Roller skating indoors. Where to go rollerblading in winter

Summer in the capital is in full swing. Solar money continues to delight the townspeople. In Moscow parks, as always, life is in full swing, especially in the most visited and favorite place of Muscovites - Gorky Park. There are competitions in extreme sports, fountains "sing", couples rest on comfortable loungers, young people hang out. In such a wonderful time of the year, you don't want to sit at home, your soul is eager for freedom. You can have a great time in Gorky Park by cycling, rollerblading or longboarding.

Rental points in Gorky Park:
- at the Andreevsky bridge (bicycles, scooters, rollers);
- at Diagon Alley near Walker (bicycles, bike races, rollerblades, scooters);
- at the Green Theater (bicycles, balance bikes, roller skates, scooters, velomobiles);
- in Neskuchny Garden;
- on Leninsky beach;
- at the pier of Vorobyovy Gory;
- at the Emergency Entrance.

Opening hours of rental points in Gorky Park:
On weekdays: from 11 to 22 hours.
On weekends and holidays: from 10 to 22 hours.

Rental prices in Gorky Park:

- bike rental Navigator, the first hour of skiing: 200 rub. each subsequent hour: 100 rubles, deposit: 1500 rubles;

- bike rental (improved), the first hour of skiing: 350 rubles, each subsequent hour: 200 rubles, deposit: 1500 rubles;

- children's bike rental, first hour of skiing: 100 rubles, each subsequent hour: 60 rubles, deposit: 1500 rubles;

- roller rental, the first hour of skiing: 200 rubles, each subsequent hour: 100 rubles, deposit: 1500 rubles, protection for rollers 50 rub / h;

- bike transformer rental TAGA, first hour of skiing: 500 rubles, each subsequent hour: 300 rubles, deposit: 1500 rubles;

- rental of adult scooters, 100 rub. / H., children's scooters 50 rubles / hour, deposit: 1500 rubles;

- longboard rental, first hour of skiing: 200 rub. each subsequent hour: 100 rubles, deposit: 1500 rubles;

- rental of children's balance bikes, 50 rubles / 30 min., Deposit: 1500 rubles;

- velomobile rental: 1-seater, 200 rub. / 30 min .; 2-seater: RUB 300/30 min .; 4-seater: 400 rub. / 30 min.; deposit: 1500 rub.

Registration of sports equipment is carried out according to a passport or military ID. In this case, the documents remain with you. A rental agreement is concluded with you, an acceptance certificate is signed indicating the full cost of the rented inventory. You make a deposit and pay for the first hour of skiing. If you ride for more than the paid hour, the money is withdrawn from the deposit amount, the rest is returned when the bike is returned. Remember that by renting sports equipment, you are responsible for its safety.

Having ridden enough, you can always comfortably sit on comfortable sun loungers, which are placed everywhere in the Gorky Park, and indulge in the arms of Morpheus.

Have a nice holiday!

Covered room on Tulskaya

This indoor rollerdrome with an area of ​​1500 sq. meters is part of a large center for lovers of active and even extreme species entertainment. On its territory there are all conditions for beginners and professional skaters: a special flooring, all kinds of slides and jumps, an internal climate control system. An experienced instructor is provided for those who wish to improve their level, or even only start skating for the first time, regardless of age.

There is a special floor covering in the center; for more experienced skaters there are jumps and slides

  • address - Kholodilny lane, 3, Entertainment Center"Roll Hall";
  • working hours - weekdays: 12: 00-23: 00; weekend: 10: 00-23: 00;
  • entrance - Mon-Thu: 300-350 rubles / day, Fri: 350-400 rubles / day, Sat-Sun: 400 rubles / day, video rental: 240-300 rubles / hour;
  • type: closed.

In my opinion, and I won't even say anything ... DISABLED son - cerebral palsy ... And RollHall was able to help him) Here


Yes, there is where to go for rollerblading, but discos, parties, Christmas trees for teenagers there are very dull. It is dark and boring, there is not much additional entertainment.

Ekaterina Mironova

For rollerblading, there is a relatively small area, so that just rolling circles quickly gets bored, but if the season is still far away, and you really want to ride, then this is the best option.

Elena Gladkova

Gorky Park

Although there are no specially equipped places for professional rollerblading in Gorky Park, this is one of the most favorite areas for this purpose by Muscovites. active entertainment... On the territory of the park zone, there are two rental points with roller skates, and the round-the-clock operating mode allows you to indulge in pleasure at any time of the day. In addition, a special school has been organized for beginner skaters, which allows even small children to be taught.

There are no specially equipped areas in the park, but this is one of the most popular places for Muscovites to ski.

