The state of the volcano on Bali. Volcano Agung again woke up on Bali

Ah, Bali - Bali! The island is a fairy tale ... Island - Dream ... But since the beginning of August 2017, the tourist flow here from fat turned into a very narrow one. Especially before the beginning of November. And the reason for this is the volcano Agung and his probable eruption.

Agung is a volcano, which is worth it here on the island and periodically ticks the nerve to all local residents and tourists at the same time. The last time the volcano Agung taped them to people about 54 years ago and now began to wake up in August 2017. And this is not just a volcano on a second. This is super - volcano! This means that if he shaggy - it will not seem little!

To whom and what will not appear little, how to behave on the island, if he still starts to erupt? And in general: is it dangerous to relax at Bali in 2017-2018? In today's article first-hand, from the employee of our edition, which is already there for a month and is not going to leave. πŸ™‚

By the way, if you want to visit one of the volcanoes of Bali Island, then you can do it. - approx. Editorial

Volcano Agung on Bali

Volcano Agung from Indonesian language translates as "big". And it is nearby (just 50 km.) From this dangerous Mahina we settled exactly 1.5 months ago. While in Russia, we have already heard that a large dangerous mountain began to wake up and can start erupt at any time. When we learned about it, the tickets were already bought, and we decided not to change plans, despite the danger.

In addition, we are on the island not for the first time and have already managed to have several Russian friends who live here constantly. They told us that the danger exists only directly for people near the volcano. So - the situation is very local. The worst thing that may happen - the airport will be closed. But in this case, here you can get from the capital of Indonesia - Jakarta by water.

In general, weighing everything "for" and "against", we realized that we would go. For the past few days before departure, we feverly followed news from the media, giving themselves the report that journalists are forced to exaggerate everything. Today, the news about Agung is still kept in the voltage of many Russians. But! About everything in order ...

Volcano Agung woke up

Agung woke up! As a thunder among the clear sky, this news broke out on the Internet and on the radio since August 2017. I personally still surprise me - how this information did not get into the TV?! It is thanks to this, my mother still does not know anything about it and lives calmly for the polar circle, which is unaware of danger that wanders 50 km from her beloved daughter. πŸ™‚ But on the radio and on the Internet, journalists drew a very sad picture ...

That they say today the volcano Agung woke up and if anyone - not spare anyone! Someone, of course, madly rejoiced: "And it is too good to all those who go to Bali! Let them suffer too, scum! :-) "Other wildly frightened and passed tickets, others decided to relax in more safe placeFourth - such as scumbags, as we, gathered suitcases and went to their own risk. And what, actually, was the risk?

But what:

  • could close the airport, and for a long time. It would have to be worried about the tickets, search for the way across the ferry from Jakarta - and this whole adventure is not very comfortable and very long.
  • volcano still can be shaken at any time, and no one guarantees anything. Well, that is, it will have to be disassembled not only to those in the zone of defeat. The airport will close, there will be problems with the supply of food on the island, there will be some time for some time a volcanic ash ... Real Silent Hill (who in the topic, understood). :)
  • and to the heap: poisonous substances can spread from the volcano from the volcano, and it may well spill on the heads of local and tourists - toxic rain ... and then everyone will not last! Not only residents of the mountains ...

"Beauty" ... isn't it?!

At least - so the situation was outlined in the media. Yes, the media, of course, love to embellish everything, but damn ... After all, no one gives warranty that everything will be wrong at all! πŸ™‚ We understood it.

But after arriving at the island, we met a smiling Baliens who assured that there is no danger. What Agung changed his mind to erupt and again decided to fall asleep ... and the type there is no real threat to tourists, and then in the 63rd simply no one really had any cars nor motorcycles - these are people and hit the situation in which many died ... They just did not believe until the end, that he would blow up and eventually - did not have time to leave the lesion zone ... Somehow so!

He finally reassured us with the words that he had 4 km right now. From the epicenter and worry at all!

Of course, it encouraged it - I will say right. But, still remained doubts ... Then we decided to go straight into the defeat zone and see handsome with their own eyes! So, Volcano Agung and recent events On Bali - eyes of eyewitnesses :).

Latest news about Agunga by the beginning of November

News about Agunga In early November, the network has already been so dubbed. The latter dated mid-October. Just at this time we went there and drove. Full moon tracked, as the volcanologists scared that the biggest risk of the explosion is just in the full moon, sat on the bike and drove.

Local told us that the most best view The mountain opens from the neighboring super volcano - Battur. Which, by the way, who has long been sleeping with a strong sleep for a long time. It is more Agung many times. And if the bastards are torn, then the whole island may accidentally actually go under the water ... But the current information is the Agung on Bali today.

Traveling to Active Agung

News about Volcano Agung to Bali, as I said, did not stop us from the trip directly to the defeat zone - that is, 9 km. From his taper. On the way to a meeting with the "Pugitel" of a million tourists, we met:

1. Elegant tangerine grove with fresh tangerines.

2. A stunning view of the neighboring mountains from the battur volcano.

3. Bush! Oh, gods, this bright bush.

Super, as always - beautiful road to place and shocked views on the way. We are pleasing to the chamber and moved directly to Aguang.

