Roller rink. Where you can ride on the rollers - specialized places and playgrounds

With the beginning of the spring season on the streets of the capital, many lovers of roller skates appear. And these are not only teenagers and children - "wheel" and people of solid age, and even couples with babies in backpacks or strollers. Where can I ride on the rollers in Moscow? It seems that the huge capital provides a bunch of opportunities for this active but far from all seats are suitable for lovers of such riding, and special places and playgrounds are not equipped so much.

Where to ride in Moscow on the rollers?

The most suitable places for lovers of such riding - parks, embankments and specially equipped rollerrromes. But open platforms are suitable for use only in the summer season, and covered rollerrromes with special equipment even in the capital read units. But on them you can learn the basics of riding under the guidance of the instructor.

Numerous surveys of metropolitan skating lovers allowed to identify the most popular places of their fees and answer the question of where to ride in Moscow on the rollers is best. Of course, first of all, we were talking about open areas for free skating.

It turned out that moving on the rollers in the city streets is not the safest of classes, and sometimes it is just inconvenient. The quality is not everywhere at the height, sometimes the sidewalks crosses dangerous cracks. The same places where the asphalt is replaced by paving tiles, rolllars are not suitable for obvious reasons - even the smallest seams between the tiles do not contribute to normal ride.

In addition, rapolers rapidly growing on skating create not only inconvenience, but also a direct risk of numerous pedestrians. Therefore, yards and street sidewalks are not the most successful choice for them. Especially in places of mass accumulation of people.

Best territories for skiing

So where can I ride on the rollers in Moscow safely for yourself and others? According to the results of the surveys, several proven places were called, where most lovers of this type of rest are going. And about 70% of them prefer one of the three most popular places.

Perhaps the first in the ranking of the best platforms for skating can be called the All-Fusion. This is one of the oldest and most popular dwellings of the metropolitan rollers - ride there since the 90s. The exhibition has several rental items on its territory. Moreover, the entrance directly to the exhibition is free, the expense will be required only for rental services (150-300 rubles / hour) Additionally, the set of protection from knees, elbow, wrist protection and a head helmet takes place for a fee.

Mass roller rolling are arranged in the territory of the famous exhibition with large companies or whole families. True, the crowds of tourists and individual visitors can be a serious interference for them, as well as taxi railways, running through the exhibition. Closer to the territory Botanical Garden And on the square industry pedestrians smaller, it is also convenient to ride near the "Ukraine" pavilion (right from it).

And also?

Another religious place where the mass of those who want to ride the rollers in Moscow. Its advantages - good quality Asphalt and a rich variety relief, which gives space to lovers of tricks. In the past years of rollers, there were no rollers here, which did not bother to go to rolling rollers from any time at any time of the day - good lighting allowed to ride in the evenings.

Thanks to the scenic and complex relief, experienced masters can make a variety of tricks here. The beginners always have something to learn and just get an idea of \u200b\u200bvarious ski styles. It is in this that the main advantage and secret of the popularity of this site is.

Practicing a relaxed ride style can be recommended the embankment of the sparrow mountains and the territory of the reserve of the same name. Novice will like the level asphalt, not a large number of Walking and calmliness of relief. Family holiday Pure river air and scenic views are also favored.

Other parks in Moscow, where you can ride

For some time, the Gorky Park began to use particularly popular among rollers. For no accident - you do not need to pay for the entrance to its territory, and there are plenty of riding places. Although the park is not equipped with special roller tracks, but its territory itself is a comfortable and spacious skating area.

Another place where you can ride in Moscow for free, is the Park "Sokolniki". In the summer, this is the place of constant collection of roller. The park has comfortable asphalt tracks and your own skate rental. But according to the reviews of regular visitors, it is too crowded on the weekend, so you won't call the park for beginners for beginners. In bad weather, the rental may be closed, on the other days the cost of its services is about 200 rubles / hour.

Open summer sites

There are other places and where you can ride on the rollers on specially equipped rollerrromes. Such open-type platforms work only in the summer season. One of these rollerrromes is located in Krylatsky (st. Krylatskaya, 2). Despite the small size of the site and the lack of a rental point, it is popular among skating professionals.

There is also an outdoor rollerboard (on a meadow pass). In addition to special space for riding, rollers are busy and covered with asphalt Park path. Rollover itself has equipment that allows practicing aggressive style of driving - there are a small and large tracks that give the opportunity to accelerate. The park has rolled rollers (cost - from 100 rubles / hour).