  • address - Krymsky Val, 9;
  • operating mode - around the clock;
  • admission is free, video rental: 200 rubles / first hour and 100 rubles / subsequent hours;
  • type - open.

One of the vivid memories of that summer. I learned to roller skate! I liked almost everything. Training style. Good learning pace.


Well, our group, almost in full force, embodied a graceful female freeskate.

Attention to everyone. A lot of attention =) I was afraid that the group would miss him - but no, and the group is small, and sensei is in time everywhere =) There is a lot of theory. Even if you don’t remember everything - some part is definitely postponed, the subcortex writes =) This part is just enough to complete) Diverse, interesting, every time new elements! To learn so much in a month is cool!


Site on Vorobyovy Gory

Vorobyovy Gory is another popular place chosen by Moscow skaters. Here you have the opportunity to test yourself on the steep natural slides and carefully practice for beginners on the calm sections of the paths. And some places are quite suitable for extreme skiing lovers. The park is open around the clock, so nothing will prevent you from skating here at night, though not all tracks are on Sparrow Hills well lit.

You can ride here both day and night

  • address - Vorobyovy Gory park;
  • operating mode - around the clock;
  • Free admission;
  • type - open.

The asphalt on Vorobyovy Gory is far from being good everywhere; besides, sprinklers drive there in the summer, methodically flooding all the asphalt paths. A joy for fitnusoids - a path from Observation deck to Mosfilmovskaya street. Here you will go down four times - you will stop being afraid for the rest of your life

There are places for extreme style lovers and dummies.


great place on the Vorobyovs - Russian Academy of Sciences. Exclusively for AGGGGGGRESSIFFFFFF. You can ride on lengors (Vorobyovs) and in front of the main building of Moscow State University


Rollerdrome at Moscow State University

Perhaps the most democratic place for a wide variety of roller skating parties is at Moscow State University. Beginners and real professionals in their field come here, fortunately, there are an abundance of tracks with various difficulty levels, including extreme obstacles. Craftsmen often organize demonstration performances and master classes that will be of interest to both novice roller skaters and those who simply walk in the park.

Experienced skaters and masters often show different tricks

  • address - the line of the Main building of Moscow State University, opposite the monument to Lomonosov;
  • operating mode - around the clock;
  • Free admission;
  • type - open.

normal track for rollerblading and running. Condition for 4+.


this is a rollerdrome where asphalt has not been paved due to lack of funding. The result is such a concrete track.

Unlearned the course for beginners. The fact that I am deeply grateful to him for his work is just a semblance of what I really want to express.


Roller skating in Sokolniki

The huge asphalted space of Sokolniki Park could not fail to interest roller-skating fans and organizers of rental centers. True, the Sokolniki weekend is overcrowded with idle walkers, so it is more convenient to ride here on weekdays or choose less popular walking paths. The high-quality surface and the huge 600 hectares have made this park one of the favorite roller skating spots!

Wide paths and high-quality space attract roller lovers

  • address - Sokolnichesky Val, 1;
  • operating mode - around the clock;
  • admission - free, rental of videos: from 200 rubles / hour;
  • type - open.

A wonderful place for walking with children, rollerblading and biking. Very nice and straight paths.


My daughter was on rollerblades, which they never regretted - the roads are beautiful, and the markings for cyclists and skaters are separate.

In August of this year, taking with us rollers and a group of children from 6 to 14 years old, we went for a walk to Sokolniki Park. Everyone really liked the walk, we spent the whole day there, the children were very happy! The paths are smooth, roller-skating is a pleasure. It turned out that the park has rollerblades and bicycles for rent.


Sports club "Kant"

Sports club "Kant" is widely known among amateurs active rest and extreme sports. There is a real expanse for skaters here. For experienced skiers, there is a springboard, a small ramp, several acceleration lanes, rails, fanboxes and other special structures. For beginners who are keen on this business, a roller skating school has been organized. There are spacious indoor halls and outdoor paths.

For experienced craftsmen, there is a large number of jumps, slides, rails and much more

  • address - Electrolitny proezd, 7, building 2;
  • working hours - Tue-Sun: 09: 00-23: 00, Mon: 14: 00-23: 00;
  • admission: free, video rental: from 150 rubles / hour;
  • type: indoor and outdoor.

And if you are a beginner, then you are definitely here! There are many training slopes, good coaching staff (I got up here with my wife on roller skates, now the child is working with a coach) It is convenient to get there, both by metro and by car


Quite a suitable complex for skiing. Not far from the metro, I don’t know how comfortable it is to get there by car, I haven’t tried it. With its pluses and minuses, there are more pluses. For the city, and generally excellent


Park of the 850th anniversary of Moscow

The park of the anniversary year of the founding of the capital not only provides ready-made tracks for everyone who wants to ride inline skates, there is a fully equipped place for skating, with different levels of training and all kinds of techniques. For beginners, a playground has been made where you can master the very basics, the tracks along the embankment with beautiful views are suitable for calm rides, and for those who prefer extreme skiing, there is a direct road to the ramps, allowing you to accelerate and jump.