UPD from 28.11: Agung volcanic eruption

And it would seem, everyone has already been subrasted, and the Agung still arranged an eruption! Honestly confess when I only got to write this article local residents Already the whole choir said that everything is no eruption. And it take yes and start!

November 21, just after we met my young man's mother, who came to visit us from Russia, Agung began to erupt. Right as on request! But I have a hurry to reassure all the suffering blood and sensation: nothing terrible is happening.

The volcano costs himself and pouring ray. This is a steam eruption of Agunga. The only moment that really strains tourists and locals is a small flood. Because of the huge amount of hot evaporation on the island, such a large-scale tropical shower spilled, which they say that even slippers on the road were swam! πŸ™‚

Why say? Yes, because we ourselves are not at Bali now, but next to the islands of Gili. And today we have been convicted from the island of Gili - Eyre even a little smallest over Bali. I hope in a couple of days to our arrival all this apocalypse will end and we can safely move to Thailand! πŸ™‚

Agung on Bali today

Angung's activity in August - September 2017 made a lifting of many local residents seriously. They regularly prayed to local spirits so that they were soapying again dangerous mountain. Agained the lush ceremonies in their temples. And it seems that their collective intention gives their fruits. Volcano Agung - erupts only ferry. The ceremony itself is carried out here in such temples:

Angung's eruption on Bali really does not bring serious damage to the island just some kind of miracle!

Probably, therefore, 3 km. before the lesion zone, when we went to the volcano and October, we were stopped by some Balinese women, glued to us rice in the forehead, lit our bike, put on some kind of wooden beads on the neck, twisted, they were whispered and let me let further! πŸ™‚

Probably, therefore, 3 km. Before the lesion zone, we were stopped by some Balinese women, glued to us rice in the forehead, lit up our bike, put on some wooden beads on the neck, twisted, they spun something and let me down! πŸ™‚

We were not strong, of course, reassured, but it became somehow easier ... and in the soul, and in your pockets ... So - as the priestesses of the island of dreams, naturally, conducted a karma cleansing procedure for free. Karma cleaned now costs about 400 rubles for our money. Well, you see - life is more expensive! πŸ™‚

Eruption of Volcano Agung in 1963

On the way to Volcano Agung, my faithful, of course, once again discussed the history of the 63rd year, when people were really injured (several hundred). Did they really pray to their gods near the latter, hoping that he would change his mind?! Getting acquainted with the local mentality, we increasingly come to the conclusion that - yes. So it was. The local people honor their land, their home, it is its place of birth. And without a difference, if even this place is in such a dangerous zone.

A possible eruption of Agunga to Bali does not prevent them from living a common life. That they lived their ancestors. Here is the inscription that right now we are in the zone of defeat or alienation, as it is also called:

But people who continue to fall asleep and wake up here ... Led to schools of their children, work, breakfast, dine and dinner ... Life continues:

To this day, there is a forum about Agunga on Bali, where people discuss - he will explode or not. Many members of the VKontakte community members also raise this topic. But recently most agreed that the danger passed ...

But, you know when you stand so close to the mountain ... the sensations are just unimaginable ...

I would go further, right back to the foot, but my young man turned out to be wiser and prudent, however, as always :). We drove past, and for dessert we were waiting for a beautiful beach, which is also in the exclusion zone. His name is Virgin Beach. Here he is a handsome man ...

It is said that before the sand was absolutely white. But after the Agunga eruption in 1968, he was mixed with volcanic lava and became such - with black spraces. But it is also fine ... I will write soon big Overview All the beaches of the island and, perhaps, give him the honorable first place in the top of my heart :).

And here is a view of the Volcano Agung with an entrance to the beach - Virgin Beach:

Conclusions about Agung in 2017

Agung on the map paradisk Islands Bali - Zanoza in the head of many tourists ... This dangerous neighbor does not give to sleep all the residents from Karangasem to Ubud, he makes everyone remember and realize very well: life is just a journey, and we: guests - on this earth. Whatever important we seem to yourself such a big volcano, as the Agung can intervene in the fate of each and break the most "solid" tomorrow, cross all our plans, disseminate all ideas, dreams and hopes in the shreds ...

So far, he just stands and releases up powerful steam poles, but no man could give a guarantee that there is an eruption of Agung to stop ... anything can happen! At any time…

Probably, that is why the inhabitants of the island are closest to the life of Buddhists and all sorts of enlightened. The main wisdom tells us: "Past - passed, the future - has not come yet, there is only - here and now ..." and no power of the world guarantees any of us that we will live in this light at least a minute ... that is why Balinese rejoice! Smile every day. Smile even during the funeral of their relatives. Yes, do not just smile, but sing and dance! πŸ™‚

But something I completely went to philosophy ... Let's return to the facts:

Volcano Agung. - erupting the ferry right now. So far nothing is happening, but no one gives any guarantees.