We listed where to ride on the rollers can be both on specially equipped areas, and just on numerous spacious tracks with good even asphalt. These places are the most popular among the rollers of the capital. In addition, in each of the urban districts there are their own favorite sites of riding lovers. So, for example, in response to the question of where to ride on the rollers in the south of Moscow, you will almost certainly be called Nagatinskaya embankment and where they meet both newcomers and professionals. Similar sections of fees, well-known permanent lovers, are available in each of the metropolitan districts.

When the winter window

But, as you know, the warm season in our latitudes lasts very long. What to do lovers of summer sports with the onset of cold weather? Where to ride on the rollers in Moscow in winter or deep in the fall, when the weather does not have to rest in nature?

To do this, there are indoor sites, where in any weather, regardless of the season, newcomers can master the basics of riding, and professionals - to arrange a real extreme show. Beginners of Roller, such platforms will suit the best - here not only will be sideways (if they have not yet acquired), but they will be able to take several lessons on the technique of driving from experienced masters.

Another advantage of indoor rollerrromes - a playground has a smooth surface. Special coating reduces the risk of injury and allows us to operate rollers in gentle mode. The main disadvantage of such sites is a paid entrance, even going there with their rollers, you will need to post a certain amount of money for riding (usually 200-300 rubles)

The most famous rollerrromes

There are places where you can ride on the rollers in Moscow in any weather, and even combine this process with shopping. One of them is Rollerrr shopping center Phonison, located at the address: Bagration Travel, House 5. The fifth floor of the shopping center accommodates the amusement park "Happort", where this site is located.

Unfortunately, the place there is a bit - a little more than 600 square meters. m., fit with comfort on such space of the whole person 50-60, no more. But the site is very originally framed, incendiary music sounds, and from time to time you can get to the training workout to the professional instructor.

For the pleasure of ride, you pay quite a bit - about 200 rubles without time limit, at the weekend the same amount will have to post already in the hour of stay on the site, the rollers are paid separately.

Entertainment complex "Roll Hall"

The famous Rollerrome on Tula (refrigerator alley, d. 3) has space in whole and a half thousand squares and serves practically an ideal platformwhere children and beginners can ride in the rollers on the rollers, as lovers of aggressive riding there are practically not observed.

Everyone can undergo training with instructors who work in the evenings - on weekdays, during the day - on weekends. Advanced rollers wishing to raise craftsmanship are offered programs of other levels - along Frisca, slalom, figure skating.

By paying for the entrance (in the weekend, somewhat more expensive than on weekdays, but in general the amounts do not exceed 300 rubles), you can ride without time limit - at least all day. Hire of skates here is also provided.

Rollerdr "Fantazi Park" in Maryino

He is on the street. Lublin, house 100, accommodates about 700 people. A big advantage is the presence of a special training school for unreasonable ride, where it is possible to master the rollers as in groups under the guidance of an experienced teacher, and individually with the coach.

And in the evenings, the playground serves as a dance floor for fans to dance, without removing the rollers. Moreover, the sound is applied using professional equipment. Such is an unusual "roller" disco. As in other places, the entrance is paid even with their skates, there is always the possibility of inexpensive rollers rental.

Training skill

Where is it better to ride on the rollers in Moscow, those who are still developing this type of leisure? The federation of roller-sport is planned by the program of free learning to the art of riding rollers at addresses - Gorky Park, Luzhniki, Victory Park - from May to September. Claims are provided for both at all beginners and rollers with experience.

In addition, many probably heard about the community called "Moscow cruising". Its participants organize mass arrivals and just riding in various places of the capital - in parks, squares, on any suitable sites.

By joining like-minded people, you can easily master the ski technique, at the same time finding new friends in interest. Those, who has little experience, it is better to start with "new-night patchwork", where they will show the basic skills and techniques of braking. Subsequently, everyone can join any of the community events according to the schedule.

The offensive of October is not a reason to stay at home! In order for this autumn, the cold and gray monotoroids season is needed, an active rest and a powerful dose of bright emotions are needed. The weekend spent with friends on the roller will remove the tension and stress after heavy working days and charge positive a week ahead! If you also feel the thirst for acute sensations, rather read our article - we found the best Rolliers of Moscow, where there will definitely not be time for the autumn handra.