There is an equipped skiing area in the park

  • address - Lugovoy proezd, 9, building 2;
  • working hours - daily: 09: 00-22: 00;
  • admission - free, rental of videos: from 100 rubles / hour;
  • type - open.

Not a word that means worth or not. You definitely need to go to the rollerdrome, especially such as the 850th anniversary of Moscow. The conditions are excellent, the prices are affordable. And the pleasure that you will get by being there will reimburse all your expenses.


In addition to the standard roller skating rink, the rollerdrome also has specialized sites for training virtuosos. These are large and small ramps and the so-called acceleration. The rollerdrome is open and open daily. You don't need to pay for rollerblading, but only if you have your own rollers. There is a rental point for rollers. We liked everything.


In this review, we have tried to collect information on the most interesting places in Moscow, providing the opportunity to go rollerblading. Here are the most popular sites in parks and squares, indoor rollerdromes, indoor and outdoor areas, schools for beginners and extreme clubs for professionals.

Attention: information is out of date. We will update it shortly.

Is it warm and you want to try the videos? You can take it from someone, or you can take it for a test at the box office - we hope the info from here will help you to safely come to the world of roller skates :)))

So far, our information concerns only Moscow. If you know where to rent roller skates in other cities -!

Roller rentals at VVTs.

The territory of the exhibition of achievements and adjoining to it Botanical Garden is huge, there are many diverse places for skiing and therefore VVC traditionally attracts skaters from all over the city. There are 2 operating rentals here:

1) To the left of the Druzhba Narodov fountain at the All-Russian Exhibition Center

Roller and bicycle rental is open from 10-21, in the depth between pavilions 9 and 10 - you can't see it from the alley!

Renting out - up to 20_00.
Price:: children from 70 rubles / hour, adults Taiwanese - 100, adults K2 and RollerBlade - 150. Protection - 50 rubles / hour.

2) Rent in front of the entrance to the All-Russian Exhibition Center
Cost - 100 rubles / hour rental, protection in general 20 rubles / hour.
The rollers do not go anywhere, they are not ventilated in any way, but the cheapest

Hire on the observation deck on Vorobyovy Gory (in front of Moscow State University).

Summer has come - which means that the commercial season is open! So that funny "pokatushki" does not end with injuries and unpleasant impressions, you need to carefully choose a place for rollerblading. Smooth asphalt and a large amount of free space are a must in this case.

Where in Moscow can you go rollerblading and have a good time?


VDNKh became a favorite spot for skaters at the very beginning of the Russian roller skating movement. Starting from the 90s, in the warm season, young people gathered at the All-Russian Exhibition Center with roller skates and created their own atmosphere here.

Now at VDNKh there are 8 rental kiosks, which is very convenient for those who have forgotten their videos at home or have not yet had time to acquire them. There is always beautiful asphalt here, so even beginners will find it easy to learn the basics of roller science.

Of course, at the All-Russian Exhibition Center there are always a lot of people and mini-vehicles for transporting visitors, but for those who want to feel the heady feeling of freedom, there are no boundaries! It is enough just to follow the safety rules. If you are still afraid of a "roller accident", choose for yourself more secluded areas of the All-Russian Exhibition Center - for example, Promyshlennosti Square, the outskirts of the Botanical Garden, Novy Byt Street.

Address: Moscow, Prospect Mira, 119-121
Entrance: free
Roller rental: from 150 rubles per hour. Ammunition - for an additional fee.
Working hours VDNKh (VVC):

  • Mon-Fri: 09:00 to 21:00
  • Sat-Sun: from 09:00 to 22:00


Park Pobedy can become a worthy competitor to BLY (in terms of the quality of ski tracks. Possibility to rent rollers and ammunition on Poklonnaya Hill appeared quite recently and is now fully operational. There is one rental here - on the Alley of the Defenders of Moscow. The rental point is located next to the "Tragedy of Nations" monument.

In Victory Park you can ride both day and night, which attracts young people here - lovers of night "pokatushki". At night, the paths are illuminated to create a magical atmosphere.

Victory Park is a great place for both beginners and experienced skaters. Beginners will be able to get acquainted with different riding styles and learn something from more experienced “colleagues”. Those who have been rollerblading for a long time will be able to work out many elements and practice tricks thanks to the constant changes in the relief - stairs, slides, descents and ascents.