All new updates - at the end of the article

At Bali in September, volcano Agung woke up. The highest point of the island and the most revered by Balinese Mountain: for them this volcano is sacred. And this volcano - however, there is always active, so of course not quite exactly talk about him that he woke up. But does it seem so much so much? :-)

Anyway, the magma inside the volcano makes its ways all the above, the territory around the volcano regularly shakes (the other day it was the strongest landfill a little more than 4 by Richtera). And although no one can predict the date of the eruptions (even with an accuracy of the month), but the activity within the volcano is so regularly increasing that everything can happen at any time. Approximately a week ago began to evacuate the villages living on the slopes of the volcano. The local Ministry of Emergency Situations announced a zone within a radius of 12 km from the volcano dangerous for visiting. (UPD. By December: eruptions began, but small, everyone is waiting for larger).

News sites around the world blown this situation to unprecedented heights (almost before headlines in the spirit "Aversion of the Agung volcano is the beginning of the world"). Now you can not even go to Facebook so that there is no Agung-FM :-)

Until the last moment I was not going to write anything at all about the Agung to the blog (enough announcements in social networks). But then I realized that after all, in the whole of this non-informational confusion, it is very difficult to figure out a normal person. Adequate without panic information God gave 1%. I myself figured out the topic of volcanoes today so much that it is a little bit and you can go to study on a volcanologist. (Joke)

But if no joke, then in this article I tell in detail how things are with a wokeered volcano on Bali. Here everything you need to know about the aging in principle and about the volcanoes as a whole. Information is supported by authoritative sources, well, however, about my meticulousness in terms of information and so know those who read this blog :-)

Add to the end new informationAs soon as she appears. Also at the end, official and different other sources will be given, whose opinions can be trusted. Here we go!

In Indonesia, more than 100 active volcanoes

For unwitted people, any mention of words volcano and eruption in one sentence automatically means panic. For the living in Indonesia (and neighboring countries Close to Ring Of Fire, that is, the Pacific Volcanic Fire Ring) Volcanoes are almost a private phenomenon. On the perimeter of the ring is more than 300 volcanoes (almost half of them in Indonesia), each of which is spent from time to time, causes landsets or tsunami. Scary? Yes, but in moderation.

It was a small piece of history, to at least understand how it was then. (By the way, in addition to 1963, there are also evidence that Agung also everacted in the following years: 1843, 1821?, 1808)

Below the video about how it all looked in 1963. An interesting remark that the bulk of people died due to the fact that instead of evacuation, they considered it necessary to continue to pray to the gods and make ceremonies, the taste of the volcanic spirits. In this sad sense # BalitakaBali!

Volcanic eruption is not always a one-time attraction

The photo above is the volcano Sinabung on Sumatra (another island in Indonesia), for example, evested since 2015. And now he decided to give out again. The photo is just fresh, the other day is literally done :-) This volcano subsides, it gives out again. Who knows how to deal with our Agung with you?

The most difficult thing in the whole situation with volcanoes (besides the fact that no one knows when it happens) is that no one knows how long it will last.

For clarity, I will bring here such a sign with world statistics. In the left column, the duration of the eruption, in the right one percentage of eruptions falls on this duration. For example, only 10% of volcanoes "erupted" per day and calmed down. And the whole third of the volcanoes were erupted for 6 months. An example is how this happens and how the processes are stretched over time, I just brought in the case of an eruption of the 60s.


What to do tourists?

First: Disable panic mode and follow the official announcements.

Second: use proven sources of information and smaller watching TV and read the yellow press. Because those guys have to raise the ratings from viewing / reading ratings, rather than provide proven information or to form people. I will write about proven sources below.

Third. Island (and Country) are preparing for possible consequences. Yes, indonesia is certainly not western Mir And here everything is a bit in one place, but if there were a real risk of threats for the whole island, tourists would have evacuated long ago. But they are not evacuated and the local Ministry of Emergency Situations constantly reminds that if you are on the tourist south and do not climb to the volcano yourself, then there is no danger. Therefore, if you are already on Bali or just going, just read the article to understand all the risks and quietly continue your vacation.

Fourth. On the this moment Airport operates, airplanes fly away and fly. No one closed him in September and October, but the UPD was closed for several days in December. For information: For airports, there is also a classification in terms of danger in the event of an eruption. (For aircraft motors, it is dangerous to enter the volcanic ash engine). Air hazard classification levels: green-yellow-orange-red. Now there is an orange level (raised September 26), that as in the case of a traffic light, the "Attention". Red is when they prohibit flights, as there is a volcanic ash in the air. Now there is no ash, because there is no eruption itself. Therefore, there will be no eruption until they will cancel flights. And how do you understand, since there is no duty of the eruption, then no one has no information about whether your flight will be canceled on Bali, which will take place, after 2 weeks (yes, all these questions ask each other constantly, but anyone has any answer They can not be). What to do? Check the information closer to the departure, in which status of the airport, if in Krasnoye means it is closed. If they were transferred to yellow / green again, then you can even relax. This information knows exactly your airline, it is better to learn exactly there.