Roll Hall Roll

Where is? Refrigerator alley, 3, metro Tula.

Prices. The entrance ticket will cost 240-350 rubles; Rental rental rollers - 50-60 rubles; The cost of one-time visiting is 600-1000 rubles; The cost of the monthly subscription - 4400-5500 rubles.

Outside the window rain and gloomy clouds? And in the "Roll Hall" there is always an atmosphere of living fun and irrepressible energy. The covered roller is reliably protected from any natural cataclysms, in winter and in the summer indoors the optimum temperature of 22-23 degrees of heat is maintained. You can ride round year In the most comfortable conditions!

The distinctive chip of this roller is that the entrance with a rollerferf or skateboard is prohibited here - here they bet on security, so you prefer a calm, non-aggressive style of skiing.

If you have never stood in life on roller skates, "Roll Hall" is the perfect roller. First, instructors can teach several basic lessons so that you feel more confident. Secondly, a special coating is applied to the roller surface, providing the best grip of the rollers from the ground. And this means that even for inexperienced beginners, skating will be light and enjoyable.

It offers a spacious zone for dressing up, the food court, the medical center and the necessary premises for individuals with OVD.

Rollerrrom in the park them. Gorky

Where is? Ul. Crimean shaft, d. 9, metro station "Park of Culture".

Prices. Front ticket for free; Rental rental risks - 50-200 rubles.

Dream! The entire park is a free zone for catching up your skill. Asphalt coating is convenient and safe, and for lovers of extreme riding, there are equipped areas with ramps.

Rental points of the rollers you will find right at the entrance to the Gorky Park. Just do not forget the passport or any other document certifying the person - it will have to be pledged. If you just start riding, it makes sense to rent a helmet with knees and elbow.

For newbies twice a week, free lessons are carried out, but it is better to capture an experienced friend in the park - to ride a park where more fun in the company!

Rollerrome in the park 850th anniversary of Moscow

Where is? Meadow passage, d. 9, korp. 2, Maryino Metro.

Prices. Entrance ticket for free, rental of rollets - from 100 rubles.

One of the best open areas for roller skating and skateboards is not far from the Embankment of the Moscow River. In this picturesque park, it is pleasant to just just walk with warm autumnen days, and felt the stream of fresh wind on a steep speed - double enjoyment. If there are no own rollers, they can be rented.

The passage of transport on the territory is prohibited, so nothing threatens your security. Newbies can safely ride in the park walkways, and advanced rollers will find a large and small ramp, ramp and other specialized sites for different acrobatic tricks on roller skates and boards.

Sports Pavilion Mottsvs.

Where is? ul. Ibrahimova, D.30, Metro "Partizanskaya", "Preobrazhenskaya Square", "Semenovskaya".

Prices: One hour of skiing - 150 rubles; entrance ticket For all day - 350 rubles.

Real Extreme Park in the Moscow Olympic Center water sports Equipped quite recently, but he has already managed to love advanced cyclists, skaters and rollergles of Moscow. On the territory of the pavilion there are radius fanfoxes, a foam pit for jumping, quagra and a huge ramp.

If you are a beginner roller, you can watch the exciting tricks and dangerous pyruetics of professionals. To get to the training in the indoor pavilion without any problems, you will need a helmet and removable shoes, a copy of the passport and medical certificate that you are not contraindicated extreme sports. And if you suddenly, you have not received a passport, you will have to bring a receipt from parents.

Rollers open the season as soon as the last snow comes down and plus temperature is installed. It's time to get the damp rollers and with a breeze ride on dry asphalt. Rolling rollers love not only children and young people, but also adults who want to warm up after sitting work or study. Riamo Observer found out where the best skating areas are located in Moscow.

CPKIO them. Gorky

Roller in Gorky Park. Photo: ROLLERSCHOOL band "VKontakte"

In the Gorky Park, both professionals can ride both professionals and newcomers, as well as small children who felt uncertainly on their rollers. After reconstruction, perfectly smooth tracks and platforms without obstacles and sharp descents appeared in the park, so nothing prevents how to ride comfortably and quite actively. The only thing that is worth considering is: in the spring and summer there is very crowded, especially many families with children, so you have to taper between passersby. From May to September, teachers from school roller-sport spend free skating lessons on rollers for everyone.

Rental cost: 200 rubles for the first hour, 100 rubles. Follow-up hours, protection - 50 rubles per hour, plus a passport and a pledge of 1500 rubles.

Victory Park on Poklonnaya Mount

Photo: Victory Park site on Poklonnaya Mount

Poklonnaya Mount It is considered the second most popular with the place among the roller. Here you can meet the most extremals that work the tricks on numerous descents, rises and stairs. Also, the Victory Park is famous for widely alleys and enough benches on which you can stay from skiing. In the evening the park is well covered, so you can ride until 22:00. Newbies in roller sports should not be accelerated too much so as not to fall on an unexpected descent due to the ever-changing relief.

Rental cost: 1 hour - 200 rubles, 3 hours - 400 rubles, in pledge take 2000 rubles or passport.


At the VDNH on the rollers began to ride back in the 90s, when they just appeared in Russia. Until now, this place is popular thanks to a good asphalt, a large area for riding and a variety of tracks. However, the alleys are not as well as well as talked as a platform at the entrance to the central pavilion, so you need to be able to slow well to overcome the descents and lifts. The disadvantage of this site is also a massacre of people, especially on weekends.

Rental cost: There are several rental items on the territory of the VDNH, prices for 1 hour of riding range from 150 to 600 rubles, you can rent protection for 50 rubles.

Sparrow Hills

The embankment on the sparrow mountains. Photo: Flickr.

On the sparrow mountains, they can enjoy going to ride both newcomers and avid rollers. Smooth areas of the road are mixed there with slides from which you can roll with the breeze, the main thing is to slow down and fit into turn. Lovers of descents can overcome the route from the observation deck to the Mosfilm Street, and then turn on the embankment. Another excellent place for active walks - Vorobyevskaya embankment, which stretches almost three kilometers and is famous for its level asphalt coating. The main advantage of the sparrow mountains is a significantly smaller number of people, both on weekdays and on weekends, compared with the Gorky Park and VDNH. In addition, it opens a beautiful view of Moscow river.

Rental cost: 1 hour - from 200 rubles, children and students discounts, the amount of collateral - 5 thousand rubles or filling out the contract and the provision of two documents of the state sample, except for the general passport.


Photo: Official website of the Olympic complex "Luzhniki"

If you ride on the sparrow mountains, you can go through the bridge and find yourself in the park active rest "Luzhniki". The territory near the Luzhniki sports complex is also popular among the roller, here you can also pour fresh air and admire the river into Moscow. Along the river in Luzhnetsky, the embankment highlighted tracks for roller and cyclists with high-quality flat coating, there are no slides, we can accelerate and not worry about sharp descents.

Rental cost: 1 hour - 200 rubles, protection for rollers - 50 rubles per hour.

Rollerrome in the park 850th anniversary of Moscow

Photo: Park site Marino

Outdoor roller is located on the territory of the park right on the Embankment of the Moscow River. If you have your rollers for riding you do not need to pay. In addition to the standard roller skating platform, there are special places in the park where professionals are trained: work tricks on large and small ramps, and also on the "distinguction". Newbies can look at virtuosos, but themselves calmly ride through the closest tracks and alleys.

Rental cost: from 100 rubles per hour.

Izmailovsky Park

Athletes in Izmailovsky Park. Photo: official group Izmailovsky Park "In contact with"

The tracks and alleys of Izmailovsky Park are suitable for a measured walk on the rollers, a specially equipped skateodrome, where you can also exercise on the rollers, you will like to love extreme lovers. This season in the park on Sundays will be free to train skating on the rollers of everyone. Collection at 13:00 on the North Square of the Park, where lovers of outdoor activities will be waiting for a professional coach.

Rental cost: 1 hour - 150 rubles, pledge - document or 3000 rubles.

Olga Astapenko

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Summer in the capital in full swing. Sunny money continues to delight citizens. In Moscow parks, as always, life hits the key, especially in the most visited and favorite place Muscovites - Gorky Park. There are competitives on extreme sports, "sing" fountains, on comfortable sun beds resting couples, the young people hang out. In such a beautiful time of the year, I do not want to sit at home, the soul rushes free. Perfectly spend time in the park named after Gorky, you can hang on a bike, rollers or longboards.

Rental points in Gorky Park:
- at the Andreev bridge (bicycles, scooters, rollers);
- in oblique alleys near the vocker (bicycles, velobile, rollers, scooters);
- at the green theater (bicycles, runoffs, rollers, scooters, cycomobiles);
- in the Neskuchny Garden;
- on the Leninsky beach;
- at the pier Sparroweva Mountain;
- from a spare entrance.

Opening hours of rental points in the park named after Gorky:
On weekdays: from 11 to 22 hours.
On weekends I. festive days: from 10 to 22 hours.

Rental prices in Gorky Park:

- bicycles for rent Navigator, first hour of skiing: 200r. Each subsequent hour: 100r., Pledge: 1500r.;

- bicycle rental (Superior), first hour of skiing: 350r., Each subsequent hour: 200r., Pledge: 1500r.;

- rental of children's bicycles, first hour of skiing: 100r., Each subsequent hour: 60r., Pledge: 1500r.;

- Rolled rollers, first hour of skiing: 200r., Each subsequent hour: 100r., Pledge: 1500r., protection for rollers 50p. / H;

- rental of bikersmanship Taga., the first hour of skiing: 500r., Each subsequent hour: 300r., Deposit: 1500r.;

- rental of adult scooters, 100r. / H, children's scooters 50r. / H., Deposit: 1500r.;

- Longboards rental, The first hour of skiing: 200r. Each subsequent hour: 100r., Pledge: 1500r.;

- rental of children's beggar, 50r. / 30 min., Pledge: 1500r.;

- rental Velomobiles: 1-bed, 200r. / 30 min; 2-seater: 300r. / 30 min; 4-seater: 400r. / 30 min; Pledge: 1500r.

Registration of sports equipment is carried out on a passport or military card. At the same time, the documents remain with you. With you a rental agreement, the act of receiving-transmission is signed indicating the full value of the leased inventory. You bring a deposit and pay for the first hour of skiing. If you ride more than the paid hour, the money is removed from the deposit amount, the residue returns when the bike is returned. Remember that, taking into rent a sports inventory, you are responsible for its safety.

Rolling down in plenty, you can always comfortably sit on comfortable sun beds, which are placed everywhere in the park named after Gorky, and go to the arms of Morpheus.

Have a nice holiday!

Covered room on Tula

This indoor 3,500 square meter rolls. Meters is part of a large center for lovers of active and even extreme types of entertainment. On its territory there are all conditions for beginners and professional rollover: special flooring, all sorts of slides and springboards, internal climatic control system. For those who wish to increase their level or even only for the first time becomes rollers, regardless of age, an experienced instructor is provided.

In the center there is a special flooring, for more prototyped rollers there are springboard and slides

  • address - Refrigerator Alley, 3, entertainment Center "Roll Hall";
  • mode of operation - weekdays: 12: 00-23: 00; Weekend: 10: 00-23: 00;
  • entrance - Mon-Thu: 300-350 rubles / day, Fri: 350-400 rubles / day, Sat-Sun: 400 rubles / day, rolling rollers: 240-300 rubles per hour;
  • type: closed.

In my opinion, I will not even say anything ... the son of a disabled person - cerebral palsy ... and Rollholl could help him)


Yes, ride on the rollers So there is where to go down, but here's a disco party-Christmas tree for the approxes, there are very rugged. Dark and boring, there is no particularly additional entertainment.

Ekaterina Mironova

For rolling on the rollers there is a relatively small platform, so that simply rolling the circles rapidly, but if the season is far away, and I really want to ride, then this is the best option.

Elena Gladkova.

Gorky Park

Although in the park of Gorky there are no specially equipped places for professional roller skating, it is one of the most beloved Muscovites platforms under this active entertainment. On the territory of the park area there are two rolling points with roller skates, and the round-the-clock mode of operation allows you to not deny yourself the pleasure at any time of the day. In addition, a special school is organized for novice rollers, which allows to train even small children.

There are no specially equipped sites in the park, but it is one of the popular places for Muscovites for skiing

  • address - Crimean shaft, 9;
  • mode of operation - around the clock;
  • entrance - free, roller rental: 200 rubles / first hour and 100 rubles / Subsequent hours;
  • type - open.

One of the bright memories of that summer. I learned to ride on the rollers! I liked almost everything. Training style. Good learning pace.


Well, our group almost fully embodied the graceful female Friscuit.

Attention to all. Much attention \u003d) I was afraid that it would not be enough in the group - but no, and the group is small, and the sensations have time to travel everywhere \u003d) a lot of theory. Even if you don't remember everything - some part is definitely postponed, the feeder writes \u003d) this part is just enough for execution) is diverse, interesting, every time new items! For a month, you can learn so much - it's cool!


Playground on Sparrow Mountains

Another popular place, in love with Moscow Roller, are Sparrow Mountains. It is given the opportunity to test yourself on steep natural roller coaster and carefully practicing beginners on calm areas of tracks. And some places are quite suitable for extreme riding lovers. Park works around the clock, so nothing hurts to ride and at night, right not all tracks on Sparrow Mountains Well lit.

Here you can ride and day, and at night

  • address - Park "Vorobyev Mountains";
  • mode of operation - around the clock;
  • free admission;
  • type - open.

The asphalt on the sparrow mountains is far from everywhere good, and in the same summer there are irrigation cars, methodically pouring all asphalt tracks. Otrada for fitnessoids - track from Observation deck To Mosfilm Street. Here there is a couple of four sleep - for all your life I'm afraid to be afraid

There are places for extreme style lovers, and for teapots.


great place on Sparrow - Russian Academy of Sciences. Exclusively for agggggressiffffffff. You can ride on Lengoras (Sparrow) and in front of the MSU's main building itself


Rollerdr at Moscow State University

Perhaps the most democratic place for the most diverse roller parties is located at Moscow State University. The beginners and real professionals come here, the benefit that the tracks with a variety of difficulty are abundant, including extreme obstacles. The masters often organize demonstration performances and master classes that will be interesting as novice lovers of rollers, and just strolling in the park.

Experienced Rollers and Masters often show various tricks

  • the address is the line of the main building of Moscow State University, opposite the Lomonosov Monument;
  • mode of operation - around the clock;
  • free admission;
  • type - open.

normal track for roller skating and running. 4+ condition.


this is a rollerwoman, which due to lack of funding was not laid asphalt. It turned out such a concrete track.

Requested the course of beginners. The fact that I am deeply grateful to him for his work is only a similarity of what I actually want to express.


Sokolniki roller skating

A huge asphalt space of the Sokolnic Park could not not be interested in lovers of roller skates and organizers of rolling points. True, the weekend Sokolniki is filled with idle walking, so it is more convenient to ride here on weekdays or choose less popular walking paths. High-quality coverage and huge spaces for 600 hectares made this park one of the favorite places for roller!

Wide tracks and high-quality space attract roller lovers

  • address - Sokolnical shaft, 1;
  • mode of operation - around the clock;
  • entrance - free, roller rental: from 200 rubles per hour;
  • type - open.

Wonderful place for walking with children and roller skating and bicycles. Very good and smooth tracks.


The daughter was on the rollers, which never regretted - the roads are fine, and the marking for cyclists and separate rollers.

In August of this year, having grabbing rollers and children from 6 to 14 years old, went for a walk to Sokolniki Park. Everyone really liked the walk, we spent there all day, the children were very satisfied! The tracks are smooth, roller rollers is a pleasure. It turned out that there are rollers and bicycles in the park.


Sports club "Kant"

The Kant's sports club is widely known among active recreation enthusiasts and extreme sports. For rollers here is a real expathere. For experienced rides, there is a springboard, a small ramp, a few accelerated stripes, rails, fanfoxes and other special facilities. For beginners who are passionate about this case, a school of learning skating on roller skates is organized. There are spacious closed rooms and outdoor tracks.

For experienced masters there are a large number of springboard, slides, rails and much more

  • address - electrolyte passage, 7, housing 2;
  • operating mode - W-Sun: 09: 00-23: 00, Mon: 14: 00-23: 00;
  • login: Free, rolling rollers: from 150 rubles per hour;
  • type: indoor and open.

And if you are a novice, then you are exactly here! A lot of training slopes, good coaching composition (I got up here with my wife on the rollers, now the child is engaged with a coach) convenient to get both on the subway and by car


A fairly suitable range for skiing. Not far from the subway, as far as comfortable by car I do not know, I have not tried. With your minuses and pluses, pluses more. For the city, and in general excellent


Park 850th anniversary of Moscow

The jubilee park of the foundation of the capital does not simply provide prepared paths for everyone to ride roller skates, there is a fully equipped space for riding, and a different level of training and all sorts of techniques. For newbies, a platform is made, where you can master the most basic, the tracks along the embankment with beautiful views are suitable for calm cruising, and preferring extreme skating - a straight road to ramps, allowing to accelerate and jump.