Address: Moscow, Victory Square, 3
Entrance: free
Roller rental: 200 rubles per hour (protection, helmet and disposable socks are included in the price).
Working hours park: around the clock.


Gorky Park last years has become a very popular platform for skaters in the capital. Despite the absence of special tracks, smooth asphalt and a large territory make Gorky Park an ideal place for rollerblading.

Gorky Park is open around the clock and will be a great place for lovers of night skiing.

There are rental points on the embankment and at the entrance to the park. There is a roller skating school in the park, where beginner roller skaters can be trained.

Address: Moscow, Krimsky Val, 9
Entrance: free
Roller rental: 1st hour - 200 rubles, subsequent hours - 100 rubles. Ammunition - for an additional fee. A deposit of 1,500 rubles will be charged when renting videos.
Working hours park: around the clock


Vorobyovy Gory is a great place for those who are just learning to roller skate. On the territory of Vorobyovy Gory, in the park near the former Palace of Pioneers, as well as on the adjacent embankment, you will find clean air, smooth asphalt paths and enough free space for skiing.

For those who have been rollerblading for a long time and want to hone their skills, there are steep slides (from the Observation Deck down) and even places where you can jump (near the RAS building).

On the territory of Vorobyovy Gory, you can roller-skate around the clock - of course, only in illuminated areas.

The only drawback of Vorobyovy Gory as a place for rollerblading is the lack of rental points here.

Address: Moscow, Vorobyovy Gory park
Entrance: free
Working hours park: around the clock


Sokolniki Park is a 600 hectare area with many paths, alleys and paths that are illuminated at night. The main part of the park is pedestrianized, which makes roller skating here a safe activity. Nevertheless, the ideal time for skiing in Sokolniki Park is weekdays. There are a lot of people walking here on weekends, which can be uncomfortable - especially for beginner skaters.

The park has its own rental points (they do not work in bad weather) and convenient asphalt paths.

Address: Moscow, Sokolnichesky Val, 1
Entrance: free
Roller rental: from 200 rubles per hour.
Working hours park: around the clock.


This place is fully equipped for skaters of different levels with different skating techniques. There is a special area where beginners learn the basics of rollerblading. For those who prefer a quiet ride, the asphalt paths along the embankments are suitable.

For fans of aggressive skiing, the park has two ramps - a large and a small one, where the rollers accelerate before the jump.

There is a rental point on the territory of the rollerdrome.

Address: Moscow, Lugovoy proezd, 9, building 2
Entrance: free
Roller rental: from 100 rubles per hour
Working hours rollerdrome: Mon-Sun from 09:00 to 22:00

As you can see, there are many places for rollerblading in Moscow. At the same time, we have told you only about the most popular places. Rollers can also be found at the rollerdrome in Krylatskoye (more suitable for professionals), at the rollerdrome at the Kant sports club (has a roller skating school), at (has a specially equipped skate track), at and at (without rental offices). The choice of a place for skiing depends only on your wishes and experience.

Open areas for rollerblading:

1. VVC (All-Russian Exhibition Center)
Metro: "VDNKh"
Address: Prospect Mira, 119-121
Type: open
The entrance is free
8 rental points for roller skates and equipment
Roller rental: 150-300 rubles per hour. Ammunition - extra charge
An impressive area for individual or mass rides
Working hours:

  • Weekdays: 09:00 - 21:00
  • Weekends: 09:00 - 22:00

2. Victory Park (Poklonnaya Gora)

Metro: "Park Pobedy"
Address: Victory Square, 3
Type: open
The entrance is free
Roller rental: 200 rubles per hour (including equipment)
In the evening, the territory is illuminated. Diverse altimetry - descents and ascents
Working hours: around the clock

3. Sparrow Hills

Metro: "Vorobyovy Gory", "Leninsky Prospect"
Address: Vorobyovy Gory park
Type: open
The entrance is free
Asphalt paths, many ascents and descents. The perfect place for beginners and more!
Working hours: around the clock

4. Gorky Park (TsPKiO)

Metro: Park Kultury, Oktyabrskaya
Address: street Krymsky Val, 9
Type: open
The entrance is free
Roller rental (deposit - 1,500 rubles): 1st hour - 200 rubles, subsequent hours - 100 rubles. Protective equipment: 50 rubles per hour
Large selection of tracks and alleys, roller skating school
Working hours: around the clock

5. Sokolniki Park

Metro: Sokolniki
Address: Sokolnichesky Val, 1
Type: open
The entrance is free
Over 600 hectares of area, many paths and alleys, illuminated at night
Roller rental: from 200 rubles per hour.
Working hours: around the clock. Rent of inventory and equipment works from 08:00 to 22:00

6. Rollerpark in Krylatskoye

Metro: "Krylatskoe"
Address: Krylatskaya street, 2
Type: open
The entrance is free
No rental point
Tracks are designed mainly for professionals
Mode of operation: warm season, daylight hours

7. Rollerdrome in the Park of the 850th anniversary of Moscow

Metro: "Maryino"
Address: Lugovoy proezd, 9, building 2
Type: open
The entrance is free
Roller rental: from 100 rubles per hour
Dedicated roller playground with two ramps and acceleration. Paths and alleys
Working hours: 09:00 - 22:00

8. Rollerdrome at the sports club "Kant"

Metro: "Nagornaya"
Address: Electrolyte passage
Type: open
The entrance is free
Springboard, mini-ramp, 4 "accelerators", rail, fanbox, other special structures. Roller Skating School

Metro: Shosse Entuziastov, Partizanskaya
Address: Bolshoy Krug alley, 7
Type: open
The entrance is free
In addition to paths and alleys, the park has a specially equipped skate-track where rides, including roller skates, can be arranged. There are rental points for rollers, inventory and protective equipment
Working hours: round the clock. The rental points are open from 14:00 to 22:00

10. Garden "Hermitage"

Metro: Chekhovskaya, Pushkinskaya, Tverskaya
Address: Karetny Ryad street, 3
Type: open
The entrance is free
Working hours: round the clock
There are no roller skates rental shops or special areas. However, there are many lighted paths in a very picturesque setting. Ideal for beginners and lovers of calm "pokatushki".

11. Museum and park complex "North Tushino"

Metro: "Planernaya"
Address: Svoboda street, 99, building 1
Type: open
The entrance is free
Roller and ammunition rental: none
Working hours: around the clock

12. Bauman Garden

Metro: Krasnye Vorota
Address: Staraya Basmannaya street, 15
Type: open
The entrance is free
Roller and equipment rental: none
Working hours: daily, from 06:00 to 00:00
Large alleys and bike paths, beautiful landscapes

13. Bitsevsky forest park (Bitsevsky forest)

Metro: Bitsevsky Park, Novoyasenevskaya, Lesoparkovaya
Address: South-West Administrative District, 36th km. MKAD, recreation area "Bitsa"
Type: open, suburban, complex
The entrance is free
Roller skates and ammunition rental: none

Opening hours: daily:

  • Weekdays: 09:00 - 17:00

A huge territory, tracks for skaters of various skill levels, ascents and descents, "calm" tracks, lighting, picturesque landscapes

Metro: "University"
Address: line of the Main building of Moscow State University, opposite the monument to Lomonosov
Type: open
The entrance is free
Inventory and equipment rental: none
Working hours: around the clock
This place is famous for its democracy, the breadth of the "hangout", the variety of the complexity of the tracks, the presence of obstacles for extreme sportsmen, as well as the fact that it often hosts master classes and offsite classes, which are conducted by well-known Moscow "gurus" of roller-movement

15. Mini-rollerdrome "Yasenevo"

Metro: "Tyoply Stan"
Address: Golubinskaya street, 5, bldg. 1 (in the yard)
Type: open
Entrance: free or by appointment in training groups

Mode of operation: by appointment
School of instruction owned by the famous headliner of the Russian roller-movement headliner Kirill Ryazantsev aka ReKil. In addition, independent sites for lovers of simple "pokatushki"

16. River station

Metro: "Rechnoy Vokzal"
Address: Leningradsky prospect, 51
Type: open
The entrance is free
Inventory and equipment rental: none
Working hours: around the clock
Park, alley and embankment, many paths and quite difficult tracks. Often master classes and training for beginners by professional athletes

17. Rollerdrome on the Rowing Canal in Krylatskoye

Metro: "Krylatskoe", "Molodezhnaya"
Address: Krylatskaya st., 2
Type: open
Rent of inventory and equipment: from 200 rubles per day
Working hours:

  • Weekdays: 12:00 - 22:00
  • Weekends: 10:00 - 23:00

Ramp, fanbox, pipe, edge, rail, 2 accelerations, beginner track. Lighting, a school of professional instructors, a rental point, well-thought-out altimetry, mesmerizing views.

18. Park "Kuzminki"

Metro: Borisovo, Maryino, Orekhovo
Address: street Borisovskie Ponds, 1, bldg. 1
Type: open
The entrance is free
Roller rental: from 200 rubles per hour
Operating hours of the rental point:

  • Tuesday - Friday: 11:00 - 20:00
  • Saturday, Sunday and holidays: 10:00 – 20:00
  • Monday - day off
  • Inventory delivery stops at 18:00

In addition to a large number of paths and alleys, the park has a special skate / rollerdrome with an area of ​​over 2,000 square meters.

19.Park Meshchersky

Metro: "Yugo-Zapadnaya"
Address: Moscow region, Odintsovskii district, Voskresenskaya street, 1
Type: open
The entrance is free
Roller rental: yes
A huge number of scenic paths, alleys and trails suitable for rollerblading. Unique reserved nature, inimitable landscapes
Working hours: daily, 10:00 - 22:00

20. Yasenevo estate

Metro: "Novoyasenevskaya"
Address: Novoyasenevsky prospect, 42, bldg. 1
Type: open
The entrance is free
Roller rental: none
High-quality illuminated paths against the backdrop of historical buildings and unique nature
Working hours: around the clock

21. Park of culture and rest "Babushkinsky"

Metro: Babushkinskaya, Sviblovo
Address: Menzhinsky Street, 6
Type: open
The entrance is free
Roller rental: from 150 rubles per hour (deposit - 2,000 rubles)
A large selection of paths and picturesque alleys, quite suitable for rollerblading, both amateurs and professionals.
Working hours:

  • summer: 06:00 - 24:00
  • winter: 06:00 - 22:00

22. Leo Tolstoy Park of Culture and Leisure

Metro: Planernaya, Rechnoy Vokzal
Address: Moscow region, Khimki, Leninsky prospect, 2-a
Type: open
The entrance is free
Roller rental: none
A huge territory located in a suburban forest park, many paved paths, well-developed infrastructure
Working hours:

  • Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
  • Weekends and holidays: 09:00 - 22:00

23. Super Beach

Metro: Shchukinskaya, Strogino, Tushinskaya
Address: Stroginskoe highway, 1
Type: open
The entrance is free
Roller rental: from 150 rubles per hour
Many asphalt paths and alleys, a large number of attractions and entertainment, well-developed infrastructure, nightlife entertainment programs open-air style
Working hours: daily, around the clock

24. Park of culture and rest in Dolgoprudny

Address: Moscow region, Mytishchi district, Dolgoprudny, Sobin square, 3
Type: open
The entrance is free
Roller and equipment rental: none
After the reconstruction, the park received many paths with high-quality coverage, interchanges, squares surrounded by virgin countryside and filled with clean country air

25. Lianozovsky Park

Metro: Altufyevo
Address: Uglichskaya street, 13
Type: open
The entrance is free
Roller rental: yes (from 150-200 rubles per hour + deposit of 1,500 rubles)
A large number of paths, elevation differences, bridges. All this is surrounded by beautiful, varied, almost protected nature. And all this is within the city!
Working hours:

  • Weekdays: 11:00 - 20:00
  • Weekends and holidays: 10:00 - 21:00

26. Park of Cossack Glory in Lefortovo

Metro: Ilyich Square, Rimskaya, Aviamotornaya
Address: Krasnokazarmennaya street, 6
Type: open
The entrance is free
Rollers, inventory and equipment rental: none
Territory - over 3.5 hectares, a huge number of tracks suitable for individual skiing
Working hours: daily, around the clock

27. Catherine Park in Moscow

Metro: Dostoevskaya, Prospect Mira
Address: Bolshaya Ekaterininskaya street, 27 (Suvorovskaya square, 1)
Type: open
The entrance is free
Roller and equipment rental: yes
Territory: over 1.5 hectares. After the main paths were paved with cobblestones, roller skating was less comfortable than before. However, for fans of roller skating, a special rather spacious area with a special coating was built.
Working hours: daily, from 07:00 to 23:00

28. Park "Academic ponds"

Metro: Petrovsko-Razumovskaya, Voikovskaya, Timiryazevskaya
Address: Bolshaya Akademicheskaya street, 38
Type: open
The entrance is free
Roller rental: none
A relatively small, but very cozy park, located, moreover, practically in the center of the city. At the service of fans of roller "pokatushek" - fairly wide asphalt paths, bridges, ascents and descents. Developed infrastructure: beaches, cafes, attractions

Closed rollerdromes in Moscow

1. Indoor rollerdrome on Bagrationovskaya

Metro: Bagrationovskaya, Fili
Address: Bagrationovskiy proezd, 5. Shopping center "Filion", 5th floor
Type: indoor
Entrance: weekdays: 200 rubles for the whole day, weekends: 200 rubles per hour
Roller rental: 200 rubles per hour
Roller platform area: 620 square meters, capacity - about 60 people. Original design, music, professional instructors
Opening hours: 10:00 - 22:00

2. Rollerdrome on Tulskaya

Metro: "Tulskaya"
Address: Kholodilny Pereulok, 3, Roll-Hall entertainment center
Type: indoor

  • Monday - Thursday: 300-350 rubles per day
  • Friday: 350-400 rubles per day
  • Saturday - Sunday: 400 rubles per day

Roller rental: from 240 to 300 rubles per hour (per minute billing)

Working hours:

  • Weekdays: 12:00 - 23:00
  • Weekends: 10:00 - 23:00

Rollerdrome area - over 1,500 square meters, special flooring, experienced instructors, special climate control system

3. Rollerdrome "Fantasy Park" ("Antarctica") in Maryino

Metro: "Maryino", "Bratislavskaya"
Address: Lyublinskaya Street, 100. Entertainment Planet "Fantasy Park", 4th floor, transformer hall "Atlantis"
Type: indoor
Entrance: 200 rubles per day
Roller rental: the first hour - 200 rubles, every next 30 minutes - 100 rubles. Protective ammunition rental - 50 rubles per hour
Working hours:

  • Monday - Friday: 11:00 - 23:00
  • Saturday - sunday: 14:00 - 23:00

Special coverage, music, instructors. The capacity of the site is about 500 people

With the beginning of the spring season, many roller-skating fans appear on the streets of the capital. And these are not only teenagers and children - people of a respectable age, and even married couples with babies in backpacks or strollers, are "romping around". Where can you go rollerblading in Moscow? It seems that the huge capital provides a bunch of opportunities for this active. But not all places are suitable for fans of such skiing, and there are not so many special places and areas equipped.

Where to go rollerblading in Moscow?

The most suitable places for lovers of such skiing are parks, embankments and specially equipped rollerdromes. But open areas are suitable for use only in the summer season, and there are very few indoor rollerdromes with special equipment even in the capital. But on them you can learn the basics of riding under the guidance of an instructor.

Numerous surveys of metropolitan skating enthusiasts revealed the most popular places their fees and answer the question of where to go rollerblading in Moscow is the best. Of course, first of all, we were talking about open areas for free skiing.

It turned out that roller-skating on city streets is not the safest of the activities, and sometimes it is just uncomfortable. The quality is not everywhere high, sometimes dangerous cracks cross the sidewalk. The same places where asphalt has been replaced by paving slabs are not suitable for rollers for obvious reasons - even the smallest seams between the tiles do not contribute to normal driving.

In addition, roller skates rushing rapidly on skates create not only inconvenience, but also a direct danger to numerous pedestrians. Therefore, courtyards and sidewalks are not the best choice for them. Especially in crowded places.

Best ski areas

So, where can roller-skating in Moscow be safe for yourself and those around you? According to the results of the polls, several proven places were named where most of the fans of this type of recreation gather. And about 70% of them prefer one of the three most popular destinations.

Perhaps the first in the ranking of the best skiing grounds can be called the All-Russian Exhibition Center. This is one of the oldest and most popular abodes of the capital's skaters - they have been skating there since the 90s. The exhibition has several rental points on its territory. Moreover, the entrance directly to the exhibition is free, the expense is required only for rental services (150-300 rubles / hour) Additionally, for a fee, a set of protection from knee pads, elbow pads, wrist protection and a head helmet is rented.

Mass roller skating is organized on the territory of the famous exhibition by large companies or whole families. True, crowds of tourists and individual visitors, as well as taxi-trains running around the exhibition grounds, can become a serious obstacle for them. Closer to the territory of the Botanical Garden and on the Industry Square, there are fewer pedestrians, it is also convenient to ride near the pavilion "Ukraine" (to the right of it).

What else?

Another cult place where a lot of people come to go rollerblading in Moscow. Its advantages are - good quality asphalt and a variety of terrain, which gives open space to fans of stunts. In previous years, there was no roller skate rental here, which did not prevent roller skaters from any time of the day from moving in for skating - good lighting made it possible to ride in the evenings.

Thanks to the picturesque and difficult terrain, experienced craftsmen can perform a variety of tricks here. Beginners always have a lot to learn and just get an idea of ​​the different riding styles. This is the main advantage and secret of the popularity of this site.

For those practicing a calm driving style, we recommend the Vorobyovy Gory embankment and the territory of the sanctuary of the same name. Beginners will love the smooth asphalt, a small number of people walking and the calm nature of the terrain. Family vacation Clean river air and scenic views are also favored.

Other Moscow parks where you can go rollerblading

For some time now, Gorky Park has become especially popular among the skaters of the capital. It is not for nothing - you do not need to pay to enter its territory, and there are plenty of places for skiing. Although the park is not equipped with special skating tracks, its territory itself is a comfortable and spacious area for skating.

Another place where you can go rollerblading in Moscow for free is Sokolniki Park. In the summer it is a constant gathering place for skaters. The park has comfortable paved tracks and its own skate rental. But according to reviews from regular visitors, it can get too crowded on weekends, so the park cannot be called an ideal place for beginners. In bad weather, the rental may be closed, on other days the cost of its services is about 200 rubles / hour.

Outdoor summer playgrounds

There are other places and where you can go rollerblading on specially equipped rollerdromes. Such open-type sites are open only during the summer season. One of these rollerdromes is located in Krylatskoye (Krylatskaya st., 2). Despite the small size of the site and the absence of a rental point, it is popular among skiing professionals.

There is also an open skating rink (on Lugovoy Proyezd). In addition to a special area for skating, the park's asphalt paths are also occupied by rollerblades. The rollerdrome itself has the equipment that allows you to practice an aggressive riding style - there are small and large tracks, allowing the skiers to accelerate. The park has roller skates for rent (cost - from 100 rubles / hour).

We have listed where you can go rollerblading both on specially equipped areas, and simply on numerous spacious paths with good smooth asphalt. These places are the most popular among the skaters of the capital. In addition, each of the city districts has its own favorite gathering places for skiers. So, for example, in response to a question about where to go rollerblading in the south of Moscow, you will almost certainly be named Nagatinskaya Embankment and where both beginners and professionals meet. Similar gathering places, well known to regular amateurs, are available in each of the metropolitan districts.

When it's winter outside

But, as you know, the warm season in our latitudes does not last long. What should fans of summer sports do with the onset of cold weather? Where to go rollerblading in Moscow in winter or late autumn, when the weather is not conducive to outdoor recreation?

For this, there are indoor areas, where in any weather, regardless of the season, beginners can learn the basics of skiing, and professionals can arrange a real extreme show. For beginner skaters, such sites are best suited - here they will not only give out skates (if they have not yet acquired their own), but also give the opportunity to take several lessons in riding technique from experienced masters.

Another advantage of indoor rollerdromes is that the area has a flat surface. Its special coating reduces the risk of injury and allows the rollers to be used sparingly. The main disadvantage of such sites is the paid entrance, even having appeared there with your rollers, you will have to pay a certain amount of money for skating (usually 200-300 rubles)

The most famous rollerdromes

There are places where you can go rollerblading in Moscow in any weather, and even combine this process with shopping. One of them is a rollerdrome shopping center"Filion", located at the address: Bagrationovskiy proezd, building 5. The fifth floor of the shopping center contains the "Happylon" amusement park, where this site is located.

Unfortunately, there is not much space there - just over 600 sq. m., fit comfortably in such a space, only 50-60 people, no more. But on the other hand, the site is very originally designed, incendiary music sounds, and from time to time you can get on a training session with a professional instructor.

In for the pleasure of riding, you will pay very little - about 200 rubles without time limit, on weekends you will have to pay the same amount for an hour of stay on the site, rental of videos is paid separately.

Entertainment complex "Roll Hall"

The famous rollerdrome on Tulskaya (3 Kholodilny Lane) has a space of as many as fifteen hundred squares and serves practically ideal site, where both children and beginners can go rollerblading in Moscow, since there are practically no fans of aggressive skating there.

Anyone can attend training with instructors who work in the evenings - on weekdays, in the afternoon - on weekends. Advanced skaters wishing to improve their skills are offered programs of other levels - freeskate, slalom, figure skating.

Having paid the entrance fee (on weekends it is somewhat more expensive than on weekdays, but in general the amounts do not exceed 300 rubles), you can ride without time limit - even the whole day. Skate rental is also provided here.

Rollerdrome "Fantasy Park" in Maryino

It is located on the street. Lublinskaya, building 100, accommodates about 700 people. A big plus is the presence of a special training school for those who cannot skate, where it is possible to master videos both in groups under the guidance of an experienced teacher, and individually with a coach.

And in the evenings, the site serves as a dance floor for those who like to dance without filming videos. Moreover, the sound is supplied with the help of professional equipment. Such is the unusual "roller" disco. As in other places, admission is paid even with your own skates, there is always the opportunity to rent skates inexpensively.

Craftsmanship training

Where is the best place to go rollerblading in Moscow for those who are just mastering this type of leisure? The Roller Sports Federation is planning a program of free training in the art of rollerblading at the addresses - Gorky Park, Luzhniki, Victory Park - from May to September. Classes are provided for both beginners and experienced skaters.

In addition, many have probably heard of a community called "Moscow Pokatushki". Its participants organize mass arrivals and just skiing in various places of the capital - in parks, squares, at any suitable sites.

By joining like-minded people, you can quite easily master the technique of riding, at the same time and find new friends with the same interests. For those who have little experience, it is better to start with "Novice Rides", where they will be shown the basic skills and techniques of braking. Subsequently, everyone can join any of the community events according to the schedule.

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