condenses and forms a cloud that we see. As soon as the air pressure returns to normal, the cloud disappears. The effect almost always arises from airplanes flying over the ocean - a combination of water and heat gives the desired level of humidity.

7. Here you can destroy one more. Some believe that the effect of Prandtla - Golder arises as a result of fuel combustion.

8. Probably, you can understand if you think that this effect is an inversion trail, that is, an unnatural cloud that appears from a condensed water vapor, which is performed by the engine exhaust. However, this is not the same thing. There is already a water vapor there - it is already in the air, even before the plane passes through it.

9. It is also worth mentioning the air pressure. When the aircraft moves on an near-racing speed, the air pressure around is called N-wave, because when the pressure depends on the time, the result is similar to the letter N.

10. If we could slow down the explosive wave passing through us, we would see the leading compression component. This is N. The horizontal wand occurs when the pressure is lowered, and when normal atmospheric pressure returns to the final point, the letter N is created.

11. The effect is named after two outstanding scientists who opened this phenomenon. Ludwig Prandtl (1875 - 1953) was a German scientist who studied the development of systematic mathematical analysis in aerodynamics. Herman Glost (1892 - 1934) was British aerodynamic scientists.

12. Want to believe, you want no, but you yourself can create this effect. You need only two things: whip and day with high humidity. If you can link to the whip like Indiana Jones, you will see a similar effect. Although, it's not worth trying at home.

Passed sound barrier: -) ...

Before putting in conversations on the topic, we will make some clarity to the question of the accuracy of concepts (what I like :-)). Now in a fairly wide use there are two terms: sound Barrier and supersonic barrier. They sound like, but neverthernakovo. However, there is no rigor to plant sense: in fact, it is the same. The definition of the sound barrier uses most often people greater and closer to aviation. And the second definition is usually all the others.

I think from the point of view of physics (and Russian :-)) more correctly speak the same sound barrier. Here is a simple logic. After all, there is a concept of sound speed, and a fixed concept of supersonic speed, strictly speaking, no. I will say a little later that when the aircraft flies on the supersonic, then it has already passed this barrier, and when it passes it (overcoming), then it passes a certain threshold value of speed, equal to the speed of sound (and not supersonic).

Something like that:-). At the same time, the first concept is consumed significantly less than the second. This, apparently, because the word supersonic sounds more exotic and attractive. And in the supersonic flight, the exotic is certainly present and, of course, attracts many. However, not all people, savoring words " supersonic barrier"Actually understand what is. More than once already convinced, looking at the forums, reading articles even by looking at TV.

This question is actually quite complicated in terms of physics. But we are in difficulty, of course, do not climb. Just try, as usual, clarify the situation using the principle of "explanations of aerodynamics on the fingers" :-).

So, to the barrier (sound :-))! ... aircraft in flight, acting on such an elastic medium as air, becomes a powerful source of sound waves. What sound waves in the air know, I think, all :-).

Sound waves (Camerton).

This is the alternation of compression and praise areas that are distributed in different directions from the sound source. Approximately both circles on the water, which are also just waves and are (only not sound :-)). It is such areas, acting on the eardrum of the ear, allow us to hear all the sounds of this world, from the human whisper to the roar of jet engines.

An example of sound waves.

Various aircraft nodes can be diversion of sound waves. For example, the engine (its sound is known to anyone :-)), or the parts of the housing (for example, the nose), which, sealing air in front of them when moving, create a certain type of pressure wave (compression), running forward.

All these sound waves are distributed in an air environment with the speed of sound already known to us. That is, if the aircraft is a subsonic, and even flies at a low speed, then they lose him from him. As a result, when approaching such an aircraft, we hear his sound first, and then he flies himself.

I will make a reservation, the truth is that it is right if the plane flies not very high. After all, the speed of sound is not the speed of light :-). Its value is not so large and the sound waves need time to walk to the listener. Therefore, the severity of the sound for the listener and the aircraft, if it flies at high height can change.

And once the sound is not so fast, then with an increase in own speed, the plane begins to catch up with the waves emitted them. That is, if it were still stationary, then the waves would disagree from him in the form of concentric circleslike circles on water from abandoned stone. And since the plane is moving, then in the sector of these circles, corresponding to the direction of flight, the boundaries of the waves (their fronts) begin to close.

Dospete body movement.

Accordingly, the gap between the aircraft (its nose) and the front of the very first (head) wave (that is, it is the area where the gradual, to a certain extent, braking is a raid flow When meeting with the nasal of the aircraft (wing, tail plumage) and, as a result, increased pressure and temperature) Begins to shrink and the faster, the greater the flight speed.

There is a moment when this gap practically disappears (or becomes minimal), turning into a special kind of area called jump seals. This happens when the flight speed reaches the speed of sound, that is, the plane moves at the same speed as the waves them emitted. The number of maha is equal to one (m \u003d 1).

Body sound motion (m \u003d 1).

Jump sealis a very narrow area of \u200b\u200bthe medium (about 10 -4 mm), when passing through which there is no longer gradual, and a sharp (hoppy) change in the parameters of this environment - speed, Pressure, Temperature, Density. In our case, the speed drops, pressure, temperature and density are growing. Hence such a name is a seal jump.

A little simplistic about all this I would still say so. The supersonic flow is impossible to slow down sharply, but it has to do this, because there is no possibility of gradual braking to the flow rate before the nose of the aircraft, as on moderate subsonic speeds. He, as it were, it turns into a portion of a dialing in front of the aircraft's nose (or wing toe) and crushed into a narrow jump, transmitting a large energy of the movement, which has.

You can, by the way, to say, and vice versa, that the plane transmits a part of its energy to the formation of seal jumps to slow down the supersonic flow.

Supersonic body movement.

There is a seal jump and another name. Moving along with the aircraft in space, it is essentially the front of a sharp change in the above environmental parameters (i.e. air flow). And this is the essence of the shock wave.

Jump seal and a shock wave, in general, equal definitions, but in aerodynamics the first is more used.

The shock wave (or the seal jump) can be practically perpendicular to the flight direction, in this case they are taken in space approximately the shape of the circle and are called straight. This usually happens on modes close to m \u003d 1.

Body motion modes. ! - Dosvuk, 2 - m \u003d 1, superstall, 4 - shock wave (seal jump).

For numbers M\u003e 1, they are already located at an angle to the direction of flight. That is, the plane is already distinguished by its own sound. In this case, they are called oblique and in space take the form of a cone, which, by the way, is called the Mach cone, named by the scientist engaged in supersonic flow research (mentioned it in one of).

Maha cone.

The form of this cone (so to speak "Slomility") just depends on the number M and is associated with it by the relation: M \u003d 1 / SIN α, where α is the angle between the axis of the cone and its forming. And the conic surface concerns the fronts of all sound waves, the source of which the aircraft was, and which he "overtook", coming out for supersonic speed.

Moreover sugar jumps may be also attachedWhen they are adjacent to the surface of the body moving with supersonic speeds or departed if they are not in contact with the body.

Types of compaction jumps with supersonic flow around the bodies of various shapes.

Typically, jumps become attached if the supersonic flow flows down any pointed surfaces. For an aircraft, this may be a pointed nose, PVD, a sharp edge of the air intake. At the same time they say "jump sits", for example, on the nose.

And the departed jump may turn out when the rounded surfaces are streamlined, for example, the front rounded edge of the thick aerodynamic wing profile.

Various housing components of the aircraft create a rather complex system of compaction jumps in flight. However, the most intense of them are two. One head on the bow and the second is the tail on the elements of the tail plumage. At some distance from the aircraft intermediate jumps or catch up with the head and merge with it, or they catch up with the tail.

The jumps of the seal on the model of the aircraft when purging in the aerodynamic tube (M \u003d 2).

As a result, two jumps remain, which, in general, are perceived by the earth observer as one due to the small size of the aircraft compared to the flight height and, accordingly, T a low period of time between them.

The intensity (in other words of the energy) of the shock wave (seal jump) depends on various parameters (speed of movement of the aircraft, its design features, environmental conditions, etc.) and is determined by the pressure drop on its front.

As the Mach cone is removed from the top, that is, from the aircraft, as a source of perturbations, the shock wave is weakening, gradually passes into the usual sound wave and ultimately completely disappears.

And on what extent will the intensity be possessing jump seal (or shock wave), which has reached the earth depends on the effect that it can produce there. After all, it is no secret that all the well-known "Concord" flew on supersual only over the Atlantic, and military supersonic aircraft overlook the supersual at large altitudes or in areas where there are no settlements (At least it seems to do it :-)).

These restrictions are very justified. For me, for example, the determination of the shock wave is associated with an explosion. And things that have a fairly intense seal jump can make it possible to match it. At least glass from the windows can increase easily. Evidence of this there is enough (especially in the history of Soviet aviation, when it was quite numerous and the flights were intense). But you can make business and worse. It is only worth flying down :-) ...

However, for the most part, what remains of the compaction jumps when they achieve the land is already well. Just a third-party observer on Earth can at the same time hear the sound, similar to the roar or explosion. It is with this fact that one commander is associated and quite a rapid delusion.

People who are not too sophisticated in aviation science, having heard such a sound, say that this plane overcame sound Barrier (supersonic barrier). In fact, it is not. This statement has nothing to do with reality at least for two reasons.

Shock wave (seal jump).

First, if a man who is on Earth, hears the thick roar in the sky, then this means, just, (I repeat :-)) that his ears reached front of the shock wave (or jump seal) From flying somewhere aircraft. This aircraft is already flying at supersonic speed, and not just switched to it.

And if the same person could suddenly be a few kilometers ahead of the aircraft following, he would again have heard the same sound from the same aircraft, because he would have hit the same shock wave moving along with the aircraft.

It moves with supersonic speed, and it approaches silently. And after she will not always have a pleasant impact on the drummers (well, when only on them :-)) and safely pass on, the hum of working engines becomes heard.

An exemplary aircraft flight scheme at different values \u200b\u200bof the number M on the example of the SAAB 35 "DRAKEN" fighter. Language, unfortunately, German, but the scheme is understandable.

Moreover, the transition to supersual is not accompanied by any one-time "boilers", cotton, explosions, etc. On a modern supersonic aircraft, the pilot about this transition will most often learn only by testing devices. At the same time, it takes place, however, a certain process, but, subject to certain piloting rules, it is practically not noticeable.

But it is not all :-). I will say more. In the form of some kind of tangible, heavy, hard-plated obstacle, in which the plane rests on and which you need to "punch" (I heard such judgments :-)) does not exist.

Strictly speaking, there is no barrier at all. Once at the dawn of the development of high speeds in aviation, this concept was formed rather as a psychological belief of the difficulty of transition to supersonic speed and flight on it. Even the statements that it is generally impossible, especially since the prerequisites for this kind of beliefs and statements were quite concrete.

However, about everything in order ...

In aerodynamics, there is another term that definitely describes the process of interaction with the air flow of the body moving in this stream and seeking to go to the superstructure. it wave crisis. It is he just doing some bad things that traditionally associate with the concept sound Barrier.

So something about the crisis :-). Any aircraft consists of parts whose airflow in flight may not be equally. Take, for example, wing, or rather ordinary classic dialing profile.

From the basics of knowledge about how the lifting force is formed, we are well known that the flow rate in the adjacent layer of the upper curvilinear surface of the profile is different. Where the profile is more convex. It is more common stream speed, then when the profile is complied with it decreases.

When the wing moves in the stream at speeds close to the speed of sound, it may occur when in such a, for example, a convex area of \u200b\u200bthe air layer speed, which is already more than the total flow rate, becomes sound and even supersonic.

The local seal jump occurs on the transducer with the wave crisis.

Further by profile, this speed is reduced and at some point it becomes a dosmon. But, as we said above, quickly slow down the operating current cannot, so the emergence is inevitable scroll jump.

Such jumps appear on different sections of the streamlined surfaces, and initially they are sufficiently weak, but the amount of them can be large, and with the growth of the total flow rate increases the zones of the supersonic, the jumps are "stronger" and shift to the rear edge of the profile. Later, the same jumps of seals appear on the bottom surface of the profile.

Full supersonic wing profile.

What is all this fraught? But what. First- This is significant rising aerodynamic resistance in the range of transvance velocities (about m \u003d 1, more or less). This resistance grows due to a sharp increase in one of its components - wave resistance. The very, which we previously did not take into account in the consideration of flights at subsonic speeds.

To form numerous jumps of seals (or shock waves) when braking a supersonic stream, as I said above, energy is spent, and it is taken from the kinetic energy of the aircraft. That is, the plane is elementary inhibits (and very noticeable!). That's what it is wave resistance.

Moreover, the jumps of the seal due to the sharp braking of the flow in them, contribute to the separation of the boundary layer after themselves and turning it from the laminar to turbulent. It even more increases aerodynamic resistance.

Profile swelling at various numbers M. Suggestions, local supersonic zones, turbulent zones.

Second. Due to the appearance of local supersonic zones on the wing profile and their further shift to the tail part of the profile with an increase in the flow rate and, thereby, the changes in the pressure distribution pattern on the profile, the point of application of the aerodynamic forces (pressure center) is also shifted to the rear edge. As a result, appears piking moment Regarding the center of the mass of the plane, forcing it to lower his nose.

What all this is poured ... because of the rather sharp growth of aerodynamic resistance, the aircraft requires a tangible engine power reserve To overcome the transvance zone and exit, so to speak, a real superstructure.

A sharp increase in aerodynamic resistance on the transvance (wave crisis) due to the growth of wave resistance. Cd - resistance coefficient.

Further. Due to the occurrence of a dive moment, difficulties in pitch management appear. In addition, due to the disorder and unevenness of the processes associated with the occurrence of local supersonic zones with gaps of seals, too maintaining management. For example, on the roll, due to different processes on the left and right planes.

Yes, plus the emergence of vibrations is often quite strong due to local turbulization.

In general, a complete set of pleasures that wears name wave crisis. But, however, they all take place (had, concrete :-)) When using typical subsonic aircraft (with a thick profile of the direct wing) in order to achieve supersonic speeds.

Initially, when there was not enough knowledge, and the processes of exit to the superstruct were not comprehensively investigated, this most set was considered almost fatally irresistible and called sound Barrier (or supersonic barrier, if you want to:-)).

When trying to overcome the speed of sound on ordinary piston aircraft, there were quite a few tragic cases. Strong vibration sometimes led to the destruction of the structure. The aircraft lacked power for the required overclocking. In horizontal flight, it was impossible due to the effect having the same nature as wave crisis.

Therefore, diving was used to overclock. But it could well become fatal. The appearing at the wave crisis, the pyric moment made a peak protracted, and from it, sometimes there was no exit. After all, to restore the management and elimination of the wave crisis it was necessary to pay off speed. But it is extremely difficult to do this in the dive (if possible).

Distribution of horizontal flight is considered one of the main causes of the catastrophe in the USSR on May 27, 1943 of the well-known experimental B-1 fighter with a liquid rocket engine. Tests for the maximum flight speed were carried out, and the desired speeds achieved the achieved speed was more than 800 km / h. After that, tightening in the peak, from which the plane did not come out.

Experimental Fighter Bi-1.

Nowadays wave crisis Already well studied and overcoming sound Barrier (If necessary :-)) it is not difficult. On airplanes that are intended for flights with sufficiently large speeds, certain design solutions and restrictions that facilitate their flight operation are applied.

As is known, the wave crisis begins with numbers close to one. Therefore, almost all reactive subsonic liners (passenger, in particular) have flight restriction by the number of m. It is usually located in the region of 0.8-0.9m. The pilot is prescribed to follow this. In addition, many aircraft when the level of restriction is reached, after which the flight speed should be reduced.

Almost all aircraft flying at the speeds at least 800 km / h and above have skilovoid wing (At least on the front edge :-)). It allows you to push the beginning of the offensive wave crisis to speeds corresponding to M \u003d 0.85-0.95.

Skilovoid wing. Fundamental action.

The reason for such an effect can be explained simply enough. On the straight wing, the air flow at the rate V runs almost at a right angle, and on the sweat (the angle of sweeping χ) at some sliding angle β. The vertex V can be described in vectorly to two streams: Vτ and VN.

The Vτ stream does not affect the pressure distribution on the wing, but this makes the VN stream, just determining the carrier properties of the wing. And it is obviously smaller in the value of the total flow V. Therefore, on the sweep wing, the occurrence of a wave crisis and growth wave resistance happens noticeably later than on the straight wing at the same speed of the incident flow.

Experimental E-2A Fighter (MiG-21 Predecessor). Typical sweatshop wing.

One of the modifications of the sweep wing was the wing with supercritical profile (mentioned him). It also allows you to move the beginning of the wave crisis at high speeds, moreover, it also allows you to increase cost-effectiveness, which is important for passenger liners.

SuperJet 100. Skilovoid wing with supercritical profile.

If the plane is intended for the transition sound Barrier (passing I. wave crisis Also :-)) And the flight on the supersonic, then it is usually always distinguished by certain constructive features. In particular, usually has thin profile wing and plumage with sharp edges (including a diamond or triangular) and a certain shape of the wing in terms of (for example, a triangular or trapezoidal with influx, etc.).

Supersonic MiG-21. E-2A Emergency Typical triangular wing in terms of wing.

MiG-25. An example of a typical aircraft created for a flight on supersonic. Thin profiles of wings and plumage, sharp edges. Trapezoid wing. profile

The passage of the notorious sound Barrier, that is, the transition to supersonic speeds such aircraft is carried out on furious Engine Operation Mode due to the growth of aerodynamic resistance, and, of course, in order to speed up the zone faster wave crisis. And the moment of this transition itself is most often not felt (I repeat :-)) neither by the pilot (he can except the sound pressure level in the cabin), nor a third-party observer, if, of course, he could observe :-).

However, it is worth saying about one confusion, with third-party observers associated. Surely many have seen this kind of photographs, the signatures of which it says that it is the moment of overcoming by the aircraft sound Barrierso to speak, visually.

The effect of Prandtl Gloerta. Not related to the passage of the sound barrier.

Firstly, we already know that there is no sound barrier, as such and there is no, and the transition to the superstricant is nothing superpicure (including cotton or explosion) is not accompanied by.

Secondly. What we have seen in the photo is the so-called effect of Prandtle Gloert. I already wrote about him. He is not directly connected with the transition to the superstructure. Just at high speeds (subsonic, by the way :-)) plane, moving in front of them a certain mass of air creates some kind of area area. Immediately after the span, this area begins to fill with air from the nearby space with natural increasing volume and sharp drop in temperature.

If a air humiditysufficient and temperature drops below the ambient air dew point, then it happens condensation of moisturefrom water vapors in the form of fog, which we see. As soon as the conditions are restored to the initial, this fog immediately disappears. This whole process is quite programmed.

Such a process on large arrogant speeds can be facilitated by local racing sealingi, sometimes helping to form something similar to a gentle cone around the aircraft.

Large speeds favor this phenomenon, however, if the humidity of the air turns out to be sufficient, it may occur (and occurs) at quite low speeds. For example, above the surface of water bodies. Most, by the way, beautiful photos This character is made from the side of the aircraft carrier, that is, in fairly wet air.

So it turns out. Frames, of course, cool, spectacular spectacular :-), but this is not exactly what it is most often called. Not at all at what (and supersonic barrier also:-)). And this is good, I think, otherwise, the observers who make this kind of photo and the video could not be adopted. Shock wave, do you know:-)…

In conclusion, one roller (earlier I already used it), the authors of which show the effect of the shock wave from an airplane flying at a low height with supersonic speed. A certain exaggeration there, of course, is present :-), but the general principle is understandable. And again, it is impressive :-) ...

And today everything. Thank you for reading the article to the end :-). To new meetings ...

Click pictures.

Conventional piston aircraft with wings and tail plumage constitute a part of the UFO mystery. Although international laws require that all aircraft carry identification signs and on-board numbers On the planes, tail stabilizers and fuselages, none of these mysterious aircraft by the above rules obeys. Usually they are gloomy gray or black and have no identification signs. In areas of flasks, they can often be observed by a small height, and the pilot cabin is always brightly illuminated, which does not correspond to the usual practice of night flights, since the light in the cockpit prevents the visual observation of the pilot.

Starting from 1896, these "pirate" aircraft were seen in different places in the world. This gives reason to believe that they are interested in our entire planet as a whole. On Monday, July 22, 1968, at about 14 o'clock, one of such aircraft appeared in the cloudless sky over San Carlos de Bariloche airport in the vicinity of Bahia Blanca (Argentina). He lazily performed a circle over the flight field at an altitude of 200 feet, as if preparing for an approach to landing.

A large number of witnesses, among which were pilots, police officers and airport servants, throwing everything, began to watch an unexpected visitor. Of course, the arrival of the aircraft in broad daylight to a major airport - an event that can hardly interest anyone, but in this car there was something strange. Even very strange.

Subsequently, all witnesses in their testimony agreed that this aircraft had an unusually long fuselage, and his real-shaped wings seemed too short to keep the car in the air of this size. Nevertheless, he flew very slowly, so slowly, which was just incredible, as he could stick in the air. One of the fundamental laws of aerodynamics reads: the shorter the wings of the aircraft relative to its total length, the faster it should fly to keep the lifting force of the wing.

Control and dispatching tower of the airport made an attempt to contact this airplane on the radio, but did not receive the answer. Then the green signal lights giving permission to land were lit. However, the gigantic car continued to spin on the airport. Having reached the end of the 28th runway, the plane suddenly turned 360 degrees around his axis, almost in place. Amazed spectators who observed from the earth behind the maneuvers of the mysterious car in binoculars could not see any identification signs on its sides, except for three small and alone large black squares. None of the airport workers were able to identify even the type of aircraft, although they were familiar with all the existing classes of cars from console to U-2, not to mention the fact that they had all the necessary reference books at hand. This plane seemed to steam, and did not fly, publishing a soft whistling sound. After a few minutes the car scored the speed and disappeared in the southeast direction.

The Argentine authorities could not give at least some explanation for this incident. On July 25, 1968, this story got on the page of La Walk newspaper, and later he was investigated by the Englishman Edith Gorynet, the employee of Fling SOS Revice. In 1968, the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Viya-Blanca became the place of extensive Oblisions of UFO. There were reports and landings, and contacts.

A whole system of unidentified delactor machines was seen over the United States and even awarded a special study by none of those who do not believe the air force. In the report of the 14 project, the Blue Book in the "Unidentified Objects" section reports the following:

"Cadet of the School of Maritime Aviation, his wife and several other persons on Sunday April 20, 1952 were in an open summer cinema for motorists on a session lasting from 21.15 to 22.40. During the session, they noticed nine groups of objects that flew right above them. In Each group was from two to nine objects, and one group consisted of twenty objects. These objects flew by direct course, simultaneously changing it with a regular aircraft turn. In shape they resembled ordinary jet aircraft.

An unusual in them was that everyone was surrounded by a red glow, emanating from him. The night was completely cloudless. "

Some government official from Washington, whose name I don't call for quite understandable reasons, I recently told me about the case that happened to him during his stay in Long Island in 1957 according to him, he was awakened by Laem and a screech of his dog and Coming out of the house, I saw a huge delactor plane, magnifier sailing over him in full silence. The aircraft was surrounded by some terrible bugger glow. Since he had never seen anything like this, he called the nearest air base and reported on what happened.

The next day, he was summoned to the air base, where the officer responsible for the security of the district, asked him to report some additional details, saying that they received similar messages and from other people. (Except for a small number of experienced models, delactor airplanes were highly rare in the fifties.) UFO enthusiasts and the organizations created mainly engaged in collecting information about objects of unusual configuration, such as disk and flying plates. However, the organization for the study of air phenomena, having received an intriguing message about a mysterious aircraft, investigated it with all possible care. The witness voluntarily agreed to testify on the detector of lies and answer questions from professional psychologists. Witness Name - Wilhelm Hetska - Rancho Owner in Calgary (Alberta Province, Canada). He fully endured the test on the detector. The whole head of the book of Jim and Karel Lorentis "UFO over America" \u200b\u200bis devoted to this case.

Once in the morning in October 1965, Wilhelm Hetska was riding on the territory of Sycle Jay Rancho, when suddenly saw something resembling a small plane, standing on Earth. It was a silver gray color with folded back (real-shaped) wings. Having climbed closer, Hetska carefully examined the plane. It was about 16 feet long, with a wing of 12 feet, and the thickness of the fuselage did not exceed 4-5 feet.

According to Hetska, the plane is an unusual, resembling the "waffle surface". Transparent, apparently plastic, the lantern closed the cab. Through it, it was possible to see all sorts of complex devices, a fourteente tv, television screen and two small, similar to glass, depressed seats. There were no motors, propellers, nozzles, as well as any identification signs or at least numbers. There were no signs of life in the plane nor around him. Hetska hurried to work was forced to leave and had no opportunity to return to this place later.

The description of the aircraft made by Hets, contained much more details than we led here, and most of them were very unusual.

Despite the fact that the object had the most ordinary wings and the tail stabilizer, its interior and like a waffle, the trough speaks for themselves. (From numerous messages it follows that the UFOs have a coarse or nailed overlap. Obviously, this kind of tubgarde surface is needed for sharp braking and reduce the potential speed of the object. The newest aircraft Make with such a smooth surface, which is only technologically possible.

Even the incorrectly fitted head of the rivet can significantly lower the speed.) The plane detected by Hets was clearly built for very small pilots and flew through an unknown principle that does not require no propellers or a reactive jet. (It should also be noted that all the gliders have very long wings, while the object discovered the object was very short.) If you had seen such a plane, slowly flying over you, then they probably would not pay much attention to him.

Mysterious cargo planes

A few more types of mysterious aircraft operates over the territory of North America. A giant car resembling the Flying Boxcar military transport aircraft has often appeared over the areas of the flaps, while performing maneuvers, absolutely impossible for machines of this class. A group of witnesses from the suburbs of Gallipolis (Ohio) told me that they had already been watching the mysterious flying lights over her hills for thirty years old. In addition, without all sorts of leading questions, they began to talk about "large cargo aircraft", which a couple of times fly over the hills a couple of times, and "sometimes so low that that and looked at some hill." These cargo aircraft are multi-dimensional and painted in a dull gray. Over Gallipolis, regular routes nor a military nor civil aviation. There are no air bases nearby, and airplanes following Charleston Airport (West Virginia) are much north. And this is quite understandable, since the reckless courage, necessary when flying over the treacherous chain of the Mountains of the Ohio district - West Virginia, is nothing justified.

In his report, the Committee of the Armed Forces to investigate the phenomenon NLO (April 5, 1966), Engineer Raymond Fowler focused on the results of his own investigation conducted by him in the Exeter (New Hampshire state). In particular, he said: "During my two first visits to Karl Dingning Field (where did you come from observing UFO observing) In both cases, I saw a low-grade aircraft with the C-19" Flying Boxkar ". It happened on September 11, 1965. Conducting your own investigation, I heard from many people in areas located far from each other and from the Bases of the Air Force, the description of the C-19 aircraft.

All witnesses seen these aircraft flying at a very low height, which is already weird in itself for such a class of cars, not to mention the figures supreme pilotagethat these planes were demonstrated, simply for them are impossible. For some time I assumed that the air force was sent to the areas of specially equipped airplanes for photographing and various tests. But the facts made me part with this pleasant hypothesis, replacing it very unpleasant. I came to the conclusion that aircraft resembling C-19 were really operated on in the areas of flap, but, alas, they do not have a resolutely no relation to our Air Force.

Small single-engine aircraft also often noted flying and something sniffing over places of recent UFO detections. As usual, these aircraft were painted in gray and did not have any identification signs.

Competent witnesses, some of which had binoculars, saw them over Texas, Florida and West Virginia. Like large cargo planes, these small cars fly at night with brightly lit cabins, they are noticed in the air into such storm and rainy nights, when not a single pilot, if he is in his mind, will not risk climbing into the air. There are a lot of facts confirming the love of UFO to bad weather.

In March 1968, the competent observers were monitored in Point Plizente (Western Virginia) during the night of a snowy burana for low-walking lights over the 62nd highway. The lights were a characteristic UFO type. Directly behind these lights followed a small single airplane, it seemed that would not pay any attention to the wind and the Purga.

A year before this case, in early April 1967, I pursued a strange flying fire from the area of \u200b\u200bold warehouses with explosives of the Second World War, which is north of Point Pleizer, before the start of the mountain range outside the city of Genderson (Western Virginia). I stopped the harassment and, coming out of the car, joined the group of people who stood on top of one of the hills, when an unexpectedly appeared twin-only aircraft, making a circle, flew right on us, almost hurt the top of the trees. After flying closer, the plane turned off the engines, planning literally over our heads, is a completely idiotic maneuver, if we take into account treacherous ascending flows of air, always surrounding hills and gorges. The plane cabin was brightly illuminated, and the pilot figure was clearly distinguished. It was about 9 o'clock in the evening, very dark, and a brightly lit cab was doubly strange. What is this pilot, who not only decided to fly over the tops of the trees in an exclusively dangerous area, but also deliberately stopped the engines and blinded himself, turning on the bright light in the cockpit?

I jumped into the car and, crouching across the Ohio River, rushed to a small airfield near Gallipolis to look at this crazy pilot, because, according to my calculations, it was nowhere to sit down. At the airfield there were no one, the cars standing there were raised, the engine none of them was heated. Of course, there are probably owners of private aircraft who love to pinch your nerves by night flying at low altitudes, but it is hardly among them that they would have such a license and life, making such stupid and dangerous tricks over densely populated areas.

Swedish researcher Ec Frenzen, recently buried with heads to the Stockholm newspapers of the thirties, collected together many forgotten fragments of the Scandinavian flap 1932-1938. He dug out more than 90 detailed messages and was so kind that did a boring job by moving them to english for us. From these messages there is a stunning picture.

Starting from 1932, large aircraft without identifying signs began to appear over Northern Sweden, Norway and Finland. All descriptions of these machines indicate that they were gray. They often appeared during terrible bursen over cities, railway stations, forts and ships in the sea. Often, circling over some object, they turned off their engines. According to the descriptions, many of them were huge multi-modular machines. One group of five witnesses announced the observation of a huge eight-dimmist aircraft. From many messages, it is clear that these cars appeared three.

In those years, there were almost no private aircraft in Scandinavia. The giant "Chain Clipper" was still built in the United States, and the clumsy three-dimensive "Ford", whose production began only, was used on numerous commercial airlines, which then existed. In 1926, Admiral Bid and Floyd Bennet flew out of Spitsberena to the North Pole on a three-dimensional "focker".

Their flight is widely covered by the Scandinavian press, and the photo "Fokker" bypassed all the newspapers.

After six years, when mysterious aircraft began to appear over Scandinavia, many witnesses compared them with "Fokker" by Bid.

The Swedish government reacted to these reports very seriously. In 1934, at least 24 biplans of the Swedish air force were aimed to patrol in remote and small areas of the country, where "flying ghosts" appeared. Careful searches were organized on land, sea and in the air. The operation was carried out in conditions of unfavorable weather, which led to the death of two Swedish aircraft.

I will try to summarize here some major cases of this flap.

The sources are the following newspapers: Dubens Newteter, Stockholmotidningen, Riren, Norrbottenas, Allemanda, Hudikvals Tidningen and New York Times.

"Piteo." The parish priest from Landtresca said that over the past two years he often saw some mysterious aircraft in the area. In the past summer, "flying ghosts" twelve once again flew over their town, constantly adhering to one route and directions - from south. -Waspad in northeast.

Four times the aircraft appeared at a very low height, but no identification signs were visible on them.

In one case, the height of the flight of the aircraft was only a few meters above the dome of the parish church. For a few seconds, two pilots in the cockpit were perfectly visible. The car was a gray monoplast.

The priest did not report this before, because I thought that the authorities from other sources were already known about this. "

Until December 1933, there were extremely few reports, but the experience of the 1909 blond. Above New England gives every reason to believe that there are already enough observation reports before they struck the road to print.

The first of the notes available at our disposal describes the observation of the UFO on Christmas Eve: "On December 24, 1933, Calix. A mysterious plane appeared from the sea around 18 hours. He passed over the calix and disappeared in the western direction. The spotlight beam, directed from the aircraft, covered the terrain. " On December 27, 1933, New York Times devoted almost a whole column to the appearance right above the New York "mysterious aircraft during brutal blizzards." At 9.30 am, on December 26, people across the Manhattan clearly heard the sound of the airplane, obviously spinning over the city in a blinding veil of a snowy buran. NBS radio stations noted this case in the last news, telephone calls with messages hit the editorial board of newspapers. Times continues:

"Comparison of various messages shows that the pilot flew to 72nd Street, made a circle over the central park and then took the course to the Bronx District (231th Street and Sedvik-Avenue). For some time there were no further messages, but about 14.25 about the sound of the engine was reported from the area of \u200b\u200b155th Street, not far from the dam through the Hudson ... All airfields in the metro district reported that all day was not carried out any flights and no aircraft had them , breaking through through the snowstorm. "

The airplanes of 1933 were simply unable to fly into such complex meteors, and it is very doubtful that even now some of the aircraft could be five or six hours in the air during Burana. But the plane appeared on Manhattan did exactly that, and, of course, no one ever recognized anything about this plane.

In February 1934, exactly the same case occurred above the capital of Great Britain (see New York Times dated February 4, 1934).

In Scandinavia, "Flying Ghosts" immediately after Christmas began to exclusively actively. (Recall that the bunch of 1909 also occurred in the Christmas week.) It was a message about an unknown plane, flying back and forth along the Swedish-Norwegian border, and the message came from two places - from Ternabi (Sweden) and from Langmo Vefon (Norway) . On December 28, 1935, the 4th Aviakorpus Swedish Air Force received an order to fly to Ternabi to investigate the incident.

The mystery received a tragic color when Lieutenant Georg Engelhard from the artillery regiment in Gotland went on skis from Tenas to Storlin - a route that led through forests, where, reporting ghosts appeared most often. Lieutenant did not arrive in Storlin. Searching, including the aircraft of the Norwegian Air Force, tried in vain to detect it. On January 4, 1934, a group of three skiers went on the alleged path of Engelhard and did not return. A new search group was organized already in order to find them.

Even New York Times became interested in this mystery event. January 10, 1934 Stockholm Correspondent Times reported:

"Swedish air force has already lost two cars in their persistent efforts to detect the base of mysterious aircraft. Universal attention is now chained to the fate of Lieutenant Engelharda Vanberg, missing on the eve of Christmas, and three skiers who have disappeared when trying to find lieutenant. The representative of the Ministry of Defense stated to correspondents that the search for all four missing servicemen had not yet given any results. "

Three disappeared skiers suddenly appeared on January 12 at the New Style railway station. Newspapers did not give any explanation to their so long absence. If they gave someone interviews, then it was not possible to find his publication.

Finally, on January 17, the tent of Lieutenant Engelhard was discovered, and two miles from her - the frozen body of the officer himself. Despite the raging Buran, Lieutenant left his skis and a fur jacket in a tent and went on foot to the mountains to meet death. No more details about this case were published.

What made the most experienced skier and a hunter throw in a tent of skis and warm clothes and go on the mountains through a fierce buran? That we probably never know.

While in the mountains of Northern Norway, unfortunate Engelhard, flying ghosts continued their flights over the three Scandinavian countries. Approximately about a third of all published messages in January-February 1934 falls on Sunday. Swedish officials openly called these cases "Sunday". Several messages about landings of mysterious machines came from distant areas. They all occurred on Wednesday.

Prints found in the snow in places of landings were traces of airplane skis.

In that year, many mass observations of cities and towns behind the mysterious machines have occurred. The planes often flew during blizzards, sometimes sounded low above the villages, illuminating the land with powerful spotlights.

We allow ourselves to bring a few facts about these incidents, drawn from the above-mentioned newspapers;

1. Sunday, December 31, 1933 - Olaf Hellund - "A serious man with a good reputation" - I saw the "big gray plane, which was more than any famous military aircraft." The plane made three circles over the Zhorsel railway station in 3.45 nights. The car was monoplane and completely closed than resembling a passenger aircraft. It was equipped with floats or skiing some kind of special design ... There was no identification signs. It was not clear. (There was a full moon, the night was clear.) During the flight over the station, the engine did not work.

2. Wednesday, January 10, 1934 - At 6 pm, residents of the city of Tarn noticed a sparkling object at an altitude of 1000 feet. The object turned and headed for Arieplog. After 15 minutes, the inhabitants of Arieplog, having heard the noise of the aviation motor, poured out of their homes to look at the plane. Then the plane appeared above Rorthsky, north of Norsa, and the Witnesses argue that the engine of the plane stopped three times until he flew over their town ... The car flew so low that the whole forest was covered with light. "

3. Wednesday, January 10, 1934 Trondheim, Norway. - "On Wednesday evening, two landings of flying ghosts in the north of Norway were reported. One car sat down near the island of Giezlingen on the parallel Rorwick, the other - in the area of \u200b\u200bNaughty, in the place, called Svalya. In the message from Giezlingen, it is said that residents saw a huge ray of light and heard the noise from the operation of a powerful engine. The car landed and remained on the water about one and a half hours, illuminating the sea spotlight around him. "

The Norwegian cruiser "needles" was sent to the island, but he arrived too late.

4. Sunday, January 21, 1934 - "On Sunday, at 6 o'clock in the evening, the many residents of Bengtoforzen (Scotland) saw a very bright light in the sky.

It was about the size of the moon in the full moon and moved at high speed. Clearly heard the sound of a working motor ... in Indal, west Bengtoforzen, the light appeared at the beginning of the seventh. Many people watched how for ten minutes the fire spisled over the village, and then disappeared in the western direction. "

To the great displeasure of the Swedish Military Authorities, these mysterious cars loved over the railway stations and forts, especially above the Fort of Boden, without leaving other important strategic objects. Many observed only the blinding beam from the light, and our old friend "searchlight" began to appear in one, then in another message.

When a big gray aircraft began to spin on the Norwegian vessel "Trendakskold" at the coast of Tromsse on Tuesday January 23, 1934, he, flying at a small height, shakeped the deck with a powerful spotlight. Captain Sigvard Olsen said that the pilot was. It is clearly visible in a brightly illuminated cabin. He was in the helmet with large light points.

But the real flask began on Saturday, January 6, when a significant number of observations were recorded at the same time along the entire Sweden. Then the peaks of the flap were: Monday January 8, Wednesday January 10, Saturday January 20, Sunday January 21, Tuesday January 23, Thursday 25 January, Tuesday February 6 and Sunday February 11th.

The number of published messages has decreased dramatically when representatives of the army and counterintelligence were sent to the most frequent observations. Military ministries of Sweden, Norway and Finland have already had their own, and very dark, point of view.

Territorial air space Their countries were violated the most gross way, and not one or two aircraft, but an integer armada acting with suspicious perseverance. These aircraft were larger in the size of any combat vehicles, could act in any weather over any, even the most dangerous, mountainous territory. Such a global operation certainly required the presence of well-equipped bases with a large number of technical personnel, with a thoughtful supply system with combustible and other necessary equipment, such as warehouses with spare parts, food, with a repair base, etc. But despite the careful searches taken by the armed forces of the three states, nothing like this base, of course, was not found.

In 1934, aircraft carriers were still in its infancy and could produce and accept only a large number of Little biplanes.

In 1942, the United States fleet was somewhat modernized by the aircraft carrier "Hornet" to deliver the two-dimensional bomber bomber B-25 General Dulitla (the author is mistaken: in 1942, James Dulitl, who served the famous flight over Tokyo, was not a general, but by Lieutenant Colonel. - approx. per.).

These bombers with great difficulty flew off from the aircraft carrier and produced a purely symbolic raid on Tokyo, but they could not sit on the aircraft carrier and were forced to fly on the unequard part of continental China.

In 1934, Hitler was still gaining strength, and the Luftwaffe had not yet existed.

The Soviet Union did not have aircraft and, more importantly, the reasons for such meaningless demarcers over Scandinavia. After all, there was a huge risk to cause a unheard of an international scandal. If at least one of these aircraft crashed or was captured and his belonging to some foreign power would be proved, then the actions of the entire Armada could not be regarded other than the beginning of hostilities.

Based on some, known, probably, only the editors of New York Times information, this newspaper suggested that the Japanese are blamed throughout Scandinavian history. But none of the Scandinavian newspapers, despite the large number of assumptions discussed, did not even accuse Japan. And the justice of this is quite obvious - Japan, who resolved its problems in China at that time, did not have any opportunities nor the reasons for this kind of operation.

At the very beginning of the flap, the Swedish newspapers kept themselves with a completely non-serious conclusion about smugglers with alcoholic drinks, delivering alcohol to the Scandinavian countries. It does not make sense to refute it, we note only that even the official investigation did not leave him the stone on the stone ...

As in the days of the flaps 1896-1897 and 1909, during the 1934 blossom, there were random flights at the small heights of objects, in principle, familiar people, and with the TN and high-altitude flights of mysterious lights, which seemed to be That was managed, judging by the maneuvers performed by them. Mysterious aircraft were "solid" objects and were used to ensure a much larger number of "soft" objects, which for some reason deployed their actions in northern latitudes. Witnesses reported on observed airplanes carrying red, green and white lights. When these sparkling lights were noticed at large altitudes, it was suggested that the aircraft fly to a connection with flying ghosts hiding somewhere much higher.

Mysterious aircraft could make stunning maneuvers, they turned off their engines, sometimes at an altitude not exceeding 100 feet, and with every visible energy made three or four circles over some object.

Try to execute such a maneuver on the usual plane, and you will end my life under his debris. April 30, 1934, Major General Ryuthersvard, commander of the district in Nerland (Sweden), made the following statement for printing:

"The comparison of all reports does not leave the shade of doubt in the illegal inspection from the air of our secret strategic areas. In many reports received from quite reliable people, there is almost a detailed description of these mysterious machines, and in each case the one common part is drawn to: neither On one of these machines, no identification signs are not selected ... It is absolutely impossible to explain all these cases by fantasy or hallucination. And then questions arise: "Who are they?", "And why do they violate our airspace?".

If all the courses of flying ghosts of 1934 are on the map, their route seems to become clear. It seems that day after day they flew along a huge arc with fanatical constancy. Flying south from the north of Norway, they took place over Sweden and re-turned north over Finland. If you make a complete circumference from this arc, then its upper part will have to the area of \u200b\u200bthe Malconed Island of Svalbard in Northern Arctic Ocean, and Western - on the northern tip of the island of Greenland. By the way, there have been a lot of interesting observations over Greenland. (In chapter 1, we talked about the case when a whole system of unidentified objects was found by radar during flight over Greenland.) Hundreds of reports about the observations of UFOs go from the Arctic districts and, thus, as if confirmed by the theory, very popular that flying plates appear from Holes over the North Pole. The organization for the study of air phenomena adheres to an advanced theory, according to which facilities are consisted of space to the polar areas of the Earth to transfer an intense radioactive belt concentrated on the zones of moderate climate.

Radio signals from eternity

During flights over the Scandinavia of Flying Ghosts, mysterious radio signals were taken throughout Sweden and Norway. This question was also widely discussed in print. On January 11, 1934, one of the newspapers of the city of Umea (Sweden) noted the following:

"The officers of the headquarters of the Air Force believe that mysterious aircraft have on board radio transmitters and radio navigation devices ... Of course, these cars are representatives of a extraordinary organization."

"The radio listeners of the city of Umeå intercepted the negotiations of flying ghosts on their receivers, of which it can be concluded that their intelligence service is at the highest level ... Radiosegovors occurred on the wave of a popular music program of the Umea city, and their topic was a discussion of the place of Randevo several flying ghosts. At the end of the talks, the time of the next access to the connection was called. " (Correspondents investigating a statement on contact with UFOs in 1956-1957. Some kind of Howard Mojer from New Jersey, allegedly discovered a strange radio transmitter on the territory of his farm. This transmitter did not empty his own signals, and enjoyed signals, "stolen" at the local radio station. Swedish reports give reason to assume that someone in the Umea in 1934 applied the same equipment when the "output" of the ordinary radio station was used as a source of energy for the "pirate" signals.) January 25, 1934, the working city of Nurebair (Sweden) The name of Galmar Headstrom caught on his receiver the following message passed on short waves: "The sea is calm, the temperature is two degrees of heat. You have to sit on the water and catch what we talked about. Be in touch again at 19.45. " The report also had data on the direction of wind, location coordinates and other information. Although all negotiations went on Swedish, he could not remember a lot.

Another radio amateur from the city of Hedesunda caught a similar message on the same day. An additional message was also intercepted at the specified time - 19.45.

Some messages were taken on the wave of 900 m, others - in the range of 230-275 m.

The overwhelming majority of observations of 1934, regardless of their place, occurred about 18 hours. In March, the flap began to decline, but the periodic messages were received during all thirties.

"From different places there are reports of mysterious fires. The correspondent of the Norwegian telegraph Agency collected some of these messages during a trip to the sixth district. Almost all observations residents reported to the police, whose representative gave a detailed certificate to the correspondent. Also received an observation message. Mysterious lights in the vicinity of Tromsow on Tuesday evening.

Flying ghosts returned to Scandinavia in 1936, accurately repeating the ongoing routes of 1934 and again their appearance was accompanied by mysterious radio signals. The correspondent of New York Times, which in 1934 tried to take responsibility for everything that happened to Japan, this time in the transfer of mysterious radio signals accused Germany. But again, as in 1934, the Scandinavian press did not give these fabrications any meaning.

When a brightly sparkling object chased through the Prairie of the Midwest for. Travel in 1937, New York Times in the room dated August 15, quoting astronomers, explained the incident with the influence of the Venus planet.

It is hardly necessary to note that residents of Northern Scandinavia are very well familiar with the northern lights and other ordinary astronomical and atmospheric phenomena. It is doubtful that they pay special attention to anything that, in their opinion, could have a natural explanation.

At our disposal there are two reports who came from different ends of Europe deserving to be given in this book. On Thursday, February 11, 1937, the Norwegian fishing trawler "Fram" at about 9 o'clock in the evening came out of the hotel, bypassing a mountainous cape separating the Holovick's harbor from the ocean, the crew of the trawler noticed a large seaplane, sitting on the water.

Deciding that the aircraft suffered an accident, the captain of the trawler changed the course and headed for him. Green and red signal lights on the wings of the machine were clearly visible, but when the ship began to approach, the lights suddenly went out. At that time, the plane was hidden by smoke clubs and disappeared.

At noon of the next day, on Friday, February 12, 1937, an unknown plane, appearing above the capital of Austria Vienna, began to circle over the city. The unusualness of this case was widely marked by the European press. Obviously, there were some reasons to doubt the origin of this aircraft.

Scandinavia: 1946

On June 10, 1946, an object resembling the German Rocket Fow-2 passed over Finland. In the next two weeks, the lights of the UFO type, cylindrical objects and unidentified winged cars were seen by thousands of people in Sweden and Norway. In the overwhelming majority of observations, concentrated in the cold, minor northern regions of both countries. The European press paid them due attention - "ghost rockets" changed the flying ghosts of 1934. They were seen far in the south, over Greece and over the mountains of Switzerland, where they confidently flew over the gorges and canyons. They were intercepted by radar and photographed. (One of these photos depicting a swatch-shaped light of the light was published by London Newspaper Morning Post September 6, 1946) The speed of these objects was measured and ranged from 400 to 1000 miles per hour.

Some of the objects seemed to explode in the air, some were thrown out of themselves the shards of the metal, similar to the usual slag.

British and Scandinavian newspapers openly accused the Soviet Union in the fact that he spends in the airspace of Northern Europe testing of new types of combat missiles. Moscow categorically denied this fact. In September, bright green balls were seen over Portugal. "A huge headile with a fiery tail" swept over Casablanca. A huge blazing sphere with a whistle was held in the sky above Oslo and exploded with a terrifying rumble. On Wednesday, July 3, 1946, the mysterious explosion shook a small town in the center of Scotland, knocking the glass in the windows and killing one person (obviously as a result of contusion). No one could explain the cause of this explosion. Swedish authorities collected more than 2000 reports on "ghost rockets". Although this flap is very much illuminated by the American press, General James Dulitle flew in Stockholm to participate in the investigation. London was also shocked by a series of explosions, whose origin could not explain no one.

At the end of August 1946, the lid slammed. On August 22, the London newspaper Daly Telegraph reported: "To prevent leakage of technical information on the launch of missiles flying over the Danish, the Danish government requested correspondents not to indicate those areas of the country where these rockets were seen ...". On August 31, 1946, Daily Correspondent Telegraph in Oslo transferred:

"Starting from Wednesday, Norwegian newspapers stopped any discussion about the flights of rockets over Scandinavia. Today, the Norwegian General Staff published a memorandum for printing, demanding not to put any information in the press on the emergence of rockets over the Norwegian territory and direct all messages on this topic in the intelligence management of the General Staff ...

In Sweden, it is also forbidden to mention the press on the flights and explosions of rockets over the territory of the country. "

In the short 50 years we passed the way from mysterious inventions to espionage and smuggling, and then came to Russian secret weapons. Since none of these explanations can not be taken seriously, and the phenomenon continues to be observed, we seem to have the only acceptable hypothesis: the arrival of the aliens from the cosmos. For a long time, members of Fortian society, fans and followers of the late Charles Fort, heated this hypothesis with their irresponsible publications. They will not ask the question, and they are already ready to answer anything. Their thought works in this direction: in 1945 we dropped atomic bombs to Japan. The energy of atomic explosions was recorded in space by the devices of some kind of alien supercivilization.

This superciling was terribly shocked by the fact that such an insignificant, as a person, opened the secret of atomic energy. To investigate this sad fact, an expedition to the Earth was organized. However, a certain super-affected navigator made a small mistake and, instead of bringing a spacecraft to the victim Japan, flew to Scandinavia.

Very sorry, if so.

Mysterious helicopters

Thousands of observations for the period 1896-1938. Ghostly airship and mysterious aircraft lead us to the next imminent conclusion; The true substance of the phenomenon is that he can give any desired form on his own choice. And it creates a very important question: do these things really exist? Or is all thousands of messages there is nothing other as examples of mass hysteria, correspondent jokes and incorrect interpretation of natural phenomena?

It is impossible to stick to two points of view. Or it is necessary to recognize the overwhelming percentage of the messages true, or all the cleanest nonsense.

If I wrote a book, let's say about the Civil War, I would use the same sources, that is, with old newspapers, historical documents, letters of participants in events, and as a result, the book created by me would be accepted by scientists and historians with a little or Generally without any questions. But the flying plates are so discredited by all sorts of amateur theories and fans of the alien version, that skeptics, without difficulty in all their hypotheses, have a clear nonsense, get the grounds to approve the same about all other UFO data.

If the farmer of the sixties of the last century, which participated in the battles Civil War, I left behind a pack of crumpled letters, where he describes the events experienced by him, the historians as tigers rush to these letters to repeatedly quote them into their scientists. But if the same farmer saw in 1875 over California some kind unusual object And reported this letter to the local newspaper, then why this letter cannot be considered a historical document today? No, skeptics will find fault to each word of such a letter, and if it is not necessary to find fault with what the author's sane will be questioned.

My solid opinion that we must stop asking the question: "Can such things really be?", And start to ask another: "What can it mean?".

Lightweight can be caught on the stories of amazing spacecraft from distant galaxies, and they will become everything clear. But what will they tell about numerous stories related, seemingly with completely ordinary aircraft and helicopters? Yes, there are also ghost helicopters!

On Tuesday, October 11, 1968, a bright flying fire was darked over drinking water tanks in New Jersey. In that area and before that there were enough strange observations, but this case was strange doubly. A few minutes after the blinding bright object disappeared, a whole system of mysterious helicopters appeared.

"This thing blinded me so that I could not find my car," said one of the witnesses of the incident, policeman Sergeant Ben Thompson Dr. Bertold Schwartz. "It was the impression that I looked right in the spotlight to see the nests of reflective lamps ... After that, I didn't see anything about twenty minutes."

About 15 minutes after the blinding object disappeared, the helicopter detachment appeared and began to circle at a low height. A group of ten or twelve jet aircraft appeared a little higher than them. Hundreds of cars filled with stunned audience, approached this place. They, of course, saw helicopters, but not in such quantities. Policeman Sergeant Robert Gordon described her confusion: "I have never seen seven helicopters in the air at all my life ... And I live here for forty years."

Scientific publicist Lloyd Mellen investigated this case. He brought references in all nearby databases of the Air Force, at airports and even in the Pentagon. No one knew anything about these helicopters and aircraft. The Civil Aviation Bureau was amazed at least others. No one was able to open the curtain of the mystery. It is not very hard to believe that it was the reaction of the Air Force on the appearance of a sparkling object over the tanks. First, because no one reported on the air force about it directly, and secondly, because McCayr and Stewart had never had such a large tweak of helicopters, and if they were, then, given Their slowness, hardly after 15 minutes appeared above the scene of the incident. Of course, it is impossible to forget that the existing opinion on the unfortunate lies of the representatives of the Air Force about everything concerning UFOs may not be devoid of grounds.

Residents of New Jersey claim that they saw these helicopters and jet planes. So, they are all lying? But what's the point in such a lie? And if this is true, then where, from where and why flew these cars? And who ruled them?

Northern Vietnamese have an insignificant aircraft and even less helicopters. Nevertheless, at the end of June 1968, a whole building of some strange lights appeared over the River Hai River, and one of the mysterious helicopters, as reported, was even shot down. At the site of the event was the correspondent of Newsuik in Vietnam Robert stock. Here is his message (Newswood on July 1, 1968):

"Captain William Bates duty at the radio transmitter at the headquarters of the regiment in the village of Dong Ha. At 23.00 the advanced guinea dialing reported on the radio that their observer discovered in the electronic telescope thirteen yellow-white lights floating and the western direction at an altitude of 500 to 1000 feet above Ben Hai River, which flows in the middle of the demilitarized zone. Bates immediately contacted the command to find out if there is their aircraft or helicopters in the observation area. Having received a negative answer, the captain contacted the Alpha 2 anti-aircraft station, the most northern Military part 1 "Corps. Less than a minute from the station came a response about strange glare at all 360 degrees of a circular review.

At about one hour night, aircraft aircraft and marines were already over the Danang and began the persecution of unidentified objects. After 45 minutes, the pilot of the marine infantry reported to destroy the helicopter. However, when the intelligence aircraft, equipped with infrared equipment, passed over these areas, he did not find a burning wreckage anywhere. "

In June, these objects almost every night were intercepted by radar over a demilitarized zone. And so did not manage to identify, and it is unlikely that there are reason to consider them truly airplanes or Vietnamese helicopters. If it were so, it is surprising why Northern Vietnam Suddenly stopped using them, because after June 1968 they no longer appeared.

A few weeks after this series of incidents, mysterious helicopters appeared above the state of Maryland. About 20.20 On Tuesday, August 19, 1968, an oval object, stuck in the center with red and white sparkling lights, hung over the rosekroft restrack near Phelps Conxa (Maryland). One of the numerous witnesses, Geese I. Donovan, stated that she also saw at least seven helicopters circling around the object. "I drew attention to this," she said, "because I have never seen such a number of helicopters in the air."

Maybe our military air forces secretly hunt for flying plates on helicopters without finding nothing better? Of course, we often, although unsuccessfully, use fighter fighters for unidentified objects, but neither I nor a lot of the Air Force officers with whom I talked, even in the form of hearing never heard of the use of helicopters for this purpose.

Helicopters - very dear cars And difficult to manage. It was for these reasons that the Second World War of the Second World War came true that "helicopters will stand in every garage." Operations for UFOs require multiple helicopters that are constantly in a state of readiness to immediately departure. I spoke around many of our airbases and did not even find a hint of this kind of operations.

I concluded that unidentified helicopters belong to the same category as the flying ghosts of 1934, and a tiny airplane in Calgary.

They are part of the whole phenomenon of UFOs, and not at all proof of our hunt for unidentified objects.

Are there really flying plates?

Since 1982, thousands of UFO photographs were made. Many of them recorded unclear stains and stripes of light, but many are clearly "solid" objects, similar to cars like a kind of portholes, hatches and other clearly distinguishable parts. And here there is another problem. For negligible exception, there are no two identical UFO images. I received hundreds of photos by mail, during my travels collected hundreds of others. Since the photos are very easily fake, I usually avoided it very carefully to engage in both the photos and their authors. However, I myself made two very similar photos in two different districts.

Over the past three years, I interviewed thousands of eyewitnesses and personally, and by phone, and by mail. At the same time, many of those who gave descriptions of sparkling, changing "soft" objects, said the same thing. But I rarely heard two independent witnesses from each other described the "hard" object as they seen them. I heard about the tiny emitting sound of saws of objects circling over mines in Ohio, and about giant gondo-shaped machines with many rows of portholes, steaming over Kaitatini mountains in the north of New Jersey. And it seems that there existed as many different forms of objects as it was and witnesses. However, I re-reassuring myself again with the fact that the witnesses were reliable and just honestly told about what they saw.

And if we take the basis that the Witnesses say the truth, we can feel free to believe that the UFOs appear in billions of various sizes and forms. Or they have no form at all. And this again makes us remember the old Gambit psychological war. If there will be continuous contradictions in the description of the objects, then few people react to the phenomenon seriously, but if people, let's say, in Brazil, Iowa and Australia will begin to give the same testimony, then this can immediately alert and scientists and military.

In the report 14 of the project, the Blue Book tried to solve this problem. Air Force Specialists laid 434 messages about unidentified objects into a computer, trying to get a basic model. They received 12 main types of objects. Of those thousands of reports that are available, you can get 1200 or 1,200,000 different types of UFOs with the same success. And those 12 types of objects that are described in the report 14 are generally no longer observed after 1955

Then, maybe there are no NLO types at all?

Our catalog of UFO types to date contains flying cubes, triangles, hexagons, cones, spheres, objects resembling giant metal insects and flying jellyfish. We have UFOs with wheels, wings, antennas, with convex domes, flat portholes and without them. We have objects of all spectrum colors. There are gigantic with a multitude of cigar portholes, spewing blue fire from their tail. ("Base, which produce flying plates", as the supporters of the alien version assure us.) We have insane cars traveling around the desert places at an altitude of several inches above the ground. We also have piston and jet planes without identifying signs and unidentified helicopters, walking over the areas of flasks. In other words, we have everything except the basic model that would regularly appear in for different years and in different places. And all this forces us to make two inevitable outputs to choose from:

1. All witnesses or mistaken, or lgut.

2. A certain unknown supercivilization produces thousands of different types of flying machines and directs them to our planet.

The governments of all countries of the world persistently adhere to the first conclusion, UFO-enthusiasts - the second.

As for me, I do not adhere to any other. Moreover, I suppose the third alternative. I believe that some "solid" objects definitely exist only as temporary transmogrification. They are disco and cigar-like. They leave on earth distinct traces after landing.

Witnesses touched them and even had been inside. These "solid" objects are no more like bait, as well as airships, and yesterday's aircraft, whose goal is to cover up and ensure the actions of a huge number of "soft" objects. Therefore, for me, the main interest is "soft" objects.

They are the key to the randering of all the secrecy.

There are countless reports of how objects directly in front of the witnesses changed sizes and shapes or divided into several small objects, each of which was flying out in different directions. In some cases, a reverse process took place: several small objects were combined into one large, which then calmly continued its flight.

Many times the witnesses told me, mysteriously lowering the voice: "You know, I believe that those things that I have seen were not cars. I had a strong impression that they were alive. "

Such researchers like John Rezazors and Ivan T. Sanderson, openly discussed the possibility that some UFOs are really living creatures. Of course, there are no direct evidence, this statement can be challenged as any other. Make your own choice. Each point of view has its strengths, but after analyzing all data, none of them can be used without very legitimate doubts.

Right holder illustration Airbus. Image Caption. An example of how in the future the power set of airbus aircraft can look like. Instead of the usual "skeleton" from the spangling, stringers and spars - light mesh complex

Is it possible that the very insight into flight has completely changed? It is not excluded that in the future it is so it will be. Thanks to new materials and technologies, passenger drones may appear, and supersonic airliners will be returned to the sky. Russian BBC service analyzed information about newest projects Airbus, Uber, Toyota and other companies to determine in which direction aviation will develop in the future.

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Urban sky

Now the cities are relatively free there is a rather large layer of atmosphere height to a kilometer. This space is used by special aviation, helicopters, as well as individual private or corporate aircraft.

But a new type of air transport is already beginning to develop in this layer. He has many names - urban or personal aviation, air transportation system of the future, heavenly taxis and so on. But his essence was formulated back at the beginning of the XIX century by furatologists: everyone will be able to use a small aircraft for flights for short distances.

Right holder illustration Hulton Archive. Image Caption. So the artist in 1820 imagined the future. Individual aircraft was present on such pictures already then
  • What projects work aircraft designers around the world

Engineers never parted with this dream. But still prevented the lack of durable and lightweight materials and imperfect electronics, without which there are no many small devices. With the advent of high strength and light carbon fiber and the development of laptop computers, everything has changed.

The current stage of the creation of urban aerobile transport reminds of the 1910s, the very beginning of the history of aircraft construction. Then the designers did not immediately find the optimal form of the aircraft and boldly experimented, creating bizarre structures.

Now the overall task is to make an aircraft for the urban environment - also allows you to build a wide variety of devices.

Airbus Corporation, for example, develops at once three large projects - a piloted single Vahana, which, according to the plans of the corporation, will be able to fly next year, and by 2021 will be ready for commercial flights. Two other projects: Cityairbus, unmanned taxi-quadrocopter for several people, and pop.up, which corporation is developing together with italdesign. This is a single unmanned module that can be used on a wheel chassis for trips around the city, and also hang to the quadcopter for flights.

Airbus Pop.Up and Cityairbus use the principle of the quadrocopter, and Vahana is a converteoplan (that is, the device that takes off the helicopter, and then turns the engines and then moves as an aircraft).

Schemes of quadrocopter and convertoplane - now basic for passenger drones. Quadcopters are much more stable during the flight. And the converter allows you to develop a greater speed. But both schemes allow it to be vertically take off and sit down. This is a key requirement for urban aviation, since the usual aircraft needs a runway. And this means that it will take the construction of additional infrastructure for the city.

Among other notable projects are the Volocopter of the German company Evolo, which is a multicoper with 18 propellers. This is still the most successful air taxi project, in the fall of 2017 in Dubai have already begun to test it. In June, the control transport company Dubai about it with Evolo.

Right holder illustration Lilium. Image Caption. Lilium moves due to 36 electrical turbines mounted in a row on planes and in two blocks in front of the apparatus

Another project from Germany - Lilium is interesting to an unusual layout. This is an electrical converter on 36 small turbines mounted two blocks along the wing, and with two more blocks in the front of the device. The company has already started test flights in unmanned mode.

Japanese automaker Toyota invests in the Cartivator project.

A Taxi Uber online service is also developing its unmanned system, in this project, it works closely with NASA for the development of technology and software services in cities with high population density.

Right holder illustration ETHAN MILLER / GETTY IMAGES Image Caption. Passenger Drone Ehang 184, created in the Chinese company Beijing Yi-Hang Creation Science & Technology Co., Ltd. In 2016.

Among the aviation experts, a lot of unmanned urban supporters passenger trafficand skeptics.

Among the latter is the chief editor of Avia.ru Roman Gusarov. The main problem, in his opinion, is the low power of electric motors and batteries. And effective passenger drones are unlikely to appear in the foreseeable future, despite the fact that there are many funds in their development.

"Technologies still sufficiently cheeses and the system being created with their use are subject to technical failures," the editor of the UAV.ru portal, Denis Fedutin, noted in an interview with the BBC.

According to him, such projects can simply be a beautiful advertising move and the ability to show that the company is engaged in advanced studies. It also does not exclude that against the background of enthusiastic publications in the press, many startups may arise, which, finding investors' money, will not be able to create a flying passenger drone.

The executive director of Infomost Consulting (the company is engaged in consulting in the field of transport) Boris Rybak believes that while the biggest problem in this area is fear. People will still be afraid to trust their life with a flying apparatus without pilot.

"When the first self-deviating gasoline wagons appeared, with a chance, smoke and rumble, they were walking next to horses, and the people scattered. But this is normal, then it was scary, and now scary," said Rybak.

Between houseam. And birdsam.

Currently, NASA and the Federal Department of Civil Aviation Aviation are working on the program "Management of Unmanned Aviation Systems" (UAS) Aircraft Management (UTM). It was within the framework of this program with NASA and FAA cooperates the company Uber.

The development of technologies in this area is strongly ahead of the development of rules for their regulation. The American program began to develop in 2015, but in " road Map"Its development has not yet been noted the deadline for the creation of rules for flights in densely populated urban areas.

Right holder illustration ItalDesign Image Caption. Passenger capsule Pop.up can be used on a wheel chassis or trailer to quadcopter

It is referred to in mind the flights of the mail delivery and news video shooting. And the transportation of passengers in the program is still nothing to say.

Judging by the presentations studied by the Russian BBC, in the future, passenger drone flights in cities will be regulated through routes in air corridors. The same principle operates in modern civil aviation. At the same time, drones will actively interact with each other and monitor the airspace around to avoid collisions with other drones and other objects in the air (for example, with birds).

However, as Boris Fisherman believes, a system that was built on the principle of free flight would be much more effective, where the routes would line up with computers, taking into account the location of all devices in the air.

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Will Russia remain aside?

In Russia, the authorities are also trying to make cautious steps to regulate the flights of drones in the urban environment. So, has long been interested in drones by Rostelecom. It is the contractor of the Russian Space Systems company, which in November 2015 won the Roscosmos competition for 723 million rubles (12.3 million dollars) to create the infrastructure of the federal network operator.

Right holder illustration Tom Cooper / Getty Images Image Caption. Another draft supersonic business jet - XB-1 American company Boom Technology

This infrastructure will have to ensure the observation of transport and unmanned vehicles (including aircraft), terrestrial and aqueous piloted and unmanned vehicles, rail transport, explained the representative of Rostelecom. The operator creates a prototype of infrastructure, which will control the traffic movement, primarily drones, and is ready to spend about 100 million rubles on subcontractors (1.7 million dollars).

The departments of the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of the city of Moscow Andrei Tikhonov told the BBC that there are no conditions in the Russian capital to appear passenger drones.

"First, the regulatory framework for unmanned aerial and terrestrial apparatus is not fully developed. Secondly, the Moscow infrastructure is not yet adapted for the mass transport of goods and passengers on unmanned vehicles. Thirdly, most devices intended for the transport of people and large cargoes are still at the testing stage and should receive appropriate documentation for work in urban conditions. Again, issues of compulsory passenger insurance and many others arise, "he explained.

True, he said, these problems are not so much the authorities of the city, how much are forced to look for ways to solve them.

Faster sound

Another direction on which they work in many aircraft enterprises - supersonic passenger transportation.

This idea is not at all Nova. November 22 marks 40 years of the beginning of regular commercial flights between New York, Paris and London on Concord aircraft. In the 1970s, the idea of \u200b\u200bsupersonic traffic was embodied by British Airways along with Air France, as well as Aeroflot on Tu-144. But in practice it turned out that technologies of that time were not suitable for civil aviation.

As a result, the Soviet project was turned off after seven months of operation, and British-French - after 27 years.

Right holder illustration Evening Standard. Image Caption. "Concord", as well as Tu-144, ahead of time, but showed how difficult it is to make a supersonic passenger aircraft

The main reason why the projects of Concorde and Tu-144 were minimized, usually called finance. These aircraft were expensive.

Engines such devices consume much more fuel. For such aircraft it was necessary to create their own infrastructure. Tu-144, for example, used its kind of aviation fuel, much more complex in composition, it needed special maintenance, more thorough and expensive. For this aircraft had to keep even individual landscape.

Another major problem, in addition to the complexity and cost of service, has become noise. During the flight at supersonic speed on all the front edges of the elements of the aircraft, a strong air seal occurs, which generates a shock wave. She stretches over the plane in the form of a huge cone, and when it reaches the land, then the person through which it passes, hears a stunning sound like an explosion. It is because of this flight "Concords" over the territory of the United States on supersonic speeds were prohibited.

And it is with noise now, first of all, designers are trying to fight.

After stopping the flights of "Concord" attempts to build a new, more efficient supersonic passenger aircraft did not stop. And with the advent of new technologies in the field of materials, engine construction and aerodynamics, they began to speak more and more.

A few large projects in the field of supersonic civil aviation are being developed in the world. Basically, this is a business jetty. That is, the designers initially try to aim at the market segment, where the cost of tickets and service plays a smaller role than on route transportation.

Right holder illustration Aerion. Image Caption. AS2 aircraft Aerion is developing in partnership with Airbus

NASA, together with the Lockheed Martin corporation, is developing a supersonic aircraft trying, first of all, solve the problem of the sound barrier. The QUESST technology includes the search for a special aerodynamic form of an aircraft, which, as it were, "smeared" a hard sound barrier, making it unrellish and less noisy. Currently, NASA has already developed the appearance of the aircraft, and its flight tests may begin in 2021.

Another noticeable project - AS2, which is developing Aerion in partnership with Airbus.

Airbus also works on the CONCORD 2.0 project. This aircraft is planned to be equipped with three types of engines - rocket in the tail part and two ordinary reactive, with which the aircraft can take off almost vertically, as well as one direct-flow, which will already accelerate the device to a speed of 4.5 maha.

True, similar projects in Airbus are pretty carefully.

"Airbus continues research in the field of supersonic / hypersonic technologies, we are also studying the market to understand whether such projects will be viable and implemented, - the official commentary of the Airbus for the Russian BBC service. - We do not see the market for such Airplanes are currently in the foreseeable future due to the high costs of such systems. This may change with the advent of new technologies, or with a change in economic or social environment. In general, so far it is rather a study area, not a priority direction. "

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Is it possible to revive "Concord"?

Predict whether the demand for such aircraft is really difficult. Boris Rybak notes that information technologies developed in parallel with aviation, and now a businessman who needs to quickly resolve the issue on the other side of the Atlantic, can often do it personally, but on the Internet.

"To fly a business class or in a business jec six hours from London to New York. And so you technically spend four, well, three forty. Is this [sheepnik]?" - said the fisherman about supersonic flights.

According to the experience of Tu-144

However, other Russian aviation specialists consider otherwise. Supervice aircraft will be able to take their place on the market, says the rector of the Moscow Aviation Institute Mikhail Pogosyan, the former head of the United Aircraft Building Corporation.

"A supersonic aircraft makes it possible to go to a qualitatively different level, it allows you to save globally time - day. Market forecasts say that the introduction of such technologies and this kind of projects will be associated with the cost of such a flight. If such a cost is acceptable and will not be in Once different from the cost of a flight at a subsonic aircraft, then I assure you that there is a market, "he said to the Russian BBC service.

Poghosyan spoke at the Aerospace Science Week forum in Mai, where he, in particular, spoke about the prospects for creating supersonic aircraft with the participation of Russian specialists. Russian enterprises (TsAGI, MAI, OAK) are involved in the Great European Research Program Horizon 2020, one of the directions of which is the development of a supersonic passenger aircraft.

Pogosyan listed the main properties of such an aircraft - a low level of sound strike (otherwise the plane will not be able to fly over the populated areas), the engine of the changing cycle (it needs to work well at the subsonic speed and on supersonic), new heat-resistant materials (on supersonic speed, the aircraft heats up strongly), Artificial intelligence, as well as the fact that one pilot can control such an aircraft.

At the same time, the rector of Mai is convinced that the project of a supersonic aircraft can be created only at the international level.

Right holder illustration Boris Korzin / Tass Image Caption. According to Sergey Chernyshev, Russia has survived the school of creating supersonic passenger aircraft

Head of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after Professor N. E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI) Sergey Chernyshev told on the forum that Russian specialists participate in three international projects in the field of supersonic passenger aviation - Hisac, HexaFly and Rumble. All three projects do not set the purpose of creating a finite commercial product. Their main task is to explore the properties of the supersonic and hypersonic apparatus. According to him, now the aircraft manufacturers create another concept of such an aircraft.

In an interview with BBs, Sergei Chernyshev said that the strength of Russian aircraft manufacturers is the experience of creating supersonic aircraft and their operation. According to him, this is a strong aerodynamic school, extensive experience testing, including in extreme conditions. In Russia, the "traditionally strong school of materials scientists," he added.

"My subjective forecast: [Business Jet] appears on the horizon 2030-35. Academician Pogosyan believes that between 2020 and 2030. For ten years he gave them. It is so, but still closer to 2030," - said Sergey Chernyshev.

"Ordinary" unusual liners

The main task of aircraft designers today is to achieve an increase in aircraft fuel efficiency, while reducing harmful exhausts and noise. The second task is to develop new control systems where the computer will perform more and more tasks.

Now there is no one to surprise the electrodistanist aircraft control system when signals from the control knob or steering wheel, pedals and other organs are transmitted to steering and other elements of mechanization in the form of electrical signals. A similar system allows the on-board computer to control the actions of the pilot, making adjustments and correcting errors. However, this system is already yesterday.

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As the BBC Vice-President of the Irkut Corporation on Marketing and Sales of Cyril Budayev told the BBC, the Russian company is working on the system when the aircraft will control only one pilot, and the function of the second during takeoff and landing will perform a specially prepared senior flight attendant. During the flight of the aircraft on the echelon one pilot, it is quite enough, they say in the "Irkut".

According to the laws of nature

Another serious innovation appeared in the last decade - composite materials. The development of light and durable plastic can be compared with the use of aluminum in post-war aircraft. This material, together with the advent of effective turbojet engines, changed the appearance of aircraft. Now exactly the same revolution occurs with the composite, which gradually displaces the metal from the designs of the aircraft.

When designing aircraft, three-dimensional printing is increasingly used, which allows you to create more complex forms with high accuracy. And seek to reduce fuel consumption.

For example, Airbus and Boeing use the latest Motors of the LEAP production family of CFM INTERNATIONAL. Nozzles in these engines are printed on a three-dimensional printer. And this made it possible to increase fuel efficiency by 15%.

In addition, now the aviation industry began to more actively explore the bionic design.

Bionics is an applied science, which studies the possibilities of practical application in various technical devices of the principles and structures that appeared in nature due to evolution.

Right holder illustration Airbus. Image Caption. Bracket designed with bionic technologies

Here is a simple example - the picture above shows a bracket similar to that used in the Airbus plane. Pay attention to its shape - usually such an element is a solid piece of a triangular metal metal. However, having calculated on a computer forces that will be attached to different parts, the engineers found out which parts can be removed, and which - to change in such a way as not only to facilitate, but also to strengthen such a component.

A much more difficult work was conducted by a group of scientists led by Professor of Technical University Denmark Nils Aaga. In October 2017, they published a report in the journal Nature, which was told about how they calculated the French supercomputer Curie Power set of the Boeing 777 airliner wing - a complex structure of rather thin jumpers and struts.

As a result, as researchers believe, the weight of two wings of the aircraft could be reduced by 2-5%, without losing strength. Taking into account the fact that both wings in the amount weigh 20 tons, this would save up to 1 ton, which corresponds to the intended reduction in fuel consumption of 40-200 tons per year. But this is already significantly, is it not true?

At the same time, bionic design in the future, according to the aircraft enterprises, more and more will be applied. The plane on the first illustration of this text is only a sketch of airbus engineers, but it is already visible on it, according to which principle the power of the future aircraft will be created.


The engine is the most important and most expensive part of the aircraft. And it is he who determines the configuration of any aircraft. Currently, most aviation engines - either gas generator, or internal combustion, gasoline or diesel. Only the smallest part of them works on electricity.

According to Boris Fisherman, all decades of the existence of reactive aviation, the development of fundamentally new aircraft engines was not conducted. He sees in this manifestation of the lobby of petroleum corporations. So it is or not, but for all the post-war times of an efficient engine, which would not have burned the hydrocarbon fuel, and did not appear. Although even atomic was tested.

Now in the world aviation industry attitude towards electricity changes greatly. In world aviation, the concept of "more electric aircraft" appeared. It implies a greater electrification of the units and mechanisms of the device compared to modern.

In Russia, technologies in this concept are engaged in the Technodynamics Holding, which is included in Rostech. The company develops reversal electric drives for the future Russian PD-14 engine, fuel system drives, chassis cleaning.

"In the long run, we, of course, consider projects of large commercial aircraft. And in these large aircraft, we will most likely use a hybrid motor installation before switching completely to the electrical machine - the airbus comments say. - The fact is that the relationship Power to weight in modern batteries is still very far from what we need. But we are preparing for the future in which it is possible. "

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