In the park there is an equipped space for skiing

  • address - meadow passage, 9, building 2;
  • mode of operation - Daily: 09: 00-22: 00;
  • entrance - free, rolling rollers: from 100 rubles per hour;
  • type - open.

Not the word, what does it mean or not. Be sure to ride on a rollerboard, especially as such as the 850th anniversary of Moscow. The conditions are beautiful, prices are available. Yes, and the pleasure that you get visoring there will fill all your costs.


Rollerrome, in addition to the standard roller skating platform, also specialized platforms for virtuoso training. This is a big and small ramp and the so-called ramp. Rollerrrome open and works daily. It is not necessary for rolling on the rollers, but only if you have your own videos. Works roller rental. We liked everything.


In this review we tried to collect information on the most interesting places In Moscow, providing the opportunity to ride the rollers. Here are the most popular areas in parks and squares, covered rollerrromes, premises and open areas, schooling schools and extreme clubs of professionals.

Attention: information is outdated. In the near future we will update her

It became warm and want to try the rollers? You can take someone from someone, but you can take a trial in the rental - we hope that it will help you safely come to the world of roller skates :)))

Until our information concerns Moscow. If you know where to take roller skates in other cities -!

Rolled rollers on the VVC.

The territory of the exhibition of achievements and the Botanical Garden adjacent to it is huge, there are many diverse places for skating and therefore the All-Russian Exercise of the Allowarly manits from the entire city. Here are 2 working rental ::

1) To the left of the fountain "Friendship of Peoples" at the ICC

Rolled rollers and bicycles are open from 10-21, in the depths between 9 and 10 pavilions - it is not visible with the alley!

Issuance to rental - up to 20_00.
Cost :: children's from 70 rubles / hour., Adults Taiwanese - 100, adults k2 and rollerblade - 150. Protection - 50 p / h.

2) Rental before entering the VVC
Cost - 100 rubles / hour Rental, protection at all 20 rubles / hour.
Rollers are not going anywhere, they are not ventilated, but the cheapest

Rent on the observation platform on the sparrow mountains (before Moscow State University).

Warm season has come. And now, more than ever, update information about rollers, skateboards and extreme species Sports outdoor.

It is not always convenient to ride on roller skates along the city streets (and, sometimes, and unsafe). However, in Moscow there are many places where fans of this sport may feel comfortable.

In this review article, we will tell you about the main places where you can find roller and skaters.

One of the most famous seats Among the roller, who prefer the "soft" riding - Poklonnaya Mountain. Here is spacious, many allests and slopes, excellent coating, and in the evening - beautiful backlight.

In the Park Victory, there will be enough space to everyone: both beginners, and fans of slalom, and fans of jumps on the steps, and those who want to ride along the long descents.

Another one popular Moz Catania is VDNH. Roller services are almost the entire territory of the main exhibition of the country, where the new asphalt coating was recently laid and made special tracks for roller skating, as well as the nearby Park "Ostankino" and the Botanical Garden Avenues.

You can still go to the Sparrow Mountains, where there are slings for descents for amateurs of acute sensations (from the observation deck to Mosfilmovskaya Street) and places for "kettles". For example, near the Moscow City Palace of Children's Creativity and Youth.

The excellent roller track is laid along the Vorobyevskaya embankment. Starting from it, you can get to Andreevskaya Naberezhnaya, then - to Pushkinskaya. And from there - hand to the Crimean Embankment. Very beautiful I. long route Along the Moscow River.

Also in the north of the capital in the summer period, a multifunctional BMX complex in the park "Manor Altufyevo" (Altufyevskoye Highway, 147) works for everyone.

Another legendary skate park under open sky I am pleased with the extremals in the south-west of the Troli, in Novo-Peredelkino (Novornovskaya St.), next to the famous Novoprederkinsky slope. This is another skate park, which includes a "pool". Paid entrance.

This article lists not all skate parks of Moscow, but only the most basic. And they are suitable only to those who are already confidently standing on roller skates.

But if your child just started to master the rollers, then most likely, for skating the nearest park or Square will fit.

The main thing is that the asphalt coating is in a relatively normal state and without steep descents. We wish you a pleasant riding!

See also: