Sap Vietnam City. Sap (Shap) Lockey Province, Vietnam - "Practical Tips on Northern Vietnam

Sapa is, perhaps, the most amazing town of Vietnam, as if soaring in the clouds, where time and life streams of local residents stopped many centuries ago, and landscapes of rice terraces with geometric accuracy were created by nature and man and painted in a variety of colors depending on time of the year.

Here under the most high mountain Vietnam Fanspan, the last peak of the Himalayan ridge of the mountains, absorb age-old wisdom and clearly understand that this is the very place that will remain in the heart forever.

Most of the Vietnamese rice exported around the world takes place from here. During the harvest, everything is going through: rice grains are used for the manufacture of noodles, wine and vinegar, rice straw - for sandals, baskets, roofs and rope.

It does not change anything for centuries: the same rest, the same buffaloes used for work, the river gives the same fish, serves for bathing and washing the linen.

Whether you ever wanted to touch the clouds, and then, rising in the mountains even higher, see them down, under the legs, enveloping the dense veil everything around? Then welcome to the Sap, it is definitely worth visiting her.

Sap (or Shap, as the Vietnamese themselves call it) is a small cool oasis, a high-along town, located almost at the very border of Northern Vietnam with China. This place matches all the expectations of those who want to escape from the suffocating heat of resort towns and huge metacols of Saigon and Hanoi.

Sap, first seen by last winter, adorn me with a beautiful advertising poster with the types of rice fields, as if painted by a skillful artist and no longer giving peace - and I decided.

With all its external friendliness, Vietnam may not be understood, complicated, Dick and even dangerous and those who decide to get here on their own just as I, I will try to relieve this task and share the experience of self-journey to the north of Vietnam.

*** What interesting can be seen in the sappa ***

this is a small town on the border with China, which was founded by French colonists in 1910. All buildings and hotels built in Sap are reminded of French colonial past - small buildings and restaurants are built in European style, small bakeries with baguettes and croissants, market, several shops and street Vietnamese food. It is not bad here in English and in French, and in the ethnic, the most distant villages can be explained using the language of gestures.

Sap left me a feeling of the city of "soaring in the clouds", and indeed, located at an altitude of 1,700 meters above sea level, it is almost always shrouded with dense thick clouds. Closer to noon, the weather dissipates and looks out the sun. Sapa is notable for small authentic villages in highlands, visiting which is included in the main tracking routes.

In Vietnam, about 54 peoples are officially numbered and with two perhaps the most small of them, you can get acquainted in Sap. I saw here only women working guide-conductors with ease of overcoming routes 30 kilometers with babies behind their backs. Those who cannot overcome long-term hiking routes sell bright embroidered bags and national dresses in the city center and in front of hotels. Men here have been assigned their own role - they are engaged only by agriculture.

Khmonti girls in national clothes, bright, like butterflies, in the morning, wait for tourists about hotels in the hope of spending them tour in the surroundings. The price of such a tour is $ 10-15 per day, but even to money they are still very careful, offering to buy something from their "crafts".

These two small ethnic groups are very peaceful along with each other, you can only distinguish them by clothes: Hmmoney is always in black national costumes with brightly embroidered flowers, and Dza girls - with red, cooked on the headscarf. The marital status of the DZA woman is literally written in her face: those who are completely dipped eyebrows - married.

I was very surprised that they would be married to get out of 13-15 years and give birth to 50, fully conquering a man in everything, but under all conditions of life and terrifying poverty, they always remain friendly and smiling. Hmong and Dza - Animists, they believe in the forces of nature and are not treated with doctors, and the shamans give birth to 10-12 children and do not care about their upbringing.

*** Pass Ton Ton (Tram Ton) Gate to Heaven ***

This is one of the most extended hiking routes in the sappa, which is laid at an altitude of 2000 meters and takes place at the junction of two climatic zones, the weather passes sharply here from the cool in warmth. We have passed only 12 kilometers on the pass, and this is only a small part of this route and in the presence of time and effort it deserves more attention.

*** Waterfalls ***

In the vicinity of Sapa there are two waterfall Thak Tank (Thak Bac) Silver Waterfall and Thak Tin (Tin Tin) Waterfall of Love, which are more interesting in the rainy season.

Our route was held with a stop at a silver waterfall and in truth, he did not impress me.

*** Little authentic villages ***

Mandatory place to visit. Through the village there are all tourist hiking routes. Here you can get acquainted with the life of Hmongs and Dza, have lunch and even stay overnight in the houses of local residents. I did not risk, although there were a lot of those who wanted to be among our group.

*** How to get to the sap ***

I planned a trip to the Sap myself for a long time independently from the spa nurse, after examining the fact that the tours organize only from Hanoi and already here in local Travel agencies, they can be purchased for a different period from two to five days with accommodation in the hotel or a rustic house.

The tours include the road to the soup by train, but you need to take into account that the agency takes on its services is twice as expensive.

From Hanoi to Sapa - 438 kilometers and you can get there by train, which goes daily in the evening to Laokai Station or distributed in the trunk and very comfortable Sleeping Bus - a bus with folding seats that are not different from a full-fledged wide bed.

Getting from spa nurse and Muin to Hanoi You can by plane, train (it goes along the coast across the country and this is a great opportunity to see Vietnam more closely) or on Sleeping Bus - bus with bedrooms.

Ticket priceon the bus from Hanoi to Sapa - $ 32 in both directions, the cost of train tickets is $ 42.

I really wanted to drive on the Vietnamese train and I chose this way). It is worth noting that Vietnamese trains are not much different from modern Russian: the site offers places of varying degrees of comfort and depends on the ticket price. There are double coupes and ordinary second-class wagons.

*** Placement in Sap ***

I booked in advance for two nights and three days and looked at it only as a transshipment point. Overnight with Single accommodation, I paid $ 15. The main condition for the choice of the hotel was the presence of hot water and heating, read that in many hotels there are big problems with this.

The location of this hotel is one of the most successful: the hotel is in a very beautiful place and in clear weather there is an excellent view of the most high mountain Fanspan. To the center go very close, 10 minutes walk. I have no complaints about the hotel, rather, on the contrary, I am pleasantly surprised by the beautiful kitchen, cleanliness and high service.

Alternative to Sap local residents They offer to stop in the villages, in wooden houses on stilts in the village of Cat or in the house at the river in the village of Locade. There are a lot of options, and they are much cheaper than hotels, but here everyone already decides for themselves that it is suitable for him. Home Stay in the Vietnamese Village I did not consider at all, despite the fact that it is the most cheap option And from the villages begin with many hiking routes.

Cheap aparthotels in the city center. Range of prices $ 7-15 per room and slightly below the prices of local residents for household houses. It is still felt that the Sap is a region that is not spoiled by mass tourism.


With nutrition in the sappa, there are no problems, in cafes and restaurants are preparing all the same as in resort cities And prices are slightly lower than in Nha Trang.

The most famous Vietnamese Fo Fo-cream-loyable beef broth with rice noodles - It is a favorite dish of all tourists worth $ 1.5.

Well, for those who like to risk - a little-known Vietnamese food, hurt right outside


For two days, I have already acquired the hotel for two days already at the hotel, joining the group of European tourists who came with me for $ 25 for two days. In the first day he entered it 12 kilometer trekking to the village of Cat and the transition through the bamboo forest to a silver waterfall.

The second day promised us more: 20 kilometers of the journey and the transition through the tram pass the tone, overview of the beauty of the Sapee at an altitude of 2,000 meters, and after - visit the DzA tribe in the village of Ta Wang and the village of Giang That Tea.

So, having breakfast at the hotel on the first day, we went to the road.

Passing the center, the saps we go to a short 12 kilometer route to the village of Cat, to the Bamboo Forest, to the waterfall.

Almost always in the morning the city is immersed in a dense fog. Here on such terraces they grow rice and now they are just preparing for sowing in May.

I again did not guess with the season, postponing the journey for April, but I did not have another chance to see this city. And even despite the fact that sometimes on impassable areas we literally "Mesili Dirt" I do not regret anything).

We approach the village cat cat, there is a school and even the Catholic Church.

We pass through the bamboo forest

On the way we meet buffaloes and boars

We have a diverse group from all over the world, it's a pity that I have never met the Russians here.

Guide Explorer - 47 Summer Hmong May with its seventh child behind his back. Women agreed here very early, from constant birth and hard work. But as famously she jumps with a baby in the most difficult places of route for us!

We return to the hotel tired, but happy. The next day we have 20 kilometer pass through the pass and visiting the village along the way.

Views the next day were pleased - here it is incredibly beautiful even into the nozon and breathing, despite the height is very easy!

The route is quite complicated and requires endurance. But definitely, he is worth passing.

Traditionally, the village of DzAO, which has been there for several centuries with its usual way and is unlikely to change something here in the future. Men will also engage in sowing and harvesting, women - give birth a lot of children and try to earn making souvenirs with their own hands. In children, fate is defined for many years ahead and rarely when sometimes happens.

Lunch in local villages is standard and simple - rice, chicken and green tea.

After having lunch, seeding the seedlings to visit the local school.

*** Weather and seasonality ***

In my opinion, the Sapa is beautiful at any time of the year. I got here in mid-April and this is not best time For beautiful species and landscape photos, but also good clear weather in the highlands is rarity at any time of the year. There are about 200 days a year of fogs and rains, the constant humidity and the obvious feeling of "life on the cloud".

Rice terraces each month differ in color, and it all depends on what exactly the colors of the spa are preferable for you.

Emerald Green Sapit only happens two months a year, in June and July, when rice sprouts are only gaining its strength.

Golden Orange This place becomes in August-September, when the rice is almost ripe and in September-October harvesting is harvested.

Winterin the sappa, the temperature drops to zero and sometimes snow falls and it is not the best time to visit these places.

well and spring - This is the time, knead the dirt when the terraces are prepared for the May sowing.

*** Results ***

Defend Sap for several days or not - let everyone decide here for himself. If you, as well as I, love to walk in the mountains and you admire the beautiful views more than a calm and comfortable stay in the hotel, then this is a place for you.

As I wrote above, the route can be selected depending on the degree of physical training. There is a beautiful cable car to the top of the mountain, which I left ignoring deciding to go along the route on my own and it is she will relieve you from tedious mountainous transitions and will admire the same landscapes.

The impressions of this place many will depend on the season and should be proceeding from what exactly you would like to see here. You also do not need to know English well, here nobody knows him on perfectly, you do not need to have a lot of money to see the most beautiful places In the world - my journey turned out very budget.

Pleasant travel and good mood!

P.S.Having met in the mountains of North Vietnam this is a pangoline monster, do not even think to take it with you, warn posters at Hanoi airport.

And it is even strange that someone may have such desires at the sight of this incomprehensible animal, I wanted to run away from him in the opposite direction.

Prepared detailed guidebook About Sapa in Vietnam. See rice terraces, Meet the dawn in the mountains, climb the funicular above the clouds and get acquainted with real Hmongs!

Sap - what is it?

Halong Bay with its emerald water and bizarre rocks is worth seeing to see at least once. But I want to open a secret: in the north of Vietnam there is an even more colorful and authentic place. The name of it is Sapa.

This small town built by the French in 1910 is located almost on the border with China. From the very first minutes, it produces a pleasant impression: neat and pure streets, an abundance of flowers and greenery in scenery, architecture with elements of European style, many cozy cafes.

It is amazing that tourism here began to develop only since 1993. Now it seems that it is literally created for tourists. Where not to look - everything pleases the eye.

However, the main charm of the spa in the other. Almost any point of the city offers a breathtaking view of the mountain gorge. And this is not a simple gorge - there, below, for many, many kilometers, stretch the picturesque rice terraces.

Interestingly, all this is perceived as a miracle of nature, however, rice terraces are created by people. Perhaps this is the very case when the environment and man live in harmony. And you, contemplating beauty data created with this love, as if you become part of something great and eternal.

How to get?

Riding a sap is the most convenient from Hanoi - the capital of Vietnam. It is possible by train, but it goes as much as 9 hours and stops in the city of Lokay, from where it is necessary to travel to the sau on the bus / taxi.

Personally, I had a trip to the bus on the bus. And not on the usual, but on Slipping Bas (from the English. "Sleeping Bus" is a sleeping bus). The view is a classic 2-storey bus. But inside it is like a big reserved seat! There are not just sitting, which a little bit away, as in our Russian buses and aircraft. You have full-fledged sleeping places, pillows and shelves for food / drinks.

It was so convenient that I fell asleep like a baby. And despite the fact that we often drove along the mountain serpentine, I did not scratch me at all. Time in the way takes 5-6 hours. If you go in the morning / day, the bus will make a half-hour stop in one of the cafes along the way. Toilet, if anything, is in the bus.

Slipping bass is cheaper than trains. The price is about 700-800 rubles. Tickets can be bought at any travel agency in the center of Hanoi. You can also offer a two- or three-day batch tour in the Sap about 6-7 thousand rubles.

Where to stay better?

There is a very large selection of hotels at affordable prices - from 700 rubles per night.

Closer to the countryside and in the villages themselves are common format HomeStay - accommodation in the house along with the owners. In such places the price for accommodation is generally funny - from 150 rubles per night. The only difficulty is to get to the city far and uncomfortable. And there are no special amenities - most often, the total 6- or 8-seater numbers offer for such a price. But so you can fully immerse yourself in the local culture and customs, spend a mental evening in the circle of your family host.

I found a hotel within walking distance from the center - SAPA SCENERY HOTEL. He had a very tempting campaign - 2-bed Deluxe Room with panoramic windows and a private balcony, which goes back to the gorge, for 1100 rubles per day. I decided to afford such a luxury for one day. And never regretted!

When I got to the hotel, I could not mess around with its location. Right near the gorge. Yes, and my room was just royal! In the distance, among the clouds, the Mountain Fantaspan was peeking - the highest point is not only Vietnam, but also throughout Southeast Asia (3143 m above sea level).

What to see?

1. Cable road and funicular

As soon as I settled, the owner of the hotel advised ride along the cable car leading to Fansipan through rice terraces. And to the rope itself from the center of the soup leads the funicular. I decided to go to intelligence. It was worth passing a few meters from the hotel, as a gaze opened a high flying train.

"What is it? Road to Hogwarts? " - It was my first thought. It turned out, this is the very funicular to the rope! "No, well, sin does not ride so!" - I decided and enthusiastically ran to look for the point of his departure.

The landing station for the funicular is located in the bright and majestic building of the Mgallery Hotel, which resembles a bit big bin. And inside and truth "Hi" platform 9 and 3/4! There was not enough young wizards with trolleys running out of the wall.

The funicular moved and drove out of the dark tunnel into the Sap's heated sun. Oh, how we were high, as if already drove on the rope. And the rice terraces that were practically under us, created a truly fabulous effect! The composition, which develops the maximum speed of up to 10 m / s, includes two cars with panoramic windows and a capacity of 200 passengers.

I drove to the station, where the cable car begins to Fannypan, I was very embarrassed by the price of the top of the mountain - 2000 rubles, while the funicular cost 200 rubles. Maybe I would have decided if there were no afternoon when it began to darken slowly. Yes, and the clock of the cable car is limited - from 7 am to 6 pm. According to the experienced travelers, the best visibility is the best in the morning after 9 hours.

As a result, I decided to stay and explore the nearest space - the tourist zone Sun World's Fansipan Legend. She was very interesting! Here at least it is worth lingering to:

  • Enjoy the expanses of well-groomed and beautifully decorated flower beds.
  • Admire the rice terraces from the observation deck
  • Calculate dragons on the roof of the Buddhist temple, which is located next to the observation. Here you can listen to wind music that revives the bells standing along the temple.
  • Walk through the picturesque trails on the hilly terrain and find funny chalas that resemble the houses of fairy creatures.
  • Get acquainted in a calm and unhurried atmosphere with other tourists.

In the sappa, most tourists from Europe. I managed to get acquainted with two women from Luxembourg. They were the most unusual fellow travelers for the whole journey! These active, inquisitive and cheerful laughter charged me for a few days. And when I found out that they were about 72 years old, then my world turned over. And perhaps will never be the same. It seems I am now at all I'm not afraid to grow old.

2. Beautiful dawns

Wake up early and see the city soaring in the clouds - this is what you must do in the Sap.

Despite the wonderful view from the window of the room, I took the camera and ran to the street in search of other shooting points. Sap met closed cafes and empty streets, lighted soft sunlight. Landscapes changed every 5 minutes: the morning mist was dissipated, it was condensed, the paints were constantly flowed alone to others, becoming rich and brighter.

Suddenly, I noticed on one of the streets a local old woman trading with textiles. The first thought - she must have everything badly, if so early have to get up to work. But why then on her face smile? Why does the radiant, life, and peace come from her? And her eyes! When you look at them - absorb all the secrets of being and century wisdom. She gladly treated me and did not even climb something to buy something. Maybe she also loves morning time and was glad to start the new day?

By the way, this granny is a representative of one of the ethnic groups who live in the Sapa area. I had previously read about them on the Internet, and according to the descriptions it looks most of all on Hmongs.

3. Mountain villages with ethnic settlements and rice terraces

In any travel agency, soups or even in the hotel you can buy a tour of the villages. I was offered a 5-hour walk with an English-speaking guide and a lunch included for only 600 rubles.

In the group with me there were 4 more people: a young couple from Germany and mother with her son from Ireland. Our accompanying was a local woman guide, speaking in English, and two more cute girls-schoolgirls. These fragile creatures, which were not more than 10 years old, helped adults to move unreliable bamboo bridges, served hands during steep lifts and calmed down when we got cold and almost fell.

The female guide told a lot of interesting things about local residents. In the mountainous villages in the vicinity of the soups live predominantly Hmong and Zyao, each individual ethnic group has its own language (in addition to Vietnamese), customs, traditional clothing and beliefs.

Hmong - an ethnic minority whose descendants from China migrated to Vietnam in the XIX century, and today Hmongs live in the mountains near the Chinese border. Their main activity is animal husbandry and cultivation of rice. However, many women hmonies are engaged exclusively with needlework and selling handbags, belts, bracelets, etc.

Traditional hmong clothing and ornamental embroidery on it are sacral. And those who wear it believe that they become protected from evil spirits and everything is bad.

The nation of Hmongs externally recognizable - they smile, friendly and have expressive faces! This once again confirms that I was not mistaken about the granny in the Sap. True, most often Hmongs use it to melt the hearts of tourists and empty their wallets. Unfortunately, people from traditional tribes constitute the poorest layers of the Vietnamese society.

On the way, we have met a lot of children who were granted to themselves. In one of the villages, where we went, there were also some children. Adults seemed to be at this time at rice fields.

Rice is one of the most difficult grain crops. It is especially difficult for those who cultivate the fields on the slopes of the mountains, because the rice field should be flat, so you have to create small-sized islands, following each other, like staircase steps. That is why in the Sap rice terraces have such a cascade form.

During the walk, the Woman Guide regularly asked if we need rest. In one of these breaks, she took the knife from the bag and began to chop branches. I really did not understand what was happening: the bonfire will burn or what? But clearing one of the branches, she began to nibble her. Other branches offered us. "Thank you, of course, but I'm not so even hungry!" Fortunately, I was excused by Irishman, explaining that she proposed to taste real cane sugar.

Only 5 hours of excursion, and the feeling that we wandered at least a day. Not a single duplicate landscape, not a single minute, despite the absence of civilization as such. This edge of mountain landscapes, cascade rice terraces, striking dawns, friendly people and distinctive streets will remain forever in my heart!

The places listed by me are not a complete list of what can still be viewed in Sap. Therefore, I advise you to lay in advance for a trip to the Sap a full 2-3 days. In my case, there was a little over a day. But even if you have a limited time - it's better to come here at least for a day than not to come at all.

Among the Russians, the Sapa has not yet been particularly popular, but in Vietnam itself, this place is very proud. You will always be prompted how to get to travel, bus or in any other way. Seeing this beauty, you will not regret the strength and time spent on the road. Sap is worth it!

Sapa (Vietnam) is a place where travelers from all over the world seek, and for which rest is not just swimming in the sea and lying on the beach. A small town appeared in 1910, colonists from France were built to relax from the exhausting heat. In 1993, the country's authority in this region actively began to develop tourism. Today it is one of the most visited seats in Vietnam, where active and inquisitive people come. What is so attractive supa for travelers.

Rice terraces not far from soups

general information

The names of the city are pronounced in two ways - Sap and Shap. He is B. lao Provincekai, among rice fields, valleys and mountains at an altitude of more than 1.5 km in the northwestern part of the country. Sap is a cross-border town, located near China. Distance to Hanoi 400 km. The city of Sapa (Vietnam) is interested in architectural and historical heritage, beautiful as amazing landscapes.

Not far from the town is the mountain Fan Sanipan - the highest point of Indochina. The foot of the mountain is covered with thick jungle, but the number of inhabitants of the rainforest has decreased dramatically as a result of the active agricultural activities of the local population.

There are several ethnic groups in the city and the surrounding area, which are distinguished by the color of traditional clothes. There are many villages around the city, almost everything has retained a medieval look. Most residents lead closed life.

Why it is worth going to the saak

First of all, the Sapa is completely different Vietnam - colorful, authentic. On other Vietnamese resorts, everything is different - climate, local population, nature and surrounding landscapes.

On the market

Many come to the city of Sap to get acquainted with the local way, learn about ethnic population and expand the horizon.

Another reason (albeit not the main thing) visit the town - Shopping. There are markets in the Sap, where you can buy high-quality fabrics, handmade souvenirs.

The city is hardly suitable for rest at the time of stay in Vietnam. This is a sightseeing settlement where you can come for 2-3 days. The infrastructure in the town is quite developed, there are guesthouses and hotels, however, there are not so many entertainment in the Sap. The experienced travelers recommend visiting the saip only with trekking excursions.

It is important! There is no beach in the town, here come here for a hike in the mountains, bicycle walks along the mountainous terrain of the thickly covered with greens. The most exotic option is hiking to village and accommodation in houses of locals.

Attractions in the city

The main attractions of the Sapee (Vietnam) are the central part of the settlement and the market. In the center there are cafes and restaurants, they are tasty, you can look in souvenir benches, take a walk near the lake, rent a boat.

Sapps Museum

Here they tell the history of the city in detail. The exposition is not too rich, but the entrance to the museum is free, you can go. On the second floor there is a major part of the exhibits, and the souvenir shop is located on the bottom.

Helpful information:

  • Each visitor is offered to make a voluntary donation;
  • The museum works from 7:30 to 17:00;
  • Landmark is located near the central square.

Stone Church

The Catholic Temple also refers to the stone church or the church of the Holy Rosary. It is in the central square of the saules, pass by will not work. Built the cathedral not so long ago - at the beginning of the last century. The building is completely stone, the internal design is quite modest. The temple is valid and open to visitors during the holding of services. In the evening the cathedral is highlighted and looks especially beautiful.

Helpful information:

  • Time of holding: on weekdays and on Saturday - 5:00, 18:30 and 19:00; On Sunday - at 8:30, 9:00 and 18:30.
  • the entrance is free.

Mount Ham Rong

The foot is located almost in the center of the soup, not far from the central square. Climbing to the top - a wonderful way to find out unique flora and fauna region. This is well maintained beautiful parkDecorated with gardens and waterfalls. On the territory of the park there is a playground for children, here spell programs.

Walk will require serious physical training. The staircase leads up and down observation deck Located at an altitude of 1.8 km. To get to the top and inspect the mountain, it is better to highlight at least 2 hours.

Useful information: The cost of the ticket for adults is 70 thousand dong, the price of a children's ticket - 20 thousand dongs.

Love market

An unusual name attractions associated with the history of this place. Previously, young men and girls were gathered here in search of the second half. Today, the market shows theatrical show program on Saturdays. Be sure to take money with you, their actors are asked in exchange for songs.

Note: The entrance is free, but the actors need to give a symbolic fee. Representation is shown on Saturdays, in the evening, it takes place on the main square.

Main market

The entire central part of the city of Sap can be called the market, because everything is sold and buy everything. However, the main place of trading is located near the church. Here they sell fruit, fast food, household goods, everything you need for traveling to the mountains. Locals sell manual products on the tennis court (near the market).

The market works while light, entrance is free.

Attractions in the vicinity of soups

Tha waterfall (Thac Bac Waterfall)

It is 10 km from the city, its height is 100 meters. The greatness and beauty of the waterfall acquires only in the rainy season, and at dry season it significantly decreases in size.

Not far from the waterfall (which is also called silver) there is a market, paid parking, and the rise to the top is equipped with a staircase. For greater convenience, there are arbors where you can relax and make beautiful photos Sapps (Vietnam).

Tip! Transport is not necessary to leave on the paid parking lot, you can drive to the entrance to the waterfall and leave the bike or the car by the road.

  • The entrance is paid - 10 thousand dong.
  • Attendance can be attended daily from 6:30 to 19:30.
  • To get to the waterfall just - it is located north of the soup. You can get here on your own or with an excursion.

Pass Ham Rong.

The road passes at an altitude of 2 km through the Range of the Fansipan mountains in the north. It offers an amazing view of Vietnam. The only thing that can overstate the review of the landscape - fog and clouds.

The pass divides two zones with different climatic conditions. As soon as you move through the tram tone, instead of the coolness feel the root climate of the tropics. As a rule, tourists combine visiting the pass and waterfall, they are 3 km away from each other. Near mountain road There are trading counters. The distance from the city to Pass is approximately 17 km away.

Tourists with locals in one of the villages

From the city to the surrounding villages regularly sent excursion tours. They are selling travel agencies in hotels and just on the street. Some excursions spend local residents who have already retrained to guides.

Some hiking routes are quite complex, so they are recommended to be held exclusively as part of the excursion group. You can also agree on an individual walk with a guide. The cost depends on their duration:

  • calculated for 1 day - $ 20;
  • calculated for 2 days - $ 40.

It is important! Climbing to the top and journey in the village of Ta Van and Ban Ho can not be carried out alone. Halg to get lost.

  • visiting a village on average will cost adults of 40 thousand dongs for children 10 thousand dongs;
  • it is better to arrive at the bike and rent a room in a guesthouse;
  • if you are traveling yourself, safer to join the tourist group.

Mountain Fanspan.

The highest point of the mountain is 3.1 km. This is the highest point indochy. Climbing to the top will undoubtedly become a fascinating and unforgettable adventure in life. During the trip, you will get acquainted with an amazing flora and fauna, and, reaching the top, feel that they have overcome themselves.

Several are laid to the top tourist routeswhich differ in the degree of difficulty:

  • one-day - designed for hardy people who are ready for intensive physical exertion;
  • two-day - suggests overnight stay in a specially equipped camp, which is organized at an altitude of approximately 2 km;
  • three day - suggests two overnight stays - in the camp and on top.

All necessary equipment for overnight stays are provided by organizers of excursion campaigns.

Tip! When you need to have a raincoat, comfortable shoes, socks and sweets to provide the body with energy. Things should be minimum.

Useful information: the minimum climbing cost of $ 30, the tour of Hanoi will cost $ 150. This amount includes the fare from Hanoi and accommodation in one of the hotels.

Find out prices or book any accommodation with this form.

Terraced rice fields

This feature gives the city and its surroundings a unique appearance and flavor. There are terrace fields in the vicinity of the soups. From afar it seems that the rivers rivers roll from the mountains.

Ancient fields were created by residents over several centuries. They demonstrate the limitless creative potential of a person and the determination of people to fight with the power of nature, to disintegrate territories, but at the same time live with it in harmony.

Water is carried out from the top to the footing technology efficient and with this safe for the mountain, because it does not destroy it.

Natopans Saps

Ethnic peoples living in the Sap and the surrounding area are the mountain tribes, everyone has its own adverb, culture and customs. Their uniqueness is that over the course of many centuries they have retained lifestyle.

Black Hmong

The most numerous group is half the population of the soup. Their lifestyle is largely reminded of paganism - they believe in the spirits and worship them. If you see a round burn on the forehead of Honda, know, so treated with headache - apply a hot coin. Characteristic colors of clothing - black or dark blue.

Women are beautiful, black hair, laid in a bizarre ring and fixed by a variety of hairpins. The elephant of beauty is considered large earrings in the ears, they are 5-6 pairs. Hmondi sociable, if you need a conductor in the mountains, choose among women of this nation. Hmongs sell many souvenirs on the city's downtown market.

Red Tao (CJSC)

Representatives of the nationality are red scarves, resembling the turban, women completely shake their eyebrows, hair on the temples and her forehead. Shared hair and eyebrows in a woman are a sign that she is married. Cranes of ZAO still make rites and nature of animals in the fourth gods and spirits. Red Tao make up a quarter of the population of the sap. Their villages are rarely visited by tourists, because they are far enough from the city.

Representatives of these nationalities are early married - at 14-15 years. There are many children in their families, by 40 years old are born on average 5-6 children. In the vicinity of the saps there are mixed villages where Hmongs and Dao live in neighboring houses, but in public places they prefer to appear apart.

Tai and Giai

Total amounts to 10% of the population of the soups. However, in Vietnam, the peoples of Thai numerous. Their lifestyle is associated with agriculture, rice and worship of gods and spirits. Representatives of these people adhere to many taboos, for example, there is a ban on the use of birds. It is believed that it is the people of Tai who came up with and organized the irrigation system of rice fields. Clothing in Indigo tones is made of cotton, the Tunic is reminded of tunic from China, complemented by bright belts.

Clothes of giai juicy pink color, combined it with green scarves. Representatives of the nationality are inexplicit, they are difficult to meet in the Sap.

How to get

Sap is a small settlement in the mountain bar, where there is no airport, so you can only come here by bus. Most often, the sappie is departed from Hanoi. The distance between cities is impressive - 400 km, the road ranks 9 to 10 hours. Most of the path passes through the mountain serpentine, so drivers do not develop greater speed.

You can travel in two ways.

If you do not want to solve a lot of organizational issues, just buy a tour of Hanoi. The price includes tickets on both sides, hotel accommodation and program. The cost will cost an average of $ 100 and varies depending on the saturation of the excursion scenario.

Ride yourself

Buses depart regularly from Hanoi. In travel agency you can buy a ticket to the city of Sapa. Stop in the tourist area, not far from the lake. From the sap transport comes here.

Buses depart in day and night. From the point of view of comfort, it is better to go at night, the seats are laid out, it is possible to relax. In Sapa, all transport comes to the bus station, it is located almost in the city center.

On a note! Reverse ticket also buy in travel agency. If you acquire it at the bus station, the bus will bring you to the bus station, and not to the lake. One-way ticket cost is about $ 17. On holidays, the fare is increasing.

You can also go to the Sap from Halong. The fare will be $ 25, almost all flights follow through Hanoi.

Compare accommodation prices with this form.

Transport in the city

Considering that the town is small, it is better to see during walking. It is more interesting and knowledgeable. Public transport In the city there is no, you can take a motorcycle or a regular taxi. The best solution is to rent a bike. Rental points are in every hotel and on the street. The rental price is about $ 5-8 per day.

On the motorbike conveniently inspect the city and the surrounding area, besides, it is cheaper than to pay for excursion tours.

Good to know! There are rental bicycles, take transportation for rental will cost only $ 1-2, and if you live in the hotel, you can give it for free.

Sapa (Vietnam) is a special place where an ancient history, picturesque nature and interesting sights are harmoniously intertwined.

More visual information about the city of Sap (Vietnam) in video.

Related records:

Sap is a small town in the mountains in the north of Vietnam 300 km from Hanoi. What is interesting in the city of Sap? Rice terraces, mountains, unmatched species and ancient Chinese tribes. Even if you were already everywhere in Vietnam, Sap will be able to surprise you.

Photo Sap, Vietnam

Sapa is located at an altitude of 1500 meters above sea level. Distance to border with China 35 km. SAPA, as is one of those places that need to be viewed in North Vietnam.

When it is better to go to the saak

Weather in Sap is a lottery. If you are very lucky, it will be sunny and you can enjoy the beauty of the species to the fullest. But most of the time in the sapa foggy and rainy.

On the first day it was cloudy, fog dispelled and we could see the valley

Travel guides recommend spring and autumn. In winter, it is very cold, and in the summer it rains. We arrived at the Shap on the end of October and despite the advice that September and October are considered one of the best months to visit the saules, we had a fog.

Shape in the fog

On the first day, the fog was almost no, and the city was covered with a second white cloud. Probably, it is better to come in spring or in September. In addition, in October, the harvest of rice and rice terraces are not so impressive.

Several species of these mountain rice fields so you, our dear readers, had an idea of \u200b\u200bthe main attraction of the Saps, thanks to which the village became recognizable all over the world.

SAPA developed city

In the first seconds in Sap, we almost did not believe that we came to the village. This is not to you with whom we used to compare the saip. And not even. In Sap, everything is developed, even more than in some areas of Hanoi.

Day photo Ca Pa Vietnam

Vietnam Sapa in the evening

Without warm things in the sappa there is nothing to do. Sweatshirt with a hood and jacket - our casual wear. There were warmer in Malat

In Sap, you will find pharmacies, tourist shops, shops with souvenirs and clothing, several supermarkets, full branches of Agribank banks, MB-Bank (ATM without commission) and others, markets with vegetables, fruits and meat.

Hai Yen Mart is one of the decent mini markets with prices.

Sap in Vietnam turned out to be a full-fledged city in the north of a country suitable for living. Be here your own apartment with a kitchen and heating, you can safely live in a month when you borrow somewhere in cold autumn in Russia. We even seen one such a European one for a couple of times, which in the market bought vegetables and meat for cooking.

Catholic Cathedral since the time of the French in the center of the Sapa

The inscription of one of the hotels, on which everyone is filming

Lake with beautiful evening illumination foggy evening

The waterfront of the lake in the sappa reminded us

Everywhere boils life. Vietnamese and Europeans fill cafes and restaurants. Music plays, people are photographed and rejoice that they got out. In the center of the soup really all well-groomed. The garbage lies not on the roads, but in the garbagers, on the streets purely and nothing stinks. Only roads are bad. We so mounted mountain air, that we both dream dreams all night

Where to book transfer from the airport?

We use the service - Kiwitaxi.
Ordered a taxi online, paid for the card. At the airport, they met with a sign with our last name. Brought the hotel on a comfortable car. About your experience already told in this article

Who lives in the sappa

What do we know about Sap? Yes, almost nothing. Scraps of sources that say that the population of the soup mainly consists of the ancient peoples of China, Black Hmoney tribes and red Dao. A distinctive feature of which is clothing. Hmongs are black, and the times wear red hats and women shave their hair on the forehead and in the temples.

Tourism in the first place

All residents whoever they are, ordinary Vietnamese, containing hotels or cafes, live tourism, actually like the whole Sap. Women in national clothing work with tourists guides and sell souvenirs. In the center of the city, dirty babes from the tribe selling bastards to tourists, but do not stick a lot.

In such baskets, Local Women Hmmoney suffer loads on the back day day

Despite the rice fields, the crop rice in the sappa is weak and expect that it will completely ensure properly the people do not have to. Hmong and Dao work guides, needlewomen, housewives and merchants at the same time.

Women Hmongs tourists hire not to pay for excursions. She will spend you on all interesting placesBut at the end of the trip, you owe her and her friends to buy something.

It should be noted that the red Dao come across much less often black hmons and they are less than the cement.

Red hats Dao can be seen from afar

Hmong goes for you, let not the heels, but it happens that intrusive. They ask to buy anything and send children to the same outdoor work.

We must give them due, since Hmong and Dao are still needlewomen. Their outfits and accessories look in truth unique. This is a big job!

National costumes

In their own unmatched outfits, they go in everyday life than they differ from the rest of the Vietnamese.

But to name the way of life of these peoples primitive, I will not turn my tongue. Hmongs are already talking in English in English, know how to drive up a tourist with a tourist in an ATM and enjoy all the benefits of civilization.

In the hands of Hmongs you can see modern big phones, and the children watch movies, after returning from school. Not everything, of course. Some kids just stop at the restaurant and trying to see the cartoons on the TV, as your TV in their shed, probably not.

All of them look unusual and strange. They want to look at them, but more wild Tao and Hmongs, live in the most remote corners of the saules, where only units of people reach, and they do not reach at all. It is they who live primitive lifestyles.

On the second day we planned to take a walk in the long villages of Lao Chai and Ta Van, but the fog and the drizzle interrupted our walk and we had to come back.

So walk along the sappa, insteading as much as possible and with an umbrella

Cafes and restaurants in Sap

North Vietnam feed the traveler as it should. In the sappa at every step of the cafeteria, stalls with baguettes, unpretentious eaters for local, decent cafes and restaurants.

Two-storey restaurants overlooking the lake in the city center. Pubs with billiards, where they like to spend the evening for noisy music American and European youth

You can walk three times a day in different institutions and you won't go around. We did not have the desire to eat in different cafes every time, since already taught the experience of experiments with Vietnamese restaurants. Usually, if we find one cafe, where it is delicious and inexpensive, there all the time and eat.

Café 24 is located on Fansipan Street. Portions are always big, and the prices are lower than in Hanoi. Dishes on average from 50 to 100 dong. Our account for two about 200 dongs ($ 10). The food is delicious, beautiful, that is already successful for Vietnam, since the Vietnamese usually do not bother the appearance of dishes. Maybe when ordering a duck, you bring birds right with your head on a plate.

Meat in sesame, soup chips

Fried squatting meat in a cast-iron pan - local north cuisine. The most delicious vegetable rolls in Vietnam I ate in a saupa. Chicken cream soup surprisingly was without a bow. Fried rice with vegetables - this is a portion on three, I didn't even master the milk!

What to eat in the sappa

In the sappa we tried different dishes. Of the traditional especially liked tea with an apple and cinnamon. It is all over the many hours.

Apple Cinnamon TEA - the most delicious tea in Vietnam!

Tried local beer Lao Cai.

Construction in Sapa

The construction of hotels is actively underway in the Sap. At even recent wasteland, builders build huge hotels with panoramic views of rice fields. People are building manually, almost without proper equipment and modern technology. Brick for a brick. Wherever you stop in the sappa, you will still hear the construction site.


It seems that all animals of Vietnam live in the Sap. After all, see walking dogs or cats in Vietnam, as on the streets of Thailand, is almost impossible. Cats in this country have always been disliked. But for some reason, there are a lot of animal sappa. Here you and chickens with roosters, dogs of different breeds, buffaloes, pigs, big spiders and unusual butterflies.

The faithful red-haired friend entertained us in a cafe waiting for the order

Large breeds of dogs live with every home. Pumps and chickens are walking around the villages with chickens

Cheap hotels in Sapa with beautiful views

Hotels in Sap is a real find for travelers. Most hotels with a good view or with a shared balcony. We recommend choosing hotels in Sap precisely with the view for which it is worth paying extra a couple of dollars. Breakfast will be included in the room rate, and the rooms themselves are much more modern than in the capital of Vietnam. And at the same time it is cheaper.

  • Phuong Nam Hotel.
  • Sapa House Hotel.
  • Fansipan Terrace Cafe and Homestay
  • Sapa Center Hotel.
  • Sapa Hills Hotel.

All hotels in this area

Sapa Reviews

Probably, for me above and was the greatest discovery in the Sap. Not even so much rice terraces as the city itself, its inhabitants, its atmosphere, food and simple, but at the same time, very difficult way of life. I do not hide as and nature we penetrated. Even in the fog, the paints of the soups seemed the most saturated than in all Vietnam, and we drove it now consider that all.

In Vietnam, there is always some kind of dust raid everywhere. There is not enough saturated palette of colors. The photo comes out that you are as it were in Asia, but not in some tropical colorful country, which you draw in the imagination. Here the Sap is imagination embodied.

Sap has become the most striking spot in North Vietnam. From the main attractions of the North, the Sap will put in the first place, Halong on the second, Nin Bin on the third. Well, Hanoi, of course, also worth your attention.

So looks like a supa in clear weather

If somehow we find yourself in Hanoi in the spring, be sure to go once again in the switch to see the mountains and rice fields in best of sight. I hope only that the next time you will be lucky.

In the following articles, we will tell about our hotel and the village cat-cat with a waterfall and a mountain river.

Have you been to Sap? Write your feedback in the comments. If you did not know about such a city, write whether it was interesting to read? Did the desire to visit yourself?

Photographers come to the Vietnamese Sap, so that later images of rice fields were concerned about many on working tables in laptops. Endless green plantations are decorated with many postcards about Vietnam, they are devoted to paintings, plots on silk canvases. Vietnamese cones hats in the middle of rice collisions - a real national business card.

Sap - this same authentic peasant Vietnam. Rainy and cloudy. Where everything is hard to work, including children.

For tourists there are few attractions, and all of them are natural. Excursions are quite a lot, and they will all be interesting. There is no sea in the city, but a cozy atmosphere, small hotel with warm electric sheets, restaurants, bars and squares will make a trip unforgettable.

The place is located in the north-west of Vietnam, in the province of Lao Kai, almost closely adjacent to the border with China. The place is considered unique to tourists uniqueness and beauty.

Nature is different from other cities in that the Sap is located in the mountainous area. Compared to the Dattoman in the Sap raque and foggy. Here, the mountain relief is replaced by the plains and rice fields. From here and pure fresh air, warm wind, picturesque area.

The population of the soups make up ethnic groups. Each has its own traditions, customs, religion. The most famous categories are Hmong, Tao, Yao, Vietnamese and others. Popular, for example, bright and multicolored dresses are considered casual wear.

Sap city on Vietnam map:

Weather and climate

In the city, temperate climate, rains are in summer and autumn. Winter and spring are pretty dry. Summer is cool, often falls out of precipitation. Officially rainy season lasts for three months - from June to September (in fact, rains in the sappa go year-round, just during this period more).

In winter, the mark on the thermometer can reach the minus, as well as in some places you can see the snow. Sap is one of the few cities of Vietnam, where snow falls and the impenetrable fog falls. Snow-covered mountain ridges - This is what you should see everyone.

We arrived in the mountains just in one of the most successful months - in April. The fact is that visiting the Sap is recommended in September or in November, in April or in May, when a comfortable temperature is installed during the day, and the rains will minimize. But nevertheless, it rains every day throughout our week stay. Therefore, rely on to visit the Sap and do not catch the rains at all - it is not worth it.

Plain April Day in Sap: Fog and Savoric Rain

For tourists looking for peace, calm, meditative walks and non-heat, Sap will become a favorite place.

Rains end, and the sap is transformed

Admire how the city in a matter of minutes can disappear in the fog:

Sights Sapps

Most famous place In the city is a market where you can buy many unique souvenirs, including homemade: wallets, flanges, binoculars, dried mushrooms, roots, healing drugs, spices, candies and other nishtychki.

There are often residents of different nationalities. Women's Nationality of the CSAO can be found in red headscarves on the head and shattering eyebrows. The fact is that by tradition, when the girl of the Networks (or CSAO or CJSC) is married, she shaves eyebrows.

Hmondums wear black clothes, or blue, and decorated with needlewood patterns, embroidery.

In addition, in the saute you can climb the most high point Indochina - Mount Fansipan (or Fantaspan). Its height is 3140 meters. Located at a distance of 19 km from the city. About our ascent to the mountain read.

The neighborhood of the city is a variety of landscapes. Waterfall Thak Tank (second name Silver waterfall) is in 12 kilometers from the city. Its height equals a hundred meters. A huge and powerful flow of water creates an indescribable landscape. Clean air, breathtaking top view. You can go upstairs by stairs, there is also a bridge through the waterfall itself, where it opens luxurious view.

Entertainment in the city

The most famous entertainment in the city is trekking. Under it implies hiking in the surrounding villages, mountains and fields. Usually, the trekking is necessarily taken as accompanying local Hmongs so that they show the way and in the measure of their knowledge of English told about their life and the nrav.

As a reward, tourists buy some uncomplicated crafts from local guides. The easiest hiking route It is a trip from the soup in the village cat cat, which is just 3 km from the soup. There is already a long-stayed and clear path that can be overcome without any difficulties.

The distance from Sapes to the village of Clay is just 6 km, but it will have to go through serpents, mountains and narrow trails. Near the village is a waterfall. It also offers a beautiful view of the mountains. On the way, you can find local, learn their lifestyle, customs, buy something as a souvenir or even dine in some family.

Another hike can be made from the soup to the Tafine through Macha. And the distance of this campaign will be 10 km. On the way you can see villages with Hmong and Dza tribes. Caves are found nearby, the cost of entering them is 30-40 thousand dong. The path on the car or on a special motorbike from the sap takes about half an hour. For transport, travel is more expensive - $ 15.

We rented a motorbike and drove a little along the way to the village of Lao tea to shoot the famous rice terraces of Vietnam:

Who are black hmondi?

As we said, the bulk of the population of the Saps - Hmong. It looks like our Yakuts. Hmong is separate folk tribes. They are divided into two groups: black and rainbow (or colored) Hmongs. Black hmondums wear black clothes, and the rainbow only multicolored clothes. Costumes are decorated with needlewool embroidery.

People of the tribe love freedom, and according to ordinary residents, Hmongs are considered proud people. Perhaps their bright embroidered patterns mean symbols of freedom. More Hmongs live in China, Vietnam, Laos and Thailand.

Khmoni detechki will wait for tourist buses to sell more Hand Maid

Nationality has its own language of communication, which resembles the language of Tibet and Myanmar. Interestingly, many Hmongs could not learn how to write for a long time, even now they do not know how to do it. But this does not prevent them from developing the tourist industry and engage in trade - it's all that can be done in the Sap.

Kitchen Features in Sap

The kitchen does not stand out especially - everything is in the style of North Vietnam. As applied, in restaurants for breakfast you will be offered FD soup, for lunch, a rice noodle with beef (Bun Bo) and fried (it). Everything is standard.

It is worth noting that a rare drink is often prepared in Northern Vietnam - coffee with an egg. The taste like Tiramisu, and the lips after it are slightly sticky, like after the scrambled eggs.

Another feature was noticed - in every area of \u200b\u200bVietnam, his beer is boiled. Here, too, there is your brand - "Lao Kai".

There is another rare feature. The saupa eat dickerages and horses in food, and the future dish often exhibit in a cage in front of the restaurant.

Visual menu in the restaurant in Sap

The cost of dishes is slightly higher than in Hanoi and 20-30% higher than in the south of Vietnam. We present the average prices in restaurants and cafes Sapes (Paint the menu):

Good and inexpensive hotels in Sap

The spa hotel is located in the city, not far from the central church in Sap. Here are chic numbers performed in an interesting design. For visitors provided open pool, gym, spa and restaurant.

Each room is decorated with a tasteful in a contemporary style and is equipped with air conditioning, heating system and personal safe. Some rooms have balconies and terraces. The room can bring food, drinks.

Sapa House Hotel.

Luxury hotel in the city center. Each room has a balcony, refrigerator for drinks, plasma TV with cable TV.

The rooms offer a beautiful view of the mountains. The hotel's restaurant offer Vietnamese and Western cuisine. There is an excellent restaurant and free Wi-Fi for visitors. The rooms are stylish and spacious. Equipped with everything necessary. The staff at the reception is very affected, helpful and friendly. Breakfast is included in the price of accommodation.

Sapa Romance Hotel.

The hotel is close to the cable car to Fantasipa. As in all hotels, here are cozy rooms. The bathroom includes hygiene, cosmetics, slippers, towels. Plasma TV and free Wi-Fi in each room.

Bike or motorbike (150 thousand dongs per day) can be rented at the hotel. There is a lake and the park, which is located on Mount Ham Rong.

This is a hotel in which we stayed, and we really liked it - therefore we recommend. Very cozy, clean, high ranking on Bukin. The room rate includes breakfast (as a rule, it is pho, omelet or pancakes + hot drink).

A distinctive feature of the hotel was the presence of carpeted coating in the rooms and electric sheets, which was very saved in the conditions of mountainous cold and round-the-clock dampness.

Other hotels in Samapo with best discounts from Booking:

How to get to the city of Sapa (from Hanoi)

The city can be reached either on Slipbas or by train. We recommend the bus (Sliderbas). This option is faster, besides, the bus arrives straight into the Sap, while the train (which goes, by the way, is 8-9 hours) - Lao Tea Railway Station, from which the soup is even more hour over the serpentine. The only advantage of the trip by train Hanoi-lao tea is what can be comfortable sleeping, stretching out on a comfortable shelf.

The road at which fast slipbasses ride today, discovered relatively recently, in about 2015. Previously get there it was possible only by the train + bus option. Now the way of the Hanoi-Sap takes about 6 hours, you can take night busBut sleeping during a serpentine trip will not work anyway. Therefore, it is better to go back in the early morning, and already to dinner to be in the Sap. Distance from Hanoi - 300 km.

Public buses depart from Hanoi to Sap from MY DINH bus station, private bus companies leave from other places. One side ticket will cost about $ 10-20.. You can book them right here.

See also: