Supervice Civil Aviation Flight Height. The fastest hypersonic aircraft in the world

One example of existing projects of supersonic aircraft.

Today I will start with a small preface 🙂.

On this site I already have flight of aircraft. That is, it has long been time to write something and about supersonicMoreover, I promised to do it :-). The other day I took up work with considerable zeal, but I realized that the topic was as interesting as the volume.

My articles recently do not shine brevity, I don't know the dignity or disadvantage :-). A release on the topic " supersonic"It was threatened to become even more and it is unknown how much time I would have to" create "it :-).

So I decided to try to make several articles. A small series (three-four pieces), in which each component will be devoted to one-two concepts on the topic supersonic speeds . And it will be easier for me, and the readers will score less readers :-), and Yandex with Google will be more favorable (which is important, you understand :-)). Well, what of this will come to judge, of course, you ..


So, let's talk today about the supersonic and supersonic aircraft. The very concept " supersonic"In our language (all the more in excellent degree) flashes much more often than the term" dosvuk ".

On the one hand, this, in general, is understandable. Powered aircraft have long become in our lives something very ordinary. BUT supersonic aircraftAlthough they fly in airspace for 65 years, but still seem to be something special, interesting and thorough attention.

Speaking on the other hand, it is quite fair. After all, flights on supersonic - This can be said separately, closed by a certain barrier of the movement. However, people in unreleased may have a question: "And what, in fact, such an outstanding supersonic? What difference is a plane at a speed of 400 km / h or 1400 km / h? Give him the engine more powerful and everything will be fine! " Approximately in such a semantic situation was aviation at the dawn of its development.

Speed \u200b\u200bhas always been the limit of dreams and initially these aspirations have quite successfully implemented. Already in 1945, the test pilot of the company Messerschmitt L.Gofman in horizontal flight at one of the first aircraft in the world with reactive engines, Me-262, reached in a horizontal flight at an altitude of 7200 m of a speed of 980 km / h.

However, in fact, everything is not so simple. After all, flight on supersonic It differs from the subsonic not only speed and not so much. The difference here is high quality.

Already from speeds of about 400 km / h begins little to manifest itself such a property of air as compressibility. And nothing here, in principle, there is no unexpected. - It is gas. And all gases are known, in contrast to liquids, compressible. During compression, gas parameters are changed, such as density, pressure, temperature. Because of this, various physical processes can be processed differently in compressed gas than in a rarefied.

The faster the plane flies, the more he, together with its aerodynamic surfaces, becomes like a kind of piston, in a certain sense, compressing air in front of him. Urgently, of course, but in general, just like this :-).

With an increase in speed, the aerodynamic picture of the flow aircraft Changes and the faster, the more :-). A. supersonic She is already qualitatively different. At the same time, new concepts of aerodynamics come to the fore, which often do not make any sense for low-speed aircraft.

To characterize the flight speed now, it becomes convenient and necessary to use such a parameter as the number M (Mach number, the ratio of the aircraft speed relative to air at this point to the speed of sound in the air flow at this point). Appears and becomes tangible (very tangible!) Another kind of aerodynamic resistance - wave resistance (Along with so, the increased ordinary frontal resistance).

Become iconic such phenomena as a wave crisis (with a critical number M), supersonic barrier, sugar jumps and shock waves.

In addition, the controllability and characteristics of the stability of the aircraft deteriorate due to the displacement of the point of the application of aerodynamic forces.

When approaching the area of \u200b\u200barrogant velocities, the aircraft may experience a strong shaking (it was more characteristic of the first aircraft, then stormed the mysterious lines of sound speeds), similar to their manifestations with another very unpleasant phenomenon, with which avoofers had to face in their professional development. This phenomenon is called Flatter (the topic for the next article :-)).

Such an unpleasant moment appears as heating the air as a result of its sharp braking in front of the aircraft (the so-called kinetic heating), as well as heating as a result of viscous friction of air. At the same time, the temperatures are high enough, about 300ºС. To such temperatures, the plane is heated during a long supersonic flight.

All the concepts and phenomena mentioned above are, as well as the causes of their occurrence, we will definitely talk in other articles in more detail. But now, so, I think it is quite clear that supersonic - It is already something completely different than the flight at the subsonic (all the more small) speed.

In order to get along with all the newest emerging effects and phenomena at high speeds and fully comply with its destination, the aircraft must also change efficiently. Now it should be supersonic aircraft, that is, an airplane capable of flying at a speed exceeding the sound speed on this section of airspace.

And it is not enough for him to increase the engine power (although this is also a very important and mandatory detail). Such aircraft usually change and externally. Their appearance appears sharp corners and edges, straight lines, in contrast to the "smooth" outlines of subsonic aircraft.

Supersonic aircraft Have a sweat or triangular wing in terms of wing. Typical and one of the most famous aircraft with a triangular wing is a wonderful fighter MiG-21 (maximum speed at an altitude of 2230 km / h, near the Earth 1300 km / h).

Supersonic aircraft with triangular wing MiG-21.

One of the variance options is a wing of a revival form that has an increased coefficient of lifting force. He has a special influx near the fuselage, designed to form artificial spiral vortices.

MiG-21 and the wing of a revival form.

MiG-21I - a revival wing.

The revival wing of Tu-144.

Interestingly, the wing of this type, then installed on Tu-144, was tested at a flying laboratory on the basis of the same MiG-21 (MiG-21I).

Second option - supercritical wing. It has a flattened profile with a certain curved rear part, which allows you to push the occurrence of a wave crisis at high speeds and can be beneficial in terms of efficiency for high-speed subsonic aircraft. Such a wing was applied, in particular, on the SuperJet 100 plane.

SuperJet 100. Example of a supercritical wing. Well visible bending profile (rear)

Clickable photos.

On February 6, in 1950 during the next test, the Soviet MiG-17 jet fighter in horizontal flight exceeded the speed of sound, disperse almost to 1070-km / h. This turned it into the first supersonic serial production aircraft. The developers of Mikoyan and Gurevich clearly proud of their children.

For combat flights, MiG-17 was considered an incentive, since his cruising speed did not exceed 861 km / h. But this did not prevent the fighter to become one of the most common in the world. At various times, he was in service with Germany, China, Korea, Poland, Pakistan and dozens of other countries. This monster took part even in hostilities in the Vietnam War.

MiG-17 is not the only representative of the genre of supersonic aircraft. We will also tell us about the top ten air liners, who also ahead of the sound wave and became famous worldwide.

Bell X-1

The US Air Force specially equipped the Bell X-1 rocket engine, as they wanted to study the problems of supersonic flight with it. On October 14, in 1947, the device accelerated to 1541 km / h (the number of Mach 1.26), overcame the specified barrier and turned into a star of the sign. Today, the recommendation model is resting in the Smithsonian Museum in the States.

Source: NASA.

North American X-15

North American X-15 is also equipped with rocket engines. But, unlike his American colleague Bell X-1, this aircraft reached a speed of 6167 km / h (the number of Mach 5.58), turning into the first and 40 years of the only one in the history of mankind (since 1959) a piloted hypersonic aircraft who committed subborital piloted space flights. With it, they studied even the reaction of the atmosphere to the entrance to the winged bodies. A total of three X-15 rocket plane units.

Source: NASA.

Lockheed SR-71 BlackBird

Sin does not apply supersonic aircraft for military purposes. Therefore, the US Air Force designed Lockheed SR-71 BlackBird - a strategic scout with a maximum speed of 3,700 km / h (Mach's number 3.5). The main advantages are fast overclocking and high maneuverability, which allowed him to shy away from missiles. Also, SR-71 was the first aircraft that equipped radar substitution reduction technologies.

There are only 32 units, 12 of which broke. In 1998, removed from weapons.

Source: AF.Mil.


We cannot remember the domestic MiG-25 - a supersonic high-altitude fighter-interceptor of the 3rd generation with a maximum speed of 3000 km / h (Maha's number 2.83). The aircraft was so cool that even the Japanese were hung at him. Therefore, on September 6, in the 1976th, the Soviet pilot, Viktor Benenko, had to catch MiG-25. After that, for many years, in many parts of the Union, the aircraft began to refill not until the end. The goal is that they do not reach the nearest foreign airport.

Source: Alexey Beltyukov

MiG 31.

Soviet scientists did not stop working on the air benefit of the Fatherland. Therefore, in 1968, the design of MiG-31 began. And on September 16, in 1975, he first visited heaven. This double supersonic all-weather fighter-interceptor of a distant radius action broke up to a speed of 2500 km / h (the number of Maha 2.35) and became the first Soviet fourth-generation martial aircraft.

MiG-31 is designed to intercept and destroy air targets on extremely small, small, medium and large altitudes, day and night, in simple and complex meteo conditions, with active and passive radar interference, as well as false thermal purposes. Four MiG-31 can control air space The length of up to 900 kilometers. This is not a plane, but the pride of the Union, which is still in service with Russia and Kazakhstan.

Source: Vitaly Kuzmin

Lockheed / Boeing F-22 Raptor

Americans built the most expensive supersonic aircraft. They simulated a multi-purpose fighter fifth generation, which became the most expensive among the colleagues in the workshop. Lockheed / Boeing F-22 Raptor is today the only fifth-generation fighter and the first serial fighter with a supersonic cruising speed of 1890 km / h (1.78 Mach). Maximum speed of 2570 km / h (2.42 mAh). Its in the air still no one has surpassed.

Source: AF.Mil.

Su-100 / T-4

Su-100 / T-4 ("weaving") was designed as an aircraft carrier fighter. But the engineers of the OKB dry managed not to just reach the goal, but to simulate a steep shock-reconnaissance bomber-rocket staff, which then wanted to apply even as passenger aircraft And the accelerator for the aerospace system of the spiral. Maximum speed T-4 - 3200 km / h (3 Mach).

M \u003d 1.2-5).

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    Nowadays, new aircraft appear, including those performed on the technology of reducing the noticeability of Stels.

    Passenger supersonic aircraft

    There are only two serially produced passenger supersonic aircraft that operated regular flights: the Tu-144 Soviet aircraft, which made the first flight on December 31, 1968 and the ex-operated in 1978 and who fulfilled two months later - March 2, 1969 - his first flight of Anglo French "Concord" (FR. Concorde - "Consent"), which made transatlantic flights from until 2003. Their operation allowed not only to significantly reduce the flight time on long-range flights, but also use an unloaded airspace at large altitudes (≈18 km), while the main air space used by liners (height 9-12 km) was already in those years Uploaded. Also, supersonic aircraft made flights along the hidden routes (outside the airways).

    Despite the impiency of several other former and existing projects of passenger supersonic and near-turn aircraft (Boeing 2707, Boeing Sonic Cruiser, Douglas 2229, Lockheed L-2000, Tu-244, Tu-344, Tu-444, SSBJ, etc.) and the conclusion from The operation of the aircraft of two implemented projects was developed earlier and there are modern projects of hypersonic (including subborital) passenger airliners (eg, Zehst, Spaceliner) and military transport (landing) rapid response aircraft. The Aerion AS2 passenger business jet developed in November 2015 was made a solid order for 20 units. The total cost of 2.4 billion dollars with the start of deliveries in 2023.

    Theoretical problems

    Flight on supersonic speed, in contrast to the subsonic, flows under conditions of other aerodynamics, because when the air velocity reaches the speed, the winding aerodynamics changes qualitatively, due to which the aerodynamic resistance increases sharply, also growing the kinetic heating of the design from friction raid at high air flow rates , Aerodynamic focus is shifted, which leads to the loss of stability and controlled aircraft. In addition, such an unknown appearance appeared before the creation of the first supersonic aircraft, as "wave resistance".

    Therefore, the achievement of sound speed and effective stable flight on about- and supersonic speeds were impossible due to a simple increase in engine power - new constructive solutions were required. As a result, the appearance of the aircraft has changed: characteristic straight lines appeared, sharp corners, unlike the "smooth" forms of subsonic aircraft.

    It should be noted that the problem of creating an effective supersonic aircraft It is impossible to be considered permitted until now. The creators have to compromise between the requirement of increasing the speed and preservation of acceptable running characteristics. Thus, the conquest of aviation of new frontiers in speed and highness is associated not only using a more advanced or fundamentally new motor installation and a new design layout of aircraft, but also with changes in their geometry in flight. Such changes, improving the characteristics of the aircraft at high speeds, should not worsen their quality at low speeds, and vice versa. Recently, the creators refuse to reduce the area of \u200b\u200bthe wing and the relative thickness of their profiles, as well as an increase in the angle of sweatshirt of the wing in airplanes with a variable geometry, returning to the wings of small sweatshirts and a large relative thickness, if satisfactory values \u200b\u200bof the maximum speed and practical ceiling have already been achieved. In this case, it is considered important that the supersonic aircraft have good flight data at low speeds and low resistance at high speeds, especially at low altitudes.

    For an airplane, an important parameter is its speed. This is the indicator that cares and the aviators, and dispatchers, and, above all, passengers. Ordinary people who use aircraft services are always wondering how fast they will fly.

    Modern liners are easily developed 600-800 km / h. And this is far from the limit. Indicators of overcoming airspace can be both lower and much higher. In general, the science in the century was able to make a huge jerk forward. For example, "Ilya Muromets" at the beginning of the 20th century could only hold a little more than 100 km / h.

    What parameters affect the speed?

    The speed of the aircraft depends on several basic values. These are the characteristics of the aircraft, the magnitude of its aerodynamic forces and those moments that are outside: air density, pressure, strength and direction of wind.

    From the point of view of physics, the aircraft speed is equal to the ratio of the distance by time. Usually medium indicators are considered and small intervals are taken to calculate - most often it is common to measure the speed in meters per second, which is then easy to translate into kilometers per hour (by multiply by 3.6).

    Distinguish several types of speeds:

    • travel - indicator of the movement of the aircraft relative to the earth's surface
    • true - speed relative to the air environment; may coincide with travelable in the absence of wind
    • instrument - indicator defined with multiple pressure measurements by using special tubes

    Classification of aircraft speed

    Specialists share existing aircraft models for such types:

    • Subspecies. The main sphere of civil aviation. The characteristics of the models are different, but the highest rate of the modern liner is approximately 1035 km / h, which is approaching the next type of aircraft.
    • Transportual. Here, the acceleration is equal to the speed of sound or as close as possible to it. For example, at an altitude of 8 thousand meters, the speed of sound is 1109 km / h / respectively, all aircraftcapable of achieving this limit can be attributed to the transvance.
    • Supersonic. Exceed the sound barrier, are actively used in military aviation. Fighters, attack aircraft, drones accelerate to 3-4 thousand km / h.
    • Hypersonic. Rarely used, but the development of new hypersonic aircraft work today engineers in different countries. The speed level of the sound is 5-6 times. Experimental American X-43A can accelerate to 11,200 km / h.

    Passenger aircraft and their speed

    Civil liners with passengers on board produce an average of 60-80% of their resource. Therefore, the cruising indicators of speed and maximum are distinguished. The technical documentation indicates two values, with the average rate calculated by the designers, based on the maximum possible.

    Basic speed characteristics of liners

    • IL-62.. A long-haired board, accommodates 198 passengers, the usual speed is 850 km / h.
    • IL-86.. Very large liner, capable of transporting 314 people, 950 km / h.
    • IL-96.. It is designed for long flights and 300 seats on board the maximum, the norm is up to 900 km / h.
    • Tu-134.. Designed for short flights, up to 96 people, 850 km / h.
    • Tu-154.. Up to 180 passengers and an average pace - 900-930 km / h.
    • Tu-204.. The average is 850 km / h, the number of people - up to 214.
    • Yak-40. Up to 36 passengers, normal indicator - 510 km / h, maximum - 550.
    • Boeing-747.. At long distances up to 298 people, standard during the flight - 915-917 km / h.
    • Boeing-777.. Also designed for large flights, but only 148 passengers and 891 km / h.
    • Airbus A310. Routes of different lengths. Standard indicators: 183 places, 858 km / h.
    • Airbus A320.. The airbus can overcome the average distances at a speed of 853 km / h and with 149 passengers on board.
    • Airbus A330.. Created for long flights. Designed for 398 people. And the average pace is 925 km / h.
    • Airbus A380. The world's largest passenger liner. Capacity - 700, Normal speed - 890-900 km / h at maximum - 1019.

    The fastest passenger vessels

    As you can see, the indicators of civil courts operated today vary within the boundaries of 600-900 km / h. Nevertheless, stories are known cases of supersonic passenger liners. The first - the famous Tu-144, released in 1968 and capable of developing up to 2,500 km / h. It stopped using in 1978. The second is the Franco-English "Concord", flying until 2003.

    On video short excursion In the history of legendary supersonic passenger aircraft. An overview of the reasons why the world refused ultra-speed civilian flights.

    There were no hyperzuky liners invented, but work in this direction is also conducted by Russian designers, and foreign. The European project of Zehst is most famous today, which will be able to develop 5 thousand km / h. Such domestic projects - TU-444 and TU-244 - are currently frozen.

    Causes of refusal of supersonic speeds

    • No airfields. The number of bands to suit the supersonic liners is very limited. As a rule, these are military airfields.
    • Design complexity. Ultra-speed aircraft have a streamlined form and strict restriction on the length of the side. Thus, constructive courts are little suitable for passenger dimensions.
    • Excessive fuel consumption. The cost of tickets for such flights would be a very impressive amount, which is economically unprofitable for both consumers and carriers.
    • Repair and maintenance. Almost after each flight it is necessary to carry out full maintenance of the side. This is a check of ripping fasteners, fuselage, etc.

    Takes up - as happens and at what speeds

    Each aircraft has individual specificationsAccording to which its operation occurs. The process of lifting the liner in the air is carried out in stages.

    1. Set of speed engine. Approximately 800-820 turns per minute begins the movement of the aircraft by the strip.
    2. Acceleration and acceleration. The pilot controls the aircraft on the ground, reaching the necessary speed indicators while in a steady position on three wheels.
    3. Targeting and set of height. To implement the actual take-off, it is necessary to dispersed the aircraft to 185 km / h and smoothly lift the nose by tensioning the handle. As a result, the vessel continues to move on two wheels and breaks away from the ground, reaching a speed of 225 km / h.

    The above is the exemplary indicators for the Boeing-737 model. The higher the weight of the liner, the greater the speed it should develop on Earth. In addition, external factors are also important at take-off and a height set. This is the direction and strength of the wind, the density of the air flow, humidity, quality and state of the take-off strip.

    In cases where a strong wind against the movement of the aircraft may need indicators exceeding the standard twice. At the same time, in the inverse situation, when the wind is passing, the efforts will be needed minimal.

    Plane landing

    Landing the aircraft - the process of the opposite takeoff. Accordingly, all steps are performed in reverse order: smooth decline, landing and straightening, holding the aircraft and touching the strip.

    Flew the land in a couple of hours. This is not a myth, this is a reality, if you are a passenger of a super fast plane.

    Boeing X-43

    The hypersonic X-43A aircraft is the fastest aircraft in the world. During testing, the drone showed fantastic results, he flew at a speed of 11230 kilometers per hour. This is about 9.6 times more than the speed of sound.

    Designed and created the Machine X-43A NASA, Orbital Sciences Corporation and Microcraft Inc. In order for the record holder to appear on the light, it took about ten years of research in the field of supersonic direct-flow air-jet engines, which are capable of overclocking aircraft to supersonic speeds. The project took the quarter a billion dollars.

    The fastest plane on the planet does not differ in large sizes. The swings of his wings of just a half meters, the length is only 3.6 meters. At the rapid aircraft installed an experimental direct-current engine of supersonic combustion of SuperSonic Combustion Ramjet (SCRAMJET). And his main feature is that there are no rubbing details. Well, the fuel on which the record holder flies is a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen. The creators did not take place under special tanks for oxygen, it is closed directly from the atmosphere. This made it possible to reduce the mass of the aircraft. As a result, as a result of using hydrogen oxygen, the engine highlights ordinary water vapor.

    The fastest aircraft in the world of Boeing X-43 flies at a speed of 11 230 km / h

    It is worth noting that the fastest aircraft in the world was designed specifically for testing the latest technology, namely a hypersonic alternative to modern turbojet engines. Scientists believe that hypersonic aircraft They will be able to fly to any point of the ground in just 3-4 hours.

    Orbital Sciences Corporation X-34

    X-34 is also the fastest aircraft. Moreover, it can develop even more speed than the previous one, namely 12144 kilometers per hour. However, in the list of fastest it is still in second place. All because at the experiments he was able to develop a speed less than 11230 kilometers per hour. Acceleration The plane gets using a Pegasus solid fuel missile (Pegasus), which is attached to the aircraft.

    For the first time, this fastest aircraft in the world in the spring of 2001 was tested. And to create and test the engine of the Hyper-X apparatus, it took 7 years and 250 million dollars. Tests X-34 ended with success only in the spring of 2004. Then during the launch Safety ocean Near the Island of St. Nicholas The car accelerated to 11 thousand kilometers per hour. This plane is greater than the record holder. The length of the aircraft is 17.78 meters, the wingspan of 8.85 meters, the height is already 3.5 meters. The aircraft flies quickly, but he has an impressive 1270 kilograms. Maximum which height he can rise - 75 kilometers.

    North American X-15

    X-15 is an already experimental American-rocket plane, it is equipped with rocket engines. X-15 The first and for forty years old in the entire history of the piloted hypersonic aircraft, which made subborital cosmic flights with pilots. This aircraft has the main task - to study the flight conditions on hypersonic speeds, as well as investigate the conditions for entering the atmosphere of the winged devices. It is intended to evaluate new design solutions, coatings, as well as psychophysical aspects of management under the conditions of the upper layers of the atmosphere. The concept of the project was approved in 1954. And in the flight was recorded an unofficial record of the height, which was held since 1963 and until 2004. This plane is able to fly at a speed of 7274 kilometers per hour.

    However, despite the impressive speed, the plane weighs very decent - more than 15 thousand kilograms. But this is taking into account the mass of fuel. When landing, the aircraft weighs two times less. The height to which X-15 can rise is almost 110 kilometers. Well, the range of the flight is 543.4 kilometers.

    SR-71 ("BlackBird")

    SR-71 is a strategic supersonic intelligence air force USA. And this is the fastest aircraft, besides the highest-length serial. That remains over the past 25 years. It has quite compact dimensions: length is 32.76 meters, height is 5.64 meters, and the wingspan of 16.95 meters. With such data, the mass of the aircraft is impressive, when it takes it over 77 thousand kilograms, however, an empty aircraft weighs about 27 thousand kilograms. Well, the maximum speed with which SR-71 - 3715 kilometers per hour is capable of flying.

    MiG-25 ("Bat")

    But this is the fastest on the planet jet military aircraft. It was on it that exactly 29 world records were installed. Two varieties of this aircraft were developed and built: the interceptor and scout. The length of the aircraft is 23.82 meters, the height of almost 6 meters, the wingspan of 13.95 at the scout and 14,015 at the interceptor. The maximum take-off mass of the aircraft is 41200 kilograms, and when landing it is equal to 18,800 kilograms. MiG-25 flies at a speed of 3395 kilometers per hour.

    Fighter-interceptor MiG-25 - the fastest aircraft in Russia

    MiG 31.

    This is a double supersonic interceptor fighter, which is intended for flights to any weather and is a distant radius aircraft. MiG 31 is the first Soviet 4th generation combat aircraft. It is necessary for intercepting and destroying targets in the air on large, medium, small and extremely small heights, at night and day, in different meteo conditions, with active and passive radar interference from the enemy, even false thermal purposes. Four MiG-31 aircraft can control airspace at 800-900 kilometers. One aircraft has a length of 21.62 meters, a height of 6.5 meters and wings span 13.45 meters. The car flies at a speed of 3 thousand kilometers per hour.

    McDonnel Douglas F-15 ("Needle")

    And this is an all-weather American tactical fighter of the 4th generation. He is able to conquer superiority in the air. The needle adopted in 1976. In total there are 22 modifications of the aircraft. F-15 was used in the Persian Gulf, Yugoslavia and the Middle East. The fighter develops the maximum speed of 2650 kilometers per hour.

    General Daeinemix F-111 ("AARDVARK" or "PIG")

    F-111 - Double tactical bomber. In 1996, he was taken out of the combat composition of the US Air Force. The speed of its movement is 2645 kilometers per hour.
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