By the way, what will happen if you close the airport? Now (again official information) Many other airports of Indonesia will be ready for receiving tourists if landing on Bali will be impossible. Of course, it's not on Bali, and on the other island of Indonesia is hardly a solution to the problem for vacation, but at least you can not worry about what you land go somewhere :-) There is a bus service between the islands (not the best), and with Lomboka can be reached on a high-speed boat. On Eastern Java, too, boats although one and a half or two hours. I think there will be options.

Fifth, if you wonder, cancel or not a trip to Bali, then here, besides you, no one will answer this question. If I had tickets on my hands and I would stand in front of this choice, I would not change anything. But I am me. I am not a panicer and if I need a little fatalist. And what best, I studied enough information to know all possible risks (and I know that they are not so much). But if you understand that you will not be able to relax, thinking every day about the volcano and that you will be grabbed on Bali for the heart and drink Valerian, then why expose yourself to such stress? Even if you lose money for a non-refundable ticket, why is it to torment yourself. I am seriously writing it. Your (nervous) health is more important than any money. Explore information (this is an article to help you) and do the way your intuition tells you. We all know those wonderful situations when a person for some reason was late for the plane, and this plane fell and all died. Maybe your intuition knows better?

Sixth, if you have not yet taken tickets for Bali, it is possible to wait for the situation and not take. What do you need to wait? Transferring the status of a volcano (no airport) to another status. Now red Awas status / danger. If we translate into orange, then the risk of eruption is temporarily removed. Yellow and green mean that you can relax at all. Information about status can be viewed on the Magma Indonesia site or in the application for the phone with the same name.

Seventh. I am (like many other expata) are now on Bali, we do not plan to "run away" anywhere and just continue to live ordinary life, watching the activity of the volcano through the webcam :)

We will cover ashes and we will hit the gases? Or not?

Everyone is afraid of the volcano, and I am most afraid of human nonsense, the inability of people to figure out in panic mode and most importantly, the reluctance to go and familiarize themselves with the information before you include this very panic. When I write in social networks something on the topic "Yes, calm down you panic" I usually accuse me (openly or for the eyes) is that I am too frivolous about the situation. But for some reason, no one who considers themselves as "serious", did not go and did not enlighten himself in terms of volcanoes. How everything happens, what risks, what is dangerous, and what is not, as other eruptions occurred. You need to read this not on news sites, but on the websites of volcanogov, explaining the causes of the action of volcanoes. On the sites of the Ministry of Emergency Situations different countries (Especially countries in the Ring Of Fire area, here these volcanoes occur constantly and have already developed action techniques in emergency). But usually, the smaller the person knows, the more nonsense continues to be selected in Facebook, rendering the results of other people's panic attacks.

For example, for example, the largest panic attack of the exhibitions of living on Bali was on the topic of what gas is to buy and at what moment they wear them, so as not to die from toxic gases. It is not even funny. This is idiocy of the tenth leisure. People spent hours on these discussions, but no one went and did not read about how these gases are generally a real danger to people located 50 km from the volcano. Even more than one. The other day someone laid out a link to the online store, where it was necessary to urgently run to buy special masks, which are the only things that save us from death.

I went to the site of the manufacturer of masks and read: for occupational hazzards. And I realized that the worst of people who are baked in a scratch, only people who are not able to learn any language except their native, while living abroad :-) So for these people, I want to explain separately that these masks are made for those Whose work / profession is associated with volcanic activity. That is, those who hang around the crater volcano and monitor its activity, those who will work as a lifeguard or is simply in the risk area during / after the eruption of the OTD. In the instructions for masks, just in case, even greasy and red are allocated that these masks are not for General Public, that is, not for the population. And only for those whose work (\u003d occupation) is associated with the danger (\u003d hazzards).

I explain. Die from toxic exhaust volcanoes Agung Being at its villa in Seminyak will not be easy enough. There are more chances to slip on the side of the pool and piercing your head :-) Because if you are not at the forbidden distance of 12 km from the crater, then the toxic gases do not happen to you. And masks are needed completely for other reasons, but about it below.

The next moment for which I want to pay attention is what people confuse everything. Lava and streams (pyroclastic) are dangerous, but they will spindle God for 5-10 km from the volcano. Above, I brought the distance of the remoteness of the tourist zones from the Crater Agunga. We also found out about gases that they could not leave.

About ashes and masks

The only thing that remains is a volcanic ash. Scary terrible ash. Which will cover the earth and we will die. Ash yes, fly away can be very far and more eruption, the more ash. But in order for the ashes to be a real inconvenience and danger, you need to either be straight next to the volcano, or if it happens a very large explosive eruption and the wind will blow the way where the tourist south is located.

The most important thing is that we need to know right now that ashes is not toxic. I will even say you more: in volcanic ash contains natural fertilizers (and you think why the aging volcano is such green and active vegetation, all thanks to how it works in the 60s). And I'm not kidding. Volcanic ash \u003d fertilizer. Yes, and a lot more. If you now go to your favorite website and get in the search for Volcanic Ash, you will see a lot of goods containing something volcanic - face masks, soap from ashTP.

(For those who do not believe me in the unsighteousness of the ashes, there is a formal document from New Zealand (they also know a lot in volcanoes), confirming this information.)

The ash is the danger of completely different ways that can be partially or completely avoided. For example, from the point of view of "inhalation" ash risk is similar if you will inhale dust. Astmatics will often have to be completely uncomfortable. The ash is not output from the lungs, so the masks will be needed to protect the throat from the ingress of ash (\u003d dust), and not to escape from toxic poisoning. Therefore, the gas mask is not needed, you need a good dense mask, which will stop the hit of the ashes of ash in your lungs.

The same with the eyes, imagine you got into the dust storm (or on Kitepot, where the wind (and sand with it) blows 30 m / s. And you lie on the beach sunbathing) - all this will be in your eyes. Need a mask / glasses to protect your eyes.

At the moment (UPD. In the middle of December), none of the emissions of the Agung volcano donate ash to Ubud, nor before the tourist south. Those who hurried to buy masks most likely did not unpacked them.

That is, we can easily have a mask and it will be useful to think about whether your home is seal enough if the ashes will still blow into your direction. Well, that is, if you have these ventilation windows in your house, as in all houses on Bali, it is worth thinking about what you think about them. Since in the case of a strong loss of ashes on some areas, it is recommended to simply "clog out" in the house and wait when everything at least falls. Again, if it happens at all.

If you ask yourself what kind of mask you need and how everything can look in the case of a falling out of volcanic ash, then like this:

Photo from the Internet with eruptions in Chile. Not from Bali :-)

Other risks with ashes. If you are close to the volcano and ashes a lot, it will cover everything with a smooth layer (sometimes very thick), for example, for example, a roof can collapse and overlap you. And the roofs will need to be cleaned by ash. But ironically, there are such statistics that some deaths after the eruption of the volcano comes from the fact that a person climb on the roof to clean it, fell from the roof and broke her neck. That is, you never know where the end is waiting for you :-)

Do not forget about the wind

In the case of the number of ash, no one can predict anything. From the positive: now the rainy season and the wind usually blows Western, which means that the whole ash will be blown out on Bali, on the contrary, from Bali aside of Lombok and Lomboksky Strait. But if the wind will change to the one that blows in the dry season, then, oh, it will just carry it from the volcano towards the tourist south.

But predicting you now, how much ashes, how much he will close you in your particular hotel, no one can say. If not ready to take a chance, it is better not to go to Bali.

UPD. Once again, I will clarify that today on December 14, no ashes on the tourist south was not observed at all and was not observed. And in general, the life of the tourists did not change in any way, well, except that now the awnings to the volcano Agung had to postpone until better times. But the battur volcano remains, on.

The procedure for action if a massive eruption occurs and the ash will bring to the south where expons live and tourists are resting:

Here is the instruction from BNPB (Indonesian Ministry of Emergency Situations), mikhail Tsyganov translated (Our local specialist in Indonesia).

It concerns exactly what to do with the ashes that will cover us :-) In a nutshell, everything comes down to the fact that it is necessary to clog their home from the ash-dust and, if possible, wait inside the house until the ashes asset. So there will be the least contact with ash. At some point, the ashes will fall and then will be safer to go outside.

  1. Immediately close all windows and doors, overlap ventilation channels.
  2. Turn off air conditioners, go to closed premiseswhich are located above the surface of the Earth.
  3. Close the prongs in the jackets of the doors with wet towels.
  4. When you leave out, wear clothes with long sleeves and pants, use masks and glasses (and not contact lenses)
  5. The ashes are especially dangerous for those who suffer from respiratory diseases and children, so they are better constantly in closed rooms.
  6. After the explosion, try not to go to the place of the strongest ashes.
  7. If necessary, consider ashes with roofs of houses, because its weight can cause collapse
  8. Help familiar and neighbors and animals.

I will add from myself:

  • If you did not have masks, and the ashes roll, you can just wet some rag in the water and to slaughter my face. The ashes should not get into the respiratory tract and eyes. On the skin can also be allergic.
  • The ash provides a danger to any electronic gadgets, they should be covered with a film or something else, especially if they are on the street (for example, air conditioning or washing).
  • In addition, landlands are possible, in case of strong jolts, on the contrary, it is impossible to be inside the premises (it's better to be in the ashes, than to die under the collapsed house). Well, in the case of strong earthquakes, it is worth pulling all the electronics from the outlets.
  • Remember animals, it is better to keep indoors.

Closing airports - the main inconvenience during eruption

In addition to the ash, which can "inflate", and may not "inflate" at all Bali, the most important inconvenience, which can cause a volcanic eruption is the closure of the airport or limit on flights.

For example, at the beginning of December, at first they were canceled part of the flights - towards Australia - as the ashes just "blew" in the direction where the plane should fly from Bali to Australia. A little later, the airport was closed in general by three days. Then they opened again and flights resumed.

What happens if the airport closes Bali? Your airline will either deliver you to another Indonesia airport in the neighboring islands and then delivered by terrestrial water transport to Bali, or offer you a review ticket to other dates or return money altogether. Everything will be at the discretion of your a / k, but by the experience of December, very many A / k willingly returned money and changed the dates or departure directions (so that, for example, to drive in Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines instead of Bali).

That is, hypothetically, you will not shake on Bali or on the way to it if the airport is closed. Almost, I will tell you that the last thing you want on your vacation is to get to the bushes before Bali or sit for hours or days at the airport on a transplant, expectations when your airline will come up with your option to get to Bali.

At the moment there are three main airports that will take Balinese aircraft, if you close the airport (remind you, at the moment it is open, information from December 14): this is the airport on the island of Lombok and two airports on the island of Java - this is a Surabaya ) And Jakarta (Jakarta).

The road at the passages from Lombok to Bali will take about 8 hours. It may be greater, since sometimes there are queues for ferries that go between Lombock and Bali. Like Lifehak, it's easier to get to a fast boat, as it goes 2.5 hours instead of 5 hours, which goes steam. Whether these boats will go or not, it will be necessary to recognize along the way. By the way, if the ashes there is a lot, most likely Lombok airport will also be closed.

Getting from Java - this is a blood pressure multiplied by ten :-) In a normal not cork mode, the road takes 12-13 hours in the car. According to the experience of the past closure of the airport on Bali, there were traffic jams on the roads + a pile of those who want to leave, as a result, the people spent on the bus to Surabai to 15-16 hours. Jakarta is even further. On the car ride a day, on the bus I think even longer. In general, both of these versions of the movement will not give you joy. It is better to wait at all and not fly on Bali / from Bali while the airport is closed.

Well, most importantly, you have to be prepared in the fact that the airport can once again close in the coming months. A major eruption still never happened and is about to happen.

Summary. Fly or not on Bali?

If you have read this article and still can not decide, fly to you on Bali or not fly, I would say not to fly and do not plan holidays on Bali in the coming months. Why so categorically? Because, it seems to me if you are confused by the idea to fly to the island with an existing volcano, then why rape. If you every day will be feveringly to check the news and think that it is in your trip that trouble will happen, and before the heap you are afraid of eruptions and tsunami, and you will jump on the spot from each push, then you probably stand up with a trip to Bali.

If you read this article, you already have a ticket and you have a feeling that you fly to Bali is quite safe, then I will support you in this - if I were in your place, I would not have canceled any trips. Grab your mask, check in your airline that they have not canceled flights and welcome to the island!

If you thought to fly on Bali in March-April and want to know whether it will be safely, then you should upset you: it is not known when a major eruption happens. Re-read the history of the 60s. There eruses occurred with a difference of several weeks and months.

In general, guys, I provided you with a huge amount of information about volcanoes and the situation with the Agung. But I can't make a decision for you.

And finally. Help local villages located around the volcano

While we are all (tourists and expata) in vain worry about the ashes and toxicity of the volcanic exhausts, the real misfortune is already experiencing local, which soon evacuated from their villages on the slope of the volcano. Yes, it seems great that they evacuated and their lives are not threatened with risks. But now they are all in temporary tent camps, many for almost a week, and just wait. Waiting for something will happen and becomes clear what will happen to them. After all, while they stupidly can not return home and how long they still cannot be unclear.

These people will live in evacuation camps until the volcano is torn or they will not remove the danger status. These people have not sweet, so on the background of our problems "but whether to cancel holidays on Bali" are really real problems. Imagine you pulled out of your apartment, took away far away, allocated you the mattress in the gym among the crowd of others the same as you said, wait for new orders.

The government and local NGOs are gathering donations and all different help. From different sources, I saw information that at least people are more less secured by mattresses and food, but they themselves understand how much it is at least. And for a long time it is enough. Waiting for the eruption is possible for a long time.

In general, if you want to participate, that is, the guys like these, which are organized by donations.

Well, or at least show respect for the grief of other people, stop panic in the mode "How my trip to Bali". As I wrote above, if the tickets are on your hands, study the information and take your weighted solution. If there are no tickets, it is possible for the time being to wait for the situation. Imagine if the eruption occurs, let the government spend better strength and money on the local, than to deal with panic tourists and to highlight the train-train ships to transport you from one island to another if you close airport.

  • PR service BNPB (MOE) on Twitter (permanent updates):
  • In Indonesia, the Sacred Volcano Agung woke up on Bali Island. On the island temporarily closed the airport and canceled 450 flights. Local residents consider the volcano sacred and pray when he wakes up.

    Volcano Agung on Bali Island in Indonesia is in its active phase. From June 27, he began to bust the ash in a height of 2.5 kilometers within a radius of four kilometers. By June 29, the eruption was stronger, and the authorities of Indonesia decided to close the main airport. In addition to him, two small air harbors suspended in Bali, who made domestic flights.

    "International Airport" Ngurah-Paradise "Due to the ashes of Volcano Agung closed on June 29 from 03:00 to 19:00 (from 22:00 Moscow time on Thursday to 14:00 Moscow time on Friday)," wrote on The official page of the airport in Twitter.

    Bali canceled 450 flights, which touched almost 75 thousand people. Around the volcano organized a four-kilometer safety zone. About 300 people were evacuated from the disaster zone. Bali is most popular island Indonesia among Russians. Only following the results of 2017, it was visited by almost 100 thousand of our compatriots.

    Rosturism reported on the eruption of the Agung volcano and called on Russians to consider this information. "The Federal Agency for Tourism recommends Russian tourists located on Bali, as well as a planning trip to the island in the coming days, take into account information on the temporary closure of the Ngurah-Paradise airport, follow the messages of local authorities and confirm from the tour operators of the departure date," says In the message of Rotturism.

    The agency reported that in connection with the situation-crisis center of the Russian Foreign Ministry and the Russian Embassy in Indonesia. At the moment there are appeals from russian tourists Not received.

    The airport in Indonesia opened on June 29th. "The authorities of the island recommend that all vacationers carefully refer to official information from hotels management and request the necessary information on the airport and flight schedule. Tourists, whose flights were canceled due to the activity of the Agung volcano, will be offered special prices for accommodation in Bali hotels, "said Interfax in the press service of the Indonesia Ministry of Tourism.

    Uncharacteristic cataclysms

    The local resident and founder of the Balistalker Alexstalker project told "360", which is located at a distance of 40-50 kilometers from the Agung volcano. The eruption began on June 28 and still continues, only with some interruptions. "For some time, the flights suspended, but now the post is restored," he said.

    In Indonesia almost every day volcanoes are erupted, so you can be calm


    The interlocutor said that the periodic activity of the volcano was recorded back in November 2017. But what is happening now on the island cannot be called an eruption. "At the moment, only the emissions of ashes and smoke occur," the local resident told. He clarified that there is no danger of staying on the island.

    "For security reasons, it is not closer to 15 kilometers from the Crater itself, from where you can enjoy the wonderful spectacle provided to us by our wonderful planet," the interlocutor said.

    "Agung woke up on Bali, and immediately it becomes clear why it is his Balinese worship as the most important shrine on the island. True lord of the island! Jati's semolus on the Agunga eruption said they prayed all night. On the island, everyone is discussing the awakening of the volcano, closed the airport at night. But, unlike eruptions in November last year, everything is calm, continue to lead ordinary life, "he signed a photo.

    There are no injured, no panic, everything is quiet and calm, just smoke

    Anna Sinyavskayalocal resident.

    A resident of Bali Anna Sinyavskaya told "360" that such cataclysms occur due to uncharacteristic rains for the summer period. "A lot of water fell into the crater of the volcano, because of what he slept," she told.

    On the island really canceled flights - passengers could not fly away or fly to the island. The interlocutor noted that last time, in November 2017, the eruption was much larger.

    Deadly volcano

    At the end of November 2017, Volcano Agung, which local residents consider the sacred, also showed their activity. The level of danger was so high that the country's authorities evacuated about 100 thousand people. Then the dark smoke and ash rose to a height of 3.4 kilometers above the top of the volcano. In his past, the vulcan activity even resoled the flames.

    In November, the airport "Ngurah-Paradise" was also closed. Thousands of tourists, 300 of which are Russians, could not leave the resort. Among them also turned out to be the Russian producer Maxim Fadeev.

    However, the most deadly eruption occurred in 1963. Then the highest point of Bali's life is 1.6 thousand people, and 220 thousand had to temporarily leave at home.

    man shared articles

    Fabulous Bali attracts many tourists not only by tropical nature and distinctive culture, here are two famous acting battur volcanoes (Gung-Battur) and Agung, as well as a dozen sleeping and extinct. The journey to these picturesque tops will turn into a real adventure, filled with emotions, vivid impressions and even the shares of extreme. Do you feel the spirit of the discoverer and are not afraid of climbing? Then forward, to the tops!

    Like "Mother Mother" translates from a local Agung Dialect . This volcano is the most high point Islands. The following numbers will help estimate its scale:

    • height - 3142 m (according to other data 3014 m);
    • crater size in diameter 375x520 m;
    • crater depth is about 200 m.

    Balinese exist beautiful legend On the origin of the volcano. It is believed that before Bali was a flat island where happy people and beasts lived. Having seen such proseons, the gods decided to settle in this paradise and erected Agung, from where they could observe the life of the island and the good deeds of his inhabitants. The most hardworking Balinese sacred bird Garuda took the top.

    Today, on bare top of Agunga, you will not meet the gods and a gar, but there should be to rise to see the most beautiful dawn in the world.

    Climbing on Agung.

    Climbing the volcano should occur only accompanied by an experienced guide, and it is necessary to choose routes in accordance with its physical training. The most popular route will begin with the western slope from the church of Pura Besakov at 23:00 and will take 5-7 hours, ending the dawn at the top of the top.

    The second most popular path passes from the village of Semel. Waire journey will last only 3-4 hours and limit the 2860 m high, but you will see the crater of the volcano.

    Today, the volcano behaves like a painka, but the inhabitants of the island remember the destructive eruption of 1963, when a number of villages have been afraid of lava and died about one and a half thousand people. In the fall of 2017, Agung again made itself felt, I had to evacuate anyone who was in close proximity to the rebellious mountain and stop airfares. Fortunately, no one was injured. In 2018, the Volcano Agung is closed to climb.

    Volcano Batura

    This volcano is located in the eastern part of Bali on the Calder of 368 square meters. km. Caldera is a pit, which was formed as a result of the collapse of the volcano. It is believed that more than 300 thousand years ago after powerful eruption, walls ancient volcano Thought, and he collapsed, forming a depression, where Battur is.

    The lake at the foot of the volcano is also a caldera. It is considered the world's largest with steaming water and local say that it guards the goddess of Water Devi Danan. In addition to the "Divine Guard" there is a common guard. To swim here is strictly forbidden, you have to admire the way.

    Right at the foot, you can see several villages that are called "lake stars." People who risked to live in such close proximity to acting volcano, drives, not, not fearless, and the calculation. Each eruption makes the soil even more fertile, the lake is full of fish, and the handicraft production of souvenirs from volcanic tuff has been established here. Well, how to leave such a "bread" place?!

    Information about Battail:

    • the height of the volcano is 1717 m;
    • cone height - 686 m;
    • the number of crater - 3.

    Starting from the XIX century, 22 eruptions of different strength occurred on the battle. Once the Balinese even sewed a huge sarong and wrapped the volcano to them to draw the gods. Sarong Lee helped or rich sentences, but since the 60s, the volcano did not really prevent unpleasant surprises (small ashes and seismic activity are not counting).

    Climbing on Batour

    Journey to the volcano reminds walking. The lifting does not require physical training and takes only 2 hours. Guides are planning a journey in such a way that tourists get to the top at dawn. From here there is a magnificent panorama of Bali in bright dawn rays.

    At the top organized observation deck With cafe and shops where you can eat and relax. By the way, you rises not only you, but also prices - "Upstairs" the cost of water, tea and other things are much more expensive than at the foot.

    Fun, which will certainly show you - cooking a pair of crater faults. Temperatures are enough to cook egg or fry bananas.

    Any lifting to the top, whether it is difficult for Agung or more simple to battur, requires preparation. And therefore we offer you a few useful Soviets:

    • conquer the vertices of volcanoes is recommended in the "dry" period, and this is June-November;
    • fuely with a flashlight, lantern, warm things (at night the wind on the slopes are cold enough);
    • i recommend to wear comfortable anti-slip shoes;
    • there should be water in the backpack with a calculation of 2-3 liters per person;
    • start such an event is well rested and slept.

    Are the volcanoes in Bali dangerous?

    Despite the fact that the battur volcanoes and the aging are considered valid, they do not imagine serious danger.

    Of course, the history of the island is eloquently testifies to unexpected manifestations of activity, but today specialists are very carefully observed for volcanoes, fixing all changes: an increase in temperature, seismic shocks, unusual behavior of flora and fauna. On check and rescue services that are ready to help and with the slightest danger to evacuate people.

    So a little courage, adventurism, azart and unforgettable vertices of volcanoes are submitted to you, but maybe you will be conquered by them? Stanebeck noted: "Do not people create travel, and traveling people." And on Bali you will surely feel it.

    On the island of Bali, which began the eruption of the Agung volcano, was stuck about 60 thousand tourists, 300 of them are Russians. In the near future, they will be taken out by ferries on the islands of Java and Lombok, reported on the page russian embassy In Indonesia in Facebook. About how the fire mountain ruined the rest of the travelers - in the material "World 24".

    "The eruption is inevitable"

    Volcano Agung strengthened its activity back in September, however highest Pick She reached at the end of November. This is the second eruption over the past week. The island airport temporarily ceased its work, 445 flights were canceled, 59 thousand tourists cannot leave the island.

    As pointed out in the local catastrophe mitigation agency, "inevitable." The level of threat has been increased from the third to the fourth. Today, the eruption has passed from the final phase (emissions of water vapor) to igneumatic. Clubs of smoke accompanied by explosive eruptions, and the sounds of weak explosions are heard at a distance of 12 kilometers from the peak of the volcano. WITH fire Mountain Lahar began to go - a stream of lava and stones capable of destroying residential buildings. The most dangerous zone is a radius of 8-10 km from the foot of the volcano.

    See also: